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话题必备词汇及常用交际用语一、日常活动(Daily routines)


1. What are you doing? 你在干什么?

I'm reading a book. 我在看书。

2. Are you watching TV now?


Yes, I'm watching Channel 5.


3. Where are you going? 你去哪儿?

I'm going to work. 我去上班。

4. Who are you writing to?


I'm writing to an old friend.


5. What will you do this weekend?


I'll go to a concert.


6. What time do you usually get up in the

morning? 你早上通常几点起床?

7. What do you often eat for supper? 你晚饭


8. After I finish my homework, I usually

watch TV for half an hour or so. 我昨晚作业


9. Normally I go to bed at about ten o’clock.


10. He plays games with his daughter every

night after work. 下班后他每晚都和他女儿


11. For most Chinese, 1pm is a naptime.对于


二、学校生活(School life)

1. —How are your lessons going?最近功课怎么样?

—Very well.很好

2. —What courses do you take at the community college? 你在社区大学修什么课程呢?

—I’m taking two courses: Mechanical

Engineering, and Engineering Drawing.


3. Have you been used to your school life?


4. How do you like Mr. Smith’s class? 你认为史密斯老师的课怎么样?

5. Which subject are you majoring in?你主修什么专业?

6. May I ask you a few questions, Mr. Smith?史密斯先生,我能问您几个问题吗?

7. Jack, please help me correct these papers. 杰克,请帮我改一改这些试卷。

8. Oh, you are making such rapid progress these days! 你近来进步真快!

9. Which subject do you like best? 你最喜欢哪门课?

10. Your composition is very good on the whole, but there are still some spelling mistakes for you to correct. 你的作文整体上很好,但是仍然有一些错误需要你改正。

11. I graduated from Yale University 5 years

ago. 五年前,我从耶鲁大学毕业。


1. Will you go shopping with me? 你跟我去买东西吗?

2. Can I help you? 您需要些什么?

3. What can I do for you? 您要些什么?

4. Do you find anything you like?您找到您喜欢的了吗?

5. Do you have any on sale? 你们有什么特卖品吗?

6. I'll go to pick up some odds and ends at the store. 我要到商店买些零碎的东西。

7. Excuse me, would you tell me where I can get some butter? 打扰一下,您能告诉我黄油在哪儿卖吗?

8. Here's your change. 这是找你的钱。9. May I have a look at the watch? 我能看看这块表吗?

10. May I try it on? 我能试试吗?

11. This is too small for me. Do you have a bigger one? 这个太小了,有大点的吗? 12. Do you have any more colors? 有别的颜色吗?

13. What's your size? 你穿多大号?

14. It suits you quite a lot. 特别适合你。

15. It's too expensive for me. 对于我来说太贵了。

16. Can you came down a bit? 可以再便宜点吗?

17. I'll take it. 我买了。

18. How much is it/does it cost?


19. How can I pay? 我要如何付钱?

20. May I write a check for you?


四、家庭朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)


1. How many people are there in your family? 你们家有几口人?

2. We have four people in the family, my parents, my elder brother and I. 我们家有四口人,我的父母,哥哥和我。

3. What a big family you have, Jane!


4. The whole family decided to spend their holiday in Hawaii.


5. My family members are very much attached to each other.


6. It's been a whole year since I last saw you. 我整整一年没见你了。

7. Yes, but you look as pretty now, as you did then. 但你看起来还是那么漂亮。

8. You are like brother to me.


9. If you need anything, day or night, just give me a call. 如果你需要什么东西,不管是白天还是晚上,尽管打电话给我。

10. I knew I could rely on you mate.

