冀教版初中英语七年级下册Unit 6 Seasons教案
冀教版英语七(下册)-Unit 6 Seasons-Lesson-35教案设计

Unit 6 SeasonsLesson 35【教学目标】1.知识目标:(1)掌握词汇: Reach, degree, sea, popular.(2)接触词汇: Surfing, mate, Aaron, surfboard, surfer.(3)短语句型: G'day mates! Be different from, ride the waves.2.能力目标:培养学生正确理解、分析文章浅层及深层内容的能力,使他们能联系应用自己其他学科及日常生活中的知识;熟悉、掌握关键词汇、句型,用来描述夏季及相关体育活动.3.情感目标:增强师生间的感情交流,激发学生对体育运动的热爱及面对困难时英勇无畏、积极向上的乐观态度.【学情分析】此时的七年级学生在经过初中半年多的英语学习之后,有了一定词汇基础,并对冲浪等新事物具有强烈的好奇心.但由于笔者所教的学生身处农村,他们的生活学习环境使他们的听说能力较弱,头脑中没有形成知识网络,英语写作也是他们的一个难题.【教学重点】培养学生对英语文章的阅读、分析能力.【教学难点】对reach及其他重点词汇短语意义及用法的熟悉掌握【教学过程】Ⅰ.巩固及语言知识训练1.(黑板上提前写好本课标题,画一台电脑,并在电脑上方写上一行: _____the Internet)(1)T: Boys and girls, now look here, what is this on the blackboard?S: A computer.(2)T: That's right. But can you fill in the blank?S1:"Surf" the Internet.(3)T: Good. (Write "surf" in the blank on the blackboard.) Then what does "surf the Internet" mean in Chinese?S:上网.(4)T: In another way we can say…S2:上网冲浪.(5)T: Good memory. So what does "surf" mean in Chinese?S:冲浪.(6)T: That's more exact! Now who can guess the meanings of the following words? Try your best!2.(教师在黑板上书写: Surf surfing, Surfer, surf board)S:冲浪运动、冲浪者、冲浪板.(1)T: Wonderful! If I want to say:"让我们去冲浪吧!"In English, what should I say?S3: Let's go surfing.(教师用投影将本课课本上冲浪板的图片进行展示,并随机提问)(2)T: Now what can you see in the picture?S: Many surfboards.(3)T: What do you think of the surf boards?S: different, beautiful, colorful, lovely…(4)T: The surfboards are all good-looking.3.(教师又展示课本上冲浪者的照片)(1)T: What is the man doing?S: Surfing.(2)T: So we can say he is a…S: Surfer.(3)T: This surfer looks very strong and brave.4.(教师展示幻灯图片)The apples are so high. Can you reach them?(在教师鼓励下,学生们猜出reach的意思,并与teach进行关联想象进行记忆:"教""够"苹果) 5.(教师分音节教授学生degree的读音:de-g-ree,并展示一下不同角的幻灯片,让学生根据数学知识回答: How many degrees are those angles?)6.(教师接着让学生翻看课本单词表,认读其他单词)7.(单词mate使学生们联想到以前学的classmate,教师引领学生扩展到deskmate, schoolmate,从而加深对mate含义的记忆)8.(对于popular词汇的处理,先进行音节分解:po—pu—lar,让学生熟悉各部分的读音,然后教师问学生在小学里什么游戏最流行: what game is popular in your primary school? What sport is popular to you now? Why?最后让学生们根据读音在桌面上用手指写三遍popular和degree.) 9.(最后教师通过幻灯片及板书带领学生尝试着读出新学单词,然后学生自读、单个范读、最后齐读.通过多次朗读,纠正发音,达到人人掌握正确读音的目的.)10.(学生翻书,看到新学短语G'day mates!)(1)T: What does "G'day mates!" mean?S:朋友们好!(2)T: We know "mate" means "朋友",but "G' day" looks very strange. So what does "G' day" mean? Do you know?S: Sorry, we don't know.(3)T: Ah, the answer is in our books. Let's see.11.(教师带领学生翻书到90页,鼓励学生猜测Culture Tip所讲大意,并因此学会一个新短语be short for)(1)T: What does "be different from" mean?S:与…不同.(2)T: We all know that 张老师与王老师不一样(笔者所教两个班的班主任). Then how to translate the sentence in English?12.(在经过学生们几次尝试之后,笔者将这个正确句子写在了黑板上: Ms. Zhang is different from Ms. Wang.然后,笔者鼓励学生们说出自己眼中两个老师的区别,可以用中文说原因,但有个前提,开头必须背诵黑板上这句话.最后让学生齐背此句.)Ⅱ.课文学习1.Paragraph 1(1)T: The title of the passage is "Surfing in Sydney". A boy called Aaron lives in Sydney. What kind of boy is he? What is Sydney like in Aaron's eyes? Now we will listen to him.(2)(教师放第一自然段的课本录音)(3)(通过学生抢答,总结出段落要点,再次强调G'day mates!, beach, reach, degree的含义) (4)T: Now, according to this paragraph do you like Sydney? Why?(5)(通过对悉尼天气、地理的对比,学生谈出自己的看法,同时又自然地应用到G'day mates!, beach, reach, degree这几个重点词汇和短语.)(6)(最后,齐读第一段,再次体会关键词句.)设计说明:第一段短小而且简单,作为阅读内容对学生来说挑战性不大,因此改为听力,也可以增加学生听地道英语的机会.之后的讨论,可以让学生自然地运用关键词句,学以致用.2.Paragraph 2(1)T: What does Aaron want to tell us next? Read the paragraph2by yourself.(接下来教师让学生翻译全段,之后脱离课本跟读录音)(2)T; Why are the seasons in Sydney so different from the seasons in China?(鼓励学生用地理知识来做答)设计说明:第二段的难点在于月份,有学生可能回忆不清,因此采用翻译法.同时引导学生回忆以前讲的have to和感叹句等重点内容.3.Paragraph 3(1)T: Now tell me, what is Aaron's favorite season?S: Summer.(2)T: Yes, but what does he like to do in summer? Can you guess?S: Surfing.(3)T: You are very smart. Then read the following parts, and tell me how much does he like surfing?(4)(学生自读课文)S4: He likes surfing very much.(5)T: How do you know that?S4: Because he wants to be a surfer in the future.(6)T: Good job. If we want to do a job in the future, we must love it very much. Can you find any other reasons?S5: Surfing is difficult, but good exercise.(7)T: Can you translate it?S6:冲浪很难,但确实很好的锻炼.(8)T: Well done! I think this is one of the reasons why he likes surfing so much. Can you find more reasons? Why does he like surfing so much?S: It is very popular. (T: Yes, if everyone loves surfing, it will become a national sport and no doubt Aaron will love it, too.)S: His mother and father like it, too. (T: how do you know that?)S: They often come and watch him surf, and take pictures of him.设计说明:首先,教师用提问的方式引导学生对下面的学习内容进行预测,使学生形成阅读期待.对于这部分文章内容的处理,笔者找寻到了可以深入分析作者写作的两个角度:一是对冲浪的"love",一个是陈述对冲浪运动热爱的"reasons".这样,这部分文章条理就清楚了.Ⅲ.读后练习教师将课后第二题扩展为幻灯片猜词抢答题,将答案逐个字母写出做提示.1.例如:幻灯片题目:(1)a big body of water on the earth 提示答案:s----e-----a(2)A word to describe temperature d---e---g---r---e---e(3)Get to, arrive at r---e---a---c----h(4)Be liked by many people p----o---p---u---l---a—r(5)Another way to call a friend m---a---t---e(6)Sands beside the sea b---e---a---c---h(7)A sport liked by many Australians s---u---r---f---i---n---g2.让学生自己做课后第三题,然后对答案. (习题内容略)设计说明:分别用游戏的方式和做题的方式帮助学生回忆本课重点单词及短语.有研究表明,尝试性回忆对学生的学习记忆非常重要,因此这项活动是必不可少的.3.Language points要求学生翻译下面四个句子,并指出所包含的重点结构(1)朋友们好!(2)张老师与王老师不同.(3)我和我妹妹不一样.(4)我可以在冲浪板上冲浪.设计说明:通过造句练习G'day mates! be different from, ride the waves三个重点结构,使学生会灵活运用be动词.最后一句的翻译,可以趁机拓展学生知识面,告诉学生这句并不啰嗦,因为冲浪有很多种工具,可以在冲浪板上运动,也可以在腹板、充气橡皮艇上进行.4.要求学生翻译、抄写各句,并注意其中'reach'的不同含义(1)Often, the temperature reaches 40 degrees.(2)He reached Beijing yesterday.(3)The apples are so high, so he can't reach them.设计说明:曾有教师就语言点该不该教进行过讨论.笔者的看法是,在反复熟悉课文及重点结构的基础上,在理解应用的环节中讲解,更有针对性.【作业布置】1.抄写单词、课文、笔记2.做同步练习册3.作文:仿照课文,写一项自己在夏季喜欢的运动,并说明原因.。
2019年(春)七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Seasons教案 (新版)冀教版.doc

2019年(春)七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Seasons教案(新版)冀教版General objectives:1. Master the way to talk about festival and seasons.2. Show best wishes.3. Mater the using of “be going to” and exclamatory sentences.4. Learn to talk about activities of different seasons.5. Know about some culture of Christmas Day and Spring Festival.New languages:What do you like to do? I like to ______.Merry Christmas! That’s great!This is for you/ me/ him/ her.Why? Because _______.What is he going to do? He is going to _______.It’s somebody’s turn to do _____.What a wonderful festival!Difficult points:1. How to improve the students reading and speaking abilities according tothe reading materials.2. Grammar: be going toexclamatory sentencesTeaching aids:computer, video, recorderTearing periods:Period 1: Lesson 41Period 2: Lesson 42Period 3: Lesson 43Period 4: Lesson 44Period 5: Lesson 45Period 6: Lesson 46Period 7: Lesson 47Period 8: Lesson 48Lesson 31 What strange weather!Teaching aims:1. Teach vocabulary words.2. Main sentences: What do you like to do?What a cold, snowy day!3. Master exclamatory sentences.4. Train the speaking and listening abilities.5. Learn to talk about the winter.Lesson structure:Class opening:1. Greeting.2. Duty report.3. Sing “the month song”.4. Play “what day is it?” to review the seasons.Key concepts:Put on _____ (winter, jackets, scarf, mittens, hat…)What a cold, snowy day!skate, ski, ice, snowLearn, teach.Step 1. Presentation1. Teacher: (Show a window, some snow outside it with a computer. Pretendto be very cold.)What’s the weather like today?Students: it’s cold and snowy.Teacher: Yes. Look out of the window. It’s snowing. It’s winter.What do I wear in winter? I want my mittens. Now I am puttingon my mittens. What a cold snowy day!2. Demonstrate ski and skate with pictures that show Danny skiing andskating.Teacher: Look! What is Danny doing?Students: Danny is skating.Teacher: What is Danny doing?Students: Danny is skiing.Teacher: Can you ski? (To student 1)Student 1: No, I can’t.Teacher: Can you skate? (To student 2)Student 2: Yes, I can.Step 2. Practice1. Drill1) Teacher: What a cold day!Students: What a cold day!Teacher: What a cold, snowy day!Students: What a cold, snowy day!Teacher: Put on the winter jackets!Students: Put on the winter jackets!Teacher: Mittens.Students: Put on the mittens!Teacher: Scarf.Students: Put on the scarf!2) Student A: (To B) Can you ski?Student B: No, I can’t. (To C) Can you skate?Student C: yes, I can. (To D) Can you swim?Student D: yes, I can. (To E) Can you jump?3) Teacher: I like to skate.Students: I like to skate.Teacher: I like to skate on the ice.Teacher: Ski.Students: I like to ski.Teacher: I like to ski Students: I like to ski.Students: I like to ski Students: I like to ski.2. Listen to the dialogue with the following questions:What does Li Ming like to do?What does Li Ming want to learn?After listening answer the questions together. Discuss the dialogue again and make sure they can understand the meaning of the text.3. Read aloud.4. Ask for volunteers to read the dialogue.5. Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to male up adialogue about a cold, snowy winter day.6. Talk about exclamatory sentence. Use this sentence as an example:What a cold, snowy day!The structure of the exclamatory sentences:What + a (an) + adj. + n. + (sub. + v.)You can give more examples then ask students to make some sentences. Step 3. Conclusion1. Learn and master the vocabulary words.2. Master the main sentences: What do you like to do?What a cold, snowy day!Steps 4. Homework1. Finish off the activity book.2. Practice the dialogue in this lesson.3. Preview next lesson.Lesson 32 I can’t wait for winter!Teaching aims:1. Teach vocabulary words.2. Main languages:First, we make a big ball of snow.Then, we make another snowball, and put it on top of the other two.Look out! D on’t throw snowball at me.3. Practise the speaking ability.Lesson resources:Class opening:1. Greeting.2. Duty report3. Sing “the month song”4. Play “What day is it?” to review the week, months and ordinal numbers.5. Play the variation of “dress up” to review the seasons.Key concepts:Make a snowman/ snowball, look out, and throw.Step 1. PresentationShow a picture about a snowman and some children throwing snowballs with the computer.Teacher: What’s this?Students: I t’s a snowman.Teacher: What are the children doing?Students: They are throwing snowballs.Teacher: Do you play with snow in winter?Students: Yes. / No.Step 2. Practice1. DrillTeacher: Snowballs.Students: Snowballs.Teacher: Make snowballs.Students: Make snowballs.Teacher: Make snowballs and throw snowballs.Students: Make snowballs and throw snowball.Teacher: They are making snowballs and throwing them.Students: They are making snowballs and throwing them.2. Books closed! Ask some questions: what are the children doing? Arethe having fun? Listen to the audiotape.3. Check the answers4. Listen to the dialogue with the following questions:What happens to Jenny?What do Jenny and Li Ming make?After listening answer the questions together. Discuss the dialogueagain and make sure they can understand the meaning of the text. Dealwith the language points at the same time. 5. Practice in smallgroups.6. Present. Ask some volunteers to act the dialogue.7. Discuss:What are Jenny and Li Ming making? What do they do first? How manysnowballs does the snowman have? Does the snowman have eyes/ ears/arms/ feet/ a mouth/ a nose? Li Ming wants to go inside. Why?8. Make up a new dialogue. Divide the class into small groups. Ask eachgroup to make up a dialogue about playing with snow.Step 3. ConclusionMaster the words of this lesson and some main languages.Step 4. Homework1. Finish off the activity book.2. Practice the dialogue in this lesson.3. Preview the next lesson.Lesson 33 Kim’s Favourite SeasonI,Teaching important points1,Master the new words and phrases in this lesson. Such asa kind of, be filled with, pick up, in front of , in the frontof,give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.2,Talking about the different seasons.II,Teaching difficult points1,The differences between in front of …and in the front of…2,The usages of pick up,be full of and be filled with.3,How to write a report about different seasons correctly.III,Teaching timeOne periodIV. Teaching stepslead-in:Hi, everyone! There are four seasons in a year, but what’s your favourite season? (spring, summer, autumn or winter). Do you know Kim’s favourite season ? (No).OK, Let’s learn about Kim’s favourite season.(showing the title of Lesson 44 by PPT).Step 1. Showing the aims ( by PPT).1,Master the new words and phrases in this lesson.2, Revise “be going to”3,Learn about some activities related to the seasons.4,After learning this lesson, students can write a report about different seasons.Step 2. Self-learning and discuss in groups1, Read the text and find out the words that they unknown, and discuss them, then I teach them to read the words.2, Read the text and answer the following questions, first, they answer them by themselves. Then check the keys and discuss them in groups.1) ,Who is talking at the front of the class?2) . What season is Kim talking about?3).How is the temperature is in this season?4).What does Kim often wear?5). How many bags do they pick the apples?3, Write a short story about your favourite season. What activities do you like to do? What clothes do you like to wear? What food do you usually eat? Do NOT write what the season is. Can your classmates guess?! 4,Talk about the following language points. ( I can give them some cues by ppt )Pick, full, clap, kind, fillBe going to, in front of/in the front of, give Sth. to Sb.Step 3, Teaching and explaining1,She stands in front of the class and holds a very big, black bag? in front of 指在某一范围以外的前面,而in the front of 指在某一范围以内的前面。
冀教版英语七(下册)-Unit 6 Seasons-Lesson-34教案设计

Unit 6 SeasonsLesson 34Teaching Aims1.Knowledge aim:Students can understand and use the following words, phrases and sentences correctly.(1)Cloud, wet(2)Play catch, have a picnic, give sb. a big hand(3)It's one's turn to do sth.2.Ability aim:Students can introduce their favorite days.3.Emotional aim:Students can talk about their favorite days with friends and enjoy their lives. Teaching Design1.Students lack specific purposes.2.Students don't develop good studying habits.3.Most of the students are not good at concluding and summarizing.Important Points1.How to make students describe a happy day.2.How to help students learn reading skills.Difficult Points1.How to let the students find specific information quickly.2.How to let the students introduce their happy days fluently.Teaching ProceduresⅠ.Lead-inLead in by enjoying an English song named winter, spring, summer, and fall.Question:1.How many seasons did this song mention?2.What are they?Ⅱ.Pre-reading1.Free Talk(1)——What do you usually do in spring?(2)——fly a kite/ go cycling/ go boating/ go climbing/ go hiking(3)——What else? Have you ever done the following activities in spring?(4)Play catch? Have a picnic? Make maple syrup? (Show pictures of these activities)2.Language points:(1)Now it's Steven's turn to speak.It's one's turn to do sth.E.g.: It's my turn to clean the room.It's Li Ming's turn to watch TV.(2)Let's give him a big hand= let's clap for himⅢ.While-reading1.Fast readingInstruct students to read the text quickly in 3minutes.Skimming(1)What is Steven's favorite season?(2)Did they have fun on that day?(3)What is the general idea of Steven's report?Scanning2.Read and circle the correct words(1)On the morning of Steven's favorite day, the weather was (warm/cold) and the sun was (bright/dark).(2)After breakfast, Steven went on a trip to the countryside with his (family/friends).(3)They had a picnic (near the lake/in a boat).(4)They had (bread/sandwiches) and milk at the picnic.3.Careful reading(1)Instruct students to read the text carefully.(2)Read the lesson and fill in the table.(3)Steven's Favorite DayTimeWeatherActivitiesAfter breakfastWarm and brightPlay catch;Make maple syrup;Have a picnicAfter lunchCloudy, rainyFeed the geeseⅣ.Post-readingPair WorkWork in pairs and talk about your favorite day or a special day. Teacher invites one student to present it in front of class.Ⅴ.SummaryNow we all know how to describe our favorite days.Ⅵ.HomeworkWrite a story about your favorite day.。
冀教版英语七(下册)-Unit 6 Seasons-Lesson-36教案设计

Unit 6 SeasonsLesson 36【教学目标】1.Language goals:(1)掌握词汇: everywhere, strawberry等(2)掌握感叹句的用法.2.Ability goals:能介绍春天及其他季节的景色同时掌握邮件的正确写法.3.Moral goals:通过介绍喜欢的季节,让同学们树立爱观察的好习惯.【学情分析】本课的教学对象是七年级的学生,都来自农村,基础不一,并且大部分学生都不善于口头表达.所以在设计教学的过程中,注重对学生英语学习兴趣的培养,鼓励他们开口说英语,并充分的给与鼓励和肯定,让他们有成就感和重要感.【教学重点】能介绍春天及其他季节的景色同时掌握邮件的正确写法.【教学难点】能介绍春天及其他季节的景色.【教学过程】Ⅰ.导入T: How many seasons are there in a year?What are they?Which season is it now?Ⅱ.Listen and write T or F( )1.It's summer in China now.( )2.The temperature is cold.( )3.Li Ming is going to the countryside.Ⅲ.Read and answer1.短语互译(1)a lovely season _______________(2)pick strawberries __________(3)talk to/with sb. ______________(4)待在户外__________(5)我家附近__________2.句型展示(1)气温既不太热也不太冷.The temperature is ________ too hot ________ too cold.(2)雨水和阳光再次让树和草变绿了.The rain and sun ________ all the trees and grass ________ ________.(3)加拿大的春季什么样?________ is spring ________ in Canada?(4)我准备明天和父母一块去郊外.I'm going to the __________ ________ my parents tomorrow.(5)我们将待在户外享受好的天气.We'll stay outside and _____ ___ ____ ______Ⅳ.Read and answer the questions1.What is spring like in Li Ming's city?2.Where is Li Ming going with his parents?3.What are they going to do there?4.Where is Li Ming's house?Ⅴ.Read the lesson and fill in the blanksRead the lesson and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.Hot like everywhere new cold fresh1.A: What is spring_______ in china? B: It's warm and windy.2.The temperature is not too ______ or too ______.3.It's spring now. We can see beautiful flowers ___________. Everything looks ______and _______.Ⅵ.Pair workWork in groups. Talk about each season and fill in the table.Ⅶ.Practice1.用所给词的适当形式填空(1)My grandfather makes the old bike ____ (new) again.(2)Jenny is a ________ (love) girl.(3)There are many __________ (strawberry) in the basket.(4)Let me ________ (show) you a picture of my family.2.完成句子(1)公园里到处是美丽的花儿.The beautiful flowers _____ ___________ in the park.(2)石家庄的春天怎么样?________ is the spring ________ in Shijiazhuang?(3)我们周末打算去摘草莓.We are going to _____ __________ on weekends.(4)这儿有一张我在公园附近的照片.________ is a picture of ________ ________ the park.(5)这件衬衫既不太大也不太小.This shirt is ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ________【作业布置】1.Write a passage "My favorite season".2.Retell the text.(Choose one of them.)。
最新冀教版七年级下Unit6 Seasons教案新部编本

教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期]任教学科:_____________任教年级:_____________任教老师:_____________xx市实验学校Unit 6 SeasonsLesson 31:What Strange Weather!一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.New words and phrases:strange,notice,wake,woke.become,became,dark,wake up,go away,go swimming/skiing/skating,have snowball fights,Good/Great work.2.teach contents:talking about seasons and activities.3.Grammar:Exclamatory sentences.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1. Master the new words and phrases.2.make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of text.3.learn the grammar.三、Key points:(重点)make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of text.四、Difficult points:(难点)Grammar:Exclamatory sentences.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)Review:In last unit,we learned how to learn English, how do you practice English by yourself.Now,we can use English do a lot of things,we can watch English movies and TV shows,and we know that English is very important .(Because with a good knowledge of English,we can have bright futures.)In this unit,what will we learn?ask the Ss open the book on page of 81.Step 2. Lead in.(引入)1.Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say.2.prepare lessons before class.Teacher:How many seasons are there in a year?Ss:Spring,Summer,Autumn,Winter.Teacher:How about is the weather in different seasons?what can you do in different seasons?ask the Ss answer.Step 3. New lesson.(新课)No. 1 New words:teach the new words and phrases.make sure the Ss can readit correctly.No. 2Text:Give them some time to read the text themselves. Then let them act out the dialogue in groups. Correct their pronunciation when necessary.Then the teacher ask the Ss answer the following questions:1.What was the weather like that day?2.What did Mr. Jones require ?3.How many students are in this text?what are they talking?At last,the teacher explain the text in Chinese,make sure the Ss can understand themeaning of text.No. 3 grammar:1.How+形容词+主语+谓语,例如How beautiful the girl is!2.What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语,例如:What a beautiful girl she is!What a snowy day!What a hot,sunny day!3.What+形容词+不可数名词或可数名词复数+主语+谓语例如:What beautiful flowers they are!What cold water it is!What cool weather it is!What strange weather!Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary. (小结)Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6. Homework.(作业)Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)Lesson 32:I Can’t Wait for Winter!一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.New words and phrases:research,website,hill,ice,clear,do some research, get....together.2.understand the meaning of text.3.Learn the grammar.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1. Ask the Ss master the new words and phrases.2.can understand the meaning of text,talk about season-winter and activities.3.Grammar:Exclamatory sentences.三、Key points:(重点)talking about seasons and activities.四、Difficult points:(难点)Grammar:Exclamatory sentences.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)Last lesson,we know Mr. Jones ask the Ss finish report about seasons and their activities,now we will learn the winter first,and winter is Danny’s favourite season.In winter,what is Danny going to do?Step 2. Lead in.(引入)Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say.Then teach the new words and phrases,make sure the Ss can read it correctly.Step 3. New lesson.(新课)No. 1 prepare lessons before class.Give them some time to read the text themselves. Then let them act out the dialoguein groups. Correct their pronunciation when necessary.No. 2 Text:Jenny:Hey,Danny!What are you doing?Danny:I’m doing some research for my report about my favourite seasons.I’m going to talk about winter.Winter is my favourite season.Look at this website.Picture one:Come and enjoy a true Canadian winter out in the mountains.Start your day on the ski hills or go ice skating.But don’t forget your scarves,hats and gloves.Why?Winters here are really cold!Picture two:Have lunch in our world-class restaurant and then go back outside for a snowball fight.you can even get the family together and make a snowman.In the evening,you can join us inside for dinner.Winter is the best season!Enjoy a clear,cold night beside a warm fire.Hope to see you there!Teacher:explain the text in Chinese,make sure the Ss can understand the text.No. 3 practice:Ask some Ss talk about winter,and what can they do in the winter?No. 4 grammar:Exclamatory sentences.1.What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语,例如:What a snowy day!What a hot,sunny day!2.What+形容词+不可数名词或可数名词复数+主语+谓语例如:What beautiful flowers they are!What cool weather it is!Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary. (小结)Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6. Homework.(作业)Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)Lesson 33:Kim’s Favourite Seasons一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.New words and phrases:temperature,pie,clap,happily,It is a great season for.....2.The meaning of text.3.The grammar.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1. Master the new words and phrases,the meaning of text.2.talking about the season-autumn and activities.3.can use the grammar.三、Key points:(重点)talking about the season-autumn and activities.4.Difficult points:(难点)can use the grammar--Exclamatory sentences.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)We know there are four seasons in a year,and we learned what we could do in the winter from Danny’s report,in this lesson,we will learn Kim’s report about autumn,and we will talk about what we can do in the autumn.Step 2. Lead in.(引入)Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say.Then teach the new words and phrases,make sure the Ss can read it correctly. Step 3. New lesson.(新课)No. 1 prepare lessons before class.Give them some time to read the text themselves. Then let them act out the passage ingroups. Correct their pronunciation when necessary.No. 2Text:Kim’s favourite seasonKim is excited.She is going to talk about her favourite season.She stands in front of the class with a very big black bag.“Good morning,everyone!Today,I am going to talk about my favourite season.In this season,the weather is usually bright and sunny.the temperature outside is cool and the sky is blue.I often wear sweaters and scarves.I love wear scarves!On weekends,my family goes to the farm and pick apples.It is a great season for apple picking.Often,we pick full bags!I usually help my mum make apple pie.It’s delicious!During this season,I can enjoy the different colors of the leaves .They are red,orange,yellow,green and brown.I like to play in the leaves with my friends.How fun it is! ”The class claps for Kim.But what’s in the bag?Everyone wants to know.Apples!Kim gives a delicious red apple to each classmate.Everyone happily takes an apple. Teacher:explain the text in Chinese,make sure the Ss can understand it.No. 3practice:Ask some Ss talk about autumn in English,and what can they do in the autumn? No. 4grammar:How+形容词+主语+谓语,例如How beautiful the girl is!Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary. (小结)Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6. Homework.(作业)Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)Lesson 34:Steven’s Report一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.New words and phrases:maple,syrup,goose,geese,honk,cloud,wet,It’s one’s turn to.....play catch,maple syrup,have a picnic.2.The meaning of text.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1. Master the new words and phrases.2.understand the meaning of text,and talk about the season-spring and activities.e the grammar:Exclamatory sentences.三、Key points:(重点)understand the meaning of text,and talk about the season-spring and activities.4.Difficult points:(难点)the grammar:Exclamatory sentences.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)We learned Danny and Kim’s report,in Danny’s report,his favourite season is winter.He can go skiing/skating.In Kim’s report,he r favourite season isautumn.Now,we will learn Steven’s report,what can he do in his favourite season? Step 2. Lead in.(引入)Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly. Discuss the following questions:What is your favourite day in spring?How was the weather?What happened on that day?Ask the Ss can describe the answers in English as possible as they can.Deal with the language points at the same time.Step 3. New lesson.(新课)No. 1 prepare lessons before class.Teach the new words and phrases,make sure the Ss can read it correctly.Give them some time to read the text themselves. Correct their pronunciation when necessary. No. 2Text:Steven’s report1.“Today,I am going to tell you about my favourite day during my favourite season.On that day,the weather was warm and the sun was bright.After breakfast ,I went on a trip to the countryside with my friends.All the grass and trees were green.We played catch and made maple ter,we had a picnic near the lake.we had sandwiches and milk.2.After lunch,we fed the geese.’Honk!Honk!’The geese love bread!Then the sky became dark.There were many clouds.It began to rain!We ran to the car,but it was too late.We were all wet!We all laughed.What a great day!”3.Teacher:explain the text in Chinese,make sure the Ss can understand it.No. 3grammar:Exclamatory sentences.What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语,例如:What a snowy day!What a hot,sunny day!What a great day!Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary. (小结)Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6. Homework.(作业)Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)Lesson 35:Surfing in Sydney一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.New words and phrases:surfing,mate,Aaron,reach,degree,sea,surfboard,popular, surfer,G’day mates!be different from....ride the waves.4.the meaning of text.5.The grammar:Exclamatory sentences.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1. Master the words and phrases.2.the meaning of text, the Ss can talk about the season-summer and activities.3.the grammar:Exclamatory sentences.三、Key points:(重点)the meaning of text, the Ss can talk about the season-summer and activities.五、Difficult points:(难点)the grammar:Exclamatory sentences.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)Review:Danny’s report,Kim’s report,Steven’s report,we knew their favourite season,and we knew what they could do during their favourite season.Now we learn another season-summer from Aaron’s blog.and what can he do in his favourite season. Step 2. Lead in.(引入)Ask the Ss discuss the following questions:How is the weather during summer? What can you do in summer?Do you like summer?Work in groups.Then answer the questions in English.Step 3. New lesson.(新课)No. 1 prepare lessons before class.Teach the new words and phrases,make sure the Ss can read it correctly.Give themsome time to read the text themselves. Correct their pronunciation when necessary. No. 2Text:Aaron’s Blog2.G’day mates!My name is Aaron and I’m 16 years old.I live in Sydney,Australia.It is always sunny here,and we have lots of beaches.Our summers are always very hot.Often,the temperature reaches 40 degrees.3.Seasons in Australia are different from seasons in many other countries.Summers here go from December to February.Our winter is from June to August.Summer is my favourite season.I don’t have to wear shoes!We wear shorts and go to the sea every day.How nice it is!4.On a windy day,I can ride the waves on my surfboard.Surfing is very popular here.It is difficult,but very good exercise.My mum and da often come and watch me surf.My dad likes to bring his camera and take pictures of me.But there are always so many people on the beach.He can never get a good picture of me.5.I hope to be a great surfer one day.I will work hard and practice every day. Teacher:explain the text,ask the Ss answer the questions:Where does Aaron live in?How is the weather in Australia?When is the summer in Australia?What can he do during the summer?No. 3practice:Finish the practice on page of 91.No. 4grammar:How+形容词+主语+谓语,例如How beautiful the girl is!How nice it is!Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary. (小结)Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6. Homework.(作业)Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)Lesson 36:Spring in China一、Teaching content:(教学内容)2.New words and sentences:everywhere,strawberry.It’s a lovely season!How exciting!2.the meaning of text.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1. Master the new words and important sentences.2.understand the meaning of text.3.the Ss can talk about their seasons and activities.三、Key points:(重点)understand the meaning of text.2.Difficult points:(难点)the Ss can talk about their seasons and activities.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)We learned different seasons in other countries,and we learned what they could do in different seasons.Now we will learn our country’s season from Li Ming’s e-mail. Step 2. Lead in.(引入)Ask the Ss discuss the following questions:Where is Li Ming from? How is the weather in Li Ming’s city during spring? What is spring like in Li Ming’s city?Step 3. New lesson.(新课)No. 1 prepare lessons before class.Teach the new words ,make sure the Ss can read it correctly.Ask some Ss read the passage,Correct their pronunciation when necessary.No. 2Text: Spring in ChinaHey Jenny!How are you?It’s spring in China now.I love spring.It’s a lovely season!The temperature is not too hot or too cold.The rain and sun make all the trees and grass green again.Beautiful flowers are everywhere and everything looks new and fresh.What is spring like in Canada?Is it warm?Is it rainy?I’m going to countryside with my parents tomorrow.We are going to pick strawberries and have a picnic.We’ll stay outside and enjoy the nice weather.How exciting!Let me show you spring in China.Here is a picture pf me in the park near my house. Talk to you soon,Li MingTeacher:ask some Ss translate the passage.Then the teacher sum up.Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary. (小结)Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6. Homework.(作业)Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)Unit Review一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.Words and phrases in this unit.Some important sentences.2.Talking about seasons and activities.3.The grammar:Exclamatory sentences.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1. 复习本单元词汇、句型。

Unit6 ReviewBefore-class Task (课前任务):1.Review the words and phrases by yourself.2.Read each lesson of Unit6.During-class Task(课中任务):Ⅰ.Words and expressions.1.Spring_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________2.Summer_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________Ⅱ.Grammar1._________________________________________________________________________!2._________________________________________________________________________!3._________________________________________________________________________!III.WritingMy Favourite Season_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________After-class Task(课后任务):Life is like the four seasons. Now I am very old, but when I was young, it was the spring of my life. After I was born, I played a lot, and then I started school. I learned many new things. Like a flower, I grew bigger every day. There were happy days and sorrowful days: some days the sun shone(闪耀), and some days it didn’t.In my twenties, I had a good job. I was strong and happy. Then I married(结婚) and had a child. In those days, I didn’t have much time to think. Every day I was busy and worked very hard. And so, I started to get some white hairs. The summer of my life passed quickly.Then the days got shorter. Leaves fell from the trees. My child was a university student, and then an engineer(工程师). My home was much quieter. I started walking slowly. One day I stopped working. I had more time. I understood this was my autumn, a beautiful time when the trees change color and give us delicious fruits.But the days kept getting shorter and colder. Winter has come, I am older and weaker. I know I do not have many days left. I will enjoy them to the end.()1.The writer was very busy in the ______ of his life.A. spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter()2.According to the passage, which of the following ages is during the autumn of his life?A.15 B.33 C.62 D.87()3.What does the word “sorrowful” mean in this passage?A.sad B.exciting C.wonderful D.glad()4.Which of the following sentences is true?A.The writer was an engineer.B.The writer had a garden with flowers.C.The writer was always happy as a child.D.The writer now is old and weak, but still he enjoys his life.()5.The best title for the passage would be _____A.Four seasons B.My lifeC.Four seasons in a year D.Four seasons in my life。
初一七年级英语下册冀教版Unit 6 Seasons 教案 (5)

Lesson35 Surfing in Sydney学习目标本课通过展示Aaron的博客让学生了解悉尼的冲浪运动。
学习重点 1.掌握popular, surf, exercise, bring, once和list等重点词汇。
1. Do you like _________(冲浪) the Internet?2. Baseball is ________(流行) than tennis.3. We do morning ________(锻炼) every day.4. Mr. Wood ________(带来) a new book for us yesterday.5. ________(从前), there was a nice girl.2、认真预读对话,回答下面问题1. What season does Aaron like best?________________________________________2. What happened to Aaron last year?________________________________________3. What is Aaron’s dream?_________________________________________________二、合作探究:探究一:be going to的用法。
例1 根据汉语意思完成句子。
I ______ ______ _______ put it on the floor.(2)会议将在9点开始。
The meeting ______ ______ ______ begin at nine.思维分析:be going to表示将要发生的事情,be的形式随主语的形式改变而改变。
(新版)冀教版七年级英语下册:unit 6 Seasons Lesson

Unit 6 Seasons Lesson 36 Spring in China Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 掌握词汇及短语everywhere strawberrya lovely season have a picnic stay outside enjoy the nice weather pick strawberriesb. 句型1) The temperature is not too hot or too cold.2) The rain and sun make all the trees and grass green again.3) What is spring like in China?2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to know how to describe spring.Enable students to be interested in English.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students to describe seasons.Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点To talk about each seasonTeaching methods教学方法Listening and speaking.Teaching aids 教具准备Audiotape.Teaching procedures & ways 教学步骤与方式Step I Greeting and lead-inReview lesson 35 and lead in new lesson.T: Do you like spring? What is spring like in China?S: ……Step II Learn the text1. Listen to the tape and do the exercise 1 from “Let’s Do It”2. Read the lesson and answer the questions.教师板书:The features of spring:Temperature: not too hot or not too coldNature: trees and grass green again beautiful flowers are everythere and everything looks new and freshActivities:have a picnic stay outside and enjoy the nice weather pick strawberriesFinish the task of Exercises 2 from “Let’s Do It”3. Grasp some important phrases and sentences of the text.Phrases:a lovely season 多美好的季节have a picnic 野餐stay outside 呆在户外enjoy the nice weather 享受美好的季节pick strawberries 摘草莓Sentences:1) The temperature is not too hot or too cold.too的用法:too表示“太”、“过于”的意思时,在句中修饰形容词或副词。 too前面不可用fairly, very, quite 等副词修饰,但可以用far, rather, much, a bit, a little, a lot等词语修饰,以表达不同的程度。例句:You’re standing too near the camera. Can you move a little farther? 你站得离摄像机太近,能否走远一点?Th e cakes are delicious. He’d like to have a third one because the second one is rather too small. 这些蛋糕味道很好。我还想吃第三块,因为第二块实在太小了。too表示“也”、“又”、“还”的意思。
冀教版英语七(下册)-Unit 6 Seasons-Lesson-32教案设计

Unit 6 SeasonsLesson 32【教学目标】1.Teach vocabulary words.2.Main languages:(1)First, we make a big ball of snow.(2)Then, we make another snowball, and put it on the top of the other two.(3)Look out! Don't throw snowball at me.3.Practice the speaking ability.【学情分析】七年级学生此时已经有了一定的英语语言基本知识和技能.本单元的话题是谈论季节.是孩子们很好驾驭和感兴趣的话题.所以在学习的过程中能够很好的融入到教学活动中去.从而能够达到理想的教学效果.【教学重难点】1.Teach vocabulary words.2.Talking about how to make a snowman3.Practise the speaking ability.【教学过程】Ⅰ.Class opening:1.Greeting.2.Duty report3.Sing "the month song"4.Play "What day is it?" to review the week, months and ordinal numbers.5.Play the variation of "dress up" to review the seasons.Ⅱ.Key concepts:Make a snowman/ snowball, look out, and throw.Ⅲ.PresentationShow a picture about a snowman and some children throwing snowballs with the computer.1.Teacher: What's this?Students: It's a snowman.2.Teacher: What are the children doing?Students: They are throwing snowballs.3.Teacher: Do you play with snow in winter?Students: Yes. / No.Ⅳ.Practice1.Drill(1)Teacher: Snowballs.Students: Snowballs.(2)Teacher: Make snowballs.Students: Make snowballs.(3)Teacher: Make snowballs and throw snowballs.Students: Make snowballs and throw snowball.(4)Teacher: They are making snowballs and throwing them.Students: They are making snowballs and throwing them.2.Books closed! Ask some questions: what are the children doing? Are the having fun? Listen to the audiotape.3.Check the answers4.Listen to the dialogue with the following questions:(1)What happens to Jenny?(2)What do Jenny and Li Ming make?(3)After listening answer the questions together. Discuss the dialogue again and make surethey can understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points at the same time.5.Practice in small groups.6.Present. Ask some volunteers to act the dialogue.7.Discuss: What are Jenny and Li Ming making? What do they do first? How many snowballs does the snowman have? Does the snowman have eyes/ ears/ arms/ feet/ a mouth/ a nose? Li Ming wants to go inside. Why?8.Make up a new dialogue. Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about playing with snow.Ⅴ.ConclusionMaster the words of this lesson and some main languages.【作业布置】1.Finish off the activity book.2.Practice the dialogue in this lesson.3.Preview the next lesson.。
冀教初中英语七下Unit 6 Seasons教案

UNIT 6 SeasonsGeneral objectives:1. Master the way to talk about festival and seasons.2. Show best wishes.3. Mater the using of “be going to” and exclamatory sentences.4. Learn to talk about activities of different seasons.5. Know about some culture of Christmas Day and Spring Festival.New languages:What do you like to do? I like to ______.Merry Christmas! That’s great!This is for you/ me/ him/ her.Why? Because _______.What is he going to do? He is going to _______.It’s somebody’s turn to do _____.What a wonderful festival!Difficult points:1. How to improve the students reading and speaking abilities according tothe reading materials.2. Grammar: be going toexclamatory sentencesTeaching aids:computer, video, recorderTearing periods:Period 1: Lesson 41Period 2: Lesson 42Period 3: Lesson 43Period 4: Lesson 44Period 5: Lesson 45Period 6: Lesson 46Period 7: Lesson 47Period 8: Lesson 48Lesson 31 What strange weather!Teaching aims:1. Teach vocabulary words.2. Main sentences: What do you like to do?What a cold, snowy day!3. Master exclamatory sentences.4. Train the speaking and listening abilities.5. Learn to talk about the winter.Lesson structure:Class opening:1. Greeting.2. Duty report.3. Sing “the month song”.4. Play “what day is it?” to review the seasons.Key concepts:Put on _____ (winter, jackets, scarf, mittens, hat…)What a cold, snowy day!skate, ski, ice, snowLearn, teach.Step 1. Presentation1. Teacher: (Show a window, some snow outside it with a computer. Pretendto be very cold.)What’s the weather like today?Students: it’s cold and snowy.Teacher: Yes. Look out of the window. It’s snowing. It’s winter.What do I wear in winter? I want my mittens. Now I am puttingon my mittens. What a cold snowy day!2. Demonstrate ski and skate with pictures that show Danny skiing andskating.Teacher: Look! What is Danny doing?Students: Danny is skating.Teacher: What is Danny doing?Students: Danny is skiing.Teacher: Can you ski? (To student 1)Student 1: No, I can’t.Teacher: Can you skate? (To student 2)Student 2: Yes, I can.Step 2. Practice1. Drill1) Teacher: What a cold day!Students: What a cold day!Teacher: What a cold, snowy day!Students: What a cold, snowy day!Teacher: Put on the winter jackets!Students: Put on the winter jackets!Teacher: Mittens.Students: Put on the mittens!Teacher: Scarf.Students: Put on the scarf!2) Student A: (To B) Can you ski?Student B: No, I can’t. (To C) Can you skate?Student C: yes, I can. (To D) Can you swim?Student D: yes, I can. (To E) Can you jump?3) Teacher: I like to skate.Students: I like to skate.Teacher: I like to skate on the ice.Teacher: Ski.Students: I like to ski.Teacher: I like to ski Students: I like to ski.Students: I like to ski Students: I like to ski.2. Listen to the dialogue with the following questions:What does Li Ming like to do?What does Li Ming want to learn?After listening answer the questions together. Discuss the dialogue again and make sure they can understand the meaning of the text.3. Read aloud.4. Ask for volunteers to read the dialogue.5. Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to male up adialogue about a cold, snowy winter day.6. Talk about exclamatory sentence. Use this sentence as an example:What a cold, snowy day!The structure of the exclamatory sentences:What + a (an) + adj. + n. + (sub. + v.)You can give more examples then ask students to make some sentences. Step 3. Conclusion1. Learn and master the vocabulary words.2. Master the main sentences: What do you like to do?What a cold, snowy day!Steps 4. Homework1. Finish off the activity book.2. Practice the dialogue in this lesson.3. Preview next lesson.Lesson 32 I can’t wait for winter!Teaching aims:1. Teach vocabulary words.2. Main languages:First, we make a big ball of snow.Then, we make another snowball, and put it on top of the other two.Look out! D on’t throw snowball at me.3. Practise the speaking ability.Lesson resources:Class opening:1. Greeting.2. Duty report3. Sing “the month song”4. Play “What day is it?” to review the week, months and ordinal numbers.5. Play the variation of “dress up” to review the seasons.Key concepts:Make a snowman/ snowball, look out, and throw.Step 1. PresentationShow a picture about a snowman and some children throwing snowballs with the computer.Teacher: What’s this?Students: I t’s a snowman.Teacher: What are the children doing?Students: They are throwing snowballs.Teacher: Do you play with snow in winter?Students: Yes. / No.Step 2. Practice1. DrillTeacher: Snowballs.Students: Snowballs.Teacher: Make snowballs.Students: Make snowballs.Teacher: Make snowballs and throw snowballs.Students: Make snowballs and throw snowball.Teacher: They are making snowballs and throwing them.Students: They are making snowballs and throwing them.2. Books closed! Ask some questions: what are the children doing? Arethe having fun? Listen to the audiotape.3. Check the answers4. Listen to the dialogue with the following questions:What happens to Jenny?What do Jenny and Li Ming make?After listening answer the questions together. Discuss the dialogueagain and make sure they can understand the meaning of the text. Dealwith the language points at the same time. 5. Practice in smallgroups.6. Present. Ask some volunteers to act the dialogue.7. Discuss:What are Jenny and Li Ming making? What do they do first? How manysnowballs does the snowman have? Does the snowman have eyes/ ears/arms/ feet/ a mouth/ a nose? Li Ming wants to go inside. Why?8. Make up a new dialogue. Divide the class into small groups. Ask eachgroup to make up a dialogue about playing with snow.Step 3. ConclusionMaster the words of this lesson and some main languages.Step 4. Homework1. Finish off the activity book.2. Practice the dialogue in this lesson.3. Preview the next lesson.Lesson 33 Kim’s Favourite SeasonI,Teaching important points1,Master the new words and phrases in this lesson. Such asa kind of, be filled with, pick up, in front of , in the frontof,give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.2,Talking about the different seasons.II,Teaching difficult points1,The differences bet ween in front of …and in the front of…2,The usages of pick up,be full of and be filled with.3,How to write a report about different seasons correctly.III,Teaching timeOne periodIV. Teaching stepslead-in:Hi, everyone! There are four seasons in a year, but what’s your favourite season? (spring, summer, autumn or winter). Do you know Kim’s favourite season ? (No).OK, Let’s learn about Kim’s favourite season.(showing the title of Lesson 44 by PPT).Step 1. Showing the aims ( by PPT).1,Master the new words and phrases in this lesson.2, Revise “be going to”3,Learn about some activities related to the seasons.4,After learning this lesson, students can write a report about different seasons.Step 2. Self-learning and discuss in groups1, Read the text and find out the words that they unknown, and discuss them, then I teach them to read the words.2, Read the text and answer the following questions, first, they answer them by themselves. Then check the keys and discuss them in groups.1) ,Who is talking at the front of the class?2) . What season is Kim talking about?3).How is the temperature is in this season?4).What does Kim often wear?5). How many bags do they pick the apples?3, Write a short story about your favourite season. What activities do you like to do? What clothes do you like to wear? What food do you usually eat? Do NOT write what the season is. Can your classmates guess?! 4,Talk about the following language points. ( I can give them some cues by ppt )Pick, full, clap, kind, fillBe going to, in front of/in the front of, give Sth. to Sb.Step 3, Teaching and explaining1,She stands in front of the class and holds a very big, black bag? in front of 指在某一范围以外的前面,而in the front of 指在某一范围以内的前面。

冀教版英语七下Unit 6《Seasons》单元说课稿一. 教材分析冀教版英语七下Unit 6《Seasons》是一个关于四季的单元。
二. 学情分析七年级的学生已经掌握了一些基本的英语语法和词汇,具备一定的听说读写能力。
三. 说教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握四季的名称、特点以及与季节相关的天气、衣物、活动等词汇和表达方式。
四. 说教学重难点1.重点:四季的名称、特点以及与季节相关的天气、衣物、活动等词汇和表达方式。
五. 说教学方法与手段1.交际法:通过小组讨论、角色扮演等形式,让学生在实际语境中运用本单元的知识,提高他们的语言实践能力。
六. 说教学过程1.导入:通过展示四季变化的图片,引导学生谈论他们对四季的认识和感受,激发学生的学习兴趣。

UNIT 6 SeasonsGeneral objectives:1. Master the way to talk about festival and seasons.2. Show best wishes.3. Mater the using of “be going to” and exclamatory sentences.4. Learn to talk about activities of different seasons.5. Know about some culture of Christmas Day and Spring Festival.New languages:What do you like to do? I like to ______.Merry Christmas! That’s great!This is for you/ me/ him/ her.Why? Because _______.What is he going to do? He is going to _______.It’s somebody’s turn to do _____.What a wonderful festival!Difficult points:1. How to improve the students reading and speaking abilities according to the readingmaterials.2. Grammar: be going toexclamatory sentencesTeaching aids:computer, video, recorderTearing periods:Period 1: Lesson 41Period 2: Lesson 42Period 3: Lesson 43Period 4: Lesson 44Period 5: Lesson 45Period 6: Lesson 46Period 7: Lesson 47Period 8: Lesson 48Lesson 31 What strange weather!Teaching aims:1. Teach vocabulary words.2. Main sentences: What do you like to do?What a cold, snowy day!3. Master exclamatory sentences.4. Train the speaking and listening abilities.5. Learn to talk about the winter.Lesson structure:Class opening:1. Greeting.2. Duty report.3. Sing “the month song”.4. Play “what day is it?” to review the seasons.Key concepts:Put on _____ (winter, jackets, scarf, mittens, hat…)What a cold, snowy day!skate, ski, ice, snowLearn, teach.Step 1. Presentation1. Teacher: (Show a window, some snow outside it with a computer. Pretend to be verycold.)What’s the weather like today?Students: it’s cold and snowy.Teacher: Yes. Look out of the window. It’s snowing. It’s winter. What do I wear in winter? I want my mittens. Now I am putting on my mittens. What a coldsnowy day!2. Demonstrate ski and skate with pictures that show Danny skiing and skating.Teacher: Look! What is Danny doing?Students: Danny is skating.Teacher: What is Danny doing?Students: Danny is skiing.Teacher: Can you ski? (To student 1)Student 1: No, I can’t.Teacher: Can you skate? (To student 2)Student 2: Yes, I can.Step 2. Practice1. Drill1) Teacher: What a cold day!Students: What a cold day!Teacher: What a cold, snowy day!Students: What a cold, snowy day!Teacher: Put on the winter jackets!Students: Put on the winter jackets!Teacher: Mittens.Students: Put on the mittens!Teacher: Scarf.Students: Put on the scarf!2) Student A: (To B) Can you ski?Student B: No, I can’t. (To C) Can you skate?Student C: yes, I can. (To D) Can you swim?Student D: yes, I can. (To E) Can you jump?3) Teacher: I like to skate.Students: I like to skate.Teacher: I like to skate on the ice.Teacher: Ski.Students: I like to ski.Teacher: I like to ski Students: I like to ski.Students: I like to ski Students: I like to ski.2. Listen to the dialogue with the following questions:What does Li Ming like to do?What does Li Ming want to learn?After listening answer the questions together. Discuss the dialogue again and make sure they can understand the meaning of the text.3. Read aloud.4. Ask for volunteers to read the dialogue.5. Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to male up a dialogue abouta cold, snowy winter day.6. Talk about exclamatory sentence. Use this sentence as an example: What a cold,snowy day!The structure of the exclamatory sentences:What + a (an) + adj. + n. + (sub. + v.)You can give more examples then ask students to make some sentences.Step 3. Conclusion1. Learn and master the vocabulary words.2. Master the main sentences: What do you like to do?What a cold, snowy day!Steps 4. Homework1. Finish off the activity book.2. Practice the dialogue in this lesson.3. Preview next lesson.Lesson 32 I can’t wait for winter!Teaching aims:1. Teach vocabulary words.2. Main languages:First, we make a big ball of snow.Then, we make another snowball, and put it on top of the other two.Look out! D on’t throw snowball at me.3. Practise the speaking ability.Lesson resources:Class opening:1. Greeting.2. Duty report3. Sing “the month song”4. Play “What day is it?” to review the week, months and ordinal numbers.5. Play the variation of “dress up” to review the seasons.Key concepts:Make a snowman/ snowball, look out, and throw.Step 1. PresentationShow a picture about a snowman and some children throwing snowballs with the computer. Teacher: What’s this?Students: I t’s a snowman.Teacher: What are the children doing?Students: They are throwing snowballs.Teacher: Do you play with snow in winter?Students: Yes. / No.Step 2. Practice1. DrillTeacher: Snowballs.Students: Snowballs.Teacher: Make snowballs.Students: Make snowballs.Teacher: Make snowballs and throw snowballs.Students: Make snowballs and throw snowball.Teacher: They are making snowballs and throwing them.Students: They are making snowballs and throwing them.2. Books closed! Ask some questions: what are the children doing? Are the having fun?Listen to the audiotape.3. Check the answers4. Listen to the dialogue with the following questions:What happens to Jenny?What do Jenny and Li Ming make?After listening answer the questions together. Discuss the dialogue again and make sure they can understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language pointsat the same time. 5. Practice in small groups.6. Present. Ask some volunteers to act the dialogue.7. Discuss: Whatare Jenny and Li Ming making? What do they do first? How many snowballs does thesnowman have? Does the snowman have eyes/ ears/ arms/ feet/ a mouth/ a nose? LiMing wants to go inside. Why?8. Make up a new dialogue. Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to makeup a dialogue about playing with snow.Step 3. ConclusionMaster the words of this lesson and some main languages.Step 4. Homework1. Finish off the activity book.2. Practice the dialogue in this lesson.3. Preview the next lesson.Lesson 33 Kim’s Favourite SeasonI,Teaching important points1,Master the new words and phrases in this lesson. Such asa kind of, be filled with, pick up, in front of , in the front of,give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.2,Talking about the different seasons.II,Teaching difficult points1,The differences betw een in front of …and in the front of…2,The usages of pick up,be full of and be filled with.3,How to write a report about different seasons correctly.III,Teaching timeOne periodIV. Teaching stepslead-in:Hi, everyone! There are four seasons in a year, but what’s your favourite season? (spring, summer, autumn or winter). Do you know Kim’s favourite season ? (No).OK, Let’s learn about Kim’s favourite season.(showing the title of Lesson 44 by PPT). Step 1. Showing the aims ( by PPT).1,Master the new words and phrases in this lesson.2, Revise “be going to”3,Learn about some activities related to the seasons.4,After learning this lesson, students can write a report about different seasons. Step 2. Self-learning and discuss in groups1, Read the text and find out the words that they unknown, and discuss them, then I teach them to read the words.2, Read the text and answer the following questions, first, they answer them by themselves. Then check the keys and discuss them in groups.1) ,Who is talking at the front of the class?2) . What season is Kim talking about?3).How is the temperature is in this season?4).What does Kim often wear?5). How many bags do they pick the apples?3, Write a short story about your favourite season. What activities do you like to do? What clothes do you like to wear? What food do you usually eat? Do NOT write what the season is. Can your classmates guess?!4,Talk about the following language points. ( I can give them some cues by ppt ) Pick, full, clap, kind, fillBe going to, in front of/in the front of, give Sth. to Sb.Step 3, Teaching and explaining1,She stands in front of the class and holds a very big, black bag?in front of 指在某一范围以外的前面,而in the front of 指在某一范围以内的前面。
2024年冀教版七年级英语下册教案Unit 6 Seasons


What silly mistakes !/What important subjects !
How +形容词或副词+主语+谓语!
How nice the weather is ! // How interesting the story is!
3).去滑雪滑冰go skiing and skating4).打雪仗have snowball fights
5).做研究do some research6).召集某人get sb. together
7).去野餐have a picnic / go for a picnic8).与…不同be different from
7). ---What’s the ____________ (气温) outside today? ---It’s 12 degrees.
8). I jumped in the pool and I got all ______ (湿).
9). There are many black _________ (云) in the sky. It’s going to rain.
5. I like winter because I can ______________ and have snowball fights.
Step3 :Important structures
1. wake (woke) up意为“醒来”wake sb. up意为“叫醒某人”
① He usually __________ (醒来) at 6:30 in the morning.
初一七年级英语下册冀教版Unit 6 Seasons 教案 (6)

Lesson 36 Spring in ChinaTeaching aims:1. Teach vocabulary words.2. Main sentences:How exciting!The t emperature is not too hot or too cold.Beautiful flowers are everywhere and everything looks new and fresh.3. Train speaking ability.Lesson structure:Class opening:1. Greeting2. Duty reportKey concepts:season, spring, excitingI love spring.Step 1. PresentationBring a picture to show what a puddle is.Teacher: This is a puddle. I love to play in puddles. How happy I am!Step 2. Practice1. DrillTeacher: Ask one student to come into the classroom. The student issinging and dancing.Students: She arrives.Teacher: She arrives, dancing and singing.Students: She arrives, dancing and singing.Teacher: She arrives, dancing and singing a happy song.Students: She arrives, dancing and singing a happy song.Teacher: Run away.Students: She runs away, dancing and singing a happy song.2) Teacher: I love to skate. I can skate.Students: I love to skate. I can skate.Teacher: Fly kites.Students: I love to fly kites. I can fly kites.2. Books closed! Ask this question: Why is Danny sad? Listen to the audiotape.3. Check the answers.4. Listen to the text with the following questions :What is spring like in Li Ming’s city?Where is Li Ming going with his parents?What are they going to do there?Where is Li Ming’s house?After listening answer the questions together. Discuss the text again and make sure they can understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points at the same time.5. Practice in groups.7. Make up a similar letter.Step 3. ConclusionLearn and master the vocabulary words. Step 4. HomeworkFinish off the activity book.。

Lesson34 参考教案Teaching goals1. Target language 目标语言a. Learn and master the following words and phrases: 掌握词汇及短语maple syrup goose honk cloud wetgo on a trip have a picnic feed the geese become dark give sb. a big handb. 句型1) Now, it’s Steven’s turn to speak.2) Let’s give him a big hand, class.3) Today is another good day.2. Ability goals 能力目标Learn how to tell an activityAim of emotionPractise speaking more and don’t be scared if you are a beginner TeachingImportant and Difficult Points: 教学重难点Learn how to tell an activityTeaching methods 教学方法Listening and speaking.Teaching aids 教具准备Audiotape.Teaching procedures & ways 教学步骤与方式Step I Greeting and lead-inGreet the students and get them to review what they learned from the former text. T: Who can say something about spring, such as weather, activities?S:…..T: Do you like spring?S:…..Lead in the new text.Step II Learn the text1. Listen to the tape and do the exercise 1 from “Let’s Do It”T: Listen to the tape carefully and circle the correct words..Read the text and finish the exercise 2 from “Let’s Do It”2. Grasp important sentences of the text.1) Now, it’s Steven’s turn to speak.It is one’s turn to do sth. 该某人做某事了例句:It is your turn to clean the room 轮到你打扫房间了。
冀教版七下U6 Seasons全单元教案

Unit 6 SeasonsLesson 31:What strange weather!Ⅰ.Learning Aims:1. Grasp main words:strange notice wild wake surprisedbecome dark ski snowball2. Understand the usages of notice, wake up/wake sb. up,turn/become, want.3. Talking about favorite seasons and reasons.4.Master the grammar: Exclamatory Sentences (Ⅰ).Ⅱ.Learning main points:1. Main words in this lesson.2. Favorite seasons and reasons.3. The grammar: Exclamatory Sentences.Ⅲ.Learning difficulties:1. About favorite seasons and reasons.2. The grammar: Exclamatory Sentences.Ⅳ.导学环节:〔一〕self-learning1. 温故知新:1) Use English to phone sb. about recent learning.2) Read the dialogue and solve the problems in groups.2. 互助释疑:the noun of strange-----stranger e.g. He is stranger.notice sb. do/doing sth. (经常做与正在做)wake up(醒来),wake sb. up(叫醒或唤醒某人)become/turn + adj.want sb. to do sth.什么叫感慨句?感慨句是表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子。
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UNIT 6 SeasonsGeneral objectives:1. Master the way to talk about festival and seasons.2. Show best wishes.3. Mater the using of “be going to” and exclamatory sentences.4. Learn to talk about activities of different seasons.5. Know about some culture of Christmas Day and Spring Festival.New languages:What do you like to do? I like to ______.Merry Christmas! That’s great!This is for you/ me/ him/ her.Why? Because _______.What is he going to do? He is going to _______.It’s somebody’s turn to do _____.What a wonderful festival!Difficult points:1. How to improve the students reading and speaking abilities according tothe reading materials.2. Grammar: be going toexclamatory sentencesTeaching aids:computer, video, recorderTearing periods:Period 1: Lesson 41Period 2: Lesson 42Period 3: Lesson 43Period 4: Lesson 44Period 5: Lesson 45Period 6: Lesson 46Period 7: Lesson 47Period 8: Lesson 48Lesson 31 What strange weather!Teaching aims:1. Teach vocabulary words.2. Main sentences: What do you like to do?What a cold, snowy day!3. Master exclamatory sentences.4. Train the speaking and listening abilities.5. Learn to talk about the winter.Lesson structure:Class opening:1. Greeting.2. Duty report.3. Sing “the month song”.4. Play “what day is it?” to review the seasons.Key concepts:Put on _____ (winter, jackets, scarf, mittens, hat…)What a cold, snowy day!skate, ski, ice, snowLearn, teach.Step 1. Presentation1. Teacher: (Show a window, some snow outside it with a computer. Pretendto be very cold.)What’s the weather like today?Students: it’s cold and snowy.Teacher: Yes. Look out of the window. It’s snowing. It’s winter.What do I wear in winter? I want my mittens. Now I am puttingon my mittens. What a cold snowy day!2. Demonstrate ski and skate with pictures that show Danny skiing andskating.Teacher: Look! What is Danny doing?Students: Danny is skating.Teacher: What is Danny doing?Students: Danny is skiing.Teacher: Can you ski? (To student 1)Student 1: No, I can’t.Teacher: Can you skate? (To student 2)Student 2: Yes, I can.Step 2. Practice1. Drill1) Teacher: What a cold day!Students: What a cold day!Teacher: What a cold, snowy day!Students: What a cold, snowy day!Teacher: Put on the winter jackets!Students: Put on the winter jackets!Teacher: Mittens.Students: Put on the mittens!Teacher: Scarf.Students: Put on the scarf!2) Student A: (To B) Can you ski?Student B: No, I can’t. (To C) Can you skate?Student C: yes, I can. (To D) Can you swim?Student D: yes, I can. (To E) Can you jump?3) Teacher: I like to skate.Students: I like to skate.Teacher: I like to skate on the ice.Teacher: Ski.Students: I like to ski.Teacher: I like to ski Students: I like to ski.Students: I like to ski Students: I like to ski.2. Listen to the dialogue with the following questions:What does Li Ming like to do?What does Li Ming want to learn?After listening answer the questions together. Discuss the dialogue again and make sure they can understand the meaning of the text.3. Read aloud.4. Ask for volunteers to read the dialogue.5. Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to male up adialogue about a cold, snowy winter day.6. Talk about exclamatory sentence. Use this sentence as an example:What a cold, snowy day!The structure of the exclamatory sentences:What + a (an) + adj. + n. + (sub. + v.)You can give more examples then ask students to make some sentences. Step 3. Conclusion1. Learn and master the vocabulary words.2. Master the main sentences: What do you like to do?What a cold, snowy day!Steps 4. Homework1. Finish off the activity book.2. Practice the dialogue in this lesson.3. Preview next lesson.Lesson 32 I can’t wait for winter!Teaching aims:1. Teach vocabulary words.2. Main languages:First, we make a big ball of snow.Then, we make another snowball, and put it on top of the other two.Look out! D on’t throw snowball at me.3. Practise the speaking ability.Lesson resources:Class opening:1. Greeting.2. Duty report3. Sing “the month song”4. Play “What day is it?” to review the week, months and ordinal numbers.5. Play the variation of “dress up” to review the seasons.Key concepts:Make a snowman/ snowball, look out, and throw.Step 1. PresentationShow a picture about a snowman and some children throwing snowballs with the computer.Teacher: What’s this?Students: I t’s a snowman.Teacher: What are the children doing?Students: They are throwing snowballs.Teacher: Do you play with snow in winter?Students: Yes. / No.Step 2. Practice1. DrillTeacher: Snowballs.Students: Snowballs.Teacher: Make snowballs.Students: Make snowballs.Teacher: Make snowballs and throw snowballs.Students: Make snowballs and throw snowball.Teacher: They are making snowballs and throwing them.Students: They are making snowballs and throwing them.2. Books closed! Ask some questions: what are the children doing? Arethe having fun? Listen to the audiotape.3. Check the answers4. Listen to the dialogue with the following questions:What happens to Jenny?What do Jenny and Li Ming make?After listening answer the questions together. Discuss the dialogueagain and make sure they can understand the meaning of the text. Dealwith the language points at the same time. 5. Practice in smallgroups.6. Present. Ask some volunteers to act the dialogue.7. Discuss:What are Jenny and Li Ming making? What do they do first? How manysnowballs does the snowman have? Does the snowman have eyes/ ears/arms/ feet/ a mouth/ a nose? Li Ming wants to go inside. Why?8. Make up a new dialogue. Divide the class into small groups. Ask eachgroup to make up a dialogue about playing with snow.Step 3. ConclusionMaster the words of this lesson and some main languages.Step 4. Homework1. Finish off the activity book.2. Practice the dialogue in this lesson.3. Preview the next lesson.Lesson 33 Kim’s Favourite SeasonI,Teaching important points1,Master the new words and phrases in this lesson. Such asa kind of, be filled with, pick up, in front of , in the frontof,give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.2,Talking about the different seasons.II,Teaching difficult points1,The differences bet ween in front of …and in the front of…2,The usages of pick up,be full of and be filled with.3,How to write a report about different seasons correctly.III,Teaching timeOne periodIV. Teaching stepslead-in:Hi, everyone! There are four seasons in a year, but what’s your favourite season? (spring, summer, autumn or winter). Do you know Kim’s favourite season ? (No).OK, Let’s learn about Kim’s favourite season.(showing the title of Lesson 44 by PPT).Step 1. Showing the aims ( by PPT).1,Master the new words and phrases in this lesson.2, Revise “be going to”3,Learn about some activities related to the seasons.4,After learning this lesson, students can write a report about different seasons.Step 2. Self-learning and discuss in groups1, Read the text and find out the words that they unknown, and discuss them, then I teach them to read the words.2, Read the text and answer the following questions, first, they answer them by themselves. Then check the keys and discuss them in groups.1) ,Who is talking at the front of the class?2) . What season is Kim talking about?3).How is the temperature is in this season?4).What does Kim often wear?5). How many bags do they pick the apples?3, Write a short story about your favourite season. What activities do you like to do? What clothes do you like to wear? What food do you usually eat? Do NOT write what the season is. Can your classmates guess?! 4,Talk about the following language points. ( I can give them some cues by ppt )Pick, full, clap, kind, fillBe going to, in front of/in the front of, give Sth. to Sb.Step 3, Teaching and explaining1,She stands in front of the class and holds a very big, black bag? in front of 指在某一范围以外的前面,而in the front of 指在某一范围以内的前面。