
教案名称:初中英语口语教学篇一、教学目标:1. 让学生掌握日常交流中的基本口语表达,提高学生的口语交际能力。
2. 通过口语练习,培养学生的英语思维习惯,提高学生的英语综合素质。
3. 激发学生的学习兴趣,增强学生学习英语的自信心。
二、教学内容:1. 日常问候与介绍:如何打招呼、介绍自己和他人。
2. 常用表达:询问时间、地点、天气、身体状况等。
3. 购物、就餐等场景的口语表达。
4. 简单的英语对话:谈论学校生活、兴趣爱好、家庭成员等。
5. 口语练习:角色扮演、小组讨论、情景对话等。
三、教学方法:1. 任务型教学法:通过设定各种真实的口语任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中运用英语进行交流。
2. 情境教学法:创设各种生活情境,让学生在特定的情境中进行口语练习。
3. 互动式教学法:鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,教师与学生、学生与学生之间进行充分的互动。
4. 游戏教学法:通过英语游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的口语能力。
四、教学步骤:1. 热身活动(5分钟):引导学生进行简单的英语口语练习,如问候、自我介绍等。
2. 课堂讲解(15分钟):讲解日常口语交流中的常用表达和句型,如询问时间、地点、天气等。
3. 情景模拟(15分钟):创设生活情境,让学生进行角色扮演,模拟实际生活中的口语交流。
4. 小组讨论(15分钟):学生分组进行讨论,讨论话题可以涉及学校生活、兴趣爱好、家庭成员等。
5. 口语练习(15分钟):学生进行小组内的口语练习,可以采用问答、对话等形式。
6. 课堂总结(5分钟):教师对课堂内容进行总结,强调口语交流的重要性和注意事项。
五、课后作业:1. 复习课堂所学内容,加强口语练习。
2. 选取一个生活场景,与同学进行英语对话,录制视频或音频,下节课分享。
3. 每周至少观看一篇英语口语视频,学习并模仿其中的口语表达。
六、教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂活动中的积极参与程度和口语表达情况。
2. 课后作业:检查学生的课后作业完成情况,评估学生的口语表达能力。
人人说英语中级 教案

人人说英语中级教案教案标题:人人说英语中级教案教学目标:1. 学生能够流利地运用中级英语进行日常交流。
2. 学生能够理解和运用中级英语的语法和词汇。
3. 学生能够通过听力和口语练习提高英语交流能力。
教学重点:1. 中级英语的日常交流表达。
2. 中级英语的语法和词汇运用。
3. 听力和口语练习的提高。
教学难点:1. 学生在日常交流中的语法和词汇运用。
2. 学生在听力和口语练习中的流利程度和准确性。
教学准备:1. 教材:人人说英语中级教材。
2. 多媒体设备:投影仪、音响等。
3. 教学辅助工具:练习册、词汇卡片等。
教学过程:第一课:日常交流表达1. 通过教材中的对话和练习,引导学生学习中级英语的日常交流表达,如问候、介绍、购物等。
2. 组织学生进行角色扮演,模拟真实情景下的英语交流,提高学生的口语表达能力。
第二课:语法和词汇运用1. 教授中级英语的语法知识,如时态、语态、从句等,并通过练习巩固。
2. 教授中级英语的常用词汇和短语,帮助学生丰富词汇量。
第三课:听力和口语练习1. 播放中级英语听力材料,让学生进行听力理解和笔记。
2. 组织学生进行口语练习,如小组讨论、情景对话等,提高学生的口语表达能力。
教学反馈:1. 收集学生的口语练习录音和笔记,进行评价和反馈。
2. 鼓励学生多参与课堂互动,提高学生的英语交流能力。
教学延伸:1. 布置课后作业,包括练习册的习题和口语练习。
2. 鼓励学生多参加英语角、英语俱乐部等活动,提高英语交流能力。

《英语口语-中级》课程教学大纲一、课程基本情况1.课程名称:大学英语--- 英语口语(中级)程代码:3.学分/学时:3/484.课程类別:必修/公共基础/2年级5.适用专业:全校非英语专业(不包括华罗庚、国教院、艺术、体育)已经达到大学英语基本要求的非英语专业本科二年级学生,特别是希望对英语口语运用技能有进一步提高、对英语国家的社会、文化、生活等多方面有更深入的了解,从而能用鲜活的英语进行有效而恰当的交际学生。

英语口语教案初中## 教学目标:1. 学生能够使用简单的英语进行自我介绍和日常交流。
2. 学生能够理解和使用基本的英语疑问词和回答。
3. 学生能够理解和使用基本的英语介词和形容词。
4. 学生能够听懂并模仿简单的英语口语表达。
## 教学内容:1. 基本自我介绍:姓名、年龄、来自哪里。
2. 基本疑问词和回答:What's your name? How old are you? Where are you from?3. 基本介词和形容词:in, on, under, big, small, tall, short.## 教学步骤:### 1. 导入(5分钟)- 教师以轻松愉快的方式进入课堂,与学生进行简单的中文自我介绍,然后用英语重复,让学生对英语自我介绍有一个初步的概念。
### 2. 新课内容介绍(10分钟)- 教师展示一张自己的照片,询问学生:“What's my name? How old am I? Where am I from?” 然后引导学生用中文回答。
- 教师再以同样的方式询问学生:“What's your name? How old are you? Where are you from?” 并引导学生用中文回答。
- 教师介绍基本介词和形容词,如:“I am tall. You are short.” 并让学生模仿和练习。
### 3. 小组活动(15分钟)- 学生分成小组,用中文进行自我介绍,然后用英语重复。
- 学生使用英语疑问词和回答进行交流,如:“What's your name? How old are you? Where are you from?”- 学生使用英语介词和形容词进行描述,如:“I am tall. You are short.”### 4. 课堂游戏(10分钟)- 教师准备一些卡片,上面写着基本疑问词和回答,介词和形容词。
- 学生轮流抽取卡片,并用英语大声读出来。

英语口语中级课程教学大纲课程英文名称:Oral English (2)课程编号:0400342 学时:2.0 学分:32一、课程教学对象《英语口语(中级)》教学对象是非英语专业(四年制)公共英语类基础阶段二年级上学期的学生,是必修课程之一。
通过外教的课堂教学,为学生提供较好的真实语言环境,养成良好的口头交际习惯: 清晰、流畅、达意,培养学生用简单而基本正确的英语表达思想的能力;同时训练学生思维清楚,表达具有一定的逻辑性,为以后深入学习复杂抽象话题的口语表达打下基础。
四、课程的主要内容、基本要求和学时分配建议(总学时数: 32)建议使用教材及参考书1、教材:吴祯福主编《英语中级口语》[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,20032、参考书:[1] 留海燕英语口语教程(二)[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社,2005[2] 李华东新世纪英语口语教程[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002[3] 李丹红《《英语口语教程——21世纪高校英语专业基础课系列教材下》[M]. 天津:南开大学出版社, 2001[4] 崔琳琳,林立大学英语演讲教程(附光盘)[M]. 北京: 外文出版社,2004[5] 王斌公共英语演讲教程[M]. 北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005六、课程考核方式该课程考核以口试为主,以百分制计,期末考试占总成绩的70%;将教学环节中学生平时表现(出勤率、课堂发言和讨论等)纳入评定成绩,占总成绩的30%。

课程名称:英语口语交流教学对象:中级班学生教学目标:1. 提高学生的英语口语表达能力;2. 增强学生对英语日常交流的兴趣和信心;3. 拓展学生的词汇量和语法知识;4. 培养学生的听力理解能力和跨文化交际意识。
教学重点:1. 英语口语表达的基本技巧;2. 日常生活中的常用词汇和短语;3. 常见场景下的英语对话。
教学难点:1. 学生在口语表达中的语音、语调、语速等方面的调整;2. 学生在跨文化交际中的文化差异处理。
教学准备:1. 教学课件;2. 口语练习材料;3. 录音设备;4. 教学评估表。
教学过程:一、导入1. 播放一段英语口语视频,激发学生学习兴趣;2. 提问:同学们,你们认为口语交流重要吗?为什么?3. 引导学生讨论口语交流的重要性,并介绍本节课的教学目标。
二、课堂讲解1. 讲解英语口语表达的基本技巧,如:语音、语调、语速等;2. 介绍日常生活中的常用词汇和短语,如:问候、介绍、购物、就餐等;3. 分析常见场景下的英语对话,如:机场、酒店、餐厅等。
三、口语练习1. 分组进行口语练习,每组选出一个主持人,进行角色扮演;2. 鼓励学生积极参与,勇于表达,及时给予反馈和指导;3. 针对学生的语音、语调、语速等方面进行纠正和指导。
四、互动环节1. 学生之间进行自由对话,模拟真实场景;2. 教师巡回指导,解答学生疑问;3. 鼓励学生提问,提高课堂互动性。
五、总结与评估1. 教师对本节课进行总结,强调重点和难点;2. 学生进行自我评估,填写教学评估表;3. 教师根据学生的表现,给予评价和建议。
课后作业:1. 复习本节课所学内容,巩固所学词汇和短语;2. 查找并整理与课堂内容相关的英语口语材料,如:视频、音频等;3. 预习下一节课的内容。
教学反思:1. 教师应根据学生的实际情况,调整教学进度和难度;2. 注重培养学生的口语表达能力和跨文化交际意识;3. 鼓励学生积极参与课堂互动,提高课堂氛围;4. 及时关注学生的学习进度,给予个别辅导。

一、课程名称:中专口语英语二、课时安排:2课时三、教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够掌握基本的日常用语,了解西方文化背景知识。
2. 能力目标:学生能够运用所学英语进行简单的日常交流,提高口语表达能力。
3. 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养良好的英语学习习惯。
四、教学内容:1. 问候、介绍、告别等日常用语2. 西方文化背景知识五、教学重难点:1. 教学重点:掌握基本的日常用语,能够进行简单的日常交流。
2. 教学难点:学生能够灵活运用所学英语进行口语表达,克服口语交流中的紧张心理。
六、教学过程:第一课时一、导入(Warming-up)1. 教师与学生用简单的英语进行问候,活跃课堂气氛。
2. 教师播放一段与日常生活相关的英语对话,让学生初步了解口语交流的基本形式。
二、新课导入(Presentation)1. 教师用PPT展示本节课要学习的日常用语,如问候、介绍、告别等。
2. 教师用简单的英语进行示范,让学生跟读并模仿。
三、课堂练习(Practice)1. 教师将学生分成若干小组,每组进行角色扮演,练习日常用语。
2. 教师巡回指导,纠正学生的发音和语法错误。
四、课堂活动(Activity)1. 教师组织学生进行小组讨论,分享自己国家的文化背景知识。
2. 学生用英语表达自己对文化的理解,提高口语表达能力。
第二课时一、复习(Revision)1. 教师检查学生上节课学习的日常用语,巩固所学知识。
2. 学生进行自我介绍,用英语介绍自己的兴趣爱好、家庭情况等。
二、新课导入(Presentation)1. 教师用PPT展示本节课要学习的西方文化背景知识。
2. 教师结合实际案例,讲解西方文化中的礼貌、礼仪等。
三、课堂练习(Practice)1. 教师将学生分成若干小组,每组进行角色扮演,运用所学英语进行交流。
2. 教师巡回指导,纠正学生的发音和语法错误。
四、课堂活动(Activity)1. 教师组织学生进行小组讨论,分享自己对西方文化的理解。

一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)掌握本节课的核心词汇和短语。
2. 能力目标:(1)提高学生的听说读写能力。
3. 情感目标:(1)激发学生对英语学习的兴趣。
二、教学内容1. 课文内容:选取一篇适合中级职称英语水平的学习材料,如短文、对话或故事。
2. 词汇:本节课的核心词汇和短语。
3. 语法:本节课的语法结构。
4. 文化背景:与课文内容相关的文化背景知识。
三、教学重难点1. 教学重点:(1)核心词汇和短语的运用。
2. 教学难点:(1)复杂句型的理解和运用。
四、教学过程1. 导入(1)教师简要介绍本节课的主题和内容。
2. 预习(1)学生自主预习课文,了解课文大意。
3. 课文讲解(1)教师逐段讲解课文,分析课文结构、重点词汇和短语。
4. 语法练习(1)教师讲解本节课的语法结构,并举例说明。
5. 词汇拓展(1)教师带领学生复习本节课的核心词汇和短语。
6. 文化背景介绍(1)教师介绍与课文内容相关的文化背景知识。
7. 课堂小结(1)教师对本节课的内容进行总结,强调重点和难点。
8. 课后作业(1)完成课后练习题,巩固所学知识。
五、教学评价1. 课堂表现:观察学生的参与度、回答问题的准确性和积极性。

2012 ~2013 学年第一学期
学生所在专业、班级: 11国贸1、2班

一、课程名称《中级英语口语交际》二、教学目标1. 知识目标:掌握中级英语口语交际的基本技巧和常用表达方式。
2. 能力目标:提高学生的口语表达能力,能够在实际场合进行流利的口语交流。
3. 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强学生的自信心,培养学生良好的学习习惯。
三、教学内容1. 课程模块一:日常问候与介绍2. 课程模块二:购物场景3. 课程模块三:餐饮场景4. 课程模块四:交通出行5. 课程模块五:旅行与住宿四、教学过程1. 导入(1)通过简单的英语问候,营造轻松愉快的课堂氛围。
2. 课堂活动(1)课程模块一:日常问候与介绍- 学生练习日常问候和介绍自己的姓名、年龄、职业等基本信息。
- 教师引导学生运用所学词汇和句型进行对话练习。
(2)课程模块二:购物场景- 学生模拟购物场景,练习询问商品信息、还价等口语表达。
- 教师纠正发音和语法错误,指导学生正确运用词汇和句型。
(3)课程模块三:餐饮场景- 学生分组进行角色扮演,模拟点餐、点饮料等餐饮场景。
- 教师点评学生的口语表达,纠正发音和语法错误。
(4)课程模块四:交通出行- 学生练习询问路线、乘坐交通工具等口语表达。
- 教师引导学生运用所学词汇和句型进行对话练习。
(5)课程模块五:旅行与住宿- 学生模拟旅行场景,练习预订酒店、询问景点信息等口语表达。
- 教师点评学生的口语表达,纠正发音和语法错误。
3. 总结与作业(1)对本节课所学内容进行总结,强调重点词汇和句型。
五、教学评价1. 课堂表现:观察学生在课堂上的参与度、口语表达能力和团队协作能力。
2. 课后作业:检查学生的课后作业完成情况,了解学生对所学知识的掌握程度。
3. 期末考试:通过期末考试,全面评估学生的学习成果。
六、教学反思1. 教师在教学过程中应注重激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的口语表达能力。

课程名称:中专口语英语课时:2课时年级:中专一年级教材:《英语口语教程》教学目标:1. 知识目标:掌握本课所涉及的常用口语表达和日常交际用语。
2. 能力目标:提高学生的口语表达能力和实际交际能力。
3. 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养良好的英语口语交流习惯。
教学重难点:1. 教学重点:掌握本课所学的口语表达和交际用语。
2. 教学难点:在实际交际中灵活运用所学口语表达。
课前准备:1. 教师准备:多媒体课件、教学视频、相关图片、录音设备。
2. 学生准备:预习本课内容,准备好相关话题的讨论材料。
教学过程:第一课时一、导入(5分钟)1. 播放一首英语歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生兴趣。
2. 教师简要介绍本课主题,引导学生进入学习状态。
二、新课学习(30分钟)1. 教师讲解本课所涉及的口语表达和交际用语,通过例句和情景模拟进行教学。
2. 学生跟读、模仿,教师纠正发音和语调。
3. 教师播放教学视频,让学生观看并模仿。
三、课堂练习(20分钟)1. 分组练习:学生分组进行角色扮演,运用所学口语表达进行交际。
2. 小组展示:每组派代表上台展示练习成果,教师点评并给予鼓励。
四、课堂小结(5分钟)1. 教师总结本课所学内容,强调重点和难点。
2. 学生回顾所学,提出疑问。
第二课时一、复习(5分钟)1. 教师提问,检查学生对上节课内容的掌握情况。
2. 学生回答,教师点评。
二、新课学习(30分钟)1. 教师讲解本课所涉及的口语表达和交际用语,通过例句和情景模拟进行教学。
2. 学生跟读、模仿,教师纠正发音和语调。
3. 教师播放教学视频,让学生观看并模仿。
三、课堂练习(20分钟)1. 分组练习:学生分组进行角色扮演,运用所学口语表达进行交际。
2. 小组展示:每组派代表上台展示练习成果,教师点评并给予鼓励。
四、课堂小结(5分钟)1. 教师总结本课所学内容,强调重点和难点。
2. 学生回顾所学,提出疑问。
课后作业:1. 复习本课所学内容,熟练掌握口语表达和交际用语。

口语教案英语初中一、教学目标:1. 让学生掌握基本的日常英语口语交流词汇和句型,能够进行简单的自我介绍、问候、询问等日常交流。
2. 培养学生具备一定的英语口语表达能力,能够就日常生活中的一般性问题进行交流。
3. 提高学生英语学习的兴趣,培养良好的英语学习习惯。
二、教学内容:1. 基本日常英语口语词汇和句型,如:hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, how are you, my name is, nice to meet you, where are you from, what do you do等。
2. 常用的英语口语表达方式,如:问候、介绍、询问、道别等。
3. 简单的英语口语对话练习。
三、教学方法:1. 情境教学法:通过设置各种真实的日常交流情境,让学生在实际的语言环境中学习和使用英语。
2. 互动教学法:鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,进行实时的口语交流练习。
3. 任务型教学法:通过完成各种具体的交流任务,提高学生的英语口语实际应用能力。
四、教学步骤:1. 热身活动(5分钟):引导学生用中文进行自我介绍,然后用英语进行翻译,以此让学生熟悉自我介绍的流程和基本句型。
2. 教学新词汇和句型(15分钟):教师展示相关的日常英语口语词汇和句型,进行解释和示范,让学生进行跟读和模仿。
3. 情境模拟(20分钟):教师设置各种真实的日常交流情境,如购物、问路、就餐等,让学生分组进行角色扮演,实际运用所学的英语口语词汇和句型。
4. 小组讨论(15分钟):学生分组就某个日常话题进行讨论,鼓励他们用英语进行表达,以此提高他们的英语口语实际应用能力。
5. 课堂总结(5分钟):教师对课堂内容进行总结,强调重点和难点,鼓励学生在日常生活中多说多练。
五、课后作业:1. 复习课堂所学的英语口语词汇和句型。
2. 模仿课堂中的英语口语对话,进行实际的语言运用。
3. 家长签字确认,加强家校合作,共同促进学生的英语口语学习。

中职英语口语教案教案标题:中职英语口语教案教学目标:1. 培养学生在日常生活和工作场景中运用英语进行口语交流的能力。
2. 提高学生的听说能力,包括理解他人的口语表达和流利地表达自己的想法。
3. 培养学生的语言交际能力,包括正确使用语法结构、词汇和语音语调。
教学重点:1. 学习常用口语表达和实用词汇,如问候、介绍自己、提问、表达意见等。
2. 培养学生的听力理解能力,包括听懂他人的口语表达并作出回应。
3. 提高学生的口语表达能力,包括流利地表达自己的观点、描述事物和交流意见。
教学内容和步骤:1. 导入(5分钟)- 引入话题,如“自我介绍”或“日常生活”。
- 利用图片或视频展示相关场景,激发学生的兴趣。
2. 听力训练(10分钟)- 播放录音或视频,让学生听懂对话或简短的口语情境。
- 提问学生关于对话内容的问题,检查理解程度。
3. 口语练习(15分钟)- 分组练习:学生两两合作进行对话练习,模拟实际情境,如购物、旅行等。
- 教师巡回指导,纠正学生的语法错误和发音问题。
4. 词汇和表达(10分钟)- 教授常用口语表达和实用词汇,如问候语、感谢、道歉等。
- 学生进行角色扮演练习,运用新学的词汇和表达进行对话。
5. 情景对话(15分钟)- 提供情景对话的剧本,让学生进行角色扮演。
- 学生可以自行编写对话内容,或引导他们运用已学的口语表达进行对话。
6. 总结和反馈(5分钟)- 教师总结本节课的重点和要点,强调学生在口语交流中的进步和需要改进的方面。
- 学生进行自我评价,提出问题和困惑。
教学资源:1. 录音或视频素材,包括真实对话和口语情境。
2. 图片或视频素材,用于引入话题和展示情境。
3. 教材或教学参考书,提供相关的口语表达和练习题。
教学评估:1. 学生的口语表达能力,包括流利程度、语法正确性和词汇运用。
2. 学生的听力理解能力,包括对对话内容的理解和回答问题的准确性。
3. 学生的合作能力和角色扮演的表现。


课程名称:英语口语课时:2课时教学对象:中级班学生教学目标:1. 知识目标:掌握日常交流中的常用短语和表达方式,提高口语表达能力。
2. 技能目标:通过角色扮演和小组讨论,提高学生的听说能力。
3. 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生积极向上的学习态度。
教学重点:1. 日常交流中的常用短语和表达方式。
2. 角色扮演和小组讨论的技巧。
教学难点:1. 学生在表达时能够准确、流畅地运用所学短语和表达方式。
2. 学生在角色扮演和小组讨论中能够积极参与,提高口语表达能力。
教学准备:1. 多媒体课件:包括教学视频、图片、文字材料等。
2. 教学道具:卡片、图片、角色扮演道具等。
3. 学生分组:将学生分成若干小组,每组4-6人。
教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 通过播放一段英语歌曲,激发学生学习兴趣。
2. 引导学生回顾上一节课所学内容,检查学生对基础知识的掌握情况。
二、新课学习1. 介绍本节课的常用短语和表达方式,如:“What’s your name?”、“How are you?”等。
2. 通过图片、视频等多媒体手段,让学生直观地了解这些短语和表达方式的使用场景。
三、课堂练习1. 分组进行角色扮演,让学生运用所学短语和表达方式进行对话。
2. 教师巡回指导,纠正学生的发音和语法错误。
四、课堂小结1. 对本节课所学内容进行总结,强调重点和难点。
2. 鼓励学生在课后多进行口语练习,提高口语表达能力。
第二课时一、复习1. 通过提问的方式,检查学生对上一节课所学内容的掌握情况。
2. 鼓励学生在课堂上主动发言,提高口语表达能力。
二、新课学习1. 介绍本节课的常用短语和表达方式,如:“Excuse me, where is the bathroom?”、“Can you help me, please?”等。
2. 通过图片、视频等多媒体手段,让学生直观地了解这些短语和表达方式的使用场景。
三、课堂练习1. 分组进行角色扮演,让学生运用所学短语和表达方式进行对话。

英语中级口语教案第一章:介绍与问候1.1 教学目标:学会如何用英语进行自我介绍和介绍他人。
1.2 教学内容:常用问候语和告别语,如“Hello, nice to meet you.”、“Goode, see you later.”等。
自我介绍和介绍他人的句型,如“My name is”、“This is my friend”等。
1.3 教学活动:让学生进行角色扮演,模拟在不同的场合进行自我介绍和介绍他人。
第二章:询问与回答2.1 教学目标:学会如何用英语询问和回答基本信息,如姓名、年龄、工作等。
学会使用常用的疑问词,如“What’s your name?”、“How old are you?”、“What do you do?”等。
2.2 教学内容:常用疑问词,如“What’s your name?”、“How old are you?”、“What do you do?”等。
询问和回答基本信息的句型,如“My name is”、“I am years old.”、“I work as a”等。
2.3 教学活动:让学生进行角色扮演,模拟在不同的场合询问和回答基本信息。
第三章:表达喜好与兴趣3.1 教学目标:学会如何用英语表达自己的喜好和兴趣。
学会使用常用的表达方式,如“I like”、“I enjoy”、“My favorite”等。
3.2 教学内容:常用的表达方式,如“I like”、“I enjoy”、“My favorite”等。
表达喜好和兴趣的句型,如“I like listening to music.”、“My favorite sport is basketball.”等。
3.3 教学活动:让学生进行小组讨论,分享自己的喜好和兴趣。
第四章:描述人与物4.1 教学目标:学会如何用英语描述人和物。

一、教学目标1. 知识目标:- 学生能够熟练运用所学词汇和句型进行日常交流。
- 学生能够听懂并理解简单的英语口语表达。
2. 能力目标:- 培养学生的口语表达能力和听力理解能力。
- 提高学生的跨文化交际意识。
3. 情感目标:- 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强自信心。
- 培养学生积极、乐观的学习态度。
二、教学内容本节课以“日常生活”为主题,主要内容包括:1. 问候与自我介绍2. 常用日常用语3. 询问时间、地点等三、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:- 熟练掌握常用日常用语。
- 能够运用所学词汇和句型进行简单的口语交流。
2. 教学难点:- 在实际情境中运用所学词汇和句型。
- 提高学生的听力理解能力。
四、教学过程1. 导入(Warm-up)- 教师用英语进行简短的自我介绍,引导学生进入英语学习的氛围。
- 学生自由练习问候语,教师纠正发音。
2. 新课导入(Presentation)- 教师展示本节课的图片和文字,引导学生观察并思考。
- 教师播放相关音频,让学生听并模仿。
3. 练习环节(Practice)- 教师组织学生进行小组练习,让学生运用所学词汇和句型进行对话。
- 教师创设情境,让学生进行角色扮演。
4. 互动环节(Interaction)- 教师引导学生进行小组讨论,分享自己在生活中的英语口语经验。
- 学生自由提问,教师解答。
5. 总结与反馈(Summary and Feedback)- 教师对本节课的内容进行总结,强调重点和难点。
- 学生自我评价,教师给予反馈。
五、教学手段1. 教学课件:展示图片、文字和音频。
2. 教学视频:播放英语口语视频,让学生模仿。
3. 教学游戏:组织英语口语游戏,提高学生的学习兴趣。
六、教学评价1. 学生课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的表现,评价其积极性。
2. 学生口语表达能力:通过学生课堂表现和角色扮演,评价其口语表达能力。
3. 学生听力理解能力:通过听力练习和音频播放,评价其听力理解能力。

课时:2课时教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够掌握日常交流场景中常用的英语口语表达。
2. 能力目标:学生能够运用所学英语口语进行简单的日常交流。
3. 情感目标:培养学生对英语口语学习的兴趣,增强自信心。
教学重点:1. 日常交流场景中常用的英语口语表达。
2. 学生能够运用所学英语口语进行简单的日常交流。
教学难点:1. 学生在交流过程中正确运用所学词汇和句型。
2. 学生能够克服口语表达中的语音、语调等问题。
教学准备:1. 教学课件2. 多媒体设备3. 练习材料4. 日常交流场景图片或视频教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 利用图片或视频展示日常交流场景,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 引导学生思考:在日常生活中,我们如何用英语进行交流?二、新课学习1. 教师展示日常交流场景中常用的英语口语表达,如问候、介绍、道别等。
2. 学生跟读并模仿,教师纠正发音和语调。
3. 教师带领学生进行情景对话练习,如问候、介绍等。
三、课堂练习1. 学生分组进行角色扮演,模拟日常交流场景。
2. 教师巡视指导,纠正学生的发音和表达。
四、小结1. 教师总结本节课所学内容,强调日常交流场景中常用的英语口语表达。
2. 学生分享学习心得,提出疑问。
第二课时一、复习1. 教师播放上节课的情景对话视频,让学生回顾所学内容。
2. 学生跟读并模仿,教师纠正发音和语调。
二、新课学习1. 教师展示日常交流场景中常用的英语口语表达,如购物、点餐、请求帮助等。
2. 学生跟读并模仿,教师纠正发音和语调。
3. 教师带领学生进行情景对话练习,如购物、点餐等。
三、课堂练习1. 学生分组进行角色扮演,模拟日常交流场景。
2. 教师巡视指导,纠正学生的发音和表达。
四、拓展活动1. 教师设置一个模拟的日常交流场景,让学生自由发挥,运用所学英语口语进行交流。
2. 教师点评学生的表现,给予鼓励和建议。
五、小结1. 教师总结本节课所学内容,强调日常交流场景中常用的英语口语表达。
2. 学生分享学习心得,提出疑问。
中级交际英语(I) 教案

中级交际英语(I)教案UNIT ONE: MEETING PEOPLEI. Objectives♦To make students understand instructions♦To help students see the differences in the ways Chinese names and Western names are written♦To make students understand how to address people, introduce each other and selfi ntroduce (formal /informal)♦To make students get familiar with filling in/out forms♦To make students understand how to talk about family relationship♦To make student understand how to write short biographies♦To supply students with opportunities to practice their language skillsII. Listeningp. 10 Conversation 2p. 16 Conversation 3p. 20 Conversation 5p. 27 Conversation 6p. 35 Conversation 7p. 41 Conversation 8III. R eadingp. 8 What‘s in a Family Name?p.13 Trouble with namesp.p. 31-35 Short biographiesp. 40 The British Royal FamilyIV. Speakingp.8 Group Discussion: The meanings of Chinese namesMonologue: How do Chinese give their Children‘s namep.15 What shall I call you?p. 23 Meeting a foreign guest at the airportp. 28 Filling in a form for a foreign personV. Writingp. 38 Short biographies (4)VI. Vocabulary♦Common first names and last names p. 6, 8♦Words for countries and nationalities p. 29♦Terms of family relationships p. 39♦Words and expressions in the Band 4 vocabulary listVII. Grammar♦Present tense♦Present perfect tense (short biographies)♦Past participle (short biographies)VIII. Word- formation♦+ an/ese/ishIX. Functions♦p. 12♦p. 17♦p.21♦p. 28♦p. 35♦p. 42X. Time allocationDay One: p. 4 - p.10 (Act.6)Day Two: p. 10 - p. 18 (Act. 14)Day Three: p. 18 (Act. 15) - p. 30Day Four: p. 31 --- p.34Day Five: p. 35 --- p.40Day Six: p. 41 - p.44It is suggested that the following activities be omitted: p.4 Avt. 2 Bingop. 15 Act. 11 Quiz: Hidden namesAct. 12 What‘s your name, please?Day One:p. 4 - p.10 (Act.6)♦Focus:understanding instructionsreviewing spelling pronunciation rulefirst name/last name♦Listening:Conversation 2 --- p. 10♦ Reading:What‘s in a Family‘s Name? --- p. 8♦Speaking:Group Discussion: The meanings of Chinese names --- p. 8Monologue: How do Chinese give their Child抯name (homework)♦Homework:Act. 3.2 / 3 --- p.7Act. 4 / List in alphabetical orderWords and expressions in the Band 4 vocabulary listDay Two:p. 10 - p. 18 (Act. 14)♦Focus:understanding instructionsseeing the differences in the ways Chinese names and Western names are written♦Listening:Conversation 2 --- p. 10Conversation 3 --- p 16♦ Reading:Trouble with names --- p. 13♦Speaking:Differences and similarities between the naming systems in English and Chines♦Homework:Act. 10 --- p. 14Act 13.3 --- p. 17Act. 14 --- p. 18Words and expressions in the Band 4 vocabulary listDay Three: p. 18 (Act. 15) - p. 30♦Focus:To make students understand how to address people, introduce each other and self introduction (formal /informal)To make students get familiar with filling in/out forms♦Listening:Conversation 5 --- p. 19Conversation 6 --- p. 27♦ Reading:Filling in a form --- p. 23♦Speaking:What shall I call you? --- p. 18♦Homework:Act. 3 --- p. 21 Act. 4 --- p. 22Act. 2.3 --- p. 27 Act. 5 --- p. 30V ocabulary Ex. Part one and TwoDay Four:p. 31 --- p. 34♦Focus:short biographies a. What the person is /wasb. nationality, date of birth and/or deathc. major achievements♦ Reading:Short biographies --- p. 31♦Speaking:Filling in a form for a foreign person --- p. 28♦Homework:recite Passages 2 and 3 --- p. 32Act. 2 --- p. 34Day Five:p. 35 --- p. 40♦Focus:To make students understand how to talk about family relationship♦Listening:Conversation 7 --- p. 35Monologues 1 - 3♦ Reading:The British Royal Family --- p. 40♦Homework:Act. 3.3 --- p. 35Act. 5 --- p. 37Act. 6 --- p. 38 (Unit writing)Day Six: p. 41 - p.44♦Focus:making a family tree♦Listening:Conversation 8--- p. 41♦ Reading:A wise and happy family --- p. 43♦Speaking:Making a family tree♦Homework:V ocabulary ex.Notes:♦Warm-up:1.1.The aim of this exercise is to1)1)find out roughly the level of the students;2)2)break the ice and relax the students;3)3)get to know the students.2.2.Introduce yourself (name, where you are from etc.) and ask students their names.3.3.Ask a few simple questions, for example, ―Where are you from?‖.4.4.The warm-up should be as informal as possible.♦Act. 11. This is to refresh students‘ knowledge of the English alphabet, the Englishsounds and the IPA.2. Ask students in what ways the names and sounds of the letters of the Englishalphabet are different from those used in Pinyin.3. Read the script at a natural speed. In the grouping exercise, get students towrite the phonetic symbol for the letter name beneath each letter, then underline the element that is common in each group.4. Students should notice that the common element is a vowel or diphthong ineach of the first five groups. Group six consists of left-overs.♦Act. 31.1.This aims to:1) give students first contact with some of the most common English firstnames, or ‗Christian‘ or ‗given‘ names;2) help students infer the most useful spelling rules.♦ Act. 41.1.The aims of this exercise are:1)1)to help students learn to take down names and spelling from dictation;2)2)to give students first contact with common English last names;3)3)to help students learn about alphabetization.2.2.Read the script at natural speed.♦Act. 51.1.This is to introduce students to reading selectively for a specific purpose, asopposed to analyzing texts word by word to acquire vocabulary.2.2.Before students do the exercise, explain to them:1)1)You will not explain all the new words to them.2)2)They need only to understand the parts of the text that give them the answers theyare asked to find.3)3)They should read as quickly as possible, not worrying about vew words.3.3.Justify the approach by explaining that in their future jobs thy will have to readmany long texts in English in a hurry, and will not have time to look up every unfamiliar word.♦Act. 61.1.This exercise is to accustom students to authentic spoken English.2.2.Before students do the exercise, explain to them:1)1)They must be clear at the beginning what information they are listening for.2)2)They mustn‘t worry about individual words that are unfamiliar.3)3)They should pay attention to the words that are given most stress by the speakers;these usually carry key bits of information.3.3.Then play the first listening exercise and make students do the task.1)1)If students don‘t get the answers first time, play the e xercise again, pausingafter each key word.2)2)Write the words on the board:Today…Great Wall…bus…five minutes…check…all.3)3)Then get the students to try and fill in the gaps before letting them hear the tapeagain.Act. 8 Making hotel reservations – listening & note-taking1.1.This exercise will1)1)help students break their habit of never daring to interrupt their teacher in class –makethem practise the interruption techniques they have just learnt;2)2)show students that English names are alphabetized by the last names not the first names(with the first names generally written after the last names separated by a comma).2.2.Tell students you will collect their written lists afterwards so they must try to get the manesright. Whenever they are not sure they must interrupt you.1)1)Read out the script clearly but naturally. Repeat or spell out a word only when a studentsasks for it.2)2)After showing students how, you can let them do the alphabetical list as homework.IV Act. 3 Short biographies1)1)Make sure that students understand what is meant by ‗speed reading‘.2)2)After students have looked through the pre-questions, give them time to read the relevantpassage.3)3)Students answer questions individually, followed by group discussion.4)4)Whole class feedback: elicit answers from students. Make sure they give reasons for theirchoices. If some groups disagree let them argue, though be careful not to let this become too laboured.Act. 4 Making a family tree – interactionDemonstrate the activity.1)1)Draw a framework of a typical family tree on the blackboard, based on your own family.2)2)Invite the students to ask questions –What was your father‘s name? Etc. – in order to fill inthe details. You may want to write some of the questions on the board.3)3)Get some good students to give a demonstration to the rest of the class, asking, answeringand filling out their own family trees.4)4)Finally the whole class does the task.Using the right forms of addressUnited States OfficialsPresident of the United Statesin speaking: Mr. or Madam President (Vice-President) or Sir or Madamin writing:The President(The Vice-President)The White HouseWashington, D.C. 20500Mr. or Madam President(The Vice-President): (business)My dear Mr. or Madam President(The Vice-President): (social)Closing: Respectfully, (business)Very respectfully, (social)Cabinet Members (except Attorney General)In speaking: Mr. Secretary or Mr. GreenMadam Secretary or Miss, Mrs., or Ms. SmithIn writing: The Honorable John GreenSecretary of StateSir: or Madam:(business)My dear Mr. or Madam Secretary: (social)The Secretary of Sate and Mrs.(Mr.)Green (address)Chief Justice of the Supreme CourtIn speaking: Mr. or Madam Chief JusticeIn writing :The Chief JusticeThe Supreme Court Bldg.Sir: or Madam:(business)My dear Mr. or Madam Chief Justice (Social)The Chief Justice and Mrs. (Mr.) Green (address)United States SenatorsIn speaking: Senator GreenIn Writing:The Honorable John GreenThe CapitolWashington;;;Sir: Madam: (business)My dear Senator Green: (social)The Honorable and Mrs. John Green (address)United States RepresentativesIn speaking : Mr. Green or Miss., or Ms. SmithIn writing:The Honorable John GreenThe CapitolWashington. D.C. 20501Sir: or Madam: (business)My dear Mr. or Miss, Mrs., or Ms. Green: (social )The Honorable and Mrs. John Green (address)MayorsIn speaking: Mayor Green or Mr or Madam MayorIn writing;The Honorable John GreenSir:or Madam;(business)My dear Mayor Green: (social)The Honorable and Mrs(Mr.) Green (address)Commonwealth OfficialsReigning King or QueenIn speaking: Your majesty, or Sir or Ma抋mIn writing:His Majesty the KingHer Majesty the QueenBuckingham PalaceLondonEnglandMay it please Your Majesty:Closing: Your very respectfully or Yours respectfullyNonreigning Members of the Royal FamilyIn speaking: Your Royal HighnessIn writing:H.R.H. the Prince of WalseSir:H.R. H. the Duchess of TrentMadam:Closing: Yours very respectfully, or Respectfully yours.Prime MinisterIn speaking: your Excellency or Mr. or Madam Prime Minister or in Britain. Mr or Madam GreenIn writing:The Right Honorable John Green,Prime MinisterSir: or Madam: or in some countriesExcellency: (business)Dear Mr. or Madam Green or My dear Mr or Madam Green (social) closing: Yours respectfully, (business)Yours sincerely, (social)UNIT TWO: DESCRIBING DAILY LIFEI. Objectives♦ To help students refresh their knowledge on how to tell the time♦ To help students develop reading strategies♦ To help students learn to read airline timetable♦ To help students learn to take down a telephone message♦ To help students with the use of a dictionary♦ To make students understand the basic format of a letterII. Listeningp.59 Dialogues 1-8. p.62 Railway timetable-dictationp.69 Names of months and daysp.72 An English university calendarp.74 Services at the Bamboo Grove Hotelp.80 Conversations 1 & 2: ―CAAC information. Yes?‖p.81 Taking down a telephone message --- listening & note-taking p.82 Taking down a message --- dictationp.83 Conversation 3: Comparing daily routine in England and China p.94 Conversation 4: One Saturday morning in Londonp.96 Interview: How Sean spends his weekendsIII. R eadingp.64 All about timep.67 Jokesp.68 Proverbsp.71 All about datesp.84 A letter --- reading & note-takingp.87 Daily routines of three people --- writing & readingp.97 LetterIV. Speakingp.61 Can you tell me the time?p.62 Information desk --- role playp.63 Passing on a message --- gamep.74 Chinese university calendarsp.75 Services on and near the campusp.81 ―CAAC information counter?‖ --- role playp.90 Questionnaire --- interactionp.92 What makes a good language student? --- discussionp.93 Rehearsal time --- pair-workp.95 Inviting a friend --- dialogue practicep.96 ―Hello. What are you doing here?‖ --- role playV. Writingp.63 Transportation guidep.97 LetterI.I.Grammar♦Frequency adverbsII.II.Cultural background♦Different attitudes towards time♦Daily routines in England and inIII.III.Functions♦p.60♦p.95IV.IV.Time allocationDay One: p. 59- 67Day Two: p. 67 – 75Day Three: p. 76-82Day Four: p.82 -p.87Day Five: p. 87-92Day Six: p.92-97It is suggested that the following activity be omitted: p.93 Act. 7Day One:p. 59- 67.♦Focus:Different ways of telling the timeDifferent attitudes towards time♦Listening:p.59 Dialogues 1-8. p.62 Railway timetable-dictation♦ Reading:p.64 All about timep.67 Jokes♦Speaking:p.61 Can you tell me the time?p.62 Information desk --- role playp.63 Passing on a message --- game♦Writing:p.63 Transportation guide♦Homework:Words and expressions in the reading passages Notes:Act. 1:Students are expected to produce only the British way (minutes before hour) and the 12-hour-clock way (hour before minutes). For the time being there is no need to mention the other two ways.Act. 2:There are many ways of asking about and telling the time in these dialogues;some o these are most common and some less so. The teacher may need to make ss aware of this and ask them to practise using the more common ones in their speaking. For instance, in these dialogues both the American way and the 24-hour-clock way of telling the time occur. Although ss are asked to listen for them both in Atv 2.1, the less usual American forms are intended for recognition only.Act. 4:The questions are intended to help ss develop reading strategies. Therefore they are designed to stimulate thinking and arguing. Often there is not just one correct answer. Encourage ss to think, to argue and to defend their chosen answers.Day Two:p. 67 – 75♦Focus:Different ways dates are writtenEnglish and Chinese university calendars♦Listening:p.69 Names of months and daysp.72 An English university calendarp.74 Services at the Bamboo Grove Hotel♦Speaking:p.74 Chinese university calendarsp.75 Services on and near the campus♦Reading:p.68 Proverbsp.71 All about dates♦Homework:p.74 Reading for languageNotes:Act. 5:It may be necessary for the teacher to call ss‘s attention to the difference between the days of the week with an indefinite article (a Monday, a Tuesday, and a Wednesday in the poem) and these without it (Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the poem). ―A Monday‖ can be a Monday in any month and any year, so there is a certain time span between ―a Monday‖ and ―a Tuesday‖. When used without an article, the names of the days of the week indicate a definite date in the time sequence being talked about.Act. 7:Procedure:Break up the class into two groups. Within each group, ss ask one another‘s birthday and stand in a queue according to the chronological order of their birthdays. The group that gets the queue in order first wins. When both groups have lined up, ss in each group will tell their own birthdays out loud one by one for ss in the other group to hear and check.D ay Three: p. 76-82♦Focus:Reading an airline timetableTaking down a telephone conversation♦Listening:p.80 Conversations 1 & 2: ―CAAC information. Yes?‖p.81 Taking down a telephone message --- listening & note-takingp.82 Taking down a message --- dictation♦Speaking:p.81 ―CAAC information counter?‖ --- role playNotes:Act. 1:The purpose of this atv is to give ss practice in reading a timetable and asking questions related to traveling schedules.Procedure:1. 1.Give ss two minutes to look over the charts which they will fill in.2. 2.Go through the place names, helping ss with pronunciation.3. 3.Elicit the kinds of questions which the customer will need to ask. E.g.―Can you tell me what time the plane leaves?‖ ―Are there any stopovers?‖ etc.4. 4.Remind ss that when they are in the role of the customer, they should notlook at the timetable --- only the clerk is supposed to have the timetable.5. 5.Tell ss they are to suppose the interaction takes place on this very day. So―the soonest possible flight‖ means soonest from now.6. 6.Give a demonstration of the role-play using two good ss.7.7.Ss do the role-play in pairs and complete their tables.8.8.After ss have finished, spend two minutes questioning them about theinformation they have noted down.Act. 3:Read the following messages to ss so that they can take them down in full.Script:1. 1. A group of seven American tourists will arrive at Chengdu airport at11:15 Monday, 16th July.2. 2.The fifteen Canadian visitors will leave by air for Nanning at 2:35 p.m.Tuesday, 23rd January.3. 3.Please send somebody to meet four teachers from New Zealand who willarrive at Guangzhou railway station at 3 p.m. today.Day Four:p.82 -p.87♦Focus:Comparing daily routine in England and China♦Listening:p.83 Conversation 3: Comparing daily routine in England and China♦ Reading:p.84 A letter --- reading & note-taking♦Homework:p. 86 Frequency verbsp. 87 Position of frequency verbsNotes:Act. 4:It is dif ficult to generalize about people‘s daily routines in Britain. There are considerable differences between, for example, office workers and factory workers, with the latter often getting up earlier to do shift work. There are also differences between different regions and individuals, as is pointed out on the tape. In general, school and university classes, at least in arts subjects, rarely begin before 9 a.m. The habit of taking a nap after lunch is much less common in Britain than in China, except in the case of older people. The most common evening atv is watching television.Day Five:p. 87-92♦Focus:Understanding and writing of questionnaires♦ Reading:p.87 Daily routines of three people --- writing & reading♦Speaking:p.90 Questionnaire --- interactionp.92 What makes a good language student? --- discussionNotes:Act. 1:Procedure:1. 1.Go through the 20 atvs with ss.2. e some of the atvs to remind ss of the question form ―How often?‖3. 3.Give a demonstration of the interaction using two good ss.4. 4.Pair work.5. 5.Whole class feedback: question some of the ss on their findings. Becareful not to labour this part of the atv. Two or three minutes is enough. Day Six:p.92-97♦Focus:Letter writing♦Listening:p.94 Conversation 4: One Saturday morning in Londonp.96 Interview: How Sean spends his weekends♦ Reading:p.97 Letter♦Speaking:p.93 Rehearsal time --- pair-workp.95 Inviting a friend --- dialogue practicep.96 ―Hello. What are you doing here?‖ --- role play♦Writing:p.97 Letter♦Homework:p.97 LetterNotes:Act. 3:A whole list of things to do: (informal) a long list.A whole load of things to buy: (informal) a load = a lot (see above for emphatic use of whole).Launderette: (also Laundromat in US) a shop in which there are coin operated washing machines and dryers for people to wash/dry their clothes on a self-service basis. Often used by young/single/old people. Can be a way of meeting people and making friends, too.UNIT THREE: D ESCRIBING THINGSI. Objectives♦To make students understand how to describing colours and shapes ♦To make students understand how to describing positions♦To make students understand measurement systems♦To make students get familiar with the numbers♦To supply students with opportunities to practice their language skills II. Listening♦p. 122 -- 3 Dialogues 1-5♦p. 135 Where Mr. Griffin puts his things♦p. 137 the metric system♦p. 140 numbers to a thousand♦p. 141 conversations 1-6; At the Friendship StoreIII. R eading♦p. 115 -- 4.3 Describing the shape of an object♦p. 125-- 2.1 dialogues 6- 10♦p. 147--- 6 Letters to China DailyIV. Speaking♦p. 110 --- 2 Shades of colour♦p. 117 --- 4.4 shapes of some common things♦p. 135. -- 1.4. Picture that♦p. 140 -- 5 which box♦p. 128 -- 3.3 Lost property♦p. 145 -- 4.1 Buying presentsV. Writing♦p. 121 --- 3 Write descriptions of the following♦p. 127 --- 2.2 WritingVI. Vocabulary♦Names of colours p.111♦Names of shapes p. 111-117♦Names of materials p.124-125VII. Grammar♦Present tense♦Past participleVIII. Word- formation♦adj. + ishIX. Functions♦QualityShape --- p. 117 (Act. 4.4)Colour --- p. 111 (Act. 2)Material -- p. 125 (Act. 1.2, 1.3)♦QuantityNumber -- p.140Quantification --- p.144 (Act. 3), p. 145 (Act. 4)♦Agreement and disagreementdisagreement -- p. 110 (Act. 2)♦Spatial descriptionsposition ---.p 135. (Act 2.1)size --- p.139 (Act. 4.3)sufficiency and insufficiency --- p. 140 (Act. 5)♦♦preferencelike and dislike --- p. 145 (Act 4.1)X. Time allocationDay One: p. 110 -- 120 Act. 6 (p. 113 -- 118 (homework))Day Two: p. 122 – 129 Act. 4Day Three: p.130 --- 137 Act. 2.2Day Four: p.137 ---141 Act. 1.2Day Five: p. 141--- 147 Act. 5Day Six: p. 147 --- 153It is suggested that the following activities be omitted: p. 125 1.4 Mystery objectsDay One:p. 110 -- 120 Act. 6♦Focus:vocabulary on colors and shapesword formation: adj. + ish♦ Reading:More than just color --- p. 111♦Speaking:Interaction: Shades of colorGroup Discussion: Shapes of some common things --- p. 117♦Homework:p. 113 -- 118 (homework)Words and expressions in the Band 4 vocabulary listDay Two:p. 122 – 129 Act. 4♦Focus:How to describe things.Writing a lost property notice♦Listening:Dialogue 1 – 5: Which one do they mean? --- p. 122Dialogue 6 – 11 --- Listening and reading p 125♦ Reading:Definition of objects --- p. 124♦Speaking:Lost property – role play P128Day Three: p.130 --- 137 Act. 2.2♦Focus:Preposition of locationPosition and size♦Listening:Position on the page --- p. 134Shapes and positions--- p. 134♦ Reading:Dictionary work --- p. 131♦Speaking:Picture that --- p. 135♦Homework:Preposition games - 137Day Four:p.137 ---141 Act. 1.2♦Focus:Measure thingsNumbers to a thousand♦ Listening:Some measurements connected with sports --- dictation p. 139Conversation 1 – 6: At the Friendship Store p. 141♦Speaking:Buying furniture – role play p. 139Fizz-Buzz – game p. 140Day Five: p. 141--- 147 Act. 5♦Focus:Quantity: Count and non-count♦ Reading:Letter to China Daily --- p. 147♦Speaking:Souvenir shopping: role-play p. 147Day Six: p. 147 - p.154♦Focus:Description of objects♦Listening:Dialogue 12: Shoes for Jimmy --- p. 148♦Speaking:Choosing shoes from a catalogue – role play p. 149Notes:1)1)The connotations or figurative use of some common colors are listed below for yourreference. It is necessary to point out to ss that most of the expressions listed here and at the end of the reading passage are rather informal.Black --- angryBlue --- sad and without hope; concerned with sex in a way that might offend some people.Green – young and without experiences; very jealous.Purple – noble, aristocraticRed—to become very angryYellow -- cowardly2)2)In describing shapes of objects, the common terms introduced in activity are usually usedin daily conversation and other informal contexts. By contrast, the geometrical terms found in this activity are formal and usually used for scientific purposes or in such contexts as specifications of commodities and products. A possible extension is for the teacher to draw ss‘s attention to th e meaning of certain prefixes. E.g. semicircular –semi (half); triangular – tri (three); rectangular – rect (i) (直角)3)3)Notes to activity 7. In the west, different glasses have different uses: A is a brandy(cognac) glass. B is a wine glass if it is relatively small; if larger, it is a water glass. C is possible for wines like sherry. D is for strong alcoholic drinks (spirits) like whisky or gin if itis relatively short; if longer, it is for beer, soft drinks or water.4)4)In the west, the various pots may have different functions: long, narrow ones like A andD would be considered coffee pots, while round, short ones like B and C would be teapots.5)5)Pay attention to the usages of the two phrases:―is/are made of‖―is/are used for‖6)6)Pay attention to order of adjectives.7)7)The description of the object lost or found could either be put in a sentence or form anindependent noun-phrase by itself. The word in a Lost Notice means ―认领‖in Chinese. In Chinese, it is usual to express thanks at the end of a notice about a loss. In English, this is not necessary, but some notices of loss do express thanks. As important feature of the English Lost and Found notices, as compared with similar notices in Chinese, is that they are brief and concise.8)8)The metric system of weights and measures has now been adopted for general use inmost countries including China and Britain. Both in China and in Britain, the old systems are phasing out gradually. The United States, however, has not adopted the metric system for everyday use, but use of the metric system in various segments of commerce and industry has been increasing throughout the 20th century and it has become almost universally in the scientific and medical professions.9)9)The tea cher should check that ss realize that the spoken use of ―sir‖ and ―madam‖ isgenerally restricted to fairly high-class restaurants, shops and hotels. In any other context of daily conversation, the use of these terms is going out of fashion.10)10)When discussing the rules about what kind of modifiers to use for count and non-countnouns, it may be necessary to tell ss some nouns maybe count or non-count depending on the context.e.g. What sort of wine do you like? (non-count)Red, generally, although there are some white wines (count = different kinds of whitewine) that I like, and I bought a really nice Shaoxing rice wine last week, a sweet one(count = specifying a special kind of wine)I‘d like some coffee, please, half a kilo. (in a shop)We‘d like three coffees, please, and a Coca-cola. (in a cafe)11)11)It is necessary to point out to ss that in English, people do not usually express sentimentslike ―I am a friend of China‖. Such an attitude is considered strange and meaningless--- people would say, ―How can individual be a friend of a country?‖ If English speakers wish to express positive feelings towards a nation, it is more usual to say something like, ―I like China.‖ In this letter, it is obvious that the writer is showing cultural sen sitivity to Chinese ways and has translated a Chinese expression into English.12)12)It may be necessary to check that ss understand that Jimmy‘s mother mentions iron shoesas a joke. If some ss prefer not to put iron shoes in the table on the grounds that these are not real shoes like the others, the teacher should accept such a choice rather than asking for conformity to the key. Two more points to notice: In the context of the conversation, ―cloth shoes‖ and ―fabric shoes‖ belong to the same category, so they are bracketed, so they are bracketed in the key. ―His feet can‘t breath in them‖ is a way of saying that air can‘t go through the shoes, or the shoes are to airtight to be comfortable.13)13)Pay attention to usages of the phrase ―something/anything + adj.‖。

中级教案范例教案名称:对话交际——介绍家庭成员适用对象:中级学生教学目标:1. 学会用简单的语言描述家庭成员的外貌和性格特点。
2. 能够熟练运用动词、形容词和副词来描述人物。
教学内容:1. 家庭成员的外貌特征和性格特点的介绍。
2. 相关的句型和词汇。
教师可以用以下问题进行引导:- How many people are there in your family?- Can you describe your family members' appearance and personality?二、探究(15分钟)1. 展示一些家庭成员的图片,然后鼓励学生猜测他们的外貌特征和性格特点。
2. 引导学生运用所学知识,用英语描述家庭成员的外貌和性格特点。
教师可以提供一些句型和词汇,如:- My father has short black hair and a big nose. He is tall and strong.- My sister is very beautiful. She has long straight hair and big eyes. Sheis kind and helpful.三、实践(20分钟)1. 学生进行小组讨论,相互介绍自己家庭成员的外貌和性格特点,并记录在小组讨论表上。
2. 鼓励学生站起来,向全班介绍自己一个家庭成员的外貌和性格特点。
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Lesson 3:Who’s Took the Money ?
第 3 次课(2学时)
Undersanding and Practicing ; Retell the article
Listening and Retelling
Role play
Question on Text A and B ;
3Related Words and Expressions (5min.)
A big fire Be set on fire Flames curl up The fire station
4Saying (10min.)
5Related Picture (10min.)
A teenager An elderly lady An armchair Gas stove
Undersanding and Practicing ; Retell the article
Listening and Retelling
Role play
Question on Text A and B ;
1 Listening Text A and Text B (20 min.)
教 案
2014~2015学年 第 一 学期
Lesson 1:Too Clever
第 1 次课(2学时)
教பைடு நூலகம்目的与要求
Undersanding and Practicing ; Retell the article
Listening and Retelling
Listening and Retelling
Role play
Question on Text A and B
1 Listening Text A and Text B (20 min.)
1.1 Retell the main idea
2 Note (5min.)
There is nothing really wrong with youPay his tailor’s bill
3Phrases (10 min.)
Suffer fromConsult sbFind outInsinst on doing sthThere is sth wrong with sb
AdoardinghouseSit on the edge of his bedThe poor lodger
3Phrase(10 min.)
In the centre ofIn the early hours of the morning
With great careIn the fresh air
1 Listening Text A and Text B (20 min.)
1.1 Retell the main idea
2 Note (5min.)
SelffridgesLiberty’s A smart store The sales
3 Phrases (10 min.)
6Related Picture (10min.)
Askinny personLook illAface with a lot of wrinklesWrinkles round one’s eyes
7Discussion (10min.)
8Role play (20min.)
Home Work:
Practice and make the dialogues with the partners(Role paly )
5Saying (10min.)
6Related Picture (10min.)
Aknock at the door
Stand at the door /behind the door
Turn the doorknob
7Discussion (10min.)
8Role play (20min.)
Home Work:
5Saying (10min.)
6Related Picture (10min.)
Enjoy one’s breakfastCornflakesSoup bowl
7Discussion (10min.)
8Role play (20min.)
Home Work:
Practice and make the dialogues with the partners according to the article(Role paly )
6Related Picture (10min.)
In a dormitoryFour students share one bedroom
Bunk bedTowels are hung on a sling
7Discussion (10min.)
8Role play (20min.)
Home Work:
Lesson 7:Going Shopping
Undersanding and Practicing ; Retell the article
Listening and Retelling
Role play
Question on Text A and B ;
4.Related Words and Expressions (5min.)
Becrazy about
Pick up
Be eccentric
5Saying (10min.)
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Early to bed ,early to rise
6Discussion (10min.)
7Role play (20min.)
Home Work:
Practice and make the dialogues with the partners according to the article(Role paly )
Lesson 6:How It Feels When Parents Divorce
The sort that burns beautifully:the kind of house that burns easily.
Stepped out into the passage
Thick smoke
Phrases (10 min.)
Jump out of bed Be full of Feel like sth Come running
Practice and make the dialogues with the partners according to the article(Role paly )
Lesson4:Musical Half-Notes
第 4 次课(2学时)
Undersanding and Practicing ; Retell the article
Practice and make the dialogues with the partners according to the article(Role paly )
Lesson 5:Is He a Hero ?
Undersanding and Practicing ; Retell the article
3Phrases (10 min.)
Come fromCompare…to…Get used to sthExpect sth of sb
Be employed on the terms
4Related Words and Expressions (5min.)
Enlarge one’s scope ofknowledgeBroaden one’s mindPut the blame on sb
Lesson 2:Au Pair Girl
第 2 次课(2学时)
Undersanding and Practicing ; Retell the article
Listening and Retelling
Role play
Question on Text A and B
3Phrases (10 min.)
Look intoMake a fuss of sthGet sb into troubleBe in hurry
4Related Words and Expressions (5min.)
Be oversensitiveBe deeply perturbedBe nervous
1 Listening Text A and Text B (20 min.)
1.1 Retell the main idea
2 Note (5min.)
Queued for a busAwad of pound notesMake a fuss
Getting people into troubleSay nothing more about it