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Myth and Archetypes
Myth is, in general sense, universal. Furthermore, similar motifs or themes may be found among many different mythologies, and certain images that recur in the myths of peoples widely separated in time and place tend to have a common meaning or, more accurately, tend to elicit comparable psychological responses and to have similar cultural functions. Such motifs and images are called archetypes. Stated simply, archetypes are universal symbols.(p160)

神话批评家认为,最基本的文学原型是神话, 各种不同的文类只不过是神话的延续和演变。 弗莱说,原型最基本的模式是神话,神话是所 有其他模式的原型,而其他模式不过是“移位 的神话”,即神话的不同的变异。尼采认为, 没有神话,没有希腊神话中的狄奥尼索斯酒神, 就没有希腊悲剧。荣格也把神话看作是艺术作 品的源泉,他把原型称作是神话研究的“母 题”。(张中载,2003)
B. Archetypal Motifs or Patterns Creation: perhaps the most foundemental of all archetypal motifs—virtually every mythology is built on some account of how the cosmos, nature, and humankind were brought into existence by some supernatural Being or beings. 西方:上帝创世说 东方:盘古开天辟地
c. Archetypes as Genres In addition to appearing as images and motifs, archetypes may be found in even more complex combinations as genres or types of literature that conform with the major phases of the seasonal cycle.(p166) 西方:《哈姆雷特》,秋季,黑夜 东方:唐诗、宋词,例如马致远的《天净沙· 秋 思》

With brilliant audacity Frye identifies myth with literature, asserting that myth is a “structural organizing principle of literature form” and that an archetype is essentially an “element of one’s literary experience”. And in The Stubborn Structure he claims that “mythology as a whole provides a kind of diagram or blueprint of what literature as a whole is all about, an imaginative survey of the human situation from the beginning to the end from the height to the depth, of what is imaginatively conceivable”.(p166)
Mythological and Archetypal Approaches
Main Points 1. Definition of Myth 2. About Mythological Approaches 3. Main figures 4. Myth and Archetypes

Speaking figuratively, the myth critic studies in depth the “wooden hawks ”of great literature: the so called archetypes or archetypal patterns that the writer has drawn forward along the tensed structural wires of his or her masterpiece and that vibrate in such a way that a sympathetic resonance is set off deep within the reader.(p159)
弗莱公开宣称,他的原型理论是受荣格的集体 无意识理论的启发创建的。因此,他把自己的 原型批评理论也称为荣格的批评理论。美国 “新批评”代表人物威廉· 威姆塞特和克林 斯· 布鲁克斯说,弗莱的原型是从荣格那里借来 的,并且说,所谓原型,就是原初意象,它是集体无 意识的一部分。(张中载,2003)
Main figures Frye’s contribution leads us directly into the mythological approach to literary analysis.(p167) 弗莱是原型批评的创始人和杰出代表。但是, 原型批评能成为西方文学理论中一个重要的流 派,却是弗莱广采博纳各家之说的结果。对弗 莱建立原型批评产生重大影响的有两个人:一 个是苏格兰人类学家J.G.弗雷泽,另一个是分 析心理学的卡尔· 荣格。
About Myth Approaches

神话一原型批评作为一种文学研究的途径或文学 批评的方法, 起源于上世纪初的英国,在四、五十 年代兴盛于北美,成为取代统治文坛多年的新批评 派的一个新的派别,其发展至今依然未衰,并呈现 出多样化的倾向,在现代西方文艺学史上占有重要 地位。 所谓原型批评简而言之就是从神话着手从宏观上 研究文学艺术自身的内在类似性,即其程式、结构 模式和原则,并从整体上探寻文学类型的共性和演 变规律。因此,原型批评也称神话批评。(张中载, 2003)

James G. Frazer by far was the most significant member of the British school, whose monumental The Golden Bough has exerted an enormous influence on 20th century literature, and was a comparative study of the primitive origins of religion in magic, ritual, and myth. Frazer’s main contribution was to demonstrate the “essential similarity of human’s chief wants everywhere and all times,” particularly as these wants were reflected throughout ancient mythology.(P168)

神话的定义(Definition of myth ) 1、三种广为流传的关于神话的定义: 1)神话是一种吸引人的不真实性、民间故事 或寓言的形式。 2)神话是与遥远的过去的真人真事联系在一 起的传说性历史的形式。 3)神话是原始前科学的一种形式,产生于自 然现象的努力。

[1] Wilfred Gueபைடு நூலகம்in,A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1999. [2] 格莱勃斯泰因,裘小龙. 关于神话原型批评 的一篇导论[J]. 文艺理论研究,1989(5). [3] 叶舒宪. 神话——原型批评的理论与实践 (上)[J]. 陕西:陕西师范学报(哲学社会科学 版),1986(7). [4] 张中载.原型批评[J]. 外国文学,2003(1).

A. Images : Water: the mystery of creation; birth-death-resurrection; purification and redemption; fertility and growth.(p161) 西方:圣经中的洪水灭世 东方:印度教教徒恒河沐浴 The Wise Old Man(savior, redeemer, guru): personification of the spiritual principle, representing “knowledge, reflection, insight......in the shape of this sagacious and helpful old man”(p164) 西方:《哈克贝里芬历险记》中的老人吉姆 东方:《西游记》中的龙王

2、神话学批评家赞同的概念。 1)神话是仪式的语言层面和方式,凭着这种方式得以传达。 2)神话是一种语言,凭着这种语言,幻想得以将脑海中的意 象联系起来并给予种种秩序。 3)神话是一种对最高现实的启示和表达的模式,作为这样一 种模式,这是一种关于价值而不是关于事实的陈述。 4)这是一种与文学相似的构造,像文学一样,这是一种斡旋 于意识和潜意识之间的审美创造,而且这种斡旋方式对意识 和潜意识来说都是满意的。 5)神话是一种在起源上和本质上非理性的,直觉的故事或叙 述,因此先于,也完全不同于词论性、逻辑性和系统性的故 事或叙述。 (格莱勃斯泰因;裘小龙,1989)