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• 这些女式衬衣采用上等纯丝制成,价格 公道,工艺精湛,设计独特.
Our silk blouse are made of pure silk of best quality. They are moderate in price, excellent in craftsmanship and unique in desighn.
clothes than could be consumed
and more money than could be spent.
• 建立办事高效,运转协调,行为规范的行政管
1.To set up an administrative system with high efficiency in work,
But there had been too much publicity about my case.
• 年轻时代,他背井离乡,徒步来到首都, 几乎身无分文.
• When he was young, he quitted his home and travelled to the metropolis, where he reached in a state of utter poverty.
• 这支歌唱遍了神州大地,唱遍了50年 悠悠岁月,余音缭绕,一曲难忘.
This song has been sung all over China for 50 long years.
The melody still lingers in the air.
• 他决心洗心革面,脱胎换骨.
He is determined to turn over a new leaf.
• 本店货色齐全,品种多样Hale Waihona Puke Baidu任君挑选.
We have a good assortment of goods to choose from.
• 花园里面是人间的乐园,有的是吃不完
的大米白面,穿不完的绫罗绸缎,花不 完的金银财宝.
The garden was a paradise on earth, with more food and
• 译文2摆脱了四字结构的形式束缚,去 掉了原文中的“办事”,“运转”, “行为”等纯粹为达到行文对称而添加 的词语,用简洁的英文传达出原文的核 心思想,即“建立高效,协调,规范的 行政管理体系.”
• 天气这么闷,十有八九要下雨.
With the weather so close and stuffy, ten to one it’ll rain presently.
• Satisfactory • Earth-shaking • Morn and groan • Strange clothes • Ever-changing • Deep hatred • Issue orders • Street gossip
• 大力培育爱岗尽责,方便群众,优质服务的敬
• 两幢办公楼形状对称,设备完善,并设有高效 率的中央服务中心.
• 作为世界第一大洲,亚洲幅员广阔,人 口众多,资源丰富,有着巨大的发展潜
Asia, the largest continent in the world, is a vast land with a huge population, abundant natural resources and enormous potential for development.
• 在翻译过程中,汉语工整对仗,抑扬顿 挫的四字排比结构在英语中却多半变得 长短不一,参差不齐.如果强求与原文 保持形式上的一致,反而会导致译文表 达松散堆砌,不符合英语表达习惯.
• 称心如意 • 惊天动地 • 唉声叹气 • 奇装异服 • 日新月异 • 深仇大恨 • 发号施令 • 街谈巷议
业精神. We should vigorously foster the fine spirit, including dedication to work, and offering convenience and fine services to the masses.
• Leave one’s native place(against one’s will )
• 他这一阵心头七上八下的,老是宁静不
His mind was in a turmoil these days and he was quite unable to think straight.
Be upset be in an unsettled mind be agitated
coordination in operation and standardization in behavior.
2.To establish a high efficient, well-coordinated and standardized administrative system.
• 译文1“忠实”地对原文中的四字排比 结构进行了字字对应式的翻译,但译文 表达松散,行文也失之地道,是典型的 中式英语.
• 这里气候温和,四季分明,雨量充沛, 日照充足,适合多种农作物生长栽培.
It enjoys a temperate climate with well-marked seasons and has plenty of rainfall and sunshine, favorable for growing crops.
• 汉语四字词组有两大类: 汉语成语的四字词组(也叫固定词组, 不能随意拆散) 汉语普通词语的四字词组(也叫自由词 组,可随意拆散,重新组合.)
• 四字词组有三大优点: 1.内容上讲,它言简意赅. 2.形式上讲,它整齐匀称. 3.语音上讲,它顺口悦耳.
• 英语是一种非常理性的语言,最重清楚 明白,最忌逻辑混乱与文字堆砌.