2020-2021学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区德强中学七年级(上)月考数学试卷(9月份)(五四学制)一、选择题(本大题共10小题,共30.0分)1.下列方程中,是一元一次方程的是()A. 3x−2y=4zB. 6xy+9=0C. 5x+2=9D. 2x+3y=42.下列等式变形正确的是()A. 如果m=n,那么m−2=n−2B. 如果−12x=10,那么x=−5C. 如果ax=ay,那么x=yD. 如果|m|=|n|,那么m=n3.若代数式m−3的值是10,则m等于()A. 7B. −13C. 13D. −74.代数式x+x−23的值等于2,则x的值为()A. 2B. −2C. 12D. −125.下列方程的变形正确的是()A. 由3x−2=2x+1移项,得3x−2x=−1+2B. 由3−x=2−5(x−1)去括号,得3−x=2−5x−5C. 由45x=−45系数化为1,得x=1D. 由x2−x−13=3去分母,得3x−2(x−1)=186.若方程2x=14和方程a(x−4)=3(x−5)的解相等,则a的值为()A. 7B. 2C. 6D. 37.三个连续的整数的和是48,则这三个数中最大的数是()A. 15B. 20C. 16D. 178.飞机逆风时速度为x千米/小时,风速为8千米/小时,则飞机顺风时速度为()A. (x+8)千米/小时B. (x−8)千米/小时C. (x+16)千米/小时D. (x−16)千米/小时9.某球队参加比赛,开局11场保持不败,积23分,按比赛规则,胜一场得3分,平一场得1分,则该队获胜的场数为()A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 710.某单位元旦期间组织员工到正定出游,原计划租用28座客车若干辆,但有4人没有座位,若租用同样数量的33座客车,只有一辆空余了11个座位,其余客车都已坐满,则该单位组织出游的员工有()A. 80人B. 84人C. 88人D. 92人二、填空题(本大题共10小题,共30.0分)11.方程3x−9=0的解是______ .12.方程5−x m−3=4是关于x的一元一次方程,则m=______.13.由3x=2x+1变为3x−2x=1,是方程两边同时加上______ .14.有两桶水,甲桶水装有180升,乙桶装有150升,要使两桶水的重量相同,则甲桶应向乙桶倒水______升.15.代数式3−2x2与2−x3互为相反数,则x的值为______.16.有一列数,按一定的规律排列:−1,2,−4,8,−16,32,−64,128,…,其中某三个相邻数之和为384,这三个数中最小的是______.17.20××年3月份有5个星期六,它们的日期之和是80,若当月第三个星期六的日期为x,那么x=______ .18.用60米长的铁丝围成一个长方形,如果长比宽多10米,那么长应是______米.19.张华乘船由甲地顺流而下到乙地,马上又逆流而上到距甲地2千米的丙地,已知他共乘船3小时,船在静水中的速度是每小时8千米,水流速度是每小时2千米,则甲乙两地相距______千米.20.母亲和女儿的年龄之和是80岁,当母亲的年龄是女儿现在年龄的2倍时,女儿的年龄是母亲现在年龄的411,则女儿现在的年龄是______岁.三、解答题(本大题共7小题,共56.0分)21.解方程(1)3x+7=32−2x;(2)3x+12−2=3x−25−2x+310.22. 当m 为何值时,式子m −m−13与7−m+35的值相等?23. 某车间22名工人生产螺钉和螺母,每人每天平均生产螺钉1200个或螺母2000个,一个螺钉要配两个螺母,为了使每天的产品刚好配套,应该分配多少名工人生产螺钉,多少名工人生产螺母?24. 有一些相同的房间需要粉刷墙面,一天3名一级技工粉刷8个房间,结果还有50平方米没有刷完;同样时间5名二级技工粉刷完10个房间外,还多刷了另外的40平方米.已知每名一级技工比二级技工一天多刷10平方米,求每个房间需要粉刷的墙面面积.25.德强技术公司开发一批新产品,须经加工后投放市场.现有A和B两家工厂想要生产这批新品.已知A厂单独加工这批新品比B厂单独加工多用12天,A厂每天可以加工15件产新品,B厂每天可以加工20件新品.如果A厂加工,德强技术公司每天需付120元;如果B厂加工,德强技术公司每天需付150元.(1)求德强技术公司开发的这批新产品有多少件.(2)方案一,由A厂全部生产;方案二,由B厂全部生产;方案三,由A厂独做m天后,B厂再单独做,两厂共用40天完成.请计算以上方案,帮助德强技术公司选取最省钱的方案.26.如图是某市民健身广场的平面示意图,它是由6个正方形拼成的长方形,已知中间最小的正方形A的边长是1米,设图中最大正方形B的边长是x米.(1)请用含x的代数式分别表示出正方形F、E、C的边长.(2)观察图形的特点可知,长方形相对的两边是相等的(即MN=PQ,MQ=PN)请根据以上结论,求出x的值.(3)现沿着长方形广场的四条边铺设下水管道,由甲、乙工程队单独铺设分别需要10天、15天完成,如果两队从同一位置开始,沿相反的方向同时施工2天后,因甲队另有任务,余下的工程由乙队单独施工完成.若甲工程队铺设管道每米的费用和乙工程队铺设管道每米的费用之和为900元,其中乙工程队铺设管道每米的费用比甲工程队铺设管道每米的施工费用少20%,则长方形广场的四条边铺设下水管道全部完成需多少元?27.已知点O在直线EF上,点A、B与点C、D分别在直线EF两侧,且∠AOB=70°,∠COD=120°.(1)如图1,若OB平分∠AOD,求∠AOC的度数;(2)如图2,在(1)的条件下,OE平分∠AOC,过点O作射线OG,∠GOD=90°,求∠EOG的度数;(3)如图3,若2∠AOE−∠EOC=105°,在∠BOD的内部作一条射线OM,若∠BOM:∠DOM=2:3,求∠AOE的值.∠FOM答案和解析1.【答案】C【解析】解:A.是三元一次方程,不是一元一次方程,故本选项不符合题意;B.是二元二次方程,不是一元一次方程,故本选项不符合题意;C.是一元一次方程,故本选项符合题意;D.是二元一次方程,不是一元一次方程,故本选项不符合题意;故选:C.根据一元一次方程的定义逐个判断即可.本题考查了一元一次方程的定义,能熟记一元一次方程的定义是解此题的关键,注意:只含有一个未知数,并且所含未知数的项的最高次数是1次的整式方程,叫一元一次方程.2.【答案】A【解析】解:A、如果m=n,那么m−2=n−2,原变形正确,故此选项符合题意;x=10,那么x=−20,原变形错误,故此选项不符合题意;B、如果−12C、如果ax=ay,a≠0,那么x=y,原变形错误,故此选项不符合题意;D、如果|m|=|n|,那么m=n或m=−n,原变形错误,故此选项不符合题意;故选:A.根据等式的性质和绝对值的性质解答即可.此题主要考查了等式的性质,解答此题的关键是熟练掌握等式的性质:(1)等式两边加(或减)同一个数(或式子),结果仍得等式.(2)等式两边乘同一个数或除以一个不为零的数,结果仍得等式.3.【答案】C【解析】解:由题意得,m−3=10,解得m=13.故选:C.根据题意可得关于m的一元一次方程,再根据解一元一次方程的步骤求解即可.此题考查了解一元一次方程,熟练掌握一元一次方程的步骤是解本题的关键.4.【答案】A【解析】解:根据题意得:x +x−23=2, 去分母得:3x +x −2=6,移项合并得:4x =8,系数化为1得:x =2,故选:A .原题已知x +x−23的值等于2,也就是已知关于x 的一个一元一次方程x +x−23=2,解方程就可求得x 的值.本题考查了解一元一次方程,解决的关键是能够由已知联想到方程x +x−23=2,从而求出x 的值.5.【答案】D【解析】解:A 、由3x −2=2x +1移项,得3x −2x =1+2,故选项错误; B 、由3−x =2−5(x −1)去括号,得3−x =2−5x +5,故选项错误;C 、由45x =−45系数化为1,得x =−1,故选项错误;D 、由x 2−x−13=3去分母,得3x −2(x −1)=18,故选项正确.故选:D .各项中方程变形得到结果,即可做出判断.此题考查了解一元一次方程,其步骤为:去分母,去括号,移项合并,把未知数系数化为1,求出解.6.【答案】B【解析】解:∵2x =14,∴x =7,把x =7代入a(x −4)=3(x −5)得:3a=6,解得:a=2.故选:B.先求出方程2x=14的解,然后把x的值代入方程a(x−4)=3(x−5),求出a的值即可.本题考查了同解方程,解答本题的关键是能够求解关于x的方程,要正确理解方程解的含义.7.【答案】D【解析】解:设这三个整数为x−1、x、x+1,依题意有x−1+x+x+1=48,解得x=16,则x+1=16+1=17.故选:D.设这三个整数为x−1、x、x+1,根据等量关系:三个连续的整数的和是48,可得出方程,解出即可.本题考查了一元一次方程的应用,解答本题的关键是设出未知数,找到等量关系,利用方程思想求解.8.【答案】C【解析】解:根据题意,飞机顺风时速度为x+8+8=(x+16)千米/小时,故选:C.根据飞机无风时的飞行速度=逆风飞行的速度+风速,顺风飞行的速度=飞机无风时的飞行速度+风速列式即可.本题主要考查列代数式,把问题中与数量有关的词语,用含有数字、字母和运算符号的式子表示出来,就是列代数式.注意代数式书写规范.9.【答案】C【解析】解:设该队获胜了x 场,平局了y 场,由题意得:{x +y =113x +y =23, 解得:{x =6y =5, 即该队获胜的场数为6,故选:C .设该队获胜了x 场,平局了y 场,由题意列出二元一次方程组,解方程组即可.本题考查了二元一次方程组的应用,找准等量关系,正确列出二元一次方程组是解题的关键.10.【答案】C【解析】【分析】本题考查了一元一次方程的应用.解题关键是要读懂题目的意思,根据题目给出的条件,找出合适的等量关系列出方程,再求解.设租用28座客车x 辆.根据员工人数不变列出关于x 的方程并解答.【解答】解:设租用28座客车x 辆.则28x +4=33x −11,解得x =3,则28x +4=28×3+4=88(人),即该单位组织出游的员工有88人.故选C .11.【答案】x =3【解析】解:方程3x −9=0,移项合并得:3x =9,解得:x =3.故答案为:x =3方程移项,将x 系数化为1,即可求出解.此题考查了解一元一次方程,其步骤为:去分母,去括号,移项合并,把未知数系数化为1,求出解.12.【答案】4【解析】解:∵方程5−x m−3=4是关于x的一元一次方程,∴m−3=1,解得:m=4,故答案为:4.根据一元一次方程的定义得出m−3=1,求出m的值即可.本题考查了一元一次方程的定义和解一元一次方程,能熟记一元一次方程的定义是解此题的关键,注意:只含有一个未知数,并且所含未知数的项的最高次数是1次的整式方程,叫一元一次方程.13.【答案】−2x【解析】解:由3x=2x+1变为3x−2x=1,在此变形中,方程两边同时加上−2x.故答案为:−2x.根据等式的性质,由3x=2x+1得3x−2x=1,在此变形中,方程两边同时加上−2x.此题考查了等式的性质,解答此题的关键是熟练掌握等式的性质:(1)等式两边加同一个数(或式子),结果仍得等式.(2)等式两边乘同一个数或除以一个不为零的数,结果仍得等式.14.【答案】15【解析】解:设甲桶应向乙桶倒水x升.则180−x=150+x解得:x=15故填15.要求甲桶应向乙桶倒水多少,可先设甲桶应向乙桶倒水x升,然后根据甲桶−倒水=乙桶+倒水这个等量关系列出方程求解.此题的关键是找出等量关系,即:甲桶−倒水=乙桶+倒水.15.【答案】138【解析】解:∵代数式3−2x2与2−x3互为相反数,∴3−2x2+2−x3=0,解得x=138.故答案为138.根据代数式3−2x2与2−x3互为相反数得出关于x的一元一次方程,求出x的值即可.本题考查的是解一元一次方程,熟知解一元一次方程的基本步骤是解答此题的关键.16.【答案】−256【解析】解:设中间的那个数为x,则前面的那个数就是−12x,后面的那个数就是−2x,依题意可列方程:−12x+x+(−2x)=384,解得:x=−256,则前面的那个数就是128,后面的那个数就是512.故这三个数中最小的是−256.故答案为:−256.要求这三个数,就要仔细观察发现这一列数相邻三个数的关系,然后设出未知数,根据三个相邻数之和为384这个等量关系列出方程求解.本题考查了一元一次方程的应用,此题的关键是找出这三个数的关系,仔细看不难发现这三个数除了数值上的不同之外,还有符号的不同,发现此规律是解题的关键.17.【答案】16【解析】解:根据当月第三个星期六的日期为x,依题意得:x−14+x−7+x+7+x+x+14=80解得:x=16,即这个月第三个星期三是16号.故答案为:16.首先要明白每两个相邻的星期天相隔几天,即7天,然后设求知数,根据它们的日期之和为80,列方程计算.此题考查了一元一次方程的应用,解题关键是要读懂题目的意思,根据题目给出的条件,找出合适的等量关系,列出方程,再求解.18.【答案】20【解析】解:设长应是x米,依题意有2(x+x−10)=60,解得x=20.故长应是20米.故答案为:20.可设长应是x米,根据长方形的周长是60米长,列出方程计算即可求解.本题考查了根据长方形的周长建立一元一次方程的应用,关键是熟练掌握长方形周长公式.19.【答案】12.5或10【解析】解:当C在点A的下游时,设A、B两地相距x千米,由题意得:x 8+2+x−28−2=3,解得:x=12.5.同理,当点C在点A的上游时,x=10.故答案为:12.5或10.首先设A、B两地相距x千米,根据题意表示出顺流速度:(8+2)千米/时,逆流速度:(8−2)千米/时,再根据等量关系:A地顺流而下到B所用时间+逆流而上到距A地2千米的C地所用时间=3小时,列出方程可得答案.此题主要考查了一元一次方程的应用,关键是正确理解题意,找出题目中的等量关系,列出方程.20.【答案】25【解析】解:设女儿现在年龄是x 岁,母亲现在的年龄是y 岁,根据题意得:{x +y =80y −x =2x −411y ,解得:{x =25y =55, 即女儿现在的年龄是25岁,故答案为:25.设女儿现在年龄是x 岁,母亲现在的年龄是y 岁,根据题意列出二元一次方程组,解方程组即可.本题考查了二元一次方程组的应用,找准等量关系,正确列出二元一次方程组是解题的关键.21.【答案】解:(1)3x +7=32−2x ,3x +2x =32−7,5x =25,x =5;(2)3x+12−2=3x−25−2x+310,5(3x +1)−20=2(3x −2)−(2x +3),15x +5−20=6x −4−2x −3,15x −6x +2x =−4−3−5+20,11x =8,x =811.【解析】(1)移项、合并同类项,系数化为1即可求得;(2)去分母,去括号,移项、合并同类项,系数化为1即可求得.此题考查了解一元一次方程,熟练掌握运算法则是解本题的关键.22.【答案】解:根据题意得:m −m−13=7−m+35,去分母得:15m −5m +5=105−3m −9,移项合并得:13m =91,解得:m =7,所以,当m =7时,式子m −m−13与7−m+35的值相等.【解析】根据题意列出方程,求出方程的解即可得到m 的值.此题考查了解一元一次方程,熟练掌握运算法则是解本题的关键.23.【答案】解:设分配x 名工人生产螺钉,y 名工人生产螺母,根据题意,得:{x +y =222×1200x =2000y解之得{x =10y =12. 答:分配10名工人生产螺钉,12名工人生产螺母.【解析】根据“车间22名工人”“一个螺钉要配两个螺母”作为相等关系列方程组求解即可.解题关键是要读懂题目的意思,根据题目给出的条件,找出合适的等量关系,列出方程组,再求解.本题中要注意的关键语句是“一个螺钉要配两个螺母”.24.【答案】解:设每个房间要粉刷的面积为x 平方米,由题意得:8x−503−10x+405=10,解得x =52.答:每个房间需要粉刷的墙面面积为52平方米.【解析】设每一个房间的共有x 平方米,则一级技工每天刷8x−503,则二级技工每天刷10x+405,以每名一级工比二级工一天多粉刷10平方米墙面做为等量关系可列方程求解.求出房间的面积代入可求每名一级工、二级工每天分别刷墙面多少平方米.此题主要考查了一元一次方程的应用,关键是正确理解题意,抓住关键语句,找出题目中的等量关系,列出方程.25.【答案】解:(1)设德强技术公司开发的这批新产品有x 件,则:x 15=x 20+12,解得:x =720,答:德强技术公司开发的这批新产品有720件;×120=5760(元);(2)方案一:72015×150=5400(元);方案二:72020方案三:15m+(40−m)×20=720,解得:m=1616×120+(40−16)×150=5520(元),∵5400<5520<5760,∴选方案二公司最省钱.【解析】(1)设德强技术公司开发的这批新产品有x件,根据题意列出方程求解即可;(2)分别计算方案一、方案二和方案三进行比较,然后选择最优惠的方案.本题考查一元一次方程的应用,关键是根据题意列出一元一次方程.26.【答案】解:(1)正方形F的边长是:(x−1)米;正方形E的边长是:(x−2)米;正方形C的边长是:(x−3)米.(2)依题意有(x−3)+(x−3)+(x−2)=x+(x−1),解得x=7.答:x的值是7.(3)长方形广场的周长为2[x+(x−1)+x+(x−3)]=2(4x−4)=2(4×7−4)= 48(米),甲的效率:48÷10=4.8(米/天),乙的效率:48÷15=3.2(米/天),甲乙施工2天:(4.8+3.2)×2=16(米),余下工程乙队施工:(48−16)÷3.2=10(天),设甲工程队每米的费用为y元,则乙工程队每米的费用为(900−y)元,依题意有y(1−20%)=900−y,解得y=500,500×(1−20%)=400(元),4.8×2×500+3.2×(2+10)×400=20160(元).答:全部完成需要20160元.【解析】(1)根据图象由最小的正方形的边长为1可以得出正方形F、E和C的边长;(2)分别表示出QM和PN的值,由QM=PN建立方程求出其解即可;(3)设甲工程队每米的费用为y元,则乙工程队每米的费用为(900−y)元,由工程问题的数量关系建立方程求出其解即可.本题考查了代数式表示数的运用,列一元一次方程求值的运用,工程问题的数量关系的运用.在求x的值时运用矩形的性质QM=PN建立方程是关键.27.【答案】解:(1)∵OB平分∠AOD,∴∠AOB=∠BOD=70°,∵∠COD=120°,∵∠AOC+∠COD+∠BOD+∠AOB=360°,∴∠AOC=360°−70°−70°−120°=100°,答:∠AOC的度数是100°(2)由(1)可知∠AOC=100°,∵OE平分∠AOC,∴∠AOE=∠EOC=1∠AOC=50°,2当OG在EF上方时,∵∠GOD=90°,且∠AOE+∠AOB+∠BOD=∠EOG+∠GOD,∴50°+70°+70°=∠EOG+90°,∴∠EOG=100°.当OG在EF下方时,∵∠COD=120°,且∠COG+∠GOD=∠COD,∴∠COG+90°=120°,∴∠COG=30°,∴∠EOG=∠EOC+∠COG=50°+30°=80°.答:∠EOG的度数是100°或80°.(3)如图②,∵∠BOM:∠DOM=2:3,∴设∠BOM=2α,则∠DOM=3α,∠BOD=5α,设∠AOE=β,∵2∠AOE−∠EOC=105°,∴∠EOC=2β−105°,∵∠AOB=70°,∠COD=120°,且∠EOC+∠AOE+∠AOB+∠BOD+∠COD=360°,∴∠EOC=360°−β−70°−5α−120°=170°−5α−β,∴170°−5α−β=2β−105°,解得α=275°−3β5,∵∠FOM+∠BOM+∠AOB+∠AOE=180°,∴∠FOM=180°−2α−70°−β=110°−2α−β=110°−2×275°−3β5−β=β5,∴∠AOE∠FOM =ββ5=5.答:∠AOE∠FOM的值是5.【解析】(1)根据角平分线定义和周角是360°可得∠AOC的度数;(2)分两种情况:当OG在EF上方和当OG在EF下方,分别画出图形记性计算即可;(3)画出图形,根据比例设未知数,求得角的度数,再计算比值即可.本题考查角的计算,正确画出图形并分情况讨论是解题关键.。
英语月考出题人:刘玉莲审题人:王玉柱一、单项选择(本题共20分,每小题1分)Which underlined letters has a different sound from the others?( )1 A.summer B. usual C. lucky( )2 A. south B. mouth C. southern( )3. Which of the following words has the same sound as the underlined letter of the word “l ea ve”?A.breakB. teachC. great( )4. Which of the following words has a different sound as the underlined letter of the word “f o llow”?A.hostB. lostC. problem( )5. Which of the following words has a different sound as the underlined letter of the word “dr i nk”A. kindB. minuteC. stillWhich pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?( )6. A.animal dragon B. dinning village C. wear hear( )7. A.down snow B. south cloudy C. pool cookWhich word of the following doesn’t have the same stress as the others?( )8. A. smart B. again C. candle( )9. A. Australia B. America C. Africa( )10. A. uniform B. before C. giraffe( )11. —_______ good weather it is! —Yes. It’s right for us _________.A. What a, walkingB. What, to walkC. How, to walk( )12. —Who is that speaking?—_______ Zhu Hui speaking.A. ThisB. This’sC. It’s( )13. She keeps _________to wait for her teacher before the class.A. quite quickB. quite quietC. quick quietly( )14. — ________ do you speak English a week?—Five times a week.A. How oftenB. How many timesC. How soon( )15. The teachers and parents ________ the children to go to a good high school.A. hopeB. letC. wish( )16. —How will the weather be tomorrow?—The radio says ther e’s going to_______. You’d better take an umbrella.A.be rainyB. rainC. be rain( )17. — Can John play soccer with us, Mrs. Black?—One moment, please. He ________ on the phone to his cousin.A. is talkingB. talksC. is telling( )18. Pandas are very popular as one of ___________.A. symbol of ChinaB. China’s symbolsC. Chinese symbols( )19. I’m sorry, but I _______ go home now because I have lots of homework to do.A. have toB. mustC. may( )20. Schools make rules ___________ us students, so we must follow _______.A. help, theyB. to help, itC. to help, them( )21. We shouldn’t buy things __________ivory.A. made fromB. made ofC. made into( )22. This math problem is ______difficult, but I still want to have a try.A. a kind ofB. a littleC. a bit of( )23. —I’m sorry I _________my exercise book at home this morning.—It doesn’t matter. Don’t for get _______ it here this afternoon.A. left, to takeB. forgot, bringingC. left, to bring( )24. Molly, ______ earlier next time and you’ll have enough time to have breakfast.A. get upB. getting upC. gets up( )25. I can’t go out ____ school nights. That is one of our school rules.A. atB. inC. on( )26. —May I use your computer? My computer_______.—OK, go ahead.A.isn’t brokenB.doesn’t workC.doesn’t wrong( )27. Policemen are often _______when they try to catch bad people.A. dangerousB. in great dangerC. in a danger( )28. —What's in your________hand.—An eraser.A. otherB. the otherC. another( )29. —Why can’t Bob go to the park?—_________ the heavy rain.A. BecauseB. Because ofC. Because that( )30. When you ________ , please call me _______ 0451-5555.A. arrive, atB. get, /C. reach, at( )31. Li Hai’s helping hi s grandmother _______ dumplings.A. makesB. makingC. make( )32. —What does the boy do?—He is a _________. Look, he ________ food in the kitchen.A. cooker; is cookingB. cook; cookingC. cook; is cooking( )33. — It’s ten past eight. It’s late _______ go to school now.—You’d better hurry up.A. toB. forC. of( )34. There is ______ bridge over the river. We have to go on a ropeway to ______it.A. not, acrossB. no, crossC. no, go cross( )35. You may ________ if you don’t take a compass(指南针) in the forest.A. get lostB. lostC. are lost( )36. —Mom, could I go out to play with my friends?–—No, you _________. You must stay inside because of COVID-19(新型冠状病毒肺炎).A. couldn’tB. can’tC. could( )37. —Would you like to join us _______ dinner this weekend?—_________, but I have something important to do.A. for, I’d like toB. in, I’d loveC. for, I will( )38. Do you know ________ is Thai Elephant Day? That calls on more people to protect elephants.A. March 12thB. March 13thC. Marth 14th( )39. When you are unhappy, you should _______ to make yourself feel better.①think of some happy things②listen to some light music③keep away from your friends④do sports to relax yourself⑤fight with the people you meetA.③④⑤B. ①②④C. ①②⑤( )40. There are 300 students in No. 1 Middle School. According to the table, ___students are in Grade One and Grade Two.A.210B. 105C. 90二、完型填空(本题共10分,每小题1分)In England people often talk 41 weather because they can experience (经历)four seasons in one 42 . In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later black 43 come and then it rains 44 . The weather gets a little cold. In the late afternoon the sky will be sunny, the sun will begin to shine, and it will be summer 45 this time of day.In England, people can also have summer in winter 46 have winter in summer. 47 in winter they can swim sometimes, and in summer they should take 48 clothes.When you go to England, you will see that some English people usually take an 49 or a raincoat with them on a sunny morning, but you 50 laugh at them. If you don’t take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret later in the day.( )41. A.to B. with C. about( )42. A. year B. month C. day( )43. A. cloud B. clouds C. cloudy德强学校初中部2019--2020下学期七年级英语学科月考试卷考场座位号姓名班级( )44. A. hard B. hardly C. harder( )45. A. at B. in C. by( )46. A. and B. but C. so( )47. A. So B. But C. And( )48. A. cool B. warm C. dear( )49. A. sunglass B. umbrella C. hat( )50. A. shouldn’t B. should C. can三、阅读理解(本题共20分,每小题1分)(A)Useful Information in Australia根据短文选择最佳答案( )51. If there is a fire, you can call __________in Australia.A. 1300369359B. 000C.12455( )52. Which is the right time to send a letter in a post office in Australia?A. At 8: 30 am on Tuesday.B. At 9: 30 am on Sunday.C. At 9: 30 am on Monday.( )53. Which one might be open on public holidays?A. Public libraries.B. Shops.C. Banks.( )54. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. If you want to take a taxi in America, you can call 1800421113.B. It's free for you to surf the Internet in Australian public libraries.C. It costs 50 dollars to send a standard (标准的)letter in Australia.( )55. We can read this passage________.A.in a book for old peopleB.in a program for people who like readingC. on a website(网站)for travelers(B)One day Bob took two of his friends into the mountains. They put up their tents (帐篷)and then rode off to a forest to see how the trees were growing. In the afternoon when they were about ten kilometers from their camp(营地), it started to snow. More and more snow fell. Soon Bob could hardly see his hand before his face. He could not find the road! Bob knew there were two roads. One road went to the camp, and the other went to his house. But all was white now. Everything was the same. How could he take his friends back to the camp? Bob had an idea. The horses! Let the horses take them back! But what would happen if the horses took the road to his house? That would be a trip of thirty-five kilometers in such cold weather!Useful NumbersAll the telephone numbers are useful and free.Fire/Police/Ambulance(救护车)-000 Telephone information-12455Medical(医学的)Care-1300369359 Taxi-1800421113Surfing the InternetWith so many Internet tearooms and public libraries, it's easy to surf the Internet in Australia.Also,it's very cheap for you to surf the Internet.Public libraries offer(提供)free Internet every day even during public holidays.Post ServiceAll post offices around the country offer post services so you can receive mails as you travelaround the whole country.Post offices are usually open from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.It costs 50 cents to send a standard(标准的)letter in Australia.Public HolidaysOn public holidays all shops are closed across Australia, so are banks and post offices.New Year's Day-1stJanuaryAustralia Day-26th JanuaryChristmas Day-25th, December德强学校初中部2019--2020下学期七年级英语学科月考试卷It was getting late. They rode on and on. At last the horses stopped. Where were they? None of them could tell. John looked around. What was that under the tree? It was one of their tents!根据短文内容判断正误(正确写A,错误写B)( )56. Bob just has two friends.( )57. A story happened on a cold winter night.( )58. They could not find their way back because there were no roads in the mountains at all.( )59. The horses took them for a long time.( )60. At last the horses took them to their camp.(C)As we know, there are differences between western culture and Chinese culture. We can see differences when we pay attention to the way words are used. Let's look at the words about animals and plants. Most expressions in Chinese about dog, for example, a homeless dog, a mad dog and a dog catching a mouse, have bad meanings. But in western countries, dogs are thought to be honest and good friends of humans. In English, people use the dog to describe good actions. For example. You are a lucky dog means you are a lucky person. And every dog has its day means each person has good luck sometimes. To describe a person's serious illness, they say sick as a dog. The word dog-tired means very tired. However, Chinese love cats very much. But in western culture, “cat” is often used to describe(描述) a woman who is cruel(残忍的).The rose is regarded as a symbol of love in both China and some western countries. People think the rose means love, peace, courage(勇气) and friendship. And the rose is the national flower of England, America and many other countries.The words about plants and animals are used in good or bad ways in different cultures. We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how some words used.根据短文选择最佳答案( )61. Every dog has its day means___________.A. everybody in the world is luckyB. each person lives his own way of lifeC. everybody has a time in life to be lucky( )62. Western people usually use “cat” to describe__________.A. an unkind womanB. a homeless personC. a tired person( )63.Which phrase about dogs has the good meaning?A. A mad dog.B. A dog catching a mouse.C. A lucky dog.( )64. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Chinese people like dogs better than cats.B. Western people think dogs to be good friends.C. Rose is the national flower of all western countries.( )65. What's the best title for the passage?A. Good or Bad.B. Different Countries Have Different Cultures.C. Rose Means the Same in Chinese and English.(D)阅读下面短文,从方框内选择恰当的句子填入文中空白处,使短文内容完整、意思连贯。
黑龙江省哈尔滨市德强高级中学2024-2025学年度高三上学期10月数学学科(I)试卷 答案
15.【详解】(1)因为,当时,,当时,,所以.显然当时,依然成立,∴数列的通项公式为.(2)由(1)知,则,,所以,所以.16.【详解】(1),则;(2)令,得,所以函数的单调增区间为;(3)由,得,所以,所以函数的值域为.17.【详解】(1,2n S n n =+1n =11112a S ==+=2n ≥()2111n S n n -=-+-()221(1)12n n n a S S n n n n n -⎡⎤=-=+--+-=⎣⎦1n =1212a =⨯={}n a 2n a n =122n n n n b a n -==⋅212222n n T n =⨯+⨯++⋅ 231212222n n T n +=⨯+⨯++⋅ ()1221112222222212212n n n n n n T n n n ++++--=++++-⋅=-⋅=---L ()1122n n T n +=-+()π23cos 26sin 26f x x x x ⎛⎫=+=+ ⎪⎝⎭2ππ2T ==πππ2π22π262k x k -+≤+≤+ππππ,Z 36k x k k -+≤≤+∈()y f x =πππ,π,Z 36k k k ⎡⎤-++∈⎢⎥⎣⎦π,02x ⎛⎫∈- ⎪⎝⎭π2ππ2,636x ⎛⎫+∈- ⎪⎝⎭π1sin 21,62x ⎛⎫⎡⎫+∈- ⎪⎪⎢⎝⎭⎣⎭()y f x =[)6,3-22sin 12B B -=()1cos 1B B --=,故,可得,因为,,所以,可得.(2)若选①:由平分得:,即,即,在中,由余弦定理得,即,两式联立可得,所以的周长为;若选②:为线段的中点,故,,因为,,故,整理可得,在中,由余弦定理得,所以,两式联立可得,所以,从而的周长为.18.【详解】(1)由已知当,,,,又,,,所以数列为等差数列,公差为,,cos 2B B +=π2sin 26B ⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭πsin 16B ⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭()0,πB ∈ππ7π,666B ⎛⎫+∈ ⎪⎝⎭ππ62B +=π3B =BD ABC ∠ABC ABD BCD S S S =+△△△1π1π1πsin 3sin 3sin 232626ac a c =⨯+⨯)ac a c =+ABC V 222π2cos 3b ac ac =+-2212a c ac +-=a c +=ABC V a b c ++=+=D AC ()12BD BA BC =+ ()()222211244BD BA BC BA BA BC BC =+=+⋅+ π3B =3BD =221πs 2943co c c a a ⎛⎫+⋅+= ⎪⎝⎭2236a c ac ++=ABC V 222π2cos 3b ac ac =+-2212a c ac +-=12ac =a c +=ABC V a b c ++=+=2n ≥N n *∈n a =0n a ≠0≠1n n n a S S -=-1n n S S -=-=1=11==n =所以当,时,,又,所以,,设等比数列的公比为,因为,,所以,,所以,所以(2)由(1),所以,所以数列的前项和,所以.(3)由(1)知,当时,,则当时,,即对任意的,都有,所以19.【详解】(1)(i )由,令,则,所以F (x )在(0,+∞)上单调递增,2n ≥N n *∈121n a n n n =+=+-=-11211a ==⨯-21n a n =-N n *∈{}n b q 110a b +=2233443a b a b a b ==++-111b a =-=-323357q q q -=-+=1q =-()1n n b =-()()()()1111212142121n nn n c n n n n --⎛⎫==+ ⎪-⋅+-+⎝⎭()()111142121n n n c n n +⎛⎫--=- ⎪ ⎪-+⎝⎭{}n c n ()()11111111111114343545742121n n n T n n +⎛⎫--⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=--+++--+⋅⋅⋅+- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪-+⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭()11484n nT n -=-++222111(21)441n a n n n ==--+2n ≥22111114441n a n n n n ⎛⎫<=- ⎪--⎝⎭22212111111111111151111412231444n a a a n n n ⎛⎫⎛⎫+++<+-+-++-=+-<+= ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭⎝⎭ 1n =211514a =<*n ∈N 22221121111514n a a a a =≤+++< 222121111n a a a ⎡⎤+++=⎢⎣⎦ ()e e sh 2x xx --=()()()e e sh ,02x xF x x x x x --=-=->()e e 102x xF x -'+=->所以,所以当时,成立;(ii )令,则,令,则,因此φ(x )在(0,+∞)上单调递增;所以,故,即,所以在(0,+∞)上单调递增,即,所以当时,成立;(2)由时,成立,令,且, 则,即 ,由题意,令且,可得,因为,所以,由①当时,,()()()()sh 0=sh 000F x x x F =->-=0x >()sh x x >()()21cos 1,02H x x x x =-+>()sin H x x x -'=+()sin x x x ϕ=-()1cos 0x x ϕ'=-≥()()sin 00x x x ϕϕ=-≥=sin x x >()sin 0H x x x '=-+>()H x ()()21cos 1002H x x x H =-+>=0x >21cos 12x x >-0x >21cos 12x x >-1,1x n n =≥*N n ∈211cos 12n n>-222112211cos 111124412121n n n n n n ⎛⎫>-=->-=-- ⎪--+⎝⎭()()()sh 22sh ch x x x =⋅1,1x n n =≥*N n ∈211sh 2sh ch n n n ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=⋅ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭()e e ch 12x xx -+=>2111sh 2sh ch 2sh n n n n ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=⋅> ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭0x >()sh x x >所以令且,可得,所以,由前面解答过程得,对任意成立,令且,可得 ,所以,又且,所以,所以 所以可得 ,即可得.1,1x n n =≥*N n ∈11sh n n⎛⎫> ⎪⎝⎭21112sh 2sh ch 2sh n n n n n⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=⋅>> ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭0,sin x x x >>1,1x n n =≥*N n ∈11sin n n>21112111sh 2sh ch 2sh 2sin 2cos tan n n n n n n n n ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=⋅>>>=⋅ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭1n ≥*N n ∈101n<≤2sh 1112cos 2112121tan n n n n n ⎛⎫ ⎪⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫⎝⎭>>-- ⎪ ⎪⎢⎥-+⎛⎫⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦ ⎪⎝⎭()()22sh sh sh 2sh 11111132111111tan13352121tan tan tan 23n n n n⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎝⎭⎝⎭++++>--+-++-- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎢⎥-+⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦ 242222121n n n n n =-+=-++()()()*22sh sh sh 2sh 1432N 111tan121tan tan tan 23n n n n n n ⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭++++>-∈+。
2023-2024学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区德强学校初中部六年级(上)月考英语试卷(9月份)(五四学制)一.单项选择(本题共20分,每小题1分)1.(1分)Boys and girls,you should work hard at the start of middle school and try to be _____ good students.( )A.a B.the C./2.(1分)I have an English class ________8:00 a.m.every Saturday morning.( )A.in B.on C.at3.(1分)﹣﹣______ is the weather like today?﹣﹣It's so fine.Let's go out to play.( )A.How B.What C.Why4.(1分)﹣﹣The apple is so big.Would you like to share it ______ me?﹣﹣Of course.( )A.with B.for C.of5.(1分)﹣﹣Is that your father?﹣﹣No.My father is tall ______ strong.( )A.and B.but C.or6.(1分)The child is three years old,but he still can't ______.( )A.tell B.say C.speak7.(1分)I'm new in Deqiang school,so I have only _______ friends.( )A.a little B.lots of C.a few8.(1分)Mike's home is far and he often goes late _______ school.( )A.for B.to C.about9.(1分)﹣﹣Mary,where are you?It's time ______ having lunch.﹣﹣I'm here,mom.I'm coming.( )A.to B.of C.for10.(1分)I'm so hungry.I can have ________.( )A.two bowl of noodlesB.two bowls of noodleC.two bowls of noodles11.(1分)﹣﹣Where ________ your new friend come from?﹣﹣America.His name is Jackson.( )A.is B.does C.are12.(1分)﹣﹣I like listening to English songs very much.Do you like it ,______?﹣﹣Not really.I like reading English books.( )A.also B.too C.either13.(1分)﹣﹣How old are you?﹣﹣I'm ______ years old.Today is my _______ birthday.( )A.twelve,the twelfth B.twelf,twelveC.twelve,twelfth14.(1分)﹣﹣__________students are there in your class?﹣﹣Thirty﹣five.20 boys and 15 girls.( )A.How much B.How often C.How many15.(1分)Though(虽然)my teacher is strict,he is very _______.We all like him.( )A.beautiful B.helpful C.quiet16.(1分)People in America celebrate (庆祝)the day on December 25th.People get together and give gifts to each other.They have a happy time.This holiday is ______.( )A.Easter B.Christmas DayC.Children's Day17.(1分)In Deqiang school,1000 students go to school on weekdays.Look at the table below,______ students go to school by school bus.By bike By school bus By car On foot5%?10015%( )A.700B.800C.90018.(1分)Which underlined letter has a different sound from the others?( )A.often B.old C.orange19.(1分)Which underlined letters have the same sound as the underlined letter of "cup"?( )A.uncle B.student C.cute20.(1分)Which word of the following doesn't have the same stress as the others?( )A.Friendly.B.Every.C.Sixteen.二、完形填空(每小题10分)21.(10分)My name is Susan.I am a(1) at No.8 Middle School.Every day I(2) at 7:00 in the morning.I wash my face and (3) my teeth.Then I have mybreakfast.My(4) is not far from school.And I usually(5) to school onfoot.At school,I study hard,and I am(6) at English.I like talking in English with my classmates.I can(7) a lot from talking with other students.I have some friends from(8) .We usually play together after school.I usually have lunch at school.In theafternoon,we usually have three classes.At 5:30,I go home.I have(9) with my father and mother.Then I do my homework.After that,I like(10) English on the radio.ThenI go to bed at 9 :00.(1) A.student B.worker C.teacher(2) A.go home B.go to school C.get up(3) A.make B.brush C.wash(4) A.home B.school C.classroom(5) A.walk B.gets C.go(6) A.well B.good C.better(7) A.feel B.read C.know(8) A.American B.England C.English(9) A.lunch B.dinner C.breakfast(10) A.listening B.talking with C.listening to三、阅读理解(本题共20分)22.(5分)Tom is nine years old.He begins to go to school and now he's in Grade Three.He livesnot far from the school,but he's often late for class.He likes watching TV in the evening and goes to bed late,so he can't get up early in the morning.This term Mrs.Black,Tom's aunt works in Tom's school.She teaches Grade Three math.She cares for Tom but she is strict with him and often tells the boy to be a good student and come to school on time.One day Tom gets up late.When he gets to school,it is 8:10.His aunt is waiting for him at the school gate."You're ten minutes late for the first class,Tom" Mrs.Black says angrily. "Why are you often late for school?""Every time when I get to the street corner,I see a guidepost(路标).It says," "根据短文内容选择最佳答案(1)The underlined word "cares for" most probably(可能)means .A.waitsB.likesC.shows(2)Tom's aunt often tells him to and come to school on time.A.have breakfastB.be a good studentC.do his homework carefully(3)Tom's aunt is a(an) teacher.A.ChineseB.EnglishC.Math(4)Which of the following is True according to the passage? A.Tom is ten years old.B.Tom doesn't like his auntC.Tom goes to bed late.(5)" " can be the missing sentence in the passage.A.School﹣Slow downB.School﹣Go fastC.School﹣Turn left23.(5分)Name Mike John Max AmyClass/Grade Class 1,Grade 6Class 2,Grade 6Class 2,Grade 6Class 3,Grade 6 Age12111213Height 1.65 m 1.60 m 1.70 m 1.58 mHobby Basketball Baseball Football Volleyball(1)_____ and _____are in the same class. A.Mike,JohnB.John,MaxC.Max,Amy(2) is the youngest of all.A.MikeB.MaxC.John(3)Mike is 0.05 m taller than .A.JohnB.MaxC.Amy(4) is Amy's hobby.A.BasketballB.VolleyballC.Football(5)Which of the following is True according to the information above? A.Only Mike is in Class 3.B.John is taller than Amy.C.Both Mike and John like playing baseball.24.(5分)My favorite sport is basketball.Every morning I play basketball in the park near my house.It is very good for my health(健康).First,it is a good habit.It can make my body strong.It helps me to keep healthy.Second,it's good for my heart (心脏).Third,it is a veryinteresting hobby.It can help to make more friends.So I love playing basketball.And my favorite NBA star is Jeremy Lin.I want to be a basketball player like him.根据短文内容判断正、误,正确的写"A",错误的写"B"。
2023-2024学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区德强学校初中部七年级上学期月考数学(五四制)试题1.下列四个式子中,是方程的是()A.B.C.D.2.下列方程中,解为的方程是()A.B.C.D.3.下列等式变形正确的是()A.如果,那么B.如果,那么C.如果,那么D.如果,那么4.将(3x+2)﹣2(2x﹣1)去括号正确的是()A.3x+2﹣2x+1B.3x+2﹣4x+1C.3x+2﹣4x﹣2D.3x+2﹣4x+2 5.解方程,去分母正确的是()A.B.C.D.6.小丽同学在做作业时,不小心将方程2(x-3)-■=x+1中的一个常数污染了,在询问老师后,老师告诉她方程的解是x=9,请问这个被污染的常数■是()A.4B.3C.2D.17.将方程中分母化为整数,正确的是()A.B.C.D.8.孔明灯幼儿园的老师给小朋友们分苹果,如果每人分3个则剩1个,如果每人分4个则差2个,问有多少苹果?设有x个苹果,则可列方程为()A.B.C.D.9.某商贩在一次买卖中,同时卖出两件上衣,每件都以80元出售,若按成本计算,其中一件赢利,另一件亏本,在这次买卖中,该商贩()A.不盈不亏B.盈利20元C.亏损10元D.盈利10元10.如图,第一个天平的两侧分别放2个球体和5个圆柱体,第二个天平的两侧分别放2个正方体和3个圆柱体,两个天平都平衡,则6个球体的质量等于()个正方体的质量A.4B.6C.8D.1011.一个数的5倍比它的2倍多10,若设这个数为,可得到方程___________.12.若的相反数是2,则___________.13.已知方程(m+1)x|m|+3=0是关于x的一元一次方程,则m的值是_____.14.在有理数集合里定义一种新运算“※”,规定,则中的值为___________.15.爷爷和孙子下棋,爷爷赢一盘记1分,孙子赢一盘记为3分,两人下了12盘(未出现和棋)后,得分相同,则爷爷赢___________盘.16.一个两位数,个位数字与十位数字的和是9,如果将个位数字与十位数字对调后所得的新数比原数大9,则原来的两位数是____.17.小云的爸爸现在的年龄比小云大25岁,5年后小云爸爸的年龄是小云的2倍少10岁,小云现在___________岁.18.一辆火车用30秒通过一条笔直的隧道,已知火车的速度为米/秒,火车长为400米,则隧道长为___________米.19.轮船沿江从A港顺流行驶到B港,比从B港返回A港少用3小时,若船速为26千米/小时,水速为2千米/时,则A港和B港相距______千米.20.如图,在长方形中,,,点是上一点,且,点从点出发,以的速度沿点匀速运动,最终到达点.设点的运动时间为,若的面积为,则的值为___________.21.解方程(1)(2)(3)(4)22.若是关于的方程的解,求的值.23.制作一张桌子要用一个桌面和4条桌腿,木材可制作20个桌面,或者制作400条桌腿,现有木材,应怎样计划用料才能制作尽可能多的桌子?24.阅读下列材料:我们规定:若关于的一元一次方程的解为,则称该方程为“和解方程”.例如:方程的解为,而,则方程为“和解方程”.请根据上述规定解答下列问题:(1)下列关于的一元一次方程是“和解方程”的有___________.①;②;③(2)若关于的一元一次方程是“和解方程”,求的值.25.莹芯中学为进一步推进素质教育,把素质教育落到实处,利用课外兴趣小组活动开展棋类教学活动,以提高学生的思维能力,开发智力,七年级一班有50名同学,通过活动发现只有2人象棋、围棋都不会下,有30人象棋、围棋都会下,且会下象棋的学生比会下围棋的学生多6人.(1)若设会下围棋的有个人,你能列出方程并求出的值.(2)请你求出只会下象棋不会下围棋的人数.26.安居小区业主安先生准备装修新居,装修公司派来甲工程队完成此项完程.由于工期过长,安先生要求装修公司再派乙工程队与甲队共同工作.已知甲工程队单独完成此项工程需要天数恰好比乙工程队单独完成此项工程需要的天数的3倍少5天,并且甲工程队单独完成此项工程需要的天数与乙工程队单独完成此项工程需要的天数之和为55天.(1)求甲、乙两队单独完成此项工程各需要多少天;(2)若甲工程队工作10天后,与公司派来的乙工程队再合作多少天可完成此项工程的;(3)甲、乙工程队每天的施工费分别为800元和1000元,安先生装修工程施工完成时费用正好为21800元,求甲工程队参加工作多少天?27.篝火晚会,学年统一为各班准备了发光手环,每名同学一个,1班有人,2班有人,考虑到发光手环易坏,学年又额外给1班、2班共个手环.(1)要使1班、2班的手环数一样多,请问应额外给1班多少个手环?(2)为营造氛围,各班还需要集体购买发光头饰.姜经理看到商机,准备寻找进货途径.他在甲、乙两个批发商处,发现了同款高端发光头饰,均标价元甲说:“如果你在我这里买,一律九折”,乙说:“如果你在我这里买,超出个,则超出部分一律八折”(每次只能在一个批发商处进货).①请问购进多少个发光头饰,去两个批发商处的进货价一样多?②姜经理第一次购进个发光头饰,正好全部售出.第二次购进的数量比第一次的3倍还多个.两次均以最优惠的方式购进.如果第一次的总售价为元,且两批发光头饰全部售完后,总利润恰好为总进价的,则第二次每个发光头饰的售价为多少元?。
黑龙江省哈尔滨市德强高级中学2024-2025学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题一、阅读理解Dear Jack,I remember the moment — it truly hit me that your autism(自闭症) lasted forever. I had already mentally planned our trips up north with the boys. I was going to spend endless hours playing baseball with you — like Grandpa did with me.When we said goodbye to kindergarten I knew it was real. I spent some time being sad. Now you are 8. You still have no words. We have never had one of those father-son moments I pictured when you were a baby. But I’m learning that’s OK. I still have unbelievable things to offer as your dad, even if they weren’t the things I originally expected.You have taught me to be patient. You have taught me that it’s OK to be different and to be sad when life doesn’t go as planned. You have taught me that it is OK to talk about those feelings and fight for what is right. Stand up and say this is wrong, and encourage others to stand up for you and say the same.My job on this earth is to create a world for you and other kids like you. Be the voice you don’t have, and build the kind of community which I want to see you grow up in. I used to shy a way from contacting people with disabilities or just not consider them. Before you were born, I was so caught up in my own world that I probably wouldn’t have even noticed. Now, I see things differently. I notice. You did that for me. And hope my example will do that for others.Your mom and I have spent 8 years trying to find your voice. And honestly, we don’t know if we ever will. I promise you I will spend my life keeping you safe and making this world better for you.1.What can be learned about the author?A.He is at a loss what to do to help Jack.B.He is to blame for Jack’s present condition.C.He has changed his attitude to the disabled.D.He hasn’t accepted the reality up to now. 2.How does the author sound in the text?A.Ashamed.B.Caring.C.Regretful.D.Indifferent.3.In which section of a magazine may this text appear?A.Science.B.Entertainment.C.Sports.D.Relationship.One summer during high school, my mom volunteered me to help Grandpa sort our family tree. I thought, I had to spend hours pawing through dusty, rotting boxes and listening to boring stories about people I didn't know. “You'll be surprised,” my mom promised. “The family history can be very interesting.”In truth, Grandpa didn't want to limit my work to just sorting, hoping to also preserve our family memories. He discovered a computer program that helps digitally scan old pictures and letters to preserve their contents before they crumble for old age. Grandpa wanted me to help him connect the scanner to the computer and set up the computer program. He could type documents and send emails, but had never used a scanner.Soon after, I became fascinated with my relatives' lives. I asked Grandpa to tell the story behind every picture and letter we scanned. The stories, which turned out not to be boring at all, helped me not only understand but also relate to my relatives. I became so hungry for more information that Grandpa needed additional props to keep me satisfied. He showed me a chest filled with random stuff, all covered in dust.Perusing their belongings. I felt I was opening a window into the world of my relatives, a world long since gone away. Grandpa showed me a bundle of letters he had sent to Grandma from the front line of World WarⅡand I could almost smell the gunpowder. I turned the pages of my greatgrandmother's recipe book and could picture her cooking in her kitchen. All of the people who had been merely names to me now had faces to match.Later, Grandpa admitted,“I probably could have done this project myself. I just wanted someone to share it with.” I can't thank him enough for sharing the experience and making me appreciate the family members who have made me the person I am. I will cherish family memories and hope that someday I will be able to pass them down to my own grandchildren. 4.What's the author's first impression of sorting the family tree?A.Delightful.B.Tiresome.C.Surprising.D.Interesting.5.What does the underlined word “crumble” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A.Come to life.B.Tear apart.C.Fall into pieces.D.Break through. 6.Why did Grandpa give the author a chest?A.To show him a bundle of letters.B.To keep him from boredom.C.To give him something to sort out.D.To fulfill his desire to know more. 7.What can we learn about Grandpa from the passage?A.He used to serve in the army.B.He knew nothing about computer.C.He buried the letters under gunpowder.D.He loved sharing what he had with others.A wild African bird that will lead people to trees with honeycomb (蜂巢) seems to somehow learn the distinct whistles and calls of the human foragers (觅食者) who live near them.This bird species has far more information about what the bees are doing than humans ever could. In Tanzania, Hadza foragers can use a special whistle to attract this bird, which will then fly down and start leading them to honey. With its noisy chattering sound, the bird is very conspicuous. Once the bird arrives at a tree with honey inside, it will rest near the beehive silently, seemingly not to disturb the bees. “That’s the signal to the Hadza to really start searching,” says Brian Wood, an anthropologist at University of California, Los Angeles. Pretty soon, the foragers will locate the hive and cut open the tree trunk.It is found that the birds are more likely to show up when the familiar signal used by the locals is being broadcast. According to the research, the birds appear 82% of the time when Hadza whistles are being played. But they appear only 24% of the time when the researchers play the whistles traditionally used in a different country.This makes it clear that the birds have learned what their human neighbors do when they want to partner up and go honey-hunting. “This is a very strong result which supports the idea that there’s a learning process involved,” says Wood.But how do the birds learn? It’s still unclear. What is clear is that this human-animal communication seems to benefit both parties, and it may go back many thousands of years. When the honeycomb is out, the birds get some of the beeswax, which they love to eat. And the human foragers get the honey—which is an enormously important food for the Hadza. Wood has calculated that the Hadza get about 10% of the calories in their annual diet with the help of thebirds.8.What does the underlined word “conspicuous” in Para.2mean?A.Eye-catching.B.Care-free.C.Naughty.D.Attractive. 9.What can we know about the birds?A.They are raised by humans.B.They help cut open the tree trunk.C.They feed on honey as their annual diet.D.They can distinguish different whistles. 10.Which of the following can best describe the honey gathering?A.A complex dilemma.B.An unfair trade.C.A double-edged sword.D.A win-win cooperation.11.Which can be a suitable title for the text?A.The familiar signal in the forest.B.A talented expert in hunting the bees.C.A wonderful guide to collecting honey.D.The human-animal communication in Tanzania.Frank Sinatra famously sang that if you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere. And that’s just what some scientists focus on about a particular species of ant.This ant, also called the ManhattAnt, first turned up in New York in 2011. But it’s already developed and grown. What’s more, ManhattAnts have started to spread outward, expanding their territory at a rate of about a mile a year.“ We predict that they could expand as far north as Maine and as far south as Atlanta, Georgia,” says American scientist Clint . Penick.He and his team are now trying to study it and figure out whether it’s likely to threaten native insect species or damage plants. Eventually, they definitively identified it as a species that’s native to Europe. That effort involved consulting with a European ant expert who could hardly believe that this ant was living it up in New York.“ He was like,’ They’ re not really powerful in any European area,’” says Penick. Now, ManhattAnts live on the sidewalk, but ants normally like to live in places like soil. and leaf litter —— including this species, which in its native Europe can be found making its home in forests. yGenerally, these ants avoid human food. Their main food is honeydew, a kind of sugary substance. The ants go up into street trees to look for honeydew, and it seems that they’ve found ajob that’s not really being pursued by other ants in this city. They’ll care for the plant pests (害虫) that produce honeydew, increasing the numbers of pests and consequently making life harder for the plants.It’s entirely possible that, in the long term, ManhattAnts could have a disadvantageous effect on city trees. The fact that ManhattAnts haven’t been obvious trouble- makers so far isn’t necessarily reassuring. We should remember what Benioit Guénard, an insect biodiversity researcher, has noted,“ We know that invasions (入侵) that appeared minor for decades can suddenly become serious and then cause major problems.”12.What does the author indicate about ManhattAnts by mentioning Frank Sinatra?A.The reasons for their existence.B.Their living environment.C.The process of their wide spread.D.Their survival and growth.13.How did the European ant expert in the text look at ManhattAnts?A.Their value was high in science.B.Their invasion took him by surprise.C.They should be kept in the forests.D.They were a symbol of insect diversity. 14.Why do ManhattAnts protect the plant pests?A.To save more young plants.B.To ensure their food supply.C.To replace their human food.D.To make honeydew more tasty. 15.What’s the author’s attitude towards ManhattAnts?A.Favorable.B.Unclear.C.Uneasy.D.Dismissive.It’s common to see a barista create coffee art (咖啡拉花). 16 Han Zheming, a 40-year-old Shanghai resident, has managed to perfect the skill, creating tea art in cups, or dian cha in Chinese, which is a famous ritual (仪式) during the Song Dynasty. “It is similar to the foam on top of a cup of coffee, except that it is made of tea rather than milk.”17 After hundreds of years of evolution, it thrived throughout the Song Dynasty, when tea had become a necessity for almost everyone, just like other items as rice, oil and salt. In the eyes of people of that time, good tea should be white and fine. 18Han has been fascinated by the culture and art of the Song Dynasty, and has engaged in its artistic practices since childhood. His mother loves traditional culture and he has been leaningtoward it under her influence. Han is curious about the patterns created on the tea foam and he often goes to museums to observe Song paintings. “Usually, it takes a year of practice for one to fully grasp tea-whisking.” 19 Now, he can deliver a piece of tea-whisking art in “one take”.“It’s like adding bells and whistles to tea and giving people a stronger sense of occasion, so drinking tea is more fun,” Han says. 20 “As well as the poems, calligraphy and paintings that were-created back then, I want more people to understand the items used to drink tea, and the culture behind the ways people prepared tea.”A.It is through trial and error that Han gets going.B.However, it’s a whole different ballgame doing same thing with tea.C.However, the pattern on coffee foam will last for up to only an hour.D.Chinese tea culture started to enjoy popularity during the Tang Dynasty.E.The better the tea, the whiter it should be, and the longer the foam should last.F.Applying the theory to practice proves to be quite different from his imagination.G.It’s also his intention to bring the old ritual and culture back for more people to appreciate.二、完形填空Twenty-five years ago on July 1,1997, I woke up very late in my apartment in Singapore. l jumped out of bed in 21 . I woke up my 8-year-old daughter Avy. ”We’re late for school,“ I half-yelled at her. We finally 22 it to the nearby bus stop in time. 23 , the school was only two stops away. We got in, 24 our eyes as the sunlight streamed into the bus.Her mom had flown to Hong Kong several days earlier on assignment for a newspaper to 25 the handover(交接) of the city’s return to China.l had 26 from work for a week to help look after our daughter. I would 27 my daughter from school around midday. At the end of the day, I would watch the news on TV, which had led the entire week with the 28 events happening in Hong Kong. I would wonder 29 my wife was in the crowd that was gathered to 30 the handover.The year, 1997, was 31 because the Asian financial crisis began. For that week though, that was the least of my 32 . I just made sure we did not have a 33 of July 1,when we were nearly late for school. My wife was very busy during the handover, chasing down stories in Hong Kong as the British flag was 34 for the last time.I later spent a few years working in Hong Kong, but my enduring memory of the days surrounding its return to China was the time I spent as a 35 , although it is kind of hard to call an 8-year-old a baby.21.A.panic B.confusion C.sorrow D.excitement 22.A.searched B.worked C.made D.won 23.A.Hopefully B.Thankfully C.Definitely D.Eventually 24.A.patting B.hitting C.washing D.rubbing 25.A.charge B.interrupt C.cover D.change 26.A.looked up B.set out C.broken away D.taken off 27.A.dress up B.bring up C.pick up D.cheer up 28.A.historic B.economic C.academic D.comic 29.A.how B.when C.why D.where 30.A.decline B.witness C.criticize D.approve 31.A.tense B.comfortable C.shameful D.unavoidable 32.A.embarrassment B.delight C.surprise D.worries 33.A.discovery B.repeat C.fortune D.experiment 34.A.ruined B.protected C.lowered D.held 35.A.babysitter B.worker C.adult D.mother三、语法填空36.Lawyers help others and (respect) by others.(所给词的适当形式填空) 37.(watch) by millions, the ending to the race has divided opinions. (所给词的适当形式填空)38.Thank to advances technology, how we make friends and communicate with them has changed significantly. (用适当的词填空)39.We can move around the world and still stay touch with the people that we want to remain friends with. (用适当的词填空)40.What we see on social media is often not the whole (true) about a person. (所给词的适当形式填空)41.A team of scientists (lead) by Professor Eli at the University of Washington has now found the answer. (所给词的适当形式填空)42.The population of the monarch has crashed as much as 90 percent in the last few years. (用适当的词填空)43.Please make sure that there are enough plants for monarch to feed .(用适当的词填空)44.the wind and the rain, I still enjoy working outside in the wild. (用适当的词填空) 45.These terraces were built by the local Zhuang and Yao people, whom Guangxi is home. (用适当的词填空)46.the region has plenty of rain, the soil here is not fertile. (用适当的词填空) 47.The elegant fragrance and good taste fascinate (count) tea drinkers. (所给词的适当形式填空)48.These gardens have helped make the cities greener and (improve) air quality. (所给词的适当形式填空)49.The power of AI lies exactly in is often considered as its weakness. (用适当的词填空)50.It creates some positive memories in our mind that will hopefully get us a tough time. (用适当的词填空)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
二、填空题(每题 3 分)
11、已知方程 2xm3 1 y24n 5 是二元一次方程,则 m+4n= 2
12、若三角形的两边分别是 6 和 2,第三边长是偶数,则此三角形的第三边为
(第 15 题图)
x>6 13、若不等式组 x>m 的解集是 x>6,则 m 的取值范围是
如果∠ABP=20°,∠ACP=50°,则∠A+∠P=( )
A.70° B.80°
(第 9 题图)
10、下列命题中:①三角形的内角中至少有 2 个锐角 ②多边形的外角和等于 360° ③二元一次方程 5x-11y=21 有无数解 ④各条边都相等的多边形叫做正多边形, 正确的有( )
5、下列说法不一定成立的是( )
A.若 a>b,则 a+c>b+c C.若 a>b,则 ac2>bc2
B.若 a+c>b+c,则 a>b D.若 ac2>bc2,则 a>b
6、下列说法正确的是( )
26、已知:如图, ABC 中,CD⊥BA 交 BA 延长线于点 D,∠ABC=∠ACB (1)若∠DCB=64°,求∠BAC 的度数。 (2)如图 2,过点 B 作 BE∥AC 交 DC 延长线于点 E,连接 AE 交 BC 于点 G.
若∠DCA=2∠CAE,求∠CGE 的度数。 (3)如图 3,在(2)的条件下,过点 E 作 EF⊥BC 交 BC 延长线于点 F. M、N 是 AE 上的两点,且
(2)动点 P 从点 B 出发,沿 BC 以每秒 1 个单位的速度向终点 C 匀速运动,连接 AP,设点 P 的运动
黑龙江省哈尔滨市德强高级中学2024-2025学年高三上学期月考(Ⅰ)(10月)数学试卷一、单选题1.设集合{}11M x x =-<<,{02}N xx =≤<∣,则M N ⋂等于( ) A .{12}xx -<<∣ B .{01}xx ≤<∣ C .{01}xx <<∣ D .{10}xx -<<∣ 2.已知命题1:0,2p x x x∀>+>,则p ⌝为( ) A .0x ∀>,12x x+≤ B .0x ∀≤, 12x x +≤ C .0x ∃≤, 12x x+≤ D .0x ∃>, 12x x+≤ 3.攒尖是我国古代建筑中屋顶的一种结构样式,多见于亭阁式建筑、园林建筑.如图所示的带有攒尖的建筑屋顶可近似看作一个圆锥,其侧面展开图是一个圆心角为120°、半径为的扇形,则该屋顶的体积约为( )A .B .C .D .4.已知定义在R 上的奇函数()f x 满足(2)()f x f x +=-,当01x ≤≤时,f (x )=3x −1,则(3)f =( )A .1-B .−2C .1D .25.如图E ,F ,G ,H 分别是菱形ABCD 的边AB ,BC ,CD ,DA 上的点,且2BE AE =,2DH HA =,2=CF FB ,2CG GD =,现将ABD △沿BD 折起,得到空间四边形ABCD ,在折起过程中,下列说法正确的是( )A .直线EF ,HG 有可能平行B .直线EF ,HG 一定异面C .直线EF ,HG 一定相交,且交点一定在直线AC 上D .直线EF ,HG 一定相交,但交点不一定在直线AC 上6.已知函数()25,1,1x ax x f x a x x⎧-+≤⎪=⎨>⎪⎩满足对任意实数12x x ≠,都有()()21210f x f x x x -<-成立,则a 的取值范围是( ) A .(]0,3B .[)2,+∞C .()0,∞+D .[]2,37.已知非零向量a r ,b r 满足(3)(3)a b a b +⊥-r r r r ,且b r 在a r 方向的投影向量是16a r,则a r 与b r 的夹角是( ) A .π6B .5π6 C .π3D .2π38.如图所示为某学校的轮廓图,π2BAD ∠=,其中ACD V 为教学区,π3ACD ∠=,墙AD 长240米,ABC V 为校门区域,其中2π3CBA ∠=,若要美化校门区域,决定在墙AB 与BC 上装饰高档墙贴,若已知该高档墙贴仅与墙的长度有关,则BAC ∠=( )时,美化墙体造价最低(其中ππ246BAC ≤∠≤)A .π24B .π12C .π8D .π6二、多选题9.函数()()πsin 0,0,2f x A x A ωϕωϕ⎛⎫=+>>< ⎪⎝⎭的部分图象如图所示,则( )A .该图像向右平移π6个单位长度可得3sin2y x =的图象B .函数y =f x 的图像关于点π,06⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭对称C .函数y =f x 的图像关于直线5π12x =-对称D .函数y =f x 在2ππ,36⎡⎤--⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调递减10.已知数列{}n a 满足113,322n n a a a +==+,则( )A .3229a =B .数列()32log 2n a ⎧⎫-⎨⎬⎩⎭是等差数列C .数列132nn a +⎧⎫⎪⎪⎛⎫+⎨⎬ ⎪⎝⎭⎪⎪⎩⎭的最小项为4D .{}2n a 的前n 项和为641259nn ⎡⎤⎛⎫-+⎢⎥ ⎪⎝⎭⎢⎥⎣⎦11.设函数21()ln ,()2f x x xg x x ==,给定下列命题,其中正确的是( ) A .若方程()f x k =有两个不同的实数根,则1,0k e ⎛⎫∈- ⎪⎝⎭;B .若方程2()kf x x =恰好只有一个实数根,则0k <;C .若120x x >>,总有()()()()1212m g x g x f x f x ->-⎡⎤⎣⎦恒成立,则11m ≥;D .若函数()()2()F x f x ag x =-有两个极值点,则实数10,2a ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭.三、填空题12.设复数z 满足()1i 2i z -=-(i 为虚数单位),则z =.13.如图,蹴鞠,又名“鞠球”“鞠圆”等,“蹴”有用脚蹴、踢的含义,“鞠”最早系外包皮革、内饰米糠的球,因而“蹴鞠”就是指古人以脚蹴、踢皮球的活动,类似今日的踢足球活动.已知各顶点都在某“蹴”的表面上的正四棱柱的底面边长为a ,高为h ,球的体积为36π,则这个正四棱柱的侧面积的最大值为.14.在ABC V 中,已知·9AB AC =u u u r u u u r,sin cos sin B A C =,6ABC S =V ,P 为线段AB 上的点,且CA CB CP x y CA CB=+u u u u r u u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r ,则2142y x y +-的最小值为.四、解答题15.已知等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和2n S n n =+. (1)求{}n a 的通项公式;(2)记12n n n b a -=,求数列{}n b 的前n 项和n T ;16.已知()2cos 6cos 3f x x x x =+-. (1)求函数()y f x =的最小正周期T ; (2)求函数()y f x =的单调增区间;(3)当π,02x ⎛⎫∈- ⎪⎝⎭时,求函数()y f x =的值域.17.在ABC V 中,角A ,B ,C 的对边分别是a ,b ,c 22sin 12BB -=. (1)求角B 的大小;(2)若b =D 为AC 边上的一点,3BD =,且______,求ABC V 的周长. (从下面①,②两个条件中任选一个,补充在上面的横线上并作答) ①BD 是B ∠的平分线; ②D 为线段AC 的中点18.已知数列 a n 中,11a =,且0n a ≠,n S 为数列 a n 的前nn a =,数列 b n 是等比数列,110a b +=,2233443a b a b a b ==++-. (1)求数列 a n 和 b n 的通项公式; (2)若1nn n n nb c a a +=⋅,求数列{}n c 的前n 项和n T .(3)若 x 表示不超过x 的最大整数,如[]1.22-=-,[]2.12=,求22212111n a a a ⎡⎤++⋅⋅⋅+⎢⎥⎣⎦的值;19.意大利画家达⋅芬奇提出:固定项链的两端,使其在重力的作用下自然下垂,那么项链下垂部分所形成的曲线是悬链线,通过建立适当坐标系,悬链线可为函数()e e 2x xf x -+=的图象,我们称这个函数为“双曲余弦函数”,记为()e e ch 2x xx -+=,把()e e 2x x g x --=称为“双曲正弦函数”,记()e e sh 2x xx --=,易知()()()sh 22sh ch x x x =⋅.(1)证明:(i )当0x >时,()sh x x >; (ii )当0x >时,21cos 12x x >-;(2)证明:()()()*22sh sh sh 2sh 1432N 111tan121tan tan tan23n nn n n n⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭++++>-∈+L .。
2023-2024学年黑龙江省哈尔滨七中七年级(上)期中英语试卷 (含答案)
1.(1分)Which pair of the underlined letters has the same sound?( )A.plane sofa B.clock modelC.but blue2.(1分)Which of the following words has the same sound as the underlined letter the word "must"?( )A.excuse B.computer C.uncle3.(1分)Which word of the following doesn't have the same stress as the others?( )A.hello B.numberC.interesting4.(1分)﹣﹣Is this ______ wallet?﹣﹣Yes,it's______.( )A.you,yours B.his,his C.your,her5.(1分)The skirt looks nice on her.There is______"s" on it.( )A.the B.an C.a6.(1分)There isn't _____milk in the cup.Would you like ______ orange juice?( )A.some,any B.any,some C.any,any7.(1分)Let's draw a picture.Please take out ______.( )A.a paper B.some papersC.a piece of paper8.(1分)Thank you for______ me about your day.( )A.tell B.telling C.to tell9.(1分)﹣﹣What's your favorite ______,Cindy?﹣﹣Oranges( )A.color B.fruit C.juice10.(1分)﹣﹣How often do you go to the park?﹣﹣______.( )A.Twice a week B.Two daysC.For two days11.(1分)The American boy would like ______ his pen friend.( )A.to is B.be C.to be 12.(1分)His sister is .Today is her birthday.( )A.nineth;nine B.nine;ninthC.nine;nineth13.(1分)﹣﹣Let's______ computer games.﹣﹣______great.( )A.playing;Sounds B.play;SoundsC.play;Sound14.(1分)﹣﹣Where are______pens?﹣﹣Are ______in the pencil box?( )A.my;they B./;theC.yours;theirs15.(1分)﹣How do we keep ______?﹣By taking more exercise.( )A.health B.healthy C.healthily 16.(1分)﹣﹣How many ______ are there in your school?﹣﹣Only a few.( )A.man's teachers B.women teachersC.man teachers17.(1分)﹣﹣______a fine day it is today !﹣﹣Yes,what about ______a picnic in the park?( )A.What,having B.How,haveC.When,has18.(1分)I can play______ ping﹣pong,but I can't play ______ pipa.( )A./,the B.the,the C.the,/ 19.(1分)What would you like______ eat?( )A.to B.for C.with 20.(1分)﹣﹣______ in your living﹣room?﹣﹣There is a big bed,two tables and two desks.( )A.Who's B.What's C.Where's二、完形填空。
1.过点A(3,2)且斜率为1的直线方程是( )A. x +y +1=0B. x +y−1=0C. x−y +1=0D. x−y−1=02.已知两条直线l 1:ax +4y−1=0,l 2:x +ay +2=0,则“a =2”是“l 1//l 2”的( )A. 充分不必要条件B. 必要不充分条件C. 充要条件D. 既不充分也不必要条件3.方程x 2+y 2−2mx−4y +2m 2−4m−1=0所表示的圆的最大面积为( )A. 4πB. 9πC. 8πD. 16π4.动点M 在曲线x 2+y 2=1上移动,点M 和定点B(3,0)连线的中点为P ,则点P 的轨迹方程为( )A. x 2+y 2=14B. (x−32)2+y 2=14C. (x−32)2+y 2=1D. x 2+(y−32)2=145.如图,已知椭圆E :x2a 2+y 2b 2=1(a >b >0)的左、右焦点分别为F 1,F 2,过点F 2的直线与椭圆E 交于点A ,B.直线l 为椭圆E 在点A 处的切线,点B 关于l 的对称点为M.由椭圆的光学性质知,F 1,A ,M 三点共线.若|AB|=a,|BF 1||MF 1|=45,则|BF 2||AF 1|=( )A. 19B. 211C. 911D. 13156.已知双曲线C :x 2a 2−y 2b 2=1(a >0,b >0)的左、右焦点分别为F 1,F 2,直线l 经过F 2,且与C 交于A ,B 两点,若AF 2=13F 2B ,AF 1⋅AF 2=0,则C 的离心率为( )A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 1027.已知圆O 1的圆心为(2,0),半径为4,圆O 2:x 2+y 2=r 2(0<r <2),动圆M 与圆O 1,圆O 2都相切,若动圆圆心M 的轨迹是两个椭圆,且这两个椭圆的离心率分别为e 1,e 2(e 1>e 2),则2e 1+3e 2的最小值为( )A. 5+2 64 B. 32 C. 2 D. 388.已知圆M :x 2+(y−6)2=1和椭圆C :x 210+y 2=1,点P 为椭圆C 上的动点,过点P 作圆M 的切线PA ,PB ,切点为A ,B ,则弦长|AB|的范围为( )A. [4 65,7 25]B. [4 65,3 23023]C. [2,3 23023]D. [4 65,8 27]二、多选题:本题共4小题,共20分。
哈尔滨德强学校 2019-2020 学年度下学期七年级数学检测试题
一、选择题(每小题3分,共计30分)1、下列方程中是二元一次方程的是()A.3526+=-y z x B.115x y += C.6x+8y-4D.23x y +=2、用不等式表示图中的解集,其中正确的是()A.x >2B.x <2C.x ≥2D.x ≤23、关于x 的方程7x+12=4a 的解是负数,则a 的取值范围是()A.a>3B.a<-3C.a<3D.a>-34、下列每组数分别是三根小木棒的长度,用它们能摆成三角形的是()A.3,4,8B.13,12,20C.5,5,12D.8,7,155、经过六边形的一个顶点的对角线一共有()A.2条B.3条C.4条D.5条6、某班环保小组11人收集饮料瓶,其中有2人每人收集到6个,有4人每人收集到3个,有5人每人收集到4个,则该组平均每人收集饮料瓶()个A.3 B.4C.5D.67、在三角形内部,到三边距离相等的点是()A.三条高交点B.三条中线交点C.三条边的垂直平分线交点D.三条角平分线的交点8、某蔬菜公司收购到某种蔬菜140吨,准备加工上市销售.该公司的加工能力是:每天可以精加工6吨或粗加工16吨.现计划用15天完成加工任务,该公司应按排几天精加工,几天粗加工?设安排x 天精加工,y 天粗加工.为解决这个问题,所列方程组正确的是()A.14016615x y x y +=⎧⎨+=⎩ B.14061615x y x y +=⎧⎨+=⎩ C.15616140x y x y +=⎧⎨+=⎩ D.15166140x y x y +=⎧⎨+=⎩9、如图,ΔABC ≌ΔADE ,若∠B=80º,∠E=30º,∠DAB :∠DAC=5:2,AC 与DE 交于点F ,则∠EFC 的度数为()A.75 B.80 C.60 D.7010、下列说法:①外角和为360º的多边形一定是三角形;②有两条边和一个角分别相等的两个三角形是全等三角形;③角的平分线上的点到角的两边的距离相等;④如果一个三角形的一个外角等于与它相邻的22题图一个内角,那么这个三角形是直角三角形。
2019-2020学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区德强学校七年级(上)第一次月考数学试卷(五四学制)一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1.下列方程中,是一元一次方程的是()A.x2+2x=3B.=x C.4x+y=1D.3x﹣5=32.下列四个图形中,∠1与∠2是对顶角的是()A.B.C.D.3.下列等式变形正确的是()A.如果ax=ay,那么x=y B.如果a=b,那么a﹣5=5﹣bC.如果a+1=b+1,那么a=b D.如果a=b,那么2a=3b4.下列图形中,∠1和∠2是同位角的是()A.B.C.D.5.若+1与互为相反数,则a的值()A.B.1C.D.﹣16.如图,下列不能判定AB∥CD的条件是()A.∠B+∠BCD=180°B.∠1=∠2C.∠3=∠4D.∠B=∠57.某村原有林地108公顷,旱地54公顷,为保护环境,需把一部分旱地改造为林地,使旱地面积占林地面积的20%.设把x公顷旱地改为林地,则可列方程()A.54﹣x=20%×108B.54﹣x=20%(108+x)C.54+x=20%×162D.108﹣x=20%(54+x)8.一辆汽车在笔直的公路上行驶,第一次左拐50°,再在笔直的公路上行驶一段距离后,第二次右拐50°,两次拐弯后的行驶方向与原来的行驶方向()A.恰好相同B.恰好相反C.互相垂直D.夹角为100°9.某商贩在一次买卖中,以每件135元的价格卖出两件衣服,其中一件盈利25%,另一件亏损25%,在这次买卖中,该商贩()A.不赔不赚B.赚9元C.赔18元D.赚18元10.下列说法中:①过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行;②过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线垂直;③垂直于同一直线的两条直线互相平行;④平行于同一直线的两条直线互相平行;⑤两条直线被第三条直线所截,如果同旁内角相等,那么这两条直线互相平行;⑥连结A、B两点的线段就是A、B两点之间的距离,其中正确的有()A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个二.填空题(每小题3分,共30分)11.若x=3是关于x的方程kx﹣8=k的解,则k的值为.12.如图,为了把河中的水引到C处,可过点C作CD⊥AB于D,然后沿CD开渠,这样做可使所开的渠道最短,这种设计的依据是.13.若方程(a﹣1)x2﹣|a|+5=0是关于x的一元一次方程,则a=.14.如图,直线BE、CD相交于与点O,OF平分∠DOE,若∠DOF=20°,则∠BOC为.15.将一箱书分给若干同学,若每人分5本,还剩12本;若每人分8本,还缺6本.则这箱书一共有本.16.已知铁路桥长500米,现有一列火车从桥上通过,测得火车从开始上桥到完全离开桥共用30秒,而整列火车在桥上的时间为20秒,则火车的长度为米.17.如图,直线AB、CD相交于点O,OE⊥AB于O,∠COE=55°,则∠BOD=度.18.服装厂要生产一批某型号学生服,已知每3米长的布料可做上衣2件或裤子3条,一件上衣和一条裤子为一套,计划用600米长的这种布料生产学生服,共能生产套.19.某电台组织知识竞赛,共设置20道选择题,各题分值相同,每题必答,下表记录了3个参赛者的得分情况.若参赛者D得82分,则他答对了道题.20.某人乘船由A地顺流而下到B地,然后又逆流而上到C地,共乘船3小时,已知船在静水中的速度是每小时8千米,水流速度是每小时2千米,已知A,B,C三地在一条直线上,若A、C两地距离为2千米,则A、B两地之间的距离是千米.三.解答题(21题8分,22题6分,23、24题各8分,25、26、27题各10分,共60分)21.解方程(1)3x+3=x+7;(2)=2.22.完成下面推理过程.在括号内的横线上填空或填上推理依据如图,已知:∠3=∠BAE,AC⊥BE,∠1=∠2,∠3+∠4=180°,求证:AB∥CD,AD ∥BE证明:∵AC⊥BE(已知);∴∠3=90°;∴∠BAE=∠3=90°;又∵∠3+∠4=180°(已知);∴∠4=180°﹣∠3=90°;∴∠=∠BAE;∴AB∥CD;∵∠1=∠2(已知);∴∠1+∠CAE=∠2+∠CAE;即∠BAE=∠CAD;∴∠3=∠CAD;∴AD∥BE.23.小莹在解关于x的方程5a+x=13时,误将+x看作﹣x,得方程的解为x=﹣2,求原方程的解为多少?24.篝火晚会前夕,德强学校附近一超市从厂家购进了甲、乙两种发光道具,甲种道具的每件进价比乙种道具的每件进价少2元.若购进甲种道具7件,乙种道具2件,需要76元.(1)求甲、乙两种道具的每件进价分别是多少元?(2)若该超市从厂家购进了甲乙两种道具共50件,所用资金恰好为440元.在销售时,甲种道具的每件售价为10元,要使得这50件道具所获利润率为20%,乙道具的每件售价为多少元?25.如图,直线AB,CD相交于点O,OA平分∠EOC,且∠EOC:∠EOD=2:3.(1)求∠BOD的度数;(2)如图2,点F在OC上,直线GH经过点F,FM平分∠OFG,且∠MFH﹣∠BOD =90°,求证:OE∥GH.26.如图,在长方形ABCD中,AB=8厘米,BC=4厘米,点P沿AB边从点A开始向点B 以2厘米/秒的速度移动;点Q沿DA边从点D开始向点A以1厘米/秒的速度移动,如果P、Q同时出发,用t(秒)表示移动的时间,那么:(1)如图1,当t为何值时,线段AQ的长度等于线段AP的长度?(2)如图2,当t为何值时,DQ与BP的长度之和是长方形ABCD周长的?(3)如图3,点P到达点B后继续以相同速度沿BC边运动,到达点C后停止运动;点Q到达点A后继续以相同速度沿AB边运动,当点P停止运动时点Q也停止运动.当点P在BC边上运动时,t为何值可使线段AQ的长度等于线段CP长度的一半?27.近年来,德强学校初中部中考屡创佳绩,捷报频传.为了吸纳更多的优质生源,学校决定要新建一栋4层的教学大楼,每层楼有8间教室,进出这栋大楼共有4道门,其中两道正门大小相同,两道侧门大小相同,进楼前为了保证学生安全,对4道门进行了测试:正常情况下,当同时开启一道正门和两道侧门时,2分钟可以通过560名学生;当同时开启一道正门和一道侧门时4分钟可以通过800名学生(1)正常情况下,平均每分钟一道正门和一道侧门各可以通过多少名学生?(2)检查中发现,紧急情况时因学生拥挤,出门的效率将降低20%,安全检查规定,在紧急情况下全大楼的学生应在5分钟内通过这4道门安全撤离.如果这栋教学楼每班预计招收49名学生,那么建造的这4道门是否符合安全规定?请说明理由.(3)在(2)问的条件下,为了提高出门效率,学校安排了值周教师,则正常情况下,一道正门每分钟出门人数可增加人人,一道侧门每分钟出门人数可增加人此时,同时打开一道正门和两道侧门每分钟可通行335人.如果全楼所有教师及工作人员共有128人,那么在此种安排下,为保证紧急情况下全楼所有师生仍能通过这4道门安全撤离,每班预计招收人数最多可提高到多少人?2019-2020学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区德强学校七年级(上)第一次月考数学试卷(五四学制)参考答案与试题解析一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1.下列方程中,是一元一次方程的是()A.x2+2x=3B.=x C.4x+y=1D.3x﹣5=3【解答】解:A、含有未知数项的最高次数是2,它不是一元一次方程,故本选项不符合题意;B、它不是整式方程,不是一元一次方程,故本选项不符合题意;C、含有2个未知数,不是一元一次方程,故本选项不符合题意;D、符合一元一次方程的定义,故本选项符合题意.故选:D.2.下列四个图形中,∠1与∠2是对顶角的是()A.B.C.D.【解答】解:根据对顶角的定义可知:只有D图中的是对顶角,其它都不是.故选:D.3.下列等式变形正确的是()A.如果ax=ay,那么x=y B.如果a=b,那么a﹣5=5﹣bC.如果a+1=b+1,那么a=b D.如果a=b,那么2a=3b【解答】解:A、当a=0时,该变形不正确,故此选项错误;B、根据等式的性质,a﹣5=5﹣b不成立,故此选项错误;C、根据等式的性质,两边同时减去1,可得a﹣5=5﹣b,故此选项正确;D、根据等式的性质,两边同时乘以2或3,等式才成立,故此选项错误;故选:C.4.下列图形中,∠1和∠2是同位角的是()A.B.C.D.【解答】解:根据同位角定义可得D是同位角,故选:D.5.若+1与互为相反数,则a的值()A.B.1C.D.﹣1【解答】解:根据题意得:+1+=0,去分母得:a+3+3a+1=0,移项合并得:4a=﹣4,解得:a=﹣1,故选:D.6.如图,下列不能判定AB∥CD的条件是()A.∠B+∠BCD=180°B.∠1=∠2C.∠3=∠4D.∠B=∠5【解答】解:A、∵∠B+∠BCD=180°,∴AB∥CD,故不符合题意;B、∵∠1=∠2,∴AD∥BC,故符合题意;C、∵∠3=∠4,∴AB∥CD,故不符合题意;D、∵∠B=∠5,∴AB∥CD,故不符合题意.故选:B.7.某村原有林地108公顷,旱地54公顷,为保护环境,需把一部分旱地改造为林地,使旱地面积占林地面积的20%.设把x公顷旱地改为林地,则可列方程()A.54﹣x=20%×108B.54﹣x=20%(108+x)C.54+x=20%×162D.108﹣x=20%(54+x)【解答】解:设把x公顷旱地改为林地,根据题意可得方程:54﹣x=20%(108+x).故选:B.8.一辆汽车在笔直的公路上行驶,第一次左拐50°,再在笔直的公路上行驶一段距离后,第二次右拐50°,两次拐弯后的行驶方向与原来的行驶方向()A.恰好相同B.恰好相反C.互相垂直D.夹角为100°【解答】解:如图所示(实线为行驶路线):符合“同位角相等,两直线平行”的判定,∴两次拐弯后的行驶方向与原来的行驶方向恰好相同;故选:A.9.某商贩在一次买卖中,以每件135元的价格卖出两件衣服,其中一件盈利25%,另一件亏损25%,在这次买卖中,该商贩()A.不赔不赚B.赚9元C.赔18元D.赚18元【解答】解:设盈利的衣服的进价为x元,亏损的衣服的进价为y元,依题意,得:135﹣x=25%x,135﹣y=﹣25%y,解得:x=108,y=180.∵135﹣108+(135﹣180)=﹣18,∴该商贩赔18元.故选:C.10.下列说法中:①过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行;②过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线垂直;③垂直于同一直线的两条直线互相平行;④平行于同一直线的两条直线互相平行;⑤两条直线被第三条直线所截,如果同旁内角相等,那么这两条直线互相平行;⑥连结A、B两点的线段就是A、B两点之间的距离,其中正确的有()A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个【解答】解:①过直线外一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行,原来的说法是错误的;②在同一平面内,经过直线外一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线垂直,原来的说法是错误的;③在同一平面内,垂直于同一直线的两条直线互相平行,原来的说法是错误的;④平行于同一直线的两条直线互相平行是正确的;⑤两条直线被第三条直线所截,如果同旁内角互补,那么这两条直线互相平行,原来的说法是错误的;⑥连结A、B两点的线段的长度就是A、B两点之间的距离,原来的说法是错误的.故其中正确的有1个.故选:A.二.填空题(每小题3分,共30分)11.若x=3是关于x的方程kx﹣8=k的解,则k的值为4.【解答】解:把x=3代入方程kx﹣8=k得:3k﹣8=k,解得:k=4,故答案为:4.12.如图,为了把河中的水引到C处,可过点C作CD⊥AB于D,然后沿CD开渠,这样做可使所开的渠道最短,这种设计的依据是垂线段最短.【解答】解:过D点引CD⊥AB于D,然后沿CD开渠,可使所开渠道最短,这种设计的依据是垂线段最短.故答案为:垂线段最短.13.若方程(a﹣1)x2﹣|a|+5=0是关于x的一元一次方程,则a=﹣1.【解答】解:∵(a﹣1)x2﹣|a|+5=0是关于x的一元一次方程,∴a﹣1≠0,2﹣|a|=1,解得a=﹣1.故答案为:﹣1.14.如图,直线BE、CD相交于与点O,OF平分∠DOE,若∠DOF=20°,则∠BOC为40°.【解答】解:∵OF平分∠DOE,若∠DOF=20°,∴∠DOE=2∠DOF=40°,∴∠BOC=∠DOE=40°,故答案为:40°.15.将一箱书分给若干同学,若每人分5本,还剩12本;若每人分8本,还缺6本.则这箱书一共有42本.【解答】解:设这箱书一共有x本,共y个同学参与分书,依题意,得:,解得:.故答案为:42.16.已知铁路桥长500米,现有一列火车从桥上通过,测得火车从开始上桥到完全离开桥共用30秒,而整列火车在桥上的时间为20秒,则火车的长度为100米.【解答】解:设火车的长度为x米,根据题意得:=,去分母得:2x+1000=1500﹣3x,移项合并得:5x=500,解得:x=100,则火车的长度为100米.故答案为:10017.如图,直线AB、CD相交于点O,OE⊥AB于O,∠COE=55°,则∠BOD=35度.【解答】解:∵OE⊥AB,∴∠AOE=90°,∵∠COE=55°,∴∠AOC=∠AOE﹣∠COE=35°,则∠BOD=∠AOC=35°.故答案为:3518.服装厂要生产一批某型号学生服,已知每3米长的布料可做上衣2件或裤子3条,一件上衣和一条裤子为一套,计划用600米长的这种布料生产学生服,共能生产240套.【解答】解:设用x米布料生产上衣,那么用(600﹣x)米布料生产裤子恰好配套.根据题意,得:x=600﹣x,解得:x=360,360÷3×2=240(套),故共能生产240套.故答案为:240.19.某电台组织知识竞赛,共设置20道选择题,各题分值相同,每题必答,下表记录了3个参赛者的得分情况.若参赛者D得82分,则他答对了17道题.【解答】解:设答对一题得a分,答错一题得b分,依题意,得:,解得:.设参赛者D答对了x道题,则答错了(20﹣x)道题,依题意,得:5x﹣(20﹣x)=82,解得:x=17.故答案为:17.20.某人乘船由A地顺流而下到B地,然后又逆流而上到C地,共乘船3小时,已知船在静水中的速度是每小时8千米,水流速度是每小时2千米,已知A,B,C三地在一条直线上,若A、C两地距离为2千米,则A、B两地之间的距离是12.5或10千米.【解答】解:设A.B两地之间的距离为x千米,当C在线段AB上时:则+=3解得x=12.5当C在AB的反向延长线上时:+=3解得:x=10则A、B两地之间的距离是12.5或10千米.三.解答题(21题8分,22题6分,23、24题各8分,25、26、27题各10分,共60分)21.解方程(1)3x+3=x+7;(2)=2.【解答】解:(1)移项合并得:2x=4,解得:x=2;(2)去分母得:2x+4﹣3x﹣3=12,移项合并得:﹣x=11,解得:x=﹣11.22.完成下面推理过程.在括号内的横线上填空或填上推理依据如图,已知:∠3=∠BAE,AC⊥BE,∠1=∠2,∠3+∠4=180°,求证:AB∥CD,AD ∥BE证明:∵AC⊥BE(已知);∴∠3=90°垂直的定义;∴∠BAE=∠3=90°;又∵∠3+∠4=180°(已知);∴∠4=180°﹣∠3=90°;∴∠4=∠BAE等式的性质;∴AB∥CD同位角相等,两直线平行;∵∠1=∠2(已知);∴∠1+∠CAE=∠2+∠CAE等式的性质;即∠BAE=∠CAD;∴∠3=∠CAD;∴AD∥BE内错角相等,两直线平行.【解答】证明:∵AC⊥BE(已知);∴∠3=90°(垂直的定义);∴∠BAE=∠3=90°;又∵∠3+∠4=180°(已知);∴∠4=180°﹣∠3=90°;∴∠4=∠BAE(等式的性质);∴AB∥CD(同位角相等,两直线平行);∵∠1=∠2(已知);∴∠1+∠CAE=∠2+∠CAE(等式的性质);即∠BAE=∠CAD;∴∠3=∠CAD;∴AD∥BE(内错角相等,两直线平行);故答案为:垂直的定义;4;等式的性质;同位角相等,两直线平行;等式的性质;内错角相等,两直线平行.23.小莹在解关于x的方程5a+x=13时,误将+x看作﹣x,得方程的解为x=﹣2,求原方程的解为多少?【解答】解:把x=﹣2代入方程5a﹣x=13,得:5a+2=13,解得:a=,即原方程为11+x=13,解得:x=2,原方程的解为x=2.24.篝火晚会前夕,德强学校附近一超市从厂家购进了甲、乙两种发光道具,甲种道具的每件进价比乙种道具的每件进价少2元.若购进甲种道具7件,乙种道具2件,需要76元.(1)求甲、乙两种道具的每件进价分别是多少元?(2)若该超市从厂家购进了甲乙两种道具共50件,所用资金恰好为440元.在销售时,甲种道具的每件售价为10元,要使得这50件道具所获利润率为20%,乙道具的每件售价为多少元?【解答】解:(1)设甲种道具的每件进价是x元,则乙种道具的每件进价是(x+2)元,依题意,得:7x+2(x+2)=76,解得:x=8,∴x+2=10.答:甲种道具的每件进价是8元,乙种道具的每件进价是10元.(2)设购进甲种道具m件,购进乙种道具n件,依题意,得:,解得:.设乙道具的售价为y元,依题意,得:(10﹣8)×30+(y﹣10)×20=440×20%,解得:y=11.4.答:乙道具的每件售价为11.4元.25.如图,直线AB,CD相交于点O,OA平分∠EOC,且∠EOC:∠EOD=2:3.(1)求∠BOD的度数;(2)如图2,点F在OC上,直线GH经过点F,FM平分∠OFG,且∠MFH﹣∠BOD =90°,求证:OE∥GH.【解答】解:∵∠EOC:∠EOD=2:3,∴∠EOC=180°×=72°,∵OA平分∠EOC,∴∠AOC=∠EOC=×72°=36°,∴∠BOD=∠AOC=36°.(2)延长FM交AB于N,如图所示:∵∠MFH﹣∠BOD=90°,FM平分∠OFG,∴∠MFC=∠MFH=∠BOD+90°=126°,∴∠ONF=126°﹣36°=90°,∴∠OFM=90°﹣36°=54°,∴∠OFG=2∠OFM=108°,∴∠OFG+∠EOC=180°,∴OE∥GH.26.如图,在长方形ABCD中,AB=8厘米,BC=4厘米,点P沿AB边从点A开始向点B 以2厘米/秒的速度移动;点Q沿DA边从点D开始向点A以1厘米/秒的速度移动,如果P、Q同时出发,用t(秒)表示移动的时间,那么:(1)如图1,当t为何值时,线段AQ的长度等于线段AP的长度?(2)如图2,当t为何值时,DQ与BP的长度之和是长方形ABCD周长的?(3)如图3,点P到达点B后继续以相同速度沿BC边运动,到达点C后停止运动;点Q到达点A后继续以相同速度沿AB边运动,当点P停止运动时点Q也停止运动.当点P在BC边上运动时,t为何值可使线段AQ的长度等于线段CP长度的一半?【解答】解:(1)∵四边形ABCD是矩形,∴AB=CD=8cm,AD=BC=4cm,由题意,得DQ=tcm,AQ=(4﹣t)cm,AP=2t cm,当AQ=AP时4﹣t=2t解得:t=s,(2)由题意可得:QD=tcm,AP=2tcm,BP=(8﹣2t)cm,则t+8﹣2t=×2×(4+8),解得:t=2;(3)由题意可得:AQ=(t﹣4)cm,CP=(12﹣2t)cm,则t﹣4=(12﹣2t),解得:t=5.27.近年来,德强学校初中部中考屡创佳绩,捷报频传.为了吸纳更多的优质生源,学校决定要新建一栋4层的教学大楼,每层楼有8间教室,进出这栋大楼共有4道门,其中两道正门大小相同,两道侧门大小相同,进楼前为了保证学生安全,对4道门进行了测试:正常情况下,当同时开启一道正门和两道侧门时,2分钟可以通过560名学生;当同时开启一道正门和一道侧门时4分钟可以通过800名学生(1)正常情况下,平均每分钟一道正门和一道侧门各可以通过多少名学生?(2)检查中发现,紧急情况时因学生拥挤,出门的效率将降低20%,安全检查规定,在紧急情况下全大楼的学生应在5分钟内通过这4道门安全撤离.如果这栋教学楼每班预计招收49名学生,那么建造的这4道门是否符合安全规定?请说明理由.(3)在(2)问的条件下,为了提高出门效率,学校安排了值周教师,则正常情况下,一道正门每分钟出门人数可增加人人,一道侧门每分钟出门人数可增加人此时,同时打开一道正门和两道侧门每分钟可通行335人.如果全楼所有教师及工作人员共有128人,那么在此种安排下,为保证紧急情况下全楼所有师生仍能通过这4道门安全撤离,每班预计招收人数最多可提高到多少人?【解答】解:(1)设平均每分钟一道正门可通过x名学生,一道侧门可以通过y名学生.则解得:答:平均每分钟一道正门可通过120名学生,一道侧门可以通过80名学生;(2)这栋楼最多有学生4×8×49=1568(名),拥挤时5分钟四道门可通过5×2×(120+80)×(1﹣20%)=1600(名),∵1600>1568.∴建造的4道门符合安全规定.(3)由题意可得:120++2×(80+)=335,∴a=17,∴则正常情况下,一道正门每分钟出门人数为143人,一道侧门每分钟出门人数为96人,设每班预计招收人数最多可提高到x人,由题意可得:5×2×(143+96)×(1﹣20%)≥4×8×x+128,∴x≤55.75,且x为整数∴每班预计招收人数最多可提高到55人。
黑龙江省哈尔滨市德强学校2024-2025学年七年级上学期开学考试英语试题一、单项选择1.—How do you usually come to school?—I usually come ________ the No. 2 bus.A.on B.by C.take2.—Wu Binbin is really tall.—Yes, he is ________ than ________.A.taller; I am B.shorter; I C.taller; me is3.—We ________ players. Let’s ________ basketball together.—OK.A.are both, play B.both are, play C.are both, to play 4.—How will your friend come to Harbin next week?—He ________ come here by plane.A.may be B.may C.maybe5.Robin is ________ in the mud. And some ants pull him out of it.A.stick B.stuck C.stucking6.I don’t like the brown shoes. I’m going to try on ________ pair.A.other B.others C.another7.My grandpa enjoys ________ soft clothes because they are comfortable (舒适的).A.wearing B.put on C.dressing8.The students are busy ________ some fruit.A.with buy B.to buy C.buying9.John ________ finish the hard math exercises without the students’ help. So he should thank them.A.can’t B.can C.must10.Jimmy pays attention ________ the teachers in class.A.to listen to B.listening to C.to listening to二、完形填空Someone says, “Time is money.” But I think time is 11 important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can earn (赚得) more. However, when time is 12 , it’ll never 13 . That is 14 we mustn’t waste (浪费) time.It goes without saying that 15 is usually limited (有限的). Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do 16 useful. But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who 17 know the importance of time. They spend their limited time smoking, drinking and playing. They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own 18 .In a word, we should save (节约) time. We shouldn’t 19 today’s work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to 20 .根据短文内容选择最佳答案。
黑龙江省哈尔滨市德强学校2023-2024学年七年级上学期期中英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.—Is September the ________ month of a year?—Yes, it is.A.nine B.ninth C.nineth2.—________ your brother usually late for school?—No, never.A.Is B.Does C.Do3.—How can I ask Mr. Green ________ help?A.for; in B.at; in C.for; at4.—Is this ________ computer?—Yes, it’s ________. My brother buys it for me.A.your; me B.yours; my C.your; mine 5.—Let’s play tennis.—I think it is ________. Why not try something else?A.relaxing B.boring C.fun6.—Look! Who’s ________ girl in a red skirt over there?—Oh, she’s my sister, Kate. She is ________ 8- year-old girl.A.that; a B.this; a C.that; an7.—Li Zhuo’s room isn’t tidy, and his things are ________.—On the bed, on the sofa and on the floor.A.where B.everywhere C.here8.—Are there any vegetables in the beef soup?—Yes, there are some ________.A.fish B.carrots C.strawberries 9.—What ________ your cousin Jack like?—He’s not too tall ________ too short. He’s of medium height.A.is; or B.does; and C.does; or10.—We have an English party this evening.—________A.You’re welcome.B.Have a good time!C.That’s all right.二、完形填空Emily is so happy. Today is her birthday. When she gets home from school, there are blue and white balloons on the mailbox(信箱). There is a big sign that reads, “Happy Birthday, Emily! “ Her sister, a ten-year-old girl, 11 her at the mailbox.“We are playing a Birthday Game,” her sister says, “You have to find your 12 . Here is your first clue(线索).” She gives Emily a small piece of paper. Emily looks at it carefully.“It is a good thing she learns to 13 in school this year,” she thinks. She opens the note and reads “ Clue number 1:Look inside the car.” So she looks inside the car. She finds a dog bone with another note on it. Emily takes off the note and begins 14 “Clue number 2: Look on the front porch(门廊). There on the swing(秋千) is a bag of dog 15 with another note. Again she quickly reads the note, “Clue number 3: Look in the house by the 16 door.” Emily goes to the back door and there is a dog’s leash(皮带).“Hmmm,” She thinks. A dog bone, dog food and a dog’s leash… 17 we don’t even have a dog.” The note on the leash says to go outside. So Emily does and do you know 18 she sees? A red doghouse with a big bow on it! And before she gets there, a little brown puppy runs up to her. It has a note on it. The note says, “Happy Birthday, Emily.”“Oh, a puppy!” She shouts. Emily is so 19 ! She loves her new little puppy and she even gives it some birthday cake and ice cream.“I will 20 her Happy, because she has made me so happy today.” Emily says. She gives her mom, dad and sister a big hug.“Thank you,” she says with a big smile, “This is the best birthday ever!”11.A.meet B.meets C.meeting12.A.gift B.festival C.habit13.A.read B.draw C.write14.A.read B.to read C.reads 15.A.house B.food C.bone16.A.front B.back C.left17.A.so B.but C.and18.A.what B.how C.where19.A.sad B.angry C.happy 20.A.make B.call C.help三、阅读单选Good morning! Welcome to Mr. Brown’s Food Store. We have many things on sale. Please come in and have a look! Please look at our ads(广告). Do you like some of them? Buy them soon. Some food isn’t on the ads, such as(例如) chicken and fish. The chicken is根据语言材料内容选择最佳答案。
2024年统编版2024七年级英语上册月考试卷357考试试卷考试范围:全部知识点;考试时间:120分钟学校:______ 姓名:______ 班级:______ 考号:______总分栏一、选择题(共9题,共18分)1、【题文】If we sit near ____ front of the bus, we’ll have ____ better view.A. /;theB. /;aC. the; aD. the;the2、-Is Jack in the next room-Well,it"s hard to say.But I heard him ______ at 5o"clock.()A. singB. to singC. sangD. singing3、---I have _____ in learning English and I am so worried. Could you give me a hand?---Sure.A. interestB. surpriseC. funD. trouble4、Either you ______ your sister ______ because one of you must stay at home.A. or, goesB. but, goesC. or, goD. but, go5、—Why didn’t Steve come to school? —He ___________ and _________his leg.A. fell down hurtedB. falls down hurtsC. fell down hurt6、--- ______do you live from your school? --- Ten minutes’ walk.()A. How soonB. How longC. How oftenD. How far7、This ________ my sister and those ________ my parents.()A. is; isB. are; areC. are; isD. is; are8、--- Can you speak ____ ?--- Of course. My mother is a ____.()A. Russia; RussiaB. Russia; RussianC. Russian; Russian9、The girl is so ______ that she can work out all the physics problems easily.()A. lazyB. cleverC. beautifulD. strict二、填空题(共8题,共16分)10、There is ______in today’s newspaper.A. important somethingB. anything specialC. important anythingD. something important11、–– Would you like to play table tennis with us after school?–– _________.A. That’s all rightB. That’s rightC. I hope you can goD. Yes, I’d love to12、—____ jacket is this?—I think it’s Mingming’s.A. WhoB. Who’sC. WhoseD. What13、I have a cat, _______ name is Mimi.A.it’sB. itsC.its’D.its’s14、He is an Australian boy. He is from _______.A.Japan B.China C.Australia D.England15、-- ________? --Pretty good!。
一.单项选择(每题1分,共20分)()1.In the following words,which underlined letter has a different sound from the others?A.soupB.mountainC.around()2.Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?A.panda practiceB.hospital noseC.kill child()3.Which word of the following doesn’t have the same stress as the others?A.MusicianB.GuitarC.Spend()4.When I was_________11-year-old boy,I played_________chess.Chess taught me a lot.A.an,theB.a,/C.an,/()5.--How do you go to work?--I usually go to work_________my father’s car,and_________on foot.A.by,sometimesB.in,sometimesC.on,some time ()6.--My English is so poor.What should I do?--You can ask Miss.Li for help.She is always_________children.She oftenhelps them_________their English.A.good for,forB.good with,withC.good to,in()7Come and_________us in the Music Festival.And then you can_________the musicians’party.A.join in,join inB.join,join inC.join,join()8.In China,when you_________a street,you must look left first,then right.While in the UK,look right first,then left.A.acrossB.crossC.crossing()9.--Do you know that there are many different_________animals in the zoo?--Yes,I do.And I also know that some of them are_________scary.A.kind of,kinds ofB.kinds of,kind ofC.kinds of,kinds of()10.--Excuse me,is the book store far from here?--No.It’s only_________walk from here.A.10minutes’B.10-minuteC.10minutes ()11.--Tomorrow is Mother’s Day.Remember_________a card for your mom, Lily.--OK,I_________.A.to make,doB.to make,willC.making,will ()12.--When shall I visit you?--_________today_________tomorrow is OK.I have time these two days.A.Neither,norB.Either,orC.Both,and()13._________students went to Xi’an Jiaotong University to test.About come from Harbin every year.A.Hundreds of;two hundreds of studentsB.Hundreds of;two hundred of the studentsC.Hundred of;two hundred students()14.--What about this book?--I don’t like it,please show me_________one.A.otherB.othersC.another()15.--Amy is________years old and today is her________birthday.--Happy birthday to her!A.twelve,the twelfthB.twenty,twentiethC.fourty,fortieth ()16.--How do you go to school every day?--My home is far from school,so I________take a subway.A.mustB.have toC.need()17.--How can I get good grades?--________good grades,you should listen to the teacher carefully in class,andstudy hard after class.A.GettingB.To getC.Get()18.It’s one of the most important festivals in western countries.When it falls,all the people get together to celebrate the coming year.They will dance and sing.They also wait to listen to the bells ringing.Therefore,this festival is________.A.New Year’s DayB.Thanksgiving DayC.Christmas Day ()19.Research(调查)has shown that breakfast should be the most important meal of the day.But we are usually too hurried to have it.For us,what should we do to enjoy a good breakfast?①Try to get up early.②Have breakfast on the way to save time.③Have a regular(规律的)breakfast such as milk,bread,porridge and eggs.④Enjoy fast food in KFC every morning.⑤Never stay up too late.A.①②④B.③④⑤C.①③⑤()20.Lucy is a first-year girl in a middle school.She spends one third of a day at school and sleeps eight hours every day.She uses the rest time to do some other activities.Then she spends_________more minutes playing the piano than doing her homework on weekdays.B.150C.210二.完形填空(每题1分,共10分)As middle school students,we go to school from Monday to Friday.And we study at school for about eight__21__nine hours.After we get home from school,every one of us __22__to do the homework on time.It__23__us lots of time to study.Some study well and like studying more.Some are busy with study but aren't happy__24__grades.Why?DoinghomeworkExercising Playingthe pianoReading WatchingTVHavingdinner One anda half hoursAn hour?2hours45minutes45minutes哈尔滨德强学校七年级(下)月考英语试题1We have different results(结果)__25__different ways to study.If we know the best way to study,we can study easily and better.Here are some tips. First,we should preview(预习)new lessons__26__class.If we are ready for the new lesson,we will find it not hard to learn.And we are not__27__to answer the teacher’s questions.We will feel that studying is interesting to us.Second,we should listen to our teachers carefully in class.We shouldn’t__28__ quietly with our deskmates.We shouldn’t be absent-minded(溜号).We shouldn’t play with anything in our hands.__29__is more important than listening to our teachers in class.At last,we should review(复习)lessons after class.Look for the old so as to learn the new(温故而知新)!Don't worry if we find out our problems.Our parents,teachers and classmates all like to help us to solve(解决)them.Boys and girls,study in the best way,and we are sure to be__30__at school than e on!根据短文内容选择最佳答案。
2020-2021学年黑龙江哈尔滨市香坊区德强中学七上10月月考英语试卷1.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)In the following words which underlined letter has a different soundfrom the others?A.book B.room C.school2.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?A.white who B.zero model C.now brown3.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)Which word of the following doesn't have the same stress as the others?A.hello B.grandpa C.excuse4.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)There is _____ "u" and _____ "n" in the word "uncle".A.a, an B.an, a C.a, a5.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)His family _____ all very kind and friendly. The family _____ a happyone.A.are, is B.are, are C.is, are6.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)—What's his phone number?—_____ 045l-12345678.A.It's B.They're C.It7.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)—_____ that?—It's a purple bag.A.What color is B.What's C.What's color8.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)We will have an eight-day holiday _____ October 1st _____ October 8.A.from, to B.on, to C.on, on9.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)—Can you introduce _____ to us?—Yes, my name is Dale. I'm from Canada.A.you B.yourself C.your10.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)There _____ an eraser and two _____ on the desk.A.is, pencil-boxs B.are, pencils-boxesC.is, pencil-boxes11.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)—Dad, I'm hungry.—_____ your mother for some bread. She's in the kitchen now.A.Meet B.Help C.Ask12.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)—Let's join the sports club, shall we?—_____. I really want to take exercise.A.Sorry, that sounds boring B.That sounds badC.It's a good idea13.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)I lost my school ID card, I must _____ it. Call me at 685-6034.A.find B.find out C.look for14.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)—Is this your backpack?—No, _____ is on the sofa. It's Li Lei's. Look, _____ name is on it.A.my, his B.my, him C.mine, her15.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)—_____ the man over there?—Our English teacher.A.What's B.Who's C.How's16.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)—Jane didn't feel _____ today.—But she still played the violin very _____ today.A.good; well B.well; good C.well; well17.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)This set of keys _____ mine. And another two sets _____ Tom's.A.are, are B.is, are C.is, is18.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)Linda Brown is an American girl. Jane Brown is her father's mother. JaneBrown wants to be called _____ by her.A.Jane B.Mrs. Brown C.Granny Brown19.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)If you want to protect your eyes, you should _____.① play iPad every day② read books on the bus③ do eye exercises every day④ not read in the sun⑤ have a good sleepA.①③④B.②③④C.③④⑤20.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)Jack usually does his hobbies for 2 hours a day. Look at the form, howmany minutes does Jack spend (花费) on listening to music every week?P.S. He doesn't do any hobbies on Monday.A.24B.168C.14421.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)Hello, everyone! My name is Wang Wei. I'm . I live thebeautiful city of Yuannan.I'm an active, lovely and clever . In the school, my favorite subjcct is math. Some of my think it's difficult to study well. I like it. Besides, I enjoy English. I practice English every day. I believe that if you try best, you can do well.I like spurts very much, such as running, volleyball and so on.I'm kind-hearted. If you need help, please come to me. I hope we can be good friends!OK. This is me—a sunny girl.(1)A.15 years old B.15-year-old C.15 year old(2)A.on B.in C.with(3)A.teacher B.boy C.girl(4)A.friends B.brothers C.classmates(5)A.However B.But C.So(6)A.learn B.learning C.to learn(7)A.speak B.saying C.speaking(8)A.yours B.your C.yourself(9)A.something B.nothing C.everything(10)A.also B.too C.either(1) Peter is a _____.A.girl B.teacher C.student(2) _____ is an English teacher.A.Mr. John B.Mr. Brown C.Mr. Zhao(3) Zhang Hao is _____ year(s) younger than Alice Brown.A.11B.12C.1(4) Alice Brown is a girl. Her telephone number is _____.A.8523-3237B.7342-6979C.8876-5342(5) According to this passage which sentence below is right?A.Zhang Hao is from China.B.John Brown's telephone number is 8523-3732.C.Zhang Hao can call the girl Brown.22.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)April, 4th is Mary's mother's birthday. Mary wants to buy abirthday present for her mother. But she doesn't have money. She is very sad. She thinks and thinks.Finally (最后) she has an idea. She can make a present by herself. So she uses a piece of paper to make a card. On the front of the paper, she draws a beautiful picture of birds and flowers. On the back of the paper she writes, "To my dearest (最爱的) mummy in the world. I love you very much. Happy birthday toOn her mother's birthday, Mary gives her the card. After her mother sees it tears (眼泪) fall down her face. "Why are you crying?" Mary asks, "You don't like it, right?" "Of course not. I love it very much. I am the happiest mother in the world. I have a great daughter. Thank you, my dear daughter."(1) ( )Mary wants to make a present for her mother at first.(2) ( )Mary is sad because she has no money.(3) ( )Mary draws a beautiful picture of birds on the front and the back of the paper.(4) ( )Mary's mother feels sad after seeing the card.(5) ( )We know that Mary's mother is moved (感动) by the birthday present.23.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)When we get to school, we must study hard. But we need a rightway. We shouldn't waste (浪费) the time or the money.The best time for reading is morning. Because in the morning, the air is fresh and our minds (思维) are clear.In studying, we must be patient. If we don't understand a text well, we must read it again. We should not read the next one till we have learned the first one well.We should read carefully, or we can get nothing from the book while we are reading.We must always ask "why". If we can't understand it, write it down and ask our teachers or friends.(1) The underlined word "patient" in the passage means "_____" in Chinese.A.耐心的B.冷静的C.焦急的(2) Reading is a good habit. The best time to read is _____.A.afternoon B.morning C.evening(3) If we don't read carefully, we can get _____ from the book.A.something B.everything C.nothing(4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.We should waste time and money.B.If we don't understand a text, we must read it again.C.Don't ask any questions from your teacher.(5) What is the passage mainly about?A.How to study.B.How to read books.C.How to spend time.24.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)Today is June 4th. It's a fine day. . She comes home and sees anew red box on her bed. There is nothing but a piece of paper in it! "Dear Betty, I'm your gift. Come and look for me in the front room." Betty runs to front room. They look at her happily.She looks around and sees her gift—a nice new bike. "Happy birthday, Betty!" Betty is very happy and says, "Thank you very much."A.Her parents both say.B.It is Betty's birthdayC.Betty takes it out and reads,D.She finds her parents there.E.She opens it.(2)A.Her parents both say.B.It is Betty's birthdayC.Betty takes it out and reads,D.She finds her parents there.E.She opens it.(3)A.Her parents both say.B.It is Betty's birthdayC.Betty takes it out and reads,D.She finds her parents there.E.She opens it.(4)A.Her parents both say.B.It is Betty's birthdayC.Betty takes it out and reads,D.She finds her parents there.E.She opens it.(5)A.Her parents both say.B.It is Betty's birthdayC.Betty takes it out and reads,D.She finds her parents there.E.She opens it.25.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)A: Good moming, Mike.B: Good moming, Linda.A: Is this your schoolbag, Linda?B: . Thank you.A: What's in your school bag?B: A dictionary, a book, and a pencil box.A:B: A ruler, an eraser and a pencil.A:B: It's blue nnd red.A:B: Yellow? It isn't my pencil-box. But this is my schoolbag.A: Hey, your pencil box is there.B: It's mine.A:B: Thank you very much.A: That's all nght.A.What's in your pencil-box?B.What color is your pencil-box?C.Yes, it is.D.Here you are.E.But this pencil-box is yellow.F.What's in your schoolbag?G.No, it doesn't.(2)A.What's in your pencil-box?B.What color is your pencil-box?C.Yes, it is.D.Here you are.E.But this pencil-box is yellow.F.What's in your schoolbag?G.No, it doesn't.(3)A.What's in your pencil-box?B.What color is your pencil-box?C.Yes, it is.D.Here you are.E.But this pcncil-box is ycllow.F.What's in your schoolbag?G.No, it doesn't.(4)A.What's in your pencil-box?B.What color is your pencil-box?C.Yes, it is.D.Here you are.E.But this pencil-box is yellow.F.What's in your schoolbag?G.No, it doesn't.(5)A.What's in your pencil-box?B.What color is your pencil-box?C.Yes, it is.D.Here you are.E.But this pencil-box is yellow.F.What's in your schoolbag?G.No, it docsn't.26.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)Amy: Bill, is it your ?Bill: Yes, it is.Amy: Is the boy your brother?Bill: No. She's my sister. She is only nine months old.Amy: She's so cute. the woman and the man?Bill: They're my uncle and my aunt.Amy: Is the woman red your mother?Bill: Yes, she is. She is benutiful.Amy: Oh, really a nice photo.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)27.I'm Kate, and my sister is Gina. I'm , but Gina is not. In room, my books and tapesin the bookcase. My kcys are in schoolbag. I have a clock. It's on the desk. books are everywhere—on her bed, on the sofa and under the chair. The white model plane is hers. It's under the desk. There is also eraser under the desk. "Where are my keys? Where're my ? Where's my schoolbag?" Gina always .(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)28.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)Sally does her homework before dinner. (一般疑问句)Sally homework before dinner?29.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)This is my pen. (变为同义句)This pen .30.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)Coco is the name of my dog. (变为同义句)Coco is name.31.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)Is this your brother's key? (变为复数句)your brother's keys?32.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)What's his age? (同义句)is he?33.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)Jack likes to eat apples very much. (对画线部分提问)does Jack to eat very much?34.(2020·哈尔滨市香坊区·月考)刘老师教我们英语。
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英语月考出题人:刘玉莲审题人:王玉柱一、单项选择(本题共20分,每小题1分)Which underlined letters has a different sound from the others?( )1 A.summer B. usual C. lucky( )2 A. south B. mouth C. southern( )3. Which of the following words has the same sound as the underlined letter of the word “l ea ve”?A.breakB. teachC. great( )4. Which of the following words has a different sound as the underlined letter of the word “f o llow”?A.hostB. lostC. problem( )5. Which of the following words has a different sound as the underlined letter of the word “dr i nk”A. kindB. minuteC. stillWhich pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?( )6. A.animal dragon B. dinning village C. wear hear( )7. A.down snow B. south cloudy C. pool cookWhich word of the following doesn’t have the same stress as the others?( )8. A. smart B. again C. candle( )9. A. Australia B. America C. Africa( )10. A. uniform B. before C. giraffe( )11. —_______ good weather it is! —Yes. It’s right for us _________.A. What a, walkingB. What, to walkC. How, to walk( )12. —Who is that speaking?—_______ Zhu Hui speaking.A. ThisB. This’sC. It’s( )13. She keeps _________to wait for her teacher before the class.A. quite quickB. quite quietC. quick quietly( )14. — ________ do you speak English a week?—Five times a week.A. How oftenB. How many timesC. How soon( )15. The teachers and parents ________ the children to go to a good high school.A. hopeB. letC. wish( )16. —How will the weather be tomorrow?—The radio says ther e’s going to_______. You’d better take an umbrella.A.be rainyB. rainC. be rain( )17. — Can John play soccer with us, Mrs. Black?—One moment, please. He ________ on the phone to his cousin.A. is talkingB. talksC. is telling( )18. Pandas are very popular as one of ___________.A. symbol of ChinaB. China’s symbolsC. Chinese symbols( )19. I’m sorry, but I _______ go home now because I have lots of homework to do.A. have toB. mustC. may( )20. Schools make rules ___________ us students, so we must follow _______.A. help, theyB. to help, itC. to help, them( )21. We shouldn’t buy things __________ivory.A. made fromB. made ofC. made into( )22. This math problem is ______difficult, but I still want to have a try.A. a kind ofB. a littleC. a bit of( )23. —I’m sorry I _________my exercise book at home this morning.—It doesn’t matter. Don’t for get _______ it here this afternoon.A. left, to takeB. forgot, bringingC. left, to bring( )24. Molly, ______ earlier next time and you’ll have enough time to have breakfast.A. get upB. getting upC. gets up( )25. I can’t go out ____ school nights. That is one of our school rules.A. atB. inC. on( )26. —May I use your computer? My computer_______.—OK, go ahead.A.isn’t brokenB.doesn’t workC.doesn’t wrong( )27. Policemen are often _______when they try to catch bad people.A. dangerousB. in great dangerC. in a danger( )28. —What's in your________hand.—An eraser.A. otherB. the otherC. another( )29. —Why can’t Bob go to the park?—_________ the heavy rain.A. BecauseB. Because ofC. Because that( )30. When you ________ , please call me _______ 0451-5555.A. arrive, atB. get, /C. reach, at( )31. Li Hai’s helping hi s grandmother _______ dumplings.A. makesB. makingC. make( )32. —What does the boy do?—He is a _________. Look, he ________ food in the kitchen.A. cooker; is cookingB. cook; cookingC. cook; is cooking( )33. — It’s ten past eight. It’s late _______ go to school now.—You’d better hurry up.A. toB. forC. of( )34. There is ______ bridge over the river. We have to go on a ropeway to ______it.A. not, acrossB. no, crossC. no, go cross( )35. You may ________ if you don’t take a compass(指南针) in the forest.A. get lostB. lostC. are lost( )36. —Mom, could I go out to play with my friends?–—No, you _________. You must stay inside because of COVID-19(新型冠状病毒肺炎).A. couldn’tB. can’tC. could( )37. —Would you like to join us _______ dinner this weekend?—_________, but I have something important to do.A. for, I’d like toB. in, I’d loveC. for, I will( )38. Do you know ________ is Thai Elephant Day? That calls on more people to protect elephants.A. March 12thB. March 13thC. Marth 14th( )39. When you are unhappy, you should _______ to make yourself feel better.①think of some happy things②listen to some light music③keep away from your friends④do sports to relax yourself⑤fight with the people you meetA.③④⑤B. ①②④C. ①②⑤( )40. There are 300 students in No. 1 Middle School. According to the table, ___students are in Grade One and Grade Two.A.210B. 105C. 90二、完型填空(本题共10分,每小题1分)In England people often talk 41 weather because they can experience (经历)four seasons in one 42 . In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later black 43 come and then it rains 44 . The weather gets a little cold. In the late afternoon the sky will be sunny, the sun will begin to shine, and it will be summer 45 this time of day.In England, people can also have summer in winter 46 have winter in summer. 47 in winter they can swim sometimes, and in summer they should take 48 clothes.When you go to England, you will see that some English people usually take an 49 or a raincoat with them on a sunny morning, but you 50 laugh at them. If you don’t take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret later in the day.( )41. A.to B. with C. about( )42. A. year B. month C. day( )43. A. cloud B. clouds C. cloudy德强学校初中部2019--2020下学期七年级英语学科月考试卷考场座位号姓名班级( )44. A. hard B. hardly C. harder( )45. A. at B. in C. by( )46. A. and B. but C. so( )47. A. So B. But C. And( )48. A. cool B. warm C. dear( )49. A. sunglass B. umbrella C. hat( )50. A. shouldn’t B. should C. can三、阅读理解(本题共20分,每小题1分)(A)Useful Information in Australia根据短文选择最佳答案( )51. If there is a fire, you can call __________in Australia.A. 1300369359B. 000C.12455( )52. Which is the right time to send a letter in a post office in Australia?A. At 8: 30 am on Tuesday.B. At 9: 30 am on Sunday.C. At 9: 30 am on Monday.( )53. Which one might be open on public holidays?A. Public libraries.B. Shops.C. Banks.( )54. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. If you want to take a taxi in America, you can call 1800421113.B. It's free for you to surf the Internet in Australian public libraries.C. It costs 50 dollars to send a standard (标准的)letter in Australia.( )55. We can read this passage________.A.in a book for old peopleB.in a program for people who like readingC. on a website(网站)for travelers(B)One day Bob took two of his friends into the mountains. They put up their tents (帐篷)and then rode off to a forest to see how the trees were growing. In the afternoon when they were about ten kilometers from their camp(营地), it started to snow. More and more snow fell. Soon Bob could hardly see his hand before his face. He could not find the road! Bob knew there were two roads. One road went to the camp, and the other went to his house. But all was white now. Everything was the same. How could he take his friends back to the camp? Bob had an idea. The horses! Let the horses take them back! But what would happen if the horses took the road to his house? That would be a trip of thirty-five kilometers in such cold weather!Useful NumbersAll the telephone numbers are useful and free.Fire/Police/Ambulance(救护车)-000 Telephone information-12455Medical(医学的)Care-1300369359 Taxi-1800421113Surfing the InternetWith so many Internet tearooms and public libraries, it's easy to surf the Internet in Australia.Also,it's very cheap for you to surf the Internet.Public libraries offer(提供)free Internet every day even during public holidays.Post ServiceAll post offices around the country offer post services so you can receive mails as you travelaround the whole country.Post offices are usually open from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.It costs 50 cents to send a standard(标准的)letter in Australia.Public HolidaysOn public holidays all shops are closed across Australia, so are banks and post offices.New Year's Day-1stJanuaryAustralia Day-26th JanuaryChristmas Day-25th, December德强学校初中部2019--2020下学期七年级英语学科月考试卷It was getting late. They rode on and on. At last the horses stopped. Where were they? None of them could tell. John looked around. What was that under the tree? It was one of their tents!根据短文内容判断正误(正确写A,错误写B)( )56. Bob just has two friends.( )57. A story happened on a cold winter night.( )58. They could not find their way back because there were no roads in the mountains at all.( )59. The horses took them for a long time.( )60. At last the horses took them to their camp.(C)As we know, there are differences between western culture and Chinese culture. We can see differences when we pay attention to the way words are used. Let's look at the words about animals and plants. Most expressions in Chinese about dog, for example, a homeless dog, a mad dog and a dog catching a mouse, have bad meanings. But in western countries, dogs are thought to be honest and good friends of humans. In English, people use the dog to describe good actions. For example. You are a lucky dog means you are a lucky person. And every dog has its day means each person has good luck sometimes. To describe a person's serious illness, they say sick as a dog. The word dog-tired means very tired. However, Chinese love cats very much. But in western culture, “cat” is often used to describe(描述) a woman who is cruel(残忍的).The rose is regarded as a symbol of love in both China and some western countries. People think the rose means love, peace, courage(勇气) and friendship. And the rose is the national flower of England, America and many other countries.The words about plants and animals are used in good or bad ways in different cultures. We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how some words used.根据短文选择最佳答案( )61. Every dog has its day means___________.A. everybody in the world is luckyB. each person lives his own way of lifeC. everybody has a time in life to be lucky( )62. Western people usually use “cat” to describe__________.A. an unkind womanB. a homeless personC. a tired person( )63.Which phrase about dogs has the good meaning?A. A mad dog.B. A dog catching a mouse.C. A lucky dog.( )64. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Chinese people like dogs better than cats.B. Western people think dogs to be good friends.C. Rose is the national flower of all western countries.( )65. What's the best title for the passage?A. Good or Bad.B. Different Countries Have Different Cultures.C. Rose Means the Same in Chinese and English.(D)阅读下面短文,从方框内选择恰当的句子填入文中空白处,使短文内容完整、意思连贯。