中学英语常见的教学方法之语法翻译法中学英语常见的教学方法之语法翻译法赣县吉埠中学龙建国语法翻译法(grammar translation method)(一)语法翻译法及其理论基础1.定义:语法翻译法(grammar translation method),又称“翻译法”、“传统法”、“古典法”。
语法翻译法:“用母语翻译教授外语书面语的一种传统外语教学法,即用语法讲解加翻译练习的方式来教学外语的方法”语法翻译法又称传统法,古典法,旧式法(Old Method)、阅读法、普鲁士法(the Prussian Method)。
优点:1.通过母语的翻译和比较,能使学生比较深刻的理解外语的抽象词意和复杂的句子结构.系统讲授语法知识,注意利用学生的理解力,有利于启发思维,训练智慧,有助于提高教学效果,学生语法概念清晰,词义理解较确切,翻译能力得到培训.2.学生学习掌握语法规则有利于培养学生理解外语和运用外语的能力.3.重视通过大量阅读、背诵原著培养阅读能力.语法翻译法能配合其它阅读与写作教学法,帮助学生提高阅读和写作能力.4.便利易行.不需要什么教具和设备,教师只要掌握了外语基础知识,就可以拿着教科书教学.5.容易测试学生,班级易于管理.缺点:1.没有抓住语言的本质,只注重书面语,而忽视口语教学,忽视语音和语调教学,学生口语能力得不到培养,长期使用语法翻译法会使学生患上外语聋哑病. 2.过分强调翻译的作用,使学生容易养成使用外语时依赖翻译的习惯,不利于全面培养学生运用外语进行交际的能力.过多利用翻译还占用大量教学时间,直接影响运用外语进行外语教学的实践机会.3.语法讲解从定义出发,根据定义给例句,脱离学生的实际需要和语言水平.语法和课文脱节,脱离现实生活实际的例句和课文.这种方法呆板,气氛沉闷. 4.过分偏重阅读能力的培养,学习的语言材料都是一些文学作品片段,词汇很深,脱离学生生活实际.5.强调死记硬背,教学方式单一,课堂气氛沉闷,不易激起学生学习兴趣和学习的积极主动性,难以培养学生运用语言进行交际的能力.6.学生学习被动,学习困难的学生缺乏学好外语的信心.直接法:也叫自然法(Natural Method)、心理法(Psychological Method)、口语法(Oral Method)、改良法(Reformed Method)。
巩固练习 讲解课文
1、教学目的是培养学生阅读外语范文(特别 是古典文学作品)和模仿范文进行写作的 能力,以应试为目的。
2、翻译是教学的基本手段。外语翻译成母语, 母语译成外语的逐词翻译是教学的基本手 段。外语知识的讲解、练习、巩固和阅读 技能的培养都采用翻译方法。
舌 tongue 鼻 nose 牙齿 teeth 它的出现为建立外语教学法作为一门独立的科学体系奠定了基础” 。
语法词汇: 5、文学语言优于口语;
名词 noun 动词 verb 其代表人物为奥朗多弗(H.Ollendorff)和雅科托(Jacotot)等。
1、学习拉丁文是为了能够读懂该文字撰写的 经典作品以及官方文件,于是阅读成为学习 外语的首要任务。
机械原子观 2、古典语言教学意在对学习者进行智力和思 维训练,人们认为语法是训练思维的最佳材 料。
3、机械主义哲学在当时学术界占统治地位。 该主义认为:一切语言源于同一种语言,它 们拥有共同的语法及词汇概念,差别仅表现 为发音和书写形式的不同。
4、易于检验学习成果, 对教师要求降低。
2、古典语言教学意在对学Байду номын сангаас者进行智力和思维训练,人们认为语法是训练思维的最佳材料。
案例1: 老师,这个怎么说?America。
学生很少提问,学生之间交流更少。 所谓自觉是通过语言分析以理解所学材料的内容含义,是指学生把注意力集中于语言形式本身,而不是这些语言形式所表达的思想内
语法翻译法,也叫传统法,是外语教学中最古老、影响最 远的教学法体系。它的出现为建立外语教学法作为一门 独立的学科奠定了基础。这种方法至今仍被广泛使用, 尤其在我国。 语法翻译法是中世纪欧洲人教希腊语、拉 丁语等语言的教学法,到了十八世纪,欧洲的学校虽然 开设了现代外语课,但仍然沿用语法翻译法,当时语言 学的研究对象基本上还是书面语。德国语言学家奥朗多 弗等学者总结了过去运用语法翻译法的实践经验,并在 当时机械语言学、心理学的影响下,给语法翻译法以理 论上的解释,使语法翻译法成为一种科学的外语教学法 体系。
主要包括以下几个方面: 1.教材:受语法翻译教学法的影响,许多教材的编写方式是按 照英语语法规则的顺序编写的。 2.考试形式:翻译教学法提倡的是对原文的书面理解,强调的 是两种语言书面形式的互译。因此,考试形式自然是目的语 和本族语的互译,强调意义的准确和语言的流畅。这种翻译 考试形式在今天的考试中依然较为流行,因为它能准确的判 断出学习者是否真正掌握了目的语的规则以及理解了目的语 的意义。 3.教学理论:首先词汇是语言的核心,语言教学的重心在词汇 教学;第二,语法是外语教学之“纲”,语言教学的内容需要 围绕这一中心展开;第三,翻译是外语教学的主要手段,语言 教学实际上是两种语言的翻译活动,也就是通过翻译来学习 外语;第四,翻译教学法强调的是教师的主导作用,认为教师 是教学活动的中心。 4.教学模式:以这种教学法为基础形成的语言教学模式可以概 括为:阅读——分析——翻译——讲解——背诵。课堂教学安排 一般是先阅读,教师对课文、句型进行语法分析,之后逐句 翻译讲解。最后要求学生背诵相关的段落,熟记所学的词汇 和语法规则。以上五个教学步骤在目前初中、高中的英语教 学中重复使用,体现着语法翻译教学法的基本特征。
The Grammar-Translation Method
总的说来,语法翻译法属于传统语言学派。正如在第一章里 所说的那样,传统语言学认 为书面语言优越于口头语言。因此, 在研究语言时,他们的重点是书面语言,并把词汇当作 他们研究 的起始点。 在讨论语言规则时,他们采取的是规定性的途径。他们强 调语言的正确性,纯洁性,以 及语言的优美,还强调使用拉丁语 范例等等。语法翻译法所依托的语言理论是由历史比较语 言学派 生出来的。不同语言之间的比较结果表明:像希腊语和拉丁语这 类古典语言与现代印 欧语系的各种语言非常相似。一些语言学家 认为:所有语言都源于一种共同语言,受约于同 一种语法。在外 语教学中,目标语是被看作一套语法规则,这套语法规则在课文 和句子里都 要遵守,与第一语言的语法规则和意思要联系起来。 第一语言被看作是习得目标语过程中的 参照系统。
(4) The language was a body of knowledge to be learned, with an emphasis on intellectual rigor. (语言 是一门须学习的学问,重点放在智力的严密上) 语法翻译法所依据的学习理论是机能心理学。机 能心理学家认为:人的大脑有各种不同 的机能,这些 机能可以分别训练。理解和记忆各种语言的复杂语法 规则被认为是发展脑力的
Theory of learning(学习理论)
(1) The mind of human beings has various faculties that can be trained separately. (人的大脑 有各种不同的 机能,这些机能可以分别训练) ( 2 ) Un de rs tan d i n g an d me m or iz at io n of complicated grammatical rules of languages help to develop mentality. (理解和记忆各种语言的复杂语法规则 可以发展脑力)
名词解释 语法翻译法
• • • • 1. It is an unnatural method. 2.Speech is neglected. 3. Exact translation is not possible. 4.It does not give pattern practice.(句型练 习)
Ⅳ Procedures
• 1.Phase one • 1)The teacher reads and explains the new words and expressions in the first language. • 2) The teacher teaches the new grammar with deductive(演绎法) method.
• Thanks for listening
• • • • • • Ⅰ. Origin Ⅱ. Definition Ⅲ. Theoretical base Ⅳ. Procedures Ⅴ. Characteristics Ⅵ. Advantages and disadvantages
Grammar-translation method began in Germany (Prussia), at the end of the 18th century and became popular in early years of the 19th century. At one time The Grammar-Translation Method was called Classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical languages of Latin and Greek.
1. 语法一翻译法(Grammar-Translation Method)语法一翻译法又称" 传统法", 它是使用学生的母语来教授第二语言/ 外语,并以系统地教授语法知识为教学基础的一种第二语言/ 外语教学法。
语法一翻译法主张在第二语言教学过程中学生的母语与目的语并用, 通过翻译和系统的语法知识的讲授学习第二语言。
语法一翻译法是最古老的教学法, 最初用来学习古希腊文和拉丁文这类死的语言, 帮助人们学习古代" 经典", 增长知识和智慧。
后来用它来学习活的语言,经过理论的总结和阐释, 成为一种第二语言教学法体系。
它盛行于18世纪末,代表人物是德国语言学家奥伦多夫(H.G.OllendOrff )。
语法一翻译法的语言学理论基础是机械语言或历史比较语言学, 认为所有语言同出一源, 语言和思维也是同一的。
既然人类有共同的思维规律, 其语言规律( 语法) 也是共同的, 词所表达的概念、意义和词的搭配也是一样的。
各种语言词汇的差别只是发音和书写形式的不同而己, 这就是翻译的基础所在。
因为人类的思维规律相同, 所以不同语言之间都可以进行一一对应的翻译。
另外, 传统语言学重视语言规范, 注重定出各种语言规则, 并要求人们按照这些规则来使用语言, 这也为语法一翻译法系统地讲授语法知识奠定了基础。
联想心理学把一切心理活动都看成是各种感觉或观念的集合, 而这种集合则主要是依靠联想的力量来实现的。
比如, 记识一个外语单词就是把它跟母语的单词联系起来。
语法一翻译法的基本原则和特点:(1) 语法是教授第二语言/ 外语的基础。
语法一翻译法主张, 学习第二语言首先要背熟语法规则和例句, 然后通过翻译练习巩固语法规则, 只有在理解语法的基础上才能阅读、翻译目的语原文。
该文着重介绍语法翻译法的历史发了更好地完善语法翻译法的理论的发展,另一方面也是为当今的课堂语言教学提供创创新应用语法翻译法⊙岳梓葳(烟台大学国际教育交流学院,山东省 264000)语法翻译法作为最古老、最重要的教学法值得重新受到大家的关注。
对外汉语各种教学法的对比1. 语法翻译法与自觉对比法相同点:(1)自觉对比法继承了语法翻译法的“语法为纲”,在教学原则上都强调语法教学,在教学方法上都重视用学习者的母语进行讲解(2)重视学习者阅读能力和翻译能力的培养,强调阅读原著和名著。
语法翻译法1.教材 the teaching material are arranged according to grammar system.2.理论基础:theory of language is traditionallinguistics.\theory of learning is Faculty Psychology.3.核心focus: grammar is regarded as the core of language,grammar is the main content in f l classroom.4.语言技巧language skills: reading and writing are emphasized because literary language is considered superior to spoken language and is therefore the language students should study,little attention is paid to speaking and listening.5.教学过程的方法 teaching process techniques: reading.\ translation .\deductive teaching for grammar.\analysis and comparision \memorization \reading comprehension questions\ written work\6. 主要实践技巧main the principal practice technique : translation from and into the target language7.教学单位the sentence is the basic unit of language teaching and learning.8.most important aspect of language :the written form of language is most important aspect of language.9.本族语的应用the teacher use the native language of students as the main medium of instruction.10.强调重点the teacher emphasizes accuracy rather than fluceny.11.最终目的objectives: the ultimate purpose of G-T method is to enable the learners to read and translate the literature, the other object are to provide students with good mental exercises that helps to develop their minds and to gain a better understanding of the first language.Background背景--The history of the Grammar-Translation Method is not fully and carefully documented.⑴ There is evidence that grammar analysis and translation began to be the basic procedures in foreign language teaching from the 16th century, when modern languagessuch as French, Italian and English gained in importance as a result of political changes in Europe. The modern languages provided one of the conditions for grammar analysis and th e application of grammatical rules in translation exercises in teaching Latin.⑵The second impetus for the procedures of grammar analysis and translation in teaching Latin came from the social needs of European countries. The main purpose of learning Latin was to study the classical culture, which was worshipped in the Renaissance. Grammar analysis and translation proved to be effective means in study foreign culture through literary works.⑶Some people believed that the mind of human beings could be trained by logical analysis of the classic language, extensive memorization of complicated rules and paradigms and translation between languages.Only in the late 18th century did the regular combination of grammar rules with translation into the target language become the principal practice technique. Therefore, it is accepted by most experts of foreign language teaching that the Grammar-Translation Method originated from the 18th century. In the 19th century, more experts of foreign language teaching adopted the strategy of combining grammar rules with translation and the Grammar-Translation Method became the principal method of teaching modern languages in schools.Definition定义--It is a method of foreign or second language teaching which uses translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities. At one time it was called classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical languages of Latin and Greek.Main features主要特点-- ⑴Grammar is the core of language, and language materials are arranged according to the grammar system. ⑵The main teaching activities are analysis, explanation and translation. ⑶The major practice is translating from and into the target language. ⑷The teachingfocus is reading writing. ⑸First language is the main medium of instruction. ⑹The sentence is the basic unit of language teaching and learning. ⑺Language accuracy is emphasized. Objectives目的---The objectives of learning a foreign language in a Grammar-Translation Method classroom are to enable the learners: ⑴to read and translate its literature;⑵to understand the target language; ⑶to help develop their minds; ⑷to gain a better understanding of the first language. An ultimate purpose of learning a foreign language in a Grammar-Translation classroom is to enable the learners to read and translate its literature. Students are required to memorize the grammatical rules in order to understand the target language. The other objectives of method are to provide students with good mental exercises that helps develop their minds, and to gain a better understanding of the first language.Procedures过程---The main procedures for a typical lesson with the Grammar-Translation Method can be divided into three phases. The activities in each phase are described below: ⑴Phase One ①The teacher reads and explain the new words and expressions in the first language. ②The teacher teaches the new grammar with deductive method. ⑵Phase Two ①Students are asked to read a few sentences out aloud and translated them into the first language. ②The teacher analyses some difficult sentence and translates them into their native language first literally and then freely.③Students read the studied part of the passage silently and ask the teacher questions they can not answer by themselves. ⑶Phase Three ①Students are asked to write the answers to the questions about the reading passage.②Students are asked to do other written work that is meant to reinforce the new grammar items and vocabulary. Techniques方法和技巧--- A Grammar-Translation teacher usually uses the following techniques to help realize the course objectives: ⑴Reading Reading passages are planned around the sequenced grammatical structures andvocabulary to be studied and are excepted from literary works or carefully written by a compiler, including particular grammar rules and vocabulary. ⑵Translation Translation can be employed in presenting a new grammatical item, understanding a new passage or as exercises at the end of a lesson. ⑶Deductive teaching of grammar Grammar rules are taught directly by the teacher, with exceptions to each rules noted. ⑷Analysis and comparison Difficult sentences are analyzed in detail and compared with the first language sentences. ⑸Memorization Students are required to memorize bilingual word lists and grammatical rules.⑹Reading comprehension questions Different questions are designed for students to answer to check the understanding of the reading passage. ⑺Written work Fill-in-the-blanks is one kind if written work. Using new words to make up sentences is another type of written work. Composition is frequently employed in traditional foreign language teaching. Theory of language语言理论--⑴All languages originate from one language and are ruled by a common grammar The theory of language underlying in the Grammar-translation Method was derived from Comparative Historical Linguistics. Some linguists believed that all languages originated from one language and were ruled by a common grammar. ⑵The written form of the language is superior to the spoken form. The Grammar-Translation Method belongs to the school of traditional linguistics which believed that the written form of language is superior to the spoken form. The traditional linguists gave priority of the written form and took words as their starting point. When discussing the rules of language, they emphasized such matters as correctness, the purity of a language and literary excellence. ⑶The students’ first language is the reference system in the learning of the target language. In foreign language teaching, the target language is primarily interpreted as a system of rules to be observed in texts and sentences and to be related to the first language rules and meanings. The students’ first language is thereference system in the learning of the target language. Theory of learning学习理论---⑴The mind of human beings has various faculities that can be trainedseparately.⑵Understanding and memorization of complicated grammatical rules of languages help to develop mentality.⑶Latin grammar is the most logical and well-organized grammar. ⑷The language was a body of knowledge to be learned, with an emphasis on intellectual rigor.Advantages-优点⑴It makes use of the first language. In Grammar-Translation Method, the first language is maintained as the reference system in the learning of the second language. ⑵It helps students develop reading comprehension and production of written language. Systematic study of grammatical rules plays an important role in fostering students’ ability of reading comprehension and producing grammatically correct sentences. The focus on understanding literary texts provides the situation in which reading and writing are well trained. ⑶It is easy for teacher to use. The Grammar-Translation Method makes few demands on teacher although it often creates frustration for students. It is relatively easy to apply.Disadvantages缺点---⑴Overemphasis on translation, dependence on first language. Overemphasis on translation can never emancipate the learners from dependence on the first language. ⑵Too much emphasis on reading and writing, neglect of listening and speaking. It put too much emphasis on reading and writing and neglects listening and speaking.⑶Not meeting the communicative and practical needs of the students. Knowing a large number of grammatical rules can not ensure that students can use them appropriately in real communicative situation. The texts are mostly taken from literary works. The language learned often doesn’t meet the practical needs of the learners. ⑷Rote-learning Memorizing grammar rules and bilingual word lists does not motivate students to actively communicate in the target language.1-How did the Grammar-Translation Method developinto its present form? Before the 16th century, Latin was the language of communication in the Western World. Then in the 16th century, modern languages such as French, Italian and English gained in importance as a result of political changes in Europe. With the development of modern languages, Latin gradually became displaced as a living language. The main purpose of learning Latin was to study the classical culture. Grammar analysis and translation proved to be effective means in study foreign culture through literary works. The mind of human beings could be trained by logical analysis of the classic language, extensive memorization of complicated rules and paradigms and translation between languages. Grammar analysis and translation became the basic procedures in the 18th century. Thus the Grammar-Translation Method became the principal method of teaching modern languages in schools.2-What is the focus of a Grammar-Translation classroom? It is the teaching of the foreign language grammar. Grammar is the core of language, and teaching materials are arranged according to the grammatical system. The processing of learning grammar is considered an important means of training mental abilities.3-What language skills are emphasized? Reading and writing are emphasized in a Grammar-Translation classroom because literary language is regarded as superior to spoken language. Therefore the language learners should study written language. The focus on understanding literary texts provides the situation in which reading and writing abilities are well trained.4-What is the main technique used in a Grammar-Translation classroom? Translation is the main techniques used in a Grammar-translation classroom. General speaking, literary translation should be followed by free translation; and sentence translation followed by passage translation. A Grammar-Translation teacher also uses the following techniques: reading passages from literary works; teachinggrammar using a deductive approach; analyzing and comparing difficult sentences with students’ first language; memorizing word lists with the first language translation; and memorizing grammar rules and paradigms; using questions to check students’ comprehension of the reading passage; using fill-in-the-blank exercises, making up sentences and writing composition.5-What is the most important aspect of language according to the Grammar-Translation Method? According to the Grammar-Translation Method, grammar is the most important aspect of language, which is viewed as a system of rules. Systematic study of grammatical rules play an important role in fostering students’ ability of reading comprehension and producing grammatically correct sentences. Understanding and mastering the morphology and syntax will develop students’ ability of analyzing and solving problems.6-Are the techniques of Grammar-Translation acceptable to you? Why? I don’t think the techniques of Grammar-translation are acceptable to us. We can find some disadvantages in the Grammar-Translation Method. First, overemphasis on translation can never emancipate the learners from dependence on the first language. Second, it put too much emphasis on reading and writing and neglects listening and speaking. Third, knowing a large number of grammatical rules can not ensure that students use them appropriately in real communicative situation. The texts are mostly taken from literary works. The language learned often doesn’t meet the practical needs of the learners. Last, memorizing grammar rules and bilingual word lists does not motivate students to actively communicate in the target language.7-Which of the principles of the Grammar-Translation Method do you think are still applicable in modern language teaching? We can discover some valuable principles of the Grammar-Translation Method are stillapplicable in modern language teaching and learning, such as knowledge of grammar (language rules) facilitates learning. The term “grammar” is so familiar to linguists, language teachers and learners that it is sometimes difficult to stand back and look at it clearly. Some linguists have argued that grammar teaching is unnecessary, and emphasis should not be put on the teaching of grammar. On the other hand, other linguists have argued that grammar is an immensely pervasive phenomenon. It is an integral part of language, so that the more we can find out about how grammar is learned and used, the better placed we will be to teach it effectively. We learners consider that grammar is not only necessary,but also very important in language teaching and learning. The understanding of grammar helps us build up confidence in using the target language and encourages us to use the language accurately and appropriately. We think that grammar teaching and learning can be useful in learning the target language. But we also think that grammar teaching and learning should focus on developing the learners’communicative ability more than presenting and explaining grammatical rules. Nevertheless, we feel that there is still room for improvement, especially the design of the exercises in the materials since we have not yet experienced the effect on listening and speaking in grammar teaching.。
中学英语常见的教学方法介绍1.语法翻译法(grammar translation method)2.直接法(direct method)3.听说法(audio-lingual method4.视听法(audio--visual approach)一、语法翻译法(grammar translation method)(一)语法翻译法及其理论基础1.定义:语法翻译法(grammartranslationmethod),又称“翻译法”、“传统法”、“古典法”。
对中国产生过影响的教学法流派及其优缺点一、语法翻译法(the Grammar Translation Method)语法翻译法对近代和当代语言教学产生重大影响,对中国外语教学的影响达数十年。
16 ~17 世纪,处于文艺复兴中心的欧洲人崇尚古典文化,学习拉丁文,通过阅读来继承文化遗产。
18 世纪以后,以英语和法语为代表的现代语言作为外语取代拉丁文,但其教学方法仍然沿用教授拉丁文时的方法,因为当时的语言学家认为:世界上大多数语言源于同一种语言,词汇概念和语法结构都是相同的,通过“等值翻译”可以实现不同语言之间的理解和沟通。
语法翻译法从20 世纪初就开始影响我国的外语教学,经过几十年的实践运用,我国教师运用“语法翻译法”颇有心得,将其总结为“八字诀”,即“读( 课文) ”、“译( 句子) ”、“讲( 语法规则) ”、“问( 提问) ”、“背( 规则) ”、“练( 习) ”、“记 ( 单词) ”、“测 ( 试) ”。
1、所学词汇的选择是建立在所阅读的课文的基础之上的。词 汇的教学是通过双语词汇表、词典学习和背诵的方式。典型的 用语法翻译法进行教学的教材,语法规则是穿插在课文当中进 行阐释的,课文后列有单词及其相对应的解释,课文后还附有 翻译练习。 2、语法翻译法认为外语学习的目的是阅读文学经典或通过外 语的学习促进文化知识修养。语法翻译法在教学中一般采取这 样一种方式:先是对语法规则进行仔细分析,然后将所学的语 法知识应用到翻译练习当中。要求学生将句子和课文用母语和 目标语言进行互译。语言学习被看作是由背诵语法规则和语言 事实构成的,目的就在于能够理解和熟练掌握外语的词汇和句 型。母语在外语的学习中充当一种参照系统。
语法翻译法( Grammar
Translation Method)
语法翻译法(The Grammar Translation Method), 也叫传统法(The Traditional or Classical Method), 是外语教学中最古老、影响最远的教学法体系。它的出 现为建立外语教学法作为一门独立的学科奠定了基础。 这种方法至今仍被广泛使用,尤其在我国。 语法翻译法产生于中世纪又称古典法或传统法,盛行于 十八世纪末已有几百ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ的历史,这种教学方法提倡用母 语教授外语、在教学中以翻译为基本手段、以学习语法 为人门途径、强调语法在教学中的中心地位。
几个方面语法—翻译法的基本特点可以归 结以下几点:
l.教授语法学家所确定的所谓“规范”的语言,所 使用的语言材料多以古老和过时的例句为主。 2.注重书面语,不注重口语。
3.语法的讲解不仅注重规则的东西,而且十分注重 不规则的东西。 4.课堂教学使用本族语。 5.教学方法以翻译为主,通过大量笔头翻译和写作 练习来检验语法规则掌握情况。
英语教学法流派Schools of teaching methodsMain contents:1.grammar translation method 翻译法2. direct method 直接法3. audio-lingual approach 听说法4. audio-visual approach 视听法5. cognitive approach 认知法6. functional approach功能法/功能意念法/ 交际法( 沉默法/ 全身互动法/暗示法)7.task-based approach任务型教学法8.Natural approach 自然教学法Main aspects:1.Concepts概念2.Background历史背景3.Theory base理论基础4.Teaching principles 教学基本原则5.Teaching procedures教学过程6.Typical textbooks典型教材7.Evaluation 评价第一章翻译法Translation Method第一节翻译法的概念及其产生的背景The concept and background oftranslation method1.Concept 概念:翻译法是用母语来教授外语的一种语言教学方法。
法国语言学家兼教学法家Louis Marchand在《以科学方法教授现代外国语》一文中说:“Grammar translation method is to use your native language to teach a foreign language.翻译教授法,就是拿本国语言去译解外国言语。
? 认为人天生就有习得语言的能力,外语的语言能力是通过有意识地练习获得的,强调多做表达思想感情的练习,反对无意义的机械练习。引导学生发现规则,运用规则。
? (3)语言运用/行为
? 这一阶段培养运用语言听、说、读、写的能力,真实的交际能力。
? 练习形式:
表达方式 说明
把灯打开 日常对话中常用,在左边的句子之后还可以说:
? 第二语教学法流派很多,有几十种,这里重点介绍以下几种。
? 语法——翻译法
? 直接法
? 听说法
? 认知法
? 功能法 (交际法)
? 1、语法翻译法
? ⑴产生背景
? ⑵基本特点
? ⑶分析评价
? ⑷应用提示
? ⑴产生背景
? 发展线索
? 5.交际法(功能法)
? (1)纲领性文件
? (2)相关理论与概念
? (3)交际法的特点
? (4)评价与反思
? ⑴纲领性文件
? 1971年欧洲共同体文化合作委员会讨论制定欧洲现代语言教学大纲;
? 1975年完成了欧洲主要语言的初级阶段教学大纲:《入门阶段》和英语作为第二语言的教学大纲《初阶》;
? 心理学基础是认知学习理论。