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1. above all - most importantly 首先

2. account for - explain …的原因

3. as a matter of fact - in fact ,to speak the truth 事实上

4. as a rule - generally ;normally 一般情况下

5. be about to - be ready to; be on the point of doing something 马上要…打算…

6. an old hand - be an experienced person 经验丰富的人

7. any day now -soon 马上

8. Approach sb.-talk to sb.接近,和..交谈

9. be fed up with - be out of patience with /be tired of/be sick of 厌烦

10. be on one's own - live independently /by oneself单独地,一个人地

11. be on the safe side - take no chances 以防万一,慎重为计,不冒险,不投机

12. be out of something - have no longer in supply 用光…

13. be tired of - be bored with ,be frustrated with 厌烦

14. be up to ones' ears - be extremely busy 忙

15. be up to someone -be a person's responsibility …的责任,由…来定

16. be out for/to do -trying to get 努力想得到/做…

17. be out of the question - be unacceptable ,impossible 不在考虑之内,根本不可能

18. bite off more than one can chew - take on more than one can handle 贪多嚼不烂,从事太多工作而无力完成

19. break down - cease to function 发生故障

20. break the ice - begin to be friendly with people one doesn't know 打破僵局,消除紧张气氛

21. break the news - inform or give bad news 委婉传达不幸消息

22. brush up on - improve one's knowledge of something through study 重新学习..,刷光,擦亮

23. bump into - meet unexpectedly / come across 不期而遇

24. by and large - in general 大体上,一般而论

25. by heart - by memory 用心

26. by all means - absolutely ,definitely 务必,无论如何,当然可以(回答)

27. by no means - in no way 一点儿也不

28. call off -cancel 取消

29. cheer up - be happy 高兴,恢复活力,提起精神

30. Come down with - become sick with

31. come into -receive, especially after another's death 继承,获得

32. come up with - think of 想出

33. count on - depend upon 依靠,指望

34. count out –eliminate 除外,不算在内

35. die down - become quiet ,become less 渐弱,静下来

36. do without - manage without something 没有…也能过

37. drop by - visit informally; pay a short visit 顺便拜访

38. every other - alternate 每隔一个

39. fall behind - lag; fail to accomplish something on time 落后,没完成

40. fall through - fail to happen or be completed 失败,落空

41. a far cry - completely different from; a long way 遥远的距离, 很大的差异

42. feel like - have a desire or wish for 想…, 愿意…

43. feel up to - feel well enough to or be capable of 感觉能经得起, 认为能胜任

44. few and far between - not happening often; rare 极其稀少的

45. figure out - determine; reason out by thinking (好好思考)理解

46. fill in for -take another's place 替代, 代替

47. Fill sb. in - tell what sb. should know

48. fish out of water - out of one's element or natural environment 抽出,取出

49. flying colors -success, victory 胜利的旗帜, 巨大成功

50. for good - permanently; forever 永远, 永久

51. for the time being - for now; temporarily 暂时, 暂且

52. get away with - escape without punishment 脱离,逃脱

53. get rid of - give something away; sell, destroy, or throw away something 取消, 去除

54. get the ball rolling - start something; make a beginning 开始, 行动

55. get the hang of - understand; learn 学会…的做法, 理解…的意思

56. give a hand - help 帮助

57. go without saying - understood; clear without needing to be stated 不用说就理解

58. go off -begin to ring 离去, 出发,

59. go in at one ear and out at the other 当耳旁风

60. hang on - keep hold of; persevere; keep doing something 紧抓,不放, 专心倾听

61. hard to come by - difficult to obtain 难以获得

62. have a heart - have kind feelings; be understanding 善解人意

63. have a hunch - have an idea based on feelings rather than reason 有预感, 有直觉

64. hold off - delay; postpone; put off 推迟, 延误

65. hop to it - get started on something quickly 立即着手做

66. hit it off - get along well with someone 与…合得来

67. ill at ease –uncomfortable /nervous /be on edge /have a butterfly in the stomach /not stand still/be worried about/be anxious about心神不宁

68. in hot water/in deep water - in trouble 陷入困难,困境

69. in the air -uncertain (计划)未决定

70. in the dark - keep someone without knowledge; 秘密地,蒙在鼓里,一无所知

71. in the long run - looking toward the future; eventually 终究,最终

72. ins and outs - all the details; the various parts and difficulties to be seen 细节,来龙去脉

73. iron out - remove the difficulties or find an answer for 解决问题,除去障碍

74. jump to conclusions - arrive too quickly at a decision or opinion 轻率判断,贸然断定

75. keep an eye on - watch closely 密切注意

76. keep one's fingers crossed - wish that nothing goes wrong 祈求幸运,祝好运

77. keep on one's toes - be ready for action; prepared 准备好的

78. Knock oneself out - make a great effort把自己弄得精疲力竭;尽最大努力

79. learn the ropes - learn the rules and routines of a place or activity 通晓内情,了解规定

80. like water –不爱惜地,大量地spend money like water

81. little by little –gradually 逐渐地

82. make ends meet - to get just enough money for one's needs 收支相抵,量入为出

83. make out - manage; get along with顺利进行,相处的好

84. mean to - intentional; on purpose 打算,存心
