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1.There is something wrong with our radar.All kinds of objects can't be clearly _____ within the definite range.

A. shown

B. expressed

C. appeared

D. displayed

2. Aboard ship,vertical flat plates running transversely and connecting the vertical keel to the

margin plates are called ______.

A.floors B.intercostals C.girders D.stringers 3. The inner bottom is the ______.

A.tank top

B.compartment between the tank top and shell of the vessel

C.inner side of the vessel's shell

D.space between two transverse bottom frames

4. Sanitary storm valves to be dismantled, cleaned, ground and coated with ______, then refitted in order.

A.bitumastic solution B.red lead paint

C.anti-corrosive paint D.boottopping green paint 5. The official number of a documented vessel is ______.A.not required to be marked anywhere on the vessel

B.required to be permanently marked on the vessel's structure

C.required to be painted on the vessel's stern

D.required to be painted on the vessel's bow

6.If you shorten the scope of anchor cable,your anchor's holding power ______.

A. decreases

B. increases

C. remains the same

D. has no relation to the scope 7.The remote control for a fixed fire extinguishing system should be _______.

A. painted red and labeled

B. concealed from the crew

C. protected by plexiglass

D. padlocked

8. The actual amount of cargo loaded depends upon ______.A.the broken stowage listed B.the broken stowage


C.the broken stowage given D.the actual broken stowage 9. If your vessel has a list to port due to negative GM and off-center weight,the first corrective measure you should take is to ______.A.move port-side main-deck cargo to the starboard side

B.fill the starboard double-bottom

C.pump water from the port double-bottom to the starboard


D.pump water from the port double-bottom over the side 10.Manifest and cargo plan are the two most important shipping papers required for ______.

A.provision order B.discharging planning C.annual repair D.outward clearance

11.A relative bearing is always measured from ______.

A. true north

B. magnetic north

C. the vessel's beam

D. the vessel's head

12.At all angles of inclination,the true measure of a vessel's stability is the ________.

A. metacentric height

B. displacement

C. righting moment

D. inclining moment

13.Flooding of any compartment in a ship that results in a serious loss of reserve buoyancy will always _______.

A. increase the trim

B. increase ship stability

C. cause a serious list

D. decrease the heeling moment

14.______,the cargo plan is not properly prepared.

A.Frank speaked B.Frankly to speak C.Frankly spoken D.Frankly speaking

15.The tallying of cargo refers to such kind of work that the amount and condition of all cargo should be checked ______.

A.after its arrival at the destination

B.during the ship's voyage at sea

C.before they come to the dock

D.during the time when the loading or discharging is going on 16.A dangerous cargo manifest is needed for you to carry a combustible cargo.You should obtain

the shipping papers to make this manifest from the ______.

A.manufacturer B.CCS C.MSA D.shipper 17.The Authority reserves the right not to accept ______ for pilots by vessels in anchorages if the vessels have not reported their anchored position.

A. bookings

B. commands

C. orders

D. reports

18.An inert gas system is designed to reduce the possibility of tank explosions by ______.

A.eliminating sparks and fire in the vicinity of cargo tanks

B.removing all hydrocarbon gases from the cargo tanks

C.blanketing cargo tanks with inert foam

D.reducing the oxygen concentration below levels necessary for combustion

19.A traffic separation zone is that part of a traffic separation scheme which ______.

A. is located between the scheme and the nearest land

B. separates traffic proceeding in one direction from traffic proceeding in the opposite


C. is designated as an anchorage area

D. contains all the traffic moving in the same direction

20.A _______ is normally U-shaped and has a pin which slots through the two ends and which is either screwed in or secured with a device called

a forelock.

A. block

B. pulley

C. sling

D. shackle

21.If a void occurs in the cargo hold,it is better to _______ to control the broken stowage.
