一、选题与研究背景1. 选题的重要性选题是一篇毕业论文的基础,它决定了研究的方向和内容。
2. 研究背景的分析在确定选题之后,学生应该对研究背景进行详细的分析。
二、研究目的与研究问题1. 研究目的的设定在确定研究目的时,学生应该明确自己的研究目标和意义。
2. 研究问题的提出研究问题是研究的核心,它决定了研究的方向和方法。
三、研究方法与数据收集1. 研究方法的选择研究方法是研究的工具和手段,它决定了研究的可行性和可信度。
2. 数据收集的方法数据收集是研究的重要环节,它决定了研究结果的可靠性和有效性。
四、研究结果与讨论1. 研究结果的呈现在撰写论文时,学生应该清晰、准确地呈现自己的研究结果。
大学英文毕业论文提纲范例1 introduction1.1 significance of the research1.2 organization of the thesis2 literature review2.1 researches on monolingual mental lexicon2.1.1 definition of mental lexicon2.1.2 models of mental lexicon: a developing one2.2 research methodology of bilingual mental lexicon2.2.1 word association paradigm2.2.2 word translation task2.2.3 cross-language priming paradigm2.3 theories on bilingual mental lexicon2.3.1 weinreich’s three hypotheses: the ancestor of bilingualmental lexicon models2.3.2 paivio’s bilingual dual-coding theory2.3.3 kroll & stewart’s revised hierarchical model2.3.4 de groot’s distributed representation model3 extended bilingual distributed representation model3.1 setting and characteristic of l2 word acquisition3.2 psychological mechanism of l2 word acquisition3.2.1 coactivation pattern: l2 word representation manner3.2.2 simultaneous formation of semantic memory and episodic memory3.3 semantic restructuring in l2 vocabulary development4 implications for l2 word meaning acquisition4.1 unbalanced performance on language comprehensionand production4.1.1 receptive vs. productive vocabulary: imbalance onacquisition difficulty4.1.2 positive effect of episodic memory4.2 negative semantic transfer4.2.1 episodic memory: the primary cause of negative semantic transfer4.2.2 negative effect of episodic memory4.3 episodic memory and l2 word meaning acquisition4.3.1 applying episodic memory: when and how4.3.2 strengthening semantic memory: why and how1 introduction1.1 significance of the research1.2 organization of the thesis2 literature review2.1 researches on monolingual mental lexicon2.1.1 definition of mental lexicon2.1.2 models of mental lexicon: a developing one2.2 research methodology of bilingual mental lexicon2.2.1 word association paradigm2.2.2 word translation task2.2.3 cross-language priming paradigm2.3 theories on bilingual mental lexicon2.3.1 weinreich’s three hypotheses: the ancestor of bilingualmental lexicon models2.3.2 paivio’s bilingual dual-coding theory2.3.3 kroll & stewart’s revised hierarchical model2.3.4 de groot’s distributed representation model3 extended bilingual distributed representation model3.1 setting and characteristic of l2 word acquisition3.2 psychological mechanism of l2 word acquisition3.2.1 coactivation pattern: l2 word representation manner3.2.2 simultaneous formation of semantic memory and episodic memory3.3 semantic restructuring in l2 vocabulary development4 implications for l2 word meaning acquisition4.1 unbalanced performance on language comprehensionand production4.1.1 receptive vs. productive vocabulary: imbalance onacquisition difficulty4.1.2 positive effect of episodic memory4.2 negative semantic transfer4.2.1 episodic memory: the primary cause of negative semantic transfer4.2.2 negative effect of episodic memory4.3 episodic memory and l2 word meaning acquisition4.3.1 applying episodic memory: when and how4.3.2 strengthening semantic memory: why and how1 introduction1.1 significance of the research1.2 organization of the thesis2 literature review2.1 researches on monolingual mental lexicon2.1.1 definition of mental lexicon2.1.2 models of mental lexicon: a developing one2.2 research methodology of bilingual mental lexicon2.2.1 word association paradigm2.2.2 word translation task2.2.3 cross-language priming paradigm2.3 theories on bilingual mental lexicon2.3.1 weinreich’s three hypotheses: the ancestor of bilingualmental lexicon models2.3.2 paivio’s bilingual dual-coding theory2.3.3 kroll & stewart’s revised hierarchical model2.3.4 de groot’s distributed representation model3 extended bilingual distributed representation model3.1 setting and characteristic of l2 word acquisition3.2 psychological mechanism of l2 word acquisition3.2.1 coactivation pattern: l2 word representation manner3.2.2 simultaneous formation of semantic memory and episodic memory3.3 semantic restructuring in l2 vocabulary development4 implications for l2 word meaning acquisition4.1 unbalanced performance on language comprehensionand production4.1.1 receptive vs. productive vocabulary: imbalance onacquisition difficulty4.1.2 positive effect of episodic memory4.2 negative semantic transfer4.2.1 episodic memory: the primary cause of negative semantic transfer4.2.2 negative effect of episodic memory4.3 episodic memory and l2 word meaning acquisition4.3.1 applying episodic memory: when and how4.3.2 strengthening semantic memory: why and how1 introduction1.1 significance of the research1.2 organization of the thesis2 literature review2.1 researches on monolingual mental lexicon2.1.1 definition of mental lexicon2.1.2 models of mental lexicon: a developing one2.2 research methodology of bilingual mental lexicon2.2.1 word association paradigm2.2.2 word translation task2.2.3 cross-language priming paradigm2.3 theories on bilingual mental lexicon2.3.1 weinreich’s three hypotheses: the ancestor ofbilingualmental lexicon models2.3.2 paivio’s bilingual dual-coding theory2.3.3 kroll & stewart’s revised hierarchical model2.3.4 de groot’s distributed representation model3 extended bilingual distributed representation model3.1 setting and characteristic of l2 word acquisition3.2 psychological mechanism of l2 word acquisition3.2.1 coactivation pattern: l2 word representation manner3.2.2 simultaneous formation of semantic memory and episodic memory3.3 semantic restructuring in l2 vocabulary development4 implications for l2 word meaning acquisition4.1 unbalanced performance on language comprehensionand production4.1.1 receptive vs. productive vocabulary: imbalance onacquisition difficulty4.1.2 positive effect of episodic memory4.2 negative semantic transfer4.2.1 episodic memory: the primary cause of negative semantic transfer4.2.2 negative effect of episodic memory4.3 episodic memory and l2 word meaning acquisition4.3.1 applying episodic memory: when and how4.3.2 strengthening semantic memory: why and how1 introduction1.1 significance of the research1.2 organization of the thesis2 literature review2.1 researches on monolingual mental lexicon2.1.1 definition of mental lexicon2.1.2 models of mental lexicon: a developing one2.2 research methodology of bilingual mental lexicon2.2.1 word association paradigm2.2.2 word translation task2.2.3 cross-language priming paradigm2.3 theories on bilingual mental lexicon2.3.1 weinreich’s three hypotheses: the ancestor of bilingualmental lexicon models2.3.2 paivio’s bilingual dual-coding theory2.3.3 kroll & stewart’s revised hierarchical model2.3.4 de groot’s distributed representation model3 extended bilingual distributed representation model3.1 setting and characteristic of l2 word acquisition3.2 psychological mechanism of l2 word acquisition3.2.1 coactivation pattern: l2 word representation manner3.2.2 simultaneous formation of semantic memory and episodic memory3.3 semantic restructuring in l2 vocabulary development4 implications for l2 word meaning acquisition4.1 unbalanced performance on language comprehensionand production4.1.1 receptive vs. productive vocabulary: imbalance onacquisition difficulty4.1.2 positive effect of episodic memory4.2 negative semantic transfer4.2.1 episodic memory: the primary cause of negative semantic transfer4.2.2 negative effect of episodic memory4.3 episodic memory and l2 word meaning acquisition4.3.1 applying episodic memory: when and how4.3.2 strengthening semantic memory: why and how1 introduction1.1 significance of the research1.2 organization of the thesis2 literature review2.1 researches on monolingual mental lexicon2.1.1 definition of mental lexicon2.1.2 models of mental lexicon: a developing one2.2 research methodology of bilingual mental lexicon2.2.1 word association paradigm2.2.2 word translation task2.2.3 cross-language priming paradigm2.3 theories on bilingual mental lexicon2.3.1 weinreich’s three hypotheses: the ancestor of bilingualmental lexicon models2.3.2 paivio’s bilingual dual-coding theory2.3.3 kroll & stewart’s revised hierarchical model2.3.4 de groot’s distributed representation model3 extended bilingual distributed representation model3.1 setting and characteristic of l2 word acquisition3.2 psychological mechanism of l2 word acquisition3.2.1 coactivation pattern: l2 word representation manner3.2.2 simultaneous formation of semantic memory and episodicmemory3.3 semantic restructuring in l2 vocabulary development4 implications for l2 word meaning acquisition4.1 unbalanced performance on language comprehensionand production4.1.1 receptive vs. productive vocabulary: imbalance onacquisition difficulty4.1.2 positive effect of episodic memory4.2 negative semantic transfer4.2.1 episodic memory: the primary cause of negative semantic transfer4.2.2 negative effect of episodic memory4.3 episodic memory and l2 word meaning acquisition4.3.1 applying episodic memory: when and how4.3.2 strengthening semantic memory: why and how1 introduction1.1 significance of the research1.2 organization of the thesis2 literature review2.1 researches on monolingual mental lexicon2.1.1 definition of mental lexicon2.1.2 models of mental lexicon: a developing one2.2 research methodology of bilingual mental lexicon2.2.1 word association paradigm2.2.2 word translation task2.2.3 cross-language priming paradigm2.3 theories on bilingual mental lexicon2.3.1 weinreich’s three hypotheses: the ancestor of bilingualmental lexicon models2.3.2 paivio’s bilingual dual-coding theory2.3.3 kroll & stewart’s revised hierarchical model2.3.4 de groot’s distributed representation model3 extended bilingual distributed representation model3.1 setting and characteristic of l2 word acquisition3.2 psychological mechanism of l2 word acquisition3.2.1 coactivation pattern: l2 word representation manner3.2.2 simultaneous formation of semantic memory and episodic memory3.3 semantic restructuring in l2 vocabulary development4 implications for l2 word meaning acquisition4.1 unbalanced performance on language comprehensionand production4.1.1 receptive vs. productive vocabulary: imbalance onacquisition difficulty4.1.2 positive effect of episodic memory4.2 negative semantic transfer4.2.1 episodic memory: the primary cause of negative semantic transfer4.2.2 negative effect of episodic memory4.3 episodic memory and l2 word meaning acquisition4.3.1 applying episodic memory: when and how4.3.2 strengthening semantic memory: why and how1 introduction1.1 significance of the research1.2 organization of the thesis2 literature review2.1 researches on monolingual mental lexicon2.1.1 definition of mental lexicon2.1.2 models of mental lexicon: a developing one2.2 research methodology of bilingual mental lexicon2.2.1 word association paradigm2.2.2 word translation task2.2.3 cross-language priming paradigm2.3 theories on bilingual mental lexicon2.3.1 weinreich’s three hypotheses: the ancestor of bilingualmental lexicon models2.3.2 paivio’s bilingual dual-coding theory2.3.3 kroll & stewart’s revised hierarchical model2.3.4 de groot’s distributed representation model3 extended bilingual distributed representation model3.1 setting and characteristic of l2 word acquisition3.2 psychological mechanism of l2 word acquisition3.2.1 coactivation pattern: l2 word representation manner3.2.2 simultaneous formation of semantic memory and episodic memory3.3 semantic restructuring in l2 vocabulary development4 implications for l2 word meaning acquisition4.1 unbalanced performance on language comprehensionand production4.1.1 receptive vs. productive vocabulary: imbalance onacquisition difficulty4.1.2 positive effect of episodic memory4.2 negative semantic transfer4.2.1 episodic memory: the primary cause of negative semantictransfer4.2.2 negative effect of episodic memory4.3 episodic memory and l2 word meaning acquisition4.3.1 applying episodic memory: when and how4.3.2 strengthening semantic memory: why and how1 introduction1.1 significance of the research1.2 organization of the thesis2 literature review2.1 researches on monolingual mental lexicon2.1.1 definition of mental lexicon2.1.2 models of mental lexicon: a developing one2.2 research methodology of bilingual mental lexicon2.2.1 word association paradigm2.2.2 word translation task2.2.3 cross-language priming paradigm2.3 theories on bilingual mental lexicon2.3.1 weinreich’s three hypotheses: the ancestor of bilingualmental lexicon models2.3.2 paivio’s bilingual dual-coding theory2.3.3 kroll & stewart’s revised hierarchical model2.3.4 de groot’s distributed representation model3 extended bilingual distributed representation model3.1 setting and characteristic of l2 word acquisition3.2 psychological mechanism of l2 word acquisition3.2.1 coactivation pattern: l2 word representation manner3.2.2 simultaneous formation of semantic memory and episodic memory3.3 semantic restructuring in l2 vocabulary development4 implications for l2 word meaning acquisition4.1 unbalanced performance on language comprehensionand production4.1.1 receptive vs. productive vocabulary: imbalance onacquisition difficulty4.1.2 positive effect of episodic memory4.2 negative semantic transfer4.2.1 episodic memory: the primary cause of negative semantic transfer4.2.2 negative effect of episodic memory4.3 episodic memory and l2 word meaning acquisition4.3.1 applying episodic memory: when and how4.3.2 strengthening semantic memory: why and how1 introduction1.1 significance of the research1.2 organization of the thesis2 literature review2.1 researches on monolingual mental lexicon2.1.1 definition of mental lexicon2.1.2 models of mental lexicon: a developing one2.2 research methodology of bilingual mental lexicon2.2.1 word association paradigm2.2.2 word translation task2.2.3 cross-language priming paradigm2.3 theories on bilingual mental lexicon2.3.1 weinreich’s three hypotheses: the ancestor of bilingualmental lexicon models2.3.2 paivio’s bilingual dual-coding theory2.3.3 kroll & stewart’s revised hierarchical model2.3.4 de groot’s distributed representation model3 extended bilingual distributed representation model3.1 setting and characteristic of l2 word acquisition3.2 psychological mechanism of l2 word acquisition3.2.1 coactivation pattern: l2 word representation manner3.2.2 simultaneous formation of semantic memory and episodic memory3.3 semantic restructuring in l2 vocabulary development4 implications for l2 word meaning acquisition4.1 unbalanced performance on language comprehensionand production4.1.1 receptive vs. productive vocabulary: imbalance onacquisition difficulty4.1.2 positive effect of episodic memory4.2 negative semantic transfer4.2.1 episodic memory: the primary cause of negative semantic transfer4.2.2 negative effect of episodic memory4.3 episodic memory and l2 word meaning acquisition4.3.1 applying episodic memory: when and how4.3.2 strengthening semantic memory: why and how。
2.1对基督教的历史做一简单的概述,同时对《圣经》对基督教的核心意义与价值做一简单的说明2.1.1. 简述西方的宗教传统,或者基督教的历史2.1.2. 对基督教的根本信义做一简单的概述,从下述几个方面:(1)对基督教的只信仰一个唯一的上帝,不容许进展偶像崇拜;(2)原罪的观念与救赎的观念:涉及末世审判、救赎恩典和得救的观念(3)爱是基督教信仰的核心,核心是爱上帝,同时爱每个人归根结底,基督教是一种高级的精神性宗教,深深地浸透入了西方世界的每一个角落2.2英语谚语与基督教的关系,特别是《圣经》的英译对英语的影响(1)《圣经》历史上的英译本,主要讲钦定本的诞生和影响(譬如扩大了英语的词汇量、增强了英语的表意功能、增加了英语的表意手段等等)(2)通过一些简单的例证来说明从拉丁语翻译到英语这一过程的影响与意义(如可以举例一些特殊的词语、句式等说明,做好这一局部关键是找到好的研究资料)(选取假设干源于《圣经》的谚语进展详细的、细致的分析,以提醒谚语背后的宗教内涵和英语所负载的宗教文化意义。
英语毕业论文的提纲范文3篇The outline model of English graduation thesis编订:JinTai College英语毕业论文的提纲范文3篇前言:论文格式就是指进行论文写作时的样式要求,以及写作标准,就是论文达到可公之于众的标准样式和内容要求,论文常用来进行科学研究和描述科研成果文章。
下面内容由小泰为大家分享英语毕业论文的提纲范文,一起来看看吧!Introduction0.1 Salman Rushdie and Midnight's Children0.2 Literature Review0.3 Significance of the ThesisChapter One The Carnival Rhetoric in Midnight's Children1.1 Carnival Language1.1.1 Language of Heteroglossia1.1.2 Linguistic Deviation1.2 Carnival Rhetorical Devices1.2.1 The Use of Metaphor1.2.2 The Use of Satire1.2.3 The Use of Pun1.3 Sum-upChapter Two The Carnival Characters in Midnight's Children2.1 Women's Carnivalesque Acts2.1.1 Widow2.1.2 Witch2.1.3 Unfaithful Wives2.2 Saleem's Carnivalesque Acts2.2.1 Grotesque Appearance and Eccentric Behavior2.2.2 Turning into Clown2.2.3 Crowning and Uncrowning2.3 Sum-upChapter Three Intertextual Dialogue in Midnight's Children3.1 Intertextual Dialogue between History and the Text3.1.1 National Allegory3.1.2 Fictionalization of National History3.2 Intertextual Dialogue between Pretexts and the Text3.2.1 Borrowings from Western Culture3.2.2 Borrowings from Indian Culture3.3 Intertextual Dialogue within the Text3.3.1 Palimpsest3.3.2 Polyphony3.4 Sum-upConclusionThis conclusionFocusing on contemporary forms of narrative, Hutcheon argues that postmodernistfiction embodies several carnivalesque structures. Firstly, in its metafictional preoccupationsand its tendency to foreground the artifice of literary construction, contemporary narrativeenacts a carnivalesque rebellion against the official ideology of realism (Hutcheon, 1988:83-4)。
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本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==英文论文大纲范例篇一:英语论文提纲范例Title:1. Introduction1.1. Understanding “interaction”1.1.1. “Interaction” in socio-culture theory1.1.2. Classroom interactions1.2. Classroom discourse1.2.1. What is classroom discourse?1.2.2. IRF Content-analysis of classroom discourse2. Classroom questioning and the function2.1. Definition of classroom questioning2.1.1. Conception of classroom questioning and its development2.1.2. The criteria for effective questioning in the classroom2.2. Categories of questioning and their functions the previously learnt structural knowledge)2.2.1 Questioning for linguistic knowledge (for students to recall or remember2.2.2 Questioning for comprehension (for students to translate, to grasp the meaning of materials)2.2.3 Questioning for application (for students to generalize, or to use learnt materials in new and concrete situations)3. Investigation on classroom questioning3.1 Purpose and object of investigation3.2 Method of investigation4. Conclusion篇二:英语毕业论文的提纲样本本科毕业论文的提纲格式样例A Contextual Study of Black English摘要:对全文进行概括性的总结,涉及到研究背景、研究目的、研究方法、研究发现等;重点放在研究发现上。
一、选择合适的研究主题1.1 确定兴趣和热情选择一个自己感兴趣和热情的研究主题是非常重要的,这样可以激发学生的学习动力,并能够持续投入到研究中。
1.2 确定研究的可行性在选择研究主题时,还需要考虑其可行性。
二、确定论文结构2.1 引言引言是论文的开篇,需要简要介绍研究背景、目的和重要性,并提出论文的研究问题和假设。
2.2 文献综述文献综述是对已有研究成果进行梳理和总结,学生需要通过查阅相关文献,了解该领域的研究进展和现状,并指出已有研究的不足之处。
2.3 研究方法在这一部分,学生需要明确论文的研究方法和数据来源,包括实证研究、问卷调查、实验设计等。
2.4 研究结果根据研究方法的选择,学生需要展示自己的研究结果。
2.5 讨论与分析讨论与分析部分是对研究结果的解释和评价,学生需要根据自己的研究结果,解释其意义和影响,并与已有研究进行比较和对比。
2.6 结论结论部分是对整个研究的总结和归纳,学生需要回答研究问题,并提出对未来研究的建议和展望。
三、注意事项3.1 语言表达清晰在撰写论文提纲时,学生应该注意语言表达的清晰度和准确性。
3.2 逻辑结构合理论文提纲的逻辑结构应该合理,各部分之间应该有明确的联系和衔接。
3.3 参考文献的引用在论文提纲中,学生需要引用相关的文献和研究成果。
提供了英文毕业论文的提纲,一起来看看吧!英语专业论文大纲写范例一:题目:英文个人陈述中的`态度资源分析ContentsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Significance of the Study1.3 Research Goals and Questions1.4 Data Collection and Methodology1.5 Analysis Procedures1.6 Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Introduction to Appraisal Theory2.2 Studies on Appraisal Theory2.2.1 Studies on Appraisal Theory Abroad2.2.2 Studies on Appraisal Theory at Home2.3 Studies on Personal Statements2.3.1 Introduction to Personal Statement2.4 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 An Overview of Attitude System3.2 Affect Resources3.3 Judgment Resources3.3.1 Social Esteem3.3.2 Social Sanction3.4 Appreciation Resources3.5 Interactions of Affect, Judgment and Appreciation3.6 Borders of Affect, Judgment and Appreciation3.7 SummaryAppendix 1: Papers Published during Graduate StudiesAppendix 2: Some Samples of the StudyReferencesAcknowledgements英语专业论文大纲范例二:题目:归化异化视角下对汉语俗语翻译的比较分析研究-以《三国演义》两个英译本为例CONTENTSChapter One Introduction1.1 Background1.2 Purpose of the Study1.3 Significance and Innovations1.4 Structure of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Domestication and Foreignization2.1.1 Foreignization and Domestication Abroad2.1.2 Foreignization and Domestication in China2.2 Chinese Common Sayings2.2.2 Researches on Chinese Common Saying Abroad2.3 Researches on the English Translation Versions of San Guo Yan Yi2.3.1 San Guo Yan Yi and Its English Translations2.3.2 Previous Study on English Translation Versions of San Guo Yan YiChapter Three Methodology3.1 Research Questions3.2 Data Collection3.3 Research MethodologyForeignization for Moss Roberts and C.H. Brewitt-TaylorChapter Four ConclusionBIBLIOGRAPHYACKNOWLEDGEMENTS。
专业论文:英语专业毕业论文提纲一、摘要(此处留空)二、引言1. 研究背景(此处留空)2. 研究目的与意义(此处留空)3. 研究方法(此处留空)4. 论文结构安排(此处留空)三、文献综述1. 国内外研究现状(此处留空)2. 研究空白与不足(此处留空)3. 研究内容与目标(此处留空)四、研究方法与数据来源1. 研究方法(此处留空)2. 数据来源(此处留空)3. 数据处理与分析方法(此处留空)五、实证研究1. 研究对象与样本选择(此处留空)2. 研究结果与分析(此处留空)3. 研究结论(此处留空)六、讨论与启示1. 研究结论的讨论(此处留空)2. 对英语专业教学的启示(此处留空)3. 对英语专业人才培养的启示(此处留空)七、结论(此处留空)2. 研究局限与展望(此处留空)(此处留空)九、附录(此处留空)一、摘要二、引言1. 研究背景近年来,我国英语教育取得了显著成果,英语专业毕业生人数逐年增加。
2. 研究目的与意义本研究旨在:(1)分析英语专业毕业生的就业现状,了解其就业领域、行业分布及薪资水平等。
3. 研究方法本研究采用文献研究法、问卷调查法、统计分析法等方法,对英语专业毕业生的就业现状进行分析。
4. 论文结构安排三、文献综述1. 国内外研究现状(1)英语专业毕业生的就业现状分析。
2. 研究空白与不足(1)研究视角较为单一,缺乏对就业现状的全面分析。
3. 研究内容与目标(1)分析英语专业毕业生的就业现状。
英语毕业论文提纲范文一:contentsintroduction (1)1.the common historical background (1)1.1 international (1)1.2 national (1)2.the common beliefs of beats and rockers (2)2.1 rebellion against conventions (2)2.1.1 beats in literature (2)2.1.2 rockers in music circles (3)2.2 ideologies in between (4)2.2.1 beatniks were fed up with their government aboutthe explanations of why things happened (4)2.2.2 their same destiny (4)2.2.3 beat culture and rock culture were not accepted byboth capitalist and socialist ideologies (5)2.3 belief in oriental religion (5)2.3.1 beatniks study on chinese buddhism (6)2.3.2 rockers belief in indian buddhism (6)3.their identical lifestyles (6)3.1 bohemian (7)3.1.1 beats (7)3.1.2 rockers (7)3.2 madness (8)3.2.1 the beats regarded modern american life as cruel,selfish,and impersonal that writers and artists were being drivento madness (8)3.2.2 rockers were mad enough to drive rockniks crazy onrock circus spot (9)3.3 self-indulgent (9)3.3.1 drugs (9)3.3.2 homosexual (10)4. the sa me conduct (10)4.1 beats of satan and angles (10)4.2 rockers' conduct of the two sides (11)conclusion (13)英语毕业论文提纲范文二:摘要:The thesis statement should be as specific as possible. By writing a specific thesis statement, you focus on your subject and give yourself and your reader a clearer idea of what will follow in the body of the essay.your plan, and later in your essay, follow a logical order. The rule for writing is this: use your common sense and plan ahead. Do not leave the order of your paragraphs to chance.How many types of order can be used in thesis writing?What are they?Ordering the Paragraphs within the EssayThe types of order often used in single paragraphs— time order, space order, and order of climax— can sometimes be used to arrange paragraphs within an essay. Essays about subjects that can be broken into stages, with each step discussed in oneparagraph, should be arranged according to time. Space order is used occasionally in descriptive essays. A writer who wishes to save the most important or convincing paragraph for last would use order of climax. Or he or she might wish to reverse this order and put the most important paragraph first.Very often, however, the writer simply arranges paragraphs in whatever order makes sense in that particular essay.Expanding the One-paragraph PlanAn essay is like an expanded paragraph.For this reason, any plan for developing a paragraph can also be used to develop an entire essay. It is up to the careful writer to choose the pattern that is best suited to his or her purpose and to the kind of essay required.Linking Paragraphs within the BodyJust as the sentence within a paragraph should flow smoothly, so the paragraphs within an essay should be clearly linked one to the next. As you write your essay, do not make illogical jumps from one paragraph to another. Instead, guide your reader. Link the first sentence of each new paragraph to the thesis statement or to the paragraph before.Here are four ways to link paragraphs:Linking Paragraphs within the BodyRepeat key words or ideas from the thesis statement.Refer to words or ideas from preceding paragraph. Link the first sentence of a new paragraph to the paragraph before, especially by referring to words or ideas near the end of that paragraph.Use transitional expressionsUse transitional sentencesUse all four methods of linking paragraphs as you write youressay.ChecklistNarrow the topic to one that you can discuss fully and well in an essay.Write a clear statement.Brainstorm ideas to support your statement.Choose some main ideas to support the thesis statement.Write a topic sentence that expresses each idea.Decide on a logical order in which to present the paragraphs in the body.Plan the body of each paragraph, using paragraph development.Write the first draft of your essay, linking paragraphs clearly to each other.Check for unity, logic, and coherence; revise and rewrite as necessary.Proofread for errors in grammar, sentence, structure, spelling, and mechanics.Three Types of Common Errors:Language/Ideas/FormatConsideration: How many kinds of specific errors you are likely to make in your writing? How to avoid them?。
英语毕业论文的提纲范文3篇The outline model of English graduation thesis编订:JinTai College英语毕业论文的提纲范文3篇前言:论文格式就是指进行论文写作时的样式要求,以及写作标准,就是论文达到可公之于众的标准样式和内容要求,论文常用来进行科学研究和描述科研成果文章。
下面内容由小泰为大家分享英语毕业论文的提纲范文,一起来看看吧!Introduction0.1 Salman Rushdie and Midnight's Children0.2 Literature Review0.3 Significance of the ThesisChapter One The Carnival Rhetoric in Midnight's Children1.1 Carnival Language1.1.1 Language of Heteroglossia1.1.2 Linguistic Deviation1.2 Carnival Rhetorical Devices1.2.1 The Use of Metaphor1.2.2 The Use of Satire1.2.3 The Use of Pun1.3 Sum-upChapter Two The Carnival Characters in Midnight's Children2.1 Women's Carnivalesque Acts2.1.1 Widow2.1.2 Witch2.1.3 Unfaithful Wives2.2 Saleem's Carnivalesque Acts2.2.1 Grotesque Appearance and Eccentric Behavior2.2.2 Turning into Clown2.2.3 Crowning and Uncrowning2.3 Sum-upChapter Three Intertextual Dialogue in Midnight's Children3.1 Intertextual Dialogue between History and the Text3.1.1 National Allegory3.1.2 Fictionalization of National History3.2 Intertextual Dialogue between Pretexts and the Text3.2.1 Borrowings from Western Culture3.2.2 Borrowings from Indian Culture3.3 Intertextual Dialogue within the Text3.3.1 Palimpsest3.3.2 Polyphony3.4 Sum-upConclusionThis conclusionFocusing on contemporary forms of narrative, Hutcheon argues that postmodernistfiction embodies several carnivalesque structures. Firstly, in its metafictional preoccupationsand its tendency to foreground the artifice of literary construction, contemporary narrativeenacts a carnivalesque rebellion against the official ideology of realism (Hutcheon, 1988:83-4)。
英语毕业论文提纲模板I. 引言A. 研究背景1. 研究领域概述2. 研究问题的提出3. 研究目的和意义B. 研究现状1. 国内外研究综述2. 现有研究的不足3. 本研究的创新点C. 研究方法1. 研究设计2. 数据来源3. 数据分析方法II. 文献综述A. 相关理论1. 理论背景2. 理论框架3. 理论应用B. 研究方法1. 研究方法概述2. 研究方法的优势与局限性3. 研究方法的适用性C. 研究成果1. 已有研究成果概述2. 成果的代表性3. 成果的启示III. 研究设计A. 研究对象1. 研究对象的选择2. 研究对象的特征3. 研究对象的代表性B. 研究方法1. 研究方法的选择2. 研究方法的实施步骤3. 研究方法的有效性C. 数据收集与分析1. 数据收集方法2. 数据分析方法3. 数据分析结果IV. 研究结果与分析A. 研究结果概述1. 研究结果的主要发现2. 研究结果的特点3. 研究结果的启示B. 结果分析1. 结果与理论框架的关联2. 结果与已有研究的比较3. 结果的限制与局限性V. 结论与建议A. 研究结论1. 研究的主要发现2. 研究的理论贡献3. 研究的实践意义B. 研究建议1. 对未来研究的建议2. 对实践工作的建议3. 对政策制定的建议[此处列出所有引用的文献]附录[如有必要,可在此处附上研究工具、数据表格、图表等补充材料]I. 引言A. 研究背景1. 研究领域概述英语作为国际通用语言,在全球范围内具有重要地位。
2. 研究问题的提出英语教学过程中存在的普遍问题,如学生英语口语表达能力不足。
3. 研究目的和意义提高英语口语教学效果,促进学生英语口语能力提升。
B. 研究现状1. 国内外研究综述国外英语口语教学研究现状。
2. 现有研究的不足现有研究对英语口语教学策略和方法的研究不够深入。
英语毕业论⽂提纲英语毕业论⽂提纲模板 紧张⼜充实的⼤学⽣活即将结束,毕业前要通过最后的毕业论⽂,毕业论⽂是⼀种有准备的检验学⽣学习成果的'形式,毕业论⽂应该怎么写才好呢?以下是⼩编整理的英语毕业论⽂提纲模板,希望能够帮助到⼤家。
英语毕业论⽂提纲篇1 Acknowledgements 4-6 Contents 6-10 List of Figures 10-12 List of Tables 12-20 Abstract 20-22 摘要 23-25 Chapter 1 Introduction 25-32 1.1 Purpose of the study and research questions 28-29 1.2 Significance of the study 29-30 1.3 Organization of the study 30-31 1.4 A note on terminology 31-32 Chapter 2 Literature review 32-51 2.1 T/TP and coherence in English writing 32-35 2.1.1 Defining coherence 32-33 2.1.2 T/TP as means to realize coherence 33-35 2.2 T/TP in EFL/ESL writing 35-42 2.2.1 T/TP and coherence in EFL/ESL writing 35-37 2.2.2 T/TP in EFL/ESL writing as compared to NS writing 37-42 2.3 T/TP in English research articles by EFL/ESL scholars 42-44 2.4 The factors that influence T/TP in EFL/ESL writing 44-47 2.5 Training in T/TP 47-49 2.6 Summary 49-51 Chapter 3 Theoretical background 51-70 3.1 Systemic Functional Grammar 51-55 3.1.1 Five dimensions of language as a semiotic system 51-53 3.1.2 Three metafunctions of language as a functional system 53-54 3.1.3 Three lines of meaning from metafunctions 54-55 3.2 Theme and thematic progression 55-70 3.2.1 Theme 56-62 3.2.2 Thematic progression 62-70 Chapter 4 Research Design 70-88 4.1 The participants and the educational context 70-73 4.1.1 Background of the participants and the participating school 70 4.1.2 The allocation of participants to the training 70-71 4.1.3 The sample sizes 71-72 4.1.4 The pilot study 72-73 4.2 The interventional procedures 73-74 4.3 The questionnaire 74-75 4.4 The training 75-80 4.4.1 Considerations behind the training 75-76 4.4.2 The training material 76-79 4.4.3 The role of the researcher as the trainer 79-80。
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