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1)Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE

2)ACI Structural Journal

3)Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE

4)ACI Materials Journal

5)Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE

6)Cement and Concrete Research

7)Engineering Structures

8)Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE

9)The Structural Design of Tall Buildings and Special Structures 10)Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE



2)International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences

3)Canadian Geotechnical Engineering

4)Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering-ASCE

5)Computers and Geotechnics

6)Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering

7)Engineering Geology

8)International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 9)Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

10)Geotextiles and Geomembranes


1)Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE

2) Construction and Building Materials

3) Environ Modell Softw

4) Road Materials and Pavement Design

5)International Journal of Pavement Engineering

6) Int J Greenh Gas Con

7)Waste Manageenviron Sci Technol

8)J Hazard Mater

9)Indoor Air

10)Water Res


1)Indoor Air

2)Energy and Buildings

3)Building and Environment

4)HVAC&R Research

5)Renewable Energy

6)Solar Energy

7)International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 8)Applied Thermal Engineering

9)International Journal of Refrigeration

10)International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow


1)Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE

2)Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE

3)Tunneling and Underground Space Technology

4)Computers and Structures

5)Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE 6)Structural Engineering and Mechanics

7)Steel and Composite Structure

8)Bridge Engineering

9)Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering

10)Structural Engineering International


1)Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics

2)Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE

3)Structural Control and Health Monitoring

4)Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

5)Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics 6)Earthquake Spectra

7) Smart Materials and Structures

8)International Journal of Solids and Structures

9)Structural Safety

10) Journal of Sound and Vibration


1)Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 2)Journal of Infrastructure Systems

3)Automation in Construction

4)Construction Management & Economics

5)International Journal of Project Management

6)Building Research and Information
