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Unit 1

(1)In order to strengthen (加强)his argument(论证), Toffler ______ respectable

(值得尊敬的)social scientists who agree with him.


B. confirms(确认)

C. recites (背诵)

D. convinces (说服)

(2)He could scarcely(几乎不)resist (抵抗)taking another drink of the delicious

wine, but remembering the doctor’s advice, he___________.


B. withdrew(收回)

C. avoided

D. retreated (撤退)

(3)When people have their basic needs satisfied , they begin to think of other things

to fulfill their life_________.

B. requirements

C. appreciations (欣赏)

D. expectations (期待)

(4)Within seconds , the experienced (老练的)instructor(教练)________ the

situation and decided to attempt rescue.(营救)

(假定的) B. assured (确定的)


(5)Most good writers use every means at their ________to make the reader’s way

smooth and easy.


(6)The new apartment house built a few months ago is large enough to _________

over two hundred people.

(容纳) (居住)

(7)A river _______ through the narrow wooded(树木繁茂的)valley(山谷)below.

(弯曲) (扩大)

(8)To use a Chinese saying, this is “a punishment which they well ______”.

(沙漠) (应受,应得)


(9)The captain of the ship ________ the passenagers that there was no danger.


(确定) (保证)

(10)T he growth of cities and suburbs throughout the region has _______the residents

(居民)to build houses wherever they could find open land.



Uint 2

(1)The kitchen was small and _____so that the disabled woman could reach

everything without difficulty.


(2)His authority (权威)and _______ make him an excellent teacher.



(3)Being both spoilt and lazy he _____ everyone else for his lack of success.

A.Accused (打杂)


(4)When I learned that I had passed the exam , I felt _____ and relaxed.


(5)A vary large cat was watching us intently from the top of a ______ car.



(6)This is the _____piano on which the composer created some of his greatest




(7)Your usual teacher has lost his voice and ____ I am taking his place today.


(8)A______ woman is needed to take care of two small children.


(9)I have had a _________ of misfortunes.(不幸)



(10)H e had an _______habit of emptying (倒出)ash trays out of his upstairs(楼上)

window onto our doorstep.(门口台阶)



(11)T he music aroused an ______ felling of homesickness (乡愁)in him.

(强烈) (加强的)

(12)T he jury _______ him of having committed the robbery and he was then

sentenced (判决)to five years’ imprisonment.


(13)T he book proved to be very unreliable and so was quite _____to him in his



(14)T he plan was ___ when it was discovered just how much the scheme would cost.



(15)T he blow at the end of round three knocked the champion ________

