



2013年全国外贸业务员考试外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A 卷)(考试时间:2013年5月19日 上午9:00—11:00)一、单项选择题(请将答案填涂在答题卡上,答在试卷上无效。

每小题1分,共40分)1.根据《INCOTERMS ® 2010》的规定,卖方必须投保的贸易术语是( )。

A .CPTB .DDPC .CIPD .DAP 2.根据我国海洋货物运输保险条款的规定,承保范围最小的基本险是( )。

A .平安险B .一切险C .水渍险D .战争险3.根据我国海关法规定,进口环节消费税的完税价格是指( )。

A .进口关税B .进口环节增值税C .进口关税的完税价格+进口关税D .(进口关税的完税价格+进口关税)÷(1-进口消费税率)4.根据《UCP600》的规定,若信用证没有规定单据需签字,出单人必须签字的单据是()。

A .商业发票B .装箱单C .尺码单D .保险单5.“发货人工厂→装港堆场→卸港堆场→拆箱点→收货人工厂”是指( )的货物交接方式。

A .FCL/FCLB .FCL/LCLC .LCL/FCLD .LCL/LCL6.从2012年8月1日开始,我国流通型外贸企业申报出口退税时,无需提供的凭证是()。

A.出口货物报关单(出口退税联)B.出口收汇核销单(出口退税专用)C.增值税专用发票(抵扣联)D.出口货物外销发票7.采用以下哪种信用证作为支付方式时,受益人必须出具远期汇票?()A.即期付款信用证B.延期付款信用证C.议付信用证D.承兑信用证8.采用以下哪些支付方式出口货物时,为了防止风险,最好投保出口信用保险?()A.装运前T/T、L/C B.装运前T/T、凭提单传真前T/TC.装运前T/T、D/P D.后T/T、D/A9.如果海运提单的收货人栏记载“TO ORDER”,则意味着该海运提单是()。




全国外贸业务员试考基础理论考试试题一、选择题(每题2分,共30分)1.以下哪个不属于国际贸易的支付方式?A. 信用证B. 电汇C. 托收D. 凭证支付2. 下列哪种国际贸易方式可以实现双边结算和相互放贷?A. 私人对外贸易B. 工厂贸易C. 国际转口贸易D. 商品贸易3. 在国际采购中,以下哪种采购方式属于批量采购?A. 定点采购B. 竞争性谈判C. 协议采购D. 比价采购4. 在国际贸易中,一般情况下,在合同中约定的交割港是指货物的A. 起运港B. 运输港C. 中转港D. 目的港5. 出口内销是指将计划内出口商品在国内市场上销售的贸易方式。

以下哪种条件不需要满足?A. 出口内销必须控制出口商品的质量和成本B. 出口内销必须遵循出口政策和法律法规的规定C. 出口内销必须按照国内的市场需求来调整出口商品的规格和品牌D. 出口内销必须满足国内市场的消费者需求6. 在国际贸易中,以下哪种信用证是最常见的一种?A. 电汇信用证B. 可撤销信用证C. 不可撤销信用证D. 过期信用证7. 以下哪项不属于国际物流的主要业务范畴?A. 运输B. 仓储C. 包装D. 人力资源8. 在国际贸易中,以下哪一项不属于知识产权的保护形式?A. 专利B. 商标C. 版权D. 信用证9. 关税是国家对进口和出口商品课征一定比例的税款。

以下哪项不属于关税的种类?A. 进口关税B. 出口关税C. 过境关税D. 销售税10. 以下哪项不属于国际贸易中经常出现的贸易壁垒?A. 关税B. 非关税壁垒C. 证据不足壁垒D. 制度性壁垒11. 以下哪个属于保护主义的贸易政策?A. 自由贸易B. 关税配额C. 投资自由D. 扩大开放12. 对于外贸人员来说,以下哪项不属于专业素质和能力?A. 商务英语熟练B. 贸易政策了解C. 人际交往能力D. 物流管理知识13. 以下哪种情况不属于依据国际商事规则处理纠纷的机制?A. 国际贸易谅解程序B. 仲裁C. 法院判决D. 调解14. 在国际贸易中,随货的商业发票是A. 商业合同的补充条款B. 汇票的补充条款C. 押汇的补充条款D. 托收单据的补充条款15. 以下哪项不属于国际结算方式?A. 托收C. 承兑D. 汇兑二、问答题(每题10分,共40分)1. 国际贸易的基本步骤有哪些?2. 请简述信用证的作用和流程。



精品文档总分复查人2014年全国外贸业务员考试外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A 卷)(考试时间:2014年5月18日 上午9:00—11:00)题 号 一 二 三 四 五 总 分 阅卷组长得 分一、单项选择题(请将答案填涂在答题卡上,答在试卷上无效。

每小题1分,共40分)1.根据《INCOTERMS ® 2010》的规定,卖方无须支付国外运费的贸易术语是( )。

A .CIFB .DA TC .FASD .DAP2.根据CIC 条款,空运险负“仓至仓”责任,自被保险货物运离保险单所载明的起运地仓库或储存处所开始运输时生效,直至该项货物到达保险单所载明目的地收货人的最后仓库或储存处所。

如未抵达上述仓库或储存处所,则以被保险货物在最后卸载地点全部卸离运输工具后满( )为止。

A .20天 B .30天 C .60天 D .90天 3.我国海关法规定,出口货物完税价格是指( )。

A .FOB B .CFRC .CIFD .FCA4.根据《UCP600》的规定,若信用证没有规定是否允许分批装运和转让,则视为( )。

A .允许分批装运和允许转让B .禁止分批装运和禁止转让C .允许分批装运和禁止转让D .禁止分批装运和允许转让 5.我国现行《商品名称及编码协调制度》规定,商品编码的第一、第二位数字表示( )。

A .类B .章C .税目D .子目得 分 评卷人 复查人座位号6.国际商会从()开始实施《国际标准银行实务ISBP745》。



A.装运前T/T B.后T/TC.D/P D.D/A9.我国知识产权司法保护主要是指权利人以()的方式,通过人民法院对知识产权行政、民事或刑事案件的司法审判来寻求对自身合法权益的保护。

2021 - 年外贸业务基础理论试卷(A - 卷)及参考答案

2021 - 年外贸业务基础理论试卷(A - 卷)及参考答案

2021 - 年外贸业务基础理论试卷(A - 卷)及参考答案2021年全国外贸业务员考试外贸业务基础理论试卷(A卷)一、单项选择题(请将答案填涂在答题卡上,答在试卷上无效。

每小题1分,共40分)1.根据《INCOTERMS 2000》的规定,由卖方支付保险费的贸易术语英文缩写是()。

A.FCA C.EXWB.CIP D.CFR2.首钢集团公司计划按FOB贸易术语从澳大利亚进口铁矿砂,采用程租船运输且承担装船费用。

根据《INCOTERMS 2000》的规定,该公司在进口合同中使用的贸易术语应该是()。


A.2021年7月1日 C.2021年10月1日A.类 C.税目是()。

A.商业发票 C.受益人证明的()。

A.1% C.0.5%A.受益人不能部分接受信用证修改内容B.受益人可以用交单的方式来表示是否接受信用证的修改内容 C.受益人可以用书面方式通知银行是否接受信用证的修改内容D.受益人如果不用书面方式通知银行是否接受信用证的修改内容,则视为接受B.FOB STOWEDD.FOB STOWED AND TRIMMED3.2021年11月24日,国际商会银行委员会通过了《见索即付保函统一规则》(URDG758),B.2021年9月1日 D.2021年12月1日 B.章 D.子目4.我国现行《商品名称及编码协调制度》规定,商品编码的前两位数字表示()。

5.根据《UCP600》的规定,若信用证没有规定单据需要签字,允许出单人不签字的单据B.保险单 D.海运提单6.根据我国海关有关规定,在进口报关业务中,滞报金的日征收金额为进口货物完税价格B.0.1% D.0.05%7.关于信用证修改业务,以下表述错误的是()。




外贸业务基础理论考试试卷第一部分选择题(共40题,每题1分,共40分)1.外贸业务的定义是什么?– A. 指企业与外国进行的经济交流活动– B. 指企业与国内进行的经济交流活动– C. 指企业与国际组织进行的经济交流活动– D. 指企业与政府进行的经济交流活动2.以下哪个不属于外贸业务环节?– A. 采购– B. 生产– C. 销售– D. 人力资源管理3.下列哪个是外贸业务的基本流程?– A. 市场调研、签订合同、制定方案、生产、发货、售后– B. 市场调研、签订合同、生产、装运、运输、售后– C. 市场调研、签订合同、运输、报关、售后– D. 市场调研、签订合同、生产、发货、运输、售后4.在外贸业务中,FOB是指什么意思?– A. Free On Board (装运港)价– B. Free Out of Bounds (交货地)价– C. Free Over Border (运输方式)价– D. Free On Border (报关口岸)价5.以下哪个不是外贸公司的主要职能?– A. 市场开拓– B. 合同签订– C. 资金管理– D. 税务申报6.以下哪种货币不属于国际贸易结算的主要货币?– A. 美元– B. 欧元– C. 日元– D. 人民币7.CIF是指什么意思?– A. Cost, Insurance and Financing– B. Cost, Insurance and Freight– C. China Import and Financing– D. China Import and Freight8.在外贸业务中,L/C是指什么?– A. 账期付款– B. 现金付款– C. 信用证付款– D. 提货付款9.以下哪种贸易方式是指不使用中间商,由生产商直接出口给买家?– A. 找短工– B. 找代理– C. 找批发商– D. 直销10.国际贸易中,OECD是指什么组织?– A. 欧洲经济合作组织– B. 亚洲经济合作组织– C. 北美经济合作组织– D. 南美经济合作组织11.在国际贸易中,贸易壁垒是指什么?– A. 限制贸易的措施– B. 促进贸易的措施– C. 促进外资流入的措施– D. 促进经济发展的措施12.以下哪个不是国际贸易中常见的贸易壁垒?– A. 关税– B. 配额– C. 逆差– D. 汇率13.以下哪个不属于国际贸易中常见的贸易形式?– A. 平行贸易– B. 间接贸易– C. 直接贸易– D. 紧密贸易14.WTO是指什么组织?– A. 世界贸易组织– B. 世界旅游组织– C. 世界金融组织– D. 世界卫生组织15.贸易术语中的DAP是指什么?– A. Delivery At Port (港口交货)– B. Delivered At Place (指定地点交货)– C. Delivered Duty Paid (完税后交货)– D. Delivery After Payment (支付后交货)16.外贸经理的主要职责是什么?– A. 协助市场调研工作– B. 签订合同和报关– C. 拓展市场和管理团队– D. 财务管理和税务申报17.外贸合同中的INCOTERMS指的是什么?– A. 贸易壁垒– B. 国际贸易准则– C. 货物品质标准– D. 国际贸易条款18.在国际贸易中,关税是指什么?– A. 货物运输费用– B. 进出口税– C. 税收补贴– D. 保险费用19.外贸业务中的HS编码是什么?– A. 车辆识别号– B. 货物品质标准– C. 货物分类编号– D. 进出口许可证号码20.外贸业务中,以下哪个不属于国际贸易中的主要支付方式?– A. 信用证– B. 托收– C. 货到付款– D. 转账汇款第二部分填空题(共10题,每题2分,共20分)21.国际贸易的发展利于 __________ 的提高。



外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A 卷) 第1页 (共12页)2015年全国外贸业务员考试外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A 卷)(考试时间:2015年5月17日 上午9:00—11:00)一、单项选择题(请将答案填涂在答题卡上,答在试卷上无效。

每小题1分,共40分)1.根据《INCOTERMS ® 2010》的规定,卖方必须支付国外运费的贸易术语是( )。

A .EXWB .DDPC .FASD .FOB2.对进口商而言,以下支付方式风险从小到大的排列顺序是( )。

A .L/C <D/P <前T/T <后T/TB .L/C <前T/T <D/P <后T/T C .后T/T <D/P <L/C <前T/TD .后T/T <L/C <D/P <前T/T 3.我国海关法规定,进口关税完税价格是指()。

A .FOB B .CFRC .CIFD .FCA4.根据《UCP600》的规定,开证行的合理审单时间是收到单据次日起的( )个工作日之内。

A .4 B .5 C .6D .75.不用出具汇票的信用证是( )。

A .议付信用证B .承兑信用证C .假远期信用证D .延期付款信用证 6.截至2015年4月1日,仍未申请亚洲基础设施投资银行意向创始成员国的是( )。

A .英国B .德国C .瑞士D .美国7.D/P付款条件下,出口商业汇票上的受票人应是()。


A.CIF B.CIPC.DAP D.DAT9.根据我国海关有关规定,在进口报关业务中,滞报金的日征收金额为进口货物完税价格的()。

A.1% B.0.1%C.0.5% D.0.05%10.根据《UCP600》的规定,遇节假日不可顺延的期限是()。









.强制检验.抽查检验.随机检验.定期检验A 1122007A 20071289001100 1401 A B CD 2INCOTERMS 2000 A EXW B FAS C FOB D CPT3 A B CD 4 A 3% 3 B 5% 5C 8% 8D 10% 105 A B CD 总分复查人外贸业务基础理论试卷(卷)题号一二三四五总分阅卷组长得分一、单项选择题(每小题分,共分)得分评卷人复查人座位号外贸业务基础理论试卷(卷)第页(共页).根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》规定,如买卖合同对风险没有约定,且卖方没有义务在某一特定地点将货物交给承运人,则货物风险转移的时间为()。






外贸业务基础理论试题1. 外贸业务是指在国际贸易中进行的一切商品和服务的交换活动。

以下哪项不属于外贸业务的范畴?a) 商品贸易b) 服务贸易c) 国内贸易d) 技术贸易2. 下列哪项不是开展外贸业务的主要目的?a) 扩大市场份额b) 降低生产成本c) 提高企业知名度d) 实现贸易平衡3. 外贸业务中的外汇是指国际间进行货币结算的手段。

以下哪项不属于常用的外汇形式?a) 美元b) 欧元c) 人民币d) 英镑4. 外贸业务中的INCOTERMS是一种国际商业术语,用来规定买卖双方在货物运输过程中的责任和义务。

以下哪项不是常见的INCOTERMS?a) FOBb) CIFc) EXWd) DDP5. 以下哪一项不是国际贸易中常见的支付方式?a) 信用证b) 托收c) 票据结算d) 现金支付二、判断题1. 外贸业务的主要目的是为了改善国内市场的状况,减少国内供应过剩。

(√/×)2. 外贸业务中的国际清关是指将货物从国外进口到国内,在海关进行报关和清关手续。

(√/×)3. 打样是指根据外贸订单的要求制作一份样品,供客户确认产品质量和样式。

(√/×)4. 国际货物运输有多种方式,包括海运、空运、陆运等,海运是最常见的方式。

(√/×)5. 外贸业务中的商务谈判是指双方商务代表就合作事项进行会谈和协商达成共识。

(√/×)三、填空题1. 外贸业务中,贸易保护主义指的是通过采取_________措施,限制进口商品,保护本国产业。

2. INCOTERMS中的FOB是指_________。

3. 在国际贸易中,信用证是一种_________的支付方式,由买方银行向卖方开出。

4. 外贸业务中,出口商在与海外客户进行洽谈时,常常会提供一些信息和材料,这被称为_________。

5. 外贸业务中的汇率是指两种不同货币之间的_________比率。

四、简答题1. 请简要介绍国际贸易的主要形式。



外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A 卷) 第1页 (共12页)总分复查人2012年全国外贸业务员考试外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A 卷)(考试时间:2012年5月13日 上午9:00—11:00)题 号一二三四五总 分阅卷组长得 分一、单项选择题(请将答案填涂在答题卡上,答在试卷上无效。

每小题1分,共40分)1.根据《INCOTERMS ®2010》的规定,CFR 贸易术语下,买卖双方风险的分界点是()。

A .装运港船舷B .装运港船上C .目的港船舷D .目的港船上2.我国海关法规定,进口货物完税价格是指()。

A .FOB B .CFR C .CIFD .FCA3.根据《UCP600》的规定,开证行的合理审单时间是收到单据次日起的()工作日之内。

A .4个B .5个C .6个D .7个4.在国际货物运输保险中,下列风险属于一般外来风险的是()。

A .战争B .罢工C .失火D .串味5.根据我国有关规定,对外贸易经营者应于取得出口经营权之日起()内,向所在地的主管退税机关申请办理出口退税认定。

A .15天B .30天C .45天D .60天6.从2011年12月1日开始,国家外汇管理局在()省市开展出口收汇核销制度试点改革,取消现场核销。

A .5个B .6个得 分评卷人复查人座位号C.7个D.8个7.开证行授权指定银行向受益人预付全部或部分信用证金额,由开证行保证偿还利息的信用证是()。


A.进口关税和进口报关费用B.进口环节消费税和进口环节增值税C.进口关税和进口环节增值税D.进口关税和进口环节消费税9.以下采用哪种信用证支付方式时受益人一般不出具汇票?()A.即期付款信用证 B.延期付款信用证C.议付信用证 D.承兑信用证10.以下哪种保险单据称为“小保单”?()A.保险单B.保险凭证C.预约保险单D.保险批单11.如果外贸业务员对国外客户的发盘内容(),则不属于还盘。





A.CPT B.DDPC.CIP D.DAP2.根据我国海洋货物运输保险条款的规定,承保范围最小的基本险是()。




A.FCL/FCL B.FCL/LCLC.LCL/FCL D.LCL/LCL6.从2012年8月1日开始,我国流通型外贸企业申报出口退税时,无需提供的凭证是()。

A.出口货物报关单(出口退税联)B.出口收汇核销单(出口退税专用)C.增值税专用发票(抵扣联)D.出口货物外销发票7.采用以下哪种信用证作为支付方式时,受益人必须出具远期汇票?()A.即期付款信用证B.延期付款信用证C.议付信用证D.承兑信用证8.采用以下哪些支付方式出口货物时,为了防止风险,最好投保出口信用保险?()外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A卷)第3页(共12页)A.装运前T/T、L/C B.装运前T/T、凭提单传真前T/TC.装运前T/T、D/P D.后T/T、D/A9.如果海运提单的收货人栏记载“TO ORDER”,则意味着该海运提单是()。


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年外贸业务员考试基础理论试卷(A卷)————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:2总分复查人2013年全国外贸业务员考试外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A 卷)(考试时间:2013年5月19日 上午9:00—11:00)题 号 一 二 三 四 五 总 分 阅卷组长得 分一、单项选择题(请将答案填涂在答题卡上,答在试卷上无效。

每小题1分,共40分)1.根据《INCOTERMS ® 2010》的规定,卖方必须投保的贸易术语是( )。

A .CPTB .DDPC .CIPD .DAP 2.根据我国海洋货物运输保险条款的规定,承保范围最小的基本险是( )。

A .平安险B .一切险C .水渍险D .战争险3.根据我国海关法规定,进口环节消费税的完税价格是指( )。

A .进口关税B .进口环节增值税C .进口关税的完税价格+进口关税D .(进口关税的完税价格+进口关税)÷(1-进口消费税率)4.根据《UCP600》的规定,若信用证没有规定单据需签字,出单人必须签字的单据是( )。

A .商业发票B .装箱单C .尺码单D .保险单5.“发货人工厂→装港堆场→卸港堆场→拆箱点→收货人工厂”是指( )的货物交接方式。

A .FCL/FCLB .FCL/LCLC .LCL/FCLD .LCL/LCL得 分 评卷人 复查人座6.从2012年8月1日开始,我国流通型外贸企业申报出口退税时,无需提供的凭证是()。

A.出口货物报关单(出口退税联)B.出口收汇核销单(出口退税专用)C.增值税专用发票(抵扣联)D.出口货物外销发票7.采用以下哪种信用证作为支付方式时,受益人必须出具远期汇票?()A.即期付款信用证B.延期付款信用证C.议付信用证D.承兑信用证8.采用以下哪些支付方式出口货物时,为了防止风险,最好投保出口信用保险?()A.装运前T/T、L/C B.装运前T/T、凭提单传真前T/TC.装运前T/T、D/P D.后T/T、D/A9.如果海运提单的收货人栏记载“TO ORDER”,则意味着该海运提单是()。


A.A B.BC.O D.x11.我国普惠制原产地证书的发证机构是()。


A.UL B.CCCC.GS D.PSE13.在我国,进口许可证的有效期是()。

A.1年B.2年C.3年D.4年14.根据《INCOTERMS® 2010》的规定,DA T贸易术语下,买卖双方风险的分界点是()。


A.L/C B.UCPC.CONTRACT D.ISBP16.对出口商而言,以下支付方式风险从小到大的排列顺序是()。

A.L/C<D/P<D/A<装运前T/T<后T/T <装运后凭提单传真件T/TB.L/C<前T/T<D/P<装运后凭提单传真件T/T<D/A<后T/TC.前T/T<装运后凭提单传真件T/T<L/C<D/P<D/A<后T/TD.前T/T<L/C<装运后凭提单传真件T/T<D/P<D/A<后T/T外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A卷)第4页(共12页)17.以下哪种保险单据被称为“大保单”?()A.保险单B.保险凭证C.预约保险单D.保险批单18.A公司出口一批商品,用50个纸箱包装,每箱体积为40厘米×50厘米×60厘米,每箱毛重为38千克,如果班轮运费计收标准为W/M,每运费吨为50美元,则A公司需支付多少运费?()A.30美元B.95美元C.195美元D.300美元19.L/C项下汇票的受票人必须是()。


A.发改委B.银行C.海关D.商务厅(委)21.The following are the basic functions of a bill of lading except to act as().A.a receipt for the goods from the shipping company to the exporterB.a certificate of origin, which certifies that the goods were produced in a particular country C.a document of title to goods being shipped overseasD.a quasi negotiable document22.The following statements are how to use the INCOTERMS® 2010 rules. Which one is correct?()A.Incorporate the INCOTERMS® 2010 rules into your contract of sale.B.Choose the appropriate INCOTERMS rule and specify your place or port as precisely as possibleC.Remember that INCOTERMS rules do not give you a complete contract of saleD.all of the above23.In INCOTERMS®2010, two new Incoterms rules —DAT and DAP—have replaced the INCOTERMS 2000 rules().A.DAF,DES, DEQ and DDU B.DAF,DES, DEQ and DDPC.FAS, DEQ, DAF and DDU D.DES, DDU, DDP and CPT24.Unless otherwise stipulated in the credit, the minimum amount for which the insurance document must indicate the insurance cover to have been effected is the CIF value of the goods plus(), but only when the CIF value can be determined from the documents on their face.A.5%B.10%C.20%D.30%外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A卷)第5页(共12页)25.The risk of shortage is considered to be the ().A.Free of Particular Average B.With AverageC.General additional risks D.Special additional risks26.According to INCOTERMS® 2010, WHICH term means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport ready for unloading at the named place of destination. The seller bears all risks involved in bringing the goods to the named place?()A.DAP B.CPTC.DAT D.DDP27.If the goods are consigned to collecting bank, after the importer satisfies the collections conditions, the collecting bank()the bills of lading to the importer.A.endorses B.deliversC.transmits D.carriers28.Foreign trade can be conducted on the following terms except for().A.open account B.documentary collectionC.documentary credit D.public bonds29.The exporter or his agent is normally the person named as ()on a bill of lading or on an air waybill.A.shipper B.underwriterC.consignee D.guarantor30.Which of the following payment terms eliminates the exchange risk, assuming the exporter invoices in foreign currency?()A.documentary credit B.open accountC.D/A D.none of the aboveQuestions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:Once upon a time, innovation at Procter & Gamble flowed one way: from the United States outward. While the large Cincinnati-based Corporation was no stranger to foreign markets, it usually sold them products that were already familiar to most Americans. Many Japanese families, for instance, swaddle their babies in Pampers diapers and lots of V enezuelans brush their teeth with Crest. And of course (company executives assumed) Americans at home wanted these same familiar, red white and blue brands. We might buy foreign made cars, or chocolates or cameras but household cleaners and detergents.Recently, however, P&G broke with this long-standing tradition. Ariel, a P&G laundry detergent, was born overseas, and is familiar sight on store shelves in Europe and Latin America. Now bilingual packages of Ariel Ultra, a super concentrated cleaner, are appearing on supermarket shelves in Los Angeles.外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A卷)第6页(共12页)Ariel’s appearance in the United States reflects demographic changes making Hispanics the nation’s fastest growing ethnic group. Ariel is a hit with this population. In fact, many Mexican immigrants living in Southern California have been “importing”Ariel from Tijuana Mexico. “Hispanics knew this product and wanted it”says P&G spokeswoman Marie Salvador, “We realized that we couldn’t convince them to buy our other laundry detergents”. P&G hopes that non Hispanic consumers will give Ariel a try too.Ariel’s already strong presence in Europe may provide a springboard for the company to expand into other markets as well. Recently P&G bought Rakona, Czechoslovakia’s top detergent maker. Ariel, currently a top seller in Germany, is likely to be one of the first new brands to appear in Czech supermarkets. And Ariel is not the only foreign idea that the company hopes to transplant back to its home territory. Cinch, an all purpose spray cleaner similar to popular European products, is currently being test marketed in California and Arizona. Traditionally Americans have used separated cleaners for different types of surfaces, but market research shows that American preferences are becoming more like those in other countries.Insiders note that this new reverse flow of Innovation reflects more sweeping changes at Procter & Gamble. The firm has hired many new Japanese, German, and Mexican managers who view P&G’s business not as a one way flow of American ideas, but a two way exchange with other markets. Says Bonita Austin of the investment firm Wertheim Schroeder “When you met with P&G’s top managers years ago, you wouldn’t have seen a single foreign face.” Today, “they could even be in the majority”.As Procter & Gamble has found, the United States is no longer an isolated market. Americans are more open than ever before to buying foreign made products and to selling US made products overseas.31.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?()A.The brands of Pampers, Crest, Ariel, and Cinch reflect the one-way flow tradition of Procter & Gamble.B.In spite of market changes, Procter & Gamble still sticks to its long standing tradition of one way flow innovation.C.Procter & Gamble has to change its one way flow tradition because of the increased number of its foreign managers.D.Today one may meet more foreign faces in Procter & Gamble than years ago.32.It can be learned from the passage that Ariel().A.is the best seller in CzechoslovakiaB.is a laundry detergent product of Procter & GambleC.was born in the United StatesD.already enjoys popularity in America外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A卷)第7页(共12页)33.The “insider”( Para 5) is most probably().A.someone who buys both Ariel and CinchB.someone who works within Procter & Gamble or knows if fairly wallC.someone who is a loyal customer of ArielD.someone who once worked within Rakona34.According to the passage Procter & Gamble hopes to transplant foreign idea back to its home territory because().A.Americans are more likely to buy foreign made products than before.B.For most Americans foreign products are much more attractive than homemade ones.C.The company has found that foreign made products are superior to home made ones in terms of quality.D.The company has hired more foreigners in its top management than before.35.The author may most probably agree that().A.It is a trend that business today go global.B.Business today are very reluctant to go global.C.American businesses can make more money if they only sell home-made products.D.The market of the United States should not be that open.Questions from 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:As a form of business entertaining, business meals are increasingly used to build up mutual trust and confidence. Westerners do an extraordinary amount of business of business over meals, from a quick breakfast to “working lunches” to cocktail receptions and formal dinners.When you host a business dinner, remember one crucial point: You’re in charge. Doing business over dinner is a good way to introduce yourself to clients, build relationships and seal the deal. Get it right, and it is duck soup. Get it wrong, and you are dead in the water. Always be familiar with the water. Always be familiar with the restaurant so there won’t be any surprises. Show up on time, dress appropriately, don’t drink too much, keep the conversation going, and you’ll be fine. As the host, everything falls to you. Extend the invitations to a business dinner at least one week in advance, and, for a breakfast or lunch, at least three days ahead of the scheduled date.Breakfast meeting rarely last more than an hour. They imply certain urgency and are often convenient during business travels. Lunch is usually best for getting to know a guest a bit better. People do not have to talk about business, of course. Afternoon tea, or coffee, is a relaxed way to spend 45 minutes or an hour talking about business. Dinner is a more formal business event. Generally, this is not a time to talk about business, but rather a time to get to know the other person and enjoy each other’s company.外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A卷)第8页(共12页)Business meals are multi-tasking jobs which can often turn out to be nightmares. If you want to make a lasting impression, then it pays to be on your best behavior at any such meal. Of course, you need to be knowledgeable in your field, but you also need the style and grace to see you through these events. During a typical business meal you must be a good listener, ask and answer questions intelligently, talk about your company confidently and appear pleasant and relaxed.Your mastery of good table manners comes in handy. It gives you the confidence of knowing that you can conduct yourself properly. After all, you are trying to have a conversation with your guest, not concentrating on which fork to use. Choosing the correct silverware from the variety in front of you is not as difficult as it may first appear. Always start with the knife, fork or spoon that is farthest from your plate and gradually work your way in. A simple rule to remember is that liquids are to the right and solids are to the left.Politely dining at the table is one of the codes of behavior that people in the West consider important. By mastering these skills, you become a better representative of your company, a wonderful host, and even more sought-after as a dinner guest.36.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?()A.People do not do business over a quick breakfast.B.People do not talk business over lunch.C.Dinner is a period of talking about business.D.A good command of table manners can make you communicate well with your guest. 37.It can be learned from the paragraph 3 that().A.If you are not on your best behavior at business meals, it will be very horrible.B.Being knowledgeable in your field is enough to do business.C.Business meals are easy jobs.D.During a business meal, you have to talk about your company all the time.38.The word “conduct” in paragraph 4 probably means().A.organize and do a particular activity B.directC.lead or guide D.behave39.Which statement is true according to the passage? ()A.Starting with the silverware which is near at hand.B.End with the silverware that is farthest from you.C.Liquids should be put to the right and solids are the opposite.D.none of the above40.If you want to do business well with others, you need to().A.be knowledgeable and be a good listenerB.have a good mastery of table mannersC.politely dine at the tableD.all of the above外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A卷)第9页(共12页)二、多项选择题(请将答案填涂在答题卡上,答得分评卷人复查人在试卷上无效。
