

第25卷第4期岩石力学与工程学报V ol.25 No.4 2006年4月Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering April,2006


WEN Zhijian

(Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology,China National Nuclear Corporation,Beijing100029,China)

Abstract:The deep geological disposal is regarded as the most reasonable and effective way to safely dispose high-level radioactive wastes(HLW) in the world. The conceptual model of HLW geological disposal in China is based on a multi-barrier system that combines an isolating geological environment with an engineered barrier system including the vitrified HLW, canister, overpack and buffer/backfill material. The bentonite is selected as base material of the buffer/backfill material in HLW repositories,due to the very low permeability and excellent retardation of nuclides from migration,etc. GMZ deposit is selected as the candidate supplier for buffer material of HLW repositories in China. Since 2000,systematic study was conducted on GMZ–1 that is Na-bentonite produced from GMZ deposit and selected as reference material for Chinese buffer material study. The mineral composition,basic parameters of GMZ–1 bentonite and thermal conductivity,hydraulic conductivity,unconfined compression strength as function of dry density and water content are presented. The swelling stress of GMZ–1 bentonite as function of dry density is also reported. GMZ–1 bentonite is characterized by high content of montmorillonite(about 75%) and less impurities. The adequacy understanding of property and long-term behavior in deep geological condition of GMZ–1 is essential to safe dispose the high-level radioactive wastes in China.

Key words:high-level radioactive wastes disposal;GMZ–1;buffer material;physical properties

CLC number:TL 942+.21 Document code:A Article ID:1000–6915(2006)04–0794–07 中国高放废物处置库缓冲材料物理性能


(核工业北京地质研究院,北京 100029)


Received date:2005–08–30;Revised date:2005–12–20

Corresponding author:WEN Zhijian(1968–),male,Ph. D.,obtained his bachelor degree at Department of Geology,Peking University,Beijing in 1990. He is presently the professor at Research Center for Environmental Protection,Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology. His main research activities

第25卷 第4期 WEN Zhijian. Physical Property of China ′s Buffer Material for High-level Radioactive Waste ? 795 ?

钠基膨润土具有蒙脱石含量高(75%左右)、杂质矿物相对较少的特点,对于该材料的系统和深入研究对于开发我国缓冲回填材料技术,确保高放废物的安全有效处置有重要意义。 关键词:高放废物处置;高庙子膨润土;缓冲材料;物理性能


Radioactive waste is produced from a wide range

of human activities. The wastes are in many different physical and chemical forms ,contaminated with varying activities of radionuclides. High-level radioactive waste(HLW) is characterized with very high initial radioactivity ,and presents a potential long-term risk ,even though it decreases with time ,Total activity is initially dominated by beta/gamma emitting short- lived fission products that decay considerably over several decades to hundreds years. Over a longer timescale ,the longer-lived actinides and their radioactive daughters(many of them are alpha- emitters) make a more significant contribution to total activity. The safe disposal of high-level radioactive waste is a key requirement of the nuclear industry worldwide.

Among the options discussed for disposing of HLW ,an international consensus has emerged that deep geological disposal on land is the most

appropriate means for isolating such wastes permanently from environment [1]. The concept of geological disposal of high-level radioactive wastes in China is based on a multi-barrier system that combines an isolating geological environment with the vitrified HLW ,canister ,overpack and buffer/ backfill material(Fig.1).

Fig.1 Conceptual model for China ′s high-level radioactive

waste disposal

The buffer is one of the main engineered barriers for HLW repository. It was early concluded that clay-based embedment of canisters and backfill in

drifts and shafts offers the best isolation through the low hydraulic conductivity and canister supporting ability of such materials. Assessment of the various properties had led to the conclusion that montmorillonite- rich clays are most suitable for preparing the buffer material. Bentonite would appear to fulfill the criteria placed on the buffer material in a deep repository for high-level nuclear waste [2


. The buffer material is

expected to maintain its low water permeability ,thermal conductivity ,self-sealing ,radionuclide sorption and retardation ,chemical buffering ,canister support and stress buffering properties over a long period of time [5].

The scientific scope of buffer/backfill materials study is summarized by the author ,as shown in Fig.2.

In China ,from 1985 on ,Chinese scientists began to study the bentonite ′s behavior and its feasibility as buffer material in HLW repository. The related scientific activities cover literature investigation and

use of inorganic sorbents as backfill materials for

underground repository [6],bentonite deposit screening [7],

study of basic property of GMZ Ca-bentonite [8] and GMZ Na-bentonite [9] and comparison study of basic property between GMZ –1 and KunigelV1 bentonite [10]. GMZ deposit is selected as a candidate buffer supplier in China in 1996[7] and GMZ –1 Na bentonite was selected as a reference material for Chinese buffer/ backfill study in 2002[9].


GMZ –1 bentonite is Na-bentonite produced from GMZ deposit and selected as reference material for Chinese buffer material study.

The mineralogical composition of GMZ –1 has Backfill

Rock mass

Rock mass

Canister B u f f e r

V i t r i f i e d w a s t e G r o u n d w a t e r

? 796 ? 岩石力学与工程学报 2006年

Fig.2 Scientific scope of buffer/backfill materials study

analyses. The bulk composition was determined as :quartz 11.7%,cristobalite 7.3%,feldspar 4.3%,calcite 0.5%,kaolinite 0.8%,and montmorillonite 75.4%.

The basic feature of GMZ –1,the reference material for Chinese buffer/backfill material is summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 Basic parameters of GMZ –1 bentonite

Montmorillonite content/% Methylene

blue exchange


/(mmol · (100 g)-


Cation exchange

capacity /(mmol · (100 g)-1

) Real density /(g ·cm -



index 75.4 102 77.30 2.66


Exchangeable cation/(mmol ·(100 g)-

1) pH E (k +)

E (Na +)

E (1/2Ca 2+)

E (1/2Mg 2+)


2.51 4

3.36 29.14 12.33


The bentonite buffer material around the HLW canister has a key role for repository safety. It must hold the canister in the center of the disposal pit. The buffer will also have to conduct the fuels ′ residual heat. The bentonite will hinder groundwater ,possibly containing various corrosive substances from flowing

freely to the canisters ′ surface. Another key property of the buffer material is its ability to swell by water uptake ;therefore it fills voids in the engineered barriers and fractures in the surrounding host rock.

Thus ,in case of Chinese candidate buffer material :GMZ –1,basic parameters related to swelling ,thermal ,hydraulic and mechanic properties should be obtained in order to assess its feasibility to be served as buffer in HLW repository. 3.1 Thermal properties

The buffer is required to have a good thermal conductivity in order to promote effective heat transfer to the surrounding rock. This keeps temperatures in the waste package low ,preventing recrystallization of glass that might be caused by elevated temperatures

arising from the radiogenic heat of the vitrified waste. As the buffer is not completely saturated immediately after emplacement of the waste packages ,the thermal properties of unsaturated buffer should be specified in the design [11]. Therefore ,thermal conductivity as function of dry density(1.4,1.6,1.8 g/cm 3) and water content(9%,14%,18%,24%) was measured by surface heat source method in this study. The instrument is thermophysical Properties Analyzer TP A 501(Fig.3). The experimental results are given in Table 2.

第25卷第4期WEN Zhijian. Physical Property of China′s Buffer Material for High-level Radioactive Waste ? 797 ?

Fig.3 Instrument for thermal conductivity test

Table 2 Results of GMZ–1 thermal conductivity tests

with dry density and water content

Dry density/(g·cm-3) Water content


Thermal conductivity


8.76 0.57

13.83 0.83

18.17 0.97


24.07 1.19

8.64 0.80

13.56 1.10

17.94 1.30


26.70 1.51

8.61 1.02


13.36 1.43

The thermal properties of the buffer depend on factors such as density,void ratio and water content,

in a similar manner to general soil materials[5]. The thermal conductivity of GMZ–1 increases as the dry density increases for the same water content;and the thermal conductivity increases as the water content increases for the same dry density. 3.2Hydraulic properties

When the waste package is emplaced,the buffer is in an unsaturated condition suitable for transportation and handling. After that,groundwater is drawn into the buffer by capillary action,the voids become filled with groundwater and the buffer becomes saturated. Therefore,it is necessary to understand the hydraulic properties for both the saturated and unsaturated state. In this study,The experiments on the density-dependence and the temperature-dependence of the saturated hydraulic conductivity of GMZ–1 have been conducted.

Permeability tests are conducted according to the Japanese Geotechnical Society Standard(JGS T311). The test cell of diameter 50 mm and depth 10 mm is filled with test material at specified density(1.4,1.6,1.8 g/cm3) and set in a thermostatically controlled heating element. At each temperature in the stepwise heating process(25 ℃→60 ℃→90 ℃),distilled water is injected through the test sample by compressed air of 0.3 MPa(1.4 g/cm3) /0.6 MPa(1.6,1.8 g/cm3) and the outflow rate is measured with an electronic balance(Fig.4).

The saturated hydraulic conductivity k(m·s-1) is calculated from the outflow rate Q(m3·s-1) by the following equation in accordance with Darcy′s law:

Q = kiA (1) where A is cross-section area of the test sample(m2),and i is hydraulic gradient.

Experimental results are shown in Table 3. The hydraulic conductivities of GMZ–1 increase as the temperature increases,and decrease as the dry density increases.

3.3Mechanical properties

The buffer material should provide sufficient mechanical supports of the overpack to ensure the stability[12]. Mechanical property includes compressive strength,modulus of elasticity,shear properties,consolidation properties and tensile strength,etc.

Unconfined compression strengths of GMZ–1 as function of dry density(1.4,1.6,1.8 g/cm3) and water

Sensor Bentonite


? 798 ? 岩石力学与工程学报 2006年

Fig.4 Schematic view of equipment for hydraulic conductivity test

Table 3 Results of GMZ–1 hydraulic conductivity tests

with dry densities and temperatures

Dry density /(g·cm-3) Temperature


Hydraulic conductivity


25 1.12×10-12

60 1.87×10-12


90 2.91×10-12

25 1.94×10-13

60 3.61×10-13


90 5.75×10-13

25 9.99×10-14

60 1.99×10-13


90 3.00×10-13

content(9%,14%,18%,24%) at room temperature was conducted in this study. The instrument is AG–10TB. The cylindrical specimen size is 30 mm (diameter)×60 mm(height). The strain rate is approximately to be 1×10-2/min. The test method and procedures basically conform to the Japanese Geotechnical Society Standard(JGS T511). Data are given in Table 4.

In general,with the same water content,a larger initial dry density leads to a larger unconfined compressive strength,and with the same dry density,

Table 4 Results of GMZ–1 unconfined compression tests

with dry densities and water contents

Real dry density


Water content


Unconfined compression strength


8.32 0.96

13.24 1.37

17.45 1.05


22.80 1.04

8.29 3.06

13.06 3.43

17.43 2.37


23.58 1.74

8.51 6.50

12.80 7.40


17.09 5.15

a larger water content leads to a less unconfined compressive strength. The unconfined strength for GMZ–1 with 12.8%–13.24% water content is higher than that with other water content for the same dry density,which might be related to the optimum water content.

3.4Swelling characteristics

A key property of the buffer material is its ability

to swell by water uptake,thereby filling voids in the

Measured unit Experimental column

Pressure gauge

Rubber balloon


Pressuring tank

Permeated solution Specimen

Electronic balance

Teflon filter

Porous stone

Thermostat with circulation system

第25卷 第4期 WEN Zhijian. Physical Property of China ′s Buffer Material for High-level Radioactive Waste ? 799 ?

engineered barriers and fractures in the surrounding host rock.

Thus ,parameters related to swelling property are necessary to the design of buffer material. Since the stress applied on the confined boundary surface when a bentonite specimen is infiltrated with water is not always equal to the swelling pressure [11] and so the applied stress on this confined boundary surface is defined here as the “swelling stress ”[12]. Swelling stresses as function of dry density(1.2,1.4,1.6,1.8 g/cm 3) were measured in this study. The instrument for swelling stress measurement is shown in Fig.5;and the corresponding data are given in Table 5.

Fig.5 Test apparatus for measurement of swelling stress [12]

Table 5 Swelling stresses as a function of dry densities

Dry density/(g ·cm -3


Swelling stress/MPa

1.2 0.09 1.4 0.58 1.6 3.17 1.8 10.10

Table 5 shows that the swelling stress increases as dry density increases.


The deep geological disposal is regarded as the high-level radioactive wastes in the world. The conceptual model of geological disposal in China is based on a multi-barrier system and buffer/backfill material is one of the most important engineering barriers in the HLW repositories. Due to the very low permeability and excellent retardation of nuclides from migration etc.,the bentonite is selected as base material of the buffer/backfill material in HLW repositories. GMZ deposit is selected as the candidate supplier for buffer material of HLW repositories in China. From 2000 on ,systematic study has being conducted on GMZ –1 that is Na-bentonite produced from GMZ deposit and selected as reference material for Chinese buffer material study. GMZ –1 bentonite is characterized by high content of montmorillonite(about 75%) and less impurities. The systematic study on GMZ –1 is essential to safe dispose the high-level radioactive wastes in China. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank No.102 Geological Party in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region ,Geological Bureau in Xinhe County for supporting the field investigation. The author is grateful to professor Xu Guoqing and Miss Liu Yuemiao for their useful discussions. The author wishes to thank Mr. Mikazu Yui ,Mr. Kenji Tanai ,Mr. Hiroshi Sasamoto and Mr. Takashi Jintoku for their considerate arrangements of experiments. The helps of

Mr. Kazuhiro Matsumoto and Mr. Hirohito Kikuchi were fundamental for the present work. The China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) and the Nuclear Researchers Exchange Program that were organized by the Ministry of Education ,Culture ,

Sports ,Science and Technology (MEXT) of the Japanese government provided the financial support.


[1] OECD/NEA. Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste Review of

Developments in the Last Decade[M]. Beijing :Atomic Energy Press ,2001.

[2] Pusch R. Required physical and mechanical properties of Buffer

Masses(KBS Technical Report No.33)[R]. Sweden :Swedish Nuclear Project(Svensk K?rnbr?nslehantering AB),1977.

[3] Pusch R. High compacted sodium bentonite for isolating



Water inlet

Teflon filter

Porous metal filter


Unit in mm

Load cell

Data logger



φ 20

? 800 ? 岩石力学与工程学报 2006年


[4] Pusch R. The buffer and backfill handbook,part 2:materials and

techniques(SKB TR–02–12)[R]. [s. l. ]:Svensk K?rnbr?nsle- hantering A B,2001.

[5] PNC. Research and development on geological disposal of high-level

radioactive waste:the first progress report(H3)[R]. PNC:TN 1410,1992.

[6] Gu Q,Du Z. Property of bentonite as buffer-backfill material and its

application[J]. Oversea Uranium and Gold Geology,1992,(Supp.):73–95.

[7] Xu G,Li Y,Gu Q,et al. Selection of bentonite deposits[R]. Beijing:

Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology,China National Nuclear Corporation,1996.

[8] Liu Y,Xu G,Liu S,et al. Study on basic property of GMZ

Ca-bentonite[R]. Beijing:Beijing Research Institute of Uranium

Geology,China National Nuclear Corporation,2000.

[9] Wen Z J,Liu Y. The first progress report on the study of GMZ sodium

bentonite[R].Beijing:Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology,China National Nuclear Corporation,2002.

[10] Wen Z J,Jintoku T. Comparison study of basic property between

GMZ–1 and Kunigel V1 Bentonite(Final report for MEXT Nuclear Researchers Exchange Program)[R]. [s. l. ]:[s. n. ],2003.

[11] Fujita T,Chijimatu M,Kanno T,et al. Model of swelling pressure of

highly compacted bentonite[A]. In:Proceedings of the International Symposium on Problematic Soils,IS-TOHOKU′98[C]. Tohoku:[s.

n. ],1998. 285–288.

[12] Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute(JNC). H12:project to

establish the scientific and technical basis for HLW disposal in Japan[R]. Tokyo:Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute,TN1410,2000.





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高放废物地质处置研究开发规划指南 国防科学技术工业委员会 科学技术部 国家环境保护总局 二ОО六年二月

目录 一、需求分析 (1) 二、国内外发展概况 (3) 2.1国外高放废物地质处置概况 (3) 2.2国内研究与开发现状 (7) 三、总体思路 (10) 四、发展目标 (13) 五、研究开发规划纲要 (14) 5.1试验室研究与场址选择阶段(2006-2020年) (14) 5.2地下现场试验阶段(2021-2040) (19) 5.3原型处置库验证实验和处置库建设阶段(2040-本世 纪中叶) (21) 六、“十一五”期间的主要任务与研究内容 (22) 6.1“十一五”期间的主要任务 (22) 6.2“十一五”期间主要研究内容 (23) 七、政策与措施 (29) 7.1 加强研发资源配置 (29) 7.2 加强科技管理体制和机制建设 (29) 7.3 加强部门合作 (30) 7.4 加强国际合作 (30)

高放废物地质处置研究开发规划指南 为了在本世纪中叶妥善解决高放废物安全处置问题,保护人类和环境,为核工业可持续发展创造条件,需要启动国家级高放废物地质处置研究开发规划,全面、系统、科学、协调地部署研究开发工作。为此,特制定本指南,为动员全国各方面力量开展研究开发活动提供指导性意见。指南仅限于高放废物地质处置研究开发工作,不涉及其它技术路线的深入研究。随着国内外研究开发工作的进展,以及科技和社会的进步,指南将适时更新。 一、需求分析 核科学技术的发展与核能的和平利用是20世纪人类最伟大的成就之一。但随着核能和核技术的不断发展,特别是上世纪中叶以来,人类开发利用核裂变能产生了大量高放固体废物[1]。乏燃料后处理产生的高放废液固化体和核电站卸出的一次通过准备直接处置的乏燃料等都属于高放固体废物。 由于高放废物含有放射性强、发热量大、毒性大、半衰期长的核素,需要把它们与人类生存环境长期、可靠地隔离。如何安全地处置高放废物已成为当前放射性废物管理的难点问题,已引起国际社会的广泛关注,世界各有核国家都将高放废物的安全处置看作是保证核工业可持续发展、保护人类健康、保护环境的一项战略任务。世界先进国家核能发展的历程表明,放射性废物的安全处置问题,尤其是高放废物,已成为制约核能可持续发展的因素 [1]高放固体废物是指含有半衰期大于5年、小于或等于30年的放射性核素、且其释热率大于2 KW/m3,或比活度大于4 ⅹ1011Bq/Kg的放射性固体废物,及含有半衰期大于30年的放射性核素,且其释热率大于2 KW/m3,或比活度大于4ⅹ1010Bq/Kg的放射性固体废物。


核废物处理与处置期末复习 第一章放射性废物内容与原则 1.放射性废物:含有放射性核素或被放射性核素污染,其放射性核素的浓度或活度大于审管机构确定的清洁解控水平,并且预期不再使用的物质。 2.放射性废物治理的基本方法:分散稀释(废气排放、废液排放)、浓集隔离(沉淀、过滤、吸附、蒸发、固化、埋藏)。 3.放射性废物管理体系图: 4.放射性废物管理模式: 5.放射性废物管理的基本原则:保护人类健康、保护环境、超越国界的保护、保护后代、不给后代造成不适当的负担、纳入国家法律框架、控制放射性废物产生、兼顾放射性废物产生和管理各阶段间的相依性、保证废物管理设施安全。 6.实践:为了某种有益目的,增加照射的人类活动。 7.干预:减少业已存在的照射的人类活动。 8.放射性废物的处理与处置和核设施的退役,涉及职业照射、公众照射、潜在照射、应急照射和持续照射。 9.《电离辐射防护与辐射源安全的基本标准》:实践的正当性、防护与安全最优化、个人剂量与限值、干预的正当性和干预措施最优化。 10.放射性元素的衰变的特点:放射性元素的衰变完全不受外界条件的影响:如温度,压力(真空)、电磁场等物理变放射性化,

或参加各种生物、化学反应,其结果都不能改变放射性元素固有的衰变规律。 不能通过化学、物理或生物方法消除。 只能通过自身衰变或核反应嬗变降低。 第二章放射性废物的分类 1.放射性废物的分类方法: 按废物的物理化学形态:气载废物、液体废物、固体废物。 按放射性水平:低放废物、中放废物、高放废物。 按废物来源:核燃料循环废物、核技术利用废物、退役废物、铀(钍)伴生矿脉废物。 按半衰期:长寿命废物、短寿命废物。 按辐射类型:β/γ放射性废物、α废物。 按处置方式:免管废物、可清洁解控废物、近地表处置废物、地质处置废物。 按毒性:低毒组废物、中毒组废物、高毒组废物、极毒组废物。按释热性:高发热废物、低发热废物、微低热废物。 2.放射源对人体健康和环境的潜在的危害程度分类:由Ⅰ到Ⅴ五类: 极度危险源:放射性同位素热电发生器、辐射装置。 高度危险源:工业β照相源。 危险源:固定工业测量源。 低危险源:骨密度仪、静电消除器源。


第25卷第4期岩石力学与工程学报V ol.25 No.4 2006年4月Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering April,2006 PHYSICAL PROPERTY OF CHINA′S BUFFER MATERIAL FOR HIGH-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE REPOSITORIES WEN Zhijian (Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology,China National Nuclear Corporation,Beijing100029,China) Abstract:The deep geological disposal is regarded as the most reasonable and effective way to safely dispose high-level radioactive wastes(HLW) in the world. The conceptual model of HLW geological disposal in China is based on a multi-barrier system that combines an isolating geological environment with an engineered barrier system including the vitrified HLW, canister, overpack and buffer/backfill material. The bentonite is selected as base material of the buffer/backfill material in HLW repositories,due to the very low permeability and excellent retardation of nuclides from migration,etc. GMZ deposit is selected as the candidate supplier for buffer material of HLW repositories in China. Since 2000,systematic study was conducted on GMZ–1 that is Na-bentonite produced from GMZ deposit and selected as reference material for Chinese buffer material study. The mineral composition,basic parameters of GMZ–1 bentonite and thermal conductivity,hydraulic conductivity,unconfined compression strength as function of dry density and water content are presented. The swelling stress of GMZ–1 bentonite as function of dry density is also reported. GMZ–1 bentonite is characterized by high content of montmorillonite(about 75%) and less impurities. The adequacy understanding of property and long-term behavior in deep geological condition of GMZ–1 is essential to safe dispose the high-level radioactive wastes in China. Key words:high-level radioactive wastes disposal;GMZ–1;buffer material;physical properties CLC number:TL 942+.21 Document code:A Article ID:1000–6915(2006)04–0794–07 中国高放废物处置库缓冲材料物理性能 温志坚 (核工业北京地质研究院,北京 100029) 摘要:深地质处置被国际上公认为处置高放废物的最有效可行的方法。中国深地质处置的概念模型采用多重工程屏障系统(包括废物固化体、废物容器、外包装、缓冲/回填材料)和适宜的地质围岩地质体共同作用来确保高放废物与生物圈的安全隔离。膨润土由于具有极低的渗透性和优良的核素吸附等性能而被国际上选作缓冲材料的基础材料。经过全国筛选,高庙子膨润土矿床被选作我国缓冲材料供应基地。从2000年起,对产自该矿床的钠基膨润土GMZ–1开始了系统的研究工作。介绍了GMZ–1的矿物组成、基本特征和GMZ–1在不同干密度、不同含水量条件下的热传导、水传导、力学性能参数及GMZ–1在不同干密度条件下的膨胀特性参数测定结果。GMZ–1 Received date:2005–08–30;Revised date:2005–12–20 Corresponding author:WEN Zhijian(1968–),male,Ph. D.,obtained his bachelor degree at Department of Geology,Peking University,Beijing in 1990. He is presently the professor at Research Center for Environmental Protection,Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology. His main research activities


放射性废物处理与处置 “三废”设施治理工程进展 张存平,杜洪铭 我院已落实的“三废”设施治理专项工程共有6个项目,它们分别是含氚废水空气载带排放站、放射性固体废物回取与整备处理示范设施、放射性排风中心治理工程、163号放射性废液暂存库、中放废液输运系统和低放废液管网系统更新改造。 2006年,工程部按计划完成了主要项目的计划节点。含氚废水空气载带排放站设备安装和交工验收;放射性固体废物回取与整备处理示范设施监理、建安和设备招投标,8月份,199子项基槽开挖,正式揭开了本项目施工建设,年底相继完成了160子项地下放射性管道拆除、放射性污染土清除处理、199子项土建安装、160子项±0.00以下土建施工及预埋件安装;放射性排风中心治理工程建设的监理、建安招投标工作,烟囱基础、室外地下管沟施工,部分非标净化装置及标准设备招投标工作;完成了163号放射性废液暂存库、中放废液输运系统和低放废液管网系统更新改造3个项目的初步设计,并上报中国核工业集团公司,其中,163号放射性废液暂存库的初步设计已于12月批复。 6个项目总投资为18 895.8万元,2006年总支出费用为2 502.4万元,总资金完成率为33.5%。各项目资金支出基本与各项目完成工作量相匹配。 2006年,在院、所领导下,工程部全体人员与各相关单位,齐心协力,努力工作,克服困难,保质保量完成了国防科工委考核目标:含氚废水空气载带排放站完成交工验收;放射性固体废物回取与整备处理示范设施于年底完成了4项考核指标(199子项土建、安装顺利完成,160子项±0.00以下土建施工及预埋件安装,完成到位资金60%)。 反向气相色谱法对模拟高放玻璃固化体的表面化学性能研究 张振涛,甘学英,苑文仪,施和平,王雷 高放玻璃固化体是高放废物深地质处置的核心屏障,它们在地下水浸泡下的蚀变行为是高放废物深地质处置的研究重点之一,因此,表征固体表面物理化学参数十分重要。目前,表征固体表面特征的技术主要是扫描电镜和透射电镜测量技术,这些电镜技术能够直观地给出固体表面的形貌、测量固体表面的晶体尺寸。但电镜测量技术局限性大,它们只能测量固体表面的物理参数,不能给出固体表面的物理化学参数比表面积和分子范围内的表面粗糙度。因此,需要建立新的表面测量技术,以对固体表面的物理化学参数进行系统测量,从而对固体表面性做系统评估。


请以下列题目写一篇综述性文章. 高放废物的处理与处置方法及进展(包括次锕系元素和长寿命裂变产物的处理方法). 文章要求如下: 1. 格式要求(10分)。请按照一般的综述文章的格式进行,包括下列内容 题目 作者 摘要 关键词 引言 正文 结论与展望 参考文献 2. 正文部分请按照内容逻辑关系分节,加小标题(60分)。 3. 引用参考文献需在文章中引用之处标出, 10分) 4. 字数要求: >2000字(20分)。 5. 单独完成,如出现雷同,所有雷同者按照抄袭处理,均为0分。 6. 文章请在此模板内完成,打印。 高放废物的处理与处置方法及进展 彭晨 内容摘要 目前,中低放废物的处置技术已日趋成熟;然而,高放废物的处置技术刚刚起步,仍处于研发阶段。因此,一些国际组织对高放废物的处置投入了大量的资金和技术。可以说,高放废物的安全处置关系着今后核能的继续发展。 对于高放废物的处置已经提出了多种设想,例如深地层处置、极地冰层处置、宇宙处置、海床深层处置、嬗变处置等等。在这些设想中,深地层处置是目前现实可行的办法,我国高放废物地质处置技术也取得相当大的发展;对于分离—嬗变技术,国

际上仍处于紧张的研究阶段;其它处置技术由于某些原因只能成为一种设想或尚待评价。 这篇论文将主要介绍高放废物处置的国际、国内背景;高放废物来源;高放废物地质处置方案及其影响因素;高放废物分离—嬗变技术;高放废物处置技术的现状和发展趋势几个方面。并比较了各种方法的优缺点 关键词:高放废物处理处置方法发展趋势 目录 一.高放废物的来源————————————-4 二.高放废物的地质处置——————————-5 三.高放废物的分离与嬗变—————————10 四.其他处置技术—————————————16 五.各国处置方法比较———————————18 六.高放废物处置的发展前景————————19 七.结论与展望——————————————24 八.参考文献———————————————25 引言: 核废物是危险废物的一种,对于危险废物的管理,一般有如下三个基本原则[1]: (1)分散与稀释原则:对核废物不适用; (2)转变成低危险性物质的原则:目前对于核废物尚未找到合适的方法,长期来说,嬗变是一种可能,它将减少高放废物的数量,但是嬗变后的废物也需要进行处置; (3)隔离原则:是核废物处置的基本原则。 正文: 一.高放废物的来源[2] 人类的一切生产和消费活动都会产生目前不能再利用,或者不值得回收利用的物质,原子能的利用也不例外,一切生产、使用和操作放射性物质的部门和场所都可能产生放射性废物,其基本来源有以下7个方面。 (1)铀、钍矿山、水治厂、精炼厂,铀浓缩厂、钚冶金厂、燃料元件加工厂等; (2)各种类型反应堆,包括核电站、核动力船舰、核动力卫星,还有加速器的运行; (3)反应堆辐照过燃料元件的后处理,提取裂变元素和铀元素过程; (4)核燃料和核废物运输与核废物处理过程; (5)放射性同位素的生产和应用过程,包括医院、研究所及大学的有关研究活动; (6)核武器生产和试验过程; (7)核设施(设备)的退役过程。 绝大多数放射性废物产生于核燃料循环过程。从数量来说,放射性废物主要产生于铀采冶场址。从放射性活度来说,主要集中在乏燃料后处理厂。在核燃料循环中,99%以上的放射性物质包容在乏燃料元件的包壳中,如果乏燃料进行后处理的话,95%以上的放射性核素进入后处理所产生的高放废液中。


.. .. 请以下列题目写一篇综述性文章. 高放废物的处理与处置方法及进展(包括次锕系元素和长寿命裂变产物的处理方法). 文章要求如下: 1. 格式要求(10分)。请按照一般的综述文章的格式进行,包括下列容 题目 作者 摘要 关键词 引言 正文 结论与展望 参考文献 2. 正文部分请按照容逻辑关系分节,加小标题(60分)。 3. 引用参考文献需在文章中引用之处标出, 10分) 4. 字数要求: >2000字(20分)。 5. 单独完成,如出现雷同,所有雷同者按照抄袭处理,均为0分。 6. 文章请在此模板完成,打印。 高放废物的处理与处置方法及进展 晨 061300105

容摘要 目前,中低放废物的处置技术已日趋成熟;然而,高放废物的处置技术刚刚起步,仍处于研发阶段。因此,一些国际组织对高放废物的处置投入了大量的资金和技术。可以说,高放废物的安全处置关系着今后核能的继续发展。 对于高放废物的处置已经提出了多种设想,例如深地层处置、极地冰层处置、宇宙处置、海床深层处置、嬗变处置等等。在这些设想中,深地层处置是目前现实可行的办法,我国高放废物地质处置技术也取得相当大的发展;对于分离—嬗变技术,国际上仍处于紧的研究阶段;其它处置技术由于某些原因只能成为一种设想或尚待评价。 这篇论文将主要介绍高放废物处置的国际、国背景;高放废物来源;高放废物地质处置方案及其影响因素;高放废物分离—嬗变技术;高放废物处置技术的现状和发展趋势几个方面。并比较了各种方法的优缺点 关键词:高放废物处理处置方法发展趋势 目录 一.高放废物的来源————————————-4 二.高放废物的地质处置——————————-5 三.高放废物的分离与嬗变—————————10 四.其他处置技术—————————————16 五.各国处置方法比较———————————18 六.高放废物处置的发展前景————————19 七.结论与展望——————————————24 八.参考文献———————————————25



目录 一、需求分析 (1) 二、国内外发展概况 (3) 2.1国外高放废物地质处置概况 (3) 2.2国内研究与开发现状 (7) 三、总体思路 (10) 四、发展目标 (13) 五、研究开发规划纲要 (14) 5.1试验室研究与场址选择阶段(2006-2020年) (14) 5.2地下现场试验阶段(2021-2040) (19) 5.3原型处置库验证实验和处置库建设阶段(2040-本世 纪中叶) (21) 六、“十一五”期间的主要任务与研究内容 (22) 6.1“十一五”期间的主要任务 (22) 6.2“十一五”期间主要研究内容 (23) 七、政策与措施 (29) 7.1 加强研发资源配置 (29) 7.2 加强科技管理体制和机制建设 (29) 7.3 加强部门合作 (30) 7.4 加强国际合作 (30)

高放废物地质处置研究开发规划指南 为了在本世纪中叶妥善解决高放废物安全处置问题,保护人类和环境,为核工业可持续发展创造条件,需要启动国家级高放废物地质处置研究开发规划,全面、系统、科学、协调地部署研究开发工作。为此,特制定本指南,为动员全国各方面力量开展研究开发活动提供指导性意见。指南仅限于高放废物地质处置研究开发工作,不涉及其它技术路线的深入研究。随着国内外研究开发工作的进展,以及科技和社会的进步,指南将适时更新。 一、需求分析 核科学技术的发展与核能的和平利用是20世纪人类最伟大的成就之一。但随着核能和核技术的不断发展,特别是上世纪中叶以来,人类开发利用核裂变能产生了大量高放固体废物[1]。乏燃料后处理产生的高放废液固化体和核电站卸出的一次通过准备直接处置的乏燃料等都属于高放固体废物。 由于高放废物含有放射性强、发热量大、毒性大、半衰期长的核素,需要把它们与人类生存环境长期、可靠地隔离。如何安全地处置高放废物已成为当前放射性废物管理的难点问题,已引起国际社会的广泛关注,世界各有核国家都将高放废物的安全处置看作是保证核工业可持续发展、保护人类健康、保护环境的一项战略任务。世界先进国家核能发展的历程表明,放射性废物的安全处置问题,尤其是高放废物,已成为制约核能可持续发展的因素之一。因此,高放废物的安全处置是关系到国土环境、公众安全和核工业健 [1]高放固体废物是指含有半衰期大于5年、小于或等于30年的放射性核素、且其释热率大于2 KW/m3,或比活度大于4 ⅹ1011Bq/Kg的放射性固体废物,及含有半衰期大于30年的放射性核素,且其释热率大于2 KW/m3,或比活度大于4ⅹ1010Bq/Kg的放射性固体废物。


第25卷 第1期2002年3月 华 东 地 质 学 院 学 报 JOURNAL OF EAST CHINA GEOLO GICAL INSTITU TE Vol 125 No 11Mar.2002 收稿日期:2001210216 作者简介:罗太安(1975— ),男,硕士研究生,材料科学与工程专业,无机非金属材料研究方向。高放废物深地质处置缓冲/回填材料研究进展 罗太安, 刘晓东 (华东地质学院材料科学与工程系, 江西抚州 344000) 摘 要:综述了高放废物深地质处置库缓冲/回填材料的作用和性能要求。介绍了缓冲/回填材料在透水性、热性质、膨胀性等方面已取得的成果和新进展。最后简述了缓冲/回填材料研究的发展趋势。关键词:高放废物; 地质处置; 缓冲/回填材料; 研究进展 中图分类号:X705 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-2251(2002)01-022-05 随着核科学的发展,核技术不仅在国防工业得到了广泛的应用,而且已深入到工业、农业、医学等与人们生活息息相关的各个领域,极大地促进了各国的经济建设。由于核技术和核能的特点,在造福于人类的同时也产生了许多高放射性水平废物(下 称“高放废物” )。这些高放废物若不加以安全处置,将会对人类社会、自然环境产生巨大的破坏作用,其影响可长达数百年至数万年、甚至更长的时间。同时,能不能安全处置这些高放废物也是关系到一个国家的国际声誉、核电发展、环境保护和人民健康的一件大事。因此,各个有核国家对高放废物的安全处置都极为重视。 目前,高放废物处置的途径主要有两种[1]:第一,改变高放废物中核素的性质,使其无毒化,主要方法有核嬗变法;第二 ,将高放废物长期与生物圈隔离,以确保所含核素在进入生物圈之前衰变殆尽,主要方法有深地质处置法、冰层处置法、太空处置法、深海洋处置法等。其中深地质处置法因具有处置安全性好、处置容量大等优点被认为是高放废物处置的首选方法。高放废物深地质处置就是根据多重屏障体系的概念,将高放废物处置在距地表500~1000m 深的合适岩体中的地下处置库内,人为设置种种屏障来阻止核素的泄漏与迁移,达到对高放废物的安全处置。多重屏障系统主要包括人工屏障和天然屏障(图1),人工屏障由内到外主要由高放废物固化体、废物包装容器和缓冲/回填材料构成。 图1 高放废物深地质处置库多重屏障系统示意图 ig.1 The sketch map of multibarrier system for geological dispo sal of H LW 1.高放废物固化体; 2.废物包装容器; 3.缓冲/回填材料; 4.天然屏障。 1 高放废物深地质处置缓冲/回填材料的 作用和性能要求 据国内外高放废物深地质处置方法和瑞典、日本、加拿大等国处置库场地下实验室的研究结果表明,缓冲/回填材料在高放废物深地质处置中的作用是非常重要的,概括地讲,缓冲/回填材料的主要作用有[1-4]:工程屏障作用,维护处置库结构的稳定性;水力学屏障作用,阻止地下水的渗流;化学屏障作用,阻滞核素迁移;导体作用,对辐射热具有良好的热传导和扩散作用。因此,为了达到高放废物安全处置的目的,普遍认为高放废物深地质处置中的缓冲/回填材料应满足下列性能要求[1-6]:a.低透水性,能阻止和延缓地下水向废物包装容器渗透


第25卷 第4期 岩石力学与工程学报 V ol.25 No.4 2006年4月 Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering April ,2006 收稿日期:2005–10–30;修回日期:2005–12–27 作者简介:王 驹(1964–),男,博士,1984年毕业于南京大学地质系放射性矿产地质专业,现任研究员、博士生导师、核工业北京地质研究院总工 高放废物地质处置及其若干关键科学问题 王 驹,陈伟明,苏 锐,郭永海,金远新 (核工业北京地质研究院,北京 100029) 摘要:如何安全处置高水平放射性废物是科学、技术和工程界所面临的挑战性问题。在介绍国内外最新研究进展的基础上,重点讨论高放废物地质处置的若干关键科学问题:处置库场址地质演化的精确预测、深部地质环境特征、多场耦合条件下(中(高)温、地壳应力、水力作用、化学作用、生物作用和辐射作用等)深部岩体、地下水和工程材料的行为、低浓度超铀放射性核素的地球化学行为与随地下水迁移行为及处置系统的安全评价。同时,介绍了国外若干重大科研项目和若干研究热点问题。 关键词:高放废物;地质处置;地下实验室;关键科学问题 中图分类号:TL 942+.211 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000–6915(2006)04–0801–12 GEOLOGICAL DISPOSAL OF HIGH-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE AND ITS KEY SCIENTIFIC ISSUES WANG Ju ,CHEN Weiming ,SU Rui ,GUO Yonghai ,JIN Yuanxin (Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology ,China National Nuclear Corporation ,Beijing 100029,China ) Abstract :Safe disposal of high level radioactive waste is a challenging task facing the scientific and technological world. This paper introduces the latest progress of high level radioactive waste disposal programs in the world ,and discusses the key scientific issues as follows :(1) the precise prediction of the evolution of a repository site ;(2) the characteristics of deep geological environment ;(3) the behaviour of deep rock mass ,groundwater and engineering material under coupled conditions(intermediate to high temperatures ,geostress ,hydraulic ,chemical ,biological and radiation process ,etc);(4) the geochemical behaviour of transuranic radionuclides with low concentration and its movement with groundwater ;and (5) the safety assessment of disposal system. Several large-scale research projects and several hot topics related with high-level waste disposal are also introduced. Key words :high-level radioactive waste ;geological disposal ;underground research laboratory ;key scientific issues 1 引 言 与其他工业一样,核工业的生产、研究以及核技术应用也会产生废物,即“核废物”,或称“放射性废物”。按放射性水平分类,核废物可划分为低放废物、中放废物和高放废物。目前,已有较成熟的技术对低、中放废物进行最终安全处置。而对于高放废物,由于其含有毒性极大、半衰期很长的放射 性核素,对其安全处置是一个世界性难题。 世界各国有核国家都把安全处置高放废物提到保证核能工业可持续发展、保护人民健康、保护环境的高度来认识,这是一项长期的战略任务,应加以重视,其具体表现如下: (1) 需要最高决策机构(如国会、总统)来监管这项工作; (2) 有专门的实施机构承担此项任务; (3) 有经过国家批准的高放废物处置研究计


第26卷第10期岩石力学与工程学报V ol.26 No.10 2007年10月Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering Oct.,2007 高放废物处置北山预选区深部完整岩石 基本物理力学性能及时温效应 刘月妙1,2,王驹2,谭国焕3,蔡美峰1 (1. 北京科技大学土木与环境工程学院,北京 100083;2. 核工业北京地质研究院,北京 100029;3. 香港大学土木工程系,香港) 摘要:岩石物理力学性能研究是高放废物处置库选址、设计、建造和性能评价中不可或缺的一个重要研究方面。 经过全国筛选对比,已初步确定甘肃北山地区为我国高放废物处置库重点预选区。甘肃北山地区深部的主要岩石 为似斑状二长花岗岩和英云闪长岩,似斑状二长花岗岩均匀性好,两种主岩均具有高密度、低孔隙率、高力学强 度、低变形和高脆性的特性。通过一系列室内蠕变试验,研究在不同温度(室温,50℃,90℃)与围压(单轴,10 MPa, 30 MPa)条件下,北山花岗岩在不同恒定应力水平下的变形特征与声发射特性,温度和围压对岩石力学性能有着重 要的影响。随着温度的升高,围压为10和30 MPa时的弹性模量逐渐升高,至70℃左右时达到最高,之后随温 度的升高略微降低;裂纹损伤应力呈线性显著降低,而泊松比呈线性明显升高。稳态蠕变阶段的应变速率随着温 度的升高而明显加速,在同一应力比下到达破坏的时间相应降低。随着恒载应力的降低,似斑状二长花岗岩达到 破坏的时间显著增长。随着围压的增加,轴向蠕变变形量明显增加;在相同的应力比下,导致岩石断裂破坏的时 间显著延长。 关键词:高放废物;深地质处置;花岗岩;物理力学性能;时温效应 中图分类号:TL 942+.211 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000–6915(2007)10–2034–09 BASIC PHYSICO-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND TIME-TEMPERATURE EFFECT OF DEEP INTACT ROCK FROM BEISHAN PRESELECTED AREA FOR HIGH-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL LIU Yuemiao1,2,WANG Ju2,THAM L G3,CAI Meifeng1 (1. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing100083,China; 2. Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology,Beijing100029,China; 3. Department of Civil Engineering,University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong,China) Abstract:Physico-mechanical property is one of the important aspects for site selection,design,construction and performance assessment of high-level radioactive waste(HLW) disposal. Through a nationwide screening and comparison,Beishan area,a Gobi desert in Gansu Province,is considered as a suitable candidate for HLW geological repository in China. The dominant lithology in Beishan area is porphyritic monzonitic granite and tonalite,with high homogeneity. The deep intact rock of Beishan area has the properties of high density,low porosity,high mechanical strength,low strain and high brittleness. The strain and acoustic emission behavior of granite under constant loading with different temperatures(room temperature,50℃,90℃) and confining pressures (0,10 and 30 MPa) are studied through creep test. The results indicate that the effect of temperatures and confining pressure on the mechanical property is significant. When the confining pressure is 10 and 30 MPa 收稿日期:2006–12–20;修回日期:2007–05–11 作者简介:刘月妙(1968–),女,1992年毕业于华北水利水电学院水文地质与工程地质专业,现任高级工程师,主要从事核废物地质处置方面的研究
