RoHS Declaration



欧盟 RoHS 指令修订版(2011/65/EU) ,即《电子电气设备中特定有害物质禁用指令》 ,于 2011 年 7 月 1 日在 欧盟官方期刊(OJ)上正式公布,将于公布后 20 天 (2011 年 7 月 21 日) 生效。成员国需要在 2013 年 1 月 2 日 前将其转化为本国法律,即新指令将在 2013 年 1 月 3 日正式实施,旧指令 2002/95/EC 同时废止。 The Directive 2011/65/EU, on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment was publicized in the Official Journal of the European Union at 1 Jul 2011, and will be enter into force at 21 Jul 2011. Member States shall adopt and publish, by 2 January 2013, the laws, regulations and the administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive, at the same time the Directive 2002/95/EC is repealed. 2011/65/EU 主要内容如下:
Ⅴ 豁免机制 Exempted
新指令采纳了现有的 39 条豁免;同时对医疗器械和监控设备提出了 20 项新豁免。 The Directive have adopted the existing 39 exemptions of applications; at the same time 20 applications exempted from medical devices and monitoring and control instruments are proposed.



ROHS/SVHCs/PFOS DECLARATION AND WARRANTY( ROHS/ SVHCs/PFOS 声明及保证)合同附件2We, a supplier of Guangzhou Chuangying Plastics Co.,Ltd., (hereinafter the “Company”) are responsible for the authenticity of each item declared below.The Company by supplying items to Guangzhou Chuangying Plastics Co.,Ltd., is deemed to be confirming, and does hereby warrant, that the items supplied do not contain the substances set out below in amounts that are higher than the limits proposed by the Commission of European Communities on 27 December 2006 (as set forth below), except where the Annex of the 2006/122/EC Directive exempts or allows a higher concentration of these restricted substances in designated applications. And all commodity provide to Providence must comply with RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU and it subsequent amendments and new SVHCs 12/17/2012所有广州创盈塑料制品有限公司的供货商必须保证在其提供的原材料中, 不可含有超出2006/122/EC 指令-严格限制全氟辛烷磺酸的销售与使用标准的有害物质,执行由欧盟委员会于2006 年12 月27 日指令正式公布并同时生效的2006/122/EC 指令, 相应物质及含量标准如下表所示: 另供方提供的所有物料必须符合RoHS 2011/65/EU 指令及2012/12/17 之最新SVHCs 要求。



二、RoHS 认证简介
1. 什么是 RoHS? RoHS 是《电气、电子设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令》(the Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment)的英文缩写。 2. 有害物质是指哪些? RoHS 一共列出六种有害物质,包括:铅 Pb,镉 Cd,汞 Hg,六价铬 Cr6+,多溴联苯醚 PBDE,多溴联苯 PBB。 3. 为什么要推出 RoHS? 首次注意到电气、电子设备中含有对人体健康有害的重金属是 2000 年荷兰在一批市场销售的游戏机的 电缆中发现镉。事实上,电气电子产品在生产中目前大量使用的焊锡、包装箱印刷的油墨都含有铅等 有害重金属。 4. 何时实施 RoHS? 欧盟将在 2006 年 7 月 1 日实施 RoHS,届时使用或含有重金属以及多溴联苯醚 PBDE,多溴联苯 PBB 等 阻燃剂的电气电子产品将不允许进入欧盟市场。 5. RoHS 具体涉及那些产品? RoHS 针对所有生产过程中以及原材料中可能含有上述六种有害物质的电气电子产品,主要包括: 白家电,如电冰箱,洗衣机,微波炉,空调,吸尘器,热水器等, 黑家电,如音频、视频产品,DVD,CD,电视接收机,IT 产品,数码产品,通信产品等; 电动工具, 电动电子玩具 医疗电气设备 6. 目前 RoHS 进展情况? 一些大公司已经注意到 RoHS 并开始采取应对措施,如 SONY 公司的数码照相机已经在包装盒上声明: 本产品采用无铅焊接;采用无铅油墨印刷。 信息产业部 2004 年也出台了《电子信息产品污染防治管理办法》内容与 RoHS 类似,并于十月份成立 了“电子信息产品污染防治标准工作组”,研究和建立符合我国国情的电子信息产品污染防治标准体 系;开展与电子信息产品污染防治有关的标准研究和制修订工作,特别是加快制定产业急需的材料、 工艺、名词术语、测试方法和试验方法等基础标准。 7.受理 RoHS 认证的范围和分类:

中国rohs2.0标示 sdoc

中国rohs2.0标示 sdoc



一、RoHS2.0标准的背景和意义RoHS(Restriction of Hazardous Substances)指令最初于2003年在欧盟正式实施,旨在限制和禁止电子电气产品中的有害物质使用,其中包括铅、汞、镉、六价铬、多溴联苯和多溴二苯醚。




二、RoHS2.0标准的主要内容RoHS2.0标准主要包括以下几个方面的内容:1. 有害物质限制范围的拓展:在RoHS2.0标准中,有害物质的限制范围得到了拓展,不仅包括原RoHS指令所规定的6种有害物质,还增加了4种新的有害物质,分别为四溴联苯、四溴二苯醚、短链氯化石蜡和短链溴化石蜡。


2. 产品范围的扩大:RoHS2.0标准对产品的范围也进行了扩大,不再仅限于电子电气产品,还包括了所有电气和电子设备,以及包含电气和电子设备的机械设备。


3. 材料组成要求的规定:RoHS2.0标准中对材料的组成也有详细规定,要求制造商对产品中的材料进行详细的申报和披露,确保产品不含有禁用的有害物质。


4. 产品合规性评估的要求:RoHS2.0标准要求制造商对产品的合规性进行评估,并出具符合规定的RoHS2.0标示SDOC(Supplier Declaration of Conformity),证明产品符合RoHS2.0标准的要求。



RoHS 2.0物质不使用宣告书Declaration of non-use of RoHS 2.0 substances兹保证公司所提供给亞捷开发科技(香港)股份有限公司(含其子公司及相关事业群,以下同称亞捷开发公司)的所有产品,包括但不限及其所使用的材料,包装材料以及生产过程中添加剂等,不含有以下10项物质:We hereby certify all products (including but not limited to material,packaging materials and additives of products)shipped to Yea Shin corporation (Including any subsidiary company and related enterprise group,hereafter called Yea Shin)did not contained below ten substances.RoHS 2.0 control 管制:须符合RoHS2.0最新标准(6项)要求及候选之4项限用物质如下:Supplier shall comply with RoHS2.0 newest regulations(6Item)The four restrictd substances listed below should be considered as a priority:1.铅以及铅化合物Lead and lead compounds2.铜以及铜化合物Cadmium and cadmium compounds3.汞以及汞化合物Mercury and mercury compounds4.六價铬化合物Hexavalentchromium compounds5.多溴聯苯(PBB)Polybrominated biphenyls6.多溴聯苯醚(PBDE)Polybrominated biphenyls ethers六溴环十二烷(HBCDD) Hexabromocyclododecane(卤素阻燃剂Halogen Flame Retardant)鄰苯二甲酸酯:(DEHP)鄰苯二甲酸(2-乙基已基)酯-Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate(用于软化剂Plasticizer)鄰苯二甲酸酯:(BBP)鄰苯二甲酸丁基苄酯-Beznylbuty1 phtha1ate(用于软化剂Plasticizer)鄰苯二甲酸酯:(DBP)鄰苯二甲酸二正丁酯-DOP-Dibuty1 phtha1ate(用于软化剂Plasticizer)且符合亚捷开发公司有害物质管制标准,并提供相关证明文件;若违反本保证书内容或违反相关环保规而导致亚捷开发公司或其客户受有损害,本公司愿负全部法律与赔偿责任。

RoHS含量声明RoHS Materials Content Declaration

RoHS含量声明RoHS Materials Content Declaration

RoHS Materials Content DeclarationBY: <INSERT DECLARING COMPANY’S NAME AND ADDRESS>FOR: <IDENTIFY THE PART(S) OR MATERIAL(S) THE DECLARATION APPLIES TO. THIS IS USUALLY BEST DONE BY PART/CATALOG NUMBER(S) OR CLEARLY-IDENTIFIABLE PARTFAMILY(IES).ALSO INDICATE HOW TO DIFFERENTIATE RoHS-COMPLIANT FROM NON- COMPLIANTPARTS/MATERIALS (PART NUMBER, DATE CODE, MARKINGS, ETC.). IF THE PART/MATERIALHAS ALWAYS BEEN COMPLIANT, THEN JUST INDICATE THAT FACT.>DATE: <INSERT THE DATE OF THE DECLARATION>Per EU Directive 2002/95/EC of January 27, 2003, the RoHS directive, <INSERT DECLARING COMPANY’S NAME> hereby declares whether or not the following listed materials or substances are contained in the aforementioned product(s) exceeding the threshold levels listed. A “YES” response indicates that the material/substance is found in the aforementioned product(s) above the threshold level. A “NO” response indicates that, to the best of our knowledge, that material or substance is not found in the aforementioned product(s) above the threshold level listed.Material/Substance Threshold Level* YES NO -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------- -------1. Cadmium 0.01% ___ _X_2. Hexavalent Chromium 0.1% ___ _X_3. Lead 0.1% ___ _X_4. Mercury 0.1% ___ _X_5. Polybrominated Biphenyls 0.1% ___ _X_6. Polybrominated Diphenylethers 0.1% ___ _X_* Maximum concentration by weight in homogenous materialsSubject to the following RoHS exemptions:<LIST ANY RoHS EXEMPTIONS USED TO ESTABLISH THE COMPLIANCE DECLARED HEREIN. KEEP IN MIND THAT VIRTUALLY ALL SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES USE THE LEAD IN HIGH-TEMPERATURE SOLDERS EXEMPTIONS (Nos. 13 OR 14 ON THE LIST BELOW). MANY ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS USE THE LEAD IN GLASS AND CERAMICS EXEMPTIONS (Nos. 5 AND 7 ON THE LIST BELOW). FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, A LIST OF VALID EXEMPTIONS IS PROVIDED BELOW. JUST REMOVE ANY WHICH DO NOT APPLY TO THE PRODUCT(S) THIS DECLARATION APPLIES TO.>1 Mercury in compact fluorescent lamps not exceeding 5 mg per lamp.2 Mercury in straight fluorescent lamps for general purposes not exceeding:— halophosphate 10 mg— triphosphate with normal lifetime 5 mg— triphosphate with long lifetime 8 mg3 Mercury in straight fluorescent lamps for special purposes4 Mercury in other lamps not specifically mentioned in this Annex5 Lead in glass of cathode ray tubes, electronic components and fluorescent tubes6 Lead as an alloying element in steel containing up to 0,35 % lead by weight, aluminum containing up to 0,4 % lead by weight and as acopper alloy containing up to 4 % lead by weight7 Lead in certain applications— lead in high melting temperature type solders (i.e. lead-based alloys containing 85 % by weight or more lead)— lead in solders for servers, storage and storage array systems, network infrastructure equipment forswitching, signaling, transmission as well as network management for telecommunications— lead in electronic ceramic parts (e.g. piezoelectronic devices)8 Cadmium and its compounds in electrical contacts and cadmium plating except for applications banned under Directive91/338/EEC (1) amending Directive 76/769/EEC (2) relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certaindangerous substances and preparations9 Hexavalent chromium as an anti-corrosion of the carbon steel cooling system in absorption refrigerators10 Lead used in compliant pin connector systems11 Lead as a coating material for the thermal conduction module c-ring12 Lead and cadmium in optical and filter glass13 Lead in solders consisting of more than two elements for the connection between the pins and the package ofmicroprocessors with a lead content of more than 80% and less than 85% by weight14 Lead in solders to complete a viable electrical connection between semiconductor die and carrier within integratedcircuit Flip Chip packagesPage 1 of 1。



序号Serial No.物料名称Material Name制造商名称Supplier Name 物料型号Material type 测试项目Test items测试机构Test organization测试日期Test date报告编号Report NumberPbCdHgCrPBBPBDE12345678910宣告日期Declared版本Version :B/1对应深圳市崧鼎实业/科技有限公司的物料名称:Corresponding Tpcell 's Material Name物料编号:Stock Number该材料符合RoHS 要求,成分构成分解如下:This material accords with RoHS requirement and the components are divided into the following parts.宣告:我司向深圳市崧鼎实业/科技有限公司保证以上组成您公司产品的原材料符合RoHS 的要求。

Declaration: It is hereby guaranteed to Shenzhen TPCELL that my company's row material components constituting your products will comply with the RoHS requirements.宣告公司名称 (盖章)Declared Company Name: (chop)Form N0:DQ-QA-ROHS-003地址:Address:邮件:E-mail宣告的材料名称:Declared material name尺寸规格:size&specification 工厂内部料号:Factory internal part No.:原材料RoHS 宣告表Raw Material RoHS Declarations崧鼎承认书编号No :供应商信息SUPPLIER INFORMATION宣告日期:Declaration Date:联系人:Contact Name 供应商名称:Supplier Name:电话:Telephone。



RoHS环保声明保证(英文)第一篇:RoHS环保声明保证(英文)XXXXXXXXXXXXXCERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE‐ EU RoHS DeclarationCompany Name:Company Address:This is to certify that our compamy products meet the requirements of the current RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU without any exemption.Signature:Phone:E‐Page 1 of 1第二篇:声明及保证2010炫亮中国全国青少年才艺展示活动选拔赛参赛选手的声明和保证本人,已报名参加2010炫亮中国全国青少年才艺展示活动选拔赛广东赛区(以下简称“本次大赛”)。










镉(Cd) 及镉化合物
铅(Pb) 及铅化合物汞(Hg) Nhomakorabea汞化合物
六价铬(Cr6+) 及化合物
多溴联苯(PBB) 多溴二苯醚(PBDE)
第73/769/EEC号指令和第91/338/EEC号指令禁止以外的镉电镀 用于印刷电路板而使用铅的涂料、颜料、油墨 零件的外部电极、引导端子等的焊锡处理 塑胶(包括橡胶)材料中的稳定剂、颜料,以及涂料、油墨等 除去下列暂不适用项以外的所有其它用途
〈10mg 〈5mg 〈8mg
赦免 赦免
公司名称: 公司(盖章): 公司负责人签名: 生效日期:
一般用途焊锡 铅合金: 暂 钢材 不 铝合金 适 铜合金 用 高熔点焊锡(即焊锡合金中铅含量85%以上的) 项 阴极射线管CRT、电子零件及荧光灯管使用的玻璃材料 电子器材中的陶瓷零件 作为电池材料的用途(根据欧洲电池指令91/157/EEC) 水银时钟 涂料、颜料、油墨 含水银的继电器、开关、传感器 塑料中的添加剂等 除去下列暂不适用项以外的所有其它用途

各种国际认证的含义 CE、RoHS、FCC

各种国际认证的含义 CE、RoHS、FCC






三、CE认证有何重要意义CE认证的意义在于:用CE缩略词为符号表示加贴CE认证的产品符合有关欧洲指令规定的主要要求(Essential Requirements),并用以证实该产品已通过了相应的合格评定程序和/或制造商的合格声明,真正成为产品被允许进入欧共体市场销售的通行证。

有关指令要求加贴CE标志的工业产品,没有CE标志的,不得上市销售,已加贴CE标志进入市场的产品,发现不符合安全要求的,要责令从市场收回,持续违反指令有关CE 标志规定的,将被限制或禁止进入欧盟市场或被迫退出市场。




ROHS Declaration(General)Restriction of the Use Certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipmentThe New ROHS Directive 2011/65/EU(ROHS )have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union on July 1,2011 and took effect on July 21,2011.RoHS指令即2011/65/EU(ROHS )在2011年7月1日已公布在欧盟官方杂志并在2011年7月21日起生效。

Based on the ROHS requirement, we collected materials information from our suppliers and controlled production process in our company, so our company (including accessories)assure that the below list products / parts or attachment list out products / parts compliance with ROHS Directive 2011/65/EU control item and value as showed in the following tables . once we signed this ROHS Declaration ,We shall agree to take liabilities when supplied parts or materials violates the agreed specification under this ROHS declaration.根据ROHS 要求,我们收集了供应商物料信息并且在公司内部对生产过程进行了控制。



RoHS 2.0符合声明与保证书RoHS 2.0 Declaration and Undertaking of Conformity 我们WE 重庆捷亿隆机械有限公司(生产商名称)(Name ofmanufacturer)重庆市江津区双福新工业园区(生产商地址) (Address ofmanufacturer)鉴于重庆润通动力制造有限公司向我们发出订单,委托我公司生产和提供产品,现声明我们供应给重庆润通动力制造有限公司的产品符合以下指令:In consideration of Chongqing Rato Power Manufacturing Corporation placing orders with us for the manufacture and supply of products, we hereby declare and undertake that the products we supply to Chongqing Rato Power Manufacturing Corporation are in conformity with the following directives:关于在电子电气设备中限制使用某些有害物质的2011/65/EU指令-- Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council- on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment 我们承诺上述信息是准确和可靠的。




RoHS 2.0物质不使用宣告书Declaration of non-use of RoHS 2.0 substances兹保证公司所提供给亞捷开发科技(香港)股份有限公司(含其子公司及相关事业群,以下同称亞捷开发公司)的所有产品,包括但不限及其所使用的材料,包装材料以及生产过程中添加剂等,不含有以下10项物质:We hereby certify all products (including but not limited to material,packaging materials and additives of products)shipped to Yea Shin corporation (Including any subsidiary company and related enterprise group,hereafter called Yea Shin)did not contained below ten substances.RoHS 2.0 control 管制:须符合RoHS2.0最新标准(6项)要求及候选之4项限用物质如下:Supplier shall comply with RoHS2.0 newest regulations(6Item)The four restrictd substances listed below should be considered as a priority:1.铅以及铅化合物Lead and lead compounds2.铜以及铜化合物Cadmium and cadmium compounds3.汞以及汞化合物Mercury and mercury compounds4.六價铬化合物Hexavalentchromium compounds5.多溴聯苯(PBB)Polybrominated biphenyls6.多溴聯苯醚(PBDE)Polybrominated biphenyls ethers六溴环十二烷(HBCDD) Hexabromocyclododecane(卤素阻燃剂Halogen Flame Retardant)鄰苯二甲酸酯:(DEHP)鄰苯二甲酸(2-乙基已基)酯-Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate(用于软化剂Plasticizer)鄰苯二甲酸酯:(BBP)鄰苯二甲酸丁基苄酯-Beznylbuty1 phtha1ate(用于软化剂Plasticizer)鄰苯二甲酸酯:(DBP)鄰苯二甲酸二正丁酯-DOP-Dibuty1 phtha1ate(用于软化剂Plasticizer)且符合亚捷开发公司有害物质管制标准,并提供相关证明文件;若违反本保证书内容或违反相关环保规而导致亚捷开发公司或其客户受有损害,本公司愿负全部法律与赔偿责任。

ROHS Declaration (RoHS声明书)

ROHS  Declaration (RoHS声明书)

ROHS Declaration(General)Restriction of the Use Certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipmentThe New ROHS Directive 2011/65/EU(ROHS 2.0)have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union on July 1,2011 and took effect on July 21,2011.RoHS指令即2011/65/EU(ROHS 2.0)在2011年7月1日已公布在欧盟官方杂志并在2011年7月21日起生效。

Based on the ROHS 2.0 requirement, we collected materials information from our suppliers and controlled production process in our company, so our company (including accessories)assure that the below list products / parts or attachment list out products / parts compliance with ROHS Directive 2011/65/EU control item and value as showed in the following tables . once we signed this ROHS Declaration ,We shall agree to take liabilities when supplied parts or materials violates the agreed specification under this ROHS declaration.根据ROHS 2.0要求,我们收集了供应商物料信息并且在公司内部对生产过程进行了控制。

ROHS Declaration (RoHS声明书)

ROHS  Declaration (RoHS声明书)

ROHS Declaration(General)Restriction of the Use Certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipmentThe New ROHS Directive 2011/65/EU(ROHS 2。

0)have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union on July 1,2011 and took effect on July 21,2011。

RoHS指令即2011/65/EU(ROHS 2。


Based on the ROHS 2.0 requirement,we collected materials information from our suppliers and controlled production process in our company,so our company (including accessories)assure that the below list products / parts or attachment list out products / parts compliance with ROHS Directive 2011/65/EU control item and value as showed in the following tables . once we signed this ROHS Declaration ,We shall agree to take liabilities when supplied parts or materials violates the agreed specification under this ROHS declaration。

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