
ACommunityNoticeboardNewForestBikeProject(NFBP)NewForestBikeProjectisanot-for-profitcommunityandsocialorganizati onwhichtakesinunwantedbicyclesandthenrepairs,restoresandrelocatesthem .Aimingtohelppeoplefromallwalksoflifegetoutontwowheelsandenjoysomeexe rciseaswellasthebeautifulNewForest!Ifyouwouldliketodonateanyunwantedb ikes,pleasedropthemoffatWalkersGarage,BurleyRd,BransgoreBH238DF.Ringwood’sInternationalFestivalofStreetPerformanceArt(RIFSPA)HeldannuallyonMarch15thfrom10:30a.m.-4:30p.m.WANTED:streetperformers,musicians,choirs,bandsetc.toentertainthec rowdsinthestreetsofRingwood!Ifyouoryourgroupareinterestedintakingpartinthisevent,pleasecontactRog erBettle01425489350assoonaspossibletoensureaplace.NaturalWellbeing(NW)Weeklysessionsusingthenaturalenvironmenttopromoteadulthealthandwe llbeing.Participantscanbeinvolvedincookingandsharinganoutdoorlunch,bi rdwatchingandoutdoorcraftactivities.Date:EveryFridayTime:11:00a.m.-2:30p.m.Booking:Tracyon01425472760orBlashfordLakes@Location:BlashfordLakesNatureReserve,EllinghamDrove,nearRingwoodBH243PJEventcharge:£4donationRingwoodHealthWalks(RHW)GuidedbyVolunteerWalkLeaders,WalksareFREEforanyonewishingtoimprov etheirfitnesswithone-hourwalks.StartfromtheMedicalCenteronthe1stand3rdTuesdayineachmonthat10:30a.m.MeetoutsidetheMedicalCentre.Comealongandjoinus:weareafriendlysociablegroup.Formoreinformation contactCraigDaterson01590646671.NONEEDTOBOOK21.WhatcanyoudothroughNFBP?A.Giveawayoldbikes.B.Purchaseusedbikes.C.HikeintheNewForest.D.WorkatWalkersGarage.22.Whichofthefollowingisorganizedonceayear?A.NFBP.B.RIFSPA.C.NW.D.RHW.23.WhatdoNWandRHWhaveincommon?A.Theyeachlastawholeday.B.Theyarefreeofcharge.C.Chancestoexerciseareprovided.D.Advancereservationsarerequired.BJackAndrakawas15whenhecameupwithanideaforanewwaytotestforpancreat ic(胰腺)cancer.WhenAndrakawas14,afamilyfrienddiedofthedisease,andthisaffec tedhimdeeply.Thiskindofcancerisparticularlyseriousbecausethereisnotes tyoucanhavedonetofinditintheearlystages.Bythetimestandardtestsdetermi neyouhavethedisease,itisoftentoolate.Realizingthatthiswasthecase,Andr akadecidedtotrytodevelopatestthatmightcatchproblemsattheearlieststage s.TheroadaheadlookeddifficultforAndraka.Hewasstillahighschoolstuden t,andhewantedtocreatesomethingthatnooneelsehaddone.ButAndrakareadendl esslyaboutthedisease,wroteaproposalforhisidea,andsentitoutto200cancer researchers.Onlyoneprofessor,Dr.AnirbanMaitra,respondedpositively.Dr. MaitraagreedtoworkwithAndrakaonhisidea,givinghimguidanceandaccesstoal aboratory.ThenextbigrewardforAndraka'sperseverancewaswinningthegrandprizeat theIntelInternationalScienceandEngineeringFair.Thisgreatawardisgivent oyounginnovatorswhohavedevelopedaworld-changingidea.Developingthetest islikelytotakemanyyears,butAndrakahopesthetestwilleventuallyimprovepe ople'slivesandmaybesavethem.JackAndrakaisnotaloneasayounginnovator.Afterall,therewere1,499oth ercontestantsfortheIntelaward,andallofthemhadground-breakingideas.For Andraka,havingafamilythatlovesscienceandencouragescreativethinkinggav ehimanadvantage.ButthekeyforAndrakaisthatreading,research,anddiscover yarejustplainfun,andthechancetoimprovetheworldaroundhimintheprocessma kesitevenbetter.24.WhydidAndrakadecidetodevelopatestforpancreaticcancer?A.Hisfriend'sencouragement.B.Anupsettingexperience.C.Hisextensivereading.D.Animportanttest.25.WhatdifficultydidAndrakameetatthebeginningofhisresearch?ckofpositiverepliesfromexperts.B.Heavypressurefromhisschoolwork.C.Littleaccesstoresearchequipment.D.Greatneedofmoneytodevelopatest.26.WhichofthefollowingleadstoAndraka'sawardwinning?A.Thecompetitionwithothercontestants.B.Hisdeterminationtoimprovetheworld.C.Thesupportfromhisfamily.D.Hispassionfordiscovery.27.WhatcanwelearnfromAndraka'sstory?A.Practicemakesperfect.B.Hardworkleadstosuccess.C.Onegoodturndeservesanother.D.Failureisthemotherofsuccess.CAnyonewantingtohelpthepoormaylikethisidea-recyclingaluminumcansin adifferentway,whichisapparentlyalsogoodfortheenvironment.Soyou'reactu allykillingtwobirdswithonestone.Itgoeswithoutsayingthatrecyclingalumi numcanscansaveresources,energy,timeandmoney.Peopleusuallysaveandplace aluminumcansinthedustbins,whicharethencollectedandtakenawaybycleaners ,whowillfinallyrecyclethemintherecyclingcenter.Butifyousavethealuminu mcans,andskipthecleaners,youcansavethesesamecansforsomethingmoreimpor tant-helpingthepoor.Inotherwords,bydoingless,youaregivingtheenvironme ntalcausesomenewsignificance.Hereishowtoputthisideaintoaction.Takeyouraluminumcansandplacethem inaplasticbag.Forthedirtyones,rinsethemoutfirst.Storethebagofcleanalu minumcans.Onceyoucollectaboutonehundredcansormore,takethecanstotherec yclecenteryourself.Thereareabouteighteenaluminumcansinapound.Andyouca nreceivethreetofourdollarsforonehundredcans.Donateyourthreetofourdoll arstothepoororanycharityorganizationofyourchoice.Bynow,youmaywonderifyourfewdollarshavereallymadeadifferencetothep oor.Considerthis:Isthereanyindividualoranyspecificeventthatisgreateno ughtochangetheworldordecidethedirectionthathistorytakes?Theanswerispr obablyno.Whatiftherewerealotofpeoplewhowoulddothesamething?Historysho wsnothingbutthecollectivewillofthewholecommunity.Andthatwillsurelybep owerfulenoughtomakeabiggerdifference.Gotoyourcommunityoryourschoolandspreadyouridea.Shareyourideaandsa veyouraluminumcanswithotherpeople.Onehundredpeoplecanspeaklouderthano ne.Andthemoneyyoumakebysavingcanscanbemultipliedbyonehundredtimes.And ifmorepeoplejoininthecausearoundtheworld,anevenlargerdifferencecanbem ade,andmorepeopleinneedwillenjoythebenefits.28.What'sspecialaboutthenewidea?A.Itmakesprofits.B.Itsavesresources.C.Itbenefitsthepoor.D.Itinvolvescleaners.29.Whatcanweinferfromparagraph2?A.Dirtycansdonotsellwell.B.Youdecidewhoreceivesthemoney.C.Ahundredcansweighabout3pounds.D.Therecyclecenterisconvenientlylocated.30.Whatdoestheunderlinedword“that”inparagraph3probablyreferto?A.Agreatindividualorevent.B.Thedirectionhistorytakes.C.Thecollectivewillofpeople.D.Theneighbourhoodyoulivein.31.Whichofthefollowingdoesthewriterwanttotellus?A.Manyhandsmakelightwork.B.Killtwobirdswithonestone.C.Don'tputthecartbeforethehorse.D.Nomancandotwothingsatonce.DChina'shistoric23-dayChang'e5missionhasnotonlyobtainedpreciousroc kandsoilsamplesfromthemoon,buthasalsobroughtbackagroupofseedsthattrav eledthefurthestinthenation'sagriculturalandforestryhistories.Morethan 30kindsofseeds,includingthatofrice,oatsetc.,wereplacedinsidethemulti-moduleChang'e5spacecraftandorbitedaroundthemoonforabout15days.Scientistswishedtocheckwhatwouldhappentotheseedsafterbeingexposed toextraterrestrial(地外的)forcesinlunarorbitandalsohopedthattheycoulddevelopbeneficialmutati ons(突变).Thismissionofferedgoodopportunitiestoscientists,whichenabledthemt odeepentheirstudiesontheeffectofcosmicraysonthegrowthandevolutionofli feonEarth.Space-basedmutationbreedingreferstotheprocessofexposingseedstofor cessuchasmicrogravity,vacuumsandcosmicradiationduringaspaceflightandt hensendingthembacktoEarthforfurtherobservationandplanting.Researchers observeandexamineseveralgenerationsofplantsgrownfromspace-bredseedsan dinvestigatetheirmutations-somearepositiveanddesirablewhileothersaren egative.Thosewithpositivemutationswillbekeptandanalyzed,andwillbeintr oducedtofarmersaftertheircertificationandapproval.Spacebreedingcangeneratemutationsfasterandmoreconvenientlythangro und-basedexperimentsandcanbringaboutsomedesirabletraitsthatareotherwi paredwithnaturalorconventionallybredtypesofplant s,space-developedversionswithpositivemutationsusuallyfeaturehighernut ritionalcontent,greaterannualyields,shortergrowthperiodsandbetterresi stancetodiseasesandinsectpests.Chinaconducteditsfirstspacebreedingexperimentin1987,usingasatelli tetocarryseedsintospace.Sincethen,hundredsofkindsofseedsandseedlingsh avetraveledwithdozensofChinesespaceships.Spacebreedinghashelpedtoprod ucemorethan200newtypesofmutatedplantsinChinathathavebeenapprovedforla rge-scalecultivation,rangingfromgrainstovegetablesandfruits.TheChang' e5roboticmissionreturned1,731gramsoflunarrockandsoiltoEarth,markingahistoricaccomplishment44yearsafterthelastlunarsubstancesweretakenback.32.WhyweretheseedsplacedinsideChang'e5?A.Topickoutthefittestformutations.B.Tounderstandextraterrestrialforces.C.Tostudytheintensityofcosmicrays.D.Toexposethemtoaspecialenvironment.33.Whatdoweknowaboutspace-basedmutationbreeding?A.Itisnotatime-consumingprocess.B.Mutationsdevelopinarandomway.C.Itoftenbringsaboutdesirableeffects.D.Approvalwillbegrantedtomutatedplants.34.Whatcanwelearnfromthelastparagraph?A.Itisacustomtoputseedlingsonaspacecraft.B.Chinawasthefirsttodoaspacebreedingexperiment.C.Itissometimesinceseedswerelasttakenintospace.D.Spacebreedinghasbroughtuscommercialbenefits.35.Whatisthebesttitleofthepassage?A.Space-bredSeedsOfferGreatChancesB.Chang’e5ReturnswithaBigPackageC.PlantMutationsResultinaBetterLifeD.SeedsfromSpaceMarkaNewHistory第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2021年高三第一次模拟考试英语试题含答案说明:试题分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,试题答案请用2B 铅笔和0.5mm签字笔填涂到答题卡规定位置上,书写在试题上的答案无效。
考试时间1 20分钟。
第I卷(共1 00分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)该部分分为第一、第二两节。
1.How much does the man have to pay?A.$120.B.$108.C.$90.2.What was Mary doing?A.Asking for help from the bank.B.Walking on a river bank.C.Applying for a job.3.How long did the man stay in Europe?A.5 days.B.7 days.C.16 days.4.What does the woman think of the dress?A.It's not wonderful.B.It’s out of fashion.C.I t’s avert the price.5.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A.Visiting their mother.B.Buying presents.C.Finking someone.第二节(共1 5小题:每小题J.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
高中毕业班第一次统一检测英语试题 Word版含解析

肇庆市2021届高中毕业班第一次统一检测英语注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
AThe M3 Challenge is a contest that gives high schoolers the chance to experience working as a team to deal with a practical problem within limited time. The challenge is meant to give high schoolers a sense of the kinds of problems faced by professional mathematicians working in the real world. Students who are gifted at coding (编程) might consider this competition since extra credit awards are available for teams who include outstanding code as part of their solution.High school juniors and seniors from anywhere in the U. S. are welcome to participate in the M3 Challenge. Teams of students must consist of three to five people and at least one teacher-coach. Another cool thing? The M3 Challenge is. entirely online until the final round, and there are no participation fees !.At the end of the M3 Challenge, six teams are identified and invited to present their work in New York City. The finalist teams are also eligible to receive cash awards, which are as follows:◆ M3 Challenge Champions (Summa Cum Laude Team Prize) $ 20,000◆ M3 Challenge Runner Up (Magna Cum Laude Team Prize) $ 15,000◆ M3 Challenge Third Place (Cum Laude Team Prize) $ 10,000◆ M3 Challenge Finalist (Meritorious Team Prize) $ 5,000 (3 teams)In addition to these top prizes, there are also awards in the amount of $ 1,500 and $ 1,000 for semi-finalist and honorable mention teams respectively. Finally, Challenge finalists, semi-finalists,and honorable mention teams may be invited to submit applications for summer internships in STEM.1. What's the purpose of the M3 Challenge?A. To promote coding.B. To select math professionals.C. To solve difficult math problems.D. To enrich high schoolers' knowledge.2. Which of the following will lead to disqualification?A. Having only one coach in a team.B. Coming from a remote U. S. state.C. Including eight students in a team.D. Failing to pay the participation fees.3. How much is the cash prize for honorable mention teams?A. $ 1,000.B. $ 1,500.C. $ 5,000.D.$ 10,000.【答案】1. D 2. C 3. A【解析】本文是一篇应用文。
2021年高三下学期第一次模拟考试 英语 含答案

1. What does the man want?A. A leather suit.B. A piece of leather.C. A pair of leather shoes.2. Who was absent from dinner last night?A. Robert.B. George.C. Kate.3. How often does the woman eat out?A. Five times a month.B. Four times a week.C. Five times a week.4. What was Patrick’s former apartment possibly like?A. Quite noisy.B. Rather remote.C. Very fortable.5. Which program does the woman want to watch?A. A movie.B. A fashion show.C. International news.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,共22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白。
6. What made the girl sick?A. The nightmares.B. The plane trip.C. Visiting the Palace.7. Where does the conversation take place?A. In London.B. In New York.C. In San Francisco.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。

A. his early education from schoolB. the deaths of his parents
C. Edmund Spenser’s poetryD. the criticism of a magazine
Barter Books, Northumberland, Northeast England
The store is in Ainwick, a Victorian railway station that dates back to 1887, and model railway sits overhead. Pull up a chair to the working fireplace to eat a cookie and have a cup of coffee, or search the shelves for a wide variety of titles.
Regarded as one of the English language’s most gifted poets, John Keats wrote poetry that concentrated on imagery, human nature, and philosophy (哲学). Although Keats didn’t receive much formal literary education, his own studies and passion brought him much success. Additionally, his own life situation influenced his poetry greatly.
2021年高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试题 含答案

1. Where did the woman learn English?A. In AmericaB. In AustraliaC. In Britain2. How did the woman get to London?A. By planeB. Bu busC. By car3. What will the woman eat tonight?A. CakesB. PizzaC. Sandwiches4. Why was the man late?A. His alarm clock didn’t wor k.B. He stayed up late and overslept.C. He forgot to set the alarm clock.5. What is the woman?A. A waitressB. A teacherC. A student第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白。
6. Where are the speakers?A. At a storeB. In a libraryC. In a restaurant7. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Wait for his call.B. Go to another place.C. Change for something else.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。


第I卷第一部分:听力部分(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1. When will the concert begin?A. At 5:45.B. At 6:00.C. At 6:40.2. How does the woman like her coffee?A. With sugar and milk.B. With milk only.C. With sugar only.3. What will the weather be like tomorrow?A. Sunny.B. Cloudy.C. Rainy.4. For which subject is Emily fully prepared?A. Maths.B. English.C. Physics.5. What did the woman buy for her mother?A. A coat.B. A necklace.C. Earrings.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

2021年高三一模英语试题及答案第一部分英语知识运用(共三节满分50分)第一节语音知识(共5小题;满分5分)1.headacheA. vegetableB. operateC. tobaccoD. anything2. trousersA. shouldB. countryC. cloudyD. touch3. questionA. liberationB. stationC. directionD. suggestion4. usuallyA. supposeB. measureC. discussionD. always5. handsomeA. hundredB. includeC. handkerchiefD. delight第二节语法和词汇知识(共15题,满分15分)6. My summer job wasn’t _______ fun, but it was _______ real leaning experience for me.A. the; aB. a; aC. 不填;aD. 不填;不填7. --- Do remember to charge the battery 12 hours when you first use it.--- _________.A. Made itB. Got itC. Got on with itD. Remembered it8. ----- I hear Tom got caught cheating in the final exam.----- Yes. Little ________ that we were watching his every move.A. realised heB. he did realiseC. he realisedD. did he realise9. We have heard so much about the Italian restaurant, but it did not _______ our expectations.A. live up toB. allow forC. get away withD. e up with10. Hearing the news, he rushed out, _______the book _______ on the table and disappeared into the distance.A. left; lain openB. left; lay openedC. leaving; lie openedD. leaving; lying open11. The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Liu Xiang, who was reported _______ the world record in the 110 meters hurdles race.A. breakingB. having brokenC. to have brokenD. break12. China has invested 15.2 billion yuan so far this year to support pig keepers, in a(n)_______ to ensure enough pig supplies.A. contributionB. effortC. promiseD. purpose13. Fukuda's visit, three months after he _______ office, is the first to China by a Japanese prime minister since Abe's visit to Beijing.A. takesB. tookC. has takenD. has been taken14 . The new plane will _______ a series of test flights in the first half of xx.A. put forwardB. deal withC. hold upD. go through15. Our team lost. It was a good game, ______.A. yetB. thoughC. althoughD. besides16. Oh, much smoke here ! Somebody _____ the window, please.A. opensB. openC. shall openD. will open17. ---How will I _________ you at the station?---Well, I’m wearing a hat and I’ve got a big black umbrella with me.A. recognizeB. realizeC. seeD. pick18. ______ is no possibility _____ the shy girl can win the first prize in the English speech contest.A. There; thatB. It; thatC. There; whetherD. It; whether19. --- This is my treat and next is yours. How’s that?---- OK. _______.A. It doesn’t matterB. It dependsC. No wayD. It’s a deal20. --- Sir, I have a favor to ask you.---___________.A It’s a pleasure B. Go ahead C. What, please D. Help yourself第三节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)We e by business naturally in our family. Each of the seven children in our family worked in our father’s store. 21 we worked and watched, we learned that work was about more than 22 and making a sale.One lesson stands out in my 23 . It was shortly before Christmas. I was in eighth grade and was working evenings, straightening the toy section. A little boy, five or six years old, came in. He was 24 a brown torn coat with dirty sleeves. His shoes were scuffed and his one shoelace was torn. The little boy looked poor to me ---too poor to 25 to buy anything. He looked 26 the toy section, picked up this item and 27 , and carefully put them 28 in their place.Dad came down the stairs and walked over to the boy. His blue eyes 29 and the dimple(酒窝)in his cheek stood out as he asked the boy what he could do for him. The boy said he was looking for a Christmas 30 to buy his brother. I was impressedthat Dad treated him with the same respect as any adult. Dad told him to take his 31 and look around. He did.After about 20 minutes, the little boy carefully picked up a toy 32 , walked up to my dad and said, “How much for this, Mister?”“How much you got?” Dad asked.The little boy held out his hand and 33 it. His hand was creased(起皱) with 34 lines of dirt from holding his 35 too tightly. In his hand 36 two dimes, a nickel and two pennies—27 cents. The price on the toy plane he’d picked out was $3.98.“That’ll just37 it,” Dad said as he38 the sale. Dad’s reply still39 in my ears. When the little boy walked out of the store, I didn’t notice the dirty, worn coat or the single torn shoelace. What I saw was a happy child with a 40 .21. A. Because B. Since C. As D. After22. A. survival B. labor C. hardship D. entertainment23. A. way B. mind C. life D. time24. A. putting on B. dressing C. having D. wearing25. A. try B. attempt C. afford D. manage26. A. for B. around C. up D. over27. A. that B. one C. it D. this28. A. up B. away C. back D. off29. A. opened B. smiled C. shone D. looked30. A. tree B. card C. present D. cake31. A. effort B. word C. time D. courage32. A. car B. gift C. plane D. section33. A. showed B. opened C. gave D. turned34. A. long B. straight C. wet D. main35. A. toy B. pocket C. hand D. money36. A. lay B. had C. held D. laid37. A. work B. cover C. need D. take38. A. took B. returned C. made D. offered39. A. rings B. stays C. remains D. gets40. A. bag B. treasure C. package D. thing第二部分:阅读理解(共两节;满分45分)第一节阅读下列短文,选出最佳选项。

1.What is Linda?A.A writer. B.A student. C.A teacher.2.What is the man afraid of?A.Having an accident.B.Missing the interview.C.Saying something wrong.3.What does the woman want to do?A.To return a jacket.B.To change a jacket.C.To buy another jacket.4.Why does the man feel upset?A.A guy stole his clothes.B.He found his clothes ugly.C.Someone said he was ugly.5.What does the woman mean?A.She disbelieves her son.B.She feels very sorry for her son.C.She wants her son to use a new key.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

APANDA FAN XING CAN NOW BE SEEN!Starting from Thursday,November19,2020,the baby panda Fan Xing has access to his inside and outside enclosure(围场),and he can now be seen by visitors.The panda was born on May1,2020,and remained inside the mother’s house behind the scenes for months.Completely at homeFan Xing is a giant panda with his own free will.He doesn’t just follow his mother Wu Wen all day.Early in the morning,he went into the indoor enclosure and was peacefully sleeping there.After a while,he woke up and started to explore.However,he did not go outside yet.The first visitors admiring Fan XingDuring the afternoon,members of Ouwehands Zoo were given the opportunity to be among the first to see the little giant panda.Whenever he wakes up,he explores his indoor accommodation,nibbles on bamboo and plays with his mother.Multiple enclosuresThe giant pandas have access to multiple enclosures,including behind the scenes.It could be the case that the giant pandas take a moment for themselves and are temporarily not visible to visitors.You can only visit Ouwehands Zoo with an online ticket during a reserved period to prevent the park from getting too busy.Temporarily in the NetherlandsYou can admire Fan Xing for about three and a half years longer.This is because he is only a11owed to stay in the Netherlands for a maximum of four years before he goes to China,so he can contribute to the international breeding program for this unique endangered species.1.Where does Fan Xing stay before November19,2020?A.Inside enclosure alone.B.Outside enclosure freely.C.Behind the scenes with his mother.D.In multiple enclosures with his parents.2.What can we know about Fan Xing?A.He can be seen in the afternoon.B.He plays with his mother all day.C.He wanders outside in the morning.D.He can be admired without early booking.3.Why will Fan Xing come to China?A.China is the hometown of pandas.B.He will be used for reproducing purpose.C.People in the Netherlands don’t like him.D.He can’t adapt to the environment abroad.BAbooks-for-food program in Guatemala is helping feed needy children as hunger rates rise during the pandemic(疫情).It is Fun by a local nonprofit organization that aims to feed nearly400 children.The program is simple.People choose a book they want from a list of donated titles,and in return give bags of Incaparina,a high-protein drink mix.Bonifaz Diaz WOrks for the pmgram.By bringing the books-for-food program directly to people’s homes,Diaz makes sure donations keep flowing.He has traveled more than2,000kilometers on his bicycle,delivered loads of books and carried back thousands of kilograms of Incaparina for the nonprofit group32volcanoes.Diaz sometimes pulls a small cart that helps him carry up to57kilograms of product.He has traveled as far as60kilometers for a delivery to a town in the Western Highlands,where road conditions are poor.Nearly a year into the books-for-food program,two more cyclists have joined Diaz donations keep flowing in.Ana Castillo is a29-year-old high school teacher who recently received the sociology book from Diaz.She donates to the program often.The1.8kilograms of Incaparina she provided will help one family eat for a month.Castillo looks forward to choosing her books from the titles Diaz posts on social media.She also loves the feeling of a“growing circle”of giving and receiving.“You might not get to those places,but your help can,”she says.Diaz says he plans to continue cycling against hunger as long as the need exists.He has faced his own economic difficulties since the theater company he co-founded closed last spring.But the program has kept him active.“It’s an opportunity to serve in which we all benefit,”Diaz said.4.What is the purpose of the program?A.To serve the readers.B.To produce Incaparina.C.To offer poor children food.D.To fight the pandemic.5.What did Diaz do for the program?A.He set up a social media.B.He made donations frequently.C.He rented a cart to carry goods.D.He traveled to deliver books and food.6.How is the program going now?A.More people are involved in it.B.Only two cyclists work for it.C.Over400adults benefit from it.D.Financial difficulties put it to an end.7.Which word best describes Diaz’s attitude towards the program? A.Indifferent.B.Supportive.C.Tolerant.D.Unwilling.CSeveral years ago,when someone used camera covers to protect against possible monitoring,it was not popular to talk about it.Today,people use various types of tapes to cover the web cameras and microphones.There are many types of spyware that can dive into our devices and secretly spy on them,recording everything they do.Such programs may infect not only computers but also smartphones.Your data may be used by hackers who will try to request money for not exposing your private information or by companies like NSO Group who created the Pegasus spyware to “provide authorized governments with technology that helps struggle against terror and crime.”In my opinion,the described protection technique is highly overestimated.Users tape cameras and microphones due to the lack of understanding of how their devices work and how malware(恶意软件)works.Hackers and even secret services do not have enough resources to monitor all victims using cameras or microphones.If they need to get any information,they get it by sending a targeted malware to your device,which will not be stopped by the tapes.Such a virus will find what to steal—from personal photos and videos to passwords from social networks,browser history,bank accounts and much more.It is unwise to believe that attackers will not be able to find a way to spy on you,even if the device,discharged to zero,can still deliver data about your location,using the smartphones of the surrounding people as signal repeaters.Let us face it,we live in an era when it is extremely difficult to hide something,and a piece of tape is clearly not the most useful tool in the struggle for your privacy.Again,to be able to spy on you,attackers need to plant malware in your device.To prevent malware from entering your device,do not click suspected links and email attachments.Use strong passwords for email,social media and online banking accounts.8.What does the underlined word“them”in paragraph2refer to? A.Cameras.B.Types.C.Programs.D.Devices.9.What is NSO Group?A.A group of hackers.B.A company developing spyware.C.A group of terrorists and criminals.D.A company fighting against crime.10.Why does the author think“the protection technique is highly overestimated”? A.People know little about their devices.B.Hackers have no access to others.C.It hardly prevents malware from getting privacy.D.It can’t cover the cameras completely.11.What is the text mainly about?A.Protecting privacy on devices.B.Rising trend of using tapes.C.Monitoring devices via cameras.D.Avoiding clicking distrustful links.DHidden beneath the surface in the roots of Earth’s astonishing and diverse plant life,there exists a biological superhighway linking together the members of the plant kingdom in what researchers call the‘wood wide web’.The network is comprised of thin threads of fungus(真菌)that grow outwards underground up to a few meters from its parmefing plant,meaning that all of the plant life within a region is likely connected to one another.The partnership is beneficial for both parties involved;plants provide carbonhydrates(碳水化合物)to the funguses and in exchange,the funguses aid in gathering water and providing nutrients to its partnering plant.A study conducted by Rensen Zeng of the South China Agricultural University found that this also allowed for plants to warn one another of potential harm.The study showed Broad Beans used the fungal network to spy on one another for upcoming danger.Like our Internet,this fungal connectivity is also full of crime.Some plants,such as Golden Marigolds have been found to release poisons into the network to slow down the growth of surrounding plants in the fight for water and light.Other plants,such as the Phantom orchid,do not have the chlorophyll(叶绿素)and must get the necessary nutrients from sullrounding plants.Research suggests that animals such as insects and worms may be able to detect slight exchanges of nutrients through the network,allowing them to more easily find delicious roots to feed on;however,this has not been conclusively made clear in experimentation.The more we learn about this phenomenon,the more our understanding of the plant life of our planet will continue to change.Perhaps one day,we may be able to map out these complex networks entirely.12.What is the function of the first paragraph?A.To explain the aim of the web.B.To introduce the main topic.C.To give definition of diverse life.D.To show the importance of plants.13.The criminal behavior of plants can be seen as a way to_______.A.compete for survival B.gather more waterC.take in sunlight D.break natural rules14.What does the last paragraph suggest?A.Animals can also feed on the fungus.B.Nutrient exchanges are too slight to detect.C.No experiment can prove the phenomenon.D.More needs to be done to work out the networks.15.Which can be the best title tor the text?A.The Partnership between PlantsB.The Unknown Roots of the EarthC.The Superhighway Linking the PlantsD.The Mysterious Map Changing the World第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

注意事项: 注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,认真核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号,并将条形码粘贴在答题卡的指定位置上。
2.选择题答案使用2B 铅笔填涂,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案的标号;非选择题答案使用0.5毫米的黑色中性(签字)笔或碳素笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。
第Ⅰ卷 (选择题)第一部分:听力理解(共两节。
第一节 (共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
例:How much is the shirt ?A.$19.15.B.$9.18C.$9.15 答案是C.1. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. A skirt.B. A dress.C. A jacket.2. What does the woman proba bly think of the new neighbor? A. He ’s forgetful.B. He ’s funny.C. He ’s unfriendly.3. What time is it in New Yo rk? A. 5 pm.B. 7 pm.C. 10 pm.4. Where does the woman suggest meeting? A. At the bus stop.B. At the stadium.C. At the cafe.5. What will the woman do next? A. Go to her office.B. Visit a library.C. Make a phone call.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

1. —OK. Here it is. I’ve decide d not to go to university. I want to have a career in music when I leave school.—_____________! What about your future career as a lawyer?A. I can't agree moreB. You can't be seriousC. Glad to hear thatD. That’s the point【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查情景交际。
——你不是认真的吧!你将来的律师职业怎么办?A. I can't agree more 我完全同意;B. You can't be serious你不是认真的吧;C. Glad to hear that很高兴听你这么说;D. That’s the point这正是问题的关键。
根据后文What about your future career as a lawyer?可知回答者表示难以置信对方的想法,故B选项“你不是认真的吧!”符合语境。
2. I hadn't had trouble learning English until one day I_________whether there was ham in a hamburger.A. askedB. had askedC. was askedD. had been asked【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查时态和语态。

2021-2022学年(xu éni án)下学期高三年级一模仿真测试卷英 语 (B )注意事项:1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定(zh ǐd ìng)位置。
2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题(sh ìt í)卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。
3.非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接(zh íji ē)答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。
4.考试结束(ji ésh ù)后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。
第Ⅰ卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)(略) 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和D )中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
A(四川省南充市2021届高三一诊)30 November 2022,Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic defeated Scottish Andy Murray 6-1, 7-5,7-6in the Australian Open 2022 final to win the Grand Slam event (大满贯) for the sixth time. Murray has lost five Australian Open finals, facing Djokovic in all but one of them.Djokovic dominated the first set, winning 6-1 in just half an hour. He served seven aces (得分的发球) in total in the match. Murray fought back in the second set, which went up to twelve games lasting for80 minutes. It was the longest set and Murray had nine aces, twelve in total for the match. Djokovic had 41 unforced errors, compared to Murray’s 65.The third set lasted for 63 minutes and at 6-6 it went to a tie breaker, which Djokovic won 7--3, to win the eleventh Grand Slam title of his career.Djokovic has now equaled the record of Roy Emerson winning six Australian Opens. Djokovicafter the match said,” Andy, you are a great champion and friend. I’m sure you’ll have more opportunities to fight for this trophy”. Murray congratulated Djokovic, saying “I feel like I’ve been here before. Congratulations, Novak. Six Australian Opens is an incredible feat(业绩). The last year has been incredible. Good job.” He also left a message for his wife Kim Sears, “I’ll be on the next flight home.” The couple is expecting a baby.Yesterday, Jamie Murray, Andy Murray’s elder brother ,won the Australian Open Men’s doubles with Bruno Soares. Andy Murray was there in the audience, recording his brothers speech, to which Jamie said, “Andy, you should be in bed!”21. On 30 November 2022 Djokovic beat Murray for the ________ time, and won Australian OpenFinal 2022.A. 5thB. 6thC. 4thD. 11th22. According to the news report, which of the following statements is true? A. It was a piece of cake for Djokovic to win the 2nd set. B. Djokovic and Murray quite admired each other. C. Djokovic became the 1st to win six Australian Opens.D. Murray couldn’t wait to go back to his wife because she just gave birth to a baby. 23. According to the passage, Murray is most probably considered to be ________. A. friendly and considerate B. selfless but dishonest C. unconfident but modest D. prideful and out - goingB(山东淄博实验中学2021届高三一诊)Not so long ago, most people didn't know who Shelly Ann Francis Pryce was going to become. She was just an average high school athlete. There was every indication that she was just another American teenager without much of a future. However, one person wants to change this. Stephen Francis observed then eighteen-year-old Shelly Ann as a track meet and was此卷只装订不密封班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号convinced that he had seen the beginning of true greatness. Her time were not exactly impressive, but even so, he seemed there was something trying to get out, something the other coaches had overlooked when they had assessed her and found her lacking. He decided to offer Shelly Ann a place in his very strict training seasons. Their cooperation quickly produced results, and a few year later at Jamaica's Olympic games in early 2008,Shelly Ann, who at that time only ranked number 70 in the world, beat Jamaica's unchallenged queen of the sprint(短跑)."Where did she come from?" asked an astonished sprinting world, before concluding that she must be one of those one-hit wonders that spring up from time to time, only to disappear again without signs. But Shelly Ann was to prove that she was anything but a one-hit wonder. At the Beijing Olympic she swept away any doubts about her ability to perform consistently by becoming the first Jamaican woman ever to win the 100 meters Olympic gold. She did it again one year on at the World Championship in Briton, becoming world champion with a time of' 10.73—the fourth record ever.Shelly-Ann is a little woman with a big smile. She has a mental toughness that did not come about by chance. Her journey to becoming the fastest woman on earth has been anything but smooth and effortless, She grew up in one of Jamaica's toughest inner-city communities known as Waterhouse, where she lived in a one-room apartment, sleeping four in a bed with her mother and two brothers. Waterhouse, one of the poorest communities in Jamaica, is a really violent and overpopulated place. Several of Shelly-Ann's friends and family were caught up in the killings; one of her cousins was shot dead only a few streets away from where she lived. Sometimes her family didn't have enough to eat. She ran at the school championships barefooted because she couldn't afford shoes. Her mother Maxime, one of a family of fourteen, had been an athlete herself as a young girl but, like so many other girls in Waterhouse, had to stop after she had her first baby. Maxime's early entry into the adult world with its responsibilities gave her the determination to ensure that her kids would not end up in Waterhouse's roundabout of poverty. One of the first things Maxime used to do with Shelly-Ann was taking her to the track, and she was ready to sacrifice everything.It didn't take long for Shelly-Ann to realize that sports could be her way out of Waterhouse. On a summer evening in Beijing in 2008, all those long, hard hours of work and commitment finally bore fruit. The barefoot kid who just a few years previously had been living in poverty, surrounded by criminals and violence, had written a new chapter in the history of sports.But Shelly-Ann's victory was far greater than that. The night, she won Olympic gold in Beijing, the routine murders in Waterhouse and the drug wars in the neighbouring streets stopped. The dark cloud above one of the world's toughest criminal neighbourhoods simply disappeared for a few days. “I have so much fire burning for my country,” Shelly said. She plans to start a foundation for homeles s children and wants to build a community centre in Waterhouse. She hopes to inspire the Jamaicans to lay down their weapons. She intends to fight to make it a woman's as well as a man's world.As Muhammad Ali puts it, "Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them. A desire, a dream, a vision. "One of the things Shelly-Ann can be proud of is her understanding of this truth.24. Why did Stephen Francis decide to coach Shelly-Ann?A. He had a strong desire to free her family from trouble.B. He sensed a great potential in her despite her weaknesses.C. She had big problems maintaining her performance.D. She suffered a lot of defeats at the previous track meets.25. What can we infer from Shelly-Ann's statement underlined in Paragraph 5?A. She was highly rewarded for her efforts.B. She was eager to do more for her country.C. She became an athletic star in her country.D. She was the envy of the whole community.26. By mentioning Muhammad Ali's words, the author intends to tell us that_____.A. players should be highly inspired by coachesB. great athletes need to concentrate on patienceC. hard work is necessary in one's achievementsD. motivation allows great athletes to be on the top27. What is the best title for the passage?A. The Making of a Great AthleteB. The Dream for ChampionshipC. The Key to High PerformanceD. The Power of Full ResponsibilityC(云南曲靖市第一(dìyī)中学2021届高三第五次质量(zhìliàng)检测)Apple announced itsnew iPhones last week, but competitors’ mobile phones can do many of the same things for less money.The new iPhone 8 and X have wireless charging, edge-to-edge glass screen and double cameras. But all of these features are already available in smart phones from China’s Huawei and Oppo, and Korea’s Sa msung. While Apple asks buyers to pay $1,000 for its high-end model, some Asian phone makers can offer similar features for less.At one time, Chinese manufacturers copied features and designs from others to produce low-cost phones. But they have now added high-end features to their phones and they control nearly half the global mobile phone market.Media MarktSaturn is Europe’s biggest electronics seller. A spokesperson for the store told Reuters that, “Huawei is seen as a relevant competitor to Apple and Samsung by covering all major price points and placing big investments in marketing and sales. ’’ She also said that the Chinese companies Huawei, ZTE, Lenovo and TCL were among the top-10 best-selling smart phones in its stores.Chinese manufacturers’ fas t growth has been fueled by strong sales in China. But they now export 40 percent of their smart phones. That is almost double the number from just three years ago, according to the Hong Kong investment company CLSA.Huawei is currently the world’s third l argest phone maker behind Samsung and Apple. According to research company Canalys, the Chinese company is getting closer to second-place Apple and might overtake it later this year. Huawei plans to show its top-of-the-line Mate 10 phone on Oct. 16. The phone will have artificial intelligence features such as instant translation and image recognition and will cost less than $1,000.Other Chinese companies are looking to enter the high-end smart phone market.28. What is the text mainly about?A. Smart phone’s manufacturers.B. Apple smart phone’s features.C. Asian phone makers’ fast growth.D. Competition among Asian phone makers.29. Which is NOT among the top 3 phone makers in the world?A. TCL.B. Samsung.C. Apple.D. Huawei.30. What do we know from the text?A. Huewei will have overtaken Apple by later 2022.B. Chinese makers’ phones with high-end features cost less.C. The top-10 smart phones are to enter the high-end competition.D. 40 percent of Asian smart phones are exported now.31. What is the writer’s attitude towards Asian phone makers?A. Doubtful.B. Concerned.C. Optimistic.D. Uncertain.D(广东省化州市2021届高三第二次高考(ɡāo kǎo)模拟)There’s a song by the great Jamaican singer Bob Marley called So Much Trouble In The World. Marley understood that part of the reason why there are so many problems in the world is the lack of tolerance between people. The UN understands this too --- that’s why it made Nov 16th “International Day for Tolerance”.But first of all, what is tolerance? Accordi ng to French philosopher V oltaire, tolerance “s the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty (脆弱(cuìruò)) and error; let us pardon each other’s fool --- that is the first law of nature.”Very often, people don’t realize that they’re intolerant. This is because intolerance has a lot to do with ignorance. For example, the UN’s campaign is in part about the treatment of females by males. But often, the behavior of men toward women is intolerant because men don’t put themselves in the shoes of women.It’s worth thinking a little about the words “tolerance” and “intolerance”. Are they the best words to describe the evils of which we’re speaking here? To agree to be “tolerant” of someone isn’t necessarily a very respectful thing. When someone is toler ated, it implies that there’s something wrong with them.Still, what V oltaire said stands: We humans are not perfect and this weakness is something that we all share. That’s the reason we should be tolerant. It’s a little like generosity. We can give thing s to another person, and we can also give our forgiveness.32. What’s the purpose of the UN “International Day For Tolerance”?A. To arouse people’s awareness of tolerance among people.B. To celebrate the founding of the UN.C. To solve the problem of global warming.D. To change peopled opinion towards globalization.33. Why do men behave intolerantly towards women?A. Because men don’t realize the purpose of the UN.B. Because men are physically stronger than women.C. Because men don’t appreciate the sh oes of women.D. Because men are not willing to understand women.34. Why is it meaningless to use the words “tolerance” and “intolerance”?A. Because they are hard to pronounce in English.B. Because they don’t express the exact meaning people refer to.C. Because they can’t be translated into other languages.D. Because they can’t be used in a respectful way.35. In what sense is “tolerance” similar to “generosity”?A. Humans are advised to treat others better.B. Humans leant to find faults in others.C. Humans need to give something to others,D. Humans will change their attitudes to others.第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分(mǎn fēn) 10 分)根据(gēnjù)短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。
1.Which part of the man’s body hurts?A. His back.B. His neck.C. His arm.AW: What’s the matter?M: I’ve hurt my back, at the top, near my neck. It hurts whenI put my arms up.2.What was the weather like on Saturday?A. Sunny.B. Cloudy.C. Windy.AM: Did you have good weather at the beach at the weekend?W: Yes, it was sunny all weekend. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky.M: Wasn’t it windy too?W: Only on Sunday.3.What does the man want to do next?A. Stop for some coffee.B. Keep on working.C. Leave for home.BW: We’ll finish the work soon. Perhaps, we should stop for some coffee here.M: Actually, I should prefer to go on with our work. Or it will be late when we leave for home.4.Why does the girl talk with the man?A. To send an invitation.B. To seek for help.C. To ask for permission.CW: Dad, it’s Julia’s birthday today.M: Oh, is she having a party?W: Yes. And she’s invited me to spend the night at her place. Is that all right, Dad?M: OK. Just call me when you want me to pick you up.5.What are the speakers talking about?A. An applicant.B. An experience.C. A job.AW: We’ve interviewed all of the applicants. Now we just have to make a decision.M: Martina Hernandez gave me the best impression. She has the most experience.W: I couldn’t agree more. She is suitable for the job.第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话。

2021年高三第一次模拟考试英语参考答案Ⅰ单项选择:1-5 BDACB 6-10 BCCDB 11-15 ADBCA 16-20 BDABCⅡ完形填空:21-25 CBADA 26-30 BCBBA 31-35 BADBB 36-40 ACDABⅢ阅读理解: 41-44 CABD 45-48 BAAD 49-52 BCDB53-56 DCAD 57-60 CCDCⅣ补全对话:61-65 CAEBFⅤ单词拼写:66:shoulder 67:Canadian 68:geography 69:breathe 70:tomatoes 71:slightly 72:preferred 73:spoon74:metal 75:designingⅥ短文改错:76: 去掉the 77: 正确 78: improved 改为improve79: unnecessary 改为necessary 80: do 改为 doing81: we 改为 I 82: in 改为 for 83:need后加to84: classmate 改为classmates 85: wonderfully改为wonderfulⅦ写作:Dear Mrs. Smith,We've been in the flat for six months. I’m afraid there are a few problems.First, most furniture is rather old. The armchairs, for example, are in bad condition and so is the big table where we eat. Could you please replace them?Secondly, the flat is extremely cold in winter. The central heating doesn't work and we have to use electric fires, which is expensive. Part of the problem is the windows. They don't fit very well, so they let the wind in.Finally, the kitchen does need painting. We are quite prepared to do the work ourselves if you pay for the paint.Can you possibly e and look at the flat yourself!Yours sincerely,Li Hua (23372 5B4C 孌32386 7E82 纂36767 8F9F 辟23287 5AF7 嫷c36151 8D37 贷26243 6683 暃[H34365 863D 蘽25520 63B0 掰40616 9EA8 麨32579 7F43 罃。

秘密★启用前试卷类型:A 2021年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)英语第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
AExercising regularly not only helps you keep slim, but also improves your overall health and wellbeing. Different exercises produce different results, as they focus on alternate parts of the body. There are four broad exercise categories: endurance, strength, flexibility, and balance. Many people often only focus on one exercise type, but including all four in your workout will produce better results and reduce your risk of injury.EnduranceEndurance exercises increase your breathing and heart rate. By doing endurance exercises, you are working to keep your heart, lungs, and blood-flow system healthy while improving your total fitness. Over time these activities will make everyday activities seem easier.StrengthIf you want to build up your muscles, then strength exercises, which are also known as "resistance training'', arc right for you. Even the slightest increase in strength can make a huge difference in your ability to carry out daily tasks. Developing strong muscles also reduces your risk of weak bones.FlexibilityFlexibility exercises help stretch your body's muscles. This allows lor more freedom of movement tor other exercises and can also improve your range of motion, posture, ability to breathe deeply, and blood flow. Also, it reduces the muscle tension caused by stress.BalanceBalance exercises help prevent falls and are especially important to older adults, helping them slay independent. Most good balance exercises are ones that keep you constantly moving with your feel on the ground. Heel — to —toe walking and standing on one loot arc simple ways to improve balance.21. How can a person benefit most from their exercise routine?A. By combining different exercise types together.B. By having sufficient rest between their workouts.C. By concentrating on one training aspect at a time.D. By increasing the frequency of their training gradually.22. Which exercise types arc most useful to improve a person's breathing function?A. Strength and Balance.B. Flexibility and Balance.C. Endurance and Strength.D. Endurance and Flexibility.23. Which part of the body plays the most important role in balance-related exercises?A. Arms.B. Legs.C. Waist.D. Neck.BThe history of microbiology begins with a Dutch cloth maker named Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, a man of no formal scientific education. In the late 1600s, Leeuwenhoek, inspired by the magnifying lenses (放大镜)he used to examine cloth, built some of the first microscopes. He developed a technique to improve the quality of tiny, rounded lenses, some of which could magnify an object up to 270 times. After removing some plaque from between his teeth and examining it under a lens, Leeuwenhoek found tiny misting creatur es, which he called “animalcules”.His observations, which he reported to the Royal Society of London, are among the first descriptions of microbes (微生物).Leeuwenhoek discovered an entire universe invisible to the human eye. He found different microbes in samples of pond water, rain water, and human blood. He gave the first description of red blood cells, observed plant tissue, examined muscle, and investigated the lite cycle of insects.Nearly two hundred years later. Leeuwenhoek's discovery of microbes helped French chemist and biologist Louis Pasteur to develop his "theory of disease". This concept suggested that disease originates from tiny organisms attacking and weakening the body. Pasteur's theory later helped doctors to tight infectious diseases including anthrax, diphtheria, polio, smallpox, tetanus, and typhoid. All these breakthroughs were the result of Leeuwenhoek's original work. Leeuwenhoek did not foresee this legacy.In a 1716 letter. he described his contribution to science this way: "My work, which I've done for a long time, was not pursued in order to gain the praise I now enjoy, but chiefly from a strong desire lor knowledge, which 1 notice resides in me more than in most other men. And therefore, whenever I found out anything remarkable. I ha\e thought it my duty to put down my discovery on paper, so that the scientific community might be informed thereof''24. Which of the following best describes Leeuwenhoek?A. A trained researcher with an interest in microbiology.B. A curious amateur who made pioneer studies of microbes.C. A talented scientist interested in finding a cure for disease.D. A bored cloth maker who accidentally made a major discovery.25. The underlined phrase “this legacy'' in paragraph 3 refers to .A. the discovery of microbesB. Pasteur's theory of diseaseC. Leeuwenhoek's contributionD. the origin of the tiny organisms26. What does the quote from Leeuwenhoek's letter suggest?A. He admitted that many of his discoveries happened by chance.B. He considered his work to be central to later medical breakthroughs.C. He was greatly concerned with improving people's living conditions.D. He believed the sharing of knowledge was a key to scientific progress.27. What is the correct order for the following events?a. Magnifying lenses were built.b. The “theory of disease'' was put forward.c. Microbes were discovered in samples of waters.d. Leeuwenhoek's first microscopes were successfully developed.e. Leeuwenhoek explained his thoughts upon his own contribution.A. a-d-c-c-bB. d-a-c-e-bC. a-c-d-b-eD. d-a-e-b-cCAround 200 B.C., Aristophanes, an ancient Greek librarian, developed a system of marks to break up text to make it easier to read. Before this, words were often written in one long sentence without spaces between the words. Today, in many languages including English there is a set of rules on how to use full stops, commas and other text marks. However. some believe this is changing. Dr Robert Frost, who studies language, says people no longer use full stops and other punctuation(标点) symbols because they teel their messages are clear enough without them. So, is punctuation helpful or just troublesome?Yes — punctuation is importantPunctuation is needed in order to make the meaning of written words clear. If a parent messaged say. "It's time to eat children,” this is different from. "It's time to eat children''. 1 he second sentence would probably make you w ant to run in the opposite direction because it sounds as though children were on the menu. The author Jonathan Pierce argues that punctuation can be used to add drama, to break up the sequence of words and change the rhythm of a sentence. “It allows writers to make sentences more interesting so the readers do not get bored,” Pierce claims. “Otherwise. the words run into each other and lose their impact. " Besides. learning the different ways punctuation marks can be used is fun. It can add a lot to the style of writing and make it clearer.No ——we don't need itPunctuation. Even. sentence is badly punctuated .like this one: It can still be, understood This short piece of text shows that it is the words that are the important part of the sentence, not the symbols between them. Oxford-based linguist Kelly Jones says, "It is the order in which the words appear that conveys the meaning, not the punctuation marks. If there is any doubt in the meaning of the sentence, people are clever enough to work out what the person is really trying to say. For instance, when people speak, they do not use punctuation and yet we can still understand each other.'' Also, punctuation can be confusing there are lots of complex rules to observe, and if it is used incorrectly it can cause more problems than if there were none. Punctuation simply isn't needed.28. What is the purpose of this passage?A. To discuss alternative viewpoints.B. To support one argument over another.C. To evaluate the strength of competing ideas.D. To outline historical development of language.29. Who believes punctuation is necessary?A. Robert Frost and Kelly Jones.B. Aristophanes and Robert Frost.C. Jonathan Pierce and Kelly Jones.D. Aristophanes and Jonathan Pierce.30. In paragraph 3, the underlined part is used as .A. a definitionB. a factC. an exampleD. an error31. Which of the following can be a strong argument against Kelly Jones's opinion?A. Punctuation adds to the effect and richness of a language.B. Without punctuation, people would be breathless when speaking.C. Pauses and tones in speech serve similar functions to punctuation.D. The choice and order of words are important to convey eying meaning.DTo many people, honey bees symbolize wealth, sustainability and environmentalism. But as a honey bee researcher. I have to tell you that only the first item on that list is defensible. Although they are important for agriculture, honey bees, which are usually imported from outside the local area, also disturb natural ecosystems by competing with native bees.For several years the media has told us that bee populations are under threat. In response to this media campaign to “save the bees", raising honey bees has become a popular hobby. But as a species, honey bees are least in need of saving. Much media attention is given to honey bees at the expense of native bees, and this has led many citizens — myself once included to mistakenly believe they are doing a good thing for the environment by raising honey bees. Unfortunately, they are probably doing more harm than good.“Beekeeping is for people; it's not a cons ervation practice," says Shelly Smith, an environmental science professor. "People mistakenly think keeping honey bees also helps the native bees, which are at risk of extinction. That's wrong.”Smith and her research team recently surveyed one thousand local people in Canada and found that they had a surprisingly poor understanding of bee types and their roles in promoting flower growth. Most people's attention is on saving honey bees when, from a conservationist's point of view, native bees are the ones in more need of support.“To make matters worse, beekeeping companies and various non — science — based projects have financially benefited from the decline of native bee populations," Smith explains. "These companies pretend they are interested in saving bees but their actions are actually damaging the native bee populations.''The introduction of honey bees increases competition with native bee populations for food, putting even more pressure on the wild species that are already in decline. Honey bees are extremely efficient food gatherers and take over almost all local Hower resources, thus leading to damaging competition — that is, where one species uses upa resource, not leaving enough to go around.32. Which statement does the writer argue for?A. Honey bees endanger native bees.B. Honey bees are a symbol of wealth.C. Honey bees are important for agriculture.D. Honey bees can defend natural ecosystems.33. What can be inferred from paragraph 2?A. Beekeeping is a still-popular traditional hobby.B. The media is responsible for misleading the public.C. Citizens' attempts to protect the environment are effective.D. The media campaign has failed to promote honey bee businesses.34. What surprised Shelly Smith's team?A. Beekeeping companies' making great profits.B. The quick expansion of bee-friendly habitats.C. The public's ignorance of bee varieties and roles.D. Insufficient attention given to saving honey bees.35. How docs the writer develop the last paragraph?A. By listing examples.B. By making comparisons.C. By analyzing survey data.D. By explaining cause and effect.阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2021年高中毕业班综合测试(一)英语试题 含答案

绝密★启用前试卷类型:A 2021年高中毕业班综合测试(一)英语试题含答案英语xx.3本试卷共12页,三大题,满分135分。
考试用时120分钟注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色笔迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。
3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。
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I 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1—15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
As the world’s population grows, so does our consumption of all kinds of materials. Scientists and environmental groups are increasingly 1.__________ about conserving two important natural resources: our fresh water and our rainforests.Water supports every form of life. Neither plants nor animals can 2.__________ without it. It is also the most 3.__________ used resource in industry. Our quality of life, as well as life itself, depends on a continual 4.__________ of clean, fresh water.However, clean water supplies are now decreasing rapidly. The main 5.__________ of this are overpopulation, water pollution, and deforestation. It is predicted that future water shortages could reduce global farm production by as much as twenty-five percent, leading to widespread 6.__________. Possible solutions to this problem include 7.__________ water recycling methods and limiting population growth.Another 8.__________ but endangered resource is the world’s rainforests. The Amazon rainforest has often been called the “Lungs of the Planet”, because it 9.__________ takes in carbon dioxide and puts out oxygen, which helps keep our atmosphere 10.__________. The Amazon rainforest is home to millions of plant, animal and insect species and the only source of the raw materials used in many important medicines.Rainforests once covered fourteen percent of the earth’s land. Now they cover only six percent, and experts believe that we may 11.__________ these rainforests pletely in less than forty years. One clear solution is using 12.__________ products instead of cutting trees for wood. Another is reducing people’s consumption of meat, since many rainforests are destroyed to 13.__________ farmland to raise animals.We must work together to find solutions to these resource 14.__________ and develop sustainable ways of living that will 15.__________ natural resources for future generations.1. A. curious B. optimistic C. concerned D. embarrassed2. A. survive B. struggle C. expand D. benefit3. A. reliably B. overly C. expensively D. widely4. A. base B. supply C. growth D. location5. A. cases B. results C. functions D. causes6. A. anger B. hunger C. failure D. pollution7. A. returning B. removing C. improving D. collecting8. A. valuable B. forgotten C. expected D. renewable9. A. usually B. naturally C. obviously D. unfortunately10. A. light B. friendly C. clean D. warm11. A. destroy B. cut C. remove D. reproduce12. A. replaced B. reserved C. adapted D. recycled13. A. save B. provide C. change D. reduce14. A. problems B. demands C. discoveries D. preferences15. A. promote B. produce C. preserve D. prevent第二节语法填空(共10题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为16—25的相应位置上。
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例:How much is the shirt?A.£19.15.B.£9.1&C.£9.15.答案是C.1.What was the woman disappointed at?A.The environment.B.The food.C.The service.2.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.A photo.B.A movie.C.A language.3.What has the woman taken?A.The camera.B.The sunglasses.C.The passport.4.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In the library.B.In the bookstore.C.In the classroom.5.What is the man advised to do?A.Have more rest.B.Stop being anxious.C.Take some medicine.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6.What does the rescue center do?A.Take care of people.B.Help animals in need.C.Donate money to the zoo.7.What does the rescue center rely on?A.Donations.B.Hospitals.C.The government.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。
8.When did the plane take off?A.At9:30.B.At9:40.C.Atl0:00.9.Why is the man looking for Mr.Bruce Cobber?A.To pick him up.B.To invite him for dinner.C.To make a business deal.10.How does the man feel in the end?A.Annoyed.B.Relaxed.C.Puzzled.第8段材料,回答第11至13题。
11.Why does the man come to the woman's house?A.To rent a flat.B.To paint the walls.C.To visit his friend.12.What can you learn about the flat?A.It is well-equipped.B.It is far from the sea.C.It has four bedrooms.13.What is the man going to do next?A.Go to the bank.B.Pay the deposit.C.Consult with his family第9段材料,回答第14至16题。
14.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Tour guide and traveler.B.Doctor and patient.C.Schoolmates.15.What kind of hikes does the man prefer now?A.Short hikes.B.Long hikes.C.Snow hikes.16.What is the woman concerned about?A.Dangerous animals.B.Severe weather.plex routes.第10段材料,回答第17至20题。
17.What percentage of people surveyed are part-time remote workers?A.49%.B.62%.C.71%.18.Which is the biggest attraction of being remote workers?A.Better work-life balance.B.Less pressure.C.High output.19.What makes remote work a win-win for both employees and employers?A.Longer hours.B.More experience.C.The loyalty of remote workers.20.Why does the speaker give the speech?A.To promote a company.B.To share a job interview.C.To introduce a work pattern.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
ACelebrate Take Your Child to the Library Day with free eventsLibraries across Long Island will offer a variety of face painting,crafts,games and shows this Saturday in celebration of Take Your Child to the Library Day.Here is how libraries around Long Island will celebrate: Harborfields Public libraryYoung children can spend the morning singing and dancing with Ms.Diane Young.Children of all ages can participate in a get—to—know—your—library hunt from12p.m. to2p.m.and2p.m.to4:30p.m.,with a prize awarded to everyone who finishes the hunt.When:11a.m.-4:30p.m.Where:31Broadway,GreenlawnMore info:Free and open to all,tickets are required for the magic and comedy show;631-757-4200,/doc/45fa81ae750bf78a6529647d2 7284b73f3423665.htmlPatchogue-MedfordlibrarySpend the day with the very hungry caterpillar taking photos,playing games and making caterpillar crafts.A library representative will be on hand to talk about library programs and services."it’s a chance for families to come and connect with the library and to learn all about the services that we offer and good for families to spend time together,"said Patchogue-Medford Library children's librarian Elizabeth Ramos.When:1p.m.-3p.m.Where:54-60East Main Street,PatchogueMore info:Free and open to all;631-654-4700, /doc/45fa81ae750bf78a6529647d27284b73f3423665.htmlHenry Waldinger Memorial libraryChildren3months to13years can color and create bookmark crafts.The first25children will receive a free book. The library will also raffle off(抽奖)a basket of books and other goodies.When:10a.m.-4p.m.Where:60Verona Place,Valley StreamMore info:Free and open to all,preference given to V alley Stream library cardholders;516-825-6422,/doc/45fa81ae750bf78a6529647d2 7284b73f3423665.htmlConnetquot Public libraryKids can spend the morning making crafts and taking green screen photos.There will also be a balloon artist and raffles.When:11a.m.-12:30p.m.Where:760Ocean Avenue,BohemiaMore info:Free and open to all;631-567-5079,21.Which activity needs tickets for admission?A.The magic and comedy show.B.Taking green screen photos.C.The morning singing and dancing.D.A get—to—know—your—libraryhunt.22.Which phone number will you ring to join in family activities?A.631-757-4200.B.631-654-4700.C.516-825-6422.D.631-567-5079.23.Which library will offer some free books?A.Harborfields Public Library.B.Patchogue-Medford Library.C.Henry Waldinger Memorial Library.D.Connetquot Public Library.BRising numbers of older adults are unable to care for themselves,often leading to serious health problems and even death,according to state and local government agencies.So-called self-neglect cases generally involve the inability to perform basic self-care,such as providing oneself with food,personal health,medication and safety.Seniors who no longer drive,for instance,are often unable to get to medical appointments,worsening health problems that can make them unable to care for themselves.A fall can result in body injuries leaving one bedridden and unable to care for oneself.Failure to pay bills for public services could lead to service cutoffs.Forgetting to pay rent could lead to the loss of a home.Mr.McCormack,75years old,and his wife,71,both had mental illness and stayed in hospitals from time to time, unable to care for their possessions.Despite repeated visits to their home by local officials,the Mc-Cormacks declined assistance.But after they were found living in their car parked outside their house in December2017, officials removed them from their home and helped them settle in a nursing home.Self-neglect cases,like above,involved144,296people across the country in2018,according to a report.The federal government doesn't have comparable data for previous years,but several state and local service providers say they are seeing the self-neglect problem swell.The reasons seniors stop caring for themselves vary,including illness,depression and poverty.The loss of the spouse or a neighbor who previously kept an eye on an individual often starts a decline into self-neglect, experts say.And the key to reducing self-neglect cases is providing services to enable seniors to remain in their homes safely,such as reliable transportation for medical appointments and shopping,as well as affordable home help.24.What does the author intend to do in paragraph2?A.Give examples of self-neglect cases.B.Provide some advice for seniors.C.Summarize the previous paragraph.D.Introduce a new topic for discussion.25.What do we know about the Mc-Cormacks?A.They longed for help from others.B.They took good care of themselves.C.They couldn't afford to go to hospital.D.They ended up living in the nursing house.26.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Self-care Benefits Greatly the Seniors.B.Self-Neglect Rises Among the Elderly.ernment's Encouragement on Self-care.D.Many Years'Investigation on Self-Neglect.27.What is the text most likely from?A.A science fiction.B.A newspaper.C.A guidebook.D.A fairy tale.CFor much of the20th century,milk was a simple part of daily life in the U.S.,as farmers raised cows,milkmen delivered bottles and children drank it at school.But those days are fading.On January5Borden Dairy,the milk processor with a cheery Elsie the cow on its label, announced to be filing for bankruptcy(破产)protection. Borden Dairy,which said it was affected by"market challenges facing the milk industry,",follows Dean Foods, America's largest milk producer,which filed for bankruptcy protection in November.America has fallen out of love with drinking milk,as there are more lower-calorie options and people are preferring water bottles to milk cartons(盒子).Americans each drank about146lb.of fluid milk-a category that includes products from skim to cream-in2018,according to theUSDA's Economic Research Service.That may sound like a lot,but it's down26%just since2000.The downturn has been tough on milk processors like Borden and Dean,which buy fresh milk from farms and use techniques to create a consumer-safe drink with a longer shelf life.For the past five years,thanks to technology that increased milk production,fresh-milk prices were relatively low,which meant processors could break even although there was shifting demand.Butprices went up again last year,squeezing the processors'already tight profits.'"Declining sales in a business with small profit is not a good recipe for success/5says Mark Stephenson, director of dairy policy analysis at the University of Wisconsin.Milk processors are also facing competition from big retailers(零售商),which have set up their own processing plants.In2018,Walmart opened a milk-processing plant in Indiana to serve hundreds of stores in the Midwest, taking away approximately95million gal.of milk-processing business from Dean Foods.28.What can we learn about American milk industry?A.Consumers favor bottled milk.k producers have cows on their labels.C.Processed milk is losing its popularity.D.Borden Dairy is the largest milk producer.29.What does the underlined part"break even”,in paragraph3probably mean?A.Have no loss.B.Upgrade technology.C.Go bankrupt.D.Produce large quantities of goods.30.What's Mark Stephenson's attitude towards the milk industry?A.Positive.B.Concerned.C.Ambiguous.D.Prejudiced.31.Why have some big retailers brought a challenge to milk processors?A.They open stores abroad.B.They lower the price of milk.C.They process milk by themselves.D.They won't offer fresh milk to processors.DWandering the British Museum,you can see some of the finest objects ever created by human hands.But some of our most precious objects are things that were once thrown away.Today,they have become invaluable tools for learning about the past.On display in Room3,Disposable?exhibits a group of objects:finds from Staple Howe,asettlement sometime between700BC and450BC.These pot pieces,animal bones, and tools were cast aside when they were no longer useful. Thousands of years later they allow us to study the people who made,used,and threw them away.From Staple Howe's rubbish we know that its inhabitants were very resourceful: a broken pot was recycled to make a spindle whorl,and a razor has been heavily sharpened to lengthen its life. The second half of the Disposable?displays the human impact of modem waste in the Pacific Island nations. Single-use products made from plastic are often thrown away poorly.This has led to almost eight million metric tons of plastic entering our oceans every year.A simple yet technically beautiful yellow fishing basket made by Guam artist Guerrero highlights the plastic waste problem in the Pacific.For centuries,fishing baskets inGuam were made of coconut leaves but here Guerrero used plastic wrapping found on his local beach.While the basket is made using traditional techniques,the plastic wrapping is more durable than plant fibers.Guerrero has found a creative and practical way to give this single-use material a second life.Communities across the Pacific are working together to fight the problem through re-purposing thrown—away items and banning some single-use plastic items.However, these local responses can by no means reduce the scale of the problem.The plastic crisis cannot be left to individuals or communities and will take a concerted international effort by governments across the globe. If the rubbish from Staple Howe can help us build stories and details of people living in ancient Britain,what can today's plastic rubbish tell us about ourselves?32.Why are the deserted objects in Staple Howe valuable?A.They were created by hand.B.They were beautifully decorated.C.They consist of precious materials.D.They bear information of life in the past.33.In which way did Guerrero change the traditionalfishing basket?A.Material.B.Technique.C.Color.D.Wrapping.34.The exhibition,Disposable?________.A.is displayed in two roomsB.is held by Pacific communitiesC.displays both ancient and modem itemsD.shows Staple Howe's influence on Pacific communities35.What does the writer suggest about the plastic crisis?A.Leaving it to individuals.B.Holding international concerts.C.Local responses from Staple Howe.D.A united effort by global governments.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。