
Structural Analysis
Para. Para. 1-4
Main Topics
BMW’s mass customization used as a marketing device and an effective means of injecting flexibility into BMW.
1. Lead-in 2. Text A: BMW Drives Germany 3. Text B: How Mass Customization Is
Changing Our World
Case Study
❖MyMuesli, the manufacturer of cereal food, enables the users to customize a food product through online interaction.
Part I Notes
❖Fine art something requiring highly developed techniques and skills
Part II Questions about Part II
❖What’s the main idea of Part II (Para. 5-8)? ❖BMW is in some ways symbolic of German
❖Q1. What is “customization”? Do you like MyMuesli’s customizing its cereal food? Why or why not?
❖However, the company neglected robust processes of mass customization. Whenever a report on customers’ favor was published, the manufacturing capacity was insufficient. For lack of human labor mixing muesli from about 65 different categories of options by hand, the company had to turn down prospective customers by setting a daily order limit.

高级综合商务英语1课件unit1Unit 1: The Global EconomyIntroduction:In today's interconnected world, understanding the global economy is essential for businesses to thrive. This unit will cover key concepts related to the global economy, including international trade, economic systems, and exchange rates. By gaining a deeper understanding of these topics, students will be better equipped to navigate the complexities of the global marketplace.Key Concepts:1. International Trade:International trade plays a crucial role in the global economy, enabling countries to exchange goods and services across borders. In this section, students will learn about the benefits of international trade, including increased economic growth, market access, and specialization. They will also explore key trade theories, such as comparative advantage and the theory of absolute advantage.2. Economic Systems:Different countries have different economic systems that dictate how resources are allocated and goods and services are produced and distributed. Students will learn about the four main types of economic systems – capitalism, socialism, communism, and mixed economies – and their key characteristics. They will also examine the impact of globalization on economic systems and the rise of global supply chains.3. Exchange Rates:Exchange rates play a crucial role in international trade, as they determine the value of one currency relative to another. In this section, students will learn about the factors that influence exchange rates, including interest rates, inflation, and political stability. They will also explore the mechanics of foreign exchange markets and how exchange rates are quoted and calculated.Case Studies:To enhance their understanding of the global economy, students will analyze real-world case studies that illustrate the concepts covered in this unit. These case studies will include examples of successful international companies that have leveraged international trade to expand their business, as well as examples of countries that have experienced economic crisesdue to mismanagement of their economic systems and exchange rate policies.Conclusion:By mastering the concepts covered in this unit, students will be better prepared to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the global economy. Whether they are pursuing a career in international business, finance, or trade, a solid understanding of the global economy will be a valuable asset in today's competitive marketplace.。

Lead-in Discussion 1---reference
1. In the future, most of human living activities can be accomplished at home:
Lead-in Discussion 1---reference
2. For the second question, students may give their own answers but need to justify them. A good search engine should pay attention to the following factors:
Google is a quirk company which always initiates some unexpected plans for development. But now it is confronted with two challenges: The first involves placating regulators, who fret that the company may be abusing its considerable power, while the second is how to find new sources of growth.
Part I Questions about Part I
Q3. Will Google end up as “Microsoft version two ”?
Probably. Because its main business---online searching will someday be replaced by other companies’ services such as Facebook and Apple, both of which can provide information searching more conveniently than Google.

One-size-fits-all strategy
▪ same products ▪ same production methods ▪ same corporate policies ▪ same advertising
Gillette: the US razor maker
▪ dominate the worldwide markets: 70% ▪ “We’ll only be in markets where we can be
• Condit‘s career has spanned more than 35years of service to Boeing. In 1997,he was elected chairman.He is the seventh chairman since the company was founded in 1916.
▪ Globalisation increases competition among companies.
▪ Competition will increase employment everywhere.
▪ Globalisation could lead to big employment problems in the West.
Percy Barnevik, Swedish business leader
• What does Barnevik mean by it?
He means that company X responds to local needs with local solutions, but nevertheless has a general global strategy and a global communication system which keeps everyone pulling in the same direction.

Research and discussion
• Julius Caesar • Duke of Normandy • Old English • Latin • French • Middle English • A Table Alphabeticall • Samuel Johnson • Webster • Oxford
2. Reveal the true, objectionable nature of (someone or something)
e.g. He has been exposed as a liar and a traitor.
3. If someone is exposed to something dangerous or unpleasant, they are put in a situation in which it might affect them. e.g. Most people in the world are non-smokers and have a right not to be exposed to other people's smoround
Detailed Reading
国际商务英语unit 1ppt课件

Vernon: Product Life Cycle Theory
As products (markets) mature, both the location of sales and of (optimal) production change, thereby affecting the pattern of exports and imports For many, especially technology products, the pattern is:
Warming up questions
1. Why do we learn trade theories, and how many do you know?
2. How do they explain or affect the pattern of world trade?
3. What benefits can we get by learning these theories?
Instruments of Trade Policy
Tariffs Subsidies Import quotas (and “voluntary” export restraints Local content requirements Administrative trade policies (bureaucratic
David Hume (1752) critique on mercantilism
高级综合商务英语1 彭青龙 unit6 commercial litigationPPT教学课件

Case 3
• Mrs. Merv Grazinski purchased a new 32foot Winnebago motor home. On her first trip home, having driven on to the freeway, she set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the driver’s seat to go to the back to make herself a sandwich. The motor home left the freeway, crashed and overturned. Mrs. Grazinski sued Winnebago for not putting in the owner’s manual that she couldn’t leave the driver’s seat while cruise control was set.
Part II
Sentence Interpretation
In the worst situation, a lawyer can be perceived of as a gadfly, a Cassandra that can place a damper on the enthusiasm for a deal. (Line 6, Para. 2 )
Part I
Words and Expressions
• draft (Para. 1) n. a current of air in an enclosed area • example:
Although it is not true that getting wet or being in a draft causes a cold (a person has to come in contact with the virus to catch a cold), certain conditions such as fatigue and overwork, emotional stress, and poor nutrition may lead to increased susceptibility.
高级综合商务英语 彭青龙 Unit Globalization

Part I Questions about Part I
Q3. What is the meaning of “line business” (Para. 1)?
Line business or line of business, is a general term which often refers to a set of one or more highly related products which service a particular customer transaction or business need.
Part I Words and Expressions
entity (Line. 13, Para. 2) n. an entity is something that exists separately from
other things and has a clear identity of its own. In business, it refers to a person, partnership, organization, or business that has a legal and separately identifiable existence.
• Globalization brings trade conflicts.
Cultural Identity
• With different cultures around the world beginning to interact, our cultural identity is changed gradually through globalization.
unit 1 商务英语 ppt课件

Tariff & Barrier
Tariff :an amount that must be paid when particular goods are imported into a country or occasionally when they are exported.
UN (United Nations)
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
IMF International Monetary Fund
World Bank World Bank Group
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
email…… the quick spread of SARS and other epidemics? the sending of peace corps to war-areas in the other parts of the world? Toyota outsources its auto parts to U.S manufacturers
What is the relationship between globalization and international organizations?
What are international organizations?
Can you recognize these organizations?
economic recession
geographical disparities

7th Secretary-General of the United Nations (January 1997 -- December 2006)
Quotation 2
"Globalization has changed us into a company that searches the world, not just to sell or to source, but to find intellectual capital -- the world's best talents and greatest ideas." -- Jack Welch
Four Basic Aspects of Globalization (by IMF) trade and transactions capital and investment movements migration and movement of people dissemination of knowledge environmental challenges climate change cross-boundary water and air pollution over-fishing of the ocean
Warm-up Questions Quiz Quotation Mini Case
Warm-up Questions Quiz Quotat"It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity." -- Kofi Anna
商务英语 Unit 1 globalisationPPT课件

We are not a global business. We are a collection of local business with intense global coordination.
Percy Barnevik(1988-2002) Swedish business leader
Unit One Globalisation
Listening Warm-up discussion
For or against globalisation?
•Destroys cultural diversity •Homogenizes our world •Bankrupts local small businesses
Listening Warm-up discussion
For or against globalisation?
•Weakens protection of the environment •Reduces autonomy of governments
•Helps raise people’s awareness of environmental protection •Helps build efficient government
CEO and later Chairman of Asea
Brown Boveri(阿西布朗勃法瑞公
Unit one Globalisation
Starting up understand globalisation

Intensive Reading
The Nature of Politics: Realism and Idealism
Hale Waihona Puke ara 1❖ We can build on … the future politics.
In order to understand how we might reach the future politics, we can make use of Frost’s poem. In this poem, he states that there are two roads in front of us, the traditional one which many people have taken, and the other one which fewer people have taken.
2).Pay attention to the tone of the author in this sentence. The word “advent”, with the original meaning referring to the coming of Jesus Christ, which actually is interpreted as almighty and great love in Western civilization, is used here together with the “nuclear weapons”, which is damaging and bringing disasters to the whole human beings, therefore, the author’s ironical tone is quite obvious.

Lead-in Discussion
Study the following personality models and then discuss with your partner about your personalities and the types of jobs you each may fit.
Lead-in Hints
Success isn’t always about matching a job to a personality; it can also result from the personality opening up more opportunities in the work force -- often through effective networking. Extroverts tend to have a much larger network than introverts, affecting the number of external connections they have to the work force. This will place them at a distinct advantage if it means they wind up with more occupational choices.
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Part I Questions about Part I
Q1. What is the main idea of part one (Para. 13)?
In part one, the author talks about the history of development of multinational companies and then introduces their latest movement, which is to expand rapidly, especially in those emerging markets.
• Globalization brings trade cபைடு நூலகம்nflicts.
Cultural Identity
• With different cultures around the world beginning to interact, our cultural identity is changed gradually through globalization.
Outsourcing, while it provides jobs to a population in one country, takes away those jobs from another country, leaving many persons without opportunities.
1. Lead-in 2. Text A: The Empire Strikes Back 3. Text B: Disney Theme Park
A Normal Day
• Maybe your coat could have very well been made with Chinese cotton sewed by Thai hands, shipped across the Pacific on a French freighter crewed by Spaniards to Shanghai harbor. This international exchange is becoming increasingly popular.
• Global competition encourages creativity and innovation and keeps prices for commodities/services in check.
Keep ..in check 使..受抑制、约束
• Globalization changes our employment.
Para. 4-7 The benefits big multinationals obtain in the process of globalization.
Para. 814
The advantages enjoyed by big multinationals over their local rivals and the existing problems on both parts.
• A warm-up discussion on the pros and cons of globalization.
• Globalization changes our ways of communication.
• Costs of telephone calls as well as travel have fallen. Communication is cheaper and easier.
Part I Questions about Part I
Q 2. When people talking about emerging market, what are the countries or regions that they are referring to? (Para. 1)
Emerging markets are nations with social or business activity in the process of rapid growth and industrialization. The seven largest emerging and developing economies are the BRIC countries (, Brazil, Russia, India and China), as well as Mexico, Indonesia, and Turkey.
• Mobile phones have surpassed their original use.
------Steve ·Jobs
(February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011)
• Globalization changes our ways of thinking.
pros and cons
Does globalization bring more benefits or harms to our world?
Structural Analysis
Para. Para. 1-3
Main Topics
Taking IBM as an example to give an overview of the past and present of big multinationals.
• There is a greater access to foreign culture in the form of movies, music, food, clothing, and more.
• In short, the world has more choices.