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1.In the past, people spent their entire lives doing one job. But nowadays, they change their jobs frequently. Please give the reasons and your suggestions.

nowadays thousands of employees move from one job to another in rapid succession . Conventional reasons people give for job hopping include lousy bosses, miserable salaries and hostile work environments. Yet the fundamental reason has always been hidden and thus ignored by the general public.

The job hopping frenzy can be attributed mainly to the remarkable social changes taking place nowadays. Neither employers nor employees directly link long service with loyalty now. Employers no longer think that the number of employers an individual has worked for provided the best measure of loyalty. This means there is scope for employees to switch jobs with relative ease and take charge of their own progression and development at their own pace.

It should be noticed that sometimes employees choose to leave because they find that the jobs or the workplaces are far from what they have expected. The working hours are not as promised, training or promotions don’t come through, and managers may have misrepresented pay offers. To narrow expectations, HR managers should sample job experiences before the interview to give job candidates a more complete picture about working in the company.

单词注释:distressing: adj. 使苦恼的,使烦恼的;frenzy:n. 疯狂traumatic: adj. 痛苦的progressive:adj. 稳步发展得,进步的succession:n. 连续,连续性irresistible:adj. 不可抵抗的,不能压制的lousy:adj. 非常糟的,极坏的irretrievable: adj. 不能挽回的,不能复原的miserable:adj. 少得可怜的,极少的come through:传出,公布hostile:adj. 有阻碍的,不利的misrepresent:v. 歪曲,不如实地叙述fundamental:adj. 根本的,基本的sample:vt. 取样,采样

2.What are the main tasks of universities: to offer students knowledge and skills essential for their future career, or to provide students with access to knowledge itself? What do you think university education should contain?

Universities around the world are now facing the problem of how to efficiently use their resources to serve a larger population of students that are more culturally and socially diversified. To solve the problem, universities should be perfectly aware of their main tasks:providing students with easy access to knowledge and, at the same time, encouraging them to make active contribution to the advancement of human knowledge.

Universities should, first of all, be learning communities where knowledge is not only disseminated but also advanced. As full-fledged members of this community, students should not be information recipients who learn the knowledge in a passive way. Instead, they should be challenged to achieve their potential and, indeed, to excel. Therefore, rather than focus merely on knowledge dissemination and transfer, universities should contrive to provide learning conditions that encourage students to remain curious, to value diversity in opinions and perspectives, and to think critically and communicate effectively. In this way, students can gain problem-solving experience and confidence.

Furthermore, universities will never attain their goals if they tailor all their courses or programs to meet the needs of specific employers or occupational sectors. Today’s social environment is more dynamic and turbulent than ever before. Only those graduates who possess certain personality traits and can do well in diversified situations can distinguish themselves from other job applicants.

In order to fulfill the main tasks of universities, university education should contain amply
