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Sentence Stress 语句重音(一)


1)名词一般情况下名词在句中应重读。例如:An elephant is an animal.(大象是一种动物)2)形容词一般都有语句重音。如:Her shirt is blue and white.(她的裙子是蓝、白色)3)数词分为基数词和序数词,两者在句中都应重读。例如:John is nine.(约翰9岁)My second brother is a doctor.(我的二哥是个医生)4)实义动词实义动词有完整的意义,能在句中作谓语,一般都有语句重音。例如:Mary loves her dolls.(玛丽爱她的洋娃娃)She sings well.(她很会唱歌)5)副词大都在句中要重读。如:speaks English slowly and carefully.(他说起英语来又慢又小心)(6)代词指具有语句重音的代词,如①指示代词:this, that, these, those ②返身代词:myself, yourself, himself 如:He himself hurt his own feet.(是他自己伤着了自己的脚)③不定代词:some, every, all, both, none, other, many, few, somebody, something等等。如:Everybody was late.(每个人都迟到了)We are many, they are few. (我们人多,他们人少。) Some are red, some are blue.(有一些是红色的,有些是蓝色的)④疑问代词:who, whom, whose, what, which等。如:Who is that? (那是谁?) Whose bag can it be?(这能是谁的包呢?)What would you like to eat?(你想吃点什么?)Which is your sister? (哪位是你的姐妹?)7)叹词叹词在句中一般都要重读。例如,Oh, it’s snowing!(啊,在下雪。) Hey, that’s a nice shot!(嗨,那是个好球!) My, what a downpour!(哎呀,好大的雨啊!)Dear me!(表示惊讶:哎呀!)



1)冠词冠词有两种:①a(或an) ②the, 两者在句中一般都不重读。

2)代词指没有语句重音的代词。如:①人称代词I, me, you, he, him, she, her等。②物主代词 my, your, his, her, its, or, their 3)动词指非实义动词如:①助动词 be(am, is, are, were, was), shall(should), will(would)have(has, had), do(does, did) ②情态动词can(could), may(might), must, have to(has to, had to), shall(should), will(would), ought to, dare, need, used to等。这些情态动词在语句中一般没有重音。

4)连词一般在句中不重读的连词有①等立连词,如:and, or, for, but;

②比较连词,如:as, than ③从属连词,如:(if, when, while, since, now that, as if(though等。

5)介词介词(尤其是单音节介词)如出现在句子中间时一般不重读。常见的单音节介词有:at, by, for, from, of, to, into等。


Sentence Stress

Since speech is made up of words strung together, we must also look at these words in groups, in phrases or in sentences in order to observe what happens to the stress pattern. In natural connected speech, for various reasons, some words are stressed, others are not. The stress in a sentence is called sentence stress (句重音). Sentence stress can be classified into three types: sense stress (表意重音), logical stress (逻辑重音) and emotional stress ( 感情重音).

I. Sense stress

Sense stress is a very common phenomenon in connected speech. The distribution of such stresses is subject to the meaning that the speaker wishes to convey. In normal speech we put stress on words semantically important. Such words are called content or lexical words (实词), such as nouns, adjectives, adverbs, notional verbs, numerals, interjections, demonstrative, interrogative pronouns and the absolute form of the possessive pronouns; the unimportant ones are called form or structural words (虚词或结构词),which are used to join together' the words that carry meaning. In unemphatic speech, such words are usually unstressed. They are articles, monosyllabic prepositions, monosyllabic conjunctions, personal pronouns, possessive
