英语电影赏析ppt 1

Fundamentals of Film
The origin of movies can be traced back to the late 19th century, when the Lumi è re brothers invented the Cinematography and screened the first short films Since then, movies have developed quickly and become one of the most popular art fo Narrative Techniques and Techniques of Movies
Overview of English Movies
The History and Cultural Background of English Movies
The birth of English movies: The development of English movies can be traced back to the late 19th century, when the first motion pictures were created English filmmakers quickly realized the potential of this new media and started to produce movies that reflect the culture and society of the country
Appreciation of English Movies
Fundamentals of Film Overview of English Movies The Language Characteristics of English Movies The Cultural Annotation of English Movies Recommendation Methods for English Movies Film reviews and recommendations for English movies

With the outbreak of war, the protagonist's life began to undergo changes. His bookstore was closed, and he was forced to leave his hometown to serve in the military.
main plot
The protagonist's sacrifice
In order to protect his son's childlike innocence and happiness, the protagonist sacrificed himself in the war, ultimately allowing his son to live safely.
• Movie Introduction • Synopsis of the plot • Role analysis • Movie Theme and Significance • Film production techniques and styles • Personal feedback
The protagonist works in a bookstore and enjoys reading. He often shares his insights and insights with customers.
Family life
The protagonist lives a simple and happy life with his wife and son. Although they are not wealthy, they always support and care for each other.

夜煞 night fury
无牙是被当地人称为夜煞的 神秘种类的一员,他所喷出的是极具冲击力的强 有力的雷电,而不是像其他人那样的火焰,可以 对对手造成致命的打击。他是龙族非常稀有且最 危险聪明的龙。他也是敏捷而又灵活的飞行者, 但他却并不像他的其它同伴那样粗暴,他们从不 偷取食物,人们对他凶残的理解是错误的,他实 际上很温顺、很可爱、有丰富的面部表情,被驯 服后就忠诚无比,愿意冒着危险救出主人。
• • • • •
除了制片阵容强大之外,本片的配音 阵容也巨星如云,以下依次有: 杰伊· 巴鲁切尔(饰/希卡普) 杰拉德· 巴特勒(饰/史图依克) 克雷格· 佛格森(饰/戈伯) 亚美莉卡· 费雷拉(饰/亚丝翠) 乔纳· 希尔(饰/乔根森)
电影原声怎么听都是那么津津有味, 仪态万千,丝毫不会 想到自己听到的 其实就是同一段旋律的多种变奏而已。 • 约翰在创作技法一方面继续采用的自己 • 一贯较为擅长的昂扬基调,另一方面在 • 旋律的编配上输入更加完整统一的框架 • 和丰富多样的点缀,最终取得的效果自 • 然比之前的水准之作《史莱克》和《功 • 夫熊猫》还要成熟丰满,具有独立欣赏 • 的艺术品格。这种经过纯正古典配乐技 • 法严谨完整的思路深思熟虑之后所完成 • 的乐章,无论是影响力还是持久力都远 • 远超出MV配乐人以往那种仅仅能在聆听 的第一时间抓住观众的听觉快餐。总体 • 来说,这部《驯龙记》的出现,为绝无 • 废章的原声佳作榜又添上了一个耀眼的 名字,对此,我很想赞一声:“好个鲍 威尔,干得漂亮,加油!”
3. 丑陋双头龙
Hideous Zippleback
4. 极度恐惧 TerribleTerror
5. 葛伦科
6.丑陋双头龙 Hideous Zippleback

1. 1826
The technological groundwork for motion
pictures was laid by the invention
o2f. p1h8o8t9ographyThe key breakthrough came with the
introduction by
3. 1890s Thomas KEoddiaskonofancdelLluumlioeirde. brothers in
Culture refers to the entire way of life of a society.
All of these only could be found in movies.
赏 析 3. Different culture with different valu Culture refers to state of intellectual development of a society and the customs, arts, social institutions, etc. of a particular group or people.
1. Introduction
English Movies ------- English Motion Pictures
In order to make us familiar to British and American intonation and pronunciation, to understand the inter-culture between China and Western countries, to understand the background and culture in the movies, to get sensibility of native speaking to know the way of main media impact on modern social life, to be ware of the schools of literature and its effect to the motion picture industry, there are enough reasons to see English language movies.
律政俏佳人 ( 英语电影赏析)ppt

Matthew Davis is the youngest man (only 23) between these leading actors. He has performed some famous films including Urban Legends:The Final Cut (都市传奇 终极版) 珍珠港) 终极版)and Pearl Harbour (珍珠港).
Congratulations, Class of 2004, we did it!"
One aspect of filmmaking
The movie was really hot at that time.It is just as easy as honey.The little girl's small mind and colorful dream world can always evoke your heart of innocence and the yearning for beautiful things.The most unforgettable thing is that----the colour of pink.The hat, clothes, skirt,high-heeled shoes, telephone, car, laptop and even the clothes of the pet dog are pink which blot out the sky and cover up the earth. Every girl’s eyes lit up watching the film. It’s just a dream world. It not only make Reese Witherspoon popular, but also drive the tide of pink.

Chinese and En
• Movie Introduction • Character analysis • Film Theme Analysis • Classic lines in movies • The influence and inspiration of movies
Thomas Gardner has a close relationship with his father, Chris, and their shared love for basketball. He also forms strong relationships with several other characters in the story, particularly his classmate, Sam.
Character Development
Chris's character goes through significant changes throughout the course of the story. He starts out as a man with nothing, and by the end, he has achieved success and happiness.
The influence and inspiration of movies
Inspiration for personal growth
Inspire individuals to pursue personal growth and self-improvement. Movies can show characters overcoming challenges and growing through experience, encouraging audience members to do the same in their own lives.

Fun staff in the movie
• Trivia: • When Annie narrates the things she knows about
nannies are what she learned from the movies, the tune for the song "Chim, Chim, Cheree," from the movie Mary Poppins (1964), can be heard playing in the background . • Goofs: • Continuity: When Harvard Hottie is reading the letter from Mrs. X at the end of the movie, the words he says do not match the words on the letter.
• Scarlett Johansson as Annie Braddock • Chris Evans as Hayden "Harvard Hottie" • Laura Linney as Mrs. Alexandra X • Paul Giamatti as Mr. Stan X • Nicholas Art as Grayer Addison X • Donna Murphy as Judy Braddock • Alicia Keys as Lynette • Nina Garbiras as Miss Chicago • Brande Roderick as Tanya • Heather Simms as Murnel • Julie White as Jane Gould • Judith Roberts as Milicent

• 他们夜晚无家可归,就睡在收容所、地铁站、公共浴室,一切可 以暂且栖身的空地;白天没钱吃饭,就排队领救济,吃着勉强裹 腹的食物。生活的穷困让人沮丧无比,但为了儿子的未来,为了 自己的信仰,克里斯咬紧牙关,始终坚信:只要今天够努力,幸 福明天就会来临!皇天不负苦心人,克里斯最终成为一名成功的 投资专家。
威尔· 史密斯饰演Chris并且做 了一个出色的工作,这些都真正 地感动和鼓舞了我。威尔· 史密 斯饰演了一个在1980年代住在 旧金山的平凡的人。
The Pursuit of Happyness
Chris Ghana(Will Smith) is a clever salesman, his hard work hard work, but overall no way to make a better life at home. His wife, Linda, after all, because we can not endure the pressure of breadwinners and left Chris, leaving only him and 5-year-old son, Christopher had each other. The dead-end down and the cause of failure, but also became a single father, Chris's bank account or even only a 21 money, because the money to pay the rent, he and his son had been thrust out of the apartment.
The Pursuit of Happyness

2.列举一些令人印象深刻或夺人眼球的成功片名Ghost(人鬼情未了);American Beauty(美国丽人);Windspeaks (风语者)3.电影片名不同译本的鉴赏比对Sound of Music“仙乐飘飘何处闻” VS “音乐之声”Ghost “第六感生死恋” VS “幽灵” VS “人鬼情未了The Lives of Others “别人的生活” VS “窃听风暴”Pretty Woman “漂亮女人” VS “风月俏佳人” VS “麻雀变凤凰”Catch Me if You Can “逍遥法外” VS “猫鼠游戏”4.电影片名翻译的要求(原则)1)经济效益原则就片商制片的目的看,他们不仅是借助电影这一艺术形式达到丰富人们文化生活,促进人际间的交流,还要赚取利润,也就是它必须产生社会经济效益。
●如Sound of Music 在台湾曾被译为“仙乐飘飘何处闻”就令观众颇为不解。
一些奥斯卡经典影片如Waterloo Bridge译为“魂断蓝桥”也已成为经典之作。
●the Third Man 曾被译为“第三者”,给人的第一印象是爱情旋涡里的三角恋,而本片的第三者其实是指目睹一场凶杀的第三个目击者。

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The history of film is simplified by its shortness .
• Early Cinema • Classical Hollywood Cinema • Post - Classical Hollywood Cinema
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1977:《星球大战 新希望 》 全球票房:7.754亿美元 1980:《星球大战Ⅱ 帝国反击战》 全球票房:5.4亿美元 1983:《星球大战Ⅲ 绝地归来 》 全球票房:4.75亿美元 1999:《星球大战前传Ⅰ 魅影危机》 全球票房:9.43亿美元 2002:《星球大战前传Ⅱ 克隆人的进攻》 全球票房:6.5亿美元 2005:《星球大战前传Ⅲ 西斯的复仇》 全球票房:8.5亿美元
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《 后 窗 》
《 美 人 计 》
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Charlie Chaplin查理· 卓别林 Buster Keaton勃斯特· 基顿
《淘金记》(1925)、《城市之光》(1931)、《摩登时代》(1936)、 《大独裁者》(1940)、《凡尔杜先生》(1947)、《舞台生涯》(1952)、 《一个国王在纽约》(1957)等。

English movies have a variety of styles, including realistic simplicity and naturalness, romantic aestheticism, and avant-garde innovation in modernism. At the same time, English movies are also good at absorbing elements from other cultures, forming diverse style characteristics.
English films have developed into various genres, such as realism, romanticism, naturalism, etc., which have had a profound impact on later film production.
English movies can be classified based on various criteria such as theme, style, and production region, such as drama films, comedy films, action films, horror films, etc.

In D o ra „s e n g a g e m e n t p a rty .G u id o w in s h e r h e a rt
They get married a lovely boy Giosué O re fic e
Love is a n unknow n pla ce tha t no sa ying from a ll a round the world ca n e xpla in.
O ne da y som e one w a lk into your life , the n you w ill re a liz e tha t love is a lw a ys w orth w a iting
H a ppine ss is just on m y ha nds, a nd e ve n lost se nse of dire ction, but still not a fra id.
W e fig h t. W e c ry .
A n d s o m e tim e s , w e g iv e u p .
B u t in o u r h e a rts , w e k n o w it's s till fu ll o f lo v e . S o a lw a y s re m e m b e r ,life is b e a u tifu l
电影赏析PPT mary and max

部分翻译: 我原谅你是因为你不是完人,你并不是完美无 暇而我也是,人无完人,即便是那些在门外乱扔杂 物的人,我年轻时想变成任何一个人除了自己,伯 纳德哈斯豪夫医生说如果我在一个孤岛上,那么我 就要适应一个人生活,只有椰子和我,他说我必须 要接受我自己,我的缺点和我的全部,我们无法选 择自己的缺点,它们也是我们的一部分然而我们必 须适应它们,然而我们能选择我们的朋友,我很高 兴选择了你。 伯纳德哈斯豪夫医生还说,每个人的人生就是 一条很长的人行道,有的很整洁,而有的像我一样, 有裂缝香蕉皮和烟头,你的人行道象我一样,但是 没有我的这么多裂缝。有朝一日,希望你我的人行 道会相交在一起,到时候我们可以分享一罐炼乳。 你是我最好的朋友。你是我唯一的朋友。
主要人物介绍: Max:
马克斯· 霍尔维茨是一个居 住在乱糟糟的纽约的肥胖的, 患有亚斯伯格症(自闭症的一 种)的44岁犹太人。他的人生 只有三个目标:朋友,拥有全 部的最喜欢的动画“诺布利特” 的玩偶,吃不完的巧克力。
可以综合为以下几个现象: 1、对常规无法理解或僵化规则。 2、对突如其来的转变感到不安,甚至出现不稳 定的情绪。 3、患者的情绪成熟度只有年龄2/3左右。 4、执著一种或多种特定且不具功能性的行为。 5、在分辨真实与虚拟世界上有困难。 而对于 兴趣方面,患者一般会对一种或多种异常强烈 的兴趣模式。 6. 固执或狭窄兴趣。
最终Max还是原谅了Mary 这是Max给Mary的最后一封信:
Dear Mary, Please find enclosed my entire Noblet collection as a sign that I forgive you. When I received your book, the emotions inside my brain felt like they were in a tumble dryer, smashing into each other. The hurt felt like when I accidentally stapled my lips together. The reason I forgive you is because you are not perfect. You are imperfect and so am I. All humans are imperfect, even the men outside my apartment who litters. When I was young, I wanted to be anybody but myself. Dr. Bernard Hazelhof said if I was on a desert island then I would have to get used to my own company, just me and the coconuts. He said I would have to accept myself, my warts and all, and that we don't get to choose our warts. They are

诗歌本身所企望的自由,却被各种格律、音韵 所牵制,如同关押于牢笼的囚鸟,支不开羽翼。 流浪诗人基廷终究做不了救世主,他唯能尽力 寻求改变。尼尔死去时,他沉默得让人害怕, 他长久地盯着自己的影子,恍若整个身躯要陷 落到影子里。他是船长,但终究也是海盗。 所幸的是,终有东西被传承下来,关于自由和 希望的信仰,关于诗歌的真谛
彼得·威尔 Tom C h u l man
罗伯特·肖恩·莱纳德 128 分钟 1989年6月2日 USA:PG英语彩色.
故事发生在50年代末美国佛蒙特州的威尔顿学院,这是一所 著名的男生大学预科学校,以校风严谨著称,崇尚 “Tradition传统、Honor荣誉、Discipline纪律、Excellence卓越” 的校训。开学典礼气氛肃穆,美丽的威尔顿学院又迎来了一 批新的学员为了能考上著名大学,孩子们开始了学院里古板
给林肯的那首诗《Oh Captain, My Captain》,然后他让孩子们称他为船
基廷,这个彻头彻尾的诗人,这位 不朽的船长,是你,潜移默化、 不遗余力地启发我们,唤醒我们 沉睡的心灵。你的教育里无时无 刻不在渗透着这样一种气质:生 命的激情、独立的思想、坚持梦 想及勇气。