

人教版高中英语必修第一册《Unit 3 Sports and Fitness》说课稿

人教版高中英语必修第一册《Unit 3 Sports and Fitness》说课稿

人教版高中英语必修第一册《Unit 3 Sports and Fitness》说课稿一、教材简介《Unit 3 Sports and Fitness》是人教版高中英语必修第一册中的一个单元,本单元的主题为体育和健康,通过讲解体育和健康的相关话题,旨在帮助学生提高英语听、说、读、写的能力,并培养学生的健康意识。







2.教学材料:–学生教材《Unit 3 Sports and Fitness》;–多媒体课件;–教师准备好的教案和教学素材。

五、教学过程Step 1 导入新课1.利用多媒体课件呈现关于体育和健康的图片,引发学生对话题的兴趣。

Step 2 自主学习1.让学生阅读教材中与体育和健康相关的文章和短文,理解文章的大意,并且标记出重点词汇和句型。

Step 3 合作学习1.将学生分成小组,让他们合作进行角色扮演,模拟对话,并运用学到的语言知识。

Step 4 拓展学习1.利用多媒体课件播放一段关于体育和健康的视频或音频,让学生进行听力练习,理解并记录关键信息。

Step 5 角色扮演1.分发角色扮演卡片给每个学生,让他们根据卡片上的角色信息进行小组活动,模拟真实情景,锻炼语言表达能力。



Lesson Plan InterpretationNSEFC Book1 Unit3 Travel JournalHello, everyone. It’s an honor for me to stand here and interpret my lesson. The lessonplan I am going to talk about is from NSEFC Book 1 Unit 3 Travel Journal. I’ll explain how to teach and why do so from the following 5 aspects: the theoretical basis, understandingof the teaching material, teaching methods and studying ways, teaching procedure,blackboard design.Ⅰ. The theoretical basisFirst, I’d like to show my theoretical basis--schema theory and top-down model (Goodman,1971). Journey down the Mekong is a reading course. According to schema theory,reading comprehension is an interactive process between the re ader’s backgroundknowledge and the text (Carrel and Eisterhold, 1983), or between the new information andthe old knowledge store (Anderson and Pearson, 1984). So in order to improve thestudents’ reading speed and reading comprehension, language teachers should try toactivate the Ss’ old knowledge store and add more relevant background knowledgebefore they get the students to read. According to the top-down model, general idea of thetext will be got first, and then come the details.II.Understanding of the teaching materialMy understanding of the teaching material includes 3 parts: the status and the function,teaching objectives, the important and difficult points.At the beginning, let’s focus on the first part. Journey down the Mekong is a pie ce of traveljournal written by Wang Kun. It’s mainly about Wang Kun and his sister’s dream of taking a great bike trip down the Mekong River, their preparation for the trip and some moredetails of the Mekong River. General speaking, it is not difficult for the students tounderstand the text, but there are some new phrases and sentences that may be a little bitdifficult. So before the students’ first reading, I will explain the new words and phrasesbriefly and after reading the whole passage, I will embody the usage of the news wordsand phrases, and get the student understand the difficult sentences. As it is a piece ofjournal, besides learning the new words and phrases, students can get the general idea ofhow to write a journal.That’s all for the first part, now let’s move to the second part. According to the teaching material and the new curriculum of English, in order to fulfill the learning task of this lesson,I establish the following objectives:a) Knowledge objectivesBy the end of the lesson, Ss will have a better understanding of the meaning and structureof the text. Then Ss will grasp some useful words and expressions such as determined,make up one’s mind, give in, be fond of …, care about…, stubborn, etc.b) Ability objectivesActually students should be encouraged to do speed reading in the first period ofreading lesson. But the students in my class are lack of independent reading ability. In thisclass, I will encourage and help them to read, think and find out information by themse lvesmost time. Since the main objective of reading course is to improve the Ss’ reading ability, I’ll train their ability of identifying the general idea in the fast reading. And in intensivereading their ability of information-gathering and summarizing is developed. And thewhole class is for Ss to develop their reading skills as scanning, skimming,information-gathering, summarizing and guessing the new words from the text.c) Moral objectivesThough Journey down the Mekong is mainly about the trip down the river, it also talksabout the scenery and life along the river. So before learning the text, we will have a shortdiscussion about the importance of the river. I want the Ss to have the awareness ofprotecting the river and protecting our environment.Well, so much for the teaching objectives, let's come to deal with the third part: theimportant points and the difficult points. According to the national curriculum of Englishand language learning theory, when teaching reading, we should encour age the Ss to dospeed reading for the first time, that’s to say, we should encourage our Ss to read as fastas they can when they do the first reading. So much emphasis should be put on readingskills and reading comprehension as well. So the important points are that how to makeSs grasp the new words and phrases and how to improve their reading skills as scanning,skimming, information-gathering and summarizing. As to the difficult points, they are thesame as the important ones.III. Teaching methods and studying waysThat’s all for my understanding of the teaching material. Now let’s focus on the ways of teaching and learning.Generally speaking, I adopt task-based language teaching and communicativeapproach in my class. As for learning, Ss will learn through independent reading,discussing and cooperating.I will use computer and blackboard as my teaching aids.Ⅳ. Teaching procedureHere comes the most important part, the teaching procedure. It includes 5 steps: Step I:Lead-in and pre-reading, Step II: While-reading, Step III: Consolidation, Step IV:Post-reading, Step V: Homework.Step I: Lead-in and pre-reading (7mins)Now let’s come to the first step. There are three activities in this step and I will spend7mins on them.In activity one, I will ask Ss two questions "Do you know some great rivers in China?"and "Why they are great?” Here, as the Ss get familiar with the Chinese great rivers, Ichoose to ask them some great rivers in China. And the answer to the second questioncan lead in the next activity--brainstorming.In activity two, I will ask the Ss to discuss in pairs and answer the question "How dopeople who live along a river use it?” My purpose of this activity is to remind the Ss theimportance of the river, thus stimulate the Ss' awareness of protecting the rivers.In the last activity, I will show the Ss a picture of the Mekong River and ask them to listthe countries that it flows through. This activity leads in the while-reading.Step II: While-reading (21mins)While-reading is the main part and it will take 21mins. Here I adopt the top-down readingmodel. This step is divided into 2 parts: fast reading and careful reading. Before reading, Iwill ask the Ss to predict what will talk in the text according to the title. It can exert the Ss'imagination.1) Fast readingDuring fast reading, I will ask the Ss to reading the whole passage quickly and get themain idea of each paragraph. Usually, the main idea of each paragraph is the firstsentence or the last sentence, but this text is not. So the main idea of each paragraph willbe matched because the Ss are lack of the skill of summarizing the main idea bythemselves.2) Careful readingAfter getting the general idea of each Para., I will deal with the details Para. by Para..In paragraph one, I will ask the Ss to read quickly and do the exercises T or F. And if it isF, I will ask them to correct it. This exercise can help the Ss get the key information of thefirst paragraph in a short time and can deepen th e Ss’ understanding of the firstparagraph.In paragraph two, I will ask Ss one question “Is it a difficult journey to cycle along theMekong? Why?” This can help the Ss develop their ability of summarizing. If the Ss can’t answer the question briefly, I will encourage them to find the key sentences and try to jointhem together.And in the last paragraph, I will ask Ss two questions “How does the water of MekongRiver change?” and “What can you see when you travel along the Mekong River?” Both questions are required to answer in keys word. In order to lower the difficulty of thequestions, I will show them the examples. After that, I will present some pictures todeepen the Ss’ impression on the new words. And these two questions can help the Ssgain a deeper understanding on the Mekong River.Step III: Consolidation (6mins)After dealing with the detailed information of each paragraph, I will ask the Ss to read thelwhole passage again and answer two questions to consolidate what they’ve learnt. It wiltake 6 minutes. The two questions are “Where is the source of the Mekong River andwhich sea does it enter?” and “How do Wang Kun and Wang Wei prepare for the trip?” Itis easy for the Ss to find the answer to the first question in the text. As to the se condquestion, it may be a little difficult, so I will list some tips for the Ss to find the answer moreeasily.Step IV: Post-reading (10mins)That’s all for the while-reading. Now let’s move to the fourth step. In this step, I will design two activities and I will spend 10 minutes on them.The first activity is filling in the blanks. In this activity, Ss are required to find the different attitudes of Wang Kun and Wang Wei to the trip, and then the teacher will express her attitude to this trip. After demonstrating, Ss are encouraged to express their attitudes. Itcan help the Ss train their ability of information-gathering and expression.The second activity is thinking. In this activity, I will ask the Ss to discuss in groups of four and try to use some words to describe the characteristics of Wang Kun and Wang Wei according to their attitudes. It is really difficult, but it can not only train their ability of analysis and comprehension, but also cultivate their spirit of cooperationStep V:Homework (1min)Finally it comes to the homework. Ss are required to review the learnt lesson and underline the useful words and phrases in the text. This one is for them to consolidateLearning about the what they’ve learnt and make preparation for the next lesson—Language..Ⅴ. Blackboard designOn the top, there is the title of this lesson. On the left, it lists some important roles thatthe river plays. On the right, there are some useful words and expressions.That’s all for my interpretation. Thank you for your att。

高中英语必修一《Unit3 Travel Journal》全英文说课稿

高中英语必修一《Unit3 Travel Journal》全英文说课稿

高中英语必修一《Unit3 Travel Journal》优秀说课稿Good morning, teachers! it’s my pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of the lesson is new senior English for china student’s book1 unit3:travel journal.First, let me introduce the teaching material. This unit is to introduce the travelling to us. The reading passage is the center of this unit. It is the most important teaching material in this lesson, which contains most of the vocabularies and grammar points that students should learn.Secondly, I want to tell something about the students. Although the students have the basic abilities of learning, speaking, reading and writing, They still need many opportunities to practice what they have learned and to develop their autonomous learning ability and cooperative learning ability.Therefore, after analyzing the teaching material and students, I put forward the teaching aims.According to the English syllabus and new lesson standard, I will talk about them from knowledge aim, ability aim and emotional aim .The knowledge aim is to help students understand and master the new words, phrases and sentence patterns. The ability aim is to grasp some reading ability such as guessing, skimming, scanning and so on. The emotional aim is to make students love our country and nature.Fourthly, the important and difficult points.Based on the requirement of the syllabus,The important point is to help students understand the whole passage and be able talk about the travel in EnglishThe difficult point is the new words, expressions and grammar rules.Fifthly ,teaching procedureIn order to realize the teaching process systematically, I divide the teaching process into six steps.Step one lead- in“Interest is the best teacher”, therefore, at the very beginning of the class, I should spark the students’ mind to focus on the central topic” travelling” .I will show the photos of some beautiful places on powerpoint ,then ask students:do you like travel? why do you like travel? After answering the questions, the students will be eager to know something about the passage, and this is the very time to naturally lead the class into step2.Step2, read for information: skimming and scanningIn this step, I will use task-based language teaching method, which can give students a clear and specific purpose while skimming and scanning the passage.Task one :general ideaThe students will be asked to just glance at the title, and then guess what will read in the text. They’ll be divided into four groups to have a discussion.The purpose of this task is to develop students reading skill by making prediction and encourage students to express their thoughts in English.Task two: main idea of each paragraphCooperative learning can raise students’interest and creat an atmosphere of achievement. Based on this theory, I divide the whole class into four groups, let them skim the whole text and discuss the main idea of each paragraph with other group members. Then choose a reporter to share their opinions with the whole class.Step three read for comprehensionThe purpose of reading is to get the correct and useful information. Students should not only have a high speed of reading, but also have a correct understanding of details. Therefore, the following practice can help check the situation.What was Wang Kun and Wang Wei’s idea of a good trip?Who planned the trip to the Mekong?Where is the source of the Mekong and which sea does it enter?Step 4 solving difficult language problemsIt’s important for English learners to learn important grammar rules and use these rules to solve problems in reality. In the process of reading, the students must come across some difficult language obstacles. so it’s necessary for us to discuss and explain them. This period of time belongs to the students. They can ask any questions they come across. I’ll explain the questions. The purpose of this step is to improve the students’“questioning spirit’’Step5 consolidationLanguage is learned by communicating. It’s my job to creat an atmosphere for students to use the language. Here I design two activities.Activity one retellingI will ask four students to retell the passage. I think it’s a good way to review what they have learned.Activity two role playWork in pairs. One student is Wang Kun and another is Wang Wei, choose a paragraph from the passage and use the information to make a dialogue.Step6 homework1.read the passage as frequently as you can2.find out some words and sentences you think are beautiful and recitethem.Sixly, blackboard design。

高一英语必修一 Unit3 Travel Journal 说课稿

高一英语必修一 Unit3 Travel Journal 说课稿

高一英语必修一 Unit3 Travel Journal 说课稿1. 教材分析本单元的中心话题是“旅游”,通过旅游日记的方法描述旅游见闻。







话题:Travelling; describing a journey词汇:见教材词汇表功能:1.祝愿和告别(Good wishes and farewells)1).Have a good day/ time/journey/rip!Good luck! Enjoy yourself! Best wishes to you!Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday!2). Thank you. You, too. The same to you.2.交通方式 (Means of transportation)walking, cycling, horse riding, taking buses/trains/boats/plane语法:现在进行时表示将来When are you leaving?How are you going there?Where are you staying?How long are you staying there?When are you coming back?情感态度和价值观:通过课文的学习,要求同学们能够积极参与关于旅行准备、旅游见闻、旅游感受等方面的交流活动,用准确的英语描述国内外的重要景观、名胜古迹以及一些当地的旅游文化节日。




以下是针对这一单元的说课稿内容:教学目标1. 知识与技能:学生能够掌握本单元的核心词汇和语法结构,理解并运用相关的语言点进行有效沟通。

2. 过程与方法:通过多种教学活动,培养学生的听说读写能力,特别是提高学生的口语表达和听力理解能力。

3. 情感态度与价值观:激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,培养他们跨文化交流的意识和能力。


具体内容包括:- 词汇:交通工具、地点、旅行用品等。

- 语法:一般过去时、现在完成时的使用。

- 阅读:关于不同旅行经历的短文。

- 听力:与旅行相关的对话和短文。

- 口语:讨论旅行计划和经历。

- 写作:撰写旅行日记或游记。

教学方法1. 任务型教学法:通过设计旅行计划、分享旅行经历等任务,让学生在实际语境中运用语言。

2. 合作学习:小组合作完成项目,促进学生之间的交流与合作。

3. 多媒体教学:利用图片、视频等多媒体材料,增强学习的趣味性和直观性。

教学过程1. 导入(Lead-in):通过展示世界各地的图片或视频,激发学生对旅行的兴趣,引入本单元主题。

2. 新课呈现(Presentation):教授新词汇和语法结构,通过例句和情景对话让学生理解其用法。

3. 练习(Practice):通过填空、转换句型、角色扮演等活动,巩固学生对新知识的掌握。

4. 应用(Application):设计小组讨论、模拟旅行计划等活动,让学生将所学知识运用到实际情境中。

5. 总结(Summary):回顾本单元的重点内容,鼓励学生进行自我反思。

6. 作业(Homework):布置相关的写作或口语作业,如写一篇旅行日记或准备一个关于旅行的口头报告。

评价方式1. 形成性评价:通过课堂表现、小组活动和口头报告等方式,持续跟踪学生的学习进展。



高一英语教案(说课稿):人教版必修一Unit3JourneydowntheMekong(共5篇)第一篇:高一英语教案(说课稿):人教版必修一Unit3 Journey down the MekongModule1 Unit3Journey down the Mekong英语组:XXX一、教材的分析与处理1、课型:阅读课2、教材分析:地位:本文是该单元“旅行日志”的重点文章,属精读材料。














2、教学辅助:多媒体三、教学过程Step1: Lead in Ask some students to present their dialogue.(The homework of last class)【设计说明】采用对话形式导入,营造出宽松的学习气氛,为学生全面的课堂参与作了铺垫。



人教版高一英语必修1 Unit 3说课稿Travel Journal (Reading)Journey Down the Mekong一教材分析这节课使用的教材是新课程标准实验教材高中英语必修一。




本单元的话题是Travel Journal,Reading是整个单元的核心部分,是上一课时Warming up的延续和升华,也是后面第二篇阅读文章的引子;另外,大部分的重要词汇和语法也在这个课时中呈现出来。




1. 教学目标①知识目标掌握重点词汇、短语:ever since; persuade ;graduate; stubborn ;organize; journey; valley; be fond of ;care about; change one`s mind ; make up one`s mind; give in 。

掌握重点句子:It was my sister who had the the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.When are we leaving and when are we coming back ?Where are we going ?4 My sister and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.5 Although she didn`t know the best way of getting to places ,she insisted that she organize the trip properly.②技能目标通过skimming,scanning , careful reading ,generalization ,inference 等阅读技能训练,提高阅读能力和阅读技能,培养学生获取信息、处理信息、运用信息进行推理、判断和总结归纳的能力。

英语必修1.unit 3(说课稿)

英语必修1.unit 3(说课稿)

Unit 3 Travel journalThe First Period warming-up and listeningTeaching goals1.Learn something about the Mekong River through reading.2.Students can use what they have learned to describe a trip.3.Students should realize if they want to be successful, what personalities theyshould have.Teaching important and difficult points:1.Understand the text well.2.Try to master the useful new words & expressions in this period.Teaching aids: a computer & a projectorTeaching proceduresStep Ⅰ Warming Up1.Listen to a song named “Moon River” Then say something about rivers . Do you like to walk along the river?2.T: Do you like travelling?Present some pictures of beautiful places to arouse their interest of travelling. Meanwhile, the teacher can also ask some more questions to make the students say something about their journey , such as their plans of trips, the difficulties they met in their journey and so on.Step Ⅱ Lead InT: Q1:Have you visited any river?Q2: How many great rivers do you know?Q3 : If you could travel down only one of them, which one would you choose?Why?Ask the students the locations of some famous rivers in the world .(Mekong, Rhein, Seine, Nile, Thames, Congo, Amazon, Mississippi, Volg)Step Ⅲ Pre-readingT: Have you visited the Mekong River? If no, let’s learn something about it.1. Show a picture of the Mekong River and the brief introduction of it. Ask them: Can you list the countries that the Mekong River flows through?3.Enjoy the beautiful sights along the Mekong River to arouse their interest of it. Step IV ReadingIn this step, get the students to read the text and finish some tasks.Task1: Scan the text quickly, then answer some questionsQ1. Who are Wang kun and Wang Wei?Q2.What are their dreams?Q3.Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang?Q4. Is it a difficult journey to cycle along the Mekong? Why?Q5.What can you see when you travel along the Mekong River?Task2: Listen to the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation, then do the T orF exercise.1.Wang kun is a high school student.2.Both Dao Wei and Yu Hang are Dai and they grew up in eastern Yunnan province3.The source of Mekong is in Qinghai province .4.Finally Wang Kun agreed with his sister to cycle with her.5.They found few atlas and books about Mekong River in library.6. Mekong river begins at glacier on a Tibet mountain. the water there is clear but not cold.7. Only a small part of the river is in China.8.As it enters Southeast Asia, it moves slowly.Task3: Careful reading1.Read the text again and try to complete a form.2.Choose 4students to act as Wang Kun Wang Wei and their cousins,to show the Para1and Para 2.3,Watch a video about Mekong which flows through in different countries to betterunderstanding the reading.Task4: ConsolidationFill in the blanksMekong River begins ___ a glacier on a Tibetan mountain. At first ,The river is small and the water begins to move_______. It becomes ______as it passes ______ deep valleys. Traveling ______western Yunnan Province. Sometimes The River ______ wide Valley and becomes a_________. We were both surprised to learn that half of the river is in China . After it leaves china and the high altitudes, the Mekong becomes _____ , brown and warm. As it enters Southeast Asia, it travels slowly _________hills and low valleys, and the _____ where rice grows. at last the river’s delta enters the South China Sea.Step V Post-readingTask 1:Make comparisonAn attitude is what a person thinks about something. Make lists of Wang Wei’s and Wang Kun’s similar and dif ferent attitudes about the trip.Task 2: DebateWhich character do you like, Wang Kun or Wang wei? Why?Task 3: Understand two mottosLife is just a series of trying to make up your m ind.Success belongs to the perseveringStep VI Homework1.R ead the text again.2.W rite a passage about their journey.。



Lesson Plan InterpretationNSEFC Book1 Unit3 Travel JournalHello, everyone. It’s an honor for me to stand here and interpret my lesson. The lesson plan I am going to talk about is fro m NSEFC Book 1 Unit 3 Travel Journal. I’ll explain how to teach and why do so from the following 5 aspects: the theoretical basis, understanding of the teaching material, teaching methods and studying ways, teaching procedure, blackboard design.Ⅰ. The theoretical basisFirst, I’d like to show my theoretical basis--schema theory and top-down model (Goodman, 1971). Journey down the Mekong is a reading course. According to schema theory, reading comprehension is an interactive process between the reader’s bac kground knowledge and the text (Carrel and Eisterhold, 1983), or between the new information and the old knowledge store (Anderson and Pearson, 1984). So in order to improve the students’ reading speed and reading comprehension, language teachers should tr y to activate the Ss’ old knowledge store and add more relevant background knowledge before they get the students to read. According to the top-down model, general idea of the text will be got first, and then come the details.II. Understanding of the teaching materialMy understanding of the teaching material includes 3 parts: the status and the function, teaching objectives, the important and difficult points.At the beginning, let’s focus on the first part. Journey down the Mekong is a piece of travel j ournal written by Wang Kun. It’s mainly about Wang Kun and his sister’s dream of taking a great bike trip down the Mekong River, their preparation for the trip and some more details of the Mekong River. General speaking, it is not difficult for the students to understand the text, but there are some new phrases and sentences that may be a little bit difficult. So before the students’ first reading, I will explain the new words and phrases briefly and after reading the whole passage, I will embody the usage of the news words and phrases, and get the student understand the difficult sentences. As it is a piece of journal, besides learning the new words and phrases, students can get the general idea of how to write a journal.That’s all for the first part, now let’s move to the second part. According to the teaching material and the new curriculum of English, in order to fulfill the learning task of this lesson, I establish the following objectives:a) Knowledge objectivesBy the end of the lesson, Ss will have a better understanding of the meaning and structure of the text. Then Ss will grasp some useful words and expressions such as determined, make up one’s mind, give in, be fond of …, care about…, stubborn, etc.b) Ability objectivesActually students should be encouraged to do speed reading in the first period of reading lesson. But the students in my class are lack of independent readingability. In this class, I will encourage and help them to read, think and find out information by themselves most time. Since the main objective of reading course is to improve the Ss’ reading ability, I’ll train their ability of identifying the general idea in the fast reading. And in intensive reading their ability ofinformation-gathering and summarizing is developed. And the whole class is for Ss to develop their reading skills as scanning, skimming, information-gathering, summarizing and guessing the new words from the text.c) Moral objectivesThough Journey down the Mekong is mainly about the trip down the river, it also talks about the scenery and life along the river. So before learning the text, we will have a short discussion about the importance of the river. I want the Ss to have the awareness of protecting the river and protecting our environment.Well, so much for the teaching objectives, let's come to deal with the third part: the important points and the difficult points. According to the national curriculum of English and language learning theory, when teaching reading, we should encourage the Ss to do speed reading for the first time, that’s to say, we should encourage our Ss to read as fast as they can when they do the first reading. So much emphasis should be put on reading skills and reading comprehension as well. So the important points are that how to make Ss grasp the new words and phrases and how to improve their reading skills as scanning, skimming, information-gathering and summarizing. As to the difficult points, they are the same as the important ones.III. Teaching methods and studying waysThat’s all for my understanding of the teaching material. Now let’s focus on the ways of teaching and learning.Generally speaking, I adopt task-based language teaching and communicative approach in my class. As for learning, Ss will learn through independent reading, discussing and cooperating.I will use computer and blackboard as my teaching aids.Ⅳ. Teaching procedureHere comes the most important part, the teaching procedure. It includes 5 steps: Step I: Lead-in and pre-reading, Step II: While-reading, Step III: Consolidation, Step IV: Post-reading, Step V: Homework.Step I: Lead-in and pre-reading (7mins)Now let’s come to the first step. There are three activities in this step and I will spend 7mins on them.In activity one, I will ask Ss two questions "Do you know some great rivers in China?" and "Why they are great?” Here, as the Ss get famili ar with the Chinese great rivers, I choose to ask them some great rivers in China. And the answer to the second question can lead in the next activity--brainstorming.In activity two, I will ask the Ss to discuss in pairs and answer the question "How do pe ople who live along a river use it?” My purpose of this activity is to remind the Ss the importance of the river, thus stimulate the Ss' awareness of protecting the rivers.In the last activity, I will show the Ss a picture of the Mekong River and ask them to list the countries that it flows through. This activity leads in the while-reading. Step II: While-reading (21mins)While-reading is the main part and it will take 21mins. Here I adopt the top-down reading model. This step is divided into 2 parts: fast reading and careful reading. Before reading, I will ask the Ss to predict what will talk in the text according to the title. It can exert the Ss' imagination.1) Fast readingDuring fast reading, I will ask the Ss to reading the whole passage quickly and get the main idea of each paragraph. Usually, the main idea of each paragraph is the first sentence or the last sentence, but this text is not. So the main idea of each paragraph will be matched because the Ss are lack of the skill of summarizing the main idea by themselves.2) Careful readingAfter getting the general idea of each Para., I will deal with the details Para. by Para..In paragraph one, I will ask the Ss to read quickly and do the exercises T or F. And if it is F, I will ask them to correct it. This exercise can help the Ss get the key information of the first paragraph in a short time and can deepen the Ss’ understanding of the first paragraph.In paragraph two, I will ask Ss one question “Is it a difficult journey to cycle along the Mekong? W hy?” This can help the Ss develop their ability of summarizing. If theSs can’t answer the question briefly, I will encourage them to find the key sentences and try to join them together.And in the last paragraph, I will ask Ss two questions “How does th e water of Mekong River change?” and “What can you see when you travel along the Mekong River?” Both questions are required to answer in keys word. In order to lower the difficulty of the questions, I will show them the examples. After that, I will present some pictures to deepen the Ss’ impression on the new words. And these two questions can help the Ss gain a deeper understanding on the Mekong River. Step III: Consolidation (6mins)After dealing with the detailed information of each paragraph, I will ask the Ss to read the whole passage again and answer two questions to consolidate what they’ve learnt. It will take 6 minutes. The two questions are “Where is the source of the Mekong River and which sea does it enter?” and “How do Wang Kun and Wang Wei prep are for the trip?” It is easy for the Ss to find the answer to the first question in the text. As to the second question, it may be a little difficult, so I will list some tips for the Ss to find the answer more easily.Step IV: Post-reading (10mins)That’s all for the while-reading. Now let’s move to the fourth step. In this step, I will design two activities and I will spend 10 minutes on them.The first activity is filling in the blanks. In this activity, Ss are required to find the different attitudes of Wang Kun and Wang Wei to the trip, and then the teacher will express her attitude to this trip. After demonstrating, Ss are encouraged toexpress their attitudes. It can help the Ss train their ability ofinformation-gathering and expression.The second activity is thinking. In this activity, I will ask the Ss to discuss in groups of four and try to use some words to describe the characteristics of Wang Kun and Wang Wei according to their attitudes. It is really difficult, but it can not only train their ability of analysis and comprehension, but also cultivate their spirit of cooperationStep V: Homework (1min)Finally it comes to the homework. Ss are required to review the learnt lesson and underline the useful words and phrases in the text. This one is for them to consolidate what they’ve learnt and make preparation for the next lesson—Learning about the Language..Ⅴ. Blackboard designOn the top, there is the title of this lesson. On the left, it lists some important roles that the river plays. On the right, there are some useful words and expressions. That’s all for my interpretation. Thank you for your att ention。

北师大必修一Unit 3 lesson 1 Festivals说课稿

北师大必修一Unit 3 lesson 1 Festivals说课稿

Unit 3 Lesson 1 FestivalsGood morning, ladies and gentlemen, it’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lessons with you. The content of the lesson is Unit 3 lesson 1 Festivals . I’ll begin the lesson from the following 5parts,Part 1.My understanding of the lessonPart 2.Analysis of the studentsPart 3.The teaching methods ,the studying methods and teaching aidsPart 4.The teaching procedurePart 5.Blackboard designPart 1.My understanding of the lessonThe part includes teaching material , teaching aims , teaching key points and teaching difficult points.Teaching matetialThis lesson is about three festivals in China——Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival,Lantern Festival ,and the reading passage plays an important part in this class . It not only provides the chance for the students to learn about the culture and festivals in our country,but also includes many useful words ,expressions that students should learn in this class.Teaching objectives1. Knowledge objectives1)Students can have a basic understanding of Chinese festivals,likeMid-Autumn festival,Lantern festival,Dragon Boat festival.2)Students can master some words or expressions to introduce a festival. 2. Ability objectives1)Students can use reading skills such as skimming,scanning and careful reading during the process of understanding the text.2)Student can consolidate communicative abilities by group work and pair work.3. Emotion objectiveEnhance students’ sense of national pride by learning some traditional festivals.Teaching key points1. To train the students’ reading ability2. To help the students understand the text.Teaching difficult points1. To develop the students’ reading ability2. To help the students grasp the main idea of each paragraph and the whole passagePart 2.Analysis of the studentsThis lesson is intended for Senior One students.On the one hand ,they’ve learnt English for several months, the students have got the basic abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, they still need manyopportunities to practice what they have learned, to express their ideas, feelings, and experience and to develop their self-dependent learning ability and cooperative learning abilityPart 3.The teaching methods ,the studying methods and teaching aids When I deal with this lesson, I’ll do my best to carry out the methods, such as self-dependent learning method,cooperative learning method, task-based teaching and learning and so on to make the students the real masters in class while I, the teacher acts as directorAnd I will adopt fast reading to get a general idea of the text and careful reading to get the detailed information; pair or group work to get every student to be active in class; question-and-answer activity teaching method and free discussion method to make the students smooth away the difficulties.Part 4.The teaching procedureStep 1 Lead-inFirstly ,I will lead in the lesson of the unit with a piece of music, followed by two questions :1.Are you familiar with the music ?2.When can we often hear it ?Then I’ll show some beautiful pictures of the festivals all over the world inthe screen, meanwhile,lead the students to talk about them.Purpose: To increase the students’ interest and attract their attention and lean in step 2.Step 2 Fast reading ,Task Match the picture with the festivalsPurpose : train the students’self-dependent learning ability and have a brief understanding of the passage.Step 3. Carefully ReadingRead the passage carefully, and then finish table and answer TURE or FALSE questions.Methods :cooperative learning method , task-based language teaching Purpose : To train the students to grasp the detailed information and have a better understanding of the text. It can also help the students improve the cooperative learning ability.Step 4. Post ReadingTask DiscussionQuestions:1.Do you think too much money is spent at festival times?Why or whynot?2.Which festivals in China is most important for children?Young people?Old people?Women and men?Methods: cooperative learning method , task-based language teachingPurpose : to train their thinking ,speaking and communication abilities and get the students to have a better understanding of the meaning of the festivals so that they can treat the festival celebrations properly.Step 5 .Summary and homeworkSum up some useful expressions which can be used to introduce a festival. Ask students to write a short composition to introduce a festival with what we have learned. If students can finish in class,choose several students to read in the front of the class. If not,students can finish it after class. Purpose :To review what the students have learnt ,develop their self-dependent learning ability and creative thinking ability.Part 5.Blackboard designBlackboard-designPurpose :to get the students to have a clear idea to get the main content of this lesson.。

高中英语必修一Unit 3 说课稿

高中英语必修一Unit 3  说课稿
discussing the advantages and disadvantages of different means of transport
Transport airplane train ship
的积极性,发挥想象,表达自己的想法。同时也 培养了学生的团队合作精神和口语表达能力。
☆自主学习、探究学习的能力还有待于提 高。
四、教学目标 Teaching objects
语言知识 1.掌握本课的生词和一些有用的表达法
语言技能 情感态度 文化意识
1.培养学生用英语交流旅游计划,讨论相关事项,就开放 性话题发表看法的能力 2.培养学生听、说、读、写四项技能的综合运用能力
五、教学重难点 Important and difficult points
六、教法学法分析 Teaching and learning methods
七、教学过程 Teaching process
八、板书设计 Blackboard design
一、教学理念 The main thoughts on my teaching plan
旅游出行计划和旅游 日记的撰写
了解不同地域的文化, 感受不一样的旅游经历
Warming up 交通工具的优缺

及制定合适的旅 行计划
三、学习者分析 Analysis of students
☆有一定的词汇基础,并掌握了一些简单 的学习策略和技巧,具有初步的英语听说 读写能力,对英语有一定的兴趣
☆学生的英语水平参差不齐,口语表达能 力和阅读理解技巧都有待提高

人教版高中英语必修一Unit 1-Unit 5全英说课稿

人教版高中英语必修一Unit 1-Unit 5全英说课稿

人教版高中英语必修一Unit 1-Unit 5全英说课稿引言本文旨在介绍人教版高中英语必修一Unit 1-Unit 5的授课方法和教学内容。


Unit 1: Friendship- 阅读理解:通过互动讨论和小组活动,学生了解和掌握友谊的重要性,以及如何在青少年时期建立和维持朋友关系。

- 写作:学生将研究如何写一封友谊的信,通过语言表达感情和分享重要时刻,增进彼此之间的理解。

Unit 2: English Around The World- 阅读理解:学生将了解英语在全球的使用情况,了解英语的进化历程和相关文化俗。

- 写作:学生将研究如何写一篇议论文,就英语在当今世界中的地位和作用发表自己的观点。

Unit 3: Travel journal- 阅读理解:通过阅读游记和旅行日记,学生将扩大英语词汇量和了解不同的文化和历史。

- 写作:学生将研究如何写一篇旅行日记,描述自己的旅行经历和感悟,提高英语写作的能力。

Unit 4: Amazing Science- 阅读理解:学生将了解科学发展的历史,以及人类对自然的探索和解释;学会如何从科学文章中获取信息。

- 写作:学生将研究如何写一篇科普短文,介绍感兴趣的科学领域的最新进展。

Unit 5: Music- 阅读理解:学生将了解音乐的历史和文化,掌握音乐相关的词汇和概念。

- 写作:学生将研究如何写一篇关于音乐的文章,和同学分享自己对音乐的喜好和见解。

结论本文介绍了人教版高中英语必修一Unit 1-Unit 5的授课方法和教学内容,通过丰富的教学活动和提高英语写作能力,全面提升学生的英语水平和综合素质。

重大版高中英语必修一Unit 3《Powerful Music》----A Violin and the Law说课稿课件

重大版高中英语必修一Unit 3《Powerful Music》----A Violin and the Law说课稿课件

While-reading 活动设计
Tip :To scan is to read the text very carefully to find out detailed information
A Violin and the Law
When Where Who What
Beginning Conflict Climax Ending
技巧 通过阅读活动熟练掌握阅读常用技巧和策略 策略
1.高一学生已基本具备英语的听、说、读、写的能力。然而 我校位于城乡结合部,我所任教班级的学生英语基础相对较 弱,主要体现在英语词汇较为匮乏,阅读能力较弱,所掌握 的阅读技巧相当有限。但他们思维活跃,对探索未知领域有 强烈的好奇心。
2. 我所任教班级的学生们精力充沛,学习积极性较高。虽合 作交流能力较弱但非常渴望进行合作学习,因此适合开展探 究合作式学习。
1-3 Conflict
Asked who played the violin. ______ the room to take the violin
didn’t answer. still ______ David.
1) David and Cal’s father talked about violin tunes.
2) Cal’s father pointed a gun at David.
3) David caught sight of a violin.
设计目的: 学生再次使用略读技巧,

4) David came to arrest Cal.
Learning Methods
Self-study and Cooperative study

Unit3 What would you like Part A let’s learn说课稿

Unit3 What would you like Part A let’s learn说课稿

Unit3 What would you like? Part A let’s learn说课稿铁铺镇中心学校潘晨一、说教材:新英语课程标准指出,基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。






在第三课中,学生已经能用“would you like some…?”进行询问。

能听懂会说chicken,pop, milk, a sandwich。

本课时的教学内容为用“What would you like?”进行征询意见。

根据这一安排和学生的整体认识水平,从知识教学、能力培养等方面考虑,我确立本课时的教学目标为:1、知识目标:能听懂会说I'm hungry. What would you like?Yes, I'd like……2、能力目标:听懂会说hamburger、French fries、pizza、pop。


4 本课时的教学重点是:能听懂会说I'm hungry. What would you like? No, I'd like……听懂会说hamburger、French fries、pizza、pop。

教学难点是能用“What would you like?”征询别人意见以及hamburger, French fries的正确发音。

外研版必修一Module3 My First Ride on a Train reading(说课稿

外研版必修一Module3 My First Ride on a Train reading(说课稿

外研版必修一Module3 My First Ride on a Train reading(说课稿)My First Ride on a Train(说课稿)黑龙江省大庆实验中学Good afternoon, dear judges and teachers! My name is Jiao Xinghua, from Da Qing Shiyan High school, Heilongjiang province. I am very glad to have the chance to be here. The lesson I am going to share with you is the reading period from Module 3 Book 1, My First Ride on a Train. I am going to present the lesson from the following aspects, that is, Designing Principle, Background Analysis, Objectives, Teaching Procedures and Designing Features. I am going to explain them one by one.Part I Designing Principle:The teaching design is strictly based on English Curriculum, according to which teaching reading in senior high school has these three aims. These are the main principle of this class. Part II Background Analysis1.First I am going to talk about Learning MaterialThe text is a travel note, in which the writer tells the place he went to, the scenery he enjoyed, the things he did and the history of the train he took. There are altogether 353 words in the passage and the language is not difficult.2. Learners’ BackgroundAs senior one students, they are familiar with Chinese travel notes and have got some knowledge about Australia. However, they know little about an English travel note and know nothing about the Ghan train. In strategies, students have learned some reading strategies, such as predicting, skimming, scanning and inferring. However, they have not fully mastered them and still need more practice to train them.According to the background analysis, I set the following objectives for my class.Part III Objectives:1.By skimming and scanning, students will be able to get some factual information, such asthe writer’s personal information, what the writer saw and did during the ride and the history of the Ghan train. ( the learning focus of this period)2.By intensive reading and inferring, students will be able to grasp the writer’s feeling of theride. (the difficult point)3.By concluding, students will be able to get the structure of the text. (the difficult point)4.Students will be able to talk about their own first ride experiences.The first one is the learning focus and the second and the third one are difficult points.In order to achieve these objectives, I design the following teaching procedures.Part IV Teaching Procedures:The teaching process is divided into three parts, pre-reading, while-reading andI design a timeline to help students have a clear understanding of the famous Ghan train’shistory.After that comes the conclusion part again.And then I design an open question to encourage students’ critical thinking.1.After the detailed reading, I ask students to summarize the structure based on theconclusion they have made. I have written them on the blackboard.This activity also prepares them for the presentation of their own experience in post-reading.Then comes the Post-reading part1. Consolidation: The author writes the sentence “what a ride” in para graph 1. I let studentsa dd one adjective before the word “ride”, and give reasons. This helps students consolidate the acquired information from the text, and helps them grasp the writer’s attitude and feeling conveyed in the text. Students gave a wonderful performance. They add a lot of adjectivesaccording to the text and their own knowledge. (放视频)2. Presentation: The last activity is a presentation. Let them talk about their own first ride experience following the structure of the text.HomeworkWrite an article about your first ride on a train, a bus or a plane.Part V Designing features1. The teacher uses transition devices to facilitate students’ understanding of the text.A transition device is a way to transfer information from one form to another. Information presented in plain text form is not easy to process. When it can be transferred to another form, especially a visual form, readers can have a better understanding of the text. During students’reading process, the teacher designs some transition devices in the tasks, such as pointing out the route of the train on the map, providing pictures of the scenery and the timeline of the Ghan train’s history, all of which facilitate students’ understanding of the text.2. The teacher provides proper scaffolds in the process of leaning.According to the Background Analysis of this class, I design the tasks from easy to hard and during the learning process provides proper scaffolds in each procedure. For example, before letting students summarize the main idea of each part, I designed some factual questions so that students can catch the key words in this part, which makes the summary of the main idea more easily. Meanwhile, the summary of each part also helps students get the whole structure of the text. After knowing the structure, they can follow it to talk about their own experience. That’s the introduction of my class. Thank you for your attention.。



英语教学设计教学课题:人教版高中英语必修一Unit 3 Travel journal Reading: Journey down the Mekong一、设计思路高中英语课程的总目标是使学生在义务教育阶段英语学习基础上,进一步明确英语学习目的,发展自主学习和合作学习的能力;形成有效的英语学习策略,培养学生的综合语言运用能力,使他们在学习过程中,促进心智、情感态度,学习策略,文化意识的发展,形成正确的人生观和价值观,提高人文素养。



从这个意义出发,阅读不应是传统意义上的接受性技能(receptive skill),而是一个积极主动的思考理解及获取信息的过程,同时也是作者与阅读者双方参与的言语交际、思想交流的过程。










(Aims: To develop the ability of reading)
•classical music
serious It is _______.
People usually enjoy it at a concert _______ or in a theater _______.

Part Ⅳ The analysis of the learning methods
1.Autonomous ,cooperation and inquiry. 2.Reading ,observation and practice.
Part V. The analysis of the teaching procedu
Read 1a and finish 1b.
pop Wen Wei used to enjoy ___ music, but now folk he likes ____ music. He doesn’t like classical ______ music at all because he thinks it’s serious classical music too______. Jane’s favorite is not _______ pop ______, but she doesn’t mind it. She likes ____ music best.
3) Moral goals:
△To widen the Ss’ musical knowledge and help them appreciate music. △To help the students in different levels to learn English. △To cultivate the Ss learning interests and good hobbies in English.

高中英语必修一unit3travel journey说课稿

高中英语必修一unit3travel journey说课稿

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It is my great honor to be here sharing my lessons with you. The content of my lesson is the Reading part in Senior English Book 1 Unit 3 Travel Journal. I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from the following 5 parts: the analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods and teaching aids, the teaching procedure, the Blackboard design and the teaching reflection.Part 1 THE ANALYSIS OF TEACHING MATERIALWell, firstly, I’ll talk about part 1: the analysis of teaching material. My understanding of the teaching material includes 4 parts: the status and the function, teaching objectives, the important and difficult points, the analysis of the students.At the beginning, let’s talk about the first part. This passage is about Wang Kun and his sister’s dream of taking a great bike trip down the Mekong River, their preparation for the trip and the details of the river. By studying this passage, we’ll enable the students to get information about travel, open their horizon about travel and the geography knowledge. On the other hand, this lesson will also enable students to improve their learning ability in English.As we know, reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output, such as speaking and writing. According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of the children’s growing of mind, I think the teaching objectives are the follows:1. Knowledge objectives:By the end of the lesson, students are required to master the key words and phrases occurred in this passage, for example persuade, stubborn,determined, make up one’s mind, give in, be fond of …, care about,. Besides, they need to understand the content of the lesson.2. Ability objectives:In this lesson, I’ll enable the students to develop the abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially the listening and reading ability.Moreover, in a reading class, students need to develop their reading skills as skimming, scanning, information-gathering, summarizing and guessing the new words from the text.3. Emotion objects:By reading Journey down the Mekong, students can learn the preparation for a travel, besides; they also learn the scenery and life along the river. Further more, students are required to appreciate the beautiful scenery and have an awareness of protecting river.So much for the teaching objectives, let’s talk something about the teaching important and difficult points.According to the national curriculum of English and language learning theory, in a reading class, we need to emphasis the reading skill and reading comprehension. So the important points are that how to make our students master the new words and phrases and how to improve their reading skills as scanning, skimming, information-gathering and summarizing. As to the difficult points, they are the same as the important ones.Ok, now let’s talk something about the students in my class. On the whole, they may be not the ideal students as their English is really poor. Most of their English levels are in level 4 or even less according to the English CurriculumGoal structure. Therefore, I need to get them do much preparation before class and arrange more time for reading in class.However, they are active and curious. They are eager to learn new things. So the beautiful scenery and the topic can easily arouse their learning emotion. Well, how to achieve the teaching objects better, how to stress the important points and break through the difficult points? According to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’ learning background, I will use the following methods.PART 2 STUDYING METHODS AND TEACHING AIDSAccording to the modern social communication teaching theories, I adopt the task-based language teaching method and communicative approach in my teaching. As for leaning, I will adopt independent reading, discussing and cooperating to help them. I will use the multimedia computer and a blackboard as my teaching aids.Here comes the most important part, the teaching procedure. It includes 7 steps. Step 1 is revision, step 2 is lead-in and pre-reading, step 3 is fast reading, step 4 is intensive reading, step 5 is retelling, step 6 is discussion, step 7 is summary and homework.PART 3 TEACHING PROCEDURESStep 1 Revision (3mins)In this part, I will ask the students to read the new words in 94 aloud. By revision, the students will have a better understanding of the new words in this passage.Step 2 Lead-in and pre-reading (5mins)1.At first, I will ask them two questions “Do you know the rivers inChina?” and “What do you think about these river?”. After the studentsanswering these questions, we will do a brainstorming.2.Brainstorming. Ask the students discuss in a group of 4 and answer thequestion “If you have a chance to travel along the river, which riverwould you like to travel, and why?”3.At last, I will show the pictures of the Mekong River and ask them tofind out the countries it flows through.Step 3 fast reading (8mins)First, I will play the tape for the students to listen to, and then listen again and find out the main idea of this passage.Step 4 careful reading (15mins)Ask the students to read aloud after the tape for once. While reading, they should:1.find out the main idea of each paragraph.2.finish the exercises Comprehending 1 in P19.3.in para.1, I will ask the students to do 2 exercises about true or false. Inpara.2, I will ask the students to find out the words describe why it isdifficult to cycle along the Mekong. In para.3, I will ask them to find outthe words about how the water of Mekong River changes and ask them tounderline the geography words about Mekong River.Step 5 retelling (5mins)Ask students to fill in the blanks in the summary given on the screen with the words mentioned in the passage. It is much easier for them to complete.And then, ask two students to read the summary aloud.Step 6. pair-work (5mins)In this part, I will ask the students to discuss the question “If you have a chance to travel along the Jiangjiang River, who and how will you make your travel?”Get the students discuss with their partners and then share their opinions.Step 7 summary and homework (2mins)Finally it comes to the end of this lesson. In this step, I will make a brief conclusion about this class, praise the students who are active in class and encourage them to learn English.In the end, I will arrange the homework. Students are required to review this lesson and underline the useful words, phrases and the sentences they don’t understand well in the passage. It will help them to consolidate the knowledge in this class and make preparation for the next lesson.PART 4 BLACKBOARD DESIGN AND REFLECTION.On the top of the blackboard, I will list the title there. On the left, I will list the main idea of each paragraph. On the right, there are some useful words and expressions.After class, by the feedback of the students’and my teaching experience, I will make a summary about this class.。

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Unit 3 Travel Journal Reading 第二课时说课稿刘焕焕大家好!今天我说课的主题是人教版新课标高中英语必修一unit3 travel journal Reading部分的第二课时。

































2.具体实施步骤StepⅠ:Revision (5分)对上一节课的内容进行简单的提问,请学生复述文章中心内容,为本节课的内容做铺垫。

The dream: taking a great bike trip;The plan: finding the details of Mekong River;Main idea: Wangkun and his sister dreamed about cycling along the Mekong River,and they gave a detail description of the river including its geographical situation and the scenery alongthe river.目的:通过复习,使学生快速进入学习状态;通过对上一节课的回忆,有利于学生考察自己对所学内容的记忆、掌握情况,也可以使学生更好更快的进入本节课的学习。

StepⅡ:Listening (the dream 10分)1听录音第一遍:总体把握并找出文中表达时间概念的词汇。




dream about bought cousins finallya great bike trip persuade to get interested in get the chance toever since two years ago last year after graduatingmiddle school from collegeIt was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.目的:让学生练习听力,同时用以提高学生模仿朗读能力。


StepⅢ: Reading & Talking (10分)阅读课文,谈论一下“我”姐姐的性格。


What does Wang Kun think of his sister?Why does Wang Kun think his sister is stubborn?Is his sister a determined girl? Why or why not?提问学生,让他回答出描写姐姐性格的一些句子,并将其重点信息写在黑板上,然后让学生根据黑板上的提示用自己的语言说出姐姐的性格。

stubborn (Once she has made up her mind,nothing can change it.)am fond of did not the best way ofinsist----organizewould not change her mind ↓does not care about details give inthe source of ↓an altitude of (cold目的:加强阅读能力,让学生学会在看似逻辑性比较散乱的段落中提炼出重要信息。

StepⅣ: Fill in the blanks (8分)阅读课文,注意湄公河的变化,填写下列空白。




StepⅤ:Summary & Homework1、Summary : (10分)给学生5分钟时间,令其根据本课所提炼的文章重心,进行更深一层次的提炼与概括,写出文章大意。



例:Wang Kun and Wang Wei have dreamed about taking a great bike trip. After they graduated from college. They planned to cycle along the Mekong River with their cousins. Wang Weiis very stubborn. Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it. Although it isdifficult to travel along the Mekong River by bike, they are determined to begin theirjourney at an altitude of more than 5000 metres.目的:通过总结本堂课的教学内容,使学生重温课文主要内容,巩固重点词汇、短语及句型。










(见下一页)That is all. Thank you.。
