



驱动扭矩 1000 Nm 恒定 变化量
后轴扭矩 前轴扭矩
制动力矩 EDS
Q7 -传动系统
Sheet 11 ✓
加速及 方向控制.
Sheet 3 ✓
Q7 -传动系统
部件分布. (I)
后差速器 Sheet 4 ✓
分动齿轮 变速器
Q7 -传动系统
部件分布. (II)
后传动轴 链条
Torsen 差速器 输入轴
Sheet 5 ✓
Q7 -传动系统
行星齿轮. (I)
Sheet 6 ✓
外齿圈 行星齿轮架
Q7 -传动系统
行星齿轮. (II)
Sheet 7 ✓
Q7 -传动系统
工作原理 (扭矩传动流程).
前传动轴 (链条传动)
行星齿轮架 太阳齿轮
后传动轴Sheຫໍສະໝຸດ t 8 ✓行星齿轮摩擦片 壳体
Q7 -传动系统
自锁定差速器 + EDS.
The New Audi Q7.
Q7 – 传动系统
Sheet 1 ✓
Q7 -传动系统
n 6-速手自一体变速器 / 6-速手动变速器 (只配备3.6 FSI). n quattro® 全轮驱动系统,动态可调分配扭矩.
分配扭矩 [%] 差速锁定范围
Sheet 2 ✓
自锁定差速器: 在冰雪路面打滑的扭矩极限值为 250 Nm的冰雪路面

奥迪Audi A3汽车 (型号 8V)自学手册

奥迪Audi A3汽车  (型号 8V)自学手册

AudiService TrainingAudi A3 Sportback e-tron (型号 8V)自学手册SSP 627仅供内部使用Audi A3 Sportback e-tron是插电式(Plug-in)混合动力车,在灵活性方面提供了一个整体解决方案。

司机根本不需要改变任何习惯,因为Audi A3 Sportback e-tron车完全可以保证电动应用的灵活性。





Audi A3 Sportback e-tron车将两个优点结合在了一起:电机驱动的话可实现无排放行车;内燃机可让车辆行驶较长的里程。


627_042< Zurück Vor > Ξ Inhalt23引言本车的识别标记___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4简介 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6安全说明电工技术安全规程_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8警示符号 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9动力装置技术数据_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10内燃机 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________12燃油系统_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________13传动系统一览 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________14变速器总成 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________16底盘一览_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________20电动机械式制动助力器 (eBKV) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________22制动系统蓄压器VX70 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________24高压部件混合动力部件一览_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________26混合动力蓄电池单元 AX1 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________28电驱动装置的功率和控制电子系统 JX1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________32充电 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________34高压线 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________39电动空调压缩机V470 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________40高压暖风 (PTC) Z115 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________40保养插头TW _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________41混合动力管理器 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________42空调系统冷却系统、空调系统和温度管理系统 _______________________________________________________________________________________________44驻车空调系统____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________53信息娱乐系统型号一览 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________54Audi connect (取决于具体的市场) ______________________________________________________________________________________________56Audi connect e-tron 服务 (取决于具体的市场) _________________________________________ ______________________________________56Audi connect 服务 (取决于具体的市场) _________ _____________________________________________________________________________56紧急呼叫模块和通讯控制单元J949 ______________________ _______________________________________________________________57显示和操纵元件外部声响______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________60电驱动按钮E656 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________60混合动力行驶时的显示 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________61售后服务检查和保养 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________64专用工具和车间设备__________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________66附录考考你_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________68自学手册 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________70参阅说明自学手册讲述的是新车型、新部件和新技术结构和功能方面的基本原理。

奥迪服务质量管理培训自学手册(pdf 138页)

奥迪服务质量管理培训自学手册(pdf 138页)

► QRH的设计必须高度有序,其“最紧急的”----“次紧急的”应是严格有序的。另外,QRH应该易取易放,独立存放。在其编 排中如非必要,应尽量避免条件式的条目,即使有也应该采取缩进式的排版。因为这些另人目不暇接的“如果……如果……” 会很容易导致误操作的产生。条件允许的话,可以在检查单的末尾加上“参看手册某某页”等条目。但必须保障机组成员面对 故障的处置程序可以仅仅在QRH的指令下完成,而不需要参阅手册。MEL等任何其它的指导。最后,在QRH投入使用之前还 必须送交人为因素学专家进行研究,并通过模拟紧急情况下的使用实验。
第一类:念做型。即一个检查员念检查单项目,另一名飞行员依照其所念条目执行并回答。这一类检查单的优点是顺序感强,机组工作负担 小。但其设计余度不高。
第二类:核对型。即飞行员先按一定程序凭记忆做完工作,然后一名飞行员念检查单,另一名飞行员核实并回答。这一类检查单余度好,但 要求飞行员严格遵守SOP,并保证其动作的有序性。
安全是对旅客最好的服务,安全是旅客对南航最大的重托。为此, 数十年来,南航在安全飞行上孜孜以求,如履薄冰,并时刻以 “安全每天从零开始”的标准要求自己,日复一日,年复一年, 承担起旅客对南航的信任与重托。当您在万米高空,天涯海角飞 行时,我们的运作指挥中心时刻跟踪者您乘坐的飞机,分分秒秒 追踪着您的安全旅程。当您乘坐的飞机,发生一点点异样时,南 航地面的机务工程师们马上就可接受到信息,他们利用“空地远 程诊断系统”时刻监护着飞机的健康状况。当您仍在空中旅行时, 他们就制定出一套“治疗”方案。飞机还未抵达目的地或备降机 场,我们的机务工程师和航材就已经在机场待命,分秒必争,排 除隐患,再次安全起飞。


{0>Frage 10
Wie viele Treibladungen hat der Fahrerfrontairbag im Audi Q7?<}0{>问题10:Audi Q7的司机安全气囊分几级起爆?<0}
{0>ist ein pyrotechnisches Bauteil<}0{>是一个烟火式部件<0}
{0>und kann nach Aktivierung nicht wieder verwendet werden<}0{>且在爆炸后不能再使用的<0}
{0>und kann nach Aktivierung wieder verwendet werden<}85{>且在爆炸后可以再使用的<0}
{0>Hybridgasgenerator einstufig<}0{>单级混合气体发生器<0}
{0>Rohrgasgenerator mit Feststofftreibsatz<}0{>固体燃料的管状气体发生器<0}
{0>Hybridgasgenerator zweistufig<}0{>二级混合气体发生器<0}
{0>Prüfen Sie Ihr Wissen<}100{>考考你<0}{0>Name:<}100{>姓名:<0}{0>Datum:<}100{>日期:<0}






在美国将车载自诊断系统(OBD II)作为减少废气和监控废气的必备装置后,欧盟自2000年起也引入了这个诊断系统,并称之为欧洲型车载自诊断系统(缩写为EOBD)。


欧洲型车载自诊断系统与美国的OBD II区别不大。

只是针对欧洲的排放标准重新做了匹配,3一览引言............................................4法规基本知识.................................4EOBD一览.....................................5新的车辆系统.................................6EOBD-种类.....................................15发动机控制的基本形式........................15发动机控制单元和自诊断......................17诊断方法......................................19自诊断........................................32工作准备状态代码............................32通用扫描工具(OBD-数据显示仪)............................33车辆测量、诊断和信息系统VAS 5051............35功能图........................................36名词解释......................................42考考你........................................444法规基本知识欧盟在1998年10月13日通过了欧盟指导方针98/69/EC,这个指导方针规定所有欧盟成员国都要引入EOBD。



AudiService TrainingAudi Q3Self Study Programme 602For internal use onlyLearning objectives of this Self Study Programme:This Self Study Programme provides you with general information about the Audi Q3. After you have worked your way through this Self Study Programme, you will be able to answer the following questions:• What defi nes the deployment stages of the airbag?• What materials are used in the B post?• Which unit bearings are used in the gearbox?• How is the damper control function monitored?• Which sensors are integrated in the electromechanical parking brake control unit?• What modifi cations have been made to Audi active lane assist?• Which new adapters are available for the Apple iPod?As the most recent and compact addition to the Audi SUV series, the Audi Q3 caters to the demands of a modern, urban world while offering all the authentic plus-points of an SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle). It complements the successful Audi SUV family started in March 2006 with the launch of the Audi Q7. The Audi Q5 is the sports car among SUVs and has successfully led the way in the premium mid-range SUV segment since 2008.The Audi Q3 stands out by virtue of its sporty, muscular appear-ance and its modern, coupe-like styling, and yet it is an authentic SUV through and through. This concept makes the Audi Q3 appeal-ing to more than one target group because it meets a wide variety of customer requirements.The charismatic Audi Q3 is not what you would consider a "smaller sibling of the Q5 and Q7", but a vehicle with a very distinctive identity. It has the rugged character of a fully-fl edged A-segment SUV coupled with a coupe-like styling unmatched in thissegment — and yet it has all the hallmarks of an Audi. The Audi Q3 is compact, fl exible and functional and therefore is also a good option for people who do a lot of city driving.The growing number of Audi model series has also led to a growing number of production sites. While the Audi Q3 is an all-new addition to the model range, the production facility in Martorell (Seat Spain) is a new addition to the Audi production network.602_0122Contents IntroductionIn brief _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4BodyOverview _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6 Body structure _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8 Panorama glass sunroof ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10 Bumper system _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11 Tow bar ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11Occupant protectionComponents ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________12 Front airbags _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________14 Seat belt reminder _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________17EnginesThe 2.0l TFSI engine _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________18 2.0l TDI engine (2nd gen) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________20 Engine/gearbox mounting ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________22 Fuel system _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________23 Exhaust systems ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________24 Engine/gearbox combinations ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________25Running gearOverview ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________26 Axles _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________27 Electronic damper control _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________29 Brake system _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________31 Steering system ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________35 Wheels and tyres / tyre pressure indicator ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________42Electrical systemPower supply _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________43 Data bus diagnostic interface J533 (gateway) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________44 Onboard power supply control unit J519 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________47 Installation locations of the control units _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________48 Topology ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________50 Exterior lighting ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________54 Audi drive select ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________60 Driver assistance systems _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________62Air conditioningIntroduction ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________65 Refrigerant circuit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________67 Connected components ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________68InfotainmentOverview of versions _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________70 Installation locations of control units ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________72 Aerials overview ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________73 Sound systems _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________74 Displays _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________76 iPod adapter plus __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________77ServiceInspection and maintenance ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________78AnnexSelf Study Programmes ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7934!In brief602_033602_035602_034The Self Study Programme teaches a basic knowledge of the design and functions of new models, new auto-motive components or new technologies.It is not a Repair Manual! Figures are given for explanatory purposes only and refer to the data valid at thetime of preparation of the SSP.For maintenance and repair work, always refer to the current technical literature.NoteReference Introduction5Length in mm 4385Cabin width, front in mm 1417Width in mm 1831Cabin width, rear in mm 1362Height in mm1608Headroom, front in mm 1019Track width, front in mm 1571Headroom, rear in mm 969Track width, rear in mm 1575Through-loading width in mm 1067Wheelbase in mm2603Load sill height in mm 781Trailer load in kgwith brake at a gradient of 8 %2000Boot capacity in l 460/1365Kerb weight in kg 1510Tank capacity in l 64Max. gross weight in kg2110Drag coeffi cient in c w0,32602_0361) width, shoulder room 2)width, elbow room3) without a roof aerial, vehicle height is reduced by 18 mm.4)maximum headroomAll dimensions are given in millimetres and refer to the unladen weight of the vehicle.OverviewThe Audi Q3 sees Audi extending its SUV range to include anA-segment derivative model. The body was developed with the focus on lightweight design coupled with a high standard of vehicle safety. The high quality of the materials in the Audi Q3offers not only advantages in terms of weight reduction, but also provides the basis for meeting highest standards of vehicle safety.AttachmentsThe attachments, and specifi cally the doors, are of lightweight steel construction with double sealing lines and sealed joins. Further weight reductions were achieved by the use of aluminium in the bonnet and tailgate.The body including attachments weighs 423 kg, the body cell accounting for 303 kg and attachments for the remaining 120 kg.Body6602_099 Key:Mild steelsHigh-strength steels Modern high-strength steels Ultra-high-strength steelsUltra-high-strength steels (hot-formed)Aluminium panels7Body structureResistance spot welding is mainly used as a joining method in body construction for the Audi Q3. There are approximately 4000 spot welds in the body cell of the Audi Q3. In addition, resistance spot welds are combined with a high-strength bonding process in the body areas with critical requirements, such as vibration comfort and passive safety.Adhesive bonds are increasingly assuming sealing and corrosion protection functions in the Audi Q3. A special expanding adhesive is used in the plenum chamber area, eliminating the need for additional seaking. In total, approximately 74 m of adhesive is used in the body cell.Ultra-high-strength hot-formed componentsUltra-high-strength hot-formed components are installed in the following areas:• Bulkhead (tunnel bridge)• A post, top• B post, inside• Chassis rail (sill)• Tunnel89602_100Key:Soft steels 26 %High-strength steels 42 %Modern high-strength steels 15 %Ultra-high-strength steels 4 %Ultra-high-strength steels (hot-formed) 13 %B post, insideThe B post of the Audi Q3 is partially tempered in the shapingprocess. This imparts ultra-high-strength properties to the steel in top and bottom sections and only high-strength properties to the steel in the mid-section. The allows the forces exerted on the vehicle body during a side impact to be eff ectively absorbed.602_101Ultra-high-strengthUltra-high-strengthHigh-strength10Panorama glass sunroofThe Audi Q3 can be equipped with a panorama glass sunroof. The panorama glass sunroof consists of an opening front glass element and a fi xed rear glass element.It is designed as an externally guided roof system. In this concept,the front glass panel "rides" over the rear glass panel, increasing the headroom inside the occupant cell.Operating elementsThe operating elements of the roof system are located in the front light module above the rear-view mirrror. The glass panel is opened by means of a four-way switch and always moves in the direction in which the switch is pressed or pushed. It is a two-stage switch. With the fi rst stage, the panel can be moved manually into any position.With the second stage, the panel moves automatically into its end position. The lift position is obtained by pressing the switch and the close position by pulling the switch.Open glass panelOpen roller blind Tilted glass panelClose opened glass panel Close tilted glass panelClose roller blindReinforcing frameThe body versions with and without panorama glass sunroof achieve the same level of rigidity by using the reinforcing frame shown in red .High-strength adhesiveRoof frame602_102602_10311Bumper systemThe front bumper combines design with conformity to the various technical requirements relating to vehicle safety, protection of vulnerable road users, ease of repair and long life. The supporting element is the chrome frame around the radiator grille. This frame is inserted into the mounting boxes of the plastic frame during bumper assembly.The three-part bumper cover and the front spoiler are attached to the radiator grille. This multi-part design allows individual compo-nents to be replaced so that minor damage can be repaired with a minimum of expense. This is a factor contributing to the aff ordable insurance group classifi cation of the Audi Q3.Tow barAt the customer's request, the Audi A3 can be factory-fi tted with a tow bar with a manual swivelling ball head. The swivelling ball head is released by pulling a cable. The actuating button is located conveniently on the left-hand side behind the boot side trim.The rear bumper consists of a cover with welded-in enclosing partand a spoiler with integrated diff usor for the exhaust tail pipes. The bumper is attached to the rear of the body via the enclosing part. The pre-assembled guiding parts are attached fl ush with the body side sections at the side.The wrap-around tailgate necessitated relocating some of the tail lights into the bumper. These lights are integrated in the enclosing part together with the sensors for the optional Audi side assist system or the keyless entry aerials. The rear sensors for the optional parking aid or park assist function are attached to the spoiler or cover.602_104602_105An LED fl ashing red or lit green indicates to the customer whether the ball head is locked or released. This ensures that the customer is reliably informed when the tow bar is ready for use or safely swivelled in.602_106Actuating button for swiv-elling ball headIndicator lamp (LED), lit green or fl ashing redComponentsThe occupant protection system in the Audi Q3 comprises the following components and systems:• Airbag control unit• Driver and front passenger airbags• Front side airbags• Head airbags• Front airbag crash sensor• Crash sensors for side impact detection in the B posts• Crash sensors for side impact detection in the C posts• Seat belt warning for all seats• Seat belt switches on all seats in the seat belt buckles• Seat occupancy sensor in front passenger seat Additional equipmentThe vehicle can optionally be equipped with rear side airbags and/ or a keyswitch for deactivating the front passenger airbag with associated warning lamp.Due to the different requirements and statutory regulations which apply to car makers in the various markets, equipment is subject to change, particularly in the US market.Key to fi gure on page 13:E24 Seat belt switch, driver sideE25 Seat belt switch, front passenger sideE224 Airbag disabling switch, passenger side (optional) E258 Rear seat belt switch, driver sideE259 Rear seat belt switch, front passenger sideE609 Rear central seat belt switchG128 Seat occupancy sensor, front passenger sideG179 Side airbag crash sensor, driver sideG180 Side airbag crash sensor, front passenger sideG256 Rear side airbag crash sensor, driver side (C post) G257 Rear side airbag crash sensor, driver side (C post) G283 Front airbag crash sensor, driver side (front end)J234 Airbag control unitJ285 Control unit in dash panel insertJ533 Data bus diagnostic interface (gateway) K19 Seat belt reminder warning lampK75 Passenger airbag offK145 Passenger airbag off warning lamp(PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF) (optional)N95 Driver side airbag igniterN131 Front passenger side airbag igniter 1N153 Seat belt pretensioner igniter 1, driver sideN154 Seat belt pretensioner igniter 1, front passenger side N199 Side airbag igniter, driver sideN200 Side airbag igniter, front passenger sideN251 Head airbag igniter, driver sideN252 Head airbag igniter, front passenger sideT16 16 pin connector, diagnostic portNoteThe diagrams in the chapter "Occupant protection" are schematic diagrams provided for a better understanding.602_139Occupant protection12!13602_003System overviewThe system overview shows by way of example the equipment options available for a vehicle marketed in Germany.Key: Powertrain CAN busDash panel insert CAN busInput signal Output signalConvenience CAN busDiagnostics CAN bus14Front airbagsSingle-stage airbag modules are used in the Audi Q3 for the driver and front passenger. These are equipped with diff erent gas genera-tors.602_001Driver side airbag igniter N95The igniter activated by the airbag control unit ignites the priming charge, in turn igniting the actual propellant charge.Outlet port SpacerPropellant chargePropellant charge Igniter Priming chargeFilter Rupture foilOn the driver's side there is a solid propellant generator and on thefront passenger side a hybrid gas generator which infl ates the airbag.If the developing gas pressure exceeds a defi ned threshold due to combustion of the propellant charge, the rupture foil opens the outlets admitting the gas to the airbag.The airbag unfolds and is infl ated.15Front passenger side airbag igniter 1 N131The airbag control unit J234 activates the front passenger sideairbag igniter 1 N131. The activated igniter breaks the rupture disc 1 and ignites the propellant charge.602_002Defi nition of terminology used for airbags in Audi vehicles The deployment stages of an airbag were previously defi ned by thepropellant charges infl ating the airbag with gas. Today, the deploy-ment stages of an airbag are determined by the number ofinstalled igniters. In this context, it does not matter if an igniter ignites a propellant charge or activates an adaptivity feature (opening of an additional outlet).Rupture disc 1Rupture disc 2Compressed gas cylinder SpringPropellant charge Igniter Old designationNew designation Igniter Propellant charges Adaptivity Settings Settings 11None 1122None 2221yes 1232yes23Due to the combustion of the propellant charge, the pressure inside the compressed gas cylinder rises to the point at which rupture disc 2 breaks.The gas mixture unfolds and infl ates the airbag.16Airbag control unitBasically, the task of the airbag control unit J234 is to detect a crash, evaluate all input information and activate the relevant systems accordingly.Head airbagsGas generators with pressurised gas cylinders are used for infl ating the airbags. In these gas generators, the igniters have only the task of opening the compressed gas cylinders. The escaping com-pressed gas unfolds and infl ates the airbags. The head airbags are designed in such a way that, after unfolding, they cover nearly the entire window area in the occupant cell.Side airbagsThe side airbags are so-called "soft cover modules" identical to those used in other Audi modules as well.These modules are equipped with solid propellant generators.Inertia reel seat beltsThe Audi Q3 is equipped with pyrotechnic seat belt tensioners in the front seats. The familiar ball-type seat belt tensioners are used.The seat belt tensioners are driven by balls stored in a reservoir tube. In the event of a crash, the propellant charge is ignited by the airbag control unit.If the propellant charge is ignited, the expanding gases set the balls in motion, driving them around a gear wheel into the ball receptacle.The seat belt reel is coupled to the gear wheel and also rotated by the balls, tautening/tensioning the seat belt.602_011The airbag control unit is installed beneath the centre console.Seat beltBall receptacleGear wheelReservoir tube fi lled with ballsPyrotechnic propellant charge17Rear seat belt reminderAfter the ignition is turned on, the status of the seat belts (fas-tened/not fastened) is indicated on the centre display of the dashpanel insert for 31 seconds.Each change of status is indicated for an additional 31 seconds. If a rear passenger removes his/her seat belt while the vehicle is travelling (at a speed higher than 25 kph), an acoustic warning sounds once and the relevant indicator on the centre display fl ashes for 31 seconds.The airbag control unit J234 receives signals from the rear belt switches on the driver side E258, on the front passenger side E259 and in the centre E609 indicating whether the seat belts are fastened.602_005602_006on notfastened active active off fastened lights up 31 sec.fl ashes 31 sec.lights up 31 sec.offoff > 25 kph < 25 kphSeat belt Terminal 15Visual displaySeat belt not fastenedSeat belt fas-tenedAcousticwarning SpeedSeat belt reminderFront seat belt reminderIf the front occupants are not wearing their seat belts, they are alerted to this by the seat belt reminder warning lamp K19 after the ignition is turned on.The warning lamp K19 comes on if the driver and/or front passen-ger has not fastened his/her seatbelt. When the vehicle exceeds a speed of 25 kph, the front occupants are also reminded to put on their seat belt by an acoustic signal.If the acoustic warning has started and the vehicle decelerates to a speed of less than 5 kph within the fi rst 30 seconds, the acoustic warning is suppressed. If the vehicle's speed increases again to above 25 kph, the acoustic warning resumes. If the fi rst30 seconds have elapsed since commencement of the acoustic warning, the acoustic warning does not stop unless the seat belts are fastened.The total duration of the acoustic warning is limited to126 seconds. The acoustic warning also varies in volume and frequency.Seat belts not fastened warningon active > 25 kph active offoff< 5 kph< 30 sec.< 30 sec.approx. 96 sec.offVisual warningTerminal 15SpeedAcousticwarning602_004Warnings on rear seat belt statusThe 2.0l TFSI engineTechnical features• Charging by means of exhaust turbocharger• Start-stop system and recuperation• Four-valve cylinder head with camshaft phaser on the intake side and Audi Valvelift System on the exhaust side• Adapted belt drive (minus the power steering pump)ReferenceFor further information about the design and operation of the 2.0l TFSI engine, refer to Self-Study Programme 436 "Modifi cations to the chain-driven 4-cylinder TFSI engine".602_009• Engine management by timing chain• Intake manifold with fl aps• Volume-controlled oil pump• Upgraded high-pressure injectors Engines1819Engine code CCZCCPSATypeFour-cylinder inline engine Four-cylinder inline engine Displacement in cm 319841984Power output in kW (hp) at rpm 125 (170) at 4300 — 6200155 (211) at 5000 – 6200Torque in Nm at rpm280 at 1700 – 4200300 at 1800 – 4900Number of valves per cylinder 44Bore in mm 82.582.5Stroke in mm 92.892.8Compression ratio 9.6 : 19.6 : 1Powertrain type • quattro 6-speed manual gearbox• quattro 7-speed S tronic • quattro 7-speed S tronic Engine management Bosch MED 17.1Bosch MED 17.1FuelPremium unleaded (sulphur-free) 95 RON Premium unleaded (sulphur-free) 95 RON Emissions standard EU V EU V CO 2 emission in g/km174179Engine speed [rpm]602_010Specifi cations Torque-power curve2.0l TFSI engine with engine code CCZC Power in kWTorque in Nm2.0l TFSI engine with engine code CPSA Power in kWTorque in Nm20Technical features• Common rail injection system with exhaust turbocharger • lectromagnetic injectors• Engine management via timing chain• Injection system with injection pressures of up to 1800 bar • Twin balancer shafts• Adapted belt drive (minus the power steering pump)• 4/2-way valve in the cooling system • Electrical exhaust gas recirculation valve • Low temperature EGR cooling• Particulate fi lter with separate, integrated oxidising catalyticconverter• Start-stop system and recuperationReferenceFor further information on the design and operation of the 2.0l TDI engine, refer to Self Study Programme 420"The 2.0l TDI Engine with Common Rail Injection System" and Self Study Programme 442 "The 1.6l TDI Engine with Common Rail Injection System".602_0082.0l TDI engine (2nd gen)Specifi cations Torque-power curve2.0l TDI engine with code CFFB Power in kWTorque in Nm2.0l TDI engine with code CFGC Power in kWTorque in NmEngine speed [rpm]Engine code CFFBCFGCTypeFour-cylinder inline engine Four-cylinder inline engine Displacement in cm 319681968Power output in kW (hp) at rpm 103 (140) at 4200130 (177) at 4200Torque in Nm at rpm320 at 1750 – 2500380 at 1750 – 2500Number of valves per cylinder 44Bore in mm 81.081.0Stroke in mm 95.595.5Compression ratio 16.5 : 116.5 : 1Powertrain type• 6-speed manual gearbox (front-wheeldrive)• 6-speed manual gearbox (quattro)• quattro 7-speed S tronic • quattro 7-speed S tronicEngine management Bosch EDC 17 CR Bosch EDC 17 CR FuelDiesel to EN 590Diesel to EN 590Maximum injection pressure in bar 18001800Emissions standard EU V EU V CO 2 emission in g/km138156602_032Engine/gearbox mountingThe engine/gearbox mounting is a key factor infl uencing noise and vibration comfort in a vehicle. Because of the dynamic and sporty suspension set-up, hydraulic unit bearings are used in the Audi Q3. A standard torque roll bearing, also known as a self-aligningbearing, is used for transverse mounted engines. It is based on the separation of the lead-bearing and torque multiplication functions.The hydraulic damping in the bearings essentially reduces low-frequency engine/gearbox movements and thus optimises vibra-tion comfort.The resultant engine torque is absorbed by the stabiliser link rod, which is designed as an elastomer bearing and connected directly to the gearbox and vehicle body via the subframe.Hydraulic gearbox bearingStabiliser link barHydraulic engine bearing602_097OverviewCarrier partDiaphragmDamping fl uid with injector plateSupport arm。


{0>Nimmt das aas-Steuergerät am Nachlauf des CAN-Antrieb teil?<}0{>自适应空气悬架(aas)控制单元参与驱动CAN-总线的延时功能吗?<0}
□{0>Nein, 120 Sekunden nach Erhalt des letzten Eingangssignals geht das Steuergerät in den sleep Mode.<}0{>不,最后一次接收到输入信号后120秒,该控制单元进入休眠模式。<0}
Prüfen Sie Ihr Wissen
{0>Frage 1<}100{>问题1<0}
{0>Wird für den Q7 ein vollwertiges Reserverad angeboten?<}0{>Q7车都有一个完整的备用车轮吗?<0}
□{0>Nein, generell nicht.<}0{>不,一般没有<0}
□{0>Vor der Systeminitialisierung wurde das Steuergerät nicht kodiert.<}0{>在系统初始化前,没有给控制单元编码。<0}
□{0>Bei aas im Q7 ist keine Systeminitialisierung mehr erforderlich.<}0{>Q7车的自适应空气悬架不再需要进行初始化。<0}
□{0>Ja, unabhängig von der Karosserievariante<}0{>是的,不管车身是什么样的都有<0}

奥迪全系自学手册(SSP):Q7_EX307_ Kraftuebertragung

奥迪全系自学手册(SSP):Q7_EX307_ Kraftuebertragung
P/R/N/D/S – 信号的DSO-图象
14 I/VK-35, 11/2005
EX 307 Audi Q7 Technik – Kraftübertragung / Verteilergetriebe
tiptronic – 信号的DSO-图象
Tip- 通道 Tip +
A = 10 针插头,接车辆线束/变速器 B = 4针插头,接车辆线束/变速器 C = 10 针插头, 接显示单元Y26
换档操纵机构 (该例中使用的是 09D 变速器)
13 I/VK-35, 11/2005
信号 P/R/N/D/S
8 9
6 7 3
信号 tiptronБайду номын сангаасc
6-档-自动变速器 09D
8 I/VK-35, 11/2005
EX 307 Audi Q7 Technik – Kraftübertragung / Verteilergetriebe
ATF- 冷却
•节温器调节ATF冷却 •单独的 ATF- 冷却器 (空气-机油-热交换器)
ATF- 冷却器
选档杆位置显示单元 Y26
插头连接 A 选档杆传感器控制单元J587(带 有tiptronic 开关F189)
插头连接 C
12 I/VK-35, 11/2005
EX 307 Audi Q7 Technik – Kraftübertragung / Verteilergetriebe



导言 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04
钢板 8
“激光拼焊板 "ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้是根据尺寸加工的 , 材料强度 不同的金属板。
车顶隐形接缝 车顶和侧壁边框通过激光进行无缝焊接。
激光焊缝的整体长度为 3 米。
A-A 截面图
车顶 激光焊接的隐形接缝 外侧围板
A-A 截面图
这种稳固的上部结构保证了整体抗弯和抗扭性在 Trimmed-Body (修剪实体)结构上增强了 20%。
装备和材料的独特性再次将奥迪车型典型的高标 准带入到了紧凑型车中 。
V6 发动机 4
空调调节装置可以分开独 立调节
电动助力转向系统 5
04 款奥迪 A3 轿车一瞥 在以下的图例中将显示相对前任车型所更改的数 值。
在考虑下列要求的同时 , — 被 动 安 全 性 — 扭转强度 — 震 动 舒 适 性 — 声学性能 重点是对轻型结构的研发。
上部结构的强度是通过现代化的连接技术来实现 的。 现在车型上的激光焊缝和粘接长度比前任车型的 要多、要长。 在上部结构中 ,高强度和超高强度 金属板的重量分配提高到了近 50%。



Service Training自学手册SSP 538双离合器变速器 0DD 结构和功能Golf GTE 上采用了一种新双离合器变速器。


双离合器变速器 0DD 在 Golf GTE上,是配合1,4 l-110 kW-TSI-发动机和75kW的驱动电机V141使用的,该变速器是专为这种驱动模式而设计的,可以让驾驶者在燃油最省的情况下获得极好的驾驶乐趣。


s538_035本自学手册讲述的是新技术的结构和功能! 最新的检查、调节和维修说明,请参阅相应的维修手册。


2一览引言. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4大众集团的双离合器变速器. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Golf GTE上的双离合器变速器0DD. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 6混合动力模块. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8结构一览. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . 8离合器. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9变速器. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10结构一览. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . 10 输入轴 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 输入轴 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 输出轴 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 输出轴 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 换挡轴. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 单锥面同步器. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 离合器的相互配合. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 各挡位动力传递 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20机电一体模块. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24结构一览. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 机油泵 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 阀 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 传感器和执行元件. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 机油循环. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30概述. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40换挡过程. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . 40售后服务 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44基本设定. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 更换机油. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45考考你. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .463引言大众集团的双离合器变速器双离合器变速器0DD是由大众集团自己开发的,专门用于满足混合动力车需要的。

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