钟理主编环境工程专业英语课后习题Unit 1 (P.4)1 Based on Reading Material, put the following into Chinese.life expectancy :耐用期限,平均寿命poverty-stricken :贫穷的,贫困的,贫乏的smog-laden air :烟雾弥漫的天空,烟雾缭绕的空气,阴霾天气global conditions :全球状况haves and have-nots :富人和穷人underprivileged :社会地位低下的,相对贫困的,生活水平低下的,弱势的savanna :热带大草原,稀树草原predator :食肉动物,捕食者environmental disruptions :环境破坏,环境失调2 Put the following into English.农药—pesticide / agricultural chemicals (including: pesticide, germicide, herbicide)化肥—chemical fertilizer有机废物—organic wastes微生物—microorganism / microbe衰减—attenuation阻滞的—retardant / blocking稀释—dilution添加剂—additive合成塑料—synthetic plastic再生—regenerationUnit 3 (P.19)1 Put the following into Chinese.(1) Raw materials that lose their usefulness because they sit on the shelf too long become waste. 原材料放置过久会失去它们本身性能而变成废弃物。
(2) Poor cleaning of parts or inadequate dragout time will reduce the usefulness of the process chemicals, increase the cost of waste disposal, and the cost of chemical replacement.不良的零件清洗或者不充分的接触时间将减少工艺过程中化学品的有用性,增加处理废弃物的费用以及替换化学药品的费用。
专业英语环境:environment 环境工程:environmental engineering环境保护:environmental protection 环境意识:environmental consciousness/awareness 环境问题:environmental issue/problem 环境效应:environmental effect环境污染:environmental pollution 环境要素:environmental elements环境因子:environmental factors 环境化学:environmental chemistry环境生态学:environmental ecology 环境质量:environmental quality环境自净作用:environmental self-purification/self-cleansing生物圈:biosphere 生态学:ecology生态系统:ecosystem 生态平衡:ecological balance生态破坏:ecological damage生物群落:biological community猎食者:predator 食物链:food chain被猎食者:prey 营养级:trophic level物质循环:material cycle信息反馈:information feedback能量传递:energy transfer物质不灭定律:the law of conservation of mass能量守恒定律:the law of conservation of energy物料平衡定律:Material balance principle水环境:watershed 水体:water body流域:watershed 水质:water quality水资源:water resources 供水:water supply废水:waste water 水处理:water treatment物理性水质指标:physical indicate of water quality 水污染物:water pollutant生物性水质指标:biological water-quality index 水质标准:water quality standard化学性水质指标:chemical water-quality indexDS:dissolved solids BOD:biochemical oxygen demand TDS:total dissolved solids COD:chemical oxygen demand TSS:total suspended solids DO:dissolved oxygenTOC:total organic carbon PH值:TN:总氮total nitrogen TP:总磷phosphorusZn:zinc Cu:CopperAs:arsenic Cd:CadmiumCr:chromium Ni:NickelHg:mercury Pb:plumbum物理处理:physical treatment 过滤:screening生物处理:biological treatment 沉淀:sedimentation化学处理:chemical treatment 气浮:flotation物理化学处理:physical-chemical treatment蒸发:evaporation 稀释:dilution扩散:dispersion 吹脱:stripping好氧处理:aerobic treatment 生物膜法:biofilm process bio-membrane process厌氧处理:anaerobic treatment 生物滤池:trickling filters活性污泥法:activated sludge process 生物接触氧化:biological contact SBR:苯乙烯-丁二烯Styrene Butadiene RubberUASB(流式厌氧污泥床):Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket活性污泥:activated sludge 改进型:modification一级处理:primary treatment二级处理:secondary treatment三级处理:tertiary treatment高级氧化处理:advanced treatment生活污水:domestic wastewater生产废水:industrial wastewater城市生活污水:municipal wastewater电镀废水:metalplating plants印染废水:pulp and paper industries wastewater浊度:turbidity硬度:hardness水质净化:water quality purifies混凝沉淀:coagulate flocculating agent活性炭吸附:activated carbon adsorption隔油池:oil separation tank中和池:neutralization tank调节池:adjusting tank生物反应池:biological reactor加药设备:physical equipment沉淀池:sedimentation tank初沉池:primary sedimentation tank二沉池:secondary sedimentation tank絮凝剂:flocculant混凝剂:coagulate flocculant生物降解:biodegradation生物累积:bioaccumulation大气环境:airshed 气体净化:atmospheric cleanup对流层:troposphere 摩擦层:frictional layer?平流层:stratosphere 中间层:mesosphere热层:thermosphere 臭氧层:ozonosphere粉尘:dust 气溶胶:aerosol烟雾:smoke 降尘:dust fall飘尘:floating dust 可吸入颗粒物:inhalable particles能见度:visibility 酸雨:acid rain一次污染物:primary pollutant二次污染物:secondary pollutant氮氧化物:nitrogen oxides 硫氧化物:sulfur oxides硫化氢:hydrogen sulfide 碳氧化物:carbon oxides硝酸:nitric acid 盐酸:hydrochloric acid硫酸:sulfuric acid 二氧化硫:sulfur dioxide除尘工艺:Dust removal吸收:absorption吸附:adsorptionGAC(颗粒活性炭):granular a c tivated carbonPAC(粉末活性炭):powdered a c tivated carbonACF(活性炭纤维):a c tivated carbon fiber静电除尘:electric dust precipitation重力除尘:gravitational settling臭氧:ozone光化学烟雾:photochemical smoke喷淋(洗涤):scavenging凝聚:flocculation植物吸收:植物吸附:土壤:soil 热污染:temperature change/thermal pollution 噪声:noise 放射性:radioactivity光辐射:optical radiation光合成:Photosynthesis易燃性:ignitability易爆性:ignitability反应性:reactivity传染性:infectivity腐蚀性:corrosivityEIA:environmental impact assessmentCAD(计算机辅助设计):computer aided design大气污染控制工程:air pollution control水污染控制工程:water pollution control固体废物污染控制工程:solid waste management污染物:pollutant污染源:pollution source同化作用:assimilation 固体废物:solid wastes消纳作用:Digestive Function 危险废物:hazardous wastes城市生活垃圾:municipal wastes化学污泥chemical sludge:生物污泥:biological sludge工业固废:industrial wastes 分选处理:separation treatment矿业固废:mine solid wastes 破碎处理:processing农业固废:agriculture solid wastes 压实处理:reduction in volume污泥脱水:disposal of the sludge ?污泥浓缩:sludge thickening带式压滤:Belt filter press离心脱水:centrifugal dewatering筛分:screening堆肥和堆肥化:compost and composting沼气和沼气化:biogas热解与焚烧:pyrolysis and incineration生物转化作用:biotransformation热化学转化作用:thermo-chemical conversion固化和稳定化作用:solidification and stabilization资源化:resource减量化:pollution control无害化:harmlessness固体废物全过程控制:solid waste integrated control固体废物污染控制:solid waster pollution control固体废物处理:processing and recovery处置:disposal物质回收:materials recovery 物质转化:material conversion能量回收:energy recovery 能量转化:energy conversion1.Environmental engineering has been defined as the branch of engineering that is concernedwith protecting the environment from the potential, deleterious effects of human activity, protecting human populations from the effects of adverse environmental factors, and improving environmental quality for human health and well-being.(2页)环境工程学是环境工程的分支学科,其研究内容包括①保护环境免受人类活动改造形成的潜在和不利影响②保护人类免受不利环境因素的影响③持续改善环境质量,以造福于人类健康与福祉。
环境工程专业英语第一章 unit1 2
waste disposal are often dealt with separately by governmental agencies. 并且从行政管理方面看也是合理的,空气污染、供水、废水处理和固体废物 处置,这些单个环境问题都被政府部门分开单独处理 Unfortunately, many important environmental problems are not ed to an air, water, or land system, but involve interactions between systems. 事实上,许多重大的环境问题并不局限于大气、水或土壤圈中的某个单一系 统,而是各系统之间相互作用。
环境科学与工程专业英语第一篇:环境科学与工程专业英语一、单词/词组(考试时要求:中译英/英译中)环境科学:environmental science环境工程:environmental engineering定量环境科学:quantitative environmental science 定性环境科学:qualitative environmental science 衰减再生:decay and recycling新陈代谢率:metabolic rates外来物质:foreign matter研究和发展:Research and Development一次大气污染物:primary air pollutant 二次大气污染物:secondary air pollutant氧含量:Oxygen content点源:point sources沥青残留物:asphaltic residue酸雨:acid rain设备维护:facilities maintenance废物最小化:waste minimization正常浓度:normal concentration胡乱收集:magpie collection需氧量:oxygen demand/the amount of oxygen required 闭合回路:closed-loop微生物:microbe/microorganisms揭示大的差别;expose the considerable gaps空气质量监测:air-quality monitoring氧化剂:oxidizer石油精炼:petroleum refining活性炭:activated carbon质量控制:quality control海轮:ocean liner挥发性化学物质:volatile chemicals沙漠化:desertification火山喷发:volcanic eruption间歇源:intermittent sources衡量浓度:trace concentrations氯化物和硫化物:chlorides and sulphates风化:wind erosion不完全燃烧:incomplete combustion化石燃料:fossil fuels液滴:liquid dropletsSO3:sulfur trioxidefor managerial and administrative reasons行政管理上的原因stacks of generating stations许多发电站Roman empire罗马皇帝Cloaca maxima 古罗马的大排泄沟Wate phosphorous 亚磷的(三价磷)phosphorous acid亚磷酸phosphoric磷的(五价)carbonates,bicarbonates碳酸盐,碳酸氢盐carbohydrates碳水化合物,主要含氢和碳TOC(total organic carbon)总有机碳COD(chemical oxygen demand)化学需氧量BOD(biological oxygen demand)生化需氧量Biodegradable organic可生物降解的有机物BOD5BOD的测试标准化rborne diseases 水传染的疾病epilimnion 表层水hypolimnion深水层thermocline热变形层become depleted of oxygen 缺氧二、重点句子翻译UNIT21.Environment is the physical and biotic habitat which surrounds us;that which we can see,hear,touch,smell,and taste.环境是围绕在我们周围物质生命的栖息地,在那里我们可以看到,听到,触到,闻到和品尝到。
习, 包括科学记数法的读法和加减乘除运算 ; 各种物理量和物理单位的读法 ; 元素周期表 、 化合物的命名 、 化
摘 要: 环境工程专业英语专业词 汇多 , 内容 相对单 一 , 味性差 , 趣 教学 内容很难 吸引学 生 的注意 , 导致
学 生缺乏兴趣和 自 心。从互 动教学 、 信 调整课 程 内容、 核方式 和教学手 段 四个 方面着 手 , 考 对专 业英 语教学
进 行 了初步探索 。 关键词 : 环境工程 ; 专业英语 ; 互动教 学
1 问题分析
与基础英语相 比, 环境工程专业英语具有专业词汇多、 词义专一 、 复合词多、 名词群多等词汇特点, 以及 陈述句多、 复合句多、 被动语态多和虚拟语气多等句式结构特点。 【并且 , 2 专业英语 的内容相对单一 , 趣味性 较基础英语要差得多 , 教学 内容很难吸引学生的注意。这导致学生缺乏兴趣和 自信心, 少数同学连基本的朗 读课文都没有信心完成。因此 , 大部分学生忽视专业英语 的学习, 在专业英语上投入的时间和精力远不及基 础英语 。
基 金项 目: 琼州学院博士科研 启动基金 项 目( Y B 0 18 Q X 2 10 )
第5 期
孙宏元 , 白燕 :环境工程专业英语》 《 教学初探
6 3
2 篇课文进行全文精读讲解。根据我校环境工程专业 学生 的实际情况, 慢讲解 速度 , 放 偏重专业词汇的讲 解, 侧重于文章 的阅读理解和翻译 。同时 , 大多数的专业词汇是基础词汇转化、 派生或合成的 , 因此在讲解词 汇时将构词法讲解清楚 , 帮助学生记忆。 L 2 22 2 前后课程的合理设置 专业课与专业英语的课程前后设置 比较合理 , .. 学生在上课 的时候能与专 业课所学知识较好 的结合 , 能够发挥主观能动性。例如, 在第十三单元 Wa r r tet r es 中, t e m n Po s s 涉及专 eT a c e
(完整版)环境专业英语环境:environment 环境工程: environmental engineering环境保护:environmental protection 环境意识:environmental consciousness/awareness环境问题:environmental issue/problem 环境效应:environmental effect环境污染:environmental pollution 环境要素:environmental elements环境因子:environmental factors 环境化学:environmental chemistry环境生态学:environmental ecology 环境质量:environmental quality环境自净作用:environmental self-purification/self-cleansing 水环境:watershed 水体:water body 流域:watershed水质:water quality 水资源:water resources 供水:water supply废水:waste water 水处理:water treatment物理性水质指标:physical indicate of water quality 水污染物:water pollutant生物性水质指标:biological water-quality index 水质标准:water quality standard化学性水质指标:chemical water-quality index物理处理:physical treatment 过滤:screening 生物处理:biological treatment沉淀:sedimentation 化学处理:chemical treatment 气浮:flotation物理化学处理:physical-chemical treatment 蒸发:evaporation 稀释:dilution 扩散:dispersion 吹脱:stripping 好氧处理:aerobic treatment 生物膜法:bio-membraneprocess厌氧处理:anaerobic treatment 生物滤池:trickling filters活性污泥法:activated sludge process 生物接触氧化:biological contactSBR:苯乙烯-丁二烯 Styrene Butadiene RubberUASB(流式厌氧污泥床):Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket 活性污泥:activated sludge 改进型:modification一级处理:primary treatment 二级处理:secondary treatment三级处理:tertiary treatment 高级氧化处理:advanced treatment生活污水:domestic wastewater 生产废水:industrial wastewater城市生活污水:municipal wastewater 电镀废水:metalplating plants印染废水:pulp and paper industries wastewater 浊度:turbidity硬度:hardness 水质净化:water quality purifies混凝沉淀:coagulate flocculating agent 活性炭吸附:activated carbon adsorption隔油池:oil separation tank 中和池:neutralization tank 调节池:adjusting tank 生物反应池:biological reactor 加药设备:physical equipment沉淀池:sedimentation tank 初沉池:primary sedimentation tank二沉池:secondary sedimentation tank 絮凝剂:flocculant混凝剂:coagulate flocculant 生物降解:biodegradation生物累积:bioaccumulation 飘尘:floating dust可吸入颗粒物:inhalable particles 能见度:visibility 酸雨:acid rain一次污染物:primary pollutant 二次污染物:secondary pollutant氮氧化物:nitrogen oxides 硫氧化物:sulfur oxides硫化氢:hydrogen sulfide 碳氧化物:carbon oxides 硝酸:nitric acid盐酸:hydrochloric acid 硫酸:sulfuric acid 二氧化硫:sulfur dioxide除尘工艺:Dust removal 吸收:absorption 吸附:adsorption 静电除尘:electric dust precipitation 重力除尘:gravitational settling 臭氧:ozone光化学烟雾:photochemical smoke 喷淋(洗涤):scavenging土壤:soil 热污染:temperature change/thermal pollution 噪声:noise 放射性:radioactivity EIA:environmental impact assessmentCAD(计算机辅助设计):computer aided design 大气污染控制工程:air pollution control 水污染控制工程:water pollution control 固体废物污染控制工程:solid waste management 污染源:pollution source 同化作用:assimilation 固体废物:solid wastes 危险废物:hazardous wastes 化学污泥chemical sludge生物污泥:biological sludge 工业固废:industrialwastes 分选处理:separation treatment 矿业固废:mine solid wastes 破碎处理:processing 农业固废:agriculture solid wastes 压实处理:reduction in volume 污泥脱水:disposal of the sludge 污泥浓缩:sludge thickening 带式压滤:Belt filter press离心脱水:centrifugal dewatering 筛分:screening 沼气和沼气化:biogas堆肥和堆肥化:compost and composting 生物转化作用:biotransformation热解与焚烧:pyrolysis and incineration 热化学转化作用:thermo-chemical固化和稳定化作用:solidification and stabilization 资源化:resource减量化:pollution control 无害化:harmlessness 物质转化:material conversion固体废物全过程控制:solid waste integrated control固体废物污染控制:solid waster pollution 处置:disposal 物质回收:materials recovery control 固体废物处理:processing and recovery 能量回收:energy recovery能量转化:energy conversionenvironmental science 环境科学environmental engineering 环境工程 waste reduction 废物减量化 air pollution control 大气污染控制 wastewater treatment 污水处理solid waste treatment and disposal 固体废物处理与处置soil erosion 水土流失 thermal pollution 热污染 biological communities 生物群落ecosystem 生态系统green science and technology 绿色科技和技术primary pollutant: 一次污染物 secondary pollutant: 二次污染物 carbon dioxide: 二氧化碳methane: 甲烷fossil fuel: 化石(矿物)燃料 power plant: 电厂hydroelectric power: 水力发电clean energy: 清洁能源renewable energy:可再生能源automobile exhaust (emission): 汽车尾气greenhouse effect (gas): 温室效应(气体)air pollution control engineering: 大气污染控制工程cyclone: 旋风除尘器pressure drop: 压力损失,压力降baghouse: 袋式除尘器operating temperature: 操作温度spray tower:喷淋塔 sanitarylandfill:卫生填埋municipal wastewater=sewage=domestic sewage= sanitary sewage: 市政污水,生活污水point source: 点源non-point source: 非点源(面源)pretreatment: 预处理primary treatment: 初(一)级处理secondary treatment: 二级处理tertiary or advanced treatment: 三级处理,深度处理 trickling filter: 滴滤池 activated sludge: 活性污泥 bar rack or screen: 格栅grit chamber: 沉砂池 equalization tank: 调节池 primary settling tank: 初沉池secondary settling tank: 二沉池sustainable development: 可持续发展 recycling economy: 循环经济the sources and sinks of pollutants: 污染物的源与汇 aeration tank: 曝气池aerator: 曝气池,曝气器sedimentation tank: 沉淀池disinfection: 消毒 eutrophication: 富营养化 oxidation ditch: 氧化沟aerobic decomposition 好氧分解 anoxic decomposition缺氧分解anaerobic decomposition厌氧分解hydraulic retention time: (水力)停留时间flue gas: 烟气 biodegradable: 可生物降解的 refractory: 难降解的(常用)nondegradable: 不可降解的 acoustical material: 声学材料 soil conditioner: 土壤改良剂 extreme temperature: 极端温度 environmental quality: 环境质量Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water 地表水环境质量标准Ambient Air Quality Standards 环境空气质量标准Environmental Quality Standards for Noise 声环境质量标准缩略词:EIA : Environmental Impact Assessment, 环境影响评价SS:Suspended Solid 悬浮物BOD:Biochemical Oxygen Demand 生化需氧量COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand 化学需氧量 TOC: Total Organic Carbon 总有机碳WWTP : Wastewater Treatment Plant 污水处理厂SBR: Sequencing Batch Reactor 序批式反应池 RBC: Rotating Biological Contactor 生物转盘 SRT: Sludge Retention Time 污泥龄(污泥停留时间) EPA: Environmental Protection Agency 环境保护署ISO: International Standardization Organization 国际标准化组织 EMS: Environmental Management System 环境管理系统 RS: Remote Sensing 遥感GPS: Global Positioning System 全球定位系统GIS: Geographic Information System 地理信息系统TSP: Total Suspended Particulates 总悬浮颗粒物。
环境工程专业英语第二版(化学工业出版社)umite 1 Studying the Environment
The Human
Most of the people who starve to death live in povertystricken developing nations. But now, at the end of the twentieth century, the wealthy nations are in trouble too. According to most estimates, the average standard of living in North America and Western Europe peaked in about 1967. Even the wealthiest nations are running out of fuel, hardwoods, and some minerals. As a result, necessities such as housing, food, and fuel are demanding more and more of the family budget, leaving less available for luxuries. Pollutants contaminate cities, towns, and even rural environments. Sewage of poisonous pesticides in waterways, smog-laden air, and garbage in streets of parks lower the standard of living of everyone, no matter how wealthy.
钟理主编环境工程专业英语课后习题Unit 1 (P.4)1 Based on Reading Material, put the following into Chinese.life expectancy :耐用期限,平均寿命poverty-stricken :贫穷的,贫困的,贫乏的smog-laden air :烟雾弥漫的天空,烟雾缭绕的空气,阴霾天气global conditions :全球状况haves and have-nots :富人和穷人underprivileged :社会地位低下的,相对贫困的,生活水平低下的,弱势的savanna :热带大草原,稀树草原predator :食肉动物,捕食者environmental disruptions :环境破坏,环境失调2 Put the following into English.农药—pesticide / agricultural chemicals (including: pesticide, germicide, herbicide)化肥—chemical fertilizer有机废物—organic wastes微生物—microorganism / microbe衰减—attenuation阻滞的—retardant / blocking稀释—dilution添加剂—additive合成塑料—synthetic plastic再生—regenerationUnit 3 (P.19)1 Put the following into Chinese.(1) Raw materials that lose their usefulness because they sit on the shelf too long become waste. 原材料放置过久会失去它们本身性能而变成废弃物。
(2) Poor cleaning of parts or inadequate dragout time will reduce the usefulness of the process chemicals, increase the cost of waste disposal, and the cost of chemical replacement.不良的零件清洗或者不充分的接触时间将减少工艺过程中化学品的有用性,增加处理废弃物的费用以及替换化学药品的费用。
ContentsChapter 1 Environmental Issue 环境问题Chapter 2 Ecosystems 生态学Chapter 3 Cycling of Mineral Nutrients 矿物质循环Chapter 4 Environmental Engineering and Engineer 环境工程与工程师Chapter 5 Air Pollution 空气污染Chapter 6 Air Pollution Control——Particulate Controls 空气污染的控制——颗粒物控制Chapter 7 Air Pollution Control——Gaseous Pollutants Controls 空气污染的控制——气体污染物的控制Chapter 8 Integrated Solid Waste Management 综合固体废物处理Chapter 9 The Unit Operations and Processes Used for the Separation and Processing of Waste Materials废物分离和处理的单元操作与工艺Chapter 10 Hazardous Chemical Waste Management 有害化学废物的处理Chapter 11 Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment 环境影响评价简介Chapter 12 Environmental Impact Assessment 环境影响评价Chapter 13 Noise and Noise Control 噪声与噪声控制Chapter 14 Environmental Law and Standards 环境法律与标准Chapter 15 Environmental Chemical Analysis 环境化学分析Chapter 16 Water, Water Cycle and Sustainable Management 水、水循环以及持续管理Chapter 17 Water Supply 供水Chapter 18 Wastewater Collection Systems 废水收集系统Chapter 19 Waste Water Engineering 废水工程Chapter 20 Wastewater Treatment Objectives, Methods, and Implementation 废水处理目标,方法和实施Chapter 21 Introduction to Wastewater Treatment Plant Design 污水处理厂设计简介Chapter 22 Wastewater Treatment 废水处理Chapter 23 Biological Nutrient Removal 生物营养物去除Chapter 24 Advanced Wastewater Treatment 高级废水处理Chapter 25 Sludge Treatment and Disposal 污泥处理与处置Chapter 5 Air Pollution 空气污染5.1 Definition of Air Pollution(空气污染的定义)Air pollution can be defined as the presence in the the outdoor atmosphere of one or more contaminants (pollutants)(空气污染可以定义为存在于室外大气中的一种或多种污染物)in such quantities and of such duration as may be (or may tend to be) injurious to human, plant, or animal life, or to property (materials), 其数量和持续时间已达到(或将会)危害人类、植物、动物生命以及财产的程度or which may unreasonably interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property, or the conduct of business.(或妨碍人们对生活财产的舒适享受或影响商业活动。
o Acid-base reactions
HA + BOH --> H2O + BA
o Complexation reactions
Transition metal, such as Fe3+, Fe2+, Cu2+, Ag+, Pt2+ etc. + ligands, such as NH3、H2O, CN-, SCN-, F-, Cl-
Environmental systems
• Ecosystem
A freshwater ecosystem in Gran Canaria, an island of the Canary Islands
• Water resources management system
Water supply subsystem
• Environmental Engineering
the principles of biology and chemistry, environmental engineers develop solutions to environmental problems
• Environmental Engineers
Environmental problems
• Overpopulation: the presence in a given area of more people than can be supported adequately by the resources available in that area • Pollution: a reduction in the quality of the environment by the introduction of impurities
环境工程专业英语--Unit 2
Unit 2 Environmental Engineering
2. System, according to webster’s dictionary, is defined as “a set or arrangement of things so related or connected as to form a unit or organic whole; as, a solar system, irrigation system,supply system, the world or universe”.
1. Environment is the physical and biotic habitat which surrounds us; that which we can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste.
一些重要的定义 在本书中首次出现时,定义以大写字母或是如这里所示, 以粗体显示。 ① 环境是围绕在我们周围的物质和生物栖息地,我们可
Interaction of Systems: • Environmental problems:
➢ One system: water, air, or land
✓ Easier comprehension ✓ Sensible for managerial and administrative reasons
Specialty English for Environmental Science and Engineering
厚德博学 慎思笃行
Part 1 Introducineering
Unit 1环境工程本书的内容:本书的目的是使工科和理科学生对环境问题的跨学科的研究有所了解:环境问题的起因,环境问题受关注的原因,如何控制环境问题。
(完整版)(整理)环境工程专业英语翻译(中英对照)Unit one Environmental Engineering环境工程What is this book about?这本书是关于什么的?The objective of this book is to introduce engineering and science students to the interdisciplinary study of environment problems;their cause,why they are of concern,and how we can control them. The book includes:这本书的目的是使理工科的学生了解跨学科间的研究环境问题;它们的起因,为什么它们受到关注,以及我们怎样控制它们。
这本书包括:●Description of what is meant by environment and environmental systems描述环境和环境系统意味着什么●Information on the basic causes of environmental disturbances关于引起环境干扰基础原因的基本信息●Basic scientific knowledge necessary to understand the nature of environmental problems and to be able toquantify them理解环境问题本质,并能够定量计算它们所必要的基本科学知识●Current state of the technology of environmental control in its application to water,air and pollution problems目前适用于水,空气和环境污染问题的环境控制技术的现状●Considerable gaps in our current scientific knowledge of understanding and controlling many of the complexinteractions between human activities and nature我们目前的科学知识在理解和控制人类活动和自然之间复杂的相互作用的科学知识上存在相当大的缺陷●Many environmental problems which could be eliminated or reduced by the application of current technology,but which are not dealt with because of society’s lack of will to do so,or in many instance because of a lack of resources to do so.许多环境问题可以应用现有技术消除或减少,但没有得到处理是因为社会缺乏这样做的意愿,或者像许多例子那样因为缺乏资源。
环境工程专业英语pollution污染acid rain 酸雨environmental problem 环境问题environmental disturbance环境损坏biotic habitat 生物环境sulfur dioxide二氧化硫nitrogen oxide氧化氮carbon dioxide二氧化碳automobile exhaust汽车尾气infectious diseases 有传染性的疾病waterborne diseases 水传染的疾病 agrarian society农业社会 industrial society工业社会 industrial revolution家产革命urbanization城市化industrialization工业化developed country 发达国家developing country 发展中国家 undeveloped country 落伍国家 primary air pollutant一次大气污染物 secondary air pollutant 二次大气污染物monoxide 一氧化物 dioxide 二氧化物 trioxide 三氧化物 carbon monoxide一氧化碳 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳sulfur dioxide 二氧化硫sulfur trioxide 三氧化硫 nitrous oxide 一氧化二氮 nitric oxide 一氧化氮nitrogen dioxide二氧化氮carbon oxides 碳氮化物sulfur oxides 硫氧化物nitrogen oxides 氮氧化物hydrocarbons 碳氢化合物 photochemical oxidants 光化学氧化物 particulates 颗粒物inorganic compound 无机化合物 organic compound 有机化合物 radioactive substance放射性物质heat 热noise噪声 contaminant污染物strength 强度foreign matter杂质domestic sewage生活污水municipalwastewater城市废水microbe微生物microorganism微生物bacteria细菌total solids总固体inorganic constituents无机因素suspended solids(SS)固体悬浮物volatile s uspended solids(VSS)挥发性悬浮固体颗粒organic matter 有机物质total organic carbon, TOC 总有机碳chemical oxygen demand, COD 化学需氧量biochemical oxygen demand,BOD 生化需氧量biodegradable 可微生物分解的 contamination 污染recontamination 再污染groundwater地下水surface water 地表水 restriction 限制colloid 胶体 screening隔栅coagulation凝聚flocculation絮凝sedimentation 积淀filtration过滤disinfection消毒chlorination氯化消毒prechlorination预加氯ozonation臭氧消毒aeration 曝气softening 融化activated carbon 活性炭 adsorption吸附reverse osmosis 反浸透desalination脱盐处理microbial degradation微生物降解biological degradation生化降解biofilm process 生物膜法activated sludge process活性污泥法attached -growth 吸着生长 suspended-growth 悬浮生长 shock loading 冲击负荷organic loading 有机负荷 mixed liquor suspended solids 混淆液悬浮固体metabolize使代谢化metabolism新陈代谢dissolved oxygen 溶解氧pretreatment process 预办理工艺primary clarifier 初沉池 equalization basin 均质池 biological treatment process生物处理工艺 aeration basin 曝气池secondary clarifier二沉池 biomass生物质 heterotrophic bacteria异养菌autotrophic bacteria自养菌hydraulic retention time(HRT) 水力逗留时间sludge residence time (SRT) 污泥逗留时间solid waste 固体废物municipal 城市化industrial工业的agricultural 农业的hazardous 危险的residential住所的commercial 商业的 putrescible 易腐化的combustible易燃的flammable可燃的 explosive易爆的radioactive放射性的Landfilling土地填埋incineration:焚烧composting:堆肥compaction:压实,紧凑sanitary landfill 卫生填埋balance 剩下的,余额,结余batch-fed 分批投料refuse 垃圾municipal waste 城市垃圾perform:执行shut down:关闭energy recovery 能量回收 incomplete combustion不完整焚烧combustion燃烧volume reduction体积减小anaerobic厌氧硝化中英互译短语Biological degradation 生化降解equalization basin 调理池aeration basin 曝气池sludge blocs 污泥絮体settling tank积淀池dissolved oxygen溶解氧 suspended-growth悬浮生长pulverized refuse垃圾破裂biofilm 生物膜well -compacted landfill压实填埋场nutrient source 营养源mass-burning 大批焚烧 fluidized fed incarceration 硫化床焚烧法soil conditioners 土壤改进剂温室效应 greenhouse effect由 CO2惹起的 caust by CO2世界碳估算 the world carbon budget天气自然颠簸 natural fluctuations全世界变暖 global warming 厌氧的 anaerobic腐化 Putrefied甲烷 methane 臭氧层 ozone layer天气模型 climatic model 正常浓度: normal concentration严重污染物: heavily polluted决定因素: determining factor光化学氧化物:photochemical oxidants液体微滴:liquid particulates含硫的: sulfur -containing放射性物质: radioactiue substance 汽车尾气: automobile exhaust wet oxidation湿式氧化1、 Environment is the physical and biotic habitat which surrounds us; that which we can see, hear, touch,smell, and taste.环境是我们四周的物理和生物环境,我们能够看到、听到、接触到、闻到和品味到的。
环境工程专业英语pollution污染acid rain酸雨environmental problem 环境问题environmental disturbance环境破坏biotic habitat 生物环境sulfur dioxide二氧化硫nitrogen oxide氧化氮carbon dioxide二氧化碳automobile exhaust汽车尾气infectious diseases有传染性的疾病waterborne diseases水传染的疾病agrarian society农业社会industrial society工业社会industrial revolution产业革命urbanization城市化industrialization工业化developed country发达国家developing country发展中国家undeveloped country落后国家primary air pollutant一次大气污染物secondary air pollutant二次大气污染物monoxide一氧化物dioxide二氧化物trioxide三氧化物carbon monoxide一氧化碳carbon dioxide二氧化碳sulfur dioxide二氧化硫sulfur trioxide三氧化硫nitrous oxide一氧化二氮nitric oxide一氧化氮nitrogen dioxide二氧化氮carbon oxides碳氮化物sulfur oxides硫氧化物nitrogen oxides氮氧化物hydrocarbons碳氢化合物photochemical oxidants光化学氧化物particulates颗粒物inorganic compound无机化合物organic compound有机化合物radioactive substance放射性物质heat热noise噪声contaminant污染物strength强度foreign matter杂质domestic sewage生活污水municipalwastewater城市废水microbe微生物microorganism微生物bacteria细菌total solids总固体inorganic constituents无机要素suspended solids (SS)固体悬浮物volatile suspended solids (VSS)挥发性悬浮固体颗粒organic matter有机物质total organic carbon, TOC 总有机碳chemical oxygen demand, COD化学需氧量biochemical oxygen demand, BOD生化需氧量biodegradable可微生物分解的contamination污染recontamination再污染groundwater地下水surface water地表水restriction限制colloid胶体screening隔栅coagulation凝聚flocculation絮凝sedimentation沉淀filtration过滤disinfection消毒chlorination氯化消毒prechlorination预加氯ozonation臭氧消毒aeration曝气softening软化activated carbon活性炭adsorption吸附reverse osmosis反渗透desalination脱盐处理microbial degradation微生物降解biological degradation生化降解biofilm process生物膜法activated sludge process活性污泥法attached-growth吸着生长suspended-growth悬浮生长shock loading冲击负荷organic loading有机负荷mixed liquor suspended solids混合液悬浮固体metabolize使代谢化metabolism新陈代谢dissolved oxygen 溶解氧pretreatment process 预处理工艺primary clarifier初沉池equalization basin均质池biological treatment process生物处理工艺aeration basin曝气池secondary clarifier二沉池biomass生物质heterotrophic bacteria异养菌autotrophic bacteria自养菌hydraulic retention time (HRT) 水力停留时间sludge residence time (SRT) 污泥停留时间solid waste固体废物municipal城市化industrial工业的agricultural农业的hazardous危险的residential住宅的commercial商业的putrescible易腐烂的combustible易燃的flammable可燃的explosive易爆的radioactive放射性的Landfilling土地填埋incineration: 焚烧composting: 堆肥compaction: 压实,紧凑sanitary landfill卫生填埋balance剩下的,余额,结余batch-fed 分批投料refuse垃圾municipal waste城市垃圾perform: 执行shut down: 关闭energy recovery能量回收incomplete combustion不完全燃烧combustion燃烧volume reduction体积缩小anaerobic厌氧硝化中英互译短语Biological degradation生化降解equalization basin调节池aeration basin曝气池sludge blocs 污泥絮体settling tank沉淀池dissolved oxygen溶解氧suspended-growth悬浮生长pulverized refuse垃圾破碎biofilm生物膜well-compacted landfill压实填埋场nutrient source 营养源mass-burning大量燃烧fluidized fed incarceration硫化床燃烧法soil conditioners土壤改良剂温室效应greenhouse effect 由CO2引起的caust by CO2 世界碳预算the world carbon budget 天气自然波动natural fluctuations 全球变暖global warming 厌氧的anaerobic 腐烂Putrefied 甲烷methane 臭氧层ozone layer 气候模型climatic model 正常浓度:normal concentration 严重污染物:heavily polluted 决定因素:determining factor 光化学氧化物:photochemical oxidants 液体微滴:liquid particulates 含硫的:sulfur-containing 放射性物质:radioactiue substance 汽车尾气:automobile exhaust wet oxidation湿式氧化1、Environment is the physical and biotic habitat which surrounds us; that which we can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. 环境是我们周围的物理和生物环境,我们可以看到、听到、接触到、闻到和品尝到的。
环境工程专业英语翻译 2考试
Unit 5 Type and Sources of Air Pollutants空气污染物的类型和来源What is air pollution?Air pollution is normally defined as air that contains one or more chemicals in high enough concentration to harm humans, other animals, vegetation or materials.什么是空气污染?空气污染通常是指那种包含一种或多种化学物质富集到高浓度并足以伤害人类、其他动物、植物或材料的空气。
There are two major types of air pollution.主要有两种类型的空气污染。
A primary air pollution is a chemical added directly to the air that occurs in a harmful concentration.初级空气污染是指有害的浓度直接进入到空气中的化学物质。
It can be a natural air component, such as carbon dioxide, that rise above its normal concentration, or something not usually found in the air, such as a lead compound emitted by cars burning leaded gasoline.这种化学物质可以是一个自然的空气成分,如超过了正常浓度的二氧化碳,,或通常不会在空气中发现的,如汽车燃烧含铅汽油所排放出来的主要尾气。
A secondary air pollution is a harmful chemical formed in the atmosphere through a chemical reaction among air components.次生空气污染是指在大气中由气体成分之间发生化学反应的有害化学物质。
环境工程专业英语--Unit 1
Unit 1 What are Environmental Science and Engineering
Quantitative Environmental Science: 1.What does scientific method deal with? 2.What is the cornerstone of science?
➢ 即使它们是具有代表性的,它们也含有不能用现有知识来解释的某 些随机变化。
Care and impartiality in gathering and recording data, as well as independent verification(认证), are the cornerstones of science.
➢ 历来环境科学家研究的焦点,理所应当是自然环境。
By this, we mean the atmosphere, the land, the water and their inhabitants as differentiated from the built environment.
➢ 因此,我们指的是大气,土壤,水和居住环境,这些不同于建设的 环境。
在最广泛的意义上 , 科学是系统化的知识,来源于并且实 践于对问题的认识和构想 , 以及通过观察和实验的数据的 收集。
Unit 1 What are Environmental Science and Engineering
We differentiate between social science and natural science in that the former deals with the study of people and how they live together as families, tribes, communities, races, and nations, and the latter deals with the study of nature and the physical world. Natural science includes such diverse disciplines as biology, chemistry, geology, physics, and environmental science.
环境工程专业英语 第二版 华南理工大学 钟理 主编
环境工程专业英语第二版华南理工大学钟理主编纯手打,自己检查哈!Unit 33Reading Material:Pollution Control Strategies[Ⅱ]Legal Aspects and the Role of GovernmentLegislation to control the quality of water and air and the disposal of solid and hazardous wastes was introduced,with particular emphasis on the United States and Canada. It is the responsibility of government,at the national,state,provincial,or local level,to enact and update environmental control legislation. This legislation is generally written to provide the broad goals and objectives for environmental quality. It does not provide the means and methods by which these goals are to be achieved. Nor need it provide the details which are necessary to monitor and control the performance of pollution control facilities. It is,therefore,necessary for governments at all levels to establish regulatory strategies,in order to implement the broadly stated objectives of general legislation.The goal of environmental management strategies is to maintain or improve the quality of the ambient or surrounding environment. Ambient standards art determined for a number of different characteristics or pollutants within a medium suchas air or water. These standards are designed tominimize risks to the health of humans,animals,or theenvironment in general. The components for which these ambient standards are set must be quantifiable and scientifically measurable. In water and air,criteria are set for allowable concentrations of a variety of pollutants. Furthermore,the pollutants for which ambient standards are must be related to their sources. A regulatory agency can set ambient standards and monitor ambient conditions,but it cannot control or manage conditions except by controlling the sources of the pollutants which affect the ambient conditions. For example,in the air,it is desirable to maintain the concentration of particulates below a certain level. To do this,we must determine the possible sources of the particulates. Some of these sources may be identifiable,such as a smokestack or a burning garbage dump. But much of the particulate matte may come from unidentifiable or nonpoint sources,such as open fields, highways,or a forest fire many miles away. After the sources have been identified,it is necessary to relate the rate at which the pollutants are being released from the sources to the ambient concentrations. when this is done,it is possible to set allowable limits on the discharge of pollutants at the sources. This forms the basis for effluent standards.Effluent standards are ambient standards because they can be monitored and controlled in many cases. Even though the ambient quality is what we are interested in preserving,we normally try to achieve this by controlling effluent quality and quantity.Three main instruments are available to government for environmental control:direct regulation ,polluter subsidies,and they all work to internalize pollution costs to the polluter. They can be applied independently,but are usally applied in combination,Each of these instruments appears in a variety of forms,We shall consider some of the more common forms in which they are applied,as well as other interesting possibilities for controlling pollution,Direct regulation. The government can use its legislative powers to regulate the actions of individuals,corporations,and lower levels of government,Therefore,through direct legislative action,thequantity,quality,and location of discharges of pollutants can be regulated. The main forms of direct regulation are zoning;prohibition,or zero discharge;and effluent standards.Zoning. Zoning regulations are one of the simplest and oldest forms of pollution control and are still a part of almost every pollution control strategy. The objective is to separate the polluter form the rest of society by either space or time. Aresult of the so-called sanitary awakening in mid-nineteenth century Britain was the realization that open garbage dumps had to be removed from areas of dense population and kept away from public water supplies. Local bylaws were enacted to ensure that this was done so that the benefits to public health were realized. The prohibition on the burning of coal in nineteenth-century London whileparliament was in session is another example of this type of zoning. More recent examples of zoning to separate pollutions from the public are the location of airports, the use of curfews on airport operations,and the construction of tall chimneys or long marine sewage outfalls.Prohibition or Zero Discharge. Another form of direct regulation of pollution is prohibition,also known as zero discharge. The advantages of such a concept are obvious. First and foremost there would be no change in environmental quality. Moreover,all resources would have to be completely converted into useful products or stored indefiniteky. And the legislation would appear to be equitable,since the same regulation would apply to everyone. Such a concept,however,is normally impossible to realize,A simple materials balance shows that any resource taken from the environment,including energy,must be returned in some form. Even if it were conceivable to recycle all wastes into new products,there would still be a large energy requirement to achieve this. For most activities,zero discharge would be expensive if not impossible to achieve,At present,producers of extremely hazardous wastes,for which no treatment is available,are the only ones subjected to zero discharge requirements. They must store their wastes until a means of safe disposal is found.Effluent Standards. Effluent discharge standards are the most common and the most useful form of direct regulation. They can be in the form of across-the-board standards which require that effluents of allpolluters meet the same criteria,or thay may be individually developed for each polluter. The advantages of an across-the-board type of approach are that it is easy to administer,it appears fair to all polluters,and it provides the most rigid control over environmental quality. The disadvantages are that it may be uneconomical,and therefore impractical,to insist that all polluters meet the same effluent standards. Some polluters may easily meet standards that others will be unable to meet at all,or only at a very high cost. The different assimilative capacities of the environment in different locations can be taken into account only on a case-by-case basis. For example,a large,fast-moving river can accept a much larger amount of organic pollution than a small creek,and therefore pollutant concentrations from point-source discharges coule be much higher before river quality is seriously affected. Nevertheless,most jurisdictions prefer to set common effluent discharge guidelines,which must be met unless the contributor is specifically exempted.Subsidies. One method of encouraging polluters to comply with regulations is to provide money to help cover their costs. These subsidies may be in the form of direct payments or grants based on a percentage of the cost of pollution abatement or on a percentage reduction in effluent quantity or strength. They may also take the form of low-interest loans for the capital costs of improved treatment facilities.Alternatively,governments can reduce or defer taxes or relax other government requirements to encourage spending on pollution control.The main advantage of subsidies is that they reduce the costs of pollution abatement to the polluter and limit the associated increase in production costs. Governments grants can be used to cover capital costs,and tax incentives can be used to relieve operation and maintenance costs. Subsidies (the carrot) combined with regulations (the stick ) can be used by government to reduce stress on the environment and at the same time encourage research and development by industry in pollution abatement technology . The main disadvantage of polluter subsidies is that the government will have to increase taxes or direct money form other programs in order to pay the subsidies. This is partially offset by decreased expenditures needed to correct the effects of damage due to pollution(i.e. , expenditures on water treatment plants or public health care). However,these returns may be small compared to the costs involved. A general tax increase may seem fair when everyone benefits from an increase in environmental quality. In fact,however,people benefit to varying degrees,and some may balk at paying money for what appears to be someone else’s problem.Another serious drawback to the subsidy system is that it can be easily abused. The idea of paying someone to stop damaging the environment sounds suspiciously like a criminal protection racket . Allpotential polluters will want to be paid for not polluting. Companies may find that the subsidy available for waster reduction exceeds their actual costs of making the change. They may then increase their production above normal simply to receive a subsidy and go on to dump the extra goods at a lower price. In this situation,a polluting industry has been rewarded while its competitors who already treat their wastes adequately get no benefit.Service charges. Service or user charges are similar to subsidies in that monetary means are used to encourage a polluter to comply with effluent requirements. Charges are the most direct may of internalizing the costs of pollution to polluter. There are numerous types of service charges,but in general,money is paid to the local government or agency in proportion to the amount of pollution. The government or agency may then use the money to pay for and operate central pollution control facilities.The obvious advantage of a service charge is that it is the polluter who pays for the costs of polluting. The system rewards those industries that are clean and efficiently run and penalizes those that are dirty and wasteful. Also,it does not encourage increases in polluting activity ,as a subsidy system might. Finally,the administration of such a system is relatively easy ,requiring only the monitoring of discharges.The disadvantages are that production and operating costs for the industries connected may rise. If the service charges arenominal,industries may find it less expensive to simply continue polluting,If the charges are high enough force an industry to stop or severely restrict its effluent discharges,the industry may close down. In any event,the charges will be passed on in the form of increased prices for the industry’s products. Since each industry has different capabilities and costs related to controlling its wastes,a uniform service charge could upset the economic balance between competing industries. However,to customize effluent charges for each polluter would be an administrative burden and appear to be unfair.We are all familiar with charges for municipal services. In urban areas,we pay through property taxes or special levies to have refuse and sewage removed from our homes. In the same way ,industries may find it more convenient to pay to have their untreated wastes removed and disposed of at a central treatment facility. In some of the heavily industrialized areas of Europe, this has been found to be an attractive and efficient way to dispose of industrial wastes. In many cases,the extra cost of waste collection is offset by the economy of scale of large ,specialized treatment plants.In general,all wastes which do not harm the system or affect the operation of the treatment plant shoule be accepted without pretreatment.If the wastes are stronger than “normal” sewage,then a charge,or more correctly,a surcharge,should be assessed against the industry for the extra cost of sewage treatment . For this approach,a surcharge formula setting out the charges for accepting wastes stronger than normal would have to be included in the industrial waste bylaw. Ideally,charges for sewage treatment should be related to the cost of providing the facilities and the benefits received. The practical application of this method isdifficult,however,and various methods of charging for industrial wastes have evolved.。
life expectancy :耐用期限,平均寿命poverty-stricken :贫穷的,贫困的,贫乏的smog-laden air :烟雾弥漫的天空,烟雾缭绕的空气,阴霾天气global conditions :全球状况haves and have-nots :富人和穷人underprivileged :社会地位低下的,相对贫困的,生活水平低下的,弱势的savanna :热带大草原,稀树草原predator :食肉动物,捕食者environmental disruptions :环境破坏,环境失调农药—pesticide / agricultural chemicals (including: pesticide, germicide, herbicide)化肥—chemical fertilizer 有机废物—organic wastes微生物—microorganism / microbe 衰减—attenuation阻滞的—retardant / blocking 稀释—dilution添加剂—additive 合成塑料—synthetic plastic 再生—regenerationUnit 4Precision and accuracy 精确度和准确度bulk collection 大量的搜集matric material 基体材料ananlytical sequence 分析结果Multivariate statistics 多变量的统计interactive effect 相互间的影响insofar 在...的范围overall analytical scheme 整体分析计划灵敏度sensitivity 采样sample collection 真实时间real time样品欲处理pretreatment of the sample 稳定性stability曲线拟合curve-fitting 吸附adsorb adsorption 累积accumulate accumulation 分析评价analytical evaluation 物理分离physical separation因次图dimension graph 标准方差standard varianceUnit 5primary pollutant 一次大气污染物secondary pollutant 二次大气污染物air stagnation 空气流动停滞,大气停滞nitrous oxide 一氧化二氮(N2O)nitric oxide 一氧化氮(NO) nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮(NO2)soot 煤烟dust 灰尘smog 烟雾ozone 臭氧herbicide 除草剂pesticide 杀虫剂/ 农药正常浓度normal concentration 严重污染的serious polluted / heavily polluted决定因素determining factor 光化学氧化物photochemical oxidant液体微滴liquid droplet 放射性物质radioactive substance不完全氧化incomplete oxidization / incomplete combustion含硫的sulfur-containing 风化wind erosion / weathering 汽车尾气automobile exhaustUnit 7出口outlet 多管高效旋风分离器multitube high-efficiency cyclone合成纤维synthetic fabric 捕集效率collection efficiency机械洗涤mechanical scrubbing 压力降pressure drop焚化炉incinerator 气体离子gas ion捕集板collection surface 碳黑carbon black尾气off-gas 可应用性applicability 工业规模full-scale 土壤床soil bed生物过滤器biofilter 固定资本fixed capital 易生物降解的easily biodegraded VOC 挥发性有机化合物APC 大气污染控制Regulatory program 调整项目Financial support 财政支持Operating cost 操作成本Biodegradation capacity 生物降解能力Environmental media 环境介质Biological 生物学的Technologies 技术、工艺Inorganic air pollutants 无机大气污染物Unit 10treatment facilities 处理设备municipality 市政当局, 自治市population equivalent 人口当量basement flooding 地下室浸水per capita per day 每人每天runoff 排水domestic sewage 生活污水type of terrain 地形种类Unit 12land disposal 掩埋处置fecal coliform 粪大肠菌群stringent effluent requirement 严格的废水排放要求assimilation capacity 同化能力practical outlets 可行的排出途径,现实出路aquatic life 水生生物detrimental to human health 对人体健康有害的endogenous phase 内源〔生长〕期Unit 13flow monitoring 流量监测equipment age and reliability 装备老化及其可靠性mechanistic facilities 机械设备microbial activity 微生物活性activated sludge 活性污泥controlling respiration 控制呼吸oxidation ditches 氧化沟on-line automation 在线自动〔监测〕手动控制operator control/ manual control 最优化minimize the effects微处理器microprocessor 统计分析statistical analysis质量衡算mass balance 动力学dynamics氧化还原oxidation and reduction /redox 停留时间residence time模拟simulation 参数parameter 水解hydrolysis 积分integralUnit 1 环境工程本书的内容:本书的目的是使工科和理科学生对环境问题的跨学科的研究有所了解:环境问题的起因,环境问题受关注的原因,如何控制环境问题。
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acid rain 酸雨pollution 污染interaction of systems 系统的交互作用environmental problem 环境问题environmental disturbance 环境破坏biotic habitat 生物环境sulfur dioxide 二氧化硫nitrogen oxide 氧化氮carbon dioxide 二氧化碳automobile exhaust 汽车尾气infectious diseases 有传染性的疾病primary air pollutant 一次大气污染物secondary air pollutant 二次大气污染物monoxide 一氧化物dioxide 二氧化物trioxide 三氧化物carbon monoxide 一氧化碳carbon dioxide 二氧化碳sulfur dioxide 二氧化硫sulfur trioxide 三氧化硫nitrous oxide 一氧化二氮nitric oxide 一氧化氮contaminant 污染物strength 强度foreign matter 杂质domestic sewage 生活污水municipal wastewater 城市废水microbe 微生物bacteria 细菌microorganism 微生物total solids 总固体inorganic constituents 无机要素suspended solids (SS)固体悬浮物recontamination 再污染contamination 污染groundwater 地下水surface water 地表水colloid 胶体restriction 限制screening 隔栅coagulation 凝聚flocculation 絮凝sedimentation 沉淀filtration 过滤disinfection 消毒microbial degradation 微生物降解biological degradation 生化降解biofilm process 生物膜法activated sludge process 活性污泥法attached-growth 吸着生长suspended-growth 悬浮生长shock loading 冲击负荷organic loading 有机负荷mixed liquor suspended solids 混合液悬浮固体metabolize 使代谢化metabolism 新陈代谢dissolved oxygen 溶解氧agricultural 农业的solid waste 固体废物municipal 城市化hazardous 危险的industrial 工业的residential 住宅的waterborne diseases 水传染的疾病agrarian society 农业社会industrial society 工业社会industrial revolution产业革命urbanization 城市化industrialization 工业化developed country 发达国家developing country 发展中国家undeveloped country 落后国家nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮carbon oxides 碳氮化物sulfur oxides 硫氧化物nitrogen oxides 氮氧化物hydrocarbons 碳氢化合物photochemical oxidants 光化学氧化物particulates 颗粒物inorganic compound 无机化合物organic compound 有机化合物radioactive substance 放射性物质heat 热noise 噪声volatile suspended solids (VSS)挥发性悬浮固体颗粒organic matter 有机物质total organic carbon, TOC 总有机碳chemical oxygen demand, COD 化学需氧量biochemical oxygen demand, BOD 生化需氧量biodegradable 可微生物分解的chlorination 氯化消毒ozonation 臭氧消毒softening 软化adsorption 吸附desalination 脱盐处理预加氯prechlorination 预加aeration 曝气activated carbon 活性炭reverse osmosis 反渗透pretreatment process 预处理工艺primary clarifier 初沉池equalization basin 均质池biological treatment process 生物处理工艺aeration basin 曝气池secondary clarifier 二沉池biomass 生物质heterotrophic bacteria 异养菌autotrophic bacteria 自养菌hydraulic retention time (HRT) 水力停留时间sludge residence time (SRT) 污泥停留时间commercial 商业的putrescible 易腐烂的combustible 易燃的flammable 可燃的explosive 易爆的radioactive 放射性的汽车尾气automobile exhaust compaction: 压实,Landfilling 土地填埋incineration: 焚烧composting: 堆肥compaction: 压实,紧凑sanitary landfill 卫生填埋balance 剩下的,余额,结余batch-fed 分批投料refuse 垃圾municipal waste 城市垃圾perform: 执行shut down: 关闭energy recovery 能量回收incomplete combustion 不完全燃烧combustion 燃烧volume reduction 体积缩小anaerobic 厌氧硝化中英互译短语Biological degradation 生化降解equalization basin 调节池aeration basin 曝气池sludge blocs 污泥絮体settling tank 沉淀池dissolved oxygen 溶解氧suspended-growth 悬浮生长pulverized refuse 垃圾破碎biofilm 生物膜well-compacted landfill 压实填埋场nutrient source 营养源mass-burning 大量燃烧fluidized fed incarceration 硫化床燃烧法soil conditioners 土壤改良剂carbon 温室效应greenhouse effect 由CO2 引起的caust by CO2 世界碳预算the world carbon budget 天气自然波动natural fluctuations 全球变暖global warming 厌氧的anaerobic 腐烂Putrefied 甲烷methane 臭氧层ozone layer 气候模型climatic model 正常浓度:normal concentration 严重污染物:heavily polluted 决定因素:determining factor 光化学氧化物:photochemical oxidants 液体微滴:liquid particulates 含硫的:sulfur-containing 放射性物质:radioactiue substance 汽车尾气:automobile exhaust wet oxidation 湿式氧化1、Environment is the physical and biotic habitat which surrounds us; that which we can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste.环境是我们周围的物理和生物环境,我们可以看到、听到、接触到、闻到和品尝到的。
2、Pollution can be defined as an undesirable change in the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of the air, water, or land that can harmfully affect the health, survival, or activities of humans or other living organisms 污染可以定义为大气、水或者土壤在物理、化学或者生物方面的特征所产生的不愉快的变化,它对人类的健康、生存和活动或者其他的有机体都产生了有害的影响。
3、Two examples of interaction between systems that cause major environmental disturbances are presented-the buildup of atmospheric carbon dioxide, a global problem, and the acid rain problem, normally of regional nature 目前大气中二氧化碳的增多,是一个全球性的问题,还有酸雨问题,一般来说它都具有一定的区域特性,这就是两个关于系统之间的相互联系而产生重大环境问题的例子。
4、With these improvements, however, have come disturbing side effects, such as lost arable land, disappearing forests, environmental pollution, and new organisms resistant to controls.经过这些进步,尽管还是有一些破坏性的影响,例如耕地、森林的消失,环境的污染和新的生物反抗的控制5、Both phenomena, urbanization and industrialization, were and are fundamental causes of water and air pollution which the cities of that time were unable to handle.城市化和工业化两者的现象,是过去和现在水污染和大气污染的根本原因,在过去这些城市是处理不了的6、Rapid advances in technology for the treatment of water and the partial treatment of wastewater took place in the developed countries over the next few decades.在接下来的几十年理发达国家,在水治理和部分废水治理技术方面都取得了快速的进展。