Grouped by Ownership
State-owned Units
Urban Collective-owned Units
Units of Other Types of Ownership
Grouped by Sector
Financial Intermediation
Real Estate
Leasing and Business Services
Scientific Research and Technical Services
Management of Water Conservancy, Environment and Public Facilities
0.75 46.29 27.48
2.88 27.44
0.85 3.79 58.84 7.96 18.63 15.88 12.41 5.75 7.25 13.68 7.19 3.69 6.35
0.81 47.77 28.97
2.78 29.98
0.84 3.57 55.10 7.20 18.62 15.67 12.50 5.01 7.17 16.49 7.57 4.03 6.37
128.94 7.67
1.03 3.81 49.10 7.83 12.77 10.18 10.52 4.32 5.86 11.90 3.42 2.23 5.79
Counties (Municipalities, Districts)
成都市 锦江区 青羊区 金牛区 武侯区 成华区 龙泉驿区 青白江区 新都区 温江区 双流区 郫都区 金堂县 大邑县 蒲江县 新津县 都江堰市 彭州市 邛崃市 崇州市 简阳市 自贡市 自流井区 贡井区 大安区 沿滩区 荣县 富顺县 攀枝花市 东区 西区 仁和区 米易县 盐边县 泸州市 江阳区 纳溪区 龙马潭区 泸县 合江县 叙永县 古蔺县 德阳市
77 6386922 7248148 -1164427
55 2562423 2319369
120 4321901 2917012
48 1789990 1535968
35 1828087 1576222
23Байду номын сангаас110
114 5813504 2748430
103 2041766 2004699
12-9 各县(市、区)规模以上工业经济情况(2016年) Basic Statistics on Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Counties (Municipalities, Districts)(2016)
Jinyang Zhongjiang Luojiang Guanghan Shifang Mianzhu Mianyang Hucheng Youxian Anzhou Santai Yanting Zitong Beichuan Pingwu Jiangyou Guangyuan Lizhou Zhaohua Chaotian Wangcang Qingchuan Jiange Cangxi Suining Chuanshan Anju Pengxi Shehong Daying Neijiang Neijiang Downtown Dongxing Weiyuan Zizhong Longchang Leshan Leshan Downtown Shawan Wutongqiao Jinkouhe Qianwei Jingyan Jiajiang Muchuan Ebian Mabian Emeishan Nanchong Shunqing Gaoping Jialing Nanbu Yingshan Pengan Yilong Xichong Langzhong Meishan Dongpo Pengshan Renshou
中国城市统计年鉴2017目录 C0NTENTS一、 全国城市行政区划Divisions of Administrative Areas of Cities in China1-1 城市行政区划和区域分市 (3)Administrative Division and Regional Distribution of Cities1- 2 分地区城市情况一览表 (4)List of City’s Basic Conditions by Region二、 地级以上城市统计资料Statistical Data of Cities at Prefecture Level and Above(一)人口、劳动力及土地资源Population, Labour Forces and Land Resources2- 1 人口状况 (13)Population2-2 劳动力就业状况 (20)Labour Force and Employment2-3 按产业划分的年末城镇单位从业人员 (27)Employed Persons in Urban Units by Three Strata of Industry at Year-end2-4 按产业划分的年末城镇单位从业人员构成 (34)Composition of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Three Strata of Industry at Year-end2-5 按行业分组的年末城镇单位从业人员(一) (41)Persons Employed in Urban Units by Sector in Detail at Year-end( I )2-6 按行业分组的年末城镇单位从业人员(二) (48)Persons Employed in Urban Units by Sector in Detail at Year-end( D)2-7 按行业分组的年末城镇单位从业人员(三) (55)Persons Employed in Urban Units by Sector in Detail at Year-end(III)2-8 按行业分组的年末城镇单位从业人员(四) (62)Persons Employed in Urban Units by Sector in Detail at Year-end(IV)2-9 按行业分组的年末城镇单位从业人员(五) (69)Persons Employed in Urban Units by Sector in Detail at Year-end( V)2-10按行业分组的年末城镇单位从业人员(六) (76)Persons Employed in Urban Units by Sector in Detail at Year-end(VI)2-11行政区域土地面积及水资源总量 (83)Total Land Area and Total Water Resources2-12城市建设用地状况(市辖区) (90)Land Used for Urban Construction(Districts under City)(二) 综合经济General Economy2-13地区生产总值................................................................................................................................. Gross Regional Product2-14地区生产总值构成 (104)Composition of Gross Regional Product2-15地方公共财政收支状况(全市) (111)Public Finance Income and Expenditure (Total City)2-16地方公共财政收支状况(市辖区)..................................................................................................................................1*8Public Finance Income and Expenditure (Districts under City)2-17年末金融机构存贷款余额 (125)Deposits and Loans of National Banking System at Year-en(三) 工业Industry2-18规模以上工业企业数 (132)Number of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size2-19规模以上工业总产值(全市) (139)Gross Industrial 0utput Vaiue above Designated Size(Total City)2-20规模以上工业总产值(市辖区)...................................................................................................................................... Gross Industrial 0utput Value above Designated Size(Districts under City)2-21规模以上工业企业资产状况 (153)Assets of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size2-22规模以上工业企业主要财务指标 (1)Main Financial Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size(四) 交通运输、邮电通信Transport, Postal and Telecommunication Services2-23按运输方式分类的客运量(全市).................................................................................................................................. Passenger Traffic by Mode of Transport (Total City)2-24按运输方式分类的货运量(全市).................................................................................................................................. Freight Traffic by Mode of Transport (Total City)2-25邮政局(所)数及邮政、电信业务收入(全市) (18)Number of Post 0ffices and Revenue from Postal and Telecommunication Service2-26电话及互联网用户数(全市) (1)Number of Subscribers of Telephone and Internet Services (Total City)(五) 贸易、外经Trade, Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation2-27社会消费品零售总额及批发零售贸易业情况 (195)Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods and Basic Conditions2-28利用外资情况...............................................................................................................................Utilization of Foreign Capital(六) 固定资产投资Investment in Fixed Assets2-29固定资产投资情况........................................................................................................................................................ Basic Conditions of Investment in Fixed Assets(七) 教育、文化、卫生Education, Culture and Public Health2-30 学校数(1)........................................................................................................................................Number of Schools ( I )2-31 学校数.............................................................................................................................................Number of Schools (II)2-32专任教师数(一)............................................................................................................................... Number of Full-time Teachers ( I )2-33专任教师数(二)............................................................................................................................... Number of Full-time Teachers (II)2-34在校学生数(一)............................................................................................................................... Number of Students Enrollment (I)2-35在校学生数(二) (252)Number of Students Enrollment (II)2-36图书藏量和电视节目覆盖率 (259)Total Collections of Books in Public Libraries and Population Loverage Rate of TV Programs2-37医院、卫生院数,床位数和医生数 (266)Number of Hospitals, Health Centers, Beds and Doctors2-38在岗职工人数及工资状况..........................................................................................................Number and Wages of Staff and Workers(八) 人民生活、社会保障People’s Living Conditions and Social Security2-39社会保障主要指标 (280)Main Indicators of Social Security2*40市政公用事业(市辖区) (287)Municipal Public Utilities(Districts under City)(九) 市政公用事业Municipal Public Utilities2-41供水、用水及用电情况(市辖区) (294)Water Supply, Water Consumption and Electricity Consumption (Districts under City)2-42煤气及液化石油气供应及利用情况(市辖区) (302)Supply and Consumption of Coal Gas and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Districts under City)2-43公共汽车、出租车拥有情况(市辖区) (310)Number of Public Transportation Vehicles and Taxis (Districts under City)2-44绿地面积及建成区绿化覆盖面积(市辖区) (317)Area of Green Land and Green Covered Area of Completed Area (Districts under City)(十)环境保护Environmental Protection2-45工业废水排放量和二氧化硫产生及排放量(全市) (324)Industrial Waste Water Discharged, Industry Sulphur Dioxide Produced and Emission (Total City)2-46工业烟(粉)尘产生及排放量(全市) (331)Industrial Soot(dust) Produced and Discharged(Total City)2-47工业固体废物综合利用率和污水及生活垃圾处理率(全市) (338)Ratio of Industrial Solid Wastes Utilized, Ratio of Waste Water and Consumption (Total City)3三、县级城市统计资料Statistical Data of County-level Cities3-1 人口状况 (347)Population3-2 劳动力就业状况 (351)Labour Force and Employment3-3 行政区域土地面积 (354)Total Land Area of Administrative region3-4 地区生产总值 (358)Gross Regional Product3-5 公共财政收支 (366)Public Finance Income and Expenditure3-6 年末金融机构存贷款余额 (374)Deposits and Loans of National Banking System at Year-end3-7 规模以上工业企业情况 (378)Basic Conditions of Industrial enterprises above Designated Size3-8 固定资产投资情况 (386)Basic Conditions of Investment in Fixed Assets3-9 碰学生数 (390)Number of Students Enrollment附录 主要统计指标解释 (397)Appendix Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators4、全国城市行政区划Divisions of AdministrativeAreas of Cities in China一、全国城市行政区划Divisions of Administrative Areas of Cities in China1-1城市行政区划和区域分市Administrative Division and Regional Distribution of CitiesChina City Statistical Yearbook 20171-2分地区城市情况一览表List of City’s Basic Conditions by Region注:加括号的城市为省(自治区)直辖县级市,或地区(自治州、盟)管辖的县级市。
a) Data of birth rate, death rate and natural growth rate in this table before 1981 were taken from the annual reports of the Bureau of Public Security.Since 1982, the data of province have been estimated on the basis of the annual National Sample Surveys on Population Changes, the data of population by county were taken from the annual reports of the Bureau of Public Security.
年末常住人口 (万人) Resident
城镇化率 (%)
Urbanization Rate (%)
Байду номын сангаас
e taken from the annual reports of the the basis of the annual National Sample he annual reports of the Bureau of
41.0 29.2 28.0 42.4 38.7 31.2 15.1 13.0 15.4 19.1 15.8 16.3 16.8 16.9 17.1 16.6 15.7 14.6 13.8 12.1 11.2 10.4
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1-3 各市(州)行政区划一览表(2016年底) Administrative Division Schedule by Region (End of 2016)
市(州) Region 成都市 Chengdu 自贡市 Zigong 攀枝花市 Panzhihua 泸州市 Luzhou 德阳市 Deyang 绵阳市 Mianyang 广元市 Guangyuan 遂宁市 Suining 内江市 Neijiang 乐山市 Leshan 南充市 Nanchong 眉山市 Meishan 宜宾市 Yibin 广安市 Guangan 达州市 Dazhou 雅安市 Yaan 巴中市
Bazhong 资阳市 Ziyang 阿坝藏族羌族自治州 Aba 甘孜藏族自治州 Ganzi 凉山彝族自治州 Liangshan
市(州)行政区划一览表(2016年底) strative Division Schedule by Region (End of 2016)
县、市、区 Counties, Cities at County Level and Districts under City Administration 锦江区、青羊区、金牛区、武侯区、成华区、龙泉驿区、青白江区、新都区、温江区、双流区、郫都区、 都江堰市、彭州市、邛崃市、崇州市、简阳市、金堂县、大邑县、蒲江县、新津县 Jinjiang, Qingyang, Jinniu, Wuhou, Chenghua, Longquanyi, Qingbaijiang, Xindu, Wenjiang, Shuangliu, Pidu, Dujiangyan, Pengzhou, Qionglai, Chongzhou, Jianyang, Jintang, Dayi, Pujiang, Xinjin 自流井区、贡井区、大安区、沿滩区、荣县、富顺县 Ziliujing, Gongjing, Daan, Yantan, Rongxian, Fushun 东区、西区、仁和区、米易县、盐边县 Dongqu, Xiqu, Renhe, Miyi, Yanbian 江阳区、龙马潭区、纳溪区、泸县、合江县、叙永县、古蔺县 Jiangyang, Longmatan, Naxi, Luxian, Hejiang, Xuyong, Gulin 旌阳区、广汉市、什邡市、绵竹市、中江县、罗江县 Jinyang, Guanghan, Shifang, Mianzhu, Zhongjiang, Luojiang 涪城区、游仙区、安州区、江油市、梓潼县、平武县、北川羌族自治县、三台县、盐亭县 Fucheng, Youxian, Anzhou, Jiangyou, Zitong, Pingwu, Beichuan, Santai, Yanting 利州区、昭化区、朝天区、剑阁县、旺苍县、青川县、苍溪县 Lizhou, zhaohua, Chaotian, Jiange, Wangcang, Qingchuan, Cangxi 船山区、安居区、蓬溪县、射洪县、大英县 Chuanshan, Anju, Pengxi, Shehong, Daying 市中区、东兴区、资中县、威远县、隆昌县 Downtown, Dongxing, Zizhong, Weiyuan, Longchang 市中区、五通桥区、沙湾区、金口河区、峨眉山市、犍为县、井研县、夹江县、沐川县、峨边彝族自治县、 马边彝族自治县 Downtown, Wutongqiao, Shawan, Jinkouhe, Emeishan, Qianwei, Jingyan, Jiajiang, Muchuan, Ebian, Mabian 顺庆区、高坪区、嘉陵区、阆中市、南部县、西充县、营山县、仪陇县、蓬安县 Shunqing, Gaoping, Jialing, Langzhong, Nanbu, Xichong, Yingshan, Yilong, Pengan 东坡区、彭山区、仁寿县、洪雅县、丹棱县、青神县 Dongpo, Pengshan, Renshou, Hongya, Danling, Qingshen 翠屏区、南溪区、宜宾县、江安县、长宁县、高县、筠连县、珙县、兴文县、屏山县 Cuiping, Yibinxian, Nanxi, Jiangan, Changning, Gaoxian, Junlian, Gongxian, Xingwen, Pingshan 广安区、前锋区、华蓥市、岳池县、武胜县、邻水县 Guanganqu, Qianfeng, Huaying, Yuechi, Wusheng, Linshui 通川区、达川区、万源市、宣汉县、开江县、大竹县、渠县 Tongchuan, Dachuan, Wanyuan, Xuanhan, Kaijiang, Dazhu, Quxian 雨城区、名山区、荥经县、汉源县、石棉县、天全县、芦山县、宝兴县 Yucheng, Mingshan, Yingjing, Hanyuan, Shimian, Tianquan, Lushan, Baoxing 巴州区、恩阳区、平昌县、通江县、南江县
Bazhou, Enyang,Pingchang, Tongjiang, Nanjiang 雁江区、安岳县、乐至县 Jianyang, Anyue, Lezhi 马尔康市、汶川县、理县、茂县、松潘县、九寨沟县、金川县、小金县、黑水县、壤塘县、阿坝县、若尔盖县 、 红原县 Maerkang, Wenchuan, Lixian, Maoxian, Songpan, Jiuzhaigou, Jinchuan, Xiaojin, Heishui,Rangtang, Abaxian, Ruoergai, Hongyuan 康定市、泸定县、丹巴县、九龙县、雅江县、道孚县、炉霍县、甘孜县、新龙县、德格县、白玉县、石渠县、 色达县、理塘县、巴塘县、乡城县、稻城县、得荣县 Kangding, Luding, Danba, Jiulong, Yajiang, Daofu, Luhuo, Ganzixian, Xinlong, Dege, Baiyu, Shiqu, Seda, Litang, Batang, Xiangcheng, Daocheng, Derong 西昌市、木里藏族自治县、盐源县、德昌县、会理县、会东县、宁南县、普格县、布拖县、金阳县、昭觉县、 喜德县、冕宁县、越西县、甘洛县、美姑县、雷波县 Xichang, Muli, Yanyuan, Dechang, Huili, Huidong, Ningnan, Puge, Butuo, Jinyang, Zhaojue, Xide,Mianning, Yuexi, Ganluo, Meigu, Leibo