
1. “Harry Potter” series by Rowling:这是一部非常受欢迎的魔法小说系列,适合八年级学生阅读。
2. “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Stephen Chbosky:这是一
3. “The Hunger Games” series by Suzanne Collins:这是一部非常受
4. “The Giver” by Lois Lowry:这是一本反乌托邦小说,讲述了一个没
5. “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” by Mark Haddon:这是一本讲述一位有智力障碍的男孩如何解决一起谋杀案的小说。
6. “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee:这是一本关于种族歧视和
7. “Flipped” by Wendelin Van Draanen:这是一本关于两个青少年之
8. “The Catcher in the Rye” by Salinger:这是一本关于青少年叛逆和孤独的小说,很经典。

Lesson 10: Looking for LisaJenny and Bill meet at 3 o'clock to work on their project . They are in thelibrary . Jenny is on the computer .Jenny : Look . Bill . I have downloaded some more pictures of Beijing .Bill : Good work , Jenny ! We have lots of photos for our talk now . Have you found any Chinese music ?Jenny : Yes , I have . The librarian helped me find some .Bill : That's great !( Suddenly the door opens . Danny rushes into the library with a basketball in his hand . He is wearing shorts and a T-shirt )Danny : ( He shouts loudly ) Is Lisa here ? Lisa ! Lisa ! Are you here ?Jenny : Danny , be quiet ! Lisa is not here .Librarlan : No noise , please !Danny : ( He whispers ) Oops ! Sorry . Lisa and I are going to work on our basketball project together . I told her to meet me at a quarter to three . What's the time , Jenny ?Jenny : ( She looks at her watch . ) It's a quarter after three .Danny : She's half an hour late ! I have looked for her everywhere--- in the classroom , in the office , and now in the library . Where is she ?Bill : Relax , Danny ! Have you looked in the gym ?Danny : No , I haven't . Maybe she's there !Bill and Jenny : ( They laugh . ) Yes . Maybe she is . See you tomorrow , Danny .摘自冀教版八上TOPIC1 Our country has developed rapidly.(After a long holiday: Kangkang is happy to see his friends.)Kangkang : Hi, Jane! Did you have a good summer holiday?Jane: Yes. What about you?Kangkang : Not bad. Rita, you have just come back from your hometown. How was your trip?Rita: Great! I went to many places near my home in India. Great changes have taken place there and my hometown has become more and more beautiful. Where have you been, Jane?Jane: I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. It's a beautiful place.But there were so many people that I couldn't find a good place to takephotos. And where have you been, Kangkang?Kangkang: I have been to an English summer school to improve my English.By the way, where's Maria?Rita:She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer and she will be back tomorrowListen! There goes the bell.摘自仁爱英语九上第一单元B9 Unit 1 The Changing WorldTopic 1 Our country has developed rapidlyChanges in BeijingI’m Kangkang. For this report I have interviewed my grandmother. She has lived in Beijing for more than forty years. She has seen the changes in Beijing herself.In the 1960s , the living conditions in the city were poor. The roads were narrow and there weren’t many ringroads. Big families were crowded into small houses. Many families couldn’t get enough food. Few children had the chance to receive a good education. People had little money to see a doctor. And there were few hospitals. People kept in touch with their friends relatives far away mainly by letter ortelegram.China has developed rapidly since the reform and opening-up. More and more ring roads and subways have appeared and buildings in Beijing are becoming taller and brighter. People’s living conditions have improved a lot. And there are more kinds of food and clothes to satisfy people’s needs. Children can study not only in modern schools but also on the Internet. People can enjoy good medical care. What’s more, communications are becoming easier and quicker---people can use telephones, cellphones, fax machines and the Internet.Beijing has made rapid progress and it has already succeeded in hosting the 2008 Olympic Grames. I think it is important to remember the past, live in the present and dream about the future.摘自仁爱版九年级上第一单元完成时The person who has influenced me mostMr Wu is asking each of the Class 1, Grade 9 students to write about a person who has influenced him or her most He shows an article to them. Read the article with them.My father is in his fifties. He has worked in a local factory for years. You will not find anything unusual about him until you learn more. My father has always been kind and helpful. He is willing to help anyone. He gave our TV to a family who could not afford one; he plays with children without parents; whenever he has some money left, he gives it to someone in need.My father has donated blood many times since 1990. The blood he has donated is enough to save the lives of over 70 people. He has also donated blood cells to people with blood cancer. To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death.When I was a little girl, I could not understand why my father always seemed to be kinder to others than to his own family. Now I realize that he has a heart full of love.摘自牛津九上第四单元完成时The Trojan horseThe capital stood on the high wall of the city of Troy. “The Greeks have gone and we’ve won,” he said. “They’ve tried to capture our city for ten years. Now they’ve given up and sailed away!”“But look over there,” a soldier said. “They’ve left a huge wooden horse.”“Ah, yes,” the captain said, “it’s too big. The Greeks didn’t want to take it with them. Get some help and pull it into the city.”That night, in the main square of the city, all the Trojans celebrated. They sang and danced around the horse, and made jokes about the stupid Greeks. “I haven’t laughed like this since my childhood,” the captain said. After the party, they locked all the gates of the city and then all went to sleep.By midnight, the main square was empty, except for the huge horse. Suddenly a secret door opened on the side of the wooden horse. The horse was full of Greek soldiers! They quietly climbed out of the horse one by one.The soldiers opened the main gates. The Greek army entered the city.For ten years, the Greeks could not capture the city by fighting. In one night, however, they succeeded in capturing it through a clever trick.摘自沪教版八年级上第六单元完成时Module 2 Unit 2 They have seen the PyramidsMike Robinson is a fifteen-year-old American boy and his sister Clare is fourteen. At the moment, Mike and Clare are in Cairo in Egypt, one of the biggest and busiest cities in Africa. They moved here with their parentstwo years ago. Their father ,Peter, works for a very big company. The company has offices in many countries, and it has sent Peter to work inGermany, France and China before . Peter usually stays in a country for about two years. Then he company moves him again. His family always goes with him.The Robinsons love seeing the world. They have been to many interesting places. For example , in Egypt, they have seen the Pyramids , travelled on a boat on the Nile River, and visited the palaces and towers of ancient kings and queens.Mike and Clare have also begun to learn the language of the country, Arabic. Thislanguage is different from English in many ways, and they find it hard to spell and pronounce the words. However, they still enjoy learning it . So far they have learnt to speak German , French ,Chinese and Arabic. Sometimes they mix the languages. “It’s really fun, “said Clare.The Robinsons are moving again . The company has asked Peter to work back in the US. Mike and Clare are happy about this. They have friends all over the world, but they also miss their friends in the US. They are counting down the days.摘自新版外研社八下have changed TimesMillie wants to write about the changes in Sunshine Town for her history project. Daniel’s grandpa, Mr Chen, knows a lot about Sunshine Town, so Millie is interviewing him to get some information.Millie: Do you know Sunshine Town very well, Mr Chen?Mr Chen: Sure. I’ve lived here since I was born.Millie: Have you ever moved house?Mr Chen: Yes. I first lived in the northern part of town with my parents. When I got married in 1965, my wife and I moved two blocks away and we’ve livedin this area since then.Millie: Has the town changed a lot over the years?Mr Chen: Yes! We only had some small restaurants and shops years ago. And we had a post office and a cinema in the town centre. Now the governmenthas turned part of the town centre into a new park. We have a new theatreand a large shopping mall too.Millie: Was pollution a problem then?Mr Chen: Yes, it was. There was once a steel factory near the Sunshine River. They often put the waste into the river. Later the government realized theproblem and took action to improve the situation. Now the river is muchcleaner.Millie: Do you think life is better now?Mr Chen: Well, in some ways it is. It’s really nice to have a beautiful modern town.However, most of my old friends have moved away. It has becomeimpossible for us to see each as often as before. We used to play cards andChinese chess together. Now I feel a bit lonely from time to time. Anyway,it’s good to see the amazing changes in the town.摘自译林版八下第一单元We have not found lifeon any other planets yet.Scientists think that there has been life on earth for hundreds of millions of years. However, we have not found life on any other planets yet.The earth is a planet and it goes around the sun. Seven other planets also go around the sun. None of them has an environment like that of the earth, so scientists do not think they will find life on them. The sun and its planets are called the solar system, and our solar system is a small part ofmuch larger group of stars and planets, called the Galaxy or the Milky Way. There are billions of stars in the Galaxy, and our sun is only one of them.Scientists have also discovered many other galaxies in the universe. They are very far away and their light has to travel for many years to reach us. So how large is the universe? It is impossible to imagine.Scientists have sent spaceships to the plant of Mars to take photos. They even have sent spaceships to travel outside the solar system. However, no spaceship has travelled far enough to reach near other stars in our Galaxy.Scientists have always asked the question: With so many stars in the universe, are we alone, or is there life out there in space? Have there been visitors to the earth fromother planets? Why has noone communicated with us? We do not know the answers…yet.外研版英语八年级下册课文M3 Unit 2Have you ever had…a fantastic experience?Wei Ming has been all over China by plane. Her father is an Air China captain,so they fly to different places fo r their holidays “My favourite place is Mount Tai. But I also like the beaches in Sanya.” Is there anywhere she hasn’t visited?“ I’ve never been to Shanghai!”Han Li has been to San Francisco in the USA. His grandparents live there and he visits them every Spring Festivel. “I like San Francisco very much because there’s a lot to see and do there. I’m at home in Chinatowm!” says Han Li.Yi wen has tried western food in a hotel in Nanjing.“Have you ever had Italian food?It’s delicious!Pizza has always been my favourite food.But I don’t like sandwiches or ice ceram —they’re too cold!”Wang Ming has been to a Liu Huan concert in Beijing with more than 2,000 people.“He’s given concerts all over China and the tickets have sold out.He’s written many songs!He’s the greatest Chinese musician…ever!” says Wang Ming.He Meifeng went to a Beijing cinema to see The house of the Flying Daggers because she’s always liked Zhang Ziyi was in the seat beside her.“I’ve always wanted to meet her.It was my‘dream come true’!”He Meifeng went to a Beijing cinema to see The house of the Flying Daggers because she’s always liked Zhang Ziyi.At the end she got up and Zhang Ziyi was in the seat beside her.“I've always wanted to meet her.It was my‘dream come true’!”摘自外研社八上unit2Kangkang: Hi, Maria! I haven't seen you for a long time. You took part in some volunteer activities during the summer holidays, didn't you?Maria: Yes. I was a volunteer in a disabled children's home.Kangkang: Cool! Did you clean rooms for the disabled children?Maria:Yes, I did.Kangkang: Did you feed them?Maria:No, I didn't But I cooked for them.Kangkang: What a wonderful experience!Maria: Yes, it really was. I've learnt a lot from it. I think it makes me happy to help others.Kangkang: How interesting! Have you been to any other place?Maria: No, I haven't. Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy.What about you?Kangkang: You're so kind. I have been to an English summer school. I made some new friends there. We also put on funny shows for a group of old people in a community.Maria: Great! To help others makes us happy.摘自仁爱版九上第一单元sectionB 1a 对话完成时Section B(Mrs. Zhou is coughing. She looks weak.)Kangkang : Good morning,Mrs. Zhou. What's wrong with you?Mrs. Zhou: Oh. Kangkang. It's difficult for me to breathe. I've got a pain in my throat.Kangkang: How long have you been like this?Mrs. Zhou: I've been like this since last week.Kangkang: Have you seen a doctor?Mrs. Zhou: Not yet. The chemical factory produces terrible gas. The bad air makes my chest hurt. What's worse, the factory makes too much noise and I can't sleep well at night.Kangkang: That's too bad.Mrs. Zhou: Yes, it is really awful. I'm always in a bad mood because I bear the environment here. Anyway, I hope the government will solve this problem soon. By the way, have you noticed the dead fish in the river?Kangkang: Oh, yes. Pollution has caused too many problems. I think I should write to the newspaper about these probl ems. But now you’d better go to see a doctor.摘自仁爱版九上第二单元完成时。

1I was doing some shopping when it started.At first, I felt a slight shanking through my body.Then I heard a loud noise like thunder.People in the shopping centre looked at each other in fear.Some people screamed because they were very frightened.Then the real noise came,like bombs under the ground.The earth started to go.Some people ran in all directions.They did not know where to go.Some people ran out of the shopping centre.I tried my best to run out to the street too.People were running wildly while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down.Then the walls began to come down,too!Finally,the noise and shanking ended.I calmed down and asked myself.'Did I really surive?'I could not believe it was over.It was dark around me.I could not see anything at all and I did not know if anyone was around me.I did not even know where I was.'I'm trapped.'I said to myseif.A moment of fear went through my mind but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive.I shouted for help.I thought somebody could hear me but no one came for a very long time.I told myself that I must stay alive.I had a packet of chocolate but I knew I must not eat it all.I knew that I might be there for a long time.I was trying to find my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me.I screamed,'Help!Please help!I'm here!'The noise stopped and I was afraid.Then I heard shouts from excited people.They were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones.At last, I saw the bright daylight.I was safe.(选自译林版八年级上册Unit 8 Natural disasters The Taiwan earthquake)2.It was a cold and snowy morning after the vacation. Actually, it was my first day at my new school. I was walking slowly and worrying about lots of things. It was early and there weren’t many pe ople on the road. A girl on a bike passed me quickly. She was riding hard to get up but fellagain. Without thinking, I went over and helped her stand up. She said,”Thank you,” with a smile and rode away. The words”Thank you” warmed me and this small event made me fell less nervous about my new school.Finally,I got to school. The teacher led me to the classroom and asked me to sit down beside a girl. I was so nervous. I knew some of students were looking at me but I didn’t dare to look at them. Soon the first class started. It was English. They used a different textbook from my old school and I didn’t copy. As I was wondering what to do, a book appeared in front of me. “Lets share,’ the next to me said. “And hi, I’m Carrie.” I looked up. It was the girl I helped that morning. What a surprise!From then on, we became good friends. She was my first and best friend. (选自北师大版Unit 5 lesson 14 Helping teach other)3.It was snowy and dark on a year’s Eve. Many people were getting together in their warm homes. A pool little girl was still walking in the streets with no shoes. There were some matches in her hand. “Matches, m atches!” the little girl cried in a low voice. No one heard her when they were passing by. She didn’t sell any matches and on one gave her a coin. The wind was blowing strongly and the snow was falling down on her long hair. She felt cold and hungry. Lights were shining from every window. But the little girl was afraid to go home without selling one box of matches, because her father would beat her. “Ah, a burning match may warn me up!” she thought. She lit three matches.When the matches were burning, she saw a warm stove, a delicious roast goose and a beautiful Christmas tree. But all these disappeared when flames went out. Then she lit a fourth match. A kind old woman was standing there. “Grandmother!” cried the little girl, “Take me with you.” Her grandm other smiled and held the girl in her arms. On the morning of the new year, the girl was lying against the wall, dead!(选自仁爱版八年级英语上册Unit3 Topic3 The little match girl )4.Alice was sitting with her sister by the river and her sister was reading a book. Alice had nothing to do. Once or twice she looked into her sister’s book. ”And what is a book for,” thought Alice, ”witho ut pictures or conversations?” Suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes run by.There was nothing strange about that. She heard the rabbit say,” Oh dear! Oh dear! I’ll be late!” and she did not think it was strange. Then the rabbit took a watch out of its pocket and looked at it. A rabbit with a pocket and a watch? Alice got up and ran across the field after it. She saw it go down a large rabbit hole in the ground.Then Alice went down after it, but never thought about how she was going to get out again. She found that she was falling down a very, very deep hole. It was too dark for her to see anything. She was falling for a long time. While she was falling, she was thinking for a long time. While she was falling, she was thinking about her cat, Dinah. Suddenly she landed on some dry leaves…(选自外研版八年级英语上册Module 7 A famous story Reading2)5.The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. Two men took the parcel on the plane and carried it into the Customs House. While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. To their surprise, the precious parcel. was full of stones and sand!(选自新概念英语第二册Lesson 7)6.Mr Wu: What a terrible snowstorm! It started at about seven thismorning. I was reading the newspaper then. What were youdoing, Simon?Simon: I was having breakfast.Mr Wu: What about you, Millie?Millie: I was walking to the bus stop. Sandy, I saw you and your parents standing on the side of the road. Were you waiting for a taxi? Sandy: Yes. My dad’s car broke down because of the cold weather. He was ringing someone to come and help when you saw us.(选自译林版八年级英语上册Unit8 Grammar)7.Today is April Fool’s Day. Jenny and Brian wanted to play a trick on Danny. Danny was sleeping. Jenny and Brian woke him up. They told Danny a bear escaping from the zoo. Danny was not scared when he first heard the news. However, he felt happy. Then he heard the bear was coming for his donuts. He was scared and told everyone to run. But he soon realized they were playing a trick on him.(选自冀教版八年级英语下册unit3 lesson 17)8.Mary: What were you doing last night, Linda? I called at seven and you didn’t pick up.Linda: Oh, I was in the kitchen helping my mom.Mary: I see. I called again at eight and you didn’t answer then either. Linda: What was I doing at eight? Oh, I know. When you called, I was taking a shower.Mary: But then I called again at nine.Linda: Oh, I was sleeping at that time.Mary: So early? That’s strange.Linda: Yeah, I was tired . Why did you call so many times.Mary: I needed help with my homework. So while you were sleeping, I called Jenny and she helped me.(选自鲁教版八年级英语上册unit3)。

新译林8BUNIT1英语课外趣味阅读及练习题课外趣味阅读同义词趣味巧辨析creative, original, imaginative这些形容词都可表示“有创造力的”之意。
creative : 侧重指具有把本来不存在的事物创造出来的能力。
original : 强调具有与众不同,有独到之处的创造能力。
imaginative : 指想象大异于现实,近乎或等于虚构。
幽默故事He Was Only Wrong by TwoJack H awkins was the football coach at an Amercian college, and he was always trying to find good players, but they weren‘t always smart enought to be accepted by the college.One day the coach brought an excellent young player to the dean of the college and asked that the student be allowed to enter without an examination. "Well," the dean said after some persuasion, "I‘d better ask him a few questions first."Then he turned to the student and asked him some very easy questions, but the student didn‘t know any of the answers.At last the dean said, "Well, what‘s five times seven?"The student thought for a long time and then answered, "Thirty-six."The dean threw up his hands and looked at the coach in despair, but the coach said earnestly, "Oh, please let him in, sir! He was only wrong by two."他的得数只比正确答案多二杰克霍金斯是美国一所学院的橄榄球队教练,他竭力想物色好球员。

Dear Mr Friend,Ma name is Simon, and I am in Grade 9.I am crazy about foot ball.I love watching football, reading about football, and, of course. Playing football However, my love of football has become the cause of my problem.I always play football with my friends after school. We often play for hours and never worry about the time. Sometimes we forget when we need to stop.Then I get into troubles because my parents do not allow me to play outside after 6 p.m.I do not understand and why they are so strict with me.I feel angry sometimes.I believe it is important to develop our hoobbies. They helps us relax and make our lives more interesting.Is it bad to stay out late to play football? Should I spend less time on it? I really do not know what I should do.I look forward to your valuable advice.Best wishes.Simmon(选自译林版九年级下册Unit 3 Teenger problem)Aunt Lindas advice pageAnna : I’m worried about my friend Jolin.She wants to be a model and she’s thin .bu t she thinks she’s fat. She’s always on a diet. She’sgetting too thin′but whenever I talk to her about this﹑she getsangry .How can I help her?Petter: I went out with a group of friends yesterday.We saw a lady lying in the street.She looked very sick.My friends made jokes abouther and laughed. Though I wanted to help her,my friends told menot to.It was awful of them to laugh at her,and I regret not sayinganything.I feel ashamed of myself.What should I do in thissituation?Simmon: I`ve just started wearing braces,but I hate them. I don`t see any advantages in wearing them .My friends all laugh at me and saybad things about me.I feel emmmbarrassed when I smile or openmy mou th. The braces hurt my teeth, and it’s difficult for me toeat.I feel it was a mistake for my mother to make me wear theseugly braces. What do you sugggest?Julie: I have to share a room with my seven-year-old sister, and she’s driving me mad!She has a habit of playing the piano when I’m studying, and she always takes my things without telling me.I try to keep the room tidy, but she always makes a mess.I love my sister,but sometimes she’s so annoying!What should I do?(选自沪教版九年级下册unit4 problems and advice)Dear Mr Friend.I am Millie and I am a Grade 9 student. I have a problem. But I wonder how I should deal with it.I have a lot of homework every day.and I have no choice but to finish all of it. I often have to stay up late. Then I find it hard to stay awake the next day.I know it is important to do my homework and hand it in on time. However. I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies. I really feel bad about that.I often doubt whether it is worth spending so much time on my homework.I cannot imagine my life without hobbies. I dream of having a long holiday without homework. What should I do? Can you offer me some suggestions? I hope to hear from you soon.Best wishes.Mille(选自译林版九年级下册Unit 3 Teenger problem)Problem solversI find it hard to control my bad moods. I have them a lot I try but I can’t seem to cheer myself up.Do you have any advice?It’s common to be in low spirits sometimes, but it’s unhealthy to often have bad moods.If you feel yourself getting angry, take ten deep breaths. It’ll help you cool down. If you’re feeling upset, try talking about your problems with somebody you trust.I always get nervous before tests. I study hard, but when the test starts.I forget everything. I feel so stupid. What can I do?Trust yourself. If you study hard every day. you’ll achieve your goals. When you’re taking your exam,pay attention to your answers and don’t think about your grades. If you produce good results.How can I stop being so shy? I want to make friends. Be popular and talk to people easily, but I’m not sure how.Most people are shy from time to time, so you’re not alone. If you meet new people, ask them about their interests and their everyday life. It’s a great wa y to break the ice and turn strangers into friends. Start making friendly conversations today. You won’t develop your social skills unless you try.I’m so upset! I have so much school work to do all the time.and I don’t know how to manage it all. What shou ld I do?You won’t improve your situation unless you relax. Speak to your parents and your teacher and explain the problem. Then make a plan. You’ll succeed if you do one thing at a time and stick to you plan.(选自北师大版八年级下册Unit 4 Dealing with problems )My name is Danielle. I’m in Grade 9 this year,and I‘m president of the students council at my school.Most junior high schools in Canada have a student council.Members of the councils are chosen by students.Student councils work to make schools better places to learn.In the council,we share our ideas,interests and concerns with teachers and others. Sometimes, we plan school-wide activities. In December, we decided to raise money for an organization that provides food for poor people in our city. How did we get the money? We organized a special basketball gamein the school gym. Lots of students and their parents came to watch. We sold tickets and in the end we made about $300.During student council meetings, we have to work together,but it’s not always easy for us to reach an agreement. The students are from many different cultures.We have different religions,wear different clothes or speak different languages at home. Sometimes there are serious disputes.Anyway,we are all friends,so we try hard to understand each other.I think we should work together towards peace in our schools and in the world.We need to learn about different countries and make friends with people from other cultures.(选自冀教版九年级Unit 7 work for peaceMaking school a better placeDanny and Steven haven’t talked to each other for a few days.Will they ever be friends again?Jenny: I’m glad you agreed to come to my house. Would either of you like a cookie?Steven: Yes, please! You make great cookies, Jenny.Danny: I agree.Jenny: Thank you.I’m glad you can agree on something.Danny and Steven eat their cookies in silence.They won’t look at each other,and neither of them wants to talk.Jenny: Now,do you two want to keep silent forever?Do you really want to stop being friends?Steven: (He looks down at the floor.)When everyone agrees on a time,it shouldn’t be changed.Jenny: What do you have to say about that,Danny?Danny: Some of our teammates had to go to the Old Age Home and help the elders that morning. Everyone else agreed on the newtime. I tried to let Steven know.Steven:But I didn’t see the message!Jenny: Steven,I think Danny really tried to reach you.Danny: (Danny looks at Steven.)Well,next time,I guess I will go to you directly.I’m sorry you missed the game.Steven: Well,I didn’t check my messages carefully.And I am sorry I hit you with the basketball. I didn’t mean to do it,Danny.(Slowly,a smile comes across Danny’s face.Then they both begin to laugh.)Jenny: It’s good to see you are friends again.After all,it ‘just a game! Danny: And it’s only my head!(选自冀教版九年级Unit 7 work for peace)Jenny’s Good AdviceDear Li Ming,Did you ever have a fight with a good friend? It is a really bad feeling if friends don’t tal k to each other for a couple of days. That’s how I felt last week. You see, I had a big fight with Steven. He and I play on the same basketball team. Our last game was moved to an earlier time, but Steven didn't get my message, so of course he missed the game. He was angry. He threw his basketball, and it hit me. Steven and I were ready to beat each other!Thanks to Jenny, everything is OK now. We held a meeting yesterday. We had a good talk and solved our problems. We said sorry to each otherI’m happy we are friends again. Friendship is important, and we should not fight over such a small matter.I have to go now—Steven is knocking at my door. Talk to you soon DannyDear Danny,I am happy that you and Steven are friends again. Remember the old saying: A good friendship makes life happier!I have had similar experiences. Sometimes friends don’t agree with eachother. But if we can sit down and talk about the problems together, many of them can be solved. We all want peace rather than fighting Jenny is a good peacemaker. We need more peacemakers in the world.Li Ming(选自冀教版九年级Unit 7 work for peace)You must keep to the pathMr Jackon:Ok, listen up! Before we can enjoy ourselve on the Great wall,there are a few rules and suggesttions, OK?All: Yes.Mr Jackson:First,you must keep the path,You mustn't walk along the edge because you might fall and hurt yourself. Is thatclear?All: Yes.Mr Jackson:And you have to keep together .You mustn't go off on your own, because you might get lost.All: No, Mr Jackson.Daming: Can we have something to eat now? I'm starving!Mr Jackson:No, you can't, Daming!You only had brekfast an hour ago. I think we should start walking.and then stop at noon for ourpicnicBut you shouldn t drink al l the water, because youmay need some laterBetty: Can we go rock climbing?Mr Jackson: Yes, you can. but you must use ropes You have to think about per sonal safety! And you must have the right shoesOK,I think that's all. Let:s go down this path, and then wecan cross the stream and climb up to that mountain Then wecan take a look across the countrysideDaming: and have lunch?Mr Jackson: and then walk along that part of the walL, up there Come on! II leadthe wayDaming: I feel tired already. I may need a rest very soon (选自译林版Module 5 Rules and suggestions)。

An exchange visit is educationaland interesting!A group of British students from Woodpark School in London are visiting Xinhua High School in Beijing on educational exchange.“I was very nervous at first”,says Sarah. “However, my host family are rea lly friendly. I’m glad to be a guest in their home. I’ve learnt to use chopsticks, and they’re teaching me a little Chinese.”The students spend the weekdays studying with Chinese students. At the weekend, they tour around Beijing and visit places of interest with their host families.“It’s been a fantastic experience so far,” says Eric. “I’ve learnt a bit of t’ai chi, and I really enjoy it. We’ve already learnt a lot about Chinese culture and history. The teachers have introduced us to Chinese pai nting as well. We’ve also tried to paint some pictures ourselves! I haven’t had much success yet, but I’ll keep trying.”“I’ve made many new friends,” says Sarah. “I plan to keep in touch with them when I return home. We’ll see one another soon because t hey’ll come over to the UK for the second part of the exchange next month. I can’t wait!摘自沪教版八年级上册第五单元(完成时)Animal TalkMy dog is in the garden. He is wagging his tail, his mouth is open and he is looking at me. What is he trying to tell me? Jane Roberts reports. People have always been interested in animal communication and scientists have done a lot of research on this subject.Most animals communicate by smell. Dogs are famous for this. When a dog walks outside, it learns about other dogs by smelling things. Dogs have helped the police for a long time, too. They can find missing peopleby using their fantastic sense of smell. Mice have an excellent sense of smell, too. Scientists have even trained them to find landmines. Scientists have discovered that even ants use smell. They use smell to tell other ants where the food is.Everyone has heard birds singing. Research has shown that many other animals use sound to communicate .Frogs and insects communicate with sounds. Usually the gentlemen "make sound s to invite the "ladies ‘. Whales and elephants also use sound to communicate. These sounds can travel very far through water or the ground. However, it is not possible for humans to hear some of the sounds. They are either too low or too high for us.Animals have always used body language to communicate as well. When a cat puts its ears back, it is a bit mad. When it sits with its tail around itself, it is happy. When a dog puts its tail under its body, it is scared. When it wags its tail and opens its mouth, it is happy. So I think my dog is happy right now.北师大八下unit2Lesson 7: Don't Be Late for Class!Brian: Hi Jenny! What class did you just have?Jenny: I had geography. What class do you have next?Brian: I have art. It's my favourite I have painted six pictures this week! Jenny: I hope to see them sometime. I have seen some of your paintings. They 're beautiful! I like art too,but I'm not very good at it. I' m not going to be a painter in the future!Brian: I've told you many times Jenny. Art is fun for everyone.You don't need to be good at it。

英语课外阅读四(一)There is no doubt that almost everyone knows about Donald Trump.(唐纳德·特朗普)He is the 45th American president. He is famous all over the world.Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in New York city. He attended the Kew-Forest School from kindergarten through seventh grade. At age 13, Trump's parents sent him to the New York Military Academy. In August 1964. Trump entered Fordham University. He transferred(转学)to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania two years later and graduated in 1968.So me people not only become interested in Donald Trump s personal information, but also show an interest in his family members。
Donald Trump's mother, Mary Anne, was born in Scotland in 1912. In 1930, she went to New York on holiday. She met Fred Trump while she was in New York. Donald Trump has four siblings(兄弟姐妹): two brothers and two sisters. His elder sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, is a judge.In 2007, Donald Trump became a grandfather when Donald Jr. and his wife Vanessa had a daughter, Kai Madison Trump. In 2009, Donald Trump’s second grandchild was born。

八上英语课外阅读带笔记Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?本单元的话题:谈论假期活动内容,复习一般过去时。
2.不定代词和不定副词的用法:(1)左边的some、any、every、no与右边的body、one、thing构成不定代词,some、any、every、no与右边的疑问副词where构成不定副词;(2)一般情况下以some开头的不定代词和不定副词用于肯定句,以any 开头的不定代词和不定副词用于否定句、疑问句;以no开头的不定代词和不定副词表示否定含义(no one为两个单词);(3)不定代词或不定副词和形容词连用时,形容词放在后面。
He has something important to do.他有重要的事情要做。
(肯定句用something,形容词important放后)Did you buy anything special? (一般疑问句用anything,形容词special放后)Did you go anywhere interesting last month?上个月你去令人感兴趣的地方了吗?(一般疑问句用不定副词anywhere,形容词interesting放后)(4)不定代词和不定副词做主语时,后面的动词用单数形式。
Everone is here today.今天每个人都在这里。
本单元的短语和知识点:1. go on vacation去度假go to the mountains 上山/进山2.stay at home呆在家go to the beach去海滩visit museums 参观博物馆go to summer camp去参观夏令营3. study for tests为考试而学习\备考go out出去4. quite a few相当多,不少(后跟可数名词复数)take photos照相most of the time大部分时间5.buy sth for sb = buy sb sth为某人买某物6. taste good. 尝起来很好taste(尝起来)、look(看起来)、sound(听起来)为感官动词,后跟形容词7.have a good\great\fun time过得高兴,玩得愉快(=enjoy oneself)8. go shopping去购物9. nothing…but+动词原形:除了……之外什么都没有He had nothing to do at home but read yesterday.昨天他在家除了读书无事可做。

新译林8AUNIT1英语课外趣味阅读及练习题课外趣味阅读同义词趣味巧辨析jail, prison, cell这些名词均有“牢房,牢狱”之意。
prison : 指触犯刑律的人被关押的地址,通常指裁决后的罪犯居留地。
cell : 指单人牢房或几个人合住的小牢房。
jeans, pants, slacks, shorts, trousers这些名词均含有“裤子”之意。
jeans : 指劳动布裤或牛仔裤。
pants : 经常使用词,在美国,泛指各类裤子,在英国指衬裤或短裤。
slacks : 美国指比较宽松的便裤,英国人指妇女外面穿的长裤。
shorts : 指短裤或裤衩。
trousers : 指长裤,用于较正式场合。
幽默故事Two SoldiersTwo soldiers were in camp. The first one‘s name was George, and the second one‘s name was Bill. George said, "have you got a piece of paper and an envelope, Bill?"Bill said, "Yes, I have," and he gave them to him.Then George said, "Now I haven‘t got a pen." Bill gave him his,and George wrote his letter. Then he put it in the envelope and said, "have you got a stamp, Bill?" Bill gave him one.Then Bill got up and went to the door, so George said to him, "Are you going out?"Bill Said, "Yes, I am," and he opened the door.George said, "Please put my letter in the box in the office, and..." He stopped."What do you want now?" Bill said to him.George looked at the envelope of his letter and answered, "What ‘s your girl-friend‘s address?"军营里有二名士兵,一个叫乔治,一个叫比尔。


八年级英语课外阅读训练完型填空(一)If you want to do your homework right after school, you may eat something before getting to work. Never try to work when you are very____ Always do your homework before you get too tired. Don’t wait____ late in the evening, or the homework will seem___ _than it really is. Divide your time into a few parts if you have more than____ work. Have a short rest every forty minutes. However, don’t divide up your time____ short to do anything. You should be able to work at least half an hour at a time without____Don’t_____ doing your homework until the last minutes. Or you will have it on your mind and you won’t____ your free time. If you put off until the end of the week or even before a test, you will have too much____ What’s more, you will have a fear of tests and cannon get a good result. Do your homework at the same time every day. This will help you make it a____---part of your daily work. Then it will make your free time more enjoyable.1.A. full B. hungry C. angry D. busy2.A. until B. before C. after D. when3.A. hard B. more hard C. much hard D. much harder4.A. an hour B. one hour C. an hour’s D. an-hours5.A. so B. too C. such D. very6.A. stop B. stops C. stopped D. stopping7.A. put off B. put on C. put away D. put up8.A. spend B. take C. enjoy D. like9.A. do B. to do C. doing D. did10.A. habit B. hobby C. pleasure D. Joy(二)On May 12, 2008, a class of students were listening carefully to their teacher. 36 , the classroom started to shake. It was an earthquake (地震) and in a few seconds, the 37 fell down. For one student named Xue Xiao, this was the 38 of an 80- hour nightmare (噩梦). Lyingin the dark, Xue kept his 39 up by telling himself over and over again that someone would save him. Imagine how scared this young boy was when he lay under his 40 school. Somemight 41 in the situation, but not Xue.The next day, Xue heard people 42 and he shouted for help. The rescuers (救援人员) foundXue and 43 that they would get him out. It took them two days to save this boy. A 44 thing happened when the rescuers finally reached him. As they pulled him out, he said. "I want to drink cold coke!"The rescuers 45 Xue to a nearby hospital. The doctors told him they would have to46 his right arm. He agreed 47 without hesitation (犹豫).Xue' s story spread (传播) across China. He became 48 on the Internet and people calledhim "Coke Boy" Some people even came to the hospital 49 coke for him. Do you know50 Xue works now? He works in the World of Coca-Cola Museum in Chengdu, Sichuan.( ) 36. A. Heavily B. Recently C. Completely D. Suddenly( ) 37. A .storm B. luck C. tower D. building( ) 38. A beginning B. end C. joy D. result( ) 39. A. spirits B. problems C. surprises D. decisions( ) 40. A. beautiful B. new C. fallen D. strange( ) 41.A. take down B. give up C. run away D. work out( ) 42.A. singing B. celebrating C. kidding D. digging( ) 43. A. pushed B. beat C. promised D. reported( ) 44. A. funny B. terrible C. boring D. typical( ) 45.A.showed B. sent C. stopped D. trained( ) 46.A. cut up B. cut off C. cut out D. cut down( ) 47. A. right away B. so far C. since then D. at least( ) 48.A. usual B. strong C. dangerous D. famous( ) 49.A. off B. against C. from D. with( ) 50.A.when B. why C. where D. How(三)Evening came.It was time for Mr.Bell to close his shop.He was checking his money.His son Tom,who was 15,had just gone outside to buy a piece of newspaper.Just then,a big man walked ___ the shop.He had a gun(枪)in his hand.When Tom came back,he could hear the man asking his father for ___.Tom could see the gun in the man’s hand,but the man didn’t ___ or hear Tom.Tom hurried up to the street.He looked for the police,___ he didn’t find anyone.Then Tom saw an old baseball bat ___ in the street.“Maybe this will help,”he thought.He ran ___ with it.His father was just giving some of the money to the man.The man was watching Tom’s father.Tom knew he could not ___ long.“Now is the time.I must do it now.”Tom went up to the man and knocked him down ___ the bat.Tom and his father then ran outside.This time they found the ___ and told them what had happened.The police ____ went to the shop and caught the man.()11.A.out of B.around C.into D.down()12.A.paper B.water C.money D.food()13.A.know B.catch C.meet D.see()14.A.but B.so C.for D.or()15.A.lies B.to lie C.lying D.is lying()16.A.back B.over C.away D.past()17.A.hold B.wait C.rest D.watch()18.A.by B.from C.without D.with()19.A.neighbors B.police C.friend D.children ()20.A.quick B.slow C.quickly D.slowly阅读理解(一)Some people like to get up early, but some do not. In fact, it is really good for us to get up early every day. Maybe those who don’t like getting up early will not believe this, but it is true. Scientists made a survey(调查)in about one thousand people, and then they found that early rising people had less disease than late rising people, and early rising people also looked healthier than late rising people, and so on.So we may know early rising is helpful in more than one way. Firstly, it helps to keep us healthy. We all need fresh air. And air is the freshest early in the morning. Besides, it is useful to do morning exercises.Secondly, early rising helps us in our studies. In the morning we learn more quickly and find it easier to understand what we learn.Thirdly, early rising can give us a plan of our work for the day. We cannot work well without a good plan.Fourthly, early rising gives us enough time to get ready for our work, such as to wash our hands and faces and eat our breakfast.Late risers may find it difficult to form the habit of early rising. They have to make an effort(努力)to do so. As the English proverb(谚语)says, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”()11.We may read this passage in a________ magazine.A.health B.sports C.music D.travel()12.Air is the freshest________ according to the passage.A.in the morning B.in the afternoon C.in the evening D.all day()13.Which of the following is NOT the result of early rising?A.People can get ready for their work. B.People can get fresh air.C.People can learn things more quickly and better. D.People can have enough food for breakfast.()14.If a man always likes to get up late, it’s________for him to form the habit of getting up early.A.easy B.difficult C.happy D.sad(二)What's the best thing to eat on a hot summer day?Quite a few people will say it isice-cream. Yes, eating ice-cream with some fruit is a good way to cool down.But think before you eat. If your body is hot from playing sports, it s not the best time to eat ice-cream.If you eat ice-cream when your body is hot, it may give your stomach some problems, and you may get diarrhea( 腹泻). You can eat some ice cream after you cool down or have some tea. Just try not to eat too much at a time!People shouldn't eat or drink anything cold just after dinner. If you want to stay cool and healthy ,oranges, bananas and pears can help.In summer,germs(细菌)grow very fast and food goes bad easily. You should eat clean and fresh food. When you want to eat a cold dish, put some vinegar(醋)to disinfect(杀菌)it.If you can’t finish your food and want to eat it again next day, you should heat it enough to kill the germs in it.()15.What can help you cool down?A.Vinegar B.Tea C.Vegetables D.Ice-creamA.just after dinner B.in the afternoonC.after you cool down D.when your body is very hot()17.If you, you may get diarrhea.A.eat too much food B.eat ice-cream when your body is hotC.eat some fruit after dinner D.drink lots of hot tea after dinner()18.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Vinegar can kill germs. B.Ice- cream can't make people cool down.C.Germs can stop food from going bad quickly. D.When you want to eat the food you don't finish, you needn't heat it.()19.What's the best title for this passage?A.How to Cool Down B.Some Useful Fruit C.Delicious Ice-cream D.Eating Right in Summer (三)Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.This is an old English saying. Have you heard of it before? I mean that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning. Then we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich (wealthy) and clever (wise).This is true. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy. Children of young age should have ten hours' sleep every night. Children who do not have enough sleep cannot do their work very well. They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy!The body also needs exercise. Walking, running, jumping, swimming and playing games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong.Exercise also helps the blood(血液) to move around inside the body. This is very important. Our blood takes food to all parts of our body. The head also needs blood. Exercise helps us to think better!()20.If we get up early and go to bed early,we'll ________.A.have enough exercise B.be healthyC.think better D.have strong blood()21.If a child doesn't have 10 hours' sleep,maybe he ________.A.becomes wise B.won't do well in his workC.goes to school in time D.has enough sleep()22.A person needs exercise because ________.A.it makes him healthy B.he has a lot of homework to doC.he is strong enough D.he does exercise()23.Exercise makes the ________ move quickly and smoothly(流畅).A.body B.blood C.children D.Head()24.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A.Exercise does good to a person's head. B.A student should have 10 hours' sleep.C.It's good for you to get up early and go to bed early. D.If you have enough blood, you'll be wise.(四)Do you know anything about the holiday camps in Hong Kong? The students in Hong Kong used to take part in an English holiday camp in their holidays.And their parents weren't with them,though they were very young.Now they will enjoy taking part in many kinds of holiday camps without their parents.Many parents let their children take part in some kinds of holiday camps in order to learn some practical knowledge in their life. And they also learn some knowledge about livingskills,science,reading and writing.…The most important for the children to learn is to look after themselves.Holiday camps in Hong Kong are not so expensive. Most of the family can afford to send their children there for further study, for making their bodies strong.…And the government never charges(收费) for them.It is said that students in Hong Kong have much knowledge about many things.Perhaps it has something with the kinds of holiday camps.()21.Students in Hong Kong like to take part in the.A.holiday camps B.English holiday campsC.science holiday camps D.Chinese holiday campsA.must be with them B.have to look after them nearbyC.must stay at home D.aren't with them()23.The most important thing for the students to take part in the holiday camps in Hong Kong is.A.to make their bodies strong B.to learn much knowledge about many things C.to learn to look after themselves D.to have a further study about many subjectsA.very dear B.not cheap C.very high D.lowA.must have much knowledge about many things B.must be very thinC.must be very tall D.must be very beautiful七选五(一)Ben works in a factory. His house is about four kilometers away from there. (76) The young man has a hobby. He likes watching football matches. (77)One day he was watching a football match on TV while having lunch. When it was over, hefound it was ten to two. He was afraid to be late for work so he rode fast (78) The police saw him and told him to get off, but Ben didn't listen and rode away. The police caught up with himand he gave him a fine(罚款) of twenty yuan. (79)The next day the match was even more exciting. He watched the match and even forgot his lunch. When he headed for his factory, he rode so fast that he hit a man on the road. He had to take the man to the hospital. At the crossing, the police stopped him again and said angrily, "(80) "76.____________ 77.___________ 78.___________ 79.___________ 80.___________(二)Do you like to tell stories? Do you like to write? Sometimes those questions have two different answers.25.However, it can be hard to write them down on paper.26.Even professional(职业的) writers do not write everything perfectly the first time. They have to revise(修正) their work. When you revise your writing, you look for ways to change it that will make it better.27.You make sure that you have used capitals(大写), periods and other punctuation marks in the best way. You look for words that can be taken out or changed for different, more exciting words. You make sure that your words help the reader get a picture in his25.26. 27. 28. 29.(三)Sometimes you complain to your parents about something.Maybe your computer isn’t powerful enough to play the newest games. 56 Then your mother or father may say,“When I was your age,there weren’t any computers or video games.I didn’t get a bike until I was sixteen.57 ”So,is life better for teenagers now? It is true that many teenagers can get more things nowadays.Now a family is smaller than before. 58 Technology(科技) is probably the greatest change in our life.Forty years ago,no one could imagine a world with computers and amazing smartphones. 59 We can’t imagine living without them!However,technology often means we spend more time on computers or smartphones at home.Teenagers don’t do enough exercise. 60 Although young people still get on well with their friends,some people think teenagers today don’t have so many social activities as they did in the past.56.________57.________58.________ 59.________60.________。

八年级英语下册第九单元课外阅读(人教版)“Harry Potter” star Daniel Radcliffe led groups of excited kids dressed in Hogwarts uniforms as the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park officially opened on Friday to long lines and snarled traffic.哈利波特魔法世界主题公园于上周五正式开放,开放日当天公园门口排起长队,被堵得水泄不通。
Radcliffe, Rupert Grint who plays the boy wizard's best friend Ron Weasley, and other actors from the blockbuster movie and book series, were on hand at Universal Orlando as fans lined up more than eight hours to be among the first visitors.当天,雷德克里夫和《哈利波特》系列电影和小说中哈利波特的好友罗恩韦斯莱的扮演者鲁伯特格林特及其它主创都现身奥兰多环球影城,而“哈迷”们则为了成为公园的第一批游客不惜排队等待八个多小时。
Before dawn, the backup of Potter fans began to block the main highway through Orlando near the entrances to Universal, prompting the theme parkto open its parking garage at 5 am -- 30 minutes earlier than planned, according to local media.据当地媒体报道,当天天亮之前,环球影城入口附近的市内主要通道已开始被“哈迷”们堵塞,使得主题公园不得不提前30分钟,于凌晨5点就开放了停车场。

初中英语课外阅读:(一)农夫和苹果树A poor farmer had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apple he grew.One day, his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him to take it home and plant it.The farmer was pleased with the gift, but when he got home he did not know where to plant it.He was afraid that if he planted the tree near the road, strangers would steal the fruit. If heplanted the tree in one of his field, his neighbors would come at night and steal some of theapples. If he planted the tree near his house, his children would take the fruit.Finally he planted the tree in his wood where no one could see it. But without sunlight andgood soil, the tree soon died.Later the friend asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a poor place."What'sthe difference?" the farmer said angrily. "If I had planted the tree near the road, strangers wouldhave stolen the fruit. If I had planted the tree in one of my field, my neighbors would have comeat night and stolen some of the apples. If I had planted it near my house, my own children wouldhave taken the fruit.""Yes," said the friend, "but at least someone could have enjoyed the fruit. Now you not only haverobbed everyone of the fruit, but also you have destroyed a good apple tree!"(二)阅读理解趣味故事题Several years ago, a television reporter was talking to three of the most important people inAmerica. One was a very rich banker, another owned one of the largest companies in the world,and the third owned many buildings in the center of New York.The reporter was talking to them about being important.“ How do we know if someone is really important?” the reporter asked the banker.The banker thought for a few moments and then said,“ I think anybody who is invited to the White House to meet the President of the United States is really important.”The reporter then turned to the owner of the very large company.“ Do you agree with that? asked.The man shook his head,“ No. I think the President invites a lot of people to the White House.You?d only be important if while you were visiting the President, there was a telephone call fromthe president of another country, and the President of the US said he was too busy to answer it.The reporter turned to the third man.“ Do you think so?”“ No, I don?t.” he said.“ I don?t think that makes the visitor important. That makes the President important.”“ Then what would make the visitor important?” the reporter and the other two men asked.“ Oh, I think if the visitor to the White House was talking to the Pr esident and the phone rang, andthe President picked up the receiver, listened and then said, ,it?s for you.?”1.This story happened in _______.A. EnglandB. AmericaC. JapanD. Australia2.There are _______ in this passage.A. two men and two womenB. three men and one womanC. three women and one manD. four women3.The banker thought _______.A. he was really important because he was a rich bankerB. the visitor to the White House was really importantC. the visitor who met the President of the United States in the White House was really important.D. the reporter was really important4.The owner of the very large company thought _______.A. she was really important because she owned one of the largestcompaniesB. the banker was really important.C. the owner of many buildings in the center of New York was really importantD. the visitor would be really important if while he was visiting the President, the President wouldnot answer any telephone call5.The owner of many buildings thought _______.A. he was really important because he owned many buildings in the center of NewYork B. the owner of the very large company was really importantC. the visitor was really important if he talking to the President and the President received atelephone call for the visitorD. the person who worked in the White House was really important(三)趣味阅读理解题,A farmer had a cow.A farmer had a cow. He took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill, he wasvery worried. He telephoned the vet.“ What?s the problem?” The vet asked him when he arrived.“ My cow?s ill,” the farmer said.“ I don?t know what's the matter with her. She?s lying down and won?t eat. She?s making a strange noise.”The vet look ed over the cow. "She?s certainly ill," he said, "and she needs to take some very strong medicine."He took a bottle out of his box, put two pills into his hand and said, "Give her these. The pillsshould make her better."“ How should I give them to her?” the farmer asked.The vet gave him a tube ( 管子 )and said, "Put this tube in her mouth, then put the pills in the tubeand blow. That?ll make it."The next day the vet came to the farm again. The farmer was sitting outside his house and lookedmore worried.“ How?s your cow? ” theaskved.“ No change, ” the farmer said,“ and I?m feeling very strange myself.”“ Oh?” the vet said, "Why?"the farmer answered.“ I put the tube in the cow?s mouth and then put two “ I did what you said,”pills down it.”“ And?” the vet asked.“ The cow blew first,” the farmer said.1. In the story, the vet must be _________.A. the farmer's friendB. a milk factoryC. a hospital for cowsD. a doctor for animals2.The farmer asked the vet for help when his cow _______A. couldn't lie downB. didn't eat the pillsC. couldn't make any noiseD. was ill3.What medicine did the vet give the farmer?A. Bottle of pills.B. A long tube.C. Two pills.D. A small box.4.The vet taught the farmer how _________.A. to blow the tubeB. to make the cow take the pillsC. to take the medicineD. to put the tube in his mouth5.Which of the following is true?A. The farmer ate the pills himself.B. The cow got better after taking the medicine.C. The vet came to help the farmer change the cow the next day.D. The farmer waited for the vet outside his house the next day.(四)英语趣味阅读:But the teacher criedThe six-year-old John was terribly spoiled (溺爱) . His father knew it, but his grandma doted onhim.He hardly left her side. And when he wanted anything, he either cried or threw a temper tantrum.Then came his first day of school, his first day away from his grandmother's loving arms.When he came home from school his grandma met him at the door."Was school all right?" she asked, "Did you get along all right? did you cry?""Cry?" John asked. "No, I didn't cry, but the teacher did!"(五)英语幽默小故事: 奖赏A lady lost her handbag. It was found byan honest little boy and returned to her.Looking in her purse, she commented,"Hmmm... That's funny. When I lost my bag there was a$20 bill in it. Now there are twenty $1 bills."The boy quickly replied, "That's right,lady. The last time I found a lady's purse, shedidn't haye anychange for a reward."(六) The House of 1000 Mirrors千镜之屋Long ago in a small, faraway village, there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he hounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile,and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and friendly. As he left the House, he thought to himself, "This is a wonderful place. I will come back and visit it often."In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, decided to visitthe house. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door. Whenhe saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself, "That is a horrible place, and I will never go back there again."All the faces in the world are mirrors. What kind of reflections do you see in the faces of the people you meet?。

Sid是如此诚实的一个男孩以至于他有时告诉Polly阿姨Tom的所作所为让Tom 陷入麻烦中。
这个新男孩叫做Alfred Temple。
第一次Tom 见到他是两人打架。
P3 第二天是周六。
2020八年级英语上册 课外阅读(三)(新版)人教新目标版

英语课外阅读三(一)Almost every woman knows about Gabrielle Chanel. She was a famous fashion designer. Chanel's perfume and fashion has been popular amo ng women all over the world. Let's learn about Gabrielle Chanel.Gabrielle Chanel was born in France in 1883. She was born in a very poor family. Her mother died when Chanel was six years old. Later on, her father abandoned(抛弃) her. Chanel was brought up by her aunt.Chanel took the name Coco when she worked as a cafe singer in 1905. She opened her first store in Paris in 1910.Coco designed some smart hats and the hats soon became popular among some rich womenIn the 1920s, Chanel became a top fashion designer in Paris she designed some modern and simple clothes that were often based on menswear. The clothes were comfortable and elegant(优雅的) and they were in fashion all over Europe. Later on, people in other countries learned about her clothes and fell in love with them .In 1922 Chanel introduced her perfume, Chanel No 5. Lots of women loved the perfume. Now it is still loved by women all over the world.一、全文翻译几乎每个女人都认识加布里埃·香奈儿。

课外阅读材料:Tourist destinationsGreat Barrier Reef大堡礁This is the world’s largest coral reef ecosystem (珊瑚礁生态系统). It is one of the top beautiful places to visit in the world. You can see it from outer space and it is the world’s largest single structure made o f living organisms (生物体).The reef supports 10,000 species of life which consists of 1,500 types of fishes and over 200 kinds of birds. Its beauty inspires many travelers to visit there every year.Sydney 悉尼As one of the most beautiful places in the world, Sydney is the economic powerhouse (发电站) of Australia. It’s full of sun-drenched (阳光普照的) natural attractions, daring restaurants, dizzying skyscrapers (摩天楼), friendly people and wonderful shopping malls, so most travel addicts (上瘾的人) want to visit this city. You can take a trip to Sydney at any time of the year.Hong Kong 香港One of the most beautiful places in the world, Hong Kong is simply amazing. It will be very hard for you to find a more exciting city than Hong Kong. The most interesting thing about being in Hong Kong is getting confused and amazed by the confluences (融合) and contradictions (矛盾) of a Chinese city with multi-Asian and Western elements.The best time to take a vacation to Hong Kong is during the months of October, November and most of December.Grand Canyon大峡谷One of the most beautiful places in the world, the Grand Canyon is a steep-sided (陡峭的) canyon in Arizona State of the United States carved (雕刻) by the Colorado River.Nearly 5 million people visit the one-mile-deep Grand Canyon every year. Having a vacation to the Grand Canyon National Park will provide great joy for you and your family.The best time to visit the Grand Canyon is during the summer, fall and spring, but most locals agree that winter is a great time to visit.Taj Mahal泰姬陵The Taj Mahal, the most beautiful building in India, is one of the great wonders of the world. This is a hybrid (混合) of many artistic styles. When you visit the Taj Mahal, you can enjoy various places near it.The river behind the Taj Mahal provides a wonderful environment to relax and enjoy yourself. You and your family will love it.Cape Town开普敦Cape Town is situated at the tip of the African Continent. The only way to understand and enjoy Cape Town is by experiencing the unique range of multicultural (多文化的) lifestyles and scenic surroundings for yourself.During the summer season, Cape Town is filled with holiday makers enjoying the hot weather, sunny beaches and beautiful scenery. So, if you want to spend your time there during the holiday season, it is better to make reservations (预定) in advance. Before getting there, have a rough idea about the places around Cape Town that you want to visit.The Pyramids 金字塔The Pyramids and wonderful temples are great places to enjoy in Egypt. Traveling to Egypt offers you desert treks (徒步旅行), fishing, golfing, scuba diving and birding groups. You can choose the places like Mount Sinai and the Red Sea to relax.Winter is the best season to go for a vacation to Egypt. March-May and September - November are the best time to enjoy the warm days of Egypt.Niagara Falls 尼加拉瓜瀑布Niagara Falls can be accessed (进入) from both the American and Canadian side, but the best view facing the falls is completely from the Canadian side. When you take a trip to Niagara Falls, don’t forget to take a ride on the famous maid-of-the-mist (“雾中少女”号) boats. You won’t get the entire experience of Niagara Falls until you ride one of these boats.It is the foundation for many interesting places to see and things to do. If you love beautiful landscapes, family adventures and vibrant (充满活力的) nightlife, then Niagara Falls is a great place to visit.Venice 威尼斯Venice is one of Italy’s beautiful cities. You will be surprised by how the city is built up. The city is built on 117 small islands and has over 150 canals (运河) which are connected through 409 bridges. During the spring time, Venice is completely filled with tourists.Maldives 马尔代夫The Maldives is a great place to experience tranquil (安静的) tropical islands, palm trees, white beaches and brilliant turquoise lagoons (绿松石色的礁湖). The Maldives is a group of 1,190 coral islands. This place is also a great destination for scuba divers.If you visit the Maldives between December and April, you will be able to experience some extra hours of sunshine. Also this is the main season for tourism.【Task for you】What is your dream tourist destination?。
英语人教版八年级下册课外阅读 Man-made Satellieas

(4). How would the very old and broken satellites be dealt with? (A) They will be made to crash into each other. (B) They will be brought back to Earth to be repaired. (C) They will be repaired by astronauts. (D) They will be left in space to orbit the Earth for a very long time.
We use satellites to send television pictures from one part of the world to another. They are usually 35,880 kilometers above the equator. Sometimes we can see a satellite in the sky and it seems to stay in the same place. This is because it is moving around the world at 11,000 kilometers an hour—exactly the same speed that the earth turns around . A satellite must go around the Earth with its antennae (天线) facing the Earth. Sometimes, it moves away from its orbit, so there are little rockets on it which are used to put the satellite back in the right position. This usually happens about every fuld know 我就会知道 What life looks like from up above and down below 仰观宇宙和俯察品类有何不同 I'd keep you safe 我会护你周全 I'd keep you dry 不会让你淋湿 Don't be afraid Cecilia Cecilia不要害怕 I'm the satellite 我就是你的卫星 And you're the sky (Oh~) 而你就是我的蓝天(哦~) And you're the sky (Oh~) 而你就是我的蓝天(哦~) I'm the satellite (Oh~) 我就是你的卫星(哦~) And you're the sky (Oh~) 而你就是我的蓝天(哦~) And you're the sky (Oh~) 而你就是我的蓝天(哦~)

BEIJING 20081. The oldest athlete was 67-year-old Hiroshi Hoketsu. He is a horse-rider from Japan. He competed in the 1964 Olympics. The youngest athlete, however, was only twelve years old. Her name is Antoinette Guedia and she is a swimmer. She began swimming at the age of eight and became a national champion in two years.2. The tallest athlete was Yao Ming. The basketball player from China is 2.29m tall. The shortest athletes were Deng Linlin and Wang Xin. The gymnast and the diver were about 1.36m tall during the 2008 Olympics.3. Russia's Andrey Silnov won the gold medal in the men's high jump competition. He jumped 2.36 metres! Maurren Higa Maggi from Brazil won the women's long jump with a jump of 7.04 metres.4. Matthias Steiner from Germany won the gold medal for weightlifting. He was in the heaviest group- weightlifters heavier than 105kg一so he was certainly the strongest and heaviest man.出自北师大版八年级上册英语Unit3 Faster,Higher,Stronger 8 Olympic WinnersSchool Sports DayOur School Sports Day last week was a success!Class Three had the best team again this year. They were the strongest in the push-up and pull-up events. They also had the fastest runners, for both boys and girls n the 100 metres.Class Two, our class, did better than last year and was second. We jumped the highest in the high jump event, and we had the fastest runner in the 400 metres.Class One did worse than last year and was third. However, they had the best jumper in the long jump. They did worse in the high jump, the100-metre race and the 400-mctre race than the other two classes.The students below broke school records.GirlsFastest runner: Zhao Yanfang (Class D3)Highest jumper: Wu Qixin (Class 2)BoysLongest jumper: Li Ming (Class 1)Fastest runner: Gao Jiaming (Class 3)出自北师大版八年级上册英语Unit3 Faster,Higher,Stronger Communication WorkshopTogether to the PolesJanek Mela is the youngest explorer to go to the North and South Poles. The twenty-seventh of July, 2002,was the worst day in Janek Mela's life. The Polish boy had an accident and lost half his left leg and half his right arm. Janek spent a longtime in hospital and was very sad. Then his most important journey began, Marek Kaminski, a famous Polish explorer,visited Janek and asked him to go to the North and South Poles with him. Janek gave the best answer of his life.Janek prepared for the trips for a few months. First, he learned to use his artificial leg. Then he trained hard for the expeditions.Their first expedition was to the North Pole, Janek and the team had to be careful.There were animals, dangerous ice and bad weather. It was really difficult, but things got better. They got to the pole on April 24th, 2004. Janek was 15.In December, the team started the expedition to the South Pole. The weather was worse this time. This made the expedition even more difficult. They finally arrived at the South Pole on December 31st, 2004, Janek is the youngest explorer to go to the North and South Poles because he was brave and said "Yes!"出自北师大版八年级上册英语Unit3 Faster,Higher,Stronger 9 Never Give UpGreat inventionsGreat inventions change the world. They help people live a better life. The following are three of the most important inventions in history.The wheelThe wheel is perhaps the greatest invention in history. After its invention, traveling became faster and more comfortable. A few thousand years ago, people started to use wheels on carriages. In the early 19th century, the first trains began to carry passengers. At the start of the 20th century, cars became popular. Without the wheel, we would not have these inventions. The telephoneAlexander Graham Bell invented one of the first practical telephonesin1876. Since then, people have been able to speak to each other over long distances. Today millions of people20 across the world own mobile phones. They allow people to keep in touch with each other anytime, anywhere.The light bulbThomas Edison developed the first practical25 light bulb in 1879. Before the invention of the light bulb, people had to use oil lamps, gas lamps or candles to see at night. With light bulbs, people can do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime. Can30 you imagine living without them?出自牛津英语上海版八年级上册Unit 4 Inventions Module 2 ReadingBest friendsTeenagers magazine is inviting teenagers to write about their best friends for the writing competition. Read the following entries.1. Betty is one of my best friends. She is slim and has short hair.Betty is generous. She is willing to share things with her friends. She is also helpful and ready to help people any time. She helps me with my homework and she always gives her seat the bus to someone in need.Betty has a good voice. She wants to be a singer when she grows up.2. My best friend is Max. He is the tallest boy in our class-一almost1.75 metres. He wears small round glasses. They make him look smart. Max has a good SOHSC of humour. He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh. I never feel bored with him.Max's legs are very long. They do not fit well under his desk. When he walks past our desks, he often knocks our books and pens onto the floor. Max is so interesting!3. May is my best friend. She is shorter than I am. She has big bright eyes and long straight hair. Everyone thinks she is pretty.May is sweet. She smiles often and never says a bad word about anyone. May is a true friend. When something worries me, I can always go to her.I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret.出自牛津英语译林版八年级上册Unit 1 Friends Part B ReadingThe story of Xi WangI first saw the baby panda when she was only ten days old. We called her Xi Wang. This means "hope".When Xi Wang was born, she weighed just 100 grams and looked like a white mouse.At four months old, she weighed about eight kilograms and started to go outside for the first time. Eight months later, she was not a small baby any more and weighed over 35 kilograms.In the beginning, Xi Wang drank her mother's milk .When she was six10 months old, she began to eat bamboo. When she was 20 months old , she learnt to look after herself.Sadly, giant pandas face serious problems in the wild. For example, it is very difficult for pandas to have babies, and many baby pandas die when they are very young. Also, giant pandas live mainly on a special15 kind of bamboo. However, the bamboo forests are becoming smaller and smaller. As a result, pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat. Giant pandas are now in danger .We should take action right away. Here are some ideas.·help pandas have more babies·build more panda reserves·make laws to protect pandasThere are now only about 1,600 pandas in the wild. If we do nothing, soon there may be none left! However, we do believe that where there is Xi Wang, there is hope.出自牛津英语译林版八年级上册Unit 5 Weld animals Part B ReadingRainforestsRainforest are thick forests in the hot parts of the world. It rains a lot and the ground is always wet. It's always dark and hot in rainforests. Rainforests cover 6%of the earth's surface. They provide places to live for thousands of plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth. There are lots of tall trees and other different kinds of plants. Thousands and thousands of animals live in rainforests. Many of them live in the trees over 30 meters from the ground.Rainforests are very important to us. They are the lungs of the earth. The plants in the forests help to make the air fresher and cleaner. They also help to hold the water when it rains and keeps the water cycling. They play an important part in controlling the climate. Rainforests also help to keep the beauty of nature. Without rainforests, many beautiful plants and animals would die out. Rainforests give us wood, food, fruit,medicine, and many more useful things. We need rainforests for many reasons. But now, rainforests are becoming smaller and smaller, so we should protect them.出自仁爱版八年级上册Unit 4 Our world Topic 1 Section CAnimals in DangerPandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. They feed on bamboo. But now they have less and less land to live on, so pandas are becoming fewer in number.The heaviest animals in the world are not elephants. They are blue whales. They are the largest but they feed on the smallest sea animals. Now they are in danger because some people make their ocean home dirty and others kill whales for their meat.Chinese tigers live in the south of China. They are also in danger now. They are the oldest type of tigers in the world and they eat small animals. Some people kill tigers for their fur and bones.出自仁爱版八年级上册Unit 4 Our world Topic 1 Section DHow to Protect Yourself in the Earthquake Many earthquakes happen every year. Some of these earthquakes are very strong. When they happen near a city, they can be very serious. Many people are hurt or die in the earthquakes. Knowing some ways to protect yourself will help to keep you safe in the earthquake.If you are indoors when the earthquake happens, the safest place is under a strong table or desk. Sitting on the floor in a doorway or close to a wall is safer than standing in the middle of a room. Remember to protect your head and neck with your arms. Stay away from windows, tall fumiture and pictures or anything that may fall on you. Do not try to run out of the building.If you are out of doors, move to clear areas. Get away from buildings and trees. Be very careful of fallen power lines.The danger is not over when the strong shaking stops. There will be some shocks after most earthquakes. We call them aftershocks and they sometimes can be more dangerous than the first earthquake.When it is safe for you to move around, check the people near you. Some may need help. You may feel afraid, but you should try to stay calm. That is the most important thing to do in the earthquake.出自仁爱版八年级上册Unit 4 Our world Topic 2 Section CBetty: I was late for school today.Mum: Why? What happened?Betty: I took the bus. There was a road accident, and the traffic was very heavy. But nobody was late, except me. Maybe I should go to school by taxi.Mum: It's the most comfortable way, but it's also the most expensive. And taxis are very slow in heavy traffic too.Betty: Then what about going by bike?Mum: That's a good choice, but it's a bit dangerous. There's so much traffic.Betty: But most of my classmates ride bikes, and i's quite safe. Don't worry. I'll be careful.Mum: How does Tony go to school?Betty: He lives the farthest from school, so he takes the underground. Mum: And what about Lingling?Betty: Her home is the closest to school, so she walks.Mum: How about Daming?Betty: He goes by bus too, the same as me. But it's so crowded! And the traffic is heavy.Mum: All right. You can ride your bike to school, but remember to be careful all the time.出自外研版八年级上册Module 4 Planes,ships and trains Unit1 He lives the farthest from school.Question: What is the best way to travel from London to Amsterdam?I am planning to travel from London to Amsterdam. How long does the journey take and what is the best way to travel? Could you please tell me about the trains or ships to get there? The more information, the better. ThanksBest answer: There are four ways to travel.A journey by train is more relaxing than by coach, but a lot more expensive. When you go by train, buy your ticket a long time before you travel. It is usually cheaper.You can go by car and by ship across the North Sea. This is the most comfortable way to travel but also the most expensive. Book your ticket before you book your hotel. Remember that parking in Amsterdam is very expensive, so stay outside the city centre and travel in by bus or by train. The third choice is by coach. This is usually the cheapest, but in summer, the coaches sometimes get crowded! And it takes you about twelve hours to get there. However, it will not cost as much as going by train.Finally, you can y. It is the fastest and the second cheapest, but you may have to wait for hours at the airport because of bad weather.Well. I hope this helps! Have a great trip!出自外研版八年级上册Module 4 Planes,ships and trains Unit2What’s the best way to travel?Rich or Poor? It’s doesn’t matter!My name is Lucas. I hope to be a farmer when I grow up. Is my father a farmer? No. What about my mother? No again, so why do I want to be a farmer? Because it is really an important job. Everyone needs food, and I want to grow the best crops.Or maybe I will be a manager. I would run a business and lead a team.I would work hard and make the company bigger and stronger.I might even be a teacher. It would be fun. I would be nice to all of my students. I would encourage them to be creative.Alan is my best friend. We are in the same class. His dream is to be a doctor. His sister is going to be a doctor, too, They want to help sick people.But our biggest goal is to be happy. Rich or poor? It doesn't matter. So what would make us happy? A job we like, a nice family and good friends would make us very happy.出自冀教版八年级上册Unit 5 My future Lesson 28Hi Li Ming!You are right. I love playing basketball, and I'm much taller this year. However, I'm not going to be a basketball player when I grow up.I wrote an e-mail to Helen about my future this week. She is a wise woman. She works for the newspaper and gives advice to people. I asked her many questions.She gave me some advice. She said I might be a good actor. I would like to be a famous movie star someday. Or maybe I will be an actor on TV.It would be great to be rich and famous when I'm older. But no matter what, I will always be your friend!All the best,Danny出自冀教版八年级上册Unit 5 My future Lesson 30 A famous friend?Trains Go Faster!In the 1700s, many scientists worked on steam engines. In the 1760s, a scientist in England found a way to put steam engines and wheels together. Soon people had a new type of transportation: the steam train. In 1804, the first train engine was born in England. It travelled only about fifteen kilometres in two hours. In 1825, the first passenger railway opened, The Rocket was the most famous early engine.During the 1830s, countries all over the world started to build railways. Fifty years later many countries had railways, People built many train stations to help passengers get on and off the trains easily.Early trains were slow by today's standards. The Rocket had a top speed of only 45 kilometres per hour. Today's high-speed trains can travel at about 300kilometres per hour. The fastest trains can go about 500 kilometres an hour.Maybe trains will have no wheels in the future. Maybe they will ride on air. That would be amazing!出自冀教版八年级上册Unit 5 My future Lesson 32Save the Tigers"Save the tigers" is a group of volunteers. These volunteers hope to save the tigers of the world. At the beginning of the 20th century, the number of tigers in the wild was around 100 000. But today that number has dropped to a few thousand.Tigers live in the forests of Asia. They usually have orange fur and dark stripes. Tigers are symbols of strength and courage. In many stories, they are brave. The tiger is at the top of the food chain. It helps keep the number of other wild animals in balance. For this reason, tigers are important to the environment.In recent years, tigers have been in danger of disappearing .Some people hunt and kill tigers for money. People have cut down a lot of trees as well. As forests disappear, tigers lose their homes. The number of tigers in the wild is quickly decreasing and we must do something about it.Learning TipThere are currently six types of tigers. The Bengal tiger, the Siberian tiger, the Sumatran tiger, the Malayan tiger, the Indochinese tiger and the South China tiger.出自冀教版八年级下册Unit 3 Animals are our friends Lesson 17。

You should see the dentist Section C It was beautiful day and the children played in the park.Maria flew her kite while Michael played on his skateboard ‘Look!I’m going to try something new’,he said .Michael did a difficult jump.Then the skateboard went up and Michael fell down with a cry.The other children ran to him and asked,‘Are you all right?Are you hurt?’Oh,my leg,my arm﹗I feel terrible!Michael cried“I think you should see a doctor”,said Kangkang , “I’ll call a taxi.” Jane and Maria looked after poor Michel. “My leg really hurts, ” he said.Soon the taxi came and took Michael and his friends to the hospital.The doctor told them, “The X-rays show that it’s not serious.You can take him home. Michael . you need to rest at home for a week. Here are s ome pills.Take two pills,Three times a day.”The children left the hospital. Kangkang helped Michael to walk.They were glad that the accident wasn’t serous and Micheal felt much better.(选自仁爱版八年级上册Unit 2 Keeping Healthy)What’s Wrong,Danny?It’s 3:00a.m.Danny wakes up his parents.Mrs.Dinosaur: What’s wrong.Danny?Danny: I don’t feel well.My stomach hurts.Mrs.Dinosaur: You ate ten donuts for dessert! That’s the problem. Danny: (He starts to cry.)I regret eating so many donuts now.My stomach has never hurt this much before.Mr.Dinosaur: (He sits up and feels Danny’s head.)You’ve g ot a high fever,son.You look pale.You are sick,aren’t you? We shouldgo to the hospital.Danny: Need we go there right now?Mr.Dinosaur: Yes,we must.Mrs.Dinosaur: Don’t cry,dear.You’ll be all right.Danny’s father gets dressed quickly.He and Danny get into the car ,and they drive to the hospital. Soon they arrive.Nurse Sara: Hi Danny.I’m Nurse Sara.Don’t worry.The doctor will see you soon.She takes them to a small examination room. Soon.a doctor arrives. Dr.Ling:Hi!I’m Dr.Ling. How are you feeling, Danny?Danny: (He points to the right side of his stomach.)I’ve go t a pain here.The doctor feels Danny’s stomach.Danny starts to cry again.Dr.Ling: Pardon me,Danny.I know it hurts.Mr.Dinosaur: He also has a fever.Dr.Ling: Danny needs to stay in the hospital tonight.We may need to take an X-ray.Mr.Dinosaur:(He takes Danny’s hand.) It’s going to be OK,son. I’ll sta y with you.(选自冀教版九年级Unit 1 Stay healthy)A Visit to the DentistDear Diary,I'm really afraid of going to the dentist. I don't know why, but I have had this fear since I was very young. When my mum wants me to go to the dentist,I always refuse.This morning, I woke up with a terrible toothache. I told my mum about it.She thought that one of my teech was probably rotten and that I needed to go to a dentist.I had no choice but to go with her.When we got to the dentist's office,there were strange smells,strange sounds and people dressed in strange clothing.Imagine how scared I was! My hands were shaking.My legs felt so heavy,and it was difficult to stand!Fortunately, the dentist,Dr.Hu,was very kind.She saw right away that I was scared and told me not to worry.She helped me get up on the chair."You needn't be afraid. What kind of music do you like?"sheasked.She gave me a headset,and I listened to music while she worked. Before I knew it,my aching tooth was fixed. My tooth did not hurt at all.Dr.Hu smiled at me and said,"See? I told you it would be OK."On the way home, Mum told me an old German saying:Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.(选自冀教版九年级Unit 1 Stay healthy)Good Food,Good HealthHere are the four food groups:GrainsBread, noodles and rice are all grain foods. Breakfast cereal is also made of different grains.Grains give you vitamins, minerals and fibre Did you know corn is the best food for Vitamin B1?Fruits and vegetablesFruits and vegetables are also rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre. They help you grow and stay healthy.Salads are very popular in Western countries. They’re made with lots of fresh vegetables.Protein foodsMany people think that only meat and chicken are protein foods. Actually, other foods like fish ,eggs and beans have a lot of protein, too. In China and other East Asian countries, people often eat tofu and other bean products. They also drink soy milk. These are all good protein foods. Calcium foodsYour body needs calcium to stay healthy. Calcium makes your bones and teeth strong. Milk, cheese and yogurt contain calcium. But did you know that many green vegetables also have a lot of calcium?Have a balanced diet!A well-balanced diet includes foods from each food group. Do we need to balance our diet? Of course, we do. A balanced diet will keep you healthy and give you lots of energy!(选自冀教版九年级Unit 1 Stay healthy)Don’t Smoke, PleaseSmoking is a bad habit . As as student , you should never smoke .Why is smoking harmful?Smoking is bad for your health. It can cause diseases of the heart and lungs.Every year, millions of people around the world die as a result of smoking . T hat’s terribleIf you smoke,you harm yourself, and you’re also harming the people around you with your second- hand smoke.Smoking pollutes the environment, too. Everyone wants to live in a clean environment and breathe fresh air.In many countries, smoking in public places is now against the law.What should we do?Never touch cigarettes, Whenever someone offers you a cigarette,you should always say no. Don’t take that risk .When somebody talks about smoking , change the topic.If your family members smoke, encourage them to stop smoking .it will be hard for them , but you should try explaining how important it is for their health.Eat more fruits and vegetables, do more exercise ,and form good habits.Once you get into the habit of smoking ,it’s not easy to give it up .Stay away from cigarettes and you can live a long healthy and happy life.(选自冀教版九年级Unit 1 Stay healthy)Jane's Lucky LifeWhen Jane was ten years old, she became ill with a kind of disease. This disease damaged Jane’s body. She can’t move her arms or legs.Jane is forty years old now. She is unable to do many things. She can’t brush her teeth. She can’t put on her shoes. She can’t run or jump. She can’t make breakfast.But she dares to try many things. She has a wheelchair. She controls her wheelchair with her mouth. She writes letters without her hands. How does she do it ? She talks to a special computer. She has a special telephone that is hers alone.She can answer it just by saying “hello”.Jane is married and has two children. She likes to watch her eleven-year-old son playing soccer. From her wheelchair, Jane cheers as her son runs and kicks the ball.Her daughter likes to play the piano, Jane will never play the piano, but she knows a lot about music. She enjoys encouraging her daughter.Jane speaks to people about the things she has learned as a disabled person.“Everyone has problems. If you only focus on your problems, you’ll have a life full of problems. I don’t need any pity.I think about all the good things in my life. I have a life full of good things.”“Do you know who is really disabled? People who don’t knowho w lucky they are.”(选自冀教版九年级Unit 1 Stay healthy)Stay Away from the HospitalDear Li Ming,I had a very interesting week! I had appendicitis . I don’t have it anymore ,but I don’t have an appendix ,either!The doctor took it out!I slept all day after my appendix was taken out. The next day,when I woke up I felt terrible and very sleepy.I didn’t want to eat ,but I was very thirsty. My doctor said I had a fever .She told me to drink plenty of water and have a good rest. So I stayed in bed and rested .Sometimes the nurses gave me pop to drink !Now I’m fe eling much better. My mother brought me some new books to read(but no homework).I also have a television in my room!I will write to you again soon.Your friend,DannyHi Danny,I’m sorry to hear that you were sick this week. Now that you mention it,Wang Mei also had a bad day. One of her teeth was rotten,so she had to go to the dentistFortunately,you and Wang Mei are both getting much better now. I think we should try hard to form good habits so that we can stay healthy and stay away from hospital!Yours,Li Ming(选自冀教版九年级Unit 1 Stay healthy)How to lead a balanced lifeMany students suffer from stress in their daily lives. They are under stress because their lives are not balanced, They focus too much on studying,dealing with peer pressure and worrying about what others think, and not enough on other things. You may wonder whether stress is a serious matter. The answer is “Yes”. You should be aware that stress is a risk to your health. If you want to live a long and healthy life,you need to begin to guard against stress from a young age.Here are some ways to deal with stress and bring balance to your life.Be positiveOne way to cancel out stress is through positive thinking. You should always look on the bright side of life, and imagine that you will have a happy and successful future.Learn to relaxForce yourself to take a break from your studies and worries aboutexams.You can do this by taking a walk,reading a book,going to a concert or seeing a film, or just sitting in a private place and being silent for a moment.Take up a hobbyLearn to paint,take up skating, or start playing a musical instrument. When you are busy with a hobby,you leave all your worries behind. Take care of your bodyStress is your body’s enemy. Taking regular exercise,eating a healthy diet and getting enough sleep are all the things that can help you.LaughSometimes laughter is the best medicine for stress.Seeing a funny film or telling jokes with friends will often cheer you up when you are low.(选自牛津版九年级下册Unit 6 Caring for your health)。
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八年级英语课外阅读第16周阅读理解1Jack is a twenty-year-old young man. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he found work in a shop. Usually he works until ten o'clock in the evening. He is very tired when he gets home. After a quick supper he goes to bed and soon falls asleep. His grandma who lives downstairs is satisfied with (满意) him.One day, on his way home, he met Mary. They were both happy. He asked the girl to his house, she agreed happily. He bought some fruit and drinks for her. And they talked about their school, teachers, classmates and their future (未来). They talked for a long time.“Have a look at your watch, please,” said the girl. “What time is it now?”“Sorry, something is wrong with my watch,” said Jack. “Where's yours?”“I left it at home.”Jack thought for a moment and found a way. He began to stamp his foot on the floor, “Bang! Bang! Bang!”The sound woke his grandma up. The old woman shouted downstairs, “It's twelve o'clock in the night, Jack. Why are you still jumping upstai rs?”1. Jack was ________ when he finished middle school.A. sixteenB. eighteenC. twentyD. fifteen2. The old woman is satisfied with Jack because ________.A. he's her grandsonB. he's cleverC. he can keep quietD. he gets home on time3. From the story, we can know that Mary is Jack's ________.A. classmateB. colleague (同事)C. auntD. wife4. The word “stamp” in the story means ______ in Chinese.A. 盖印B. 跺C. 贴邮票D. 承认5. Jack stamped his foot on the floor in order (为了) ________.A. to wake his grandma upB. to make his grandma angryC. that his grandma was going to tell him the timeD. that his grandma was going to buy him a watch阅读理解2If you go to Russia, bring matryoshka or nesting dolls (套娃) back with you. They make great presents.It looks like any other doll on the outside. But if you open it, you will find a smaller doll inside. Then a smaller one inside that one, and on and on!In a nesting doll, there are dolls inside one another, from large to small. The largest one can be half a meter high. The smallest is as small as a peanut. Usually, there are eight dolls. But there can be anything from three to 50.The dolls are often pretty Russian girls in colourful dresses. They wear scarves (头巾).They sometimes have other kinds of faces on them. There are cartoon people or men with white beards (胡子). They even have great men like President (总统) Vladimir Putin on some of them.根据短文,判断正误:1. There are dolls inside one another in a nesting doll.2. The largest doll can be one meter high.3. People often make dolls look like pretty Russian girls.4. Usually, a nesting doll can be eight dolls in one.5. People never make dolls look like the president.阅读理解3The Spring Festival is the biggest festival for Chinese people all around the world. The celebration usually lasts for 15 days. There is a lot to do.On the eve of the Spring Festival, family members get together and have big meals. Their favourite dish on this day is dumplings.Days before the Spring Festival, families will clean their homes. People think cleaning sweeps away bad luck. It makes the house ready for good luck.The colour red is everywhere during the Spring Festival. People think red is a happy colour and will bring them a bright future. People wear red, too. They decorate (装饰) their homes with pieces of red paper. Kids get a lot of “hong bao”. It is a red paper bag with money in it. Usually, older people give younger ones hong bao. They think it brings good luck..The Spring Festival is the time to make everybody happy. So don’t say any bad words or do anything that will bring unhappiness to other people.For instance, you’d better not say any bad words like “death”. Don’t break anything. People think that it means your luck is running out.Also, don’t borrow or lend money on these days. If you have borrowed money, return it before the Spring Festival.根据短文,选择最佳答案:1. What do most people do on the eve of the Spring Festival?A. Family members gather for a big meal.B. Friends eat dumplings together.C. They borrow money from friends.D. They give each other hong bao.2. Why do people clean their houses days before the Spring Festival?A. Because they enjoy being clean.B. Because it is believed that cleaning will sweep away bad luck.C. Because they think it will bring happiness to others.D. Because it is thought that cleaning brings in money.3. Which of the following things is not supposed to happen during the Spring Festival?A.Returning money before the Spring Festival.B.Saying words that have to do with death.C.Wearing red clothes.D.Decorating houses with red paper.4. The underlined phrase “running out” probably means “____”.A. 跑出去B. 打碎C. 耗尽D. 离开5. We can tell from the story that the Spring Festival is ____.A. a time of harvest and funB. celebrated for one whole monthC. only celebrated in ChinaD. a time for families to get together阅读理解4Look at the light and beautiful snowflakes (雪花) falling. Ever wanted to hold them in your hands? They are always lost when they meet your hands.Well, this isn’t just a problem for you. It was a problem for Wilson Bentley, too.In the 1870s, Wilson Bentley was just a teenager. His family lived in a small town in northeast America. Winters there were long and hard. Bentley’s mother was once a school teacher. She taught him at home. Bentley didn’t go to school until he was 14. He was a quietb oy, and loved reading his mother’s books.But it was his mother’s microscope (显微镜) that interested him. When the other boys were playing with balls, little Bentley was studying things like drops of water, flowers and snowflakes. Bentley loved watching snowflakes. For the next two years young Bentley spent many winter days in a cold room watching these ice crystals (晶体) under his microscope. The boy thought they were so beautiful that he started to draw pictures of them. But there were so many snowflakes that he couldn’t draw them all.How could he keep their beauty forever? Bentley thought of buying a camera.The boy and his mother asked his father to buy one. But, his father didn’t agree. He thought the whole thing was a bad idea. He thought the only thing a farmer should do was farming. But finally Bentley did get a camera. For more than a year he tried to take pictures of snowflakes. On January 15, 1885, during a snowstorm, Bentley took the first ever photo of an ice crystal with his camera. “It was the greatest moment of my life,” Bentley said later.For 13 years, Bentley worked quietly and took thousands of photos of ice crystals. Later he became known as “Snowflake” Bentley.根据短文,选择最佳答案:1. The best title for this passage is ____.A. Snowflake PhotosB. Snowflake BoyC. Long and Hard WintersD. Teenage Photographer2. We can tell from the story tha t Bentley’s father was ____.A. a farmerB. a funny manC. an athletic manD. a school teacher3. Which of the following statements about Bentley is true?A. He didn’t get any kind of education as a child.B. He was born into a rich family.C. He was the first person to take photos of snowflakes.D. He was fascinated by the beauty of snowflakes.4. What kind of person do you think Bentley was?A. He was outgoing.B. He was too serious.C. He was interested in learning.D. He was very warm-hearted.5. The “ice crystals” in the third paragraph refers to “____”.A. water dropsB. rain dropsC. flowersD. snowflakes阅读理解5During the cold winter days you may find it hard to wake up in the morning. It’s warm and cozy (舒适的) in your bed.In winter, many animals like to sleep, too. But their sleeps can be very long and deep. This kind of sleep is called hibernation (冬眠). During this kind of sleep, their temperatures go down, and hearts beat (跳动) slowly. They take very small breaths.Animals can hibernate for part or all of the winter. It’s hard for them to find things to eat. When they go to sleep, they don’t need much food.Bears, hedgehogs (刺猬) and chipmunks (花栗鼠) go to sleep in their homes. Frogs and snakes hibernate, too. Frogs move into the earth under water to keep themselves warm. Before they go to sleep, they eat a lot to get fat (脂肪). Some also keep food in their homes to eat later.Bears are the biggest animals that hibernate. They often sleep in caves (山洞). Bears must eat a lot of things like nuts before going to sleep for a long time. They eat as much as 300 apples ( that’s the same as 60 hamburgers) each day for many weeks.They can eat for 20 hours in a day!Bears can go into a very deep sleep. It can last from three months to half a year. During that time they do not eat, drink or go to the toilet. A mother bear can give birth to babies during her hibernation.Other animals sleep less. Sometimes they wake up to eat, or take a walk. Then they go to sleep again.根据短文内容判断正误:1. Hibernation is a the long and deep sleep of animals in winter.2. During hibernation, animals don’t breathe at all.3. Bears eat lots of food before they hibernate in winter.4. Bears don’t go to the t oilet during their hibernation.5. Frogs hibernate in the Earth under water.6. Mother bears can’t give birth to babies during hibernation.7. We can infer that fat is an important food for animals during hibernation.8. Bears, hedgehogs, chipmunks, pigs and frogs hibernate.。