






1 如图所示,按住锁卡向上打开电池室盖。

2 将2节“aaa(r03)”型号电池按正确极向插入。

3 关好电池室盖。


1 按图示按住旋钮拔出电池架。

2 将电池插入匣中,并使“+”标记确实可见。

3 插回电池盒直至听到喀嗒声。




playback effect(放像效果)选择菜单画面出现。


1 若要关闭所选择的效果,按遥控器上的effect on/off(效果开/关)。


2 若要改变所选择的效果,从步骤2起重复上述操作。

1 在使用放像特殊效果时,多重分析器4和多重分析器9瞬像模式(→第15页)不能使用。

2 放像中可利用的效果有经典电影,单色调,墨色,频闪及重影。










遥控直升飞机说明书篇一:无线遥控直升机使用说明书遥控直升飞机使用说明书遥控直升飞机学院:西安技师学院专业:模具设计与制造班级:12届模具预备技师班导师:王亮组长:李冲组员:符海龙郑浩武邵裕超20XX.5.20无线遥控直升机使用说明书一. 遥控器各部位名称与安装说明1. 如上图,将天线从遥控器上的小孔插入,轻轻按住并顺时针旋转,直到天线与天线座连接好为止,将拉杆天线拉长,飞机的遥控距离会更远。

2. 以正确的方法给遥控器装上4节干电池,再装上电池盖,拧紧螺丝。







3. 在温暖晴朗没风的天气飞行.?切勿在气温极端的天气飞行,切勿在温度过高的天气飞行,在过热和过冷的天气下飞行会影响飞行效果或损坏模型。


三、安全防范1 模型发动后,请不要接触模型的高速旋转的部分(包括齿轮、主旋翼、尾翼等)他们能引起伤害。

五、动作微调说明1. 慢慢升起油门摇杆,当直升机刚刚离开地面时,若直升机倾斜不同的方向,可使用微调修正动作。








控制器按照以下内容设计:电气设备规那么根据欧洲共同体第93/68/EEC号指令修正的欧洲共同体第73/23/EEC号指令〔设备、系统和安装〕以及电气设备EN61010-1 :93 + A2:95中关于强制保护要求的规那么。

电磁兼容规那么根据欧洲共同体第n°92/31/EEC、93/68/EEC和98/13/EEC号指令修正的欧洲共同体第n089/336/EEC号指令,并遵守以下规那么:射频排放规那么:EN61000-6-3 : 2001 居住环境EN61000-6-4 : 2001 工业环境射频抗扰度规那么:EN61000-6-2 : 2001 工业设备和系统让安装者了解其应遵守平安要求和EMC规那么至关重要。






目录1安装 (4)2电气连接 (8)3产品编码 (14)4操作 (18)5自动调准 (28)6技术标准 (29)〔可选〕指示专用主要通用输入单一动作资源工作模式单一动作 控制 警告重新传输设置点特殊功能通过自动选择模糊调整单次对焦自动调整单次对焦固有频率RS485通讯接口参数化监督1 安装只有合格人员才能进行安装在安装控制器前,请遵守该手册中的指令,特别是标有标志的安装防范,该标志与欧洲共同体关于电气保护和电磁兼容的指令有关。


1.1 概述面板外表产品条码标签安装夹具密封前面板垫前面板 IP65保护EN650529〔IEC529〕IP20 接线盒EN61010-1〔IEC1010-1〕1.2 尺寸详图 1.3 面板尺寸图20mm 最长0.79in 最长65mm最短2.56in 最短65mm最短2.56in最短1.4 环境评定等级操作条件海拔可达2000m温度0-50℃%Rh 相对湿度5%-95%不凝结特殊条件建议高度>2000m 使用24V交流电供电版本温度>50℃使用强制空气通风%Rh 湿度>95% 加热导电空气使用过滤器禁止条件腐蚀性空气爆燃性空气1.5 面板安装 [1]1.5.1 插入仪器 1 将面板切口准备好 2 检查前面板垫的位置 3 将仪器插入切口UL 注释1.5.2 安装固定1 放置安装夹具 2将安装夹具推至面板外表以固定仪器 1.5.3撤除夹具1 将螺丝刀插入夹具夹片中2 旋转螺丝刀1.5.4 取下仪器[1]供在2类和3类“防雨〞外壳平整外表上使用。



RS-KTS-N01-YH1红外空调控制器用户手册文档版本:V1.0目录1.产品介绍 (3)1.1功能特点 (3)1.2设备技术参数 (3)1.3设备选型 (4)1.4设备示意图 (4)2.设备使用 (5)2.1使用拓扑图 (5)2.2安装方式 (6)2.3配置说明 (7)3.常见问题及解决办法 (18)3.1设备无法连接到PLC或电脑 (18)3.2设备无法进行控制 (18)3.3设备无法进行配置 (18)4.联系方式 (19)5.文档历史 (19)6.附录1(空调控制器寄存器内容) (20)附录2(指令名称代号) (21)1.产品介绍RS-KTS-N01-YH1红外空调控制器是一款多功能的空调控制器。













尊敬的用户:感谢您使用XXXXXXXX 的产品,请您在使用前熟悉该说明书,掌握产品的卓越功能,使该产品发挥应有的效能。

主要用途:LED 灯饰集中编码智能遥控控制系统,是一种可广泛应用于宾馆、酒店、家庭客厅、房间、办公场地的LED 灯饰进行编码智能遥控控制的智能化控制系统,该系统可对LED 灯饰进行开关、调光、定时、装饰灯色彩的集中编码遥控控制;即分别通过对各种LED 灯饰进行编码,然后用该智能控制器对各种编码的LED 灯饰进行单独遥控控制;分组遥控控制;全部同时遥控控制。



2、IP-编码操作状态,指示控制器为编码操作状态,按IP 按扭可使控制器为IP 编码状态。

3、TM-定时关灯设定状态,指示控制器为定时关灯设定状态,按TM 按扭可使控制器为定时关灯设定状态。




6、操作显示屏,显示各种操作状态的IP 地址、亮度等级、定时时间等。




状态RGB 9编码前两位显示编码与定时、时间控制器位置指示功能开10、< >编码加、编码减,加减灯饰IP地址编码。



在主屏中按下此组合键 3 秒,可以复位系统当前告警。 3.2.3 显示内容介绍
显示屏提示机组的主要测量值、状态和响应。下图给出显示屏上电时将会出现的信 息和符号,下面我们将描述控制屏中出现全部符号和信息的含义。
当前温度 当前湿度
23 ℃ 50 %
注: 控制屏中图标的出现须在相关功能配置和发生时,才能在图中显示。
提示信息。当此符号出现时,表示机组 有提示性信息发生。
3.2.4 控制屏参数 控制器的参数分为十个级别,每个级别的根目录都有各自相关的参数(具体操作请参看后续“控制
屏操作”): 1. 直接参数设置 2. 用户参数设置 3. 厂家参数设置 4. 手动控制设置 5. 系统时钟设置 6. 查看历史告警 7. 告警配置设置 8. 系统时间查看 9. 定时开关机设置 10. 复位默认参数
除湿有效,除湿功能已启动(选件; 有此功能时显示图标)
加湿有效,加湿功能启动(选件; 有此功能时显示图标)
加热执行器启动,表示制热或除湿 补热正在执行中。
制冷执行器启动,表示制冷或除 湿功能启动。
送风执行器启动,标志着系统正在 工作。在送风机运行过程中,该图 标会始终匀速的旋转。
定时器工作。当此符号出现时,表示 客户设置了机组定时开关机。
2) 制冷偏差 ℃
3) 制热偏差 ℃
4) 温度设定上限 ℃ 范围: U5~50℃。默认值:36℃
5) 温度设定下限 ℃ 范围: 0℃~ U4。默认值:15℃

Skytech TM R-AF1-1 单功能无线遥控系统说明书

Skytech TM R-AF1-1 单功能无线遥控系统说明书

Model: TM/R-AF1-1INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSSINGLE-FUNCTION WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM FOR OPERATING VALVES WITH ON/OFF LATCHING SOLENOIDSINTRODUCTIONThis SKYTECH remote Wireless Wall Timer system was developed to provide safe, reliable, and user-friendly remote control system for gas heating appliances. The system can be operated manually from the transmitter. The system operates on one of 65,536 security codes that are programmed into the transmitter at the factory.WALL TIMERThe wall timer operates on a (2) 3V button cell batteries (included) made specifically for remote controls and electronic lighters. Before using the wall transmitter, install the two (2) 3V button cell batteries. Follow instructions below.The wall timer has a 30 min, 60 min, 120 min, and OFF buttons. When any of the buttons on the wall timer is pressed, a signal light on the wall timer illuminates briefly to verify that a signal has been sent. If the signal light does not illuminate, check the batteries. Upon initial use, there may be a delay of 5-seconds before the remote receiver will respond to the wall timer.TO INSTALL BATTERIES1. Remove face from backing plate by insetting a small screwdriver into the small slot at the top or bottom of the faceplate as shown below then snap OFF.2. Locate the (2) holders for the 3V button cell batteries.3. Place the button cell batteries into the battery holders and snap into place. (Make sure that the batteries are installed with the (+) plus side as shown to the right.4. After the batteries are installed replace the faceplate on the base.TO REMOVE THE BATTERIES1. Remove face from backing plate by insetting a small screwdriver into the small slot on the side at the top or bottom of the faceplate as shown to the right then snap OFF.2. Locate the (2) holders for the 3V button cell batteries.3. Insert a small screwdriver into the slot at the button cell battery and pop the battery out (Slots shown in picture above).4. After the batteries are installed replace the faceplate.IF YOU CANNOT READ OR UNDERSTAND THESE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL OR OPERATEWALL MOUNTING THE TIMER 1. Remove face from backing plate by insetting a small screwdriver into the small slot at the top or bottom of the faceplate as shown to the right then snap OFF. 2. Locate the (2) two mounting holes and mark the holes on the wall. 3. Use the (2) two dry wall anchors and screws (that are supplied) to mount the base plate to the wall as shown. 4. The wall transmitter can also be mounted onto an existing (Plastic) electrical box. 5. Base plate should be mounted level on the wall for best operation.REMOTE RECEIVERIMPORTANTTHE REMOTE RECEIVER SHOULD BE POSITIONED WHERE AMBIENTTEMPERATURES DO NOT EXCEED 130° F.The remote receiver (right) operates on (4) 1.5-volt AA batteries. It isrecommended that ALKALINE batteries be used for longer battery life and maximum microprocessor performance. IMPORTANT: New or fully charged batteries are essential to proper operation of the remote receiver as a latchingsolenoid power consumption is substantially higher than standard remote controlsystems.NOTE : The remote receiver will only respond to the transmitter when the 3-position slide button on the remote receiver is in theREMOTE position. The remote receiver houses the microprocessor that responds to commands from the transmitter to control system operation.FUNCTIONS:1. With the slide switch in the REMOTE position, the system will onlyoperate if the remote receiver receives commands from the transmitter. Upon initial use or after an extended period of no use, the ON button may have to be pressed for up to three seconds before activating solenoid. If the system does not respond to the transmitter on initial use, see LEARNING TRANSMITTER TO RECEIVER section. 2. Slide switch to ON for manual operation.3. With the slide in the OFF position, the system is OFF.4. It is suggested that the slide switch be placed in the OFF position ifyou will be away from your home for an extended period of time.Placing the slide switch in the OFF position also functions as a safety "lock out" by both turning the system OFF and rendering the transmitter inoperative.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSWARNINGDO NOT CONNECT REMOTE RECEIVER DIRECTLY TO 110-120VAC POWER. THIS WILLBURNOUTTHE RECEIVER. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS FROM MANUFACTURER OF GAS VALVE FOR CORRECT WIRING PROCEDURES. IMPROPER INSTALLATION OF ELECTRIC COMPONENTS CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TO GAS VALVE AND REMOTE RECEIVER.INSTALLATIONThe remote receiver can be mounted on or near the fireplace hearth. PROTECTION FROM EXTREME HEAT IS VERY IMPORTANT. Like any piece of electronic equipment, the remote receiver should be kept away from temperatures exceeding 130º F inside the receiver case. Battery life is also significantly shortened if batteries are exposed to high temperatures.Make sure the remote receiver switch is in the OFF position. For best results it is recommended that 18 gauge stranded wires should be used to make connections and no longer than 20-feet.WIRING INSTRUCTIONSCONNECTING THE RECEIVER TO A VALVE WITH THE LATCHING SOLENOID1. Connect the BLACK 18 gage stranded wire with the 1/4’ female terminal from the receiver to the BLACK wire with the 1/4” maleterminals from the valve solenoid.2. Connect the RED 18 gage stranded wire with the 1/4’ female terminal from the receiver to the RED wire with the 1/4” male terminalsfrom the valve solenoid.3. After receiver wires are connected to the valve solenoid wire make sure the receiver shield is located over the receiver and thenlocate the receiver in an area that will not exceed the 130° F.IMPORTANT NOTE: Operation of these controls is dependent on which wire is attached to which terminal. If operation of controldoes not correspond to operating buttons on transmitter, reverse wire installation at the receiver or at the control.NOTE: Up to 6.3 VDC of power is provided at the receiver terminal.GENERAL INFORMATIONLEARNING TRANSMITTER TO RECEIVEREach transmitter uses a unique security code. It will be necessary to press the LEARN button on the receiver to accept the transmitter security code upon initial use, if batteries are replaced, or if a replacement transmitter is purchased from your dealer or the factory. In order for the receiver to accept the transmitter security code, be sure the slide button on the receiver is in the REMOTE position; the receiver will not LEARN if the slide switch is in the ON or OFF position. The LEARN button in located on the front face of the receiver; inside the small hole labeled LEARN. Using a small screwdriver or end of a paperclip gently Press and Release the black LEARN button inside the hole. When you release the LEARN button the receiver will emit an audible “beep”. After the receiver emits the beep press ANY transmitter button and release. The receiver will emit several beeps indicating that the transmitter’s code has been accepted into the receiver.The microprocessor that controls the security code matching procedure is controlled by a timing function. If you are unsuccessful in matching the security code on the first attempt, wait 1 - 2 minutes before trying again--this delay allows the microprocessor to reset its timer circuitry--and try up to two or three more times.OPERATION4. This remote control will operate the gas valves latching solenoid to open the gas flow to full ON.5. When the ON button is depressed the transmitter sends a RF signal to the receiver. The receiver then sends apulse of 6-volts of power to the solenoid. The solenoid then opens the gas flow to the burner then to full ON.6. When the OFF button is depressed the transmitter sends a RF signal to the receiver. The receiver then sends apulse of 6-volts of power to the solenoid. The solenoid then closes the gas flow to the burner then to full OFF.7. The remote control will only work with the hand held transmitter. The receiver slide switch is only for positive OFF or REMOTEoperation.NOTE: Extensive use of the Latching Solenoid (ON/OFF) will reduce the receiver's battery life significantly.BATTERY LIFELife expectancy of the alkaline batteries in the TM/R-AF1 can be up to 12 months depending on use of the solenoid function. Replace all batteries annually. When the transmitter no longer operates the remote receiver from a distance it did previously (i.e., the transmitter's range has decreased) or the remote receiver does not function at all, the batteries should be checked. It is important that the remote receiver batteries are fully charged, providing combined output voltage of at least 5.0 volts. The transmitter should operate with as little as 2.4 volts battery power. NOTE: Extensive use of the Solenoid will reduce the receiver's battery life significantly.TROUBLE SHOOTINGIf you encounter problems with your fireplace system, the problem may be with the fireplace itself or it could be with the TM/R-AF1 remote system. Review the fireplace manufacturer's operation manual to make sure all connections are properly made. Then check the operation of the remote in the following manner:1. Make sure the batteries are correctly installed in the RECEIVER. One reversed battery will keep receiver from operating properly.2. Check battery in TRANSMITTER to ensure contacts are touching (+) and (-) ends of battery. Bend metal contacts in for tighter fit.3. Be sure RECEIVER and TRANSMITTER are within 20 to 25-foot operating range.4. Keep RECEIVER from temperatures exceeding 120° F. Battery life shortened when ambient temperatures are above 115° F.5. If RECEIVER is installed in tightly enclosed metal surround, the operating distance will be shortened.NOTE:1. Heat conditions can cause batteries to discharge when temperatures exceed 1150 F. Studies show that alkaline batteries, whenexposed to a constant temperature of 1200 F, can lose up to 50% of their operating power. When the battery cools down, it will partially recharge itself, but constant heating and cooling will reduce the battery’s normal life expectancy. SPECIFICATIONSBATTERIES: Transmitter 12V - (A23)Remote Receiver 6V - 4 ea. AA 1.5 Alkaline FCC ID No.'s: transmitter - K9LTMR2A; receiver - K9L330IRX Operating Frequency: 303.8 MHZ Canadian ISC ID No.'s: transmitter – 2439A-TMR2A; receiver – 2439A 3301RX FCC REQUIREMENTSNOTE: THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADIO OR TV INTERFERENCE CAUSED BY UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS TO THIS EQUIPMENT. SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USER’S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT.FOR TECHNICAL SERVICE, CALL: U. S. INQUIRIES CANADIAN INQUIRIES(855) 498-8324 or (260) 459-1703 (877) 472-3923For Sales: (888) 672-8929WEBSITE: MANUFACTURED EXCLUSIVELY FOR SKYTECH II, Inc。

IR M1红外线发射器快速入门指南说明书

IR M1红外线发射器快速入门指南说明书

IR +IR M1Setup Overview1. Place your IR M1 in a location where you will be ableto place the IR emitters connected to the IR M1 in thelistening area.2. Plug in the power supply to the power connection onthe IR M1.3. Connect an audio source to the Line/Mic In port for thechannel(s) you’d like to use.4. Connect an Ethernet cable to the ETHERNET port.Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to amulticast-enabled router with an internet connection.IR M1 MODULATOR (REAR)5. Connect one or more IR E4 emitters to Output toEmitter ports on the back of the IR M1 with an CAT5e cable. No additional power is required.6. Place the emitters in the listening area so that theyare above the audience without interference. Multiple emitters should be place apart from one another toexpand the coverage area.7. Turn on the IR M1.8. On the front panel of the IR M1, a IP address shouldbe displayed. If you do not see an IP address, check your network connection. Write it down and go to acomputer. on the same network as the IR +.9. In Chrome or Edge, type the IP address into the URLbar. A webpage for the IR + system will load. Thedefault usename is admin and the default password is admin.10. Click the Audio tab and set the audio device type anddesired settings for each audio channel.11. Click the Settings tab. Configure each emitter for thechannels it will broadcast, and the IR Band the system should emit.12. Change other settings as desired.13. With your audio source playing sound, take an IRReceiver to the front panel of the IR M1. The front panel of the IR M1 has two small IR Emitters for testing, onefor each audio channel. Tune the receiver to the IRBaseband channel the audio is playing on to ensure all your settings sound correct. This audio will match theaudio from the IR E4 emitters.14. For more advanced system setup, please see the fulluser manual. Configuration DetailsThe IR M1 Modulator is the key component to the IR+ System. Audio devices, emitters and more can be connected to the IR M1. Any configuration to the IR+ system is done through the IR M1, which passes the configuration setting onto other IR+ devices.Determine Coverage Area and Location The modulator is usually located with the sound system amplifier or mixer for easy access to an audio input signal. For portable systems, the modulator can be placed near the emitter or in another convenient location.The emitters will need to be placed to get the most coeverage area. When using the IR Plus system in single-channel mode with the RX22-4 receiver, the system coverage area will cover up to 18,000 sq. ft. (1,673 sq. m.) per IR E4 emitter. The IR E4 will use full power, single channel mode by default. Single channel or dual channel mode, and emitter output power, can be selected using the system webpage.The coverage area may be affected by direct/indirect sunlight, reflections on walls and room construction. Reflections of the infrared light from walls, ceilings, and floors may change these patterns.Important: Remember to point the emitter towards the listening audience.Remember: Most objects block infrared light. The transmitter cannot be concealed behind walls, glass, curtains, etc.These patterns are the direct radiation pattern. The infrared radiation does not drop to zero outside the illustrated patterns; it decreases. It still may be usable at a greater distance, depending on the receiver sensitivity and the reflective characteristics of the room.Do not paint the front face of the IR E4.Network Cable ConnectionThe Ethernet port can be used to connect the IR M1 to a local network. A network connection is required to access the IR M1 webpage. The webpage is needed to configure some device settings after the system is set up.An Ethernet connection alone will not allow the Wi-Fi broadcast features to work; a Wi-Fi connection must be available on the network. A network connection is not required for broadcasting over infrared.Once a connection has been established, an IP address will automatically be assigned to the IR M1. Device settings can then be set via the web interface, including changing any network settings.NOTE: Most settings need to be set BEFORE connecting audio sources.Cable Connection to EmittersThe IR M1 can directly drive four emitters. Emitters repeat the baseband signal, so any number of emitters can be used. The modulator outputs CANNOT be split with CAT5e splitters.Determine the length of RJ-45 cable needed to reach from the Emitter to the Modulator unit. For more informationon cabling, please read the full user manual (see “For Additional Information” on page 2).Audio Source ConnectionsThe IR + transmitter will accept the following audio sources: 1. Balanced Microphone with or without 12 volt phantompower (DIN 45596) on a 3-pin (XLR) connector.2. Balanced/Unbalanced microphone with or withoutphantom power on 1/4 inch (TRS) jack3. Balanced/Unbalanced Line on a 3-pin (XLR) connector.4. Balanced/Unbalanced Line on 1/4 inch (TRS) jack.5. Dante on an RJ-45 jack (optional).WARNING:The IR + is not designed to accept 70 volt speakersignals! This may result in damage to your system.The sound source should come directly from the system mixer or digital source as a low-level or unprocessed signal.For specific audio wiring information, please read the fulluser manual (see “For Additional Information” on page2).Network ConfigurationNetwork Settings can only be edited from the web interface.An IP address will be automatically assigned to the IR M1once an Ethernet cable has been connected to the deviceand network connection found. Additional configurationwould need to be made through the web interface.Web Control InterfaceThe IR M1 provides a web interface to manage the device settings. These web pages can be accessed over either a hardwired or wireless network connection with the Chrome browser.Changes take effect when applied or saved. Any updatesmade through the front panel will show up on the webinterface once the current page has been navigated away from, either by refreshing the page or going to a new page.1. Open Chrome.2. In the address bar of the browser, type in the IPaddress of the IR M1 and hit Enter.3. Y ou should see the Login Page of the IR M1 and canadjust settings from here.4. For more information, please read the full user manual(see “For Additional Information” on page 2).For Additional InformationThis manual is a quick start guide for getting your IR +system up-and-running. It covers basic cable connectionand setup. Most features and customization options are not documented in this manual.For additional information, feature instructions, warranty information and more, please download the full usermanual from the IR Plus product pages on Williams AV’s website.*******************/800-843-3544 / INTL: +1-952-943-2252© 2020, Williams AV, LLC MAN 274A。





&nbsp; &nbsp; 本遥控器使普通买家增配遥控器变得非常简单,不需要过多的专业知识,不用对遥控器进行编码设置,轻松几步就能快速复制品种繁多的同频率的固定码遥控器,也可将二个或多个芯片兼容,频率一致遥控器的部分功能合并在一个遥控器上使用,可拷贝市面上绝大多数的无线遥控器(家用防盗遥控器、汽车后加装的防盗遥控器、摩托车防盗遥控器、电动车防盗遥控器、卷闸门遥控器、车库门遥控器、电动门遥控器等等),不适合汽车原装遥控和双向遥控器,不适合滚动码遥控器。

一、确定是否能用对拷遥控器; 原遥控正常,芯片兼容,频率正确是选用对拷遥控器必备的三个条件。





















全能遥控器使用说明一、全能遥控器外观结构及功能介绍:图1-11、全能遥控器的功能介绍:(1) 采用LCD液晶显示,界面直观,操作方便。

(2) 可通过学习红外遥控多种电视、空调、DVD、音响设备,实现多个遥控器合一。

(3) 可无线遥控灯光开关、插座、窗帘。

2、全能遥控器的技术参数:●无线发射距离:无阻隔>60m,普通室内环境(带非金属阻隔物)>30m;●红外发射距离:>8m;●待机时间:三天;●电池:3.7V/900mAh;●外形尺寸:200mm(W) ×55mm(H) ×20mm(D);●显示方式:LCD液晶显示;●型号:WIA-YK-I2。







iKeyM-1中型电脑钥匙使用说明书资料编号: UM-iKeyM-1-001版本: V1.1iKeyM-1电脑钥匙使用说明书(Ver1.0)编写:审核:审定:批准:珠海优特电力科技股份有限公司二OO八年一月目录1综述 (4)2外形图及各部件功用 (4)3功能及性能 (5)4技术条件 (6)5电脑钥匙操作 (6)5.1 基本操作 (6)5.1.1 开机 (6)5.1.2关机 (7)5.1.3 使用电脑钥匙前的准备工作 (7)5.1.4 菜单使用 (7)5.1.5 帮助使用 (9)5.2 电脑钥匙自学 (9)5.3 接收操作票 (11)5.4 解锁操作 (12)5.4.1 机械锁闭锁的手操隔离开关、接地刀闸、临时接地线等的操作 (12)5.4.2 由电编码锁闭锁的断路器、电动刀闸等设备 (14)5.4.3 由电编码锁和机械编码锁同时闭锁的电动刀闸等设备的操作(16)5.4.4 不强制闭锁的设备操作 (17)5.4.5 状态检测操作 (17)5.4.6 验电操作 (18)5.4.7 由电脑钥匙和模拟盘等以外的控制系统(KBQ等)同时闭锁的设备 (19)5.4.8 由反馈式电编码锁闭锁设备的解锁操作 (21)5.5 电脑钥匙回传 (23)5.5.1 正常回传 (23)5.5.2 中止回传 (24)5.5.3 追忆回传 (24)5.6 浏览票 (25)5.6.1 票体浏览 (25)5.6.2 追忆浏览 (25)5.7 辅助功能 (26)5.7.1 钥匙自学 (26)5.7.2 锁码检查 (26)5.7.3 特殊操作 (27) 智能解锁 (27) 跳步操作 (27) 在线解锁 (28)5.7.4 清操作票 (29)5.7.5 功能测试 (29) 语音测试 (30) 电笛 (30) IRDA通讯 (31)5.7.6 调试专用 (31)5.7.7 生产专用 (32)5.8 系统设置 (32)5.8.1 通讯方式 (32)5.8.2 通讯参数 (33)5.8.3 CDMA模块 (33)5.8.4 CDMA切换 (33)5.8.5 语音设置 (33)5.8.6 背光亮度 (34)5.8.7 时钟设置 (34)5.8.8 背景设置 (35)5.8.9 智能解锁方式 (36)5.8.10 远方操作 (37)5.9 帮助 (37)6特殊功能 (38)6.1 自动关机功能 (38)6.2 快捷菜单功能 (38)6.3 充电屏保模式 (39)7电脑钥匙使用注意事项 (39)8电脑钥匙常见故障处理 (40)9附录一:I A DAPTER L-1传输适配器使用说明(含充电器) (41)9.1 概述 (41)9.2 技术参数 (41)9.3 适配器指示灯状态说明 (42)9.4 蜂鸣器说明 (42)9.5 使用 (43)9.6 注意事项 (43)9.7 报警处理 (43)10附录二:I A DAPTER L-2传输适配器使用说明(含充电器)(43)10.1 概述 (43)10.2 技术参数 (44)10.3 适配器指示灯状态说明 (45)10.4 蜂鸣器说明 (45)10.5 使用 (46)10.6 注意事项 (46)10.7 报警处理 (46)1 综述iKeyM-1中型电脑钥匙是我公司推出的基于“双无技术”的新一代OLED彩屏电脑钥匙,可与我公司UT-2000系列微机防误操作系统配合使用。







★产品型号●方式1 输入、输出交流方式。

(220V,最大电流10A)●方式2输入交流、输出直流方式(最大电流2A)●方式3 输入直流、输出直流方式(电流视所配电源定)。









一路红外遥控器 说明书

一路红外遥控器 说明书


1、工作电压:DC 12V
6、触点最大电压:AC 250V
7、有效距离:>7M (正面发射时)
1、工作电压:DC 12V(23A型)




注:“K ” 表示 常开点
“D ” 表示 动点
“K ” 表示 常闭点。

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