伦茨(Lenze)变频器8200Vector系列使用说明注:本说明适用于梳棉机FA231A所使用 Lenze E82EV系列变频器包括内容:1.标准接线及安装1.1 400V控制器的主电源接线1.2 电机接线1.3符合EMC标准的安装1.4控制端子接线及说明2. 用操作面板进行参数设定2.1访问,设定所有参数2.2拷贝参数到操作面板2.3从操作面板复制参数到变频器2.4 输出转速的在线调整--用操作面板输入频率(hz)与其他给定值相加3.重要参数代码说明3.1 C0014代码可设置控制模式3.2 电机数据的输入/自动检测(C0087;C0088;C0089;C0090;C0091;C0084;C0092;C0148)3.3 JOG固定频率给定值(C0037,C0038,C0039)3.4 给定值选择(C0001)3.5 模拟输入给定的调整(C0026;C0027)3.6 PTC电机温度监控(C0119)3.7 数字输入信号配置(C0007)3.8 最小输出频率(C0010)3.9 最大输出频率(C0011)3.10 主加速时间(C0012)3.11主减速时间(C0013)3.12快停减速时间(C0105)3.13数字输入信号E1-E6电平反相(C0114)3.14 模拟量输入范围设定(C0034)3.15电流极限设定(C0022,C0023)4.故障诊断及排除4.1运行状态显示4.2故障查询5. 梳棉机FA231A变频器参数设定表5.1 E82EV222S4B参数设定表5.2 E82EV751S4B参数设定表6.变频器调试程序表7.产品维护,保养要点1.标准接线及安装1.1 400V控制器的主电源接线1.2 电机接线见上图注:BR1,BR2外部制动电阻T1,T21.3符合EMC标准的安装使用低寄生电容电缆。
伦茨中文使用手册 ppt课件
![伦茨中文使用手册 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8134d05cb9f3f90f76c61bb8.png)
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Exercise 1: Detect the drive status
by means of LEDs and keypad 通过指示灯和面板检测驱动器状态
1. Switch on the supply voltages (24 V and 400 V)
2. Make the left drive rotate:运转左侧驱动器
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– Extension module Ethernet (扩展模块-以太网) – Memory module MM330 (存储模块-MM330) – Safety module SM0 (安全模块-SM0)
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伦茨SMV变频器操作手册伦茨SMV变频器操作手册目录1.引言1.1 简介1.2 目的1.3 目标读者2.变频器基本知识2.1 变频器概述2.2 变频器工作原理2.3 变频器的优势3.变频器安装步骤3.1 环境要求3.2 电源接线3.3 控制信号接线3.4 电机接线4.变频器参数配置4.1 参数总览4.2 基本参数设置4.3 输出频率配置4.4 过载保护参数设置 4.5 风扇控制参数设置4.6 控制方式选择5.变频器操作步骤5.1 变频器开机与关机 5.2 运行状态监测5.3 参数调整与保存5.4 故障诊断与处理6.变频器维护与保养6.1 日常维护事项6.2 清洁与防尘措施6.3 润滑与冷却管理7.附录7.1 常见问题解答7.2 故障代码与解决方法7.3 附件列表附录1.附件列表:- 1.SMV变频器安装手册.pdf- 2.SMV变频器参数配置表.xlsx- 3.SMV变频器维护与保养指南.doc2.法律名词及注释:- 变频器:全称为变频电力调速器,是一种能够改变电机转速的设备,在工业领域广泛应用。
- 频率:指单位时间内发生的事件次数,用赫兹(Hz)表示。
- 电源接线:将变频器与电源连接的一组电线,通常包括相线、零线和接地线。
- 控制信号接线:将变频器与外部控制设备连接的电线,用于实现运行控制和参数调整。
- 环境要求:指安装变频器的环境要符合一定的条件,如通风良好、温度适宜等。
- 过载保护:一种保护措施,当电机负载超过设定值时,变频器自动停止工作以避免损坏。
- 风扇控制:指控制变频器内部风扇运行的参数配置和调整。
- 控制方式:指变频器的运行控制方式,如键盘本地控制、远程控制等。
伦茨(Lenze)变频器8200Vector系列使用说明注:本说明适用于梳棉机FA231A所使用 Lenze E82EV系列变频器包括内容:1.标准接线及安装400V控制器的主电源接线电机接线符合EMC标准的安装控制端子接线及说明2. 用操作面板进行参数设定访问,设定所有参数拷贝参数到操作面板从操作面板复制参数到变频器输出转速的在线调整--用操作面板输入频率(hz)与其他给定值相加3.重要参数代码说明C0014代码可设置控制模式电机数据的输入/自动检测(C0087;C0088;C0089;C0090;C0091;C0084;C0092;C0148)JOG固定频率给定值(C0037,C0038,C0039)给定值选择(C0001)模拟输入给定的调整(C0026;C0027)PTC电机温度监控(C0119)数字输入信号配置(C0007)最小输出频率(C0010)最大输出频率(C0011)主加速时间(C0012)主减速时间(C0013)快停减速时间(C0105)数字输入信号E1-E6电平反相(C0114)模拟量输入范围设定(C0034)电流极限设定(C0022,C0023)4.故障诊断及排除运行状态显示故障查询5. 梳棉机FA231A变频器参数设定表E82EV222S4B参数设定表E82EV751S4B参数设定表6.变频器调试程序表7.产品维护,保养要点1.标准接线及安装400V控制器的主电源接线电机接线见上图注:BR1,BR2外部制动电阻T1,T2电机温度监控PTC热敏电阻或热继电器符合EMC标准的安装注:将控制线及电源线与电机电缆分开使用低寄生电容电缆。
3,按键——显示Code list
4,按键——显示Code ----参数项
5,按键使光标移之参数项位,再按,键找到Code 0002项再按键使光标下移之本项的参数数值位,通过,把
6,下载完成后按键使光标移之参数项位,再按,键找到Code 0003项;再按键使光标下移之本项的参数数值位,
伦茨 Global Drive smd系列变频器 说明书
![伦茨 Global Drive smd系列变频器 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/07eafe6527d3240c8447ef9a.png)
2 3
安全信息……………………………………………………………2 技术数据………………………………………………………………4
3.1 3.2 通用数据 / 应用条件…………………………………………………………………………4 额定数据…………………………………………………………………………………… 5 3.2.1 3.2.2 1AC 控制器额定数据………………………………………………………………5 3AC 控制器额定数据………………………………………………………………5
!" 0.7g >3.5mA IP20 !" !"#$%&'( <0.5kW 0.5...1kW >1kW !" ! !"#$ !"# !" !
EMC !"#$%&'
!"#$%&'()*+,-. ! / !"#$%&'(
!"#$%&'()*+, EN61000-3-2
3.2 3.2.1 1AC
5 6 7 8
上电调试………………………………………………………………1 2 参数设定………………………………………………………………1 3 代码表…………………………………………………………………1 4 故障诊断与排除………………………………………………………2 0
1.1 !"#$
!"#$ smd !"#$%&' !"#$%&'( ( rev 14 !" !"#$%&'( !"#$%
伦茨(Lenze)变频器8200Vector系列使用说明注:本说明适用于梳棉机FA231A所使用Lenze E82EV系列变频器包括内容:1.标准接线及安装1.1 400V控制器的主电源接线1.2 电机接线1.3符合EMC标准的安装1.4控制端子接线及说明2. 用操作面板进行参数设定2.1访问,设定所有参数2.2拷贝参数到操作面板2.3从操作面板复制参数到变频器2.4 输出转速的在线调整--用操作面板输入频率(hz)与其他给定值相加3.重要参数代码说明3.1 C0014代码可设置控制模式3.2 电机数据的输入/自动检测(C0087;C0088;C0089;C0090;C0091;C0084;C0092;C0148)3.3 JOG固定频率给定值(C0037,C0038,C0039)3.4 给定值选择(C0001)3.5 模拟输入给定的调整(C0026;C0027)3.6 PTC电机温度监控(C0119)3.7 数字输入信号配置(C0007)3.8 最小输出频率(C0010)3.9 最大输出频率(C0011)3.10 主加速时间(C0012)3.11主减速时间(C0013)3.12快停减速时间(C0105)3.13数字输入信号E1-E6电平反相(C0114)3.14 模拟量输入范围设定(C0034)3.15电流极限设定(C0022,C0023)4.故障诊断及排除4.1运行状态显示4.2故障查询5. 梳棉机FA231A变频器参数设定表5.1 E82EV222S4B参数设定表5.2 E82EV751S4B参数设定表6.变频器调试程序表7.产品维护,保养要点1.标准接线及安装1.1 400V控制器的主电源接线1.2 电机接线见上图注:BR1,BR2外部制动电阻T1,T2电机温度监控PTC热敏电阻或热继电器1.3符合EMC标准的安装注:将控制线及电源线与电机电缆分开使用低寄生电容电缆。
4.1.2 3AC 控制器外形尺寸
> 50
b2 b1 b
4×M4 2.4 Nm 21 Ib-in
> 15
> 15
> 50
1.1 关于此操作手册
·本操作手册包含 smd变频器的重要技术数据,描述了该变频器的安装、操作及调试方法。 ·本手册仅适用于软件版本为 rev 14 的控制器。 ·调试前请先阅读本操作手册。
1.2 名词解释
名词 控制器 传动系统
在本手册中的含义 smd 系列变频器 包含 smd 系列变频器及其它 Lenze 传统产品的传动系统
2 安全信息
1. 一般信息 控制器运行时,某些部件可能会带电、旋转或发热,不正确地开盖,不当使用,安装或运行 错误均可能导致人员伤害或设备损坏。 本设备的运输、安装、调试及维护必须由训练有素的合格人员完成(参见 IEC364、 CENELEC HD384 或 DIN/VDE0100 及 IEC 664 号报告…)。 合格人员指具有一定资格并熟悉本产品的安装、调试、操作的人员。
5. 运行: 必要时,装有本控制器的系统应装有符合安全规范的监控和保护装置,例如可用系统适配的软 件对其进行监控。 掉电后,不要立即触摸控制器的运动部件和电源接头,因为此时一些已充电的电容正在放电。 6. 符合 UL 标准的控制器 UL 信息适用于符合 UL 标准的系统,其中包含有关 UL 标准的详细信息。
SMV demo samples
![SMV demo samples](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ac7947d43186bceb19e8bbba.png)
要求: 按下按钮Run forward ,电机顺时针方向运行 按下按钮Run Reverse ,电机逆时针方向运行 按钮C选择0~10VDC,则可通过旋转0~10VDC speed ref旋钮调速 按钮C选择4~20mA,则可通过旋转4~20mA speed ref旋钮调速
2. 设置运行的频率 按步骤1中的方法,分别将进入P131~P137,将其分别设置为5,10,15,20, 25,30,50Hz。
3. 将演示箱中的-(开)/O(关)拨至- (开)。将A按钮通电(按至- ),可见面板显示屏 中显示5Hz。关闭A按钮,按下B按钮,可见显示10Hz。以此类推,关闭A,B按钮, 按下C按钮,可见显示15Hz。同时按下A,B按钮,可见显示20Hz。同时按下A,C 按钮,可见显示25Hz。同时按下B,C按钮,可见显示30Hz。同时按下A,B,C按 钮,可见显示50Hz。
按下按钮C,在O位置时电机正传,在 - 位置时,电机反转。 按一下increase speed按钮,显示面板上会显示频率增加,即速度增加。按一下 decrease speed按钮,显示面板上会显示频率减小,即速度降低。 长按increase speed按钮,会看到频率持续增加,直至松开按钮,频率停止增加。 长按decrease speed按钮,会看到频率持续减小,直至松开按钮,频率停止减小。
二、7 个预设速度控制功能
通过3个按钮(即三个输入端子) Preset speed A; preset speed B; preset speed C 实现7个预设速度:
SMV矢量型变频器 使用说明书
1 安全信息.............................................................................................. 3
2 技术数据.............................................................................................. 6
3 安装.................................................................................................... 11
3.1 尺寸和安装固定.......................................................................................11 3.1.1 NEMA 1 (IP31)................................................................................11 3.1.2 NEMA 4X (IP65)..............................................................................12
2.9/2.5 A 50-60 HZ
OUTPUT: 3~ (3/PE) 0 - 400/460 V 2.4/2.1 A 0.75 KW/1HP 0 - 500 HZ
For detailed information refer to instruction Manual: SV01
伦茨-SMV变频器操作手册1、合同主体11 甲方:______________________12 乙方:______________________2、合同标的21 本合同的标的为伦茨SMV 变频器操作手册。
该操作手册应包含但不限于以下内容:211 变频器的基本介绍和技术规格。
212 详细的操作说明,包括启动、停止、调速等操作步骤。
213 故障诊断与排除的方法和指南。
214 维护保养的注意事项和周期。
215 安全操作的相关要求和警示。
3、权利义务31 甲方的权利义务311 甲方有权要求乙方按照合同约定提供完整、准确、清晰的伦茨SMV 变频器操作手册。
312 甲方有权对乙方提供的操作手册进行审查和提出修改意见。
313 甲方有义务按照合同约定向乙方支付相应的费用。
314 甲方有义务对乙方提供的操作手册内容进行保密,不得向第三方泄露。
32 乙方的权利义务321 乙方有权按照合同约定收取甲方支付的费用。
322 乙方有权要求甲方提供必要的配合和协助,以完成操作手册的编写和交付。
323 乙方有义务根据甲方的需求和要求,编写高质量、符合行业标准的伦茨SMV 变频器操作手册。
324 乙方有义务确保操作手册的内容真实、准确、完整,不存在误导和错误信息。
325 乙方有义务对甲方在使用操作手册过程中提出的问题进行及时解答和处理。
4、违约责任41 若甲方未按照合同约定支付费用,每逾期一天,应按照未支付金额的具体比例向乙方支付违约金。
42 若乙方未按照合同约定的时间交付操作手册,每逾期一天,应按照合同总金额的具体比例向甲方支付违约金。
43 若乙方提供的操作手册内容存在严重错误、误导或不完整,导致甲方遭受损失的,乙方应承担相应的赔偿责任。
44 若甲方违反保密义务,向第三方泄露操作手册内容,应向乙方支付违约金,并赔偿乙方因此遭受的损失。
伦茨-SMV变频器操作手册伦茨-SMV变频器操作手册1.引言- 介绍伦茨-SMV变频器的功能和用途- 提供本操作手册的目的和目标- 确定读者的预期技能和知识2.快速入门- 变频器的安装要求和步骤- 连接电源和电动机的步骤- 变频器的开机和关机指南3.变频器的配置- 设置变频器的基本参数,如输入/输出频率、电压和电流等- 配置控制方式,如速度控制、扭矩控制等- 配置保护功能,如过载保护、过热保护等4.运行和监控- 启动和停止变频器- 监测变频器的状态和性能- 调整变频器的运行参数,如加减速时间、速度曲线等5.故障诊断和维护- 了解常见故障代码和诊断方法- 提供故障排除步骤和维护建议- 按照规定进行定期检查和保养6.高级功能和选项- 介绍高级功能,如网络通信、PID控制等- 解释不同的选项和可扩展性- 提供配置指南和使用建议7.升级和软件更新- 提供升级和软件更新的方法和步骤- 自动化升级和手动升级的区别- 更新前的备份和恢复指南附件:- 产品规格和技术参数表- 连接图和电路图- 常见问题解答集法律名词及注释:1.变频器:一种控制电动机转速的设备,通过改变电源的频率来改变电动机的转速。
Lenze AC Tech(SMV Series)变频电机驱动器参数设置指南说明书
![Lenze AC Tech(SMV Series)变频电机驱动器参数设置指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2e6bb84e11a6f524ccbff121dd36a32d7375c789.png)
From Motor Nameplate From Motor Nameplate Display only = Last eight faults Display only = Actual Motor Current Display only = Actual Motor Current
Set by Dorner. Varies by motor.
User Adjustable
User Adjustable
User Adjustable
(Motor FLA ÷ VFD Output A) x 100
0 = Normal (VFD will ERR if run
Then, press UP or DOWN arrows until desired parameter number is reached.
Press M again and enter value by using UP and DOWN arrows.
Press M once more to accept setting.
Page 2 of 2
See Lenze Manual
See Lenze Manual
See Lenze Manual
See Lenze Manual 3 = Reset to 60 Hz Defaults 4 = Reset to 50 Hz Defaults 0 = Constant V/Hz 5 = Vector Torque From Motor Nameplate
Lenze 0.25 kW…4.0 kW V0004 SX03M EN smd-变频器-en1使用说
![Lenze 0.25 kW…4.0 kW V0004 SX03M EN smd-变频器-en1使用说](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f105854ff68a6529647d27284b73f242326c3112.png)
0.25 kW… 4.0 kWV0004SX03M ENOperating Instructionssmd - frequency inverter -en1Copyright © 2005 Lenze AC Tech CorporationAll rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from Lenze AC Tech Corporation. The information and technical data in this manual are subject to change without notice. Lenze AC Tech Corporation makes no warranty of any kind with respect to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of it’s merchantability and fitness for a given purpose. Lenze AC Tech Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual. All information given in this documentation has been carefully selected and tested for compliance with the hardware and software described. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be ruled out. We do not accept any responsibility nor liability for damages that may occur. Any necessary corrections will be implemented in subsequent editions. This document printed in the United StatesBuy:|Phone844-385-3099|Email:*************************1ContentsAbout these instructions ............................................................21 Safety information . (3)1.1 Pictographs used in these instructions (4)2Technical data (5)2.1 Standards and application conditions (5)2.2 Ratings (6)3 Installation (7)3.1 Mechanical installation .............................................................................73.1.1 Dimensions and mounting ........................................................................73.2 Electrical installation .................................................................................83.2.1 Installation according to EMC requirements ............................................83.2.2 Fuses/cable cross-sections ......................................................................83.2.3 Connection diagram .................................................................................93.2.4 Control terminals . (10)4 Commissioning (11)4.1 Parameter setting ....................................................................................114.2 Electronic programming module (EPM) .................................................114.3 Parameter menu . (12)5 Troubleshooting and fault elimination (17)Buy:|Phone844-385-3099|Email:*************************ENGLISH2About these instructionsThis documentation applies to the smd frequency inverter, and contains important technical data and describes installation, operation, and commissioning.These instructions are only valid for smd frequency inverters with software rev 20 (see drive nameplate).Please read the instructions before commissioning.A B C Input Ratings D Output Ratings E Hardware Version F Software VersionV0010A B C D E FTYPE:ESMD152X2TXA ID-NO: 00490252INPUT OUTPUT Made in USA3/PE230/240 V 7.9 A 50-60 Hz3/PE0-230 V 7.0 A 1.5 KW 0-240 HZFor detailed information refer to instructionManual: SX0300490252012345678ESMD152X2TXA000XX XX XXBuy:|Phone844-385-3099|Email:*************************3Safety information1Safety informationGeneralSome parts of Lenze controllers (frequency inverters, servo inverters, DC controllers) can be live, moving and rotating. Some surfaces can be hot.Non-authorized removal of the required cover, inappropriate use, and incorrect installation or operation creates the risk of severe injury to personnel or damage to equipment.All operations concerning transport, installation, and commissioning as well as maintenance must be carried out by qualified, skilled personnel (IEC 364 and CENELEC HD 384 or DIN VDE 0100 and IEC report 664 or DIN VDE0110 and national regulations for the prevention of accidents must be observed).According to this basic safety information, qualified skilled personnel are persons who are familiar with the installation, assembly, commissioning, and operation of the product and who have the qualifications necessary for their occupation.Application as directedDrive controllers are components which are designed for installation in electrical systems or machinery. They are not to be used as appliances. They are intended exclusively for professional and commercial purposes according to EN 61000-3-2. The documentation includes information on compliance with the EN 61000-3-2.When installing the drive controllers in machines, commissioning (i.e. the starting of operation as directed) is prohibited until it is proven that the machine complies with the regulations of the EC Directive 98/37/EC (Machinery Directive); EN 60204 must be observed.Commissioning (i.e. starting of operation as directed) is only allowed when there is compliance with the EMC Directive (2004/108/EEC).The drive controllers meet the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EEC. The harmonised standards of the series EN 50178/DIN VDE 0160 apply to the controllers.Note: The availability of controllers is restricted according to EN 61800-3.These products can cause radio interference in residential areas. In this case, special measures can be necessary.InstallationEnsure proper handling and avoid excessive mechanical stress. Do not bend any components and do not change any insulation distances during transport or handling. Do not touch any electronic components and contacts.Controllers contain electrostatically sensitive components, which can easily be damaged by inappropriate handling. Do not damage or destroy any electrical components since this might endanger your health!Electrical connectionWhen working on live drive controllers, applicable national regulations for the prevention of accidents (e.g. VBG 4) must be observed.The electrical installation must be carried out according to the appropriate regulations (e.g. cable cross-sections, fuses, PE connection). Additional information can be obtained from the documentation.The documentation contains information about installation in compliance with EMC (shielding, grounding, filters and cables). These notes must also be observed for CE-marked controllers.The manufacturer of the system or machine is responsible for compliance with the required limit valuesdemanded by EMC legislation.Buy:|Phone844-385-3099|Email:*************************ENGLISH4Safety informationOperationSystems including controllers must be equipped with additional monitoring and protection devices according to the corresponding standards (e.g. technical equipment, regulations for prevention of accidents, etc.). You are allowed to adapt the controller to your application as described in thedocumentation.DANGER!• After the controller has been disconnected from the supply voltage, live components and power connection must not be touched immediately, since capacitors could be charged. Please observe the corresponding notes on the controller.• Do not continuously cycle input power to the controller more than once every 3 minutes.• Please close all protective covers and doors during operation.Note for UL approved system with integrated controllersUL warnings are notes which apply to UL systems. The documentation contains special informationabout UL.Warnings!• Suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 5000 rms symmetrical amperes, 240 V maximum (240 V devices) or 500 V maximum (400/500 V devices) respectively• Use minimum 75 °C copper wire only.• Shall be installed in a pollution degree 2 macro-environment.1.1 Pictographs used in these instructionsBuy:|Phone844-385-3099|Email:*************************ENGLISH5Technical data(1) For compliance with EMC regulations, the permissible cable lengths may change.(2) The additional measures described only ensure that the controllers meet the requirements of the EN 61000-3-2. The machine/system manufacturer is responsible for the compliance with the regulations of the machine!2Technical data2.1Standards and application conditionsBuy:|Phone844-385-3099|Email:*************************ENGLISH6Technical data2.2RatingsTypePower [kW]MainsOutput CurrentVoltage, frequencyCurrent[A]I rI max for 60 s [A](1)[A](2)[A](1)[A](2)ESMD251X2SFA 0.251/N/PE 230/240 V 2/PE 230/240 V(180 V - 0% … 264 V + 0 %)50/60 Hz(48 Hz - 0 % … 62 Hz + 0 %)3.4 1.7 1.6 2.6 2.4ESMD371X2SFA 0.37 5.0 2.4 2.2 3.6 3.3ESMD551X2SFA 0.55 6.0 3.0 2.84.5 4.2ESMD751X2SFA 0.759.0 4.0 3.7 6.05.5ESMD152X2SFA 1.514.07.06.410.59.6ESMD222X2SFA 0.373/PE 230/240 V(180 V - 0% … 264 V + 0 %)50/60 Hz(48 Hz - 0 % … 62 Hz + 0 %)2.7 2.4 2.23.6 3.3ESMD751X2TXA 0.75 5.14.2 3.9 6.35.9ESMD112X2TXA 1.16.9 6.0 6.410.59.6ESMD222X2TXA 3.013.512. For rated mains voltage and carrier frequencies 4, 6, 8 kHz (2)For rated mains voltage and carrier frequency 10 kHzBuy:|Phone844-385-3099|Email:*************************a4 x M42,4 Nm 21 lb-inca1b 1b 2>50>50>15>15bENGLISH7Installation3Installation3.1 Mechanical installation 3.1.1Dimensions and mountinga [mm]a1 [mm]b [mm]b1 [mm]b2 [mm]c [mm]ESMD251X2SFA 93841461281783ESMD371X2SFA ESMD551X2SFA WARNING!Drives must not be installed where subjected to adverse environmental conditions such as: combustible, oily, or hazardous vapors or dust; excessive moisture; excessive vibration or excessive temperatures. Contact Lenze for more information.Buy:|Phone844-385-3099|Email:*************************ENGLISH8Installation3.2 Electrical installationInstallation according to EMC requirements3.2.2Fuses/cable cross-sectionsTypeRecommendationsE.l.c.b.(2)FuseMiniature circuit breaker (5)Fuse (3) or Breaker (6)Input Power Wiring (L1, L2/N, L3, PE) (N. America)[mm²][AWG]ESMD251X2SFA … ESMD551X2SFA ESMD371X2TXA … ESMD112X2TXA M10 A C10 A 10 A 2.514> 30 mAESMD152X2TXAM16 A C16 A 12 A 2.514ESMD751X2SFA, ESMD222X2TXA M16 A C16 A 15 A 2.514ESMD152X2SFA, ESMD302X2TXA M20 A C20 A 20 A 4 (4)12ESMD222X2SFA, ESMD402X2TXAM25 AC25 A25 A6 (4)10(1) Observe the applicable local regulations.(2) Pulse-current or universal-current sensitive earth leakage circuit breaker.(3) UL Class CC or T fast-acting current-limiting type fuses, 200,000 AIC, required. Bussman KTK-R, JJN, JJS or equivalent.(4) Connection without end ferrules or with attached pin end connectors.(5) Installations with high fault current due to large supply mains may require a type D circuit breaker.(6)Thermomagnetic type breakers preferred.Observe the following when using E.l.c.b:• Installation of E.l.c.b only between supplying mains and controller.• The E.l.c.b can be activated by:- capacitive leakage currents between the cable screens during operation (especially with long,screened motor cables)- connecting several controllers to the mains at the same time - RFI filtersTmd005BC DAE (1)Buy:|Phone844-385-3099|Email:*************************Installation 3.2.3 Connection diagramDANGER!• Hazard of electrical shock! Circuit potentials are up to 240 VAC above earth ground.Capacitors retain charge after power is removed. Disconnect power and wait until the voltage between B+ and B- is 0 VDC before servicing the drive.• Do not connect mains power to the output terminals (U,V,W)! Severe damage to the drive will result.• Do not cycle mains power more than once every three minutes. Damage to the drive will result.STOP!If the kVA rating of the AC supply transformer is greater than 10 times the input kVA rating of the drive(s), an isolation transformer or 2-3% input line reactor must be added to the line side of the drive(s).ENGLISH10Installation3.2.4Control terminalsNoteLOW = 0 to +3V, HIGH = +12 to +30V.Protection against contact• All terminals have basic isolation (single insulating distance)• Protection against contact can only be ensured by additional measures i.e. double insulation-TerminalData for control connections (printed in bold = Lenze setting)7Reference potential8Analog input0 … 10 V (changeable under C34)input resistance: >50 k Ω(with current signal: 250 Ω)9Internal DC supply for setpoint potentiometer +10 V, max. 10 mA 20Internal DC supply for digital inputs +12 V, max. 20 mA 28Digital input Start/StopLOW = StopHIGH = Run Enable R i = 3.3 k ΩE1Digital input configurable with CE1Activate fixed setpoint 1 (JOG1) HIGH = JOG1 active E2Digital input configurable with CE2Direction of rotationLOW = CW rotation HIGH = CCW rotation E3Digital input configurable with CE3Activate DC injection brake (DCB) HIGH = DCB activeK12Relay output (normally-open contact)configurable with C08Fault (TRIP)AC 250 V / 3 ADC 24 V / 2 A … 240 V / 0.22 AK14Commissioning4.2 Electronic programming module (EPM)The EPM contains the controller’s memory. Whenever parameter settings are changed, the values are stored in the EPM. It can be removed, but must be installed for the controller to operate (a missing EPM will trigger an fault). The controller ships withprotective tape over the EPM that can be removed after installation.An optional EPM Programmer (EEPM1RA) is available that allows: the controller to be programmed without power; OEM settings to be default settings; fast copying of EPMs when multiple controllers require identical settings. It can also store up to 60 custom parameter files for even faster controller programming.T m d 0074Commissioning4.1Parameter settingNoteIf the password function is enabled, the password must be entered into C00 to access the parameters. C00 will not appear unless the password function is enabled. See C94.Commissioning4.3 Parameter menu12ENGLISHCommissioningCommissioning14ENGLISHCommissioningCommissioning16ENGLISHTroubleshooting and fault elimination5Troubleshooting and fault elimination(1) The drive can only be restarted if the error message has been reset; see c70Troubleshooting and fault elimination(1) The drive can only be restarted if the error message has been reset; see c7018ENGLISH。
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确保正确搬运,避免过量机械压力。不要弯曲任何元件,并且在运输、搬运、安装或维护时不要改 变任何绝缘距离。不要触摸任何电子元件或接触器。此驱动器包含静电敏感元件,不当搬运极易造 成损坏。安装、测试、维护和修理此驱动器及其相关选件时,必须严格遵守静电控制防范措施。如 不遵循正确的步骤可能会导致元件损坏。
2.9/2.5 A 50-60 HZ
OUTPUT: 3~ (3/PE) 0 - 400/460 V 2.4/2.1 A 0.75 KW/1HP 0 - 500 HZ
For detailed information refer to instruction Manual: SV01
000000000000000000 ESV751N0 4TXB000XX ## ##
SMV矢量型变频器 使用说明书
1 安全信息.............................................................................................. 3
2 技术数据.............................................................................................. 6
工作于生产运行的驱动控制器时,必须遵守相应的国家安全规定。必须根据相应规定(例如:电缆 横截,熔断保险,保护接地[PE]连接)进行电气安装。本文件虽然未针对这些事项提出相关建议,但 用户必须遵守国家和地方性规范。 此文件中有关安装的信息符合EMC(屏蔽、接地、过滤器和电缆)标准。对于CE-标记的控制器也必 须遵守这些注意事项。系统或机器的制造商应负责遵守EMC法规所要求的必要限定值。
1 安全信息
Lenze-AC Tech控制器的某些部件会带电,某些表面会发热。在未经授权的情况下卸除必备的外壳、不 当使用、不正确的安装或操作会对人员造成严重伤害或对设备造成损坏的危险。 所有与运输、安装、试运行及维护相关的操作均必须由技术熟练且熟悉各种变频驱动器的安装、组 装、调试和运行及其应用的合格人员完成。
2.1 标准和应用条件.........................................................................................6 2.2 SMV 型号编制................................................................7 2.3 额定值........................................................................................................8
A 认证
B 型号
C 输入额定值
D 输出额定值
E 硬件版本
F 软件版本
• 装有EPM的SMV变频器1 台 (参见 章节4.4)
• 操作说明书1份
收到货物后,应即刻核验运达的物品与随附文件是否一致。Lenze-AC Tech 对此后提出的任何缺失不承担责任。 如发现: • 可见运输损坏,马上向承运商提出 • 可见缺失/不全,马上向Lenze-AC Tech 代表提出
4 调试.................................................................................................... 19
4.1 本地键盘和显示.......................................................................................19 4.2 驱动器显示和运转模式.............................................................................21 4.3 参数设置..................................................................................................22 4.4 电子编程模块 (EPM)................................................................................22 4.5 参数菜单..................................................................................................23 4.5.1 基本设置参数..................................................................................23 4.5.2 I/O 设置参数....................................................................................27 4.5.3 高级设置参数..................................................................................31 4.5.4 PID 参数.........................................................................................35 4.5.5 矢量参数..........................................................................................37 4.5.6 网络参数..........................................................................................38 4.5.7 诊断参数..........................................................................................39 4.5.8 内置通讯参数 15-30HP(11.0-22.0kW)............................................40
3 安装.................................................................................................... 11
3.1 尺寸和安装固定.......................................................................................11 3.1.1 NEMA 1 (IP31)................................................................................11 3.1.2 NEMA 4X (IP65)..............................................................................12
警告! 驱动器不可安装在不利的环境条件下,例如:易燃、多油、或有害气体或粉 尘;腐蚀性化学品;过于潮湿;过量振动;阳光直射或极端温度。 欲获取更 多信息,请联系Lenze-AC Tech。 此驱动器已经由美国保险商实验室(UL)测试并经认证为符合UL508C安全标准的元件。此驱动器必 须按照国家和国际标准进行安装和配置。地方性规范与法规优先于此说明书和其它Lenze-AC Tech 文 件所提供的建议。 SMV矢量型驱动器被认为是用于与某机器或工序进行整合的元件。依照欧盟指令(参考文献:机械指 令和电磁兼容性指令),它既不是机器也不是即用型装置。终端用户应负责确保机器符合相应应用 标准。
此驱动器不可作为安全装置应用于存在人身伤害或物料损坏风险的机器。紧急停机、过速保护、加 速和减速限制等必须通过其它装置完成,以确保任何条件下的正常运转。 此驱动器的确具备许多保护性装置,目的是通过产生故障断电关停驱动器和电机以保护驱动器及受 驱动设备。电源的变化也会导致驱动器停机。当故障条件消失或被清除,驱动器会配置为自动重 启,用户和/或OEM(原始设备制造商)和/或集成商应负责将驱动器设置为安全运行模式。
附录 A..........................................................................................46
A.1 允许的电缆长度.......................................................................................46
此说明书适用于SMV变频器,包含关于变频器安装、操作和调试的重要技术信息。 此说明书只对具备软件版本20的SMV变频器适用(参见驱动器铭牌)。 调试前请阅读说明书。
Type: ESV751N 0 4TXB Id-No: 00000000
INPUT: 3~ (3/PE) 400/480 V
3.1.3 NEMA 4X(IP65) 带快速断开电源开关.............................................13 3.2 电气安装..................................................................................................14 3.2.1 电源接线..........................................................................................14 3.2.2 熔断保险/电缆横截面.....................................................................16 3.2.3 控制端子..........................................................................................17