
5. Ben was walking through the pavement, Betty shouted: Be careful! This was
very helpful for Ben but he finally fell into the colorful water. That was
10~11. Homophones I: Use the homophone of the underline word to fill in the
10. Martin gave his for she made his own treehouse.
11. You are not to talk aloud in the library.
2. I prefer
to tragedy, especially Shakespeare’s. (Rhyming with already)
3. There will be a(an)
ceremony an hour later, it is for someone won the
maths competition. (Rhyming with toward)
societies in the world. One day, there might be only one society –a world
society. As the world gets smaller and smaller, we might all become the
wonder. We might even look the same. I wonder what that would be like.

南京外国语学校小升初试题一、根据词义和上下文猜单词1.When you travel in Nanjing you want to take some photos, you need a c_____2.people buy it and read it every day to know what it happens around us, it’s N______3.to write it on the paper and you may not want people to see i t,it’s the D_____4.you are very hot when you don’t have water to drink, you will feel T_____5.FIFA World cup is hosted in A_______I _____ a singing contest last month2.At a party ,we are_____Pleasant Goat and big big wolf3.---Is that Jim speaking?-----no,he is not in.he is ____in the park4.My brother usually _____at home .sometimes he _____ in a park.三、首字母填空1.the life of the silkworm begins with e_____.2.through stems of plants absorb w________and nutrients near.3.banana trees live in r___forest.4.in food chain, the wolves eat rabbits and the rabbits want to eat g_________四、把下列动物名称填入对应旳空格内1.Squirrel2.cactus3.dolphin4.rabbit5.fox1.it lives in dry regions and absorb water through stems._____2.it lives in the tree, it hoards nuts for the winter._____3.it molts in winter, the fur will turns white _____4.it has long ears and wants to eat grass_____5.it walks with its tail in the sea._____五、选择题1.if we take railway from Nanjing to shanghai to visit the world expo,how many hours do we need?A.1hourB.2 hoursC.3 hours D7 hours2.A foreigner visits Nanjing by metro ,he takes memo line1 at first and transfer to metro line2.which station does he get off to transfer metro line 2 ?A.the statue of DR sun yet-senB.Nanjing train stationC.Nanjing libraryD.Nanjing foreign language school3.which one contains the most starch(淀粉)___?A .carrots B.oranges C.potatos D.apples E.tomatoes4. Which is not true?A.the water can be heated by electricity.B.drill wood can make fireC.water can make heatD.the sun can give off light5.what’s the name of the boy who was saved by Robinson?A.Thursday B Friday C.Monday D.Tuesday6.where can we see the polar day?A.Norway B .Egypt C.Brizil D.None7.Sally and Sally are barking cakes in the kitchen,sally’s mother is drinking water from glasswhen sally’s father comes in.“that’s a good smell”It is said from_______A.sallyB.sally’s motherC.sally’s father8.when did Zhenhe have voyages to the western seas?A.Qing DynastyB.Tang DynastyC.Ming DynastyD.Song Dynasty9.The family has a mother, father and seven sons.Every son has a sister.How many people are there in the family?A.9B.10C.1610.Which city doesn't have subway?A.NanjingB.ShanghaiC.Xi'an11.Micky Mouse was born in _______A.ChinaB.AmericaC.Japan.12.How many stars are there on the flag of the United States?A.49B.50C.51六. 中英文电影名称配对Avatar 冲浪季节Shrek3 忍者神龟Kids of the future 阿凡达Surf’s up 怪物史莱克Teenage mutant hero turtles 未来小子。

8、列词语中,加点字读音有错误的一项是( )(3分)
D D选项中的“地表裸露”中的“裸”读“luǒ”。“伺候”的“伺”读“cì”。
.mā,擦:~桌子。.mǒ,涂:涂~.mò,把和好了的泥 或灰涂上后弄平:~墙。

(8分)chōng jǐng chuǎi móyán jùn yǎzhì() ( ) ( ) ( )zhàng dān chìrèān yìchén jìn() ( ) ( ) ( )二、认真读下面的内容,根据提示,在括号内写出恰当的成语。
回首过往的岁月,我们想起了培育我们的老师,为了我们的成长,他们( )、( )地工作。
在老师的教育下,我们学到了许多知识,读懂了寓言故事( )、( );也认识了许多令我敬佩的人,有( )的彭德怀,有( )的海伦,有( )的孔子。
三、读下面四组词语,注意字形及带点字的音、义,其中全对的一组是( )。
2%1、鸟喙(huì) 汗流夹背言简意赅(齐备、完备)2、衣冠(ɡuàn) 金碧辉煌芳草如茵(草地)3、惬(qiè)意老生常谈理直(正确、充分)气壮4、蜷(quán)曲桀骜不训要(简要)言不烦四、读下面这段话,然后用“清”组成恰当的词语填入括号里。
(2分)走进树林,空气格外( )。
只见泉水从泉眼里涌出,顺势向远处流去,汇成了一条( )的小溪。
我们喝着( )的泉水,听着( )的鸟叫声,真是心旷神怡!五、按要求写句子。

)姓名班级得分PartI英语知识大比拼(91%)Ⅰ.FinishthefollowingEnglishrhymes.(7%)IwanttowritealetterIwanttowritealetterIwanttowritealetter,()1、Therearemanybananasthetree.A、inB、onC、ofD、with()2、Please don’tstandbehind.A、IB、meC、myD、mine()3、Whichtruckhasladdersthefirst,thesecondorthethird?A、moreB、mostC、themoreD、themost()4、Thesunisbiggerthanthemoon.A、quiteB、veryC、muchD、more()5、Youarebusy.Iambusierthanyou.A、afewB、alittleC、quiteD、very()6、Thesearehistrousers.Mineoverthere.A、isB、amC、beD、are()7、,IcanhelpyouwithyourChinese.A、D on’tworry.B、Notworry.C、Don’tbeworry.D、Notbeworried()8、isyourhomefromtheschool?—Onlyafewkilometers.A、HowmuchB、HowmanyC、HowfarD、HowlongB:Iwon’t.I’llbringsomewater,too.pletethefollowingdialoguewiththeproperwords.(10%)A:Excuseme,please.Couldyoutellme____1_____togettotheEast Street Hospital?B:Go_____2____thisstreetuntilyou_____3____thesecondtrafficlights.____4_____rightan dyou’ll_____5____thehospitalatthe____6_____oftheroad.A:How_____7____isit?B:Aboutthreekilometers.It’lltakeyouabouthalfanhour.Butyou’d____8_____catchabus.A:____9_____busshallItake?B:TheNumber2buswilltakeyou_____10____.A:Thanksalot.B:You’rewelcome.Ⅵ.Readingcomprehension.(24%)A InourbigcitytherearealotofshopsneartheDepartmentStore.Theymakeabigshoppingcentera ndsellallkindsofthings.Youcanalwaysbuyeverythingyouwanthere.Hereisalist(目录;列C.YiwuShoppingMarket.D.ShanghaiSweaterShop.()4.HowmanybigshopsareonYonghua Road?A.Eight.B.Three.C.Two.D.Six.B阅读下面短文,从方框内选择恰当的句子填入短文空白处,使短文内容完整、意思连贯。

Part One 英语小乐园(共41分)Ⅰ. Phonetics (5%)ⅰ.Finish the following rhymes.(3%)AThe ZooAt the zoo we saw a bearHe had long, dark fuzzy h .We saw a lion in a c .He was in an awful rage.We saw the big, long-necked g ,And the silly monkeys made us laugh.But my favorite animal at the zooIs the elephant--how about y ?BSquirrelsWisky, frisky,. hippity, hopUp he climbs to the tree t .Whirly, twirly, round and roundDown he scampers(奔跑) to the g .Where's his supper?In a shellSnappy, cracky, out it fell.ⅱ.Complete the following Tongue twister.(2%)AMy Friend GladysOh, the sadness of her sadness when she's sad.Oh, the gladness of her gladness when she's g .But the sadness of her sadness,and the gladness of her gladness,Are nothing like her m when she's madBThere is no need to light a night light on a light like tonight, for a bright night light is just like a slight(微弱的) .II. Vocabulary(22%)”t r”(4%)A.Read the sentences. Write the missing words. These words are all end with lette1.Susan has got a mouse in her p_______.2.Whales sometimes e ______ penguins.3. A butterfly eats plants but a polar bear eats m________.4.Kate has got a p_______. His name is Fang.5.There are a lot of trees in a f_________.6.I p_______ my book on the table.7.Elephants eat a _______ of food.8.My friends go to school by bus, but I go on f _______.B.What’swrong with you? Can you fill the gaps?(3%)1.If you eat ten hamburgers and six pizzas you will have a _______.2.If you have a temperature, a runny nose, and sneeze and cough a lot, you have probably gota ______.3.If you have a lot of spicy food or sweet food. You got a pain in your tooth. You think youhave probably got a _______.C. Words fun.(15%)a.Add a letter to the word from the clue you are given and you can make a new word.1.H+ what we breathe = Something that grows out of your head.H+ _______= _______2.p + what‘s in a pen?= A colour. P+ _________=_________3.H + not feeling well= A mound(小土堆). H+ _________= _________b.Change one letter1.Change one letter from the word ?free‘ to describe a large woody plant, usually withbranches. __________________2.Change one letter from the word ?sent‘ to form a word which describes what you siton. It can be another word for chair. ___________3.What is it ?(2%)(1)This can come from a cow, a goat, or even a coconut!_________(2)My first is in TEACH and in CHIP.My second is in BEG but not in BUG.My third is in AREA but not in REED.My fourth is in CARRY but not in CASH.My last is in MOST and in BOTH.My whole is a vital organ (重要器官) _________4. How can you use the letters in NEW DOOR to make one word? ________5. What has roots that nobody sees,Is taller than trees,Up, up it goes,Yet it never grows? ______________6. Before Mount Everest(珠峰) was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?_______c.Can you correct the wrong word with its homophony? (找出句中用错的词并用其同音词来改正,写在横线上)1.I can‘t sea you. __________2.The man was find for parking next to a fire hydrant(消防栓) ________3.Do you like to play bored games? ____________4.I blue air into a balloon. _______________walk buy the river. ____________5.Don‘tIV. Grammar and altuations.(14%)a. Match 1—7 to a —g. Make seven sentences.(7%)1. boa snakes ---- a.--- eats frogs.2. A caterpillar --- b. --- eat leaves3. sometimes, a polar bear --- c. --- likes pets4. We--- d. --- live in forests.5. A snake --- e.--- changes into a butterfly6. Caterpillars f.--- eats penguins7. Susan--- g. --- play football at school.b. Look at the leaflet. Complete it with the verbs below(用以下动词完成游乐园卡片,不要重复哦)(2%)fly drive ride goWelcome to the World‘s Createst Activity Centre!Try these amazing activitlese:1.__________ in a hot air balloon.2. __________ on a banana boat.3. __________ a motorbike or mountain bike.4. _________ a go- kart.And have fun!写出地点,首字母已给)(5%)c. Where does each conversation probably happen?(1. A: Logan Airport, please. I‘ve got to be there by 10:00.B: You‘ll be there in plenty of time.In the t _________.2. A: I‘m sorry but I really have to leave.B: Well, thank you for coming and dancing with me.A: Thank you. We really had a good time.At a p____________.3. A: How would you like your steak?B: Medium, please.A: Baked, fried or mashed potatoes?B: Mashed, please.In the r__________.4. A: What size are you?B: I‘m an extra large.A: Would you like to try this one on?In the s ____________.5. A: Hold on please. Sorry, he‘s not here.B: Can you leave the message?On the p________.Part Two 智力大观园(共80分)Ⅰ.Math Problem(1-15每题2分,16-25每题3分,共60分)1、The sum of two positive integers is 10 times the sum of their reciprocals(倒数), what is theproduct of these two numbers ?2、A rectangle whose area is 20*K (K<20) can be divided into four squares with different integer sides, How many kinds of K can be valued?3、Your father's age plus 52.8, multiply by 5, minus3.9343, divided by 0.5, minus 10 times of your father's age, what is the result?4、The ratio of the distance on map and the actual distance is 1:15000000.Then how many kilometers does the actual distance if it is 3 cm on the map?5、There are four people A,B,C and D. A said: only one of us is lying, B said: there are two people lying, C said: the number of lying people is odd, D said: there are even person lying. How many people is lying?A, 2 B, 1 or 2 C, 2 or 3 D, 46、Anne is 35 years old if all the weekends are not included, what is her age?7、A rectangular paper with side 6*8 is folded into a cylinder, What is the volume of the cylinder?. (∏=3)8、There is a pool of water and four water pipes,. It takes 2 hours to fill the poll for the first pipe.And three hours for the second , four hours for the third , 6 hours for the fourth . How many hours does it take to fill the poll with all the four pipes?9、As following picture shown, how many squares can you find in all?10、Look at the following patterns △△□☆★△△□☆★△△□☆★……The 30th pattern is ________(from left to right).11、In physical education, 30 students are stand in a row,. Karry is the thirteenth if they are counted from the left to the right. Then if they are counted from the right to the left, Karry should be_______?12、There is a three-digit number(三位数) which is divided by 7,8 and9.The sums (总和)of the 3 remainders(余数) is 21. Then the three-digit number is ______________.13、6 apples and 4 bananas cost 7.8 yuan, 7 apples and 9 bananas cost 13 yuan. What is the price of an apple and a banana?14、A series of regular(有规律的) number 1、553421138532、、、、…is known. Count the numbers from left to right , what is the sixth number ?15、There are 100 eggs in basket A, 28 eggs in basket B. We take out some eggs from basket A to put them into basket B. After we do this nine times, the eggs in each basket are the same. If thenumber of the eggs we take from basket A each time are the same, then how many eggs do we take each time?16、Fill in the 8 circles with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Make sure that the sumof 3 vertexes(顶点) of each triangle equals to the sum of 4 vertexes of thesquare. The sum of the top circle and the bottom circle is ___________.17、a*b= (a+b) / (a-b); then (2012*1) *1=?18、Tom has a farm. If he grazes(放牧)21 horses, the grass on the farm can be eaten out in 12weeks. If he grazes 23 horses, the grass can be eaten out in 9 weeks. Tom has 27 horses. In howmany weeks can the grass be eaten out?:―Do you live near our school?‖ 19、Tom and Ann study in the same school. Their teacher asks themTom says, ―It takes me 10 minutes to get home from school.‖:―Who walk faster. AnnAnn says:―It takes me 14 minutes to get home.‖ The teacher asks againI walk more slowly. Tom walks 14 meters more than I every minute. But the way to my homesays:―is 1/6 longer than (比) to Tom‘s. Do you know how far away they live from the school?(分配)to give students physical examination(体20、There are 3 doctors and 3 nurses assigned检)for three primary schools, and each school will be arranged a doctor and a nurse. How manydifferent distribution methods(分配方法)?21、As is shown in the figure, an ant started to crawl (爬) from point A along the three sides of thetriangle. The speed on each side is 2cm/s 4cm/s and 12cm/s respectively. What‘s the average speedof the ant‘s travel?22、m/n +m=m/n × m, which one of the following value is fixed? A .m * n B .m/n C .m+nD. m-n or n-m23、A will cost 5 days to finish a project alone, and B needs 6 days ,C needs 8days. Now starting from C, everyone works for a day by the order of C, A, B. Then how long will it take to finish the project?24、Separate number 14 into the sum of some natural numbers, and calculate the product of these numbers. To make the product the largest, the product is .25、The pattern (图案) below is a kind of cipher (密码). For example, the symbol (符号) stands for the letter W. stands for M. stands for the letter I.请解释下面句子):Please decipher these sentences (1)2)Ⅱ.思维与百科(每题1分,共20分)1.Which of the following poem there is no mention of the "bird"?A、《宿新市徐公店》(杨万里)B、《山行》(杜牧)C、《春夜喜雨》(杜甫)D、《绝句》(杜甫)2.The opening there of the2008Beijing Olympic Games is8:00p.m.in Beijing .When do American watch the opening ceremony in their local time? _____________A.At noonB.At nightC.In the early morningD.In the evening3. Which of the following is Not the part of long jump(蹲踞式跳远)?A. Run—up(助跑)B. Landing(落地)C. Taking off (起跳)D. Getting feet together(并脚)4. The folk(民歌) song, Red River Valley(红河谷) is from ________.A.IndonesiaB.FinlandC.CanadaD.the Soviet Union(苏联)5. Which one of the following kind of paper can NOT be used as a material of dying paper(染纸材料)?________A. Chinese art paper (宣纸)B. writing paper made from bamboo (毛边纸)C. calendered paper(蜡光纸)D. tissue(餐巾纸)6. Who wrote this ?‖等闲识得东风雨,万紫千红总是春‖___________A.杜牧B.贺知章C.叶绍翁D.朱熹7. Which of the following energy (能源) is not renewable(是不可再生的)?_________A. Solar energy(太阳能)B. Hydroenergy. (水能)C. Natural gas(天然气)D. Wind energy source(风能)8. __________ are NOT influenced by day and night (受昼夜影响)?A. Tulips(郁金香)B. Rape flowers (油菜花)C. Morning glories(牵牛花)D. Silk trees(合欢树)9. Which one is NOT included(包含) in the control panel(控制面板) ?_________A. Mouse (鼠标)B. Microsoft Paint (画图)C. Date and Time (日期和时间)D. Computer font (字体)10. We can write at most (最多) ___________ characters (字) on Sina MicroBlog (新浪微博).A. 120B.140C. 150D. 13011.In the basketball game, the Distance of a Three–Point Shot is about (得3分的投篮距离大约在)__________A. 5 metresB. 4 metresC.6metresD. 7 metres12. Here are some clues: Harvard, New York Knickerbockers, Asian ,who can you think of?______A .易建联 B.姚明 C.林书豪 D.王治郅th13. _________ wins The 84Annual Academy Awards for the best picture(获84届奥斯卡电影节的最佳影片).A. Hugo(《雨果》)B. Iron lady(《铁娘子》)C.Mission Impossible(《碟中碟4》)D. The Artist (《艺术家》)14. In order to environmental protection(环保), in the famous Nanjing Jinling Hotel they don't cook ____________ any more since February.A.fins(鱼翅)B.bear‘s paws(熊掌)C.globefish(河豚)D.soft-shelled turtles(甲鱼)15. Which is―transport soldiers―of a human body(人体的‖运输兵‖)? ___________A. heart (心脏)B. vessel(血管)C. lungs(肺)D. Blood (血液)16. The fossil(化石)of ________ appeared in more ancient stratum(出现在比较古老的地层中).A. amphibian(两栖动物)B. reptiles (爬行动物)C. Fossil Fish(鱼类化石)D. mammals(哺乳动物)17. Kylin and Mythical wild animal(麒麟和辟邪)are both the mascots in ancient China. The one at角) on the head. Zhongshan gate is called_________(in Chinese). It has _______ horns(18. _________ belong(s) to Plucked instruments group(弹拨乐器组), while _________ belong(s) to percussion group.(打击乐器组).(可多选)A.板鼓B.小三弦C.扬琴D.琵琶19. ________ trained the child running in the snow with few clothes(在暴雪中训练孩子裸跑).A.Wolf DaddyB.Tiger MamaC.Eagle DadD.Deer Mummy20. In the poetry―剑外忽传收蓟北‖蓟北is located in ().A. Human provinceB. Hebei provinceC. Shanxi province (陕西省)D. Hubei provincePart Three 阅读百花园(29%)I. Read and match.(5%)Animals were very important for different reasons. Some animals were for food, some for pets,根据上下文,请把动物名称填写在相应的some were dangerous. Match the animals to the reasons.(横线上.)a)This animal was man‘s best friend.It was used as a pet, but also for hunting and guard duty.b)This animal was dangerous in the Revier Nile and grew up to six meters in length.c)This animal was socred. People used it to catch mice and rats.It was a demlgod and symbollsed by the Goddess Bast.d)This is a male sheep. It was kept for meat, milk, skins and wool.e)This huge animal was a danger to boats and people on the River Nile.II. Fill in the blanks with the proper prepositions.(用介词填空).(6%)The thief went _____(1)______ the road. _______(2)_____ the pavement. ______(3) the gate, into the garden, along the path, up______(4)_______ the front door. Round the side of the house, _______(5)______ the house, through the back window, out of the house at one side. _______(6)________ two trees, out of the garden , through the back gate.III. YOG is coming. Let’s try our best to make Nanjing more beautiful. What do you know(.4%)about new ways of transport? Try this quiz! Choose the right answer from the boxA. e---bikesB. electric carsC. one-person carsD. fold–up bicycles1) These are 97% cleaner than normal cars.___________2) These are similar to normal bikes but have a small motor._________3) These are very easy way of taking transport with you._________4) This is the car of the future – a personal electric vehicle!! _________Ⅳ.根据图表及文字内容,完成下列各题。

A. 蚂蚱(mà zha) 樱桃(yīn táo)蚌壳(bànɡ ké)B. 拨草(bá cǎo) 谷穗(ɡù suì)锄头(chú tou)C. 倭瓜(wō ɡuā)瞎闹(xiā nào) 水瓢(shuǐ piáo)D. 拴着(shuān zhé)诚认(chénɡ rèn)随意(súi yì)2.选字填空。
功攻公________克 ________劳进________ ________共用________3.一字组多词仙________ ________充________ ________ 败________ ________4.成语故事《胸有成竹》主要讲的人物是:()A. 张乖崖B. 文与可C. 苏轼D. 吕蒙5.写出近义词守株待兔—________ 乐滋滋—________ 希望—________6.下列表述有错误的一项是()。
A. “四书”,即指《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》和《孟子》四本著作。
B. 我国最早的诗歌是《诗经》,最早的史书是《史记》。
C. 《水浒传》、《三国演义》、《西游记》和《红楼梦》是我国四大古典小说名著。
D. “唐宋八大家”里有“一门三苏”,就是指苏洵、苏轼、苏辙。
7.下面句子没有语病的一句是()A. 生活有多广阔,语文就有多广阔,不仅要在课堂上学语文,还要在生活中学语文。
B. 目前,不少群众的法制观念比较薄弱,确实需要大大提高。
C. 通过语文综合性实践活动,使我们开拓了视野,增强了能力。
D. 一进入体育场,大家就看到了五颜六色的旗子和欢呼声。
8.下面三组词语没有错别字的一组是A. 祟山峻岭截然不同野马脱缰B. 青面獠牙随心所浴载歌载舞C. 和睦相处豁达乐观勤俭持家9.修改病句。

南京外国学校小升初模拟试卷一I complete the chant by using the given wordwise rise knowTo let you _____If you be _____It is time to ____For early to bedAnd ready to ____Is the way to be healthy,And wealthy and ____?II Join each of column I to the right one of column IIIII Choose the best answer1、 The Wen chuan Earthquake belongs to formation earthquake (构造地震), it destroyed the most.2、 The supreme(最严重的) earthquake happened at 9:11 on May 22, 1960 in the history as recorded was in__________,the level of Liktascale was 8.93、 Wenchuan Earthquake,which was ______ belonged to enormously earthquake. Hypocenter was superficial earthquake, only 10 to 20 cm. The earthquake can be classified into three kinds according to the depth of the hypocenter. The superficial,.the intermediate and the deep.4、 In the poor quakeproof capability and population centralized comparatively area, over _____ level earthquake could murder the loss of people.5、 As instrument recorded(据仪器纪录),the biggest earthquake happened on August 5, 1950 in China. It was level 8.6, the intensity was eleven degree. The bally, vibrating area was around 24000 squre Km. The damage bound of level 8 expanded more than 20000 square Km. Chayu, Tibet.7、The emblem(会徽) of Beijing 29th Olympic Games is __________.8、____ sport items are set up in Summer Olympic Games.9、In 1934, International Olympic Committee decided that the host country should light the Olympic Holy Fire. The seed of the Holy Firemust be fetched from________, and transferred in ________ form to the host country..VI Intelligence question5、Look at these numbers, Write down the next number:9 72 504 3024 15120 _______6、In the match, A defeated D, E defeated F, C defeated E, F defeated D ,B won the third place. B defeated A, A defeated F, can you tell the lost result?10、The following rectangle(长9cm 宽4cm) is cut into 2 parts to make of a square, Draw your own method of cutting.12、Mr.Zhang brings 123 exercise books. They are given out to 4 students equally. Each students gets _____ books.13、There is a wall clock, It hits 6 times at 6:00 in 10 seconds. It hits 11 times at 11:00 in ____ seconds.15、The 5“?”s in the following figure stands for 5 continuous numbers.(5个连续自然数) The sum of both numbers in the triangle is 35. The sum of numbers in the square is 29. The biggest number of the 5 number is _____.18、Which number is lack of ?19、John and Bill go shopping. They want a calculator with the same style. Both of them don't bring enough money. John needs 30 yuan left. The price of the calculator is ______ yuan.23、A square with side is 3cm long. Its side is divided averagelyin to three parts as the following pictures showed. You can make a parallelogram with any of four points. The area of the largest one is____, the area of the smallest one is ____.24、 Tom, Jack and Ben run to B from A at the same time. When Tom gets to B , Jack is still 20 meters away from B, Ben is 40 meters away from B. When Jack gets B, Ben is 24 meters away from B. Can you work out how far it is from A to B.27、Fill in the ( ) with numbers from 1 to 9( )*( )*( )+( )*( )*( )+( )*( )*( ) the largest sum is ____.( )*( )*( )+( )*( )*( )+( )*( )*( ) the least sum is ____.28、At a fruit garden, the numbers of fructiferous(结果实的) plants were twice and 60 more than the numbers of unfruitful(未结果实的). They are ______ plants in all in the garden.VII Fun EnglishA try to guess.1、Why the letter "U" is the happiest letter?2、What grows larger the more you take from it ?3、You go to bed at seven in the evening and set your alarm at 8o'clock. How many hours will you sleep before being awakened by the alarm?7、How many keys are there in the keyboard of a computer?10、How do you drink coffee?Please rearrange the following sentences.A. Put coffee in the cupB. Take out a cupC. Put in some sugarD. Put in som milkE. Pour the water in the cupVIII Reading comprehensionA clever thiefA farmer's son is too young, he only can count only from one to ten. Mr. Smith puts the chickens in eight coops(鸡笼) in the following way:Each line has three coops and ten chickens. The boy stand in the middle and counts them. A thief knows this and is happy. He stole four chicken every day. He stole 3 days, Now there are only 24 chickens .Car you think out the way in which the thief arranged the chickens?继续阅读。

8.Reasoning推理3%》-Kelvin,Lemon,Nicola and Michael are gardener,designer,sy phony-conductors音乐指挥家and florist花匠respectively..-Kelvin is allergic to po len.对花粉过敏-Lemon only likes pop music.-Lemon and the florist are roommates Nicola,the symphony conductor and the gardener don't know each other-What is Michael's,Nicola's and Lemon jobs respectively?-Fill in the blanks wit the capital letters of the jobs.E.g.:G for gardener.-120S
2.Homophones:fill the blanks with two words that sound same-according to he sentences and answer on the answer sheet.8%-1.-can I the shoes?-Everyo e-clown has a big red-3.Mum come-_can you-the song?-4.Although of our tea members got a red card,we still the game.-50S
5.Listen to the recording and find out the points,connect all the-points nd what shape can you get?Answer it on the answer sheet3%-NFL写-B-D-E-G-H0S
C. mouses
D. computers
) 16.ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้A. don ’ t
B. didn ’ t
C. weren ’ t
D. aren ’ t
) 17. A. with
B. instead of
C. on
D. in front of
) 18. A. much
B. any
C. many
D. either
) 3. --- I ’ d rather have some wine, if you don
’ t mind. ---________.
A. No, you ’ d better not
B. Not at all, anything you want
C. Thank you all the same
’ t afford the time
C. No, I ’ m really not in the mood for it this evening
D. No, I ’ d litke i
) 10. --- How long can I _________ the book from the library?
C. Danny's teacher knew something about Danny's problem before
D. Danny wanted to get away from Rick
) 22. Danny now ______ .
A. was tired of the school and his friends

1.Look at the traffic lights. We must ________ and ________.2.We hope that all her ________ (friends/classmates) will come together.3.听录音,选出正确的答语()A. Yes,she is.B. Yes,he is.4.听录音,选择你所听到的句子()A. We have some candy.B. What do you have?C. I have some orange juice.5.根据录音,选出正确的图片()A. B. C.6.选出所听内容的正确翻译。
A. 你好,Jianmin。
B. 你好,Janet。
7.听录音,选出正确的答语()A. Yes, I did.B. Yes, we are.C. No, I'm not.二、听录音8.听短文,判断正误(1)There is a pencil, a rubber and some books on the teacher's desk.(2)The teacher's desk is hard.(3)The pencil is hick.(4)The rubber is hard.(5)Lily likes playing the guitar.9.根据听到的对话和问题,选出正确的答案()A. Eddie's.B. Alice's.C. Kitty's.10.听录音,判断下列句子正误(1)Chen Jie is going to Shanghai tomorrow.(2)Chen Jie is going to visit her uncle.(3)Chen Jie cleaned her bedroom in the afternoon.(4)Chen Jie bought a book about Shanghai because she wanted to know more about it. (5)Chen Jie was very happy today.11.—What's the weather like in New York?—It's rainy. That's ________ (cold/cool)!12.What words does Lingling not write on the cards?A. B. C.13.Who is tall?A. Peter.B. Jim.C. Kitty.14.填入正确的数字(1)________ books(2)________ eyes(3)________ rulers(4)________ mouth(5)________ oranges(6)________ pears15.16.听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片()A. B.三、听录音,将小朋友们的爱好所对应的序号填入表中相应的格子内。

2019 小升初英语试卷及答案( 人教版 )(1)一、单项选择题。
1.—Is this scarf?—No, it's scarf.A. your / myB. your / hisC. his / his2.____ will you stay in Hongkong ? I'll stay there ____ three weeks .A. How much , forB. How long , forC. How long , about3.A: What colour is the banana?B: It is _________.A. redB. yellowC. green4.The little bird and all her friends in the tree.A. isB. areC. am5.Do you like football?A. playB. playsC. playing6.The sharks are one of the in the sea.A. more dangerous animalB. most dangerous animalsC. more dangerous animalsD. most dangerous animal7.Look my hand.D. whiteA. atB. to8.___________ your arm!A. TouchesB. touch9.Don't, Wang Bing.A. runB. runs10.In spring, it's in the north.A. coldB. hot/C.C. Touch C. runningC. warm11.—Nice to meet you.— ___________.A. Nice to meet you, too!B. Good morning.12.Goodbye!A. Thank you very much.B. Good morning.C. Goodbye!13.They have __________ 60 cows on the farm.A. manyB. more than14.She never ___________.A. go runningB. goes runningC. much C. goes run二、选词填空。

2024年江苏省南京市英语小升初模拟试卷与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Listen to the following conversation between two friends and answer the question.A: Hi, how was your day at school today?B: It was great! We had a math test and I passed it with an A.A: That’s awesome! What was the test about?B: It was about fractions and decimals. We had to solve some problems.A: That sounds challenging. Did you find any difficult questions?B: Yes, there was one question about converting decimals to fractions. I wa sn’t sure how to do it at first, but then I remembered the steps and I got it right.Question: What was the main topic of the math test?A) Fractions and decimalsB) GeometryC) English vocabularyD) Science experimentsAnswer: A) Fractions and decimals解析:通过对话中提到的“math test”和“fractions and decimals”,我们可以确定数学测试的主要话题是分数和小数。
2、Listen to the following dialogue and complete the sentence with the missing word.M: Have you finished your science project yet?W: No, I haven’t. I still need to do some research on th e topic.M: What is your topic about?W: It’s about renewable energy sources. I’m particularly interested in wind turbines.M: Wind turbines are interesting. They can generate electricity from wind. Have you ever seen one in real life?Question: What is th e girl’s science project about?A) Renewable energy sourcesB) Human body systemsC) Famous scientistsD) Space explorationAnswer: A) Renewable energy sources解析:通过对话中提到的“renewable energy sources”和“wind turbines”,我们可以确定女孩的科学项目是关于可再生能源的。

1.My are reading and painting.A. hobbyB. hobbies2.He would _____help clean the room.A. likeB. like toC. like doingD. /3.Oceans are important all animals.A. onB. fromC. ofD. to4.—________ would you like to do in the future?—I'd like to make sick people better.A. WhoB. WhereC. WhenD. What5.May I have some ________ food?A. freezingB. frozenC. freezeD. freezes6.He _____ the Great Wall and ate a lot of Beijing duck!A. visitingB. visitedC. visit7.The is .A. brownB. yellowC. orange8.________ Lisa and Jenny like _________?A. Do, ice-skateB. Are, ice-skatingC. Do, ice-skating9.—This is Ms. Smart.—_______ a nice teacher.A. He'sB. She'sC. It's10.—What do they speak in the U. K. ?—________A. They speak English.B. They speak French.C. They speak Chinese.11.— ________ do you go to school?—By taxi.A. WhatB. WhereC. How12.What's wrong with ?A. himB. heC. his13.—Is this your pen holder, Alice?—No, it's Jill's. is yellow, this one is red.A. HersB. MineC. My14.当你想邀请你的小伙伴一起去上学时,你可以说:A. How are you?B. Let's go to school.15.—Does Linda like the black bag ________ the green bag?—She likes ________ black one.A. or, theB. and, theC. or, /二、选词填空。

第 1 页,共 9 页01 根据提示写单词。
1. In the alphabet , which letter is part of a person's body ?2. Among the 12 months , which month begins with "F"?3. Among the four seasons , which one begins with the first letter in the alphabet ?4. Among the initial words of seven days , which one appears the latest in the alphabet ? 02 类比题1. Working is to office as cooking is to .2.Letter is to word as word is to .3. Panda is to China as kangaroos is to .4 June is to Children s Day as December is to .5. Never mind is to Sorry as You re welcome is to .03 根据提示写单词,注意单词的形式1.M2.C3.F4.A5.W6.P04 从乱序字母中找出人体部位的单词,并把红的单词组成一个新词。
2017 南外面测真题are animals with long tails which run around the house. is where you watch films. is filled with plants , trees , and land. is your dad's or mum's sister. are used when birds are flying. is a person who plays the piano. (job)05 根据视频,从所给三个短语中选出两个填空对话。

共重________千克共重________克重4________ 重430________4.时=________分平方分米=________平方厘米5.一件衣服原价180元,现在打八折出售,现价________元.6.郑阿姨和杨阿姨两人月工资之比是5∶7,杨阿姨每月比郑阿姨多360元。
从乙地回到甲地行驶了3.8小时,平均每小时行驶________千米?9.一种合金中含A、B两种物质的质量比是4∶5,那么A物质的质量占这种合金的________.10.李明买了2000元国家建设债券,定期3年,如果年利率是2.89%,到期时他可获得本金和利息一共________ 元.11.小区停车场里停了汽车和三轮摩托车共24辆,共有轮子92个,三轮摩托有________辆,汽车有________辆。
12. (1)一个平行四边形和一个三角形等底等高。
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南外--小升初模拟试卷I complete the chant by using the given wordwise rise knowTo let you _____If you be _____It is time to ____For early to bedAnd ready to ____Is the way to be healthy,And wealthy and ____?II Join each of column I to the right one of column III II1 as fat as A A bee2 As big as B snow3 As busy as C Lead4 As blind as D A pig5 As high as E Rocke feller6 As white as F A kite7 As heavy as G An elephant8 As rich as H A batIII Choose the best answer1、The Wen chuan Earthquake belongs to formation earthquake (构造地震), it destroyed the most.2、The supreme(最严重的) earthquake happened at 9:11 on May 22, 1960 in the history as recorded was in__________,the level of Likta scale was 8.93、Wenchuan Earthquake,which was ______ belonged to enormously earthquake. Hypocenter was superficial earthquake, only 10 to 20 cm. The earthquake can be classified into three kinds according to the depth of the hypocenter. The superficial,.the intermediate and the deep.4、In the poor quakeproof capability and population centralized comparatively area, over _____ level earthquake could murder the loss of people.5、As instrument recorded(据仪器纪录),the biggest earthquake happened on August 5, 1950 in China. It was level 8.6, the intensity was eleven degree. The bally, vibrating area was around 24000 squre Km. The damage bound of level 8 expanded more than 20000 square Km. Chayu, Tibet.7、The emblem(会徽) of Beijing 29th Olympic Games is __________.8、____ sport items are set up in Summer Olympic Games.9、In 1934, International Olympic Committee decided that the host country should light the Olympic Holy Fire. The seed of the Holy Fire must be fetched from________, and transferred in ________ form to the host country..VI Intelligence question5、Look at these numbers, Write down the next number:9 72 504 3024 15120 _______6、In the match, A defeated D, E defeated F, C defeated E, F defeatedD ,B won the third place. B defeated A, A defeated F, can you tell the lost result?10、The following rectangle(长9cm 宽4cm) is cut into 2 parts to make of a square, Draw your own method of cutting.12、Mr.Zhang brings 123 exercise books. They are given out to 4 students equally. Each students gets _____ books.13、There is a wall clock, It hits 6 times at 6:00 in 10 seconds. It hits 11 times at 11:00 in ____ seconds.15、The 5“?”s in the following figure stands for 5 continuous numbers.(5个连续自然数) The sum of both numbers in the triangle is 35. The sum of numbers in the square is 29. The biggest number of the 5 number is _____.18、Which number is lack of ?A B C3 6 1 3 6 912 9 ?2 43 ? 2 319、John and Bill go shopping. They want a calculator with the same style. Both of them don't bring enough money. John needs 30 yuan left. The price of the calculator is ______ yuan.23、A square with side is 3cm long. Its side is divided averagely in tothree parts as the following pictures showed. You can make a parallelogram with any of four points. The area of the largest one is ____, the area of the smallest one is ____.24、Tom, Jack and Ben run to B from A at the same time. When Tom gets to B , Jack is still 20 meters away from B, Ben is 40 meters away from B. When Jack gets B, Ben is 24 meters away from B. Can you work out how far it is from A to B.27、Fill in the ( ) with numbers from 1 to 9( )*( )*( )+( )*( )*( )+( )*( )*( ) the largest sum is ____. ( )*( )*( )+( )*( )*( )+( )*( )*( ) the least sum is ____.28、At a fruit garden, the numbers of fructiferous(结果实的) plants were twice and 60 more than the numbers of unfruitful(未结果实的). They are ______ plants in all in the garden.VII Fun EnglishA try to guess.1、Why the letter "U" is the happiest letter?2、What grows larger the more you take from it ?3、You go to bed at seven in the evening and set your alarm at 8 o'clock. How many hours will you sleep before being awakened by the alarm? 7、How many keys are there in the keyboard of a computer?10、How do you drink coffee?Please rearrange the following sentences.A.Put coffee in the cupB. Take out a cupC. Put in some sugarD. Put in som milkE. Pour the water in the cupVIII Reading comprehensionA clever thiefA farmer's son is too young, he only can count only from one to ten.middle and counts them. A thief knows this and is happy. He stole four chicken every day. He stole 3 days, Now there are only 24 chickens .Car you think out the way in which the thief arranged the chickens?The first day The second day The third dayII V ocabularyA)Complete these sentences with the correct pent of the body.1.A hand has five ________.2.A foot has five _______.3.An adult has 32 ______4.You smell with your ______5.The _______ is a symbol of love.6.You hear with your ________7.Babies crawl on their _______8.Your _______ type can be A, B , AB or O.IV. Language culture1."The Bible"(圣经) is a _____.2.How many countries are there in UK?3.Which of the following river in Britain?4.If a British family invites you to dinner at 6:00 Pm, you'd better arrive at _____.5.The largest city of the USA is _______.6.The most popular foreign language in American is ______.7.______ is the last state which join in the USA.8.Which of the following has been destroyed?9.Who is the first American president to visit China?10.The most popular American drink is _____11.One mile(英里) equals about _____ kilometers.。