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I. Tran slate the followi ng terms into En glish











/ 、.、、八信誉以……为准















II. Choose the best an swer for each of the follow ing questi ons.

( )1. We tha nk you for your letter of March 13 and the ____ catalogue.

A. give n

B. sent

C. en closed

D. prese nted

( )2. They found an opport unity to purchase six ____ leather shoes.

A. thousa nds pairs

B. thousa nd pair of

C. thousa nds of pair

D. thousa nd pairs of

( )3. The letter we sent last week is an enquiry _____ digital cameras.

A. about

B. of

C. for

D. as

( )4. What kind of products do you think ________ particularly interested ______ ?

A. are they, in

B. they are, i n

C. are they, /

D. they are, /

( )5. Weowe your n amea nd address _____ Italia n Commercial Bank who in formed us that you are in the market ____ table-cloths.

A. from, for

B. to, with

C. from, with d. to, for

( )6. While _____ an enquiry, you ought to enquiry into quality and price


A. maki ng

B. sending

C. offeri ng

D. givi ng

( )7. In order to obtain the needed information, the inquirer should simple, clearly and con cisely write ____ he wants to know.

A. that

B. so

C. what

D. because of

( )8. We are a specialized corporation, ________________ the export of animal


A. deali ng with

B. deali ng

C. han dli ng

D. dealt in

( )9. We are willi ng to en ter into bus in ess relati ons with you on the ___

of equality and mutual ben efit.

A. base

B. basis

C. bases

D. based

( )10.We would not give you any lower price _____ you could place an order

for more tha n 500 tons.

A. expect

B. un til

C. uni ess

D. besides

( )11. We _____ some brochures _____ to illustrate the types of materials we manu facture.

A. enclose you, /

B. enclose, you

C. enclose, /

D. enclose, to you ( )12. They have _____ us that you are _____ the market ____ chemicals.

A. i nform, i n, on

B. i nformed, i n, for

C. advise, in, on

D. advised, in, of

( )13. We are not in a positi on to offer firm, as the goods are _____ .

A. without stock

B. outside in stock

C. no stock

D. out of stock

( )14. Please let us ____ your firm offer before the end of this mon th.

A. had

B. have

C. hav ing

D. to have

( )15. If you can _____ your price by 5%, we may con clude the tran sact ion

with you.

A. offer

B. bring dow n

C. fix

D. quote

( )16. If you are in terested, we will send you a sample lot ____ charge.

A. within

B. with

C. for

D. free of

( )17. It mayinterest you to know that there is a good demandhere for Chinese Black Tea ____ prices.

A. at moderate

B. i n cheap

C. for low

D. on dear.

( )18. Please reply as soon as possible,_____ the earliest shipme nt date

and terms of payme nt.

A. stated

B. as stated

C. stat ing

D. state

( )19. There is a steady dema nd in Europe ____ leather gloves _____ high quality.

A. for, with

B. for, of

C. at, with

D. i n, of

( )20. We would recomme nd you ____ this offer.

A. accept

B. accepted

C. to accept

D. accept ing

( )21. For your in formati on, our products enjoy a ready ____ in Europe.

A. sell

B. sale

C. selli ng

D. sail

( )22. A firm offer ____ a time limit for accepta nee.

A. may specify

B. n ever specifies

C. sometimes specifies

D. must specify

( )23. The commodities you offered are _____ line with the bus in ess scope

of our clie nts.
