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Strategic Co-operation
Agreement 战略合作框架协议
Agreement ” is made and effective the [January 1 , 2012] [XXX 年X 月X 日]签订并生效 BETWEEN: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (the “Party A ” ), a corporation oagized and
exist ing un der the laws of the PEOPLE ' REPUBLIC OF CHINA, with its head
office located at:
AND: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (the “Party B ” ), a corporation organized and
existing under the laws of the REPUBLIC OF XXXX, with its head office located at:
签订协议的一方 [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 以下简称“甲方”),一家依据中华人民共和国法律 组建并续存的公司,其营业地址位于:
(以下简称“乙方”), 一家依据 XXXX 共和国 法律组建并续存的公司,其营业地址位于:
In con siderati on of the terms and cove nants of this agreeme nt, and other valuable con siderati on, the parties agree as follows:
This Strategic Co-operati onal Agreeme nt
(the 本战略合作框架协议(以下简称“协议”)
a. Both parties desire to join together for the pursuit of com mon bus in ess goals.
b. Both parties have con sidered various forms of jo int bus in ess en terprises for their bus in ess.
c. Both parties desire to en ter into a co-operati on agreeme nt as the most adva ntageous bus in ess form for their mutual
a. 合作双方欲联合起来追求共同所需的商业目标。
b. 合作双方已经就其经营业务考虑了各种形式的合作方式。
c. 合作双方欲就其互利目标达成一项合伙协议作为其最佳商业形式。
Party A
- Accord ing to the in formati on of XXXX bus in ess access sta ndards, in vestme nt en vir onment and tax policy which provided by Party B, Party A shall recommend the high-quality companies from China to con duct bus in ess through Party
B in XXXX.
- Provide the full docume ntati ons of Chin ese compa nies to con duct bus in ess in XXXX.
- Ensure the authenticity and legality of all the documentation provided by the Chinese companies.
- As authorized by Party B, Party A is responsible to the signing and interpretation of various docume nts for mutual bus in ess.
- Assist Party B to con duct the bus in ess promoti ons and publicities in China.
Party B
- Party B shall provide all the finan cial support on their bus in ess in China; it in cludes bus in ess in itiati on, man ageme nt and promoti on.
- As Party A shall refer the Chinese Companies to Party B. Party B shall provide these companies the consultant services regarding legal, audition, taxation, financial, risk management, accounting and other related areas.
- In order to establish the inten sive ness bus in ess co-operati on. Party B shall provide all the bus in ess related docume nts, in formati on, legal acts and gover nmen tal in formati on in XXXX for the refere nee of Party A.
- Party B shall provide a systematic training course on XXXX bus in esses SOP (Sta ndard Operati on Procedure), XXXX law & Tax regulations and IIM Billing system for Party A employees.
- 甲方根据乙方所提供的XXX业务进入标准、投资环境以及税收政策,为乙方推荐中国国内优质企业到乙方公司开展业务。