GBT24551 汽车安全带提醒装置编制说明
推荐性国家标准GB/T 24551-XXXX《汽车安全带提醒装置》征求意见稿编制说明(一)工作简况1. 任务来源强制性国家标准GB 7258-2017《机动车运行安全技术条件》修订过程中提出了对汽车安全带提醒装置一些新技术要求,为了配合该标准的应用和实施,中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司开展了汽车安全带提醒装置标准的前期研究工作,2018年1月完成了标准立项草案并申报至主管部门。
2. 背景意义在车辆行驶过程中,安全带的使用能有效的保护司乘人员的生命安全。
3. 主要工作过程3.1 主要工作概述汽车安全带提醒装置标准研究工作组于2018年4月正式启动,由中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司(以下简称“中汽中心”)牵头组织国内外主要汽车生产企业、检测机构共同研究修订GB/T 24551《汽车安全带提醒装置》推荐性国家标准。
警示带盒警示带调节钮金属卡片图1 安全警示带2、用于户外及室内敞开式高压场所的工作,临时隔离邻近的运用中设备。
全岳电力事业三部周越*** QQ:506801071 电缆警示带电力地下电缆警示带,光缆警示带,自来水警示带,警示带又称标记带广泛地应用于各种直埋式燃气管道、输油管道、城市给排水等气、液管道输送系统、电力电缆、通讯光缆等关于国计民生的第五类运输体系及信息传输系统的警示防护,特别对各种情况复杂的城市管网施工现场、道路施工现场、交通事故现场保护,建筑建设施工现场、田野中的直埋管线有着明显的防护警示作用,它施工方便,施工与埋管同时进行,埋覆于地下与管线中间,铺设在管道上面30-50CM处,起到警示标志作用,以免今后开挖施工时管线受无谓损伤,而造成重大事故,避免因意外损坏造成巨大的财产和经济损失,是各种直埋式管道、线缆安全防护的经济有效、简单易行的用品。
汽车安全带技术规范前言汽车安全带技术规范1 范围本标准规定了整车安全带总则、附件和塑料件试验及要求、织带试验及要求、闭锁件试验及要求、卷收器试验及要求、电子报警系统试验及要求、高度调节器试验及要求、总成的动态试验及要求以及包装、运输和贮存等内容。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。
GB 14166—93 汽车安全带性能要求和试验方法GB 14167 汽车安全带安装固定点GB 6458-86 金属覆盖层中性盐雾试验(NSS试验)QC 244—1997 汽车安全带动态性能要求和试验方法77/541/EEC 安全带和约束系统(欧洲安全法规)76/115/EEC 安全带固定点(欧洲安全法规)3 名词术语3.1织带是指安全带总成中把乘员约束在座椅上的柔性带状物。
三、安全带的构成部分1. 带子:安全带带子应采用耐磨、抗拉断的材料制成,带子宽度不得小于50mm,颜色可以根据需求进行选择。
2. 接头:安全带接头应采用耐磨、耐腐蚀、强度高的材料制成,接头的连接方式应牢固可靠。
3. 调节装置:安全带的调节装置应具备方便使用、可靠锁定的功能。
4. 张力调节装置:安全带张力调节装置应具备根据乘车者身体情况自动调整的功能。
5. 锁定装置:安全带锁定装置应具备自动锁定和解锁功能,确保在紧急情况下乘车者能够快速脱离安全带。
四、安全带的性能要求1. 抗拉强度:安全带在正常使用情况下,带子的抗拉强度应不小于XN(单位)。
2. 破断强度:安全带在极端情况下,带子的破断强度应不小于YN (单位)。
3. 开锁力矩:安全带的锁定装置应具备合适的开锁力矩,以确保乘车者在发生事故时能够迅速解锁。
4. 调节装置可靠性:安全带的调节装置应具有可靠的锁定功能,避免在行驶过程中自动松开。
5. 节气阀装置:安全带应配备合适的节气阀装置,以减少乘车者在发生事故时的冲击力。
6. 其它性能要求:根据实际需要,安全带可能还需要满足防护、阻燃、耐腐蚀等性能要求。
五、安全带的安装和使用1. 安全带的安装:安全带应按照制造商的说明正确安装在汽车座椅上,确保带子没有交叉、扭曲等情况。
2. 安全带的使用:乘车者应正确佩戴安全带,将带子置于合适的位置,并调整好带子的松紧程度。
3. 安全带的维护:定期检查安全带的磨损状况,如发现破损应及时更换,同时注意保持安全带清洁。
六、安全带的检测方法1. 抗拉强度测试:将安全带固定在设备上,进行逐渐增加的拉力测试,记录带子的最大拉力。
Indicator LightsSeat Belt ReminderAs a reminder to you and your passengers, this light will come on each time the key is turned to the "ON" position. It stays on until the driver's seat belt is fastened.The beeper will also operate for about six seconds after turning the key to the "O N " position if the driver's seat belt is not fastened.Brake SystemThe service braking system is a split system designed so that one part will provide some braking action if there is a loss ofhydraulic pressure in the other part of the system.To serve as a reminder, the "BRAKE" system light isInstruments and ControlsBRAKEBRAKE SYSTEM LIGHTSEAT BELT REMINDER LIGHTdesigned to come on while the parking brake is set and the key is turned to the "O N " position. Have the system repaired if the light does not come on when the key is turned to the "O N " position without the engine running or when the parking brake is set.This light does not eliminate the need for brake inspection and maintenance. The brake fluid level must be checked regularly.See the maintenance section of this manual for other brake checks.If the light remains on after engine start up with the parking brake released, or comes onduring operation of the vehicle, it may mean that there is something wrong with the brake system or anti-lock brake system.Instruments and ControlsHIGH BEAM INDICATOR LIGHTCHARGING SYSTEM INDICATOR LIGHTMALFUNCTION INDICATOR LAMPWhat to do?1. Check to see if the parkingbrake has been fully released.2. If it has, pull off the road andstop carefully. Remember that:Stopping distances may be longer.You may have to pushharder on the pedal.The pedal may go down farther than normal.3. Have the vehicle towed to thenearest Acura dealer for repair.Do not continue to drive with the brake system light on. There may be a serious problem with the braking system. Driving under this condition is hazardous and could lead to an accident.The brake system light does not indicate that the parking brake is fully set. When applying the parking brake, always pull it up as far as possible.High BeamThe headlight high beam indicator lights up when the headlights are on high beam.Charging SystemThis light should come on when the key is turned to the "O N "position and the alternator is not charging. The light may stay on at engine idle; however, it should go off and stay off above the normal engine idle speed. If the light comes on while driving, the charging system should bechecked at once so the battery will not completely discharge.Check for a loose or broken drive belt. If it is loose or broken, or if the drive belt is not responsible for the trouble, have your Acura dealer inspect and correct the fault. If the drive belt is loose or broken, overheating of the engine could result. Have the system checked as soon as possible.Malfunction Indicator LampThe indicator light should turn on when the key is turned to the "ON" position, but should go out after the engine is started. (The light will stay on a short timeafter the engine starts.) If the light stays on, or comes on whileInstruments and ControlsCHECKENGINEdriving, it indicates a problem in the engine emissions control system. Have your Acura dealer inspect the system and correct the problem.If you keep driving with the malfunction indicator lamp on,you can damage your vehicle's emissions controls and engine.Those repairs may not be covered by your vehicle's warranties.Turn Signal IndicatorsA green light flashing on the instrument panel lets you know that the front and rear turn signal lights are working. If the light stays on and does not flash, checkInstruments and ControlsNOTICETURN SIGNAL INDICATORSLOW FUEL INDICATORLOW OIL PRESSURE INDICATORfor a burned out bulb. If there is no light when the lever is moved,check the fuse and bulb.Whenever the Hazard Warning Flasher Switch is on, both turn signals will flash.Low Fuel IndicatorThis light comes on when the tank becomes nearly empty. Fill up the tank as soon as possible.Driving on a road with many sharp curves may cause the fuel indicator light to blinkintermittently. This is normal.Low OilPressure IndicatorThis light is designed to come on to provide a "bulb check" whenthe key is turned to the "ON"position, but should go out after the engine is started. If the light fails to come on with the key turned to the "ON" position, it could indicate a burned out bulb or a blown fuse. Have the system repaired if the light does not come on when checking.Occasionally, this light may flicker momentarily while the engine is running, but this will not harm the system. However, if the light remains on during normal engine operation, theengine should be stopped until the cause of the trouble can belocated and corrected. The source of the trouble could be either of the following:Low engine oil level Loss of engine oil pressureRunning the engine with low oil pressure can cause serious mechanical damage almostimmediately. Turn off the engine as soon as you can safely get the vehicle stopped.Instruments and ControlsNOTICEAnti-Lock IndicatorThis light will come on when theignition switch is turned to the"ON" position, then go out after afew seconds. (If the light does notcome on, see your Acura dealer tohave the system repaired.)If the light remains on afterengine start-up or comes on whileyou are driving, stop as soon aspossible and turn the key off.Then start the engine and driveabove 15 mph (24 km/h) to resetthe system. If the light stays on,or it comes on again while you'redriving, the anti-lock brakesystem should be checked at yourAcura dealer.Until you get it fixed, you'll havenormal brakes, but you won'thave anti-lock.Check AutomaticTransmission IndicatorThe indicator light should turn onwhen the ignition switch is turnedto the "O N" position, but shouldgo out after a few seconds.If the light flashes, it means thecomputer controlling thetransmission has found aproblem. Have the automatictransmission checked by yourAcura dealer as soon as possible.You can safely drive the vehiclewhile the light is flashing, but thecomputer may put thetransmission into its "backupmode."In the backup mode, thetransmission does not shiftautomatically. You must move theshift lever to change gears. Thislist shows the shift lever positionand the gear range that will result."L " position First gear"2" position Third gear"3" position Fourth gear"D" position Fourth gearWhen the transmission is inbackup mode and does not shiftautomatically, you should movethe selector lever to the Instruments and ControlsABSappropriate position for your driving needs, as follows:Select "3" or "D " for high speed driving (over 50 mph, 80 km/h).Select "2" for moderate speed driving (between 15 mph [25km/h] and 50 mph [80 km/h]).Select "L " when starting from a stop, driving up or down a steep hill, or for engine braking when towing a trailer downhill.Do not exceed 65 mph (50 mph if towing a trailer).Continued operation of the vehicle with the "CHECK TRANS" light flashing can cause serious mechanical damage. You should have the vehicle serviced by your Acura dealer as soon as possible.Winter Drive IndicatorThe "Winter Drive" light will come on when you push the Winter Drive button with the enginerunning and the transmission lever in P, R, N, or D. Vehicle speed must be less than 7 mph (11 km/h).Refer to "Driving Pattern Selector" later in this section.Power Drive IndicatorThe "Power Drive" light will come on when you push the Power Drive button with the engine running.Refer to "Driving Pattern Selector" later in this section.Instruments and ControlsNOTICEAutomatic Transmission Fluid Temperature IndicatorThe "A/T OIL TEMP" indicator light warns that the automatic transmission fluid temperature is high.The indicator light should turn on when the ignition switch is turned to the "ON" position, but should go out after a few seconds.If this light comes on while you are driving, slow down and pull off the road. Stop the vehicle at a safe place and put the shift lever in "P" position. With the engine idling, wait until the light goes off. If the light goes off you can drive the vehicle again. If the light does not go off, have the automatic transmission lubricating system checked as soon as possible by your Acura dealer.Driving with the "A/T OILTEMP" light constantly on can cause serious mechanical damage to the automatic transmission.Torque on Demand (TOD)System IndicatorRefer to "Automatic Transmission"later in this section.Fuel DoorThis is a reminder that the fuel fill door is on the right side of thevehicle. Always park with that side closest to the service station pumps.Instruments and ControlsNOTICEFUEL DOOR。
To unlock the belt, push the redPRESS button on the buckle.Your seat belt system includes lap/shoulder belts in all five seatingpositions. The front seat belts arealso equipped with automatic seatbelt tensioners.The seat belt system alsoincludes a light on theinstrument panel to remind you andyour passengers to fasten your belts.If the driver’s seat belt is notfastened before the ignition is turnedON (II), the light will come on and abeeper will also sound. The beeperwill stop after a few seconds, but thelight will stay on until the driver’sseat belt is fastened.Guide the belt across your body tothe door pillar. After exiting the car,be sure the belt is out of the way andwill not get closed in the door.All seat belts have an emergencylocking retractor. In normal driving,the retractor lets you move freely inyour seat while it keeps sometension on the belt. During a collisionor sudden stop, the retractorautomatically locks the belt to helprestrain your body.The seat belts in all seating positionsexcept the driver’s have an additionallocking mechanism that must beactivated to secure a child seat.(Seepages and for instructions onhow to secure child seats with thistype of seat belt.)3135Seat Belt System ComponentsAdditional Information About Your Seat Belts46See page for instructions on how to wear the lap/shoulder belt properly.To deactivate the locking mechanism,unlatch the buckle and let the seat belt fully retract.To refasten the belt,pull it out only as far as needed.If the shoulder part of the belt is pulled all the way out,the locking mechanism will activate.The belt will retract,but it will not allow the passenger to move freely.might not cause the airbags to deploy.In this case,the airbags would not be needed but the additional seat belt tension can be helpful.The tensioners will be activated in a collision severe enough to cause the front airbags to inflate.When the tensioners are activated,the seat belts will remain tight until they are unbuckled in the normal way.The SRS indicator light will come on if there is a with your automatic seat belt tensioners (see page ).1652Additional Information About Your Seat Belts47For safety, you should check the condition of your seat belts regularly.Pull each belt out fully and look for frays, cuts, burns, and wear. Check that the latches work smoothly and that the lap/shoulder belts retract easily. Any belt not in good condition or not working properly will not provide good protection and should be replaced as soon as possible.Honda provides a lifetime warranty on seat belts. Honda will repair or replace any seat belt component that fails to function properly during normal use. Please see your booklet for details.Automatic seat belt tensioners that deployed during a crash must be replaced.For information on how to clean your seat belts,see page .359Honda Warranty Information Additional Information About Your Seat Belts Seat Belt Maintenance U.S.Models 48。
安全带一、分类及使用范围1、 根据使用条件的不同,安全带可分为3类,见表1和图1~图3.表1 安全带根据使用条件分类图1 围杆作业安全带示意图图2 区域限制安全带示意图图3 坠落悬挂安全带示意图2、根据型式的不同,安全带可分为3类,见表2和图4~图9. 表2 安全带根据型式分类图4 腰带式安全带图5 不加缓冲器腰带式安全带 安全绳缓冲器 (选用件)护腰带 围杆带 安全绳 背带围杆带腰带 调节器连接器 护腰带安全绳图6 半身式安全带图7 不加缓冲器的半身式安全带图8 全身式安全带图9 不加缓冲器的全身式安全带二、技术要求 1、安全带不应使用回料或再生料,使用皮革不应有接缝;带和绳必须用锦纶、维纶、蚕丝料。
带子和绳应用锦纶、高强度涤纶等符合要求的材料制造. 带子颜色采用蓝色,绳子采用原色,安全带缝合线的颜色和带子的颜色必须不一致,采用白色缝合线,并且材质和带子一致.包裹绳子的护套材料采用皮革、轻带、维纶或橡胶制作。
背带 胸带 护腰带腿带 安全绳 缓冲器 腰带连接器安全绳 背带腰带 调节器调节扣 调节扣 调节器自锁器调节扣背带 腰带 护腰带围杆带 安全绳调节扣连接绳(带)应质地均匀、柔软、耐磨;绳中各股均应绞合紧密,不应有错乱交叉、灼烧及断股等损伤;带体应为复合堆积,统一编织,不应有切口,灼烧及断丝等损伤。
编号:DKYE-DK01-02-09 XZ10项目
设计文件名称 XZ10项目装配调整技术说明书
版本:R00 系统 名称
一、行人提醒装置总成 1.安装示意图
序号 零件号 零件名称 单车数量
1 S1*******AA 行人提醒装置 1
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推荐性国家标准GB/T 24551-XXXX《汽车安全带提醒装置》征求意见稿编制说明(一)工作简况1. 任务来源强制性国家标准GB 7258-2017《机动车运行安全技术条件》修订过程中提出了对汽车安全带提醒装置一些新技术要求,为了配合该标准的应用和实施,中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司开展了汽车安全带提醒装置标准的前期研究工作,2018年1月完成了标准立项草案并申报至主管部门。
2. 背景意义在车辆行驶过程中,安全带的使用能有效的保护司乘人员的生命安全。
3. 主要工作过程3.1 主要工作概述汽车安全带提醒装置标准研究工作组于2018年4月正式启动,由中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司(以下简称“中汽中心”)牵头组织国内外主要汽车生产企业、检测机构共同研究修订GB/T 24551《汽车安全带提醒装置》推荐性国家标准。
3.2 前期预研工作2017年6月—2018年3月,中汽中心项目组查阅了汽车行业内目前有关汽车安全带提醒装置的相关标准、技术协议及相关项目开发所使用的标准,并进行了研究和分析。
GB/T 24551-2009《汽车安全带提醒装置》需要修订的技术要点包括:①GB/T 24551-2009是针对前排安全带提醒的开发验证试验规范,不针对后排乘员座位,适用性不够广泛;②目前汽车用安全带提醒装置相应技术已升级,行业内部分汽车前排及后排座位已安装乘员探测装置,现行GB/T 24551-2009已不满足实际技术发展需求。
3.3 标准工作组第一次工作会议2018年4月25日,中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司在宁波组织召开了汽车安全带提醒装置标准研究工作组成立暨第一次工作会议,国内外整车企业、检测机构、安全带生产企业及相关方等34家机构及企业,共计55名行业专家参加了此次会议。
本次会议讨论了有关项目总体计划、项目技术工作安排以及项目总体内容,讨论和修改了GB/T 24551《汽车安全带提醒装置》标准草案。
表1 工作组第一次工作会议所达成的标准草案修改内容序号修改内容1 范围部分,确认了标准的规定内容和使用范围。
2 3.1系统描述更改为:该系统由未系安全带的探测装置和两级提醒(第一级提醒和第二级提醒)组成。
3 根据传统汽车、新能源汽车以及无钥匙一键启动等实际情况,调整3.2“点火开关接通(ON)(发动机运转或不运转)”、“点火开关或主控开关打开(ON)”、4.5.1“点火开关或主控开关关闭后再次打开(ON)”以及5.1 e)“打开点火开关或主控开关(ON)”的描述,使其统一。
4 调整3.7中车辆处于正常运行状态的描述。
5 删除3.8和3.9。
6 4.1.1和4.1.2,删除M和N类车辆,M1和N1类车辆的描述,车辆类型在范围部分已经体现。
7 删除4.1.3。
8 修改4.2.2.1中间歇式声音信号的描述(间歇时间不大于1s)。
10 调整4.2.4.2 a)“车辆不在正常运行状态时,有任何车门被打开”的描述。
11 调整 4.4.3中相关描述为“视觉提醒的信号颜色和标志应与GB 4094-2016中5.1.26的要求相同”。
12 修改5.1试验方法,每一个座椅按照试验内容分别进行。
“第一级提醒的激活应按以下条件对每个座位分别进行试验”13 将5.2.1 b)改为“试验车辆从静止状态向前加速到 km/h”14 调整5.2.1中描述,“采用以下条件中一条或多条组合,驾驶车辆进行试验:a)试验车辆从停止状态向前加速到km/h,并保持速度;b)试验车辆从停止位置向前行驶大于300 m;c)试验车辆向前行驶大于60 s。
”15 调整5.2.3.1的描述,“在车辆行驶前,并且安全带未系的状态下,按以下条件分别进行所有乘员座位的试验”3.4 标准工作组第二次工作会议2018年11月6日,中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司在江苏苏州组织召开了“汽车安全带提醒装置”标准工作组第二次会议,中汽中心对《汽车安全带提醒装置》标准的前期工作进展进行了总结,同时对本标准制修订的进度安排进行了说明。
会议对GB/T 24551《汽车安全带提醒装置》标准草案的工作组成员反馈意见进行了逐条讨论,重点就术语和定义、一级提醒的触发条件、二级提醒的触发条件、安全带提醒装置被人为关闭的必要性、安全带提醒标识的显示条件等内容进行了充分的讨论,并达成了一致共识。
表2 工作组第二次工作会议所达成的标准草案修改内容3.5 标准工作组第三次工作会议2019年9月4日—5日,中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司在吉林长春组织召开了“汽车安全带提醒装置”标准工作组第三次会议,中汽中心介绍了推荐性国家标准GB/T 24551《汽车安全带提醒装置》标准项目进展情况及整体进度安排,同时介绍了根据工作组第一次会议和第二次会议中的会议结论以及企业反馈意见对标准草案的修订内容。
江淮汽车和中汽中心工程院分别从实车低速碰撞试验验证和CAE模拟仿真分析两个方面进行论证,表明车速为15 km/h时作为汽车安全带提醒装置的触发条件之一,是较为科学合理的。
本次会议对GB/T 24551《汽车安全带提醒装置》标准草案的具体内容进行了逐条讨论,并就术语和定义、间隔时间与间歇时间区分、后排具有和不具有乘员探测装置时第二级提醒形式、视觉提醒的信号颜色和标志等内容达成了共识。
针对视觉提醒的信号颜色和标志问题,工作组一致表示视觉提醒的信号颜色和标志应符合GB 4094-2016要求,秘书处建议各企业进一步调研各自汽车产品对应的视觉提醒的信号颜色、形状及标志情况。
表3工作组第三次工作会议所达成的标准草案修改内容3.6 标准公开征求意见2019年9月—10月,中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司根据标准工作组第三次会议的修改意见对GB/T 24551《汽车安全带提醒装置》标准草案进行了修改和完善,并将工作组第三次工作会议后所反馈的意见融入了标准草案,形成了标准征求意见稿和编制说明。
(二)标准编制原则和确定标准内容1. 标准编制的目的我国于2009年发布实施GB/T 24551-2009《汽车安全带提醒装置》,距今颁布实施已经10年,随着我国汽车工业的飞速发展,汽车保有量的快速增加,制定汽车安全带提醒装置的技术标准的迫切性和必要性日益凸显,同时规范和指导国内安全带提醒装置制造厂商的开发设计、制造和检验工作。
2. 标准编制原则综合标准修订前期研究成果,结合试验验证情况确定本标准制定的基本原则,立足于我国道路交通实际特点及汽车行业的技术现状,自主开展本标准的修订。
为配合强制性国家标准GB 7258-2017《机动车运行安全技术条件》修订过程中对汽车安全带提醒装置提出的基本要求,进一步满足降低交通事故伤亡的需要,本标准的修订和完善过程中对汽车安全带提醒装置的技术条件提出了通用性要求,能够有效提高安全带佩戴率,降低道路交通事故伤亡数量,保障消费者生命安全。