2018年-秋-中国地质(武汉)大学远程教育学习指南(高起专)作业和答案 (1)
远程教育学习指南 本科 地质大学期机考题库及答案
![远程教育学习指南 本科 地质大学期机考题库及答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/24fa769e33d4b14e852468ba.png)
[2018年秋季]姓名学号学习中心专业年级考试时间远程教育学习指南(专升本)综合测试1总分:100分得分:0分一、问答题1. 远程教育有哪些显著特征?(10分)参考答案:远程教育充分利用现代网络技术,其显著特征是:任何人、任何时间、任何地点、从任何章节开始、学习任何课程。
解题思路:2. 如何报名参加学习中心所在省份的学位外语考试?(10分)参考答案:在学习中心所在省份报名时间截止前1个月向学习中心申报,由学习中心统一于报名截止前2个星期向学院提交申请,由学院统一办理。
解题思路:3. 完成选课后,出现在学课程与别的同学或与执行计划安排不一致的情况是什么原因?(10分)参考答案:按学院规定不及格课程必须重修,因此选课系统会自动将学生已修但未及格课程选上,受每学期修课门数不超过8门的限制,未选上的课程会自动往下学期顺延。
解题思路:4. 中国地质大学(武汉)开展远程教育的基本情况是什么?(10分)参考答案:中国地质大学(武汉)是教育部直属211工程重点大学。
解题思路:5. 什么是远程教育?(10分)参考答案:学校远程教育是对教师和学生在时空上相对分离,学生自学为主、教师助学为辅,教与学的行为通过各种教育技术和媒体资源实现联系、交互和整合的各类学校或教育机构组织的教育的总称。
远程教育学习指南(专升本)2015年秋季考试(含答案)中国地质大学(武汉)远程与继续教育学院远程教育学习指南(专升本)2015年秋季考试单选题(共90分)按学院培养计划规定,每学期学习者修课门数不得超过_____(3分)(A) 六门(B) 五门(C) 八门(D) 九门专科及专升本学生的最长学习年限是_____年。
(3分)(A) 2(B) 2.5(C) 5(D) 7现代远程教育的特点决定了远程学习以学生_____为主。
(3分)(A) 上课(B) 学习(C) 自学(D) 上网以下属于媒体播放软件的是_____。
(3分)(A) Winzip(B) Mediaplay(C) Winrar(D) Netants第一代远程教育是以_____为主要学习资源.以邮政传递收写作业和批改评价(函授辅导)为主要通信手段(主要技术特征)的函授教育。
(3分)(A) 电视媒体(B) 光盘(C) 网络媒体(D) 印刷教材课程学习完成,必须参加课程考核。
(3分)(A) 开卷或撰写论文(B) 闭卷.开卷(C) 闭卷和撰写论文(D) 在线考试.开卷和考查远程教育发源于_____,其早期形式是函授教育,是在机器工业时代,应经济社会发展对人才素质的要求而产生的一种新型教育方式。
(3分)(A) 19世纪的美国(B) 18世纪的英国(C) 18世纪的法国(D) 19世纪中叶的英国已具有国民教育系列_____,可免考全部统考科目。
(3分)(A) 本科以上学历(含本科)(B) 硕士以上学历(C) 专科以上学历(D) 中专以上学历中国地质大学(武汉)是一所特色鲜明,_____的全国重点大学。
(3分)(A) 以工为主,理工管文相结合(B) 以文为主,理工管文相结合(C) 以文为主,理工相结合(D) 以工为主,管文相结合课件运行环境要求如下:硬件是任何一台能上网的计算机;软件是_____,IE6.0以上,MediaPlayer9.0以上,Flash播放插件。
远程教育学习指南(专升本)5 中国地大阶段性作业4
![远程教育学习指南(专升本)5 中国地大阶段性作业4](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/354c15a4783e0912a3162a20.png)
远程教育学习指南(专升本)5 中国地大阶
总分: 100分考试时间:分钟
1. 通过浏览器进入学院首页,在登陆窗口,输入正确的_____,点击登陆后,将进入学生工作室。
(A) 用户名和密码
(B) 用户名
(C) 密码
(D) 中文姓名
2. 下面哪种学习方式不符合远程(网络)学习的发展趋势?_____(15分)
(A) 移动学习
(B) 碎片化学习
(C) 社会化学习
(D) 集中面授学习
3. 应用软件在没有操作系统的情况下,可以运行吗?_____(14分)
(A) 可以,应用软件能否运行,不依赖有没有操作系统。
(B) 不能,应用软件需要在操作系统的支持下运行。
(C) 要看应用软件的功能,功能强的可以不依赖操作系统,直接运行。
(D) 不能确定。
4. .作为网上人大的学生,顺利完成学业的必要条件是_____。
(A) 脱产以保证充裕的学习时间
(B) 强有力的经济支持以获取更多的学习资源
(C) 每天都和学院辅导教师保持联系
(D) 具有自主学习能力及学习责任感
5. 进入学生工作室,首先看到的是?_____(14分)
(A) 我的课程
(B) 课程讲解
(C) 课程作业。
中国地质大学(武汉)远程与继续教育学院2016年春季学期作业参考答案专业:资源勘查工程年级:2015年春季地球化学第一次作业单选题1. 克拉克值是指元素在中的平均含量2. 的化学成分被认为最接近原始的太阳系化学组成3. 从元素化学组成角度,大陆地壳可分为上部的层和下部的硅镁层4.被认为是代表了古大洋地壳组成的典型岩石组合(5分)5. 以下不是地幔组成岩石类别的一种岩石是 (5) (5分)(A) 二辉橄榄岩 (B) 麻粒岩 (C) 方辉橄榄岩 (D) 辉石岩(参考答案:B)6. 元素的 (6) 研究是地球化学研究的第一根本要务(5分)(A) 丰度 (B) 种类 (C) 分布规律 (D) 化学性质(参考答案:A)多选题7. 陨石的主要类型包括 (7) 。
(5分)(A) 石陨石 (B) 铁陨石 (C) 石铁陨石 (D) 月球陨石参考答案:A,B,C8. 就分层结构而言,地球自地表向其内部包括 (8) 等主要圈层。
(5分)(A) 地壳 (B) 地幔 (C) 软流圈 (D) 地核参考答案:A,B,D9. 全球大陆地壳整体的化学组成为 (9) 。
(4分)(A) 酸性 (B) 安山质 (C) 花岗闪长质 (D) 基性参考答案:B,C10. 以下属于研究深部地壳物质及其化学组成的手段和方法的是 (10) 。
(4分)(A) 火山岩中的各类捕获岩石包体 (B) 构造侵位而暴露在地表的深部地壳断面(C) 地球物理探测技术反演 (D) 人工区域大规模采集地表岩石样品参考答案:A,B,C11. 地球化学是研究地球(包括部分天体)的 (11) 的科学。
(4分)(A) 岩石组成 (B) 化学作用 (C) 化学组成 (D) 化学演化参考答案:B,C,D判断题12. 橄榄岩是组成下地壳的主要岩石类型 (4分)错误13. 陨石主要是指来自星际空间的地球以外星体的岩石碎片 (4分)正确14. 地球化学属于化学学科,主要认识和解决地球上元素的化学性质及行为等问题(4分) 错误15. 运用细粒碎屑沉积物法能更精确地获取大陆上部地壳的全部元素化学组成(4分)错误16. 太阳系元素丰度组成的基本特点之一是锯齿状分布,亦称奇偶规律 (4分)正确17. 石陨石的元素化学组成可以与现今地球上的硅酸岩类岩石相类比 (4分)正确18. 大陆地壳的平均化学组成自从其形成以来是基本不变的(4分)错误填空题第二次作业单选题1. 下列不属于亲氧元素的是 (12) (4分)(A) Zr (B) PGE (C) Mg (D) REE参考答案:B2. 物质在硅酸盐熔体.水溶液和气相中的迁移称为 (13) (4分)(A) 机械迁移参考答案:B3. 在难溶化合物的饱和溶液中加入含有同离子的易溶化合物时,难溶化合物的饱和溶液的多相平衡将发生移动,原难溶化合物的溶解度将降低,这被称之为(14) (4分)(A) 盐效应 (B) 活度积效应 (C) 溶解度效应 (D) 共同离子效应参考答案:D4. 元素在水溶液中主要会以溶液. (15) 及悬浮物等形式存在(4分)(A) 胶体 (B) 沉淀 (C) 自由离子 (D) 类质同象混入物 (B) 化学迁移 (C)生物迁移 (D) 物理迁移参考答案:A5. 以下不属于Goldschmidt元素地球化学分类类别的是 (16) (4分)(A) 亲石元素参考答案:D6. 常见岩石中钾长石发生钠长石化,类似于水岩化学作用中 (17) 的结果(4分)(A) 氧化还原反应参考答案:B (B) 阳离子交换反应 (C) 水合作用 (D) 复分解反应 (B) 亲生物元素 (C) 亲铁元素 (D) 亲氧元素多选题7. 自然界元素结合的基本规律受到 (18) 等因素的制约和控制。
22.设函数(x)可导,且 ,则当 时,该函数在x0处的微分是( ).
A.Δx的等阶无穷小 B.Δx的同阶无穷小 C.Δx的高阶无穷小 D.Δx的低阶无穷小
23.设偶函数 有连续二阶导数,且 ,则 ( ).
A.不是 的驻点 B.一定是 的极值点
73.若函数 在点 处可导且 ,则曲线 在点 处的法线的斜率等于( )
A. B.
C. D.
74.已知 是可导的偶函数,且 ,则曲线 在(-1,2)处的切线方程是( ).
A. B.
C. D.
75.数列有界是数列收敛的( ).
A.必要条件 B.充分条件
C.充要条件 D.无关条件
2 B. C. D.2
54.曲线 ( )
A.既有水平渐近线,又有垂直渐近线 B.只有水平渐近线
C.有垂直渐近线 D.没有渐近线
55.设 ,则 =( )
A. B. C. D.
56.设 ,则( )
12 1>I2 1<<II2<I 2=2I1
57. ( )
65.函数 的单调增区间是( )
A.(-∞∞) B. C. D.(1+∞)
66.设 ,则 =( )
A.4 B.2 C.1 D.
67.函数 的图形的水平渐近线方程为( )
1 1 0 0
68.广义积分 ( )
中国地质大学远程与继续教育学院大学英语(专升本)阶段性作业25则范文第一篇:中国地质大学远程与继续教育学院大学英语(专升本)阶段性作业2中国地质大学远程与继续教育学院大学英语(专升本)阶段性作业2 单选题1.He studied hard in his youth,_______ contributed to his great success in later life.(3分)(A)that(B)it(C)what(D)which 参考答案:D2.For a successful business, friendly and _______ staff are essential.(3分)(A)lovely(B)hard(C)efficient(D)respectable 参考答案:C3.We should be able to do the job for you quickly, _____ you give us all the necessary information.(3分)(A)as if(B)provided that(C)in case(D)so that 参考答案:B4.It is because she is very devoted to her student ________ she is respected by them.(3分)(A)that(B)which(C)what(D)who 参考答案:A 5.The boy who had thought to be a genius ____ to be a disappointment.(3分)(A)turned up(B)turned out(C)turned down(D)showed up 参考答案:B 6.The doctor advised that Mr.Sun ____ an operation right away so as to save his life.(3分)(A)had(B)would have(C)have(D)was going to have 参考答案:C 7._______a teacher in a university, it is necessary to have at least a master’s degree.(3分)(A)To become(B)Become(C)One becomes(D)On becoming 参考答案:A 8.I won’t be able to attend the meeting tonight because _______(3分)(A)I must teach a class(B)I teach a class(C)I will be teaching a class(D)I will have been teaching a class 参考答案:C 9.Young children often can’t _______ between TV programs andcommercials.(3分)(A)separate(B)distinguish(C)compare(D)contrast 参考答案:B 10.She was the only child in the family, but they didn't ______ her.(3分)(A)hurt(B)damage(C)spoil(D)harm 参考答案:C 11.I don’t know why she avoids _______ her opinion on the subject.(3分)(A)to give(B)to be given(C)giving(D)being given 参考答案:C12.The morning paper ______a story about demonstrations in New York and Washington D.C.(3分)A)carried(B)extended(C)brought(D)took 参考答案:A13.Before you go to bed, ____ that your bedroom isn’t too cold or too hot.(3分)(A)look into(B)make sure(C)watch out(D)look out 参考答案:B 14.We will succeed______ learning English well if we don’t lose heart when we failed.(3分)(A)to(B)in(C)with(D)for 参考答案:B15.If I had remembered _________the window, the thief would not have got in.(3分)(A)to close(B)closing(C)to have closed(D)having closed 参考答案:C16.We are interested in the weather because it ______ us so directly — what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.(3分)(A)benefits(B)affects(C)guides(D)effects 参考答案:B17.Where can I _________ dollars for pounds?(3分)(A)get(B)have(C)change(D)exchange 参考答案:D18.I wish you ________ to me before you went and bought that car.(3分)(A)spoke(B)will speak(C)was going to speak(D)had spoken 参考答案:D 19.The police are________ the two missing children.(3分)(A)looking out(B)looking after(C)looking for(D)looking on 参考答案:C20.The old house are being pulled down to ____ a new office building.(3分)(A)make room for(B)make use of(C)make the placeof(D)supply with 参考答案:A 21.He talks as if he ________everything in the world.(4分)(A)knows(B)knew(C)had known(D)would have known 参考答案:B22.Great changes_______ in our institute in the last few years.(4分)(A)have taken place(B)has taken place(C)took place(D)had taken place 参考答案:A23.Would you like something _____?(4分)(A)drink(B)to drink(C)drinking(D)for drinking 参考答案:B24.I________ going to the doctor, but I wish I hadn’t.(4分)(A)pick out(B)make out(C)give off(D)put off 参考答案:D25.India has ____ population in the world.(4分)(A)many(B)much(C)a big(D)big 参考答案:C26.____ was pointed above, this substance can be used as a substitute.(4分)(A)It(B)That(C)What(D)As 参考答案:D27.Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers,_______ overall consumption is significantly higher than that of women.(4分)(A)that(B)what(C)which(D)whose 参考答案:D28.She will always _________ in mind what her parents told her when she left home.(4分)(A)place(B)keep(C)control(D)restrict 参考答案:B 29.So little ____ about stock exchange that the lecture was completely beyond me.(4分)(A)did I know(B)I had known(C)I knew(D)was I known 参考答案:A 30.I'd _______ you didn't touch that, if you don't mind.(4分)(A)rather(B)better(C)like(D)further 参考答案:A第二篇:中国地质大学远程与继续教育学院大学英语(专升本)阶段性作业3中国地质大学远程与继续教育学院大学英语(专升本)阶段性作业3选词填空This is my timetable.I study at No.3 Middle School of Dongfang.From Monday to Friday I get up ___(1)___ 6:30 a.m.I have___(2)___ at 7:00 and then I go to school.I don't like to be late.Our classes___(3)___ at 8:30 a.m.We have four classes in the morning.I often have lunch at school with my classmates.In the afternoon, we have two classes.Classes are over at 3:30, and I get home at 4:00.But sometimes I don't ___(4)___ school so early because I play basketball on the playground.I have supper at about 6:00.After supper I do my homework.I often watch TV, but sometimes I ___(5)___ to do some reading and the story books are very interesting.I usually go to bed at about 10:00 p.m.(20分)(A)leave(B)at(C)need(D)breakfast(E)start参考答案:(1)B(2)D(3)E(4)A(5)C Many people would agree that stress is a major problem in modern life.It is certainly true that worry and quarrel can cause all kinds of illnesses, ___(6)___ backache to severe headaches, or even more serious complaints such as high blood pressure.Many of us think ___(7)___ stress as something that other people impose on us.We often complain about how other people put us ___(8)___ pressure.But we should try not to let such pressure affect us.We should not forget that we are largely responsible for some of the stress ourselves.We sometimes take ___(9)___ more work than our bodies and our minds can handle.We should learn to ___(10)___ our limitations.We should be aware of which things are really important and which are not.(20分)(A)of(B)under(C)accept(D)from(E)on 参考答案:(1)D(2)A(3)B(4)E(5)CModern zoos are very different from zoos that were built fifty years ago.At that time, zoos were places ___(11)___ people couldgo to see animals from many parts of the world.The animals lived in cages that were made___(12)___ concrete with iron bars, cages that were easy to keep clean.Unfortunately for the animals, the cages were small and impossible to hide in.The zoo environment was anything but natural.___(13)___ the zoo keepers took good care of the animals and fed them well, many of the animals did not thrive;they behaved in strange ways, and they often became ill.In modern zoos, people can see animals in more natural habitats.The animals are given more ___(14)___ in large areas so that they can live more comfortably as they would in nature.Even the appearance of zoos has changed.Trees and grass grow in the cages, and streams of water flow___(15)___ the areas that animals live in.(20分)(A)of(B)Although(C)where(D)over(E)freedom 参考答案:(1)C(2)A(3)B(4)E(5)DIn the eighteenth century, cities became larger and larger.People moved from the countryside and small towns to the ___(16)___ because there was more work for them to do in the cities.On Sundays and holidays, they liked to leave the cities and have a good time in the countryside.But not every___(17)___ had a horse or a wagon(四轮马车).People needed a simpler means of transportation.Inventors in many countries tried to solve this problem.The first bicycle, which was very simple, ___(18)___ in 1790.People called “the horse on wheel”.Then in 1861, after many improvements being made, the bicycle became a practical ___(19)___ of transportation.People liked bikes because they weren't as expensive as horses and didn't need to be fed.They could go anywhere and were easy to ___(20)___.(20分)(A)appeared(B)cities(C)family(D)means(E)ride 参考答案:(1)B(2)C(3)A(4)D(5)EFire can help people in many ways.Fire can heat water,___(21)___ your house, give light and cook food.But fire can burn things too.Nobody knows ___(22)___ people began to use fire.One story from Australia tells about a man a very long time ago.He went up to the sun by a rope and brought fire down.T oday people know how to___(23)___ a fire with matches.Children sometimes like to play with them.But matches can be very dangerous.Fire kills people every year.So you must be careful about matches.You should also learn to ___(24)___ fires.Fires need oxygen.Without oxygen they die.There is oxygen in the air.Cover a fire with water, sand, or in an emergency, with your coat or a blanket.This keeps the air ___(25)___ a fire and kills it.Be careful with fire, and it will help you.Be careless with fire, and it might hurt you.(20分)(A)make(B)warm(C)how(D)put out(E)from 参考答案:(1)B(2)C(3)A(4)D(5)E第三篇:中国地质大学远程与继续教育学院材料力学(专升本)阶段性作业3中国地质大学远程与继续教育学院材料力学(2)(专升本)阶段性作业3 单选题1.一点应力状态如图所示,前后微截面无应力,图示的彼此正交的微截面上的正应力和剪应力一样大,均为分)(A)单向应力状态(B)二向应力状态(C)三向应力状态(D)纯剪切应力状态参考答案:A 。
中国地质大学(武汉)远程与继续教育学院入学考试复习题英语英语一单选题(共100题)1. They took ___ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.A.fruitfulB.beneficialC.validD.effective标准答案:D2. The company is going to hand ______ the free samples tomorrow.A.upB.outC.onD.down标准答案:B3. She said that she would rather not ________ it right now.A.discussingB.to discussC.discussionD.discuss标准答案:D4. ___their luggage, the tourists hurried to the airport.A.PackedB.After packedC.Having packedD.Packing标准答案:C5. In _______ film Cast Away. Tom Hanks plays ________ man named Chuck Noland.A.a; theB.the; aC.the; theD.a; a标准答案:B6. The glass wall ___ waves.A.mirrorsB.imitatesC.reflectsD.absorbs标准答案:C7. I won’t go to the party _________ you come too.A.untilB.althoughC.exceptD.unless标准答案:D8. Who can it be? I'm quite __________ a loss to guess.A.ofB.onC.inD.at标准答案:D9. Since he left the university,he___in an accounting company.A.has been workingB.had workedC.had been workingD.was working标准答案:A10. A completely new situation will ___ when the examination system comes into existence.A.riseB.raiseC.ariseD.arouse标准答案:C11. I can’t say which wine is beat—it’s a(n)_______ of personal taste.A.affairB.eventC.matterD.variety标准答案:C12. There was a _________ talk between the two teams last week.A.friendB.friendshipC.friendlyD.really标准答案:C13. By no means _______our mistakes.A.we ought ignoreB.we ought to ignoreC.ought we ignoreD.ought we to ignore标准答案:D14. _________ parents say and do has a life-long effect on theirchildren.A.ThatB.WhichC.WhatD.As标准答案:C15. The doctor was reading a test report when the patient ______ in by a nurse.A.was shownB.had shownC.showedD.shown标准答案:A16. A big dog ran in front of my mother's car and she ______ stop very quickly.A.ought toB.had betterC.mustD.had to标准答案:D17. Modern man is careless when disposing _________ his garbage.A.atB.aboutC.forD.of标准答案:D18. _____the advice of his friends, he would not have suffered such a heavy loss in his business.A.If he tookB.If he should takeC.Were he to takeD.Had he taken标准答案:D19. Looking through the window, I found him ________ in a sofa.A.to seatB.seatC.seatingD.seated标准答案:D20. I told your friend how to get to the hotel, but perhaps I _________ have driven her there.A.couldB.mustC.oughtD.should标准答案:D21. You should be careful when __________the street in big cities.A.to crossB.crossC.crossingD.crossed标准答案:C22. An invention is usually the end result of a long ___ of ideas, expressions, and improvements.A.selectionB.sequencebinationD.cooperation标准答案:B23. We felt very sad when we heard the news that the _____manager was killed in his office yesterday.A.respectfulB.respectableC.respectiveD.respecting标准答案:B24. They _______two free tickets toCanada, otherwise t hey’d never have been able to afford to go.A.had gotB.gotC.have gotD.get标准答案:B25. __________, he felt tired out after the long journey for eight hours.A.Strong as he isB.The stronger he isC.Strong man that he isD.For he is strong标准答案:A26. Though it began raining, the peasants ___ rice.A.went on to plantB.went on plantingC.kept to plantD.didn't stop to plant标准答案:B27. As we know, physics ______ the science of energy.A.wasB.wereC.isD.are标准答案:C28. Take the medicine now. I believe it will___your pain.A.leaseB.reliveC.rejectD.relieve标准答案:D29. ________ does he call? Once a month.A.How seldomB.How longC.How soonD.How often标准答案:D30. The ___ of airplane engines announced a coming air raid.A.screamB.whistleC.exclamationD.roar标准答案:D31. He asked me how long ______ going to stay in the hotel.A.time was IB.time I wasC.was ID.I was标准答案:D32. She told me that the examination ________ on Friday.A.is givenB.will be givenC.would be givenD.would have given标准答案:C33. I remember ______ for the job, but I forget the exact amount.A.being paidB.to get paidC.to be paidD.that I receive pay标准答案:A34. ___more careful, such spelling mistakes might have been avoided.A.You had beenB.You have beenC.Had you beenD.Have you been标准答案:C35. It’s only a little way to the New Station, so we might as _________ walk.A.toB.nowC.everD.well标准答案:D36. We all believe that it'd be hard for him to __________ extra responsibilities now.A.take a partB.take upC.take onD.take back标准答案:C37. It is not socially ________for parents to leave children unattended at that age.A.accessibleB.adorableC.adaptableD.acceptable标准答案:D38. Some people like to own a big car as a symbol of ___.A.statueB.stateC.statusD.stature标准答案:C39. ________ that she didn’t do a good job, I don’t think I am better than her.A.To have saidB.Having saidC.To sayD.Saying标准答案:B40. These excursions will give you an even deeper ___ into our language and culture.A.inquiryB.insightC.investigationD.input标准答案:B41. Make _______ that he is at home before you call on him.A.sureB.safeC.certainlyD.out标准答案:A42. We've __________paper and ink. Ask Mrs. Edward to lend us some.A.run away withB.run out ofC.run offD.run down标准答案:B43. Expected noises are usually more ______ than unexpected ones of the like magnitude.A.manageableB.controllableC.tolerableD.perceivable标准答案:D44. It was said that the new car ______ to the institute as a gift by a businessman.A.had givenB.would giveC.had been givenD.has been given标准答案:C45. Your mother told me that you overslept this morning, ________?A.didn't sheB.didn't youC.did sheD.did you标准答案:B46. He told us ______ he had done.A.that allB.all thatC.all whichD.what all标准答案:B47. Not only the children but also their mother _____ ill.A.wereB.wasC.haveD.has标准答案:B48. As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area _______.A.need repairingB.needs to repairC.needs repairingD.need to repair标准答案:A49. What the man said at the meeting made us all ______.A.surpriseB.to surpriseC.surprisedD.surprising标准答案:C50. If you ___ your demand, then maybe you will have morechance of getting what you want.A.conductB.dismissC.grantD.moderate标准答案:D51. By signing the lease, we made a ___ to pay a rent of $150 aweek.A.confinementB.conceptionmitmentmission标准答案:C52. The train ______ of the station right on time.A.pulledB.pulled downC.pulled onD.pulled out标准答案:D53. No one needs to feel awkward in ___ his own customs.A.followingB.pursuingC.chasingD.seeking标准答案:A54. Usually there is ___ traffic in the streets on weekdays than on Sundays.A.lessB.littleC.fewD.fewer标准答案:A55. The stockings are so worn out that they can’t be mended ___________.A.no longerB.no moreC.any longerD.any more标准答案:D56. He fell off his bike. ______ ,he had to stay at home for several days.A.In a wordB.In other wordsC.As a matter of factD.Once in a while标准答案:B57. I made this myself, but it was _______ who taught me.A.heB.himselfC.himD.by himself标准答案:A58. He regretted _______the decision too hastily.A.makeB.to makeC.makingD.have made标准答案:C59. The professor insisted that we _______ our homework before next month.A.handed inB.will hand inC.hand inD.must hand in标准答案:C60. It ______ me of the country which we visited last summer.A.rememberB.recallsC.remindsD.tells标准答案:C61. John was _______ he lay down for an hour before dinner.A.so tired asB.so tired thatC.too tired thatD.too tired so标准答案:B62. Your answer is different ________ the teacher’s.A.toB.atC.fromD.with标准答案:C63. It would be _______ a risk to leave the baby alone.A.runningB.passimgC.carryingD.obeying标准答案:A64. The fact _______ his health is bad is not true.A.whichB.thatC.asD.what标准答案:B65. He spoke so quickly that I did not ______ what he said.A.catchB.acceptC.listenD.take标准答案:A66. Today is Jenny’s wedding day. She _______ to Thomas.A.just has got marriedB.has just marriedC.was just marriedD.has just got married标准答案:D67. ______ a dog on the road, the car stopped.A.Having seenB.On seeingC.The driver seeingD.Seeing标准答案:C68. Doctor Johnson promised to help us and he said he would come ______.A.right awayB.all at onceC.all of a suddenD.all right标准答案:A69. Such electron tubes ________ in a radio set are also found in a TV set.A.that we useB.as we useC.as we use themD.that we use them标准答案:A70. One of the requirements for a fire is that the material ______ to its burning temperature.A.were heatedB.must be heatedC.is heatedD.be heated标准答案:D71. Please ______ me at the station on time.A.meetingB.to meetC.meetD.met标准答案:C72. _______ "hello"? he reached out his hand.A.SaidB.sayingC.to sayD.say标准答案:C73. People are more _______ to spend money on goods with an attractive look than those without.A.attractedB.temptedC.persuadedD.tended标准答案:B74. Please telephone me half an hour _______.A.in chargeB.in advanceC.in timeD.in front标准答案:B75. Both Mary and Ellen, as well as Jan, _______ studying Chinese History.A.areB.isC.are beingD.is being标准答案:A76. I’d like to _______ him to you for the job. He is a very clever and industrious boy.A.referB.suggestC.recommendD.propose标准答案:C77. He was asked to speak louder ______ all the other students in the classroom could hear him.A.asB.so as toC.so thatD.so as标准答案:C78. His report on the space exploration was really ________.A.excitingB.excitedC.excitimentD.excitedly标准答案:A79. It was ______ he saw the doctor coming out of the emergency room with an expression as grave as a judge _______ he realized the seriousness of his wife’s illness.A.not until…thatB.after…whenC.until…thenD.be fore…that标准答案:A80. Rarely _______ so difficult a problem.A.she could have faced withB.could have she faced withC.she could have been faced withD.could she have been faced with标准答案:D81. The job made her dependent _______ her husband.A.onB.fromC.ofD.to标准答案:C82. I suppose they have known about it, _______?A.am IB.am not IC.have theyD.haven’t they标准答案:D83. Anybody will do, _______ he is responsible for that.A.as far asB.so far asC.as long asD.as soon as标准答案:C84. We’ve all heard of T homas Edison, _______ who invented the electric light and many other things.A.manB.a manC.menD.the man标准答案:D85. _______ idea of _______ sounds much better than Clare’s.A.The, hersB.That. HerC.That, hersD.one, her标准答案:C86. He _______ smoking at last.A.give upB.give outC.give inD.give off标准答案:A87. I was so _______ in today’s physics lesson. I didn’t understand a thing.A.amazedB.neglectedC.confusedD.amused标准答案:C88. Jacksonwent to work ______ his illness.A.besidesB.even thoughC.in spite ofD.although标准答案:C89. Some people viewed the findings with caution, nothing that a cause-and-effect relationship between passive smoking and cancer remains ________.A.to be shownB.to have shownC.to have been shownD.being shown标准答案:A90. As far as the rank of position is concerned, an associate professor is _______ to a professor, though they are almost equally knowledgeable.A.attachedB.subsidiaryC.previousD.inferior标准答案:D91. While admitting that this forecast was ______ uncertain, the scientists warned against treating it as a cry wolf.A.anyhowB.somewhereC.somewhatD.anyway标准答案:C92. Icelandlies far north in the Atlantic, with its northern most tip actually ______ theArctic Circle.A.touchedB.touchesC.touchingD.being touched标准答案:C93. Whenever I have an appointment, I like to arrive _________.A.ahead of time a littleB.a little time aheadC.a little ahead of timeD.ahead of a little time标准答案:C94. Today the public is much concerned about the way ______.A.nature is being ruinedB.which nature is ruinedC.on which to ruin natureD.of nature to be ruined标准答案:D95. It is of the utmost importance that you _______ here on time.A.beB.shall beC.are to beD.must be标准答案:A96. All the houses in our ________ are the same age and size.A.streetB.wayC.roadD.route标准答案:A97. She keeps a supply of candles in the house in case of power __________.A.failureckC.absenceD.drop标准答案:A98. The articles ___the magazine publishes are written by a famous scholar.A.from whichB.whichC.andD.of标准答案:B99. We ___ 5 hours writing the plan for our work.A.costB.spentC.tookD.spare标准答案:B100. I must congratulate you ____ the excellent design of the new building.A.withB.ofC.atD.on标准答案:D。
姓名学号学习中心专业年级考试时间[2019年秋季]远程教育学习指南(专升本)阶段性作业3总分:100分得分:5分1. 中国地质大学(武汉)是一所特色鲜明,_____的全国重点大学。
(6分)(A) 以工为主,理工管文相结合(B) 以文为主,理工管文相结合(C) 以文为主,理工相结合(D) 以工为主,管文相结合2. 在远程教育中,教育教学制度上同传统教育不同,更加注重创新才能的培养,在保证受教育者具备基本学习能力的前提下,采取_____的方针。
(6分)(A) 严进宽出(B) 严进严出(C) 宽进严出(D) 宽进宽出3. 远程教育发源于_____,其早期形式是函授教育,是在机器工业时代,应经济社会发展对人才素质的要求而产生的一种新型教育方式。
(6分)(A) 19世纪的美国(B) 18世纪的英国(C) 18世纪的法国(D) 19世纪中叶的英国4. 所谓远程教育就是以“_____”异地.“教.学”分离为主要特征的教育。
(6分)(A) 听.说(B) 师.生(C) 读.写(D) 教.学5. 课件运行环境要求如下:硬件是任何一台能上网的计算机;软件是_____,IE6.0以上,MediaPlayer9.0以上,Flash 播放插件。
(6分)(A) windows97(B) windows98/NT/2000(C) Microsoft office (D) Windows word6. 远程教育的发展经历了三代,以下哪个不是 :_____。
(6分)(A) 函授教育(B) 广播电视教育(C) 成人教育(D) 网络教育7. 中国地质大学(武汉)是_____.首批进入国家“211工程”的全国重点大学。
(6分)(A) 资源部直属(B) 石油部直属(C) 教育部直属(D) 科技部直属8. 参加远程开放教育学习,下列哪一种观念需要转变_____。
(6分)(A) 在信息社会中,人们需要终身学习(B) 现代远程教育为求学者提供了平等的学习机会(C) 学习能力的提高关键在于教师的教学水平(D) 接受教育不光是学习知识,还要学会学习9. 已具有国民教育系列_____,可免考全部统考科目。
中国地质大学(武汉)远程与继续教育学院公差与技术测量 课程作业1(共 4 次作业) 学习层次:专 科 涉及章节:第一章——第三章一、简答题1. 什么叫互换性?它在机械制造中有何重要意义?列举互换性应用实例(至少三个)。
2. 按互换程度来分,互换性可分为哪两类?它们有何区别?各适用于什么场合?3. 什么叫优先数系和优先数?4. 下列三列数据属于哪种系列?公比为多少?⑴ 电动机转速有(单位为r/min ):375、750、1500、3000、……。
⑵ 摇臂钻床的主参数(最大钻孔直径,单位为mm )有:25、40、63、80、100、125、……。
5.什么叫公差、检测和标准化?它们与互换性有何关系?6.什么是基孔制配合与基轴制配合?为什么要规定基准制?为什么优先采用基孔制?在什么情况下采用基轴制?7.一个完整的测量过程包括哪几个要素?8.测量误差按其性质可分为哪几类?测量误差的主要来源有哪些?二、填空题1. 公差与配合国家标准中,规定有_____个公差等级;标准分别对孔、轴各规定了_____种基本偏差。
2.φ50H10的孔,已知IT10=0.100mm ,其ES=_____mm ,EI=_____mm ,3. 优先数的基本系列有____、___、___和___,它们的公比分别为____、___、___和___。
4.φ30 +0.021 0mm 的孔与φ30-0.007 -0.020mm 的轴配合,属于_____制_____配合。
5.已知基本尺寸为φ50mm 的轴,其最小极限尺寸为φ49.98mm ,公差为0.01mm ,则它的上偏差是_____mm ,下偏差是_____mm 。
6.孔和轴的公差带由 决定大小,由 决定位置。
地籍测量与管理1234567 高起专 中国地质大学 开卷题库及答案 第三学期
![地籍测量与管理1234567 高起专 中国地质大学 开卷题库及答案 第三学期](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e62e8497eff9aef8941e06af.png)
地籍测量与管理(高起专)阶段性作业1总分:100分得分:0分一、单选题1. 土地利用现状调查的基本单位是。
(4分)(A) 宗地(B) 地块(C) 图斑(D) 单位参考答案:C2. 房屋调查时,室内层高在以上的,应计算自然层数。
(4分)(A) 1.2m(B) 2.2m(C) 2.5m(D) 3.2m参考答案:B3. 有水源和灌溉设施,在一般年景能正常灌溉,但种植非水生作物的耕地,属于。
(4分)(A) 灌溉水田(B) 望天田(C) 水浇地(D) 旱地参考答案:C4. 地籍调查表上的附图是。
(4分)(A) 宗地图(B) 地籍图(C) 宗地草图(D) 街坊图参考答案:C5. 地籍的各个要素中, 最重要的要素是。
(4分)(A) 土地产权(B) 土地价格(C) 土地质量(D) 土地用途参考答案:A6. 宗地草图的内容不包括。
(4分)(A) 相邻宗地的使用者名称(B) 相邻宗地的宗地号(C) 本宗地所在的图幅号(D) 本宗地的界址点编号参考答案:C7. 确定土地产权的法律手段是。
(4分)(A) 权属调查(B) 土地登记(C) 地籍测量(D) 土地统计参考答案:B8. 根据《土地利用现状分类》(GB/T21010—2007),灌木林地是指灌木覆盖度不低于。
(4分)(A) 30%(B) 40%(C) 50%(D) 60%参考答案:B9. 关于地籍调查表填表要求的说法,错误的是。
(4分)(A) 全表内容划改不得超过三处(B) 同一项内容划改不得超过两次(C) 地籍调查表应以宗地为单位进行填写(D) 划改处应加盖划改人员印章参考答案:A10. 著名的鱼鳞图册出现于。
(4分)(A) 夏朝(B) 南宋代(C) 明朝(D) 清朝参考答案:C11. 根据《土地利用现状分类》(GB/T 21010—2007),宗教用地所属的一级类是。
(4分)(A) 公共管理与公共服务用地(B) 特殊用地(C) 公共设施用地(D) 医疗慈善用地参考答案:B12. 我国城镇地籍图的基本比例尺一般为。
远程教育学习指南(高起专)阶段性作业1单选题1. 中国地质大学(武汉)远程与继续教育学院对学生采用弹性学分制管理,高起专和专升本学制均为_____。
(10分)(A) 2.5-6年(B) 2.5-3年(C) 2.5-5年(D) 2-4年参考答案:C2. _____的学习者,最起码的信息化素养要求就是能够掌握计算机操作的基本技能,掌握基本的网络操作技能。
(10分)(A) 现代远程教育(B) 传统教育(C) 成人教育(D) 自考参考答案:A3. 课程学习完成,必须参加课程考核。
(10分)(A) 开卷或撰写论文(B) 闭卷.开卷(C) 闭卷和撰写论文(D) 在线考试.开卷和考查参考答案:D4. 学生的必修课程总成绩平均在_____ ,已经办理免修的课程不计入在内。
(10分)(A) 60 分以上(含60 分)(B) 65 分以上(含65 分)(C) 75 分以上(含75 分)(D) 70 分以上(含70 分)参考答案:C5. 以下属于媒体播放软件的是_____ 。
(10分)(A) Winzip(B) Mediaplay(C) Winrar(D) Netants参考答案:B6. 网络教育的特点之一是:学生的学习过程主要是在网络环境中进行的,比如在_____网上讨论.网上辅导等等。
(10分)(A) 网上做作业(B) 网上答疑(C) 网上自测(D) 以上全部参考答案:D7. 第一代远程教育是以_____为主要学习资源.以邮政传递收写作业和批改评价(函授辅导)为主要通信手段(主要技术特征)的函授教育。
(10分)(A) 电视媒体(B) 光盘(C) 网络媒体(D) 印刷教材参考答案:D8. 现代远程教育的特点决定了远程学习以学生_____为主。
(10分)(A) 上课(B) 学习(C) 自学(D) 上网参考答案:C9. 现代远程教育其主要技术特征是_____,即通过数字.多媒体等信息技术实现人机.人际的相互交流和交互作用,可以加强教师和学习都之间的双向交流,极大地促进学习者之间的个性化学习和协作学习。
中国地质大学(武汉)远程与继续教育学院地质学基础课程作业1(共4 次作业)学习层次:专升本涉及章节:第1章—第3章绪论一.问答题1. 地质学的研究对象和研究内容包括哪些方面?2. 地质学的研究意义何在?3. “将今论古”有其合理性,“以古论今”是否同样可行?第1章一. 名词解释1. 岩石圈2. 地温梯度3. 重力异常4. 莫霍面二. 选择与填空题1.地幔和地核的分界面—古登堡面位于地下的约()。
A.250km处 B.1000km处 C.2900km处 D.5125km处2.地热增温率适用于()。
A.常温层以下的地壳浅部 B.常温层以上的地壳上部C.地表以下的地壳浅部 C.自地表到地心的整个地球3.岩石圈是指()。
A.地壳表层人类能直接观测的部分 B.下地壳C.莫霍面以上的全部地壳 D.软流圈以上的上地幔和地壳的总和4. 地震波横波在地球内部不能被传播(或被吸收)的圈层是_________。
5. 地球的外部圈层有、和。
6. 地球外核物质的物理状态是态;内核物质的物理状态是态。
7. 表示地磁场强度的三个要素是、和。
三. 问答题1. 说明地震波在地球内部传播的状况及据此划分的地球内部圈层。
2. 简述地球内部圈层的划分及其主要依据。
第2章一. 名词解释1. 地质作用2. 克拉克值(地壳元素丰度)二. 选择及填空题1. 根据板块构造学说的观点,大洋中脊是岩石圈板块的()。
A.扩张边界 B.俯冲(汇聚)带 C.转换断层 D.消减带2. 地壳厚度最小的地区是()。
A.大洋盆地 B.海沟 C.大洋中脊 D.岛弧3. 板块构造学说把板块边界分成、和三类。
4. 地壳的下限是;地壳厚度最大的地区是;地壳厚度最小的地区是。
5. 地壳中克拉克值前三位的元素依次是、和。
6. 按照现代板块划分方案,一般将全球岩石圈划分为非洲板块、印度板块、太平洋板块、、、和南极洲等七个岩石圈一级板块。
三. 问答题1.对比大陆地壳和大洋地壳在分布、厚度和成分(结构)方面的差异。
地质学基础 高起专 中国地质大学开卷参考资料题库及答案
![地质学基础 高起专 中国地质大学开卷参考资料题库及答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8fe9c989aa00b52acfc7ca70.png)
1. 幔核界面-古登堡面位于地下约_____深度。
(A) 670km处
(B) 1000km处
(C) 2900km处
(D) 5157km处
2. 下列不属于地球的外部圈层的是_____。
(A) 大气圈
(B) 水圈
(C) 岩石圈
(D) 生物圈
3. 矿物的_____是矿物表面对可见光的反射能力。
(A) 颜色
(B) 条痕
(C) 透明度
(D) 光泽
4. 下列岩石中,属于沉积岩的是_____。
(A) 花岗岩
(B) 安山岩
(C) 石灰岩
(D) 大理岩
5. 在大陆表层由风化残积物组成的一个不连续的薄壳,称为_____。
(A) 残积物
(B) 坡积物
(C) 土壤
(D) 风化壳
6. 下列风化作用类型中,属于物理风化作用的是_____。
(A) 溶解作用
(B) 氧化作用。
19.设 ,则 =( )
A. B. C.
20.设 有二阶连续导数,且 , ,则( ).
A. 是 的极大值 B. 是 的极小值
C. 是曲线 的拐点 D. 不是 的极值, 也不是曲线 的拐点
73.若函数 在点 处可导且 ,则曲线 在点 处的法线的斜率等于( )
A. B.
C. D.
74.已知 是可导的偶函数,且 ,则曲线 在(-1,2)处的切线方程是( ).
A. B.
C. D.
75.数列有界是数列收敛的( ).
A.必要条件 B.充分条件
C.充要条件 D.无关条件
40.如果在区间 上, ,则()
A. 是 在区间 上的一个原函数 B. ,
C. 是 在区间 上的一个原函数 D.以上均不对
41. ( )
A.∞ B.1 C. D.0
42.设 , ,则
2 B. C.0 D.
43.设任意项级数 条件收敛,将其中的正项保留负项改为0所组成的级数记为 ,将其中的负项保留正项改为0所组成的级数记为 ,则 与
93.对于不定积分 ,在下列等式中正确的是( ).
A. B. C. D.
94.曲线 上点(1,1)处的法线斜率为( )
3 1
A. B. C. D.
96.设 ,则 ( ).
A.0 B. C. D.
专科《数学》一.单选题1.已知函数()f x 的定义域为()1,0-,则函数()21f x -的定义域为( )A.()1,1-B.11,2⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭C.()-1,0D.1,12⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭[答案]:B2.ABC ∆中,090=∠C ,M 是BC 的中点,若31sin =∠BAM ,则=∠BAC sin ( ).A.3B.36- C.32D.32-[答案]:A3.设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为11,2,0,3n m m m S S S S -+=-==,则m = ( )A.3B.4C.5D.6[答案]:C4.使得()3nx n N n+⎛∈ ⎝的展开式中含有常数项的最小的为( )A.4B .5C .6D .7[答案]:B5.设复数满足(1)2i z i -=,则( )A.1i -+B.1i --C.1i +D.1i -.[答案]:A6.函数的定义域为( )A.(0,1)B.[0,1)C.(0,1]D.[0,1][答案]:D7. 已知210cos 2sin ,=+∈αααR ,则=α2tan ( )A.34B.43C.43- D.34-[答案]:C8. 直线2310x y -+=的一个方向向量是( )A.(2 3)-,B .(2 3),C .(3 2)-,D .(3 2),[答案]:D9. 已知5(1)(1)ax x ++的展开式中2x 的系数为5,则a =( )A .-4B .-3C .-2D .-1[答案]:D10. 已知集合{}1,A a =,{}1,2,3B =,则“3a =”是“A B ⊆”的( )A .充分而不必要条件B .必要而不充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件[答案]:A11. △ABC 中,cos A =135,sin B =53,则cos C 的值为( ) A.6556B.-6556C.-6516D. 6516[答案]:D12.若函数)(x g 的图象与函数)2()2()(2≤-=x x x f 的图象关于直线0=-y x 对称,则=)(x g ()A. )0(2≥-x xB. )0(2≥+x xC. )2(2≤-x xD.)2(2-≥+x x[答案]:A13.若n x x )2(-二项展开式的第5项是常数项,则自然数n 的值为( )A .6B .10C .12D .15[答案]:C14.已知等差数列{a n }的前n 项和为n s ,若4518a a =-,则8s 等于( )A .72B .54C .36D .18[答案]:A15.给定两个向量)2,1(=a ,)1,(x b =,若)2(b a +与)22(b a 平行,则x 的值等于( )A .1B .2C .31 D .21[答案]:D16.不等式02)1(≥+-x x 的解集为( )A .),1[∞+B .}2{),1[-∞+C .)1,2[-D .),2[∞+-[答案]:B17.已知函数y = 2sin(ωx )在[3π-,4π]上单调递增,则实数ω的取值范围是( ) A .(0,23]B .(0,2]C .(0,1]D .]43,0( [答案]:A18.设集合M ={}0≤-m x x ,}12|{R ,x y y N x ∈-==,若M ∩N =φ,则实数m 的取值范围是( )A .1-≥mB .1->mC .1-≤mD .1-<m [答案]:C19.函数1232)(3+-=x x x f 在区间[0,1]上是( )B A.单调递增的函数.B.单调递减的函数.C.先减后增的函数 .D.先增后减的函数.[答案]:B20.有80个数,其中一半是奇数,一半是偶数,从中任取两数,则所取的两数和为偶数的概率为 ( ) A.7939. B.801. C.21. D.8141. [答案]:A21.设A ∈0,则满足}1,0{=B A 的集合A ,B 的组数是( )A .1组B .2组C .4组D .6组[答案]:D22.若|log |)(,10x x f a a =<<且函数,则下列各式中成立的是( )A .)41()31()2(f f f >> B .)31()2()41(f f f >> C .)2()31()41(f f f >>D .)41()2()31(f f f >>[答案]:C23.在ABC ∆中,如果1019cos ,23sin ==B A ,则角A 等于( ) A .3π B .32π C .3π或32πD .656ππ或 [答案]:A24.已知数列)(lim ,131}{242n n n n n a a a a S a +++-=∞→ 那么满足的值为( ) A.21 B.32 C.1D.-2[答案]:C25.直线0601210122=+--++=y x y x mx y 与圆有交点,但直线不过圆心,则∈m ( ) A.)34,1()1,43( B.]34,1()1,43[ C.]34,43[ D.)34,43([答案]:B26.若集合a B A a a a B a a A 则且},1{},43|,2|,12{},1,1,{22-=+--=-+= 的值是( )A .-1B .0或1C .2D .0[答案]:D27.若|log |)(,10x x f a a =<<且函数,则下列各式中成立的是( ) A.)41()31()2(f f f >> B.)31()2()41(f f f >> C.)2()31()41(f f f >> D.)41()2()31(f f f >>[答案]:C28.在ABC ∆中,如果1019cos ,23sin ==B A ,则角A 等于( ) A.3πB.32πC.3π或32πD.656ππ或[答案]:A29.在等差数列}{n a 中,若1391197533,100a a a a a a a -=++++则的值为( )A.20B.30C.40D.50[答案]:C30.直线0601210122=+--++=y x y x mx y 与圆有交点,但直线不过圆心,则∈m () A.)34,1()1,43( B.]34,1()1,43[ C.]34,43[D.)34,43([答案]:B31.不等式组⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥≤+≤+-.1,2553,034x y x y x 所表示的平面区域图形是( )A.第一象限内的三角形B.四边形C.第三象限内的三角形D.以上都不对[答案]:A32.若]0,2[π-∈x ,则函数x x x x f cos 3)6cos()6cos()(+--+=ππ的最小值是( )A.1B.-1C.3-D.-2[答案]:A33.一个正四面体外切于球O 1,同时又内接于球O 2,则球O 1与球O 2的体积之比为( ) A.33:1B.36:1C.8:1D.27:1[答案]:D34.若把英语单词“hello ”的字母顺序写错了,则可能出现的错误的种数是( )A.119B.59C.120D.60[答案]:B35.E ,F 是随圆12422=+y x 的左、右焦点,l 是椭圆的一条准线,点P 在l 上,则∠EPF 的最大值是( )A.15°B.30°C.60°D.45°[答案]:B36.关于甲、乙、丙三人参加高考的结果有下列三个正确的判断:①若甲未被录取,则乙、丙都被录取;②乙与丙中必有一个未被录取;③或者甲未被录取,或者乙被录取,则三 人中被录取的是( )A.甲B.丙C.甲与丙D.甲与乙[答案]:D37.点P 在直径为6的球面上,过P 作两两垂直的3条弦,若其中一条弦长是另一条弦长的2倍,则这3条弦长之和的最大值是( )A.1B.6C.534 D.5212 [答案]:D38.若直线1+=kx y 与圆0422=-+++my kx y x 交于M 、N 两点,并且M 、N 关于直线0=+y x 对称,则不等式组⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥≤-≥+-0001y my kx y kx 表示的平面区域的面积是( ) A.41 B.21C.1D.2[答案]:A39.椭圆的焦点为F 1、F 2,过点F 1作直线与椭圆相交,被椭圆截得的最短的线段MN 长为532,N MF 2∆的周长为20,则椭圆的离心率为( )A.522 B.53C.54D.517[答案]:B40.已知二次函数f (x ) = x 2 + x + a (a >0),若f (m ) < 0,则f (m + 1)的值是() A.正数B.负数C.零D.符号与a 有关[答案]:A41.cos75cos165︒⋅︒=( ) A.14 B.14-C.4D.23-[答案]:B42.函数sin cos y x x =+的最小正周期是( ) A.4πB.2πC.πD.2π[答案]:D43.首项系数为1的二次函数()y f x =在1x =处的切线与x 轴平行,则() C A.()()20f f > \B.()()20f f <C.()()22f f >-D.()()22f f <-[答案]:C44.已知定义在[]1,1-上的函数()y f x =的值域为[]0,2-,则函数(cos )f x 的值域为( )A.[]1,1-B.[]1,3--C.[]0,2-D.无法确定[答案]:C45.P 是双曲线22221(0,0)x y a b a b-=>>右支上一点,12,F F 分别是其左、右焦点,且焦距为2c ,则12PF F ∆的内切圆圆心的横坐标为( )A.aB.bC.cD.a b c +-[答案]:A46.E ,F 是随圆12422=+y x 的左、右焦点,l 是椭圆的一条准线,点P 在l 上,则∠EPF 的最大值是( )A.15°B.30°C.60°D.45°[答案]:B47.关于甲、乙、丙三人参加高考的结果有下列三个正确的判断:①若甲未被录取,则乙、丙都被录取;②乙与丙中必有一个未被录取;③或者甲未被录取,或者乙被录取,则三 人中被录取的是( )A.甲B.丙C.甲与丙D.甲与乙[答案]:D48.若]0,2[π-∈x ,则函数x x x x f cos 3)6cos()6cos()(+--+=ππ的最小值是( ) A.1B.-1C.3-D.-2[答案]:A49.一个正四面体外切于球O 1,同时又内接于球O 2,则球O 1与球O 2的体积之比为() A .33:1 B.36:1C.8:1D.27:1[答案]:D50.若把英语单词“hello ”的字母顺序写错了,则可能出现的错误的种数是( )A.119B.59C.120D.60[答案]:B51.满足{,}A B a b =的集合A B 、的组数有( )A.4组B.6组C.7组D.9组[答案]:D52.已知函数2()1log f x x =+,则其反函数为( )A.11()2()x f x x R -+=∈B.11()2()x f x x R --=∈C.1()21()x f x x R -=+∈D.1()21()x f x x R -=-∈[答案]:B53.函数cos 2y x =的图象的一个对称中心为( ) A.(,0)2π B.(,0)4πC.(,0)2π-D.(0,0)[答案]:B54.若关于x 的不等式2x x a -+-≥a 在R 上恒成立,则a 的最大值为( )A.0B.1C.1-D.2[答案]:B55.给定性质:①最小正周期为π②图象关于直线3x π=对称,则下列函数中同时具有性质①、②的是( ) A.sin()26xy π=+ B.sin(2)6y x π=+ C.sin y x = D.sin(2)6y x π=-[答案]:D56.已知△ABC 中,AB a =,AC b =,0a b ⋅<,154ABC S ∆=,3,5a b ==,则BAC ∠=( )A.30B.150-C.0150D.30或0150[答案]:C57.等差数列{}n a 中,20042004,m a a m ==且2004m ≠,则(2004)m n a n +>项是( )A.一个正数B.一个负数C.零D.符号不能确定.[答案]:B58.偶函数()f x 在[1,0]-单调递减,若A B 、是锐角三角形的两个内角,则( )A.(sin )(cos )f A f B >B.(sin )(sin )f A f B >C.(cos )(sin )f A f B >D.(cos )(cos )f A f B >[答案]:A59.设[]x 表示不超过x 的最大整数(例[5.5]=5,[-5.5]=-6),则不等式2[]5[]6x x -+≤0的解集为( )A.(2,3)B.[2,4)C.[2,3]D.[2,4][答案]:B60.(理)0x →=( ) A.1B.12C.0D.1- [答案]:A61.正四面体ABCD 中,E F 、分别为棱AB 和CD 上的点,且AE CF EB FD λ==,设()f λλλαβ=+(其中λα表示EF 与AC 成的角,λβ表示EF 与BD 成的角),则( )A.()f λ在[0,)+∞单调递增B.()f λ在[0,)+∞单调递减C.()f λ在[0,1)单调递增,在[1,)+∞单调递减D.()f λ在[0,)+∞为常函数[答案]:D62.数列{}n a 的前n 项和n S 与通项n a 满足关系式222()n n S na n n n N +=+-∈,则10010a a -=( )A.90-B.180-C.360-D.400-[答案]:C63.已知函数y=f(x)是一个以4为最小正周期的奇函数,则f(2)= ( )A.0B.-4C.4D.不能确定[答案]:A64.函数y=3sinx+4cosx+5的最小正周期是( ) A.5π B.2π C.πD.2π[答案]:D65.已知定义域在[-1,1]上的函数y=f(x)的值域为[-2,0],则函数y=f(cos x )的值域为( )A.[-1,1]B.[―3,―1]C.[-2,0]D.不能确定[答案]:C66.关于x 的不等式ax -b>0的解集为(1,+∞),则关于x 的不等式2-+x b ax >0的解集为( ) A.(-1,2)B.(-∞,-1)∪(2,+∞)C.(1,2)D.(―∞,―2)∪(1,+∞)[答案]:B67.若O 为⊿ABC 的内心,且满足(OB -OC )•(OB +OC -2OA )=0 ,则⊿ABC 为( )A.等腰三角形B.正三角形C.直角三角形D.以上都不对[答案]:A68.设有如下三个命题甲:m ∩l =A, m 、l ⊂α, m 、l ⊄β;乙:直线m 、l 中至少有一条与平面β相交;丙:平面α与平面β相交。
中国地质大学(武汉)大学英语1(高起专)阶段性作业1单选题1. ________ that knife before you hurt somebody!(5分)(A) Put down(B) Put off(C) Put on(D) Put out参考答案:A2. The girl _________ on the ground _________ to me just now.(5分)(A) lying, lay(B) lying, lied(C) lie, lied(D) lay, lied参考答案:B3. By the end of last year, they _________ English for more than 3 years. (5分)(A) have learnt(B) learnt(C) had learnt(D) had been learning参考答案:C4. The years _________ the appearance of my grandmother.(5分)(A) obscured(B) forgot(C) remembered(D) passed参考答案:A5. Six months had _________, and we still had no news of them.(5分)(A) past(B) passed(C) last(D) lasted参考答案:B6. The young man came into the classroom _______ flowers in his hand. (5分)(A) of(B) with(C) in(D) to参考答案:B7. The old man used to _________ early in the morning(5分)(A) wake up(B) waking up(C) woke up(D) waken up参考答案:A8. He finished writing the novel _________ of last month (5分)(A) at the end(B) in the end(C) by the end(D) on the end参考答案:A9. He is not a child _____________(5分)(A) no more(B) no longer(C) any much(D) any more参考答案:D10. He _________ poor all his life as he was not healthy enough.(5分)(A) was remaining(B) was remained(C) remained(D) has remained参考答案:C选词填空11. 1. His eyes to the telephone.2. When will scientist cancer?3. Your encouragement made me more of my future.4. My father me with the importance of hard work.5. The teacher her students to speak more English in and out of class.6. I will the days we were together for ever.7. She was of her children's (bad) behavior.8. When I walk down again the routes on campus, I couldn’t help thin king of my old school life.9. If you can't sign your name, make a cross.10. Her boyfriend is her by six years.(50分)(A) confident(B) confident(C) familiar(D) cherish(E) encourages(F) conquer(G) shifted(H) impresses(I) senior(J) instead参考答案:(1)G(2)F(3)A(4)H(5)E(6)D(7)B(8)C(9)J(10)I大学英语1(高起专)阶段性作业2单选题1. This dress is too long. I want one of ______ length(3分)(A) medium(B) modest(C) average(D) middle参考答案:C2. Would you come and have dinner with us?_______(3分)(A) No, I think I don’t.(B) No, never mind.(C) Yes, please.(D) Yes, I think I will.参考答案:D3. Newton was one of the greatest scientists ______ ever lived.(3分)(A) whom(B) which(C) what(D) that参考答案:D4. By the time he reached to the dentist, his toothache______.(3分)(A) stopped(B) had stopped(C) has stopped(D) as been stopped参考答案:B5. Sorry to have kept you waiting.________(3分)(A) That’s Ok(B) What are you doing?(C) What’s wrong with you?(D) Where have you been?参考答案:A6. Modern education is ______ because of its failure to meet the practical needs of the society.(3分)(A) on attack(B) in attack(C) for attack(D) under attack参考答案:D7. Can you help me?_______(3分)(A) No, I don’t know.(B) Sure, what is it?(C) Don’t mention it.(D) We don’t have books here.参考答案:B8. He recited ______ much of the poem as he could remember.(3分)(A) with(B) as(C) so(D) such参考答案:B9. The company made efforts ______ their products.(3分)(A) promoting(B) to promote(C) promoted(D) to promoting参考答案:B10. This dress is too long. I want one of ______ length(3分)(A) medium(B) modest(C) average(D) middle参考答案:C11. Not until last night ______ the news.(3分)(A) do I get(B) can I get(C) I got(D) did I get参考答案:D12. The rescue team rushed the injured ______ the hospital.(3分)(A) to(B) in(C) from(D) of参考答案:A13. It’s been a wonderful evening. Thank you very much._______(3分)(A) My pleasure(B) It doesn’t matter.(C) No thanks(D) It’s OK参考答案:A14. I prefer the red dress. _______(3分)(A) You have a very good taste.(B) I respect your work.(C) You have a very successful business.(D) your wife is very charming.参考答案:A15. You haven’t paid for it yet._______(3分)(A) Oh, I’m really very sorry.(B) Thank you.(C) Not at all(D) Of course, I know.参考答案:A16. The president tried every means to protect his ______ in the political world.(3分)(A) image(B) imagine(C) imagination(D) Imaginable参考答案:A17. It’s ______ difficult for young people to imagine how their grandparen ts managed to live without internet decades ago.(3分)(A) desperately(B) absolutely(C) unfortunately(D) terribly参考答案:B18. Hello, Peter, what do you do?_______(3分)(A) I am fine.(B) I am not sick.(C) I am a student from Bonne University.(D) I come from Bonne University.参考答案:C19. I have bought two pens, ______ writes well(3分)(A) neither of them(B) neither of which(C) none of which(D) both of which20. Don’t leave her______ outside in the rain.(3分)(A) waiting(B) wait(C) to wait(D) waited参考答案:A21. Hi, is Thomas there? _______(4分)(A) Who are you?(B) Sorry, I’ll call him.(C) Hold on, I’ll get him.(D) Yes, it’s me.参考答案:C22. I am terribly sorry I broke the vase._______(4分)(A) I don’t want it.(B) Don’t worry.(C) You meant to do it.(D) You buy one for me.参考答案:B23. More than one car ______ destroyed in the accident.(4分)(A) is(B) was(C) are(D) were参考答案:B24. What’s the weather like today? _______(4分)(A) What’s the weather like today?(B) It’s Saturday and cold.(C) It’s 5th July.(D) It’s very serious.参考答案:A25. Have you any oranges and apples?_______(4分)(A) Yes, madam, on the second shelf over there(B) The oranges are very cheap.(C) You like apples, don’t you?(D) Of course, we have some fruits.26. I did laundry ______ you were having the dinner.(4分)(A) because(B) if(C) while(D) and参考答案:C27. That’s a challenging job. Who wants it? _______(4分)(A) I’ll take it.(B) It’s a good idea(C) You bet.(D) No sweat参考答案:A28. Can I borrow your English dictionary?_______(4分)(A) Thank you very much(B) No. I’m not available.(C) I’m sorry. It’s not at hand now(D) It’s very kind of you.参考答案:C29. How much is this blue tablecloth?_______(4分)(A) The green one is better(B) Ten dollars and 30 cents.(C) It’s cheap(D) Yes, it’s beautiful.参考答案:B30. Parents of young children have to learn something about ______ in ca se their children get hurt.(4分)(A) first help(B) first save(C) first treat(D) first aid参考答案:D大学英语1(高起专)阶段性作业3完型填空1. Can you imagine how you would feel if you feel serious ill and could n ot communicate your need for a doctor? Millions of people throughout the world are in this unfortunate. They live in distant places there ar e no railways, proper roads or telephones; far from means of communicati on that we take for grated. Many thousands of are lost every year, which could have been saved if medical attention had been provided in ti me. Even today help could be brought quickly and easily many of the se people full advantage was taken of the airplane. ountry has p roved this more than Australia. The Australians greater use of the airp lane than any people in the world. The total number of miles flown b y the average person living in Australia is higher than any other country i n the world. It has been said that Australians jumps into planes peop le in other countries jump into their automobiles or trains or buses. It is n ot surprising, , that Australia should have been the first country to ini tiate a Flying Doctor Service.(50分)1.(A) society(B) world(C) position(D) way2.(A) which(B) because(C) although(D) where3.(A) people(B) children(C) lives(D) families4.(A) from(B) to(C) in(D) with5.(A) if only(B) but(C) and(D) useless6.(A) No(B) Any(C) Not(D) One7.(A) made(B) did(C) make(D) were making8.(A) of(B) else(C) Japanese(D) other9.(A) when(B) while(C) as(D) but10.(A) in a way(B) therefore(C) perhaps(D) accordingly参考答案:(1)C(2)D(3)C(4)B(5)A(6)A(7)C(8)D(9)C(10)B2. In Britain, winter is the season not only for visits to the theatre, opera, concerts and ballet, but also for shopping or sightseeing. London, one of the cities in the world, has plenty to offer during the winter month, in the way of entertainment and the shops act like a magnet with array of presents for the Christmas , followed by large scale b argains in the January sales. But it is not only London that value sho pping—most of our suburban and provincial centers have just as much to offer to the shopper. Even if you’re based London, you don’t ha ve to spend all your time there. Take a train or coach and what else Britain has to offer; there are many excursions, even in the winter, and among the great country houses keep their stately front doors open th roughout the year are Longleaf and Woburn Abbey. Rent a car drive into the beauty of the winter landscape—the scenery will be ever b eautiful—and the people will have more time to chat to you at this time of the year.(50分)1.(A) coldest(B) hottest(C) busiest(D) noisiest2.(A) normally(B) especially(C) occasionally(D) generally3.(A) its(B) which(C) that(D) their4.(A) shoppers(B) visitors(C) callers(D) spenders5.(A) opens(B) presents(C) grants(D) offers6.(A) lonely(B) eager(C) lazy(D) nervous7.(A) in(B) at(C) on(D) outside8.(A) see(B) watch(C) look(D) view9.(A) where(B) which(C) what(D) who10.(A) out(B) back(C) on(D) across参考答案:(1)C(2)B(3)D(4)A(5)D(6)B(7)A(8)A(9)B(10)A大学英语1(高起专)阶段性作业4阅读理解1. A young man who lived in London was in love with a beautiful girl. Soo n she became his fiancée (未婚妻). The man was very poor while the girl was rich. The young man wanted to make her a present on her birthday. He wanted to buy something beautiful for her, but he had no idea how to do it, as he had very little money. The next morning he went to a shop. T here were many fine things there: gold watches, diamond… but all these t hings were too expensive. There was one thing he could not take his eyes off. It was a beautiful vase. That was a suitable present for his fiancée. He had been looking at the vase for half an hour when the manager of th e shop noticed him. The young man looked so pale, sad and unhappy that the manager asked what had happened to him.The young man told him everything. The manager felt sorry for him and d ecided to help him. A bright idea struck him. The manager pointed to the corner of the shop. To his great surprise the young man saw a vase broke n into many pieces. The manager said: "When the servant enters the roo m, he will drop it."On the birthday of his fiancée the young man was very excited. Everything happened as had been planned. The servant brought in the vas e, and as he entered the room, he dropped it. There was horror on every body's face. When the box was opened, the guests saw that each piece w as packed separately.(30分)1.1). The story took place in the United States.(6分)(A) T(B) F参考答案:B1.2). The young man's family was poor while the beautiful girl is rich, acc ording to the passage.(6分)(A) T(B) F参考答案:A1.3). The young man wanted to buy a present as a Christmas gift for the girl.(6分)(A) T(B) F参考答案:B1.4). The shop manager came to talk to the young man, because he was poorly dressed.(6分)(A) T(B) F参考答案:B1.5). On the birthday of his fiancée, the young man was excited because t he girl was in love with him.(6分)(A) T(B) F参考答案:B2. Great changes have been made in family life because of science and in dustry.In the past, when more Americans lived on farms, the typical family had many children. In a farm family, parents and their children often lived wit h grandparents. Often, too, uncles and aunts lived nearby. But when indus try became more important than agriculture in American life, families beca me smaller because industry requires workers who are ready and able to move off the land and to move again whenever necessary. And large families can not be moved from place to place as smaller families can. So, at p resent people tend to have smaller families.In the future, because of industrialization, a typical family will be required to move even more often than now, so families will be even smaller. The typical family may remain childless and consists only of a man and a wom an. A small number of families may take child raising as their chief work. At the same time they may also raise other people's children, leaving those families free to move from job to job. (30分)2.1). The passage discusses influence of science and industry on American families.(6分)(A) T(B) F参考答案:A2.2). Families of the past, the present and the future are described in the passage.(6分)(A) T(B) F参考答案:A2.3). People no longer want to have children.(6分)(A) T(B) F参考答案:B2.4). Grandparents will take the chief responsibility of raising children in the future. (6分)(A) T(B) F参考答案:B2.5). Large families cannot fit in with a highly industrialized society. (6分)(A) T(B) F参考答案:A3. Peter arrived home and discovered that he had forgotten his door key. He rang the bell, but nobody came to open the door. He rang again, and waited, but still there was no answer. He walked around the house to see if he could find an open window. But they were all closed. It was he did not know where she had gone, or when she would return. He waited for h alf an hour. Still nobody came. Finally feeling wet and could be angry, hepicked up a big stone and threw it through the kitchen window and was cl imbing through it. When he heard the front door open, his wife came back. (40分)3.1). What happened to Peter one day?_______(8分)(A) He didn’t take his door key with him.(B) He lost his key.(C) He took the wrong key with his key.(D) He could not open the door with his key.参考答案:A3.2). What was the weather like?_______(8分)(A) It was sunny.(B) It was clear.(C) It was raining.(D) It was windy.参考答案:C3.3). What did he do at last to get into his house?_______(8分)(A) He threw a big stone through a window.(B) He returned to his office for the door key.(C) He had to wait for his wife.(D) He phoned his wife.参考答案:A3.4). When did his wife come back?_______(8分)(A) His wife came back when he was standing in the rain.(B) His wife came back after he had broken the kitchen window.(C) His wife came back when he was walking around the house.(D) His wife came back when he was going to his office.参考答案:B3.5). Peter walked around the house to see if he could find that _______. (8分)(A) a window was open(B) his wife came out(C) someone came to open the door(D) somebody could help him参考答案:A。
工程地质学总分: 100分考试时间:分钟多选题1. 工程地质条件是指客观存在的地质环境中与工程建筑有关的地质要素之综合,它包括_1_和物理地质现象(动力地质作用)、天然建筑材料。
(6分)(A) 地形地貌(B) 岩土类型及其工程地质性质(C) 地质结构(D) 水文地质条件参考答案:A,B,C,D2. 工程地质问题指的是_2_之间所存在的矛盾或问题。
(6分)(A) 工程地质条件(B) 建筑物(C) 工程地质问题(D) 地质体参考答案:A,B3. 工程地质学的研究内容包括:_3_(6分)(A) 岩土工程性质的研究(B) 工程动力地质作用的研究(C) 工程地质勘察理论和技术方法的研究(D) 区域工程地质的研究参考答案:A,B,C,D4. _4_对工程地质条件形成起关键作用,内、外动力地质作用是工程地质条件形成的主导因素。
(6分)(A) 大地构造环境(B) 自然地理环境(C) 人文环境(D) 工程活动参考答案:A,B5. 区域稳定性研究基本内容包括了地壳及其表层的_5 _各个方面与各种表现形式。
(6分)(A) 结构(B) 组成(C) 动力条件(D) 动力作用参考答案:A,B,C,D 6. 工程地质学的研究方法是与它的研究内容相适应的,主要有_6_。
(5分)(A) 自然历史分析法(B) 数学力学分析法(C) 模型模拟试验法(D) 工程地质类比法参考答案:A,B,C,D7. 区域稳定性级别划分是在区域稳定性各因素或条件工程地质研究评价基础上进行的,首先是考虑地震作用,其次是考虑山体及地表稳定性和地震对岩土体稳定性的影响,按稳定性程度通常可划分为_7_不同级别。
(5分)(A) 不稳定(B) 次不稳定(C) 基本稳定(D) 稳定参考答案:A,B,C,D8. 结构面是在建造和改造过程中形成的,其空间分布与特性与其成因类型密切相关,故可按成因进行结构面分类。
(5分)(A) 沉积结构面;(B) 火成结构面;(C) 变质结构面;(D) 构造结构面参考答案:A,B,C,D9. 活断层在时空域内运动的参数有_9_。
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中国地质(武汉)大学远程教育学习指南(高起专)阶段性作业1单选题1. 中国地质大学(武汉)远程与继续教育学院对学生采用弹性学分制管理,高起专和专升本学制均为_____。
(10分)(A) 2.5-6年(B) 2.5-3年(C) 2.5-5年(D) 2-4年参考答案:C2. _____的学习者,最起码的信息化素养要求就是能够掌握计算机操作的基本技能,掌握基本的网络操作技能。
(10分)(A) 现代远程教育(B) 传统教育(C) 成人教育(D) 自考参考答案:A3. 课程学习完成,必须参加课程考核。
(10分)(A) 开卷或撰写论文(B) 闭卷.开卷(C) 闭卷和撰写论文(D) 在线考试.开卷和考查参考答案:D4. 学生的必修课程总成绩平均在_____ ,已经办理免修的课程不计入在内。
(10分)(A) 60 分以上(含60 分)(B) 65 分以上(含65 分)(C) 75 分以上(含75 分)(D) 70 分以上(含70 分)参考答案:C5. 以下属于媒体播放软件的是_____ 。
(10分)(A) Winzip(B) Mediaplay(C) Winrar(D) Netants参考答案:B6. 网络教育的特点之一是:学生的学习过程主要是在网络环境中进行的,比如在_____ 网上讨论.网上辅导等等。
(10分)(A) 网上做作业(B) 网上答疑(C) 网上自测(D) 以上全部参考答案:D7. 第一代远程教育是以_____为主要学习资源.以邮政传递收写作业和批改评价(函授辅导)为主要通信手段(主要技术特征)的函授教育。
(10分)(A) 电视媒体(B) 光盘(C) 网络媒体(D) 印刷教材参考答案:D8. 现代远程教育的特点决定了远程学习以学生_____为主。
(10分)(A) 上课(B) 学习(C) 自学(D) 上网参考答案:C9. 现代远程教育其主要技术特征是_____,即通过数字.多媒体等信息技术实现人机.人际的相互交流和交互作用,可以加强教师和学习都之间的双向交流,极大地促进学习者之间的个性化学习和协作学习。
(10分)(A) 适应性(B) 网络化(C) 实时性(D) 双向交互参考答案:D10. 掌握网络学习的技能,主要特指_____的技能。
(10分)(A) 计算机操作和网上学习(B) 网上学习和交流(C) 听课和在互联网上运行(D) 计算机操作和在互联网上运行参考答案:D作业2单选题1. 毕业论文成绩及格以上者,准予毕业,发给毕业证书。
申请学士学位者,毕业论文成绩应在_____ 以上。
(10分)(A) “优秀”(B) “良好”(C) “合格”(D) “中等”参考答案:C2. 现代远程教育是以计算机.多媒体.现代通信等信息技术为主要手段,将_____有机结合的一种新型教育方式。
(10分)(A) 信息技术和现代教育思想(B) 信息技术和教育技术(C) 教育手段和计算机操作(D) 计算机技术和教育技术参考答案:A3. 现代远程教育学习与传统教育有着很大的区别,其要求学习者首先应具备以下_____能力(10分)(A) 主体意识及自持力(B) 信息素养(C) 网络学习能力(D) 以上全部参考答案:D4. 现代远程教育对初学者造成了那些不适应:_____ 。
(10分)(A) 心理及观念不适应(B) 环境不适应(C) 方法及方式不适应(D) 以上全部参考答案:D5. 在学习过程中,学生需要经常登陆学院主页,学院主页的网址是_____。
(10分)(A) (B) (C)(D)参考答案:C6. 学院每年安排两次考试,即每学期的_____。
(10分)(A) 5月上旬和7月上旬(B) 1月上旬和7月上旬(C) 3月上旬和7月上旬(D) 6月上旬和12月上旬参考答案:D7. 网页上的工具栏中“收藏夹”的作用是_____ 。
(10分)(A) 保存网页的快捷方式(B) 保存图片(C) 保存历史纪录(D) 保存网页的内容参考答案:A8. 远程教育就是把教育的场所延伸到教室和_____ 围墙之外,凭借教育媒体代替教师课堂面授的教育。
(10分)(A) 课堂(B) 校园(C) 学校(D) 老师参考答案:C9. 第三代远程教育是建立在应用双向交互现代信息通信技术基础上的现代远程教育,其技术基础主要是计算机技术.多媒体技术和现代通信技术,核心是_____。
(10分)(A) 计算机技术(B) 网络技术(C) 多媒体技术(D) 信息技术参考答案:B10. 中国地质大学(武汉)校风.中国地质大学(武汉)的校训是_____。
(10分)(A) 认真踏实,艰苦奋斗;(B) 艰苦朴素,求真务实;(C) 实事求是,求真务实;(D) 勤奋严谨,艰苦奋斗;参考答案:B作业3单选题1. 中国地质大学(武汉)是一所特色鲜明,_____的全国重点大学。
(10分)(A) 以工为主,理工管文相结合(B) 以文为主,理工管文相结合(C) 以文为主,理工相结合(D) 以工为主,管文相结合参考答案:A2. 在远程教育中,教育教学制度上同传统教育不同,更加注重创新才能的培养,在保证受教育者具备基本学习能力的前提下,采取_____的方针。
(10分)(A) 严进宽出(B) 严进严出(C) 宽进严出(D) 宽进宽出参考答案:C3. 远程教育发源于_____,其早期形式是函授教育,是在机器工业时代,应经济社会发展对人才素质的要求而产生的一种新型教育方式。
(10分)(A) 19世纪的美国(B) 18世纪的英国(C) 18世纪的法国(D) 19世纪中叶的英国参考答案:D4. 所谓远程教育就是以“_____”异地.“教.学”分离为主要特征的教育。
(10分)(A) 听.说(B) 师.生(C) 读.写(D) 教.学参考答案:B5. 课件运行环境要求如下:硬件是任何一台能上网的计算机;软件是_____,IE6.0以上,Media Player9.0以上,Flash播放插件。
(10分)(A) windows97(B) windows98/NT/2000(C) microsoft office(D) Windows word参考答案:B6. 远程教育的发展经历了三代,以下哪个不是:_____。
(10分)(A) 函授教育(B) 广播电视教育(C) 成人教育(D) 网络教育参考答案:C7. 中国地质大学(武汉)是_____.首批进入国家“211工程”的全国重点大学。
(10分)(A) 资源部直属(B) 石油部直属(C) 教育部直属(D) 科技部直属参考答案:C8. 参加远程开放教育学习,下列哪一种观念需要转变_____。
(10分)(A) 在信息社会中,人们需要终身学习(B) 现代远程教育为求学者提供了平等的学习机会(C) 学习能力的提高关键在于教师的教学水平(D) 接受教育不光是学习知识,还要学会学习参考答案:C9. 已具有国民教育系列_____,可免考全部统考科目。
(10分)(A) 本科以上学历(含本科)(B) 硕士以上学历(C) 专科以上学历(D) 中专以上学历参考答案:A10. 现代远程教育有以下_____特点。
(10分)(A) 开放性.灵活性(B) 大众普及性.社会资源共享性(C) 学习的终身性(D) 以上全部参考答案:D作业4单选题1. 通过浏览器进入学院首页,在登陆窗口,输入正确的_____,点击登陆后,将进入学生工作室。
(15分)(A) 用户名和密码(B) 用户名(C) 密码(D) 中文姓名参考答案:A2. 下面哪种学习方式不符合远程(网络)学习的发展趋势?_____(15分)(A) 移动学习(B) 碎片化学习(C) 社会化学习(D) 集中面授学习参考答案:D3. 应用软件在没有操作系统的情况下,可以运行吗?_____(14分)(A) 可以,应用软件能否运行,不依赖有没有操作系统。
(B) 不能,应用软件需要在操作系统的支持下运行。
(C) 要看应用软件的功能,功能强的可以不依赖操作系统,直接运行。
(D) 不能确定。
参考答案:B4. 进入学生工作室,首先看到的是?_____(14分)(A) 我的课程(B) 课程讲解(C) 课程作业(D) 课程大纲参考答案:A5. 在进行网络课程学习过程中,从下列哪个栏目可以看到.听到授课教师的讲解?_____ (14分)(A) 课程讲解(或课程学习)(B) 课程辅导(C) 背景资料(D) 课程大纲参考答案:B6. 下列哪项学习方法是进行网络学习的最佳组合?_____(14分)(A) 自学教材就可以(B) 教材+光盘课件(或下载的课程资源)+网络课程学习(C) 只学习光盘课件(或下载的课程资源)(D) 教材+光盘课件(或下载的课程资源)学习参考答案:B7. 作为网上学习的学生,顺利完成学业的必要条件是_____。
(14分)(A) 脱产以保证充裕的学习时间(B) 强有力的经济支持以获取更多的学习资源(C) 每天都和学院辅导教师保持联系(D) 具有自主学习能力及学习责任感参考答案:D。