Literature Review 英文文献综述模板

国内外文献综述英文A literature review is an essential component of academic research, providing a comprehensive overview of existing literature on a particular topic. In this section, we will discuss the importance of a literature review, the process of conducting a literature review, and the key considerations for writing a literature review.Importance of a Literature Review:A literature review serves several important purposes in academic research. Firstly, it helps to establish the current state of knowledge on a given topic, identifying key concepts, theories, and findings from previous studies. This allows researchers to build upon existing knowledge and identify gaps or areas for further investigation. Additionally, a literature review demonstrates the researcher's familiarity with the relevant literature and provides a theoretical framework for their own study. It also helps to contextualize the research within the broaderacademic discourse and can be used to support the rationale and significance of the study.Process of Conducting a Literature Review:Conducting a literature review involves several key steps. Firstly, researchers must define the scope and focus of the review, identifying the key research questions or objectives. They then conduct a comprehensive search of relevant literature using academic databases, libraries, and other sources. Once the relevant literature has been identified, researchers critically evaluate and analyze the findings, identifying key themes, trends, and gaps in the existing literature. Finally, the findings of theliterature review are synthesized and integrated into a coherent and well-structured narrative.Key Considerations for Writing a Literature Review:When writing a literature review, there are several key considerations to keep in mind. Firstly, it is important to maintain a critical and analytical approach, evaluating thestrengths and limitations of the existing literature. Researchers should also strive to present the informationin a clear, logical, and organized manner, highlighting the key findings and their implications. It is also important to properly cite and reference all sources used in the literature review, adhering to the appropriate academic citation style.In conclusion, a literature review is a critical component of academic research, providing a comprehensive overview of existing literature on a particular topic. By conducting a thorough literature review, researchers can build upon existing knowledge, identify research gaps, and provide a theoretical framework for their own study. When writing a literature review, it is important to maintain a critical and analytical approach, present the informationin a clear and organized manner, and properly cite all sources.。
Literature Review 英文文献综述模板

Text Recognition with Machine Learning based on Text StructureLiterature ReviewYifan Shi Student ID:27291944Email:ys1n13@MSc Artificial IntelligenceFaculty of Physical Sciences&Eng,University of SouthamptonAbstract—The fast developing Machine Learning algorithms introduced to semantic area nowadays has brought vast techniques in text recognition,classification, and processing.However,there is always a contradiction between accuracy and speed,as higher accuracy generally represents more complicated system as well as large training database.In order to achieve a balance between fast speed and good accuracy,many brilliant designs are used in text processing.In this literature review,these efforts are introduced in three layers:Natural-Language Processing,Text Classification,and IBM Watson System.Keywords—Machine Learning,Natural-Language Processing,Text Classification,IBM WatsonI.I NTRODUCTIONThe growing popularity of the Internet has brought increasing number of users online,with a vast amount of messages,blogs,articles, be dealt with.These texts,known as natural-language texts,contain possible useful information but take a long time for human to read,understand and deal with.Despite the popular search engine technology nowadays in helping users tofind the sources with keywords,semantic techniques are also needed by many companies to improve their user-friendly working environment.In this literature review,I will introduce several important semantic techniques,starting from the most basic Natural-Language Processing,concentrating in the meaning of words and sentences,followed by Text Classification which is focused on paragraphs and articles.Then,I will introduce a landmark system named IBM Watson,which has DeepQA as its working pipeline.Finally,a conclusion will be included to give some comments on these techniques.II.N ATURAL L ANGUAGE P ROCESSING In order to deal with the human natural-language, it is necessary to transform the unstructured text into well-structured tables of explicit semantics (Ferrucci,2012).According to Liddy(2001), Natural-Language Processing(NLP)is a series of computational techniques used to analyze and represent naturally organized text in order to achieve certain tasks and applications.Collobert and Weston(2008)have categorized NLP tasks into six types:Part-Of-Speech Tagging,Chunking,Named Entity Recognition,Semantic Role Labeling, Language Models,and Semantically Related Words.In addition to this,they also implemented Multitask Learning with Deep Neural Networks to build a successful unified architecture which avoided traditional large amount of empirical hand-designed features to train the system by using backpropagation training(Collobert et al.,2011).III.T EXT C LASSIFICATIONOne of the simple way to represent an article for a learning algorithm is to use the number of times that distinct words appear in the document (Joachims,2005).However,due to the large amount of possible words used in articles,it would create a very high dimensional space of features.Joachims(1999)suggests a TransductiveSupport Vector Machines to do classification because of its effective learning ability even in high dimensional feature space.Rather than using non-linear Support Vector Machine(SVM), Dumais et al.(1998)compared linear SVM with another four different learning algorithms which are Find Similar,Decision Trees,Naive Bayes, and Bayes Nets,which also supports SVM in text classification because of its high accuracy,fast speed as well as its simple model.Sebastiani(2002) also recommends Neural Network as a potential selection in text classification in that its accuracy is only slightly lower than SVM in comparison. The cross-document comparison of small pieces of text,using linguistic features such as noun phrases,and synonyms is introduced by Hatzivassiloglou et al.(1999).The similarity of two paragraphs is defined by the same action conducted on the same object by the same actor. Therefore,drawing features according to nouns and verbs would generally conclude a paragraph into several primitive elements.In addition to the similar primitive elements,restrictions such as ordering, distances and primitive(matching noun and verb pairs)are also implemented to exclude weakly related features.The feature selection methods can effectively reduce the dimensions of dataset (Ikonomakis,2005)while keeping the performance of classification.To make sure which words are to be kept,an Evaluation function has been introduced by Soucy and Mineau(2003)to measure how much information we can get by classifying through a single word.Another improvement by Han et al. (2004)is to use Principal Component Analysis (PCA)to reduce the dimension in transformation of features.Nigam and Mccallum(2000)combine Expectation-Maximization and Naive Bayes classifier to train the classifier with certain amount of labeled texts followed by large amount of unlabeled documents,which realizes the automatic training without huge amount of hand-designed training data.IV.IBM W ATSONThe IBM Watson project has shown us that computer system in open-domain question-answering(QA)is possible to beat human champions in Jeopardy.As Ferrucci(2012) mentioned,the structure of Watson is more complicated than any single agent as it has hundreds of algorithms working together,in the way that Minsky(1988)introduced in Society of Mind.Generally,Watson consists of parts which are DeepQA,Natural Language Processing(NLP), Machine Learning(ML),and Semantic Web and Cloud Computing(Gliozzo et al.,2013).The DeepQA system analyzes the question by different algorithms,giving different interpretations of questions and forming queries for each question (Ferrucci,2012).It provides all the possible answers to the question with the evidences and the scores for each candidate,which would generate a ranking of candidate answers with the likelihood of correctness.The Machine Learning algorithms are used to train the weights in its evaluating and analyzing algorithms(Gliozzo et al.,2013).The clue that Watson uses in searching is named as lexical answer type(LAT),which tells Watson what the question is asking about and what kind of things it needs to look for.Before doing searching, it would generate prior knowledge of type label, known as‘direction’,to each candidate answer and search evidences for and against this‘type direction’(Ferrucci,2012).The DeepQA also has a high requirement in Grammar-based and syntactic analysis techniques,for example,relation extraction techniques in getting possible relations between words,based on a rule-based approach.In addition,the ability of breaking the question down into sub-questions by logics also improved Watsons performance(Ferrucci,2012),which enables Watson tofind results for each smaller questions and combine them together.In correspondence to the ability of breaking down questions,it can also generate the score for the original question based on the evidence for sub-questions.To simulate human knowledge,Watson also uses self-contained database.However,this requirement has led to its great hardware cost.Watson also needs to do automatic text analysis and knowledge extraction to update its database,because of the enormous amount of work and the insurance ofinput-knowledge accuracy.However,the use of self-contained database is costly,that only few institutions can afford the hardware expense,which makes the application of Watson expensive.Another limitation is that the structured resource is relatively narrow compared with vast unstructured natural-language texts.One of the possible improvement is to use online data and ordinary online search engine tofind possible related articles and analyze them with PC clients.Despite the tradeoff between accuracy and cost,because of the possible the unreal data and incorrect information online,it makes the technique more realizable in general.V.C ONCLUSIONAs can be seen from the content above,most techniques used in text analysis are based on‘word feature’extraction,word types,and relations, which are all semantic techniques.While Watson also uses searching techniques tofind the exact answer shown in text.However,the machines lack the ability to conclude the main idea in a paragraph,which is more related with abstract logic thinking.While the way that human read concerns not only on vocabularies and meanings, but also the structure of paragraph and the location of sentences,for example,thefirst sentence in the paragraph usually guides the following content, which helps tell the significance of the sentences and words.Therefore,using machine learning to analyze the structure of an article and combining with the meaning of every sentence might generate the ability to conclude the main idea,which can be used in text scanning and classification.R EFERENCES[1]S.Dumais,J.Platt,D.Heckerman,and M.Sahami,InductiveLearning Algorithms and Representations for Text Categoriza-tion,Proceedings of the seventh international conference on Information and knowledge management,pp-148-155,1998. [2]T.Joachims,Text Categorization with Support Vector Machines:Learning with Many Relevant,ECML-98Proceedings of the10th European Conference on Machine Learning,pp-137-142,1998.[3]T.Joachims,Transductive Inference for Text Classification usingSupport Vector Machines,International Conference on Machine Learning(ICML),pp-200-209,1999.[4]V.Hatzivassiloglou,J.Klavans,and E.Eskin,Detecting TextSimilarity Over Short Passages:Exploring Linguistic Feature Combinations Via Machine Learning,Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora,2000.[5]K.Nigam,Text Classification from Labeled and Unlabeled Doc-uments using EM,Machine Learning,V olume39,pp-103134, 2000.[6] E.Liddy,Natural Language Processing,In Encyclopedia ofLibrary and Information Science,2nd Ed.NY.Marcel Decker, Inc,2001.[7]S.Tong and D.Koller,Support Vector Machine Active Learningwith Applications to Text Classification,Journal of Machine Learning Research pp-45-66,2001.[8] F.Sebastiani,Machine Learning in Automated Text Categoriza-tion,ACM Computing Surveys(CSUR),Issue1,V olume34, pp-1-47,2002.[9]P.Soucy and G.Mineau,Feature Selection Strategies for TextCategorization,AI2003,LNAI2671,pp-505-509,2003. [10]X.Han,G.Zu,W.Ohyama,T.Wakabayashi,and F.Kimura,Accuracy Improvement of Automatic Text Classification Based on Feature Transformation and Multi-classifier Combination, LNCS,V olume3309,pp.463-468,Jan2004.[11]M.Ikonomakis,S.Kotsiantis,V.and Tampakas,Text Classifica-tion using Machine Learning Techniques,WSEAS Transactions on Computers,Issue8,V olume4,pp-966-974,2005.[12]R.Collobert and J.Weston,unified architecture for natural lan-guage processing:deep neural networks with multitask learning, ICML’08Proceedings of the25th international conference on Machine learning,ACM New York,USA,Pages160-167,2008.[13]R.Collobert,J.Weston,L.Bottou,M.Karlen,K.Kavukcuoglu,and P.Kuksa Natural Language Processing(Almost)from Scratch,Journal of Machine Learning Research,V olume12,pp-2493-2537,2011.[14] A.Gliozzo,O.Biran,S.Patwardhan,and K.McKeown,Seman-tic Technologies in IBM Watson,The10th International Semantic Web Conference,Bonn,Germany,2011.[15] D.Ferrucci,Introduction to“This is Watson”,IBM Journal ofResearch and Development,V olume56Number3/4,pp-1:1-1:15 May/July2012.[16]G.Tesauro,D.Gondek,J.Lenchner,J.Fan,and J.Prager,Simulation,learning,and optimization techniques in Watsons game strategies,IBM Journal of Research and Development, V olume56,Number3/4,pp-16:116:11,2012.。

英文文献综述范文How to Write a Literature Review ?I. The definition of Literature Review文献综述(Literautre Review)是科研论文中重要的文体之一。
II. The purposes of literature review And Its ComponentsA. The PurposesOn the one hand, it helps you broaden the view and perspective of the topic for your graduation thesis.On the other hand, it helps you narrow down the topic and arrive at a focusedresearch question.B. Its ComponentsThere are six parts in a complete Literature Review.标题与作者(title and author)摘要与关键词(abstract and key words)引言(introduction)述评(review)结论(conclusion)参考文献(references)III. Classification of Source MaterialsHow can we locate the materials relevant to our topics betterand faster? Basically, all these source materials may be classified into four majors of sources.A: Background sources:Basic information which can usually be found in dictionaries andencyclopedia complied by major scholars or founders of the field. Three very good and commonly recommenced encyclopedias are encyclopedias ABC, namely, Encyclopedia Americana, Encyclopedia Britannica, and Collier’s Encyclopedia. There are also reference works more specialized, such as The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics for linguistics and TEFL studies. Moreover, you may also find Encyclopedia on the web.B: Primary sourcesThose providing direct evidence, such as works of scholars of the field,biographies or autobiographies, memoirs, speeches, lectures, diaries, collection of letters, interviews, case studies, approaches, etc. Primary sources come in various shapes and sizes, and often you have to do a little bit of research about the source to make sure you have correctly identified it. When a first search yields too few results, try searching by broader topic; when a search yields toomany results, refine your search by narrowing down your search.C: Secondary sourcesThose providing indirect evidence, such as research articles or papers, bookreviews, assays, journal articles by experts in a given field, studies on authors orwriters and their works, etc. Secondary sources will informmost of your writingin college. You will often be asked to research your topic using primary sources,but secondary sources will tell you which primary sources you should use andwill help you interpret those primary sources. T o use theme well, however, youneed to think critically them. There are two parts of a source that you need toanalyze: the text itself and the argument within the text.D: Web sourcesThe sources or information from websites. Web serves as an excellentresource for your materials. However, you need to select and evaluate Websources with special care for very often Web sources lack quality control. Youmay start with search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Ask, Excit e, etc. It’s agood idea to try more than one search engine, since each locates sources in itsown way. When using websites for information, be sure to take care for theauthorship and sponsorship. If they are both unclear, be critical when you useinformation. The currency of website information should also be taken intoaccount. Don’t use too out information dated for your purpose.IV. Major strategies of Selecting Materials for literaturereviewA. Choosing primary sources rather than secondary sourcesIf you have two sources, one of them summarizing or explaining a work andthe other the work itself, choose the work itself. Never attempt to write a paperon a topic without reading the original source.B. Choosing sources that give a variety of viewpoints on your thesisRemember that good argument essays take into account counter arguments.Do not reject a source because it makes an argument against you thesis.C. Choosing sources that cover the topic in depthProbably most books on Communicative Language Teaching mention WilliamLittlewood, but if this your topic, you will find that few sources cover the topicin depth. Choose those.D. Choosing sources written by acknowledged expertsIf you have a choice between an article written by a freelance journalist onTask-based Teaching and one written by a recognized expert like David Nunan,Choose the article by the expert.E. Choosing the most current sourcesIf your topic involves a current issue or social problem or development in ascientific field, it is essential to find the latest possible information. If all thebooks on these topics are rather old, you probably need to look for information inperiodicals.V. Writing a literature ReviewA. When you review related literature, the major review focuses should be:1. The prevailing and current theories which underlie the research problem.2. The main controversies about the issue, and about the problem.3. The major findings in the area, by whom and when.4. The studies which can be considered the better ones, and why.5. Description of the types of research studies which can provide the basis for the current theories and controversies.6. Criticism of the work in the area.B. When you write literature review, the two principles to follow are:1. Review the sources that are most relevant to your to your thesis.2. Describe or write your review as clear and objective as you can.C. Some tips for writing the review:1. Define key terms or concepts clearly and relevant to your topic.2. Discuss the least-related references to your question first and the mostrelated references last.3. Conclude your review with a brief summary.4. Start writing your review early.VI. 文献综述主要部分的细节性提示和注意事项主要部分细节提示:引言(Introduction)引言是文献综述正文的开始部分,主要包括两个内容:一是提出问题;二是介绍综述的范围和内容。
(完整word版)A Sample of Literature Review(英文文献综述模板)

A Sample of Literature ReviewOn Advertising EnglishAmong the so many scholars who examine advertising language, G. N. Leech deserves prime attention for his thorough research of advertising in the field of linguistics in his book English in Advertising(66).Vestergaard and Schroder, however, probe into advertising language not only in the respect of linguistics, but also in that of psychology and ideology.The Language of Advertising (85) written by them is a revealing study of the strategies of persuasion advertisers use and of the crucial underlying assumptions advertising makes.Focusing on magazine and newspaper advertising, the authors illustrate the range of linguistic and visual techniques advertisers use to achieve emphasis and special effects.Apart from that, Hafer and White make contribution to the research of advertising language by writing a book titled Adverting English which is conceived as a bridge between rules and suggestions for writing advertisement that have been run or aired.And in the Secrets of Successful Copywriting (86), Patrick Quinn tells the reader everything he needs to know from the drafting of press ads to the scripting of television commercials, from radio to audio-visual, and the concepts, the treatments as well as the wrinkles.Compared with linguists who study advertising from the angle of language alone, more scholars carry out their research of advertising in a comprehensive way. Their study covers the history of advertising, the work of advertising agencies, the procedure of advertising, etc. with advertising language concerned more or less. For instance, Essentials of Advertising (80) written by Louis Kaufman examines in detail every stage of the business of advertising, from the initial concept to execution. And it moves from the pragmatic considerations that underlie the finished ad-marketing intelligence and research and the budget-through media, to the final campaign. Nonetheless, there is a chapter particularly devoted to advertising language. Other examples may include Advertising(84) by William M. Weilbacher and Contemporary Advertising(6) by Courtland L. Bove and William F. Arens. The former is about all the advertising issues suggested by various definition of advertising that have been presented and it also tells how advertising is created, produced and used. The latter is a more complete study of advertising and the language aspects are involved in it inevitably.In China, there are also some experts who study the language of English advertising or advertising business in general. Books such as Advertising English by Cui Gang(93) and Advertising English and Examples by Sun Xiaoli (95) are works on analyses of the language of advertising. The author illustrate the general characteristics of advertising English mainly in the aspects of words, sentences and rhetorical devices, and examines features of different kinds of English advertisements. The books serve as a guide to students and practitioners to help them attain proficiency in writing advertising copy for different media. In his book Pragmatics in English Learning(7) Professor He Ziran discusses advertising language from the angle of pragmatics and sociolinguistics.。

文献综述英文例文通用IntroductionA literature review is an important component of academic research. It helps researchers to identify existing gaps in knowledge, evaluate the current state of research in a particular area, and generate ideas for future research. A good literature review should be comprehensive, up-to-date and well-organized. This article will provide a general guideline on how to write a literature review, including the structure, format and content.StructureA literature review should have an introduction, main body and conclusion. The introduction should provide the background information on the topic, the research question, and the purpose of the review. The main body should be divided into different sections based on the themes or topics. Each section should summarize the key findings from the literature and explain how they relate to the research question. Finally, the conclusion should summarize the main findings from the review, identify the gaps in the existing literature, and suggest possible avenues for future research.FormatA literature review can be written in different formats depending on the discipline and the research topic. In general, there are two common formats: the narrative review and the systematic review. The narrative review is a descriptive summary of the literature, whereas the systematic review is a more rigorous evaluation of the literature using a predefined search strategy and inclusion/exclusion criteria.ContentThe content of a literature review should be focused on the research question and the themes identified in the main body. The literature reviewed should be relevant, reliable, and recent. The sources of the literature can be primary or secondary, depending on the research question and the availability of the literature. The sources can be in different forms, such as articles, books, reports, conference proceedings, and online databases.TipsHere are some tips on how to write a good literature review:- Start early: Begin the literature review as early as possible to allow sufficient time for reading, writing, and revising.- Define the research question: Clearly define the research question to guide the literature search and the selection of the literature.- Use appropriate keywords: Use appropriate keywords and search terms to identify the relevant literature.- Keep records: Keep a record of the literature searched, read and cited to avoidduplication and facilitate referencing.- Analyze and synthesize: Analyze the literature critically and synthesize the findings into a coherent and organized structure.- Avoid plagiarism: Acknowledge the sources of the literature accurately and avoid plagiarism by paraphrasing and referencing properly.- Be critical: Be critical of the literature reviewed and identify the strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of the research in the field.ConclusionIn summary, a literature review is an essential component of academic research, and it requires careful planning, organizing, and writing. A good literature review should provide a comprehensive and critical evaluation of the existing literature and identify the gaps and limitations in the research field. By following the guidelines and tips provided in this article, researchers can write a well-structured, informative and engaging literature review.。

文献综述英文模板撰写文献综述英文模板的步骤如下:1. Title: Use a clear and concise title that reflects the focus of your literature review.2. Abstract: Provide a brief overview of your literature review, including the research question, methods, key findings, and conclusions.3. Introduction: Explain the background and importance of your topic, introduce the research question, and outline the aims and objectives of your literature review.4. Literature Search Methodology: Describe the search strategy you used to identify relevant studies, including databases, keywords, and inclusion/exclusion criteria.5. Summary of Literature Reviewed: Highlight the key findings and themes from the studies you have included in your literature review, paying attention to their relevance to your research question.6. Analysis and Discussion: Analyze and compare the findings from the selected studies, exploring patterns, trends, and gaps in the literature. Discuss how these findings contribute to ourunderstanding of the topic and identify any limitations or biases in the research.7. Conclusion: Summarize the main points of your literature review and highlight its significance. Draw conclusions about the state of research on your topic and identify any gaps or future research directions.8. References: Cite all the studies included in your literature review using the appropriate referencing style (, APA, MLA).这是一个基本的文献综述英文模板,具体内容可能需要根据研究领域和主题进行调整。

英文文献综述万能模板范文英文回答:Introduction.A literature review is a comprehensive survey of the existing research on a particular topic. It provides a critical analysis of the literature, identifying the key themes, gaps, and areas for future research. A well-written literature review can help readers quickly and easily understand the current state of knowledge on a topic.Steps to Writing a Literature Review.1. Define your topic. The first step is to define the scope of your literature review. This includes identifying the key concepts, variables, and research questions that you will be addressing.2. Search for relevant literature. Once you havedefined your topic, you need to search for relevant literature. This can be done through a variety of sources, including academic databases, Google Scholar, and library catalogs.3. Evaluate the literature. Once you have found a bodyof literature, you need to evaluate it to determine its relevance, quality, and credibility. This involves reading the abstracts and full text of the articles and assessing their strengths and weaknesses.4. Organize your review. Once you have evaluated the literature, you need to organize it into a logical structure. This may involve grouping the articles by theme, methodology, or research question.5. Write your review. The final step is to write your literature review. This should include a clear introduction, a body that discusses the key findings of the literature, and a conclusion that summarizes your findings andidentifies areas for future research.Tips for Writing a Literature Review.Be comprehensive. Include all of the relevant literature on your topic, even if it is not supportive of your hypothesis.Be critical. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the literature, and identify any gaps in the research.Be clear and concise. Write in a clear and concise style, and avoid using jargon or technical language.Proofread carefully. Make sure to proofread your literature review carefully before submitting it.中文回答:文献综述的撰写步骤。

英语专业文献综述范文As an author of Baidu Wenku document, I am going to write a comprehensive review of English major literature. English major literature review is a critical analysis of the existing literature on a specific topic within the field of English studies. It is an essential part of academic research and provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge in a particular area.The purpose of an English major literature review is to identify gaps in the existing literature and to highlight areas for future research. It also helps to provide a theoretical framework for the research and to demonstrate the significance of the study within the broader field of English studies.In conducting an English major literature review, it is important to use a systematic approach to search for and select relevant literature. This may involve searching electronic databases, library catalogs, and other sources of scholarly information. It is also important to critically evaluate the quality and relevance of the literature that is identified, and to synthesize the findings in a clear and coherent manner.There are several key components of an English major literature review, including an introduction that provides an overview of the topic and its significance, a discussion of the existing literature, a critical analysis of the literature, and a conclusion that summarizes the key findings and identifies areas for future research.In writing an English major literature review, it is important to use clear and concise language, and to organize the information in a logical and coherent manner. It is also important to use proper citation and referencing, and to follow the conventions of academic writing.In conclusion, an English major literature review is an essential part of academic research in the field of English studies. It provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge in a particular area, and helps to identify gaps in the existing literature and areas for future research. By using a systematic approach to search for andselect relevant literature, and by organizing the information in a clear and coherent manner, it is possible to produce a high-quality literature review that makes a significant contribution to the field of English studies.。
literature review文献综述的写法(英文版)

Literature ReviewThis packet details the steps necessary to produce a literature review that may be required for work in various disciplines, including English, history and psychology. This packet is not intended to replace instructor guidelines and should not be used in that manner. The packet’s intended use is as a supplement to classroom instruction on assembling a literature review. Therefore, it contains only general information that must be tailored to fit specific guidelines as required by your discipline and by your instructor.This packet is subdivided into six sections:I. General InformationStates what a literature review is and what purpose it serves.II. ProcessGives step-by-step instructions on how to get started on your literature review.III. OrganizationExplains the two most common ways of arranging information in a literature review.IV. FormatProvides descriptions for two of the most common formats used in a literature review, the item to item comparison and contrast (Format A) and the criteria to criteria comparison and contrast (Format B).V. ChecklistAllows appraisal of your completed literature review to assure that it follows all necessary guidelines.VI. ResourcesLists helpful resources used to compile this packet so that you may obtain further information.M General Information MDefinitionLiterature reviews can have two roles: In their first role, they function as a stand-alone paper. At other times they will actually be part of a larger research thesis. In this handout, literature reviews will be referred to in the stand-alone sense. As a stand-alone paper, literature reviews are multi-layered and are more formal and detailed than book reviews. As the author of a literature review, you must become familiar with a large amount of research on a specific topic. You will then develop your own thesis about the topic related to this research. After this, you will classify and critically analyze research on the topic by making a comparison between several different studies and by emphasizing how these studies and their comparison relate to your own thesis.In effect, a literature review is a paper that compiles, outlines and evaluates previously established research and relates it to your own thesis. It provides a context for readers as if theywere researching the topic on their own. Just from reading your paper, readers should be able to gain insight into the amount and quality of research on the topic. Your thesis and the literature reviewed serve several important functions within the paper:• Your thesis creates a foundation for the literature review because it helps narrow the topic by providing a sense of direction; however, you will have to conduct some initial research and reading before deciding on an appropriate thesis. Your personal thesis may be a statement addressing some of the following situations: “why your research needs to be carried out, how you came to choose certain methodologies or theories to work with, how your work adds to the research already carried out” (Brightwell, G. and Shaw, J., 1997-98), or it may present some other logical perspective.• Reviewed literature is organized in a logical manner that best suits the topic of the review and the hypothesis of the literature (see Organization and Format). The selected method of organization and style of format should draw attention to similarities and differences among the reviewed literature; these similarities and differences are based on specific criteria you revealed in the literature review’s introduction. According to Brightwell and Shaw (1997-98), your goal in the body of the review “. . . should be to evaluate and show relationships between the work already done (Is Researcher Y’s theory more convincing than Researcher X’s? Did Researcher X build on the work of Researcher Y?) and between this work and your own [thesis].” Additional information on these topics can be found in the Organization and Format sections of this packet. Therefore, carefully planned organization is an essential part of any literature review.PurposeAlthough literature reviews may vary according to discipline, their overall goal is similar. A literature review serves as a compilation of the most significant sources on a subject and relates the findings of each of these sources in a rational manner while supporting the literature review author’s own thesis. A literature review establishes which sources are most relevant to its author’s point and which sources are most credible to the discipline at hand.In a literature review, the results of previous research are summarized, organized and evaluated. Discipline-SpecificityA literature review’s organization, format, level of detail and citation style may vary according to discipline because different disciplines have different audiences. Examples here pertain to the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities.• Natural and social sciences The author of a literature review in the natural or social sciences must pay close attention to measurements, study populations and technical aspects of experimental findings. Typically, a portion of the natural or social sciences literature review is set aside for reviewing sources on the primary topic. Then, a comparative analysis or discussion section is used to analyze the similarities and differences among the sources, tying them in with the literature review author’s original thesis.• Humanities The author of a literature review in the humanities usually does not set aside a special section for reviewing the sources; instead, citations may be found randomly throughout the paper. The literature being reviewed is arranged according to paragraphs based on the author’s points, which in turn, support the author’s thesis. The paper itself may not be called a literature review at all. It is more likely to be called a critical analysis.Remember that the best bet for determining what type of literature review is appropriate for your course is checking with the instructor prior to beginning research.REVIEW1. What is the purpose of a literature review? What is the connection between theauthor’s thesis and the literature being reviewed?2. What discipline will your literature review be classified in?M Process M1. Find several articles that deal with your research topic. Sometimes it is helpful to review the bibliography of one of the first scholarly sources that you encounter and compare it to the bibliographies of other sources on the topic. If the same source is listed within several of these bibliographies, it is probably a fundamental, credible source that will aid you in your review.2. Before you begin reviewing literature, realize that you are looking to accomplish two things:A. Defining your research problem/thesis (examples: finding a flaw inresearch, continuing previous research, etc . . .)B. Reading and evaluating significant works that are relevant to yourresearch problem.You will be conducting Steps A and B simultaneously because the two form a circular pattern. As you read related sources (Step B), you define your problem, and as you define your problem (Step A) you will more easily be able to decide what material is relevant enough to be worthy of reading (Step B).3. Once you begin reviewing, make an entry with complete bibliographical information and comments for each work that you are going to include in the review.4. Compare the articles by evaluating the similarities and differences among them. This will be the initial stage in the formulation of your thesis.5. Form a thesis that is clearly written and can be logically supported by the literature you will include in your review.6. View the articles briefly again and jot down any notes that seem to relateto your thesis.7. Decide which organizational pattern and format are best for the topic of your review.8. Construct an appropriate outline for the literature review.9. Write an introduction that introduces the topic, reveals your thesis statement, and arranges key issues.10. Organize and write the body of your paper according to the appropriate format: topical or chronological.11. Write a conclusion that reconciles similarities and differences on the topic and reemphasizes the criteria used to arrive at this conclusion.plete the final draft of the literature review.13. Check over the final draft for grammar and punctuation errors.14. Use the checklist provided here to make sure that all parts of the literature review are addressed and focused.REVIEW1. What do you consider to be the most crucial step(s) in the process of your literature review ? Why? Justify your response(s).A literature review can be arranged either topically or chronologically.Topical organization occurs in reviews where previous research being evaluated is divided into segments with each one representing a part of some larger issue. In a topical review, the author begins by describing the characteristics of research shared by several studies and then moves on to analyze their similarities and differences. For more information, see the example below.ExampleThe organization of a literature review begins in the introduction. For example, in the introduction of a literature review about the effect of seating arrangements on peer tutoringcommunication, you would first introduce the topic and what your literature review will attempt to assess:…Writing centers can set the table for collaborative tutoring sessions through a careful consideration of spatial arrangement . . .Then state what angle is going to be explored:…These studies will be used to support the author’s claims that spatial arrangement is instrumental in encouraging collaborative environments in the writing center…Then, arrange key issues that will be addressed in this review by answering questions that you have personally developed and are tailored to fit your topic. In the introduction, give the audience a clear picture of how you will organize your paper: Establishing a Critical Response for a Literature ReviewYou may find this section helpful at Steps 3, 4 and 5 of the process. When reviewing your sources, explore the following areas to help develop your critical response:What is the purpose of the research or work?What research or literary methods are used?How do the major concepts operate?In a research study, how accurate are the measurements?In a literary work, is the author’s position objective or biased? What are the different interpretations of the results of the studyor of the literary work itself?M Organization MIn the following, I1 first review some relevant research concerning spatial arrangement and then discuss some recommended and alternate seating arrangements to encourage a collaborative environment in the writing center. Finally, I include some other considerations.In the body of this literature review, you would organize the information topically around each point (or question) that you asked yourself:-Research Review-Recommended Spatial Arrangement-Alternative Spatial Arrangement-Other ConsiderationsThen, write a conclusion that explains the significance of your findings:…While the seating arrangements outlined above are generally a good ‘setting’ for peer tutoring sessions, we should remember that each tutoring session is unique. Not all students will be comfortable with a side-by-side spatial arrangement at a round table. Tutors should be perceptive of and receptive to students who may have other spatial needs…Chronological organization occurs when a review is organized in time order and is most often used when a historical context is needed for discussing a topic from its beginning to its current state; chronological organization is especially helpful when discussing inactive periods and shifts in perspective on a given topic.ExampleThe organization of a literature review begins in the introduction. For example, in the introduction of a literature review entitled Development of Social Science Research on Attitudes Towards Gender in America, you would first introduce the topic and what your review hopes to assess:…This literature review will assess the development of research designed to uncover gender attitudes in America during the latter part of the 20th Century…Then state what angle is going to be explored:..As research progressed throughout the 20th century, the methods that social scientists use for measuring these attitudes developed and changed as well…Then, chronologically arrange issues that will be addressed in this review:Gender stereotypes still exist today, and varying attitudes can be traced over the past fifty years. Survey instruments used to gather data on these varying attitudes have also changed drastically over the course of time.In the body of this literature review, you would organize the information chronologically, adressing each point (or question) that is being asked for a particular time period:-Stereotypes and Survey Instruments of the 1950’s-Stereotypes and Survey Instruments of the 1960’s-Stereotypes and Survey Instruments of the 1970’s-Stereotypes and Survey Instruments of the 1980’s-Stereotypes and Survey Instruments of the 1990’s-Current Advancements1 Always clear the use of I with your instructor. An alternative to this would be the use of third person wording, such as “This paper reviews some relevant research concerning spatial arrangement and then discusses some recommended and alternate seating arrangements to encourage a collaborative environment in the writing center.”Then, write a conclusion that explains the significance of your findings:Although the survey instruments used in the 1950’s and 1960’s developed an obvious bias when surveying Americans regarding gender attitudes, the 1970’s brought about great change. Today social scientists are more careful than ever about testing the quality of a survey instrument before using it on the general public.M Format MThere are also two suggested formats for composing your literature review. Format A is used when comparing several studies that have similar hypothesis but different findings. Each piece of research is summarized individually. Format A is good for reviews with a small number of entries; however, this format may confuse the audience when used with a large number of reviews because descriptions of so many studies may get in the way of the analysis. Keep in mind that each piece of research usually will not receive equal attention in the review.Format A OutlineI. Introduction consists of four parts that are usually discussed in one paragraph.a. Identify the general topic being discussed.b. Mention trends published about the topic.c. State thesis establishing the reason for writing the literaturereview.d. Explain criteria by giving a description of each of the criteria used in evaluating theliterature review and rationalizing its organizationII. Literature reviewed section is divided up according to study.a.First study is summarized and discussed.b.Second study is summarized and discussed.c. Third study is summarized and discussed.III. Comparative analysis acknowledges the similarities and differences between studies.a. Similarities (if any) among the studies are evaluated and discussed.b. Differences (if any) among the studies are evaluated and discussed.IV. Conclusion/Summary effectively wraps up the review.a.Summarize points of comparison or contrast among the works based on Section IIIof your review.b.Provide insight of relationship between the topic of the review and a larger area ofstudy such as a specific discipline or professionFormat B organizes the literature review according to similarities and differences among research rather than by literature studied. In a review organized according to Format B, little background information on the literature being reviewed is given outright. Instead, it is worked into the body paragraphs of the sections on similarities and differences. The conclusion then uses these two sections (similarities and differences) to tie in points of comparison and contrast between the works. Format B better suits papers that are topically organized. Format B is outlined below.Format B OutlineI. Introduction consists of four parts usually discussed in one paragraph.a. Identify the general topic being discussed.b. Mention trends published about the topic.c. State thesis establishing the reason for writing the literaturereview.d. Explain criteria by giving a description of each of the criteria used in evaluating theliterature review and rationalizing its organizationII.Similiarities within the research are discussed.a. First similarity among research is discussed.b. Second similarity among research is discussed.c. Third similiarity among research is discussed.III. Differences in the research are discussed.a.First difference between research is discussedb.Second difference between research is discussedc.Third difference between research is discussedIV. Conclusion/Summarya. Summarize points of comparison or contrast between the works.b. Provide insight into relationship between the topic of the literature and a largerarea of study such as a specific discipline or profession.The most important thing to remember when organizing a literature review is that it is not a list summarizing one work after another. The review should be organized into sections according to theme that are set apart by subject-related headings.REVIEW1.Which format have you chosen for your literature review? Why?M A Literature Review Checklist: MDid I . . . . . . ?□ Establish a valid thesis based on the examined research□ State this thesis clearly in my introduction□ Define unfamiliar terms□ Incorporate background information to define the problem□ Begin each entry in the review with a complete bibliographical reference□ List and describe the hypothesis/thesis in each work reviewed□ Describe the outcome of the work or the research□ Develop and incorporate my own comments, including response to the research, similarities and differences among literature reviewed, and reservations regarding author’s methods or conclusions□ Avoid overquoting□ Check for grammar and punctuation errors□ Correctly cite all references in uniform documentation styleM Resources MBrightwell, G. and Shaw, J. (1997-98). Writing up research. RetrievedAugust 20, 2002 from Languages and Educational Development at theAsian Institute of Technology’s Web page Queensland University Library. (2000). The literature review. RetrievedJuly 22, 2003 from .au/litreviewpages/Cuba, L. (2002). A short guide to writing about social science. New York:Addison-Wesley Publishers.Leibensperger, S. (2003). Setting the table: Encouraging collaborative environments with spatial arrangement in the writing center. Unpublished literature review.Northern Arizona University. (1999). Electronic textbook - A blast from thepast: Your literature review. Retrieved May 30, 2002 from/~mid/edr720/class/literature/blast/reading2-1-1.htmlTaylor, D., & Procter, M. (2001). The literature review: A few tips onconducting it. Retrieved June 17, 2002 from, L. (2002). Appendix. The literature review. Retrieved August 27, 2003/~w071/teaching/ppf/Appendix%20Lit%20Review.pdfThe University of Wisconsin-Madison Writing Center. (2001). Academicwriting: Reviews of literature. Retrieved May 30, 2002 from/writing/Handbook/ReviewofLiterature.html*In traditional APA style, this section would be entitled “References” and would be listed on a separate page double-spaced. Due to space constraints in this packet, it has been formatted differently.Copyright 2003 by the Academic Center and the University of Houston-Victoria.Created 2003 by Candice Chovanec-Melzow.。

英语文献综述范文模板A Literature Review on ___________AbstractThis literature review examines how ___________ has evolved over time and the impact it has had on ___________. The review looks at the various writings and studies that have been carried out on the subject and how they have contributed to the establishment of the current state of___________. The review also highlights the areas of future research needed to further advance ___________.Introduction___________ is a ___________ that has been widely studied in recent ___________. It has been of particular interest due to its impact on ___________, and the increased focus on ___________ it has generated. This literature review examines the various writings and studies that have been carried out on the subject, and seeks to explore how ___________ has evolved over time and the impact it has had on ___________.FindingsThe literature review found that ___________ has been widely studied by ___________ in recent ___________. It wasfound that ___________ have made significant contributions to the understanding of ___________, and have provided a basis for further research in the area. It was also noted that ___________ have made some noteworthy advances in the ___________ of ___________, and that this has had apositive impact on ___________.ConclusionThe literature review found that ___________ has been widely studied by ___________ in recent ___________. It has been of particular interest due to its impact on___________, and the increased focus on ___________ it has generated. The review highlighted the various writings and studies that have been carried out on the subject, and how they have contributed to the establishment of the current state of ___________. The review also highlighted the areas of future research needed to further advance ___________.。

论文写作文献综述模板范文English Answer:Literature Review Template。
I. Introduction。
Briefly introduce the topic of your paper and state your thesis statement.II. Background。
Provide an overview of the existing knowledge on the topic, including key theories and concepts.Discuss any relevant historical or cultural context.III. Previous Research。
Review relevant research studies that have addressedyour topic.Summarize their findings and discuss their strengths and limitations.Identify any gaps in the research that your paper aims to fill.IV. Theoretical Framework。
Explain the theoretical framework that will guide your research.Describe the key concepts and assumptions of the theory.Discuss how the theory will help you analyze and interpret your data.V. Methodology。
Describe the research methods you will use to collectand analyze your data.Explain the rationale for choosing these methods.Discuss any ethical considerations or limitations associated with the methodology.VI. Discussion。
Literature Review (Sample 1)文献综述

Literature ReviewC12 英语〔1〕 X X XTess of the D’Urbervilles is generally regarded as Tomas Hardy’s finest novel. Since its publication in 1891, it has encountered considerable concern in literary criticism. Among these numerous essays dwelling on Tess, most criticisms and interpretations focus on probing into the root of Tess’s tragedy. These scholars ponder Tess’s tr agedy from various perspectives and give a multitude of interpretations on this topic. But no one can exhaust such a great work,there is still much room for further consideration about Tess’s tragedy. Through several months’ efforts in searching, collectin g and reading an abundance of scholars and professors’ literature concerning causes of tragedy of Tess, I have learned much and gained a lot of data and create the following essay which summons up the essence of the literature.1.Analyses of Objective F actors in Tess’s Tragedy.The Age Characteristic and the Rebel in Tess of the D’U rbervilles – A Feminine Decoding on Tess of the D’U rbervilles by Jiang Lu introduces the economic background of the story. Jiang states that the story of Tess happened during the late half of 19th century, which witnessed the decline and destruction of the English peasantry. It was an age of transition and great social upheavals. With the development of capitalism, England was slowly developing from its former state of a mainly agricultural country to its new condition of a primarily industrial society, because of which the traditional self-sufficient society order in the country was broken. Helplessly confronted with the change, the country villagers were deprived of their lands, houses and other possessions. Then, in possession of few things they were forced to immigrate away from their accustomed land and to be employed as farm workers. Therefore, country peasants were inflicted tragically by the industrial development. This part clearly demonstrates the economic situation of the farmer at Victorian age which is quite beneficial to my paper.An Ecofeminist Reading of Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles by YuKun discusses the tragedy of Tess from the perspective of Ecofeminism, this paper practically explores the close relationship between women and nature and women’s tragic fate as the result of industrialization and patriarchal society, which helps me understand Tess’s tragedy from a new angle. It points out that at the late Victorian Age when industrialization began to encroach upon the countryside rapidly and capitalism developed further, the peasants lost their land and many of them were impoverished. Tess’s family,without exception, was poverty-stricken, which turned out to be the very root of her tragedy. Tess, impelled by the economic pressure from her family, had to go to claim kindred with prosperous D’Urbervilles family where she met evil Alec who deprived of her virginity; and it was her poor family that made Tess return to Alec. Besides, the society in the Victorian period was a man-dominated society, woman had to suffer the injustices of man-made law, the law by which man and woman were not equally treated in terms of morality. Angel who set a double moral standard for man and woman certainly couldn’t conceive of a relationship of equality with Tess. He couldn’t forgive Tess for her lost of virginity although he himself had dissipated past. Thus he finally abandoned Tess because of her “impurity〞, which gave Tess a fatal blow.The Connotation and Characteristic of “Angels in House〞in Victorian Period of England by Zeng Yayin demonstrates perfect women’s image in people’s mind in Victorian period. It says that a traditional Victorian woman is supposed to be a perfect woman. First, they should be gentle, graceful and charming, that is to keep an attractive appearance. Second, they should be submissive. They were taught to be sympathetic, gentle and considerable to other people. And the most important thing was to be submissive to their father or brothers, and after being married, their submission turned to their husbands. Third, they should have pure bodies. Traditionally, virginity was worshipped as a symbol of honor for an unmarried woman. It was very important for a younger woman to be a virgin before marriage and be loyal to her husband after she married him, and virginity was a girl’s virtue and value as well. Fourth, home was her whole world. She should sacrifice herself for her husband and the family. Taking care of the family and making the home healthy andcomfortable was undoubtedly all her duty. Besides, they were economically dependent, what they should do was to stay at home which was the shelter for them, and to seek for support and protection from them, so marriage was pretty much their best choice. All in all, the idle Victorian woman should be devoted, pure both mentally and physically and submissive. This paper gives me a general idea of the image of women in Victorian period, which will help me a lot in my paper.Analysis of Tragedy of Tess by Tang Xuan points out that Tess is a typical female tragedy, considering the convention and the bourgeois morality of her time. The last years of the nineteenth century were the Victorian period. Victorian morality imposed rigid norm on women, which demanded women to be pure. The loss of virginity was a fatal blow to Tess as she was turned against and crushed by the social convention. It was a man-dominated society, in which woman had to suffer the injustices of man-made law, the law by which man and woman were not equally treated in terms of morality and the use of double standard in sexual matters was the essential feature of the Victorian society. This was why Tess, being violated by Alec, unfairly suffered from being morally and socially spurned and punished while Alec remained free from any social reprimands. What is more, according to the Victorian customs, a man could live a dissipating life as he had once done while a woman could not. This double standard for man and woman made it impossible for Angel who was dominated by the conventional social custom and the bourgeois view of morality to forgive Tess. This part helps get a better idea of the impact of social convention and morality on Tess’s tragedy.The Ruin of a Pure Woman — Analyses of the Tragedy of Tess by Zhou Hong says that Tess is the victim of capitalist law and hypocritical religion. It states that Alec dared to do evil at his pleasure not only because he was a man of money and power, but also because he was under the protection of bourgeois law which was employed as a tool to rule ordinary people and was always at bourgeois’ interest. According to the law, it was ironic that the man who seduced Tess was justified while Tess who suffered damage was sinful. Oppressed by so strong social prejudice, Tess was deprived of the right to protect herself and forced to accept the unfair treatmentimposed on her. Thus, she was doomed to be a victim of power and violence. Besides, hypocritical religion was also closely related to Tess’s tragedy. In capitalis t society, religion was just used as a tool to lull and enslave people. When Tess met Alec again, to Tess’s as tonishment , Alec, the man who seduced her and ruthlessly pushed her into the abyss of tragedy, could resort to Christianity and became a priest who asked people to do good deeds. From this part I can see that both bourgeois law and religion are hypocritical.2. Reflection on Subjective F actors in Tess’s Tragedy.Analysis of Tess’s Character by Xu Haibo focuses on Tess’s character to explain the cause of Tess’s tragedy. It points out that the character of Tess is closely related to her fate, it is the tension in her character that leads her to the tragedy. The most obvious ones are those between humility and pride, and between innocence and sensuality. Ultimately it can be said that the tension is the one between obedience and rebellion within her character. It presents that both historical conditions and living environment contribute to the formation of Tess’s character. Tess has the qualities of kindness, honesty, diligence and loyalty which are shared by the label people, besides, she also inherits the pride traditionally associated with noble families, but her pride is conflicted with her social and economic position. In this paper, the author gives a detailed explanation with examples about the tension in Tess’s character which helps me better understand his idea. Besides it points out that there is also conflict between acquired conventional belief and instinctive independence of mind, and between ignorance and education in Tess’s character, which can also be seen from many cases. From this article, I get a good knowledge of Tess’s character as well as its relationship with her fate.Study on the Tragic Fate of Tess by Zhou Zhongxin and Wang Yanwen points out that Tess is a pure woman, but, ironically, her purity becomes the decisive factor of her tragedy. It states that Tess’s pure nature is fully embodied by her strong sense of responsibility and self -sacrifice to her family. When their horse is killed in an unexpected accident, nobody blames Tess as she blames herself, therefore, she doesn’trefuse once more her parent’s suggestion to claim kin with the wealthy D’Urbervilles family although she is not willing to do so. This is the very action that ruins all her life, she is seduced by Alec and later gives birth to an illegitimate baby. Moreover, her sense of responsibility is also clearly revealed when she becomes a mistress of Alec because of the desperate situation of her family. Tess’s purity is also displayed in her honesty and loyalty to love. When she is seduced by Alec, she bravely chooses to leave him at once irrespective of the pressure of her family and the society, because she realizes that she has never loved Alec.As to Angle, she falls in love with him deeply, but she continuously refuses Angle’s wooing because she thinks her being his wife is a shame for him. In order to protect Angle, she is willing to sacrifice her own feeling and happiness. Although she accepts Angle at last, she decides to disclose her past to him because of her honesty and true love for Angle. But her confession only results in an end of their marriage, she is deserted by her heartless husband, which leads to her miserable life soon afterwards. This paper offers me a good idea of the relationship be tween Tess’s purity and her tragedy.A Multi Perspective of the Tragedy of Tess of the D’Urbervil les by PengYan mentions the persecution of religion on Tess. Brought up in a heavily religious environment, Tess is deeply poisoned by religious thought, which forces Tess to bear enormous psychological pressure and induces her to sink into tragical abyss. Tess is a victim of religious doctrine. When her baby is dying, she suddenly realizes that she hasn’t been baptized and therefore will die without salvation a nd go to hell, but no parson is willing to do it for her baby, so she decides to baptize her baby by herself. Obviously, all her terrors about the hell are coming from the religious doctrine taught to her. Besides, although she used to doubt the existence of God when she feels desperate toward life, she can’t free herself from the shadow of religion. She always uses religious thought to imagine, explain and symbolize her miserable life. When she meets a man writing biblical texts on walls, she consciously feels ashamed and guilty for her loss of virginity, although it is not her fault. She is always self-contempt and keeps torturing herself by hypocritical religion thought. From this part I get to know religion’s impact on Tess.My Opinion about Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Li Honglan points out her family’s role in causing her tragedy. It says that Tess’s parents are ignoran t and vain,which leads directly to Tess’s tragedy. Tess’s father, Jack is lazy, selfish and foolish. When he hears of the news about his noble ancestry, he thinks his family will surely become rich if only Tess go to claim kinship with the wealthy family. When Tess is seduced by Alec, he doesn’t care about his daughter’s feelings and lock the door to prevent Tess from going out, the only thing that worries him is what others will think of this collapse of his family pride.Besides, Tess’s mother Joan is no better than Jack. The news of ancestry also affects her, she wants her daughter to rise in the world by making a successful marriage and thus bring fortunes to the whole family. When Tess chooses to leave Alec, she blames Tess for not marrying him and when Tess is deserted by Angle, she thinks it is all Tess’s fault. At the same time, her father doesn’t show sympathy for Tess either, he even doubts about her marriage, which makes Tess unable to live at home any more. Since her parents cannot be relied on, Tess takes on her younger shoulder the family burdens. She has a strong sense of responsibility towards her family and at almost every stage of her life it is her concern for family that influences her actions-from her agreement to claim kinship to family D’Urberville right to her final decision to return to Alec is totally due to her responsibility to support her family. From this analysis, I get a comprehensive knowledge about the influence of Tess’s family on her tragedy.Tess一A Pure but Tragic Woman by Zhang Qun discusses the influence of two men —Alec and Angle on Tess’s tragedy. It explains that Alec, typical of a bourgeois villain, m etamorphoses himself into the more dignified style of Alec D’Urberville and decorates himself as a man of nice heart. He takes advantage of Tess’s poverty and innocence, and seduces her on purpose. Thus , Tess intends to look for a way out but is driven by him to a way with a dead end. On the other hand, Angle is a representative of bourgeois intellectuals. He regards himself as a man full of new thoughts who isn’t bound by social customs. However, as a matter of fact, he couldn’t free himself from it. He idealizes Tess as symbol of purity and pursues her enthusiasticaly, but desert her as soon as Tess’s confession. Given up by her husband,Tess can’t support her family on her own and she is foeced by the death of her father and consequent loss of their cottage to succumbe to Alec to be his mistress. But out of her expection, Angle comes back, she is so shocked and regretfull that she kills Alec, because she thinks it is the only way out. From this analysis, I get a sense of these two men’s impact on Tess and I will use some of his idea in my paper.3. Introduction to the A uthor’s Outlook Reflected in the Novel.On Fatalism and Pessimistic View in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Hu Ye says that Tess’s t raged y is related to Thomas Hardy’s fatalisti c outlook on life. Tess’s life can be divided into several stages and every stage is sprinkled a series of coincidences that push Tess to the doomed abyss. In this paper, it gives details about these coincides. At the outset, Tess’s father John Durbeyfield is so excited at the news of her ancestor that he drink himself drunk, so Tess has to replace her father to send the beehives to the market. Then the accidental death of the horse Prince destroys the family’s livelihood, so Tess is forced to go to claim k in with the wealthy D’Urbervilles family, where she is seduced by Alec.After this great frustration, she happens to meets Angle and falls in love with him. When she is about to marry him, Tess decides to write her past in a letter and thrusts it from unde r the door into Angel’s bedroom. But the paper gets mislaid under the carpet and Angel does not see it, which directly leads to the break of their marriage. When Tess eventually decides to visit Angel’s parents and asks them for help, she unfortunately ove rhears the conversation of Angel’s brothers, then she give up asking help from them. There is also the coincidence that she reencounters with Alec at exactly the moment when she is most vulnerable, then she becomes her mistress. Considering these coincides, I think that there is close relationship between Tess’s tragedy and these coincidences, although they all happen by chance.Tragic Consciousness Inherited and Future Developed in Hardy’s Novels On The Tragical ness in Tess of D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure by Zuo Yanru says that Thomas Hardy is an inheritor of classical tragedy, so he naturally transplanting the ideas of fatalism into his tragedy novels, and Tess of the D’Urbervilles is a typicalone. It tells that Hardy’s perspective of fatalism ha s two distinctive features. First, his fatalism often arises from the external environment, both social and physical, and the internal character of the protagonists. This realistic concern is a new aspect of fatalism. Second, in order to achieve the desire d tragic effect, Hardy’s destructive forces are reflected as the combination of accidents and inevitabilities, which aims to produce a strong sense of fate. The two features makes Hardy’s novels produce a strong sense of fatalism. This introduction lets me know the character of Hardy’s fatalism and its influence on the novel.Having read the above literature concerning the analyses of Tess’s tragedy, we have no difficulty to find that more and more scholars and professors both at home and abroad begin to p ay attention to the field of the cause of Tess’s tragedy. Most of them probe into this field from the perspective of social background, the heroine’s inner factors or the heroes destructive impact, there are not many other interpretations, however, all of them give me good guide to this topic and help me gain a better understanding of various elements relating to Tess’ tragedy, it also evokes my interest towards this topic and stimulates me to study this topic from a new perspective. In my paper, I tend to analyze the tragedy of Tess from individual choices with the help of the achievements of the critical study done by the former Hardy scholars, and I hope that I can make some contribution to this field by reading extensively and analyzing the literature.ReferencesXu Haibo. Analysis of Tess’s Character [J]. ?语文学刊(高教·外文版)?2007(06) Zhang Qun. Tess—A Pure but Tragic Woman [J]. Journal of Donghua University (Eng.Ed.) 2003(20).胡艳.论哈代?德伯家的苔丝?中的宿命论和悲观主义色彩[J].?太原科技大学报?2021(02).蒋橹.?苔丝?中的时代特征与叛逆形象—苔丝的女性主义视觉解析[J].?电影评介?2006(14).[J].?青海师专学报(教育科学)?2005(05).彭焱. “苔丝〞悲剧的多层次透视[J].?内江师范学院学报?2005(20).唐璇.?苔丝?悲剧根源剖析[J].?南华大学学报(社会科学版)?2006(01).于坤. An Ecofeminist Reading of Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles[J]. ?高等教育与学术研究?2007(01).—?苔丝?悲剧分析[J].?电影评介?2007(11).左燕茹.Tragic Consciousness Inherited and Future Developed in Hardy’s Novels On The Tragicalness in Tess of D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure [D].济南:山东师范大学. 2004.“家庭天使〞的内涵和特点[J].?达县师范高等专科学校学报(社会科学版)?2005(04).[J].? 电影评介?2021(11).。

英语文献综述范文Literature Review on the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health。
Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, with millions of people using platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat to connect with friends and family, share updates about their lives, and consume news and entertainment. While social media has undoubtedly revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with one another, there is growing concern about its impact on mental health. This literature review aims to explore the existing research on the relationship between social media use and mental health, with a focus on the potential negative effects it may have on individuals.The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health。
Several studies have investigated the link between social media use and mental health, with a particular emphasis on the potential negative consequences. One study by Twenge and Campbell (2018) found that the use of social media, particularly among adolescents, was associated with higher levels of depression and anxiety. The researchers suggested that the constant comparison with others, cyberbullying, and the fear of missing out (FOMO) were some of the factors contributing to these negative outcomes.Similarly, another study by Primack et al. (2017) found that higher social media use was associated with increased feelings of social isolation and loneliness among young adults. The researchers suggested that excessive use of social media may lead to a decrease in face-to-face interactions and a lack of meaningful social connections, which in turn could have a detrimental impact on mental well-being.On the other hand, some studies have also highlighted the potential positive effects of social media on mental health. For example, a study by Berryman et al. (2018) found that social media use can provide a sense of social support and connection, particularlyfor individuals who may feel socially isolated in their offline lives. The researchers suggested that social media can be a valuable tool for maintaining and strengthening social relationships, which may have a protective effect on mental health.The Role of Social Media in Shaping Body Image and Self-Esteem。

Title: English Literature Review: AComprehensive PerspectiveIn the realm of academic research, the literature review serves as a critical component, particularly in the field of English literature. This paper aims to provide an extensive overview of the significant developments and trends within the discipline, drawing upon a diverse range of sources and perspectives.Firstly, it is essential to recognize the evolving nature of English literature, which has been shaped by various historical, cultural, and societal influences. The early works of Shakespeare, for instance, have been extensively analyzed for their thematic depth andlinguistic intricacies. Modern scholars continue to delve into these classics, offering fresh interpretations that resonate with contemporary audiences.Moreover, the emergence of new literary genres and movements has significantly broadened the scope of English literature. Postmodernism, for example, has challenged traditional narrative structures and perspectives, introducing elements of ambiguity and fragmentation. Thistrend has been explored in numerous studies, highlighting the diverse ways in which authors have responded to and shaped the postmodern era.Furthermore, the intersection of English literature with other disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, and anthropology, has opened up new avenues for research. The exploration of character psychology in literary texts, or the analysis of societal norms and values reflected in literature, are just a few examples of thisinterdisciplinary approach.In terms of methodologies, the literature review has also undergone significant transformations. With the advent of digital technologies and online databases, scholars now have access to vast repositories of information, enabling them to conduct more comprehensive and rigorous reviews. However, the challenge lies in effectively synthesizing and evaluating this vast amount of data.One notable trend in recent years has been the increasing focus on global perspectives in English literature. With the growth of international literary movements and the rise of multiculturalism, scholars arenow more inclined to explore the global dimensions of literary works. This approach not only broadens our understanding of English literature but also promotes cross-cultural understanding and exchange.Moreover, the impact of gender and race on English literature has also been a topic of increasing interest. The examination of how gender roles and racial identities are represented and constructed in literary texts has provided valuable insights into the complex intersections of identity, power, and representation.In conclusion, the literature review in English literature is a dynamic and evolving field that continues to shape our understanding of the discipline. By exploring diverse themes, genres, and methodologies, scholars are able to delve deeper into the rich tapestry of English literature, revealing new meanings and perspectives that resonate with our contemporary world.**英语文献综述:全面视角**在学术研究领域,文献综述是一个至关重要的组成部分,尤其在英语文学领域更是如此。

英文文献综述标准范文A literature review is an essential component of any academic research study. It provides an overview and analysis of the existing research on a particular topic. Here is a standard template for writing a literature review:Title: Literature Review on [Topic]Introduction:- Provide a brief introduction to the topic and state the purpose of the literature review.- Explain the significance of the topic and how it relates to the broader field of study.Methods:- Briefly describe the search strategy used to identify relevant literature.- Specify the inclusion and exclusion criteria used to select the articles for review.- Mention any limitations of the search or selection process.Main Body:- Organize the review into themes or categories based on the main research questions or topics.- Summarize and critically analyze the key findings from each article.- Highlight any gaps or inconsistencies in the existing literature.- Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each study reviewed.- Make connections between the studies and discuss how they contribute to the overall understanding of the topic.- Provide a coherent and logical flow of information throughout the review.Conclusion:- Summarize the key findings from the literature review.- Discuss the implications of the findings and address any unanswered research questions.- Suggest areas for further research or propose potential solutions to existing gaps in the literature.References:- List all the references cited in the literature review using the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, etc.).- Ensure accuracy and consistency in formatting the references. Note: The length and structure of a literature review may vary depending on the scope and depth of the topic. It is important to adhere to the specific guidelines provided by your academic institution or the journal you intend to submit the review to.。
英语文献综述 范文

英文文献综述范文深度解析与仿写**Abstract**This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the structure and format of an English literature review by analyzing a highly downloaded example. The review will delve into the essential elements of the review, such as the introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Furthermore, a high-quality imitation of the example will be provided to demonstrate its application in a different research context.**Introduction**The literature review is a crucial component of any research paper, as it provides a comprehensive overview of the existing knowledge in a particular field. An effective literature review not only summarizes previous studies but also identifies gaps in knowledge and offers directions for future research. This article focuses on analyzing a popular English literature review example to understand its structure and key elements. By doing so, readerscan gain insights into writing a literature review that is both comprehensive and impactful.**Methodology**To ensure a thorough analysis, the article adopts a mixed-methods approach. First, a qualitative analysis of the example literature review is conducted to identify its key features and structure. This involves a close reading of the review, noting its organization, themes, and arguments. Second, a quantitative analysis is performed by examining the frequency of citations, types of sources used, and the overall tone and language of the review. This combination of qualitative and quantitative methods allows for a comprehensive understanding of the example's strengths and weaknesses.**Results**The analysis reveals that the example literature review follows a clear structure, with distinct sections for the introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Theintroduction provides a broad overview of the topic and sets the stage for the review. The methodology section describes the approach taken to select and analyze the literature, while the results section presents a synthesis of the key findings. The discussion section offers insights into the implications of the findings and highlights areas of controversy or disagreement. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the key points and offers directions for future research.**Discussion**The analysis further highlights the importance of critically evaluating the sources used in the literature review. The example demonstrates the use of both primary and secondary sources, with a focus on peer-reviewed articles from reputable journals. This ensures the reliability and validity of the information presented. Additionally, the review's language is clear, concise, and engaging, making it accessible to a wide audience.However, it is worth noting that while the example is highly regarded, it may not be suitable for all research contexts.Researchers need to consider their specific research aims, topic, and audience when writing a literature review. For instance, a review focusing on a niche area may require a different approach or may need to include less common or non-traditional sources.**Conclusion**In conclusion, the analysis of the popular English literature review example provides valuable insights into its structure, format, and key elements. By模仿this example, researchers can create a comprehensive and impactful literature review that adds value to their research paper. However, it is essential to adapt the review to the specific research context, ensuring its relevance and applicability.**中文文献综述范文深度解析与仿写****摘要**本文旨在通过分析一篇下载量极高的英文文献综述范文,为读者提供关于文献综述结构与格式的综合理解。

Literature review1. Review of cross-cultural theoriesHofstede’s five dimensions of cultureJust as Hofstede (2001) said “culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy; cultural differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster” . For those who work in international business, it is sometimes amazing how different people in other cultures behave. We tend to have a human instinct that deep inside of all people are the same, but they are not in effect. Therefore, understanding cultural differences is often considered a prerequisite for successful international business.According to Hofstede (2001), “each culture must deal with questions that can be resolved according to a series of dimensions, which results in a unique gestalt for each society, depending on the intensity of its tendency towards one or another end of each culture dimension spectrum”.The Five Dimensions areIndividualismUncertainty avoidance indexPower distance indexMasculinityLong-term orientationIndividualism focuses on the degree the society reinforces individual or collective achievement and interpersonal relationships.Uncertainty Avoidance focuses on the level of tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity within the society.Power Distance focuses on the degree of equality, or inequality, between people in the country's society.Masculinity focuses on the degree the society reinforces, or does not reinforce, the traditional masculine work role model of male achievement, control, and power.Long Term Orientation focuses on the degree the society embraces, or does not embrace long-term devotion to traditional forward thinking values.These five dimensions, taken together, can give important insights for someone wishing to enter a new culture for business, study, or other purposes. Though he made a great contribution to cross-cultural business field, his research still has some limitation. Hofstede’s Five Dimensions Theory has been criticized on the grounds of being too static (Holden, 2001), or being weak in terms of theoretical foundation (Dahl, 2004).Porter and Samovar's cross-cultural communication According to Porter and Samovar (2006), communication has eight ingredients: source, encoding, message, channel, receiver, decoding, receiver response and feedback. Any communication takes places in a certain context and may be hindered by noises in the communication environment, causing communication misunderstanding or even failure. The idea could be illustrated by the following figure:Figure Communication process and stepsEncoding refers to the process of sender putting the message into codes. Decoding refers to the process of the receiver interpreting the message from the sender. Feedback means the reactions of receiver that are sent back to the sender after the receiver's interpretation of the message.Response means the reactions of receiver to the message upon receipt. Noise refers to the disturbances along the communication processes, which may result in unintended message being perceived by the receiver.A complete process of communication can be broken into five steps: (Guffey, 2001)(1) A Sender has an idea(2) The sender encodes the idea in message(3) The Message travels over channel(4) A receiver decodes the message(5) Feedback travels to the senderAdvertising in essence is also a process of communication. The sender here is the company who prepares and issues advertisements. The receiver is expected to be the target consumer group, although it is not always the case, as we will see in the advertising effectiveness analysis. The channel refers to all kinds of media or media mix ranging from flyer, direct mail, and newspaper to billboard, radio or TV etc. Messages about brands, products or services are carefully designed and encoded in advertisements by companies, usually with the professional help of an advertising agency. Favorable responses from the receiver, such as enhanced brand loyalty, purchase behavior are expected by the sender. In order to increase the effectiveness of their advertising, companies will try by any means to get feedback from the customers. However, not every advertisement conveys the right message, nor does every advertising message go to the right audience and most importantly, nor does every receiver respond favorably to the message. A complex of noises, such as bad timing, legal restrictions may hurt the effectiveness of advertising. Moreover, for multinational advertising, the most formidable noise naturally arises from the cultural differences. This is the focus of this thesis.2. Review of international advertising strategydilemmaIn the international marketing literature, the issue of advertising standardization versus localization has ignited a lively and heated debate among academics and practitioners alike for nearly four decades who are still divided on the advisability of using standardized (universal) or localized (individualized) advertising approaches in international campaigns.On the one hand, advertisers who use the standardized approach argue that consumers anywhere in the world have the same basic needs and desires and can therefore be persuaded by universal appeals. On the other hand, advertisers who follow the localized approach assert that consumers differ from country to country and must accordingly be reached by advertising tailored to their respective countries.Unfortunately, research on the relative effectiveness of different degrees of standardization and localization has shown that there are no golden rules that can safely guide marketing decisions. For the sake of further discussion of this issue, it is very necessary to have a review of the long-running debate of international advertising strategies.StandardizationThe standardization advertising approach, sometimes known as the "universal," "global," or "internationalized" approach, is defined as the practice of advertising the same product/service in the same way everywhere, that is, use of the same message, appeal, components of advertisements for different markets in different countries.2.1.1 David L. BrownIt was in 1923 that David L. Brown put forward the idea of standardized advertising. David L. Brown, manager for advertising of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, claimed that humanity possessed certain common attributes and so it was not only possible to standardize advertising acrosscountries but also logical. He stated that just as green is green in Buenos Aires as well as in Batavia, just as two and two are four in Cape Town as well as Copenhagen, just as the main purpose of advertising is to sell goods, in Singapore as well as in Sydney or Santiago, so all the primary purposes of advertising are identical in all countries, and all fundamentals of good advertising are essentially the same north and south of the Equator and east and west of Greenwich (Brown, 1923).2.1.2 LevittAmong the proponents of standardization strategy, Levitt is the best known and the most widely cited. His argument for standardization "the earth is flat" is plausible and convenient for his followers to quote to justify their position. Levitt, in his classic article on globalization, suggests that there may be aspects of customer expectations that are universal across products and market segments and therefore should be conveyed in a standardized fashion across cultures (Cervellon & Dube, 2000). According to Levitt, corporations should take advantage of economies of scale in producing and marketing the same product at the same price with the same message all over the world at the same time (Levitt, 1983).2.1.3 Other advocatesOther advocates of the standardization strategy share Levitt's view. De Mooij asserts that just as people show more similarities than differences, so it's also true of advertising techniques that influence people and that the similarities justify advertising across borders (De Mooij, et al, 1991). Link G. L. upholds this school of thought by arguing that more and more markets recognize the need to build a global brand image and identity and that resistance to global advertising should and could be overcome (Link, 1988). Another supporter of global advertising, Peebles recognizes local differences, but contends that there are not insurmountable obstacles to global campaigns (Peebles, 1988).LocalizationThe localization advertising approach, sometimes called "adoption", "customization", "specialization", is referred to as designing specific advertising programs to fit with the unique characteristics of each particular markets.While some proponents of standardization advertising strategy vehemently advocate their theory, many advertising practitioners and researchers argue to the contrary. They contend that while people's basic needs and desires may well be similar, the ways they go about satisfying them vary from country to country (Caillat & Muller, 1996). The "global market" still consists of hundreds of nations, each with their own customs, life styles, economies, and buying habits, price system and on this ground, it's necessary for marketers to take these differences into account when they target foreign markets. Thus, these advertising researchers and practitioners put forward their theory of localized advertising.Proponents of localization pointed out that most blunders in international advertising occurred because advertisers failed to understand foreign cultures. Ricks, Arpan, and Fu (1974) attributed these blunders to blatant rejection of existing customs and innocent insensitivity to the environment. Mueller (1987)compared Japanese advertisements with American advertisements for similar products and observed numerous differences between the two types. Advertisements of each country exhibited some degree of sensitivity to the cultural uniqueness of the particular consuming market. Synodinos, Keown, and Jacobs (1989) investigated advertising practices across 15 countries. They found striking dissimilarities in the creative approach. The researchers attributed such dissimilarities not only to cultural factors but also to production costs and length of time or amount of space of advertisements. Findings of research studies conducted in the last 15 years seem to suggest an increasing trend toward the use of the localized approach.Besides, some scholars and practitioners believe that advertising is moredifficult to standardize than the other elements of the marketing mix. For instance, Boddewyn et al (1986) state that advertising is more resistant to uniformization than products and brands. Because of these characteristics, the visual and verbal parts of advertising are in particular sensitive and use of local language, models and scenery increases the probability for the advertisement to be effective.The controversy over the use of standardized versus localized advertising approaches may continue for decades. While this debate still goes on and no ultimate agreement has been reached, many practitioners keep on failing to get their message across the target consumers, even offending them as a result of not taking care of the local customs, beliefs, values, economic reality, and legal regulations of a new market. The present-day situation of international advertising necessitates further cross-cultural research to demystify the dilemma, for the very reason that international advertising is advertising that reaches across national and cultural boundaries, that is, an attempt to persuade its potential consumers across cultures. To comply with this demand, this paper will primarily investigate the influence of culture on international advertising.Works Cited[1] Boddewyn, J. L., et al. 1986. Standardization in internationalmarketing: Is Ted Levitt in fact right Business Horizon, 29 (6): 69-75.[2] Brown, D. L. 1923. Export advertising. New York: Ronald Press.[3] Caillat, Z., & Muller, B. 1996. Observations: The influence of cultureon American and British advertising: An exploratory comparison of beer advertising. Journal of Advertising Research, 79-88.[4] Cervellon, M., & Dube, L. 2000. Standardization versus culturaladaptation in food advertising: Insights from a two-culture market.International Journal of Advertising, 429-447.[5] Dahl, S. 2004. Intercultural research, the current state of knowledge.Middlesex University Discussion Series.[6] De Mooij, R., et al. 1991. Advertising worldwide. Hertfordshire:Prentice Hall International Ltd.[7] Hofstede, G. 2001. Cultures’ consequences, comparing values,behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations.Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.[8] Holden, N. 2002. Cross-cultural management: A knowledge managementapproach. Harlow: Prentice Hall – Financial Times.[9] Levitt, T. 1983. Globalization of Markets, Harvard Business Review,61 (3): 92-102.[10] Link, Q. L. 1988. Global advertising: An update. The Journal ofConsumer Marketing, 5 (2): 69-74.[11] Mueller, D., & Barbara, O. 1987. Reflections of culture: An analysisof Japanese and American advertising appeals. Journal of Advertising Research, 23, 51-59.[12] Peebles, D. M. 1988. Executive insights don't write off globaladvertising: A commentary, International marketing Review, 6, 73-78.[13] Ricks, D., Jeffrey, A., & Marilyn, F. 1974. Pitfalls in advertisingoverseas. Journal of Advertising Research, 5, 47-51.[14] Samovar, L., & Porter, R. 2006. Intercultural communication: A reader.Belmont: Wadsworth, Inc.[15] Synodinos, N., & Jacobs, L. 1989. Transitional advertisingpractices: A survey of leading brand advertisers.Journal of Advertising Research, 7, 43-50.。
英语文献综述 范文

英语文献综述范文English: Conducting a literature review in English requires a comprehensive understanding of the research topic, the ability to analyze and synthesize information, and critical thinking skills to evaluate different studies. The process involves systematically searching for relevant articles, reading and summarizing the key points, analyzing the findings, and identifying gaps in the existing research. A well-written literature review should provide a clear overview of the current state of knowledge on the topic, discuss different perspectives and findings, and propose future research directions. Additionally, it is essential to acknowledge and cite the sources properly to avoid plagiarism and give credit to the original authors for their work.Chinese: 进行英语文献综述需要全面了解研究主题,具备分析和综合信息的能力,以及评估不同研究的批判性思维技能。

一篇标准的英语文献综述A standard English literature review typically begins with an introduction that outlines the topic of the review and its significance. It provides an overview of thecurrent state of research in the field, including any controversies or gaps in the existing literature. The introduction also presents the objectives or goals of the review, such as identifying trends, evaluating methodologies, or proposing new research directions.The literature review then moves into the body, where the author synthesizes and analyzes the existing research. This involves identifying key themes, theories, andfindings from the literature and discussing their implications. The author may also compare and contrast different studies, pointing out areas of agreement and disagreement among researchers. It's important for the author to critically evaluate the quality of the literature, considering factors such as the rigor of the research methods, the validity of the findings, and the relevance tothe review's objectives.In addition to summarizing the existing literature, a good literature review also offers a critical perspective. This means the author should not simply regurgitate the findings of other researchers, but rather provide their own interpretation and analysis. They may offer alternative explanations for the findings, raise questions about the limitations of existing research, or propose newtheoretical frameworks. This critical perspective helps to advance the scholarly conversation in the field.Finally, a standard literature review concludes with a summary that recaps the main findings and insights from the review. The author may also suggest areas for future research, pointing out unresolved questions or new directions that have emerged from the literature. It's important for the conclusion to leave the reader with a clear understanding of the state of the field and the potential for further inquiry.In terms of style, a standard English literature reviewshould be clear, concise, and well-organized. It should use formal language and adhere to the conventions of academic writing. This includes proper citation of sources, logical flow of ideas, and a coherent argument that builds throughout the review.In summary, a standard English literature review provides a comprehensive overview of the existing researchin a particular field, critically analyzing andsynthesizing the literature to offer new insights and directions for future inquiry. It should be well-structured, rigorously researched, and contribute to the scholarly conversation in the field.。
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Text Recognition with Machine Learning based on Text StructureLiterature ReviewYifan Shi Student ID:27291944Email:ys1n13@MSc Artificial IntelligenceFaculty of Physical Sciences&Eng,University of SouthamptonAbstract—The fast developing Machine Learning algorithms introduced to semantic area nowadays has brought vast techniques in text recognition,classification, and processing.However,there is always a contradiction between accuracy and speed,as higher accuracy generally represents more complicated system as well as large training database.In order to achieve a balance between fast speed and good accuracy,many brilliant designs are used in text processing.In this literature review,these efforts are introduced in three layers:Natural-Language Processing,Text Classification,and IBM Watson System.Keywords—Machine Learning,Natural-Language Processing,Text Classification,IBM WatsonI.I NTRODUCTIONThe growing popularity of the Internet has brought increasing number of users online,with a vast amount of messages,blogs,articles, be dealt with.These texts,known as natural-language texts,contain possible useful information but take a long time for human to read,understand and deal with.Despite the popular search engine technology nowadays in helping users tofind the sources with keywords,semantic techniques are also needed by many companies to improve their user-friendly working environment.In this literature review,I will introduce several important semantic techniques,starting from the most basic Natural-Language Processing,concentrating in the meaning of words and sentences,followed by Text Classification which is focused on paragraphs and articles.Then,I will introduce a landmark system named IBM Watson,which has DeepQA as its working pipeline.Finally,a conclusion will be included to give some comments on these techniques.II.N ATURAL L ANGUAGE P ROCESSING In order to deal with the human natural-language, it is necessary to transform the unstructured text into well-structured tables of explicit semantics (Ferrucci,2012).According to Liddy(2001), Natural-Language Processing(NLP)is a series of computational techniques used to analyze and represent naturally organized text in order to achieve certain tasks and applications.Collobert and Weston(2008)have categorized NLP tasks into six types:Part-Of-Speech Tagging,Chunking,Named Entity Recognition,Semantic Role Labeling, Language Models,and Semantically Related Words.In addition to this,they also implemented Multitask Learning with Deep Neural Networks to build a successful unified architecture which avoided traditional large amount of empirical hand-designed features to train the system by using backpropagation training(Collobert et al.,2011).III.T EXT C LASSIFICATIONOne of the simple way to represent an article for a learning algorithm is to use the number of times that distinct words appear in the document (Joachims,2005).However,due to the large amount of possible words used in articles,it would create a very high dimensional space of features.Joachims(1999)suggests a TransductiveSupport Vector Machines to do classification because of its effective learning ability even in high dimensional feature space.Rather than using non-linear Support Vector Machine(SVM), Dumais et al.(1998)compared linear SVM with another four different learning algorithms which are Find Similar,Decision Trees,Naive Bayes, and Bayes Nets,which also supports SVM in text classification because of its high accuracy,fast speed as well as its simple model.Sebastiani(2002) also recommends Neural Network as a potential selection in text classification in that its accuracy is only slightly lower than SVM in comparison. The cross-document comparison of small pieces of text,using linguistic features such as noun phrases,and synonyms is introduced by Hatzivassiloglou et al.(1999).The similarity of two paragraphs is defined by the same action conducted on the same object by the same actor. Therefore,drawing features according to nouns and verbs would generally conclude a paragraph into several primitive elements.In addition to the similar primitive elements,restrictions such as ordering, distances and primitive(matching noun and verb pairs)are also implemented to exclude weakly related features.The feature selection methods can effectively reduce the dimensions of dataset (Ikonomakis,2005)while keeping the performance of classification.To make sure which words are to be kept,an Evaluation function has been introduced by Soucy and Mineau(2003)to measure how much information we can get by classifying through a single word.Another improvement by Han et al. (2004)is to use Principal Component Analysis (PCA)to reduce the dimension in transformation of features.Nigam and Mccallum(2000)combine Expectation-Maximization and Naive Bayes classifier to train the classifier with certain amount of labeled texts followed by large amount of unlabeled documents,which realizes the automatic training without huge amount of hand-designed training data.IV.IBM W ATSONThe IBM Watson project has shown us that computer system in open-domain question-answering(QA)is possible to beat human champions in Jeopardy.As Ferrucci(2012) mentioned,the structure of Watson is more complicated than any single agent as it has hundreds of algorithms working together,in the way that Minsky(1988)introduced in Society of Mind.Generally,Watson consists of parts which are DeepQA,Natural Language Processing(NLP), Machine Learning(ML),and Semantic Web and Cloud Computing(Gliozzo et al.,2013).The DeepQA system analyzes the question by different algorithms,giving different interpretations of questions and forming queries for each question (Ferrucci,2012).It provides all the possible answers to the question with the evidences and the scores for each candidate,which would generate a ranking of candidate answers with the likelihood of correctness.The Machine Learning algorithms are used to train the weights in its evaluating and analyzing algorithms(Gliozzo et al.,2013).The clue that Watson uses in searching is named as lexical answer type(LAT),which tells Watson what the question is asking about and what kind of things it needs to look for.Before doing searching, it would generate prior knowledge of type label, known as‘direction’,to each candidate answer and search evidences for and against this‘type direction’(Ferrucci,2012).The DeepQA also has a high requirement in Grammar-based and syntactic analysis techniques,for example,relation extraction techniques in getting possible relations between words,based on a rule-based approach.In addition,the ability of breaking the question down into sub-questions by logics also improved Watsons performance(Ferrucci,2012),which enables Watson tofind results for each smaller questions and combine them together.In correspondence to the ability of breaking down questions,it can also generate the score for the original question based on the evidence for sub-questions.To simulate human knowledge,Watson also uses self-contained database.However,this requirement has led to its great hardware cost.Watson also needs to do automatic text analysis and knowledge extraction to update its database,because of the enormous amount of work and the insurance ofinput-knowledge accuracy.However,the use of self-contained database is costly,that only few institutions can afford the hardware expense,which makes the application of Watson expensive.Another limitation is that the structured resource is relatively narrow compared with vast unstructured natural-language texts.One of the possible improvement is to use online data and ordinary online search engine tofind possible related articles and analyze them with PC clients.Despite the tradeoff between accuracy and cost,because of the possible the unreal data and incorrect information online,it makes the technique more realizable in general.V.C ONCLUSIONAs can be seen from the content above,most techniques used in text analysis are based on‘word feature’extraction,word types,and relations, which are all semantic techniques.While Watson also uses searching techniques tofind the exact answer shown in text.However,the machines lack the ability to conclude the main idea in a paragraph,which is more related with abstract logic thinking.While the way that human read concerns not only on vocabularies and meanings, but also the structure of paragraph and the location of sentences,for example,thefirst sentence in the paragraph usually guides the following content, which helps tell the significance of the sentences and words.Therefore,using machine learning to analyze the structure of an article and combining with the meaning of every sentence might generate the ability to conclude the main idea,which can be used in text scanning and classification.R EFERENCES[1]S.Dumais,J.Platt,D.Heckerman,and M.Sahami,InductiveLearning Algorithms and Representations for Text Categoriza-tion,Proceedings of the seventh international conference on Information and knowledge management,pp-148-155,1998. 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