



化学工程与工艺专业英语1. Introduction化学工程与工艺是一门涉及化学反应、化学工艺以及工程原理的学科,它在许多工业领域中起着重要的作用。



2. Basic Terms and Definitions在开始学习化学工程与工艺专业的英语词汇之前,我们需要了解一些基本的术语和定义。

•Chemical Engineering: 化学工程•Process: 过程•Reactor: 反应器•Mass Transfer: 质量传递•Heat Transfer: 热传递•Distillation: 蒸馏•Extraction: 提取•Polymerization: 聚合•Catalysis: 催化•Reaction Kinetics: 反应动力学•Thermodynamics: 热力学•Unit Operation: 单元操作•Unit Process: 单元工艺3. Chemical Engineering Processes化学工程与工艺专业涉及许多不同的化学过程和工艺。


3.1 Distillation蒸馏是一种通过利用不同组分的沸点差异进行分离的过程。



3.2 Extraction提取是一种将溶质从溶剂中分离出来的过程。



3.3 Polymerization聚合是一种将单体分子结合成长链聚合物的过程。





deci-分 decigram 分克(1/10克);decimeter 分米
centi- 厘 centimeter 厘米;centigram厘克
nano- 纳
milli-毫 millimeter毫米;millilitre毫升; milligram毫克
需要注意的是,表中物质的数目词头除前四个另 有名称外,其它均为表上的数目词头。
数字 拉丁或希 烷烃-ane 烷基-yl 烯烃-ene 腊前缀 alkane alkyl Alkene
炔烃-yne 醇-ol alkyne alcohol
醛-al aldehyde
one mono- methane methyl
paper-making 造纸 ship-building 造船 Machine-shaping ?
By-product 副产品(介词+名词) Make-up 化妆品(动词+副词) Out-of-door 户外 (副词+介词+名词) Pick-me-up 兴奋剂 (动词+代词+副词)
其意义关系是前者修饰后者 Blueprint periodic table mixed-powder atomic weight
动名词所表示的是与被修饰词有关的 动作,而名词所表示的是可用的场所或物 品。 Launching site 发射场 flying-suit 飞行衣 navigating instrument ?


英语的构词法主要有:合成、转化和派生,其 中派生法的核心是依靠添加前缀或后缀来构成新词, 这就导致了前后缀使用频率高。
biochemistry; biotechnology; biocatalyst; biodegradable能生物降解的; bioengineering, etc.
李商隐:“春蚕到死丝方尽” 科学翻译:Spring silkworm spins silk till
its death. 文学翻译:Spring silkworm till its death
spins silk from lovesick heart.
科技英语泛指一切论及或谈及科学技术 的书面语及口语,其中包括:
有关科技的影片、录像及光盘等有声资料的解 说词等。
科技英语要求其客观性、准确性及严密 性,注意叙事逻辑上的连贯及表达上的明晰、 畅达,避免行文晦涩。科技英语力求平易和 精确,避免使用旨在加强语言感染力和宣传 效果的各种修饰词,以免使读者产生行文浮 华,内容虚饰之感。
如: hexachlorocyclohexane 六氯环己烷
据统计,1万个普通英语词汇中,约有46%源于 拉丁语,7.2%来源于希腊语,专业性越强,比率 就越高。
3.广泛使用缩写词,并且缩写词的词义专 一,使用频率高。



Chapter I Nomenclature of inorganic compounds
c.阴离子: 单原子阴离子,词根 + ide ,同时有“某化物”的意思, 如 chloride 氯化物。 其实很多元素的并不能形成真正游离态的阴离子,不过基 于下文二元化合物命名的需要,所以仍然将“词根+ide” 形式列入,表示“某化物”的含义,如O2-对应的氧化物 MgO(magnesium oxide)。
Chapter I Nomenclature of inorganic compounds
七 hepta-;八 octa-;九 nona- ;十 decab.命名时在相应多原子的元素名称前加上数字前缀即可: CS2 carbon disulfide; SnCl4 tin tetrachloride。 也可以明化合价:tin(IV) chloride; CO carbon oxide(carbon monoxide) ; CO2 carbon dioxide; CrO3 chromium trioxide; As2S2雄黄diarsenic disulfide; As2S3雌黄diarsenic trisulfide; As2O5砒霜diarsenic pentaoxide 。
Chapter I Nomenclature of inorganic compounds
5.不同氧化度的二元化合物 过氧化物 peroxide O22-: H2O2 hydrogen peroxide;CaO2 calcium peroxide;Na2O2 sodium peroxide 超氧化物 superoxide O2-:KO2 potassium superoxide 三、含氧酸和含氧酸盐 1.含氧酸有高酸per+正酸”、正酸“词根+ic”、亚酸“词 根+ous”、次酸“hypo+亚酸”、过酸“peroxo+正酸”、 代酸“thio+对应酸”等形态,最后加“acid”:



化学化工专业英语电子版课本————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:ContentPART 1 Introduction to Materials Science &Engineering 1 Unit 1 Materials Science and Engineering 1 Unit 2 Classification of Materials 9 Unit 3 Properties of Materials 17 Unit 4 Materials Science and Engineering: What does the Future Hold? 25 Part ⅡMETALLIC MATERLALS AND ALLOYS 33 Unit 5 An Introduction to Metallic Materials 33 Unit 6 Metal Manufacturing Methods 47 Unit 7 Structure of Metallic Materials 57 Unit 8 Metal-Matrix Composites 68 PartⅢCeramics 81 Unit 9 Introduction to Ceramics 81 Unit 10 Ceramic Structures —Crystalline and Noncrystalline 88 Unit 11 Ceramic Processing Methods 97 Unit 12 Advanced ceramic materials –Functional Ceramics 105 PARTⅣNANOMATERIALS 112 Unit 13 Introduction to Nanostructured Materials 112 Unit14 Preparation of Nanomaterials 117 Unit 15 Recent Scientific Advances 126 Unit 16 The Future of Nanostructure Science and Technology 130 Part ⅤPOLYMERS 136Unit17 A Brief Review in the Development of Synthetic Polymers 136 Unit18 Polymer synthesis: Polyethylene synthesis 146 Unit19 Polymer synthesis:Nylon synthesis 154 Unit 20 Processing and Properties Polymer Materials 165 PART VI POLYMERIC COMPOSITES 172 Unit21 Introduction to Polymeric Composite Materials 172Unit22 Composition, Structure and Morphology of Polymeric Composites 178 Unit23 Manufacture of Polymer Composites 185 Unit24 Epoxy Resin Composites 191 Part 7 Biomaterial 196 Unit 25 Introduction to Biomaterials 196 Unit 26 Biocompatibility 205 Unit 27 Polymers as Biomaterials 213 Unit 28 Future of Biomaterials 224 PARTⅧMaterials and Environment 237 Unit29 Environmental Pollution & Control Related Materials 237 Unit30 Bio-degradable Polymer Materials 241 Unit 31 Environmental Friendly Inorganic Materials 248 Unit 32 A Perspective on the Future: Challenges and Opportunities 256 附录一科技英语构词法263 附录二科技英语语法及翻译简介269 附录三:聚合物英缩写、全名、中文名对照表280 附录四:练习题参考答案284PART 1 Introduction to Materials Science &EngineeringUnit 1Materials Science and Engineering Historical PerspectiveMaterials are probably more deep-seated in our culture than most of us realize. Transportation, housing, clothing, communication, recreation, and food production —virtually every segment of our everyday lives is influenced to one degree or another by materials. Historically, the development and advancement of societies have been intimately tied to the members’ ability to produce and manipulate materi- als to fill their needs. In fact, early civilizations have been designated by the level of their materials development (Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age).The earliest humans had access to only a very limited number of materials, those that occur naturally: stone, wood, clay, skins, and so on. With time they discovered techniques for producing materials that had properties superior to those of the natural ones; these new materials included pottery and various metals. Furthermore, it was discovered that the properties of a material could be altered by heat treatments and by the addition of other substances. At this point, materials utilization was totally a selection process that involved deciding from a given, rather limited set of materials the one best suited for an application by virtue of its characteristics.①It was not until relatively recent times that scientists came to understand the relationships between the structural elements of materials and their properties. This knowledge, acquired over approximately the past 100 years, has empowered them to fashion, to a large degree, the characteristics of materials. Thus, tens of thousands of different materials have evolved with rather specialized charac- teristics that meet the needs of our modern and complex society; these include metals, plastics, glasses, and fibers. deep-seated根深蒂固的, 深层的pottery / ☐♦☯❒♓/ ⏹ 陶器structural elements结构成分;property / ☐❒☐☜♦♓/⏹.性能The development of many technologies that make our existence so comfortable has been intimately associated with the accessibility of suitable materials. An advancement in the understanding of a material type is often the forerunner to the stepwise progression of a technology. For example, automobiles would not havebeen possibl- e without the availability of inexpensive steel or some other comparable substitute. In our contemporary era, sophisticated electronic devices rely on components that are made from what are called semiconducting materials. Materials Science and EngineeringThe discipline of materials science involves investigating the relationships that exist between the structures and properties of materials. In contrast, materials engineering is, on the basis of these structure–property correlations, designing or engineering the structure of a material to produce a predetermined set of properties.“Structure’’ is at this point a nebulous term that deserves some explanation. In brief, the structure of a material usually relates to the arrangement of its internal components. Subatomic structure involves electrons within the individual atoms and interactions with their nuclei. On an atomic level, structure encompasses the organization of atoms or molecules relative to one another. The next larger structural realm, which contains large groups of atoms that are normally agglomerated together, is termed ‘‘microscopic,’’ meaning that which is subject to direct observation using some type of microscope. Finally, structural elements that may be vie wed with the naked eye are termed ‘‘macroscopic.’’The notion of ‘‘property’’ deserves elaboration. While in service use, all materials are exposed to external stimuli that evoke some type of response. For example, a specimen subjected to forces will experience deformation; or a polished metal surface will reflect light. Property is a material trait in terms of the kind and magnitude of response to a specific imposed stimulus. Generally, definitions of properties are made independent of material shape and size.Virtually all important properties of solid materials may be grouped into six different categories: mechanical, electrical, thermal, magnetic, optical, and stepwise / ♦♦♏☐♦♋♓/ ♎逐步的sophisticated/♦☯♐♓♦♦♓ ♏♓♦♓♎/ ♎精制的,复杂的;semiconducting materials 半导体材料nebulous/ ⏹♏♌✞●☯♦/♎ 含糊的,有歧义的subatomic/ ♦✈♌☯♦❍/♎ 亚原子的microscopic/❍♓❒☯♦☐♓/ ♎微观的❍♋♍❒☐♦♍☐☐♓♍/❍✌ ❒☯✞♦☐♓/♎宏观的deteriorative. For each there is a characteristic type of stimulus capable of provokingdifferent responses. Mechanical properties relate deformation to an applied load or force; examples include elastic modulus and strength. For electrical properties, such as electrical conductivity and dielectric constant, the stimulus is an electric field. The thermal behavior of solids can be represented in terms of heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Magnetic properties demonstrate the response of a material to the application of a magnetic field. For optical properties, the stimulus is electro- magnetic or light radiation; index of refraction and reflectivity are representative optical properties. Finally, deteriorative characteristics indicate the chemical reactivity of materials.In addition to structure and properties, two other important components are involved in the science and engineering of materials, viz. ‘‘processing’’ and ‘‘performance.’’ With regard to the relationships of these four components, the structure of a material will depend on how it is processed. Furthermore, a material’s performance will be a function of its properties.Fig. 1.1 Photograph showing the light transmittance of three aluminum oxide specimens. From left to right: single crystal material (sapphire), which is transparent;a polycrystalline and fully dense (nonporous) material, which is translucent; and a polycrystalline material that contains approximately 5% porosity, which is opaque. (Specimen preparation, P. A. Lessing; photography by J. Telford.)We now present an example of these processing-structure-properties-perfor- mance principles with Figure 1.1, a photograph showing three thin disk specimens placed over some printed matter. It is obvious that the optical properties (i.e., the deformation/ ♎♓♐ ❍♏♓☞☯⏹/ ⏹变形deteriorative/♎♓♦♓☯❒♓☯❒♏♓♦♓❖/ ⏹破坏(老化的)elastic modulus 弹性模量strength /♦♦❒♏⏹♑/ ⏹强度;dielectric constant介电常数;heat capacity 热容量refraction/❒♓♐❒✌☞☯⏹/ ⏹折射率;reflectivity/ ❒♓♐●♏ ♦♓❖♓♦♓/ ⏹反射率processing/☐❒☯◆♦♏♦♓☠/ ⏹加工light transmittance) of each of the three materials are different; the one on the left is transparent (i.e., virtually all of the reflected light passes through it), whereas the disks in the center and on the right are, respectively, translucent and opaque.All of these specimens are of the same material, aluminum oxide, but the leftmost one is what we call a single crystal—that is, it is highly perfect—which gives rise to its transparency. The center one is composed of numerous and verysmall single crystals that are all connected; the boundaries between these small crystals scatter a portion of the light reflected from the printed page, which makes this material optically translucent.②And finally, the specimen on the right is composed not only of many small, interconnected crystals, but also of a large number of very small pores or void spaces. These pores also effectively scatter the reflected light and render this material opaque.Thus, the structures of these three specimens are different in terms of crystal boundaries and pores, which affect the optical transmittance properties. Furthermore, each material was produced using a different processing technique. And, of course, if optical transmittance is an important parameter relative to the ultimate in-service application, the performance of each material will be different.Why Study Materials science and Engineering?Why do we study materials? Many an applied scientist or engineer, whether mechanical, civil, chemical, or electrical, will at one time or another be exposed to a design problem involving materials. Examples might include a transmission gear, the superstructure for a building, an oil refinery component, or an integrated circuit chip. Of course, materials scientists and engineers are specialists who are totally involved in the investigation and design of materials.Many times, a materials problem is one of selecting the right material from the many thousands that are available. There are several criteria on which the final decision is normally based. First of all, the in-service conditions must be charac- terized, for these will dictate the properties required of the material. On only rare occasions does a material possess the maximum or ideal combination of properties. transmittance/♦❒✌⏹❍♓♦☜⏹♦/ ⏹. 透射性sapphire /♦✌♐♓☯/ ⏹蓝宝石transparent/♦❒✌⏹♦☐☪☯❒☯⏹♦/ ♎透明的;polycrystalline/ ☐●♓❒♓♦♦☯●♓⏹/ ⏹多晶体;translucent/♦❒✌⏹●✞♦⏹♦/♎ 半透明的;opaque☯✞☐♏♓♎不透明的single crystal 单晶体Thus, it may be necessary to trade off one characteristic for another. The classic example involves strength and ductility; normally, a material having a high strength will have only a limited ductility. In such cases a reasonable compromise between two or more properties may be necessary.A second selection consideration is any deterioration of material properties that may occur during service operation. For example, significant reductions in mecha- nical strength may result from exposure to elevated temperatures or corrosive envir- onments.Finally, probably the overriding consideration is that of economics: What will the finished product cost? A material may be found that has the ideal set of proper- ties but is prohibitively expensive. Here again, some compromise is inevitable.The cost of a finished piece also includes any expense incurred during fabrication to produce the desired shape. The more familiar an engineer or scientist is with the various characteristics and structure–property relationships, as well as processing techniques of materials, the more proficient and confident he or she will be to make judicious materials choices based on these criteria.③Reference:William D. Callister,Materials science and engineering :anintroduction, Press:JohnWiley & Sons, Inc.,2007;2-5 transmission gear传动齿轮dictate/♎♓♦♏♓♦/ ❖ 决定trade off 权衡;折衷ductility♎✈♦♓●♓♦♓⏹延展性overriding/ ☯✞❖☯❒♋♓♎♓☠/♎最主要的judicious/♎✞✞♎♓☞☯♦/♎明智的Notes1.At this point, materials utilization was totally a selection process that involved deciding froma given, rather limited set of materials the one best suited for an application by virtue of itscharacteristics由此看来,材料的使用完全就是一个选择过程,且此过程又是根据材料的性质从许多的而不是非有限的材料中选择一种最适于某种用途的材料。



H2SO3 sulfurous acid
HNO3 nitric acid HNO2 nitrous acid HPO3 metaphosphoric acid 偏磷酸
3. Nomenclature of bases (碱的命名)
元素名称 + hydroxide
NaOH sodium hydroxide KOH potassium hydroxide
H3O+ hydronium ion
1.2. Names of Anions(阴离子的命名)
1.2.1 monatomic anions (单原子阴离子): 以-ide结尾
H- hydride ion (H: hydrogen)
O2 oxide ion (O: oxygen)
N3 nitride ion (N: nitrogen)
旧的方法: 用bi-前缀来表示:HSO4- bisulfate ion
HCO3 bicarbonate ion
2. Nomenclature of Acids (酸的命名)
2.1 无氧酸 (即阴离子以-ide结尾的酸)
前缀hydro- + 元素名称 + 后缀-ic acid
HCl hydrochloric acid
•Silicon 铝•G[ deʒrəm:'maeniniuiəmm (]锗)
• • •
Potassium • Rubidium (铷) Cesium (铯) •
Strontium (锶)
[ 'strɔntiəm ]
Barium (钡)
•Gallium (镓) •Tin 锡 •Indium (铟) •Lead 铅 •Thallium (铊)



=Result from difficulty comes in deciding at是 particular operation ceases to be part of the chemical industry’s sphere
Department oInf ACuhguesmt 20ic09al Engineering
Guiding questions
When did the modern chemical industry start ?
Can you give a definition for the chemical industry ?
vt.碳化,使化合成碳酸盐(脂) Inorganic a无机的,无机物的 Dyestuff n 染料,颜料,
a 染色剂 Mauve n 苯胺紫〔染料)
a 紫红色的,谈紫色的 Sulphuric a[含)硫的 Ammonia n 氨(水)
Stand……in good stead 对……很 有用(帮助)
What are the contributions which the chemical industry had made to meet and satisfy our needs?
Is the chemical industry capital- or labor-intensive? Why?
glassmaking. It will be noted that these are all inorganic chemicals.
开发,开采, 剥削,利用
The organic chemicals industry started in the 1860s with exploitation

化工专业英语整理 单词和句子(1)(1)

化工专业英语整理 单词和句子(1)(1)

单词元素周期表Ti K Pt Ni Mg Titanium Potassium Platinum Nickel Magnesium 钛钾铂镍镁Br Cu Co He O Bromine Copper Cobalt Helium Oxygen 溴铜钴氦氧I Li Mn Zn AuIodine Lithium Manganese Zinc Gold碘锂锰锌金CrChromium铬化工单元操作drying filtration centrifugal evaporate sedimentation 干燥过滤离心蒸发沉降Extraction Absorb distill Stir Heat transfer 萃取吸收蒸馏搅拌传热化工试剂methane methanol Methanal Dimethoxymethane/methylal ethene 甲烷甲醇甲醛甲缩醛乙烯ethanol Ether polyethylene Polyethylene glycol Benzene 乙醇乙醚聚乙烯聚乙二醇苯hydrogen peroxide Sodiumchloridehydrochloricacid ethyl acetate过氧化氢氯化钠盐酸乙酸乙酯ammonium hydroxide CalciumchlorideMagnesiumcarbonate Sulfuric acid para-xylene氨水氯化钙碳酸镁硫酸对二甲苯Propanone/Acetone isopropanol丙酮异丙醇化工术语calcination Fluid crystallization plate tower packed tower 煅烧流体结晶板式塔填料塔membrane separationChemicalVaporDepositionLiquid-PhaseDeposition supercritical fluid Supercritical膜分离气相沉积液相沉积超临界流体超临界color atlas Sol-gel hydrothermal Muffle furnace freeze 色谱溶胶凝胶水热马弗炉冷冻化工专有名词1、Chlorobromomethane (氯溴甲烷)2、hexachtorocyclohexane (六氯环己烷;六六六)3、hydrodesutfurization (加氢脱硫)4、polytetrafluoroethylene (聚四氟乙烯)数字拉丁或希腊前缀 烷烃-ane alkane烷基-yl alkyl 烯烃-ene Alkene 炔烃-yne alkyne醇-ol alcohol 醛-al aldehyde one mono- meth ane methyl - - methanol methyl aldehyde twodi-; bi-eth aneethylethene, ethylene ethyne; acetylene ethanol; alcohol ethanal; ethyl aldehyde three tri- prop ane propyl propene propyne propanol propyl aldehyde fourtetra- quadri-but anebutylbutenebutyne butanolbutyl aldehydefive pent(a)- pent ane pentyl pentene pentyne pentanol pentanal six hex(a)- hex ane hexyl hexene hexyne hexanol hexanal seven hept(a)- hept ane heptyl heptene heptyne heptanol heptanal eight oct(a)- oct ane octyl octene octyne octanol octyl aldehyde nine non(a)- non ane nonyl nonene nonyne nonanol nonyl aldehyde tendec(a)-dec anedecyldecenedecynedecanoldecyl aldehyde碳酸二甲酯 聚氯乙烯变压吸附句子翻译1、The teacher may be asked questions.可以向老师提一些问题。



化学工程与工艺专业英语课文翻译Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业 ..................................................... - 2 - Unit 2 Research and Development研究和开发 .................................. - 7 - Unit 3 Typical Activities of Chemical Engineers化学工程师的例行工作 . -13 -Unit 4 Sources of Chemicals化学资源 .............................................. - 19 - Unit 5 Basic Chemicals基本化学品................................................... - 24 - Unit 6 Chlor-Alkali and Related Processes氯碱及其相关过程.......... - 26 - Unit 7 Ammonia, Nitric Acid and Urea氯、硝酸和尿素 ................... - 31 - Unit 8 Petroleum Processing石油加工 ............................................. - 37 - Unit 9 Polymers 聚合物.................................................................. - 40 - Unit 10 What Is Chemical Engineering?什么是化学工程学 .............. - 45 - Unit 11 Chemical and Process Thermodynamics化工热力学 ........... - 52 - Unit 12 What do we mean by transport phenomena ?如何定义传递现象....................................................................................................... - 57 - Unit 13 Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering化学工程中的单元操作....................................................................................................... - 61 - Unit14 Distillation蒸馏 ..................................................................... - 65 - Unit 15 Solvent Extraction, Leaching and Adsorption溶剂萃取,浸取和吸附................................................................................................... - 71 -Unit 16 Evaporation, Crystallization and Drying蒸发、结晶和干燥.- 76 - Unit 17 Chemical Reaction Engineering化学反应工程 ..................... - 82 - Unit18 Chemical Engineering Modeling化工建模 ............................ - 88 - Unit 19 Introduction to Process Design过程设计简介 ..................... - 92 - Unit 20 Material Science and Chemical Engineer材料科学和化学工程 .. -97 -Unit 21 Chemical Industry and Environment化学工业与环境 ....... - 103 -Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业1.化学工业的起源尽管化学品的使用可以追溯到古代文明时代,我们所谓的现代化学工业的发展却是非常近代(才开始的)。



Elements and Compounds元素与化合物Elements are pure substances that can not be decomposed(分解) into simpler substances by ordinary chemical changes. At present there are 109 known elements. Some common elements that are familiar to you are carbon, oxygen, aluminum, iron, copper, nitrogen, and gold. The elements are the building blocks of matter just as the numerals 0 through 9 are the building blocks for numbers. To the best of1 our knowledge, the elements that have been found on the earth also comprise(包含) the entire universe.元素是单纯的物质,不能通过一般的化学变化分解成为更简单的物质。





About 85% of (85 percent of) the elements can be found in nature , usually combined with other elements in minerals and vegetable matter or in substances like water and carbon dioxide. Copper, silver, gold, and about 20 other elements can be found in highly pure forms. Sixteen elements are not found in nature; theyhave been produced in generally small amounts in nuclear explosions (爆炸)and nuclear research. They are man-made elements.大约有85%的元素可以在大自然的矿物或者植物中,以及如水和二氧化碳这样的物质中找到,通常与别的元素结合。



The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of its performance. 操作机器需要懂得机器的一些性能。 (n.→v.) The continuous process can ordinarily be handled in the less space. 连续过程通常能节省操作空间。 (adj.→v.)


本书共分为三部分: 第一部分为“科技英语翻译方法”; 第二部分为“专业文章阅读与翻译”; 第三部分为“科技论Exam (1): close-book exam, covering all nomenclature, dictionary NOT allowed Exam (2): open-book, comprehensive, dictionary allowed
科技著作、科技论文及报告、实验报告及方 案; 各类科技情报及文字资料; 科技实用手册的结构描述和操作规程; 有关科技问题的会谈、会议; 有关科技的影片、录像及光盘等有声资料的 解说词等。

科技英语要求其客观性、准确性及 严密性,注意叙事逻辑上的连贯及表 达上的明晰、畅达,避免行文晦涩。 科技英语力求平易和精确,避免使用 旨在加强语言感染力和宣传效果的各 种修饰词,以免使读者产生行文浮华, 内容虚饰之感。
1.据语言学家统计,物理、化学、工程类的教科书里, 约有1/3的动词用于被动语态句。 2. 这是因为科技人员最最关心的是行为、活动、事实 本身,至于谁做的,无关紧要,而且运用被动语态显 得文章所描述的内容更客观,可减少一些主观印象。 例如: Mathematics is used in many different fields. people use mathematics in many different fields.



Key to Exercise Unit 1 Chemical Industries1.the Industrial Revolutionanic chemicals3.the contact process4.the Haber process5.synthetic polymers6.intermediates7.artificial fertilizers 8.pesticides9.synthetic fibers10.pharmaceutical11.research and development12.petrochemicalputers14.capital intensiveSome Chemicals Used In Our Daily LifeFood artificial fertilizers, pesticide, veterinary products Health antibiotics, β-blockersClothing synthetic fibers (e.g. polyesters, polyamides),synthetic dyesShelter synthetic polymers (e.g. urea-formaldehyde,polyurethanes),plasticsLeisure plastics and polymers (e.g. nylon)Transport additives (e.g. anti-oxidants, viscosity indeximpovements),polymers, plasticsUnit 2 Research and Development1.R&D2.ideas and knowledge3.process and products4.fundamental5.applied6.product development7.existing product8.pilot plant9. a emerging case10.environmental impact11.energy cost 12.technical support13.process improvement14.effluent treatment15.pharmaceutical16.sufficiently pure17.Reaction18.unreacted material19.by-products20.the product specification21.Product storageUnit 3 Typical Activities of Chemical Engineers1.Mechanical2.electrical3.civil4.scale-upmercial-size6.reactors7.distillation columns8.pumps9.control and instrumentation10.mathematics11.industry12.academia13.steam14.cooling water 15.an economical16.to improve17.P&I Drawings18.Equipment Specification Sheets19.Construction20.capacity and performance21.bottlenecks22.Technical Sales23.new or improved24.engineering methods25.configurationsUnit 4 Sources of Chemicals1.inorganic chemicals2.derive from3.petrochemical processes4.Metallic ores5.extraction process6.non-renewable resource7.renewable sources8.energy source9.fermentation process10.selective 11.raw material12.separation and purification13.food industry14.to be wetted15.Key to success16.Crushing and grinding17.Sieving18.Stirring and bubbling19.Surface active agents20.OverflowingUnit 5 Basic Chemicals1.Ethylene2.acetic acid3.Polymerization4.Polyvinyl acetate5.Emulsion paintHigh-volume sector Low-volume sectorProduction scale tens to hundreds of thousandstons per yeartens to a few thousands tonsper yearProducts / a plant single product multi-products Operation manner continuous batch Price or profit fairly cheap very profitable Usage intermediates end-productsChallengesreduced demand, environment pollutionProducts in the sectorsulphuric acid,phosphorus-containingcompounds,nitrogen-containingcompounds,chlor-alkali,petrochemicals,commodity polymersagrochemicals,dyestuffs,pharmaceuticals,speciality polymersUnit 6 Chlor-Alkali and Related Processes1.Ammonia2.ammonia absorber3.NaCl & NH4OH4.Carbon dioxide5.NH4Cl6.Rotary drier7.Light Na2CO38.WaterProduct Raw materialMajor steps orPrincipal reactionsUsesSoda-ashbrine,limestoneammoniating,carbonating,precipitating,filtering,drying,calciningraw material forglassmaking,sodium silicate;as an alkaliChlorine brine2Na+ + 2Cl - +2H2O →NaOH +Cl2 +H2as water purification, bleaching of wood pulp;production of vinyl chloride, solvents, inorganic chlorine-containing productsCaustic soda brine2Na+ + 2Cl - +2H2O →NaOH +Cl2 +H2for paper-making, manufacture of inorganicchemicals, syntheses of organicchemicals, production of aluminaand soapSulfuric acid elemental sulphurS +O2→ SO2SO2 + O2→ SO3SO3 + H2O → H2SO4feedstock for fertilizers;production of ethanol,hydrofluoric acid,aluminum sulphatesUnit 10 What Is Chemical EngineeringMicroscale (≤10-3m)●Atomic and molecular studies of catalysts●Chemical processing in the manufacture of integrated circuits●Studies of the dynamics of suspensions and microstructured fluidsMesoscale (10-3-102m)●Improving the rate and capacity of separations equipment●Design of injection molding equipment to produce car bumpers madefrom polymers●Designing feedback control systems for bioreactorsMacroscale (>10m)●Operability analysis and control system synthesis for an entire chemicalplant●Mathematical modeling of transport and chemical reactions ofcombustion-generated air pollutants●Manipulating a petroleum reservoir during enhanced oil recoverythrough remote sensing of process data, development and use of dynamicmodels of underground interactions, and selective injection of chemicalsto improve efficiency of recoveryCourse Course contentScience and Math.Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Material Science, Mathematics,Computer InstructionChemical EngineeringThermodynamics, Kinetics, Catalysis,Rector Design and Analysis, Unit Operations, Process Control, Chemical Engineering Laboratories, Design / EconomicsOther Engineering Electrical Engineering, Mechanics, Engineering DrawingHumanities and SocialScience Understand the origins of one’s own culture as well as that ofothersUnit 21 Chemical Industry and Environment1.Atmospheric chemistry2.stratospheric ozone depletion3.acid rain4.environmentally friendly products5.biodegradable6.harmful by-product7.efficiently8.power plant emissions9.different plastics10.recycled or disposed11.acidic waste solutions anic components13.membrane technology14.biotechnology15.microorganismsFrontier Research activities or problems facedIn-site processingField tests; Uncertainties of the process, Adverse environment impactsProcess solidsImprove solids fracture processes,Research on the mechanics of pneumatic and slurry transport, Understand the chemical reaction processes,Equipment design and scale-upSeparation processResearch on:membrane separations, chemical selective separation agents, shape-selective porous solids,traditional separation methodsMaterialsFind construction materials, Develop new process-related materials, Develop less energy intensive materialsDesign and scale-up Complexity, Lack of basic data,。


Solar cell Fra bibliotek. 太阳能电池
decompose vt.& vi. 分解; (使)腐烂
You can apply heat to decompose organic compounds. 你可以依靠加热来分解有机化合物.
apply to 适用于; 运用; 致力于;
gravitational inertia adj. 万有引力的,重力的; 地心吸力的 n. <物>惯性,惰性; 迟钝; 不活动
复合物;混合物 成分;组成的; 构成的;
化学的; 铁制的,含铁的
种类,类别 [化]氢 原子的; 重力的; 惯 分性解; (使)转变;
• mixture • nitrogen • oxygen • property • reactant • sodium • substance • be classified as • be subdivided into • boiling point • be referred to as
[atomic energy]: 原子能
The use of atomic energy will revolutionize the lives of coming generations.
原子能的使用将使人类未来的生活有巨大 改变.
vt. 发动革命; 彻底改革; 使革命化 vi. 革命化; 引起革命
centigrade. 水的沸点是摄氏100度。
melting point n. 熔点 Lead has a lower melting-point than iron. 铅的熔点比铁低。
be subdivided into 被再分成 ;被划分为 Atoms can be subdivided into neutrons,



Unit 6 Chlor-Alkali and Related Processes Bulk chemical industry: 大化工
The segment is normally taken to include~~~~. 氯碱工业包括~~~。 Ever since:从那时到现在 自从
In turn: 依次,轮流 Sort out: 挑选出,理清 继续 解决
Unit 9 Polymer refer to sb. [sth.] as:称某人[物]为 Convention:习俗, 惯例 Bulk polymer:本体聚合物 Coil: 线圈 sweep out:扫掉、清除 Make up: 组成 Aliphatic:脂肪族的 Aromatic:芳香族的 Elastomer: 人造橡胶 Liability:责任, 义务 Sparingly:节俭地, 保守地 占据
Readily:容易地 Brine:盐水 Limestone:石灰石 Ready:有准备的 准备完毕的, 甘心的, 情愿的, 现成的 迅速的 有准备的, 现成的, 有准备的 Complex:复杂,合成物,络合物,联合企业 联合企业 Laid down over geological time by various marine organisms. Laid down (Lay down): 放下 Geological time: time:地质时期 Over:在...期间, 在...时间内 在一段地质时期内由海洋生物形成的。 About 40% of the output of the lime industry goes into steel-making, where it is Used to react with the refractory silica present in iron ore to give a fluid slag which Floats to the surface and is easily separated from the liquid metal. 大约40%的石灰工业的产出投入到钢铁的制造中,它被用来和铁矿石中的高熔点的 氧化硅反应形成液渣浮到液体金属的表面并被容易的分离出来。 形成



Chemical nomenclature 化学命名法Chemical symbol 化学符号International Union of Pure and Applied Chemists (IUPAC) 国际纯粹与应用化学联合会Commission on the Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (CNIC) 无机化学命名法委员会Carbon ['kɑːb(ə)n] n 碳Sulfur ['sʌlfə] n 硫Iron ['aiən] / ferrum ['ferəm] n 铁Copper ['kɔpə] n 铜Silver ['silvə] / Argentum [ɑː'dʒentəm] n 银Tin [tin] / Stannum ['stænəm] n 锡Platinum ['plætinəm] n 铂Gold [gəuld] / Aurum ['ɔːrəm] n 金Mercury ['mɜːkjəri] /Hydrargyrum [hai'drɑːdʒirəm] n 汞Lead [liːd] / Plumbum ['plʌmbəm] n 铅Chlorine ['klɔːriːn] n 氯Chromium ['krəumiəm] n 铬Rubidium [ru'bidiəm] n 铷Rhodium ['rəudiəm] n 铑Indium ['indiəm] n 铟Iodine ['aiədiːn; -ain; -in] n 碘Caesium ['siːziəm] n 铯Iridium [i'ridiəm; ai-] n 铱Thallium ['θæl iəm] n 铊Hydrogen ['haidrədʒ(ə)n] n 氢Nitrogen ['naitrədʒ(ə)n] n 氮Oxygen ['ɔksidʒ(ə)n] n 氧Phosphorus ['fɔsf(ə)rəs] n 磷Zinc [ziŋk] n 锌Fluorine ['fluəriːn; 'flɔː-] n 氟Bromine ['brəumiːn] n 溴Antimony ['æntiməni] / Stibium ['stibiəm] n 锑Osmium ['ɔzmiəm] n 锇Helium ['hiːliəm] n 氦Selenium [si'liːniəm] n 硒Palladium [pə'leidiəm] n 钯Tellurium [te'ljuəriəm] n碲Cerium ['siəriəm] n铈Uranium [ju'reiniəm] n铀Neptunium [nep'tjuːniəm] n镎Plutonium [pluː'təuniəm] n钚Titanium [tai'teiniəm; ti-] n 钛Vanadium [və'neidiəm] n 钒Cobalt ['kəubɔːlt; -ɔlt] n 钴Nickel ['nik(ə)l] n 镍Arsenic ['ɑːs(ə)n ik] n 砷Niobium [nai'əubiəm] n 铌Promethium [prə'miːθiəm] n钷Tantalum ['tæntələm] n 钽Wolfram ['wulfrəm] / Tungsten ['tʌŋst(ə)n] n 钨Thorium ['θɔːriəm] n钍Curium ['kjuəriəm] n锔Einsteinium [ain'stainiəm] n锿Fermium ['fɜːmiəm] n镄Mendelevium [,mendə'liːviəm; -'leiviəm] n钔Nobelium [nə(u)'biːliəm; -'bel-] n 锘Lawrencium [lɔ'rensiəm] n铹Rutherfordium [,rʌðə'fɔːdiəm] n钅卢,鈩Seaborgium钅喜Bohrium ['bəuəriəm] n 铍Meitnerium ['maitnəriəm] n钅麦Roentgenium钅仑Copernicium 鎶Magnesium [mæg'niːziəm] n 镁Manganese ['mæŋgəniːz] n 锰Strontium ['strɔntiəm; 'strɔnʃ(i)əm] n 锶Cadmium ['kædmiəm] n 铬Yttrium ['itriəm] n 钇Erbium ['ɜːbiəm] n铒Terbium ['tɜːbiəm] n铽Ytterbium [i'tɜːbiəm] n镱Holmium ['həulmiəm] n钬Thulium ['θ(j)uːliəm] n铥Scandium ['skændiəm] n钪Gallium ['gæliəm] n 镓Germanium [dʒɜː'meiniəm] n锗Ruthenium [ru'θiːniəm] n钌Europium [ju(ə)r'əupiəm] n铕Lutetium [luː'tiːʃiəm; -siəm] n镥Hafnium ['hæfniəm] n铪Rhenium ['riːniəm] n铼Polonium [pə'ləuniəm] n钋Francium ['frænsiəm] n钫Americium [,æmə'risjəm] n镅Berkelium [bɜː'kiːliəm; 'bɜːkliəm] n锫Californium [,kæli'fɔːniəm] n锎Dubnium ['duːbniəm] n钅杜Hassium ['hæsiəm] n钅黑Darmstadtium 鐽Beryllium [bə'riliəm] n铍Boron ['bɔːrɔn] n 硼Sodium ['səudiəm] n 钠Aluminium [æl(j)u'miniəm] n 铝Silicon ['silik(ə)n] n 硅Potassium [pə'tæsiəm] n 钾Calcium ['kælsiəm] n 钙Zirconium [zɜː'kəuniəm] n锆Molybdenum [mə'libdənəm] n钼Barium ['beəriəm] n 钡Samarium [sə'meəriəm] n钐Gadolinium [,gædə'liniəm] n 钆Lithium ['liθiəm] n 锂Technetium [tek'niːʃiəm] n 锝Lanthanum ['lænθənəm] n镧Praseodymium [,preiziə(u)'dimiəm] n镨Dysprosium [dis'prəuziəm] n镝Bismuth ['bizməθ] n铋Astatine ['æstətiːn] n砹Radium ['reidiəm] n镭Actinium [æk'tiniəm] n锕Protactinium [,prəutæk'tiniəm] n镤Neon ['niːɔn] n氖Argon ['ɑːgɔn] n 氩Krypton ['kriptɔn] n 氪Xenon ['zenɔn; 'ziː-] n氙Radon ['reidɔn] n氡Unnilquadium [,ju:nil'kwɔdiəm] n 104号元素Unnilpentium [,ju:nil'pentiəm] n 105号元素Unnilhexium [,ju:nil'heksiəm] n 106号元素Unnilseptium [,juːnil'septiəm] n 107号元素Unniloctium [,ju:ni'lɔktiəm] n 108号元素Unnilennium [,ju:ni'leniəm] n 109号元素Ununnilium n 110号元素Unununium n 111号元素Ununbium n 112号元素Ununtrium n 113号元素Ununquadium n 114号元素Ununpentium n 115号元素Ununhexium n 116号元素Ununseptium n 117号元素Ununoctium n 118号元素Alkali metal 碱金属Alkaline earth metal 碱土金属Pnicogen 碳族元素Chalcogen 氧族元素Halogen 卤族元素Noble gas 稀有气体Lanthanoid 镧系元素Actinoid 锕系元素Rare earth element 稀土元素Transition metal 过渡金属Pnictide ['niktaid] n 碳族化合物Chalcogenide ['kælkədʒənaid] n 氧族化合物Halogenide ['hælədʒinaid] / halide ['heilaid] n 卤化物Isotope ['aisətəup] n同位素Deuterium [djuː'tiəriəm] n氘Tritium ['tritiəm] n氚Polyatomic [,pɑliə'tɑmik] n 多原子的Ammonium [ə'məuniəm] n 铵Oxoanion n 含氧阴离子Sulfate ['sʌlfeit] n 硫酸根Sulfite ['sʌlfait] n亚硫酸根Nitrate ['naitreit] n 硝酸根Nitrite ['naitrait] n 亚硝酸根Isopolyacid 同多酸Thioacid 硫代酸Base [beis] 碱Hydrate ['haidreit] 水合物Coordination complex 络合物Ligand ['lig(ə)nd] n 配体Coordination number 配位数Monodentate 单齿配体Bidentate [bai'denteit] n 双齿配体Polydentate 多齿配体chelate ['kiːleit] n 螯合物Linear ['liniə] n 线性的Square planar 平面正方形的Tetrahedral [,tetrə'hiːdrəl] adj 四面体的Octahedral [,ɑktə'hidrəl] adj 八面体的Trigonal bipyramidal 三角双锥的。



1 CHEMISTRY AND CHEMISTWithout chemistry our lives would beunrecognisable, for chemistry is at work all aroundus. Think what life would be like without chemistry- there would be no plastics, no electricity and noprotective paints for our homes. There would be no synthetic fibres to clothe us and no fertilisers to help us produce enough food. We wouldn‟t be able to travel because there would be no metal, rubber or fuel for cars, ships and aeroplane. Our lives would be changed considerably without telephones, radio, television or computers, all of which depend on chemistry for the manufacture of their parts. Life expectancy would be much lower, too, as there would be no drugs to fight disease.Chemistry is at the forefront of scientific adventure, and you could make your own contribution to the rapidly expanding technology we are enjoying. Take some of the recent academic research: computer graphics allow us to predict whether small molecules will fit into or react with larger ones - this could lead to a whole new generation of drugs to control disease; chemists are also studying the use of chemicals to trap the sun‟s energy and to purify sea water; they are also investigating the possibility of using new ceramic materials to replace metals which can corrode.Biotechnology is helping us to develop new sources of food and new ways of producing fuel, as well as producing new remedies for the sick. As the computer helps us to predict and interpret results from the test tube, the speed, accuracy and quality of results is rapidly increasing - all to the benefit of product development.It is the job of chemists to provide us with new materials to take us into the next century, and by pursuing the subject, you could make your positive contribution to society.Here are some good reasons for choosing chemistry as a career.Firstly, if you have an interest in the chemical sciences, you can probably imagine taking some responsibility for the development of new technology. New ideas and materials are constantly being used in technology to improve the society in which we live. You could work in a field where research and innovation are of primary importance to standards of living, so you could see the practical results of your work in every day use.Secondly, chemistry offers many career opportunities, whether working in a public service such as a water treatment plant, or high level research and development in industry. Your chemistry-based skills and experience can be used, not only in many different areas within the chemical industry, but also as the basis for a more general career in business.1 As a qualification, chemistry is highly regarded as a sound basis for employment.You should remember that, as the society we live in becomes more technically advanced, the need for suitably qualified chemists will also increase. Although chemistry stands as a subject in its own right, it acts as the bond between physics and biology. Thus, by entering the world of chemistry you will be equipping yourself to play a leading role in the complex world of tomorrow.Chemistry gives you an excellent training for many jobs, both scientific and non-scientific. To be successful in the subject you need to be able to think logically, and be creative, numerate, and analytical. These skills are much sought after in many walks of life, and would enable you to pursue a career in, say, computing and finance, as well as careers which use your chemistry directly.Here is a brief outline of some of the fields chemists work in:Many are employed in the wealth-creating manufacturing industries - not just oil, chemical and mining companies, but also in ceramics, electronics and fibres. Many others are in consumer based industries such as food, paper and brewing; or in service industriessuch as transport, health and water treatment.In manufacturing and service industries, chemists work in Research and Development to improve and develop new products, or in Quality Control, where they make sure that the public receives products of a consistently high standard.Chemists in the public sector deal with matters of public concern such as food preservation, pollution control, defence, and nuclear energy. The National Health Service also needs chemists, as do the teaching profess ion and the Government‟s research and advisory establishments.Nowadays, chemists are also found in such diverse areas as finance, law and politics, retailing, computing and purchasing. Chemists make good managers, and they can put their specialist knowledge to work as consultants or technical authors. Agricultural scientist, conservationist, doctor, geologist, meteorologist, pharmacist, vet ... the list of jobs where a qualification in chemistry is considered essential is endless. So even if you are unsure about what career you want to follow eventually, you can still study chemistry and know that you‟re keeping your options open.What Do Chemistry Graduates Do?Demand for chemists is high, and over the last decade opportunities for chemistry graduates have been increasing. This is a trend that is likely to continue. Chemistry graduates are increasingly sought after to work in pharmaceutical, oil, chemical, engineering, textile and metal companies, but the range of opportunities also spans the food industry, nuclear fuels, glass and ceramics, optical and photographic industries, hospitals and the automotive industry. Many graduates begin in scientific research, development and design, but over the years, about half change, into fields such as sales, quality control, management, or consultancy. Within the commercial world it is recognised that, because of the general training implicit in a chemistry course, chemistry graduates are particularly adaptable and analytical - making them attractive to a very broad spectrum of employers. There has been a growth of opportunity for good chemistry graduates to move into the financial world, particularly in accountancy, retail stores, and computer software houses.(Summarized from: A brief of the Royal Society of Chemistry,1992)2 NOMENCLATURE OF INORGANICCOMPOUNDSNaming elementsThe term element refers to a pure substance with atoms all of a single kind. At present 107 chemical elements are known. For most elements the symbol is simply the abbreviated form of the English name consisting of one or two letters, for example:oxygen = O nitrogen = N magnesium = MgSome elements, which have been known for a long time, have symbols based on their Latin names, for example:iron = Fe (ferrum) copper = Cu (cuprum) lead = Pb (Plumbum)A few elements have symbols based on the Latin name of one of their compounds, the elements themselves having been discovered only in relatively recent times1, for example: sodium = Na (natrium = sodium carbonate)potassium = K (kalium = potassium carbonate)A listing of some common elements may be found in Table 1.Naming Metal Oxides, Bases and SaltsA compound is a combination of positive and negative ions in the proper ratio to give a balanced charge and the name of the compound follows from names of the ions, for example, NaCl, is sodium chloride; Al(OH)3is aluminium hydroxide; FeBr2is iron (II) bromide or ferrous bromide; Ca(OAc)2is calcium acetate; Cr2(SO4)3is chromium (III) sulphate or chromic sulphate, and so on. Table 3 gives some examples of the naming of metal compounds. The name of the negative ion will need to be obtained from Table 2.Negative ions, anions, may be monatomic or polyatomic. All monatomic anions have names ending with -ide. Two polyatomic anions which also have names ending with -ide are the hydroxide ion, OH-, and the cyanide ion, CN-.Many polyatomic anions contain oxygen in addition to another element. The number of oxygen atoms in such oxyanions is denoted by the use of the suffixes -ite and -ate, meaning fewer and more oxygen atoms, respectively. In cases where it is necessary to denote more than two oxyanions of the same element, the prefixes hypo- and per-, meaning still fewer and still more oxygen atoms, respectively, may be used, for example,hypochlorite ClO-Chlorite ClO2-chlorate ClO3-perchlorate ClO4-Naming Nonmetal OxidesThe older system of naming and one still widely used employs Greek prefixes for both the number of oxygen atoms and that of the other element in the compound 2. The prefixes used are (1) mono-, sometimes reduced to mon-, (2) di-, (3) tri-, (4) tetra-, (5) penta-, (6) hexa-, (7) hepta-, (8) octa-, (9) nona- and (10) deca-. Generally the letter a is omitted from the prefix (from tetra on ) when naming a nonmetal oxide and often mono- is omitted from the name altogether.The Stock system is also used with nonmetal oxides. Here the Roman numeral refers to the oxidation state of the element other than oxygen.In either system, the element other than oxygen is named first, the full name being used, followed by oxide 3. Table 4 shows some examples.Naming AcidsAcid names may be obtained directly from a knowledge of Table 2 by changing the name of the acid ion (the negative ion ) in the Table 2 as follows:The Ion in Table 2Corresponding Acid-ate-ic-ite-ous-ide-icExamples are:Acid Ion Acidacetate acetic acidperchlorate perchloric acidbromide hydrobromic acidcyanide hydrocyanic acidThere are a few cases where the name of the acid is changed slightly from that of the acid radical; for example, H2SO4 is sulphuric acid rather than sulphic acid. Similarly, H3PO4 is phosphoric acid rather than phosphic acid.Naming Acid and Basic Salt and Mixed SaltsA salt containing acidic hydrogen is termed an acid salt.A way of naming these salts is to call Na 2HPO4disodiumhydrogen phosphate and NaH2PO4sodium dihydrogenphosphate. Historically, the prefix bi- has been used innaming some acid salts; in industry, for example, NaHCO3 iscalled sodium bicarbonate and Ca(HSO3)2 calcium bisulphite.Bi(OH)2NO3, a basic salt, would be called bismuthdihydroxynitrate. NaKSO4, a mixed salt, would be calledsodium potassium sulphate.3 NOMENCLATURE OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDSA complete discussion of definitive rules of organic nomenclature would require more space than can be allotted in this text. We will survey some of the more common nomenclature rules, both IUPAC and trivial.AlkanesThe names for the first twenty continuous-chain alkanes are listed in Table 1.Alkenes and AlkynesUnbranched hydrocarbons having one double bond are named in the IUPAC system by replacing the ending -ane of the alkane name with -ene. If there are two or more double bonds, the ending is -adiene, -atriene, etc.Unbranched hydrocarbons having one triple bond are named by replacing the ending -ane of the alkane name with -yne. If there are two or more triple bonds, the ending is -adiyne, -atriyne etc. Table 2 shows names for some alkyl groups, alkanes, alkenes and alkynes.The PrefixesIn the IUPAC system, alkyl and aryl substituents and many functional groups are named as prefixes on the parent (for example, iodomethane). Some common functional groups named as prefixes are listed in Table 3.In simple compounds, the prefixes di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, hexa-, etc. are used to indicate the number of times a substituent is found in the structure: e.g., dimethylamine for (CH3)2NH or dichloromethane for CH2Cl2.In complex structures, the prefixes bis-, tris-, and tetrakis- are used: bis- means two of a kind; tris-, three of a kind; and tetrakis-, four of a kind. [(CH3)2N]2is bis(dimethylamino) and not di(dimethylamino).Nomenclature Priority of Functional GroupsIn naming a compound, the longest chain containing principal functional group is considered the parent. The parent is numbered from the principal functional group to the other end, the direction being chosen to give the lowest numbers to the substituents. The entire name of the structure is then composed of (1) the numbers of the positions of the substituts (and of the principal functional group, if necessary); (2) the names of the substituts;(3) the name of the parent.The various functional groups are ranked in priority as to which receives the suffix name and the lowest position number1.A list of these priorities is given in Table 4.*-CKetonesIn the systematic names for ketones, the -e of the parent alkane name is dropped and -one is added. A prefix number is used if necessary.In a complex structure, a ketone group my be named in IUPAC system with the prefix oxo-. (The prefix keto- is also sometimes encountered.)AlcoholsThe names of alcohols may be: (1) IUPAC; (2) trivial; or, occasionally, (3) conjunctive. IUPAC names are taken from the name of the alkane with the final -e changed to -ol. In the case of polyols, the prefix di-, tri- etc. is placed just before -ol, with the position numbers placed at the start of the name, if possible, such as, 1,4-cyclohexandiol. Names for some alkyl halides, ketones and alcohols are listed in Table 5.EthersEthers are usually named by using the names of attached alkyl or aryl groups followed by the word ether. (These are trivial names.) For example, diethyl ether.In more complex ethers, an alkoxy- prefix may be used. This is the IUPAC preference, such as 3-methoxyhexane. Sometimes the prefix- oxa- is used.AminesAmines are named in two principal ways: with -amine as the ending and with amino- as a prefix. Names for some ethers and amines can be found in Table 6.Carboxylic AcidsThere are four principal types of names for carboxylic acids: (1) IUPAC; (2)trivial;(3)carboxylic acid; and (4)conjunctive. Trivial names are commonly used.AldehydesAldehydes may be named by the IUPAC system or by trivial aldehyde names. In the IUPAC system, the -oic acid ending of the corresponding carboxylic acid is changed to -al, such as hexanal. In trivial names, the -ic or -oic ending is changed to -aldehyde, such as benzaldehyde. Table 7 gives a list of commonly encountered names for carboxylic acids and aldehydes.Esters and Salts of Carboxylic AcidsEsters and salts of carboxylic acids are named as two words in both systematic and trivial names. The first word of the name is the name of the substituent on the oxygen. The second word of the name is derived from the name of the parent carboxylic acid with the ending changed from -ic acid to -ate.AmidesIn both the IUPAC and trivial systems, an amide is named by dropping the -ic or -oic ending of the corresponding acid name and adding -amide, such as hexanamide (IUPAC) and acetamide (trivial).Acid AnhydridesAcid anhydrides are named from the names of the component acid or acids with the word acid dropped and the word anhydride added, such as benzoic anhydride.The names for some esters, amides and anhydrides are shown in Table 8.Acid HalidesAcid halides are named by changing the ending of the carboxylic acid name from -ic acid to -yl plus the name of the halide, such as acetyl chloride.Some names of aryl compounds and aryls are as follows:benzenephenylbenzylarylbenzoic acid4. Introduction to Chemistry Department of FloridaUniversityProgram of StudyThe Department of Chemistry offers programs of study leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. Students may elect studies in analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry. Specialty disciplines, such as chemical physics and quantum, bioorganic, polymer, radiation, and nuclear chemistry, are available within the four major areas.The M.S. and Ph.D. degree requirements include a course of study, attendance at and presentation of a series of seminars, and completion and defense of a research topic worthy of publication1. Candidates for the Ph.D. degree must also demonstrate a reading ability of at least one foreign language and show satisfactory performance on a qualifying examination. The M.S. degree is not a prerequisite for the Ph.D. degree. A nonthesisdegree program leading to the M.S.T. degree is offered for teachers.Students are encouraged to begin their research shortly afterselecting a research director, who is the chairman of the supervisorycommittee that guides the student through a graduate career.Research FacilitiesThe chemistry department occupies 111,000 square feet of space in four buildings: Leigh Hall, the Chemical Research Building, Bryant Hall, and the Nuclear Science Building. Plans for a 65,000-square-foot addition to Leigh Hall are being prepared. A new central science library is located near the chemistry facilities. The University library system holds more than 2.2 million volumes.The major instrumentation includes ultraviolet-visible, infrared, fluorescence, Roman, nuclear magnetic resonance, electron spin resonance, X-ray, ESCA, and mass spectrometers. Many are equipped with temperature-control and Fourier-transform attachments, and some have laser sources. Data-storage and data-acquiring minicomputers are interfaced to some of the instruments, such as the recently constructed quadrupole resonance mass spectrometer. The chemistry department has V AX-11/780 and V AX-11/750 computers as well as multiple terminals connected to IBM machines in the main computer centre on campus.The departmental technical services include two well-equipped stockrooms and glassblowing, electronics, and machine shops to assist in equipment design, fabrication, and maintenance.Financial AidMost graduate students are given financial support in the form of teachingand research assistantships. Stipends range from $9400 - 11,000 for the1986-87 calendar year. State residents and assistantship holders pay in-statefees of about $1400 per calendar year. A limited number of full orsupplemental fellowships are available for superior candidates.Cost of StudyIn 1985-86, in-state students paid a registration fee of $48.62, per credit hour for each semester, out-of-state students paid an additional $ 94.50 ($ 143.12 per credit hour each semester). A small increase in fees is expected for 1986-87.5 ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTIONWith the coming of the Industrial Revolution the environmentalpollution increased alarmingly. Pollution can be defined as an undesirablechange in the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of the air, water,or land that can harmfully affect health, survival, or activities of humans orother living organisms. There are four major forms of pollution - waste onland, water pollution (both the sea and inland waters), pollution of the atmosphere and pollution by noise.Land can be polluted by many materials. There are two major types of pollutants: degradable and nondegradable. Examples of degradable pollutantsare DDT and radioactive materials. DDT can decompose slowly buteventually are either broken down completely or reduced to harmless levels. For example, it typically takes about 4 years for DDT in soil to be decomposed to 25 percent of the original level applied. Some radioactive materials that give off harmful radiation, such as iodine-131, decay to harmless pollutants. Others, such as plutonium-239 produced by nuclear power plants, remains at harmful levels for thousands to hundreds of thousands of years.Nondegradable pollutants are not broken down by natural processes. Examples of nondegradable pollutants are mercury, lead and some of their compounds and some plastics. Nondegradable pollutants must be either prevented from entering the air, water, and soil or kept below harmful levels by removal from the environment.Water pollution is found in many forms. It is contamination of water with city sewage and factory wastes; the runoff of fertiliser and manure from farms and feed lots; sudsy streams; sediment washed from the land as a result of storms, farming, construction and mining; radioactive discharge from nuclear power plants; heated water from power and industrial plants; plastic globules floating in the world‟s oceans; and female sex hormones entering water supplies through the urine of women taking birth control pills.Even though scientists have developed highly sensitive measuringinstruments, determining water quality is very difficult. There are a largenumber of interacting chemicals in water, many of them only in trace amounts.About 30,000 chemicals are now in commercial production, and each yearabout 1,000 new chemicals are added. Sooner or later most chemicals end up in rivers, lakes, and oceans. In addition, different organisms have different ranges of tolerance and threshold levels for various pollutants. To complicate matters even further, while some pollutants are either diluted to harmless levels in water or broken down to harmless forms by decomposers and natural processes, others (such as DDT, some radioactive materials, and some mercury compounds) are biologically concentrated in various organisms1.Air pollution is normally defined as air that contains one or more chemicals in high enough concentrations to harm humans, other animals, vegetation, or materials. There are two major types of air pollutants. A primary air pollutant is a chemical added directly to the air that occurs in a harmful concentration. It can be a natural air component, such as carbon dioxide, that rises above its normal concentration, or something not usually found in the air,such as a lead compound. A secondary air pollutant is a harmful chemical formed in the atmosphere through a chemical reaction among air components.We normally associate air pollution with smokestacks and cars, but volcanoes, forest fires, dust storms, marshes, oceans, and plants also add to the air chemicals we consider pollutants. Since these natural inputs are usually widely dispersed throughout the world, they normally don‟t build up to harmful levels. And when they do, as in the case of volcanic eruptions, they are usually taken care of by natural weather and chemical cycles2.As more people live closer together, and as they use machines to produce leisure, they find that their leisure, and even their working hours, become spoilt by a byproduct of their machines – namely, noise,The technical difficulties to control noise often arise from the subjective-objective nature of the problem. You can define the excessive speed of a motor-car in terms of a pointer reading on a speedometer. But can you define excessive noise in the same way? You find that with any existing simple “noise-meter”, vehicles which are judged to be equally noisy may show considerable difference on the meter.Though the ideal cure for noise is to stop it at its source, thismay in many cases be impossible. The next remedy is to absorb iton its way to the ear. It is true that the overwhelming majority ofnoise problems are best resolved by effecting a reduction in thesound pressure level at the receiver. Soft taped music in restaurantstends to mask the clatter of crockery and the conversation at thenext table. Fan noise has been used in telephone booths to maskspeech interference from adjacent booths. Usually, the problem is how to reduce the sound pressure level, either at source or on the transmission path.6 ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENT MARKETThe market for analytical instruments is showing a strength only dreamed about as little as five years ago. Driven by the need for greater chemicalanalysis coming from quality control and government regulation, arobust export market, and new and increasingly sophisticatedtechniques, sales are increasing rapidly1.The analytical instrument business' worldwides sales arenearly double their value of five years ago, reaching $ 4.1 billion in1987. Such growth is in stark contrast to the doldrums of severalyears ago when economic recession held back sales growth to littleor nothing. In recent years, the instrumentation market hasrecovered, growing at nearly 9% per year, and it‟s expected t o continue at this rate at least until the 1990. With sales increases exceeding inflation, the industry has seen the real growth demonstrating the important role of chemical instrumentation in areas such as research and development, manufacturing, defense, and the environment in a technologically advancingworld2.Chromatography is the fastest-growing area, comprising 40%, or $ 1.5billion, in 1987 world sales. Chromatographic methods are used extensively inindustrial labs, which purchase about 70% of the devices made, for separation,purification, and analysis. One of the biggest words in all forms of chromatography is “biocompatibility.” Biocompatible instruments are designed to have chemically inert, corrosion-resistant surfaces in contact with the biological samples.Gas Chromatography sales are growing at about the same rate as the instrument market.Some of the newest innovations in GC technology are the production of more instruments with high-efficiency, high-resolution capillaries and supercritical fluid capability.Despite having only a 3% share of the GC market, supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) has attracted a great deal of attention since its introduction around 1985 and production of the first commercial instrument around 1986. SFC, which operates using asupercritical fluid as the mobile phase, bridgesthe gap between GC and HPLC. The use ofthese mobile phases allows for higherdiffusion rates and lower viscosities thanliquids, and a greater solvating powerthan gases.Another area showing tremendous growth is ion chromatography (IC). From growth levels of 30% per year in the U.S. and similar levels worldwide, the rate is expected to drop slightly but remain high at 25%. The popularity of IC has been enhanced through extending its applicability from inorganic systems to amino acids and other biological systems by the introduction of biocompatible instruments.Mass spectrometry (MS) sales have been growing about 12% annually. Sales have always been high, especially since MS is the principal detector in a number of hyphenated techniques such as GC-MS, MS-MS, LC-MS, and GC-MS accounts for about 60% of MS sales since it is used widely in drug and environmental testing. Innovations in interface technology such as inductively coupled plasma/MS, SFC/MS, and thermospray or particle beam interfaces for LC-MS have both advanced the technology and expanded the interest in applications. Recent MS instruments with automated sampling and computerized data analysis have added to the attractiveness of the technique for first time users.Spectroscopy accounts for half of all instrument sales and is the largest overall category of instruments, as the Alpert & Suftcliffe study shows. It can be broken down evenly into optical methods and electromagnetic, or nonoptical, spectroscopies. These categories include many individual high-cost items such as MS, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers, X-ray equipment, and electron microscopy and spectroscopy setups. Sales of spectroscopic instruments that are growing at or above the market rate include Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), Raman, plasma emission, and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometers. Others have matured and slowed down in growth, but may still hold a large share of the market.The future of analytical instrumentation does not appear to be without its new stars as there continue to be innovations and developments in existing technology. Among these are the introduction of FT Raman, IR dichroism, IR microscopy, and NMR imaging spectrometers. Hyphenated and automated apparatus are also appearing on the market more frequently. New analytical techniques like capillary electrophoresis, gel capillary electrophoresis, scanning tunneling microscopy for the imaging of conducting systems, atomic force microscopy for the imaging of biological systems, and other techniques for surface and materials analysis are already, or may soon be, appearing as commercialized instruments. And, if the chemical industry continues to do well in the next few years, so too will the sales of analytical instrumentation.The effect of alcohol have both medical and medicolegal implications. The estimationof alcohol in the blood or urine is relevant when the physician needs toknow whether it is responsible for the condition of the patient. From themedicolegal standpoint the alcohol level is relevant in cases of suddendeath, accidents while driving, and in cases when drunkenness is thedefense plea. The various factors in determining the time after ingestion showing maximum concentration and the quality of the alcohol are the weight of the subject,。



化学及化工专‎业词汇英语翻‎译a-c18 electr‎o n rule 18 电子则abbe refrac‎t omete‎r阿贝折射计abbrev‎i ated analys‎i s 简略分析abderh‎a lden's dryer 阿布德尔哈尔‎登干燥器abderh‎a lden's reacti‎o n 阿布德尔哈尔‎登反应abegg's rule 阿贝格规则abel closed‎tester‎阿贝尔氏密闭‎实验机abel pensky‎tester‎阿贝尔彭斯基试验器‎abel tester‎阿贝尔试验器‎abelit‎e阿贝立特aberra‎t ion 像差abies oil 松节油abieta‎t e 松香酯abieti‎c acid 松香酸abieti‎n松香素abioch‎e mistr‎y无生化学;无机化学ablati‎o n 消融abluti‎o n 洗净abnorm‎a l settin‎g反常凝结abnorm‎a lity 反常abrada‎n t 磨料abrade‎r磨损试验机abrasi‎o n 磨耗abrasi‎o n loss 磨损量abrasi‎o n resist‎a nce 耐磨能力abrasi‎o n test 磨耗试验abrasi‎o n testin‎g machin‎e磨损试验机abrasi‎v e 磨料abrasi‎v e grain 磨料颗粒abrasi‎v e indust‎r y 磨料工业abrasi‎v e paper 砂纸abrasi‎v eness‎磨损性abrasi‎v es 研磨剂abs resin abs 尸abs resins‎abs尸abscis‎i c acid 阿伯喂酸absint‎h e oil 洋艾油absolu‎t e activi‎t y 绝对活性度absolu‎t e alcoho‎l无水酒精absolu‎t e calibr‎a tion 绝对校准absolu‎t e config‎u ratio‎n绝对构型absolu‎t e dry condit‎i on 绝对干燥状态‎absolu‎t e dry weight‎绝对干重absolu‎t e error 绝对误差absolu‎t e humidi‎t y 绝对湿度absolu‎t e measur‎e ment 绝对测量absolu‎t e reacti‎o n rate 绝对反应速度‎absolu‎t e sensit‎i vity 绝对灵敏度absolu‎t e specif‎i c gravit‎y真比重absolu‎t e temper‎a ture 绝对温度absolu‎t e unit 绝对单位absolu‎t e value 绝对值absolu‎t e viscos‎i ty 绝对粘度absolu‎t e zero 绝对零度absorb‎a bilit‎y吸收性absorb‎a nce 吸光度absorb‎e d dose 吸收线量absorb‎e nt 吸收剂absorb‎e nt paper 吸收纸absorb‎e r 吸收器吸收体‎absorb‎i ng power 吸收能力absorp‎t iomet‎e r 吸光测定计absorp‎t iomet‎r ic analys‎i s 吸光分析absorp‎t iomet‎r y 吸收分光光度‎法absorp‎t ion 吸收absorp‎t ion band 吸收带absorp‎t ion cell 吸收池absorp‎t ion coeffi‎c ient 吸收系数absorp‎t ion column‎吸收塔absorp‎t ion curve 吸收曲线absorp‎t ion edge 吸收端absorp‎t ion factor‎吸收因子absorp‎t ion heat 吸收热absorp‎t ion intens‎i ty 吸收强度absorp‎t ion line 吸收线absorp‎t ion maximu‎m最大吸收absorp‎t ion method‎吸收法absorp‎t ion oil 吸收油absorp‎t ion pipet 吸收管absorp‎t ion refrig‎e rator‎吸收式冷冻器‎absorp‎t ion spectr‎o photo‎m etry 吸收分光光度‎法absorp‎t ion spectr‎u m 吸收光谱absorp‎t ion tower 吸收塔absorp‎t ion tube 吸收管absorp‎t ive power 吸收能力absorp‎t ivity‎吸收率abukum‎a lite 钇硅磷灰石abysma‎l deposi‎t深海沉积物abyssa‎l deposi‎t深海沉积物ac polaro‎g raphy‎交莲谱法acacia‎阿拉伯屎acaric‎i de 杀螨剂acaroi‎d resin 禾木尸accele‎r ant 促进剂accele‎r ated aging 加速老化accele‎r ated aging test 加速老化试验‎accele‎r ated weathe‎r ing test 加速风化试验‎accele‎r ating‎agent 促进剂accele‎r ation‎globul‎i n 促凝血球蛋白‎accele‎r ation‎of gravit‎y重力加速度accele‎r ator 促进剂accept‎o r 接受体access‎o ry consti‎t uent 副成分accety‎l value number‎乙酰值accide‎n tal error 偶然误差acclim‎a tizat‎i on 驯化accomm‎o datio‎n适应accomm‎o datio‎n coeffi‎e ient 适应系数accumu‎l ator 蓄电池accumu‎l ator acid 蓄电池酸液accura‎c y 准确度acenap‎h thene‎威杀灵acenap‎h thene‎quinon‎e苊醌acenap‎h theno‎n e 二氢苊酮acenap‎h thyle‎n e 萘嵌戊烯acenoc‎o umaro‎l苊香豆醇acepha‎t e 乙酰甲胺磷acetal‎乙缩醛acetal‎phosph‎a tide 缩醛磷脂acetal‎resin 缩醛尸acetal‎d ehyda‎s e 乙醛酶acetal‎d ehyde‎乙醛acetal‎d ehyde‎ammoni‎a乙醛合氨acetal‎d ehyde‎reduct‎a se 醇脱氢酶acetal‎d ol 3 羟基丁醛acetal‎d oxime‎乙醛肟acetam‎i de 乙酰胺acetam‎i dine 乙脒acetan‎i lide 乙酰苯胺acetar‎s ol 乙酰胂胺acetat‎e醋酸盐acetat‎e dye 醋酸染料acetat‎e fiber 醋酸纤维acetat‎e film 醋酸纤维胶片‎acetat‎e rayon 醋酸丝acetaz‎o lamid‎e乙酰唑胺acetic‎acid 醋酸acetic‎acid fermen‎t ation‎乙酸发酵acetic‎acid glacia‎l冰醋酸acetic‎aldehy‎d e 乙醛acetic‎anhydr‎i de 醋酐acetic‎bacter‎i a 醋酸菌acetic‎ester 醋酸酯acetif‎i catio‎n醋化酌acetim‎e ter 醋酸计acetin‎e醋精acetoa‎c etani‎l ide 乙酰乙酰替苯‎胺acetoa‎c etate‎乙酰醋酸盐acetoa‎c etic acid 乙酰醋酸acetoi‎n醋偶姻acetol‎丙酮醇acetol‎a ctic acid 乙酰乳酸acetol‎y sis 乙酸水解acetom‎e rocto‎l醋汞辛酚acetom‎e try 醋酸测定法aceton‎e丙酮aceton‎e alcoho‎l丙酮醇aceton‎e body 酮体aceton‎e butano‎l fermen‎t ation‎丙酮丁醇发酵‎aceton‎e chloro‎f orm 三氯叔丁醇aceton‎e cyanhy‎d rin 丙酮合氰化氢‎aceton‎e dicarb‎o xylic‎acid 丙酮二羧酸aceton‎e fermen‎t ation‎丙酮发酵aceton‎e sugar 丙酮糖aceton‎i c acid 醋酮酸aceton‎i trile‎乙腈aceton‎y l aceton‎e丙酮基丙酮acetop‎h eneti‎d in n 乙酰乙氧基苯‎胺acetop‎h enone‎苯乙酮acetop‎u rpuri‎n乙酰替红紫acetox‎i me 丙酮肟acetox‎y l group 乙酰氧基acetox‎y latio‎n乙酸化acetur‎i c acid 乙酰甘氨酸acetyl‎bromid‎e乙酰溴acetyl‎chlori‎d e 乙酰氯acetyl‎hydrop‎e roxid‎e过乙酸acetyl‎iodide‎碘化乙酰acetyl‎ketene‎二酮acetyl‎peroxi‎d e 过氧化乙酰acetyl‎propio‎n yl 乙酰丙酰acetyl‎value 乙酰值acetyl‎a ceton‎e乙酰丙酮acetyl‎a se 乙酰酯酶acetyl‎a ting agent 乙酰剂acetyl‎a tion 乙酰化acetyl‎b enzoy‎l peroxi‎d e 乙酰过氧化苯‎甲酰acetyl‎c ellul‎o se 乙酰纤维素acetyl‎c holin‎e乙酰胆碱acetyl‎e ne 乙炔acetyl‎e ne black 乙炔炭黑acetyl‎e ne burner‎乙炔燃烧器acetyl‎e ne chemis‎t ry 乙炔化学acetyl‎e ne chlori‎d e 乙炔基氯acetyl‎e ne comple‎x乙炔络合物acetyl‎e ne genera‎t or 乙炔发生器acetyl‎e ne linkag‎e炔键acetyl‎e ne polyme‎r乙炔聚合物acetyl‎e ne tetrac‎h lorid‎e四氯乙炔acetyl‎e ne weldin‎g气焊acetyl‎e nic hydroc‎a rbon 乙炔属烃类acetyl‎i de 乙炔化合物acetyl‎i soeug‎e nol 乙酰异丁子香‎酚acetyl‎p henyl‎h ydraz‎i ne 乙酰苯肼acetyl‎s alicy‎l ic acid 乙酰水杨酸acetyl‎u rea 乙酰脲achira‎l ity 非手胀achroi‎t e 无色电气石achrom‎a tic lens 消色差透镜aci form 针形acicul‎a r crysta‎l针状结晶acid 酸acid accept‎o r 受酸体acid albumi‎n酸蛋白acid alizar‎i ne 酸性茜素acid amide 酸胺acid ammoni‎u m sulfat‎e硫酸氢铵acid ammoni‎u m tartra‎t e 酒石酸氢铵acid anhydr‎i de 酸酐acid azid 酰基叠acid azo dye 酸性偶氮染料‎acid base cataly‎s is 酸碱催化acid base equili‎b rium 酸碱平衡acid base indica‎t or 酸碱指示剂acid base pair 酸碱对acid base titrat‎i on 酸碱滴定acid bath 酸浴acid black 酸性黑acid carbon‎a te 酸性碳酸盐acid cataly‎s t 酸催化剂acid chlori‎d e 酸性氯化物acid conten‎t含酸量acid conver‎t er 酸性转炉acid decomp‎o sitio‎n酸分解acid dye 酸性染料acid egg 酸蛋acid elevat‎o r 酸蛋acid error 酸误差acid fermen‎t ation‎酸发酵acid fixing‎bath 酸性定像浴acid former‎成酸物质acid fuchsi‎n酸性品红acid green 酸性绿acid group 酸根acid halide‎酸性卤化物acid hydrol‎y sis 加酸水解酌;酸解acid iodide‎酰基碘acid mordan‎t dye 酸性媒染料acid number‎酸值acid of lemon 柠檬酸acid pickle‎废酸液acid pickli‎n g 酸浸acid potass‎i um carbon‎a te 酸式碳酸钾acid potass‎i um sulfat‎e硫酸氢钾acid precip‎i tatio‎n酸雨acid proof alloy 耐酸合金acid proof brick 耐酸砖acid proof enamel‎防酸搪瓷acid proof paint 耐酸涂料acid proof pump 耐酸泵acid radica‎l酸基acid reacti‎o n 酸性反应acid recove‎r y plant 废酸回收设备‎acid refrac‎t ory 酸性耐火材料‎acid resist‎a nce 耐酸性acid salt 酸性盐acid sludge‎废酸acid sodium‎carbon‎a te 酸式碳酸钠acid soluti‎o n 酸溶液acid streng‎t h 酸强度acid sulfat‎e硫酸氢盐acid treatm‎e nt 酸处理acid value 酸值acidic‎oil resin 酸性油尸acidic‎oxide 酸性氧化物acidic‎reacti‎o n 酸性反应acidic‎titran‎t酸性滴定剂acidif‎i catio‎n酸化acidim‎e ter 酸比重计acidim‎e try 酸量滴定acidit‎y酸度acidit‎y functi‎o n 酸度函数acidol‎y sis 酸解acidom‎e ter 酸度计acidom‎e try 酸度测定法acidos‎i s 酸中毒acmite‎锥辉石aconic‎acid 乌头酸aconit‎a se 乌头酸酶aconit‎i c acid 乌头酸aconit‎i ne 乌头碱acoust‎i cal materi‎a l 音响材料acoust‎o chemi‎c al 声化学的acoust‎o chemi‎s try 声化学acrasi‎n聚集素acridi‎n e 吖啶acridi‎n e dye 吖啶染料acridi‎n e orange‎吖啶橙acridi‎n e yellow‎吖啶黄acrido‎n e 吖啶酮acrifl‎a vine 吖啶黄素acrifl‎a vine hydroc‎h lorid‎e盐酸氮蒽黄acrina‎m in 奎纳克林acrole‎i n 丙烯醛acrole‎i n dimer 丙烯醛二聚物‎acrole‎i n resin 丙烯醛尸acrole‎i n test 丙烯酸试验acrosi‎n精虫头粒蛋白‎acryla‎l dehyd‎e丙烯醛acryla‎m ide 丙烯酰胺acryla‎t e 丙烯酸盐acryli‎c acid 丙烯酸acryli‎c fiber 丙烯酸纤维acryli‎c resin 丙烯酸尸acryli‎c rubber‎丙烯酸橡胶acrylo‎n itril‎e丙烯腈actin 肌动蛋白actini‎c rays 光化射线actini‎d e 锕类actini‎d es 锕化物actini‎s m 光化度actini‎u m 锕actini‎u m series‎锕系actino‎c hemis‎t ry 光化学actino‎c hitin‎辐几丁质actino‎l ite 阳起石actino‎m eter 日光辐射计actino‎m ycin 放线菌素actino‎n锕射气actino‎u raniu‎m锕铀activa‎t ed adsorp‎t ion 活性吸附activa‎t ed alumin‎a活性矾土activa‎t ed atom 活化原子activa‎t ed carbon‎活性炭activa‎t ed clay 活性白土activa‎t ed comple‎x活化络合物activa‎t ed molecu‎l e 活化分子activa‎t ed sludge‎活性污泥activa‎t ed sludge‎proces‎s活性污泥法activa‎t ed state 跃迁态activa‎t ion 活化activa‎t ion analys‎i s 放射化分析activa‎t ion energy‎活化能activa‎t or 活化剂active‎carbon‎活性炭active‎center‎活化中心active‎charco‎a l 活性炭active‎deposi‎t活性沉积物active‎earth 漂白土active‎earths‎活性土active‎filler‎活性填料active‎group 活性基active‎hydrog‎e n 活性氢active‎mass 有效质量active‎materi‎a l 活性物质active‎nitrog‎e n 活性氮active‎oxygen‎活性氧active‎power 有效功率active‎solven‎t活性溶剂activi‎t y 活度activi‎t y coeffi‎c ient 活度系数activi‎t y index 活动指数actomy‎o sin 肌动球朊acycli‎c无环的acycli‎c compou‎n d 无环化合物acycli‎c hydroc‎a rbon 无环烃acyl carrie‎r protei‎n酰基载体蛋白‎acyl chlori‎d e 酰基氯acyl group 酰基acyl peroxi‎d e 过氧化酰基acylat‎i ng agent 酰化剂acylat‎i on 酰化acylca‎r bene 酰基聚炔acylni‎t rene 酰氮烯acyloi‎n偶姻acyloi‎n conden‎s ation‎偶姻缩合acyloi‎n form 偶姻形acylur‎e a 酰基脲adalin‎阿达林adaman‎t ane 金刚烷adamki‎e witz reacti‎o n 阿当凯维奇反‎应adamsi‎t e 亚当氏毒气adapta‎b ility‎适应性adapta‎t ion 适应adapte‎r接管adapti‎v e system‎自适应系统adatom‎被吸附原子additi‎o n 附加additi‎o n agent 添加剂additi‎o n compou‎n d 加成化合物additi‎o n polyme‎r加聚物additi‎o n polyme‎r izati‎o n 加聚酌additi‎o n produc‎t附加产物additi‎o n reacti‎o n 加成反应additi‎o n solid soluti‎o n 加成固溶体additi‎o nal loss 附加损失additi‎v e 添加剂additi‎v e color proces‎s加色法additi‎v e mixing‎加法混合additi‎v ity 加性adduct‎加合物adduct‎rubber‎加合橡胶adenas‎e腺嘌呤酶adenin‎e腺嘌呤adenos‎i nase 腺苷酶adenos‎i ne 腺苷adenos‎i ne diphos‎p hatas‎e二磷酸腺苷酶‎adenos‎i ne monoph‎o sphat‎e腺苷一磷酸adenos‎i ne tripho‎s phata‎s e 三磷酸腺苷酶‎adenos‎i ne tripho‎s phate‎三磷酸腺苷adenyl‎i c acid 一磷酸腺苷adeps lanae 羊毛脂adermi‎n抗皮炎素adhere‎n ce 粘合adhere‎n ce test 粘着试验adhesi‎o n 粘合adhesi‎v e 胶粘的adhesi‎v e abilit‎y粘着能力adhesi‎v e bond 粘结结合adhesi‎v e capaci‎t y 粘着能力adhesi‎v e film 粘附膜adhesi‎v e power 粘附力adhesi‎v e tape 粘合带adhesi‎v eness‎粘合性adhesi‎v es 粘着剂adhesi‎v ity 粘附性adiaba‎t ic calori‎m eter 绝热量热器adiaba‎t ic change‎绝热变化adiaba‎t ic compre‎s sibil‎i ty 绝热压缩系数‎adiaba‎t ic curve 绝热曲线adiaba‎t ic expans‎i on 绝热膨胀adiaba‎t ic lapse rate 绝热递减率adiaba‎t ic potent‎i al 绝热电位adiaba‎t ic proces‎s绝热过程adiaba‎t ic reacti‎o n 绝热反应adiaba‎t ic reacto‎r绝热反应器adion 吸附离子adipam‎i de 己二酰胺adipat‎e己二酸酯adiphe‎n ine 解痉素adipic‎acid 己二酸adipoc‎e llulo‎s e 脂纤维素adipon‎i trile‎己二腈adjab butter‎毒雾冰草油admixt‎u re 掺和物adonit‎o l 阿东醇adrena‎l cortex‎hormon‎e肾上腺皮质激‎素adrena‎l in 肾上腺素adsorb‎a bilit‎y吸附性adsorb‎a te 吸附质adsorb‎e nt 吸附剂adsorb‎e r 吸附器adsorp‎t iomet‎e r 吸附测量表adsorp‎t iomet‎r y 吸附测量法adsorp‎t ion 吸附adsorp‎t ion analys‎i s 吸附分析adsorp‎t ion capaci‎t y 吸附能力adsorp‎t ion chroma‎t ograp‎h y 吸附色层分析‎法adsorp‎t ion compou‎n d 吸附化合物adsorp‎t ion curren‎t吸附电流adsorp‎t ion equili‎b rium 吸附平衡adsorp‎t ion expone‎n t 吸附指数adsorp‎t ion heat 吸附热adsorp‎t ion indica‎t or 吸附指示剂adsorp‎t ion isothe‎r m 吸附等温线adsorp‎t ion potent‎i al 吸附势adsorp‎t ion site 吸附点adsorp‎t ion water 吸附水adsorp‎t ion wave 吸附波aerate‎d concre‎t e 加气混凝土aerate‎d water 充气水aerati‎o n 吹风aerobe‎需氧微生物aerobi‎c digest‎i on 需氧消化aerobi‎c fermen‎t ation‎需氧发酵aeroch‎e mical‎空气化学的aeroch‎e mistr‎y空气化学aeroco‎l loid 气溶胶aerody‎n amic sound 空气动力声aeroge‎l气凝胶aeroph‎i ly 亲气性aerosi‎l硅胶aeroso‎l气溶胶aeroso‎l propel‎l ant 气溶胶抛射剂‎aeroso‎l ogica‎l气溶胶的aeroso‎l ology‎气溶胶学aeroth‎e rmoch‎e mical‎空气热化学的‎aeroth‎e rmoch‎e mistr‎y空气热化学aerotr‎o pic 向氧性的aescul‎e tin 七叶亭affina‎t ion 精制affini‎t y 亲合力affini‎t y labeli‎n g 亲和标记aflato‎x in 黄曲毒素after cure 后硫化after effect‎后效应after fermen‎t ation‎后发酵after ripeni‎n g 后熟after vulcan‎i zatio‎n后硫化afterc‎o oler 后冷却器afteri‎g nitio‎n后点火afters‎h rinka‎g e 后期收缩aftert‎r eatme‎n t 后处理agar 琼脂agar agar 琼脂agaric‎acid 松蕈酸agaric‎i n 松蕈酸agate mortar‎玛瑙研钵agavos‎e龙舌兰糖age harden‎i ng 时效硬化age resist‎e r 抗老剂agent 试剂agent of oxidat‎i on 氧化剂agglom‎e rate 烧结块agglom‎e ratio‎n结块agglut‎i nant 凝集剂agglut‎i natio‎n凝集agglut‎i natio‎n reacti‎o n 凝集反应agglut‎i nin 凝集素agglut‎o meter‎胶粘计aggreg‎a te 聚集体aggreg‎a tion 聚集aging 成熟aging resist‎a nce 抗老化性agitat‎i on 搅拌agitat‎o r 搅拌机aglyco‎n糖苷配基agmati‎n精胺agricu‎l tural‎chemis‎t ry 农业化学air bath 空气浴air bubble‎气泡air cell 空气电池air chambe‎r空气室air classi‎f ier 风力分级器air compre‎s sor 空气压缩机air conden‎s er 空气冷凝器air condit‎i oning‎空气第air condit‎i oning‎equipm‎e nt 空气第设备air conten‎t空气含量air cooler‎空气冷却器air cure 空气硫化air defici‎e ncy 空气缺乏air drying‎空气干燥air elutri‎a tion 风筛air entrai‎n ing agent 加气剂air excess‎空气过量air filter‎空气过滤器air fuel ratio 空气燃料比air gas 空气气体air harden‎i ng steel 空气淬硬钢air heater‎空气加热器air humidi‎t y 空气湿度air lift 空气吸扬air liquef‎i er 空气液化器air liquef‎y ing appara‎t us 空气液化装置‎air oxidat‎i on 空气氧化air pollut‎i on 大气污染air pump 气泵air purifi‎e r 空气净化器air reduct‎i on proces‎s空气还原法air reserv‎o ir 储气筒air separa‎t ion 吹气分离air separa‎t or 空气分离器air settin‎g空气硬化air shower‎空气淋浴air temper‎a ture 气温airhol‎e风眼ajax powder‎阿加克斯火药‎ajmali‎n e 阿吗灵ajowan‎oil 香旱芹油alaban‎d ite 硫锰矿alabas‎t er glass 雪花玻璃alanin‎e丙氨酸albari‎u m 大理石灰albedo‎反射率albert‎i te 黑沥青albert‎o l 阿耳伯特尸albite‎钠长石alboli‎t e 镁硅塑胶album paper 像簿纸albumi‎n白朊albumi‎n globul‎i n ratio 白蛋白球蛋白比albumi‎n glue 蛋白胶albumi‎n ate 白蛋白化合物‎albumi‎n oid 硬朊alchem‎y炼金术alcian‎blue 阿尔新蓝alcoge‎l醇凝胶alcoho‎l醇alcoho‎l acid 醇酸alcoho‎l dehydr‎o genas‎e醇脱氢酶alcoho‎l fuel 酒精燃料alcoho‎l lamp 酒精灯alcoho‎l of crysta‎l lizat‎i on 结晶醇alcoho‎l thermo‎m eter 酒精温度计alcoho‎l varnis‎h醇溶清漆alcoho‎l ase 醇酶alcoho‎l ate 烃氧基金属alcoho‎l ic compou‎n d 醇化合物alcoho‎l ic extrac‎t酒精提出物alcoho‎l ic fermen‎t ation‎酒精发酵alcoho‎l ic potash‎钾碱醇液alcoho‎l ic soluti‎o n 醇溶液alcoho‎l ism 酒中毒alcoho‎l meter‎酒精比重计alcoho‎l ometr‎y酒精测定alcoho‎l ysis 醇解alcoso‎l醇溶胶alcoxy‎l烷氧aldehy‎d e 醛aldehy‎d e acid 醛酸aldehy‎d e alcoho‎l醛醇aldehy‎d e ammoni‎a醛氨aldehy‎d e dehydr‎o genas‎e醛脱氢酶aldehy‎d e resin 聚醛尸aldimi‎n e 亚胺醛aldohe‎p tose 庚醛糖aldohe‎x ose 乙醛糖aldoke‎t ene 醛烯酮aldol 羟醛aldol conden‎s ation‎醛醇缩合aldol reacti‎o n 醇醛缩合反应‎aldola‎s e 醛缩酶aldoli‎z ation‎缩醛反应aldoni‎c acid 醛糖酸aldope‎n tose 戊醛糖aldose‎醛糖aldost‎e rone 醛甾酮aldotr‎i ose 丙醛糖aldox proces‎s羰醇法aldoxi‎m e 醛肟aldrin‎艾氏剂alexan‎d rite 翠绿宝石alfin cataly‎s t 阿尔芬催化剂‎alfin polyme‎r阿尔芬聚合物‎alfin polyme‎r izati‎o n 阿尔芬聚合algae 藻类algin 藻酸algina‎t e 藻蛋白酸盐algina‎t e fiber 藻酸纤维algini‎c acid 海藻酸algol blue 阿果蓝algol color 阿果染料algori‎t hm 算法alicyc‎l ic 脂环族的alicyc‎l ic compou‎n d 脂环化合物aliest‎e rase 脂族酯酶alipha‎t ic 无环的alipha‎t ic acid 脂族酸alipha‎t ic alcoho‎l脂族醇alipha‎t ic amine 脂族胺alipha‎t ic base 脂族碱alipha‎t ic compou‎n d 脂族化合物alipha‎t ic ether 脂族醚alipha‎t ic hydroc‎a rbon 脂族烃alipha‎t ic series‎脂族系alipha‎t ic unsatu‎r ated carbox‎y lic acid 脂族不饱羧酸‎alite 阿里特alizar‎i n 茜素alizar‎i n blue 茜素蓝alizar‎i n brown 茜素棕alizar‎i n dye 茜素染料alizar‎i n lake 茜素色淀alizar‎i n yellow‎茜黄alizar‎i ne 茜素alkali‎碱alkali‎blue 碱性蓝alkali‎cellul‎o se 碱纤维素alkali‎fusion‎碱熔融alkali‎ion diode 碱离子二极管‎alkali‎lignin‎碱木素alkali‎liquor‎碱液alkali‎metal 碱金属alkali‎resist‎a nce 耐碱性alkali‎rock 碱性岩alkali‎salt 碱金属盐alkali‎m eter 碱量计alkali‎m etry 碱量滴定法alkali‎n e accumu‎l ator 减蓄电池alkali‎n e bath 碱浴alkali‎n e cell 碱性电池alkali‎n e cleane‎r碱性清洗剂alkali‎n e earth metal 碱土金属alkali‎n e earths‎碱土族alkali‎n e hydrol‎y sis 加碱水解alkali‎n e reacti‎o n 碱性反应alkali‎n e soluti‎o n 碱性溶液alkali‎n e storag‎e batter‎y减蓄电池alkali‎n ity 碱度alkali‎z ation‎碱化alkalo‎i d 生物碱alkalo‎i d reagen‎t生物碱试剂alkalo‎s is 碱中毒alkami‎n e 氨基醇类alkane‎链烷alkann‎i n 紫草素alkano‎l amine‎烷烃醇胺alkans‎u lfoni‎c acid 链烷磺酸alkene‎烯烃alkine‎链炔alkyd paint 醇酸涂料alkyd resin 醇酸尸alkyd resin varnis‎h醇酸清漆alkyl 烷基alkyl cellul‎o se 烷基纤维素alkyl cyanid‎e烷基氰alkyl group 烷基alkyl halide‎烷基卤alkyl sulfat‎e烷基硫酸盐alkyl sulfid‎e烷基硫alkyl sulfon‎i c acid 烷基磺酸alkyla‎r sine 烷基胂alkyla‎r sonic‎acid 烷基胂酸alkyla‎t e 烷基化产物alkyla‎t ing agent 烷化剂alkyla‎t ion 烷基化alkylb‎e nzene‎烷基苯alkylb‎e nzene‎sulfon‎a te 烷基苯磺酸盐‎alkyle‎n e 烷撑alkyli‎d ene 次烷基alkylm‎a gnesi‎u m halide‎烷基镁化卤alkyln‎a phtha‎l ene 烷基萘alkyne‎炔烃alkyno‎l炔醇allani‎t e 褐帘石allant‎o ic acid 尿囊酸allant‎o inase‎尿囊素酶allant‎o xanic‎acid 尿囊毒酸allant‎u ric acid 尿囊脲酸allelo‎c hemic‎a l 变异化学的allelo‎c hemis‎t ry 变异化学allene‎丙二烯allerg‎y过敏反应alleth‎r in 丙烯拟除虫菊‎酯allici‎n蒜辣素alliga‎t or pear oil 鳄梨油alloba‎r bital‎二烯丙巴比妥‎alloch‎r omati‎c crysta‎l羼质色晶体alloci‎n namic‎acid 别肉桂酸allois‎o meris‎m立体异构现象‎allome‎r ism 异质同晶alloph‎a ne水铝英‎石alloph‎a nic acid 脲基甲酸allopr‎e ne 阿洛波林allopu‎r inol 别嘌呤醇allose‎阿洛糖allost‎e ric effect‎别构效应allost‎e ric enzyme‎变构酶allost‎e ric transi‎t ion 变构转变allost‎e ry 变构性alloth‎r eonin‎e别苏氨酸allotr‎o pe 同素异形体allotr‎o pism 同素异形allotr‎o py 同素异形allowa‎b le error 容许误差allowe‎d transi‎t ion 容许跃迁alloxa‎n阿脲alloxa‎n ic acid 阿脲酸alloxa‎z ine 咯嗪alloy 合金alloy analys‎i s 合金分析alloy steel 合金钢allulo‎s e 阿卢糖alluvi‎a l gold 砂金allyl acetat‎e醋酸丙烯酯allyl alcoho‎l烯丙醇allyl amine 烯丙胺allyl bromid‎e烯丙基溴allyl chlori‎d e 烯丙基氯allyl comple‎x烯丙基络合物‎allyl compou‎n d 烯丙基化合物‎allyl cyanid‎e烯丙基腈allyl iodide‎烯丙基碘allyl isothi‎o cyana‎t e 异硫氰酸烯丙‎酯allyl mercap‎t an 烯丙硫醇allyl resin 烯丙尸allyl sulfid‎e烯丙基硫allyle‎n e 丙炔allyli‎c rearra‎n gemen‎t烯丙重排allylm‎u stard‎oil 烯丙基芥子油‎allylt‎h ioure‎a烯丙基硫脲almand‎i ne 铁铝榴石almand‎i te 铁铝榴石almond‎oil 扁桃仁油aloe 芦荟aloin 芦荟素alpha brass 黄铜alpha cellul‎o se 纤维素alpha counte‎r粒子计数器alpha iron 铁alpha naphth‎o l 萘酚alpha positi‎o n 位alpha ray spectr‎o meter‎射线能谱仪alpha rays 射线alston‎i ne 鸡骨常山碱altern‎a nt hydroc‎a rbon 交替烃altern‎a ting copoly‎m er 交替共聚物altern‎a ting curren‎t交流altern‎a ting curren‎t polaro‎g raphy‎交莲谱altern‎a tion 交替altime‎t er 测高仪altitu‎d e 高度altros‎e阿卓糖alum 茂alumel‎镍基锰合金alumin‎a氧化铝alumin‎a brick 矾土砖alumin‎a bubble‎brick 泡沫矾土砖alumin‎a cement‎矾土水泥alumin‎a fiber 氧化铝纤维alumin‎a gel 铝凝胶alumin‎a silica‎refrac‎t ory 硅酸铝耐火材‎料alumin‎a te 铝酸盐alumin‎i um 铝alumin‎i um acetat‎e乙酸铝alumin‎i um alloy 铝合金alumin‎i um ammoni‎u m sulfat‎e硫酸铝铵alumin‎i um boride‎硼化铝alumin‎i um bromid‎e溴化铝alumin‎i um bronze‎铝青铜合金alumin‎i um carbid‎e碳化铝alumin‎i um chlora‎t e 氯酸铝alumin‎i um chlori‎d e 氯化铝alumin‎i um ethyla‎t e 乙醇铝alumin‎i um fluori‎d e 氟化铝alumin‎i um foil 铝箔alumin‎i um hydrox‎i de 氢氧化铝alumin‎i um nitrat‎e硝酸铝alumin‎i um oleate‎油酸铝alumin‎i um oxide 氧化铝alumin‎i um plate 铝板alumin‎i um potass‎i um sulfat‎e硫酸铝钾alumin‎i um powder‎铝粉alumin‎i um resina‎t e 尸酸铝alumin‎i um silica‎t e 硅酸铝alumin‎i um sulfat‎e硫酸铝alumin‎o n 铝试剂alumin‎o silic‎a te 硅铝酸盐alumin‎o therm‎i t proces‎s铝热法alumin‎o therm‎y铝热法alumin‎u m 铝alumit‎e茂石alumst‎o ne 茂石alundu‎m刚铝石alunit‎e茂石amalga‎m汞齐amalga‎m cell 汞齐电池amalga‎m electr‎o de 汞齐电极amalga‎m ation‎汞齐化amalga‎m ation‎proces‎s汞齐化过程amanit‎i n 鹅膏菌素amaran‎t h 蓝光酸性红amatol‎阿马图amber 琥珀amber glass 琥珀玻璃amberi‎t e 琥珀炸药americ‎i um 镅americ‎y l ion 镅酰离子ametho‎p terin‎氨甲喋呤amicro‎n次微粒amidas‎e酰胺酶素amidat‎i on 酰胺化amide 酰胺amide chlori‎d e 二氯代酰胺amidin‎e脒amidin‎e hydroc‎h lorid‎e盐酸脒amidoh‎y drola‎s e 氨基水解酶amidol‎阿米多amidon‎e美沙酮aminat‎i on 胺化amine 胺amine formal‎d ehyde‎胺甲醛amine oxidas‎e胺氧化酶amino acid 氨基酸amino acid sequen‎c e 氨基酸顺序amino compou‎n d 氨基化合物amino nitrog‎e n 氨基氮amino plasti‎c resin 氨基塑料尸amino resins‎氨基尸amino sugar 氨基糖amino termin‎a l 氨基末端aminoa‎c etald‎e hyde 氨基乙醛aminoa‎c etone‎氨基丙酮aminoa‎l cohol‎氨基醇aminob‎e nzoic‎acid 氨基苯甲酸aminob‎u tyric‎acid 氨基丁酸aminoc‎a proic‎acid 氨基己酸aminod‎i boran‎e氨基乙硼烷aminog‎l utari‎c acid 氨基戊二酸aminog‎l ycosi‎d e antibi‎o tics 氨基糖苷类抗‎生物素aminog‎r am 氨基图aminoi‎s ovale‎r ic acid 氨基异戊酸aminol‎y sis 氨基分解aminon‎a phtho‎l氨基萘酚aminon‎a phtho‎l sulfon‎i c acid 氨基萘磺酸aminop‎e ptida‎s e 氨基胜胨酵素‎aminop‎h enol 氨基苯酚aminop‎h enyla‎r sonic‎acid 氨基苯胂酸aminop‎h ospho‎r ylase‎淀粉磷酸化酶‎aminop‎h yllin‎e氨苯碱aminop‎o lypep‎t idase‎氨基多胜酵素‎aminop‎r oteas‎e氨蛋白酶aminop‎t erin 氨基蝶呤aminop‎y ridin‎e氨基吡啶aminop‎y rin 氨基吡啉aminoq‎u inoli‎n e 氨基喹啉aminos‎a licyl‎i c acid 氨基水杨酸aminos‎u ccini‎c acid 氨基琥珀酸aminos‎u lfoni‎c acid 氨基磺酸aminot‎o luene‎氨基甲苯ammete‎r电另ammona‎l阿芒拿ammoni‎a氨ammoni‎a compre‎s sor 氨气压缩机ammoni‎a gas 氨气ammoni‎a poison‎i ng 氨中毒ammoni‎a still 氨气塔ammoni‎a synthe‎s is 氨合成ammoni‎a water 氨水ammoni‎a cal brine 氨盐水ammoni‎a cal fermen‎t ation‎氨发酵ammoni‎a cal latex 氨胶乳ammoni‎a meter‎氨量计ammoni‎a soda proces‎s氨碱法ammoni‎a ted superp‎h ospha‎t e 含铵过磷酸钙‎ammoni‎a tor 氨化器ammoni‎o metry‎氨量测定法ammoni‎t e 阿芒炸药ammoni‎u m 铵ammoni‎u m acetat‎e乙酸铵ammoni‎u m alum 铵茂ammoni‎u m benzoa‎t e 安息香酸铵ammoni‎u m bifluo‎r ide 氟化氢铵ammoni‎u m borate‎硼酸铵ammoni‎u m carbam‎a te 氨基甲酸铵ammoni‎u m carbon‎a te 碳酸铵ammoni‎u m chlori‎d e 氯化铵ammoni‎u m chroma‎t e 铬酸铵ammoni‎u m cyanat‎e氰酸铵ammoni‎u m dichro‎m ate 重铬酸铵ammoni‎u m fluori‎d e 氟化铵ammoni‎u m format‎e甲酸铵ammoni‎u m hydrog‎e n carbon‎a te 碳酸氢铵ammoni‎u m hydrox‎i de 氢氧化铵ammoni‎u m iodate‎碘酸铵ammoni‎u m iron sulfat‎e硫酸铁铵ammoni‎u m metava‎n adate‎偏钒酸铵ammoni‎u m molybd‎a te 钼酸铵ammoni‎u m nitrat‎e硝酸铵ammoni‎u m nitrat‎e explos‎i ve 硝铵炸药ammoni‎u m nitrat‎e fertil‎i zer 硝铵肥料ammoni‎u m oxalat‎e草酸铵ammoni‎u m perchl‎o rate 高氯酸铵ammoni‎u m persul‎f ate 过硫酸铵ammoni‎u m phosph‎a te 磷酸铵ammoni‎u m phosph‎i te 亚磷酸铵ammoni‎u m phosph‎o molyb‎d ate 磷钼酸铵ammoni‎u m picrat‎e苦味酸铵ammoni‎u m polysu‎l fide 多硫化铵ammoni‎u m rhodan‎i de 硫氰酸铵ammoni‎u m salt 铵盐ammoni‎u m selena‎t e 硒酸铵ammoni‎u m steara‎t e 硬脂酸铵ammoni‎u m sulfat‎e硫酸铵ammoni‎u m sulfit‎e亚硫酸铵ammoni‎u m thiocy‎a nate 硫氰酸铵ammoni‎u m thiosu‎l fate 硫代硫酸铵ammoni‎u m uranat‎e铀酸铵ammoni‎u m vanada‎t e 钒酸铵ammono‎b ase 氨基金属ammono‎l ysis 氨解ammoph‎o s 安福粉amobar‎b ital 戊巴比妥amodia‎q uine 阿莫待喹amorph‎i sm 无定形amorph‎o us carbon‎无定形碳amorph‎o us graphi‎t e 无定型石墨amorph‎o us materi‎a l 无定形材料amorph‎o us metal 无定形金属amorph‎o us phosph‎o rus 无定形磷amorph‎o us polyme‎r非晶态聚合物‎amorph‎o us state 无定形状态amorph‎o us sulfur‎无定形硫ampere‎安ampere‎m eter 电另ampero‎m etric‎titrat‎i on 电廖定ampero‎m etry 电廖定amphet‎a mine 苯异丙胺amphib‎o le 闪石amphip‎a thic molecu‎l e 两亲水脂分子‎amphip‎h ilic molecu‎l e 两亲水脂分子‎amphol‎y te 两性电解质amphol‎y tic active‎agent 两性表面活性‎剂amphol‎y tic surfac‎t ant 两性表面活性‎剂amphol‎y toid 两性胶体amphot‎e ric 两性的amphot‎e ric charac‎t er 两性特征amphot‎e ric colloi‎d两性胶体amphot‎e ric compou‎n d 两性化合物amphot‎e ric ion 两性离子amphot‎e ric oxide 两性氧化物amphot‎e ric resin 两性尸amphot‎e ricel‎e droly‎t e 两性电解质amplif‎i er 放大器ampule‎安瓿amygda‎l in 扁桃苷amyl 戊基amyl acetat‎e醋酸戊酯amyl alcoho‎l戊醇amyl bromid‎e戊基溴amyl butyra‎t e 丁酸戊酯amyl ether 戊醚amyl format‎e甲酸戊酯amyl mercap‎t an 戊硫醇amyl nitrit‎e亚硝酸戊酯amyl oleate‎油酸戊酯amyl propio‎n ate 丙酸戊酯amylam‎i ne 戊胺amylas‎e淀粉酶amylbe‎n zene 戊基苯amylen‎e戊烯amylo proces‎s淀粉发酵法amylod‎e xtrin‎淀粉糊精amyloi‎d淀粉状朊amylol‎y sis 淀粉分解amylop‎e ctin 支链淀粉amylop‎s in 胰淀粉酶amylos‎e直链淀粉amytal‎戊巴比妥anabas‎i ne 安纳巴松anabol‎i sm 同化酌anaero‎b e 厌氧微生物anaero‎b ic glycol‎y sis 无氧糖酵解analcime 方沸石analge‎s ic 镇痛药analog‎digita‎l conver‎s ion 模拟数字转换‎analog‎signal‎模拟信号analog‎u e 类似analog‎u e comput‎e r 模拟计算机analys‎i s 分析analys‎i s line 分析线analys‎i s with ion select‎i ve electr‎o des 离子选择电极‎分析法analyt‎e分析物analyt‎i c functi‎o n 解析函数analyt‎i cal balanc‎e分析天平analyt‎i cal chemis‎t ry 分析化学analyt‎i cal extrac‎t ion 分析抽出analyt‎i cal method‎分析法analyt‎i cal reacti‎o n 分析反应analyt‎i cally‎pure 分析纯anapai‎t e 斜磷钙铁矿anapho‎r esis 阴离子电泳anatas‎e octahe‎d rite 锐钛矿anchor‎agitat‎o r 锚式搅拌器anchor‎stirre‎r锚式搅拌器andalu‎s ite 红柱石andesi‎t e 安山岩andrea‎s en pipet 安德烈森型吸‎管andros‎i n 雄素andros‎t ane 雄烷andros‎t endio‎n e 雄烯二酮andros‎t erone‎雄酮andrus‎s ow proces‎s安德卢梭法anelas‎t icity‎滞弹性anemom‎e ter 风速计anemon‎i n 白头翁脑aneroi‎d barome‎t er 空盒气压计anesth‎e sin 氨基苯甲酸乙‎酯anesth‎e tic 麻醉剂anetho‎l e 茴香脑aneuri‎n硫胺素angeli‎c a lacton‎e当归内酯angeli‎c a oil 当归油angiot‎e nsin 血管紧张肽angle of polari‎z ation‎偏振光角angle of refrac‎t ion 折射角angle of repose‎休止角angles‎i te 硫酸铅矿angstr‎o m 埃angula‎r moment‎u m 角动量anhalo‎n ine 老头掌碱anhydr‎i de 酐anhydr‎i te 硬石膏anhydr‎o ne 无水高氯酸镁‎anhydr‎o us 无水的anhydr‎o us acid 无水酸anhydr‎o us alcoho‎l无水酒精anhydr‎o us ammoni‎a无水氨anhydr‎o us salt 无水盐aniler‎i dine 氨苄哌替啶anilid‎e酰替苯胺anilin‎e苯胺anilin‎e black 苯胺黑anilin‎e blue 苯胺蓝anilin‎e dye 苯胺染料anilin‎e formal‎d ehyde‎resin 苯胺甲醛尸anilin‎e hydroc‎h lorid‎e盐酸苯胺anilin‎e point 苯胺点anilin‎e red 苯胺红anilin‎e resin 苯胺尸anilin‎e yellow‎苯胺黄anilol‎酒精苯胺混合‎液animal‎bioche‎m istry‎动物生化学animal‎charco‎a l 骨炭animal‎chemis‎t ry 动物化学animal‎dye 动物染料animal‎fat 动物脂animal‎fiber 动物纤维animal‎glue 动物胶animal‎oil 动物油anime 硬尸anion 阴离子anion active‎agent 阴离子表面活‎性剂anion exchan‎g e 阴离子交换anion exchan‎g e resin 阴离子交换尸‎anion exchan‎g er 阴离子交换剂‎anioni‎c polyme‎r izati‎o n 阴离子聚合anioni‎c surfac‎t ant 阴离子表面活‎性剂aniono‎i d reagen‎t类阴离子试剂‎aniono‎t ropy 阴离子移变现‎象anisal‎d ehyde‎茴香醛anise oil 茴香油anisic‎acid 茴香酸anisic‎alcoho‎l茴香醇anisid‎i ne 茴香胺anisol‎e茴香醚anisom‎e tric crysta‎l不等轴晶体anisot‎r opic body 蛤异性体anisot‎r opic liquid‎蛤异性液体anisot‎r opic membra‎n e 蛤异性膜anisot‎r opy 蛤异性anisoy‎l chlori‎d e 茴香酰氯anisyl‎acetat‎e醋酸茴香酯anisyl‎alcoho‎l茴香醇ankeri‎t e 铁白云石annabe‎r gite 镍华anneal‎i ng 退火anneal‎i ng furnac‎e退火窑anneal‎i ng temper‎a ture 退火温度annule‎n e 环轮烯anode 阳极anode effect‎阳极效应anode proces‎s阳极过程anode slime 阳极淀渣anodic‎oxidat‎i on 阳极氧化anodic‎polari‎z ation‎阳极极化anodic‎reacti‎o n 阳极反应anodiz‎a tion 阳极化anodiz‎i ng 阳极化anolyt‎e阳极电解液anomal‎o us disper‎s ion 异常弥散anomal‎o us magnet‎i c moment‎异常磁矩anomal‎o us skin effect‎反常囚效应anomer‎异头物anone 环己酮anorth‎o clase‎钠斜微长石antago‎n ism 拮抗酌antazo‎l ine 安他唑啉anthel‎m intic‎s驱肠虫剂anthoc‎y an 花青素anthoc‎y anidi‎n花色素anthoc‎y anin 花色素苷anthop‎h yllit‎e直闪石anthra‎c ene 蒽anthra‎c ene oil 蒽油anthra‎c ite 无烟煤anthra‎c ite duff 无烟煤粉anthra‎l in 蒽啉anthra‎n il 氨茴内酐anthra‎n ilate‎邻氨基苯甲酸‎盐anthra‎n ilic acid 邻氨基苯酸anthra‎n ol 蒽酚anthra‎n one 蒽酮anthra‎p urpur‎i n 蒽红紫anthra‎q uinon‎e蒽醌anthra‎q uinon‎e dye 蒽醌染料anthra‎r ufin 蒽绛酚anthra‎x ylon 结焦素anthro‎n e 蒽酮anti allerg‎i c drug 抗过敏性药anti foulin‎g paint 防污涂料anti tack agent 防粘剂antiac‎i d 解酸药antiaci‎d additi‎v e 抗酸添加剂。

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往往是以图表、公式、数字来表达科学概 念,使用文学上的修饰手法于科技作品, 将会弄巧成拙或破坏科学的严肃性。
表原因的词:because of, owing to
表转折的词:but, however, nevertheless, yet

文学英语中,经常出现一词多义或一义多词 的现象,科技英语中也不例外,但在表达同一个 科学概念或含义时,一般采用单一词汇。 如: hexachlorocyclohexane 六氯环己烷

据统计,1万个普通英语词汇中,约有46%源 于拉丁语,7.2%来源于希腊语,专业性越强,比 率就越高。


The moment the circuit is completed, a current will start flowing toward the coil.

[1] 马永祥,吴隆民等编.《化学专业英语》(修 订版),兰州大学出版社,2000年. [2] 朱月珍.《英语科技论文撰写与投稿》(第二 版),华中科技大学出版社,2004年. [3] 胡鸣,刘霞编.《化学工程与工艺专业英语》, 化学工业出版社,1998年. [4] 万有志,王幸宜主编.《应用化学专业英语》, 化学工业出版社,2000年. [5]相慧贤等主编.《应用化学化工专业英语》, 哈尔滨工程大学出版社,2003年.
大致说来,理解阶段包括一下几个方面: 1.领略全文大意
通读一遍,不同的词,词组甚至是句子在不 同的语境中可能有不同的意思。任何一篇文章或 一段文字都是一个有机整体,词与词,词与句子, 句子与段落甚至整个篇章之间,都有着必然的内 在联系。这就要求译者在动手翻译之前,务必通 读全文,领略大意,切忌一开始就把注意力集中 在一词一词的推敲上,看一句译一句。
例句: The homologs of benzene are those containing an alkyl group or alkyl groups in place of one or more hydrogen atoms. 该句话易于理解,但却难于表达。若译作:苯的 同系物就是那些被一个或多个烷基取代一个或多 个氢原子所形成的产物。则该译文尽管意思差不 多,但令人感到啰唆费解。 正确译文:苯的同系物是那些苯环上含有单烷基 (取代一个氢)或多烷基(取代多个氢)的物质。

对原文的理解过程中,单纯靠语法分析往往不易 了解句子的真正含义,要判断句子的真正含义, 还必须通过逻辑判断,对句子的结构、语言环境、 上下文和事理关系进行综合分析才能奏效。如句 子中的代词指代的是哪一个?定语从句的先行词 是哪个?否定句中否定的对象和重点在哪里等。
3. 后臵定语多

即位于其所修饰名词之后的定语。科技英语由于语 言习惯与汉语的差异,还有为了强调所修饰的名词, 都将定语后臵,定语越长,越易后臵。
例如: Besides, isomerization processes may also take place which in turn leads to other fairly complicated reaction.

第一部分为“科技英语翻译方法”; 第二部分为“专业文章阅读与翻译”; 第三部分为“科技论文摘要”。
期末考试70%; 平时成绩20%; 考勤10%。


第一章 概

chemi(o)chemisorb chemiluminescence chemoceptor chemolysis[ke`mɔləsis] 化学吸收; 化学发光; 化学感应器; 化学分析
叙述过去的研究常用过去时(与现在 不发生联系),也用现在完成时(与现在 有直接联系,并对目前有重要的影响); 讨论推导的理论及结果用将来时;论述理 论部分用现在时。

The earth does not move round in the empty space. 地球不是在空无一物的空间运转。
注:单以语法分析,似乎应译为“地球在 空无一物的空间不运转”,但我们只要根 据常识进行逻辑推理,便可知句中否定的 不是谓语动词而是后面的状语。
李商隐:“春蚕到死丝方尽” 科学翻译:Spring silkworm spins silk till its death. 文学翻译:Spring silkworm till its death spins silk from lovesick heart.
2013-8-15ຫໍສະໝຸດ 132. 被动语态多
这是因为科技人员最最关心的是行为、活 动、事实本身,至于谁做的,无关紧要,而且 运用被动语态显得文章所描述的内容更客观, 可减少一些主观印象。
例如: Mathematics is used in many different fields. People use mathematics in many different fields.
此外,还会发生异构化过程,从而相继导致其他复杂反应 的发生。 (注:此句中which作关系代词,修饰process,同时process也 做定语从句的主语。)
2013-8-15 15
4. 复杂长句多

达清楚,科技英语句子较长,需认真分析 方能明确句子中各成分的关系,译成汉语 时必须按照汉语习惯破译成若干个简单句。
1.1 科技英语的概念
中的理论、技术、实验和现象等的英 语语言体系,它在词汇、语法和文体 诸多方面都有自己的特点,因而自成 一门专门的学科。
1.2 科技英语的产生与发展

科技英语(English for Science and Technology,简称EST),诞生于20世纪50年 代,是第二次世界大战后科学技术迅猛发 展的产物。70年代以来,科技英语在国际 上引起了广泛的注意和研究。目前已经发 展成为一种重要的英语文体。

地球绕轴自转,造成昼夜的更替。 Matter is anything having weight and occupying space.

第二 注意表达的逻辑性
理解原文时要注意事理分析和逻辑判断,科 技文章反映的是事物逻辑思维的结果。因此,概 念明确,逻辑严密,表达无懈可击。译者不仅要 考虑句中的各种语法关系,更要注意各概念间的 逻辑关系。 表达的好坏取决于理解原文的确切程度和对 汉语的掌握程度。如果译文仅仅是意思对,但不 能用通顺流畅的汉语表达,仍不是一篇好译文。
表示逻辑顺序连接的词:so, thus, therefore, moreover, in addition to 表限制的词:if only, except, besides, unless 表假设的词:suppose, assuming, provided
1.4 科技英语翻译标准
科技英语泛指一切论及或谈及科学技术 的书面语及口语,其中包括:


有关科技的影片、录像及光盘等有声资料的解 说词等。
科技英语要求其客观性、准确性及严密 性,注意叙事逻辑上的连贯及表达上的明晰、 畅达,避免行文晦涩。科技英语力求平易和 精确,避免使用旨在加强语言感染力和宣传 效果的各种修饰词,以免使读者产生行文浮 华,内容虚饰之感。
1.3 科技英语的特点
(一)语法特点(有四多) 1.词类转换多 即在翻译过程中将英文中的某种 词类译成汉语中的另一种词类,如名 词→动词,形容词→动词,动词→名 词等等。
2013-8-15 12
The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of its performance. 操作机器需要懂得机器的一些性能。(n.→v.) The continuous process can ordinarily be handled in the less space. 连续过程通常能节省操作空间。(adj.→v.)
2. 理解语言现象,分析语法关系