
数字集成电路分析与设计 第二章答案

CHAPTER 2P2.1. a) The solution for the NMOS case is based on Example 2.4: The equation for V T0 is: 02BT FB F OXQ V V C φ=-- Calculate each individual component.1710()1362OX 077200611196310ln 0.026ln 0.44 V 1.4100.440.550.99 V 4 3.510 F/cm1.610 F/cm 310310/0.188 V 1.610610 1.6100.1.610i FpA GC Fp G gate OXB B OX OX OX n kT q NC Q Q C cmC Q C φφφφεε-------⨯==-=-⨯=-=--=-==⨯=⨯⨯=⨯==⨯⨯⨯⨯==⨯TO 06 V V 0.99(0.88)(0.188)0.0600.018 V=------=+ For the PMOS device:1710()77200611196TO 310ln 0.026ln 0.44 V 1.4100.440.550.99 V 310310/0.188 V1.610610 1.6100.06 V 1.610V 0.99(0.88)(0.188)0.0600.138 D Fn i GC Fn G gate B B OX OX OX N kT q n Q Q C cmC Q C φφφφ-----⨯===⨯=-=+=+⨯=⨯==⨯⨯⨯⨯==⨯=---=-Vb) The magnitude of V T0 would be higher. Since the device is PMOS this means that V T0 islowered. Since the only thing that’s been changed is the doping of the gate, only G φ changes. The new V T0 then becomes:00.110.880.1880.6 1.24V T V =----=-c) Since V T0 will be adjusted with implanted charge (Q I ):60.40.0180.382(1.610)(0.382)IOXIOXI Q C Q V C Q V -=-==⨯To calculate the threshold implant level N I :I I I I qN Q Q N q==For the NMOS device from part(a):6122190.610 3.8210/1.610I I Q N ions cm q --⨯=-=-=⨯⨯ (p-type) For the PMOS device from part(a):612219(1.610)(0.40.138)2.6210/1.610I I Q N ions cm q --⨯-=-=-=⨯⨯ (n-type) For the PMOS device from part(b):612219(1.610)(1.240.4)8.410/1.610I I Q N ions cm q --⨯-=-=-=⨯⨯ (p-type)d) The advantage of having the gate doping be n + for NMOS and p + for PMOS could be seen from analysis above. Doping the gates in such a way leads to devices with lower threshold voltages, but enables the implant adjustment with the same kind of impurities that used in the bulk (p-type for NMOS and n-type for PMOS). If we were to use the same kind of doping in gate as in the body (i.e. n + for PMOS and p + for NMOS) that would lead to higher un-implanted threshold voltages. Adjusting them to the required lower threshold voltage would necessitate implantation of the impurities of the opposite type near the oxide-Si interface. This is not desirable. Also, the doping of the poly gate can be carried out at the same time as the source and drain and therefore does not require an extra step.P2.2. First, convert ox t to units of cm:810100cm222210cm 10ox t -=⨯=ÅÅNow, using the mobility equation:()()20 1.8568130/V70cm0.8114102210pep nGS T ox cm V s V V t μμθ--==≈⎛⎫⎛⎫-+ ⎪⎪+ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭P2.3. a) For each transistor, derive the region of operation. In our case, for 0V,0.4V GS V =, thetransistor is in the cutoff region and there is no current. For 0.8V,1.2V GS V =, firstcalculate the saturation voltage Dsat V using:()GS T C DSAT GS T C V V E L V V V E L-=-+For our transistors, this would be:Next, we derive the IV characteristics using the linear and saturation current equations,we get the graphs shown below.IV Characteristic of NMOS01020304050607000. (V)C u r r e n t (u A )IV Characteristic of PMOSVolts (V)C u r r e n t (u A )To plot DS I vs. GS V , first identify the region of operation of the transistor. For GS T V V <, the transistor is in the cutoff region, and there is negligible current. For GS T V V > and GS DS V V ≤, the transistor is in the saturation region and saturation current expression should be used. The graphis shown below. Clearly, it is closer to the linear model.Ids vs. Vgs of NMOS010********607000. (V)I d s (V )P2.4. For each transistor, first determine if the transistor is in cutoff by checking to see if V GS isless than or greater than V T . V T may have to be recalculated if the source of the transistor isn’t grounded. If V GS is less than V T , then it is in cutoff, otherwise, it is in either triode or saturation.To determine if it is in the triode saturation region, check to see if V DS is less than or greater than V DSAT . If V DS is less than V DSAT , then it is in triode, otherwise, it is in saturation. a. Cutoff00.200.2V0.4V GS G S T T GS TV V V V V V V =-=-===∴<b. Cutoff01.2 1.20V0.4V GS G S T T GS TV V V V V V V =-=-===∴<c. Linear01.20 1.2V0.4V GS G S T T GS TV V V V V V V =-=-===∴>The transistor is not in the cutoff region.()()()()()()1.20.460.20.48V 1.20.460.20.2V GS T C DSATGS T C DS DS DSATV V E L V V V E L V V V --===-+-+=∴<d. Saturation: In this case, because D G V V > the transistor is in the saturation region. To see this, recognize that in a long-channel transistor if D G V V >, the transistor is in saturation. Since the saturation drain voltage Dsat V is smaller in a velocity-saturated transistor than in a long-channel transistor, if the long-channel saturation region equation produces a saturated transistor, than the velocity-saturated saturation region equation will also.P2.5. In both cases, the first step it to calculate the maximum value of X V given G V . If thevoltage at the drain is higher than this maximum value, then ,max X X V V =, otherwise,X D V V =. The maximum value of X V is G T V V - but 0T T V V ≠ because of body effect andwe consider its effect.(),max 0001.20.40.988X G T G T G T G T V V V V V V V V V γγγγ=-=-+=--=--+=--=-There are two ways to calculate this, either through iteration or through substitution. Iteration:For the iteration method, we need a starting value for V X,max . A good starting value would be 0 G T V V -=-=. We plug this value on the RHS of the equation, calculate a new V X,max and repeat until we reach a satisfactory converged value.Old Vx,max New Vx,max 0.800 0.728 0.728 0.734 0.734 0.734In this, only three iterations are needed to reach 0.734V. Substitution:The term makes things a bit tricky, we get around this by making the following substitution:2,max 2,max 0.880.88X X x V V x =+∴=-Therefore:,max 220.9880.880.98800.2 1.87X V x x x =--=-=+-2,max 1.27, 1.470.880.733,1.28X x V x ===-=-= We use the first value since second value is above V DD . a. Since ,max D X V V >, ,max 0.733V X X V V ==. b. Since ,max D X V V <, ,max 0.6V X X V V ==. P2.6.a. Initially, when 0V in V =, the transistor is in the cutoff region and 0V X V =. Thisvalue is constant until V in exceeds V t 0. From then, X in T V V V =- and body effect must be taken into account. This trend continues until 0.7V X D V V ==, and the value of V inat that point must be calculated. From then on, 0.7V X D V V ==. To plot V X in the second region, we first derive an expression for V X vs. V in.(),max 0000.40.212X G T G T in T in T in in V V V V V V V V V V V γγγγ=-=-+=---=--=--=--Substituting:2,max2,max 0.880.88X X x V V x =+∴=-Therefore:,max 220.2120.880.21200.20.66X in in in V V x V x x V =---=--=+--220.880.88XxV x====-=-⎝⎭Since this is a quadratic function, there will be two graphs of V X. Only one of thesegraphs intersects with V X in the first region. In this case, plug 0.4inV= and see which one gives 0V. In our case, it would be the ‘+’ version of the quadratic.To see where region 3 begins, we simply isolate V in:()()()22220.880.2 2.710.2 2.71440.2 2.711.16V4XinVV=-⎝⎭-+-==+-==The final graph is shown in Figure 错误!未找到引用源。



具体来说,集成电路设计的基本原理包括以下五个方面:1. 电路设计原理。
2. 设计目标和指标。
3. 物理细节设计。
4. 制造和加工工艺。
5. 整个电路的优化设计。
具体流程如下:1. 电路分解。
2. 电路设计分析。
3. 电路综合。

电路中的数字集成电路设计与分析数字集成电路(Digital Integrated Circuit,简称DIC)是现代电子电路中的重要组成部分。
一、数字集成电路的基本原理1.1 数字电路和模拟电路的区别数字电路是一种使用二进制数表示信息的电路,通过处理离散的数字信号进行逻辑运算;而模拟电路则是通过处理连续的模拟信号进行运算。
1.2 数字集成电路的分类数字集成电路根据功能和结构可以分为多种类型,包括时序电路、组合电路和存储电路等。
二、数字集成电路的设计过程2.1 设计规划在进行数字集成电路设计之前,需要明确设计目标,包括功能需求、性能指标和设计约束等。
2.2 逻辑设计逻辑设计是数字集成电路设计的核心环节,通过逻辑门、触发器等基本模块的组合和连接,实现设计目标的功能和逻辑运算。
2.3 电路图设计电路图设计是将逻辑设计转化为具体的电路图的过程,包括将逻辑门、触发器等模块转化为相应的元件和连线。
2.4 仿真和验证仿真和验证是数字集成电路设计的重要环节,通过软件仿真和硬件验证,验证设计的正确性和稳定性。
2.5 物理设计和布局物理设计和布局是将电路图设计转化为真实芯片的过程。
数字集成电路分析与设计一、课程基本情况课程编号40260103开课单位微纳电子学系课程名称中文名称数字集成电路分析与设计英文名称Digital Integrated Circuit Analysis and Design教学目的与重点教学目的:1)让学生掌握数字集成电路的工作原理与分析方法2)让学生掌握数字集成电路与系统的设计流程和基本方法3)培养学生实际设计数字集成电路与系统的能力教学重点:1) CMOS反相器的特性,数字集成电路分析与设计的关键问题2)组合逻辑链的性能优化3)互连线的延时模型与分析4)同步时序电路的分析和设计5)数据通路运算单元的分析与设计6)存储器的工作原理的理解与分析课程负责人刘雷波吴行军课程类型□文化素质课□公共基础课□学科基础课□专业基础课■专业课□其它教学方式■讲授为主□实验/实践为主□专题讨论为主□案例教学为主□自学为主□其它授课语言■中文口中文+英文(英文授课>50%)□英文□其他外语学分学时学分 3 总学时48考核方式及成绩评定标准作业:15%,课程设计:15%,期中考试(闭卷):30%,期末考试(闭卷):40%教材及主要参考书中文外文教材数字集成电路一电路、系统与设计(第二版),JanM.Rabaey等著,周润德等译,电子工业出版社。
Jan M. Rabaey etc. “Digital Integrated Circuits , A Design Perspective (Second Edition)", Prentice Hall , 2003.主要参考书CMOS数字集成电路一分析与设计(第3版),Sung-Mo Kang等著,王志功等译,清华大学出版社(影Sung-Mo Kang, Yusuf Leblebici,"CMOS Digital IntegratedCircuits-Analysis and Design(ThirdEdition)".三、课程主要教学内容9.4高级互连技术9. 5综述9.6总结第10章存储器(6学时)(教材第12章)10.1分类10.2结构10.3内核--- 存储单元和阵列10.4外围电路10.5可靠性10.6总结。
数字集成电路分析与设计 第三章答案

CHAPTER 3P3.1. The general approach for the first two parameters is to figure out which variables shouldremain constant, so that when you have two currents, you can divide them, and every variable but the ones you want to calculate remain. In this case, since the long-channel transistor is in saturation for all values of V GS and V DS , only one equation needs to be considered:()()2112DS N OX GS T DS W I C V V V Lμλ=-+ For the last two parameters, now that you have enough values, you can just choose oneset of numbers to compute their final values.a. The threshold voltage, V T0, can be found by choosing two sets of numbers with the same V DS ’s but with different V GS ’s. In this case, the first two values in the table can be used.()()()()()()211122222201022001121121.2 1.210000.82800.8DS N OX GS T DS DS N OX GS T DS T DS T DS T T W I C V V V L W I C V V V LV I V I V V μλμλ=-+=-+-⎛⎫-===⎪--⎝⎭ 00.35V T V ∴=b. The channel modulation parameter, λ, can be found by choosing two sets of numberswith the same V GS ’s but with different V DS ’s. In this case, the second and third values in the table can be used.()()221 1.225010.8247DS DS I I λλ+==+ -10.04V λ∴=c. The electron mobility, µn , can now be calculated by looking at any of the first three sets of numbers, but first, let’s calculate C OX .631062-31m 10μm22?.210μm1m 10 0.0351 1.610/2.210OX OX t C F cm--=⨯⨯===⨯Now calculate the mobility by using the first set of numbers.()()()()()()()()()()()()22111021262101111 1.21 1.222210002cm 348V-s 1.610(4.75)1.20.3510.04 1.21DS N OX GS T DS N OX T DS N OX GS T DS W W I C V V V C V L LA I W C V V V L μλμλμμλ-=-+=-+===⨯-+-+d. The body effect coefficient gamma, γ, can be calculated by using the last set of numbers since it is the only one that has a V SB greater than 0V.()()()()244124414411221 1.20.468VDS N OX GS T DS DS GS T N OX DS GS T T GS W I C V V V LI V V W C V LV V V V μλμλ=-+-=+-==-==12000.6VT T T T V V V V γγγ=+-====P3.2. The key to this question is to identify the transistor’s region of operation so that gatecapacitance may be assigned appropriately, and the primary capacitor that will dischargedat a rate of V It C ∂∂= by the current source may be identified. Then, because the nodes arechanging, the next region of operation must be identified. This process continues until the transistor reaches steady state behavior. Region 1:Since 0V GS V = the transistor is in the cutoff region. The gate capacitance is allocated to GB C . Since no current will flow through the transistor, all current will come from the source capacitor and the drain node remains unchanged.68-151010V V 6.67100.6671510s nsSB V I I t C C -∆⨯====⨯=∆⨯ The source capacitor will discharge until 1.1V GS T V V == when the transistor enters thesaturation region. This would require that the source node would be at 3.3 1.1 2.2V S G GS V V V =-=-=.()15961510 3.3 2.2 1.6510s 1.65ns 1010C t V I ---⨯∆=∆=-=⨯=⨯ Region 2:The transistor turns on and is in saturation. The current is provided from the capacitor atthe drain node, while the source node remains fairly constant. The capacitance at the drain node is the same as the source node so the rate of change is given by:68-151010V V 6.67100.6671510s nsSB V I I t C C -∆⨯====⨯=∆⨯ Since the transistor is now in the saturation region, GS V can be computed based on thecurrent flowing through the device.()22 1.1 1.37V 3.3 1.37 1.93VGS T GST S G GS kW I V V LV V V V V =-==+==-=-=This is where the source node settles. This means that most of the current is discharged through the transistor until the drain voltage reaches a value that puts the transistor at the edge of saturation.3.3 1.1 2.2VDS GS TD G T V V V V V V =-=-=-=If we assume that all the current comes from the transistor, and the source node remains fixed, the drain node will then discharge at a rate equal to that of the source node in the first region. Region 3:The transistor is now in the linear region the gate capacitance is distributed equally to both GS C and GD C . and both capacitors will discharge at approximately the same rate.-151510V0.28621510510nsV I A t C μ-∆===∆⨯⨯+⨯The graph is shown below.00.511.522.533.5024681012Time (ns)V o l t a g e (V )P3.3. The gate and drain are connected together so that DS GS V V = which will cause thetransistor to remain in saturation. This is a dc measurement so capacitances are not required. Connect the bulk to ground and run SPICE. P3.4. Run SPICE. P3.5. Run SPICE. P3.6. Run SPICE. P3.7. Run SPICE.P3.8. First, let’s look at the various parameters and identify how they affect V T .∙ L – Shorter lengths result in a lower threshold voltage due to DIBL. ∙ W – Narrow width can increase the threshold voltage.∙ V SB – Larger source-bulk voltages (in magnitude) result in a higher threshold voltage. ∙ V DS –Larger drain-source voltages (in magnitude) result in a lower threshold voltage due to DIBL. The transistor with the lowest threshold voltage has the shortest channel, larger width, smallest source-bulk voltage and largest drain-source voltage. This would be the first transistor listed.The transistor with the highest threshold voltage has the longest channel, smallest width,largest source-bulk voltage and smallest drain-source voltage. This would be the last transistor listed. P3.9. Run SPICE.P3.10. Run SPICE. The mobility degradation at high temperatures reduces I on and the increasemobile carriers at high temperatures increase I off . P3.11. The issues that prompted the switch from Al to Cu are resistance and electromigration.Copper wires have lower resistances and are less susceptible to electromigration problems. Copper on the other hand, reacts with the oxygen in SiO 2 and requires cladding around the wires to prevent this reaction.For low-k dielectrics, the target value future technologies is 2.High-k dielectrics are being developed as the gate-insulator material of MOSFET’s. This is because the current insulator material, SiO 2, can not be scaled any longer due to tunneling effects.P3.12. Self-aligned poly gates are fabricated by depositing oxide and poly before the source anddrain regions are implanted. Self-aligned silicides (salicides) are deposited on top of the source and drain regions using the spacers on the sides of the poly gate. P3.13. To compute the length, simply use the wire resistance equation and solve for L .LR TWRTWL ρρ==First convert the units of ρ to terms of μm. Aluminum:2.7μΩρ=cm 6Ω10μΩ⨯610μm100cm ⨯()()()0.027Ωμm1000.812963μm 2.96mm0.027RTWL ρ=====Copper:1.7μΩρ=cm 6Ω10μΩ⨯610μm100cm ⨯()()()0.017Ωμm1000.814706μm 4.71mm0.017RTWL ρ=====P3.14. Generally, the capacitance equation in terms of permittivity constants and spacing is:k C WL tε=a. 4k = ()()()()230048.8510 3.541100SiO k k C WL TL t S S Sεε-====b. 2k = ()()()()30028.8510 1.771100k k C WL TL t S SSεε-====The plots are shown below.Capacitance vs. Spacing01234567800.511.522.533.544.555.5Spacing (um)C a p a c i t a n c e (f F)。
数字集成电路分析与设计 第七章答案

CHAPTER 7P7.1. Assume that all nodes start at 0V. The first row outputs will be at DD T V V -. Since thesenodes are also the gate nodes of the second row of transistors, their source nodes will be at 2DD T V V -. Likewise, the last row of transistors have voltages of 3DD T V V -. However, this value is below 0V so we leave them at 0V.1.2V1.2V0.73V 0.73V 0.73V0.33V0.33V0.33V0V0V0VP7.2. (a)(b)(c)(d)P7.3. (a) First calculate V Q .() DD T DD T V V V V V Vγ=-=-+=--=Since this is slightly below 1.3V (voltage at which the PMOS turns on), we assume that the PMOS is slightly on. Since the PMOS’s V GS is quite low (because Q is high) and its V DS is quite high (because Q is low), the transistor is very likely in saturation. Similarly for the NMOS, because its V GS is high and its V DS is low, it’s likely in the linear region. Equating the two currents:()()()()()()()()22,,222211DSNDSN CN NQ Q CN NSDP sat DSN linV N N OX GSN T DSN P sat OX GSP T V GSP T CP PN V N N OX Q T Q P sat OX DD Q T V DD Q T CP PE L N I I W C V V V W v C V V V V E L L W C V V V W v C V V V V V V E L L μμ=---=-++----=--++For simplicity we shall assume that 11Q CN NV E L +≈ and220QV ≈.()()()2N N OX Q T QP sat OX DD Q T DD Q T CP P NW C V V V W v C V V V V V V E L L μ---≈--+Solve to produce:0.0080V Q V ≈When the CLK goes low, the intermediate output suffers from clock feedthough. To calculate the effects of clock feedthrough, let us first compute the capacitances involved. The capacitance from the clock signal to Q is:(.2/)(.2)0.0.4fF GS OL C C fF um um ===The capacitance from the Q to ground is:()()()(),310.2320.2 1.4fF Q DN IN inv d g C C C C W C W =+=+=+=The capacitive feedthrough equation is:()210.04 1.80.05V 0.04 1.1VGS CLK Q GS Q Q Q Q C V V C C V V V -∆∆===-++=+∆=-=To get the new value of Q V , first determine the determine the regions of operation of the transistors in the inverter by calculating V S . Then, once again, use the currentequations to determine Q V .Since the new voltage of V Q is still greater than the switching voltage, the transistors are in the same regions:()()()()()()2000460.4100.2810P N sat OX DD Q T Q N N OX Q T DD Q T CP P OXW L v C V V V V W C V V V V V E L C μ---≈---+⨯⨯≈()()()21.8 C --()()0.016V1.10.5 1.8 1.10.5 4.8≈---+(b) In this case 1.8Q DD V V V == and 0Q V =. Clock feedthrough has no effect since the transmission gate CLK signals cancel each other out.()()()()()()()(),3151515315(23)312.5102100.2110(2)0.23(210)(0.2)312.5101100.2257.532.5pass pass inv d inv eqn g eff g eqn d t R C R C R C W C W C W R C Wps ps ps----=+=+++⎡⎤=⨯⨯+⨯+⨯+⎣⎦⨯⨯=+=P7.4.a. Out A BC =+BBOutb. Out AB BC C =++Outc. ()Out A B C AB ABC AB =+++=+BBOutd. ()()1Out A B C AB ABC AB AB C AB A B =+++=+=+==+OutP7.5.a. ()Out A B C =+b. ()()Out A B C D E =+++ P7.6.a. Out A BC =+c bclkclkV DDb. Out AB BCC =++a bclkclkV DDc.()Out A B C AB ABC AB =+++=+V DDd.()()()Out A B C AB A B C A B AB=+++=+++=+aclkclkV DDP7.7.Assuming that one of the transistors in each transmission gate is being driven by a min-sized inverter:a.()()()()122333passinvRC R R RLERC R R+====b.()()()()()()()()313133313133AAinvCCinvRRC RLERC R RRRC RLERC R R========()()()()339333BBinvRRC RLERC R R====P7.8.a. Out A sel B sel =⋅+⋅b.R inv 6.25k ΩC inv,diff 1.2fF C pass,gate 0.8fF C pass,diff0.8fFR pass 6.25k ΩCpass,diff0.8fFCpass,gate0.8fFfC inv,gate2.4f fFCpass,diff0.8fFc. ()()(),,,,,,2A C inv inv diff pass gate pass diff inv pass inv gate pass gate pass diff t R C C C R R fC C C -=++++++ d. (),,inv inv LOADC out inv diff LOAD inv inv diffR R C t fC C R C f f-=+=+ e.()()()()(),,,,,,,,220inv inv diff pass gate pass diff inv pass inv gate pass gate pass diff inv LOADinv inv diff inv LOAD inv pass inv gate t R C C C R R fC C C R C R C fR C dtR R C df f f =++++++++=+-===3.2=P7.9. In both of these cases, the logical effort is the same due to the fact that the longest pathfrom output to ground is three transistors long. Assume that the CLK arrives ahead of the signals. Then,12()26663R R LE R λλ+== P7.10. We will use 0.18um technology and the node names below:W=4W=4OutFor the two inverter inputs:()()()3230.2 1.2fF inv g C C W ===For the pass gate inputs:()0.4fF pass g C C W ==At node x:()(3)(2) 1.4x eff eff g C C W C W C W fF =++=At node y:()2((2))(2)2y eff g eff C C W C W C W fF =++=At node Out:()((2))(2) 1.2out eff g eff C C W C W C W fF =++=The shortest path is through the one of the G ND input nodes to the output:()()()()min 212.5 1.4212.5 1.247.5x out t RC RC k fF k fF ps =+=+=The longest path is through one of the inverters to the output.()()()()()()max 2312.5 1.4212.52312.5 1.2112.5sx y out t RC RC RC k fF k fF k fF p =++=++=P7.11. At 0t =: DD F V =0X =?Y =.When the a goes high the first time, the voltage at X would be computed using the charge-sharing formula:()101.21V 210F DDX X F C V V C C ===++But because the maximum allowable voltage at node x is 0.734V, set 0.734V X V = Then recomputed V F :()()()()10 1.220.734 1.05V 10F DD X X F F C V C V V C --===When Phi goes down, F DD V V = and V X and V Y remains the same. The next time the Phi goes up, all the internal nodes are 0. When Phi goes down, F DD V V = and V X and V Y remains at 0. P7.12.P7.13.a. The input settings that give you the worst-case charge sharing are any of 1a c e === and both of 0b d ==. Essentially, what you are doing it trying to create the greatest amount of parasitic capacitances without creating a path to G ND .b. Assuming that transistors share nodes to reduce capacitance.()()()()()()()12*11125(3)(5) 5.2fF 333190.2 1.8fF 5.2 1.8 1.34V 5.2 1.8g d g d C C W C W C W C C W W W C V V C C =++==++=====++ The actual voltage would be larger than this since the internal node cannot rise above V DD -V T .c. This circuit fails if the worse case voltage falls below the switching voltage which can be computed to be V S =0.92V. Therefore, the circuit will operate properly. P7.14. Both of these circuits act as latches. When EN is on, there is a path from the output toeither V DD or G ND . The first latch is better than the second because the second latch suffers from charge sharing. When EN is off, there is no path from the output to either of the sources, if IN is switching it is possible for whatever charge that is held on OUT to be shared with the internal nodes between the two NMOS’s or the two PMOS’s. Therefore, the second one is not as good as the first one. P7.15.a.OUT OL X DD TV V V V V ==-b. First, let ’s find the required change in voltage:()()2OUT DD OLX DD T DD T TV V V V V V V V V ∆=-∆=+--=Now, let’s set up the clock feedthrough equation and solve for C b :22b OUT X b XX X T Xb OUT X DD OL TC V V C C V C V C C V V V V V ∆∆=+∆==∆-∆--。


二、设计内容本次设计主要分为以下几个部分:1. 数字逻辑电路设计在本部分中,学生需要根据题目要求,设计数字逻辑电路的电路图和真值表,同时需要手动编写数字逻辑电路的代码,并利用VHDL语言进行编程实现。
2. 计算机组成原理在本部分中,学生需要设计一个基于FPGA的计算机组成原理的电路图和真值表,并利用VHDL语言进行编程实现。
3. 数字信号处理在本部分中,学生需要设计一个数字信号处理的电路图和真值表,并利用Python语言进行编程实现。
三、课程目标通过本次课程设计,学生应该达到以下目标:1. 掌握数字电路和集成电路的设计和工艺细节本设计涉及数字电路和集成电路的多个方面,要求学生深入理解电路设计和工艺细节,从而能够熟练掌握数字电路和集成电路的设计方法和实现流程。
2. 提高学生的专业技能和实践能力本设计要求学生进行实际的电路设计和编程实现,从而加深对数字电路和集成电路的理解和掌握。
3. 培养学生的团队合作和创新能力本设计要求学生分组进行合作,通过协作和交流,提高团队合作和创新能力。

懂得1、Please illustrate the meaning of its voltage transfer characteristic to a logic gate, and describe the static behaviors showed in the voltage transfer characteristic curves.The electrical function of a gate is best expressed by its voltage transfer characteristic (VTC),which plots the output voltage as a function of the input voltage Vout=f(Vin).The high and low nominal voltage Voh and Vol;The gate or switching threshold voltage Vm,that is define as Vm=f(Vm)(The gate threshold voltage presents the midpoint of the switching characteristics,which is obtained when the output of a gate is short circuited to the input);The high and low input voltage Vih and Vil are defined by the point where the gain (=dVout/dVin)of the VTC equals -12、Please draw the voltage transfer characteristic curve of the inverter and label the static operation points in the VTC.3、Please describe the definition of noise margin and its physical significance(物理意义), then draw the figure of definition of noise margins.The noise margins represent the levels of noise that can be sustained(所允许的) when gates are cascaded. A measure of the sensitivity of a gate to noise is given by the noise margins NML(noise margin low) and NMH(noise margin high), which quantize the size of the legal “0” and “1”, respectively, and set a fixed maximum threshold on the noise value4、Please describe the meaning of the regenerative property and the conditions of a gate with regenerative property.A gate with regenerative property ensures that a disturbed signal converges back to a nominal voltage level after passing through a number of logical stages. The VTC should have a transient region (or undefined region) with a gain greater than 1 in absolute value, bordered by the two legal zones, where the gain should be less than 1 in absolute value5、What are the definitions of the fan-out and fan-in properties?The number that can be driven is termed the fan-out of circuit, that denotes the number of load gates N that are connected to the output of the driving gate. The fan-in of a gate is defined as the number of independent input nodes to the gate.6、How to describe the performance of a digital IC? Please illustrate the parameters used to characterize the transient performance of a logic family, and draw the associated figure of the definition of these parP ropagation delay time and rise/fall time can be used to characterize the transient performance of a logic family .Propagation delay time of a gate expresses the delay experienced by a signal when passing through a gate,which represent how quickly the gate responds to the changes at its inputs.Rise/fall time express how fast a signal transits between the different levels. Propagation delay time is defined as the period between the 50%transition points of the input and output signals.Rise/fall time is defined as the period between the 10% and 90% points of the total voltage transition at the output waveforms.1、Illustrate the basic structure and simple operation principle of MOS transistor.Four terminals:source, drain, gate, body; Vertical Structure: gate electrode, insulator, semiconductor substrate; Horizontal Structure: source region, channel region, drain region2、Illustrate the basic function of each terminal of MOS device, and describe the general terminal connections of NMOS and PMOS transistor, respectively.The source and the drain are the electrodes conducting the current. The gate electrode is thecontrolling terminal. The function of the body is secondaryIn NMOS devices, the source is defined as the n+ region which has a lower potential(电势) than the other n+ region, the drain. The source is the terminal with the higher potential in PMOS devices, The body is generally connected to a DC supply that is identical for all devices of the same type (GND for NMOS, VDD for PMOS).3、What does the transition (or input) characteristic of MOS transistor mean? And what conclusions we can find from the characteristic curve?It describes the relationship between the gate-source voltage and the drain-source current with the certain drain-source voltage .When the gate-source voltage is less than the threshold voltage, the conducting current is zero, that is, the NMOS transistor is in cutoff operation. When is larger than, the NMOS transistor is on.4、What does the current-voltage (or output) characteristic of MOS transistor mean? And what conclusions we can find from the I-V characteristic curve?.It describes the relationship between the drain-source voltage and the drain-source current with a certain gate-source voltageVgs > Vt , 0<VDS <VGS -VT : Linear modeThe inversion layer forms a continuous current path between the source and the drain.A drain current proportional to Vds will flow from the drain to the source through the conducting channel. The channel region acts as a voltage-controlled linear resister.5、Describe the operation modes of NMOS and PMOS transistors respectively, and define the corresponding ideal current equations.1、Explain the channel-length modulation, sub-threshold conduction, short-channel effect and narrow-channel effect. And illustrate their corresponding chief impacts on the device.This simple current equation prescribes a linear drain-bias dependence for the current in MOS transistors, determined by the empirical model parameter λ, called the channel-length modulation coefficientOne typical condition, which is due to the two-dimensional nature of channel current flow, is the sub-threshold conduction in small-geometry MOS transistors.As a working definition, a MOS transistor is called a short-channel device if its channel length is on the same order of magnitude as the depletion region thicknesses of the source and drain junctions.The short-channel effects that arise in this case are attributed to two physical phenomena: the limitations imposed on electron drift characteristics in the channel; the modification of the threshold voltage due to the shortening channel lengthMOS transistor that have channel widths on the same order of magnitude as the maxium depletion region thickness are defined as narrow channel devices.For MOSFET with small channel widths,the actual threshold voltage increases as a result of this extra depletion charge of the fringe depletion region.This fact is called narrow channel effect.2、Describe the three main components of the load capacitanceCL, when a logic gate is driving other fan-out gates. And sketch the capacitance model of NMOS transistor.Gate capacitances (of other inputs connected to out)Diffusion(or junction) capacitances (of drain/source regions)Routing capacitances (output to other inputs)1,Describe the basic structure and operation of a static CMOS inverter. Then draw theassociated transistor schematicThis structure consists of an enhancement-type NMOS transistor and an enhancement-type PMOS transistor, operating in complementary mode. So this configuration is called Complementary MOS (CMOS). The gate terminals of the PMOS and NMOS transistors are connected to form the inverter input. The drain terminals of the PMOS and NMOS transistors are connected to form the inverter output. The source and the substrate of the NMOS transistor are connected to the ground, while the source and body of PMOS transistor are connected to VDD The circuit topology is complementary push-pull in the sense that: For high input the NMOS transistor drives (pulls down) the output node while the PMOS transistor acts as the load, and for low input the PMOS transistor drives (pulls up) the output node while the NMOS transistor acts as the load.When the input is at VDD: The NMOS is on (conducting) while the PMOS is off (cut-off). A direct path exists between Vout and the ground node, resulting in a steady-state value of 0V at the output. When the input is at ground:The NMOS is off while the PMOS is on. A direct path exists between VDD and Vout, yielding a high output voltage (equal to VDD).Static CMOS logic:structure:The static CMOS style is really an extension of the static CMOS inverter to multiple inputs. A logic function in static CMOS must be implemented in both NMOS and PMOS transistors. It is the combination of the pull-up network(PUN) and the pull-down network(PDN). Each input always connects to PUN and PDN simultaneously. The function of the PUN is to provide a connection between the output and VDD anytime the output of the logic gate is meant to be 1 (based on the inputs). The function of the PDN is to connect the output to VSS when the output of the logic gate is meant to be 0.Opreation: The pull-down net should be “on” when the pull-up net is “off” and vice versa. For any given input combination, the output is connected either to VDD or to ground via a low-resistance path. A DC current path between the VDD and ground is not established for any of the input combinations. With the complementary nature of NMOS and PMOS, the pull-up or the pull-down is “on” alternately to implement the logic operation.Discuss the main problems for high fan-in static CMOS gates and the associated techniques for fast complex gates.tpHL = 0.69 Reqn(C1+2C2+3C3+4CL); Propagation delay deteriorates(恶化) rapidly as a function of fan-in quadratically in the worst case, Gates with a fan-in greater than 4 become excessively slow and must be avoided.tPLH increases linearly due to the linearly increasing value of the diffusion capacitance;tPHL increase quadratically due to the simultaneous increase the resistance and internal capacitance in serial part.Transistor sizing: as long as fan-out capacitance dominatesProgressive transistor sizing: This approach reduces the dominant resistance, while keeping the increase in capacitance within boundsTransfer gate:Configuration:The source and drain nodes serve as inputs and outputs, while the gate node serves as the control input, the body node is connected to the power/ground Operation: For NMOS transfer gate,it turns on while the gate control terminal goes high, and the input signal will be delivered to the output node; it turns off while the gate control terminal goes low, and the output node will be impedance.CMOS transmission gate:Configuration: The CMOS transmission gate consists of one NMOS and one PMOS transistor, with the source and drain connected in parallel; The gate voltages appliedto these two transistors are also set to be complementary signals. The substrate terminal of the NMOS transistor is connected to ground and the substrate terminal of the PMOS transistor is connected to Vdd.Operation: If the control signal C is logic-high (equal to Vdd), then both transistors are turned on and provide a low-resistance current path between the input and output nodes. If the control signal C is logic-low, then both transistors will be off, and the path between the input and output nodes will be in the high-impedance state. The weakness of one device is overcome by the strength of the other device, whether the output is transmitting a high or low value. This is a clear advantage of the CMOS transfer gate over the single transistor counterpart.DCVLS:Operation: Assume now that, for a given set of inputs, PDN1 conducts while PDN2 does not, and that Out and out are initially high and low, respectively. Turning on PDN1: Causes Out to be pulled down (below VDD−|VTP |); Out is in a high impedance state, as M2 and PDN2 are both turned off. At the point M2 turns on and starts charging out非to VDD — eventually turning off M1; This in turn enables Out to discharge all the way to GND.XOR/XNOR: When the signals A and B have the same values, there is one conducting path either AB or A非B非; Then the output F is pulled down;At the same time, the other pull-down paths connected to the F非are both turned off. When F is pulled down below VDD−|VTP |, M2 t urns on and starts charging F非to VDD —eventually turning off M1 and pulling down F to Gnd. When the signals A and B have the different values, there is one conducting path either AB非or A非B; Then the output F非is pulled down; At the same time, the other pull-down paths connected to the F are both turned off. When F非is pulled down below VDD−|VTP |, M1 turns on and starts charging F to VDD —eventually turning off M2 and pulling down F非to Gnd.Precharge-Evaluate dynamic CMOS:Operation: Precharge (when the clock signal Φ= 0):The PMOS precharge transistor MP is conducting while the complementary NMOS transistor MN is off. The output load capacitance is precharged to VDD by MP, then VOH=VDD;The input voltages have no influence yet upon the output level since the complementary NMOS transistor MN is off. Evaluate (when the clock signal Φ=1):The precharge transistor MP turns off while the NMOS evaluate transistor MN turns on. The output node voltage may now remain at the logic-high level or drop to a logic low, depending on the input voltage levels: If the input signals create a conducting path between the output node and the ground, PDN is on, and the output capacitance will discharge toward VOL=0;Otherwise, when PDN is off, the output voltage remains at VOH= VDD.Domino dynamic CMOS logic:When Φ=0, during precharge: The output of the n-type dynamic gate is charged up to VDD, and the output of the inverter is set to 0. When Φ=1, during evaluation: The dynamic gate conditionally discharges, and there are two possibilities: The output node of the dynamic CMOS stage is either discharged to a low level through the NMOS circuitry (1 to 0 transition), or it remains high. Consequently, the inverter output voltage can also make at most one transition during the evaluation phase, from 0 to 1.TSPC dynamic CMOS logic:Configuration:If one constrains a NORA stage to have only n-precharge gates, and not static gates, then a p-channel transistor can be eliminated from the clocked latch; The dynamic circuit technique to be presented in that it uses only one-phase clock signal, so no clock skew problem exists. The NORA design style can be simplified so that a single clock is sufficient. For the doubled n-C2MOS latch, when φ= 1, the latch is in the transparent evaluate mode and corresponds to 2 cascaded inverters (non-inverting); For the doubled n-C2MOS latch, when φ= 0, both inverters are disabled (hold mode) -- only the pull-up network is still active.Pipelined NORA dynamic CMOS system:Configuration: Consists of an np-CMOS logic sequence and a clocked CMOS output buffer; A pipelined system can be constructed by simply cascading alternating φ-section and φ -section, meaning that evaluation occurs during active φ and φ respectively;Operation:φ=0, during hold mode :N block performs the precharge operation and pulls node Out1 up to VDD through the p-type device Mp1, while p block performs the discharge operation and pulls the node Out2 down to zero through the n-type device Mn2; The clocked CMOS latch will not be in operation and the previous output voltage will be stored on the output load capacitor CL. φ=1, during evaluate mode:All cascaded NMOS and PMOS blocks evaluate output levels one after the other, and then the signal Out2 will be inversed to the output node by the clocked CMOS latch in operation;Operation Mode: Evaluate―Hold: All logic stages perform the precharge-discharge operation when the clock is high, and all stages evaluate output levels when the clock is low. Therefore, wewill call this circuit a section, meaning that evaluation occurs during active .Clocked CMOS dynamic circuit:Basic Structure:A pair of PMOS and NMOS transistors controlled by the complementary clock signals are cascaded in the pullup and pulldown paths of the static CMOS gate, respectively, then a CMOS logic gate can be synchronized with a clock. Operation: φ=1, during evaluation mode:The transistors Mp1 and Mp2 are both turned on, then this gate can evaluate normally as a CMOS inverter to generate the logic output In非; φ=0 , during hold mode: Both transistors Mp1 and Mp2 are off, decoupling the output from the input. The CMOS circuit cannot conduct and evaluate, then the output Q retains its previous value stored on the output capacitor CL.Sequential logic:Virtually all useful systems require storage of state information, leading to another class of circuits called sequential logic circuits. In these circuits, the output not only depends upon the current values of the inputs, but also upon preceding output values. In other words, a sequential circuit remembers some of the past history of the system; A sequential circuit consists of a combinational circuit and a memory block in the feedback loop.Combination logic:In all logic circuits described so far, the output is directly related to the input. Typically, there are no feedback loops between the output and the input in these circuits (also classified as non-regenerative circuits), so the outputs are always a logical combination of the inputs. As a class, these circuits are known as combinational logic circuits. Combinational logic circuits, described earlier, have the property that the output of a logic block is only a function of the current input values, assuming that enough time has elapsed for the logic gates to settle. Static storage:preserve state as long as the power is on;are built using positive feedback or regeneration with an intentional connection between the output and the input;useful when updates are infrequent (clock gating)Dynamic storage:store state on parasitic capacitors;only hold state for short periods of time (milliseconds);require periodic refresh to annihilate charge leakage;usually simpler, so higher speed and lower power;useful in datapath circuits that require high performance levels and are periodically clockedLatch: level sensitive circuit that passes inputs to Q when the clock is high (or low);input sampledon the falling edge of the clock is held stable when clock is low (or high)Register or Flip-flops (edge-triggered): edge sensitive circuits that only sample the inputs on a clock transitionpositive edge-triggered: 0- 1negative edge-triggered: 1 -0built using latches (e.g., master-slave flip-flops)。
数字集成电路分析与设计 第五章答案

CHAPTER 5P5.1. For each problem, restate each Boolean equation into a form such that it can be translatedinto the p and n-complex of a CMOS gate.a. ()()Out ABC BD ABC BD A B C B D =+=+=+++b. ()()()Out AB AC BC AB AC BC A B A C B C =++=++=+++c. ()()Out A B CD A AB C D A A B CD A A B CD A =+++=++=+++=++AbVddVddAb BbAAbVddP5.2.AP5.3. First, convert the equation into its p and n-complex.()()()()()()()()()()()Out A B C BC AB AB C BC AB AB C BC AB AB C BC AB AB C BC AB AB C B C =⊕+=++=++=+=++=+++VddP5.4. The truth table is given below in terms of voltages. The function is F A B =The worse case V OH is V DD and the worse case V OL is 0V.P5.5. The first circuit is a NOR gate while the second is a NAND gate. The V OL and V OHcalculated are for the worst-case scenario. To find this, assume only one transistor turns on, this just reduces to a pseudo-NMOS/PMOS inverter, so the other transistors are not important.a. The V OL for the pseudo-NMOS (in 0.18μm) is:()()()2,1N N OXNSAT OX P GSP TPP SATOL W C L N DD TN GSP TP CP PDD TN SAT P N OX v C W V V I V k V V V V E L V V v W L C μ-==--+-=()2DD TP N N OX V V W C μ-()()()()()20.1DD TP CP P DD TN SAT P N DD TPDDN N DD TP CP P DD TN V V E L V V v W L V V V W V V E L V V μ-+--==-+-()()()()()()()()()()()()226440.18100.2100.210μm= 1.80.5240.2 1.80.5SAT P N DD TPN DD N DD TP CP P DD TN v W L V V W V V V E L V V μλ---=-+-⨯⨯⨯-==-+-Since the minimum width is 2λ, we make that the width. The V OH for the pseudo-PMOS (in 0.18μm) is:()()()()()()2221SDPSDP CP PN P V P OX P SGP TP SDP SAT OX N GSN TN V GSN TN CN N N E L SAT OX I sat I lin C W V V V v C W V V V V E L L v C μ=---=-++()2P OX N DD TN DD TN CN NC W V V V V E L μ-=-+()()()()()()2201DD OH DD OH CP PV V P DD TPDDOH V V P E L W V V VV L ------+()()()()()()20.1824620.184.8(70) 1.21P P W L ---⨯-=-++4.2P W λ≈The pseudo-PMOS circuit will have bigger devices than the pseudo-NMOS.P5.6. The steps to solving this question are the same as the pseudo-NMOS question in Chapter4.a. For V OH , recognize that GS T V V >= for operation so the output can only be as high asDD T V V -. Since 0SB V ≠, body effect must be taken into account and the full equationis:()()() DD T DDT V V V V Vγγ=-+=-+=-+ Iteration produces V OH =0.73V.b. For V OL , we must first recognize that the worst-case V OL occurs when only one of the pull-down transistors is on. Next we identify the regions of operation of the transistors. In this case, the pull-up transistor is always in saturation and the pull-down is most likely in the linear region since it will have a high input (high V GS ) and a low output (low V DS ). Then, we equate the two currents together and solve for V OL :()()()()()()()()221222222211111224620.61(1)(270)1.20.4(0.13)(10)(810)1.20.42(1.20.42)0.61DS DS CN OL OLV N OX GS T DS sat OX GS T V GS T CN E LV OL OL V OL I sat I lin W C V V V W v C V V V V E LL V V V μ-=---=-++--⨯--=--++Using a programmable calculator or a spreadsheet program, V OL = 0.205V. The dc current with the output low is:()()()()2222222260.20520.2050.61(1)(270)(1.610)1.20.4(0.205)146.5DS DS CN V N OX GS T DS DS V ELW C V V V I L Aμμ---=+⨯--=+=The power with the output low is:(46.5)(1.2)55.8DS DD P I V A V W μμ===P5.7. See Example 5.2 which is based on the NAND gate. This question is the same except thatit addresses the NOR gate.With both inputs tied together, 88N P W W λλ==2χ=== ()()1.80.520.50.77V 112DD TP TNS V V V V χχ-+-+===++In the SPICE solution, the reason why the results vary for input A and B is due to body-effect.P5.8. The solution is shown below. Notice that there is no relevance with the lengths andwidths of the transistors when it comes to V OH , although they the do matter when calculating V OL. 2.51Vout GG T GG out T V V V V V V γ=-=++=++=P5.9. For t PLH , we need to size the pull-up PMOS appropriately.()()()()15120.70.720.70.73010010845010PLH eqp LOAD p SQLOAD PLHLt RC R C WL W R C k t λλ--====Ω⨯=⨯For V OL :()()()()()()()()()()()()()2246660.1220.10.63 4.210810 1.610 1.20.4 1.08mA1.20.4240.1(270)(1.610) CN P sat OX GS T P GS T CP V N N OX OL TN OLN P V N N E LNN NW v C V V I sat V V E LW C V V V W I sat L L W W W stack L μλλλ---⨯⨯⨯--===-+-+--⨯--==++===⨯=2)155(2)W stack λ=P5.10. The circuit is shown below:()()()()()()()()31512315120.720.70.7301075106350100.720.70.712.510751026.6275010PLH EQP LOAD PP EQPLOAD PLHPHL EQN LOAD NN EQNLOAD PHLLt RC R C W L W R C t Lt RC R C W L W R C t λλλλλ----====⨯⨯=⨯====⨯⨯=≈⨯Because the number of transistors in series is more than one, we must multiply the widths by the appropriate number. Here, all the NMOS transistors will have a width of 54λ. The PMOS transistors will have widths of 126λ and 190λ, respectively.P5.11. We estimate the dc power and dynamic switching power for this problem.a. The circuit’s dc power can be computed by computing the dc current when the output is low. This is given by I DS =550uA/um x 0.1um=55uA. Then P DC =66uW when the output is low.b. Its dynamic power can be calculated by simply using the equation 2dyn DD P CV f α=. Therefore, P dyn =(50fF)(V DD -V TN )(V DD )(100MHz)=4.4uW.P5.12. The pseudo-NMOS inverter has static current when the output is low. We can estimate itas:()()()()()()()()224660.110810 1.610 1.20.425.6A 1.20.4240.1P sat OX GS T P GS T CP W v C V V I sat V V E Lμ--⨯⨯⨯--===-+-+Then the average static power is P stat =(25.6uA)(1.2)/2 =15.4uW.The dynamic power is dyn DD swing avg P CV V f ==(50fF)(1.2)(1.1)f avg assuming that V OL is 0.1V.For the CMOS inverter, the static power is almost zero: P stat =I sub V DD . It is far less than the pseudo-NMOS case. The dynamic power dyn DD swing avg P CV V f ==(50fF)(1.2)2f avg is slightly larger than the pseudo-NMOS case.VVINCMOS InverterV V INPseudo-NMOSP5.13. Model development to compute αsc .P5.14. The energy delivered by the voltage source is:()()200202DDDDV C sourceDD DD L L DDCL DDV CDDcap C LC L C C LdvE i t V dt V C dt C V dvC V dt dv V E i t v dt C v dt C v dv C dt∞∞∞∞========⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰As can be seen, only half the energy is stored in the capacitor. The other half was dissipated as heat through the resistor.P5.15. The average dynamic power does not depend on temperature if the frequency stays thesame. However, the short-circuit current will increase as temperature increases. In addition, the subthreshold current increases as temperature increases. So the overall power dissipation will be higher. P5.16. The circuit is shown below. The delay should incorporate both Q and Qb settling in400ps. All NMOS and PMOS devices are the same size in both NAND gates.QQW()()()()()()()()15331220.μm N P P PHL PLH UP LOAD DOWN LOAD LOAD eqp eqn P N LOAD eqp eqn LOAD eqp eqn PL Lt t t R C R C C R R W W C R L R L WC R L R L W t --⎛⎫=+=+=+ ⎪⎝⎭+=++==≈P5.17. The small glitch in J propagates through the flop even though it is small. This is due tothe fact that the JK-flop of Figure 5.20 has the 1’s catching problem. P5.18. The small glitch in J does not propagate through the flop since the edge-triggeredconfiguration does not have a 1’s catching problem.P5.19. The positive-edge triggered FF is as follows:QQDS(a) With CK=D=0 and S=R=1, the outputs are(b) Now CK=0。

一、集成电路设计技术1. 单片集成电路单片集成电路是指在一个芯片上集成多种电子器件及其相应电路,其中最为广泛应用的是微处理器和数字信号处理器。
2. 复杂性可编程集成电路随着电子技术的飞速发展,人们对集成电路性能和功能的要求也越来越高。
3. 器件级集成电路器件级集成电路(ASIC)是一种特别定制的芯片,根据特定的需求,设计人员可以将电路设计成为单独定制的芯片。
二、集成电路设计应用分析1. 通信系统集成电路技术与通信系统密不可分,通信系统的构建离不开高性能的DSP和MCU等器件。
2. 芯片生产在生产集成电路芯片的过程中,CPLD技术可以用于快速制造带有特定功能的通用芯片,从而降低生产成本。

数字集成电路设计与分析数字集成电路(Digital Integrated Circuit,简称DIC)是一种用于处理和传输数字信号的电路。
数字集成电路的设计需要考虑以下几个方面:1. 逻辑功能:根据需求确定数字电路所需实现的逻辑功能,如加法器、乘法器、状态机等。
2. 硬件资源:根据逻辑功能确定所需的晶体管、电阻、电容等硬件资源,并进行布局和布线设计。
3. 时序与时钟:考虑电路中各元件的时序关系,确定时钟频率和时序控制策略。
4. 电源和接口:设计电源供应和与外部系统的接口电路,确保数字集成电路的正常工作和与外界的通信。
以下是常用的数字集成电路分析方法:1. 逻辑仿真:通过电路仿真软件,将输入信号应用到数字集成电路模型中,观察输出信号是否满足预期逻辑功能。
2. 时序分析:通过时序分析工具,分析数字集成电路中各个时序路径的延迟和时钟频率。
3. 功耗分析:通过电路仿真和电路特性提取工具,分析数字集成电路的功耗消耗和功耗分布。
4. 供电噪声分析:通过电磁仿真和噪声分析工具,分析数字集成电路中的供电噪声问题。
5. 仿真验证:通过数字集成电路芯片级仿真和电路板级仿真,验证数字集成电路的功能和性能。

一. 集成电路设计工具1. 电路设计自动化系统(EDA)EDA系统在集成电路设计过程中非常重要。
常用的EDA系统软件包包括Cadence、Mentor Graphics和Synopsys等,它们提供了从电路原理到过程设计的各个方面的支持。
2. 模拟器模拟器是集成电路仿真过程的核心部分。
3. 模型库模型库是电路仿真所使用的重要资源。
二. 集成电路分析方法1. SPICE仿真SPICE仿真是最常用的一种集成电路分析方法。
SPICE 是“电流,电压和功率模拟器的通称”。

问答:Point out design objects in the figure such as :design, cell, reference, port, pin, net, then write a command to set 5 to net ADesign: topReference: ADD DFFCell: U1 U2Port: A B clk sumPin: A B D QNet: A B SINSet_load 5 [get_nets A]why do we not choose to operate all our digital circuits at these low supply voltages?答:1)不加区分地降低电源电压虽然对减少能耗能正面影响,但它绝对会使门的延时加大2)一旦电源电压和本征电压(阈值电压)变得可比拟,DC特性对器件参数(如晶体管阈值)的变化就变得越来越敏感3)降低电源电压意味着减少信号摆幅。
虽然这通常可以帮助减少系统的内部噪声(如串扰引起的噪声),但它也使设计对并不减少的外部噪声源更加敏感)问道题:1. CMOS静态电路中,上拉网络为什么用PMOS,下拉网络为什么用NMOS管2. 什么是亚阈值电流,当减少VT时,VGS =0时的亚阈值电流是增加还是减少?3. 什么是速度饱和效应4. CMOS电压越低,功耗就越少?是不是数字电路电源电压越低越好,为什么?5. 如何减少门的传输延迟? P2036. CMOS电路中有哪些类型的功耗?7. 什么是衬垫偏置效应。
8. gate-to-channel capacitance CGC,包括哪些部分VirSim有哪几类窗口3-6. Given the data in Table 0.1 for a short channel NMOS transistor withVDSAT = 0.6 V and k′=100 µA/V2, calculate VT0, γ, λ, 2|φf|, and W / L:解答:对于短沟道器件:在选择公式的时候,首先要确定工作区域,表格中的所有VDS均大于VDSAT,所以不可能工作在线性区域。

哈尔滨理工大学数字集成电路设计实验报告学院:应用科学学院专业班级:电科12 - 1班学号: 32姓名:周龙指导教师:刘倩2015年5月20日实验一、反相器版图设计1.实验目的1)、熟悉mos晶体管版图结构及绘制步骤;2)、熟悉反相器版图结构及版图仿真;2. 实验内容1)绘制PMOS布局图;2)绘制NMOS布局图;3)绘制反相器布局图并仿真;3. 实验步骤1、绘制PMOS布局图:(1) 绘制N Well图层;(2) 绘制Active图层; (3) 绘制P Select图层; (4) 绘制Poly 图层; (5) 绘制Active Contact图层;(6) 绘制Metal1图层; (7) 设计规则检查;(8) 检查错误; (9) 修改错误; (10)截面观察;2、绘制NMOS布局图:(1) 新增NMOS组件;(2) 编辑NMOS组件;(3) 设计导览;3、绘制反相器布局图:(1) 取代设定;(2) 编辑组件;(3) 坐标设定;(4) 复制组件;(5) 引用nmos组件;(6) 引用pmos组件;(7) 设计规则检查;(8) 新增PMOS基板节点组件;(9) 编辑PMOS基板节点组件;(10) 新增NMOS基板接触点; (11) 编辑NMOS基板节点组件;(12) 引用Basecontactp组件;(13) 引用Basecontactn组件;(14) 连接闸极Poly;(15) 连接汲极;(16) 绘制电源线;(17) 标出Vdd 与GND节点;(18) 连接电源与接触点;(19) 加入输入端口;(20) 加入输出端口;(21) 更改组件名称;(22) 将布局图转化成T-Spice文件;(23) T-Spice模拟;4. 实验结果nmos版图pmos版图反相器的版图反相器的spice文件反相器的仿真曲线5.实验结论通过对仿真曲线的分析,当输入为高电平时,输出为低电平;当输入为低电平时,输出为高电平。

参考资料1.R. Jacob Baker, Harry W. Li, and David E. Boyce.CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, ThirdEdition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. 2010.2.Sung-Mo (Steve) Kang and Yusuf Leblebici. CMOSDigital Integrated Circuits: Analysis and Design.McGraw-Hill, Boston, MA. 2003.3.Jun Xu. Deep Submicron CMOS Circuit Design. JohnWiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. 2002.结论通过本教学设计,学生将会掌握数字电路的基本理论和设计方法,熟悉深亚微米工艺,了解其应用场景及特点。
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问答:Point out design objects in the figure such as :design, cell, reference, port, pin, net, then write a command to set 5 to net ADesign: topReference: ADD DFFCell: U1 U2Port: A B clk sumPin: A B D QNet: A B SINSet_load 5 [get_nets A]why do we not choose to operate all our digital circuits at these low supply voltages? 答:1)不加区分地降低电源电压虽然对减少能耗能正面影响,但它绝对会使门的延时加大 2)一旦电源电压和本征电压(阈值电压)变得可比拟,DC特性对器件参数(如晶体管阈值)的变化就变得越来越敏感3)降低电源电压意味着减少信号摆幅。
虽然这通常可以帮助减少系统的内部噪声(如串扰引起的噪声),但它也使设计对并不减少的外部噪声源更加敏感)问道题:1.CMOS静态电路中,上拉网络为什么用PMOS,下拉网络为什么用NMOS管2.什么是亚阈值电流,当减少VT时,V GS =0时的亚阈值电流是增加还是减少?3.什么是速度饱和效应4.CMOS电压越低,功耗就越少?是不是数字电路电源电压越低越好,为什么?5.如何减少门的传输延迟? P2036.CMOS电路中有哪些类型的功耗?7.什么是衬垫偏置效应。
8.gate-to-channel capacitance C GC,包括哪些部分VirSim有哪几类窗口3-6. Given the data in Table 0.1 for a short channel NMOS transistor withV DSAT = 0.6 V and k′=100 µA/V2, calculate V T0, γ, λ, 2|φf|, and W / L:解答:对于短沟道器件:2'min min [()](1)2DGS T DS V WI k V V V V L λ=--+ min min[(),,]GS T DS DSAT V V V V V =-在选择公式的时候,首先要确定工作区域,表格中的所有V DS 均大于V DSAT ,所以不可能工作在线性区域。
如果工作在饱和区域则: V T 应该满足 : V GS -V T <V DSAT 2-V T <0.6 1.4<V T这是不可能的,所以可以假设所有的数据都是工作在速度饱和区域 所以:2'[()](1)2DSAT D GS t DSAT DS V WI k V V V V L λ=--+由 1&22'00.6[(2.5)0.6](1 1.8)18122D W I k Vt L λ=--+=2'00.6[(2)0.6](1 1.8)12972D W I k Vt L λ=--+= 20200.6(2.5)0.61812212970.6(2)0.62Vt Vt --=--0.44VtV=(01.4Vt V<) 所以 1,2,3是在速度饱和区由 2&312971 1.813611 2.5λλ+=+10.08V λ-=由 2&4 1297/1146=[(2-Vt0)x0.6-o.62/2]/[(2-Vt)x0.6-0.62/2] Vt=0.587V由 2 &5 Vt=0.691V这两个值都满足 Vt<1.4, 所以表中的数据都是工作的速度饱和状态0(22)SB f fVt Vt V γφφ=++-由4 &5 和 00.44Vt V=可以计算出20.6f Vφ= 和1/20.3V γ=2'1297[()]2DSAT DGS t DSAT V WI A k V V V L μ==-- 得到 W/L=1.53-7 Giv en Table 0.2 ,the goal is to derive the important device parametersfromthese data points. As the measured transistor is processed in a deep-submciron technology, the‘unified model ’ holds. From the material constants, we also could determine that the saturation voltage V DSAT equals -1V. You may also assume that -2ΦF = -0.6V.NOTE: The parameter values on Table 3.3 do NOT hold for this problem. a. Is the measured transistor a PMOS or an NMOS device? Explain your answer.b. Determine the value of VT0.c. Determine γ.d. Determine λ.e. Given the obtained answers, determine for each of the measurements the operation region of the transistor (choose from cutoff, resistive, saturated, and velocity saturated ). Annotateyour finding in the right-most column of the above.解答:a) 这是 PMOS 器件 b) 2'min min[()](1)2D GS T DS V WI kV V V V Lλ=--+比较各表中(),,GS T DS DSAT V V V V -的值知道1,4为工作在速度饱和状态由 1&42'[()](1)2DSAT D GS t DSAT DS V WI k V V V V L λ=--+2'01[( 2.5)(1)](1*( 2.5))84.3752D W I k Vt L λ=----+-=-2'01[( 2.0)(1)](1*( 2.5))56.252D W I k Vt L λ=----+-=-20201( 2.5)(1)84.375256.251( 2.0)(1)2Vt Vt -----=-----Vt 0=0.5Vc) 由 1&5和上面求出的Vt0的值: 1,5工作在速度饱和区域 则:(-84.375)/(-72.0)=[(-2.5-Vt0)*(-1)-12/2]/[(-2.5-Vt)*(-1)-12/2]求出Vt ,代入下面公式:0Vt Vt γ=+-求出:γ=0.538V 1/2d)由 1&6,因为1,6均工作在速度饱和区域:84.3751( 2.5)80.6251( 1.5)λλ-+-=-+-λ=0.05V -1e)1-vel. Sat, 2-cutoff, 3-saturation , 4-5-6 vel. Sat, 7-linear3-8 An NMOS device is plugged into the test configuration shown below in Figure0.4. The input V in =2V. The current source draws a constant current of 50 µA. R is a variableresistor that can assume values between 10k Ω and 30 k Ω. Transistor M1 experiences short channel effects and has following transistor parameters: k ’ = 110*10-6 V/A2, V T = 0.4 ,and V DSAT = 0.6V. The transistor has a W/L = 2.5µ/0.25µ. For simplicity body effect andchannel length modulation can be neglected. i.e λ=0, γ=0. .a. When R =10k Ω find the operation region, V D and V S .b. When R= 30k Ω again determine the operation region V D , V Sc. For the case of R = 10k Ω, would V S increase or decrease if λ ≠ 0. Explain qualitatively解答:1)当 R=10k, V D =V DD -IRV D =2.5-50x10-6x104=2.5-0.5=2V假设器件工作在饱和区 ( 需要以后验证)则:2'()50D GS t WI K V V A Lμ=-= GS t V V -=0.3V 所以 V GS =0.3+0.4=0.7VV S =2-0.7=1.3VVmin=min(V GS -Vt, V DSAT , V DS )=min(0.3,0.6,0.7)=V GS -Vt 所以是饱和区V D =2VV S =1.3V saturation operationb) V D =2.5-30x103x50x10-6=2.5-1.5=1V assume linear op:2'()]502DS DGS t DS V WI K V V V A L μ=--=26(1)1101010(20.4)(1)]502S S S V V V Aμ--⨯⨯----= 0.93S V V=Min(V GS -V T ,V DS ,V DSAT )=min((1-0.93-0.4).0.07,0)=V DS SO linearc) increas e , R = 10k Ω2'()(1)D GS t DS WI K V V V Lλ=-+ R 变化,则V D 必须变化以保持电流稳定,(1)DS V λ+试图增加电流,而为了恒定电流值,V GS 必须减小,即V S 必须增加 1、(10)P137Assume an inverter in the generic 0.25 mm CMOS technology designed with a PMOS/NMOS ratio of 3.4 and with the NMOS transistor minimum size (W = 0.375 mm, L = 0.25 mm, W /L =1.5). V M = 1.25 V, please compute V IL , V IH , N ML , N MH . the processparametersispresentedintable1()(/2)(1)DM n DSATnin Tn DSATn n out IV k VV V V V λ=--+由此可以得到 V IL , V IH , NM L , NM H :因为V IH =V M -V M /g , V IL =V M +(V DD -V M )/g NM H =V DD -V IH , NM L =V IL V IL =1.2V, V IH =1.3V, NM L =NM H =1.25.3、For the inverter of Figure 1 and an output load of 3 pF ,at Vout=2.5V, I DVsat =0.439mA, at Vout=1.25V, I D vsat=0.41mAfig 1a. Calculate t plh , t phl , and t p .b. Are the rising and falling delays equal? Why or why not? 解答:t pLH =0.69R L C L = 155 nsec.对于 tp HL :首先计算 R on for V out at 2.5V and 1.25V. 因为 Vout=2.5V, I DVsat =0.439mA 所以 Ron= 5695 当 Vout=1.25V, IDvsat=0.41m 所以Ron= 3049.这样, Vout=2.5Vand Vout=1.25V 之间的平均电阻 Raverage=4.372k t pLH =0.69RaverageC L =9.05nsec. t p =av{t pLH , t pHL }=82.0nsecb. Are the rising and falling delays equal? Why or why not? Solutiont pLH >> t pHL 因为 R L =75k 远大于有效线性电阻 effective linearized on-resistance of M1.5-5 The next figure shows two implementations of MOS inverters. The first inverter uses onlyNMOS transistors. Calculate V OH , V OL , V M for each case. 有的参数参考表1解答:电路 A.V OH: 当 M1关掉, M2 的阈值是:当下面条件满足的时候,M2将关闭:所以 V OUT=V OH=1.765VV OL: 假设V IN=V DD=2.5V.我们期望 V OUT为低, 因此我们可以假设M2工作在速度饱和区,而M1工作在线性区域.因为 I D1= I D2 , 所以 V OUT=V OL=0.263V, 假设成立V M: 当V M=V IN=V OUT.假设两晶体管均工作在速度饱和区域, 我们得到下面两个方程:设 I D1=I D2, 得到 V M=1.269V电路 B.当 V IN=0V, NMOS 关掉,PMOS 打开,并把V OUT拉到VDD, so V OH=2.5. 同样, 当 V IN=2.5V, the PMOS关掉,NMOS 把 V OUT拉到地, 所以V OL=0V.为了计算 V M: V M=V IN=V OUT.假设两晶体管均工作在速度饱和区域,可以得到下面两组方程.设 I D3+ I D2 =0 ,可以得到r V M = 1.095V.所以假设两晶体管均工作在速度饱和区域是正确的.5-7Consider the circuit in Figure 5.5. Device M1 is a standard NMOS device. Device M2 has allthe same properties as M1, except that its device threshold voltage is negative and。