
OutlineTitle: The Linguistic Feature and Translation of School Mottos of China’s Famous Universities.Thesis Statement:The School Motto is of great significance for a university for its Extraordinary Compactness and high representativeness of the university’s cultural connotation and essence as well as its aesthetic structure. Learning about the Linguistic Feature of School Mottos of China’s Famous Universities will help us to find effective ways of translating university’s school mottos accurately.OutlineIntroduction1. Standardizations of School Mottos1.1 high generality1.2 Brevity1.3 Contextual independence1.4 Commonly used/ Universality2 The Linguistic Feature of Chinese Universities’ School Motto s2.1 Semantic feature2.2 Pragmatical feature2.3 Syntactic feature3 The Translation of School Mottos of China’s Famous Universities.3.1 The general principals of the translation3.1.1 Information security3.1.2 Semantic equivalence3.1.3 Pragmatic equivalence3.2 The methods of translation3.2.1 The syntactic adjustment based on the semantic word-order3.2.2 Gain compensation based on the semantic equivalence3.2.3 Image switchover based on the pragmatic equivalence4 ConclusionAcknowledgementsReferencesAppendix目录题目:中国著名大学校训的语言学特征与翻译主题:提纲:1 校训(格言)标准化1.1 高度概括性1.2 简短性1.3 语境独立性1.4 通行性2 大学校训的语言学特征2.1 语义特征2.2 语用特征2.3 语法特征3 大学校训的翻译3.1 大学校训翻译的一般准则3.1.1 信息安全3.1.2 语义等值3.1.3 语用等效3.2 大学校训翻译的方法3.2.1 基于词序语义观的句法调整3.2.2 基于语义等值观的增益补偿3.2.3 基于语用等效观的意象切换功能对等理论视角下的时政术语翻译研究引言(课题阐释、研究现状、研究意义、研究方法、研究内容、以及功能对等理论翻译、文化内涵、大学校训等概念的解释。

impeccable taste". A new scent, named V1, has ---(0)----- launched for
Christmas-retailing at just £47.874 . The makers are proudly promoting it
---(31)---- the " world's most expensive perfume" and are confident of selling
32 W H Y
注意介词搭配,注意not等的否定,注意which ,what ,when ,not only等等。
5 第六部分改错
3 第三部分没有准备时间,不可以记笔记。

这是本好书,建议考托福的人用他的单词册,有很多版本,我要求用从A到Z 按照顺序排列单词的那本,不要有练习题的!最好连例句都没有就更好了。

如:在教服装名词时,能够指着自己或学生的毛衣说:“This is my sweater ,this is your sweater ,my sweater is green ,your sweater is blue .”这样学生不但记住毛衣叫sweater,而且学会了两种颜色blue(蓝色)和green(绿色)。
如:在学习clothes(衣服)时,让学生联系到“衣服”的部分词汇,从上往下依次有coat﹑sweater﹑shirt﹑T-shirt﹑skirt﹑pants﹑shoes﹑socks等,又可由tree 联想到branch 、leaf 、flower、fruit 等相关词语,这样联想学习记忆,不但学了新词也复习了旧词,不但记住了新词更忘不了旧词。
竞选州长 中英文对照

竞选州长中英文对照2009-09-28 来源: 【大中小】点击: 2525评论:0条【揭秘】牛人记单词的绝招秘诀!•抓住5个时间点,单词忘不了•口语很烂?点这里!RUNNING FOR GOVERNORBy Mark TwainA few months ago I was nominated for Governor of the great State of New York, to run against Stewart L. Woodford and John T. Hoffman, on an independent ticket. I somehow felt that I had one prominent advantage over these gentlemen, and that was, good character. It was easy to see by the newspapers, that if ever they had known what it was to bear a good name, that time had gone by. It was plain that in these latter years they had become familiar with all manner of shameful crimes. But at the very moment that I was exalting my advantage and joying in it in secret, there was a muddy undercurrent of discomfort "riling" the deeps of my happiness -- and that was, the having to hear my name bandied about in familiar connection with those of such people. I grew more and more disturbed. Finally I wrote my grandmother about it. Her answer came quick and sharp. She said:You have never done one single thing in all your life to be ashamed of -- not one. Look at the newspapers -- look at them and comprehend what sort of characters Woodford and Hoffman are, and then see if you are willing to lower yourself to their level and enter a public canvass with them.It was my very thought! I did not sleep a single moment that night. But after all, I could not recede. I was fully committed and must go on with the fight. As I was looking listlessly over the papers at breakfast, I came across this paragraph, and I may truly say I never was so confounded before:PERJURY. -- Perhaps, now that Mr. Mark Twain is before the people as a candidate for Governor, he will condescend to explain how he came to be convicted of perjury by thirty-four witnesses, in Wakawak, Cochin China, in 1863, the intent of which perjury was to rob a poor native widow and her helpless family of a meagre plantain patch, their only stay and support in their bereavement and their desolation. Mr. Twain owes it to himself, as well as to the great people whose suffrages he asks, to clear this matter up. Will he do it?I thought I should burst with amazement! Such a cruel, heartless charge -- I never had seen Cochin China! I never had beard of Wakawak! I didn't know a plantain patch from a kangaroo! Idid not know what to do. I was crazed and helpless. I let the day slip away without doing anything at all. The next morning the same paper had this -- nothing more:SIGNIFICANT. -- Mr. Twain, it will be observed, is suggestively silent about the Cochin China perjury.[Mem. -- During the rest of the campaign this paper never referred to me in any other way than as "the infamous perjurer Twain."]Next came the "Gazette," with this:WANTED TO KNOW. -- Will the new candidate for Governor deign to explain to certain of his fellow-citizens (who are suffering to vote for him!) the little circumstance of his cabin-matesin Montana losing small valuables from time to time, until at last, these things having been invariably found on Mr. Twain's person or in his "trunk" (newspaper he rolled his traps in), they felt compelled to give him a friendly admonition for his own good, and so tarred and feathered him and rode him on a rail, and then advised him to leave a permanent vacuum in the place he usually occupied in the camp. Will he do this?Could anything be more deliberately malicious than that? For I never was in Montana in my life.[After this, this journal customarily spoke of me as "Twain, the Montana Thief."]I got to pick up papers apprehensively -- much as one would lift a desired blanket which he had some idea might have a rattlesnake under it. One day this met my eye:THE LIE NAILED! -- By the sworn affidavits of Michael O'Flanagan, Esq., of the Five Points, and Mr. Kit Burns and Mr. John Allen, of Water street, it is established that Mr. Mark Twain's vile statement that the lamented grandfather of our noble standard-bearer, John T. Hoffman, was hanged for highway robbery, is a brutal and gratuitous LIE, without a single shadow of foundation in fact. It is disheartening to virtuous men to see such shameful means resorted to achieve political success as the attacking of the dead in their graves and defiling their honored names with slander. When we think of the anguish this miserable falsehood must cause the innocent relatives and friends of the deceased, we are almost driven to incite an outraged and insulted public to summary and unlawful vengeance upon the traducer. But no -- let us leave him to the agony of a lacerating conscience -- (though if passion should get the better of the public and in its blind fury they should do the traducer bodily injury, it is but too obvious that no jury could convict and no court punish the perpetrators of the deed).The ingenious closing sentence had the effect of moving me out of bed with despatch that night, and out at the back door, also, while the "outraged and insulted public" surged in the front way, breaking furniture and windows in their righteous indignation as they came, and taking off such property as they could carry when they went. And yet I can lay my hand upon the Book and saythat I never slandered Governor Hoffman's grandfather. More -- I had never even heard of him or mentioned him, up to that day and date.[I will state, in passing, that the journal above quoted from always referred to me afterward as "Twain, the Body-Snatcher."]The next newspaper article that attracted my attention was the following:A SWEET CANDIDATE. -- Mark Twain, who was to make such a blighting speech at the mass meeting of the Independents last night, didn't come to time! A telegram from his physician stated that he had been knocked down by a runaway team and his leg broken in two places -- sufferer lying in great agony, and so forth, and so forth, and a lot more bosh of the same sort. And the Independents tried hard to swallow the wretched subterfuge and pretend that they did not know what was the real reason of the absence of the abandoned creature whom they denominate their standard-bearer. A certain man was seen to reel into Mr. Twain's hotel last night in state of beastly intoxication. It is the imperative duty of the Independents to prove that this besotted brute was not Mark Twain himself: We have them at last! This is a case that admits of no shirking. The voice of the people demands in thunder-tones: "WHO WAS THAT MAN?It was incredible, absolutely incredible, for a moment, that it was really my name that was coupled with this disgraceful suspicion. Three long years had passed over my head since I had tasted ale, beer, wine, or liquor of any kind.[It shows what effect the times were having on me when I say that I saw myself confidently dubbed "Mr. Delirium Tremens Twain" in the next issue of that journal without a pang -- notwithstanding I knew that with monotonous fidelity the paper would go on calling me so to the very end.]By this time anonymous letters were getting to be an important part of my mail matter. This form was common:How about that old woman you kicked of...POL PRY.And this:There is things which you have done which is unbeknown to anybody but me. You better trot out a few dollars to yours truly or you'll hear thro' the papers from…HANDY ANDY.That is about the idea. I could continue them till the reader was surfeited, if desirable.Shortly the principal Republican journal "convicted" me of wholesale bribery, and the leading Democratic paper "nailed" an aggravated case of blackmailing to me.[In this way I acquired two additional names: "Twain, the Filthy Corruptionist," and "Twain, the Loathsome Embracer."]By this time there had grown to be such a clamor for an "answer" to all the dreadful charges that were laid to me, that the editors and leaders of my party said it would be political ruin for me to remain silent any longer. As if to make their appeal the more imperative, the following appeared in one of the papers the very next day:BEHOLD THE MAN! -- The Independent candidate still maintains Silence. Because he dare not speak. Every accusation against him has been amply proved, and they have been endorsed and re-endorsed by his own eloquent silence till at this day he stands forever convicted. Look upon your candidate, Independents! Look upon the Infamous Perjurer! The Montana Thief! TheBody-Snatcher! Contemplate your incarnate Delirium Tremens! Your Filthy Corruptionist! Your Loath some Embracer! Gaze upon him -- ponder him well -- and then say if you can give your honest votes to a creature who has earned this dismal array of titles by his hideous crimes, and dares not open his mouth in denial of any one of them!There was no possible way of getting out of it, and so, in deep humiliation, I set about preparing to "answer" a mass of baseless charges and mean and wicked falsehoods. But I never finished the task, for the very next morning a paper came out with a new horror, a fresh malignity, and seriously charged me with burning a lunatic asylum with all its inmates because it obstructed the view from my house. This threw me into a sort of panic. Then came the charge of poisoning my uncle to get his property, with an imperative demand that the grave should be opened. This drove me to the verge of distraction. On top of this I was accused of employing toothless and incompetent old relatives to prepare the food for the foundling hospital when I was warden. I was wavering -- wavering. And at last, as a due and fitting climax to the shameless persecution that party rancor had inflicted upon me, nine little toddling children of all shades of color and degrees of raggedness were taught to rush on to the platform at a public meeting and clasp me around the legs and call me PA!I gave up. I hauled down my colors and surrendered. I was not equal to the requirements of a Gubernatorial campaign in the State of New York, and so I sent in my withdrawal from the candidacy, and in bitterness of spirit signed it,"Truly yours,"Once a decent man, but now MARK TWAIN, I. P., M. T., B. S., D. T., F. C., and L. E."竞选州长几个月之前,我被提名为纽约州州长候选人,代表独立党与斯坦华脱·勒·伍福特先生和约翰·特·霍夫曼先生竞选。



一、初识记忆小秘密1.1 短期记忆VS长期记忆你知道吗?咱们的记忆分两种,一种是短期记忆,就像是电脑里的临时文件夹,存的东西不多,还不稳定,一不小心就删了。
1.2 记忆的小曲线说到这“记忆时间曲线”,它就像个波浪线,刚开始咱们学东西的时候,记得特牢,但过了一段时间,嘿,就开始忘了。
二、玩转记忆小技巧2.1 重复是王道老话儿说得好,“好记性不如烂笔头”,其实啊,烂笔头背后藏着的就是重复的力量。
2.2 联想记忆法这招儿特别管用,就是把要记的东西和自己熟悉的东西联系起来。
2.3 睡眠也是帮手别小看睡觉,它可是记忆的好帮手。
三、实践出真知3.1 动手试试光说不练假把式,上面说的那些小技巧啊,你得自己动手试试才知道好不好用。
英语单词怎么记得快又牢 快速背单词的方法技巧


单词忘不了词汇记忆的基本原则:1.绝对不能用一种方法来记.2.记单词一定要做笔记,一定要亲自动手做笔记.3.每天的笔记,至少认真看三遍.4.通过看电影来刺激大脑皮层,不断回忆.今天主要讲解四种方法:1.联想法(优点:有趣,印象深刻. 缺点:不太全面,难以普及)2.词根词辍3.象形词串烧法.4.故事法.一.联想法(谐音法)curse: n.(诅咒)谐音"克死". 助记法:一个寡妇把她的老公克死了.pest [pest] :n. (害虫)谐音"拍死它". 助记法:见到(害虫)一定要拍死它.nutrition : n.(营养)谐音"牛吹神". 助记法:很多(营养品)的广告吹牛吹得很神.vacation :n.(假期,休假)vi.(渡假)谐音"我开心". 助记法:去(度假),我开心呀!!ditch :n.(沟渠)v.(坠沟中)谐音"地气".助记法:(沟渠)冒出来的地气,臭死人了.glamour: a.(魔力,魅力)v.(迷住)谐音"格莱美". 助记法:得到格莱美奖项的人一定很有(魅力).teacher: n.(教师)谐音"踢球".applicant:n. (申请人)谐音"尔不离恳她". 助记法:(申请人)是--你无时无刻都在恳求她. chair :n.(椅子)谐音"缺耳". 助记法:(椅子)坐久了,要是坐的人不小心摔下来就缺耳朵了. vertigo :n.(眩晕)谐音"莫提高", 助记法:切莫把我提得太高,我可是有(恐高症)呀!!slay [slei] : v.(残杀,杀害)谐音"死勒".助记法: 把某人放倒(lay)往死里勒(slay),(凶狠的杀死)他. quaff [kwɑ:f]:v.(一口气喝干,大口地渴)n.(一饮而尽,痛饮)谐音"夸夫". 助记法:夸夫追日,渴极(痛饮).shudder :n.v.(战涑,发抖)谐音"吓得". 助记法:被吓得(发抖)了.ponderous :a.(笨重的,笨拙的)谐音"胖得要死".助记法: 胖得要死了,行动不(笨重)才怪.boff:n.(狂喜)谐音"暴富". 一夜暴富,能不(狂喜)吗?frugal:a.(节俭的)一餐只吃腐乳够(节俭的)吧.absurd a.(荒谬的,荒唐的)谐音"爱不死的". 助记法:只有(荒谬的)爱情故事才会爱不死的.vanish :v.消失,不见了.谐音"哇!!你(消失)了".bachelor :n.(单身汉,学士)谐音:“爸撤了”.助记法:爸这个职位撤了就成了(单身汉).ballet :n.(芭蕾舞)谐音"怕累". 助记法:跳(芭蕾)的人总是踮着脚尖好像不怕累的一样.gossip :n.(闲聊,随笔) v.(说闲话)谐音"搞事婆". 助记法:喜欢(说闲话)的人都是搞事婆.obstinate:a.(固执的,倔强的)谐音"偶不是听你的".助记法: 现在的小孩子都很(固执,倔强).嘴边常挂着偶不是听你的.gist: n.(要点,要旨)谐音"记死它. 助记法:考试(要点)一定要记死它.ambition : n.(野心,雄心)vt.(有...野心,追求)谐音"俺必胜". 助记法:俺必胜,真是(野心勃勃)呀!!enter: v.(进入,参加,开始)谐音"按它". 助记法:一按它就能(进入).baffle: v.(困惑,为难)谐音"拜佛". 助记法:(受挫)和(困惑)的时候就去拜佛.二.词根词辍:1.anti:表示反对,抵抗,相对的意思antiwar(反战的): anti(抵抗) war(战争) 抵抗战争就是反战.antipathy(反感): anti(对立) pathy(感情) 对立的感情就是反感.2.dis:表示否定,离开的意思disagree(不一致): dis(否定) agree(同意)discomfort(不适): dis(否定) comfort(舒适)discontent(不满): dis(否定) content(满意)dishonest(不诚实的): dis(否定) honest(诚实的)disloyal(不忠诚的): dis(否定) loyal(忠诚的)disorder(无秩序的): dis(否定) order(有秩序的)disproof(反证): dis(否定) proof(证明)3.ill:表示不的否定前辍logical 合乎逻辑的 illogical 不合乎逻辑的4.im:表示不的否定前辍material:物质的 immaterial:非物质的mature:成熟的 immature:不成熟的mobile:可移动的 immobile:不动的moral:有道德的 immoral:不道德的patient:有耐心的 impatient:不耐烦的perfect:完美的 imperfect:不完美的polite:有礼貌的 impolite:无礼的possible:可能的 impossible:不可能的proper:适当的 improper:不适当的三、象形词串烧法butter bitter better(相同字母:b#tter)黄油(butter)苦(bitter)一点更好(better).mat pat hat cat eat fat rat bat (相同字母:at)席子(mat)拍子(pat)帽子(hat)堵,猫(cat)吃(eat)肥(fat)鼠(rat)变(bat)蝙蝠. law paw jaw saw (相同字母:aw)按法律(law)生爪子(paw),应该在颌部(jaw)锯开(saw)lame blame flame (相同字母:lame)瘸子(lame)怪(blame)火焰(flame)wedge hedge pledge edge(相同字母:edge)楔形(wedge)篱笆(hedge)保证(pledge)都有边(edge)dove dose doze (相同字母:do e)鸽子(dove)服药(dose)打瞌睡(doze)mad maid aid raid (相同字母: a d)疯狂(mad)少女(maid)少件衣,虽有帮助(aid)遭袭击(raid)bad lad mad dad pad sad (相同字母:ad)坏(bad)男孩(lad)疯(mad)爹(dad)坐在垫子(pad)上悲哀(sad)四、故事法1.萨达姆关押其间,不准梳洗,不准换衣服,当然不准洗澡,有报道指出,当时他在身上找到了9只虱子。

俄语谚语1.Век живи, век учись. 活到老,学到老。
2.Учиться никогда не поздно. 学习永不嫌晚。
3.Ученье --- свет, а не ученье --- тьма. 学则明,不学则暗。
4.Повторенье --- мать ученья. 复习是学习之母。
5.На ошибках учатся. 在错误中学习。

支付方式常用句型(1)2010-11-22 来源:网络【大中小】点击: 3465评论:0条【秘诀】学英语10年,悟出9个秘密∙抓住5个时间点,单词忘不了∙专四/专八/英研一起过国际贸易支付方式 ( international trade,payment modes of )国际间因商品交换而发生的、以货款为主要内容的债权债务的清算方式。
大致可以分为:交货付款、交单付款、记账、托收、信用证、分期付款、延期付款……1. Payment by L/C is our method of trade in such commodities.信用证付款是我们关于日用品的贸易方式2.Our usual terms of payment are by an irrevocable L/C to be established in the seller’s favour through the bank of China.我们一般的付款条件是通过中国银行开具以卖方为受益人的不可撤销信用证3.For exports, we usually adopt irrevocable letters of credit available by seller’s documentary drafts at sight.对出口方而言,我们一般接受卖方即期汇票的不可撤销信用证4.We usually make payment by letters of credit or adopt some other modes of payment such as immediate payment, deferred payment and payment by installments.我们一般信用证付款或者其它方式付款,比如即期付款、延期付款和分批付款5.We have opened an L/C in your favor through the Bank of China for an amount of £17,000 to cover the full CIF value of our order No 754. 我们已经开具由中国银行你方为受益人关于全额CIF订单编号754总金额17,000美金的信用证6.We will start the payment in half a year and all the amounts will be cleared off within 3 years by six installments.我们将在半年内付款,总款将在3年内分6次付清7.We prefer to have the payment made by L/C through the negotiating bank in Sweden.我8.Payments shall be made by us after receipt of the shipping documents specified in clause 10 of this contract.接到装船通知后,我们将根据合同第10款进行付款9.We shall open a letter of credit in your favor to be settled in US dollars.我们将开具以你方为受益人美金支付的信用证10.We agree to accept goods in 3 shipments and you may draw on us at 60d/s from the date of dispatch of each shipment.我们同意分3批装运,你可以按每批装运期开具60日汇票11.Could you make an exception in our case and accept D/P or D/A?你能特例接受付款交单或承兑交单吗12.I hope you would leave us some leeway in terms of payment.我希望你能让我们在付款条件上有所偏差13.Would you agree to a 30-day credit period?你同意30日信用期吗14.Because of the money problem, I hope that you can allow us to pay in installments with thefirst payment aft er delivery, then we’ll pay the rest once month.因为资金问题,我希望你能让我们在首付到达后能分批付款,然后我们将月结15.We are having some trouble in receiving payment, so we want to ask if we could defer payment until the end of the month.我们在收款上遇到一些问题,故我想问一下我们能否延迟到月底付款16.We refer payment after delivery, because these goods are very expensive.我们希望货到付款,因为这批货非常昂贵17We hope to payment by bill of exchange at 30d/s .我们希望付款改为30日汇票18.We hope you can accept payment in other currencies expect in US dollars.我们希望你们能够接受除美金以外的其它货币19.We shall be very happy if you can grant us a extension of 2 weeks.如果你们能给我们延长2周我们将非常高兴20.We ask to put off the time of our payment 3 months later to facilitate the capital turnover.我们要求能推迟付款3个月以便资金周转们更喜欢开具由瑞士为议付行的信用证支付方式常用句型(2)1. As a special case , we may consider accepting your payments by D/P.作为特例,我们可以考虑接受付款交单支付2.If the amount of each transaction is below $500, we agree to D/A days terms.如果每笔交易低于500美金,我们同意30日承兑交单条件3.We could grant you the favourable terms of payment as D/A 45 days after sight.我们同意45日承兑交单条款4.In view of the small amount of this transaction, we are prepare to accept payment by D/P at sight.鉴于这笔交易数额较小,我们同意即期付款交单5.D/P or D/A is only accepted if the amount involved for each transaction is less the£1,000.只有每笔交易低于1,000美金时,付款交单或承兑交单才被接受6.We request a 10% payment at the time of ordering . The remaining amount must be paid within 60 days.我们要求下单时预付10%,余额在60日内必须付清7.We can only accept 20% cash payment in local currency. The other 80% by L/C should reach us 15 to 30 days before the delivery.我们只能接受20%本地货币现金支付,其余80%应以信用证在交货期前15日到30日开出8. If the payment is made by installments, the annual interest is calculated by 6% and paid off at the end of each year.如果是部分付款,那么每年利息将以6%计算在每年年底结算9.Full payments must be made within 60 days.全部付款须在60日内付清10.The telegraphic transfer shall reach the bank of China at least five days before thedelivery date of vessel.电报应在船期前至少5日到达中国银行11.The letter of credit for each order shall reach us 30 days.每单信用证应有30日期限到达我方12.15-20 days prior to the date of delivery, you should pay against the presentation of the drawn on the opening bank.你方需在船期15-20日前付款至我司开户银行13.The payment shall be made by telegraphic transfer to the bank of China , Headoffice ,Beijing, China, for our account, within five business days after the contract signature date.付款应在合同签订之日起5日内以电报方式抵达我司在中国银行北京总部的帐户14.Advance payment of 25% of the contract value shall be paid within 30 days of the date of signing the contract.合同签订之日起30日内需提前支付合同金额的25%款项15.The payment shall be made by five annual installments of 20% each. 付款分五次支付,每次为总金额的25%16.We require full payment within 45 days with a 15% discount for cash payment inadvance.我们要求45日内全额付清且有15%的现金折扣17.The total amount must be paid in full upon receipt of the shipping documents.接到装船通知须全额付清18.We require payment by L/C to reach us one month prior to the time of shipment.我们要求船期前一个月向我们开具信用证支付19.You are requested to pay $5,000 as a down payment.你方被要求付5,000美金作为首付20.Ten percent of the contract value shall be paid in advance by cash, and 90% by sight draft drawn under an L/C.合同金额的10%应以现金提前支付,剩下的90%以信用证开具即期汇票支付支付方式常用句型(3)国际贸易支付方式 ( international trade,payment modes of )国际间因商品交换而发生的、以货款为主要内容的债权债务的清算方式。

参考译文:Most people like Chinese food. In China, cooking is considered as not only a skill but also an art. The well-prepared Chinese food is both delicious and good-looking. Although cooking methods and food ingredient vary wildly in different places of China, it is common for good cuisine to take color, flavor, taste and nutrition into account. Since food is crucial to health, a good chef is insistently trying to seek balance between cereal, meat and vegetable, and accordingly Chinese food is delicious as well as healthy.信息技术(Information Technology),正在飞速发展,中国公民也越来越重视信息技术,有些学校甚至将信息技术作为必修课程,对这一现象大家持不同观点。

提出自己看法,然后要求搭档评论。I think --- is also important. What do you think of it?
商务情景口语:045 Holiday Cards
剑桥BEC中级真题集第四辑test 4:阅读部分
剑桥BEC中级真题集第四辑test 4:口语部分
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背单词每日英语啃句子听力训练查词翻译口语模仿特别推荐· 下载《生活英语手册-社交篇》
如果你对题目毫无看法,当搭档问你的观点时,你可以说I agree with you.,
In conclusion,-----
To sum up-----
口试第二部分参考框架( 采用总-分-总的方法)
I choose topic A, 然后把题念一遍。
总括I think there are three points/aspects to consider.

延期付款 delay in payment/extension of payment
支付票据 payment bill
名誉支付/干与付款 payment for honour/payment by intervention
结帐/清算/支付 settlement
附上利息 to draw interest/to bear interest/to allow interest
生息 to yield interest
2011-09-22 来源:网络 【大 中 小】 点击: 2745 评论:1 条
B: Yes, I want to buy some computer software and talk about developing some other software. I don’t know whether he is interested in that or not?
let the latter stand over till then./allow me a short extension of time. /Kindly postpone the time for payment a little longer.
to charge interest
2011-01-17 来源:网络 【大 中 小】 点击: 15005 评论:10 条

下面是字母组合常发的音一.元音:[i:]ee:three tree green sheep meet beef see seek weekea:eat tea meat leave teacher team mean speak clean please e:he she me theseie:piece receive ceiling field[ i ]i:sit picture it is if six pig big build miss window beginy:myth many twenty happy dictionarye:defect decide delicious[ e ]ea:head bread pleasure readye:member lesson better bed desk yes well get very[æ]a:apple bag hand and ant happy hat map bad black back glad flag man stand maths fat[ə:]ir:girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird firstur:turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger hurtear:learn earn earth hearder:term her nerd serve verbor:work worm worker word world worse[ə]er:teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powderor:doctor actor mayor author tractor forgetou:delicious graciousar:familiar collar dollaro:together tomorrow today Washington control polite policeman a:around account ago elephant banana Canada Japan China breakfast ability American abovee:hundred student[a:]ar:car farm card arm garden party star area:fast class last glass plant[ʌ]u:up supper lunch fun gun cup bus cut us luck but cut o:come mother brother love above monthou:trouble roughoo:blood flood[ɔ:]al:small wall talk tall hall ball call walkor:short more lord horse for forty sport door floor store au:author caught autumn auto Augustour:four mourn courtar:warm quarrel quarteraw:draw saw flawou:bought ought[ɔ]o:hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar not dog stop a:want wash watch what[u:]oo:food moon room goose tooth school too noodle cool bamboo kangaroou:true truth blue[u]oo:look good foot book cookou:should could wouldu:put full bull pull pusho:woman wolf[ei]a:name cake late gate plane April face take radio space ay:play say may way today Mayea:great breakai:rain paint plainey:they grey hey[ ai ]i:bike fine find die nine mine quite like sidey:my try fly eye by Friday whyigh: light night high[ au ]ou:house out ground count sound loud mouse round about ow:flower down now cow how town[əu]o:home cold go no phone host ghost noseow:know low below grow blow show flow window yellow oa:boat coat goal road[ɔi]oy:boy toy joyoi:oil soil voice choice noise join[iə]eer:beer deerear:ear dear nearere:hereea:ideaie:fierce[εə]ear:pear bearair:chair air fair hair pairare:care hareere:there where[uə]our:hour touroor:poor moorure:sure辅音[ p ]p:pen pear play pig pour pull push[ b ]b: book big boot bike bread break[ t ]t: tree two ten ton town twenty city[ d ]d: door dull desk dose do dog dictionary[ k ]k: king kite key look cook book kitchen skyc: card cat cream correct climb come account acceptck:clockch: school schedule schema( [ks]:发音字母x:text taxi)[ g ]g: girl good goal goat grade long language[ m ]m: man make moon morning move come comb[ n ]n: pen ten nine fine night noon moon clean[ŋ]n: uncle bank English think thank junkng:sing king morning evening[l]l: long land lend lord fly flag black world cold goal soul le: turtle little[r]r: read red right run room write[f]f: five fly fine flag frog fog roof knife life wifegh: cough laugh roughph:physic photo phone[v]v: very evening even every voice vestf: of[s]s: six sit student same seatse: case baseballss:kiss missc: license city cease cedar ceiling celebratece: licence piece juice science lance space ace[z]z: zoo zebra zero zapse:close nose hose suppose pause those whose please [θ]th: think thank three thirty tooth mouth[ð]th:that this those these though[ʃ]sh: sheep shoulder ship shoe she brush wash[ʒ]s: pleasure treasure(这些组合里的”sure”都发[ʒə])ge:garage[ h ]h: hot hop home house horse howwh:who whose[ w ]wh: when what wherew: window wind wood[ j ]y: yes year yell you your yolk yellow[tʃ]ch: child chicken china chair lunch ouch teachtch: catch watch match[dʒ]ge: age language cabbage vegetable stage bridgej: joy enjoy join July June junkdge:bridge porridge[tr]tr: tree country try treat track trunk[dr]dr: dry dream drop drive drink[ ts ]ts: students boots boats goats nuts[ dz ]ds: goods woods moods hoods birds第二类不少学生在记单词时,采用背诵字母方式,如学“study”这个单词,就s-t-u-d-y的一个字母一个字母背诵。

三年级英语记单词的方法1、利用let's do学单词,对于单词的学习让学生有一个初步印象以后,融入let's do 中学习,可避免简单机械的重复操练。
除了书上的let's do加以利用以外,也可自编。
如学习人体部位单词时,突出操练部位单词,自编以下let's do:Head, head,touch your head. Face ,face,touch your face.Nose ,nose,touch your nose. Mouth,mouth, touch your mouth.利用歌谣记单词。
2、巧用chant和同学们熟悉的歌曲,将句子难为易,容易上口,例如三年级下册的句子Where are you from? I am from America.同学们学起来总是不易上口。
在以后学习Where is my pencil? Under the desk.同学们就自己会变调上口了。
又如在学习do you like...? Yes ,I do.No, I don't 时,同学们总是爱犯错说成,Yes,I don't.No,I do.如果编成chant:yes ,yes,yes I do, no,no,no I don't就不会出错了。
不管是let's do,children's song,let's chant,let's sing,时间久了,就会遗忘,需要节节练习,单元复习,这样才能达到熟能生巧,张口就来的程度。
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Part IV Short Answer Questions
We commonly think of sportsmanship in connection with athletic contests, but it also applies to individual outdoor sports. Not everyone who picks up a fishing rod or goes out with a gun is a sportsman. The sportsman first of all obeys the fish and game laws, not BECause he is liable to be punished as a violator, but because he know that in the main these laws are made for his best interests.
The following are some of the things that those who would qualify for membership in the sportsmanship fraternity (圈内人) will do.
1. Take no more game than the bag limit provided for by the fish and game laws. The person who comes back from a trip boasting about the large number of fish or game taken is not a sportsman but a game hog (贪得无厌的捕猎者) .
2. Observe the unwritten rules of fair play. This means shooting game birds only when the birds are “on the wing”. For the same reason, do not use a shotgun to shoot a rabbit or similar animal while it is sitting or standing still.
3. Be careful in removing illegal or undersized fish from the hook. This should be done only after wetting the hands . This is necessary because the body of the fish is covered with a thin, protective film which will stick to your dry hands. If the hands are dry when
the fish is handled, the film is torn from the body of the fish. Without the protective film, 洛基英语是中国英语培训市场上的一朵奇葩,是全球已被验证的东方人英语学习的最佳模式。
the fish is more easily attacked by diseases. If you wish to release a fish that is hooked in such a way that it will be impossible to closed to the hook as convenient. In a remarkably short time, the hook will break down and the fish will remain almost unharmed. Fish have been known to feed successfully while hooks were still in their lips.
4. Be sure of the identity of your target before you shoot. Many useful and harmless species of wildlife are thoughtlessly killed by the uninformed person who is out with a gun to kill whatever flies within range.
S1 In what respect does the author think individual outdoor sports are similar to athletic contests? __________
S2 A person who goes out fishing with a fishing rod or hunting with a gun is not necessarily _________
S3 What’s the most important thing a true sportsman should bear in mind when he goes fishing or hunting _______
S4 Those who violate the fish and game laws will not be ______ for membership in the sportsmanship fraternity
S5 What are people called when they break the bag limit and boast about their big catch ?_________
S6 A true sportsman will not shoot an animal which is not ______
S7 What are people advised to do before they remove illegal or undersized fish from the hook?_______
S8 What should sportsman do to avoid killing rare species of wildlife ?________
S1 They both involve sportsmanship.
S2 a sportsman
S3 He should observe fish and game rules.
S4 qualified
S5 They are called game hogs.
S6 moving
S7 They should do so after making their hands wet.
S8 Be aware of the species of the target.