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1.Sun Yang is a sports star. He is good at ____________(swim).

2.I like English, so I want _________the English club.

3.Please join our __________(swim)club.

4.Lily likes ______(make) model planes.

5.We need you ________(talk) to the children.


1.Do you like singing ________dancing

----I like dancing.

A. and

B. or

C. but

D. of

2. My parents always tell me ______ more vegetables and fruit.

A. eat

B. eating

C. eats

D. to eat

3. Mr. Han is ______teacher. He teaches ______math.

A. our; us

B. our; our

C. ours; us

4. You can play the piano and you like music, so you can _____our school music club.

A. in

B. on

C. be in

D. be

5. Most _____students in class 1 are playing football on the playground.

A. boy

B. boys

C. boy’s

D. boys’


1.Get up early,___________ you’ll be late for school.

A. so

B. and

C. or

D. but

2. Our teacher tells us _____on the street because it’s too dangerous.

A. not play soccer

B. not to play soccer

C. to not play soccer

3. Da Shan is _______at Chinese. He can speak Chinese very___________.

A. good; good

B. well; well

C. good; well

D. well; good

4. Of all students, Lucy is the ___________( good).

5. ___________(Lily) brother has a cat. It’s very lovely.


1.Mr. Smith always________(go) to work at 7:30.

2.Linda _______(work) in a TV station. She has much _______(work) to do.

3.Many students think it _______to learn English by using news.

4.What sports do you like ______, basket, soccer or volleyball, Mary


A. good

B. well

C. better

D. best

5. Susan _____________ her homework at school every weekend.

A. don’t

B. don’t do

C. doesn’t

D. doesn’t do


1. What do you usually do ___ Friday evening

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. for

2. Our teacher comes into the classroom _____ 8:00.

A. at

B. in

C. on

D. for

3. What do you do after school

A. I go to school

B. I take a bus to school

C. I play basketball with my friends

D. I never go home late ()4. Tom is always late for school. He ________ gets up early.

A. never

B. often

C. usually

D. sometimes

()5. -- _____ do you have your English class --- In the morning.

A. Where

B. When

C. Why

D. What


1.Tony’s sister always ______(do) her homework first when she gets


2.My dream is to be a famous doctor and save people’s ______(life).

3.It’s Sunday today. You don’t need _______(get) up early.

4.Either Tom or she ______(be) going to the party next week. One of

them must stay at home.

5.Tony usually gets up late. He doesn’t have time __________(eat)

