
G6经济型迷你光电开关德国西克传感器产品简介2 S I C K超越标准 - G6易于对准经济型迷你光电开关3w w w.s i c k.c o m/g lo b al s en so r片技术S I C K4 S I C KGTB6L+M QL+MQ NC漫反射式光电开关,背景遮蔽型LED光源技术,光点更亮更精确 金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固 大旋钮方便调节 指示灯大而明亮类激光性能施克 芯片,抗环境干扰和传感器互相干扰ASIC 光轴接收光轴发射所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)G6S I C K5252010501550(1.97)mm(inch)100(3.94)150(5.91)200(7.87)250(9.84)300(11.81)Ø 6.6Ø 5.6Ø 5.3(5.91)(9.84)(1.97)(7.87)(3.94)(11.81)18 % 90 %2 6 %311)对90%反射率物体(基于DIN 5033的标准白色)2) T a=+25°C下平均工作时间100,000小时3)限定值,电源极性反接在短路保护下电流最大8A4) 不可以超出供电电压Vs允许范围值信号冗余最大典型检测范围检测距离对白色( 的反射率)的检测距离对灰色( 的反射率)的检测距离对黑色( 的反射率)的检测距离5) 空载8) 0°C以下不可弯曲6)电阻性负载情况下信号传输时间7) 亮/暗比例1:1所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)距离单位为毫米(英寸)距离单位为毫米(英寸)6 S I C KL+M Q所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)LED光源技术,光点更亮更精确 金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固施克ASIC芯片,抗环境光干扰和传感器互相干扰 大旋钮方便调节 指示灯大而明亮光轴接收光轴发射L+M Q NC反射式光电开关,增强型漫类激光性能GTE6G6S I C K 71)对90%反射率物体(基于DIN 5033的标准白色)2) T a=+25°C下平均工作时间100,000小时3)限定值,电源极性反接在短路保护下电流最大8A4) 不可以超出供电电压Vs允许范围值检测范围1000101信号冗余mm(inch)50(1.9)100(3.9)150(5.9)200(7.9)250(9.8)300(11.8)215) 空载8) 0°C以下不可弯曲6)电阻性负载情况下信号传输时间7) 亮/暗比例1:1最大典型检测距离距离[mm]8 S I C KGL6镜反射式光电开关金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固 施克ASIC芯片,抗环境光干扰和传感器互相干扰 大旋钮方便调节指示灯大而明亮L+M Q所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)L+M Q NC光轴接收光轴发射M3螺纹安装孔LED光源技术,光点更亮更精确G6S I C K 9(inch)(78.7)(157.5)(236.2)(315.0)1) Ta=+25°C下平均工作时间100,000小时2)限定值,电源极性反接在短路保护下电流最大8A 3) 不可以超出供电电压Vs允许范围值4)空载5) 电阻性负载情况下信号传输时间6) 亮/暗比例1:17) 0°C以下不可弯曲检测范围 (EGR: 2)[m]GL6镜反射式光电开关,可调节灵敏度检测距离 6 m镜反射式光电开关尺寸图所有型号调节+–4针,M81L+M Q34棕色蓝色黑色3 x 0.14 mm 2连接类型GL6-P4211GL6-N4211GL6-P1211GL6-P1212GL6-N1211GL6-N1212附件电缆和接头安装附件反射镜所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)1L+M Q NC342棕色蓝色黑色白色光轴接收器光轴发射器M3螺纹安装孔绿色LED 指示灯,电源黄色LED 指示灯,接收光线亮通/暗通旋钮: L = 亮通D = 暗通接收器灵敏度调节器①②③④⑤⑥⑦PinPoint LED 光源技术,光点更亮更精确金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固SICK ASIC 芯片,抗环境光干扰和传感器互相干扰可通过270°电位计调节接收器灵敏度适用于特殊表面和光亮物体7.6(0.30)9.7(0.38)18.3(0.72)21 (0.83)11.4(0.45)31.5 (1.24)28.5 (1.12)25.4 (1.00)0.5 (0.02)0.5 (0.02)9.7(0.38)3 (0.12)L D12(0.47)S I C K10G6S I C K 11信号冗余Ø 8 mmØ 25 mmØ 80 mmØ 130 mm距离(米)传感器3. = +25°C 时,平均工作时间100000小时2) 限定值,短路保护下的最大电流为8 A 3)不得超出供电电压V S 的允许范围值4) 空载5)V S > 24 V 或环境温度大于49 °C 时,最大电流I A = 50 mA6) 电阻负载下的信号传输时间7) 亮/暗比例为1:18) 低于0 °C 时不可弯曲最大检测距离6 m 检测范围 5 m接收器灵敏度调节器270°电位计配套装置 PL80A 反射镜光源类型LED 红光,650 nm 1) 光点直径8 mm ,距离350 mm 处偏光滤镜 供电电压V S 10 ... 30 V DC 2)残余纹波 ± 10 % 3) 能耗 ≤ 30 mA 4)开关输出 NPN :集电极开路:QPNP: QPNP 高/低输出电压V S – (≤ 3 V)/约0 V NPN 高/低输出电压约V S /≤ 3 V 输出方式 亮通/暗通旋钮最大输出电流I A 100 mA 5)响应时间 < 625 µs 6)切换频率典型值为1 kHz 7)连接方式电缆,PVC ,2 m 8)M8接头,4针防护等级电流保护电源极性反接保护输入输出短路保护输出过流保护防护等级IP 67环境温度工作温度 –25 °C ... +55 °C储存温度 –40 °C ... +70 °C 重量 M8接头型,约20 g2 m 电缆型,约60 g 外壳材质ABS, PC, PMMA随附配件P250反射镜,安装支架N1211技术数据GL6-N1212N4211P1211P1212P4211检测距离和信号冗余型号Part no.GL6-P1211GL6-P1212GL6-P4211GL6-N1211GL6-N1212GL6-N4211105992210608151059241105992310608141059631订货信息REF-IRF-56型反射镜PL20A 型反射镜P250型反射镜PL40A 型反射镜PL80A 型反射镜反射镜型号 检测范围0.25 ... 1.6 m0.07 ... 2.2 m 0.07 ... 3.5m 0.07 ... 3.8 m 0.07 ... 5.0 m 订货号检测范围最大检测距离距离单位为米(英寸)距离单位为米(英寸)最大检测距离检测范围12GL6G 镜反射式光电开关检测距离6 m镜反射式光电开关尺寸图所有型号调节4针,M81L+M Q34棕色蓝色黑色3 x 0.14 mm 2连接类型GL6G-P4211GL6G-P4212GL6G-N4211GL6G-N4212GL6G-P1211GL6G-P1212GL6G-N1211GL6G-N1212附件电缆和接头安装附件反射镜7.6(0.30)9.7(0.38)18.3(0.72)21 (0.83)11.4(0.45)31.5 (1.24)28.5 (1.12)25.4 (1.00)0.5 (0.02)0.5 (0.02)9.7(0.38)3 (0.12)L D12(0.47)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)1L+M Q NC342棕色蓝色黑色白色光轴接收器光轴发射器M3螺纹安装孔绿色LED 指示灯,电源黄色LED 指示灯,接收光线亮通/暗通旋钮: L = 亮通D = 暗通接收器灵敏度调节器+–PinPoint LED 光源技术,光点更亮更精确金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固SICK ASIC 芯片,抗环境光干扰和传感器互相干扰可通过270°电位计调节接收器灵敏度适用于特殊表面和光亮物体①②③④⑤⑥⑦S I C KG6S I C K 13信号冗余Ø 8 mmØ 25 mmØ 80 mmØ 130 mm距离(米) A = +25 °C 时,平均工作时间100000小时2) 限定值,短路保护下的最大电流为8 A 3) 不得超出供电电压V S 的允许范围值4) 空载5)最小光束衰减为20%6) V S > 24 V 或环境温度大于49 °C 时,最大电流I A = 50 mA7) 电阻负载下的信号传输时间8) 亮/暗比例为1:19)低于0 °C 时不可弯曲10) 温度需稳定在±10 °C 范围内最大检测距离 6 m 检测范围 5 m接收器灵敏度调节器270°电位计配套装置 PL80A 反射镜光源类型 LED 红光,650 nm 1) 光点直径 8 mm ,距离350 mm 偏光滤镜 供电电压V S 10 ... 30 V DC 2)残余纹波 ± 10 % 3)能耗 ≤ 30 mA 4)开关输出 NPN :集电极开路:QPNP: Q 光束衰减 > 20%特殊设计 适用于透明物体 5)PNP 高/低输出电压V S – (≤ 3 V)/约0 V NPN 高/低输出电压约V S /≤ 3 V 输出方式 亮通/暗通旋钮最大输出电流I A 100 mA 6)响应时间 < 625 µs 7)切换频率典型值为1 kHz 8) 连接方式电缆,PVC ,2 m 9)M8接头,4针防护等级电流保护电源极性反接保护输入输出短路保护输出过流保护防护等级IP 67环境温度T A 工作温度 –25 °C ... +55 °C 10)储存温度 –40 °C ... +70 °C 重量 M8接头型,约20 g2 m 电缆型,约60 g 外壳材质ABS, PC, PMMA随附配件P250反射镜,安装支架N1211技术数据GL6G-N1212N4211N4212P1211P1212P4211P4212检测距离和信号冗余型号订货号GL6G-P1211GL6G-P1212GL6G-P4211GL6G-P4212GL6G-N1211GL6G-N1212GL6G-N4211GL6G-N421210599241060812105963210608101059925106081110596331060809订货信息REF-IRF-56型反射镜PL20A 型反射镜P250型反射镜PL40A 型反射镜PL80A 型反射镜反射镜型号 检测范围0.25 ... 1.6 m0.07 ... 2.2 m 0.07 ... 3.5m 0.07 ... 3.8 m 0.07 ... 5.0 m检测范围最大检测距离距离单位为米(英寸)距离单位为米(英寸)最大检测距离检测范围传感器S I C KL+M QL+MQ NC射式光电开关对 LED光源技术,光点更亮更精确 金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固 大旋钮方便调节 指示灯大而明亮类激光性能光轴接收光轴发射所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)GSE610G6S I C K 111,000100101(inch)(157.48)(472.44)(314.96)(629.92)[m]信号冗余检测范围1) Ta=+25°C下平均工作时间100,000小时2)限定值,电源极性反接在短路保护下电流最大8A 3) 不可以超出供电电压Vs允许范围值4)空载5) 电阻性负载情况下信号传输时间6) 亮/暗比例1:17) 0°C以下不可弯曲最大典型检测距离距离电缆和插头/安装附件Ø9.8(.4)8.2Ø9.81)使用过程中最小弯曲半径R min = 20 x 电缆直径所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)Ø9.8(.4)8.2Ø9.81)使用过程中最小弯曲半径R min = 20 x 电缆直径12S I C KS I C K13附件L1412All dimensions in mm (inch)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)锁紧螺丝反射镜14 S I C K1)发货包含 GL6 标准型号S I C K15附件完善的服务领先的技术独特的产品SICK 概览SICK CHINA| 客户服务专线: 4000-121-0008014182/2013-09-09中文译本 内容如有变更,恕不另行通知SICK 是一家世界顶级的传感器技术提供商,在全球建立了接近50个子公司和众多的销售机构, 雇员总数超过6,300人。

sick传感器使用说明书摘要:1.SICK 传感器简介2.SICK 传感器的种类3.SICK 传感器的使用方法4.SICK 传感器的维护与故障排除5.SICK 传感器的应用领域6.结论正文:一、SICK 传感器简介SICK 传感器是由德国SICK 公司生产的一种光电传感器,具有高精度、高可靠性、抗干扰能力强等特点。
二、SICK 传感器的种类SICK 传感器主要有以下几种类型:1.WT2 漫反射式光电开关:采用红色光源,具有高精度背景遮蔽功能。
三、SICK 传感器的使用方法1.根据被测物体的性质和要求,选择合适的SICK 传感器。
四、SICK 传感器的维护与故障排除1.定期检查传感器的连接线和外壳,确保其连接牢固、无破损。
3.如无法自行排除故障,请联系SICK 公司或其授权代理商提供技术支持。
五、SICK 传感器的应用领域SICK 传感器广泛应用于各种自动化设备和工业生产过程中,如钢铁行业、港口、机床、汽车制造、电梯、风力发电、输送线、压力机械等。
六、结论SICK 传感器作为一款高精度、高可靠性的光电传感器,在多个领域发挥着重要作用。

sickdme5000说明书德国施壳线性测量传感器安装手册,DME5000-112大工作温度范围:-30C至+60C凭借高移动速度和准确的定位提高了系统效率和能力不带活动零件、基于图像的系统延长了传感器的使用寿命,从而明显降低了后续成本·德国施克线性测量传感器安装手册,DME5000-112 工作原理线性测量技术新途径SICK线性测量传感器配备高**技术,用于非接触式地测量位置、速度和长度。
其作为参考标准,OLM根据变型在10 km至0.15 mm 的长度之间进行准确定位。
该技术能够对几乎所有材料进行高精度地测量–针对速度达到80m/s 和材料温度达到1,100c.基于摄像的高精度条码定位系统可达10 m/s 的移动速度凭借摄像技术确保耐磨损且免维护可设置的分辨率可达0.1 mm 中文样本通过现场总线接口进行位置和速度输出以及预先停机报告大工作温度范围:-30℃至+60C凭借高移动速度和准确的定位提高了系统效率和能力不带活动零件、基于图像的系统延长了传感器的使用寿命,从而明显降低了后续成本现场总线接口(PROFIBU5、PROFINET和以太网/IP)提供高灵活性和简单的机器集成,无需额外的接口适配器或协议适配成本预先停机信息的状态位实现了及时的设备维护以及避免了意外的机器停机-30 C至+60°C的大运行温度范围为许多应用情况提供可靠性借助现场总线进行先行定位基本信息SICK 的线性测量传感器能够在10 km 长度的行进路线内进行明确定位–直线或沿曲线走向。
凭借很多其他智能细节,使产品系列OLM20O 成为通过条码带进行线性定位的新标杆。
0.15 mm重复精度的位置数据、速度输出和诊断数据确保了高效、可靠的设备功能。
施克距离传感器选型手册 OD2-P250W150I0说明书

OD2-P250W150I0德国施克距离传感器选型手册OD2-P250W150I0性能测量范围100mm...400mm1)测量物体自然物体重复精度75µm1)2)3)线性度±750µm2)4)5)响应时间≥1ms测量频率≤1.33kHz1)输出时间≥0.75ms光源红色激光激光等级2(IEC60825-1:2014,EN60825-1:2014)6)典型光点尺寸(距离) 1.8mm x3.5mm(250mm)施克距离传感器1)6%...90%反射率.2)对于中等平均值设置.3)基本条件不变.4)对90%反射率(白色陶瓷)进行测量.5)应用时定期的参考.6)波长:655nm,最大功率:1mW.施克距离传感器接口模拟输出端1x4mA...20mA(≤300Ω)模拟输出端分辨率16bit开关量输出2x PNP(100mA)1)多功能输入(MF)1x MF2)施克距离传感器机械/电子参数供电电压Uv DC12V (24V)功耗≤2.88W1)预热时间≤30min外壳材料PBT挡风玻璃的材质PMMA连接类型插头,M12,8针,旋转式插头单元显示器柱状距离显示,多达8个状态LED重量70g外壳防护等级IP67防护等级III施克距离传感器环境参数运行环境温度–10°C...+40°C存储环境温度–20°C...+60°C相对空气湿度(非冷凝)35%...95%温度漂移±0.08%FS/K(FS=满量程=传感器测量范围)类型抗环境光能力人造光:≤3,000lx太阳光:≤10,000lx抗振动性10Hz...55Hz(振幅 1.5mm,x、y、z轴各2个小时)德国施克SICK全系列产品采购请认准-上海维特锐实业发展有限公司王浪,恭候您的来电!我司所售产品均为原装正品,假一罚十!部分品牌可提供选型及后续安装指导!非人为因素/产品本身质量问题皆可退换货!我司销售理念:客户利益至上,合作共赢!。
SICK 光电开关-W45 选型

O321SENSICK CATALOGUEWL 27-2n A WS/WE 45through-beam photoelectric switch monitors tear-off on a paper web.m The robust designand large scanning distance are of advantage to the WT 45 photoelectric proximity switch when used to check for tear-off on a paper rolling machine.n Scale, steam andheat in a rolling mill does not affect the WT 45 – here used to detect the pre-sence of steel slabs.v Extreme operating conditions exist insteel making plants – the WT 45 photo-electric proximity switch is ideal for many applications, such as detecting metal sheets before they are wound onto coils.W 45322SENSICK CATALOGUEWT 45 Photoelectric proximity switches, background suppression, infrared light -- DCL+M TENC Q Q0.5 – 12 s 0.015 – 0.3 st 0without time delayt 0without time delay t 3ON-delay when object t 1ON-delay when object enters detection zone enters detection zone t 4OFF-delay when object t 2OFF-delay when object leaves detection zone leaves detection zoneLED signal strength indicatorStandard direction of the material being scanned Centre of optical axis, receiver Centre of optical axis, senderThreaded mounting hole M 6 – 8 mm deep Alignment sightScanning distance adjustment Time adjustmentTime delay selector switch Terminal strip Status indicator11s Robust metal housing s Infrared lightsAdjustable background suppressionsFront lens heating, optionalC ਠ10987654321323SENSICK CATALOGUE WL 27-2WT 45(mm)200016001200800255101520% o f s c a n n i n g d i s t a n c e P 250P 260N 250N 260Scanning distance on black, 6% remission 1Scanning distance on grey, 18% remission11)Average service life 100,000 h at T A = +25 °C 2) Limit values3)May not exceed or fall short of V S tolerances4)Without load5) Signal transit time with resistive load 6)With light/dark ratio 1:18)Up to 140°C with cooling plates (see Accessories)7)A =V S connections reverse-polarityprotectedB =Output Q N and Q P short-circuitprotectedC =Interference pulse suppression200800120016002000324SENSICK CATALOGUEWT 45 Photoelectric proximity switches, background suppression, infrared light -- DCPEL1N0.5 – 12 st 0without time delayt 1ON-delay when object enters detection zone t 2OFF-delay when object leaves detection zoneLED signal strength indicatorStandard direction of the material being scanned Centre of optical axis, receiver Centre of optical axis, senderM 6 threaded mounting hole – 8 mm deep Alignment sightScanning distance adjustment Time adjustmentTime delay selector switchleft: light-switching, right: dark-switching Terminal strip Status indicator11s Robust metal housing s Infrared lightsAdjustable background suppressionsFront lens heating, optional10987654321Cਠ325SENSICK CATALOGUE WL 27-2WT 45(mm)200016001200800255101520% o f s c a n n i n g d i s t a n c e R250R 2601)Average service life 100,000 h at T A = +25°C2)Provide suitable spark suppression for inductive or capacitive loads 3)With light/dark ratio 1:14)A =V S connections reverse-polarityprotectedC =Interference pulse suppression 5)Up to 140°C with cooling plates (see Accessories)200800120016002000Scanning distance on black, 6% remission 1Scanning distance on grey, 18% remission2326SENSICK CATALOGUEWL 45 Photoelectric reflex switches, red light -- DCL+M TEAlarm Q Q Centre of optical axis, sender Centre of optical axis, receiver LED signal strength indicatorM 6 threaded mounting hole – 8 mm deep Alignment sightSensitivity adjustment Time adjustmentTime delay selector switch Terminal strip Status indicators Robust metal housing s Red lights Adjustable sensitivitys Front lens heating, optional sPre-failure signalling output109876543210.5 – 12 s 0.015 – 0.3 st 0without time delayt 0without time delay t 3ON-delay when object t 1ON-delay when object enters detection zone enters detection zone t 4OFF-delay when object t 2OFF-delay when object leaves detection zone leaves detection zoneC ਠ327SENSICK CATALOGUEWL 27-2WL 451001011(m)10100OperatingreserveP250P260N250N2600(m)102030405060s Operating range s Scanning range,max. typical1)Average service life 100,000 hat T A= +25°C2) Limit values3)May not exceed or fall short ofV S tolerances4)Without load5) Signal transit time with resistive load6)With light/dark ratio 1:17) Reference voltage 50 V DC9)Up to 140°C with cooling plates(see Accessories)8)A=V S connections reverse-polarityprotectedB=Output Q N and Q P short-circuitprotectedC=Interference pulse suppression328SENSICK CATALOGUEPEL1NWL 45 Photoelectric reflex switches, red light -- UCCentre of optical axis, sender Centre of optical axis, receiver LED signal strength indicatorM 6 threaded mounting hole – 8 mm deep Alignment sightSensitivity adjustment Time adjustmentTime delay selector switchleft: light-switching, right: dark-switching Terminal strip Status indicators Robust metal housing s Red lights Adjustable sensitivitysFront lens heating, optional10987654321Cਠ0.5 – 12 st 0without time delayt 1ON-delay when object enters detection zone t 2OFF-delay when object leaves detection zone329SENSICK CATALOGUEWL 27-21001011(m)10100Op e r a t i n g r e s e r v e WL 45R 250R 2600(m)102030405060s Operating ranges Scanning range,max. typical1)Average service life 100,000 h at T A = +25°C2)Provide suitable spark suppressionfor inductive or capacitive loads3)With light/dark ratio 1:14)A =V S connections reverse-polarityprotectedC =Interference pulse suppression5)Up to 140°C with cooling plates (see Accessories)6L+MTEL+MAlarmQQCentre of optical axis, sender (WS)Centre of optical axis, receiver (WE)View finder lensLED signal strength indicatorM6 threaded mounting hole – 8 mm deepEyepiece for alignment aidAlignment sightSensitivity adjustmentTime adjustmentTime delay selector switchTerminal stripStatus indicators Robust metal housings Red lights Adjustable sensitivitys Front lens heating, optionals Pre-failure signalling output10119876543210.5 – 12 s0.015 – 0.3 st0without time delayt0without time delayt3ON-delay when object t1ON-delay when objectenters detection zone enters detection zonet4OFF-delay when object t2OFF-delay when objectleaves detection zone leaves detection zone C ਠ100010010110015020025030035040050(m)O p e r a t i n g r e s e r v eP 250P 260N 250N2600(m)50100150200250300350400sOperating rangesScanning range,max. typical1)Average service life 100,000 h at T A = +25 °C 2) Limit values3)May not exceed or fall short of V S tolerances4)Without load5) Signal transit time with resistive load 6)With light/dark ratio 1:18)Up to 140°C with cooling plates (see Accessories)7)A =V S connections reverse-polarityprotectedB =Output Q N and Q P short-circuitprotectedC =Interference pulse suppressionPE L1 N PE L1 NCentre of optical axis, sender (WS)Centre of optical axis, receiver (WE)View finder lensLED signal strength indicatorM6 threaded mounting hole – 8 mm deepEyepiece for alignment aidAlignment sightSensitivity adjustmentTime adjustmentTime delay selector switchleft: light-switching, right: dark-switchingTerminal stripStatus indicators Robust metal housings Red lights Adjustable sensitivitys Front lens heating, optional10119876543210.5 – 12 st0without time delayt1ON-delay when object enters detection zonet2OFF-delay when object leaves detection zone C ਠ100010010110015020025030035040050(m)O p e r a t i n g r e s e r v eR 250R2600(m)50100150200250300350400s Operating ranges Scanning range,max. typical1)Average service life 100,000 h at T A = +25°C2)Provide suitable spark suppression for inductive or capacitive loads3)With light/dark ratio 1:14)A =V S connections reverse-polarityprotectedC =Interference pulse suppression5)Up to 140°C with cooling plates (see Accessories)。
SICK UM系列超声波传感器选型手册(中文版)

UM30 - 215 11
UM30-21211_ 350 mm
[mm] 100
800 400
400 800
UM30-21311_ 1300 mm
[mm] 400
1600 800
ø 65 (2.56)
T1 D1 D2 T2
4 57 6
1 紧固螺母,截面直径 36mm 2 M12 连接插头 3 调节和显示面板 4 设置键 1 5 LED 1 6 设置键 2 7 LED 2
连接方式,M12,5 针插头
UM30 - 21x 11 3
棕 1 L+ 黑 4 NC 蓝 3M 白 2 QA 灰 5 Sync/Com
UM30 - 21x 11 8
棕 1 L+ 黑 4 q/Q 蓝 3M 白 2 QA 灰 5 Sync/Com
UM30 - 21x 11 1
UM30 - 21x 11 5
棕 1 L+ 黑 4 q/Q 蓝 3M 白 2 NC 灰 5 Sync/Com
UM30 - 21x 11 2 UM30 - 21x 11 4
UM30-2 超声波传感器
UM30 - 212
型号 UM30-212111 UM30-212112 UM30-212118 UM30-212115 UM30-212114 UM30-212113
AS30 Prime - Edge 阵列式传感器操作指南说明书

AS30 Prime - Edge 阵列式传感器所述产品AS30 Prime Edge 制造商SICK AGErwin-Sick-Str.179183 Waldkirch, Germany 德国法律信息本文档受版权保护。
© 西克公司版权所有。
12操作指南 | AS30 Prime - Edge8024210.15LJ/2020-05-07 | SICK如有更改,恕不另行通知内容内容1关于本文档的 (5)1.1关于操作指南的信息 (5)1.2适用范围 (5)1.3符号说明 (5)1.4更多信息 (6)1.5客户服务中心 (6)2安全信息 (7)2.1按规定使用 (7)2.2违规使用 (7)2.3责任范围 (7)2.4对专业人员和操作人员的要求 (8)2.5危险提示与作业安全 (8)2.6人眼安全 (8)2.7维修 (8)3产品说明 (9)3.1产品识别 (9)3.2产品特点与功能 (10)4装配 (12)4.1供货范围 (12)4.2安装要求 (12)4.3设备的安装 (12)5电气安装 (14)5.1关于电气安装的提示 (14)5.2关于旋转式连接器单元的提示 (14)5.3接口的引脚分配 (15)5.4连接工作电压 (15)5.5接口接线 (15)6调试 (17)7操作 (18)7.1操作元件 (18)7.2标准 TFT 显示屏 (18)7.3导航树一般层级 (19)7.4启用或取消按键锁 (24)7.5复位设备(出厂设置) (25)7.6示教 (25)7.7区域示教 (26)7.8其他设置 (27)7.9通过 SOPAS 的进一步设置 (32)8024210.15LJ/2020-05-07 | SICK操作指南 | AS30 Prime - Edge3如有更改,恕不另行通知内容8故障排除 (39)8.1调试时的可能故障 (39)8.2运行期间的可能故障 (39)9维护 (40)9.1维护 (40)9.2清洁设备 (40)10停机 (41)10.1拆卸和废弃处理 (41)10.2寄回设备 (41)11技术数据 (42)11.1一般数据 (42)11.2尺寸图 (43)12配件 (45)13附件 (46)13.1欧盟合规性声明 (46)13.2经过 UL60947-5-2 认证 (46)13.3许可证 (46)4操作指南 | AS30 Prime - Edge8024210.15LJ/2020-05-07 | SICK如有更改,恕不另行通知1关于本文档的1.1关于操作指南的信息本操作指南提供有关操作 SICK AG 公司设备的重要提示。
西克(SICK) CS8颜色传感器选型手册(中文版)

CS84-N1112 CS84-P1112 CS84-N3612 CS84-P3612
订货号 — —
订货号 1028228 1028224 1028229 1028225
订货号 1028230 1028226 1028231 1028227
332 工业传感器
• 颜色分辨率高,确保了更高的生产可 靠性
• 保持极其精确的光点,确保了检测性 能的一致性
• 条形显示器显示颜色质量及检测可靠 性信息,确保了工艺过程监控的简单、 直观
• 色谱容差大,应用更加灵活 • 高速下的快速响应时间确保了检测的
可靠性 • 检测可靠不受温度变化影响
330 工业传感器
停用延时 20ms,可调
VS 反极性保护 输出 Q 短路保护 干扰抑制
IP 67
约 400 g
环境参数 环境温度
工作温度:–10 ℃ ...+55 ℃ 存储温度:–20 ℃ ...+75 ℃
符合 IEC 60068 标准
工 业 传 感 器
工业传感器 331
颜色传感器 CS8
颜色传感器 CS8
CS8 系列颜色传感器最多可自学 习 4 种 颜 色, 能 够 适 应 非 常 迅 速 的 检 测 任 务 转 换, 并 缩 短 了 停 工 时 间。 另
外,该传感器开关频率最高达 6 kHz (85 μs),保证了更高的生产效率;光点极
其精确,能够严格控制工艺过程,并确 保检测性能一致。由于配备了条形显示 器,CS8 系列传感器的设置更加简便, 并且用户也可方便查看显示器上的颜色 质量以及检测可靠性等信息。

sick传感器使用说明书SICK传感器使用说明书1. 前言SICK传感器是一种用于检测和测量环境中目标物体特征的设备。
2. 产品安装- 在使用SICK传感器之前,请先仔细阅读安装手册,并按照手册中的指示正确安装传感器。
3. 功能与特性- 仔细阅读传感器的产品说明书,了解其功能和特性。
4. 使用方法- 请确保您已阅读并理解产品的用户手册,并按照手册中的指示正确使用传感器。
- 根据您的需求和应用场景,调整传感器的设置和参数。
- 使用适当的电源和电缆连接传感器,并确保连接稳固可靠。
- 保持传感器的清洁和维护,定期检查和清理传感器以确保其正常工作。
5. 故障排除- 在使用过程中,如果遇到传感器故障或异常情况,请仔细阅读产品的故障排除手册,并按照手册中的指示进行排查和修复。
- 如果您无法解决问题,请联系SICK传感器的技术支持团队以获取进一步的帮助和支持。
6. 安全注意事项- 在使用传感器时,请确保遵守所有适用的安全规定和指南。
- 不要在高温、潮湿或有害物质的环境中使用传感器,以避免对传感器和周围环境造成损害。
- 不要放置或使用传感器在易碰撞、震动或高速运动的物体附近。
- 不要将传感器用于除规定用途以外的其他目的。
SICK W27-3和WTB27-3P1113光电传感器产品说明书

O N L I N E D A T A S H E E Tw w w .m y s i c k .c o mWTB27-3P1113Photoelectric sensorsW27-3, Photoelectric proximity sensor, Background suppressionModel Name > WTB27-3P1113Part No.> 1027759At a glancePrecise background suppression with no scanning distance drift •PinPoint technology: intense red LED with consistent light spot•Resistant to ambient light, optical reflections, and crosstalk from other photoelectric devices•Sensing range adjustment with potentiometer or teach-in •Operating temperature: -40 °C to +60 °C•Flexible sensing ranges and hysteresis settings •Key lock function, remote teach, quality monitoring•Diagnostics messages (contamination and short-circuit)•Your benefitsPinPoint technology can replace laser photoelectric proximity sensors in some applications. No laser safety regulations and a longer operating life due to PinPoint technology•Less downtime due to ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) chip technology by SICK•Resistant to ambient light, optical reflections, and immune to crosstalk from other photoelectric devices, reducing false detection•Durable housing with reinforced mounting holes withstands harsh conditions •Reliable operation in harsh environments with temperatures as low as -40 °C •Quick and easy format adjustment •Easy monitoring of sensor status•Key lock function and parameter download prevent incorrect settings •Simple sensor cloning•Illustration may differFeaturesSensor/detection principle:Photoelectric proximity sensor, Background suppression Dimensions (W x H x D):24.6 mm x 80.6 mm x 54 mm Housing design (light emission):RectangularSensing range max.:30 mm ... 1,600 mm 1)Sensing range:100 mm ... 1,600 mm Type of light:Infrared lightLight source:LED 2)Wave length:880 nmAdjustment:Manual, via double teach button Light spot size (distance):Ø 25 mm (800 mm)1)Object with 90 % reflectance (referred to standard white DIN 5033) 2)Average service life of 100,000 h at T A= +25 °C1)Limit values, operation in short-circuit protected network max. 8 A 2) Without load 3) Signal transit time with resistive load 4) With light/dark ratio 1:1 5)Do not bendbelow 0 °C 6) A = V Sconnections reverse-polarity protected 7) B = inputs and output reverse-polarity protected 8) C = interference suppression 9)Reference voltage50 V DCMechanics/electronics Supply voltage:10 V DC ... 30 V DC1)Power consumption:≤ 40 mA 2)Output type:PNPOutput function:Complementary Switching mode:Light/dark-switching Signal voltage PNP HIGH ∕ LOW:Approx. VS - 2.5 V ∕ 0 V Output current Imax.:≤ 100 mAResponse time:≤ 1.5 ms3)Switching frequency:350 Hz4)Connection type:Cable, 4-wire, 2 m 5)Cable material:PVCCircuit protection:::A, B, C 6) 7) 8)Protection class:II 9)Weight:180 g Front screen heating:-IO-Link:-Special device:-Housing material:ABS, Plastic Optics material:PMMA Enclosure rating:IP 66IP 67Ambient operating temperature:-40 °C ... 60 °C Ambient storage temperature:-40 °C ... 75 °CUL File No.:NRKH.E181493 & NRKH7.E181493Dimensional drawingAdjustments possibleConnection diagramCharacteristic curveConnection type Sensing range diagram∙ U S m o d 4c i n t 40AustraliaPhone +61 3 9457 0600 1800 334 802 – tollfree ********************.au Belgium/LuxembourgPhone +32 (0)2 466 55 66******************BrasilPhone +55 11 3215-4900******************.br CanadaPhone +1 905 771 14 44**************************Ceská RepublikaPhone +420 2 57 91 18 50E-Mail ************ChinaPhone +86 4000 121 000E-Mail *******************.cn Phone +852-2153 6300******************.hk DanmarkPhone +45 45 82 64 00E-Mail ************DeutschlandPhone +49 211 5301-301E-Mail *********************EspañaPhone +34 93 480 31 00******************FrancePhone +33 1 64 62 35 00******************Great BritainPhone +44 (0)1727 831121******************.uk IndiaPhone +91–22–4033 8333*************************IsraelPhone +972-4-6801000***************************ItaliaPhone +39 02 27 43 41******************JapanPhone +81 (0)3 3358 1341*********************MagyarországPhone +36 1 371 2680********************NederlandsPhone +31 (0)30 229 25 44******************NorgePhone +47 67 81 50 00************************ÖsterreichPhone +43 (0)22 36 62 28 8-0********************PolskaPhone +48 22 837 40 50******************RomâniaPhone +40 356 171 120 E-Mail **************RussiaPhone +7-495-775-05-30******************SchweizPhone +41 41 619 29 39*********************SingaporePhone +65 6744 3732E-Mail *****************.sg SlovenijaPhone +386 (0)1-47 69 990********************South AfricaPhone +27 11 472 3733****************************.za South KoreaPhone +82 2 786 6321/4************************SuomiPhone +358-9-25 15 800******************SverigePhone +46 10 110 10 00******************TaiwanPhone +886-2-2375-6288********************.tw TürkiyePhone +90 (216) 528 50 00*******************.tr United Arab EmiratesPhone +971 (0) 4 8865 878******************USA/MéxicoPhone +1(952) 941-6780 1 800-325-7425 – tollfree **********************More representatives and agencies at 。
SICK CHINA CVS1 Easy 颜色视觉传感器操作手册说明书

CVS1 EasySENSICK颜色视觉传感器操作手册(软件版本1.0)1.安全须知z在使用产品前,请仔细阅读操作说明.z CVS1 Easy的安装、调试和操作工作应该由受过培训的人员来完成z调试CVS1 Easy之前,请确保该传感器没有受潮和污垢z CVS1 Easy不属于EU Machine Guidelines定义的安全产品1.1.正确使用CVS1 Easy是一种视觉电子传感器,用来检测图像范围内被选择颜色是否存在。
2.安装安装CVS1 Easy时,请确保倾斜5度到45度来避免内置光源的反射光干扰(看图1).目标物体图1:工作距离和倾斜角度在工作距离内, 目标物体和CVS1 Easy前端的距离尽可能的短. 两者之间的距离越长, 环境光就越有可能影响检测效果. 如果需要, 可使用外部光源来减少外部光的干扰. 在使用中, 应避免直接的阳光或环境光干扰.3.功能CVS1 Easy计算在视野范围内被选择颜色的像素总和,并且当总和超过被示教的阈值时就会有信号输出。
利用这些视图来调整CVS1 Easy到合适的位置并且查看当前颜色是否要检测的颜色。
B图2:在RUN模式下,图像视图中(D,F,2)的含义D….实时图像F…. 颜色增强图像2….只显示被检测的颜色4.2.屏幕参数描述1.模式: RUN , TEACHING , PARAMETER2.图像类型: F , 23.TEACH-IN的颜色 : 最黑的 , 最亮的4.颜色条 : 绿色= OK , 红色= NOT OK5.BANK序号 : 0 – 76.当前像素总和 : 绿色 = OK , 红色 = NOT OK7.最小像素总和 / 最低阈值8.SW1 = 当前安装的软件版本1.09.响应时间 ( 10倍 , 毫秒) TM 390 = 39.0 ms4.3.TEACH过程TEACH-IN•按TEACH/EXIT >3s•先TEACHING, 再缩放?•UP – DOWN 来进行( 0 – 19 ) 缩放•确认缩放区后, 按SET < 3s, 开始自动颜色分析•显示区显示一个颜色条, 关于所有被检测颜色, 如果改变参数, 会进行新的颜色分析•如果颜色太暗可以双倍快门时间•光泽表面可以减半快门时间•颜色差异微小的话, 可使用高分辨率•检测黑色物体•通过UP – DOWN 选择一种颜色, 按SET < 3s, 确认Teach-in•如果颜色条里没有想要检测的颜色, 可以通过 UP – DOWN改变快门时间, 分辨率, 或黑物体检测等•确认模式后, 按SET < 3s, 开始新的颜色分析•按EXIT <3s, 退回上一级菜单定义颜色参数值•选择好颜色后, 参数COLOR%, AREA LO , BANK, 将会被定义•通过UP – DOWN 来调整数值, 通过按SET <3s 来确认设置•做好TEACH-IN, 转换到RUN模式即可5.CVS1 Easy的特殊功能z最大可以存储8个参数组在BANK中,BANK的选择可以通过手动方式或者外部数字通道开关输入方式.z可以通过外部触发信号使CVS1 Easy同步.z可以减少FOV/ROI.z可以使用恢复出厂设置功能.6.电气连接图7.参数说明•AREA LO : 0 – 9999, 颜色像素总和的面积下限•BANK: 0-7 用于指定TEACH-IN的存储BANK或者选择已存储的BANK, 如果用于TEACH-IN后, 外部的BANK转换输入被禁止8 允许外部BANK转换输入, 进行BANK选择•BANK COPY : 把当前BANK的所有设置COPY到目标BANK, 当进行BANKCOPY 时, 将会停止图像处理和信号输出•COLOR% : 用于TEACH-IN期间, 设置被测颜色的色差范围 ( 精确调整颜色 ) •INITIAL : YES / NO , 恢复出厂设置•LIGHT: 0 – 集成光源关闭, 外部光源常亮或由触发控制; 1 – 集成光源和外部光源常亮或由触发控制•OFF DELAY : 0 – 5000 输出保持高电平的延迟时间•ON DELAY : 0 – 5000 输出保持低电平的延迟时间•ONE SHOT: 0 – 标准;1 – 如果结果从NOT OK 到OK, 输出保持高电平约OFF DELAY时间•OUTSIDE : 设置黑色线的输出信号; 0 – 标准; 1 – 反向•SYNCHRO: 0 – 4; 设置同步信号的功能0 : 输入低时, 连续采集 1 : 下降沿, 采集一次2 : 输入高时, 连续采集3 : 上升沿, 采集一次4 : 自由运行8.附件•CVSM-1 外部显示器, 带键盘•CVSL-S5 外部光源, 12颗白色LED•DSL-SH06-G03M 扩展线3m, CVSM-1用, 最多连接4根(15m)•BEF-AP-CVS, 2033267, 安装盘带M6螺丝9.维护:•在镜头侧的任何刮伤或标记都有可能会削弱CVS1 Easy的光学性能, 应避免这类行为, 保护镜头•CVS1 Easy是免维护产品, 如果需要, 可用温和的水对光源前端进行清洁, 不可含有粉末添加剂。
SICK AG MultiPac WTB27-3P2483、-N2483光电传感器安装指南说明书

MultiPacMultiTask photoelectric sensorsInstallation advice for the detection of bundles8018589Operating Instructions with an advice for detection of bundles Safety Specifications•Read the operating instructions and the assembly instructions before starting operation.•Connection, assembly and settings only by competent technicans.•Protect the device against moisture and soiling when operating.•No safety component in accordance with EU machine guidelines.Proper UseThe opto-electronic sensor WTB27-3 is used for detection of optical, non-contact detection of objects, animals and persons.Starting OperationThe device has antivalent switching outputs:Q: dark-switching, object is not detected, output HIGHQ: light-switching, object is detected, output HIGHScrew Sensor to appropriate bracket, connect and secure cable receptacle tension-free.Connect the Sensor to operating voltage (see type label), green indicator-LED lights.1. Installation Height and Skew Angle for the sensor page 32. Sensing distance Adjustment page 53. Positioning of the Sensor (detection of different types of bottle bundle types on oneconveyor line) page 64. Positioning of the Sensor (detecting bottle bundles with large gaps) page75. Troubleshooting page 7 MaintenanceSICK photoelectric switches do not require any maintenance. We recommend that you clean the optical interfaces and check the screw connections, plug-in connections and the adjustment at regular intervals.Modifications of devices may not be made.Subject to change without noticeThe specified product features and technical data do not represent any guarantee.Representatives and agencies at Distance between Sensor and conveyor belt, see chapter 1Max. 500 mmAdjustment of operating distance Teach-in: double teach button Light source, light type red light, HighPower-LEDLight spot diameter Approx. 12 mm at 500 mm distance Supply voltage V DC 10 … 30 V Ripple 3)Power consumption Switching outputs PNP, antivalent WTB27-3P2483NPN, antivalent WTB27-3N2483C…+ 60 °C Technical data4-pin, M12Switching outputsConnection typeQ = dark-switching Q = light-switchingQQ1100(PNP)Q Q(NPN)Operating Instructions with an advice for detection of bundles1.Installation Height and Skew Angle(depends on the type of bottle bundle)1a Attach the MultiPac to the appropriate bracket.Installation height should be adjusted for the maximum height of a given bottle bundle. Example:Maximimum bundle height is 350 mm (Dimension d).The MultiPac installation height should not exceed 400 mm (Dimension a)or, the distance between bottle bundle andMultiPac should min. 20 mm (Dimension c), see dimensions in table on page 4. 1b Apply operating voltage to the MultiPac. The green indicator-LED will illuminatewhen the device is powered and the red light spot is visible a surface (i.e. the conveyor belt).Adjustment of the skew angle depends on the type and shape of the bottle bundle.In general, larger diameter bottles will require a larger skew angle to cover gaps created between a bundle. See chapter 4 for additional detail. The skew angle can be easily adjusted using the following table:abred light spot on theconveyor beltMultiPacOperating Instructions with an advice for detection of bundlesThe pictures of the bundles give an overview for selecting of the suitable skew angle for the sensor.Example of a bundle Example of bundles Example of glasses with vegetablesMultiPacGuidance railOperating Instructions with an advice for detection of bundles2. Sensing distance adjustmentAfter mounting, place a white target (i.e. white spacer in the packaging) on the detection surface below the red sensor light spot at the desired sensing distance.Simultaniously press both teach buttons (> two (2) seconds) until the yellow indicating LED blinks. Object is detected. Release both buttons, the yellow indicating LED lights continuously . The teach process is complete and the sensing distance is stored. Minor correction of the sensing distance is possible using the …+“ and …-“ buttons indpendently:Press the …+“ button for approximately 0.5 seconds to increase the sensing distancePress the …-“ button for approximately 0.5 seconds to decrease the sensing distanceDirection of transport of the bundlesBenefit:The MultiPac detects different types of bundles reliable regarding height and colour with one sensing distance and with one mounting position. Therefore the heightadjustment of a sensor is eliminated in case of changing from one type of bundle to another type of bundle.Operating Instructions with an advice for detection of bundles1.3. Positioning of the MultiPac(detection of different bottle bundle types on one conveyor line)The light beam may be toclose to a small bottlebundle guide rail ifsimply positioned for alarge bottle bundle.1.Move the MultiPac horizontally (perpendicular tothe direction of travel) while retaining the skewangle to ensure both minimum and maximumbottle bundle size is detected.2.Fix the position of the MultiPac.3.Turn on the conveyor and make sure no bottlebundles are transported. The sensor output shouldnot change state.4.If the sensor output changes state, readjust andlower the sensing distance.5.Check again: Turn on the conveyor and make sureno bottle bundles are transported. The sensoroutput should not change state.Operating Instructions with an advice for detection of bundles4.Positioning of the MultiPac(detecting bottle bundles with large gaps)5.TroubleshootingNo target present and the sensor output is unregularly switching.-Check installation position of the sensor, maybe the skew angle of the sensor has been changed after the adjustment of the sensing distance.-sensing distance is not correct adjusted, see chapter 2Interruption of the sensor output while bottle bundles are pesent.Check the positioning of the sensor, clean front lens of the sensor, see chapter 3 and 4ExampleNo reliable detection:Ensure light spot is not in red section –between bundle rowsreliable detection:Light spot should be in-line with a bundle row as indicated by the green sections.ProblemsAction。

1)编码器 在工业自动化领域,许多情况下都需要监控机械的旋转运动, 如旋转角度、方向、位置、速度及加速度等,如果配合轴杆、齿 轮、测量轮或绳缆的使用,还可以检测线型的位移。旋转编码器 将旋转的机械参数转换成电气信号,这些电气信号可以被计数器、 转速表、数控系统(CNC)、PLC和IPC分析处理,完成监控和 检测任务。增量旋转编码器输出脉冲信号,绝对值旋转编码器则 为轴的每一个位置提供一个独一无二的编码数值。
2) 伺服反馈编码器 西克主要提供HIPERFACE或HIPERFACE DSL接口的伺服反馈编 码器,可以实现一个编码器同时监控电机换向、位置和速度反馈。
1)机器视觉 西克传感器提供各种类别的机器视觉产品,有简单易用的视 觉传感器,功能全面且强大的智能相机,以及面向高端应用的高 速3D相机。西克传感器的操作软件具有友好的用户界面和容易使 用的图像工具,使应用者不需要具备专业的图像处理和编程知识。 机器视觉产品通常被用来做测量、检查、 定位、识别,广泛应用 在电子半导体、汽车、医药、食品、包装等行业。
产品有以下 5 类产品:
1、工业传感器 施克(SICK)工业传感器系列包括:自动化领域最为广泛的光 电传感器、光纤放大器、色标传感器、接近传感器、磁性气缸 传感器,以及测量光幕,充分反映了我们60多年来在与各个工 业自动化部门真诚合作过程中具体的实践经验。这些工业传感 器主要用于:对物体记录、计数、分类和定位,检测物体的外 形和位置,并能进行颜色和表面特性的区分。

VS - (≤ 3 V) / 约0 V 约VS / ≤ 3 V
100 mA
< 1,000 µs
500 Hz
2 m电缆6) M12公插头 (取决于产品型号)
A 7) B 8) D 9)
IP 67
< 500 µs 1,000 Hz
GRSE18 对射式光电传感器 – 0 m ... 15 m 0 m ... 10 m 可见红光/红外光 (取决于产品型号) PinPoint LED 3) LED 3) (取决于产品型号) Ø 250 mm (10 m) Ø 420 mm (10 m) (取决于产品型号)
• 更具成本效益的圆柱形M18光电传感器 • 7种不同的外壳设计 • 塑料或金属型,配置轴向出光或径向出光光学器件 • PinPoint 类激光光源 • 高亮的LED状态指示灯 • 采用久经考验的SICK技术,坚固耐用且可靠 • 外壳防护等级高达IP 67 • 提供特殊设计的“完全齐平”安装的金属型型号 (GR18S)
–25 °C ... +55 °C –40 °C ... +70 °C
在“Test(测试)”0V时发射 器关闭
其他型号g /en/GR18
• 光电传感器原理:漫反射式光电传感器 • 检测原理:增强型 • 外壳设计:轴向 • 光源种类:可见红光 • 开关模式:亮通/暗通切换 • 调校:电位计,270 °
– 紧固螺母(4个)
8015168/2014 - 05 -19 如有改动,恕不另行通知
GR18光电传感器 | SICK
SICK M18 DC 侧边调整的光电传感器说明书

M18 DC with lateral adjustmentSS - SP seriesM18 DC with lateral adjustmentA SS 00L N P T 1D1E A housing material outputNPN / PNPoutput seriestypecable / plugexit(*)w ar r a n t yw ar r a n t y(*)ATEX models available, contact our Sales Dept. for further information.99SS - SP(1)Special version with sens. adjust, 3X variantM18 DC with lateral adjustment100SS - SPM18 DC with lateral adjustment101SS - SPM18 DC with lateral adjustment102SS - SPavailable modelscable exit photoelectric sensors radial opticM18 DC with lateral adjustment103SS - SP(1)Protection guaranteed only with plug cable well mountedM18 DC with lateral adjustment104SS - SPM18 DC with lateral 105SS - SP(1)Protection guaranteed only with plug cable well mountedM18 DC with lateral adjustment106SS - SPelectrical diagrams of the connectionswhite black blue browngreypink plugM18 DC with lateraladjustment107SS - SP-‐15 -‐10-‐5 05 1015 010203040500 1020 30 40 024 68 10 1214E c c e s s o d i g u a d a g n o d[mm] Bianco 90% Grigio 18% Nero 6%-‐6-‐4-‐22 4 60 2 4681012D i m e n s i o n e s p o t [m m ] d [mm] -‐6 -‐4 -‐2 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 response diagramsbackground suppression modelsSS0/**-** excess gainSS1/**-** parallel displacementSS1/**-** spot dimensiond (mm)white 90%grey 18%black 6%S*T/**-** + STF-12 excess gainS*T/**-** + STF-12 spot dimensiond (mm)white 90%grey 18%black 6%M18 DC with lateral adjustment108SS - SP-‐20-‐15 -‐10 -‐5 0 5 10 0 20406080100d [mm]m e n t (m m )white 90%grey 18%black 6%S*T/**-** + STF-12 parallel displacementS*T/**-** + STF-25 excess gainS*T/**-** + STF-25parallel displacementntd (mm)white 90%grey 18%black 6%white 90%grey 18%black 6%d (mm)s p o t d i m e n s i o n (m m )d (mm)d i me n s i o n (m m )white 90%grey 18%black 6%white 90%grey 18%black 6%white 90%grey 18%black 6%response diagramsretro-reflective modelsd (mm)d (mm)S*2,S*3/**-** excess gainS*2,S*3//**-** spot dimensionS*2,S*3//**-** parallel displacementM18 DC with lateral adjustment-‐200-‐150 -‐100 -‐50 0 50 100 0100200 300400d [mm]response diagramsretro-reflective modelswhite 90%grey 18%black 6%S*8/**-** spot dimensiond (mm)S*6/**-**,S*7/**-** spot dimensionM18 DC with lateral adjustment110SS - SPS*P/**-** excess gainS*P/**-** spot dimensionresponse diagramspolarized models (diagrams measured using RL100)M18 DC with lateraladjustment111SS - SPS*H/**-(0,1)*, S*D/**-(0,1)* excess gainS*H/**-(0,1)*, S*D/**-(0,1)* spot dimensionS*H/**-(0,1)*, S*D/**-(0,1)* parallel displacementS*U/**-**, S*G/**-** excess gainresponse diagramsthrough beam models112SS - SPS*U/**-** S*V/**-** excess gainS*U/**-** S*V/**-** spot dimensiond (m)d (m)d (m)S*U/**-** S*V/**-** excess gainM18 DC with lateraladjustment113SS - SPSS - SP 114SS*/**-*ASS*/**-*Eø 4.7M18 x 145°63.942.62.3M12 x 1147842.62.3M18 x 1CH, 2424CH, 22accessories included in all plastic modelsdimensions (mm)accessories included in all metallic modelsM18 DC with lateral adjustment。
SICK WTB27-3P2413 和 W27-3 微型光电感应器产品数据表说明书

P r o d u c t d a t a s h e e tWTB27-3P2413W27-3COMPACT PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORSWTB27-3P2413 | W27-3COMPACT PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORSIllustration may differOrdering informationOther models and accessories /W27-3Detailed technical data Features1) Object with 90 % reflectance (referred to standard white, DIN 5033).2)Average service life: 100,000 h at T U = +25 °C.Mechanics/electronics1) Limit values when operated in short-circuit protected network: max. 8 A.2) May not exceed or fall below U v tolerances.3) Without load.4) Signal transit time with resistive load.5) With light/dark ratio 1:1.6) A = V S connections reverse-polarity protected.7) B = inputs and output reverse-polarity protected.8) C = interference suppression.9)Reference voltage: 50 V DC.2PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS | SICK Product data sheet | 2021-01-14 00:23:35Subject to change without noticeWTB27-3P2413 | W27-3COMPACT PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS1) Limit values when operated in short-circuit protected network: max. 8 A.2) May not exceed or fall below U v tolerances.3) Without load.4) Signal transit time with resistive load.5) With light/dark ratio 1:1.6) A = V S connections reverse-polarity protected.7) B = inputs and output reverse-polarity protected.8) C = interference suppression.9)Reference voltage: 50 V DC.Safety-related parametersClassifications2021-01-14 00:23:35 | Product data sheet Subject to change without noticePHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS | SICK 3WTB27-3P2413 | W27-3COMPACT PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORSConnection diagramCd-083+ (L+)Q - (M)QCharacteristic curveWTB27-3, infraredmm (inch)200(7.87)400(15.75)600(23.62)800(31.50)1000(39.37)1200(47.24)1400(55.12)1600(62.99)Distance in mm (inch)2018161412108642① Sensing range on black, 6% remission ② Sensing range on gray, 18 % remission ③ Sensing range on white, 90% remission4PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS | SICK Product data sheet | 2021-01-14 00:23:35Subject to change without noticeWTB27-3P2413 | W27-3COMPACT PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Sensing range diagramWTB27-3, infrared(31.50)(39.37)(23.62)(7.87)(47.24)(55.12)(62.99)(15.75)Distance in mm (inch)Sensing range① Sensing range on black, 6% remission② Sensing range on gray, 18 % remission③ Sensing range on white, 90% remissionAdjustmentsDouble teach-in button① Double teach-in buttonPHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS | SICK5 2021-01-14 00:23:35 | Product data sheetSubject to change without noticeWTB27-3P2413 | W27-3 COMPACT PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORSDimensional drawing (Dimensions in mm (inch))WTB27-3, double teach-in button24.612.2① Standard direction of the material being detected② Optical axis, sender③ Optical axis, receiver④ Mounting hole ø 5.2 mm⑤ LED indicator green: Supply voltage active⑥ LED indicator yellow: Status of received light beam⑦ Sensing range adjustment: double teach-in buttonRecommended accessoriesOther models and accessories /W27-3Plug connectors and cables6PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS | SICK Product data sheet | 2021-01-14 00:23:35Subject to change without noticeOnlinedatasheetSICK AG | Waldkirch | Germany | SICK At A GlAnCeSICK is one of the leading manufacturers of intelligent sensors and sensor solutions for industrial applica-tions. A unique range of products and services creates the perfect basis for controlling processes securelyand efficiently, protecting individuals from accidents and preventing damage to the environment.We have extensive experience in a wide range of industries and understand their processes and require-ments. With intelligent sensors, we can deliver exactly what our customers need. In application centers inEurope, Asia and North America, system solutions are tested and optimized in accordance with customerspecifications. All this makes us a reliable supplier and development partner.Comprehensive services complete our offering: SICK lifetime Services provide support throughout the ma-chine life cycle and ensure safety and productivity.For us, that is “Sensor Intelligence.”WOrldWIde preSenCe:Contacts and other locations – 。