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课题____________________________ 第_______课时总序第_________个教案课型__________________ 编写时间_____________ 执行时间______________ 教学目标:1、熟读和背诵本单元的重点单词2、掌握本单元的重点


教学重点:1、本单元的重点单词2、掌握本单元的重点单词的用法。教学难点:1.单词的识记 2.词汇的含义理解及知识的灵活运用。


教学过程:Ⅰ. 重点单词分类记

1. 核心单词

(1)______n. & vi. 辩论; 争论, 讨论(2)______ adj. 贪婪的, 贪心的

(3)________n. 数量(4)_____n. 商品, 货品

5)______ vt. &n. 逮捕(6)_______n. 海关; 关税

(7)_______ vi. 冲突, 抵触n. 冲突; 矛盾(8)________ vt. & vi. 减少n. 减少

(9)________n. 措施, 方法; 尺度vt.测量; 估量, 判定

(10)_____n. 范围; 一系列; 山脉vi. (在一定范围内)变化; 包括; 排列,排序

(11)______ vt.吸收; 理解; 使全神贯注(12)______ vt. & vi. 回收利用

2. 拓展单词

(1)__________ n.产量, 生产→________ vt.生产→product n.产品

(2)____________ n.责任, 职责→__________ adj. 负责任的

(3)______n.看法, 信念→______ vi. & vt.相信; 认为

(4)_____________ adj. 环境的→___________n.环境

(5)_______ vt. & vi. 经营; 动手术→________ n.操作员→_________ n.操作; 手术

(6)______ adj. 愿意的, 乐意的→_________ adj. 不愿意的, 不乐意的

(7)______ n.到来, 抵达; 到达者→______ vi. 到达

(8)_______ vt.使印象深刻→__________ n.印象; 感想→__________ adj. 印象深刻的;

(9)______ adj. 违法的, 非法的→____ adj. 法律的→_______ adv. 非法地

(10)_________ vt.欣赏, 赞赏; 感谢; 领会→___________n.欣赏; 感激

(11)________vt.消耗, 耗费; 消费→_________ n.消费者→____________ n.消费; 消耗

(12)_________ adj. 专指的, 特指的; 特别的; 讲究的, 挑剔的→___________adv. 特别地3. 阅读单词

(1)flow vi. ___________________n. __________

(2)credit n. ______________________________

(3)queue vi. _________n. ________

(4)administration n. _____________________________

(5)flood n. _______________vt. & vi. ___________________

(6)conservation n. __________________(7)decade n. _____

【语境活用】Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空

1.They have brought in new technology to increase __________(produce).

2. I hold the _____(believe)that only by working hard can we succeed.

3. The date of the _________(operate)on h is left leghasn’t been decided.

4. On his ______(arrive), he set out to sweep the floor.

5. What __________(impress) did he leave on you?

6. There are many tall trees around our school, some__________(measure) more than 40 meters.

7. _______(absorb)in his reading, he didn’t know what was happening around him.

课题____________________________ 第_______课时总序第_________个教案课型__________________ 编写时间_____________ 执行时间______________



教学难点:1. 短语的识记 2.词汇的含义理解及知识的灵活运用。



1. _________找出, 挑选

2. __________ 减少, 削减, 缩减

3. __________ 四处打听

4. ________________ 用完, 耗尽

5. ________ 打扫(或清除)干净

6. ______ 挖出, 挖掘

7. _________________ 对……造成破坏8. _______ 捡起, 收拾

9. queue up _________10. open the floor _________

11. put. . . in danger _____________________12. under way _______

13. in/with regard to __________14. blame. . . on. . . _________________

15. let off __________16. in particular __________

17. do one’s part_____________

Ⅱ. 用以上适当的短语填空

1.After the conference, it was time to ____________toquestions.

2. The government __________the expenses ofeducation, which dissatisfied the public.

3. The petrol had already been _______before we got there.

4. You’d better leave here before your mother’s patience ________.

5. All the audience _________to be checked in before the performance.

6. I wonder how you can _______my brother becausethe photo was taken a long time ago.

7. The research project has only been __________forthree months, so it’s too early to evaluate its success.

8. I like every song in the concert last night, the last one___________.
