
In-class Exercises of Unit 6
No. 6
A creative person will almost never follow a set pattern in developing an idea. To do so would tend to structure his thinking and might limit the creation of possible solutions.
boring 如何翻译?
与跟劳伦斯相处,可以感到他有一点可爱之处, 那就是他从不讨厌人,因而也从不讨人厌。
In-class Exercises of Unit 6
No. 4
A grass eating animal cannot exist without grass, a predator without prey, a plant without certain basic chemicals or certain kinds of soil.
In-class Exercises of Unit 6
No. 8
The quality of attendance, enhanced by an exhibit-admission fee of $50 per day, was widely extolled. The quantity was in doubt, however. All of the 14 exhibitors interviewed questioned the figure of 5,200 given by Fair director G.B. Hovel; the consensus was 2,500 attendees.

首先,我们来看一道实例题目:原文:Les élections présidentielles en France sedéroulent tous les cinq ans. Le président de la République française est élu au suffrage universel direct.参考答案:法国总统选举每五年举行一次。
首先,"les élections présidentielles"可以直接翻译为"总统选举";"se déroulent tous les cinq ans"可以翻译为"每五年举行一次";"le président de la République française"可以翻译为"法国总统";"est élu au suffrage universel direct"可以翻译为"由直接普选产生"。
接下来,我们来看一道较难的题目:原文:La France est le premier pays à libérer Auschwitz. Son président, François Hollande, l'a déclaré en ces termes : "La France assume pleinement saresponsabilité."参考答案:法国是第一个解放奥斯维辛集中营的国家。

九年级科学月考试卷73考试试卷考试范围:全部知识点;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:李子的小哥56学校:______ 姓名:______ 班级:______ 考号:______总分栏题号一二三四五总分得分评卷人得分一、单选题(共7题,共14分)1、下列各组变化中,每个转化在一定条件下均能一步实现的是()A. ①②B. ①③C. ②③D. ①②③2、单位质量的下列反应中,释放能量最大的是( )A. 裂变B. 聚变C. 液氢燃烧D. 差不多3、下列说法正确的是()A.向酸性土壤里撒熟石灰,可调节土壤的pHB.推广加碘盐是为了预防胃酸过多C.钢铁在干燥的环境中比在潮湿的环境中更容易被腐蚀D.玻璃钢、光导纤维和合成纤维都是有机合成材料4、同学们做完实验后的玻璃试管中常附着难清洗的物质,下列清洗方法错误的是()A.内壁有碘的试管用酒精清洗B.内壁有铜粉的试管用稀硫酸清洗C.内壁有CaCO3的试管用稀盐酸清洗D.内壁有植物油的试管用洗洁精清洗)物质①②③④氧气409830102二氧化碳46425040A. ①代表肺静脉内血液B. ②表示肺泡处C. ③代表组织细胞D. ④表示流经大脑的血液6、2015年2月17日,《大河报》报道了发红的甘蔗中含有剧毒物质的事实。
下列有关3-硝基丙酸的描述正确的是( )A. 3-硝基丙酸是一种氧化物B. 3-硝基丙酸的相对分子质量为119C. 3-硝基丙酸由3个C原子、5个H 原子、1个N原子和4个O原子构成D. 3-硝基丙酸中,碳元素与氧元素的质量比为3∶47、小亮是一个爱动脑、爱观察的中学生,最近,爸爸买了一辆新自行车,他仔细观察,认真研究自行车的结构后,有了许多新发现,下列说法中错误的是()A. 手把连接前轮的转向机制是轮轴的运用B. 剎车把手是一个省力杠杆C. 自行车最好不要单独剎前轮,这样由于惯性,车子可能向前翻倒D. 前剎片是利用摩擦力使车轮减速的,同时在与地面的接触点产生向前的摩擦力来使车体减速评卷人得分二、填空题(共6题,共12分)8、•和。

英语专业八级翻译练习及答案英语专业八级翻译练习及答案(通用5篇)大家在英语学习的过程当中都会接触到英语翻译,这对于一个英语专业的学生很重要,下面是店铺给大家整理的关于英语专业八级翻译练习及答案,欢迎大家阅读!英语专业八级翻译练习及答案 1近代的上海,十里洋场,自开埠以来,固然有许多辛酸的不平等的血泪史,固然有许多污泥浊水,这里被称为是"冒险家的乐园",这里有鸦片,有荡妇,有赌棍,使人纸醉金迷,乃至使人堕落。
(参考译文)In the contemporary period, Shanghai as a metropolis infested by foreign adventurers has indeed recorded, since the opening of its commercial port, a bitter, blood-and-tear history of many miseries and inequalities. Referred to as the Paradise of Adventurers, Shanghai was indeed home to "human sludge and filth" where one could find opium, dissolute women and gamblers. It was a place that made people indulge in luxury and dissipation and given to sensuous pleasures, even inducing people to become degenerate. However, there is a different and more important picture of Shanghai as a modern metropolis. It has been full of vitality and vigor, displaying its unique intelligence and wisdom, characterized by an innovative and enterprising spirit. It has the courage to assume risks and is in possession of both the awareness and the mechanism of competition. Such a metropolitan mentality or style inspires its residents, encouraging them to keep abreast with the changingepochs and to make efforts toward greater progress.英语专业八级翻译练习及答案 2(原文)wnauy徐霞客一生周游考察了16个省,足迹几乎遍及全国。

专业英语八级(翻译)练习试卷1(题后含答案及解析) 题型有: 5. TRANSLATIONPART V TRANSLATION (60 MIN)SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISHDirections: Translate the following text into English.1.在逝去如飞的日子里,在千门万户的世界里的我能做些什么呢?只有徘徊罢了,只有匆匆罢了;在八千多日的匆匆里,除徘徊外,又剩些什么呢?过去的日子如轻烟却被微风吹散了,如薄雾。
被初阳蒸融了;我留着些什么痕迹呢?我何曾留着像游丝样的痕迹呢?我赤裸裸来到这世界,转眼间也将赤裸裸地回去罢?但不能平的,为什么偏要白白走这一遭啊? 你聪明的,告诉我,我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢?正确答案:What can I do,in this bustling World,with my clays flying in their escape? Nothing but to hesitate, to rush.What have I been doing in that eight-thousand-day rush,apart from hesitating? Those bygone days have been dispersed as smoke by a light wind,or evaporated as mist by the morning sun. What traces have I left behind me? Have I ever left behind any gossamer traces at all? I have come to the world,stark-naked; am I to g0 back,in a blink,in the same stark-nakedness? It is not fair though: why should I have made such a trip for nothing!解析:首句中,“逝去如飞的日子里”可以直接按字面翻译,即days flying in their escape。

八级翻译的八大技巧及实例讲解1.选词(1)Among prominent summer deaths, one recalls those of Marilyn Monroe and James Deans (2000)说起那些英年早逝的杰出人物,人们自然会想到玛丽莲·梦露和詹姆斯·迪恩斯……(2)In his classic novel,The Pioneers,James Fenimore Cooper has his hero,a land developer,with his cousin on a tour of the city he is building. (2003)在其经典小说《开拓者》中,詹姆士·菲尼摩尔·库珀让主人公,一个土地开发商,带着他表妹参观他正在建设的一座城市。
(3)Do not dicate to your author: try to become him. (2005)不要对作者发号施令/指手画脚,要努力站在作者的立场上。
(2007)By eating the luxuriant/lush/exuberant water grass,they grow fat and look like chubby babies。
(2009)Usually a notice is put on the front door of a conference room which reminds the participants to switch off their mobile phones.2.词类转换(1)The rules of the game are an arbitrary imposition of difficulty. (2001)游戏规则就是把困难武断地强加于人。

2009-01-06 | 专业八级历年英译汉真题解析(1996-2000)1996年专八英译汉试题原文Four months before Election Day 1, five men gathered in a small conference room at the Reagan-Bush headquarters 2 and reviewed an oversize calendar that marked the remaining days of the 1984 presidential campaign. It was the last Saturday in June and at ten o'clock in the morning the rest of the office was practically deserted 3. Even so, the men kept the door slut and the drapes carefully drawn. The three principals and their two deputies had come from around the country for a critical meeting 4. Their aim was to devise a strategy 5 that would guarantee Ronald Reagan's resounding reelection to a second term in the White House.It should have been easy. They were battle-tested veterans 6 with long ties to Reagan and even longer ties to the Republican Party, men who understood presidential politics 7 as well as any in the country. The backdrop 8 of the campaign was hospitable, with lots of good news to work with: America was at peace, and the nation's economy, a key factor in any election, was rebounding vigorously after recession. Furthermore, the campaign itself was lavishly financed 9 , with plenty of money for a top-flight staff 10 , travel, and television commercials. And, most important, their candidate was Ronald Reagan, a president of tremendous personal popularity and dazzling communication skills 11. Reagan has succeeded more than any president since John F. Kennedy in projecting a broad vision of America — a nation of renewed military strength, individual initiative, and smaller federal government 12.【概述】本文是一篇典型的关于美国政治的时事杂文,用词色彩强烈,修饰语具有极端性和渲染性的特点。

【2001年8级测试英译汉】Possession for its own sake or in competition with the rest of the neighborhood would have been Thoreau’s idea of the low levels1. The active discipline of heightening one’s perception of what is enduring in nature would have been his idea of the high2. What he saved from the low was time and effort he could spend on the high. Thoreau certainly disapproved of starvation, but he would put into feeding himself only as much effort as would keep him functioning for more important efforts.Effort is the gist of it3. There is no happiness except as we take on life-engaging difficulties. Short of the impossible, as Yeats put it, the satisfaction we get from a lifetime depends on how high we choose our difficulties4. Robert Frost was thinking in something like the same terms when he spoke of “The pleasure of taking pains”5. The mortal flaw in the advertised version of happiness is in the fact that it purports to be effortless6.We demand difficulty even in our games. We demand it because without difficulty there can be no game. A game is a way of making something hard of the fun of it. The rules of the game are an arbitrary imposition of difficulty7. When someone ruins the fun, he always does so by refusing to play by the rules. It is easier to win at chess if you are free, at your pleasure, to change the wholly arbitrary rules, but the fun is in winning within the rules. No difficulty, no fun.【概述】这是一篇说理性的议论文,文章评论美国19世纪哲学家、思想家、作家亨利·大卫·梭罗对人生幸福的看法。

4. “朋友之间再熟悉、再亲密”是个让步状语 从句,要体现出来。
5. “随便过头、不恭不敬”比较难译,可以考 虑转换视角成“朋友在一起的时候也应有礼貌、 互相尊重”。
每个人都希望拥有自己的私密空间,朋友之间 过于随便,就容易侵入这片禁区,从而引起冲 突,造成隔阂。
学生版本一:Everyone hopes to own his own private room. When it is too causal for friend, they are easy to invade this forbidden area so thas are made.
2. 朋友之间和“合”与“交”其实是说关系融 洽,所以用become intimate或get along well
3. “绝”即断绝,意为“中止友谊”,可以考 虑用end,sever或break off,并与friendship 搭配。或者转换视角,翻译成“不再成为朋 友”。
朋友之间再熟悉、再亲密, 也不能随便过头、不恭不 敬。不然默契和平衡将被打破, 友好关系将不复存在。
学生版本一:No matter how familiar or how close between the friends are, we can’t be too causal, namely, we shouldn’t disrespect with each other. Otherwise the balance between friends will be broken and the good friendship will go forever.
待友不敬,或许只是一件小事,却可能已埋下 了破坏性的种子。
学生版本一:Maybe it’s just a small matter to disrespect a friend, but by doing so you have sowed the destructive consequence.

如果用which引导的从句来翻译的话就会形成结构很复杂的主从复合句,出现修饰关系不明的情况.但是如果断句就会清楚得多The world’s first generation museums are museums of natural history. They introduce to the peoplewith fossils and specimens the evolution of the earth andvarious living organism on it.词组间关系的断定:科学技术并列关系科学知识修饰关系意合的语言需要自己判断之间的关系表达过程中由于母语干扰及英语表达能力的原因也出现问题(问题多发阶段)欠缺:基本功欠缺对原文的理解还需要结合一定的背景知识,比如人名地名的翻译都应该按照先入为主的原则John Keats Marilyn Monroe等;对政论文章,缺乏一定的政治意识,如“振兴”“统一”等,考虑到中国的历史,应该翻译成revitalization/rejuvenation和reunification,再如“个体户”“国营企业”“三资企业”“计划生育”等概念,要求翻译时必须准确理解原意,然后在译文中做适当的表达,因而需要熟悉官方的翻译用语。

专业英语八级(翻译)-试卷89(总分52, 做题时间90分钟)4. TRANSLATIONPART IV TRANSLATION1.(入学,要交十元的保证金。
SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:正确答案:For about two weeks, Mother suffered much and finally managed to raise the money, and then she sent me off to school with tears in her eyes.解析:“作了半个月的难”中的“作难”既有“费了很大劲去做……”,也暗含“为难”之义,故可译成suffer much或用struggle to do sth.的句型,体现出母亲筹钱的艰难。
SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:正确答案:Mobile phones have renewed the interpersonal relationships.解析:“刷新”此处实际上是“更新,换成新的”,故应译作renew或refresh;甚至可将语义更宽泛化,译为alter或是change。
因为“人与人的关系”实指“人际关系”,应译为interpersonal relationships,而不应按字面译为people'srelations或relationship among human beings。
3.得病以前,我受父母宠爱,在家横行霸道,……SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:正确答案:Before I was taken ill, I had been a spoiled child of my parents, getting things my way in the family.解析:“横行霸道”一词的一般含义是“任意欺凌他人”之义,但是本例是以孩子的口气写的,因此限定了该词的具体含义是“为所欲为,想干什么就干什么”,主要反映了孩子的“稚气”和“顽皮”,因此没有任何“霸气”,可译为be so arrogant,be so aggressive或played my important role。

英语专业八级考试翻译练习(共10篇,附答案)英语专业八级考试翻译练习(1)TRANSLATION (60 MIN)SECTION A: CHINESE TO ENGLISHTranslate the following underlined text into English.简.奥斯丁的小说都是三五户人家居家度日,婚恋嫁娶的小事。
SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESETranslate the following underlined text into Chinese.I, by comparison, living in my overpriced city apartment, walking to work past putrid sacks of street garbage, paying usurious taxes to local and state governments I generally abhor, I am rated middle class. This causes me to wonder, do the measurement make sense? Are we measuring only that which is easily measured---the numbers on the money chart --- and ignoring values more central to the good life? For my sons there is of course the rural bounty of fresh-grown vegetables, line-caught fish and the shared riches of neighbours’ orchards and gardens. There is the unpaid baby-sitter for whose children my daughter-in-law baby-sits in return, and neighbours who barter their skills and labour. But more than that, how do you measure serenity? Sense if self?I don’t want to idealize life in small places. There are times when the outside world intrudes brutally, as when the cost of gasoline goes up or developers cast their eyes on untouched farmland. There are cruelties, there is intolerance, there are all the many vices and meannesses in small places that exist in large cities. Furthermore, it isharder to ignore them when they cannot be banished psychologically to another part of town or excused as the whims of alien groups ---when they have to be acknowledged as “part of us.”Nor do I want to belittle the opportunities for small decencies in cities ---the eruptions of one-stranger-to-another caring that always surprise and delight. But these are, sadly, more exceptions than rules and are often overwhelmed by the awful corruptions and dangers that surround us.英语专业八级考试翻译练习(2)TRANSLATION (60 MIN)SECTION A: CHINESE TO ENGLISHTranslate the following underlined text into English.近读报纸,对国内名片和请柬的议论颇多,于是想起客居巴黎时经常见到的法国人手中的名片和请柬,随笔记下来,似乎不无借鉴之处。

翻译真题如下:The Tanzanian government's decision to switch the language of instruction in secondary schools from English to Swahili has drawn mixed reactions from educators and parents. Supporters argue that teaching in Swahili will improve students' comprehension and boost national identity, while opponents claim that English is the language of international communication and is necessary for economic development. This change is a clear reflection of the ongoing debate about language policy in many African countries, where the colonial legacy of European languages continues to influence education and culture.解析如下:这道翻译题目以坦桑尼亚政府决定将中学教学语言从英语改为斯瓦希里语为背景。

译文:The third-generation museums in the world are run on entirely new concepts.
will have to meet the new century with so much hope.
译文:We still have to wait and see what China policy will be pursued by the American authorities. (the American government
译文:I did not buy a good seat for yesterday’s film.
译文:People in the agriculture society enjoyed far less than people in the industry society, thus their desires are far less either.

No. 6
I walked to the ticket counter. When the ticketseller saw me, her otherwise attractive face turned sour, violently so.
No. 5
day now, the suppression of truth and the organizing of public ignorance shame journalism.
– the suppression of truth隐瞒真相 – the organizing of public ignorance愚弄公众
– miscarriage: 流产;失误 – 注意accident,a decisive blunderer,attend 的理
出错者若处事果断,仍可意外取得成功; 才干出众者若优柔寡断,必然屡屡失误。
No. 8
In their rush, these companies have neglected the hardest part of doing business in China: the people part. The result is that many have jeopardized their performance in the long run.
No. 3
had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession.

2023 年英语专业八级考试--翻译局部参考译文中国科技馆的诞生来之不易。
参考译文The first generation of museums are what might be called natural museums which, by means of fossils, specimens and other objects, introduced to people the evolutionary history of the Earth and various kinds of organisms. The second generation are those of industrial technologies which presented the fruits achieved by industrial civilization at different stages of industrialization. Despite the fact that those two generations of museums helped to disseminate / propagate / spread scientific knowledge, they nevertheless treated visitors merely as passive viewers.The third generation of museums in the world are those replete with / full of wholly novel concepts / notions / ideas. In those museums, visitors are allowed to operate the exhibits with their own hands, to observe and to experience carefully. By getting closer to the advanced science and technologies in this way, people can probe into their secret mysteries.The China Museum of Science and Technology is precisely one of such museums. It has incorporated some of the most fascinating features of those museums with international reputation. Having designed and created exhibits in mechanics, optics, electrical science, thermology, acoustics, and biology, those exhibits demonstrate scientific principles and present the most advanced scientific and technological achievements.2023 年英语专业八级考试--翻译局部参考译文C-E 乔羽的歌大家都生疏。

英语专业八级考试翻译练习(1)参考答案SECTION A: CHINESE TO ENGLISHBut the depth of a novel and its excellence in artistic quality and ideological content can never be judged by the significance or “insignificance” of the theme. Austen’s works have been compared to olives, which become the more delicious the more you chew them. This is not only because of her witty language and her creative contributions to the development of the art of novel writing, but also because of her vivid and lively narration, which is by no means shallow or transparent. Mrs. Smith said that women writers often tried to rectify the prevalent values and the existing social order and to change people’s views as to what was important and what was unimportant.SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE对我的儿子们来说,乡村当然有充足的新鲜而成熟的蔬菜,采钓的鱼,以及邻里果园和花园里可供分享的丰硕果实,乡下有位不计报酬的保姆,我儿媳看管他的孩子作为回报,.此外(且不说这些)你如何来衡量那种安静那种自我感呢?我无意将小城镇的生活理想化,因为有时外部的世界无情地侵入,比如汽油价格上涨或开发商着眼于未被染指的农田时,令人无法忍受的大城市的所有种种罪恶和卑劣行径在这小地方也同样存在.不仅如此当人们无法将它们解释为异族的怪异而不得不承认这一切都是我们自己的一部分时, 就更加难以忽视它们了.英语专业八级考试翻译练习(2)参考答案SECTION A: CHINESE TO ENGLISHIn Paris, cocktail parties and buffet receptions of different kinds offer great opportunities for making friends. On such occasions, strangers may get to know each other. If they are Asians, they will, very respectfully and with both hands, present their calling cards to their interlocutors before any conversation starts. This seems to be the required courtesy on their part. The French, however, usually are not so ready with such a formality. Both sides will greet each other, and even chat casually about any topic and then excuse themselves. Only when they find they like each other and hope to further the relationship will they exchange cards. It will seem very unnatural to do so before any real conversation gets under way.SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE这应该不是件难事。
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In-class Exercises of Unit 5
No. 1
it deceive them, then, a little longer; it can not deceive them too much.
can not do sth. too much 做某事,再怎么 做/做得再多也不会/算过分 那就让这事再骗他们一会儿吧,无论怎样 骗他们都不算过分。
have encountered 遇见过; have to encounter 必须见见;
have yet to encounter 还未见到过,得见见
事实上,有位办公制度专家最近说过,他还没见 到过有哪个办公场所的工作效率高于百分之六十。
In-class Exercises of Unit 5
In-class Exercises of Unit 5
No. 3
said that no one could beat him at tennis, but he had to eat his word after losing several games.
eat one’s word: admit what is said is wrong. 承 认说错了话,道歉。 The English for 食言 is “break one’s promise; break one’s word”。 他说打网球没人打得过他,但输了几场之后, 他只好承认自己说错了。
In-class Exercises of Unit 5
No. 2
We shall never get anywhere with all the criticism and fault finding. I believe in the principle "Live and let live". Never get anywhere with …: ……是行不 通的,是不行的 Live and let live:互相容忍 这一套批评挑剔的做法是行不通的。我相 信“互相容忍”的原则。
No. 6
Nobody with any sense expects to find the whole truth in advertisement any more than he expects a man applying for a job to describe his shortcomings and serious faults.
In-class Exercises of Unit 5
No. 4
had read too many novels and had learned too much aal about love.
too … to 太……以至不能……; too … not to … 太……以至不会不能…… 我读过很多小说,在学校里所见所闻也不 少,对于爱情自然就知道得很多。(原 意:……,对……不可能知道得不多)
在it's more than that we feel human 中,it所代的 是we feel human。 that指 we will make mistakes。 feel entitled 后省略了to make mistakes。 我们是凡人,而凡人远非十全十美。作为凡人就 是说我们会犯错误。但是,我们觉得自己是凡人 不仅仅由于我们会犯错误。我们如今感到有权利 犯错误。
there is no better way for sb. to do sth. than A 对 于某人来说,要做某事,最好的方法就是A。
对于外国人(甚至包括英国人)来说,要 欣赏丰富多采的英语,最好的办法也许就 是学习莎士比亚使用英语的各种方法。
In-class Exercises of Unit 5
No. 8
We are human and human beings are far from perfect. To be human implies that we will make mistakes. But it's more than that we feel human. We now feel entitled.
In-class Exercises of Unit 5
No. 5
In fact, one office-system expert recently said that he had yet to encounter a business work place that was functioning at more than 60 percent efficiency.
用拆译法。注意先说什么,后说什么,不 要把重点搞错。 有头脑的人谁也不会指望求职者说出自己 的缺点和严重过错,同样,也不会指望广 告里说的全是真话。
In-class Exercises of Unit 5
No. 7
There is probably no better way for a foreigner (or an Englishman) to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare used it.