











































我国商业银行个人理财业务发展问题研究【文献综述】文献综述我国商业银行个人理财业务发展问题研究国内外关于商业银行个人理财业务发展的研究成果丰硕,主要包括以下几个方面:1 国外文献综述西方经济学家F·莫迪利亚尼与R·布伦贝格(1954)共同创建的生命周期理论认为:每个家庭都是根据一生的全部预期收入来安排自己的消费支出的,以实现一生消费效应最大化的目的,各个家庭的消费取决于他们在生命期内所获得的总收入和财产。




此后,威廉·夏普、约翰·林特纳和简·莫辛(1965)提出的资本资产定价模型(CAMP-Capital Asset Pricing Model),标志着分析金融学走向成熟。




2国内文献综述随着国内关于商业银行个人理财业务的快速发展,大量相关的研究不断涌现,大批学者对发展中出现的问题进行了总结和探索,主要体现在以下方面:2.1 个人理财业务客户关系管理研究王实、张胜(2006)指出客户关系管理的核心是:客户是银行的一项重要资产,客户关怀是中心,客户关怀的目的是与所选客户建立长期和有效的业务关系,在于客户的每一个“接触点”,更加接近客户、了解客户,从而最大限度地增加利润。



L i a o n i n gE c o n o my一、我国商业银行开展个人理财业务的必要性!"商业银行自身发展的需求。

















我国商业银行个人理财业务研究摘要关键字:商业银行;个人理财业务;发展;研究Abstract After the reform and opening up in China, much progress has been living standards, people gradually towards a well-off life, personal finance in our country, there was a terrible shortage of the current society. Facing such a large market demand, our country mercial bank in the process of personal finance business is extremely weak. By providing financial services to customers, however, for the customer to specify the goal of financial management and planning, mercial Banks in get corresponding remuneration at the same time, can effectively improve yourself in the position in the market, to further promote the development of mercial bank personal financing business. Therefore, the study of our country mercial bank individual financing business development is particularly important. In this paper, the concept and characteristics of our country mercial bank individual financing business has carried on the brief description, and the current Chinese mercial Banks in terms of personal finance business analysisof existing problems, puts forward relevant countermeasures, promote the development of our country mercial bank individual financing business.Key words: mercial Banks; Personal financing business; Development; research目录摘要......................................................... .. (1)Abstract................................................... (3)一、绪论......................................................... (5)(一)研究背景和意义 (5)1、研究的背景 (5)2、研究的意义 (5)(二)主要研究内容 (6)二、商业银行个人理财业务介绍及其特点分析 (6)(一)商业银行个人理财业务概述 (6)(二)商业银行个人理财业务的特点 (6)三、我国商业银行个人理财业务中面临的问题分析 (7)(一)产权与结构存在问题,战略转型的内在要求持续加大 (7)(二)商业银行个人理财业务对个人顾问的依赖过度 (7)(三)对客户需求了解不足,个人理财业务针对性不强 (7)(四)营销体系和定价机制不健全影响长远发展 (8)(五)服务体系不健全影响业务质量 (9)四、完善我国商业银行个人理财业务的措施 (9)(一)完善产权与治理结构,建立社会诚信体系 (10)(二)减轻对外界依赖度 (10)(三)创造宽泛的金融环境 (10)(四)完善业务营销体系,加强风险管理 (10)(五)加强差异化激励措施的运用 (11)五、总结......................................................... .. 11__:.........................................................12附录......................................................... ..... 14 致谢.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。








【关键词】关键词:我国商业银行、个人理财业务、发展现状、问题与挑战、趋势、对策与建议、发展态势、未来发展方向、结论总结1. 引言1.1 我国商业银行个人理财业务的重要性个人理财业务是商业银行的重要业务之一,对于提高银行的盈利能力和服务实体经济发展具有重要意义。





1.2 研究背景在过去几年里,我国商业银行个人理财业务得到了迅猛的发展,不断满足着人们日益增长的理财需求。






商业银行个人理财业务发展问题研究的国内外文献综述目录(一)国内外研究现状 (1)1.国内研究现状 (1)2.国外文献综述 (2)参考文献 (3)(一)国内外研究现状1.国内研究现状关于互联网成为商业银行个人理财业务发展决定因素的研究,曲凯[1](2018)认为,随着互联网的出现和发展,传统商行的个人金融业务受到较大冲击,网络金融广泛被接受的原因是借助网络自身的优势,能够为客户专属定制金融产品。












本科生毕业论文题目:我国商业银行个人理财业务发展问题与对策研究英文题目:The Development Problems and Countermeasures of Our Domestic Commercial Bank IndividualFinancial Business姓名:学号:学院:国际商学院专业:金融学年级:2010级班级:指导教师:职称:2014 年 5 月毕业论文诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。










关键词:商业银行;个人理财业务;互联网理财产品;问题;对策建议ABSTRACTWith the development of society and economy, financial reform deepening, competition and the development of modern commercial banks have begun to break through the traditional business framework to financial innovation and financial services as the main means of transformation. Among them, the most attention is the personal finance business , to develop the business has become a new economic growth point of the commercial banks , but also the focus of competition in each row . 1997 , CITIC Industrial Bank Guangzhou Branch launched the first personal financial services , commercial banks in China to open a precedent for personal financial services . November 2004 , China Ever bright Bank launched the " Sunshine Wealth Management Plan B" , marking the formal entry into the country of RMB financial products financial markets. Over the past decade , domestic commercial banks have been active in the development and expansion of personal financial services , has never stopped the pace . However, domestic commercial banks due to the development of Personal Financial Services limited time , lack of experience , has a market segmentation is not in place , the difference is not obvious advantages , such as the lack of laws and regulations related to financial problems to be solved . In this paper, the concept of personal financial services , the need to carry out the analysis of the status quot and development trends , problems , etc., and put forward some personal suggestions , hoping to continue the development of our commercial banking and personal financial services to improve there will certainly help.Key Words: Commercial bank;Personal financial business; The internet financial products;problems & Solutions目录一、引言 (1)二、商业银行个人理财业务概述 (2)(一)个人理财业务概念 (2)(二)个人理财业务分类 (2)(三)个人理财业务开展的必要性 (2)三、我国商业银行个人理财业务的现状及发展趋势 (5)(一)我国商业银行个人理财业务现状 (5)(二)我国商业银行个人理财业务发展趋势 (7)四、我国商业银行个人理财业务发展中存在的问题 (8)(一)缺乏健全的金融市场及完善的法律法规 (8)(二)分业经营的金融体制的制约 (9)(三)产品同质化严重 (9)(四)高素质理财人员匮乏 (9)(五)银行忽视理财风险管理 (10)(六)服务对象门槛偏高 (10)五、发展我国商业银行个人理财业务的对策建议 (10)(一)加快金融市场发展及健全相关法律法规 (10)(二)由分业经营向混业经营转变 (11)(三)加强个人理财产品创新 (11)(四)注重培养专业理财团队 (12)(五)加强银行理财风险管理 (12)(六)降低服务门槛以开发中低端客户理财市场 (12)六、结语 (13)参考文献 (14)我国商业银行个人理财业务发展问题与对策研究一、引言上个世纪七十年代以来,金融创新浪潮的冲击,使得商业银行个人理财业务在全世界范围内得到了迅速发展。



我国商业银行个人理财现状研究1. 引言1.1 研究背景近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展和金融市场的不断完善,个人理财市场已经成为商业银行争夺客户的重要领域。







1.2 研究目的研究目的是通过对我国商业银行个人理财现状的深入分析和研究,找出其中存在的问题和挑战,探讨解决之道,为我国个人理财市场的健康发展提出建议和改进措施。







1.3 研究意义现在请你输出中关于的内容。

2. 正文2.1 商业银行个人理财产品种类繁多商业银行个人理财产品种类繁多,是由于市场需求日益多样化和个性化。



银行个人理财战略中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:The Development Status and Strategy Research of Commercial Banks’Personal Financial ManagementBusiness in ChinaAbstract: The personal financial management business in our country is in the initial stage,compared to the developed one in western,there’s still a long way to go,Therefore,the commercial banks in china need to review and study to estimate market direction;build excellence brand image and special services;Increase of innovation;change the products from single to comprehensive;Establish and perfect financial management business’management system in order to promote the development of personal financial business in our management country.Keywords:Commercial banks,Personal financial management,Strategy1 IntroductionThe commercial banks are facing the new situation:the increasing danger in traditional business.the margin of the interest rate’s turning increasingly narrowed and foreign bank’s competition.These banks should think deeply to find why that business develop so slowly and then put forward a feasible plan.The personal financial management business is not only an important carrier for commercial banks to advance Comprehensive management strategy but also a major way of improving Intermediary business income.That business in our country is in the initial stage.compared to the developed one in western,there’s still a long way to go.Therefore.the commercial banks in china need to review and study to estimate market direction;build excellence brand image and special services;Increase of innovation;change the products from single to comprehensive;Establish and perfect financial management business’management system in order to promote the development of personal financial management business in our country.Meanwhile.the commercial banks are facing the new situation:the increasing danger in traditional business.the margin of the interest rate’s turningincreasingly narrowed and foreign bank’s competition.These banks should think deeply to fend why that bus;mess develop so slowly and then put forward a feasible plan.Among all the businesses in commercial banks.personal financial management business has the advantages of huge market capacity,low risk,wide range of business,and stable income.For those advantages the personal financial management business becomes commercial banks’main business and vital profits source.In western developed country,this kind of business almost gets into every family.Its business income has been account for ba nk’s 30%.Compared to the developed one in western.there’s still a long way to go but it has a bright market expectation.However,our country’s personal financial management business is limited by some factors,for instance,the financial legal system,financial supervision system and the development of financial market.As a result.it brings some problems that need to be done while developing rapidly.2 The Development Situation,Trait and Existing Problem of Individual Manage Matters Operation in Commercial Bank of China2.1 The development situation of individual money matters operation in commercial bank of ChinaManage money matters operation refers to commercial bank uses professional advantages like various kinds of financial knowledge,professional technique and wide fund credibility and according to clients’financial position and investment requirement,provide clients with professional service activities,such as financial analysis.financial planning,investment counselor and assets management.Recently,as the fast developing economy of china and the accumulating property of citizens,the need of manage money matters operation becomes stronger and stronger.There are several reasons:first of all,when people’s properties accumulate to some degree,they concern more about how to effectively keep and increase the value of their properties.Second,as the pushing on housing,education and medical treatment marketing revolution proceeding,families need the help of financial mechanism service to create a complete risk safeguard mechanism.On the other hand,we have already been in aging stage,thus it has become many people’s real need to accumulate part of their pension through manage money matters.Under thecircumstances.individual money matters operation of commercial bank develops quickly.But according to individual money matters operation situation of every commercial bank.there are still many problems that make it hard to develop individual money matters operation.2.2 The trait of individual money matters operation in commercial bank of ChinaAs the individual money matters operation of commercial bank has just started,financial mechanism and laws and regulations systems are special,so compared to western developed countries,we have our own traits.Fiduciary loan product becomes the 1eader of manage money matters market Recently,invest people pay more attention to the risk situation of product when they choose manage money matters product.At the same time,because the CBRC(china banking regulatory commission) adds its strength to manage money matters operation in commercial bank,the breed structure of manage money matters product changed a lot in general.Since 2009,fiduciary loan product increased largely and become the leader in all kinds of banking manage money matters product for its clear investment, simple structure,various deadline,stable income.Public beneficial and creative product is the value of manage money matters product afoot. During the wenchuan earthquake in 2008,some banks give quickly reflect to the calamity and push out public beneficial and creative manage money matters product.This kind of manage money matters product was themed as benevolent and cares,which greatly widen the developing thought of banking manage money matters operation and validly promote brand value and social image of the bank.3 The Reasons Why We Have Problems in Personal Financial Business in Our National Commercial BanksThe reason why we have so many problems in personal financial business in our national commercial banks is not just because of one single element,but because of many aspects.The reason that we still take separate operation in practice .The policies and regulations.idea of supervision and measures in China still not keep pace with the development of era;we still rely on separate operation and separate management to keep watching to the financial risk.But this kind of operation mode increases thecost of processing personal financial business in commercial banks.and it is hard to make good results.The reason why all the products have the same quality.As it is limited by the idea,the analysis of personal finance business from our commercial banks are not totally correct,there still exists some deficiencies to the research of clients,as a result.nearly all the financial products are the same.The reason why we have a shortage of high—quality financial manager The capability of training finance managers in our country is still undeveloped and the mentality relatively falls behind with developing countries,so most of excellent managers choose to enter foreign banks, and it will be reasonable that the managers couldn’t reach the requirements in national commercial banks.The reason why we are lack of the consciousness of financial management .As we are developing our economy in recent years, it results in a lack of financial culture and financial consciousness.Firstly, people just have some egg money;they can hardly adjust to the life style which adds the finance management into it.Secondly, the influence of traditional concept and shortage of understanding the personal financial business in banks result in the lack of financial consciousness and the deficiency of sense of identity and safety.The reason why we are lake of cultivation Our national commercial banks are limited by system, thinking, technique and objective environment and some influences so that our national commercial banks’s cultivation stagnates, in some high—profited area,we couldn’t keep the pace.And if we don’t solve the problem of lack of cultivation,it is hard for us to complete with foreign banks.4 The Questions Exit in Individual Managing Financial Services in Commercial Bank of ChinaA good financial planner should know everything about a product and have a good knowledge of security, bank,insurance。



商业银行应结合市场需求,开发具有竞争力的理财产品,满足 不同客户群体的投资需求。
商业银行应提高个人理财业务的服务水平,提供专业的投资建 议、资产配置和投资组合建议。
商业银行应积极探索线上与线下相结合的营销模式,提高个人 理财业务的营销效果和客户满意度。
商业银行应注重服务态度,提高员工服务素质,为客户 提供亲切、热情的服务体验。
商业银行应根据客户需求,提供个性化的理财服务,制 定符合客户实际财务状况的理财方案。
商业银行应定期对客户进行回访,了解客户需求变化, 提供及时的投资建议和服务支持。
随着我国经济的快速发展和居民收入的提高,商 业银行个人理财业务规模不断扩大,客户数量和 资产规模均呈现快速增长态势。
随着国内金融市场的不断开放和外资银行的加入 ,商业银行个人理财业务的竞争日益激烈,各家 银行纷纷加大创新力度,提升服务质量。
股份制银行在个人理财业务领域不断创新,并凭借其灵活的经营机制和高效的客户服务,逐渐在市场 上占据重要地位。
商业银行个人理财业务现状 分析
个人理财业务是指商业银行为个人客户提供财务分析、投资顾问、资产管理、保 险、信托、租赁等专业化服务,帮助客户实现财富保值增值、避险和传承等目的 。



















原文:Personal Finance: Past, Present and FutureIntroductionIn recent years, the need for financial education has gained the attention of a wide range of entities including banking companies, government agencies, grass‐roots consumer and community interest groups, universities, schools, and other organizations. Numerous factors have led to a complex, specialized financial services marketplace that requires consumers to be actively engaged if they are to manage their finances effectively. The forces of technology and market innovation, driven by increased competition, have resulted in a sophisticated industry in which consumers are offered a broad spectrum of services by a wide array of providers. Other important demographic and market trends contributing to concerns include increased diversity of the population, resulting in households that may face language, cultural, or other barriers to establishing a banking relationship; expanded access to credit for younger populations; and increased employee responsibility for directing their own investments in employer‐sponsored retirement and pension plans.The prevailing concern is that consumers lack a working knowledge of financial concepts and do not have the tools they need to make decisions most advantageous to their economic wellbeing. Financial decisions made by consumers affect an individual’s or family’s current financial wellbeing and ability to save for long‐term goals such as buying a home, seeking higher education, or financing retirement. In addition, the consumer decisions also play an important role in the overall economic health of the nation, as was experienced through the recent economic crisis.Most recent economic issues such as credit card debt, home foreclosures, reduced savings, declining values of investments, the collapse of the subprime lending market, and escalating numbers of personal bankruptcy have focused the nation’s attention on the importance of financial education.Technological advances have transformed nearly every aspect of the marketing, delivery, and processing of financial products and service. The forces of technology and market innovation, driven by increased competition, have resulted in a sophisticated industry in which a wide array of providers offers consumers a broad spectrum of financial products and services. These developments have given consumers more options and greater flexibility in creating financial arrangements that best suit their needs. However, a complex and specialized financial services marketplace requires consumers to be informed and actively engaged if they are to manage their finances effectively.While there are many causes to the economic problems facing the country, it is undeniable that a lack of financial education is a contributing factor. Far too many Americans entered into home and other loan agreements that they did not understand and ultimately could not afford. More broadly, the lack of basic skills such as how to create and maintain a budget, understand credit, or save for the future are preventing millions of Americans from taking advantage of our vibrant economic system. Financial education is not an issue unique to any one population. It affects everyone—men and women, young and old, across all racial and socioeconomic lines (U.S. Department of the Treasury, Office of Financial Education, 2008).Under these circumstances, there is a renewed attention to personal finance education. This subject matter is currently gaining attention from various quarters of society, such as academia, government, corporations and nonprofit organizations. There is an increasing recognition of the importance of this area within several academic quarters, such as economics and finance, that were traditionally not involved in this subject matter. One of the challenges, with increased interest from diverse programs, is the loss of focus on the family and more of a concentration on individual decision making. Financial education programs are now being referred to by a variety of names, the most frequently used name be ing “financial literacy”; however, the term financial literacy means different things to different people. There is no national standard that describes the expectations of a course labeled “financial literacy” regarding the core content, core competencies, assessment of the impact, andprofessional preparation of the teacher.This paper briefly reviews the history of personal finance and then looks at the current status of the personal financial discipline and education before identifying challenges and opportunities for the future. In the final section, steps necessary to strengthen the future of this discipline are also presented.Personal Finance: An Interdisciplinary Approach Personal finance has its roots in economics, finance and management and incorporates general principles of decision making and the management of financial resources of the individual and family. It involves application of principles from a variety of disciplines such as economics, sociology, psychology, adult learning, and counseling to the study of ways that individuals, families, and households acquire, develop, and allocate monetary resources to meet their current and future financial needs. In the dynamic system of personal finance, decision makers are central. They influence and are influenced by various factors both in external and internal environments. This includes financial markets and institutions; government agencies; economic, demographic, and social trends; and personal and family factors. Personal finance encompasses tools such as financial statements, checking and savings accounts, debt instruments, mortgages and investment vehicles. It also includes techniques related to cash flow management; risk assessment and management; and planning of taxes, retirement, and estates (Schuchardt et al. 2007).Financial Education in the Current Economic Environment Currently a great deal of attention is being drawn to this area from public, private, profit and nonprofit entities. As concerns about consumers’ financial capability have increased, so too have the number and variety of financial education programs and program providers. However, some programs offer comprehensive information on a variety of topics for a broad audience, including savings, credit, risk management, investments, retirement planning and similar topics. Others are focused on a single topic such as credit management, retirement planning, and investing; and they are tailored to a specific group, such as youth, women, or minorities (Braunstein and Welch, 2002). Many are providing financial education to students, employees,customers, the general public and more; and most of these educational efforts are being presented under the name of “financial literacy.”However, multiple names are being used to identify teaching and research work that is being done in personal finance. Some of the names that have been used for a long time include Consumer Economics, Consumer Affairs, Family and Consumer Sciences, Family Economics, Family Economics and Resource Management, Family Finance, Family Financial Management, Household Economics, and Personal Finance. More recent names include Household Finance, Household Behavioral Finance and Financial Literacy.Since the 1990s, the use of the term financial literacy has gained momentum; however, popularization of the term has created confusion. A web search on financial literacy returns nearly two million results. There are financial literacy programs, tests, statistics, and training. Most are general, but some target audiences such as teens or pre‐retirees. Most of these programs have different goals and different outcome expectations. There is no common agreement on the core content, overall and specific objectives, the qualifications of the deliverers of these courses, and for the assessment of the outcomes (Hira and Schuchardt, 2008).Most disciplines such as math, economics, history, sociology, and psychology are usually identified by one name only. There are specialties or concentrations for each of these disciplines, but only one name. To reduce the confusion, there must be one name for financial education; and more importantly, there must be a common understanding of what can be expected from such courses. Before this can be accomplished, some basic questions must be answered: what is the overall objective, what is the core content, what competencies and skills must the learner gain, what preparation or qualifications must the teachers of financial education have, and what standards must be used to assess the outcomes of such programs?Overall Goal for Financial EducationThe overall goal for financial education is to ensure that everyone is equipped with appropriate information, knowledge, and skills to make good financial decisions. The challenge to educators is to determine what specific skills people need in order tounderstand the long‐term costs and benefits of their financial decisions (Hira, 1995). Financially educated consumers are an important first line of defense in well‐functioning markets. At the same time, it is important to recognize that financial education is not a panacea and that there remains a need for effective regulation that is responsive to market evolutions to ensure that consumers are protected against abusive and fraudulent practices by unscrupulous players.Future Opportunities and ChallengesIn the past, professionals in the family economics and management field of personal finance made use of the interdisciplinary approach to study financial behavior. Today, professionals from those disciplines (economics, sociology, psychology, and many others) are studying financial behavior, expanding opportunities and potential for a stronger and richer discipline. Opportunities for transdisciplinary work offer a great promise for the future. The discipline must meet the challenges of creating an environment where professionals from various disciplines create strong connections, collaborate, and generate truly interdisciplinary studies.A report prepared by the U.S. Government Accountability Office in 2004 clearly identifies the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. It suggests that establishing standards for core content and outcome objectives is critical for the development of evaluation and assessment instruments so that there can be matched areas consistent with the goals and appropriate for the target audience. Furthermore, it is important to differentiate between measuring outcomes of a course and the outcome of an intervention such as advising and counseling, designed to bring about a predetermined behavior change. Asking different questions, using different measures, and comparing courses with different objectives and taught by instructors of various professional qualifications is likely to yield different results. This report also identified the need for setting standardized benchmarks and developing a federal evaluation infrastructure to help nonprofits and other organizations build evaluation capacity.Braunstein and Welch (2002) have a few unique ideas for delivering financial education. They suggest something similar to the use of a credit‐scoring model inloan underwriting, which has enabled lenders to quickly and effectively construct an individual risk profile. A similar approach might be taken in determining a consumer’s financial literacy profile, with a database on an individual’s or group’s financial status, behavior, and learning preferences used to identify an individual’s information and educational needs. Knowledge of those needs, coupled with an assessment of the individual’s motivation and confid ence, could assist in providing relevantThey also argue that development of consistent standards for measuring results could increase the success of financial literacy programs. Practitioners who can demonstrate the effectiveness of their programs can contribute significantly to the identification of “best practices” and the setting of policies that may lead to consumers who are better equipped to survive and, more important, thrive in our vibrant, diverse, complex financial marketplace.In conclusion, strengthening the profession requires defining or redefining the mission; agreeing upon one name for the field; determining the content of a basic personal finance curriculum that stretches from K‐12 to college; identifying core competencies; determining qualifications of those who teach or advise individuals of all ages; setting standards to evaluate quality of programs; setting standards to measure the effectiveness of financial education; conducting much‐needed research; and developing practical implications of research for the benefit of individuals, educators, and policy makers.The most important challenge facing the profession today is the use of multiple names and confusion about what could be expected from programs that are labeled as financial literacy. Clarifying the vision and mission, identifying the outcome goals to determine the core content of a financial education program and expectations from the educators—outcome goals, setting standards for qualification of the educator/advisor to prepare financial educators with knowledge and skills, and measuring effectiveness of educational efforts—are steps which will undoubtedly result in improved outcomes.There is a critical need for a national forum to bring about an agreement on theone name, core content and competencies, and professional qualifications for the personal financial field. This is necessary for future growth and development of the profession.Source: Tahira K. Hira,2009.“Personal Finance: Past, Present and Future” .Networks financial institute. December.pp.1-20.译文:个人理财:过去,现在和未来简介近年来,对理财教育的需求已经得到了广泛的实体公司的注意,包括银行,政府机构,基层消费者和社会的利益团体,大学,学校和其他组织。
















一、我国商业银行个人理财业务 的发展现状
近年来,我国商业银行个人理财业务呈现出快速发展的趋势。首先,市场需求 不断增长。居民财富的积累使得个人理财需求逐渐增多,而且随着金融知识的 普及,人们对于如何进行资产配置、投资组合等理财问题越来越。其次,市场 规模不断扩大。商业银行个人理财业务的产品种类日益丰富,涵盖了银行理财、 信托、基金、保险等多种金融产品,满足了不同客户的需求。
最后,该银行不断拓展市场范围,除了覆盖国内市场外,还积极探索国际化发 展道路。通过与多家境外金融机构达成合作协议,该银行推出了多款跨境理财 产品,为客户提供更多元化、更高收益的投资选择。这些举措不仅提升了该银 行在个人理财业务领域的竞争力,也为我国商业银行个人理财业务的发展提供 了有益的借鉴。
以某大型商业银行为例,该银行在个人理财业务方面进行了积极的创新和转型。 首先,该银行不断丰富理财产品线,除了传统的存款和货币市场基金外,还推 出了多个新型投资品种,例如私募基金、期货、期权等。这些新型投资品种的 推出,满足了不同客户对于风险和收益的需求,同时也增加了银行的业务收入。
其次,该银行注重提升服务质量,建立了完善的客户经理制度,为客户提供个 性化的投资顾问服务。客户经理通过对客户财务状况的全面了解,为每位客户 量身定制了理财方案,实现了客户资产的合理配置。同时,该银行还加强了风 险管理,确保客户资产在安全的前提下获得稳定的收益。
随着我国经济的快速发展,个人财富积累逐渐增加,个人理财业务也逐渐成为 商业银行的重要业务之一。本次演示将介绍我国商业银行个人理财业务的现状 及其发展对策。
个人理财业务是指商业银行为个人客户提供的财务分析、投资顾问、资产管理 和负债管理等专业化服务。根据服务对象的不同,个人理财业务可分为理财顾 问服务、综合理财服务和私人银行业务等。
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The Development Status and Strategy Research of Commercial Banks’Personal Financial ManagementBusiness in ChinaAbstract: The personal financial management business in our country is in the initial stage,compared to the developed one in western,there’s still a long way to go,Therefore,the commercial banks in china need to review and study to estimate market direction;build excellence brand image and special services;Increase of innovation;change the products from single to comprehensive;Establish and perfect financial management business’management system in o rder to promote the development of personal financial business in our management country.Keywords:Commercial banks,Personal financial management,Strategy1 IntroductionThe commercial banks are facing the new situation:the increasing danger in traditional business.the margin of the interest rate’s turning increasingly narrowed and foreign bank’s competition.These banks should think deeply to find why that business develop so slowly and then put forward a feasible plan.The personal financial management business is not only an important carrier for commercial banks to advance Comprehensive management strategy but also a major way of improving Intermediary business income.That business in our country is in the initial stage.compared to the developed one in western,there’s still a long way to go.Therefore.the commercial banks in china need to review and study to estimate market direction;build excellence brand image and special services;Increase of innovation;change the products from single to comprehensive;Establish and perfect financial management business’management system in order to promote the development of personal financial management business in our country.Meanwhile.the commercial banks are facing the new situation:the increasing danger in traditional business.the margin of the interest rate’s turning increasingly narrowed and foreign bank’s competition.These banks should think deeply to fend why that bus;mess develop so slowly and then put forward a feasible plan.Among all the businesses in commercial banks.personal financial management business has the advantages of huge market capacity,low risk,widerange of business,and stable income.For those advantages the personal financial m anagement business becomes commercial banks’main business and vital profits source.In western developed country,this kind of business almost gets into every family.Its business income has been account for bank’s 30%.Compared to the developed one in western.there’s still a long way to go but it has a bright market expectation.However,our country’s personal financial management business is limited by some factors,for instance,the financial legal system,financial supervision system and the development of financial market.As a result.it brings some problems that need to be done while developing rapidly.2 The Development Situation,Trait and Existing Problem of Individual Manage Matters Operation in Commercial Bank of China2.1 The development situation of individual money matters operation in commercial bank of ChinaManage money matters operation refers to commercial bank uses professional advantages like various kinds of financial knowledge,professional technique and wide fund credibility and according t o clients’financial position and investment requirement,provide clients with professional service activities,such as financial analysis.financial planning,investment counselor and assets management.Recently,as the fast developing economy of china and the accumulating property of citizens,the need of manage money matters operation becomes stronger and stronger.There are several reasons:first of all,when people’s properties accumulate to some degree,they concern more about how to effectively keep and increase the value of their properties.Second,as the pushing on housing,education and medical treatment marketing revolution proceeding,families need the help of financial mechanism service to create a complete risk safeguard mechanism.On the other hand,we have already been in aging stage,thus it has become many people’s real need to accumulate part of their pension through manage money matters.Under the circumstances.individual money matters operation of commercial bank develops quickly.But according to individual money matters operation situation of every commercial bank.there are still many problems that make it hard to develop individual money matters operation.2.2 The trait of individual money matters operation in commercial bank of ChinaAs the individual money matters operation of commercial bank has just started,financial mechanism and laws and regulations systems are special,so compared to western developed countries,we have our own traits.Fiduciary loan product becomes the 1eader of manage money matters market Recently,invest people pay more attention to the risk situation of product when they choose manage money matters product.At the same time,because the CBRC(china banking regulatory commission) adds its strength to manage money matters operation in commercial bank,the breed structure of manage money matters product changed a lot in general.Since 2009,fiduciary loan product increased largely and become the leader in all kinds of banking manage money matters product for its clear investment, simple structure,various deadline,stable income.Public beneficial and creative product is the value of manage money matters product afoot. During the wenchuan earthquake in 2008,some banks give quickly reflect to the calamity and push out public beneficial and creative manage money matters product.This kind of manage money matters product was themed as benevolent and cares,which greatly widen the developing thought of banking manage money matters operation and validly promote brand value and social image of the bank.3 The Reasons Why We Have Problems in Personal Financial Business in Our National Commercial BanksThe reason why we have so many problems in personal financial business in our national commercial banks is not just because of one single element,but because of many aspects.The reason that we still take separate operation in practice .The policies and regulations.idea of supervision and measures in China still not keep pace with the development of era;we still rely on separate operation and separate management to keep watching to the financial risk.But this kind of operation mode increases the cost of processing personal financial business in commercial banks.and it is hard to make good results.The reason why all the products have the same quality.As it is limited by the idea,the analysis of personal finance business from our commercial banks are not totally correct,there still exists some deficiencies to theresearch of clients,as a result.nearly all the financial products are the same.The reason why we have a shortage of high—quality financial manager The capability of training finance managers in our country is still undeveloped and the mentality relatively falls behind with developing countries,so most of excellent managers choose to enter foreign banks, and it will be reasonable that the managers couldn’t reach the requirements in national commercial banks.The reason why we are lack of the consciousness of financial management .As we are developing our economy in recent years, it results in a lack of financial culture and financial consciousness.Firstly, people just have some egg money;they can hardly adjust to the life style which adds the finance management into it.Secondly, the influence of traditional concept and shortage of understanding the personal financial business in banks result in the lack of financial consciousness and the deficiency of sense of identity and safety.The reason why we are lake of cultivation Our national commercial banks are limited by system, thinking, technique and objective environment and some influences so that our national commercial banks’s cultivation stagnates, in some high—profited area,we couldn’t keep the pace.And if we don’t solve the problem of lack of cultivation,it is hard for us to complete with foreign banks.4 The Questions Exit in Individual Managing Financial Services in Commercial Bank of ChinaA good financial planner should know everything about a product and have a good knowledge of security, bank,insurance。
