HP LaserJet 1020 打印机 说明书
![HP LaserJet 1020 打印机 说明书](
用户指南版权信息©2010Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company,L.P.未经事先书面许可,严禁进行任何形式的复制、改编或翻译,除非版权法另有规定。
HP 产品和服务的所有保修事项已在产品和服务所附带的保修声明中列出,此处内容不代表任何额外保修。
HP 公司对此处任何技术性或编辑性的错误或遗漏概不负责。
商标说明Microsoft® 和 Windows® 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。
目录1 打印机基本信息 (1)快速访问详细信息 (2)驱动程序、软件及支持的 Web 链接 (2)HP LaserJet 1020 打印机 (2)用户指南的链接 (2)何处查找更多信息 (2)打印机配置 (3)HP LaserJet 1020 打印机 (3)解决方法 (4)打印机控制面板 (5)介质通道 (6)优先进纸槽 (6)主进纸盘 (6)出纸槽 (6)打印机连接 (7)连接 USB 电缆 (7)打印机软件 (8)支持的操作系统 (8)Windows 计算机的打印机软件 (8)安装所有其它操作系统的打印机软件 (8)打印机驱动程序 (8)打印机属性(驱动程序) (8)打印机属性联机帮助 (9)打印设置优先级 (9)打印机信息页 (9)打印机信息页 (10)打印机测试页 (10)打印机介质注意事项 (11)支持的介质尺寸 (11)2 打印任务 (13)手动送纸 (14)取消打印作业 (15)了解打印质量设置 (16)ZHCN iii针对介质类型优化打印质量 (17)介质使用准则 (18)纸张 (18)标签 (18)标签结构 (19)投影胶片 (19)信封 (19)信封结构 (19)双面接缝信封 (19)带不干胶封条或封舌的信封 (20)信封存储 (20)卡片纸或重磅介质 (20)卡片纸结构 (20)卡片纸使用准则 (21)信头纸或预打印表单 (21)选择纸张及其它介质 (22)HP 介质 (22)避免使用的介质 (22)可能损坏打印机的介质 (22)向进纸盘中装入介质 (24)优先进纸槽 (24)150 页主进纸盘 (24)打印信封 (25)打印多个信封 (27)在投影胶片或标签上打印 (29)打印信头纸和预先打印的表单 (30)在自定义尺寸的介质和卡片纸上打印 (31)双面打印(手动两面打印) (32)在一张纸上打印多页(每张打印 N 页) (34)打印小册子 (35)打印水印 (37)3 维护 (39)清洁打印机 (40)清洁打印碳粉盒区域 (40)清洁打印机介质通道 (41)更换取纸滚筒 (43)清洁取纸滚筒 (46)更换打印机的分离垫 (47)摇匀碳粉 (49)更换打印碳粉盒 (50)iv ZHCN步骤 1:打印机设置是否正确? (54)步骤 2:“就绪”指示灯是否点亮? (54)步骤 3:能否打印打印机测试页? (54)步骤 4:打印质量是否可以接受? (55)步骤 5:打印机是否与计算机通信? (55)步骤 6:打印页是否令您满意? (55)与 HP 支持部门联系 (55)状态指示灯模式 (56)纸张处理问题 (58)卡纸 (58)打印歪斜(扭曲) (58)打印机一次送入多页介质 (58)打印机无法从进纸盘进纸 (58)打印机使介质卷曲 (59)打印作业速度极慢 (59)打印页与屏幕显示的页不同 (60)文本错乱、不正确或不完整 (60)丢失图形或文本或出现空白页 (60)页面格式与其它打印机不同 (61)图形质量 (61)打印机软件问题 (62)提高打印质量 (63)颜色浅淡 (63)碳粉斑点 (63)丢字 (63)垂直线 (64)灰色背景 (64)碳粉污迹 (64)松散的碳粉 (64)垂直重复的缺陷 (65)字符变形 (65)页面歪斜 (65)卷曲或波形 (65)起皱或折痕 (66)字符轮廓边缘的碳粉分散 (66)底边的水滴 (66)清除卡纸 (67)常见的卡纸位置 (67)取出卡纸 (67)ZHCN v功耗、电气规格和噪声发射 (71)物理规格 (72)打印机性能和额定值 (73)内存规格 (74)附录 B 规章条例信息 (75)FCC(美国联邦通信委员会)规章执行 (76)一致性声明 (77)规章条例声明 (78)激光安全 (78)加拿大 DOC 规则 (78)EMC 声明(韩国) (78)芬兰激光声明 (78)有毒有害物质表(中国) (79)环境产品管理计划 (80)保护环境 (80)产生臭氧 (80)能耗 (80)碳粉消耗 (80)纸张使用 (80)塑料 (80)HP LaserJet 打印耗材 (80)返回和回收说明 (81)美国和波多黎各 (81)多个返回(一个以上的碳粉盒) (81)单个返回 (81)货运 (81)美国以外国家/地区的返回 (81)纸张 (81)材料限制 (82)欧盟用户丢弃私人废弃设备的规定 (82)化学物质 (82)材料安全数据表 (MSDS) (82)更多信息 (82)材料安全数据表 (83)附录 C 保证声明和许可证发行 (85)Hewlett-Packard 有限保修声明 (86)Hewlett-Packard 软件许可协议 (87)打印碳粉盒有限保修 (88)vi ZHCN使用 HP打印碳粉盒 (91)HP 有关非 HP 打印碳粉盒的政策 (91)保存打印碳粉盒 (91)打印碳粉盒使用寿命 (91)节省碳粉 (91)附录 E 服务和支持 (93)支持和服务的可用性 (94)客户自助维修保修服务 (94)重新包装打印机准则 (95)如何联系 HP (96)索引 (97)ZHCN viiviii ZHCN1打印机基本信息本章提供有关下列主题的信息:●快速访问详细信息●打印机配置●解决方法●打印机控制面板●介质通道●打印机连接●打印机软件●打印机信息页●打印机介质注意事项ZHCN1快速访问详细信息以下部分提供了各种资源,用于获得有关 HP LaserJet 1020 打印机的其它信息。
惠普 LaserJet 1020 打印机 用户指南说明书
![惠普 LaserJet 1020 打印机 用户指南说明书](
2 列印工作 .................................................................................................................................................... 13 手動送紙 ............................................................................................................................................................. 14 取消列印工作 ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 列印品質的設定值 ............................................................................................................................................. 16 最佳化紙材類型的列印品質 ............................................................................................................................. 17 紙材使用原則 ...
HP主机存储及系统软件维保服务项目维护服务体系1.1 服务响应流程根据本项目的设备类型,设备上应用系统的部署情况,以及设备的分布状况,长天公司专门为本项目制定了满足项目要求的周密的服务响应流程。
1.1.1 服务流程概述服务响应流程示意图1. “一站式”服务提供MA服务的厂商不仅要有较强的技术实力,规范的业务流程和简单高效的服务界面也非常重要。
长天公司内部的服务流程会保障在承诺的服务质量标准下,协调内部的资源,及时处理用户的设备故障。 统一的服务接口长天公司为用户提供统一的客户服务接口,提供7*24小时的服务热线。
长天公司客户服务电话:400-678-01IOo1.1.2服务响应流程步骤1.1.2.1 CASE受理长天公司提供7*24小时的400服务热线电话,接受服务请求,受理用户报修。
在确认为保修设备后,把CASE提交给故障项目的项目经理。 服务响应项目经理根据发生故障的设备所属区域,立即联系该区域的一线工程师,将CASE分配给相应的工程师,并指定该工程师为处理此故障的第一责任工程师,由该工程师在规定的时间内对此服务请求进行实质性的响应。
工程师接受任务后负责及时与客户取得联系,进入故障分析处理流程。 故障分析处理由责任工程师主动与报修用户联系,初步收集故障现象、故障信息,通过诊断分析,初步判断故障原因;如果无法判断故障则将CASE升级到更高级别的工程师。
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用户指南版权与许可©2016 版权所有HP Development Company, L.P.保留所有权利。
除非版权法允许,否则在未经HP 预先书面许可的情况下,严禁转载、改编或翻译本手册的内容。
HP 产品与服务的全部保修条款在此类产品和服务附带的保修声明中均已列明。
HP 对此处任何技术性或编辑性的错误或遗漏概不负责。
Edition 2016 年2 月1 日商标声明Adobe®、Acrobat®和PostScript®是 Adobe Systems Incorporated 的商标。
Intel® Core™ 是Intel Corporation 在美国和其它国家/地区的商标。
Java™ 是Sun Microsystems, Inc. 在美国的商标。
Microsoft®、Windows®、Windows® XP 和Windows Vista® 是Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。
UNIX®是The Open Group 的注册商标。
目录1产品基本信息 (1)产品功能 (2)环境功能 (2)辅助功能 (3)产品视图 (4)左前视图 (4)右前视图 (5)后视图 (5)墨盒门视图 (6)开机/关机 (7)打开产品电源 (7)管理电源 (7)关闭产品电源 (8)使用控制面板 (9)控制面板按钮 (9)控制面板主屏幕 (10)控制面板仪表板 (10)控制面板的应用程序文件夹 (11)控制面板快捷方式 (11)帮助功能 (12)打印机信息 (12)帮助动画 (13)安静模式 (14)从控制面板打开或关闭安静模式 (14)从EWS 打开或关闭安静模式 (14)2连接产品 (15)将产品接入计算机或网络 (16)使用USB 电缆连接产品 (16)将产品连接到网络 (16)支持的网络协议 (16)ZHCN iii使用有线网络连接产品 (17)使用无线网络(仅限无线型号)连接产品 (17)使用WiFi 设置向导将产品连接到无线网络 (18)使用WPS 将产品连接至无线网络 (18)手动将产品连接至无线网络 (19)使用Wi-Fi Direct 将计算机或设备连接至产品 (20)打开Wi-Fi Direct (20)从具有无线功能的移动设备打印 (20)从具有无线功能的计算机进行打印(Windows) (20)从具有无线功能的计算机进行打印(OS X) (20)为已接入网络的无线产品安装HP 打印机软件 (23)打开打印机软件(Windows) (24)管理网络设置 (25)查看或更改网络设置 (25)设置或更改产品密码 (25)在控制面板中手动配置TCP/IP 参数 (25)链路速度和双工设置 (26)3打印机管理和服务 (27)HP 嵌入式Web 服务器(EWS) (28)关于EWS (28)关于cookie (28)启动EWS (29)功能 (29)主页选项卡 (29)“扫描”选项卡 (30)“传真”选项卡 (31)“Web 服务”选项卡 (31)“网络”选项卡 (31)“工具”选项卡 (31)“设置”选项卡 (32)Web 服务 (33)何为Web 服务? (33)HP ePrint (33)打印应用程序 (33)设置Web 服务 (33)使用Web 服务 (34)HP ePrint (34)打印应用程序 (35)删除Web 服务 (35)iv ZHCNHP Web Jetadmin 软件 (37)产品安全功能 (38)安全声明 (38)防火墙 (38)安全性设置 (39)固件更新 (39)打印机软件(Windows) 中的HP Printer Assistant (40)打开HP Printer Assistant (40)功能 (40)Connected 选项卡。
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Edition 1.0, 2/2005
HP ColorSmart III 和 HP PhotoREt IV 是 Hewlett-Packard Company 的商标。
Windows 系统 .....................................................................................26 Macintosh 系统 ...................................................................................27 维护打印墨盒 .......................................................................................................................27 存放打印墨盒 .......................................................................................................27 使用单个打印墨盒打印 .........................................................................................................28 校准颜色 ...............................................................................................................................29
HP Laser NS 1020 Series 使用手册说明书
![HP Laser NS 1020 Series 使用手册说明书](
1020 series版权和许可©Copyright 2021 HP Development Company, L.P.除非适用的版权法允许,否则未经事先书面同意,严禁进行复制、改编或翻译。
HP 产品与服务的全部保修条款在此类产品和服务附带的保修声明中均已列明。
HP 对此处任何技术性或编辑性的错误或遗漏概不负责。
OS X是苹果公司在美国和其他国家/地区的注册商标。
AirPrint X是苹果公司在美国和其他国家/地区的注册商标。
Microsoft® 和 Windows® 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。
Amazon和Kindle是, Inc. 或其附属公司的商标。
Wi-Fi和Wi-Fi Direct是Wi-Fi Alliance的注册商标。
(有关详细信息,请参阅 https:///who-we-are/our-brands 。
)目录1 使用入门 (1)打印机视图 (2)打印机前视图 (2)打印机后视图 (2)控制面板功能 (3)基础型号 (3)无线机型 (4)使用 HP Smart应用进行打印、复印、扫描和故障排除 (5)2 连接您的打印机 (7)使用路由器连接到无线网络 (8)使用 Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) 将打印机连接到无线网络 (8)使用 HP 打印机软件将打印机连接到无线网络 (8)不使用路由器进行无线连接 (9)无线设置 (12)连接到有线(以太网)网络 (13)3 设置打印机 (15)用HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) 和 HP 设备工具箱 (Windows) 设置打印机 (16)访问并使用 Embedded Web Server (EWS) 测试通信状况 (16)用软件 (Windows 7) 打开 HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (16)从网络浏览器中打开 HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (16)使用 Wi-Fi Direct 连接时打开 HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (17)浏览 HP Embedded Web Server (17)配置IP网络设置 (18)查看或更改网络设置 (18)更改网络上打印机的名称 (18)手动配置IPv4 TCP/IP参数 (18)使用 HP Embedded Web Server 分配或者更改系统密码 (19)更改节能设置 (19)ZHCN iii设置无活动则休眠/自动关闭模式 (19)设置无活动则关闭延迟选项,设置打印机使用1瓦特或者更少能量 (19)设置延迟关闭 (20)更新固件 (21)使用固件更新功能来更新固件 (21)更改打印机连接种类 (Windows 7) (22)4 放入介质 (23)放入纸张 (23)加载并打印信封 (26)装载并打印标签 (28)5 打印 (31)使用Windows计算机打印 (32)选择纸张类型类别(Windows) (32)双面手动打印 (Windows) (33)每张打印多页(Windows) (34)使用苹果计算机进行打印 (35)使用移动设备打印 (36)6 管理墨粉、介质和部件 (37)检查墨粉量 (38)重新加载碳粉 (39)智能闪充粉盒类型 (39)更换成像鼓 (44)订购耗材、介质和部件 (46)7 解决问题 (47)HP支持 (48)联系HP (48)注册打印机 (48)额外保修选项 (48)其他信息 (48)控制面板指示灯说明 (50)恢复出厂默认设置 (53)打印机不取纸或者传送失效 (54)简介 (54)产品不拾取纸张 (54)产品拾取多张纸 (54)iv ZHCN简介 (55)卡纸位置 (55)常见或多次卡纸 (56)从进纸盒区域清除卡纸 (57)从打印机内部清除卡纸 (59)清除输出区域中的卡纸 (60)改善打印质量 (61)简介 (61)重新打印文档 (61)检查墨粉量 (61)更新打印机固件 (61)从不同的软件程序打印 (61)检查打印作业的纸张类型和打印质量设置 (61)检查打印机内装入的纸张类型 (61)检查纸张类型和打印设置(Windows) (62)检查纸张类型和打印质量设置(OS X) (62)目视检查成像鼓 (63)检查纸张和打印环境 (63)步骤一:使用符合HP规格要求的纸张 (63)步骤二:检查打印机所处的环境 (63)调整打印强度 (64)解决打印质量问题 (65)解决无线网络问题 (70)简介 (70)无线连接检查清单 (70)进行无线网络诊断测试 (71)在无线设置完成后打印机不再打印 (71)产品不打印且计算机安装了第三方防火墙 (72)移动无线路由器或产品后无线连接无法正常工作 (72)无法将更多设备连接到无线印刷机(Wi-Fi Direct) (72)无线产品在连接到VPN时断开通信 (72)网络未出现在无线网络列表中 (72)无线网络不工作 (73)降低无线网络中的干扰 (73)解决以太网连接问题 (74)附录 A 打印机规格 (75)技术规格 (76)ZHCN v打印机外形尺寸 (79)功耗、电气规格和声发射 (80)工作环境范围 (81)警告图标 (82)激光警告 (83)附录 B 服务和支持 (85)HP 有限保修声明 (86)HP 高级保护保修:Laser NS 墨粉重新添加套件 和 HP激光成像鼓 有限保修声明 (87)关于非 HP 耗材的 HP 政策 (88)HP 防伪网站 (89)HP 墨粉重新添加套件和HP激光成像鼓上存储的数据 (90)最终用户许可协议 (91)客户自行维修保修服务 (94)客户支持 (95)附录 C 环境产品管理计划 (97)保护环境 (98)臭氧制造 (98)耗电量 (98)用纸 (99)塑料 (99)HP Laser NS 打印耗材 (99)纸张 (99)材料限制 (99)电池信息 (100)电子硬件回收 (100)化学物质 (100)SEPA 环保标志用户信息(中国) (101)打印机、传真机和复印机中国能效标识实施规则 (101)WEEE(土耳其) (101)有害物质/元素及其含量表(中国) (101)材料安全数据表 (MSDS) (102)EPEAT (102)有关更多信息 (103)索引 (105)vi ZHCN1使用入门●打印机视图●控制面板功能●使用 HP Smart应用进行打印、复印、扫描和故障排除ZHCN1打印机视图●打印机前视图●打印机后视图打印机前视图1控制面板2出纸槽3重新装载端口4重新加载指示灯5墨水量指示器6进纸盒7出纸槽扩展板8手指凹槽打印机后视图1以太网端口(仅限以太网型号)2USB 端口3电源接头2第 1 章 使用入门ZHCN控制面板功能基础型号1纸张指示灯 当您开始打印或复印作业时,如果进纸盒中缺纸,则纸张指示灯会闪烁。
HP PageWide Pro MFP 477系列用户指南说明书
![HP PageWide Pro MFP 477系列用户指南说明书](
User GuideCopyright and License© 2016 Copyright HP Development Company, L.P.All rights reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation of this material is prohibited without prior written permission of HP, except as allowed under copyright laws.The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.Edition 1, 2/2016Trademark CreditsAdobe®, Acrobat®, and PostScript® are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Intel® Core™ is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.Java™ is a US trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows® XP, and Windows Vista® are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.UNIX® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR mark are registered trademarks owned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.Table of contents1 Product basics (1)Product features (2)Environmental features (3)Accessibility features (3)Product views (4)Front left view (4)Front right view (5)Back view (5)Cartridge door view (6)Power on and off (7)Turn the product on (7)Manage power (7)Turn the product off (8)Use the control panel (9)Control panel buttons (9)Control panel home screen (10)Control panel dashboard (11)Control panel application folders (11)Control panel shortcuts (12)Help features (12)Printer information (13)Help animations (13)Quiet Mode (14)To turn Quiet Mode on or off from the control panel (14)To turn Quiet Mode on or off from the EWS (14)2 Connect the product (15)Connect the product to a computer or a network (16)To connect the product using a USB cable (16)To connect the product to a network (17)Supported network protocols (17)Connect the product using a wired network (17)ENWW iiiConnect the product using a wireless network (wireless models only) (17)To connect the product to a wireless network using the Wireless SetupWizard (18)To connect the product to a wireless network using WPS (18)To connect the product to a wireless network manually (19)Use Wi-Fi Direct to connect a computer or device to the product (20)To turn on Wi-Fi Direct (20)To print from a wireless-capable mobile device (20)To print from a wireless-capable computer (Windows) (20)To print from a wireless-capable computer (OS X) (20)Install HP printer software for a wireless product already on the network (22)Open the printer software (Windows) (22)Manage network settings (22)View or change network settings (22)Set or change the product password (23)Manually configure TCP/IP parameters from the control panel (23)Link speed and duplex settings (23)3 Printer management and services (25)HP Embedded Web Server (26)About the EWS (26)About cookies (26)Open the EWS (27)Features (27)Home tab (27)Scan tab (28)Fax tab (29)Web Services tab (29)Network tab (29)Tools tab (29)Settings tab (30)Web Services (31)What are Web Services? (31)HP ePrint (31)Print apps (31)Set Up Web Services (31)Use Web Services (32)HP ePrint (32)Print apps (33)Remove Web Services (34)HP Web Jetadmin software (34)iv ENWWProduct security features (34)Security statements (35)Firewall (35)Security settings (36)Firmware updates (36)HP Printer Assistant in the printer software (Windows) (36)Open the HP Printer Assistant (36)Features (36)Connected tab (37)Print, Scan & Fax tab (37)Shop tab (37)Help tab (38)Tools tab (38)Estimated Levels tab (38)HP Utility (OS X) (38)AirPrint™ (OS X) (38)4 Paper and print media (39)Understand paper use (40)Supported media sizes (41)Supported paper and print media sizes (41)Supported envelope sizes (42)Supported card and label sizes (42)Supported photo media sizes (42)Supported paper types and tray capacity (43)Tray 1 (multipurpose) on left side of the product (43)Tray 2 (default tray) and Tray 3 (accessory tray) (44)Configure trays (44)Load media (45)Load Tray 1 (45)Load Tray 2 (46)Load optional Tray 3 (48)Load envelopes (49)Load letterhead or preprinted forms (51)Load the automatic document feeder (52)Load the scanner (53)Tips for selecting and using paper (55)5 Cartridges (56)HP PageWide cartridges (57)HP policy on non-HP cartridges (57)ENWW vManage cartridges (57)Store cartridges (58)Print with General Office mode (58)Print when a cartridge is at estimated end of life (58)Check the estimated cartridge levels (58)Order cartridges (59)Recycle cartridges (60)Replace cartridges (60)Tips for working with cartridges (62)6 Print (63)Print from a computer (64)To print from a computer (Windows) (64)To print from a computer (OS X) (65)To set up printing shortcuts (Windows) (66)To set up printing presets (OS X) (66)To adjust or manage colors (67)Choose a preset color theme for a print job (67)Adjust the color options for a print job manually (67)Match colors to your computer screen (68)Control access to color printing (69)Print from the control panel (69)Print using job storage (69)To enable job storage (69)Disable or enable job storage (Windows) (69)Disable or enable job storage (OS X) (69)To apply job storage to one or all print jobs (70)Apply job storage to one or all print jobs (Windows) (70)Apply job storage to one or all print jobs (OS X) (71)To print a job stored on the printer (71)To delete a job stored on the printer (71)Print from a USB device (72)Print with NFC (72)Print with HP ePrint (72)Print off site by sending an email with the HP ePrint app (32)Print from an on-site computer or mobile device (73)Print with AirPrint (OS X) (73)Tips for print success (74)Cartridge tips (74)Paper loading tips (74)vi ENWW7 Copy and scan (76)Copy (77)Copy settings (77)Adjust lightness or darkness for copies (77)Select a paper tray and paper size for copies (77)Reduce or enlarge a copy (77)Load and copy identification cards (78)Copy photos (79)Load and copy mixed-size originals (80)Copy on both sides automatically (80)Cancel a copy job (80)Scan (81)Scan to a USB drive (81)Scan to a computer (81)To set up scan to computer (81)Set up scanning to a computer (Windows) (82)Set up scanning to a computer (OS X) (82)To scan to a computer from the control panel (82)Scan to email (82)To set up scan to email (82)To scan a document or photo to email (83)Scan a document or photo to email from the control panel (83)Scan a document or photo to email from the printer software (83)To change account settings (83)Scan to a network folder (83)To set up scan to a network folder (84)Set up scan to a network folder in the EWS (84)Set up scan to a network folder in the HP Printer Assistant (84)To scan to a network folder (84)Scan to a network folder from the control panel (84)Scan to a network folder from the printer software (84)Scan to SharePoint (85)To set up scan to SharePoint (85)To scan to SharePoint (85)Scan using HP scanning software (85)Scan using other software (86)To scan from a TWAIN-compliant program (86)To scan from a WIA-compliant program (86)ENWW viiGuidelines for scanning documents as editable text (87)To scan a document to editable text (Windows) (88)To scan documents as editable text (OS X) (89)Tips for copy and scan success (90)8 Fax (91)Set up fax (92)Connect fax to a telephone line (92)Configure fax settings (92)To configure fax settings from the control panel (92)To configure fax settings using the HP Digital Fax Setup Wizard (Windows) (93)Set up HP Digital Fax (93)HP Digital Fax requirements (93)To set up HP Digital Fax (94)Set up HP Digital Fax (Windows) (94)Set up HP Digital Fax (OS X) (94)Set up HP Digital Fax in the EWS (94)To modify HP Digital Fax settings (94)Modify HP Digital Fax settings (Windows) (94)Modify HP Digital Fax settings (OS X) (94)Modify HP Digital Fax settings in the EWS (94)To turn off HP Digital Fax (95)Fax programs, systems, and software (95)Supported fax programs (95)Supported phone services - analog (95)Alternate phone services - digital (95)DSL (95)PBX (95)ISDN (96)VoIP (96)Set fax settings (96)Send-fax settings (96)Set pauses or flash hooks (96)Set a dialing prefix (97)Set tone-dialing or pulse-dialing (97)Set autoredial and the time between redials (97)Set the light/dark setting (98)Set the default resolution (98)Use cover-page templates (99)viii ENWWSet fax forwarding (99)Block or unblock fax numbers (100)Set the number of rings-to-answer (100)Set distinctive ring (101)Use autoreduction for incoming faxes (102)Set the fax sounds volume (102)Set stamp-received faxes (102)Send a fax (102)Send a fax from the control panel (103)Use speed dials and group-dial entries (103)Send a standard fax from the computer (103)Send a fax from the software (104)Send a fax using monitor dialing (105)Send a fax using printer memory (105)Receive a fax (106)Receive a fax manually (106)Fax memory (107)Reprint a fax (107)Delete faxes from memory (107)Use the phone book (107)Create and edit individual speed-dial entries (108)Create and edit group-dial entries (108)Delete speed-dial entries (108)Use reports (108)Print fax confirmation reports (109)Print fax error reports (110)Print and view the fax log (110)Clear the fax log (110)Print the details of the last fax transaction (111)Print a Caller ID Report (111)View the Call History (111)9 Solve problems (112)Problem-solving checklist (113)Check that the product power is on (113)Check the control panel for error messages (113)Test print functionality (113)Test copy functionality (114)Test the fax-sending functionality (114)Test the fax-receiving functionality (114)ENWW ixTry sending a print job from a computer (114)Test the plug-and-print USB functionality (114)Factors that affect product performance (114)Information pages (115)Factory-set defaults (116)Cleaning routines (116)Clean the printhead (117)Clean the scanner glass strip and platen (117)Clean the document feeder pick rollers and separation pad (118)Clean the touch screen (118)Jams and paper-feed issues (119)The product does not pick up paper (119)The product picks up multiple sheets of paper (119)Prevent paper jams (119)Clear jams (120)Jam locations (120)Clear jams from the document feeder (121)Clear jams in Tray 1 (multipurpose tray) (122)Clear jams in Tray 2 (122)Clear jams in optional Tray 3 (123)Clear jams in the left door (124)Clear jams in the output bin (125)Clear jams in the duplexer (126)Cartridge issues (127)Refilled or remanufactured cartridges (127)Interpret control panel messages for cartridges (127)Cartridge Depleted (127)Cartridge Low (128)Cartridge Very Low (128)Counterfeit or used [color] cartridge installed (128)Do not use SETUP cartridges (128)Genuine HP cartridge installed (128)Incompatible [color] (129)Incompatible cartridges (129)Install [color] cartridge (129)Non-HP cartridges installed (129)Printer Failure (130)Problem with Print System (130)Problem with Printer Preparation (130)Problem with SETUP cartridges (130)Use SETUP cartridges (130)x ENWWUsed [color] installed (131)Printing issues (131)The product does not print (131)The product prints slowly (132)Plug-and-print USB issues (132)The Memory Device Options menu does not open when you insert the USBaccessory (132)The file does not print from the USB storage device (132)The file that you want to print is not listed in the Memory Device Options menu (133)Improve print quality (133)Check for genuine HP cartridges (133)Use paper that meets HP specifications (133)Use the correct paper type setting in the printer driver (134)Change the paper type and size setting (Windows) (134)Change the paper type and size setting (OS X) (134)Use the printer driver that best meets your printing needs (134)Align the printhead (135)Print a print-quality report (135)Scan issues (135)Fax issues (136)Fax troubleshooting checklist (136)Change error correction and fax speed (137)Set the fax-error-correction mode (137)Change the fax speed (137)Fax logs and reports (137)Print individual fax reports (137)Set the fax error report (138)Fax error messages (138)Communication error. (138)Document feeder door is open. Canceled fax. (139)Fax is busy. Canceled send. (139)Fax is busy. Redial pending. (139)Fax receive error. (140)Fax Send error. (140)Fax storage is full. Canceling the fax receive. (141)Fax storage is full. Canceling the fax send. (141)No dial tone. (141)No fax answer. Canceled send. (142)No fax answer. Redial pending. (142)No fax detected. (142)Solve problems sending faxes (143)ENWW xiAn error message displays on the control panel (143)Document feeder paper jam (143)Scanner error (143)The control panel displays a Ready message with no attempt to send the fax. (143)The control panel displays the message "Receiving Page 1" and does not progressbeyond that message (144)Faxes can be received, but not sent (144)Unable to use fax functions from the control panel (144)Unable to use speed dials (144)Unable to use group dials (144)Receive a recorded error message from the phone company when trying to senda fax (145)Unable to send a fax when a phone is connected to the product (145)Solve problems receiving faxes (145)An error message displays on the control panel (145)The fax does not respond (145)Voice mail is available on the fax line (145)The product is connected to a DSL phone service (146)The product uses a fax over IP or VoIP phone service (146)Sender receives a busy signal (146)A handset is connected to the product (146)A phone line splitter is being used (146)Cannot send or receive a fax on a PBX line (146)Solve general fax problems (146)Faxes are sending slowly (146)Fax quality is poor (147)Fax cuts off or prints on two pages (147)Connectivity issues (147)Solve USB direct-connect problems (147)Solve network problems (148)Poor physical connection (148)The computer is using the incorrect IP address for the product (148)The computer is unable to communicate with the product (148)The product is using incorrect link and duplex settings for the network (149)New software programs might be causing compatibility problems (149)The computer or workstation might be set up incorrectly (149)The product is disabled, or other network settings are incorrect (149)Wireless network issues (149)Wireless connectivity checklist (149)The product does not print, and the computer has a third-party firewall installed (150)The wireless connection does not work after moving the wireless router or product (150)xii ENWWCannot connect more computers to the wireless product (150)The wireless product loses communication when connected to a VPN (151)The network does not appear in the wireless networks list (151)The wireless network is not functioning (151)Product software issues (Windows) (151)Product software issues (OS X) (153)The printer driver is not listed in the Print & Scan list (153)The product name does not appear in the product list in the Print & Scan list (153)The printer driver does not automatically set up the selected product in the Print & Scan list (153)A print job was not sent to the product that you wanted (153)When connected with a USB cable, the product does not appear in the Print & Scan list afterthe driver is selected. (153)You are using a generic printer driver when using a USB connection (154)10 Service and support (155)Customer support (156)HP limited warranty statement (157)UK, Ireland, and Malta (158)Austria, Belgium, Germany, and Luxemburg (158)Belgium, France, and Luxemburg (159)Italy (160)Spain (160)Denmark (161)Norway (161)Sweden (161)Portugal (162)Greece and Cyprus (162)Hungary (162)Czech Republic (163)Slovakia (163)Poland (163)Bulgaria (164)Romania (164)Belgium and the Netherlands (164)Finland (165)Slovenia (165)Croatia (165)Latvia (165)Lithuania (166)Estonia (166)Russia (166)ENWW xiiiAppendix A Technical information (167)Product specifications (168)Print specifications (168)Physical specifications (168)Power consumption and electrical specifications (168)Acoustic emission specifications (168)Environmental specifications (168)Environmental product stewardship program (170)Protecting the environment (171)Ozone production (171)Power consumption (171)European Union Commission Regulation 1275/2008 (171)Paper (171)HP PageWide printing supplies (171)Plastics (171)Electronic hardware recycling (172)Material restrictions (172)General battery information (172)Battery disposal in Taiwan (172)California Perchlorate Material Notice (172)EU Battery Directive (172)Battery notice for Brazil (173)Chemical substances (173)EPEAT (173)Disposal of waste equipment by users (173)Toxic and hazardous substance table (China) (174)Restriction on hazardous substances statement (Turkey) (174)Restriction on hazardous substances statement (Ukraine) (174)Restriction of hazardous substance statement (India) (174)China energy label for printer, fax, and copier (175)China SEPA Eco Label user information (175)Regulatory information (176)Regulatory notices (176)Regulatory model identification number (176)FCC statement (176)VCCI statement (Japan) (177)Power cord instructions (177)Power cord statement (Japan) (177)EMC statement (Korea) (177)Visual display workplaces statement for Germany (177)European Union Regulatory Notice (178)xiv ENWWEuropean Union Regulatory Notice (178)Wireless models only (178)Models with fax capability only (178)Additional statements for telecom (fax) products (179)New Zealand telecom statements (179)Additional FCC statement for telecom products (US) (179)Industry Canada CS-03 requirements (180)Notice to users of the Canadian telephone network (181)Australia wired fax statement (181)Notice to users of the German telephone network (181)Additional statements for wireless products (182)Exposure to radio frequency radiation (182)Notice to users in Brazil (182)Canadian statements (182)Japan statement (183)Notice to users in Korea (183)Taiwan statement (183)Mexico statement (183)Index (184)ENWW xvxvi ENWW1Product basics●Product features●Product views●Power on and off●Use the control panel●Quiet ModeENWW1Product featuresPageWide Pro MFP 477dnD3Q19A, D3Q19B, D3Q19C,D3Q19D Tray capacity (75 GSM or 20–lb Bond paper)●Tray 1: 50 sheets ●Tray 2: 500 sheets ●Optional Tray 3: 500 sheets ●Automatic Document Feeder(ADF): 50 sheets●Standard output bin: 300sheetsPrint ●Simplex speeds up to 40 pagesper minute (ppm) for both color and black with Professional quality●Duplex speeds up to 21 ppmfor both color and black with Professional quality●Up to 55 ppm in General Officemode●Walkup Plug-and-Print USBDevice port●Walkup printing of MS Officedocuments Copy ●Simplex speeds up to 40 ppm in black and color ●Single-pass, two-sided copying for speeds up to 26 ppm in black and color ●50-sheet ADF supports page sizes up to 356 mm (14.0 in) in length and 216 mm (8.5 in) in width Scan●Duplex speeds up to 26 ppm for both color and black ●Scan to walkup USB device, email address, network folder, or SharePoint site ●Glass supports page sizes up to 356 mm (14.0 in) in length and up to 216 mm (8.5 in) in width ●HP software enables scanning a document to a file that can be edited ●Compatible with TWAIN, WIA, and WS-Scan programs Fax●Fax to email address ornetwork folder●Fax from walkup control panelor from program on connected computer●Fax archive, fax log, junk-faxblocking, non-volatile fax memory, fax redirect featureConnectivity ●802.3 LAN (10/100) Ethernet port ●Host USB Type A and Type B ports (back)●USB 2.0 Device port (front)PageWide Pro MFP 477dw D3Q20A, D3Q20B, D3Q20C, D3Q20D Has the same features as the PageWide Pro MFP 477dn, and includes the following:●Embedded wireless capability ●802.11n 5GHz dual bandsupport●HP ePrint—send documents tothe product email address for printing●HP Wireless Direct support ●NFC-enabled (Near FieldCommunications); walkup printing from smart phones and tablets●Scan to smart phone 2Chapter 1 Product basics ENWWEnvironmental featuresFeature Environmental benefitDuplex printing Automatic duplex printing is available on all models of HP PageWide Pro MFP477dn/dw series. Duplex printing saves the environment and saves you money.Print multiple pages per sheet Save paper by printing two or more pages of a document side-by-side on onesheet of paper. Access this feature through the printer driver.Copies multiple pages per sheet Save paper by copying two pages of an original document side-by-side on onesheet of paper.Recycling Reduce waste by using recycled paper.Recycle cartridges by using the HP Planet Partners return process.Energy savings Sleep modes and timer options enable this product to quickly go into reducedpower states when not printing, thus saving energy. Accessibility featuresThe product includes several features that aid users with limited vision, hearing, dexterity or strength.●Online user guide that is compatible with text screen-readers.●Cartridges can be installed and removed using one hand.●All doors and covers can be opened using one hand.ENWW Product features3Product views●Front left view●Front right view●Back view●Cartridge door viewFront left viewLabel Description1USB device connection port2Cartridge door3Tray 1 extension4Tray 15Power button6Tray 2–main paper tray7Control panel8Scanner glass4Chapter 1 Product basics ENWWFront right viewLabel Description1Automatic document feeder (ADF) cover2Main output door3ADF paper guides4ADF loading area5ADF output bin6ADF output bin stop7Main output bin stop8Main output binBack viewLabel Description1Ethernet connection port2Fax connection ports3USB Type A and USB Type B ports4Power cord connectionENWW Product views5Label Description5Left door6DuplexerCartridge door viewLabel Description1Cartridge slots2Product serial number and product number3Cartridge part numbers6Chapter 1 Product basics ENWWPower on and offNOTICE:To prevent damage to the product, use only the power cord that is provided with the product.●Turn the product on●Manage power●Turn the product offTurn the product on1.Connect the power cord that is provided with the product to the connection port on the back of theproduct.2.Connect the power cord to a wall outlet with an adequate voltage rating.NOTE:Make sure that your power source is adequate for the product voltage rating. The product useseither 100-240 Vac or 200-240 Vac and 50/60 Hz.3.Press and release the power button on the front of the product.Manage powerHP PageWide Pro MFP 477dn/dw series printers include power-management features that can help reducepower consumption and save energy.●Sleep Mode puts the product in a reduced power-consumption state if it has been idle for a specificlength of time. You can set the length of time before the product enters Sleep Mode from the controlpanel.●Schedule On/Off enables you to turn the product on or off automatically at days and time that you setfrom the control panel. For example, you can set the product to turn off at 6 p.m. on Monday throughFriday.Set the Sleep Mode time1.Open the control panel dashboard (swipe the dashboard tab at the top of any screen downward, ortouch the dashboard area on the home screen).2.On the control panel dashboard, touch .ENWW Power on and off73.Touch Power Management, and then touch Sleep Mode.4.Select one of the time-interval options.The product switches into a reduced power-consumption state when it has been idle for the amount of timethat you select.Schedule the product to turn on or off1.Open the control panel dashboard (swipe the dashboard tab at the top of any screen downward, ortouch the dashboard area on the home screen).2.On the control panel dashboard, touch .3.Touch Power Management, and then touch Schedule Printer On/Off.4.Turn the Schedule On or Schedule Off option on.5.Select the Schedule On or Schedule Off options at the bottom of the screen, and then select the day andtime that you want to schedule.The product switches on or off at the time you select on the day you select.NOTE:The product cannot receive faxes when it is turned off. Faxes sent during a scheduled off interval willprint when the product is turned on.Turn the product offNOTICE:Do not turn off the product if a cartridge is missing. Damage to the product can result.▲Press and release the power button on the front of the product to turn off your HP PageWide Pro MFP 477dn/dw series printer.A warning message appears on the control panel if you attempt to turn the product off when one ormore cartridges are missing.NOTICE:To prevent print-quality problems, turn off the product by using the power button on the frontonly. Do not unplug the product, turn off the powerstrip, or use any other method.8Chapter 1 Product basics ENWWUse the control panel●Control panel buttons●Control panel home screen●Control panel dashboard●Control panel application folders●Control panel shortcuts●Help featuresNOTE:The small text on the control panel is not designed for prolonged viewing.Control panel buttonsButtons and indicator lights on the control panel of HP PageWide Pro MFP 477dn/dw series printers appear litwhen their function is available, and are darkened if their function is not available.1Home button.Touch to view the control panel home screen.2Wireless network indicator.Solid blue when the product is connected to a wireless network. Blinks when the product is searching for awireless connection. Off when the product is connected to a wired network or by a USB cable.3NFC (Near Field Communications) indicator.The product can be enabled for walkup printing from tablets and smart phones.4Back or Cancel button.Touch to return to the previous screen, or to cancel the current process.5Help button.Touch to view the Help menu options.ENWW Use the control panel9。
HP Color LaserJet CM2320 MFP 系列 说明书
![HP Color LaserJet CM2320 MFP 系列 说明书](
HP Color LaserJet CM2320 MFP 系列用户指南版权与许可© 2008 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.未经事先书面许可,严禁进行任何形式的复制、改编或翻译,除非版权法另有规定。
HP 产品及服务的保修仅以随该产品及服务提供的书面保修声明为准。
对任何技术或编辑错误或者本文所述内容的遗漏,HP 不承担任何责任。
Edition 2, 04/2008部件号:CC434-90928商标声明Adobe®、Acrobat®和 PostScript®是 Adobe Systems Incorporated 的商标。
Microsoft®、Windows®和 Windows NT®均为 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。
UNIX®是 The Open Group 的注册商标。
目录1 产品基本信息产品比较 (2)产品功能 (3)产品概览 (4)正视图 (4)后视图 (5)接口端口 (6)2 控制面板HP Color LaserJet CM2320 控制面板 (8)HP Color LaserJet CM2320 MFP 传真型号和 HP Color LaserJet CM2320 MFP 内存卡型号控制面板 (9)控制面板菜单 (10)使用控制面板菜单 (10)控制面板设置菜单 (10)特定功能菜单 (20)3 Windows 软件支持的 Windows 操作系统 (26)Windows 支持的打印机驱动程序 (27)HP 通用打印驱动程序 (UPD) (28)UPD 安装模式 (28)选择适用于 Windows 的正确打印机驱动程序 (29)打印设置优先级 (30)更改 Windows 打印机驱动程序设置 (31)适用于 Windows 的软件安装类型 (32)删除 Windows 软件 (33)Windows 支持的实用程序 (34)HP ToolboxFX (34)内嵌式 Web 服务器 (34)HP Web Jetadmin (34)其它 Windows 组件和实用程序 (34)适用于其它操作系统的软件 (36)4 配合使用产品与 Macintosh用于 Macintosh 的软件 (38)支持的 Macintosh 操作系统 (38)Macintosh 支持的打印机驱动程序 (38)ZHCN iii更改 Macintosh 打印机驱动程序设置 (38)适用于 Macintosh 的软件安装类型 (39)从 Macintosh 操作系统中删除软件 (39)Macintosh 支持的实用程序 (39)使用 Macintosh 打印机驱动程序中的功能 (40)打印 (40)扫描 (42)传真(仅限 HP LaserJet CM2320 传真型号/CM2320 内存卡型号) (43)照片 (43)5 连接方式支持的网络操作系统 (46)USB 连接 (46)打印机共享免责声明 (47)支持的网络协议 (48)在网络上安装产品 (49)配置网络产品 (50)查看设置 (50)更改设置 (50)设置密码 (51)IP 地址 (51)链接速度设置 (52)6 纸张和打印介质了解纸张和打印介质的使用 (54)支持的纸张和打印介质尺寸 (55)支持的纸张类型和纸盘容量 (57)特殊纸张或打印介质规格 (58)装入纸张和打印介质 (59)纸盘 1 (59)纸盘 2 或 3 (60)配置纸盘 (62)7 使用产品功能经济设置 (64)存档打印 (64)字体 (65)选择字体 (65)打印可用字体列表 (65)8 打印任务取消打印作业 (68)使用 Windows 打印机驱动程序中的功能 (69)打开打印机驱动程序 (69)使用打印快捷方式 (69)设置纸张和质量选项 (69)设置文档效果 (69)iv ZHCN获取支持和产品状态信息 (70)设置高级打印选项 (70)更改打印质量设置 (72)打印边到边原件 (73)9 复印装入原件 (76)使用复印功能 (78)单触复印 (78)多份副本 (78)取消复印作业 (78)缩小或放大副本 (79)更改复印整理设置 (80)彩色复印或黑白复印(单色) (80)复印设置 (81)复印质量 (81)定义自定义复印设置 (82)在不同类型和尺寸的介质上复印 (82)恢复默认复印设置 (84)复印书籍 (85)复印照片 (87)复印混合尺寸原件 (88)双面复印作业 (89)自动复印双面文档(仅限 HP Color LaserJet CM2320 MFP 内存卡型号) (89)手动复印双面文档 (90)10 窗口颜色管理颜色 (94)自动 (94)灰度打印 (94)手动颜色调整 (94)颜色主题 (94)匹配颜色 (96)使用 Microsoft Office Basic Colors 调色板匹配颜色 (96)使用 HP 基本配色工具匹配颜色 (96)使用“查看自定义颜色”匹配颜色 (97)使用高级颜色功能 (98)HP ColorSphere 碳粉 (98)HP ImageREt 3600 (98)介质选择 (98)颜色选项 (98)标准红绿蓝 (sRGB) (98)11 扫描装入要扫描的原件 (100)使用扫描功能 (102)扫描方法 (102)使用扫描功能 (102)ZHCN v扫描设置 (108)扫描文件格式 (108)扫描仪分辨率和颜色 (108)扫描质量 (109)扫描书籍 (110)扫描照片 (112)12 传真(仅限传真型号)传真功能 (114)设置 (115)安装和连接硬件 (115)配置传真设置 (117)管理电话簿 (118)设置传真轮询 (121)更改传真设置 (122)设定音量设置 (122)发送传真设置 (122)接收传真设置 (126)使用传真 (131)传真软件 (131)取消传真 (131)从内存删除传真 (132)在 DSL、PBX、ISDN 或 VoIP 系统上使用传真 (132)发送传真 (133)接收传真 (143)解决传真问题 (144)传真错误消息 (144)断电时保持传真内存 (147)传真记录和报告 (147)更改错误纠正和传真速度 (151)发送传真出现问题 (154)接收传真出现问题 (155)执行问题 (157)13 照片插入内存卡 (160)更改内存卡默认设置 (162)直接从内存卡打印照片 (163)打印内存卡缩略图页 (165)从校样页打印和扫描照片 (166)14 管理和维护产品信息页 (168)HP ToolboxFX (170)查看 HP ToolboxFX (170)状态 (171)警报 (172)产品信息 (173)vi ZHCN帮助 (176)系统设置 (177)打印设置 (179)网络设置 (180)电子邮件 (180)嵌入式 Web 服务器 (181)功能 (181)使用 HP Web Jetadmin 软件 (182)安全功能 (183)使用内嵌式 Web 服务器可以启用密码保护功能。
HP Officejet Pro L7300 L7500 L7600 L7700 说明书
![HP Officejet Pro L7300 L7500 L7600 L7700 说明书](
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3 使用一体机 使用控制面板菜单 ......................................................................................................23 控制面板信息类型 ......................................................................................................24 状态信息 ...............................................................................................................24 警告信息 ...............................................................................................................24 错误信息 ...............................................................................................................24 严重错误信息 ........................................................................................................24 更改设备设置 .............................................................................................................25 使用 HP 解决方案中心(Windows) .........................................................................25 使用 HP 照片和图像处理软件 ....................................................................................26 文字和符号 .................................................................................................................27 使用控制面板键盘输入数字和文字 .......................................................................27 输入文字 ..........................................................................................................27 输入空格、暂停或符号 ....................................................................................27 删除字母、数字或符号 ....................................................................................27 使用软键盘输入文字(仅限特定机型) ................................................................28 拨打传真号码时可以使用的符号(仅限特定机型) ..............................................28
HP Photosmart D7100 series 说明书
![HP Photosmart D7100 series 说明书](
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3 在不使用计算机的情况下打印照片...........................................................23 打印照片...................................................................................................23 从存储卡打印照片..............................................................................23 打印一张或多张照片....................................................................23 打印存储卡上的所有照片.............................................................23 打印存储卡上相机选定的照片......................................................24 使用向导进行打印........................................................................24 从视频剪辑打印照片....................................................................24 打印照片索引页...........................................................................25 停止打印......................................................................................25 从数码相机打印照片...........................................................................25 具有 Bluetooth 无线技术的数码相机............................................25 具有 PictBridge 技术的数码相机..................................................26 从 iPod 打印照片................................................................................26 照片布局...................................................................................................26
HP laserjet P2030系列打印机 说明书
![HP laserjet P2030系列打印机 说明书](
HP LaserJet P2030 系列打印机用户指南版权与许可© 2008 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.未经事先书面许可,严禁进行任何形式的复制、改编或翻译,除非版权法另有规定。
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对任何技术或编辑错误或者本文所述内容的遗漏,HP 不承担任何责任。
部件号: CE461-90937Edition 1, 10/2008商标声明Adobe®、Acrobat®和 PostScript®是 Adobe Systems Incorporated 的商标。
Intel® Core™ 是 Intel Corporation 在美国和其它国家/地区的商标。
Microsoft®、Windows® 和 Windows® XP是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。
Windows Vista™ 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其它国家/地区的注册商标或商标。
UNIX®是 The Open Group 的注册商标。
目录1 产品基本信息产品比较 (2)HP LaserJet P2030 系列型号 (2)产品功能 (3)产品概览 (4)前视图 (4)后视图 (4)接口端口 (5)型号和序列号标签位置 (5)2 控制面板3 Windows 软件支持的 Windows 操作系统 (10)支持的 Windows 打印机驱动程序 (11)打印设置优先级 (12)更改 Windows 打印机驱动程序设置 (13)删除 Windows 软件 (14)支持的 Windows 实用程序 (15)状态警报软件 (15)Windows 支持的网络实用程序 (16)内嵌式 Web 服务器 (16)用于其它操作系统的软件 (17)4 在 Macintosh 上使用产品用于 Macintosh 的软件 (20)支持的 Macintosh 操作系统 (20)更改 Macintosh 打印机驱动程序设置 (20)用于 Macintosh 计算机的软件 (20)HP Printer Utility (20)打开 HP Printer Utility (20)支持的 Macintosh 实用程序 (21)内嵌式 Web 服务器 (21)ZHCN iii使用 Macintosh 打印机驱动程序中的功能 (22)打印 (22)在 Macintosh 中创建和使用打印预置 (22)调整文档大小或在自定义纸张尺寸上打印 (22)打印封面 (22)使用水印 (23)在 Macintosh 中在一张纸上打印多个页面 (23)在页面两面打印(双面打印) (24)使用维修菜单 (24)5 连接方式USB 和并行连接 (26)网络配置 (27)支持的网络协议 (27)在网络上安装产品 (28)配置网络产品 (28)查看或更改网络设置 (28)设置或更改网络密码 (28)IP 地址 (29)链接速度设置 (29)6 纸张与打印介质了解纸张和打印介质的使用 (32)支持的纸张和打印介质尺寸 (33)自定义纸张尺寸 (35)支持的纸张和打印介质类型 (36)纸盘和纸槽容量 (37)特殊纸张或打印介质规格 (38)装入纸盘 (39)装入纸盘的纸张方向 (39)纸盘 1 (39)纸盘 2 (40)装入 A6 尺寸纸张 (40)手动送纸 (41)配置纸盘 (42)使用纸张输出选件 (43)打印到顶部(标准)出纸槽 (43)打印到直通送纸道(后出纸槽) (43)7 使用产品功能EconoMode (46)安静模式 (47)iv ZHCN8 打印任务取消打印作业 (50)从控制面板停止当前打印作业 (50)使用软件程序停止当前打印作业 (50)使用 Windows 打印机驱动程序中的功能 (51)打开打印机驱动程序 (51)使用快速设置 (51)设置纸张和质量选项 (51)设置文档效果 (51)设置文档完成选项 (52)获取支持和产品状态信息 (53)设置高级打印选项 (53)9 管理和维护产品打印信息页 (56)演示页 (56)配置页 (56)耗材状态页 (56)管理网络产品 (57)内嵌式 Web 服务器 (57)打开内嵌式 Web 服务器 (57)信息选项卡 (57)Settings(设置)选项卡 (57)Networking(联网)选项卡 (58)Links(链接) (58)保护内嵌式 Web 服务器安全 (58)锁定产品 (59)管理耗材 (60)耗材寿命 (60)管理打印碳粉盒 (60)打印碳粉盒存放 (60)使用原装 HP 打印碳粉盒 (60)HP 对非 HP 打印碳粉盒的策略 (60)打印碳粉盒鉴别 (60)HP 打假热线和网站 (60)更换耗材和部件 (61)耗材更换准则 (61)重新分布碳粉 (61)更换打印碳粉盒 (62)清洁产品 (64)清洁打印碳粉盒区域 (64)清洁纸张通路 (65)清洁纸盘 1 的拾纸轮 (66)ZHCN v清洁纸盘 2 的拾纸轮 (70)10 解决问题解决一般问题 (74)故障排除检查清单 (74)影响产品性能的因素 (75)恢复工厂设置 (76)状态指示灯模式 (77)状态警报消息 (83)卡纸 (85)卡纸常见原因 (85)卡塞位置 (85)清除卡纸 (86)内部区域 (86)打印碳粉盒区域和送纸道 (86)进纸盘 (88)纸盘 1 (88)纸盘 2 (89)出纸槽 (91)解决打印质量问题 (93)与纸张有关的打印质量问题 (93)与环境有关的打印质量问题 (93)与卡纸有关的打印质量问题 (93)调整打印浓度 (93)图像缺陷示例 (94)颜色浅淡 (94)碳粉斑点 (94)丢字 (94)垂直线 (95)灰色背景 (95)碳粉污迹 (95)松散的碳粉 (95)垂直重复的缺陷 (96)字符变形 (96)页面歪斜 (96)卷曲或波形 (96)起皱或折痕 (97)字符轮廓边缘的碳粉分散 (97)解决性能问题 (98)解决连接问题 (99)解决直接连接问题 (99)解决网络问题 (99)解决常见的 Windows 问题 (101)vi ZHCN解决常见的 Macintosh 问题 (102)解决 Linux 问题 (104)附录 A 耗材和附件订购部件、附件和耗材 (106)直接从 HP 订购 (106)通过服务或支持提供商订购 (106)产品号 (107)打印碳粉盒 (107)电缆和接口 (107)附录 B 服务与支持Hewlett-Packard 有限保修声明 (110)打印碳粉盒有限保修声明 (111)最终用户许可协议 (112)客户自助维修保修服务 (114)客户支持 (115)HP 维护协议 (116)现场服务协议 (116)次日现场服务 (116)每周(批量)现场服务 (116)重新包装产品 (116)延长保修期 (116)附录 C 规格物理规格 (118)功耗和噪声发射 (119)操作环境 (120)附录 D 规范信息FCC 规则 (122)环境产品管理计划 (123)保护环境 (123)产生臭氧 (123)能耗 (123)碳粉消耗 (123)纸张使用 (123)塑料 (123)HP LaserJet 打印耗材 (123)返回和回收说明 (123)美国和波多黎各 (123)多个返回(一个以上的碳粉盒) (124)单个返回 (124)ZHCN vii货运 (124)美国以外国家/地区的返回 (124)纸张 (124)材料限制 (124)欧盟用户丢弃私人废弃设备的规定 (124)材料安全数据表 (MSDS) (125)更多信息 (125)一致性声明 (126)一致性声明 (126)安全声明 (127)激光安全 (127)加拿大 DOC 规则 (127)VCCI 声明(日本) (127)电源线声明(日本) (127)EMI 声明(韩国) (127)芬兰激光声明 (127)有毒有害物质表(中国) (128)索引 (129)viii ZHCN1产品基本信息●产品比较●产品功能●产品概览ZHCN1HP LaserJet P2030 系列型号HP LaserJet P2035 打印机CE461AHP LaserJet P2035n 打印机CE462A●在 Letter 尺寸纸张上每分钟最多可打印 30 页 (ppm),在 A4 尺寸纸张上最多为 30 ppm●包含 16 兆字节 (MB) 的随机存取内存 (RAM)●使用 HP 打印碳粉盒时,额定打印量最大为 1,000 页●纸盘 1 最多可以容纳 50 张纸●纸盘 2 最多可以容纳 250 张纸●125 页面朝下出纸槽●直通式出纸通道●高速 USB 2.0 端口●并行端口与 HP LaserJet P2035 型号功能相同,另外还有以下不同:●板上联网●无并行端口2第 1 章 产品基本信息ZHCN功能说明性能●266 MHz 处理器用户界面● 2 按钮,6 LED 控制面板●Windows® 和 Macintosh 打印机驱动程序●内嵌式 Web 服务器,可访问支持信息和订购耗材(仅适用于联网型号)打印机驱动程序●用于 Windows 和 Macintosh 的基于主机的打印机驱动程序,随产品 CD 提供●HP UPD PCL 5 打印机驱动程序,可从 Web 下载●XML 纸张规范 (XPS) 打印机驱动程序,可从 Web 下载分辨率●FastRes 1200 - 可提供 1200 点/英寸 (dpi) 的打印分辨率,可快速、高质量地打印商业文本和图形●600 dpi —提供最快打印速度字体●45 种内置可缩放字体●软件解决方案提供 80 种 TrueType 格式、与设备匹配的屏幕字体连接性●高速 USB 2.0 连接●并行连接(仅适用于 HP LaserJet P2035 打印机)●RJ.45 网络连接(仅适用于 HP LaserJet P2035n 打印机)耗材●耗材状态页包含碳粉量、页数和大约剩余页数方面的信息。
中国惠普公司商业用户支持部有限保修声明一、基本信息1. 凡属正常使用情况下由于产品本身质量问题引起的故障,在保修期内,惠普公司将负责给予有限保修。
2. 产品出现故障,请直接与惠普售后支持热线8008105959联系。
3. 若对所选购的产品有超出标准保修之外的需求,欢迎致电售前咨询热线8008202255,查询为用户精心准备的各类保修级别升级、保修期延长等金牌服务产品。
4. 产品的保修期以惠普公司在中国发布该产品时宣布的保修期限为准,详情(保修期及保修级别)可查询惠普电子化支持网站 。
二、保修政策1. 用户请妥善保存本保修卡及购机时经销商开具的国家税务局标准发票或其复印件。
2. 产品的保修起始日期为发票购机日期。
3. 宽限期是指机器从工厂发货之日起,至产品被最终交货或安装的一段时间。
4. 现场服务在某些地区无法提供。
5. 经维修的机器,在保修期内继续享有保修服务;若距保修期结束已不足三个月,则所更换的备件自更换之日起享有三个月保修。
6. 维修更换下来的备件归惠普公司所有。
7. 用户应对其数据的安全性自行负责。
HP LaserJet M1005 MFP用户指南说明书
![HP LaserJet M1005 MFP用户指南说明书](
自定义尺寸介质 ............................................................................................................................... 16 标签 ................................................................................................................................................... 17
2 软件 ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 最低系统要求 ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 支持的操作系统 .................................................................................................................................................... 7 软件安装 ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 打印机驱动程序 .................................................................................................................................................... 9 打印机驱动程序帮助 ......................................................................................................................... 9 更改打印机驱动程序设置 ................................................................................................................. 9 适用于 Windows 的软件 ..................................................................................................................................... 11 HP LaserJet 扫描软件 ....................................................................................................................... 11 安装 Windows 设备软件 .................................................................................................................. 11 卸载 Windows 设备软件 .................................................................................................................. 11 适用于 Macintosh 的软件 ................................................................................................................................... 12 安装 Macintosh 设备软件 ................................................................................................................ 12 卸载 Macintosh 设备软件 ................................................................................................................ 12
![HP SAM](
© Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文档中包含 的信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。
Microsoft 和 Windows 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和其他国家/地区的商标。
随 HP 产品和服务附带的明示保修声明涵盖了 相应产品和服务的全部保修服务。本文档中 的内容不应视为构成任何附加保修条款。HP 对本文档中出现的技术错误、编辑错误或遗 漏不承担任何责任。
警告! 以这种方式显示的文字表示如果不按照指示操作,可能会造成人身伤害或带来生命危险。 注意: 以这种方式显示的文字表示如果不按照指示操作,可能会损坏设备或丢失信息。 注: 以这种方式显示的文字用以提供重要的补充信息。
iv 关于本手册
1 简介 本发行版中的新增功能 ......................................................................................................................... 2 多级管理员 ........................................................................................................................... 2 多会话 – 角色分配 .............................................................................................................. 3 单个位置客户端配置 ............................................................................................................ 3 刀片式服务(Windows XP 64 位) ...................................................................................... 3 刀片式服务(PWS 工作站) ................................................................................................ 3 USB 会话简化 ...................................................................................................................... 3 Reconnect All(全部重新连接)按钮 ................................................................................... 3 合法横幅 .............................................................................................................................. 4 窗口定位增强功能(移动更简单) ....................................................................................... 4 全局和本地客户端配置文件 .................................................................................................. 4 简单部署多个显示和 Web 管理员设置 ................................................................................. 5 用户资源管理控制 ................................................................................................................ 6 增强的 Add New User(添加新用户)搜索 ......................................................................... 6 主要特性 ............................................................................................................................................... 6 概述 ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 HP SAM 的工作原理 ............................................................................................................ 8 HP SAM 软件组件 ................................................................................................................ 9 远程图形软件 (RGS) .......................................................................................................... 10 常规任务 ............................................................................................................................................. 10 设置 HP SAM ..................................................................................................................... 10 设置具有动态资源的用户 ................................................................................................... 12 设置具有静态(专用)资源的用户 ..................................................................................... 13 配置用户的显示器布局 ....................................................................................................... 14
HP 服务器产品废弃回收指南说明书
![HP 服务器产品废弃回收指南说明书](
EL-MF877-00 Page 1 Template Revision BProduct End-of-Life Disassembly InstructionsProduct Category: Servers Marketing Name / Model[List multiple models if applicable.] HP Integrity BL860c i4 Server Blades HP Integrity BL870c i4 Server Blades HP Integrity BL890c i4 Server BladesPurpose: The document is intended for use by end-of-life recyclers or treatment facilities. It provides the basic instructions for the disassembly of HP products to remove components and materials requiring selective treatment, as defined by EU directive 2002/96/EC, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). 1.0 Items Requiring Selective Treatment1.1 Items listed below are classified as requiring selective treatment.1.2 Enter the quantity of items contained within the product which require selective treatment in the right column, asapplicable.Item Description NotesQuantity of itemsincluded in product Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) or Printed Circuit Assemblies (PCA)With a surface greater than 10 sq cmServer unit is configurable and may contain some of the following assemblies:AM377-60001 PCA, BL8x0c i4 System Board AD399-2134A CPU Socket Airflow baffle AM377-60002 PCA, BL1 AM377-60003 PCA, BL2 AM377-60010 PCA, BL2EM AM377-60011 PCA, BL2ES AM377-60006 PCA, BL4M AM377-60007 PCA, BL4SAM377-60033 PCA, Upgrade BL2 AM377-60036 PCA, Upgrade BL4M AD399-60009 PCA, SAS BackPlane AM377-60013 PCA, ICH w/TPMAD399-60013 PCA, ICH-WITHOUT TPMAT085-2022A HP BL8x0c i4 Itanium 9560 8c Proc AT085-2021A HP BL8x0c i4 Itanium 9540 8c Proc AT085-2020A HP BL8x0c i4 Itanium 9550 4c Proc AT085-2019A HP BL8x0c i4 Itanium 9520 4c Proc AT085-2026A HP BL8x0c i4 Itanium 9560 8c Proc AT085-2025A HP BL8x0c i4 Itanium 9540 8c ProcUp to 137 (when fully loaded)EL-MF877-00 Page 2 Template Revision BAT085-2024A HP BL8x0c i4 Itanium 9550 4c Proc AT085-2023A HP BL8x0c i4 Itanium 9520 4c Proc 605312-371 DIMM,4GB PC3L-10600R,512Mx4 605313-371 DIMM,8GB PC3L-10600R,512Mx4 628974-381 DIMM,16GB PC3L-10600R,1Gx4507129-009 HP 146GB 6G SAS 15K 2.5in DP HDD 507129-003 HP 300GB 6G SAS 10K 2.5in DP HDD 507129-019 HP 300GB 6G SAS 15K 2.5in DP HDD 507129-011 HP 450GB 6G SAS 10K 2.5in DP HDD 507129-013 HP 600GB 6G SAS 10K 2.5in DP HDD 507129-017 HP 900GB 6G SAS 10K 2.5in DP HDD 632520-003 HP 200GB SAS 2.5in SSD SLC Drive 632520-005 HP 400GB SAS 2.5in SSD SLC Drive 613433-001 HP NC553m DP FlexFabric Adptr 580153-001 HP NC551m DP FlexFabric Adptr 454521-002 HP NC532m NIC Adapter 445976-001 HP NC360m NIC Adapter610607-001 HP NC552m Flex-10GbE Dual Port 447881-001 HP NC364m NIC Adapter451872-001 HP QLogic QMH2562 8Gb FC HBA 456973-001 HP Emulex LPe1205 8Gb FC HBA 592519-B21 HP 4X QDR IB CX2 Dual Port HCA 613811-001 HP Smart Array P711M/1G FBWCBatteriesAll types including standard alkaline and lithium coin or button style batteries452348-B21 - HP SA P-Series Low Profile Battery CR2032 on System BoardUp to 8 (when fully loaded) Mercury-containing componentsFor example, mercury in lamps, display backlights, scanner lamps, switches, batteriesNone Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) with a surface greater than 100 sq cm Includes background illuminated displays with gas discharge lamps None Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT)None Capacitors / condensers (Containing PCB/PCT) None Electrolytic Capacitors / Condensers measuring greater than 2.5 cm in diameter or height None External electrical cables and cords None Gas Discharge LampsNone Plastics containing Brominated Flame Retardants weighing > 25 grams (not including PCBs or PCAs already listed as a separate item above)NoneComponents and parts containing toner and ink, including liquids, semi-liquids (gel/paste) and toner Include the cartridges, print heads, tubes, vent chambers, and service stations. None Components and waste containing asbestos None Components, parts and materials containing refractory ceramic fibersNone Components, parts and materials containing radioactive substancesNoneEL-MF877-00 Page 3 Template Revision B2.0 Tools RequiredList the type and size of the tools that would typically be used to disassemble the product to a point where components and materials requiring selective treatment can be removed. Tool Description Tool Size (ifapplicable)Torx DriverT10 T15 T20 T25 T27 T30 Phillips screw driver#0 #1 #2 #3 Flat-head screw driver 1/8" 5/32"3.0 Product Disassembly Process3.1 List the basic steps that should typically be followed to remove components and materials requiring selective treatment: 1. Power off the server, and remove it from the enclosure before continuing 2. Remove BladeLink assembly from the front of the Blade, if attached. 3. Remove panels from the Blade by either Torx or screwdriver.4. Server Battery – locate battery and remove by hand or small flat blade screw driver. See visual below.5.Supercap Pack (if applicable) – locate capacitor and pry from the printed circuit board with a large flat head screw driver. See visual below.6. Printed Circuit Boards – follow removal instructions found in the system specific documentation if needed. Some detailsbelow. 7.8. 9. 10. 11.12. Optional Graphic. If the disassembly process is complex, insert a graphic illustration below to identify the items contained in the product that require selective treatment (with descriptions and arrows identifying locations).WARNING! Before proceeding with Disassembling a Blade that requiresPhysical contact with electrical or electronic components, ensure that power is removed or safety precautions are followed to prevent electric shock and equipment damage. Observe all warning and caution labels on equipment.CAUTION: Electrostatic discharge can damage electronic components. Ensure you are properly grounded before beginning an installation procedure.WARNING! The computer contains an internal lithium manganese dioxide, a vanadium pent oxide, or an alkaline battery pack. A risk of fire and burns exists if the battery pack is not properly handled. To reduce the risk of personal injury:• Do not attempt to recharge the battery.• Do not expose the battery to temperatures higher than 60°C (140°F).EL-MF877-00 Page 4 Template Revision B• Do not disassemble, crush, puncture, short external contacts, or dispose of in fire or water.• Replace only with the spare designated for this product.Server batterySupercap Pack (if applicable)DIMM baffleEL-MF877-00 Page 5 Template Revision BDIMMs1. Open the DIMM slot latches.2. Remove the DIMM from the slot.EL-MF877-00 Page 6 Template Revision BProcessor BaffleProcessor and heatsink module1. Rotate the processor locking handle up and back until it reaches a hard stop (see 2 below). WRNING! The heatsink locking lever can constitute a pinch hazard; keep your hands on top of the lever during installation to avoid personal injury.2. Pull both plastic tabs outEL-MF877-00 Page 7 Template Revision B3. Lift the processor and heatsink off of the socket, pulling straight up.Removing a disk drive blankRemove the component as indicated:Removing a disk drive1. Press the release button.2. Open the ejector lever.3. Slide the disk drive out of the drive cage.EL-MF877-00 Page 8 Template Revision BSAS backplane1. Remove the disk drives or disk drive blanks (“Removing a disk drive” or “Removing a disk driveblank”).2. Lift the SAS back plane straight out of the server by the backplane handle.Mezzanine cardEL-MF877-00 Page 9 Template Revision BFor more details on removing components, see HP Integrity BL860c i4, BL870c i4 & BL890ci4 Server Blade User Service Guide.EL-MF877-00 Page 10 Template Revision B。
惠普金牌服务(HP Care Pack)介绍
![惠普金牌服务(HP Care Pack)介绍](
硬件故障 10% 25% 65%
提高IT系统可 用性关键: 您需 要服务商同时支 持软件和硬件维 护, 以提高故障 诊断, 准确定位 和解决问题
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增强型金牌服务(Foundation Care )-保内金牌服务证(IWCP) IWCP-保内金牌服务证 机架服务器 U2GH5E U2GJ4E U2GK3E U7VX7E U7VY6E U7VZ5E U7WG4E U7WH3E U7WJ2E U7VP0E U7VP9E U7VQ8E U7AZ7E U7BB5E HP 3 year 24x7 DL320e Foundation Care Service HP 4 year 24x7 DL320e Foundation Care Service HP 5 year 24x7 DL320e Foundation Care Service HP 3 year 24x7 DL60 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 4 year 24x7 DL60 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 5 year 24x7 DL60 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 3 year 24x7 DL80 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 4 year 24x7 DL80 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 5 year 24x7 DL80 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 3 year 24x7 DL120 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 4 year 24x7 DL120 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 5 year 24x7 DL120 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 3 year 24x7 DL160 Gen9 Foundation Care Service HP 4 year 24x7 DL160 Gen9 Foundation Care Service 说明 IWCP:In-warranty Carepack 保内金牌服务证 7x24,4小时硬件响应; 硬盘返还; 保内金牌服务证,7x24 4小时现场响应; DL320e,三年 DL320e,四年 DL320e,五年 DL60 Gen9,三年 DL60 Gen9,四年 DL60 Gen9,五年 DL80 Gen9,三年 DL80 Gen9,四年 DL80 Gen9,五年 DL120 Gen9,三年 DL120 Gen9,四年 DL120 Gen9,五年 DL160 Gen9,三年 DL160 Gen9,四年 单价
ISV认证计划可以确保兼容基于OpenGL的 软件,以便所有工作站应用能够以最大性 能在HP EliteBook 8440w移动工作站上稳 定运行。在工作站显卡驱动程序技术开发 和优化方面,惠普拥有超过25年的丰富 经验。
Elitebook笔记本电脑的设计符合MILSTD 810G军用标准。通过了一系列严 苛的军用测试,目的是衡量其抗冲击、 防潮、防尘、抗震、耐高温(60摄氏 度/140华氏度)和耐低温的能力(-29摄 氏度/-20华氏度)。
1个ExpressCard/54插槽、Secure Digital(SD)插槽
全尺寸键盘(带有排水孔)、带滚动区的双重指点设备(触摸板与指点杆)、带有Business Card Reader软件的2 MP网络摄像头、触敏控制
HP Recovery Manager(仅Windows® 7和Vista®)、HP QuickLook 3,12、HP QuickWeb13、HP Power Assistant14、HP Client Manager软件、HP Client Configuration Management Agent、HP OpenView电脑配置管理解决方案、HP Performance Advisor、HP SkyRoom
的电费以及实用程序提供商等。惠普建议客户仅将HP Power Assistant报告的信息作为参考使用,以验证环境中的影响。环保计算结果根据美国EPA eGrid 2007数据得出,位置为:/egrid/。不同地区的结果将 有所差异。 15. 需要互联网接入。 16. 最大双通道性能要求两个内存插槽中,具有相同大小和速度的SODIMM。 17. 假设使用Windows 64位操作系统或Linux时的最大内存容量。鉴于系统资源要求,并不是所有安装32位操作系统的计算机都能获得3 GB以上的内存。 18. 对于硬盘,1 GB=10亿字节。为系统恢复软件最多保留8 GB(对于XP)、10 GB(对于Vista®)或15 GB(对于Windows 7®)的磁盘空间。 19. “10/100/1000”或“千兆位”以太网等术语表明产品符合IEEE的802.3ab千兆位以太网标准,并非指实际1 Gb/秒的运行速度。如欲实现高速传输,则需要连接到千兆以太网服务器和网络基础设施。 20. 快速充电技术在系统关闭后,仅用90分钟即可将您的电池电量充至90%。惠普快速充电技术不适用于惠普超大容量电池。 21. 单独购买,也可作为可选功能购买。 22. 60天试用期。接入互联网后才能更新。包括第一次更新。之后的更新需要订购。 23. LoJack agent发运时已关闭。客户需要购买订阅服务将其激活。订阅有效期从1年到4年不等。服务受到限制,请联系Absolute了解在美国之外地区的可用性。 24. 3年有限保修或充放电1000次。电池周期指的是电池在无法容纳可用电量之前完整的充放电总数。了解更多信息,请访问: /bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&objectID =c00596784
使用指南© Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.Bluetooth 是其所有人所擁有的商標,Hewlett-Packard Company 已取得授權使用。
Intel 和 Centrino 是 Intel Corporation 在美國和其他國家/地區的商標。
SD 標誌是其所有人的商標。
Java 是 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 的美國商標。
Microsoft 和 Windows 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美國的註冊商標。
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第一版: 2013 年 9 月文件編號: 734763-AB1產品聲明本使用指南說明大部分機型最常用的功能。
並非所有版本的 Windows 8 系統都能提供所有功能。
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如果您不接受這些授權條款,可於14 天內退回未使用的完整產品 (含硬體與軟體),並依據購買地點的退款原則取得退款,此為唯一補償形式。
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