SevenWondersoftheWorld世界七大奇观SevenWondersoftheWorld世界七大奇观The only surviving wonder of the ancient world is the Great Pyramid. It was built nearly 5,000 years ago as the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh3 Khufu, who ruled about 2,700 B.C. Covering an area of 13 acres at its base, the pyramid contains nearly 2,500,000 well-cut stone blocks. Each block weighs about 2.5 tons, although some weigh many tons more. At its peak4 the pyramid originally5 rose to a height of 481 feet. The area it occupies could contain four of the largest European churches. Yet the men who built it did not have even animals for labor, let alone machinery. Even the wheel was unknown to them, and the huge stone blocks were then pulled by an enormous number of laborers. The only mechanical aids they had were levers6, and primitive7 cutting tools. Yet in spite of these difficulties, the Great Pyramid is so accurately constructed that a thin piece of glass can hardly be inserted8 between the close-fitting stones.2.Hanging Gardens of BabylonThe next oldest wonder was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The 5th century Greek historian Herodotus has left us a full description of the gardens in all their glory. They were created over 2,500 years ago by King Nebuchadnezzar Ⅱ(605—562B.C.). Some say he had them made to delight his young bride9, who came from mountainous Persia10. Babylonia lay in the flat land of Mesopotamia11 and had no mountains. On the banks of the Euphrates River, which flowed through his royal city, the King’s workmen raised an artificial12 hill 350 feet high. It was made up of a series of platforms with trees, lawns13, and flowers. Water from the river was pumped14 to the top of the hill and allowedto flow down through canals and small waterfalls. A heaven of coolness and beauty was created in that hot, thirsty land. Little remains of Babylon today except piles15 of broken mud brick.3.Statue16 of ZeusThe huge figure of Zeus, King of the Gods, stood in the Temple of Zeus at Olympia in Greece. It was completed about 456 B.C. The statue rose to a height of 40 feet and almost touched the temple ceiling17. It was made of thin plates of gold and ivory18, covering a wooden form. The eyes were made of two large jewels. The statue was moved to Constantinople in the 5th century A.D. and was destroyed by fire about 475. Today visitors to Olympia, where the first Olympic Games were held, see only the foundations19 of the building in which it stood. But the workshop where the parts of the statue were prepared has been discovered nearby. Here some of the tools and even the molds20 from which the gold plates were made can still be seen.4.Temple of DianaDiana was the Roman name for Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon, protecting unmarried girls and animals. She was worshipped21 in many places, but her most important temple was at Ephesus, near the coast22 of present-day Turkey. The temple, built in the 4th century B.C., was of white marble23, enriched with gold and silver. Precious24 jewels were stored below the temple. It was so lovely that it put all the other wonders in the shade. 5.MausoleumAlso in Asia Minor(modern Turkey) was the Mausoleum. It was a marble tomb built for King Mausolus(?—353B.C.) by his wife, Artemisia(?—350?B.C). So beautiful was this monument that the word mausoleum has passe d into our language and now means “burial place”. Unlike thepyramid and the T emple of Diana, the Mausoleum was not large. It was a bright jewel of a building, made of shining white marble. Rising to a height of 140 feet on a mound25 overlooking the little port of Halicarnassus, it was visible to ships entering the harbor. Its courtyard was surrounded26 by a wall. In the center of the court stood a high platform that was approached by splendid marble steps. Lions carved27 in marble guarded the approach. On a second wall surrounding the platform were more statues. At each corner were statues of proud warriors28 on horses. Other carved horses drew the chariot29 on the top of the building. In the chariot stood figures. Only a few fragments30 of this splendid mausoleum remain. Some are now in the British Museum in London. From these, scholars31 have been able to reconstruct the building in model form.6.Colossus of RhodesThis statue of the sun god Helios towered above the harbor of Rhodes, an island in the Aegean Sea. It stood over 100 feet high on a stone base that was itself higher than most statues. The Colossus was built in 280 B.C. It was made of metal32 that had been melted33 down from the arms used by Demetrius (337?-283 B.C.) when he attacked Rhodes in 305 B.C. After bravely resisting and defeating this invader34, the Rhodians built the statue as thanks offering to their god. The Colossus shaded35 its eyes and gazed out to sea. Twenty times the height of a man, it stood at the harbor entrance for only 56 years. In 224 B.C. it was thrown to the ground by an earthquake36. The large metal plates lay there for centuries until, in the 7th century A.D, they were carried away and sold by tradesmen.7.PharosThe pharos was the forerunner37 of all lighthouses. It wasbuilt on the island of Pharos near Alexandria, the gateway to Egypt, between 285 and 247 B.C. It stood about 400 feet high and was built in levels. The top supported a pan38 in which a fire burned day and night. A huge mirror, possibly made of metal, reflected the light so brightly that it could be seen far out at sea. Inside the building were 300 rooms. Horse-drawn carts carried fuel up to the ever-burning light. The Pharos was destroyed by an earthquake in the 14th century A.D. Some people believe that on calm days its fragments still can be seen below the waters of the harbor.In every generation, man creates new marvels that can be added to the list of wonders of the world.自文明产生以来,人类就运用自己的技巧和才能制造了许多奇迹。
地理知识: 世界七大自然奇观介绍
![地理知识: 世界七大自然奇观介绍](
地理知识: 世界七大自然奇观介绍1. 大峡谷(Grand Canyon)位于美国亚利桑那州的大峡谷是世界上最壮丽的地质奇观之一。
2. 北极光(Aurora Borealis)北极光是一种在极地地区出现的自然现象,由太阳带电粒子与地球上空的大气层中的气体相互作用而产生。
3. 维多利亚瀑布(Victoria Falls)位于非洲赞比西河上游,津巴布韦境内的维多利亚瀑布是全球最大瀑布之一。
4. 大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef)位于澳大利亚东海岸的大堡礁是世界上最大的珊瑚礁系统。
5. 奇笔山(Mount Everest)奇笔山是地球上最高峰,位于尼泊尔和中国边境之间。
6. 玛雅古城(Chichen Itza)玛雅古城坐落在墨西哥尤卡坦半岛上,是玛雅文明的遗址之一。
它以其独特的建筑风格和文化遗产而闻名,特别是太阳金字塔(El Castillo)和神秘的「蛇影」景象。
7. 塔吉马拉草原(Serengeti)塔吉马拉草原位于坦桑尼亚北部,是最具野生动物活动密度的自然保护区之一。
巴西基督像July 9, 2007—The 105-foot-tall (38-meter-tall) "Christ the Redeemer" statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was among the "new seven wonders of the world" announced July 7 following a global poll to decide a new list of human-made marvels.2007年7月9日,在经过全球评选之后,位于巴西里约日内卢的高105英尺(38米)的“救世主耶稣”成为7月份公布的“新世界七大奇迹”之一。
The winners were voted for by Internet and phone, American Idol style. The other six new wonders are the Colosseum in Rome, India's TajMahal, the Great Wall of China, Jordan's ancient city of Petra, the Inca ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru, and the ancient Maya city of ChichénItzá in Mexico.就像美国偶像(超级女声)的方式一样,这些胜出者是通过互联网和电话投票选出来的。
The contest was organized by the New7Wonders Foundation—the brainchild of Swiss filmmaker and museum curator Bernard Weber—in order to "protect humankind's heritage across the globe." The foundation says the poll attracted almost a hundred million votes.这次竞选是由新七大奇迹基金会——瑞士电影制作人和博物馆馆长伯纳德·韦伯发起的计划,其目的是为了“在全球范围内保护人类的遗产”。
seven wonders of the world中英文
![seven wonders of the world中英文](
seven wonders of the world中英文
seven wonders of the world
1What are the seven wonders of the world?
2He has visited the seven wonders of the world.
3Have you visited the Seven Wonders of the world?
4The Pyramid is among the seven wonders of the world.
5We think it is one of the Seven Wonders of the world.
6The Pyramids were among the seven wonders of the world.
7The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders of the world.
The Dead Sea's lakes and
shores are rich in salt, which makes it difficult for fish and other aquatic life to survive. No flowers or plants grow on the shore or in the surrounding area, so people call it the Dead Sea. As we all know, the Dead Sea can make people float on the water. We consider it a wonder.
The world wonders
目录 contents
1 死海
The Dead Sea
3 棉花堡
cotton castel
2 撒哈拉之眼
Eye of the Sahara
The Dead Sea
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is called cotton Nhomakorabeaastle.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit er elit ltest,onsectetaurliumdipisicing pecu, sed do eius dolor sit er elit ltest,onse ur cillium adi pisicing
世界七大奇迹 英文介绍
![世界七大奇迹 英文介绍](
3. 中国万里长城 THE GREAT WALL
Grand ,Historical
1.China's ancient military defense project.
2. The Great Wall resources are mainly distributed in 15 provinces. 3.The total length of The Great Wall in the Ming Dynasty is 8851.8 km, the Qin and Han Dynasties and early the Great Wall more than 10 thousand kilometers, with a total length of more than 21 thousand km.
As long as each visitor behave themselves The world will become a better place
2. 亚历山大地下墓
Vast area,Luxury building materials
Underground tomb excavation began in 1905, the modern city contour has been known to the world.
1.It can be said to be a national symbol of the United kingdom. 2.Stonehenge is divided into four stages of construction.
护区内有高等植 物2348种,其中 被子植物2106种、 裸子植物20种。 作物农作物品种 繁多,有小麦、 青稞、荞麦、鸡 爪谷、玉米、马 铃薯、豌豆、油 菜等。 牲畜鸟类品种 有牦牛、黄牛、 犏牛、马、骡、 驴、山羊、绵羊 等。动物哺乳动 物53种,鸟类 206种保护区内 不仅有丰富的野 生生物资源,还 有极其丰富的农 作物品种资源及 畜种资源。
7. 美国黄石公园(yellowstone national park)——
黄石公园主体部分位于怀俄明州境内,但头枕蒙大拿 州,而右手放在了爱达荷州内。公园的中部是一片覆盖着 茂密森林、相对平坦的火山高原,其平均高度约有海拔 2400米,周围环绕着壮丽的加勒廷山支脉、迪顿山脉、 阿布萨罗卡山脉以及其他白雪皑皑的山峦。无数的湖泊在 其间闪烁,将它们彼此串连在一起的著名的溪流群,有的 在灼热的熔岩上流淌,有的从冰封雪冻的山巅奔泻而下。
湖上风景秀美、景观奇特,湖内物种丰富,是一座集丰富自然资源于一身的宝库。贝加 尔湖的形状像一弯新月,所以又有“月亮湖”之称。它平均宽约48千米,南北长约636 千米,周长2000千米,总面积大约为3.15万平方千米。贝加尔湖就其面积而言只居全球 第九位,却是世界上最古老的湖泊之一(据考其历史已有2500万年)。
科罗拉多高原西南部。大峡谷山石多为红色,从谷底到顶 部分布着从寒武纪到新生代各个时期的岩层,层次清晰, 色调各异,并且含有各个地质年代的代表性生物化石,又 被称为“活的地质史教科书”。科罗拉多河从大峡谷谷底 流过。 任何人都不可能一眼 看遍大峡谷的全貌。只有 从高空俯瞰,才有可能完 整地欣赏这条大地的裂缝 。 不为人知的是,这项 号称“21世纪世界奇观” 的创意,是由生于上海的 美国华裔企业家金鹉构思 出来的。
●It’s a statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; considered the largest Art Deco(建筑风格) statue in the world.
●It weighs 635 tonnes, and is located at the peak of the 700-metre Corcovado(科尔 科瓦杜) mountain in the Tijuca Forest National Park overlooking the city.
●Petra(meaning rock )is an ancient city in the Jordanian governorate of Maan
●It lies on the slope of Mount Hor in a basin among the mountains which form the eastern flank of Wadi Araba, the large valley running from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba
including the ball game courts(球戏场——球戏是玛雅人的宗教活动), temples
(庙宇), Pyramid of Kukulcan& cenote. The second part is about Maya science,
such as astronomical observatory. 2021
●It is made of reinforced concrete(钢筋混泥土) and soapstone(皂石), and was constructed between 1922 &1931.
seven wonders 素材
![seven wonders 素材](
古代世界七大奇观(The Seven Wonders of The Ancient World)是被古希腊和古罗马的观察家们认可为古代遗迹中最非凡的艺术品和建筑作品。
1. 埃及金字塔The Great Pyramid of Khufu, Egyptians
2. 巴比伦空中花园Hanging Gardens of Babylon Babylonians
3. 奥林匹亚的宙斯大金像Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
4. 哈利卡纳苏斯的摩索拉斯王陵墓Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
5. 以弗所的阿耳忒弥斯(狄安娜)神庙Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Anatolians
6. 罗得斯岛的太阳神巨像Colossus of Rhodes, Hellenistic Civilization
7. 亚力山大港的索斯特拉塔斯灯塔Lighthouse of Alexandria, Hellenistic Civilization
第 1 页。
以下是对七大自然奇观的详细解释:1. 大峡谷(Grand Canyon):大峡谷位于美国亚利桑那州,是科罗拉多河穿过高原地貌形成的。
2. 雅典娜神庙(Parthenon):雅典娜神庙是位于希腊雅典卫城的古代神庙,是古希腊艺术的杰作之一。
3. 北极光(Aurora Borealis):北极光是位于北极圈地区的天文现象,由于太阳风与地球大气中的带电粒子相互作用所产生。
4. 伊瓜苏瀑布(Iguazu Falls):伊瓜苏瀑布位于阿根廷和巴西交界处,是全球最宽的瀑布系统之一。
5. 班芙国家公园(Banff National Park):班芙国家公园位于加拿大的洛矶山脉,是世界上最早成立的国家公园之一。
6. 维多利亚瀑布(Victoria Falls):维多利亚瀑布位于非洲的赞比西河,被宝称为“地球上最大的瀑布”。
7. 黄石国家公园(Yellowstone National Park):黄石国家公园位于美国西北部,是世界上第一个国家公园。
世界七大奇迹 英文介绍学习资料
![世界七大奇迹 英文介绍学习资料](
吴哥窟(Angkor Wat)
泰姬陵(Taj Mahal )
What action should we take
❖ 1. Appeal to the world organization to take protective measures
Reflection after the miracle
The seven wonders of the ancient world have disappeared, and the seven wonders of world are slowly being damaged. In addition to the natural causes, human destruction is also a large proportion. If we don't take measures to protect it, it will disappear. soon
❖罗德岛太阳神巨像 ❖埃及吉萨金字塔 ❖奥林匹亚宙斯巨像 ❖巴比伦空中花园 ❖阿尔忒弥斯神庙
❖Because most of the ancient wonders of the world have been destroyed, so the world has made seven wonders of the world
6.意大利比萨斜塔 Leanining Tower of Pisa
❖ Leaning Tower of Pisa in the initial design of the building should be vertical, but in the early construction began to deviate from the correct position. ❖ After the completion of the project ,the acceleration of the tilt of the Leaning Tower of Pisa continued for several years, and then tend to be stable, reduced to about 0.1 cm per year ,the tower body deviated from the natural posture has been more than 5 meters.
金茂大厦(Jin Mao Tower),又称金茂大楼, 竣工于1999年,曾经是中国大陆最高的大楼, 位于上海浦东新区黄浦江畔的陆家嘴金融贸易 区,楼高420.5米,目前是上海第3高的摩天大 楼,中国大陆高度排名第3(截至2013年)。金 茂大厦毗邻上海地标性建筑物东方明珠、上海 环球金融中心和上海中心大厦,与浦西的外滩 隔岸相对,是上海最著名的景点以及地标之一。 金茂大厦每天最多迎客15600人。
Байду номын сангаас
Bye bye
The Great Wall
在秦始皇陵园东侧1500米处。这是一个浩 大的地下军事博物馆,被誉为世界第八大 奇迹。 秦俑坑坐西向东,3座坑呈品字形排列。 3座坑计有陶俑陶马8000余件。自从一号坑 开放以来,秦俑博物馆以接待国内外观众 近3000万,数十个国家的元首亲临参观, 无不赞不绝口。法国前总理希拉克1979年 来这里参观,称赞秦兵马俑是世界第八大 奇迹,认为不看金字塔,不算真正到埃及; 不看兵马俑,不算真正到中国。
Wonders of the world
Victoria Falls(维多利亚瀑布)
The Grand Canyon(科罗拉多大峡谷)
Mount Qomolangma(珠穆朗玛峰)
“巨人之路”位于北爱尔兰,大西洋海岸,由 数万根大小不均匀的玄武岩石柱聚集成一条绵延 数千米的堤道, 被视为世界自然奇迹。300年来, 地质学家们研究其构造,了解到它是在第三纪由 活火山不断喷发而形成的。1986年"巨人之路"被 列为世界自然遗产。 "巨人之路"是爱尔兰著名旅游景点,1986年联 合国教科文组织将其列为世界自然遗产。
The Pyramids in Egypt
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
• 巴比伦空中花园The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, perhaps built by King Nebuchadnezzar II .Ancient historians report that Babylon at that time was dazzling in the splendor of its palace and temple buildings, fortification walls, and paved processional ways.
• 神庙建筑以大理石为基础,上面覆盖着木 制屋顶。它最大的特色是内部有两排、至 少106 立柱,每根大约 12至18 米高。神庙 的底座约为60乘120米. • 毁于公元前356年的大火,在原址后建起的 庙于公元262年再罹火难。阿尔忒弥斯神殿 曾经历过七次重建,最后,由于爱菲索斯 人转信基督教,神殿在公元401年被摧毁。
The Great Wall
• The Great Wall of China is a series of stone and earthen fortifications in China, built, rebuilt, and maintained between the 5th century BC and the 16th century to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire during the rule of successive dynasties.
• 不管气势如何磅礴,长城毕竟只是一堵城墙,还 不足以让一个王朝安全地躲在它背后度日。有趣 的是中国历史上最兴盛的唐朝,竟是少数没有修 建过长城的王朝之一。它以自己的繁盛和实力, 辐射着周边小国,以交流代替交战,长城也便失 去了它存在的意义。如此看来,万里长城的修筑, 一方面当然是中国人智慧与力量的展示,是各个 朝代军事防御的历史,另一方面,似乎也是一种 失败的证明。顾炎武论及明末发生在居庸关的战 事时感叹到:“地非不险,城非不高,兵非不多, 粮非不足也,国法不行而人心去也。”一旦王朝 接近没落,长城也并不能真正抵挡什么。
介绍世界七大奇迹作文英文1. The Great Wall of China: This colossal structure stretches across the vast landscape of China, standing as a symbol of the country's rich history and enduring strength. It winds its way through mountains and valleys, serving as a testament to the determination and ingenuity of the ancient Chinese people. The Great Wall is a marvel of human engineering, built to protect against invasions and preserve the unity of the Chinese empire. Its grandeur and magnitude leave visitors in awe, as they contemplate the immense effort it took to construct such a monumental barrier.2. The Colosseum: In the heart of Rome, the Colosseum stands as a reminder of the grandeur and brutality of ancient Roman civilization. This amphitheater, once hosting gladiatorial contests and spectacles, is a testament to the power and entertainment of the Roman Empire. Its towering stone walls and intricate architecture showcase the advanced engineering skills of the time. The Colosseumremains an iconic symbol of Rome, drawing millions of visitors each year to marvel at its history and marvel at the stories it holds within its walls.3. Petra: Nestled in the desert canyons of Jordan, the ancient city of Petra reveals itself as a hidden gem. Carved into the rose-colored rock, this archaeological wonder transports visitors back in time to the flourishing Nabatean civilization. The intricate facades of the Treasury and Monastery, adorned with intricate carvings and sculptures, leave visitors mesmerized. Walking through the narrow Siq, a winding gorge leading to the city, is like stepping into a mythical world, where history and nature intertwine in breathtaking harmony.4. The Taj Mahal: Standing as a testament to love and devotion, the Taj Mahal in India is a masterpiece of Mughal architecture. This ivory-white marble mausoleum was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife. The symmetrical gardens, reflecting pools, and intricatedetails of the Taj Mahal create a sense of serenity and beauty. As the sun casts its golden rays upon the marble,the Taj Mahal radiates an ethereal glow, captivating all who lay eyes upon it.5. Christ the Redeemer: Perched atop the Corcovado Mountain in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the statue of Christ the Redeemer stands as a symbol of faith and unity. With arms outstretched, it embraces the city below, offering solace and protection to all who seek it. The statue's sheer size and commanding presence make it a true wonder of the world. As visitors ascend the mountain and witness the panoramic views of Rio de Janeiro, they are reminded of the power of faith and the beauty of human creation.6. Chichen Itza: Deep in the jungles of Mexico lies the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza. The towering pyramid of El Castillo, also known as the Temple of Kukulcan, is the centerpiece of this archaeological site. Its precise alignment with the sun creates a spectacular visual effect during the equinoxes, as shadows form the image of a serpent descending the steps. The intricate carvings and structures at Chichen Itza showcase the advanced knowledge and architectural prowess of the Mayan civilization.7. Machu Picchu: High in the Andes Mountains of Peru, the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu remains a mystery shrouded in mist. This hidden citadel, perched on a mountain ridge, offers breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys and peaks. The precise stone masonry and terraces of Machu Picchu blend harmoniously with the natural landscape, creating a sense of awe and wonder. Exploring the ruins and imagining the lives of the Inca people who once inhabited this mystical place is an unforgettable experience.These seven wonders of the world each hold their own unique charm and significance. From the Great Wall of China to Machu Picchu, they are testaments to human ingenuity, cultural richness, and the enduring power of human achievement. Each wonder invites us to step back in time, to marvel at the accomplishments of our ancestors, and to appreciate the beauty and diversity of our world.。
现代世界七大奇观〔The Seven Wonders of The Ancient World〕是被古希腊和古罗马的观察家们认可为现代遗址中最特殊的艺术品和修建作品。
1. 埃及金字塔The Great Pyramid of Khufu, Egyptians
2. 巴比伦空中花园Hanging Gardens of Babylon Babylonians
3. 奥林匹亚的宙斯大金像Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
4. 哈利卡纳苏斯的摩索拉斯王陵墓Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
5. 以弗所的阿耳忒弥斯〔狄安娜〕神庙Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Anatolians
6. 罗得斯岛的太阳神巨像Colossus of Rhodes, Hellenistic Civilization
7. 亚力山大港的索斯特拉塔斯灯塔Lighthouse of Alexandria, Hellenistic Civilization。
Seven Wonders of the World 世界七大奇迹
![Seven Wonders of the World 世界七大奇迹](
Based on a mark in an interior chamber naming the work gang and a reference to fourth dynastyEgyptian Pharaoh Khufu. Egyptologists believe that the pyramid was built as a tomb over a 10 to 20-year period concluding around 2560 BC. Initially at 146.5 meters (481 feet), the Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years. Originally, the Great Pyramid was covered by casing stones that formed a smooth outer surface; what is seen today is the underlying core structure. Some of the casing stones that once covered the structure can still be seen around the base. There have been varying scientific and alternative theories about the Great Pyramid's construction techniques. Most accepted construction hypotheses are based on the idea that it was built by moving huge stones from a quarry and dragging and lifting them into place.
The Colossus of Rhodes
罗得斯岛巨像The Colossus of Rhodes, a huge bronze statue of the Greek sun god Helios, was erected about 280 bc to guard the entrance to the harbor at Rhodes , a Greek island off the coast of Asia Minor.
Seven Wonders of the World
Pyramids of Egypt
金字塔是埃及古代奴 隶社会的方锥形帝王 陵墓。它是世界七大 建筑奇迹之一,且数 量众多,分布广泛。 开罗西南尼罗河西古 城孟菲斯一带最为集 中。
the Taj Mahal 泰姬陵,全称为“泰吉•玛哈尔 陵”,是印度知名度最高的古迹 之一,在今天的印度距新德里 200多公里外的北方邦的阿格拉 城内,亚穆纳河右侧。是莫卧儿 王朝第5代皇帝沙贾汗为了纪念 他已故皇后阿姬曼•芭奴而建立的 陵墓,被誉为“完美的建筑”。 它由殿堂、钟楼、尖塔、水池等 构成,全部用纯白色大理石建筑, 用玻璃、玛瑙镶嵌,绚丽夺目、 美丽无比。有极高的艺术价值。 是伊斯兰教建筑中的代表作。 2007年7月7日,成为世界新七大 奇迹之一。
the Yalu River 鸭绿江为中国东北地 区与朝鲜的界河。河 长约790公里,流域面 积 约 31,751 平 方 公 里 。 鸭绿江发源于长白山 山顶深不可测的天池, 蜿蜒南流至朝鲜的惠 山,然后折向西北, 经130公里至吉林省临 江,再向西南直洩320 公里注入朝鲜湾。
The Great Wall
世界七大奇观是由马其顿王国(Macedonia,公元前4世纪中叶至前2世纪中叶)的亚历山大大帝(Alexander the Greater,公元前356-前323)统治时期建于西亚、北非及爱琴海地区的七处规模较大的雄伟建筑与雕刻品,被古希腊和古罗马的观察家们认可为古代遗迹中最非凡的艺术品和建筑作品。
最大的一座是古埃及第四朝法老胡夫(Khufu)的金字塔,称为“大金字塔”(The Great Pyramid),位于开罗近郊吉萨(Giza),建于大约公元前27世纪。
2.巴比伦空中花园(Hanging Garden of Babylon)巴比伦空中花园在古巴比伦王国(今伊拉克南部)首府巴比伦城王宫内,是国王尼布甲尼撤二世(NebuchadnezzaⅡ,公元前604-公元前562)建造的。
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世界七大奇观是由马其顿王国(Macedonia,公元前4世纪中叶至前2世纪中叶)的亚历山大大帝(Alexander the Greater,公元前356-前323)统治时期建于西亚、北非及爱琴海地区的七处规模较大的雄伟建筑与雕刻品,被古希腊和古罗马的观察家们认可为古代遗迹中最非凡的艺术品和建筑作品。
最大的一座是古埃及第四朝法老胡夫(Khufu)的金字塔,称为“大金字塔”(The Great Pyramid),位于开罗近郊吉萨(Giza),建于大约公元前27世纪。
2.巴比伦空中花园(Hanging Garden of Babylon)巴比伦空中花园在古巴比伦王国(今伊拉克南部)首府巴比伦城王宫内,是国王尼布甲尼撤二世(NebuchadnezzaⅡ,公元前604-公元前562)建造的。
3.以弗所的阿耳忒弥斯神殿(Temple of Artemis of Ephesus)世界七大奇观之一,阿苔密斯(又译为“阿耳忒弥斯”)是希腊神话中的月亮女神和狩猎女神。
4.奥林匹亚的宙斯神像(Statue 0f Zeus at Olympia)世界七大奇观之一,它原在奥林匹亚的宙斯神庙(the Temple 0f Zeus at Olympia)里,由古代希腊著名雕刻家菲狄亚斯(Phidias,雅典人,主要活动时期在公元前448-前432)雕成。
5.哈利卡纳苏的摩索拉斯陵墓(Mausoleum of Halicarnassus)世界七大奇观之一,位于现在的土耳其港口哈利卡拉苏后面的一座小山上,但目前只剩下一些残迹。
6.罗得斯岛上的太阳神巨像(Colossus of Rhodes)世界七大奇观之一,位于爱琴海中。
尽管巨像已经不在,但这个古代世界奇观却激发了现代艺术家们的灵感,譬如以建造著名的“自由女神像”而闻名于世的法国雕塑家奥古斯都·巴托尔迪(Auguste Bartholdi)。
7.亚历山大的灯塔(Pharos 0f Alexandria)世界七大奇观之一,位于埃及亚历山大港外的法罗斯岛(Pharos)上,他的设计者是希腊的建筑师索斯查图斯,公元前285-前247年在该岛上建造了一个高约122米的多层灯塔。
该灯塔于14世纪在一次地震中坍塌被毁,也是六大奇迹中最晚消失的一个(1) The pyramids of Egypt;埃及金字塔(2) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon;巴比伦空中花园;(3) The statue of Zeus at Olympia;奥林匹亚的宙斯大金像;(4) The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus ;哈利卡纳苏斯的摩索拉斯王陵墓;(5) The temple of Artemis (Diana) at Ephesus ;以弗所的阿耳忒弥斯(狄安娜)神庙(6) The Colossus of Rhodes ;罗得斯岛的太阳神巨像(7) The Pharos (lighthouse) of Alexandria亚力山大港的索斯特拉塔斯灯塔。
Great Pyramid of Khufu:This pyramid was built by King Khufu around 2560 BC. Khufu is the second Pharaoh of the fourth dynasty of rulers in Egypt. He was also known as "Cheops".the Great Pyramid of Khufu is the only one pyramid in the list of seven wonders of the world. This pyramid is believed to have been built over 20 years. When it was built its height was around 146 m. But now it is only 137 m. This was one of the tallest structures in the world till 19th century. It was covered with casings of stones to smoothen its surface. It probably is considered to be one among the seven wonders of world because of its sheer size.The apex of the pyramid is missing and looks like it was never installed. The casings of the pyramids were removed by the Arabs during 14th century. The sloping angle of the sides is 51 degrees and 51 minutes. Each side is oriented towards one of the cardinal points of the compass that is north, south, east and west. This deserves a place among one of the seven wonders of world for its precision.胡夫大金字塔:这是由国王胡夫金字塔建造公元前2560年左右。
这是在其精度的世界七奇迹之一的一个地方埃及金字塔The Pyramids of Egypt were built on the west bank of theNile River at Giza during the 4th Dynasty (about 2575 to about 2467 bc). The oldest of the seven wonders, the pyramids are the only one remaining nearly intact today. Their white stone facing was later removed for use as building material in Cairo. The largest of the pyramids is that of King Khufu, which is sometimes known as the Great Pyramid. It covers an area of over 4.8 hectares (12 acres). According to the Greek historian Herodotus, ten years were required to prepare the site and 100,000 laborers worked thereafter for 20 years to complete the pyramid, which contains the king’s tomb. Some lists include only the Great Pyramid, rather than all the pyramids (see Pyramids). 埃及的金字塔是建立在吉萨尼罗河西岸第四王朝时期(约2575~约公元前2467年)。