



《跨文化交际学概论》第七章社会交往五、宴请招待p132Case One: Setting Rules for a Guest – American Hospitality案例:When Zhang Tao traveled in America, he lived in the home of his American friend, Bill. Once after he had traveled back, he found Bill was in a bad mood. When he asked what the problem was, Bill told Zhang Tao that his son Adam got furious about the noise Zhang made when walking upstairs and also because he was using too much water in the solar powered shower and Adam had to have his shower in cold water. Bill told Zhang Tao that he should walk more softly in future, and have a fast shower to save water. Zhang Tao felt uneasy. How could the host set such rules for his guest!Question: Why did Zhang Tao feel uneasy?分析:1) In China, when people host someone, they put the guest in the place of honor to show hospitality. They try to take care of the guest,and try to make the guest feel comfortable and at ease.2) In America, people tend to give the guest great freedom and treat a guest more casually, naturally and truthfully.3) Zhang Tao knew he was a guest, and thought in terms of Chinese expectations of hospitality. He thought Bill should treat him courteously instead of setting rules for him.4) Since Zhang Tao lived in American surroundings, he should have known about the customs there sooner.Case Two:案例:Lin had traveled 20 hours from Beijing to New York. He needed a good meal. His American friend, Mike, met him. But Mike only offered him a plate of roasted chicken and a glass of orange juice. Lin was used to having a main course, and asked Mike if he had any rice. Mike said he only had fried noodles, and Lin had to make do with it. Though Lin knew Americans didn’t care very much about what food they ate, he still felt surprised because he had taken Mike to the most famous duck restaurant in Beijing -- Quanjude -- when he arrived in Beijing.Question: Why did Lin feel surprised? Offer some advice to him about adjusting to his new environment in America.分析:1) 0n the topic of hospitality, the Chinese stress on warmth and demonstrating friendship. They take the guest to a famous or luxurious restaurant to have a very good (expensive) meal to show their hospitality. And the Chinese are used to having a big meal. The more dishes they put out,the greater the warmth and friendship they show.2) In western countries, people stress on freedom. They give the guest great freedom to choose their own foods. And westerners tend to have only one main course and some juice or dessert,which is viewed as casual in the eyes of the Chinese.3) Lin lived in American surroundings and should have adjusted himself quickly to the new world (lifestyle). He should have known the custom there first, and felt more at ease in Mike’s home.Case Three: Equality or Hospitality for Table Manners案例:Lin Hua has accompanied an American delegation to visit China. They have experienced the hospitality of the Chinese people. After returning to America, Linhua once visited them. They were so glad to meet again. Linhua offered to host the meal, but they refused. They ordered their own dish, and Linhua ordered her own. When footing the bill, they only paid their part,and no one wanted to pay for Linhua. Linhua found them so inhospitable, though she knew the Americans would usually pay for their own food.Question: Why did Linhua find them inhospitable?分析:1) In China, to show hospitality, people tend to host the meal. And if they cannot do this, they at least will struggle to pay for the guest.2) In America, people tend to pay for themselves to show equality and independence.3) Linhua knows this custom, but from a Chinese point of view, she still finds this hard to accept, and feels it a little inhospitable.Case Four:案例:I have an American friend. I have invited him several times, and at long last he invited me to his home one day. He told me to get there at 3 p m. I thought we could chat and have a meal together. I gave him a Chinese calendar, a woman’s scarf and a bottle of Chinese white wine. He only took out a dish of nuts, a plate of bread and a bottle of wine. After two hours’ chat, I found there was no hint of a meal and said good-bye to him. He only gave me a box of chocolate as a present for the New Year. After I got home, I found the box already been opened. I was very surprised, Question: What surprised me?分析:1) In China, a visit to home always includes a meal. And the guest always bringsa relatively expensive present to the host. And the present should be well wrapped or untouched.2) In the west, a visit to home only means a meeting, not necessarily including a meal. And the present is treated not as importantly as it is in China.3) I acted in a way that was based on Chinese customs, so I felt the American way was very interesting (unusual).Case Five: Way of Entertaining Guests in China ---- Drink more and more案例:Tom, an American, went to a Chinese home for the first time. He was offered some tea. Just when the first cup was about to finish, more tea was added. He drank the second cup. Then the cup was filled the third time. Then he drank it, then ⋯ until he was quite full. Tom was totally confused by the way of entertaining.Question: Why was Tom totally confused?分析:1) Traditional Chinese custom requires that during the course of entertaining, the host has to always pour more wine or tea to the guest’s glass or cup, and always adds more food to the guest’s plate or bowl without asking whether it’s wanted.2) Chinese guests know how to respond to this type of hospitality. They simply leave the wine, tea, or food in the container and stop having any more. But Tom, the American guest in the case didn’t know this.3) He followed the politeness rule of his culture: it’s not good manners to leave food in one’s own plate at a dinner table. Therefore, without any knowledge of the differences between the two cultures, an American guest would very likely suffer from either drinking or eating too much in such a situation.Case SixAs a foreign student at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Keiko Ihara (Japanese) was on a strict budget. She had all her tuition and books paid for by scholarships and grants and until recently was comfortably housed in the dormitory. Wanting to live in the community rather than in the dormitory, she found a small apartment to share with a friend. Her college friends, knowing of her situation, offeredto round up some of the necessary items for apartment living. Keiko politely declined, saying she could manage. Wanting to help out her friends found some old but still usable household appliances and furniture. Mary had an old desk that was in her garage. Ed had some chairs from his uncle, and Joe and Marion had a few extra dishes. They cheerfully brought them over one day. Keiko seemed very embarrassed, but gracefully accepted them, sincerely and profusely thanked them.The following week they were each presented with a gift from Keiko. Mary got an ornate jewelry box, Ed a volume of woodcuts by a famous Japanese artist, and Joe and Marion a beautiful Japanese vase, all of which were of considerable worth and value, much more than the old things they had donated to her. They all protested that she could not afford to give such elaborate gifts; they really expected nothing as the household items were not really being used and they would rather have her use them. Keiko, however, insisted that they take the gifts. In the end, they accepted the gifts, although they all felt uncomfortable as they knew she was really sacrificing to give them.Questions:1. What do you think of Keiko insisting on giving valuable gifts to her college friends?2. Why did Keiko’s friends feel very uncomfortable when they received valuablegifts in return?分析:Keiko insists on giving valuable gifts to her college friends, because in countries like Japan, exchanging gifts is a strongly rooted social tradition. Should you receive a gift, and don’t have one to offer in return, you will probably create a crisis. If not as serious as a crisis, one who doesn’t offer a gift in return may be considered rude or impolite. Therefore, in Japan, gifts are a symbolic way to show appreciation, respect, gratitude and further relationship.Keiko obviously has taken those used items from Mary, Ed and Marion as gifts, for she probably doesn’t know that Americans frequently donate their used household items to church or to the community. Mary, Ed and Marion would never consider those used household items given to Keiko as gifts. No wonder they felt very uncomfortable when they received valuable gifts in return.Case SevenSelma, who is from the US, is in a student exchange program in Indonesia. One day, she was asked to attend a birthday party and she was delighted, for she was curious to know what an Indonesian birthday party was like. To her surprise, she was the only one that dressed in typically Western clothes. Although she had no strong reason to become uneasy, her uneasy feeling prevailed as the party was going on. To make herself feel better, she went to the food table and began to help herself. But, upon leaving the table, she tripped on the leg of a chair and spilled her drink on the floor. One of the girls stooped down to mop up the spill and everyone else laughed out loud. Selma, uncertain what to do next, quietly moved out of her way with her head lowered in shame.Questions:3. What functions does laughing serve in similar situations in China?4. What should we do to help ourselves or other people out of embarrassmentcaused by cultural differences in laughing?分析:Just like smile, laughing does not always serve the same function in different cultures. Interestingly, for us Chinese, laughing often has a special function on some tense social occasions. People may laugh to release the tension or embarrassment, to express their concern about you, their intention to put you at ease or to help you come out of the embarrassment. In this case, the people there were actually wishing to laugh with the American rather than laugh at her. Their laughing seemed to convey a number of messages: don‘t take it so seriously; laugh it off, it‘s nothing; such things can happen to any of us, etc. Unfortunately the American was unaware of this. She thought they were laughing at her, which made her feel more badly and angry, for in her culture laughing on such an occasion would be interpreted as an insulting response, humiliating and negative.。





























一. 社交礼仪行为碰撞1.礼貌与虚心中俄两国文化有着不同的评判标准和实现方略。
























































王先生是国内一家大型外 贸公司的总经理,为一批 机械设备的出口事宜,携 秘书韩小姐一行赴伊朗参 加最后的商务洽谈。王先 生一行在抵达伊朗的当天 下午就到交易方的公司进 行拜访,然后正巧遇上他 们祷告时间。主人示意他 们稍作等候再进行会谈, 以办事效率高而闻名的王 先生对这样的安排表示出 不满。
• 分析
通过案例我们看出王 先生和他的秘书这次 会谈是很不成功的, 因为他们不了解伊朗 的禁忌,伊朗是信奉 伊斯兰教,伊斯兰教 教规要求每天做五次 祷告,祷告时工作暂 停,这时客人绝不可 打断他们的祈祷或表 示不耐烦。王先生对 推迟会晤表示不满, 显然是不了解阿拉伯 国家的这一商务习俗。
• 伊朗人的着装比较保守,特别是妇女,一般情况 下会用一大块黑布将自己包裹得严严实实,只将 双眼露在外面,即便是外国妇女也不可以穿太暴 露的服装。韩小姐的无袖紧身上衣和短裙,都是 伊朗人所不能接受的。
• 东道主为表示对王先生一行的欢迎, 特意举行了欢迎晚会。秘书韩小姐 希望以自己简洁、脱俗的服饰向众 人展示中国妇女的精明、能干、美 丽、大方。她上穿白色无袖紧身上 衣,下穿蓝色短裙,在众人略显异 样的眼光中步人会场。为表示敬意, 主人向每一位中国来宾递上饮料, 当习惯使用左手的韩小姐很自然地 伸出左手接饮料时,主人立即改变 了神色,并很不礼貌地将饮料放在 了餐桌上。令王先生一行不解的是, 在接下来的会谈中,一向很有合作 诚意的东道主没有再和他们进行任 何实质性的会谈。
• 在伊朗左手被视为不洁 之手,一般用于洁身之 用,用左手递接物品或 行礼被公认为是一种蓄 意侮辱别人的行为。



新编跨文化交际英语教程案例分析1. 引言跨文化交际是现代社会中一个重要的主题,在全球化的进程中,人们越来越频繁地进行国际交流和合作。



2. 教材内容分析新编跨文化交际英语教程采用了系统化的教学内容,涵盖了跨文化交际的各个方面。

教材内容主要包括以下几个方面:2.1 跨文化意识教材首先介绍了跨文化交际的基本概念和重要性,帮助学生增强对不同文化间的差异性的认识和理解。


2.2 社交礼仪在跨文化交际中,不同国家的社交礼仪有许多差异。



2.3 语言交际策略不同文化之间的语言表达方式也存在差异。



2.4 文化背景了解对方的文化背景对于跨文化交际至关重要。


3. 教学方法分析新编跨文化交际英语教程的教学方法多样,注重培养学生的实践能力和跨文化交际能力。

3.1 案例分析教材采用了案例分析的教学方法,通过真实的跨文化交际案例来引导学生思考和讨论。


3.2 分组讨论教材中安排了一些跨文化交际话题,要求学生进行分组讨论。


3.3 角色扮演为了提高学生的语言交际能力和应对跨文化情境的能力,教材中设置了一些角色扮演的活动。















在一次国际晚宴中, 一位美国客人和一位 日本客人之间的社交 礼仪产生了差异。美 国客人习惯于直接、 热情的礼仪,而日本 客人则更注重谦虚和 尊重。这导致双方在 晚宴中的互动出现了 尴尬和误解
这个案例中的问题主要是由社交礼仪的差异引起的。美 国客人和日本客人的社交礼仪存在明显差异,这种差异 可能导致双方在互动中产生误解和尴尬
为了解决这个问题,首先需要认识到这种社 交礼仪的差异,并尊重彼此的礼仪习惯。美 国客人可以尝试更理解日本客人的谦虚和尊 重,而日本客人也可以尽可能适应美国客人 的直接和热情。双方可以通过了解彼此的社 交礼仪,找到一个共同的解决方案,以达到 和谐的互动
在一个国际家庭聚会 中,来自不同国家的 亲戚们在一起共享美 食。然而,由于食物 与文化的关系不同, 一些食物在某些国家 是受欢迎的,而在其 他国家却被视为禁忌 。这导致了一些尴尬 和误解
这个案例中的问题主要是由食物与文化的关系引起的。 来自不同国家的亲戚们对食物的认知和文化背景存在差 异,这种差异可能导致在共享美食时产生尴尬和误解
为了解决这个问题,首先需要认识到这种语 言与文化差异的存在,并尊重彼此的交际风 格。英国员工可以尝试更能明确表达 自己的意见。此外,双方还可以通过提高彼 此的语言能力,更好地理解和尊重对方的文 化背景








三、案例分析1. 案例一:跨文化交际课程教学(1)课程内容:该课程以跨文化交际理论为基础,结合实际案例,引导学生了解不同文化背景下的交际规则、礼仪习俗等。




2. 案例二:跨文化实践活动(1)活动内容:学校定期组织学生参加跨文化实践活动,如国际文化节、志愿者服务等。





3. 案例三:教师跨文化教学策略(1)教师培训:学校定期组织教师参加跨文化教学培训,提高教师的跨文化交际能力和教学水平。



四、结论跨文化交际在教育领域的应用具有以下价值:1. 提高学生的跨文化交际能力,为未来的国际交流奠定基础。



《跨文化交际学概论》第七章五、宴社会交往请招待 p132Case One: Setting Rules for a Gues-American Hospitality 案例:When Zhang Tao traveled in America, he lived in the home of his American friend, Bill. Once after he had traveled back, he found Bill was in a bad mood. When he asked what the problem was, Bill told Zhang Tao that his son Adam got furious about the noise Zhang made when walking upstairs and also because he was using too much water in the solar powered shower and Adam had to have his shower in cold water. Bill told Zhang Tao that he should walk more softly in future, and have a fast shower to save water. Zhang Tao felt uneasy. How could the host set such rules for his guest!Question: Why did Zhang Tao feel uneasy?分析:1)In China, when people host someone, they put the guest in the place of honor to show hospitality. They try to take care of the guest ,and try to make the guest feel comfortable and at ease.2)In America, people tend to give the guest great freedom and treat a guest more casually, naturally and truthfully.3)Zhang Tao knew he was a guest, and thought in terms of Chinese expectations of hospitality. He thought Bill should treat him courteously instead of setting rules for him.4)Since Zhang Tao lived in American surroundings, he should have known about the customs there sooner.Case Two:案例:Lin had traveled 20 hours from Beijing to New York. He needed a good meal. His American friend, Mike, met him. But Mike only offered him a plate of roasted chicken and a glass of orange juice. Lin was used to having a main course, and asked Mike if he had any rice. Mike said he only had fried noodles, and Lin had to make do with it. Though Lin knew Americans didn ' t care very much about what food they ate, he still felt surprised because he had taken Mike to the most famous duck restaurant in Beijing -- Quanjude -- when he arrived in Beijing.Question: Why did Lin feel surprised? Offer some advice to him about adjusting to his new environment in America.分析:1)0n the topic of hospitality, the Chinese stress on warmth and demonstrating friendship. They take the guest to a famous or luxurious restaurant to have a very good (expensive) meal to show their hospitality. And the Chinese are used to having a big meal. Themore dishes they put out,the greater the warmth and friendship they show.2)In western countries, people stress on freedom. They give the guest great freedom to choose their own foods. And westerners tend to have only one main course and some juice or desser,t which is viewed as casual in the eyes of the Chinese.3)Lin lived in American surroundings and should have adjusted himself quickly to the new world (lifestyle). He should have known the custom there first, and felt more at ease in Mike om'es. hCase Three: Equality or Hospitality for Table Manners 案例:Lin Hua has accompanied an American delegation to visit China. They have experienced the hospitality of the Chinese people. After returning to America, Linhua once visited them. They were so glad to meet again. Linhua offered to host the meal, but they refused. They ordered their own dish, and Linhua ordered her own. When footing the bill, they only paid their part,and no one wanted to pay for Linhua. Linhua found them so inhospitable, though she knew the Americans would usually pay for their own food.Question: Why did Linhua find them inhospitable? 分析:1)In China, to show hospitality, people tend to host the meal. And if they cannot do this, they at least will struggle to pay for the guest.2)In America, people tend to pay for themselves to show equality and independence.3)Linhua knows this custom, but from a Chinese point of view, she still finds this hard to accept, and feels it a little inhospitable.Case Four: 案例:I have an American friend. I have invited him several times, and at long last he invited me to his home one day. He told me to get there at 3 p m. I thought we could chat and have a meal together. I gave him a Chinese calendara, woman'sscarf and a bottle of Chinese white wine. He only took out a dish of nuts, a plate of bread and a bottle of wine. After two hours ' chaIt,found there was no hint of a meal and said good-bye to him. He only gave me a box of chocolate as a present for the New Year. After I got home, I found the box already been opened. I was very surprised, Question: What surprised me?分析:1)In China, a visit to home always includes a meal. And the guest always brings a relatively expensive present to the host. And the present should be well wrapped or untouched.2)In the west, a visit to home only means a meeting, not necessarily including a meal. And the present is treated not as importantly as it is in China.3)I acted in a way that was based on Chinese customs, so I felt the American way was very interesting (unusual).Case Five: Way of Entertaining Guests in China ------- Drink more and more案例:Tom, an American, went to a Chinese home for the first time. He was offered some tea. Just when the first cup was about to finish, more tea was added. He drank the second cup. Then the cup was filled the third time. Then he drank it, then ? until he was quite full. Tom was totally confused by the way of entertaining.Question: Why was Tom totally confused?分析:1)Traditional Chinese custom requires that during the course of entertaining, the host has to always pour more wine or tea to the gues'st glass or cup, and always adds more food to the guest' s plate or bowl without asking whether it ' s wanted.2)Chinese guests know how to respond to this type of hospitality. They simply leave the wine, tea, or food in the container and stop having any more. But Tom, the American guest in the case didn ' t know this.3)He followed the politeness rule of his culture: it 's not good manners to leave food in one's own plate at a dinner table. Therefore, without any knowledge of the differences between the two cultures, an American guest would very likely suffer from either drinking or eating too much in such a situation.Case SixAs a foreign student at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Keiko Ihara (Japanese)was on a strict budget. She had all her tuition and books paid for by scholarships and grants and until recently was comfortably housed in the dormitory. Wanting to live in the community rather than in the dormitory, she found a small apartment to share with a friend. Her college friends, knowing of her situation, offered to round up some of the necessary items for apartment living. Keiko politely declined, saying she could manage. Wanting to help out her friends found some old but still usable household appliances and furniture. Mary had an old desk that was in hergarage. Ed had some chairs from his uncle, and Joe and Marion had a few extra dishes. They cheerfully brought them over one day. Keiko seemed very embarrassed,but gracefully accepted them, sincerely and profusely thanked them.The following week they were each presented with a gift from Keiko. Mary got an ornate jewelry box, Ed a volume of woodcuts by a famous Japanese artist, and Joe and Marion a beautiful Japanesevase, all of which were of considerable worth and value, much more than the old things they had donated to her. They all protested that she could not afford to give such elaborate gifts; they really expected nothing as the household items were not really being used and they would rather have her use them. Keiko, however, insisted that they take the gifts. In the end, they accepted the gifts, although they all felt uncomfortable as they knew she was really sacrificing to give them.Questions:1.What do you think of Keiko insisting on giving valuable gifts to her college friends?2.Why did Keiko ' s friends feel very uncomfortable when they received valuable gifts in return?分析:Keiko insists on giving valuable gifts to her college friends, because in countries like Japan, exchanging gifts is a strongly rooted social tradition. Should you receive a gift, and don't have one to offer in return, you will probably create a crisis. If not as serious as a crisis, one who doesn't offer a gift in return may be considered rude or impolite. Therefore, in Japan, gifts are a symbolic way to show appreciation, respect, gratitude and further relationship.Keiko obviously has taken those used items from Mary, Ed and Marion as gifts, for she probably doesn't know that Americans frequently donate their used household items to church or to the community. Mary, Ed and Marion would never consider those used household items given to Keiko as gifts. No wonder they felt very uncomfortable when they received valuable gifts in return.Case SevenSelma, who is from the US, is in a student exchange program in Indonesia. One day, she was asked to attend a birthday party and she was delighted, for she was curious to know what an Indonesian birthday party was like. To her surprise, she was the only one that dressed in typically Western clothes. Although she had no strong reason to become uneasy, her uneasy feeling prevailed as the party was going on. To make herself feel better, she went to the food table and began to help herself. But, upon leaving the table, she tripped on the leg of a chair and spilled her drink on the floor. One of the girls stooped down to mop up the spill and everyone else laughed out loud. Selma, uncertain what to do next, quietly moved out of her way with her head lowered in shame.Questions:3.What functions does laughing serve in similar situations in China?4.What should we do to help ourselves or other people out of embarrassment caused by culturaldifferences in laughing?分析:Just like smile, laughing does not always serve the same function in different cultures. Interestingly, for us Chinese, laughing often has a special function on some tense social occasions. People may laugh to release the tension or embarrassment, to express their concern about you, their intention to put you atease or to help you come out of the embarrassment. In this case, the people there were actually wishing to laugh with the American rather than laugh at her. Their laughing seemed to convey a number of messages: don ‘t take it so seriously; laugh it off, it things‘ s nothing; such can happen to any of us, etc. Unfortunately the American was unaware of this. She thought they were laughing at her, which made her feel more badly and angry, for in her culture laughing on such an occasion would be interpreted as an insulting response, humiliating and negative.。



bine the theory with the case
Thus, in this case, Koreans tried their best to take the peacemaking approach to de-escalate conflicts, so that harmony between members would be maintained as long as possible. However, Jim, from individualistic culture, considered it strange that his Korean colleagues would rather hide the problems to the last moment than solve the conflicts. In his view, suspending the conflicts wouldn’t release tensions and solidify the relationship but to potentially destruct the relationship.
During his first week he was met with bows, polite smiles, and the continual denial of any significant problems. But Jim was enough of a realist to know that he had never heard of any manufacturing operation that didn’t have some problems. So after some research, he uncovered a number of problems that the local manager and staff were not acknowledging. None of the problems were particularly unusual or difficult to solve, but Jim was frustrated that no one would admit that any problems existed.



新编跨文化交际案例分析新编跨文化交际案例分析Unit 5Culture and Verbal CommunicationCase 17When these two men separate, they may leave each other with very different impressions.Mr Richardson is very pleased to have made the acquaintance of Mr Chu and feels they havegotten off to a very good start. They have established their relationship on a first-name basis and MrChu‘s smile seemed to indicate that he will be friendly and easy to do business with. Mr Richardsonis particularly pleased that he had treated Mr Chu with respect for his Chinese background by callinghim Hon-fai rather than using the western name, David, which seemed to him an unnecessaryimposition of western culture.In contrast, Mr Chu feels quite uncomfortable with Mr Richardson. He feels it will be difficultto work with him, and that Mr Richardson might be rather insensitive to cultural differences. He isparticularly bothered that, instead of calling him David or Mr Chu, Mr Richardson used his givenname, Hon-fai, the name rarely used by anyone, in fact. It was this embarrassment which caused himto smile. He would feel more comfortable if they called each other Mr Chu and Mr Richardson.Nevertheless, when he was away at school in North Americahe learned that Americans feeluncomfortable calling people Mr for any extended period of time. His solution was to adopt awestern name. He chose David for use in such situations.Case 18Even if the American knew Urdu, the language spoken in Pakistan, he would also have tounderstand the culture of communication in that country to respond appropriately. In this case, hehad to say ―No at least three times.In some countries, for instance, the Ukraine, it may happen that a guest is pressed as many asseven or eight times to take more food, whereas in the UK it would be unusual to do so more thantwice. For a Ukrainian, to do it the British way would suggest the person is not actually generous.Indeed, British recipients of such hospitality sometimes feel that their host is behaving impolitelyby forcing them into a bind, since they run out of polite refusal strategies long before the Ukrainianhost has exhausted his/her repertoire of polite insistence strategies.Case 19Talking about what‘s wro ng is not easy for people in any culture, but people in high-contextcountries like China put high priority on keeping harmony, preventing anyone from losing face, andnurturing the relationship. It seems that Ron Kelly had to learn a different way of sending messagewhen he was in China. At home in Canada he would havegone directly to the point. But in China,going directly to the problem with someone may suggest that he or she has failed to live up to his orher responsibility and the honor of his or her organization is in question. In high-context cultures likeChina, such a message is serious and damaging. In low-context cultures, however, the tendency isjust to ―spit it out, to get it into words and worry about the result later. Senders of unwelcomemessages use objective facts, assuming, as with persuasion, that facts are neutral, instrumental, andimpersonal. Indirectness is often the way members of high-context cultures choose to communicateabout a problem.Case 20It seems that the letters of request written in English as well as in Chinese by Chinese peopleare likely to preface the request with extended face-work. To Chinese people, the normal andpolite way to form a request requires providing reasons that are usually placed before the requests.Of course, this is just the inverse of English conventions in which requests are fronted withoutmuch face-work. In the view of the English-speaking people, the opening lines of Chinese requests and some other speech acts do not usually provide a thesis or topic statement which will orient the listener to the overall direction of the communication. Worst of all, the lack of precisionand the failure to address the point directly may lead to suspicions that the Chinese speakers arebeating around the bush. To them, the presence of a clear and concise statement of what is to betalked about will make the speech more precise, more dramatic, and more eloquent.However, the Chinese learning and using English in communication may find it difficult tocome to terms with the common English tendency to begin with a topic statement. In the Chinese culture, stating one‘s request or main point at the beginning would make the person seemimmodest, pushy, and inconsiderate for wanting things. If yourspeech gives others the impressionthat you are demanding something, you would lose face for acting aggressively and notconsidering the others. Thus you‘d be hurting people by claiming something for yourself.In such a situation, it is usually considered a smart strategy if you carefully delineate the justifications that will naturally lead to your request or argument. Therefore, instead of stating their proposition somewhere in the beginning and then proceeding to build their case, Chinesepeople often first establish a shared context with which to judgetheir requests or arguments. Onlyafter carefully prefacing them with an avalanche of relevant details, as if to nullify any opposition,will they present the requests or arguments.Unit 6Culture and Nonverbal CommunicationCase 21Sometimes our best intentions can lead to breakdowns in cross-cultural communication. For example, one of the very common manners of touching --- handshaking --- may result in conflict when performed with no consideration of cultural differences. Among middle-class North American men, it is customary to shake hands as a gesture of friendship. When wanting to communicate extra friendliness, a male in the United States may, while shaking hands, grasp with his left hand his friend‘s right arm. However,to people of Middle Eastern countries, the left hand is profane and touching someone with it is highly offensive. Therefore,in Vernon‘s eyes, Kenneth was actually an extremely offensive messageto him.Case 22In Puerto Rican culture, as in some other Latin American and Eastern cultures, it is not right for a child to keep an eye-contact with an adult who is accusing him or her, while in the United States, failing of meeting other person‘s eye accusing him or her would be taken as a sign of guiltiness. As the principal knew little about this culturaldifference in using eye-contact, he decided that the girl must be guilty. Generally speaking, avoiding eye-contact with the other(s) is often considered as an insult in some cultures, but may signify respect for authority and obedience in other cultures.Case 23Just like smile, laughing does not always serve the same function in different cultures. Interestingly, for us Chinese,laughing often has aspecial function on some tense social occasions. People may laugh to release the tension or embarrassment, to express their concern about you, their intention to put you at ease or to help you come out of the embarrassment. In this case, the people there were actually wishing to laugh with the American rather than laugh at her. Their laughing seemed to convey a number of messages: don‘t take it so seriously; laugh it off, it‘s nothing; such things can happen to any of us, etc. Unfortunately the American was unaware of this. She thought they were laughing at her, which made her feel more badly and angry, for in her culture laughing on such an occasion would be interpreted as an insulting response, humiliating and negative.Case 24It is obvious that there exists some difference between the British and Germans in their use oftouch. The lack of touch that seems to be natural in Britain may be considered strange by Germans.What is required (in this case, shaking hands with each other) inone country could be taken asunnecessary in another.The appropriateness of contact between people varies from country to country. Figures from a study offer some interesting insight into this matter. Pairs of individuals sitting and chatting in college shops in different countries were observed for at least one hour each. The number of times that either one touched the other in that one hour was recorded,as follows: in London, 0; in Florida, 2; in Paris, 10; in Puerto Rico, 180. These figures indicate that touch is used verydifferently in different cultures.。



Case 1: She Has Three HandsIn the following scenario, a Chinese doctor, a patient and a physiotherapist interact.A female neurologist from Beijing was working on a research project in a Toronto hospital. She shared a small office with a young Canadian male from a large family, who loved peanut butter. He was so fond of peanut butter that he kept a jar in the office. One day he came into the office and exclaimed, “Who took my peanut butter?” But the Chinese woman immediately felt accused. After all, there were only two of them in the office.She was deeply distressed, but true to her learned cultural behavior of never showing anger in public, she said nothing. Later that day she was working in a room where the physiotherapist was treating a patient who suffered paralysis of his legs and arms from a motorcycle accident. The physiotherapist moved one of the patient’s legs in a way that caused him pain.“Ouch!” he cried.“Oh, I didn’t do that,” said the physiotherapist. “It was that doctor over there,” and he pointed to the Chinese woman.“How could she have done it since she’s on the other side of the room?” the patient pointed out.“Ah, she has three hands.” the physiotherapist replied.At these words the Chinese doctor became even more upset. She was so disturbed that she behaved in a way uncharacteristic of her culture. She waited until the patient had gone, and then said to the physiotherapist, “I’m very upset by what you said.” The physiotherapist was taken aback. “What had I said?”“You said I had three hands,” the Chinese doctor finally choked. “You think I took the peanut butter.”Answer the following questions:1.How do you understand the phrase “to have three hands”? (3分)2.What caused their communication conflicts?(7分)Case 1:This case can reflect the different communication styles between Chinese and Canadians. In western cultures, communication is the means of transmitting ideas. Western people usually communicate directly with each other. That is why the Canadian in this case says what is in his mind directly in front of the Chinese woman without hiding anything. While Chinese culture stresses harmony and emphasizes the relationships between the communicators. Chinese people view communication as a process where all parties are searching to develop and maintain a social relationship. So the Chinese woman in this case tries not to argue with the Canadian face to face to keep the“harmonious relationship”between them.Case 2: Left in the ColdKatherine came to Beijing in 1998 and found a job as an English teacher in a foreign language institute. Soon after her classes began she found that her students showed no interest in her teaching style. Quite a few of them avoided attending her class. She was feeling quite upset and discouraged so she decided to ask the Director, Prof. Wang for help. Prof. Wang reviewed his timetable and suggested they meet at ten o’clock on Thursday morning. When Thursday came, Katherine arrived at Prof. Wang’s office at the exactly ten o’clock finding him talking with another teacher in Chinese. Seeing that she had come, Prof. Wang smiled and gestured her to sit down. Katherine sat down and the professor excused himself and continued to talk with the other teacher. After five minutes, he finished his conversation, and apologized to Katherine, and began to focus his attention on her situation. Prof. Wang showed great concern and asked her what the problem was. Just as she was discussing her problem, another Chinese teacher interrupted, with a form that required the Director’s signature. The Director smiled, apologized to Katherine again, and turned to talk with the Chinese teacher in Chinese. Katherine became impatient, and wondered why their discussion should be interrupted since she had made an appointment. Also, she was upset and frustrated that they continued to speak Chinese in front of her. Although their talk continued, she was apparently unhappy about what had happened.Answer the following questions:1.How would you explain the Director’s behavior toward Kathrine?(5分)2.How would you make the Director understand why Katherine felt frustrated and angry? (5分)Case 2:CommentThis is a typical cultural clash between Chinese and Westerners. There is a great difference in the concept of appointment and its behavior pattern in different cultures. To Americans, an appointment is a confirmation to meet at a precise time. If an appointment is scheduled, both parties should respect the appointment time. For example, if a professor makes an appointment with a student at a certain time, it should not be interrupted by other things or people. In addition, Westerners are good timekeepers; they adhere strictly to schedules. However, Chinese view appointments in a more flexible manner. They are more casual about commitments. This difference in attitudes toward appointment was the root of Katherine’s unhappiness. Since the Director made an ten a’clock appointment, he should have tried to avoid any interruption. However, when Katherine arrived on time, the Director was still talking with another teacher. When their meeting finally began, it was interrupted again. There is no wonder Katherine became frustrated and angry.Case 3: Personal SpaceMark had recently moved from Denmark to Sydney to work as a salesperson for a large Australian company. After three weeks, he was invited to join a local club. During the first few weeks at the club, Mark would either stand in the corner talking with someone or sit on a sofa listening to other people talk and chat. As time went by, he came to know most of the club members and seemed to enjoy talking with them. One day, at an evening party one of the female members approached him. Mark immediately showed his interest by talking about the atmosphere of the party. At first, the conversation between them seemed to go quite smoothly, but as it progressed the lady seemed to step further and further away from Mark as he had been gradually moving closer to her. The lady obviously seemed uncomfortable. As Mark was about to ask her questions regarding Australian social customs, another man standing nearby directed a glance toward the lady. She excused herself and went to talk with that man, leaving Mark standing alone and wondering why their conversation had come to such a sudden stop.Answer the following question1. Why did that woman suddenly stop talking with Mark and turned to another man? (10分)Case 3:This is a typical case of misunderstanding caused by different perceptions abut body distance.There is a lot of evidence to show that body distance varies with different people, different circumstances, and different cultures. In Denmark, at a formal event, the intimate space is usually between 20 to 30 centimeters; while in Australia such an occasion requires a body distance of 40 to 50 centimeters. Therefore when a Dane talks with an Australian, the problem arises: the Dane is accustomed to a close distance while the Australian is comfortable with a great distance.In this case, Mark, by trying to establish his normal intimate space, infringed on the Australian lady’s space. Because of this, she felt somewhat threatened and lost her sense of comfort. At that moment, the nearby man offered her the opportunity to excuse herself from Mark. If Mark had had some knowledge about the expected personal space for Australians, the encounter might have been totally different.Case 4Li Ming, a male Chinese graduate student, studied in the United States. He shared a room with his American classmate Tony in a residence hall. At the very beginning, Li Ming found it easy and enjoyable to get along with Tony, for he was an open-minded person and sometimes he could give Li Ming quite a lot of helpful advice. But later,Li Ming felt it really hard to do the real effective communication. For example:One day Tony went into the bathroom and completely shaved his head. Li Ming easily discovered this fact when he himself visited the bathroom and saw the hair everywhere. He returned to his room and said to Tony, “You’ve shaved your head.” Tony replied, “Yeah, I did.”Li Ming waited a while, then said, I discovered you’d shaved your head when I went into the bathroom and saw the hair. “Yeah.” Tony confirmed. Li Ming was at a loss. He believed he had communicated in the strongest possible language his wish that the American would clean up the mess he’d made in the bathroom. But Li Ming was very much disappointed at his roommate Tony!Later he discussed the surprising episode with some Chinese friends who told him, “Listen, with Americans you actually have to say: Clean up the bathroom!” Li Ming believed his message had been very clear. However, he was relying on the context of the communication for the message to be understood: hair was all over the bathroom, and his roommate now was bare-headed.Questions:1. Why do you think the American student Tony failed to understand what his Chinese roommate Li Ming had wanted to say?2. Suppose the main characters in the story are two Chinese studentsor two American students, in what way will they deal with the matter?Case 7 (P30)Case analysis: Cultural differences decide the two students are going to communicate in different ways. 案例分析:文化差异决定这两个学生要沟通的方式不同。



大学英语跨文化交际案例分析Case 2 (P8)White Dress女王的白色长裙:Case analysis: The Indian women might think the wedding ceremony is a funeral if they see the western bride in white gown. The case reflects the similes and metaphors in the text.案例分析:印度女人可能觉得婚礼是一个葬礼,如果他们看到西方的新娘的白色礼服。


Culture is like an iceberg: we can identify the color of the dress worn by women in different cultures, but we do not know the values underneath. Culture is like the water a fish swims in: people wear dress of different colors for different context but they usually take it for granted and never ask why.文化是像冰山:我们可以辨认颜色衣服的妇女所穿不同的文化,但我们不知道下面的值。


Case 4 (P18)Coconut-skating椰子-溜冰:Case analysis: The case reflects the characteristics of culture. We can tell from the case that culture is pervasive and it’s learned.案例分析:这个事件反映了文化的特点。



Case Study 1 Age and Status两位同事的矛盾使一家数据处理公司的总经理遇到了麻烦.一方是一位踌躇满志的法裔加拿大小伙子,另一方是一位有特许签证的年长的中国女性,而此前两人确实很好的合作伙伴•••..Case description:A manager in a data-processing company was having difficulty dealing with a conflict between a young, ambitious French Canadian male and his co-worker, an older Chinese woman who was on a special visa from China. She had recently become uncooperative and had made it clear to the manager that she would not be willing to travel to the capital with her co-worker to hold discussion with legislators about a new product with great enthusiasm.When the manager asked her what the problem was, he received no clear explanation. When he asked her co-worker, the young man had no insights to offer. The young French Canadian was clearly annoyed, however, that the Chinese woman was refusing to share her data with him. That meant he couldn' t make 1presentation to the legislators because she had all the key data on her computer disks.The manager repeated questions to her but hert npwhDdjrei S o go changed his approach.He began explaining his concerns, as manger and as spokesperson for the company, about the upcoming meeting with legislators. His explanation about his position was unemotional. In that climate she then felt she could explain her position. She revealed she felt that that as an older, and to her mind, more senior person, she should not be sent to the capitol with a younger employee who would do the presentation of material she had worked hard to develop. That would diminish her status, she felt. The general manger knew the root of his headache.Questions:1.What do you think caused the conflict?2.What would you do to resolve the conflict if you were the general manager?矛盾冲突这位年长的中国女士投入极大的热情和精力开发产品.却在最后的关键时刻拒绝与年轻的同事一同去向议员做推介:当经理和同事问其原因.她并未做任何明确的答复:而当经理改变策略,不再直接询问原因,而是迂回地讲起自己的困境时, 她才道出自己的顾虑.在这位资深年长的中国女士看来,同一位比她年轻的同事一同去国会,并且由对方来做推介会影响到她的地位和威信,因此她无法同意:原因分析造成这一矛盾的文化因素有两方面.对地位、年龄的不同态度以及这种不同的表达方式.人对权力的熟悉因文化背景的不同而不同.根据霍夫斯特的调查研究, “低权力距离〞国家的人强调个人的水平和信用,人与人之间权利和关系的平等, 而. "高权力距离〞国家,如中国、日本、纬国,强调地位、经验、年龄、资历等,人与人之间存在级别差距;因此在这位年轻的加拿大人看来,在工作上他与这位女士是平等的合作伙伴,并没有地位的差异,自己也有水平参与工程并做最后报告.而在这位中国女士看来,以自己的年龄、资历、以及工作中的付出,与一个年轻人一同去国会,并且由对方来做报告对她来说是一件丢面子的事:另外.双方表达方式的不同也导致了矛盾的加深.根据霍尔的理论,加拿大是“低语境〞国家,中国属于“高语境〞文化国家,因此,当她的加拿大同事没有充分考虑到她所处的位置.而是直接问她原因时,这位中国女士采用了婉转回进的策略,没有直接说出自己的想法.而当经理改变方法迂回地说到自己的难处时,在这种语境下她才说出自己的顾虑.Low power distance "country on individual ability and credit, the relationship between rights and equality, and." high power distance "countries, such as China, Japan, weft kingdom, emphasizing the status, experience, age, qualifications, existing gap between people level.So in the young Canadian opinion, in the work he and the woman are equal partners, and the difference in no position, also has the ability to participate in project and do the last report. And in the Chinese women seem to, in their own age, qualifications, and work in pay, and a young man together to congress, and by each other to do the report for her is a lose face:Outside. Both sides expressing way different led to the deepening of contradictions. According to the theory of hall, Canada is"low context" countries; China belongs to "high context" culture countries, 文化沟通当与不同文化背景、年龄、地位的人进行跨文化交流合作时,我们应当充分了解对方价值观中对这些个人因素的看法,决策前应采用适宜的方式进行有效的协商,以便防止和化解因文化背景、价值观不同引起的矛盾.本案例中的经理在理解她的难处之后,可以在全公司内正式的公布这位女士的工作成果,给予高度的认可.同时在议会的报告中也应表达出其工作的重要意义,使之得,得到应有的This case of manager in understanding her difficulty after can in all the company released within the formal the lady's work, to give high recognition. At the same time in the parliamentary report should reflect its importance, make, and get the attention it deserves.Case Study 2 Praising Japanese in Public Workplaces (在工作场所当众表扬日本人)琼斯先生(美国经理)当众表扬苏琦木拓(日本员工)工作做得很棒,本以为苏琦木拓会快乐的接受,却不料…..Case description:American: Mr. Sugimoto, I have noticed that you are doing an excellent job on the assembly line. I hope that the other workers notice how it should be done.Japanese: (He is uneasy). Praise is not necessary. I am only doing my job. (He hopes other Japanese workers do not hear.)American: You are the finesse, most excellent, dedicated worker we have ever had at the Jones Corporation.Japanese: (He blushed and nods his head several times, and keeps working.)American: Well, are you going to say“thank you, " Mr. Sugimoto, or just remain silent?Japanese: Excuse me, Mr. Jones … May I take leave for five minutes?American: Sure. (He is annoyed and watched Sugimoto exit). I can believe how rudetsome Japanese workers are. They seem to be disturbed by praise and don' t answer you ••• just silent.Questions:Why was the conversation between Mr. Jones and Mr. Sugimoto not so pleasant?Why did they have such different reactions towards praising in public workplaces?If you were Mr. Sugimoto, would you accept praise from Mr. Jones in public workplaces?If were Mr. Jones, how would you deal with the situation more appropriately?分析矛盾冲突从对话中可以看出,琼斯先生认为在其他工人面前表扬苏奇木拓先生是对他工作的肯定.也是对他个人的认可,苏奇木拓先生应该快乐地接受, 不必遮遮掩掩不好意思,更不应该一句话不说就走了.但琼斯先生只是从美国强调个人的概念出发,却不熟悉日本人是如何看待个人和集体的关系, 不知道如何向日本同事表示欣赏和赞扬.结果适得其反.琼斯先生和苏奇木拓交流失败的原因主要在于都对双方的文化了解不深,特别是双方对个人与集体关系的看法不同.原因分析在霍夫斯特的“个体取向与集体取向〞53个国家和地区的列表中美国排在第一位. 而日本排在22位, 这意味着美国是非常强调个人主义的国家,而日本更注重的是集体.在美国鼓励个人创断,提倡竟争.个人会因业绩优异而受到上司表扬,这是一种典型的美国式做法.特别是如果在同事面前受到表扬,个人会觉得很自豪,由于成绩得到了上级的认可,同时也在同事中间表现了自己,实现了自我价值.在美国,受到表扬的人往往会说"谢谢"'以作答复.The United States is very stressed individualism country, and Japan are more focused on their collective. In the United States encourages individual creative, advocating competition. Individual will and excellent performance by boss for praise, this is a kind of typicalAmerican practices. Especially if in front of my colleagues have been praised, people will feel very proud, because the results obtained superior approbate, and also in among colleagues showed, realize the ego value.In the United States, who praised will often say "thank you" to answer ".所以案例中的琼斯先生认为苏奇木拓先生也应该以这样的方式接受表扬.出乎他意抖的是,那位受到表扬的日本工人对他的表扬感到不安,没把表扬当回事:美国经理接着用更肯定的语气维续表扬他,如用英语中的最高级形容词“最优秀的"、“最杰出"、‘最勤奋〞等等.使他更吃惊的是:他的这番赞扬之词使那位日本工人更1危脸,脸一下红了起来,只是理头干活.不再言语,仅仅点了两下头.对于这样的答复或拒绝表扬. 美 国经理实在是无法理解,也无法忍受这种沉默不语,于是直截了当地向他发问道:“你打算说声谢谢 呢,还是要选择继续保待沉默呢〞 责备他表现“没礼貌".The manager was unable to understand, alsocan't stand for the silent, then to straight out he hair asked: "are you going to say? Thank you, or to choose continue the stay silent?" Blamehim to show "rude".他所不知的是,日本是典型的集体主义国度,在日本 个人要忠实于集体,集体内部的成员要团结一致不倾向于突出个人业绩.而是强调集体协作.所以当 苏奇木拓先生在同事面前受到表扬时,非常地局促不安.只是低头干自己的事情,甚至要求要离开五 分钟,没有正面给琼斯先生任何答复.由于他觉得这样把他和所属的集体别离开了.使他在同事面前 失去了面子.另一方面.美国经理由于对日本文化特点的无知,公开表扬不仅把那位日本工人弄得无 言以答,而且会失去在其他日本工人对他的尊敬.Japan is typical of collective socialist country, inJapanese individual should be faithful to the collective, the members of the collective to internal unity don't tend to outstanding individual performance. But emphasize the collective cooperation. So when SuJiMu Mr Extension in front of my colleagues when praised very 川 at ease. Just do their own things down, even want to leave five minutes, no positive for Mr Jones any reply. Because he felt that he and the subordinate to the collective isolates. To his in front of my colleagues lost face. On the other hand. The manager because ofJapanese culture characteristics of ignorance, public praise not only the Japanese workers make could answer, and will lose in the other Japanese workers to his respect. 从对话中也可以看出苏奇木拓先生不接受当众表扬,却只是保持沉默,甚至要走开,没有把他的不满当众表达出来.这样的行为使得琼斯先生认为日本员工不礼貌.这一交际失致和日美两国交流方式不同有很大关系.根据霍尔〔Hail 〕的“高语境〞和"低语境〞理论,日本是典型的高语境国家,交方式含蓄委婉,不会轻易在众人面前表达不满,会更多的依赖于非言语交流."low context" theory, Japan is typical high context countries, communication implicative tactful, not easily in thepresence of all express discontent, will be more dependent onnon-verbal communication.如苏奇木拓先生不作答复保持沉庆,只是干自己的工作,以此表示对当 众表扬的不满.而美国属于“低语境〞国家,习惯直接的语言交流方式,.And the United Statesbelongs to "low context" countries, used to direct language communication 当苏奇木拓先生显得不安时,球斯先生却说“你打算说谢谢呢,还是要选择沉默 〞.当苏奇木拓先生要求离开时, 琼斯先生就认为没有任何答复就离开是不礼貌的.文化沟通双方应该对彼此的文化有所了解,应该清楚两种文化对个人的不同看法和不同的 交流方式.不要总是从自己的出发点看问题.琼斯先生应该知道最好不要当众表 扬某个日本人,而是应该私下单独表扬,或者会开表扬某个集体或团队;要清楚 日本人的交流方式比拟委婉间接,为了集体的和谐他们通常不会在公开场合表示 不满.而苏奇木拓先生也应该了解美国时个人的重视,公开表扬个人是对他水平的认可;美国人更喜欢直接的语言交流,有什么想法要说出来,而不是要保持沉默或是回避 Both sides should understand the culture for each other, should be clear that two kinds of culture on personal different views and different way of communication. Don't always look at problems from their starting point. Mr Jones should know better not praise in public a Japanese, but should praise alone, or will open praise a collective or team; Want to be clear about the Japanese way of communication more tactful indirectly, to the harmony of collective they usually don't publicly expressed dissatisfaction. And SuJiMu Mr Should know the extension of the individual attention when, public praise for his personal ability is the approval;Americans prefer direct language exchange, have what idea to say, but not to remain silent or avoidCase 3 A British General Manager in Thailand 英国总经理在泰国一位英国总经理来到泰国上任,到任之初,没想到使用什么样的车上班这个小问题给他带来了不小的 烦恼…….Case description:A British general manager upon arrival in Thailand refused to take his predecessor' s car. The Thaifinance manager asked the new GM what type of Mercedes he would like, then, The GM asked for a Suzuki or a Mini, anything that could be handled easily in the congested:o"High context" antraffic in Bangkok.Three weeks later the GM called the finance manger and asked about prospects for the delivery of his car. The Thai lost his reserve for a moment andexclaimed: " we can get you a new Mercedes by tomorrow, but Suzuki take much, much longer. " The GM asked him to see what he could do to speed up the process. After four weeks the GM asked to see the purchase order for the car. The purchasing department replied that, because it would take so long to get a small car, they had decided to order a Mercedes.The GM' s patience had run out. At the first management meeting he brought the issue up and asked for an explanation. Somewhat shyly, the predominantly Thai management team explained that they could hardly come to work on bicycle.Questions:Why did the GM have difficulties in getting a Suzuki or Mini?Why did the management team say they could hardly come to work on bicycle?原因分析泰国是等级观念很强的国家.泰国传统文化价值观的核心,如家长制、权威索拜,等级观念等是人们日常行为所公认的准那么,甚至是一种“生活方式〞人们认为社会等级制度时人有好处.所以不会向社会等级制度挑战.泰国的社会生活强调等级观念,依赖于等级关系.而在公司等社会机构中,强调正式的组织结构,各个等级保持一定的稳定性.Thailand is hierarchy strong country. Thailand traditionalcultural values of the core, such as the patriarchal system, and the authority and worship, level is the concept of the people daily behavior ofaccepted standards, or even a "lifestyle" people think social hierarchy system people have good. So will not give in to the social hierarchy challenge.Thailand's emphasis on social life hierarchy, rely on hierarchy relationship. And in the company and other social organizations, emphasizes formalorganization structure, each level maintain certain stability.因此,在本案例中,最后泰国职员的解释是,如果总经理的用车降低水准,公司所有职员的用车要整体降级,The general manager of the lowerlevel fruit transport, the company all staff transport to the whole downgraded,最终有些职员必须要骑自行车上班,而这是他们不愿也无法做到的.在英国文化的价位观中,权力之间的距离很小.具体工作之外,人们之间是平等的,公司中的领导者用车是为了工作,为了提升的业绩,因此英国经理看来.交通工具的选用是为了提升工作效率.每个人都有选择的自由,自己选用什么样的车与公司其他人无关.In British culture on the price, the distance between the power is small. The specific work outside, between people is equal, the leader is in orderto transport the work, in order to improve the performance, so Britainthe manager looked. Traffic tools in order to improve the work efficiency is choose. Everyone has the om of choice, oneself choose what kind of car company has nothing to do with文化沟通本案例中,如果英国经理坚持一意孤行,很容易引起泰国员工的集体反感, 会有被架空的危险.在跨国组织中,遇到这种情况应从实际环境,即地理环境及当地文化习俗,占主导成员的文化背境出发,考虑大多数人的习惯和意见,做出不影响团队成员工作积极性和工作业绩的决策第页Case 4怎样理解微笑微笑是友好的表示,理应得到友好的回应.但是,向别人抱歉时微笑是否显得适当不同国家的人有不同的理解.处理不当,很可能带来意想不到的结果……Case description:Peter is the general manager of an American company in China. Recently, JunChen, one of the Chinese managers made a mistake at work that caused some difficulties that required a lot of effort to fix. Jun Chen was very upset about what had happened, and came to Peter ' s office to make a formal apology. Jun Chen went into Peter ' s office after being told to, smiling before he spoke.“ Peter, I ' ve beervery upset about the trouble I' ve caused for the company. I ' m here to apologize formy mistake. I ' m terribly sorry about it and I want you to know that it will never happen again. " Jun Chen said, looking at Peter with the smile he had been wearing since he walked into the office. Peter found it hard to accept the apology. He looked at Jun Chen, and asked, “are you sure? 〞“Yes, I ' m very sorry and I promise this won ' t happen again, " Jun Chen said, w smile even broader than before.“I' m sorry I just can ' t take your apology. You don ' t look sorry at all! 〞 F angrily.Jun Chen ' s face turned very red. He did not in the least expect Peter to take it negatively. He was desperate to make himself understood.“ Peter, " he managed tosmile again, “trust me, no one can feel any more sorry than I do about it.〞Peter was almost furious by now,“If you ' re that sorry, how can you still smile?Questions for discussion 〞Why did Jun Chen wear a smile when he made the apology?Do you think it is reasonable that Peter became so angry with Jun Chen? Why? What are the different interpretations for asmile by the two in this situation?矛盾冲突本案例所表达的矛盾非常明显,是由于胶体语言使用的文化差异而导致的误解.不同文化对于微笑的理解是不同的.尤其是在抱歉这种特殊的语境下.陈军向彼得道谦时,尽力微笑着说话以显示礼貌和诚意,而对于彼得来说,这种情况下微笑是不尊重的表砚,也是缺乏诚意的表现.This case that embodies the veryobvious contradiction, is because the colloid use of language cultural differences and lead to misunderstandings. Different culture for smile of understanding is different. Especially in the context of this special and apologize. Howell way to Peter W川iams, trying to smile to speak to show courtesy and sincerity, and for Peter speaking, this situation is not respect watch smile yanping, also is the lack of sincerity of the performance.原因分析当陈军表达完自己的歉意时,脸上的笑容使彼得怀提他是否真心感到抱歉,以至于看着他追问了一句:〞你确定吗〞.此时陈军并未意识到他们之间的交流已经由于自己错误使用胶体语言而产生了问题,笑容更加明显地答到自己确实感到很抱歉并保证不会再犯同样的错误.彼得非常气愤的表示不能接受他的道歇,这是令陈军万万没有想到的.彼得的反响也让他颇为不解,只能急忙为自己辩白.但仍不忘保持脸上的微笑,可想而知.陈军的行为非但不能消除误解.取得彼得的访解,反而进一步火上浇油,激怒了彼得.在跨文化交流中,对肢体语言使用和理解的差异往往会导致许多问翅.肢体语言包括手势,身势.服饰.音调上下,微笑,沉默,副语言,对时间的不同观念及空间的使用等.笑容一般传达的是愉悦和友好的感情,可以表示欢送、原谅、赞同、没有敌意等等.在此案例中,对于中国人陈军来说,微笑不仅仅只是快乐和友好的表示,也传递抱歉与谅解的信息.同时由于中国人习惯用面部来遮掩感情, 陈军也有借微笑掩饰自己的不安和歉疚的习惯.而对于美国人,这种做法并不能被接受.微笑削弱了抱歉的诚意.美国人强调真实直接的表达情感,内心感情与外在表砚的统一.所以他们认为当一个人内心感到愧疚而致歉时,是不可能面带笑容的.否那么只能说明抱歉的真诚性值得疑心.In cross-culturalcommunication, of body language use and understand the differences often led to manyasked wings. Body language including gestures, body movements. Dress. Tone height, smiling, silent, vice language, about the time ofconception and the use of space, etc. General communicate is cheerful smile and friendly affection, can say welcome, forgive, agree with, no hostile, and so on. In this case, to the Chinese for howell, smile not ust happy and friendly, and said theinformation transfer apologize and understanding. At the sametime because the Chinese used to face to cover feelings, howell also have borrow smile hide his agitation and the habit of guilt. For an American, this kind of practice and cannot be accepted. Smile weaken the apology of sincerity. American emphasis on real direct express feelings, emotions and external table inkstoneunity. So they think that whena person feel guilty whenexcuse, is impossible to smiling. Otherwise can explain the sincere apology sexual suspect.文化沟通要防止跨文化交际中产生由胶体语言使用不当而造成交流上的障碍和误解,解决本案例中出现的类似问题,必须提前了解对方国家的文化,了解同样的肢体语言 在对方国家中是否有着同样的意义.尤其是对方文化中涉及礼节礼仪的方面有何 禁忌和特别之处.切不能想当然的套用自己文化中肢体语言的含义,否那么就可能出现本案例中得为难情况.Case 5 Why Was His Answer Not Related to theQuestion?为何他答非所问飞利浦照明公司的一位美国经理和一位颇具开展潜力的中国员工谈话,但这位中国员工总是答非所问,美国经理甚是迷惑……Case description:An American manager of human resource in Philips lightening company talked with a Chinese employee with greatpotential. The American manager wanted to know the development design and the position the employee wants to get in the company. But the Chinese employee did not answer the question directly; instead he only talked about the company ' s future direction, promotion system and his current position. He talked for a long time, but did not give a definite and direct answer. The manager was puzzled and annoyed, because the same situation has occurred several times, Later, the manager complained to another human resource manager, Mr. Jia,'s working plan in the next 5 yearsositildthe p he wants to get in the company, but why I cannot get a clear answer? employee also complained to Mr. Jia., human resource manager in a multinational company, Mr. Jia knows that a different manner in communication brings about misunderstandings. So he did best to explain to the two sides, but it is noteasy to reduce the obstacle between them.Question for discussion:Why did the Chinese employee not give a clear and definite answer? What stereotype did the Chinese employee fromtowards American? How can Mr. Jia effectively solve the awkward situation? 矛盾冲突这是一个表达东西方人际交流方式差异的案例.在这个案例中,文化冲突表达在:来自美国的人力资源经理看好一个中国雇员,因此和该雇员谈话,想知道他对自己的职业开展规划以及期望得到什么职位.而令他不解和恼怒的是,该雇员避而不谈该答复的问题却大谈公司的未来开展、晋升和他目前的职位.结果是两人都在背后互相抱怨,美国人认为中国雇员太虚伪,而中国雇员也认为美国人太直接、 坦率、咄咄通only wanted to know the employee.The Chines “ As the “Why are Americans so aggressive?人.Americans believe that Chinese employees too hypocritical, and Chinese employees also think Americans too direct, frankly, our very aggressive.原因分析该案例中的一方是美国人,而那位员工是中国人.产生这样糟糕结果的一个主要原因是中美两国在人际交流方式上,具体来说是在答复下列问题的方式上,存在巨大差异,而当事双方却并没意识到这一点.这种文化差异表达在中国文化注重维护群体和谐的人际交流环境,而美国丈化那么注重创造一个强调坚持个性的人际交流环境.如果这位中国员工从正面直接答复了人力资源经理的问题.比方.中国员工回答:〞想在五年之内做到营销部经理的职位.〞根据中国人的传统心理,这样的答复违反了中国人一向谦应、委婉的心理习惯,太直接反而暴露出自己很有野心并傲慢自大的缺陷,而谦虚可以给自己留有后路,万一做不到那个理想的位子,也不至于丢面子.被人笑话.尽于这位中国员工可能心里对未来有着宏伟的蓝图.但是他所处的文化背景主张克制情绪和情感.因此他在答复美国上司的问题时,没有直接说出自己的想法.而是谈了很多与公司未来开展有关的事,在他看来自己的做法是完全符合社会标准的,是谦虚的表砚,并且认为将自己的未来与公司的未来紧密相连有利于保持组织的和谐.这在中国人看来是再正常不过的了,直截了当地说出自己的薪水目标或是职位目标反而会被认为是具有野心的表砚.止匕外,中国人评价一个人,往往是清他究竟做了什么,而不是看他说了什么.The case of the party is American, and the staff is Chinese. Have this bad results of one of the main reasons is that China and the United States on the way in interpersonal communications, specifically is the way toanswer questions, there are large differences, and both parties but didn't realize this. These cultural differences reflected in Chinese culture pays attention to maintenance group harmonious interpersonalcommunication environment, and the United States the cultural focuses on creating a it puts emphasis on the individual character of interpersonal communication environment.If the Chinese employees directly from the front of the human resources manager answered the question. For example. Chinese employees answer: " thinkin five years do the Marketing Department managerposition."According to Chinese traditional psychological, such answer violation of the Chinese people have always modest, the psychological habits should be euphemism, too direct exposed himself instead was very ambitious and arrogance of the defect, and modest can give his left posterior, one thousand can't do the ideal seat, will not lose face. Be laughed at. Try to the Chinese employees may be the in the mind to the future has a grand blueprint. But he is part of the culture background advocates restraint moods and emotions. So he answered in the boss's problem, not directly speak his mind. But talked a lot about the company's future development and, in his view it is fully comply with the social norms, is modest table nk stones, and that will be their future and the future of the companys closely connected to keep organizational harmony. This in the Chinese people is normal but again, straight from the shoulder to say his salary objects or position goal but will is considered to be a ambitions watch nk stones. In addition, the Chinese evaluation a person, often is the clear what was he doing, exactly, and not at what he said.不管他把自己的理想、抱负描绘得何等宏伟;也不管他把自己的水平,素质说得如何天花乱坠.如果最后他做不到,这一切都只能成为别人的笑柄;美国人一向很直接明了, 这也是他们——贯的思维方式.Americans have always very direct and clear,this is their usual way of thinking.从美籍经理询问这位员工时于自己未来五年开展的打算,即想要在飞利浦做到什么样的职位可以看出,|美国人注重个人在企业的开展状况.通过个人才华的施展和势力来取得企业的辉辉煌和到达理想目标.这也许与美国一贯提倡的个人主义有着莫大关系.他们重独立、多坦率,等级和身份观念淡薄,认为追求个人的利益是天经地义、无可厚非的,他们对中国式的重礼仪、身份和多委婉,却视为假装和缺乏真诚.美国文化提倡大胆直接表露自己想法.Americans pay attention to individual in the developmentof the enterprise. Through the individual talent and to get their powerof the enterprise is splendid and to achieve the ideal target Fraser. This may and American advocates for the individualism has great relationship. They heavy independent, outspoken, level and identity concept light, argued that the pursuit of the interest of the individual is perfectlyjustified, understandable, their Chinese heavy to etiquette, identity and more tactful, but as pretend and lack of sincerity. The American culture advocate direct to reveal his bold ideas.在该案例中,美国的人力资源经理认为直截了当地说出自己的期望和要求并无不妥.反而是真诚和自信的表现, 有利于中国员工实现人生的成功.相反,中国人习惯委婉的表达方式,直接说出自己的要求会显得不礼貌和磨突,他对于美国人的直白也很是不满.文化沟通由于谈话的不愉快使得美国经理和中国雇员都对彼此颇有微词,虽然美国经理的本意是想通过谈话了解这位中国雇员对于自己事业开展的规划,今后适时可能提拔他.值得一提的是,案例中的另一名人力资源主管贾先生已意识到两人相互误解的原因,并试图向两人解释,但是收效甚微,问题的关键是在于这两位当事人.但是如果有一个了解双方文化的中间人适当做出解释.应当是可以化解甚至是化解文化冲突的. The key to the problem is the two parties. But if there is a culture of appropriate to the middlemen to explain. Shall be eased even resolve cultural conflict.既然身处于一个国际化的大公司里, 必然会面对有假设不同文化背景的员工, 如果想当然地认为所有人都与自己有假设相同的价值观念和社会准那么,那肯定是大错特错.因此首先必须培养文化教感性, 意识到文化的差异性.这对于美国人和中国人都同样重要:只有了解了不同文化的根本状况,人们才能在与有着不同文化背景的人交往时保持宽容,而不是一概否认、批评.本案例中的中美双方当事人由于对对方的文化缺乏必要了解,因此在发生冲突时就缺乏宽容和耐心."You have to understand the basic situation of different cultures, people can have different cultural background and those whom they be tolerant, not deny, criticism. In this case the both parties because of the lack of necessary to know each other's culture, so in conflict is lack of tolerance and patience.The proper solution. First, the enterprise staff can accept the local culture in host countries the baptism and related all kinds of intercultural communication training. Or the host country company directly for foreign staff wake a period of time training; Second, the enterprise should strive to build their own culture, calendar year, to make every staff fusion to enterprise culture inside. Because, usually the kind of culture has a strong inclusiveness and fusion power. From the cases can see, American vice President andChinese employees in the enterprise's culture can't find consensus; Third, as vice President, should be forgiving attitude to deal with cultural conflict, slowly to and staff communication, rather than a "impatiently" or complain; Fourth, through the third party of the adjustment and the explanation, make clear the problem, unlock the vice President and Chinese employees of the doubts and contradiction between.。



Unit 1Communication Across CulturesCase 1 (Page 23)This case took place in 3 cultures. There seemed to be problems in communicatingwith people of different cultures in spite of the efforts to achieve understnading.1)In Egypt as in many cultures, the human relationship is valued so highly that it is not expressed in an objective and impersonal way. While Americans certainly value human relationships, they are more likely to speak of them in less personal, more objective terms. In this case, Richard’s mistake might be that he choseto praise the food itself rather than the total evening, for which the food was simply the setting or excuse. For his host or hostess it was as if he had attended an art exhibit and compliment ed the artist by saying, “What beautiful frames your pictures are in!”2)In Japan the situation may be more complicated. Japanese people value order and harmony among a group, and that the group is valued more than any particular member. In contrast, Americans stress individuality and are apt to assert individual differences when they seem justifiably to be in conflict with the goals or values of the group. In this case, Richard’s mistake was making great efforts to defend himself even if the error is notintentiona. A simple apology and acceptance of the blame would have been appropriate3) When it comes to England, w expect fewer problems between Americans and Englishmen than between Americans and almost any other group. In this case we might look beyond the gesture of taking sugar or cream to the valuess expressed in this gesture: for Americans, “Help yourself”; for the English counterpart, “Be my guest.” American and English people equally enjoy entertaining and being entertained, but they differ in the value of the distinction. Typically, the ideal guest at an American party is obe who “makeshimself at home”. For the English host, such guest behavior is presumptuous or rude.Case 2 (Page 24)A common cultural misunderstanding in classes involvs conflicts between what is said to be direct communication style and indirect communication style. In American culture, people tend to say what is on their minds and mean what they say. Therefore, students in class are expected to ask questions when they need clarification. Mexican culture shares this preference of style with American culture in some situations, and that’s why the students from Mexico readily adopted the techniques of asking questions in class.However, Korean people generally prefer indirect communication style, and therefore they tend not to say what is on their minds and to rely more on implications and inference, so as to be polite and repectful and avoid losing face through any improper verbal behavior. As is mentioned in the case, to many Koreans, numerous questions would show a disrespect for the teacher, and would also reflect that the student has not studied hard enough.Case 3 (Page 24)The conflict here is a difference in cultural values and beliefs. In the beginning, Mary didn’t realize that her Dominican sister saw her as a member of the family, literally. In the Dominican view, family possessions are shared by everyone of the family. Luz was acting as mostDominican sisters woould do in borrowing without asking every time. Once Mary understood that there was a different way of looking at this, she would become more accepting. However, she might still experience frustration when this happened again. She had to find ways to cope with her own emotional cultural reaction as well as her practical problem (the batteries running out).Case 4 (Page 25)It might be simply a question of different rhythms. Americans have one rhythm in their personal and family relations, in their friendliness and their charities. People from other cultures have different rhythms. The American rhythm is fast. It is characterized by a rapid acceptance of others. However, it is seldom that Americans engage themselves entirely in a friendship. Their friendship are warm, but casual and specialized. For example, you have a neighbor who drops by in the morning for coffee. You see her frequently, but you never invite her for dinner------not because you don’t think she could handle a fork and a knife, but because you have seen her that morning.Therefore, you reserve your more formal invitation to dinner for someone who lives in a more distant part of the city and whom you would not see unless you extended an invitation for a special occasion. Now, if the first friend moves away and the second one moves nearby, you are likely to reserve this------see the second friend in the mornings for informal coffee meetings, and invite the first one more formally to dinner.Americans are, in other words, guided very often by their own convenience. They tend to make friends rapidly, and the y don’t feel like it necessary to go to a great amount of trouble to see friends often when it becomes inconvenient to do so, and usually no one is hurt. But in similar circumstances, people from many other cultures would be hurt very deeply.Unit 2Culture and CommunicationThe analysis of this case: (Page 38)The least three things among the following Tom did that were regarded to be impolite:b. Tom opens the gift as soon as he is presented with it.d. Tom does not make a second offer of drinks when they refuse the first.e. Tom talks about the cost of living in the U.S.A.f. Tom does not ask them to stay longer when they say they must be leaving.g. Tom does not go out to see them off.Case 5 (Page 60)Analysis: The Chinese guide should refuse the first offer because he is obeying the Chinese rules for communication. We Chinese are modest, polite and well-behaved. Maybe the guide is waiting for a second or third offer of beer, but he doesn’t know the reasons behind the rule in American culture that you do not push alcoholic beverages on anyone. A person may not drink for religious reasons, he may be a reformed alcoholic, or he may be allergic. Whatever the reason, you donot insist on offering alcohol. So they politely never made a second offer of beer to the guide.Case 6 (Page 61)When a speaker says something to a hearer,there are at least three kinds of meanings involved:utterance meaning, the speaker’s meaning and the hearer’s meaning. In the dialogue, when Litz asked how long her mother-in-law was going to stay, she meant that if she knew how long she was going to saty in Finland, she would be able to make proper arrangements for her, such as taking her out to some sightseeing. However, her mother-in-law took Litz’s question to mean “Litz does not want me to saty for long”. From the Chinese point of view, it seems inappropriate for Litz to ask such a question just two days after her mother-in-law’s arrival. If she has to ask the question, it would be better to ask some time later and she should not let her mother-in-law hear it.Case 7 (Page 62)Analysis:Keiko insists on giving valuable gifts to her college friends, because in countries like Japan, exchanging gifts is a strongly rooted social tradition. Should you receive a gift, and don’t have one to offer in return, you will probably create a crisis. If not as serious as a crisis, one who doesn’t offer a gift in return may be considered rude or impolite. Therefore, in Japan, gifts are a symbolic way to show the care, respect, gratitude and further friendship. Keiko’s college friends would rather round up some of the necessary items and they are willing to have her use them. They really expected nothing from her. For in America, people donate their used household items to church or to the community. They would never consider these old items as gifts to Keiko. So Keiko’s valuable gifts have made her American friends feel uncomfortableCase 8 (Page 62)When the Chinese girl Amy fell in love with an American boy at that time, it seems that she preferred to celebrate Chritmas in the American way, for she wanted very much to appear the same as other American girls. She did not like to see her boyfriend disappointed at the “shabby” Chinese Christmas. That’s why she cried when she found out her parents had invited the minister’s family over for the Christmas Eve dinner. She thought the menu for the Chritmas meal created by her mother a strange one because there were no roast turkey and sweet potatoes but only Chinese food. How could she notice then the food chosen by her mother were all her favorites?From this case, we can find a lot of differences between the Chinese and Western cultures in what is appropriate food for a banquet, what are good table manners, and how one should behave to be hospi table. However, one should never feel shame just because one’s culture is different from others’. As Amy’s mother told her, you must be proud to be different, and your only shame is to have shame.Unit 3Cultural DiversityCase 7 (Page 76)Between friends there is inevitably a kind of equality of give-and-take. But in different cultures, people view this differently. In Chinese culture,friendships develop slowly because they are built to last. We Chinese prefer the saying “A friend indeed is a friend in need.” And we never refuse theasking for help from a friend. We never forget the timely help by a friendwhen we are on the rocks. But In American culture, they view this in adifferent way. Once helped, they offer their help only once. That’s whyJackson said that Mr. Zhao was asking too much. In their view, friendshipsare based on common interests.1 Different Lands, Different Friendships (P 77)●French Friendships●German Friendships●English Friendships●Chinese Friendships (见补充材料)●American Friendships (见补充材料)补充案例(American Friendship)Two mothers, Carmen and Judy, are talking to each other at a park while their children are playing together in the sand.Caemen: Hi, Judy.Judy: Hi, Carmen. How are you?Carmen: Fine. I’m glad to see that our children like to play together.Judy: Yeah, me too. I remember just a month ago they weren’tsharing their toys.Carmen: Now it looks like they’re enjoying each other.Judy: Finally! Maybe we could get together at each other’s ho usessometime. I’m sure the kids would enjoy that.Carmen: Sure. That’d be nice.Judy: Well, let’s do it soon.Carmen: O.K.(Judy and Carmen continue to talk while their children play.) Case AnalysisJudy and Carme n are not real friends. They don’t want to get together, really. They once met each other a month ago. Americans sometimes make general invitation like “Let’s get together sometimes.” Often this is just a way to be friendly. It is not always a real invit ation. If they’d like to set a specific (exact) time, that means a real offer.2 Family Structure (P83)●Chinese Family●Filipinos Family●Vietnamese Family●Japanese Family (See Case 9 and Case 10)●Latin American FamilyCase 9 (Page 96)Traditional Japanese respect their elders and feel a deep sense of duty toward them. The elders in traditional Japanese families are typically overpowered. So the grandfather seemed to be an absolute authority for the young chairman. In Japanese culture challenging or disagreeing with eilder’s opinions would be deemed as being disrespectful. That is why the young chairman said nothing but just nodded and agreed with his grandfather. And it results in the Japanesecompany’s withdrawal from the negotiations concerning a relationship with Phil’s company a week later.Case 10 (Page 97)In Japan, a company is very much like a big family, in which the manager will take care of the employees and the employees are expected to cevote themselves to the development of the company and, if it is necessary, to sacrifice their own interests for the interests of the company. But to the French, a company is just a loosely-knit social organization wherein individuals are supposed to take care of themselves and their families. And the family is the number one priority, which is unlike the Japanese model “not involving females and the right to decide by dominant male”.Case 11 (Page 97)In most cultures, an apology is needed when an offence or violation of social norms has taken place. To many Westerners, Japanese apologize more frequently and an apology in Japanese does not necessarily mean that the person is acknowledging a fault. To many Japanese, Westeners may seem to be rude just because they do not apologize as often as the Japanese would do. In this case, the atitude of the Australian student’s parents is shocking the Japanese but will be acceptable in an English-speaking society, for the student is already an adult and can be responsible for her own deeds.Case 12 (Page 98)In this case, it seems that the Chinese expectation were not fulfilled. First, having two people sharing host responsibilities could be confusing to the Chinese.Second, in China, it is a tradition for the host to offer a welcome toast at the beginning of the meal. By not doing so, the Canadian might be thought rude. The abrupt departure of the Chinese from the banquet was probably an indication that they were not pleased with the way they were treated. The Canadians’ lack of understanding of the C hinese culture would be a problem in their dealing with the visiting delegation.。

跨文化交际案例分析 Mr.wang and lisa

跨文化交际案例分析 Mr.wang and lisa

跨文化交际案例分析 Mr.wang and lisaLisa is from America and she is visiting a Chinese family. Next is a conversation between Lisa and Wang ---the host of the family.Wang: Hi! Lisa, welcome! Come in. come in. Lisa: Thank you for your invitation. It's a lovely room and very warm in here.Wang: My room is very small and untidy. Please sit down and have a cup of tea. You must be tired after the long walk here.Lisa: What a strange thing to say---your room is perfectly clean and tidy! And as for the walk, I' m very strong, you know. I usually walk for at least half an hour every day. Don' you think walking is a good way to keep fit?Wang: Yes, I do. Dinner is ready. Please sit here facing the door.According to the Chinese custom, this is the seat for the most distinguished guest. Lisa: Thank you. I feel most honored. Wow! So many dishes---eight! They look very tasty.Wang: I prepared the dishes myself. I'm sorry that I ' m not a very good cook. Here are only a few cold dishes. Please try this fish, though I'm not very good at cooking fish, I' m afraid. Lisa: This is delicious. Narrator: Later on in the meal, just before they finish the cold dishes, eight hot dishes are placed on the table. Lisa: Another eight!通过上述案例,我们可以比较中外文化异同, Lisa虽然生长在美国,但是对中华文化和饮食还是认同的,体现了她能够正确认识世界多元文化的价值。






二、案例描述1. 课程背景某高校外语学院开设了一门名为“跨文化交际”的课程,旨在帮助学生了解不同文化背景下的交际规则,提高跨文化交际能力。


2. 课程内容(1)文化差异分析:通过对比中西方文化差异,使学生了解不同文化背景下的价值观、思维方式、交际方式等。




3. 教学方法(1)讲授法:教师通过讲解跨文化交际的基本理论,使学生掌握跨文化交际的基本知识。




三、案例分析1. 文化差异分析在课程进行过程中,学生通过对比中西方文化差异,发现中西方在价值观、思维方式、交际方式等方面存在较大差异。



2. 跨文化交际技巧通过学习跨文化交际技巧,学生了解到在不同文化背景下如何进行有效沟通。





第一单元Case 1⏹Just as Dr. Strenger notices that over the recent years people around the world havebeen suffering from an increasing fear of their own “insignificance”. As humans we naturally measure ourselves to those around us, but now we live in a global village and we are comparing ourselves with the most significant people in the world — and finding ourselves wanting. In the past being a lawyer or doctor was a very reputable profession.But today, even high achievers constantly fear that they are insignificant when they compare themselves to success stories in the media. The remedy, according to Dr.Strenger, is a process that he calls “active self-acceptance” through a sustained quest for self-knowledge through life. The fear for insignificance can only be overcome through strong individual and cultural identity over and above measurable achievement. He believes that people need to invest as much time in developing their worldview as their careers.⏹正如Strenger博士注意到,近年来,世界各地的人们对自己“无关紧要”的恐惧越来越大。

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