IC 燃气表说明书

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In the use of your gas meter, please read the following information:

CG-Z-JRB2.5IC card household diaphragm gas meter conform to the demand of GB/T6968-1997 "diaphragm gas meter" and CJ/T112-2000 "IC Card Household Diaphragm Gas Meter" standard, using domestic gas meter JJG577-2005 test procedures, applicable in cities pipeline gas, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, methane gas and other gas sources, automatic metering and charging control. The gas meter has two sets of display systems, mechanical character-round display and microcomputer controller's LCD display .

1、开阀:当您的表具上的“存(余)量”大于0 m3、同时表具没有“换电池”、“故障”提示时,表具的阀门将自动打开,同时在液晶上会显示“开阀”字样,否则您需要检查表具向您提示的信息,并根据所提示的信息进行操作。

2、关阀:您的表具系统具备智能判别能力,如果表具上的“存(余)量”小于等于0 m


3、充值操作:当您的表具的液晶上显示“请充值”字样时,说明您的表具的“存(余)量”已小于3 m3,此时,您需要进行充值操作;首先,带上您的用户IC卡到燃气运营商的服务点进行充值操作;然后,再将您的用户IC卡按正确的方向插入表具的IC卡座,表具读入数据后,会在液晶上按照“购入”—>“总量”—>“存量”—>“用量”的步骤进行显示您表具上的数据。


1, open valve: When your meter with the "remain" more than 0m3, and don’t display "change batteries", "failure", the valve of meter will automatically open, at the same time the LCD show "Open valve". If not, you need to check the meter with the information and based on the information to operate.

2, close valve: the system has the ability of smart discriminant, if the meter with the "remain" less than or equal 0 m3, or display "failure: interference", "change batteries", the opened valve now will be close and the sign of “open valve” will disappear. If you want to open the valve to use, you need to confirm the reason of closed valve, and then operate next step according to the information you make.

3, recharge operation: When your meter display "Please recharge", it indicate the gas remaining less than 3m3. Now must recharge operation. First, take your IC card to the gas operator's service points and recharge operation. Then take the IC card into IC card connector, the meter read data and display the data according to the step “buy——total——stock——use”.

4, Replacing battery: When the voltage of meter is too low, the LCD will display "replace battery", at this time the valve will be closed. You must use new batteries instead of old, until the system can be restarted.
