



国际标准分类法国际标准分类法(International Standard Classification)是指根据一定的原则和规则,将各种事物或概念按照其性质、特征或用途等进行分类,并在此基础上建立起来的分类体系。




















国际标准分类法国际标准分类法(International Standard Classification)是指根据某一特定领域的特点,将该领域的各种事物、现象、概念等按照一定的规则和原则进行分类、编码和命名的一种分类方法。



















国际教育标准分类法(isced 2011)

国际教育标准分类法(isced 2011)

国际教育标准分类法(isced 2011)国际教育标准分类法(ISCED 2011)国际标准分类法(ISCED)是联合国教科文组织制定的教育分类系统,已于2011年进行了最新修订,即ISCED 2011。


ISCED 2011将教育划分为以下三个层次的教育阶段:初等教育、中等教育和高等教育。


1.初等教育(ISCED 0-2):初等教育阶段包括ISCED级别0、1和2。

ISCED 0层次涵盖了前学前教育和其他有组织的幼儿教育,适合于3-5岁的儿童。

ISCED 1层次即小学,适合于6-11岁的儿童。

ISCED 2层次则是继续小学教育,适合于12-14岁的学生。

2.中等教育(ISCED 3-4):中等教育阶段包括ISCED级别3和4。

ISCED 3层次是初中教育,适合于15-17岁的学生。


ISCED 4层次是高中教育,适合于18-21岁的学生。


3.高等教育(ISCED 5-8):高等教育阶段包括ISCED级别5、6、7和8。

ISCED 5层次是大学本科教育,适合于22岁及以上的学生。


ISCED 6层次是研究生教育,包括硕士和博士学位项目。

ISCED 7层次是博士后教育,为已获得博士学位的人员提供研究和培训机会。

ISCED 8层次则是职业教育与培训,为成年人提供终身学习和职业技能发展的机会。

除了这三个阶段之外,ISCED 2011还提供了一个补充分类--非正式教育。


ISCED 2011的实施使得各国能够按照相同的标准比较和分析各自的教育体系,并更好地了解和评估教育的质量和效果。



07.020 数学
统计方法在质量保证中的应用,见 03.120.30
07.030 物理学、化学
自然科学中的物理学和化学方面的标准包括在此类中;应用物理学,见 17;化工技术,见 71
07.040 天文学、大地测量学、地理学 地图、海图等入此
07.060 地质学、气象学、水文学
07.080 生物学、植物学、动物学 包括生物工艺学
01.040.43 道路车辆工程 (词汇)
01.040.45 铁路工程 (词汇)
01.040.47 造船和船用设备 (词汇)
01.040.49 航空器和航天器技术 (词汇)
01.040.53 材料储运设备 (词汇)
01.040.55 货物的包装和分发 (词汇)
01.040.59 纺织和皮革技术 (3.200 娱乐、旅游
野营设备,见 97.200.30
03.220 运输
危险品运输,见 13.300
03.220.01 运输综合
03.220.20 道路运输
包括道路运输服务;铁路交通控制设备和控制装置,见 93.080.30
03.220.30 铁路运输
03.100.10 订购、收购、仓库管理
03.100.20 贸易、商业活动、市场营销
03.100.30 劳动资源管理
包括人员培训和人员技能和资格认证;焊工技能,见 25.160.01
03.100.40 研究与开发
03.100.50 生产、生产管理
03.100.60 会计
03.100.99 有关公司(企业)组织管理的 其他标准
13.030.01 废物综合



以下是 6 条关于国际标准分类法 ICS 的内容:
1. 你知道吗,国际标准分类法 ICS 就像是一个超级大管家!它把各种各样的事物都有条不紊地归好类。


2. 哎呀,国际标准分类法 ICS 简直太神奇了!它就如同给知识和事物搭建了一个牢固的框架。

3. 国际标准分类法 ICS 啊,可不简单呢!它好比是一张巨大的联络图,把不同的领域和行业紧密连接起来。

4. 哇塞,国际标准分类法 ICS 可是个了不起的存在!它可以被看作是一把神奇的钥匙,能打开各种知识和信息的大门。

5. 嘿,国际标准分类法 ICS 真的很牛啊!它就像是一个超级导航仪,在复杂的信息海洋中指引方向。

6. 国际标准分类法 ICS 绝对是个强大的工具!它仿佛是一座坚实的桥梁,连接起了不同的标准和体系。

我的观点结论是:国际标准分类法 ICS 发挥着非常重要且不可或缺的作用,在各个领域都有着深远的影响,值得我们深入了解和重视。



ics国际标准分类法ICS国际标准分类法(International Classification for Standards,简称ICS)是国际标准化组织(ISO)制定的一种分类体系,用于对各种标准进行分类和编码。








例如,机械工程领域的标准编码为"机械工程 01.040",其中"机械工程"是主题领域编码,"01.040"是具体标准编码。














国际教育标准分类法主要包括以下几个方面的内容:1. 教学标准,教学标准是指对教学活动进行规范和评价的标准。


2. 学生标准,学生标准是指对学生进行规范和评价的标准。


3. 教师标准,教师标准是指对教师进行规范和评价的标准。


4. 教育管理标准,教育管理标准是指对教育管理工作进行规范和评价的标准。


5. 教育评估标准,教育评估标准是指对教育工作进行评估的标准。












国际标准分类法(International ClassificationforStandards,简称ICS)就是由国际标准化组织编制得标准文献分类法。


ICS代码ﻩ英文名称ﻩ中文名称01ﻩGENERALITIES、TERMINOLOGY、STANDARDIZATION、DOCUMENTATIONﻩ综合、术语学、标准化、文献01、020 Terminology (principles and coordination) 术语学(原则与协调配合)01、040 Vocabularies ﻩ词汇01、040、01 Generalities、Terminology、 Standardization、Documentation (Vocabularies)ﻩ综合、术语学、标准化、文献 (词汇)01、040、03ﻩSociology、 Services、pany organization and management、Administration、 Transport 社会学、服务、公司(企业)得组织与管理、行政、运输 (词汇)01、040、07Mathematics、 Natural sciences (Vocabularies)数学、自然科学(词汇)01、040、11 Health care technology (Vocabularies)医药卫生技术(词汇)01、040、13ﻩEnvironment and health protection、 Safety (Vocabularies) 环保、保健与安全 (词汇)01、040、17 Metrology and measurement、Physical phenomena(Vocabularies)ﻩ计量学与测量、物理现象(词汇)01、040、19ﻩTesting (Vocabularies)ﻩ试验(词汇)01、040、21 Mechanical systems and ponents for general use(Vocabularies) 机械系统与通用件(词汇)01、040、23 Fluid systems andponents for general use (Vocabularies)ﻩ流体系统与通用件(词汇)01、040、25Manufacturing engineering (Vocabularies)ﻩ机械制造(词汇)01、040、27 Energy and heat transferengineering(Vocabularies)ﻩ能源与热传导工程 (词汇)01、040、29 Electricalengineering (Vocabularies)电气工程(词汇)01、040、31 Electronics (Vocabularies)ﻩ电子学(词汇)01、040、33ﻩTelemunications、 Audio and video engineering (Vocabularies)ﻩ电信、音频与视频技术 (词汇)01、040、35 Information technology、 Office machines (Vocabularies)信息技术、办公机械设备(词汇)01、040、37ﻩImage technology (Vocabularies) 成像技术(词汇)01、040、39 Precision mechanics、 Jewelry (Vocabulari es)ﻩ精密机械、珠宝(词汇)01、040、43 Road vehicle engineering (Vocabularies) ﻩ道路车辆工程(词汇)01、040、45Railway engineering (Vocabularies) 铁路工程(词汇)01、040、47ﻩShipbuilding and marine structures (Vocabularies)造船与海上建筑物 (词汇)01、040、49ﻩ Aircraft andspace vehicle engineering (Vocabularies) 航空器与航天器技术 (词汇)01、040、53 Materialshandling equipment (Vocabularies)材料储运设备(词汇)01、040、55 Packaging and distribution of goods (Vocabularies) ﻩ货物得包装与调运01、040、59 Textileand leather technology (Vocabularies) ﻩ纺织与皮革技术01、040、61ﻩ Clothing industry(Vocabularies)ﻩ服装工业(词汇)01、040、65ﻩ Agriculture (Vocabularies) 农业(词汇)01、040、67 Food technology (Vocabularies)食品技术(词汇)01、040、71 Chemical technology (Vocabularies)ﻩ化工技术(词汇)01、040、73ﻩ Mining and minerals (Vocabularies)ﻩ采矿与矿产品(词汇)01、040、75 Petroleum and relatedtechnologies(Vocabularies)ﻩ石油及有关技术(词汇)01、040、77 Metallurgy (Vocabularies)ﻩ冶金(词汇)01、040、79 Wood technology (Vocabularies)ﻩ木材加工(词汇)01、040、81ﻩ Glass and ceramics industries (Vocabulari es)ﻩ玻璃与陶瓷工业(词汇)01、040、83Rubber and plastics industries (Vocabularies)ﻩ橡胶与塑料工业(词汇)01、040、85ﻩPaper technology (Vocabularies)ﻩ造纸技术(词汇)01、040、87ﻩ Paint and colour industries (Vocabularies)ﻩ涂料与颜料工业(词汇)01、040、91 Constructionmaterials and building (Voca bularies) 建筑材料与建筑物(词汇)01、040、93ﻩ Civil engineering (Vocabularies)ﻩ土木工程(词汇)01、040、95ﻩ Military engineering (Vocabularies)ﻩ军事工程01、040、97ﻩ Domestic and mercial equipment、 Entertainment、 Sport (Vocabularies) 家用与商用设备、体育、文娱(词汇)01、060ﻩ Quantities and units ﻩ量与单位01、070ﻩColourcoding 颜色编码01、075ﻩCharacter symbolsﻩ字符符号01、080 Graphical symbols ﻩ图形符号01、080、01 Graphical symbols in general 图形符号综合01、080、10ﻩ Public information symbols 公共信息符号01、080、20ﻩ Graphical symbolsfor use on specific equipment ﻩ专用设备用图形符号01、080、30ﻩGraphical symbols for use on mechanical engine ering and construction drawings,diagrams, plans, maps and in relevant technical productdocumentation ﻩ机械工程与建筑制图、图表、设计图、地图与相关得技术产品文件用图形01、080、40ﻩGraphical symbols foruse on electrical and el ectronics engineering drawings,diagrams,charts and inr elevant technical product documentation ﻩ电气工程与电子工程制图、示意图、图表与相关技术产品文件用图形符号01、080、50ﻩ Graphical symbols for use on information tec hnologyand telemunicationstechnical drawings and in rel evant technical product documentation ﻩ信息技术与电信技术制图与相关技术产品文件用图形符号01、080、99ﻩOther graphical symbols ﻩ其她图形符号01、100 Technical drawings 技术制图01、100、01 Technical drawingsingeneral技术制图综合01、100、20 Mechanical engineering drawingsﻩ机械工程制图01、100、25ﻩElectrical and electronics engineering drawi ngs电气与电子工程制图01、100、27ﻩTechnical drawings for telemunications andinformation technology fields 信息技术与电信领域用技术制图01、100、30ﻩConstruction drawings ﻩ工程建设制图01、100、40 Drawing equipment ﻩ制图设备01、100、99 Other standardsrelatedto technical drawings 其她制图标准01、110ﻩTechnical product documentation ﻩ技术产品文件01、120ﻩ Standardization、 General rules标准化总则01、140 Informationsciences、 Publishing 信息学、出版01、140、10 Writing and transliteration 文字字体与文字转写01、140、20ﻩInformation sciences ﻩ信息学01、140、30Documents in administration, merce andindustry行政管理、商业与工业文件01、140、40ﻩ Publishing出版03ﻩSOCIOLOGY、SERVICES、PANYORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT、ADMINISTRATION、TRANSPORT 社会学、服务、公司(企业)得组织与管理、行政、运输03、020 Sociology、 Demography ﻩ社会学、人口统计学03、040Labour、 Employment ﻩ劳动、就业03、060 Finances、 Banking、 Monetary systems、Insurance ﻩ金融、银行、货币体系、保险03、080ﻩ Services 服务03、080、01ﻩ Services in general ﻩ服务综合03、080、10 Industrial services ﻩ工业服务03、080、20 Servicesfor panies公司(企业)得服务03、080、30ﻩ Services for consumers ﻩ消费者服务03、080、99Other services 其她服务03、100ﻩ pany organization and management 公司(企业)得组织与管理03、100、01 pany organization andmanagement in general公司(企业)得组织与管理综合03、100、10 Purchasing、 Procurement、 Managementof stock 订购、收购、仓库管理03、100、20 Trade、mercial function、 Marketing ﻩ贸易、商业活动、市场营销03、100、30 Management of human resources ﻩ劳动资源管理03、100、40ﻩ Research and developmentﻩ研究与开发03、100、50ﻩProduction、Production management 生产、生产管理03、100、60ﻩAccountancy ﻩ会计03、100、99 Other standards related to pany organization and managementﻩ有关公司(企业)组织管理得其她标准03、120 Quality 质量03、120、01ﻩ Quality ingeneral ﻩ质量综合03、120、10 Quality managementand quality assurance质量管理与质量保证03、120、20ﻩProduct and pany certification、Conformity assessmentﻩ产品认证与机构认证、合格评定03、120、30ﻩ Application of statisticalmethods 统计方法得应用03、120、99 Other standardsrelated toquality有关质量得其她标准03、140 Patents、 Intellectual property 专利、知识产权03、160 Law、Administration ﻩ法律、行政管理03、180ﻩEducation ﻩ教育03、200 Leisure、 Tourism娱乐、旅游03、220 Transport ﻩ运输03、220、01 Transport in general ﻩ运输综合03、220、20 Road transport ﻩ道路运输03、220、30ﻩTransport byrail 铁路运输03、220、40 Transport by water 水路运输03、220、50ﻩ Air transport 航空运输03、220、99 Other forms of transportﻩ其她运输形式03、240 Postal servicesﻩ邮政服务07ﻩMATHEMATICS、NATURAL SCIENCES 数学、自然科学07、020ﻩMathematics ﻩ数学07、030ﻩPhysics、 Chemistry 物理学、化学07、040ﻩAstronomy、 Geodesy、Geography ﻩ天文学、大地测量学、地理学07、060 Geology、 Meteorology、Hydrology ﻩ地质学、气象学、水文学07、080ﻩ Biology、 Botany、 Zoology ﻩ生物学、植物学、动物学07、100 Microbiology微生物学07、100、01ﻩMicrobiology in general微生物学综合07、100、10ﻩ Medical microbiology ﻩ医学微生物学07、100、20ﻩ Microbiology of water 水微生物学07、100、30ﻩ Foodmicrobiology ﻩ食品微生物学07、100、99 Otherstandards related to microbiology ﻩ有关微生物学得其她标准11ﻩHEALTH CARE TECHNOLOGY ﻩ医药卫生技术11、020 MedicalSciences and health care facilities in generalﻩ医学科学与保健装置综合11、040ﻩMedical equipment 医疗设备11、040、01ﻩMedical equipment in general ﻩ医疗设备综合11、040、10ﻩ Anaesthetic, respiratory and reanimati on equipment 麻醉、呼吸与复苏设备11、040、20 Transfusion, infusion and injection eq uipment 输血、输液与注射设备11、040、30 Surgical instruments and materials 外科器械与材料11、040、40ﻩ Implants for surgery, prosthetics and orthotics外科植入物、假体与矫形11、040、50ﻩ Radiographic equipment 射线照相设备11、040、55ﻩ Diagnostic equipmentﻩ诊断设备11、040、60 Therapy equipment 治疗设备11、040、70ﻩOphthalmic equipment 眼科设备11、040、99ﻩ Other medical equipment 其她医疗设备11、060ﻩDentistry ﻩ牙科11、060、01ﻩDentistry in generalﻩ牙科综合11、060、10 Dental materials 牙科材料11、060、20Dental equipment 牙科设备11、080ﻩ Sterilization and disinfection 消毒与灭菌11、080、01 Sterilization and disinfection in general 消毒与灭菌综合11、080、10 Sterilizing equipment ﻩ消毒设备11、080、20 Disinfectants and antisepticsﻩ消毒剂与防腐剂11、080、30ﻩ sterilized packaging ﻩ封装消毒11、080、99ﻩ Other standards related to sterilization and disinfectionﻩ有关消毒与灭菌得其她标准11、100 Laboratory medicine 实验室医学11、120 Pharmaceutics 制药学11、120、01 Pharmaceuticsin general ﻩ制药学综合11、120、10ﻩMedicaments 药物11、120、20 Medical materials ﻩ医用材料11、120、99ﻩOther standards related to pharmaceutics ﻩ有关制药学得其她标准11、140 Hospital equipment 医院设备11、160ﻩ First aid 急救11、180 Aids for disabledor handicapped persons 残疾人用设备11、200ﻩ Birth control、Mechanical contraceptives 人口控制、避孕器具11、220ﻩ Veterinary medicine ﻩ兽医学13ﻩ ENVIRONMENT、HEALTH PROTECTION、SAFETYﻩ环保、保健与安全13、020Environmental protection ﻩ环境保护13、020、01 Environment and environmental protection in generalﻩ环境与环境保护综合13、020、10 Environmental managementﻩ环境管理13、020、20 Environmental economics ﻩ环境经济13、020、30 Environmental impact assessment ﻩ环境影响评定13、020、40ﻩPollution, pollution control and conser vation 污染、污染控制与保护13、020、50 Ecolabelling ﻩ环境分类13、020、60 Product life-cycles ﻩ产品寿命周期13、020、70 Environmental projects环境规划13、020、99ﻩOther standards related to environmental pro tection 有关环境得其她标准13、030ﻩWastes废物13、030、01 Wastes in general ﻩ废物综合13、030、10ﻩ Solid wastes 固态废物13、030、20ﻩLiquidwastes、Sludge液态废物、污水13、030、30ﻩ Special wastes ﻩ特殊废物13、030、40ﻩInstallations and equipment for waste disposal and treatmentﻩ废物处置与处理设备与装置13、030、50 Recycling 回收13、030、99 Other standards related to wastes ﻩ有关废物得其她标准13、040 Air quality ﻩ空气质量13、040、01ﻩ Air qualityin general 空气质量综合13、040、20ﻩAmbient atmospheres 环境空气13、040、30ﻩ Workplace atmospheresﻩ工作场所空气13、040、40 Stationary source emissions 固定源排放限值13、040、50 Transport exhaust emissionsﻩ移动源排放限值13、040、99ﻩ Other standards related to air qualityﻩ有关空气质量得其她标准13、060ﻩWater quality ﻩ水质13、060、01ﻩ Water qualityingeneralﻩ水质综合13、060、10 Water of natural resources ﻩ天然水资源13、060、20 Drinking water 饮用水13、060、25ﻩWater for industrial use ﻩ工业用水13、060、30 Sewagewater ﻩ污水13、060、50ﻩExamination of water for chemical substancesﻩ水得化学物质检验13、060、60ﻩExamination ofphysical properties ofwaterﻩ水得物理性质检验13、060、70ﻩExamination of biological properties of waterﻩ水得生物性质检验13、060、99 Other standards related to water qualityﻩ有关水质得其她标准13、080 Soil quality、Pedology 土质、土壤学13、080、01 Soil quality andpedology in general 土质与土壤学综合13、080、10 Chemicalcharacteristicsof soils土壤得化学特性13、080、20 Physical propertiesof soils ﻩ土壤得物理性质13、080、30ﻩBiologicalproperties ofsoils ﻩ土壤得生物性质13、080、40 Hydrological properties of soils ﻩ土壤得水文性质13、080、99 Other standards related to soilsqualityﻩ有关土质得其她标准13、100 Occupational safety、 Industrialhygiene 职业安全、工业卫生13、110ﻩSafety of machinery ﻩ机械安全13、120ﻩ Domestic safetyﻩ家用品安全13、140ﻩNoise with respect to human beings ﻩ噪声(与人有关得)13、160 Vibration and shock with respect to human beings 振动与冲击(与人有关得)13、180Ergonomics ﻩ人类工效学13、200 Accident anddisaster control ﻩ事故与灾害控制13、220 Protection against fire 消防13、220、01 Protection against fire in generalﻩ消防综合13、220、10Fire-fighting ﻩ灭火13、220、20Fire—protectionﻩ防火13、220、40ﻩIgnitability and burning behaviour of materia ls and products 材料与制品得阻燃性与燃烧性能13、220、50ﻩ Fire—resistanceof building materials and elements ﻩ建筑材料与构件得阻燃性13、220、99ﻩ Other standards related to protection against fire 有关消防得其她标准13、230ﻩExplosion protection ﻩ防爆13、240 Protection against excessive pressure 超压防护13、260 Protection against electric shock 电击防护13、280ﻩRadiation protectionﻩ辐射防护13、300ﻩ Protection against dangerousgoods 危险品防护13、310 Protectionagainst crime 犯罪行为防范13、320 Alarm and warning systems 预警与报警系统13、340 Protective equipmentﻩ防护设备13、340、01 Protective equipment ingeneral ﻩ防护设备综合13、340、10ﻩ Protective clothing ﻩ防护服装13、340、20ﻩHead protective equipmentﻩ头部防护设备13、340、30ﻩRespiratory protective devices ﻩ呼吸保护装置13、340、40 Protective gloves ﻩ防护手套13、340、50 Protective footwear ﻩ防护鞋袜13、340、99 Other protective equipment 其她防护设备17ﻩ METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENT、PHYSICALPHENOMENA计量学与测量、物理现象17、020ﻩ Metrology and measurement in general计量学与测量综合17、040ﻩ Linear and angular measurements ﻩ长度与角度测量17、040、01ﻩ Linear and angular measurements in generalﻩ长度与角度测量综合17、040、10ﻩ Limits and fits ﻩ公差与配合17、040、20ﻩProperties of surfaces 表面特征17、040、30 Measuring instrumentsﻩ测量仪器仪表17、040、99 Other standards relatedto linear andangular measurements 有关长度与角度测量得其她标准17、060ﻩMeasurementofvolume, mass,densi ty, viscosity ﻩ体积、质量、密度与粘度得测量17、080ﻩMeasurementof time, velocity, acceleration, angular velocity 时间、速度、加速度、角速度得测量17、100 Measurement of force,weight and pressure ﻩ力、重力与压力得测量17、120ﻩ Measurement of fluid flow ﻩ流体流量得测量17、120、01 Measurement of fluid flow in general ﻩ流体流量得测量综合17、120、10ﻩFlow in closed conduitsﻩ封闭管道中流量得测量17、120、20 Flow in open channelsﻩ明渠中流量得测量17、140Acousticsand acoustic measurements 声学与声学测量17、140、01ﻩAcousticsmeasurements and noise abatementin generalﻩ声学测量与噪声抑制综合17、140、20ﻩ Noiseemitted by machines and equipmentﻩ机器与设备得噪声17、140、30 Noise emitted by means of transport 运输工具得噪声17、140、50Electroacousticsﻩ电声学17、140、99ﻩ Other standardsrelated to acousticsﻩ有关声学得其她标准17、160ﻩVibrations,shock and vibrationmeasurementsﻩ振动、冲击与振动测量17、180 Optics and optical measurements ﻩ光学与光学测量17、180、01 Opticsand optical measurements ingeneral ﻩ光学与光学测量综合17、180、20ﻩ Colours and measurement of light ﻩ颜色与光得测量17、180、30 Optical measuring instrumentsﻩ光学测量仪器17、180、99 Other standards related to optics and optical measurementsﻩ有关光学与光学测量得其她标准17、200ﻩThermodynamics and temperature measurements 热力学与温度测量17、200、01 Thermodynamics in general ﻩ热力学综合17、200、10ﻩ Heat、 Calorimetry 热、量热学17、200、20ﻩTemperature-measuring instruments ﻩ温度测量仪器仪表17、200、99ﻩ Other standards relatedto thermodynamicsﻩ有关热力学得其她标准17、220ﻩElectricity、 Magnetism、 Electrical and magnetic measurements 电学、磁学、电与磁得测量17、220、01ﻩElectricity、Magnetism、 General aspects ﻩ电学、磁学一般特性17、220、20ﻩMeasurement of electrical and magnetic qu antities 电与磁量值得测量17、220、99 Otherstandards related to electricity and magnetism ﻩ有关电学与磁学得其她标准17、240ﻩRadiation measurements 辐射测量19 TESTING试验19、020ﻩ Testconditions and procedures in general 试验条件与规程综合19、040 Environmental testing ﻩ环境试验19、060ﻩMechanical testing 机械试验19、080ﻩ Electrical and electronic testingﻩ电工与电子试验19、100ﻩ Non—destructive testing ﻩ无损检测19、120 Particle sizeanalysis、sieving ﻩ粒度分析、筛分21ﻩMECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND PONENTS FOR GENERAL USE 机械系统与通用件21、020ﻩ Characteristics and design of machines,apparatus, equipment ﻩ机器、装置、设备得特性与设计21、040ﻩScrew threads ﻩ螺纹21、040、01 Screw threads in general ﻩ螺纹综合21、040、10 Metric screwthreads ﻩ米制螺纹21、040、20 Inch screw threads 英制螺纹21、040、30ﻩ Special screw threads 特殊螺纹21、060ﻩ Fasteners紧固件21、060、01ﻩ Fasteners in general 紧固件综合21、060、10ﻩBolts, screws, studs 螺栓、螺钉、螺柱21、060、20 Nuts螺母21、060、30ﻩWashers, lockingelements垫圈、锁紧件21、060、40 Rivets 铆钉21、060、50ﻩPins, nailsﻩ销、钉21、060、60 Rings, bushes, sleeves, collars 环、套管、管接头、承插21、060、70 Clamps and staples 卡箍与U形环21、060、99 Otherfasteners 其她紧固件21、080 Hinges,eyelets and otherarticulated jo ints 铰链、孔眼与其她关节连接件21、100 Bearings ﻩ轴承21、100、01ﻩ Bearings in general 轴承综合21、100、10 Plain bearings ﻩ滑动轴承21、100、20ﻩRolling bearings ﻩ滚动轴承21、120ﻩShafts and couplings ﻩ轴与联轴器21、120、01 Shafts and couplings in generalﻩ轴与联轴器综合21、120、10ﻩ Shafts 轴21、120、20ﻩ Couplings ﻩ联轴器、离合器、磨擦器21、120、30ﻩKeys and keyways, splines ﻩ键与键槽、花键21、120、40Balancing and balancing machines 平衡与平衡机21、120、99 Other standards related toshafts and couplings有关轴与联轴器得其她标准21、140ﻩSeals,glands ﻩ密封件、密封装置21、160ﻩ Springs ﻩ弹簧21、180ﻩ Housings, enclosures,other machine parts ﻩ机箱、外壳、其她机械部件21、200 Gears ﻩ齿轮及齿轮传动21、220ﻩ Flexible drivesand transmissions ﻩ挠性传动与传送21、220、01ﻩFlexible drives and transmissions in gener al ﻩ挠性传动与传送综合21、220、10ﻩBeltdrives and their ponents带传动及其零件21、220、20ﻩ Cable or rope drives and their ponentsﻩ缆索或绳索传动及其零件21、220、30ﻩChain drives and their ponentsﻩ链传动及其零件21、220、99Other flexible drives and transmissionsﻩ其它挠性传动与传送21、240ﻩRotary-reciprocating mechanisms and their parts旋转-往复式机构及其部件21、260 Lubrication systems 润滑系统23ﻩ FLUID SYSTEMS ANDPONENTSFOR GENERAL USEﻩ流体系统与通用件23、020ﻩFluid storagedevices ﻩ流体存储装置23、020、01ﻩFluid storage devices in generalﻩ流体存储装置综合23、020、10 Stationary containers and tanksﻩ固定容器与罐23、020、20ﻩVessels and containers mounted on vehicles ﻩ车载槽罐与容器23、020、30 Pressure vessels, gas cylinders压力容器、气瓶23、020、40ﻩCryogenic vesselsﻩ低温容器23、020、99 Other fluid storage devices 其她流体存储装置23、040 Pipeline ponents and pipelinesﻩ管道部件与管道23、040、01ﻩPipeline ponents and pipelines in general ﻩ管道部件与管道综合23、040、10ﻩIron and steel pipes ﻩ铁管与钢管23、040、15 Non—ferrous metal pipes有色金属管23、040、20ﻩ Plastics pipes塑料管23、040、40ﻩMetal fittings ﻩ金属配件23、040、45Plastics fittings 塑料配件23、040、50 Pipes and fittings of other materials 其她材料得管与配件23、040、60ﻩ Flanges, couplings and joints 法兰、管接头及其连接件23、040、70ﻩ Hoses and hose assemblies 软管与软管组件23、040、80 Seals for pipe and hose assemblies 管与软管组件得密封23、040、99 Other pipeline ponents ﻩ其她管道部件23、060 Valves阀门23、060、01Valves in general 阀门综合23、060、10 Globe valves球阀23、060、20 Ball andplug valves ﻩ球闸阀与旋塞阀23、060、30ﻩ Gate valves 闸阀23、060、40 Pressure regulators ﻩ压力调节器23、060、50 Check valves 止回阀23、060、99ﻩ Other valves ﻩ其她阀门23、080ﻩPumps 泵23、100ﻩFluid power systems 流体动力系统23、100、01 Fluid power systems in general 流体动力系统综合23、100、10ﻩPumps and motors ﻩ泵与马达23、100、20 Cylinders 缸23、100、40ﻩPiping and couplings 管道与管接头23、100、50 Control ponents ﻩ控制部件23、100、60ﻩ Filters, seals andcontamination of fluids过滤器、密封垫与流体杂质23、100、99ﻩOther fluidpower system ponents ﻩ其她流体系统部件23、120 Ventilators、 Fans、 Air—conditionersﻩ通风机、风扇、空调器23、140 pressorsand pneumatic machinesﻩ压缩机与气动机械23、160Vacuum technology 真空技术25ﻩMANUFACTURING ENGINEERINGﻩ机械制造25、020 Manufacturing formingprocesses制造成型过程25、040 Industrial automation systems 工业自动化系统25、040、01ﻩ Industrial automation systems in general工业自动化系统综合25、040、10ﻩ Machining centres 机械加工中心25、040、20 Numerically controlled machines ﻩ数控机床25、040、30 Industrial robots、 Manipulators 工业机器人、机械手25、040、40ﻩIndustrial processmeasurementand control 工业过程得测量与控制25、040、99ﻩ Other industrial automation systems 其她工业自动化系统25、060ﻩ Machinetool systems机床装置25、060、01 Machine tool systems in general 机床装置综合25、060、10ﻩ Modular unitsand other devices组合单元与其她装置25、060、20 Dividing and tool-workpieceholdingdevices分度与刀具/工件夹持装置25、060、99ﻩ Other machine tool systems其她机床装置25、080ﻩ Machine tools 机床25、080、01Machine tools ingeneral 机床综合25、080、10 Lathes ﻩ车床25、080、20Boringand milling machines 镗床与铣床25、080、25ﻩPlaning machines 刨床25、080、30 Broaching machines拉床25、080、40ﻩ Drilling machines ﻩ钻床25、080、50 Grinding and polishing machinesﻩ磨床与抛光机25、080、60ﻩ Sawing machines 锯床25、080、99 Other machine tools其她机床25、100 Cutting tools ﻩ切削工具25、100、01 Cutting tools in general ﻩ切削工具综合25、100、10 Turning tools车刀25、100、20 Milling tools ﻩ铣刀25、100、25 Tools for planing andbroachingmachinesﻩ刨床、拉床用刀具25、100、30ﻩ Drills, countersinks, reamers钻头、锪钻、铰刀25、100、40ﻩ Saws 锯25、100、50 Taps andthreading dies 丝锥与板牙25、100、60ﻩ Filesﻩ锉刀25、100、70ﻩ Abrasivesﻩ磨料磨具25、100、99ﻩOther cutting tools 其她切削刀具25、120ﻩ Chipless working equipment ﻩ无屑加工设备25、120、01ﻩChipless working equipment in general ﻩ无屑加工设备综合25、120、10ﻩForging equipment、 Presses、 Shearsﻩ锻压设备、冲压机、剪切机25、120、20ﻩ Rolling,extruding and drawing equipment ﻩ轧制、挤压与拉制设备25、120、30 Moulding equipment ﻩ模制设备与铸造设备25、120、40ﻩ Electrochemical machines电化学加工机床25、120、99ﻩOther chipless workingequipment ﻩ其她无屑加工设备25、140 Hand-heldtools ﻩ手持工具25、140、01ﻩ Hand—held tools in general ﻩ手持工具综合25、140、10 Pneumatic tools ﻩ气动工具25、140、20ﻩElectrictoolsﻩ电动工具25、140、30 Hand-operatedtools 手动工具25、140、99ﻩ Other hand-held tools 其她手持工具25、160 Welding, brazing and soldering ﻩ焊接、钎焊与低温焊25、160、01 Welding, brazing and soldering in gener alﻩ焊接、钎焊与低温焊综合25、160、10ﻩ Welding processes ﻩ焊接工艺25、160、20ﻩ Welding consumables焊接消耗品25、160、30 Welding equipment焊接设备25、160、40ﻩ Welded joints 焊接接头25、160、50ﻩBrazing and soldering ﻩ钎焊与低温焊25、180ﻩ Industrial furnaces 工业炉25、180、01ﻩIndustrial furnaces in general 工业炉综合25、180、10 Electric furnaces 电炉25、180、20 Fuel furnaces ﻩ燃油炉25、200ﻩ Heat treatment and coatingﻩ热处理25、220ﻩSurface treatment and coating ﻩ表面处理与涂覆25、220、01 Surfacetreatment and coating in general ﻩ表面处理与涂覆综合25、220、10 Surface preparation ﻩ表面预处理25、220、20 Surface treatment表面处理25、220、40ﻩ Metallic coatings 金属镀层25、220、50Enamels 搪瓷25、220、60 Organiccoatings ﻩ有机涂层25、220、99 Other treatments and coatings ﻩ其她处理与涂覆27ﻩ ENERGY AND HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING能源与热传导工程27、010ﻩEnergy and heat transfer engineering in generalﻩ能源与热传导工程综合27、020 Internalbustion engines 内燃机27、040 Gasand steam turbines,Steam engines ﻩ燃气与蒸汽轮机、蒸汽机27、060Burners、 Boilers ﻩ燃烧器、锅炉27、060、01 Burners andBoilers ingeneral燃烧器、锅炉综合27、060、10 Liquid and solid fuel burnersﻩ液体与固体燃料燃烧器27、060、20ﻩ Gas fuel burners 气体燃料燃烧器27、060、30 Boilers and heat exchangers ﻩ锅炉与热交换器27、070ﻩFuel cells 燃料电池27、080ﻩHeat pumps热泵27、100ﻩ Power stations in general电站综合27、120 Nuclear energy engineering 核能工程27、120、01 Nuclear energy in general 核能综合27、120、10Reactor engineering 反应堆工程27、120、20 Nuclear power plants、Safety核电站、安全27、120、30ﻩ Fissile materials 裂变物质27、120、99ﻩOther standards related tonuclearenergy 有关核能得其她标准27、140ﻩ Hydraulic energy engineering 水力工程27、160Solar energy engineering太阳能工程27、180ﻩWind turbinesystems andother alternativesources of energyﻩ风力发电系统与其她能源27、200ﻩ Refrigerating technologyﻩ制冷技术27、220 Heat recovery、Thermal insulation 热回收、绝热29ﻩELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 电气工程29、020 Electrical engineering ingeneral 电气工程综合29、030Magnetic materials ﻩ磁性材料29、035 Insulating materials 绝缘材料29、035、01ﻩ Insulating materials in general 绝缘材料综合29、035、10ﻩ Paper and board insulating materialsﻩ纸与纸板绝缘材料29、035、20ﻩPlastics andrubber insulating materials 塑料与橡胶绝缘材料29、035、30ﻩCeramic and glass insulating materialsﻩ陶瓷与玻璃绝缘材料29、035、50 Mica based materialsﻩ云母基材料29、035、60ﻩ Varnished fabrics ﻩ涂层织物29、035、99ﻩOtherinsulating materials 其她绝缘材料29、040 Insulating fluids 绝缘流体29、040、01 Insulating fluidsingeneral 绝缘流体综合29、040、10 Insulating oils绝缘油29、040、20ﻩInsulating gasesﻩ绝缘气体29、040、99ﻩOther insulating fluids ﻩ其她绝缘流体29、045 Semiconducting materials 半导体材料29、050ﻩ Conducting materialsﻩ导体材料29、060ﻩ Electricalwires and cables ﻩ电线与电缆29、060、01 Electrical wires and cables in generalﻩ电线与电缆综合29、060、10ﻩ Wires 电线29、060、20ﻩCables 电缆29、080 Insulation绝缘29、080、01ﻩ Electrical insulation in generalﻩ电绝缘综合29、080、10ﻩInsulators绝缘子29、080、20Bushings ﻩ套管29、080、30 Insulationsystems 绝缘系统29、080、99ﻩOther standards related to insulation有关绝缘得其她标准29、100 ponents for electrical equipment ﻩ电工设备元件29、100、01ponents for electrical equipment in generalﻩ电工设备元件综合29、100、10 Magnetic ponents磁性元件29、100、20 Electrical and electromechanical ponents ﻩ电工与机电元件29、100、99 Other ponentsforelectrical equipment电工设备用其她元件29、120 Electrical accessories ﻩ电工器件29、120、01 Electrical accessories in generalﻩ电工器件综合29、120、10 Conduits for electrical purposes 导线管29、120、20ﻩConnecting devicesﻩ连接装置29、120、30ﻩ Plugs, socket-outlets, couplers ﻩ插头、插座、联接器29、120、40 Switchesﻩ开关29、120、50 Fuses and other overcurrentprotection devices 熔断器与其她过载保护装置29、120、70ﻩ Relays 继电器29、120、99Other electrical accessoriesﻩ其她电工器件29、130、01ﻩSwitchgear and controlgear in general 开关装置与控制器综合29、130、10 Highvoltage switchgear and controlgear 高压开关装置与控制器29、130、20ﻩLow voltage switchgear and controlgear 低压开关装置与控制器29、130、99ﻩ Other switchgear and controlgear 其她开关装置与控制器29、140ﻩ Lamps and related equipment 电灯及有关装置29、140、01 Lamps in general ﻩ电灯综合29、140、10ﻩLamp caps and holders ﻩ灯头与灯座29、140、20 Incandescentlamps ﻩ白炽灯29、140、30ﻩFluorescent lamps、 Discharge lampsﻩ荧光灯、放电灯29、140、40ﻩLuminaires ﻩ照明设备29、140、50 Lighting installation systems ﻩ照明安装系统29、140、99 Other standards related to lamps ﻩ有关灯得其她标准29、160 Rotating machinery 旋转电机29、160、01ﻩ Rotating machinery in general ﻩ旋转电机综合29、160、10ﻩponents for rotating machines 旋转电机部件29、160、20 Generators ﻩ发电机29、160、30ﻩ Motors 电动机29、160、40ﻩ Generating sets ﻩ发电机组29、160、99ﻩOtherstandards related to rotating machi neryﻩ有关旋转电机得其她标准29、180ﻩ Transformers、 Reactors 变压器、电抗器29、200 Rectifiers、Convertors、 Stabilized power supply ﻩ整流器、转换器、稳压电源29、220 Galvanic cells and batteriesﻩ电池与蓄电池29、220、01ﻩGalvanic cells and batteries in general 电池与蓄电池综合29、220、10 Primary cells and batteries 原电池与蓄电池29、220、20 Acid secondary cells and batteries ﻩ酸性副电池及蓄电池29、220、30ﻩAlkaline secondary cells and batteries碱性副电池及蓄电池29、220、99 Other cells and batteries ﻩ其她电池与蓄电池29、240ﻩPower transmission anddistribution netwo rks 输电网与配电网29、240、01ﻩPower transmissionand distribution networks ingeneral ﻩ输电网与配电网综合29、240、10ﻩ Substations、Surge arresters 变电站、电涌放电器29、240、20ﻩPower transmission anddistribution lines输电线路与配电线路29、240、30ﻩ Control equipment for electric power systems ﻩ电力系统用控制设备29、240、99ﻩOther equipment related to power transmissi onand distribution networks 其她有关输电网与配电网得设备29、260ﻩElectricalequipments for working in specialconditions 特殊工作条件用电气设备29、260、01ﻩElectrical equipments for working in speci al conditions in general 特殊工作条件用电气设备综合29、260、10 Electrical installationsfor outdoorus eﻩ户外用电气设备29、260、20ﻩElectrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres易爆环境用电气设备29、260、99 Otherelectrical equipment for workingin special conditions 特殊工作条件用其她电气设备29、280ﻩElectric tractionequipment 电力牵引设备31ﻩELECTRONICS ﻩ电子学31、020ﻩElectronic ponents in generalﻩ电子元件综合31、040ﻩResistors 电阻器31、040、01ﻩResistorsingeneral 电阻器综合31、040、10ﻩ Fixedresistors 固定电阻器31、040、20ﻩProtentiometer, variableresistors 电位器、可变电阻器31、040、30Thermistors ﻩ热敏电阻器31、040、99ﻩ Other resistors其她电阻器31、060ﻩCapacitors ﻩ电容器31、060、01ﻩ Capacitors in general ﻩ电容器综合31、060、10ﻩ Fixed capacitors 固定电容器31、060、20 Ceramic and mica capacitorsﻩ陶瓷电容器与云母电容器31、060、30 Paperand plastics capacitors纸介电容器与塑料膜电容器31、060、40ﻩ Tantalum electrolytic capacitors 钽电解电容器31、060、50ﻩ Aluminium electrolytic capacitors 铝电解电容器31、060、60 Variable capacitors 可变电容器31、060、70 Power capacitorsﻩ电力电容器31、060、99ﻩ Other capacitors ﻩ其她电容器31、080ﻩ Semiconductor devices 半导体器件31、080、01ﻩSemiconductor devices in general半导体器件综合31、080、10ﻩDiodesﻩ二极管31、080、20 Thyristors 晶体闸流管31、080、30ﻩ Transistors ﻩ三极管31、080、99 Other semiconductor devices其她半导体器件31、100ﻩElectronic tubes电子管31、120 Electronic display devices ﻩ电子显示器件31、140 Piezoelectric and dielectric devices压电器件与介质器件31、160 Electric filters ﻩ滤波器31、180ﻩ Printed circuitsand boards 印制电路与印制电路板31、190 Electric ponentassembliesﻩ电子器件组件31、200Integratedcircuits、 Microelectronics集成电路、微电子学31、220 Electromechanical ponentsfor electronicand telemunications equipmentﻩ电子电信设备用机电零部件31、220、01ﻩElectromechanical ponents ingeneral ﻩ机电零部件综合31、220、10 Plug-and—socket devices、 Connectors ﻩ插头与插座装置、连接器31、220、20ﻩ Switchesﻩ开关31、220、99 Other electromechanical ponents 其她机电零部件31、240ﻩMechanical structures for electronic equipment ﻩ电子设备用机械构件31、260ﻩ Optoelectronics、 Laser equipment ﻩ光电子学、激光设备33ﻩ TELEMUNICATIONS、 AUDIO AND VIDEO ENGINEERING 电信、音频与视频技术33、020 Telemunications in general 电信综合33、030ﻩ Telemunication services、Applicationsﻩ电信业务、应用33、040ﻩTelemunication systems 电信系统33、040、01ﻩTelemunication systems in generalﻩ电信系统综合33、040、20 Transmission systems ﻩ传输系统33、040、30ﻩSwitching and signalling systems 交换与信令系统33、040、35 Telephone networks 电话网络33、040、40Data munication networks 数据通信网络33、040、50ﻩLines, connections and circuits ﻩ线路、连接与电路33、040、99 Other equipment for telemunication systems其她电话、电报与电信系统用设备33、050ﻩTelemunication terminal equipment ﻩ电信终端设备33、050、01 Telemunicationterminal equipment in genera lﻩ电信终端设备综合33、050、10ﻩ Telephone equipment ﻩ电话设备33、050、20ﻩPaging equipment寻呼设备33、050、30 Equipment for telex, teletext, telef ax用户电报、可视图文、传真设备33、050、99 Other telemunication terminal equipment 其她电信终端设备。



ICS (国际标准分类法)分类01综合、术语学、标准化、文献01.020 01.070 01.100 01.140 术语学(原则和协调配合)颜色编码技术制图信息学、出版01.04001.07501.110词汇字符符号技术产品文件01.06001.08001.120量和单位图形符号标准化总则03社会学、服务、公司(企业)的组织和管理、行政、运输社会学、人口统计学劳动、就业03.060 金融、银行、货币体03.020 03.040系、保险03.080 服务03.100公司(企业)的组织与管理03.120 质量03.140 专利、知识产权03.160 法律、行政管理03.180 教育03.200 娱乐、旅游03.220 运输03.240 邮政服务07数学、自然科学数学物理学、化学07.040 天文学、大地测量学、07.020 07.030 地理学07.060 地质学、气象学、水文学07.080 生物学、植物学、动物学07.100 微生物学11 医药卫生技术11.020 医学科学和保健装置综合11.040 医疗设备11.060 牙科11.080 消毒和火菌11.100 实验室医学11.120 制药学11.140 医院设备11.160 急救11.180 残疾人用设备11.200 人口控制、避孕器具11.220 兽医学1 Q 铳但出处匕―13 环、休、俳:健与安全13.020 环境保护13.030 废物13.040 空气质量13.060 13.080 土质、土壤学13.100 职业安全、工业卫生13.110 机械安全13.120 家用品安全13.140 噪声(与人有关的)13.160 振动和冲击(与人有关的)13.180 人类工效学13.200 事故和灾害控制13.220 消防13.230 防爆13.240 超压防护13.260 电击防护13.280 辐射防护13.300 危险品防护13.310 犯罪行为防范13.320 预警和报警系统13.340 防护设备17计量学和测量、物理现象17.040 长度和角度测量17.060 体积、质量、密度和粘17.020计量学和测量综合度的测量17.080时间、速度、加速度、角速度的测量17.100 力、重力和压力的测量17.120 流体流量的测量17.140声学和声学测量17.160 振动、冲击和振动测量17.180 光学和光学测量17.200热力学和温度测量17.220 电学、磁学、电和磁的测量17.240 辐射测量19试验19.020试验条件和规程综合19.040 环境试验19.060 机械试验19.080 电工和电子试验19.100 无损检测19.120 粒度分析、筛分21机械系统和通用件21.020机器、装置、设备的特性和设计21.040 螺纹21.060 紧固件21.080铰链、孔眼和其他关节连接件21.100 轴承21.120 轴和联轴器21.140密封件、密封装置弹簧21.180机箱、外壳、其他机械21.160 部件21.200齿轮及齿轮传动挠性传动和传送21.240旋转-往复式机构及其部21.220件21.260润滑系统23流体系统和通用件23.020流体存储装置23.040 管道部件和管道23.060 阀门23.080 泵23.140压缩机和气动机械23.100 流体动力系统23.120 通风机、风扇、空调器23.160 具生技术25机械制造25.020制造成型过程25.040 工业自动化系统25.060 机床装置25.080机床25.100 切削工具25.120 无屑加工设备25.140手持工具25.160 焊接、钎焊和低温焊25.180 工业炉25.200热处理25.220 表面处理和涂覆27能源和热传导工程27.010能源和热传导工程综合内燃机27.040 燃气和蒸汽轮机、蒸汽27.020机27.060燃烧器、锅炉27.070 燃料电池27.080 热泵27.100 电站综合27.120 核能工程27.140 水力工程27.160 太阳能工程27.180 风力发电系统和其27.200 制冷技术27.220 热回收、绝热29电气工程29.020 电气工程综合29.030 磁性材料29.035 绝缘材料29.040 绝缘流体29.045 半导体材料29.050 导体材料29.060 电线和电缆29.080 绝缘29.100 电工设备元件29.120 电工器件29.140 电灯及有关装置29.160 旋转电机29.180 变压器、电抗器29.200 整流器、转换器、稳压电源29.220 电池和蓄电池29.240 输电网和配电网29.260 特殊工作条件用电气设备29.280 电力牵引设备31电子学31.020 电子元件综合31.040 电阻器31.060 电容器31.080 半导体器件31.100 电子管31.120 电子显示器件31.140 压电器件和介质器件31.160 滤波器31.180 印制电路和印制电路板31.220 电子电信设备用机电零31.190 电子器件组件31.200 集成电路、微电子学部件31.240 电子设备用机械构件31.260 光电子学、激光设备33电信、音频和视频技术33.020 电信综合33.030 电信业务、应用33.040 电信系统33.050 电信终端设备33.060 无线通信33.080 综合业务数字网(ISDN) 33.100 电磁兼容性(EMC) 33.120 电信设备用部件和附件33.140 电信专用测量设备33.160 音频、视频和视听工程33.170 电视播放和无线电广播33.180 光纤通信33.200 遥控、遥测、遥感35信息技术、办公机械设备35.020 信息技术(IT)综合35.040 字符集和信息编码35.060 信息技术用语言35.080 软件开发和系统文件35.100 开放系统互连(OSI) 35.110 网络35.140 计算机图形技术35.160 微处理机系统35.180 终端和其他外围设备35.200 接口和互连设备35.220 数据存储设备35.240 信息技术应用35.260办公机械37.020光学设备 37.080文献成象技术 37.040摄影技术 37.060 37.100 印制技术39精密机械、珠宝 39.020精密机械 39.040 钟表学39.060 43道路车辆工程 43.020道路车辆综合 43.040 道路车辆装置43.060 43.080 商用车辆 43.100 旅行客车、篷车和轻型挂车 43.120 43.140摩托车和机动自行车 43.150 自行车43.16043.180检查、维修和试验设备45铁路工程 45.020铁路工程综合 45.040 铁路工程材料和零件 45.060 45.080钢轨和线路构件 45.100 架空索道设备45.120护设备 47造船和海上建筑物 47.020船舶和海上建筑物综合 47.040 远洋轮47.06047.080小型船49航空器和航天器工程 49.020航空器与航天器综合 49.025 航空航天制造用材料 49.03049.035航空航天用零部件 49.040有关航空航天制造用涂覆与 有关工艺49.045 49.050航空航天发动机和推进系统49.060 航空航天用电气设备与系统49.080 零部件49.090机上设备和仪器 49.095 客运设备和座舱设备 49.10049.120货运设备 49.140 航天系统和操作装置53材料储运设备 53.020起重设备 53.040 连续搬运设备 53.060 53.080储藏设备 53.100 土方机械53.12055货物的包装和调运 55.020货物的包装和调运综合 55.040 包装材料和辅助物 55.06037成像技术 电影珠宝道路车辆内燃机电车 专用汽车铁路车辆铁路/架空索道建筑和维内河船航空航天制造用紧固件结构和结构元件航空航天用流体系统和地面服务和维修设备工业车辆 手工搬运工具卷轴、线轴55.230发售机和自动售货机 59纺织和皮革技术 59.020纺织工艺 59.040纺织辅助材料 59.06059.080 纺织产品 59.100 复合增强材料59.12059.140皮革技术 61服装工业 61.020服装61.040帽子、服饰品、衣扣 61.06061.080服装工业用缝纫机和其他设 备 65农业65.020 农业和林业 65.040 农用建筑物、结构和装置 65.060 65.080肥料 65.100杀虫剂和其他农用化工产品65.120 65.140 养蜂65.145 狩猎65.150 65.160烟草、烟草制品和烟草工业 设备 67食品技术55.130 雾化剂罐55.140 粗腰桶、桶、罐等 55.160 55.180 货运调运55.200 包装机械55.220箱、盒、板条箱 堆栈、仓储纺织纤维纺织机械鞋袜农业机械、工具和设备饲料捕捞和水产养殖食品试验和分析的一般奶和奶制品 饮料食用油和脂肪、含油种感观分析无机化学化工设备67.020 67.060 食品工艺谷物、豆类及其制品 67.040 67.080 食品综合水果、蔬菜及其制品67.050 方法67.100 67.120 品肉、肉制品和其他动物类食 67.140 茶、咖啡、可可67.160 67.180 糖、糖制品、淀粉67.190 巧克力67.200 子 67.220 香料和调料、食品添加剂 67.230 预包装食品和精制食品 67.24067.250 与食品接触的物 67.260 食品工业厂房和71化工技术 71.020 化工生产 71.040 分析化学 71.06071.080 有机化学71.100 化工产品71.12073采矿和矿产品73.020米矿和挖掘73.080非金属矿73.04073.100煤采矿设备73.06073.120金属矿矿产加工设备75石油及相关技术75.020石油和天然气的开采与加工75.040 原油75.060 天然气75.080石油产品综合75.100 润滑剂、工业油及相关产品75.120 液压液75.140石蜡、沥青材料和其他石油产品:75.160 燃料75.180石油和天然气工业设备75.200石油产品和天然气储运设备77冶金77.020金属生产77.040 金属材料试验77.060 金属的腐蚀77.080黑色金属77.100 铁合金77.120 有色金属77.140钢铁产品77.150 有色金属产品77.160 粉末冶金77.180冶金设备79木材技术79.020木材加工技术79.040 木材、原木和锯材79.060 木基板材79.080半成品材79.100 软木和软木制品79.120 木工设备81玻璃和陶瓷工业81.040 玻璃81.060 陶瓷81.020玻璃和陶瓷生产工艺81.080耐火材料81.100 玻璃和陶瓷生产设备83橡胶和塑料工业橡胶原料和塑料原料83.060 橡胶83.020 橡胶和塑料工业的生产工艺83.04083.080塑料83.100 泡沫材料83.120 增强塑料83.140橡胶和塑料制品83.160 轮胎83.180 粘合剂和胶粘产品83.200橡胶和塑料工业设备85造纸技术85.040 纸浆85.060 纸和纸板85.020纸生产工艺85.080纸制品85.100 造纸工业设备87涂料和颜料工业87.080墨水、油墨 87.100涂料涂覆设备91.010 建筑工业 91.020 自然规划、城市规划 91.040 91.060 建筑构件 91.080 建筑物结构 91.090 91.100 建筑材料 91.120 建筑物的防护 91.140 91.160 照明 91.180 内部装修91.19091.200 施工技术 91.220 施工设备91建筑材料和建筑物 93.010 土木工程综合 93.020 土方工程、挖掘、地基构 造、地下工程 93.030 93.040 桥梁建筑 93.060 隧道建筑 93.080 93.100 铁路建筑 93.110 架空索道的建造93.12093.140 航道和港口建筑 93.160 水利建筑93 土木工程 建筑物 外围建筑物 建筑物中的设施 建筑附件外部污水排放系统 道路工程 飞机场建筑95军事工程 95.020军事工程、军事物资、武器 97家用和商用设备、文娱、体育97.020 家政 97.030 家用电气设备综合97.04097.060 洗衣设备97.080 地板处理设备 97.10097.120 家用自动控制装置 97.130 商店设施 97.14097.145 梯子97.150 铺地非织物97.16097.170 人体保健器具97.180 其他家用和商用设备 97.19097.195 艺术和手工艺品 97.200 文娱活动设备97.220厨房设备家用、商用和工业用加家具家用织物、亚麻织物 儿童用器具 运动设备和设施。



国际标准分类法国际标准分类法(International Standard Classification)是一种用于对各种事物进行分类的标准化方法。



















ics 国际标准分类法

ics 国际标准分类法

ICS国际标准分类法:解读、应用与发展一、引言ICS,即国际标准分类法(International Classification for Standards),是由国际标准化组织(ISO)制定并维护的一套标准化的分类体系。



二、ICS国际标准分类法的解读1. 分类原则:ICS国际标准分类法遵循逻辑性原则和实用性原则,根据标准的主题内容进行分类。


2. 分类结构:ICS国际标准分类法的结构分为三个层次:大类、中类和小类。



3. 分类编码:ICS国际标准分类法采用数字编码系统,每个分类都有一个唯一的数字编码。


4. 分类更新:ICS国际标准分类法定期更新,以适应技术和行业的发展变化。



三、ICS国际标准分类法的应用1. 标准查询:ICS国际标准分类法为用户提供了一个便捷的途径来查询相关标准。


2. 标准管理:ICS国际标准分类法有助于标准化管理机构对标准进行规范化管理。


3. 标准制定:ICS国际标准分类法为标准制定者提供了一个参考框架。




ICS(国际标准分类法)分类01 综合、术语学、标准化、文献01.020 术语学(原则和协调配合)01.040 词汇01.060 量和单位01.070 颜色编码01.075 字符符号01.080 图形符号01.100 技术制图01.110 技术产品文件01.120 标准化总则01.140 信息学、出版03 社会学、服务、公司(企业)的组织和管理、行政、运输03.020 社会学、人口统计学03.040 劳动、就业03.060 金融、银行、货币体系、保险03.080 服务03.100 公司(企业)的组织与管理03.120 质量03.140 专利、知识产权03.160 法律、行政管理03.180 教育03.200 娱乐、旅游03.220 运输03.240 邮政服务07 数学、自然科学07.020 数学07.030 物理学、化学07.040 天文学、大地测量学、地理学07.060 地质学、气象学、水文学07.080 生物学、植物学、动物学07.100 微生物学11 医药卫生技术11.020 医学科学和保健装置综合11.040 医疗设备11.060 牙科11.080 消毒和灭菌11.100 实验室医学11.120 制药学11.140 医院设备11.160 急救11.180 残疾人用设备11.200 人口控制、避孕器具11.220 兽医学13 环保、保健与安全13.020 环境保护13.030 废物13.040 空气质量13.060 13.080 土质、土壤学13.100 职业安全、工业卫生13.110 机械安全13.120 家用品安全13.140 噪声(与人有关的) 13.160 振动和冲击(与人有关的)13.180 人类工效学13.200 事故和灾害控制13.220 消防13.230 防爆13.240 超压防护13.260 电击防护13.280 辐射防护13.300 危险品防护13.310 犯罪行为防范13.320 预警和报警系统13.340 防护设备17 计量学和测量、物理现象17.020 计量学和测量综合17.040 长度和角度测量17.060 体积、质量、密度和粘度的测量17.080 时间、速度、加速度、角速度的测量17.100 力、重力和压力的测量17.120 流体流量的测量17.140 声学和声学测量17.160 振动、冲击和振动测量17.180 光学和光学测量17.200 热力学和温度测量17.220 电学、磁学、电和磁的测量17.240 辐射测量19 试验19.020 试验条件和规程综合19.040 环境试验19.060 机械试验19.080 电工和电子试验19.100 无损检测19.120 粒度分析、筛分21 机械系统和通用件21.020 机器、装置、设备的特性和设计21.040 螺纹21.060 紧固件21.080 铰链、孔眼和其他关节连接件21.100 轴承21.120 轴和联轴器21.140 密封件、密封装置21.160 弹簧21.180 机箱、外壳、其他机械部件21.200 齿轮及齿轮传动21.220 挠性传动和传送21.240 旋转-往复式机构及其部件21.260 润滑系统23 流体系统和通用件23.020 流体存储装置23.040 管道部件和管道23.060 阀门23.080 泵23.100 流体动力系统23.120 通风机、风扇、空调器23.140 压缩机和气动机械23.160 真空技术25 机械制造25.020 制造成型过程25.040 工业自动化系统25.060 机床装置25.080 机床25.100 切削工具25.120 无屑加工设备25.140 手持工具25.160 焊接、钎焊和低温焊25.180 工业炉25.200 热处理25.220 表面处理和涂覆27 能源和热传导工程27.010 能源和热传导工程综合27.020 内燃机27.040 燃气和蒸汽轮机、蒸汽机27.060 燃烧器、锅炉27.070 燃料电池27.080 热泵27.100 电站综合27.120 核能工程27.140 水力工程27.160 太阳能工程27.180 风力发电系统和其27.200 制冷技术27.220 热回收、绝热29 电气工程29.020 电气工程综合29.030 磁性材料29.035 绝缘材料29.040 绝缘流体29.045 半导体材料29.050 导体材料29.060 电线和电缆29.080 绝缘29.100 电工设备元件29.120 电工器件29.140 电灯及有关装置29.160 旋转电机29.180 变压器、电抗器29.200 整流器、转换器、稳压电源29.220 电池和蓄电池29.240 输电网和配电网29.260 特殊工作条件用电气设备29.280 电力牵引设备31 电子学31.020 电子元件综合31.040 电阻器31.060 电容器31.080 半导体器件31.100 电子管31.120 电子显示器件31.140 压电器件和介质器件31.160 滤波器31.180 印制电路和印制电路板31.190 电子器件组件31.200 集成电路、微电子学31.220 电子电信设备用机电零部件31.240 电子设备用机械构件31.260 光电子学、激光设备33 电信、音频和视频技术33.020 电信综合33.030 电信业务、应用33.040 电信系统33.050 电信终端设备33.060 无线通信33.080 综合业务数字网(ISDN) 33.100 电磁兼容性(EMC)33.120 电信设备用部件和附件33.140 电信专用测量设备33.160 音频、视频和视听工程33.170 电视播放和无线电广播33.180 光纤通信33.200 遥控、遥测、遥感35 信息技术、办公机械设备35.020 信息技术(IT)综合35.040 字符集和信息编码35.060 信息技术用语言35.080 软件开发和系统文件35.100 开放系统互连(OSI)35.110 网络35.140 计算机图形技术35.160 微处理机系统35.180 终端和其他外围设备35.200 接口和互连设备35.220 数据存储设备35.240 信息技术应用35.260 办公机械37 成像技术37.020 光学设备37.040 摄影技术37.060 电影37.080 文献成象技术37.100 印制技术39 精密机械、珠宝39.020 精密机械39.040 钟表学39.060 珠宝43 道路车辆工程43.020 道路车辆综合43.040 道路车辆装置43.060 道路车辆内燃机43.080 商用车辆43.100 旅行客车、篷车和轻型挂车43.120 电车43.140 摩托车和机动自行车43.150 自行车43.160 专用汽车43.180 检查、维修和试验设备45 铁路工程45.020 铁路工程综合45.040 铁路工程材料和零件45.060 铁路车辆45.080 钢轨和线路构件45.100 架空索道设备45.120 铁路/架空索道建筑和维护设备47 造船和海上建筑物47.020 船舶和海上建筑物综合47.040 远洋轮47.060 内河船47.080 小型船49 航空器和航天器工程49.020 航空器与航天器综合49.025 航空航天制造用材料49.030 航空航天制造用紧固件49.035 航空航天用零部件49.040 有关航空航天制造用涂覆与有关工艺49.045 结构和结构元件49.050 航空航天发动机和推进系统49.060 航空航天用电气设备与系统49.080 航空航天用流体系统和零部件49.090 机上设备和仪器49.095 客运设备和座舱设备49.100 地面服务和维修设备49.120 货运设备49.140 航天系统和操作装置53 材料储运设备53.020 起重设备53.040 连续搬运设备53.060 工业车辆53.080 储藏设备53.100 土方机械53.120 手工搬运工具55 货物的包装和调运55.020 货物的包装和调运综合55.040 包装材料和辅助物55.060 卷轴、线轴55.080 麻袋、袋子55.100 瓶、罐、瓮55.120 罐、听、管55.130 雾化剂罐55.140 粗腰桶、桶、罐等55.160 箱、盒、板条箱55.180 货运调运55.200 包装机械55.220 堆栈、仓储55.230 发售机和自动售货机59 纺织和皮革技术59.020 纺织工艺59.040 纺织辅助材料59.060 纺织纤维59.080 纺织产品59.100 复合增强材料59.120 纺织机械59.140 皮革技术61 服装工业61.020 服装61.040 帽子、服饰品、衣扣61.060 鞋袜61.080 服装工业用缝纫机和其他设备65 农业65.020 农业和林业65.040 农用建筑物、结构和装置65.060 农业机械、工具和设备65.080 肥料65.100 杀虫剂和其他农用化工产品65.120 饲料65.140 养蜂65.145 狩猎65.150 捕捞和水产养殖65.160 烟草、烟草制品和烟草工业设备67 食品技术67.020 食品工艺67.040 食品综合67.050 食品试验和分析的一般方法67.060 谷物、豆类及其制品67.080 水果、蔬菜及其制品67.100 奶和奶制品67.120 肉、肉制品和其他动物类食品67.140 茶、咖啡、可可67.160 饮料67.180 糖、糖制品、淀粉67.190 巧克力67.200 食用油和脂肪、含油种子67.220 香料和调料、食品添加剂67.230 预包装食品和精制食品67.240 感观分析67.250 与食品接触的物67.260 食品工业厂房和71 化工技术71.020 化工生产71.040 分析化学71.060 无机化学71.080 有机化学71.100 化工产品71.120 化工设备73 采矿和矿产品73.020 采矿和挖掘73.040 煤73.060 金属矿73.080 非金属矿73.100 采矿设备73.120 矿产加工设备75 石油及相关技术75.020 石油和天然气的开采与加工75.040 原油75.060 天然气75.080 石油产品综合75.100 润滑剂、工业油及相关产品75.120 液压液75.140 石蜡、沥青材料和其他石油75.160 燃料75.180 石油和天然气工业设备产品:75.200 石油产品和天然气储运设备77 冶金77.020 金属生产77.040 金属材料试验77.060 金属的腐蚀77.080 黑色金属77.100 铁合金77.120 有色金属77.140 钢铁产品77.150 有色金属产品77.160 粉末冶金77.180 冶金设备79 木材技术79.020 木材加工技术79.040 木材、原木和锯材79.060 木基板材79.080 半成品材79.100 软木和软木制品79.120 木工设备81 玻璃和陶瓷工业81.020 玻璃和陶瓷生产工艺81.040 玻璃81.060 陶瓷81.080 耐火材料81.100 玻璃和陶瓷生产设备83 橡胶和塑料工业83.020 橡胶和塑料工业的生产工艺83.040 橡胶原料和塑料原料83.060 橡胶83.080 塑料83.100 泡沫材料83.120 增强塑料83.140 橡胶和塑料制品83.160 轮胎83.180 粘合剂和胶粘产品83.200 橡胶和塑料工业设备85 造纸技术85.020 纸生产工艺85.040 纸浆85.060 纸和纸板85.080 纸制品85.100 造纸工业设备87 涂料和颜料工业87.020 涂覆工艺87.040 涂料和清漆87.060 涂料配料87.080 墨水、油墨87.100 涂料涂覆设备91 建筑材料和建筑物91.010 建筑工业91.020 自然规划、城市规划91.040 建筑物91.060 建筑构件91.080 建筑物结构91.090 外围建筑物91.100 建筑材料91.120 建筑物的防护91.140 建筑物中的设施91.160 照明91.180 内部装修91.190 建筑附件91.200 施工技术91.220 施工设备93 土木工程93.010 土木工程综合93.020 土方工程、挖掘、地基构造、地下工程93.030 外部污水排放系统93.040 桥梁建筑93.060 隧道建筑93.080 道路工程93.100 铁路建筑93.110 架空索道的建造93.120 飞机场建筑93.140 航道和港口建筑93.160 水利建筑95 军事工程95.020 军事工程、军事物资、武器97 家用和商用设备、文娱、体育97.020 家政97.030 家用电气设备综合97.040 厨房设备97.060 洗衣设备97.080 地板处理设备97.100 家用、商用和工业用加热器具97.120 家用自动控制装置97.130 商店设施97.140 家具97.145 梯子97.150 铺地非织物97.160 家用织物、亚麻织物97.170 人体保健器具97.180 其他家用和商用设备97.190 儿童用器具97.195 艺术和手工艺品97.200 文娱活动设备97.220 运动设备和设施。



国际标准分类法icsICS(International Classification for Standards)是国际标准分类法的缩写,是ISO(国际标准化组织)制定的一套用于标准分类的体系。


















国际标准分类法(International ClassificationforStandards,简称ICS)是由国际标准化组织编制的标准文献分类法。


ICS代码英文名称中文名称01 GENERALITIES. TERMINOLOGY. STANDARDIZATION. DOCUMENTATION 综合、术语学、标准化、文献01.020 Terminology (principles and coordination) 术语学(原则和协调配合)01.040 Vocabularies 词汇01.040.01 Generalities. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation (Vocabularies) 综合、术语学、标准化、文献(词汇)01.040.03 Sociology. Services. Company organization and management. Administration. Transport 社会学、服务、公司(企业)的组织与管理、行政、运输(词汇)01.040.07 Mathematics. Natural sciences (Vocabularies) 数学、自然科学(词汇)01.040.11 Health care technology (Vocabularies) 医药卫生技术(词汇)01.040.13 Environment and health protection. Safety (Vocabularies) 环保、保健与安全(词汇)01.040.17 Metrology and measurement. Physical phenomena (Vocabularies) 计量学和测量、物理现象(词汇)01.040.19 Testing (Vocabularies) 试验(词汇)01.040.21 Mechanical systems and components for general use (Vocabularies) 机械系统和通用件(词汇)01.040.23 Fluid systems and components for general use (Vocabularies) 流体系统和通用件(词汇)01.040.25 Manufacturing engineering (Vocabularies) 机械制造(词汇)01.040.27 Energy and heat transfer engineering (Vocabularies) 能源和热传导工程(词汇) 01.040.29 Electrical engineering (Vocabularies) 电气工程(词汇)01.040.31 Electronics (Vocabularies) 电子学(词汇)01.040.33 Telecommunications. Audio and video engineering (Vocabularies) 电信、音频和视频技术(词汇)01.040.35 Information technology. Office machines (Vocabularies) 信息技术、办公机械设备(词汇)01.040.37 Image technology (Vocabularies) 成像技术(词汇)01.040.39 Precision mechanics. Jewelry (Vocabularies) 精密机械、珠宝(词汇)01.040.43 Road vehicle engineering (Vocabularies) 道路车辆工程(词汇)01.040.45 Railway engineering (Vocabularies) 铁路工程(词汇)01.040.47 Shipbuilding and marine structures (Vocabularies) 造船和海上建筑物(词汇) 01.040.49 Aircraft and space vehicle engineering (Vocabularies) 航空器和航天器技术(词汇)01.040.53 Materials handling equipment (Vocabularies) 材料储运设备(词汇)01.040.55 Packaging and distribution of goods (Vocabularies) 货物的包装和调运01.040.59 Textile and leather technology (Vocabularies) 纺织和皮革技术01.040.61 Clothing industry (Vocabularies) 服装工业(词汇)01.040.65 Agriculture (Vocabularies) 农业(词汇)01.040.67 Food technology (Vocabularies) 食品技术(词汇)01.040.71 Chemical technology (Vocabularies) 化工技术(词汇)01.040.73 Mining and minerals (Vocabularies) 采矿和矿产品(词汇)01.040.75 Petroleum and related technologies (Vocabularies) 石油及有关技术(词汇)01.040.77 Metallurgy (Vocabularies) 冶金(词汇)01.040.79 Wood technology (Vocabularies) 木材加工(词汇)01.040.81 Glass and ceramics industries (Vocabularies) 玻璃和陶瓷工业(词汇)01.040.83 Rubber and plastics industries (Vocabularies) 橡胶和塑料工业(词汇)01.040.85 Paper technology (Vocabularies) 造纸技术(词汇)01.040.87 Paint and colour industries (Vocabularies) 涂料和颜料工业(词汇)01.040.91 Construction materials and building (Vocabularies) 建筑材料和建筑物(词汇) 01.040.93 Civil engineering (Vocabularies) 土木工程(词汇)01.040.95 Military engineering (Vocabularies) 军事工程01.040.97 Domestic and commercial equipment. Entertainment. Sport (Vocabularies) 家用和商用设备、体育、文娱(词汇)01.060 Quantities and units 量和单位01.070 Colour coding 颜色编码01.075 Character symbols 字符符号01.080 Graphical symbols 图形符号01.080.01 Graphical symbols in general 图形符号综合01.080.10 Public information symbols 公共信息符号01.080.20 Graphical symbols for use on specific equipment 专用设备用图形符号01.080.30 Graphical symbols for use on mechanical engineering and construction drawings,diagrams, plans, maps and in relevant technical product documentation 机械工程和建筑制图、图表、设计图、地图和相关的技术产品文件用图形01.080.40 Graphical symbols for use on electrical and electronics engineering drawings,diagrams,charts and in relevant technical product documentation 电气工程和电子工程制图、示意图、图表和相关技术产品文件用图形符号01.080.50 Graphical symbols for use on information technology and telecommunications technical drawings and in relevant technical product documentation 信息技术和电信技术制图与相关技术产品文件用图形符号01.080.99 Other graphical symbols 其他图形符号01.100 Technical drawings 技术制图01.100.01 Technical drawings in general 技术制图综合01.100.20 Mechanical engineering drawings 机械工程制图01.100.25 Electrical and electronics engineering drawings 电气和电子工程制图01.100.27 Technical drawings for telecommunications and information technology fields 信息技术和电信领域用技术制图01.100.30 Construction drawings 工程建设制图01.100.40 Drawing equipment 制图设备01.100.99 Other standards related to technical drawings 其他制图标准01.110 Technical product documentation 技术产品文件01.120 Standardization. General rules 标准化总则01.140 Information sciences. Publishing 信息学、出版01.140.10 Writing and transliteration 文字字体与文字转写01.140.20 Information sciences 信息学01.140.30 Documents in administration, commerce and industry 行政管理、商业和工业文件01.140.40 Publishing 出版03 SOCIOLOGY. SERVICES. COMPANY ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT.ADMINISTRATION. TRANSPORT 社会学、服务、公司(企业)的组织和管理、行政、运输03.020 Sociology. Demography 社会学、人口统计学03.040 Labour. Employment 劳动、就业03.060 Finances. Banking. Monetary systems. Insurance 金融、银行、货币体系、保险03.080 Services 服务03.080.01 Services in general 服务综合03.080.10 Industrial services 工业服务03.080.20 Services for companies 公司(企业)的服务03.080.30 Services for consumers 消费者服务03.080.99 Other services 其他服务03.100 Company organization and management 公司(企业)的组织与管理03.100.01 Company organization and management in general 公司(企业)的组织与管理综合03.100.10 Purchasing. Procurement. Management of stock 订购、收购、仓库管理03.100.20 Trade. Commercial function. Marketing 贸易、商业活动、市场营销03.100.30 Management of human resources 劳动资源管理03.100.40 Research and development 研究与开发03.100.50 Production. Production management 生产、生产管理03.100.60 Accountancy 会计03.100.99 Other standards related to company organization and management 有关公司(企业)组织管理的其他标准03.120 Quality 质量03.120.01 Quality in general 质量综合03.120.10 Quality management and quality assurance 质量管理和质量保证03.120.20 Product and company certification. Conformity assessment 产品认证和机构认证、合格评定03.120.30 Application of statistical methods 统计方法的应用03.120.99 Other standards related to quality 有关质量的其他标准03.140 Patents. Intellectual property 专利、知识产权03.160 Law. Administration 法律、行政管理03.180 Education 教育03.200 Leisure. Tourism 娱乐、旅游03.220 Transport 运输03.220.01 Transport in general 运输综合03.220.20 Road transport 道路运输03.220.30 Transport by rail 铁路运输03.220.40 Transport by water 水路运输03.220.50 Air transport 航空运输03.220.99 Other forms of transport 其他运输形式03.240 Postal services 邮政服务07 MATHEMATICS. NATURAL SCIENCES 数学、自然科学07.020 Mathematics 数学07.030 Physics. Chemistry 物理学、化学07.040 Astronomy. Geodesy. Geography 天文学、大地测量学、地理学07.060 Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology 地质学、气象学、水文学07.080 Biology. Botany. Zoology 生物学、植物学、动物学07.100 Microbiology 微生物学07.100.01 Microbiology in general 微生物学综合07.100.10 Medical microbiology 医学微生物学07.100.20 Microbiology of water 水微生物学07.100.30 Food microbiology 食品微生物学07.100.99 Other standards related to microbiology 有关微生物学的其他标准11 HEALTH CARE TECHNOLOGY 医药卫生技术11.020 Medical Sciences and health care facilities in general 医学科学和保健装置综合11.040 Medical equipment 医疗设备11.040.01 Medical equipment in general 医疗设备综合11.040.10 Anaesthetic, respiratory and reanimation equipment 麻醉、呼吸和复苏设备11.040.20 Transfusion, infusion and injection equipment 输血、输液和注射设备11.040.30 Surgical instruments and materials 外科器械和材料11.040.40 Implants for surgery, prosthetics and orthotics 外科植入物、假体和矫形11.040.50 Radiographic equipment 射线照相设备11.040.55 Diagnostic equipment 诊断设备11.040.60 Therapy equipment 治疗设备11.040.70 Ophthalmic equipment 眼科设备11.040.99 Other medical equipment 其他医疗设备11.060 Dentistry 牙科11.060.01 Dentistry in general 牙科综合11.060.10 Dental materials 牙科材料11.060.20 Dental equipment 牙科设备11.080 Sterilization and disinfection 消毒和灭菌11.080.01 Sterilization and disinfection in general 消毒和灭菌综合11.080.10 Sterilizing equipment 消毒设备11.080.20 Disinfectants and antiseptics 消毒剂和防腐剂11.080.30 sterilized packaging 封装消毒11.080.99 Other standards related to sterilization and disinfection 有关消毒和灭菌的其他标准11.100 Laboratory medicine 实验室医学11.120 Pharmaceutics 制药学11.120.01 Pharmaceutics in general 制药学综合11.120.10 Medicaments 药物11.120.20 Medical materials 医用材料11.120.99 Other standards related to pharmaceutics 有关制药学的其他标准11.140 Hospital equipment 医院设备11.160 First aid 急救11.180 Aids for disabled or handicapped persons 残疾人用设备11.200 Birth control. Mechanical contraceptives 人口控制、避孕器具11.220 Veterinary medicine 兽医学13 ENVIRONMENT. HEALTH PROTECTION. SAFETY 环保、保健与安全13.020 Environmental protection 环境保护13.020.01 Environment and environmental protection in general 环境和环境保护综合13.020.10 Environmental management 环境管理13.020.20 Environmental economics 环境经济13.020.30 Environmental impact assessment 环境影响评定13.020.40 Pollution, pollution control and conservation 污染、污染控制和保护13.020.50 Ecolabelling 环境分类13.020.60 Product life-cycles 产品寿命周期13.020.70 Environmental projects 环境规划13.020.99 Other standards related to environmental protection 有关环境的其他标准13.030 Wastes 废物13.030.01 Wastes in general 废物综合13.030.10 Solid wastes 固态废物13.030.20 Liquid wastes. Sludge 液态废物、污水13.030.30 Special wastes 特殊废物13.030.40 Installations and equipment for waste disposal and treatment 废物处置和处理设备与装置13.030.50 Recycling 回收13.030.99 Other standards related to wastes 有关废物的其他标准13.040 Air quality 空气质量13.040.01 Air quality in general 空气质量综合13.040.20 Ambient atmospheres 环境空气13.040.30 Workplace atmospheres 工作场所空气13.040.40 Stationary source emissions 固定源排放限值13.040.50 Transport exhaust emissions 移动源排放限值13.040.99 Other standards related to air quality 有关空气质量的其他标准13.060 Water quality 水质13.060.01 Water quality in general 水质综合13.060.10 Water of natural resources 天然水资源13.060.20 Drinking water 饮用水13.060.25 Water for industrial use 工业用水13.060.30 Sewage water 污水13.060.50 Examination of water for chemical substances 水的化学物质检验13.060.60 Examination of physical properties of water 水的物理性质检验13.060.70 Examination of biological properties of water 水的生物性质检验13.060.99 Other standards related to water quality 有关水质的其他标准13.080 Soil quality. Pedology 土质、土壤学13.080.01 Soil quality and pedology in general 土质和土壤学综合13.080.10 Chemical characteristics of soils 土壤的化学特性13.080.20 Physical properties of soils 土壤的物理性质13.080.30 Biological properties of soils 土壤的生物性质13.080.40 Hydrological properties of soils 土壤的水文性质13.080.99 Other standards related to soils quality 有关土质的其他标准13.100 Occupational safety. Industrial hygiene 职业安全、工业卫生13.110 Safety of machinery 机械安全13.120 Domestic safety 家用品安全13.140 Noise with respect to human beings 噪声(与人有关的)13.160 Vibration and shock with respect to human beings 振动和冲击(与人有关的)13.180 Ergonomics 人类工效学13.200 Accident and disaster control 事故和灾害控制13.220 Protection against fire 消防13.220.01 Protection against fire in general 消防综合13.220.10 Fire-fighting 灭火13.220.20 Fire-protection 防火13.220.40 Ignitability and burning behaviour of materials and products 材料和制品的阻燃性和燃烧性能13.220.50 Fire-resistance of building materials and elements 建筑材料和构件的阻燃性13.220.99 Other standards related to protection against fire 有关消防的其他标准13.230 Explosion protection 防爆13.240 Protection against excessive pressure 超压防护13.260 Protection against electric shock 电击防护13.280 Radiation protection 辐射防护13.300 Protection against dangerous goods 危险品防护13.310 Protection against crime 犯罪行为防范13.320 Alarm and warning systems 预警和报警系统13.340 Protective equipment 防护设备13.340.01 Protective equipment in general 防护设备综合13.340.10 Protective clothing 防护服装13.340.20 Head protective equipment 头部防护设备13.340.30 Respiratory protective devices 呼吸保护装置13.340.40 Protective gloves 防护手套13.340.50 Protective footwear 防护鞋袜13.340.99 Other protective equipment 其他防护设备17 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENT. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA 计量学和测量、物理现象17.020 Metrology and measurement in general 计量学和测量综合17.040 Linear and angular measurements 长度和角度测量17.040.01 Linear and angular measurements in general 长度和角度测量综合17.040.10 Limits and fits 公差与配合17.040.20 Properties of surfaces 表面特征17.040.30 Measuring instruments 测量仪器仪表17.040.99 Other standards related to linear and angular measurements 有关长度和角度测量的其他标准17.060 Measurement of volume, mass, density, viscosity 体积、质量、密度和粘度的测量17.080 Measurement of time, velocity, acceleration, angular velocity 时间、速度、加速度、角速度的测量17.100 Measurement of force, weight and pressure 力、重力和压力的测量17.120 Measurement of fluid flow 流体流量的测量17.120.01 Measurement of fluid flow in general 流体流量的测量综合17.120.10 Flow in closed conduits 封闭管道中流量的测量17.120.20 Flow in open channels 明渠中流量的测量17.140 Acoustics and acoustic measurements 声学和声学测量17.140.01 Acoustics measurements and noise abatement in general 声学测量和噪声抑制综合17.140.20 Noise emitted by machines and equipment 机器和设备的噪声17.140.30 Noise emitted by means of transport 运输工具的噪声17.140.50 Electroacoustics 电声学17.140.99 Other standards related to acoustics 有关声学的其他标准17.160 Vibrations, shock and vibration measurements 振动、冲击和振动测量17.180 Optics and optical measurements 光学和光学测量17.180.01 Optics and optical measurements in general 光学和光学测量综合17.180.20 Colours and measurement of light 颜色和光的测量17.180.30 Optical measuring instruments 光学测量仪器17.180.99 Other standards related to optics and optical measurements 有关光学和光学测量的其他标准17.200 Thermodynamics and temperature measurements 热力学和温度测量17.200.01 Thermodynamics in general 热力学综合17.200.10 Heat. Calorimetry 热、量热学17.200.20 Temperature-measuring instruments 温度测量仪器仪表17.200.99 Other standards related to thermodynamics 有关热力学的其他标准17.220 Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements 电学、磁学、电和磁的测量17.220.01 Electricity. Magnetism. General aspects 电学、磁学一般特性17.220.20 Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities 电和磁量值的测量17.220.99 Other standards related to electricity and magnetism 有关电学和磁学的其他标准17.240 Radiation measurements 辐射测量19 TESTING 试验19.020 Test conditions and procedures in general 试验条件和规程综合19.040 Environmental testing 环境试验19.060 Mechanical testing 机械试验19.080 Electrical and electronic testing 电工和电子试验19.100 Non-destructive testing 无损检测19.120 Particle size analysis. sieving 粒度分析、筛分21 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS FOR GENERAL USE 机械系统和通用件21.020 Characteristics and design of machines, apparatus, equipment 机器、装置、设备的特性和设计21.040 Screw threads 螺纹21.040.01 Screw threads in general 螺纹综合21.040.10 Metric screw threads 米制螺纹21.040.20 Inch screw threads 英制螺纹21.040.30 Special screw threads 特殊螺纹21.060 Fasteners 紧固件21.060.01 Fasteners in general 紧固件综合21.060.10 Bolts, screws, studs 螺栓、螺钉、螺柱21.060.20 Nuts 螺母21.060.30 Washers, locking elements 垫圈、锁紧件21.060.40 Rivets 铆钉21.060.50 Pins, nails 销、钉21.060.60 Rings, bushes, sleeves, collars 环、套管、管接头、承插21.060.70 Clamps and staples 卡箍和U形环21.060.99 Other fasteners 其他紧固件21.080 Hinges, eyelets and other articulated joints 铰链、孔眼和其他关节连接件21.100 Bearings 轴承21.100.01 Bearings in general 轴承综合21.100.10 Plain bearings 滑动轴承21.100.20 Rolling bearings 滚动轴承21.120 Shafts and couplings 轴和联轴器21.120.01 Shafts and couplings in general 轴和联轴器综合21.120.10 Shafts 轴21.120.20 Couplings 联轴器、离合器、磨擦器21.120.30 Keys and keyways, splines 键和键槽、花键21.120.40 Balancing and balancing machines 平衡和平衡机21.120.99 Other standards related to shafts and couplings 有关轴和联轴器的其他标准21.140 Seals, glands 密封件、密封装置21.160 Springs 弹簧21.180 Housings, enclosures, other machine parts 机箱、外壳、其他机械部件21.200 Gears 齿轮及齿轮传动21.220 Flexible drives and transmissions 挠性传动和传送21.220.01 Flexible drives and transmissions in general 挠性传动和传送综合21.220.10 Belt drives and their components 带传动及其零件21.220.20 Cable or rope drives and their components 缆索或绳索传动及其零件21.220.30 Chain drives and their components 链传动及其零件21.220.99 Other flexible drives and transmissions 其它挠性传动和传送21.240 Rotary-reciprocating mechanisms and their parts 旋转-往复式机构及其部件21.260 Lubrication systems 润滑系统23 FLUID SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS FOR GENERAL USE 流体系统和通用件23.020 Fluid storage devices 流体存储装置23.020.01 Fluid storage devices in general 流体存储装置综合23.020.10 Stationary containers and tanks 固定容器和罐23.020.20 Vessels and containers mounted on vehicles 车载槽罐和容器23.020.30 Pressure vessels, gas cylinders 压力容器、气瓶23.020.40 Cryogenic vessels 低温容器23.020.99 Other fluid storage devices 其他流体存储装置23.040 Pipeline components and pipelines 管道部件和管道23.040.01 Pipeline components and pipelines in general 管道部件和管道综合23.040.10 Iron and steel pipes 铁管和钢管23.040.15 Non-ferrous metal pipes 有色金属管23.040.20 Plastics pipes 塑料管23.040.40 Metal fittings 金属配件23.040.45 Plastics fittings 塑料配件23.040.50 Pipes and fittings of other materials 其他材料的管和配件23.040.60 Flanges, couplings and joints 法兰、管接头及其连接件23.040.70 Hoses and hose assemblies 软管和软管组件23.040.80 Seals for pipe and hose assemblies 管和软管组件的密封23.040.99 Other pipeline components 其他管道部件23.060 Valves 阀门23.060.01 Valves in general 阀门综合23.060.10 Globe valves 球阀23.060.20 Ball and plug valves 球闸阀和旋塞阀23.060.30 Gate valves 闸阀23.060.40 Pressure regulators 压力调节器23.060.50 Check valves 止回阀23.060.99 Other valves 其他阀门23.080 Pumps 泵23.100 Fluid power systems 流体动力系统23.100.01 Fluid power systems in general 流体动力系统综合23.100.10 Pumps and motors 泵和马达23.100.20 Cylinders 缸23.100.40 Piping and couplings 管道和管接头23.100.50 Control components 控制部件23.100.60 Filters, seals and contamination of fluids 过滤器、密封垫和流体杂质23.100.99 Other fluid power system components 其他流体系统部件23.120 Ventilators. Fans. Air-conditioners 通风机、风扇、空调器23.140 Compressors and pneumatic machines 压缩机和气动机械23.160 Vacuum technology 真空技术25 MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING 机械制造25.020 Manufacturing forming processes 制造成型过程25.040 Industrial automation systems 工业自动化系统25.040.01 Industrial automation systems in general 工业自动化系统综合25.040.10 Machining centres 机械加工中心25.040.20 Numerically controlled machines 数控机床25.040.30 Industrial robots. Manipulators 工业机器人、机械手25.040.40 Industrial process measurement and control 工业过程的测量与控制25.040.99 Other industrial automation systems 其他工业自动化系统25.060 Machine tool systems 机床装置25.060.01 Machine tool systems in general 机床装置综合25.060.10 Modular units and other devices 组合单元和其他装置25.060.20 Dividing and tool-workpiece holding devices 分度和刀具/工件夹持装置25.060.99 Other machine tool systems 其他机床装置25.080 Machine tools 机床25.080.01 Machine tools in general 机床综合25.080.10 Lathes 车床25.080.20 Boring and milling machines 镗床和铣床25.080.25 Planing machines 刨床25.080.30 Broaching machines 拉床25.080.40 Drilling machines 钻床25.080.50 Grinding and polishing machines 磨床和抛光机25.080.60 Sawing machines 锯床25.080.99 Other machine tools 其他机床25.100 Cutting tools 切削工具25.100.01 Cutting tools in general 切削工具综合25.100.10 Turning tools 车刀25.100.20 Milling tools 铣刀25.100.25 Tools for planing and broaching machines 刨床、拉床用刀具25.100.30 Drills, countersinks, reamers 钻头、锪钻、铰刀25.100.40 Saws 锯25.100.50 Taps and threading dies 丝锥和板牙25.100.60 Files 锉刀25.100.70 Abrasives 磨料磨具25.100.99 Other cutting tools 其他切削刀具25.120 Chipless working equipment 无屑加工设备25.120.01 Chipless working equipment in general 无屑加工设备综合25.120.10 Forging equipment. Presses. Shears 锻压设备、冲压机、剪切机25.120.20 Rolling, extruding and drawing equipment 轧制、挤压和拉制设备25.120.30 Moulding equipment 模制设备和铸造设备25.120.40 Electrochemical machines 电化学加工机床25.120.99 Other chipless working equipment 其他无屑加工设备25.140 Hand-held tools 手持工具25.140.01 Hand-held tools in general 手持工具综合25.140.10 Pneumatic tools 气动工具25.140.20 Electric tools 电动工具25.140.30 Hand-operated tools 手动工具25.140.99 Other hand-held tools 其他手持工具25.160 Welding, brazing and soldering 焊接、钎焊和低温焊25.160.01 Welding, brazing and soldering in general 焊接、钎焊和低温焊综合25.160.10 Welding processes 焊接工艺25.160.20 Welding consumables 焊接消耗品25.160.30 Welding equipment 焊接设备25.160.40 Welded joints 焊接接头25.160.50 Brazing and soldering 钎焊和低温焊25.180 Industrial furnaces 工业炉25.180.01 Industrial furnaces in general 工业炉综合25.180.10 Electric furnaces 电炉25.180.20 Fuel furnaces 燃油炉25.200 Heat treatment and coating 热处理25.220 Surface treatment and coating 表面处理和涂覆25.220.01 Surface treatment and coating in general 表面处理和涂覆综合25.220.10 Surface preparation 表面预处理25.220.20 Surface treatment 表面处理25.220.40 Metallic coatings 金属镀层25.220.50 Enamels 搪瓷25.220.60 Organic coatings 有机涂层25.220.99 Other treatments and coatings 其他处理和涂覆27 ENERGY AND HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING 能源和热传导工程27.010 Energy and heat transfer engineering in general 能源和热传导工程综合27.020 Internal combustion engines 内燃机27.040 Gas and steam turbines, Steam engines 燃气和蒸汽轮机、蒸汽机27.060 Burners. Boilers 燃烧器、锅炉27.060.01 Burners and Boilers in general 燃烧器、锅炉综合27.060.10 Liquid and solid fuel burners 液体和固体燃料燃烧器27.060.20 Gas fuel burners 气体燃料燃烧器27.060.30 Boilers and heat exchangers 锅炉和热交换器27.070 Fuel cells 燃料电池27.080 Heat pumps 热泵27.100 Power stations in general 电站综合27.120 Nuclear energy engineering 核能工程27.120.01 Nuclear energy in general 核能综合27.120.10 Reactor engineering 反应堆工程27.120.20 Nuclear power plants. Safety 核电站、安全27.120.30 Fissile materials 裂变物质27.120.99 Other standards related to nuclear energy 有关核能的其他标准27.140 Hydraulic energy engineering 水力工程27.160 Solar energy engineering 太阳能工程27.180 Wind turbine systems and other alternative sources of energy 风力发电系统和其他能源27.200 Refrigerating technology 制冷技术27.220 Heat recovery. Thermal insulation 热回收、绝热29 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 电气工程29.020 Electrical engineering in general 电气工程综合29.030 Magnetic materials 磁性材料29.035 Insulating materials 绝缘材料29.035.01 Insulating materials in general 绝缘材料综合29.035.10 Paper and board insulating materials 纸和纸板绝缘材料29.035.20 Plastics and rubber insulating materials 塑料和橡胶绝缘材料29.035.30 Ceramic and glass insulating materials 陶瓷和玻璃绝缘材料29.035.50 Mica based materials 云母基材料29.035.60 Varnished fabrics 涂层织物29.035.99 Other insulating materials 其他绝缘材料29.040 Insulating fluids 绝缘流体29.040.01 Insulating fluids in general 绝缘流体综合29.040.10 Insulating oils 绝缘油29.040.20 Insulating gases 绝缘气体29.040.99 Other insulating fluids 其他绝缘流体29.045 Semiconducting materials 半导体材料29.050 Conducting materials 导体材料29.060 Electrical wires and cables 电线和电缆29.060.01 Electrical wires and cables in general 电线和电缆综合29.060.10 Wires 电线29.060.20 Cables 电缆29.080 Insulation 绝缘29.080.01 Electrical insulation in general 电绝缘综合29.080.10 Insulators 绝缘子29.080.20 Bushings 套管29.080.30 Insulation systems 绝缘系统29.080.99 Other standards related to insulation 有关绝缘的其他标准29.100 Components for electrical equipment 电工设备元件29.100.01 Components for electrical equipment in general 电工设备元件综合29.100.10 Magnetic components 磁性元件29.100.20 Electrical and electromechanical components 电工和机电元件29.100.99 Other components for electrical equipment 电工设备用其他元件29.120 Electrical accessories 电工器件29.120.01 Electrical accessories in general 电工器件综合29.120.10 Conduits for electrical purposes 导线管29.120.20 Connecting devices 连接装置29.120.30 Plugs, socket-outlets, couplers 插头、插座、联接器29.120.40 Switches 开关29.120.50 Fuses and other overcurrent protection devices 熔断器和其他过载保护装置29.120.70 Relays 继电器29.120.99 Other electrical accessories 其他电工器件29.130.01 Switchgear and controlgear in general 开关装置和控制器综合29.130.10 High voltage switchgear and controlgear 高压开关装置和控制器29.130.20 Low voltage switchgear and controlgear 低压开关装置和控制器29.130.99 Other switchgear and controlgear 其他开关装置和控制器29.140 Lamps and related equipment 电灯及有关装置29.140.01 Lamps in general 电灯综合29.140.10 Lamp caps and holders 灯头和灯座29.140.20 Incandescent lamps 白炽灯29.140.30 Fluorescent lamps. Discharge lamps 荧光灯、放电灯29.140.40 Luminaires 照明设备29.140.50 Lighting installation systems 照明安装系统29.140.99 Other standards related to lamps 有关灯的其他标准29.160 Rotating machinery 旋转电机29.160.01 Rotating machinery in general 旋转电机综合29.160.10 Components for rotating machines 旋转电机部件29.160.20 Generators 发电机29.160.30 Motors 电动机29.160.40 Generating sets 发电机组29.160.99 Other standards related to rotating machinery 有关旋转电机的其他标准29.180 Transformers. Reactors 变压器、电抗器29.200 Rectifiers. Convertors. Stabilized power supply 整流器、转换器、稳压电源29.220 Galvanic cells and batteries 电池和蓄电池29.220.01 Galvanic cells and batteries in general 电池和蓄电池综合29.220.10 Primary cells and batteries 原电池和蓄电池29.220.20 Acid secondary cells and batteries 酸性副电池及蓄电池29.220.30 Alkaline secondary cells and batteries 碱性副电池及蓄电池29.220.99 Other cells and batteries 其他电池和蓄电池29.240 Power transmission and distribution networks 输电网和配电网29.240.01 Power transmission and distribution networks in general 输电网和配电网综合29.240.10 Substations. Surge arresters 变电站、电涌放电器29.240.20 Power transmission and distribution lines 输电线路和配电线路29.240.30 Control equipment for electric power systems 电力系统用控制设备29.240.99 Other equipment related to power transmission and distribution networks 其他有关输电网和配电网的设备29.260 Electrical equipments for working in special conditions 特殊工作条件用电气设备29.260.01 Electrical equipments for working in special conditions in general 特殊工作条件用电气设备综合29.260.10 Electrical installations for outdoor use 户外用电气设备29.260.20 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres 易爆环境用电气设备29.260.99 Other electrical equipment for working in special conditions 特殊工作条件用其他电气设备29.280 Electric traction equipment 电力牵引设备31 ELECTRONICS 电子学31.020 Electronic components in general 电子元件综合31.040 Resistors 电阻器31.040.01 Resistors in general 电阻器综合31.040.10 Fixed resistors 固定电阻器31.040.20 Protentiometer, variable resistors 电位器、可变电阻器31.040.30 Thermistors 热敏电阻器31.040.99 Other resistors 其他电阻器31.060 Capacitors 电容器31.060.01 Capacitors in general 电容器综合31.060.10 Fixed capacitors 固定电容器31.060.20 Ceramic and mica capacitors 陶瓷电容器和云母电容器31.060.30 Paper and plastics capacitors 纸介电容器和塑料膜电容器31.060.40 Tantalum electrolytic capacitors 钽电解电容器31.060.50 Aluminium electrolytic capacitors 铝电解电容器31.060.60 Variable capacitors 可变电容器31.060.70 Power capacitors 电力电容器31.060.99 Other capacitors 其他电容器31.080 Semiconductor devices 半导体器件31.080.01 Semiconductor devices in general 半导体器件综合31.080.10 Diodes 二极管31.080.20 Thyristors 晶体闸流管31.080.30 Transistors 三极管31.080.99 Other semiconductor devices 其他半导体器件31.100 Electronic tubes 电子管31.120 Electronic display devices 电子显示器件31.140 Piezoelectric and dielectric devices 压电器件和介质器件31.160 Electric filters 滤波器31.180 Printed circuits and boards 印制电路和印制电路板31.190 Electric component assemblies 电子器件组件31.200 Integrated circuits. Microelectronics 集成电路、微电子学31.220 Electromechanical components for electronic and telecommunications equipment 电子电信设备用机电零部件31.220.01 Electromechanical components in general 机电零部件综合31.220.10 Plug-and-socket devices. Connectors 插头和插座装置、连接器31.220.20 Switches 开关31.220.99 Other electromechanical components 其他机电零部件31.240 Mechanical structures for electronic equipment 电子设备用机械构件31.260 Optoelectronics. Laser equipment 光电子学、激光设备33 TELECOMMUNICATIONS. AUDIO AND VIDEO ENGINEERING 电信、音频和视频技术33.020 Telecommunications in general 电信综合33.030 Telecommunication services. Applications 电信业务、应用33.040 Telecommunication systems 电信系统33.040.01 Telecommunication systems in general 电信系统综合33.040.20 Transmission systems 传输系统33.040.30 Switching and signalling systems 交换和信令系统33.040.35 Telephone networks 电话网络33.040.40 Data communication networks 数据通信网络33.040.50 Lines, connections and circuits 线路、连接和电路33.040.99 Other equipment for telecommunication systems 其他电话、电报和电信系统用设备。


1991年ISO组织完成了ICS分类法的制定工作,并积极向其成员组织推荐ICS分类体系,以期获得在标准分类 工作中的统一。
ISO于1994年在其颁布的标准中采用ICS分类号,德国紧随其后,也于1994年在其颁布的标准中采用了ICS分 类号。
1. ICS作为国际、区域性和国家标准以及其它标准文献的目录结构,并作为国际、区域性和国家标准的长 期订单系统的基础,也可以用于数据库和图书馆中标准及标准文献的分类。
二级类目下又再细分为三级类目,共有789个,三级类目的类号由一、二级类目的类号和被一个圆点隔开的 二位数组成,例如:43. 040. 50 传动装置、悬挂装置。
1.按标准文献主题内容所属学科、专业归类,总的分第一级,较具体的分第二级,再具体的分第三级。 2.术语标准和图形符号标准可先分入术语和图形符号类,再按标准化对象所属专业分入专业类。 3.一标准可根据其主题或主题侧面分入多个二级类或三级类中。 4.一标准所涉及的主题范围包括了一个二级类以下的全部三级类目,则标准应分入此二级类。 5.为便于计算机检索,涉及某二级类全部主题的标准,可标为 “××. ×××. 00”,这样在检索时用 “××. ×××. 00”提问,将得到 “××. ×××”下的综合标准;而用“××. ×××”提问将得到 “××. ×××”下以及“××. ×××. 01~××. ×××. 99”各类下的全部标准。 6.用户可自行扩类,多个分类号以分号相隔。
1.有些类目设置比较新颖。如:37 成像技术(包括复印技术和印刷技术)。
2.受欧洲传统分类思想影响较大,由于ICS与DIN的渊源关系,因此ICS中某些类目的设置主要是围绕德国分 类法思想来进行的。如:39 精密机械,珠宝 此类目下只有手表和珠宝,其它仪表、仪器没法入类,所以不合 理。



国际标准分类法国际标准分类法(International Standard Classification)是指对各种信息资源进行分类的一种国际通用的分类方法。






通用标准分类法是一种综合性的分类方法,它综合了主题分类法和十进分类法的特点,既考虑了信息资源的内容特征,又考虑了信息资源的类别特征,如国际标准书目分类法(Universal Decimal Classification,UDC)等。










国际标准分类法国际标准分类法(International Classification for Standards,简称ICS)是由国际标准化组织编制的标准文献分类法。


共 59 面第 1 页ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称01 GENERALITIES. TERMINOLOGY. STANDARDIZATION. DOCUMENTATION 综合、术语学、标准化、文献01.020 Terminology (principles and coordination) 术语学(原则和协调配合)01.040 Vocabularies 词汇01.040.01 Generalities. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation (Vocabularies) 综合、术语学、标准化、文献(词汇)01.040.03 Sociology. Services. Company organization and management. Administration.Transport社会学、服务、公司(企业)的组织与管理、行政、运输(词汇)01.040.07 Mathematics. Natural sciences (Vocabularies) 数学、自然科学(词汇)01.040.11 Health care technology (Vocabularies) 医药卫生技术(词汇)01.040.13 Environment and health protection. Safety (Vocabularies) 环保、保健与安全(词汇)01.040.17 Metrology and measurement. Physical phenomena (Vocabularies) 计量学和测量、物理现象(词汇) 01.040.19 Testing (Vocabularies) 试验(词汇)01.040.21 Mechanical systems and components for general use (Vocabularies) 机械系统和通用件(词汇)01.040.23 Fluid systems and components for general use (Vocabularies) 流体系统和通用件(词汇)01.040.25 Manufacturing engineering (Vocabularies) 机械制造(词汇)01.040.27 Energy and heat transfer engineering (Vocabularies) 能源和热传导工程(词汇)01.040.29 Electrical engineering (Vocabularies) 电气工程(词汇)01.040.31 Electronics (Vocabularies) 电子学(词汇)01.040.33 Telecommunications. Audio and video engineering (Vocabularies) 电信、音频和视频技术(词汇) 01.040.35 Information technology. Office machines (Vocabularies) 信息技术、办公机械设备(词汇) 01.040.37 Image technology (Vocabularies) 成像技术(词汇)01.040.39 Precision mechanics. Jewelry (Vocabularies) 精密机械、珠宝(词汇)01.040.43 Road vehicle engineering (Vocabularies) 道路车辆工程(词汇)01.040.45 Railway engineering (Vocabularies) 铁路工程(词汇)01.040.47 Shipbuilding and marine structures (Vocabularies) 造船和海上建筑物(词汇)01.040.49 Aircraft and space vehicle engineering (Vocabularies) 航空器和航天器技术(词汇) 01.040.53 Materials handling equipment (Vocabularies) 材料储运设备(词汇)共 59 面第 2 页ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称01.040.55 Packaging and distribution of goods (Vocabularies) 货物的包装和调运01.040.59 Textile and leather technology (Vocabularies) 纺织和皮革技术01.040.61 Clothing industry (Vocabularies) 服装工业(词汇)01.040.65 Agriculture (Vocabularies) 农业(词汇)01.040.67 Food technology (Vocabularies) 食品技术(词汇)01.040.71 Chemical technology (Vocabularies) 化工技术(词汇)01.040.73 Mining and minerals (Vocabularies) 采矿和矿产品(词汇)01.040.75 Petroleum and related technologies (Vocabularies) 石油及有关技术(词汇)01.040.77 Metallurgy (Vocabularies) 冶金(词汇)01.040.79 Wood technology (Vocabularies) 木材加工(词汇)01.040.81 Glass and ceramics industries (Vocabularies) 玻璃和陶瓷工业(词汇)01.040.83 Rubber and plastics industries (Vocabularies) 橡胶和塑料工业(词汇)01.040.85 Paper technology (Vocabularies) 造纸技术(词汇)01.040.87 Paint and colour industries (Vocabularies) 涂料和颜料工业(词汇)01.040.91 Construction materials and building (Vocabularies) 建筑材料和建筑物(词汇)01.040.93 Civil engineering (Vocabularies) 土木工程(词汇)01.040.95 Military engineering (Vocabularies) 军事工程01.040.97 Domestic and commercial equipment. Entertainment. Sport (Vocabularies) 家用和商用设备、体育、文娱(词汇)01.060 Quantities and units 量和单位01.070 Colour coding 颜色编码01.075 Character symbols 字符符号01.080 Graphical symbols 图形符号01.080.01 Graphical symbols in general 图形符号综合01.080.10 Public information symbols 公共信息符号01.080.20 Graphical symbols for use on specific equipment 专用设备用图形符号01.080.30 Graphical symbols for use on mechanical engineering and construction 机械工程和建筑制图、图表、设计图、地图和相关的技术产共 59 面第 3 页ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称 drawings,diagrams, plans, maps and in relevant technical product documentation 品文件用图形01.080.40 Graphical symbols for use on electrical and electronics engineeringdrawings,diagrams,charts and in relevant technical product documentation电气工程和电子工程制图、示意图、图表和相关技术产品文件用图形符号01.080.50 Graphical symbols for use on information technology and telecommunicationstechnical drawings and in relevant technical product documentation信息技术和电信技术制图与相关技术产品文件用图形符号01.080.99 Other graphical symbols 其他图形符号01.100 Technical drawings 技术制图01.100.01 Technical drawings in general 技术制图综合01.100.20 Mechanical engineering drawings 机械工程制图01.100.25 Electrical and electronics engineering drawings 电气和电子工程制图01.100.27 Technical drawings for telecommunications and information technology fields 信息技术和电信领域用技术制图 01.100.30 Construction drawings 工程建设制图01.100.40 Drawing equipment 制图设备01.100.99 Other standards related to technical drawings 其他制图标准01.110 Technical product documentation 技术产品文件01.120 Standardization. General rules 标准化总则01.140 Information sciences. Publishing 信息学、出版01.140.10 Writing and transliteration 文字字体与文字转写01.140.20 Information sciences 信息学01.140.30 Documents in administration, commerce and industry 行政管理、商业和工业文件 01.140.40 Publishing 出版03 SOCIOLOGY. SERVICES. COMPANY ORGANIZATION ANDMANAGEMENT.ADMINISTRATION. TRANSPORT社会学、服务、公司(企业)的组织和管理、行政、运输03.020 Sociology. Demography 社会学、人口统计学03.040 Labour. Employment 劳动、就业03.060 Finances. Banking. Monetary systems. Insurance 金融、银行、货币体系、保险共 59 面第 4 页ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称03.080 Services 服务03.080.01 Services in general 服务综合03.080.10 Industrial services 工业服务03.080.20 Services for companies 公司(企业)的服务03.080.30 Services for consumers 消费者服务03.080.99 Other services 其他服务03.100 Company organization and management 公司(企业)的组织与管理03.100.01 Company organization and management in general 公司(企业)的组织与管理综合03.100.10 Purchasing. Procurement. Management of stock 订购、收购、仓库管理03.100.20 Trade. Commercial function. Marketing 贸易、商业活动、市场营销03.100.30 Management of human resources 劳动资源管理03.100.40 Research and development 研究与开发03.100.50 Production. Production management 生产、生产管理03.100.60 Accountancy 会计03.100.99 Other standards related to company organization and management 有关公司(企业)组织管理的其他标准 03.120 Quality 质量03.120.01 Quality in general 质量综合03.120.10 Quality management and quality assurance 质量管理和质量保证03.120.20 Product and company certification. Conformity assessment 产品认证和机构认证、合格评定 03.120.30 Application of statistical methods 统计方法的应用03.120.99 Other standards related to quality 有关质量的其他标准03.140 Patents. Intellectual property 专利、知识产权03.160 Law. Administration 法律、行政管理03.180 Education 教育03.200 Leisure. Tourism 娱乐、旅游03.220 Transport 运输共 59 面第 5 页ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称03.220.01 Transport in general 运输综合03.220.20 Road transport 道路运输03.220.30 Transport by rail 铁路运输03.220.40 Transport by water 水路运输03.220.50 Air transport 航空运输03.220.99 Other forms of transport 其他运输形式03.240 Postal services 邮政服务07 MATHEMATICS. NATURAL SCIENCES 数学、自然科学07.020 Mathematics 数学07.030 Physics. Chemistry 物理学、化学07.040 Astronomy. Geodesy. Geography 天文学、大地测量学、地理学 07.060 Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology 地质学、气象学、水文学 07.080 Biology. Botany. Zoology 生物学、植物学、动物学 07.100 Microbiology 微生物学07.100.01 Microbiology in general 微生物学综合07.100.10 Medical microbiology 医学微生物学07.100.20 Microbiology of water 水微生物学07.100.30 Food microbiology 食品微生物学07.100.99 Other standards related to microbiology 有关微生物学的其他标准11 HEALTH CARE TECHNOLOGY 医药卫生技术11.020 Medical Sciences and health care facilities in general 医学科学和保健装置综合 11.040 Medical equipment 医疗设备11.040.01 Medical equipment in general 医疗设备综合11.040.10 Anaesthetic, respiratory and reanimation equipment 麻醉、呼吸和复苏设备11.040.20 Transfusion, infusion and injection equipment 输血、输液和注射设备11.040.30 Surgical instruments and materials 外科器械和材料共 59 面第 6 页ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称11.040.40 Implants for surgery, prosthetics and orthotics 外科植入物、假体和矫形 11.040.50 Radiographic equipment 射线照相设备11.040.55 Diagnostic equipment 诊断设备11.040.60 Therapy equipment 治疗设备11.040.70 Ophthalmic equipment 眼科设备11.040.99 Other medical equipment 其他医疗设备11.060 Dentistry 牙科11.060.01 Dentistry in general 牙科综合11.060.10 Dental materials 牙科材料11.060.20 Dental equipment 牙科设备11.080 Sterilization and disinfection 消毒和灭菌11.080.01 Sterilization and disinfection in general 消毒和灭菌综合11.080.10 Sterilizing equipment 消毒设备11.080.20 Disinfectants and antiseptics 消毒剂和防腐剂11.080.30 sterilized packaging 封装消毒11.080.99 Other standards related to sterilization and disinfection 有关消毒和灭菌的其他标准 11.100 Laboratory medicine 实验室医学11.120 Pharmaceutics 制药学11.120.01 Pharmaceutics in general 制药学综合11.120.10 Medicaments 药物11.120.20 Medical materials 医用材料11.120.99 Other standards related to pharmaceutics 有关制药学的其他标准 11.140 Hospital equipment 医院设备11.160 First aid 急救11.180 Aids for disabled or handicapped persons 残疾人用设备11.200 Birth control. Mechanical contraceptives 人口控制、避孕器具共 59 面第 7 页ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称11.220 Veterinary medicine 兽医学13 ENVIRONMENT. HEALTH PROTECTION. SAFETY 环保、保健与安全13.020 Environmental protection 环境保护13.020.01 Environment and environmental protection in general 环境和环境保护综合13.020.10 Environmental management 环境管理13.020.20 Environmental economics 环境经济13.020.30 Environmental impact assessment 环境影响评定13.020.40 Pollution,pollution control and conservation 污染、污染控制和保护 13.020.50 Ecolabelling 环境分类13.020.60 Product life‐cycles 产品寿命周期13.020.70 Environmental projects 环境规划13.020.99 Other standards related to environmental protection 有关环境的其他标准13.030 Wastes 废物13.030.01 Wastes in general 废物综合13.030.10 Solid wastes 固态废物13.030.20 Liquid wastes. Sludge 液态废物、污水13.030.30 Special wastes 特殊废物13.030.40 Installations and equipment for waste disposal and treatment 废物处置和处理设备与装置 13.030.50 Recycling 回收13.030.99 Other standards related to wastes 有关废物的其他标准13.040 Air quality 空气质量13.040.01 Air quality in general 空气质量综合13.040.20 Ambient atmospheres 环境空气13.040.30 Workplace atmospheres 工作场所空气13.040.40 Stationary source emissions 固定源排放限值13.040.50 Transport exhaust emissions 移动源排放限值共 59 面第 8 页ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称13.040.99 Other standards related to air quality 有关空气质量的其他标准 13.060 Water quality 水质13.060.01 Water quality in general 水质综合13.060.10 Water of natural resources 天然水资源13.060.20 Drinking water 饮用水13.060.25 Water for industrial use 工业用水13.060.30 Sewage water 污水13.060.50 Examination of water for chemical substances 水的化学物质检验13.060.60 Examination of physical properties of water 水的物理性质检验13.060.70 Examination of biological properties of water 水的生物性质检验13.060.99 Other standards related to water quality 有关水质的其他标准 13.080 Soil quality. Pedology 土质、土壤学13.080.01 Soil quality and pedology in general 土质和土壤学综合13.080.10 Chemical characteristics of soils 土壤的化学特性13.080.20 Physical properties of soils 土壤的物理性质13.080.30 Biological properties of soils 土壤的生物性质13.080.40 Hydrological properties of soils 土壤的水文性质13.080.99 Other standards related to soils quality 有关土质的其他标准 13.100 Occupational safety. Industrial hygiene 职业安全、工业卫生 13.110 Safety of machinery 机械安全13.120 Domestic safety 家用品安全13.140 Noise with respect to human beings 噪声(与人有关的)13.160 Vibration and shock with respect to human beings 振动和冲击(与人有关的) 13.180 Ergonomics 人类工效学13.200 Accident and disaster control 事故和灾害控制13.220 Protection against fire 消防共 59 面第 9 页ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称13.220.01 Protection against fire in general 消防综合13.220.10 Fire‐fighting 灭火13.220.20 Fire‐protection 防火13.220.40 Ignitability and burning behaviour of materials and products 材料和制品的阻燃性和燃烧性能 13.220.50 Fire‐resistance of building materials and elements 建筑材料和构件的阻燃性13.220.99 Other standards related to protection against fire 有关消防的其他标准13.230 Explosion protection 防爆13.240 Protection against excessive pressure 超压防护13.260 Protection against electric shock 电击防护13.280 Radiation protection 辐射防护13.300 Protection against dangerous goods 危险品防护13.310 Protection against crime 犯罪行为防范13.320 Alarm and warning systems 预警和报警系统13.340 Protective equipment 防护设备13.340.01 Protective equipment in general 防护设备综合13.340.10 Protective clothing 防护服装13.340.20 Head protective equipment 头部防护设备13.340.30 Respiratory protective devices 呼吸保护装置13.340.40 Protective gloves 防护手套13.340.50 Protective footwear 防护鞋袜13.340.99 Other protective equipment 其他防护设备17 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENT. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA 计量学和测量、物理现象17.020 Metrology and measurement in general 计量学和测量综合17.040 Linear and angular measurements 长度和角度测量17.040.01 Linear and angular measurements in general 长度和角度测量综合17.040.10 Limits and fits 公差与配合共 59 面第 10 页International ClassificationforStandards(ICS)ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称17.040.20 Properties of surfaces 表面特征17.040.30 Measuring instruments 测量仪器仪表17.040.99 Other standards related to linear and angular measurements 有关长度和角度测量的其他标准 17.060 Measurement of volume, density,viscosity mass, 体积、质量、密度和粘度的测量 17.080 Measurement of time, velocity, acceleration,angular velocity 时间、速度、加速度、角速度的测量 17.100 Measurement of force,weight and pressure 力、重力和压力的测量17.120 Measurement of fluid flow 流体流量的测量17.120.01 Measurement of fluid flow in general 流体流量的测量综合17.120.10 Flow in closed conduits 封闭管道中流量的测量17.120.20 Flow in open channels 明渠中流量的测量17.140 Acoustics and acoustic measurements 声学和声学测量17.140.01 Acoustics measurements and noise abatement in general 声学测量和噪声抑制综合17.140.20 Noise emitted by machines and equipment 机器和设备的噪声17.140.30 Noise emitted by means of transport 运输工具的噪声17.140.50 Electroacoustics 电声学17.140.99 Other standards related to acoustics 有关声学的其他标准17.160 Vibrations,shock and vibration measurements 振动、冲击和振动测量17.180 Optics and optical measurements 光学和光学测量17.180.01 Optics and optical measurements in general 光学和光学测量综合17.180.20 Colours and measurement of light 颜色和光的测量17.180.30 Optical measuring instruments 光学测量仪器17.180.99 Other standards related to optics and optical measurements 有关光学和光学测量的其他标准 17.200 Thermodynamics and temperature measurements 热力学和温度测量17.200.01 Thermodynamics in general 热力学综合17.200.10 Heat. Calorimetry 热、量热学17.200.20 Temperature‐measuring instruments 温度测量仪器仪表International ClassificationforStandards(ICS)ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称17.200.99 Other standards related to thermodynamics 有关热力学的其他标准17.220 Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements 电学、磁学、电和磁的测量 17.220.01 Electricity. Magnetism. General aspects 电学、磁学一般特性17.220.20 Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities 电和磁量值的测量17.220.99 Other standards related to electricity and magnetism 有关电学和磁学的其他标准 17.240 Radiation measurements 辐射测量19 TESTING 试验19.020 Test conditions and procedures in general 试验条件和规程综合19.040 Environmental testing 环境试验19.060 Mechanical testing 机械试验19.080 Electrical and electronic testing 电工和电子试验19.100 Non‐destructive testing 无损检测19.120 Particle size analysis. sieving 粒度分析、筛分21 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS FOR GENERAL USE 机械系统和通用件21.020 Characteristics and design of machines, apparatus,equipment 机器、装置、设备的特性和设计 21.040 Screw threads 螺纹21.040.01 Screw threads in general 螺纹综合21.040.10 Metric screw threads 米制螺纹21.040.20 Inch screw threads 英制螺纹21.040.30 Special screw threads 特殊螺纹21.060 Fasteners 紧固件21.060.01 Fasteners in general 紧固件综合21.060.10 Bolts,screws,studs 螺栓、螺钉、螺柱21.060.20 Nuts 螺母21.060.30 Washers,locking elements 垫圈、锁紧件21.060.40 Rivets 铆钉International ClassificationforStandards(ICS)ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称21.060.50 Pins,nails 销、钉21.060.60 Rings,bushes,sleeves,collars 环、套管、管接头、承插 21.060.70 Clamps and staples 卡箍和U形环21.060.99 Other fasteners 其他紧固件21.080 Hinges,eyelets and other articulated joints 铰链、孔眼和其他关节连接件 21.100 Bearings 轴承21.100.01 Bearings in general 轴承综合21.100.10 Plain bearings 滑动轴承21.100.20 Rolling bearings 滚动轴承21.120 Shafts and couplings 轴和联轴器21.120.01 Shafts and couplings in general 轴和联轴器综合21.120.10 Shafts 轴21.120.20 Couplings 联轴器、离合器、磨擦器 21.120.30 Keys and keyways,splines 键和键槽、花键21.120.40 Balancing and balancing machines 平衡和平衡机21.120.99 Other standards related to shafts and couplings 有关轴和联轴器的其他标准 21.140 Seals,glands 密封件、密封装置21.160 Springs 弹簧21.180 Housings,enclosures,other machine parts 机箱、外壳、其他机械部件 21.200 Gears 齿轮及齿轮传动21.220 Flexible drives and transmissions 挠性传动和传送21.220.01 Flexible drives and transmissions in general 挠性传动和传送综合21.220.10 Belt drives and their components 带传动及其零件21.220.20 Cable or rope drives and their components 缆索或绳索传动及其零件 21.220.30 Chain drives and their components 链传动及其零件21.220.99 Other flexible drives and transmissions 其它挠性传动和传送International ClassificationforStandards(ICS)ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称21.240 Rotary‐reciprocating mechanisms and their parts 旋转‐往复式机构及其部件 21.260 Lubrication systems 润滑系统23 FLUID SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS FOR GENERAL USE 流体系统和通用件23.020 Fluid storage devices 流体存储装置23.020.01 Fluid storage devices in general 流体存储装置综合23.020.10 Stationary containers and tanks 固定容器和罐23.020.20 Vessels and containers mounted on vehicles 车载槽罐和容器23.020.30 Pressure vessels,gas cylinders 压力容器、气瓶23.020.40 Cryogenic vessels 低温容器23.020.99 Other fluid storage devices 其他流体存储装置23.040 Pipeline components and pipelines 管道部件和管道23.040.01 Pipeline components and pipelines in general 管道部件和管道综合23.040.10 Iron and steel pipes 铁管和钢管23.040.15 Non‐ferrous metal pipes 有色金属管23.040.20 Plastics pipes 塑料管23.040.40 Metal fittings 金属配件23.040.45 Plastics fittings 塑料配件23.040.50 Pipes and fittings of other materials 其他材料的管和配件23.040.60 Flanges,couplings and joints 法兰、管接头及其连接件 23.040.70 Hoses and hose assemblies 软管和软管组件23.040.80 Seals for pipe and hose assemblies 管和软管组件的密封23.040.99 Other pipeline components 其他管道部件23.060 Valves 阀门23.060.01 Valves in general 阀门综合23.060.10 Globe valves 球阀23.060.20 Ball and plug valves 球闸阀和旋塞阀International ClassificationforStandards(ICS)ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称23.060.30 Gate valves 闸阀23.060.40 Pressure regulators 压力调节器23.060.50 Check valves 止回阀23.060.99 Other valves 其他阀门23.080 Pumps 泵23.100 Fluid power systems 流体动力系统23.100.01 Fluid power systems in general 流体动力系统综合23.100.10 Pumps and motors 泵和马达23.100.20 Cylinders 缸23.100.40 Piping and couplings 管道和管接头23.100.50 Control components 控制部件23.100.60 Filters,seals and contamination of fluids 过滤器、密封垫和流体杂质 23.100.99 Other fluid power system components 其他流体系统部件23.120 Ventilators. Fans. Air‐conditioners 通风机、风扇、空调器23.140 Compressors and pneumatic machines 压缩机和气动机械23.160 Vacuum technology 真空技术25 MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING 机械制造25.020 Manufacturing forming processes 制造成型过程25.040 Industrial automation systems 工业自动化系统25.040.01 Industrial automation systems in general 工业自动化系统综合25.040.10 Machining centres 机械加工中心25.040.20 Numerically controlled machines 数控机床25.040.30 Industrial robots. Manipulators 工业机器人、机械手25.040.40 Industrial process measurement and control 工业过程的测量与控制25.040.99 Other industrial automation systems 其他工业自动化系统25.060 Machine tool systems 机床装置International ClassificationforStandards(ICS)ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称25.060.01 Machine tool systems in general 机床装置综合25.060.10 Modular units and other devices 组合单元和其他装置25.060.20 Dividing and tool‐workpiece holding devices 分度和刀具/工件夹持装置 25.060.99 Other machine tool systems 其他机床装置25.080 Machine tools 机床25.080.01 Machine tools in general 机床综合25.080.10 Lathes 车床25.080.20 Boring and milling machines 镗床和铣床25.080.25 Planing machines 刨床25.080.30 Broaching machines 拉床25.080.40 Drilling machines 钻床25.080.50 Grinding and polishing machines 磨床和抛光机25.080.60 Sawing machines 锯床25.080.99 Other machine tools 其他机床25.100 Cutting tools 切削工具25.100.01 Cutting tools in general 切削工具综合25.100.10 Turning tools 车刀25.100.20 Milling tools 铣刀25.100.25 Tools for planing and broaching machines 刨床、拉床用刀具25.100.30 Drills,countersinks,reamers 钻头、锪钻、铰刀25.100.40 Saws 锯25.100.50 Taps and threading dies 丝锥和板牙25.100.60 Files 锉刀25.100.70 Abrasives 磨料磨具25.100.99 Other cutting tools 其他切削刀具25.120 Chipless working equipment 无屑加工设备International ClassificationforStandards(ICS)ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称25.120.01 Chipless working equipment in general 无屑加工设备综合25.120.10 Forging equipment. Presses. Shears 锻压设备、冲压机、剪切机 25.120.20 Rolling,extruding and drawing equipment 轧制、挤压和拉制设备25.120.30 Moulding equipment 模制设备和铸造设备25.120.40 Electrochemical machines 电化学加工机床25.120.99 Other chipless working equipment 其他无屑加工设备25.140 Hand‐held tools 手持工具25.140.01 Hand‐held tools in general 手持工具综合25.140.10 Pneumatic tools 气动工具25.140.20 Electric tools 电动工具25.140.30 Hand‐operated tools 手动工具25.140.99 Other hand‐held tools 其他手持工具25.160 Welding,brazing and soldering 焊接、钎焊和低温焊25.160.01 Welding,brazing and soldering in general 焊接、钎焊和低温焊综合 25.160.10 Welding processes 焊接工艺25.160.20 Welding consumables 焊接消耗品25.160.30 Welding equipment 焊接设备25.160.40 Welded joints 焊接接头25.160.50 Brazing and soldering 钎焊和低温焊25.180 Industrial furnaces 工业炉25.180.01 Industrial furnaces in general 工业炉综合25.180.10 Electric furnaces 电炉25.180.20 Fuel furnaces 燃油炉25.200 Heat treatment and coating 热处理25.220 Surface treatment and coating 表面处理和涂覆25.220.01 Surface treatment and coating in general 表面处理和涂覆综合International ClassificationforStandards(ICS)ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称25.220.10 Surface preparation 表面预处理25.220.20 Surface treatment 表面处理25.220.40 Metallic coatings 金属镀层25.220.50 Enamels 搪瓷25.220.60 Organic coatings 有机涂层25.220.99 Other treatments and coatings 其他处理和涂覆27 ENERGY AND HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING 能源和热传导工程27.010 Energy and heat transfer engineering in general 能源和热传导工程综合27.020 Internal combustion engines 内燃机27.040 Gas and steam turbines,Steam engines 燃气和蒸汽轮机、蒸汽机 27.060 Burners. Boilers 燃烧器、锅炉27.060.01 Burners and Boilers in general 燃烧器、锅炉综合27.060.10 Liquid and solid fuel burners 液体和固体燃料燃烧器27.060.20 Gas fuel burners 气体燃料燃烧器27.060.30 Boilers and heat exchangers 锅炉和热交换器27.070 Fuel cells 燃料电池27.080 Heat pumps 热泵27.100 Power stations in general 电站综合27.120 Nuclear energy engineering 核能工程27.120.01 Nuclear energy in general 核能综合27.120.10 Reactor engineering 反应堆工程27.120.20 Nuclear power plants. Safety 核电站、安全27.120.30 Fissile materials 裂变物质27.120.99 Other standards related to nuclear energy 有关核能的其他标准27.140 Hydraulic energy engineering 水力工程27.160 Solar energy engineering 太阳能工程International ClassificationforStandards(ICS)ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称27.180 Wind turbine systems and other alternative sources of energy 风力发电系统和其他能源 27.200 Refrigerating technology 制冷技术27.220 Heat recovery. Thermal insulation 热回收、绝热29 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 电气工程29.020 Electrical engineering in general 电气工程综合29.030 Magnetic materials 磁性材料29.035 Insulating materials 绝缘材料29.035.01 Insulating materials in general 绝缘材料综合29.035.10 Paper and board insulating materials 纸和纸板绝缘材料29.035.20 Plastics and rubber insulating materials 塑料和橡胶绝缘材料29.035.30 Ceramic and glass insulating materials 陶瓷和玻璃绝缘材料29.035.50 Mica based materials 云母基材料29.035.60 Varnished fabrics 涂层织物29.035.99 Other insulating materials 其他绝缘材料29.040 Insulating fluids 绝缘流体29.040.01 Insulating fluids in general 绝缘流体综合29.040.10 Insulating oils 绝缘油29.040.20 Insulating gases 绝缘气体29.040.99 Other insulating fluids 其他绝缘流体29.045 Semiconducting materials 半导体材料29.050 Conducting materials 导体材料29.060 Electrical wires and cables 电线和电缆29.060.01 Electrical wires and cables in general 电线和电缆综合29.060.10 Wires 电线29.060.20 Cables 电缆29.080 Insulation 绝缘International ClassificationforStandards(ICS)ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称29.080.01 Electrical insulation in general 电绝缘综合29.080.10 Insulators 绝缘子29.080.20 Bushings 套管29.080.30 Insulation systems 绝缘系统29.080.99 Other standards related to insulation 有关绝缘的其他标准29.100 Components for electrical equipment 电工设备元件29.100.01 Components for electrical equipment in general 电工设备元件综合29.100.10 Magnetic components 磁性元件29.100.20 Electrical and electromechanical components 电工和机电元件29.100.99 Other components for electrical equipment 电工设备用其他元件29.120 Electrical accessories 电工器件29.120.01 Electrical accessories in general 电工器件综合29.120.10 Conduits for electrical purposes 导线管29.120.20 Connecting devices 连接装置29.120.30 Plugs,socket‐outlets,couplers 插头、插座、联接器29.120.40 Switches 开关29.120.50 Fuses and other overcurrent protection devices 熔断器和其他过载保护装置 29.120.70 Relays 继电器29.120.99 Other electrical accessories 其他电工器件29.130.01 Switchgear and controlgear in general 开关装置和控制器综合29.130.10 High voltage switchgear and controlgear 高压开关装置和控制器29.130.20 Low voltage switchgear and controlgear 低压开关装置和控制器29.130.99 Other switchgear and controlgear 其他开关装置和控制器29.140 Lamps and related equipment 电灯及有关装置29.140.01 Lamps in general 电灯综合29.140.10 Lamp caps and holders 灯头和灯座International ClassificationforStandards(ICS)ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称29.140.20 Incandescent lamps 白炽灯29.140.30 Fluorescent lamps. Discharge lamps 荧光灯、放电灯29.140.40 Luminaires 照明设备29.140.50 Lighting installation systems 照明安装系统29.140.99 Other standards related to lamps 有关灯的其他标准29.160 Rotating machinery 旋转电机29.160.01 Rotating machinery in general 旋转电机综合29.160.10 Components for rotating machines 旋转电机部件29.160.20 Generators 发电机29.160.30 Motors 电动机29.160.40 Generating sets 发电机组29.160.99 Other standards related to rotating machinery 有关旋转电机的其他标准29.180 Transformers. Reactors 变压器、电抗器29.200 Rectifiers. Convertors. Stabilized power supply 整流器、转换器、稳压电源 29.220 Galvanic cells and batteries 电池和蓄电池29.220.01 Galvanic cells and batteries in general 电池和蓄电池综合29.220.10 Primary cells and batteries 原电池和蓄电池29.220.20 Acid secondary cells and batteries 酸性副电池及蓄电池29.220.30 Alkaline secondary cells and batteries 碱性副电池及蓄电池29.220.99 Other cells and batteries 其他电池和蓄电池29.240 Power transmission and distribution networks 输电网和配电网29.240.01 Power transmission and distribution networks in general 输电网和配电网综合29.240.10 Substations. Surge arresters 变电站、电涌放电器29.240.20 Power transmission and distribution lines 输电线路和配电线路29.240.30 Control equipment for electric power systems 电力系统用控制设备29.240.99 Other equipment related to power transmission and distribution networks 其他有关输电网和配电网的设备International ClassificationforStandards(ICS)ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称29.260 Electrical equipments for working in special conditions 特殊工作条件用电气设备 29.260.01 Electrical equipments for working in special conditions in general 特殊工作条件用电气设备综合 29.260.10 Electrical installations for outdoor use 户外用电气设备29.260.20 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres 易爆环境用电气设备29.260.99 Other electrical equipment for working in special conditions 特殊工作条件用其他电气设备 29.280 Electric traction equipment 电力牵引设备31 ELECTRONICS 电子学31.020 Electronic components in general 电子元件综合31.040 Resistors 电阻器31.040.01 Resistors in general 电阻器综合31.040.10 Fixed resistors 固定电阻器31.040.20 Protentiometer,variable resistors 电位器、可变电阻器31.040.30 Thermistors 热敏电阻器31.040.99 Other resistors 其他电阻器31.060 Capacitors 电容器31.060.01 Capacitors in general 电容器综合31.060.10 Fixed capacitors 固定电容器31.060.20 Ceramic and mica capacitors 陶瓷电容器和云母电容器 31.060.30 Paper and plastics capacitors 纸介电容器和塑料膜电容器 31.060.40 Tantalum electrolytic capacitors 钽电解电容器31.060.50 Aluminium electrolytic capacitors 铝电解电容器31.060.60 Variable capacitors 可变电容器31.060.70 Power capacitors 电力电容器31.060.99 Other capacitors 其他电容器31.080 Semiconductor devices 半导体器件31.080.01 Semiconductor devices in general 半导体器件综合International ClassificationforStandards(ICS)ICS代码 英文名称 中文名称31.080.10 Diodes 二极管31.080.20 Thyristors 晶体闸流管31.080.30 Transistors 三极管31.080.99 Other semiconductor devices 其他半导体器件31.100 Electronic tubes 电子管31.120 Electronic display devices 电子显示器件31.140 Piezoelectric and dielectric devices 压电器件和介质器件31.160 Electric filters 滤波器31.180 Printed circuits and boards 印制电路和印制电路板31.190 Electric component assemblies 电子器件组件31.200 Integrated circuits. Microelectronics 集成电路、微电子学31.220 Electromechanical components for electronic and telecommunications equipment 电子电信设备用机电零部件 31.220.01 Electromechanical components in general 机电零部件综合31.220.10 Plug‐and‐socket devices. Connectors 插头和插座装置、连接器 31.220.20 Switches 开关31.220.99 Other electromechanical components 其他机电零部件31.240 Mechanical structures for electronic equipment 电子设备用机械构件31.260 Optoelectronics. Laser equipment 光电子学、激光设备33 TELECOMMUNICATIONS. AUDIO AND VIDEO ENGINEERING 电信、音频和视频技术33.020 Telecommunications in general 电信综合33.030 Telecommunication services. Applications 电信业务、应用33.040 Telecommunication systems 电信系统33.040.01 Telecommunication systems in general 电信系统综合33.040.20 Transmission systems 传输系统33.040.30 Switching and signalling systems 交换和信令系统33.040.35 Telephone networks 电话网络。


数学、自然科学 (词汇)
环境保护与安全 (词汇)
计量学和测量、物理现象 (词汇)
试验 (词汇)
机械系统和通用部件 (词汇)
流体系统和通用部件 (词汇)



国际标准分类法国际标准分类法(International Standard Classification)是指在国际上通用的对各种事物进行分类的标准。











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国际标准分类法(International Classification for Standards,简称ICS)是由国际标准化组织编制的标准文献分类法。










ICS代码英文名称中文名称01 GENERALITIES. TERMINOLOGY. STANDARDIZATION.DOCUMENTATION综合、术语学、标准化、文献01.020 Terminology (principles and coordination)术语学(原则和协调配合)01.040 Vocabularies 词汇01.040.01 Generalities. Terminology. Standardization.Documentation (Vocabularies)综合、术语学、标准化、文献(词汇)01.040.03Sociology. Services. Company organization andmanagement. Administration. Transport社会学、服务、公司(企业)的组织与管理、行政、运输 (词汇) 01.040.07Mathematics. Natural sciences (Vocabularies)数学、自然科学 (词汇)01.040.11Health care technology (Vocabularies)医药卫生技术(词汇) 01.040.13Environment and health protection. Safety(Vocabularies)环保、保健与安全 (词汇) 01.040.17Metrology and measurement. Physical phenomena(Vocabularies)计量学和测量、物理现象 (词汇) 01.040.19 Testing (Vocabularies)试验 (词汇)01.040.21Mechanical systems and components for general use(Vocabularies)机械系统和通用件 (词汇)01.040.23Fluid systems and components for general use(Vocabularies)流体系统和通用件 (词汇) 01.040.25 Manufacturing engineering (Vocabularies)机械制造 (词汇)01.040.27 Energy and heat transfer engineering (Vocabularies)能源和热传导工程 (词01.040.29Electrical engineering (Vocabularies)电气工程 (词汇) 01.040.31 Electronics (Vocabularies)电子学 (词汇) 01.040.33Telecommunications. Audio and video engineering(Vocabularies)电信、音频和视频技术 (词汇) 01.040.35Information technology. Office machines(Vocabularies)信息技术、办公机械设备 (词汇) 01.040.37 Image technology (Vocabularies)成像技术 (词汇) 01.040.39Precision mechanics. Jewelry (Vocabularies)精密机械、珠宝 (词汇)01.040.43Road vehicle engineering (Vocabularies)道路车辆工程 (词汇) 01.040.45 Railway engineering (Vocabularies)铁路工程 (词汇) 01.040.47 Shipbuilding and marine structures (Vocabularies) 造船和海上建筑物 (词汇) 01.040.49 Aircraft and space vehicle engineering (Vocabularies) 航空器和航天器技术(词汇)01.040.53Materials handling equipment (Vocabularies)材料储运设备 (词汇)01.040.55 Packaging and distribution of goods (Vocabularies) 货物的包装01.040.59 Textile and leather technology (Vocabularies) 纺织和皮革技术01.040.61 Clothing industry (Vocabularies) 服装工业(词汇)01.040.65 Agriculture (Vocabularies) 农业(词汇)01.040.67 Food technology (Vocabularies) 食品技术(词汇)01.040.71 Chemical technology (Vocabularies) 化工技术(词汇)01.040.73 Mining and minerals (Vocabularies) 采矿和矿产品(词汇)01.040.75 Petroleum and related technologies (Vocabularies) 石油及有关技术(词汇)01.040.77 Metallurgy (Vocabularies) 冶金(词汇)01.040.79 Wood technology (Vocabularies) 木材加工(词汇)01.040.81 Glass and ceramics industries (Vocabularies) 玻璃和陶瓷工业(词汇)01.040.83 Rubber and plastics industries (Vocabularies) 橡胶和塑料工业(词汇)01.040.85 Paper technology (Vocabularies) 造纸技术(词汇)01.040.87 Paint and colour industries (Vocabularies) 涂料和颜料工业(词汇)01.040.91 Construction materials and building (Vocabularies) 建筑材料和建筑物(词汇)01.040.93 Civil engineering (Vocabularies) 土木工程01.040.95Military engineering (Vocabularies)军事工程01.040.97Domestic and commercial equipment. Entertainment.Sport (Vocabularies)家用和商用设备、体育、文娱(词汇) 01.060 Quantities and units 量和单位 01.070 Colour coding 颜色编码 01.075 Character symbols 字符符号 01.080 Graphical symbols 图形符号 01.080.01Graphical symbols in general图形符号综合 01.080.10 Public information symbols公共信息符号 01.080.20 Graphical symbols for use on specific equipment专用设备用图形符号 01.080.30 Graphical symbols for use on mechanical engineering and construction drawings,diagrams, plans, maps and in relevant technical product documentation机械工程和建筑制图、图表、设计图、地图和相关的技术产品文件用图形 01.080.40 Graphical symbols for use on electrical and electronicsengineering drawings,diagrams,charts and in relevant technical product documentation电气工程和电子工程制图、示意图、图表和相关技术产品文件用图形符号01.080.50 Graphical symbols for use on information technology and telecommunications technical drawings and in relevant technical product documentation信息技术和电信技术制图与相关技术产品文件用图形符号01.080.99 Other graphical symbols 其他图形符号 01.100 Technical drawings 技术制图 01.100.01Technical drawings in general技术制图综合 01.100.20 Mechanical engineering drawings机械工程制图 01.100.25 Electrical and electronics engineering drawings电气和电子工程制图 01.100.27Technical drawings for telecommunications andinformation technology fields信息技术和电信领域用技术制图 01.100.30 Construction drawings 工程建设制图 01.100.40 Drawing equipment制图设备 01.100.99Other standards related to technical drawings其他制图标准 01.110 Technical product documentation 技术产品文件 01.120 Standardization. General rules 标准化总则 01.140Information sciences. Publishing信息学、出版 01.140.10 Writing and transliteration文字字体与文字转写01.140.20 Information sciences 信息学01.140.30 Documents in administration, commerce andindustry行政管理、商业和工业文件01.140.40 Publishing 出版03 SOCIOLOGY. SERVICES. COMPANY ORGANIZATIONAND MANAGEMENT.ADMINISTRATION. TRANSPORT社会学、服务、公司(企业)的组织和管理、行政、运输03.020 Sociology. Demography 社会学、人口统计学03.040 Labour. Employment 劳动、就业03.060 Finances. Banking. Monetary systems. Insurance 金融、银行、货币体系、保险03.080 Services 服务03.080.01 Services in general 服务综合03.080.10 Industrial services 工业服务03.080.20 Services for companies 公司(企业)的服务03.080.30 Services for consumers 消费者服务03.080.99 Other services 其他服务03.100 Company organization and management 公司(企业)的组织与管理03.100.01 Company organization and management in general 公司(企业)的组织与管理综合03.100.10 Purchasing. Procurement. Management of stock订购、收购、仓库管理 03.100.20 Trade. Commercial function. Marketing贸易、商业活动、市场营销03.100.30 Management of human resources 劳动资源管理 03.100.40 Research and development 研究与开发 03.100.50 Production. Production management生产、生产管理 03.100.60Accountancy会计 03.100.99Other standards related to company organization and management有关公司(企业)组织管理的其他标准03.120 Quality 质量 03.120.01 Quality in general质量综合 03.120.10Quality management and quality assurance质量管理和质量保证 03.120.20Product and company certification. Conformityassessment产品认证和机构认证、合格评定 03.120.30 Application of statistical methods统计方法的应用 03.120.99 Other standards related to quality有关质量的其他标准 03.140 Patents. Intellectual property专利、知识产权 03.160Law. Administration法律、行政管理03.180 Education 教育03.200 Leisure. Tourism 娱乐、旅游03.220 Transport 运输03.220.01 Transport in general 运输综合03.220.20 Road transport 道路运输03.220.30 Transport by rail 铁路运输03.220.40 Transport by water 水路运输03.220.50 Air transport 航空运输03.220.99 Other forms of transport 其他运输形式03.240 Postal services 邮政服务07 MATHEMATICS. NATURAL SCIENCES 数学、自然科学07.020 Mathematics 数学07.030 Physics. Chemistry 物理学、化学07.040 Astronomy. Geodesy. Geography 天文学、大地测量学、地理学07.060 Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology 地质学、气象学、水文学07.080 Biology. Botany. Zoology 生物学、植物学、动物学07.100 Microbiology 微生物学07.100.01 Microbiology in general 微生物学综合07.100.10 Medical microbiology 医学微生物学07.100.20 Microbiology of water 水微生物学07.100.30 Food microbiology 食品微生物学07.100.99 Other standards related to microbiology 有关微生物学的其他标准11 HEALTH CARE TECHNOLOGY 医药卫生技术11.020 Medical Sciences and health care facilities in general 医学科学和保健装置综合11.040 Medical equipment 医疗设备11.040.01 Medical equipment in general 医疗设备综合11.040.10 Anaesthetic, respiratory and reanimationequipment麻醉、呼吸和复苏设备11.040.20 Transfusion, infusion and injection equipment 输血、输液和注射设备11.040.30 Surgical instruments and materials 外科器械和材料11.040.40 Implants for surgery, prosthetics and orthotics外科植入物、假体和矫形11.040.50 Radiographic equipment 射线照相设备11.040.55 Diagnostic equipment 诊断设备11.040.60 Therapy equipment 治疗设备11.040.70 Ophthalmic equipment 眼科设备11.040.99 Other medical equipment 其他医疗设备11.060 Dentistry 牙科11.060.01 Dentistry in general 牙科综合11.060.10 Dental materials 牙科材料11.060.20 Dental equipment 牙科设备11.080 Sterilization and disinfection 消毒和灭菌11.080.01 Sterilization and disinfection in general 消毒和灭菌综合11.080.10 Sterilizing equipment 消毒设备11.080.20 Disinfectants and antiseptics 消毒剂和防腐剂11.080.30 sterilized packaging 封装消毒11.080.99 Other standards related to sterilization anddisinfection有关消毒和灭菌的其他标准11.100 Laboratory medicine 实验室医学11.120 Pharmaceutics 制药学11.120.01 Pharmaceutics in general 制药学综合11.120.10 Medicaments 药物11.120.20 Medical materials 医用材料11.120.99 Other standards related to pharmaceutics 有关制药学的其他标准11.140 Hospital equipment 医院设备11.160 First aid 急救11.180 Aids for disabled or handicapped persons 残疾人用设备11.200 Birth control. Mechanical contraceptives 人口控制、11.220 Veterinary medicine兽医学 13 ENVIRONMENT. HEALTH PROTECTION. SAFETY环保、保健与安全 13.020Environmental protection环境保护13.020.01 Environment and environmental protection in general环境和环境保护综合 13.020.10 Environmental management 环境管理 13.020.20 Environmental economics 环境经济 13.020.30Environmental impact assessment环境影响评定 13.020.40 Pollution, pollution control and conservation 污染、污染控制和保护 13.020.50 Ecolabelling 环境分类 13.020.60 Product life-cycles 产品寿命周期 13.020.70Environmental projects环境规划13.020.99 Other standards related to environmental protection有关环境的其他标准 13.030 Wastes 废物 13.030.01 Wastes in general 废物综合 13.030.10 Solid wastes 固态废物 13.030.20 Liquid wastes. Sludge液态废物、污水 13.030.30Special wastes特殊废物 13.030.40Installations and equipment for waste disposal andtreatment 废物处置和处理设备与装置 13.030.50Recycling回收13.030.99 Other standards related to wastes其他标准13.040 Air quality 空气质量13.040.01 Air quality in general 空气质量综合13.040.20 Ambient atmospheres 环境空气13.040.30 Workplace atmospheres 工作场所空气13.040.40 Stationary source emissions 固定源排放限值13.040.50 Transport exhaust emissions 移动源排放限值13.040.99 Other standards related to air quality 有关空气质量的其他标准13.060 Water quality 水质13.060.01 Water quality in general 水质综合13.060.10 Water of natural resources 天然水资源13.060.20 Drinking water 饮用水13.060.25 Water for industrial use 工业用水13.060.30 Sewage water 污水13.060.50 Examination of water for chemical substances 水的化学物质检验13.060.60 Examination of physical properties of water 水的物理性质检验13.060.70 Examination of biological properties of water 水的生物性质检验13.060.99 Other standards related to water quality 有关水质的其他标准13.080 Soil quality. Pedology 土质、土壤学13.080.01 Soil quality and pedology in general 土质和土壤学综合13.080.10 Chemical characteristics of soils 土壤的化学特性13.080.20 Physical properties of soils 土壤的物理性质13.080.30 Biological properties of soils 土壤的生物性质13.080.40 Hydrological properties of soils 土壤的水文性质13.080.99 Other standards related to soils quality 有关土质的其他标准13.100 Occupational safety. Industrial hygiene 职业安全、工业卫生13.110 Safety of machinery 机械安全13.120 Domestic safety 家用品安全13.140 Noise with respect to human beings 噪声(与人有关的)13.160 Vibration and shock with respect to human beings 振动和冲击(与人有关的)13.180 Ergonomics 人类工效学13.200 Accident and disaster control 事故和灾害控制13.220 Protection against fire 消防13.220.01 Protection against fire in general 消防综合13.220.10 Fire-fighting 灭火13.220.20 Fire-protection 防火13.220.40 Ignitability and burning behaviour of materials andproducts材料和制品的阻燃性和燃烧性能13.220.50 Fire-resistance of building materials and elements 建筑材料和构件的阻燃性13.220.99 Other standards related to protection against fire 有关消防的其他标准13.230 Explosion protection 防爆13.240 Protection against excessive pressure 超压防护13.260 Protection against electric shock 电击防护13.280 Radiation protection 辐射防护13.300 Protection against dangerous goods 危险品防护13.310 Protection against crime 犯罪行为防范13.320 Alarm and warning systems 预警和报警系统13.340 Protective equipment 防护设备13.340.01 Protective equipment in general 防护设备综合13.340.10 Protective clothing 防护服装13.340.20 Head protective equipment 头部防护设备13.340.30 Respiratory protective devices 呼吸保护装置13.340.40 Protective gloves 防护手套13.340.50 Protective footwear 防护鞋袜13.340.99 Other protective equipment 其他防护设备17 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENT. PHYSICALPHENOMENA计量学和测量、物理现象17.020 Metrology and measurement in general 计量学和测量综合17.040 Linear and angular measurements 长度和角度测量17.040.01 Linear and angular measurements in general 长度和角度测量综合17.040.10 Limits and fits 公差与配合17.040.20 Properties of surfaces 表面特征17.040.30 Measuring instruments 测量仪器仪表17.040.99 Other standards related to linear and angularmeasurements有关长度和角度测量的其他标准17.060Measurementof volume, mass, density, viscosity体积、质量、密度和粘度的测量17.080Measurementof time, velocity, acceleration, angularvelocity时间、速度、加速度、角速度的测量17.100 Measurement of force, weight and pressure 力、重力和压力的测量17.120 Measurement of fluid flow 流体流量的测量17.120.01 Measurement of fluid flow in general 流体流量的测量综合17.120.10 Flow in closed conduits封闭管道中流量的测量 17.120.20 Flow in open channels明渠中流量的测量 17.140 Acoustics and acoustic measurements声学和声学测量 17.140.01Acoustics measurements and noise abatement ingeneral声学测量和噪声抑制综合 17.140.20 Noise emitted by machines and equipment机器和设备的噪声 17.140.30 Noise emitted by means of transport运输工具的噪声 17.140.50 Electroacoustics电声学 17.140.99Other standards related to acoustics有关声学的其他标准17.160 Vibrations, shock and vibration measurements振动、冲击和振动测量 17.180Optics and optical measurements光学和光学测量 17.180.01 Optics and optical measurements in general光学和光学测量综合 17.180.20 Colours and measurement of light颜色和光的测量 17.180.30 Optical measuring instruments光学测量仪器 17.180.99Other standards related to optics and opticalmeasurements有关光学和光学测量的其他标准17.200 Thermodynamics and temperature measurements热力学和温度测量 17.200.01 Thermodynamics in general热力学综合 17.200.10 Heat. Calorimetry热、量热学 17.200.20Temperature-measuring instruments温度测量仪器仪表 17.200.99 Other standards related to thermodynamics有关热力学的其他标准 17.220Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magneticmeasurements电学、磁学、电和磁的测量 17.220.01 Electricity. Magnetism. General aspects电学、磁学一般特性 17.220.20 Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities电和磁量值的测量 17.220.99 Other standards related to electricity and magnetism有关电学和磁学的其他标准17.240 Radiation measurements辐射测量 19 TESTING试验 19.020 Test conditions and procedures in general试验条件和规程综合 19.040 Environmental testing 环境试验 19.060 Mechanical testing 机械试验 19.080 Electrical and electronic testing 电工和电子试验 19.100 Non-destructive testing 无损检测 19.120Particle size analysis. sieving粒度分析、筛分21 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS FORGENERAL USE机械系统和通用件21.020Characteristics and designof machines, apparatus, equipment机器、装置、设备的特性和设计21.040 Screw threads 螺纹21.040.01 Screw threads in general 螺纹综合21.040.10 Metric screw threads 米制螺纹21.040.20 Inch screw threads 英制螺纹21.040.30 Special screw threads 特殊螺纹21.060 Fasteners 紧固件21.060.01 Fasteners in general 紧固件综合21.060.10 Bolts, screws, studs 螺栓、螺钉、螺柱21.060.20 Nuts 螺母21.060.30 Washers, locking elements 垫圈、锁紧件21.060.40 Rivets 铆钉21.060.50 Pins, nails 销、钉21.060.60 Rings, bushes, sleeves, collars 环、套管、管接头、承插21.060.70 Clamps and staples 卡箍和U形环21.060.99 Other fasteners 其他紧固件21.080 Hinges, eyelets and other articulated joints 铰链、孔眼和其他关节连接件21.100 Bearings 轴承21.100.01 Bearings in general 轴承综合21.100.10 Plain bearings 滑动轴承21.100.20 Rolling bearings 滚动轴承21.120 Shafts and couplings 轴和联轴器21.120.01 Shafts and couplings in general 轴和联轴器综合21.120.10 Shafts 轴21.120.20 Couplings 联轴器、离合器、磨擦器21.120.30 Keys and keyways, splines 键和键槽、花键21.120.40 Balancing and balancing machines 平衡和平衡机21.120.99 Other standards related to shafts and couplings 有关轴和联轴器的其他标准21.140 Seals, glands 密封件、密封装置21.160 Springs 弹簧21.180 Housings, enclosures, other machine parts 机箱、外壳、其他机械部件21.200 Gears 齿轮及齿轮传动21.220 Flexible drives and transmissions 挠性传动和传送21.220.01 Flexible drives and transmissions in general 挠性传动和传送综合21.220.10 Belt drives and their components 带传动及其零件21.220.20 Cable or rope drives and their components 缆索或绳索传动及其零件21.220.30 Chain drives and their components 链传动及其零件21.220.99 Other flexible drives and transmissions 其它挠性传动和传送21.240 Rotary-reciprocating mechanisms and their parts旋转-往复式机构及其部件21.260 Lubrication systems 润滑系统23 FLUID SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS FOR GENERALUSE流体系统和通用件23.020 Fluid storage devices 流体存储装置23.020.01 Fluid storage devices in general 流体存储装置综合23.020.10 Stationary containers and tanks 固定容器和罐23.020.20 Vessels and containers mounted on vehicles 车载槽罐和容器23.020.30 Pressure vessels, gas cylinders 压力容器、气瓶23.020.40 Cryogenic vessels 低温容器23.020.99 Other fluid storage devices 其他流体存储装置23.040 Pipeline components and pipelines 管道部件和管道23.040.01 Pipeline components and pipelines in general 管道部件和管道综合23.040.10 Iron and steel pipes 铁管和钢管23.040.15 Non-ferrous metal pipes 有色金属管23.040.20 Plastics pipes 塑料管23.040.40 Metal fittings 金属配件23.040.45 Plastics fittings 塑料配件23.040.50 Pipes and fittings of other materials 其他材料的管和配件23.040.60 Flanges, couplings and joints 法兰、管接头及其连接件23.040.70 Hoses and hose assemblies 软管和软管组件23.040.80 Seals for pipe and hose assemblies 管和软管组件的密封23.040.99 Other pipeline components 其他管道部件23.060 Valves 阀门23.060.01 Valves in general 阀门综合23.060.10 Globe valves 球阀23.060.20 Ball and plug valves 球闸阀和旋塞阀23.060.30 Gate valves 闸阀23.060.40 Pressure regulators 压力调节器23.060.50 Check valves 止回阀23.060.99 Other valves 其他阀门23.080 Pumps 泵23.100 Fluid power systems 流体动力系统23.100.01 Fluid power systems in general 流体动力系统综合23.100.10 Pumps and motors 泵和马达23.100.20 Cylinders 缸23.100.40 Piping and couplings 管道和管接头23.100.50 Control components 控制部件23.100.60 Filters, seals and contamination of fluids 过滤器、密封垫和流体杂质23.100.99 Other fluid power system components 其他流体系统部件23.120 Ventilators. Fans. Air-conditioners 通风机、风扇、空调器23.140 Compressors and pneumatic machines 压缩机和气动机械23.160 Vacuum technology 真空技术25 MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING 机械制造25.020 Manufacturing forming processes 制造成型过程25.040 Industrial automation systems 工业自动化系统25.040.01 Industrial automation systems in general 工业自动化系统综合25.040.10 Machining centres 机械加工中心25.040.20 Numerically controlled machines 数控机床25.040.30 Industrial robots. Manipulators工业机器人、机械手25.040.40 Industrial process measurement and control 工业过程的测量与控制25.040.99 Other industrial automation systems 其他工业自动化系统25.060 Machine tool systems 机床装置25.060.01 Machine tool systems in general 机床装置综合25.060.10 Modular units and other devices 组合单元和其他装置25.060.20 Dividing and tool-workpiece holding devices 分度和刀具/工件夹持装置25.060.99 Other machine tool systems 其他机床装置25.080 Machine tools 机床25.080.01 Machine tools in general 机床综合25.080.10 Lathes 车床25.080.20 Boring and milling machines 镗床和铣床25.080.25 Planing machines 刨床25.080.30 Broaching machines 拉床25.080.40 Drilling machines 钻床25.080.50 Grinding and polishing machines 磨床和抛光机25.080.60 Sawing machines 锯床25.080.99 Other machine tools 其他机床25.100 Cutting tools 切削工具25.100.01 Cutting tools in general 切削工具综合25.100.10 Turning tools 车刀25.100.20 Milling tools 铣刀25.100.25 Tools for planing and broaching machines 刨床、拉床用刀具25.100.30 Drills, countersinks, reamers 钻头、锪钻、铰刀25.100.40 Saws 锯25.100.50 Taps and threading dies 丝锥和板牙25.100.60 Files 锉刀25.100.70 Abrasives 磨料磨具25.100.99 Other cutting tools 其他切削刀具25.120 Chipless working equipment 无屑加工设备25.120.01 Chipless working equipment in general 无屑加工设备综合25.120.10 Forging equipment. Presses. Shears 锻压设备、冲压机、剪切机25.120.20 Rolling, extruding and drawing equipment 轧制、挤压和拉制设备25.120.30 Moulding equipment 模制设备和铸造设备25.120.40 Electrochemical machines 电化学加工机床25.120.99 Other chipless working equipment 其他无屑加工设备25.140 Hand-held tools 手持工具25.140.01 Hand-held tools in general 手持工具综合25.140.10 Pneumatic tools 气动工具25.140.20 Electric tools 电动工具25.140.30 Hand-operated tools 手动工具25.140.99 Other hand-held tools 其他手持工具25.160 Welding, brazing and soldering 焊接、钎焊和低温焊25.160.01 Welding, brazing and soldering in general 焊接、钎焊和低温焊综合25.160.10 Welding processes 焊接工艺25.160.20 Welding consumables 焊接消耗品25.160.30 Welding equipment 焊接设备25.160.40 Welded joints 焊接接头25.160.50 Brazing and soldering 钎焊和低温焊25.180 Industrial furnaces 工业炉25.180.01 Industrial furnaces in general 工业炉综合25.180.10 Electric furnaces 电炉25.180.20 Fuel furnaces 燃油炉25.200 Heat treatment and coating 热处理25.220 Surface treatment and coating 表面处理和涂覆25.220.01 Surface treatment and coating in general 表面处理和涂覆综合25.220.10 Surface preparation 表面预处理25.220.20 Surface treatment 表面处理25.220.40 Metallic coatings 金属镀层25.220.50 Enamels 搪瓷25.220.60 Organic coatings 有机涂层25.220.99 Other treatments and coatings 其他处理和涂覆27 ENERGY AND HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING 能源和热传导工程27.010 Energy and heat transfer engineering in general 能源和热传导工程综合27.020 Internal combustion engines 内燃机27.040 Gas and steam turbines, Steam engines 燃气和蒸汽轮机、蒸汽机27.060 Burners. Boilers 燃烧器、锅炉27.060.01 Burners and Boilers in general 燃烧器、锅炉综合27.060.10 Liquid and solid fuel burners 液体和固体燃料燃烧器27.060.20 Gas fuel burners 气体燃料燃烧器27.060.30 Boilers and heat exchangers 锅炉和热交换器27.070 Fuel cells 燃料电池27.080 Heat pumps 热泵27.100 Power stations in general 电站综合27.120 Nuclear energy engineering 核能工程27.120.01 Nuclear energy in general 核能综合27.120.10 Reactor engineering 反应堆工程27.120.20 Nuclear power plants. Safety 核电站、安全27.120.30 Fissile materials 裂变物质27.120.99 Other standards related to nuclear energy 有关核能的其他标准27.140 Hydraulic energy engineering 水力工程27.160 Solar energy engineering 太阳能工程27.180 Wind turbine systems and other alternative sources ofenergy风力发电系统和其他能源27.200 Refrigerating technology 制冷技术27.220 Heat recovery. Thermal insulation 热回收、绝热29 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 电气工程29.020 Electrical engineering in general 电气工程综合29.030 Magnetic materials 磁性材料29.035 Insulating materials 绝缘材料29.035.01 Insulating materials in general 绝缘材料综合29.035.10 Paper and board insulating materials 纸和纸板绝缘材料29.035.20 Plastics and rubber insulating materials 塑料和橡胶绝缘材料29.035.30 Ceramic and glass insulating materials 陶瓷和玻璃绝缘材料29.035.50 Mica based materials 云母基材料29.035.60 Varnished fabrics 涂层织物29.035.99 Other insulating materials 其他绝缘材料29.040 Insulating fluids 绝缘流体29.040.01 Insulating fluids in general 绝缘流体综合29.040.10 Insulating oils 绝缘油29.040.20 Insulating gases 绝缘气体29.040.99 Other insulating fluids 其他绝缘流体29.045 Semiconducting materials 半导体材料29.050 Conducting materials 导体材料29.060 Electrical wires and cables 电线和电缆29.060.01 Electrical wires and cables in general 电线和电缆综合29.060.10 Wires 电线29.060.20 Cables 电缆29.080 Insulation 绝缘29.080.01 Electrical insulation in general 电绝缘综合29.080.10 Insulators 绝缘子29.080.20 Bushings 套管29.080.30 Insulation systems 绝缘系统29.080.99 Other standards related to insulation 有关绝缘的其他标准29.100 Components for electrical equipment 电工设备元件29.100.01 Components for electrical equipment in general 电工设备元件综合29.100.10 Magnetic components 磁性元件29.100.20 Electrical and electromechanical components 电工和机电元件29.100.99 Other components for electrical equipment 电工设备用其他元件29.120 Electrical accessories 电工器件29.120.01 Electrical accessories in general 电工器件综合29.120.10 Conduits for electrical purposes 导线管29.120.20 Connecting devices 连接装置29.120.30 Plugs, socket-outlets, couplers 插头、插座、联接器29.120.40 Switches 开关29.120.50 Fuses and other overcurrent protection devices 熔断器和其他过载保护装置29.120.70 Relays 继电器29.120.99 Other electrical accessories 其他电工器件29.130.01 Switchgear and controlgear in general 开关装置和控制器综合29.130.10 High voltage switchgear and controlgear 高压开关装置和控制器29.130.20 Low voltage switchgear and controlgear 低压开关装置和控制器29.130.99 Other switchgear and controlgear 其他开关装置和控制器29.140 Lamps and related equipment 电灯及有关装置29.140.01 Lamps in general 电灯综合29.140.10 Lamp caps and holders 灯头和灯座29.140.20 Incandescent lamps 白炽灯29.140.30 Fluorescent lamps. Discharge lamps 荧光灯、放电灯29.140.40 Luminaires 照明设备29.140.50 Lighting installation systems 照明安装系统29.140.99 Other standards related to lamps 有关灯的其他标准29.160 Rotating machinery 旋转电机29.160.01 Rotating machinery in general 旋转电机综合29.160.10 Components for rotating machines 旋转电机部件29.160.20 Generators 发电机29.160.30 Motors 电动机29.160.40 Generating sets 发电机组29.160.99 Other standards related to rotating machinery 有关旋转电机的其他标准29.180 Transformers. Reactors 变压器、电抗器29.200 Rectifiers. Convertors. Stabilized power supply 整流器、转换器、稳压电源29.220 Galvanic cells and batteries 电池和蓄电池29.220.01 Galvanic cells and batteries in general 电池和蓄电池综合29.220.10 Primary cells and batteries 原电池和蓄电池29.220.20 Acid secondary cells and batteries酸性副电池及蓄电池 29.220.30 Alkaline secondary cells and batteries碱性副电池及蓄电池 29.220.99 Other cells and batteries其他电池和蓄电池 29.240 Power transmission and distribution networks 输电网和配电网 29.240.01Power transmission and distribution networks ingeneral输电网和配电网综合 29.240.10Substations. Surge arresters变电站、电涌放电器 29.240.20 Power transmission and distribution lines输电线路和配电线路 29.240.30 Control equipment for electric power systems电力系统用控制设备 29.240.99Other equipment related to power transmission anddistribution networks其他有关输电网和配电网的设备 29.260Electrical equipments for working in specialconditions特殊工作条件用电气设备29.260.01Electrical equipments for working in special conditionsin general特殊工作条件用电气设备综合 29.260.10Electrical installations for outdoor use户外用电气设备 29.260.20 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres易爆环境用电气设备29.260.99 Other electrical equipment for working in specialconditions特殊工作条件用其他电气设备29.280 Electric traction equipment 电力牵引设备31 ELECTRONICS 电子学31.020 Electronic components in general 电子元件综合31.040 Resistors 电阻器31.040.01 Resistors in general 电阻器综合31.040.10 Fixed resistors 固定电阻器31.040.20 Protentiometer, variable resistors 电位器、可变电阻器31.040.30 Thermistors 热敏电阻器31.040.99 Other resistors 其他电阻器31.060 Capacitors 电容器31.060.01 Capacitors in general 电容器综合31.060.10 Fixed capacitors 固定电容器31.060.20 Ceramic and mica capacitors 陶瓷电容器和云母电容器31.060.30 Paper and plastics capacitors 纸介电容器和塑料膜电容器31.060.40 Tantalum electrolytic capacitors 钽电解电容器31.060.50 Aluminium electrolytic capacitors 铝电解电容器31.060.60 Variable capacitors 可变电容器。
