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1. overstatement and understatement夸张和低调陈述

In overstatement the diction exaggerates the subject, and in understatement the words play down the magnitude or value of the subject. Overstatement is also called hyperbole.

Overstatement是故意“夸大其辞”,“化小为大”,是deliberately maximize the importance和play up;

Understatement则是故意“夸大其辞”,“化大为小‘,是deliberately minimize the importance和play down;



Both aim at the same effect: to make the statement or description impressive

or interesting.

eg: She is dying to know what job has been assigned her.

It took a few dollars to build this indoor swimming pool.

2. Transfereed Epithet移情

An epithet is an adjective or descriptive phrase that serves to characterize somebody or something. A transferred epithet is one that is shifted from the noun it logically modifies to a word associated with that noun. When one sats that the has had a busy day, one is using such a figure of speech. For it is the person, not the day, that is busy.


eg: I had a happy day yesterday.

I was happy yesterday.

I had a sleepless night.

I was sleepless all through the night.

3. Alliteration头韵

It refers to the appearance of the same initial consonant sound in two or more words, such as “proud as a peacock” and “blind as a bat”. Alliteration is often used in the poetry to give emphasis to words that are related in meaning.


eg: Wherefor feed, and clothe, and save.

From the cradle to the grave.

综合以上,相信大家对新SAT写作手法都有了深刻理解,希望大家能够熟练运用这些手法,在写作中游刃有余。最后祝大家考试顺利,取得理想中的SAT 成绩!

