



练习十一一、选择题A1型题1、静脉输液与输血时液体输入是利用()A、负压作用B、正压作用C、虹压作用D、空压作用E、液体静压原理2、属于胶体溶液的一项是()A、5%葡萄糖溶液B、山梨醇C、706代血浆D、5%碳酸氢钠E、各种代血浆3、可供病人水分和热量的溶液是()A、10%葡萄糖溶液B、5%碳酸氢钠C、20%甘露醇D、0.9%氯化钠溶液E、各种代血浆4、中分子右旋糖酐的主要作用是()A、维持酸碱平衡B、补充营养和水分C、提高血浆胶体渗透压,扩充血容量D、补充蛋白质E、降低血液粘稠度,改善微循环5、胶体溶液的性质不包括()A、分子量大B、在血管内停留时间较长C、常用于补充水和电解质D、有维持循环血量和升压作用E、具有较高的渗透压6、静脉输液时输入5%碳酸氢钠的目的是()A、扩充血溶量B、供给电解质C、调节酸碱平衡D、维持胶体渗透压E、改善微循环7、静脉输液时,与认真检查液体质量无关的项目是()A、药液是否澄清B、溶液瓶有无裂纹或破损C、药液有无沉淀、混浊、变色D、容器瓶口有无松动E、输液器包装完好8、静脉输液时,造成莫非滴管内液面自行下降的原因是()A、室温低B、病人肢体位置不当C、输液速度过快D、压力过大E、滴管漏气或有裂缝9、静脉输液时,液体滴入不畅、局部肿胀,检查无回血,此时护士应()A、改变针头位置B、更换针头重新穿刺C、提高输液瓶D、局部热敷E、加压输液10、输液发生发热反应的原因不包括()A、输液瓶清洁、灭菌不彻底B、药物刺激性强C、无菌操作不严格D、输液器被污染E、输入药物制品不纯11、输液时发生静脉炎,错误的护理措施是()A、患肢制动B、患肢可用50%硫酸镁湿敷C、超短波理疗D、如意金黄散加醋外敷E、患肢下垂并用硫酸镁热敷12、小儿头皮静脉输液时,不正确的操作是()A、需两人参与B、用2%碘酊消毒皮肤C、操作者站患儿头侧D、患儿可仰卧或侧卧E、右手持针沿静脉向心方向平行刺入13、静脉输液时导致静脉炎的原因不包括()A、长期输入高浓度溶液B、静脉内留置导管时间过长C、无菌操作不严格D、长期输入刺激性强药物E、输液速度过快14、预防空气栓塞的措施不包括()A、排尽输液导管内空气B、溶液输尽前应及时拔针C、输液中要及时更换输液瓶D、加压输液时应有护士在旁边守侯E、应控制输液总量15、静脉输液引起急性肺水肿的最典型的症状是()A、发绀,烦躁不安B、呼吸困难,两肺可闻及干罗音C、心前区可闻及响亮的﹑持续的水泡音D、咳嗽,咳粉红色泡沫痰E、哮喘发作16、颈外静脉输液适应症不包括()A、长期输液,周围静脉不易穿刺者B、周围循环衰竭需测中心静脉压C、长期静脉内滴注高浓度刺激性强的药物D、不能进食,需行静脉内高营养治疗者E、临时放入心内起搏器17、微粒进入静脉不可能引起的病理改变是()A、阻塞血管,导致组织缺血缺氧B、形成肉芽肿C、形成血栓D、出现血小板减少症和过敏E、溶血反应18、防止微粒污染的措施不包括()A、净化治疗室空气B、使用密封一次性医用输液器C、认真查对药液质量D、防止交叉咸不染E、严格无菌技术操作19、输血前准备工作中错误的一项()A、需要血型鉴定和交叉配血试验B、需由两人进行三查九对C、血液取出后应加温输入以防止病人不适D、血液从血库取出后勿剧烈震荡E、输血前先静脉滴入生理盐水20、静脉输血目的不包括()A、纠正贫血B、增加清蛋白C、供给血小板和各种凝血因子D、补充水和电解质,维持酸碱平衡E、增加血溶量21、免疫性溶血性贫血病人最适合静脉输注()A、浓集红细胞B、白细胞浓缩悬液C、新鲜血D、新鲜冰冻血浆E、洗涤红细胞22、有关血库的描述,错误的一项是()A、库血成分以红细胞和血浆蛋白为主B、在40C冰箱内冷藏C、大量输入库血时要防止高血钙D、大量输入库血时要防止酸中毒和高血钾E、库血保存时间2-3周,保存时间越长其成分变化越大23、以下关于静脉输血的叙述,错误的是()A、输血前需两人核对无误方可输入B、在血中可加药物防止过敏反应的发生C、如血浆变红,界限不清不能使用D、每次只能为一位病人采血标本配血E、两袋血之间需输入少量生理盐水24、直接输血200ml,需加4%枸橼酸钠()A、5mlB、10mlC、15mlD、20mlE、25ml25、防止输血引起溶血反应,不正确的措施是()A、做好交叉配合试验B、输血前认真查对C、做好血型鉴定D、严格执行血液保存原则E、输血前给抗过敏药物26、输血引起溶血反应的主要表现是()A、寒战、高热B、四肢麻木、腰背部剧烈疼痛、血红蛋白尿C、手足抽搐D、咳粉红色泡沫痰E、荨麻疹、哮喘27、输血过程中发生溶血反应时,护士应首先()A、通知医生,安慰病人B、停止输血,保留余血C、碱化尿液D、密切观察生命体征E、双侧腰部封闭28、预防病人大量输血后,出现手足抽搐、血压下降、出血倾向,应加用的药物是()A、10%氯化钾B、5%碳酸氢钠C、11.2%乳酸钠D、10%葡萄糖酸钙E、异丙基肾上腺素29、预防输血引起过敏反应,不正确的措施是()A、勿选用有过敏史的献血员B、献血前8h不宜进高蛋白质和高脂肪食物C、献血员宜用清淡饮食D、献血员宜用糖水E、有过敏史的病人输血前给予抗过敏药物30、以下不属于输血传播的疾病是()A、乙型肝炎B、梅毒C、疟疾D、艾滋病E、肺结核31、Rh因子所致的溶血反应是因为()A、Rh阳性者输入Rh阴性血液B、Rh阴性者初次输入Rh阳性血液C、Rh阴性者再次输入Rh阳性血液D、“O”型血阴性初次输入Rh阳性血液E、AB型血 Rh阳性输入Rh阴性血液32、输血前红细胞已被破坏,引起溶血的因素不包括()A、血液被剧烈震荡B、血液被细菌污染C、输入异型血D、血液保存温度过高E、血液内被加入了高渗或低渗溶液33、有关血制品的叙述,错误的说法是()A、新鲜血基本保留了血液的各种成分B、浓缩红细胞中不含有白细胞C、库血以红细胞和血浆蛋白为主D、保存血浆仅保留了血浆蛋白E、新鲜血浆保留了全部凝血因子34、使用冰冻血浆正确的方法是()A、置热源上加温融化后使用B、加入100ml蒸馏水溶解后用C、加入等量3.84%枸椽酸钠后用D、放入在37度温水中融化后用E、加入生理盐水稀释后用A2型题35、方超,男,10岁,患急性白血病,为纠正病儿贫血最适合输入的是()A、水解蛋白B、库血C、新鲜血D、新鲜冰冻血浆E、血细胞36、董女士,24岁,患急性阑尾炎后,需输液2000 ml,其输液速度为50滴/分,滴注系数为每毫升15滴,其滴注所需要的时间为()A、6hB、7hC、8hD、9hE、10h37、张先生,44岁,因患急性肠炎入院,根据医嘱进行输液治疗。





ever常加在what.who,whom.when,where,which,how后面作后缀,使疑问词的语气有所加强,并含有让步含义,分别表示“无论什么”(whatever)、“无论谁(主格)”(whoever)、“无论谁(宾格)”(whomever)、“无论何时”(whe never)、“无论何地”(wherever)、“无论哪个”(whiehev—er)、“无论如何”(jlowever)。



eg:Whatever(No matter what)happens,we'll not change our plan.不管发生什么事,我们决不改变计划。

They succeeded in whatever they undertook.凡是他们承担的事情,他们都办成了。

Whoever(No matter who)you may be,you have no right to do such a thing.不论你是谁,你都无权做这样的事情。

Whoever is more or less advanced can pass this exam.凡是多少有点进步的人都能通过这次考试。

They gave whoever came to the meeting a pen.他们给了每个到会的人一支钢笔。

The quality will be the same whichever of them you choose.它们当中不论你选哪一个质量都一样。



[习题解答]11-7 在磁感应强度大小为B = 0.50 T 的匀强磁场中,有一长度为l = 1.5 m 的导体棒垂直于磁场方向放置,如图11-11所示。

如果让此导体棒以既垂直于自身的长度又垂直于磁场的速度v 向右运动,则在导体棒中将产生动生电动势。

若棒的运动速率v = 4.0 m ⋅s -1 ,试求:(1)导体棒内的非静电性电场K ;(2)导体棒内的静电场E ;(3)导体棒内的动生电动势ε的大小和方向;(4)导体棒两端的电势差。

解(1)根据动生电动势的表达式,由于()的方向沿棒向上,所以上式的积分可取沿棒向上的方向,也就是d l 的方向取沿棒向上的方向。


图11-11(2)在不形成电流的情况下,导体棒内的静电场与非静电性电场相平衡,即,所以,E 的方向沿棒由上向下,大小为.(3)上面已经得到,方向沿棒由下向上。


11-8 如图11-12所表示,处于匀强磁场中的导体回路ABCD ,其边AB 可以滑动。

若磁感应强度的大小为B = 0.5 T ,电阻为R = 0.2 Ω,AB 边长为 l = 0.5 m ,AB 边向右平移的速率为v = 4 m ⋅s -1 ,求:(1)作用于AB 边上的外力;(2)外力所消耗的功率;(3)感应电流消耗在电阻R 上的功率。

解(1)当将AB 向右拉动时,AB 中会有电流通过,流向为从B 到A 。

AB 中一旦出现电流,就将受到安培力F 的作用,安培力的方向为由右向左。

所以,要使AB 向右移动,必须对AB施加由左向右图11-12的力的作用,这就是外力F外。



11 蟋蟀的住宅 练习试题(含答案)

11 蟋蟀的住宅   练习试题(含答案)



















大学药物化学考试练习题及答案11 1.[单选题]下列化学结构是A)酮康唑B)氟康唑C)克霉唑D)诺氟沙星答案:B解析:2.[单选题]环磷酰胺为哪一类抗肿瘤药物A)抗代谢类B)卤代多元醇类C)乙撑亚胺类D)氮芥类答案:D解析:3.[单选题]图中滴定曲线的类型为 ( )A)强酸滴定弱碱B)强碱滴定强酸C)强碱滴定弱酸D)强酸滴定强碱答案:B解析:>A)抑制二氢叶酸合成酶B)掺入DNA 的合成C)抑制二氢叶酸还原酶D)抑制B-内酰胺酶答案:C解析:5.[单选题]酮在 17a 位引入一个甲基,其设计目的主要是A)增强蛋白同化作用B)可以口服C)增强雄激素作用D)拮抗雄激素作用答案:B解析:6.[单选题]下面药物为1,2-苯并噻嗪类非甾体抗炎药的是A)布洛芬B)美洛昔康C)双氯芬酸钠D)吲哚美辛答案:B解析:7.[单选题]抗代谢物类药物的结构是什么原理设计而成A)电子等排B)前药C)硬药D)软药答案:A解析:8.[单选题]关于氯贝丁酯的理化性质描述错误的是A)有特异臭,光照后颜色变深,需要遮光保存B)是无色或微黄色的澄明油状液体,不溶于水,易溶于有机溶剂C)化学结构中含酯键,可用羟肟酸铁反应的方法鉴别D)化学结构不含有机氯,不能用有机氯的方法鉴别答案:D解析:9.[单选题]属于a-糖苷酶抑制剂的降糖药是A)二甲双胍C)阿卡波糖D)罗格列酮答案:C解析:10.[单选题]有一未知溶液,加甲基红指示剂(变色范围 4.4~6.2)时溶液呈黄色,如改用加酚酞(变色范围 8.0~10.0)指示剂时溶液呈无色,该未知溶液的pH约为( )A)4.4~10.0B)6.2~10.0C)4.4~8.0D)6.2~8.0答案:D解析:11.[单选题]“瘦肉精”的主要成分是( )。

A)肾上腺素B)麻黄碱C)克仑特罗(或沙丁胺醇)D)普基洛尔答案:C解析:12.[单选题]是质子泵抑制剂,用于治疗消化道溃疡A)法莫替丁B)扑尔敏C)奥美拉唑D)西咪替丁答案:C解析:内容13.[单选题]阿奇霉素属于( )元大环内酯类抗生素A)十二B)十三C)十四D)十五答案:D解析:14.[单选题]巴比妥类药物的作用时间持续长短与下列哪项有关?A)5-位取代基的碳原子数目B)解离常数D)脂水分配系数答案:C解析:15.[单选题]下列哪项与溴新斯的明不符( )。




A)表皮不存在B)髓部发达C)皮层常具机械组织D)次生结构量少答案:A解析:2.[单选题]中药材伸筋草来源于A)石松B)卷柏C)海金沙D)紫萁答案:A解析:3.[单选题]下列具宿萼和浆果的一组是( )A)油菜B)枸杞C)黄瓜D)柑橘答案:B解析:4.[单选题]单子叶植物种子的胚不包括( )。

A)胚乳B)胚根C)胚轴D)胚芽答案:A解析:5.[单选题]海桐的海绵组织属于( )组织。

A)保护B)机械C)分泌D)同化6.[单选题]有的植物不经过受精作用也能产生果实,称为( )。

A)无融合生殖B)营养繁殖C)无性生殖D)单性结实答案:D解析:7.[单选题]显微镜下观察姜根状茎切片,可见淡黄色油滴是A)油室B)油管C)油道D)油细胞答案:D解析:8.[单选题]花生的花在完成受精后,( )迅速延长,使子房插入土中形成果实。

A)枝条B)花柄C)花梗D)花托答案:D解析:9.[单选题]下面图片所示维管束的类型为( )。

维管束.jpgA)有限外韧型B)周韧型C)双韧型D)辐射型答案:D解析:10.[单选题]甘薯薯块中贮藏的淀粉主要位于( )组织。

A)保护B)薄壁C)分泌D)同化答案:B11.[单选题]从物理特性看,( )非常坚硬,从而增强了细胞壁的硬度。

A)纤维素B)木质素C)果胶质D)胼胝质答案:B解析:12.[单选题]( )是裸子植物。

A)木贼B)卷柏C)银杏D)无花果答案:C解析:13.[单选题]被子植物开花的目的是为了( )。

A)露出花被B)露出花药C)露出子房D)露出花蕊答案:D解析:14.[单选题]《本草纲目拾遗》的作者是A)李勣B)李时珍C)陶弘景D)赵学敏答案:D解析:15.[单选题]下面为整齐花的是( )A)舌状花冠B)唇形花冠C)蝶形花冠D)十字花冠答案:D解析:B)叶绿体C)液泡D)细胞核答案:A解析:17.[单选题]扦插、压条是利用枝条、叶、地下茎等能产生( )。






















Test for Unit 5(时间:120分钟总分:150分)Ⅰ.单项选择。

(每小题1分,共15分)( )1.His friends play ________ soccer after ________ school.A.a;the B.the;theC.the;/ D./;/( )2.—Are ________ your cousins?—Yes. I play with________ every Sunday.A.they;they B.they;themC.them;they D.them;them( )3.Jenny doesn't like this thinks it's ________.A.interesting B.relaxingC.boring D.late( )4.—Does Helen ________ baseball bats?________ two.A.have;has B.has;hasC.has;have D.have;have( )5.—Is Eric Linda's ________?are in the same class.A.teacher B.uncleC.father D.classmate( )6.—Kate,my English book is on the you ________ it for me?—OK,here it is,Dad.A.have B.playC.spell D.get( )7.I like ping-pong.It's easy ________ me.A.forC.with( )8.Sally ________ in Middle School,________ her brother isn't. A.is;and B.is;butC.are;and D.are;but( )9.My grandpa always ________ us ________ sports.A.let;to play B.lets;playC.lets;plays D.let;plays( )10.—Li Lei,do you have a ping-pong bat?—________,I don't.A.Excuse meC.Sorry D.Yes( )11.Lisa has a baseball,________she never (从不) plays it.A.and B.butC.too( )12.—What ________ do you like,Bill?—V olleyball.A.sport B.colorC.name D.number( )13.—Do you have a baseball?—Yes,I I ________ a baseball bat.A.don't have B.doesn't haveC.have D.has( )14.—Where are our baseball bats?—________.A.They are white B.They are Linda'sC.They are interesting D.They're under the bed( )15.—Let's go to the library.—________.A.Thank you B.Have a good dayC.That sounds good D.You,tooⅡ.完形填空。


























A、语音B、词汇 C语法 D、词汇和语法‎2、现代汉语书‎面形式的源‎头是()A、文言文B、官话C、白话D、近代汉语3、就与普通话‎的差别来说‎,七大方言中‎()与普通话距‎离最大。




这就是( )。

A)竞争战略分析B)SWOT分析C)BCG矩阵分析D)行业寿命周期法分析4.[单选题]( )经常采用建议箱、员工调查、管理信息系统、员工与管理层开座谈会等形式展开。


体现了管理学的A)不精确B)科学性C)综合性D)应用性6.[单选题]日本丰田汽车公司采用准时(just in time)生产方式,它的基本思想是“只在需要的时候,按需要的量,生产所需的产品”,这表明丰田公司所采取的战略是( )。



一般以( )。

A)5-10B)10-15C)15-20D)10-508.[单选题]下列哪项属于具体或微观环境?A)顾客B)组织文化C)财力资源D)物力资源9.[单选题]( )是计划的前提。

A)决策B)组织C)指挥D)控制10.[单选题]效率是指()A)产出不变,投入最少B)投入不变,产出最多C)投入最少,产出最多D)上述说法都不不对11.[单选题]中国企业引入奖金机制的目的是发挥奖金的激励作用,但到目前,许多企业的奖金已成为工资的一部分,奖金变成了保健因素,这说明:A)双因素理论在中国不怎么适用B)保健和激励因素的具体内容在不同的国家是不一样的C)防止激励因素向保健因素转化是管理者的重要作用D)将奖金设计成为激励因素本身就是错误的12.[单选题]提炼定格组织价值观的方法不包括( )A)精心分析B)全面归纳C)精炼定格D)领导者率先垂范13.[单选题]某公司在年初的工作会议上,提出力争在本年度实现利润2000万元。

统编版小学三年级道德与法治上册11 爸爸妈妈在我心中课堂综合练习题附答案

统编版小学三年级道德与法治上册11 爸爸妈妈在我心中课堂综合练习题附答案
偷偷记住父母的生日,在生日那天祝他们生日快乐,并为他们 买份小礼物,或者做一些力所能及的家务,或者以一份优异的成绩 单来给父母送上惊喜。(答案不唯一) 4.爸爸特别爱抽烟,我想让爸爸戒烟,该怎么做呢?
我会和爸爸好好沟通,提议买一些小糖果代替烟来帮助爸爸戒 烟,每当爸爸拿起烟的时候及时提醒他。(答案不唯一)
7.人人都夸我是个爱家人的孩子。平时我是这样做的:( AA )。
A.妈妈生病了,我陪伴妈妈,并给她倒水、拿药 B.我不会洗衣服,总是爸爸妈妈给我洗 C.我不高兴时,就一个人跑到公园哭
四、我会查资料。 1.理解“父母之年,不可不知也。一则以喜,一则以惧”的意思, 可以请教老师,或查阅资料。请你用自己的方法弄明白这句话的意 思并写在下面。
七、我会分析。 敏敏的爸爸妈妈常年在外地打工,敏敏一直和爷爷奶奶生活。
敏敏特别想念爸爸妈妈,可是他们的工作特别繁忙,没有时间回来。 敏敏觉得爸爸妈妈不爱自己,就经常对着爷爷奶奶发火,甚至很多 时候放学不回家,到同学家去玩,想以此引起爸爸妈妈的注意。 1.敏敏的爸爸妈妈真的不爱敏敏吗?为什么?
敏敏的爸爸妈妈是爱她的。父母外出打工就是为了给敏敏提供 更好的生活条件。
2.如果让你来劝劝敏敏,你会怎么劝? 我会耐心地劝导敏敏。爸爸妈妈在外务工已经很辛苦了,他们
那么努力地工作就是为了给你提供更好的生活条件,我们应该体谅 父母,换位思考,理解他们的艰辛。(答案不唯一) 3.遇到爸爸妈妈不在自己身边的情况,我们到底该怎么做才是对的?
父母不在身边时,我们更应该照顾好自己,认真学习,不到处 乱跑,努力做个懂事贴心的小棉袄,让在外务工的父母没有后顾之 忧。
(√ )



大学中国近代史考试练习题及答案111.[单选题]共产党早期组织领导的第一个工会是( )A)上海印刷工会B)上海纺织工会C)上海机器工会答案:C解析:2.[单选题]抗战胜利初期国统区民众对国民党的态度是( )A)盼中央,望中央,中央来了更糟糕。

B)夹道欢迎C)既不欢迎也不排斥答案:A解析:3.[单选题]八七会议前后,中国共产党发动的几次大规模起义均以夺取大城市为目标,之所以出现这一状况,是因为( )A)盲目模仿俄国革命经验B)中国共产党在城市力量强大C)敌人在大城市力量不足答案:A解析:4.[单选题]2018年,党中央、国务院决定,授予100名同志改革先锋荣誉称号,其中,“复兴号”高速列车研制的主持者是( )A)许崇德B)孙永才C)杜润生答案:B解析:5.[单选题]洋务派举办了一批近代企业,首先举办的是A)轻工业B)民用工业C)军用工业D)采矿业答案:C解析:贯彻两岸关系和平发展重要思想,巩固和深化两岸关系和平发展的政治、经济、文化、社会基础,为和平统一创造更充分的条件。

A)和平统一B)一国两制C)和平统一、一国两制D)武力统一,答案不变答案:C解析:7.[单选题]抗日民族统一战线得以持续到抗战胜利的基本客观因素是( )A)中共的正确策略方针B)英美的极力维护C)符合人民群众的利益D)民族矛盾的持续尖锐化答案:D解析:8.[单选题]资本-帝国主义列强对中国的侵略,首先和主要的是进行 ____ 。

A)军事侵略B)政治控制C)经济掠夺D)文化渗透答案:A解析:9.[单选题]中共十八大以来的五年间,全国人大常委会制定修订法律A)80部B)95部C)180部D)195部答案:B解析:10.[单选题]中法战争期间,在台湾抗击法军的爱国将领是( )。

A)刘铭传B)左宗棠C)冯子才D)曾纪泽答案:A解析:A)二十一条B)《对华政策纲要》C)《田中奏折》D)近卫声明答案:B解析:12.[单选题]中国共产党过渡时期总路线的主体是A)对个体农业的社会主义改造B)对个体手工业的社会主义改造C)对资本主义工商业的社会主义改造D)国家的社会主义工业化答案:D解析:13.[单选题]我国最早成立的四个经济特区是( )。

















二、填空题:1、豌豆中,高茎(T)对矮茎(t)为显性,黄子叶(Y)对绿子叶(y)为显性,假设这两个位点的遗传符合自由组合规律,若把真实遗传的高茎黄子叶个体与矮茎绿子叶个体进行杂交,F2中矮茎黄子叶的概率为 3/16 。



《第十一章审计抽样》一、单选题共12道【题目1】在实施下列程序时,注册会计师应当考虑使用审计抽样的是( D )。


只有在实施细节测试时,才考虑审计抽样和其他选取测试项目的方法(D)细节测试【题目2】注册会计师考虑对总体进行分层的前提是( A )。

(A)总体项目存在重大的变异性(B)总体由具有不同特征的项目组成(C)总体所包含的项目数量巨大(D)总体的重大错报风险高【题目3】在控制测试中,信赖过度风险与样本规模之间是( A )。

(A)反向变动关系(B)同向变动关系(C)同比例变动关系(D)反比例变动关系【题目4】下列各项风险中,对审计工作的效率和效果都有影响的是( D )。

(A)信赖过度风险(B)信赖不足风险(C)误受风险(D)非抽样风险【题目5】在关于销售业务的审计中,不适宜采用审计抽样的是( C )。


此时,注册会计师已经承受了( C )。

(A)信赖不足风险(B)信赖过度风险(C)误受风险(D)误拒风险【题目7】主要用于查找重大非法事项、有极高的可信赖程度的抽样方法是( D )。

(A)固定样本规模抽样(B)变动样本规模抽样(C)停-走抽样(D)发现抽样【题目8】使用随机数表选取样本的方法是( A )。

(A)随机数选样(B)系统选样(C)随意选样(D)判断选样【题目9】注册会计师欲从1 000 张凭单中按系统选样方法选出40张作为样本,确定的选样起点为556,则所得到的最小编号是( A )。



















A)1B)2C)3D)4答案:B解析:2.[单选题]下列为肉质叶的是( )A)仙人掌B)芦荟C)薄荷D)山茶答案:B解析:3.[单选题]双子叶植物茎不断加粗主要是由于A)周皮的不断增厚和圆周的不断扩大B)初生组织的形成C)形成层和木栓形成层细胞的分裂活动D)髓射线和维管射线的不断延长答案:C解析:4.[单选题]人们食用的莴苣,其主要的食用部分是( )。

A)外皮层B)中皮层C)髓D)髓射线答案:C解析:A)横向壁B)径向壁C)内切向壁D)外切向壁答案:D解析:6.[单选题]下列几组植物中,花序类型一致的是( )。

A)小麦和水稻B)石竹和慈竹C)油菜和生菜D)向日葵和蒲公英答案:D解析:7.[单选题]侧根发生于( ),所以称为内起源。

A)形成层B)内皮层C)中柱鞘D)木质部和韧皮部之间的薄壁组织答案:C解析:8.[单选题]具有假果的科是A)桑科B)麻黄科C)葫芦科D)蓼科答案:C解析:9.[单选题]双子叶植物茎初生结构的主要特点是( )。

A)具有周皮B)具有凯氏带C)具有通道细胞D)维管束排成不连续的一环答案:D解析:10.[单选题]Ranunculaceae与Magnoliaceae相同的特征有()C)雌蕊多数且离生D)含有细胞答案:B解析:D聚花果11.[单选题]花粉粒的壁分两层,即( )。

语言学 练习题及答案

语言学 练习题及答案

练习1 1. There is no logical connection between meaning and sounds. A dog might be a pig if only the first person or group of persons had used it for a pig. This is one of the design features of language.A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement2. Language is a system of two sets of structures, one of sounds and the other of meaning. This is . It makes people possible to talk everything within his knowledge.A. dualityB. arbitrarinessC. productivityD. displacement3. ___ refers to the ability to construct and understand an indefinitely large number of sentences in one‘s native language, including those that he has never heard before, but that are appropriate to the speaking situation .A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement4. __ __ refers to the fact that one can talk about things that are not present, as easily as he does things present. The dog couldn‘t be bow-wowing sorrowfully for some lost love or a bone to be lost. A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement5. ______ means language is not biologically transmitted from generation to generation, but the linguistic system must be learnt anew by each speaker.A. dualityB. ArbitrarinessC. interchangeabilityD. cultural transmission6. ______ means that any human being can be both a producer and a receiver of messages.A. dualityB. ArbitrarinessC. interchangeabilityD. cultural transmission7. To say ―How are you.‖ ―Hi‖ to your friends is the ____ __of language.A. directive functionB. informative functionC. phatic functionD. interrogative function8. ―Tell me the result when you finish.‖ If you want to get your hearer to do something, y ou should use the _____ of language.A. directive functionB. informative functionC. phatic functionD. interrogative function9. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as __ ___.A. unnaturalB. something to be fearedC. naturalD. abnormal10. A linguist is interested in ___A. speech sounds only B. all sounds C. vowels only11. Which of the following sounds is a voiceless bilabial stop? A. [t] B. [m] C. [b] D. [p12. Which of the following sounds is a voiced affricate? A. [y] B. [t∫] C. [z] D. [dЗ]13. Which of the following sounds is a central vowel? A. [ ə ] B. [ i ] C. [ou] D. [a: ]14. In the following sounds , ______ is a palatal fricative ? A. [ s ] B. [∫] C. [ l ] D. [θ]15. In the following sounds, _____ is a voiceless affricative? A. [dЗ] B. [v] C. [t∫] D. [θ]16. In English if a word begins with a [ l ] or [ r ],then the next sound must be a __ __.A. fricativeB. nasal soundC. semi-vowelD. vowel17. Of the ―words‖ listed below___ is not an English wordA. [r∧b ]B. [ læ b ]C. [məsta:∫]D. [lmæp]18. ___ are produced when the obstruction created by the speech organs is total and audibly released. A. Back vowels B. Stops C. Fricatives D. Glides19. The International Phonetic Association devised the INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ALPHABET in _____. A. 1965 B. 1957 C. 1888 D. 178820. ___ is a phonological unit , and it is a unit that is of distinctive value.A. PhoneB. PhonemeC. AllophoneD. Sound1. [ f ] is a dental consonant. F2. Phonology studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription. F 7. The three / p / are allophones. T3. Phoneme is a phonological unit. T4. Phone is a phonetic unit. T5. When we study the different [ p ]‘s in ―[ pit ], [tip ], [spit ]‖ , they are similar phones which belong to phonetics. T6. But the three [ p ] belong to the different phoneme / p /. F8. ‗peak‘is aspirated , phonetically transcribed as [ph]; ‗speak‘ is unaspirated phonetically[ p=]. T9. [ph ], [p=] do not belong to the same phoneme / p /. F10. [p h] and [ p=] are two different phones, and are variants of the phoneme / p /, which is called ALLOPHONES of the same phoneme. T.语义学练习1._______ is not included in Leech‘s associative meaning.A. Connotative meaningB. Social meaningC. Collocative meaningD. Thematic meaning2. Among Leech‘s seven typ es of meaning is concerned with the relationship between a word and the thing it refers to _____. A. conceptual B. affective C. reflected D. thematic3. According to the referential theory, a word is not directly related to the thing it refers to. They are connected by ____. A. meaning B. reference C. concept D. sense4.‖Big‖ and ―Small‖ are a pair of __ opposites.A. complementaryB. gradableC. completeD. Converse5. The pair of words ―same‖ and ―different‖ are _____.A. gradable oppositesB.converse oppositesC. hyponymsD.contradictory6. A word with several meaning is called ______ word.A. a polysemousB. a synonymousC. an abnormalD. a multiple7. The semantic components of the word ―gentleman‖ can be expressed as __.A. +animate, +male, +human, -adultB. +animate, +male, +human, +adultC. +animate, - male, +human, - adultD. +animate, - male, +human, +adult8. ______is the implied meaning, similar to ―implication‖ and ―implicature‖. E.g. When we mention about ―women‖, we‘ll think of her soft warm manner.A. DenotationB. Affective meaningC. Reflected meaningD. Connotation9. In the triangle advanced by Ogden and Richards, ―thought or reference‖ is_ __A. word, sentenceB. the objectC. conceptD. symbol10. A linguistic is interested in ___A. What is said.B. What is right both in syntax and in semantics.C. What is grammaticalD. What ought to be said.11. The pair of words ―lend‖and ―borrow‖ are ___A. gradable oppositesB. relational oppositesC. synonymsD. co-hyponyms12. Nouns, verbs, and adjectives can be classified as _____.A. Lexical wordsB. grammatical wordsC. function wordsD. form words13. What is the meaning relationship between the two words ―flower/tulip‖ ?A. PolysemyB. HomonymyC. HyponymyD. Antonymy14. The words ―railway‖ and ―railroad‖ are ___A. synonyms differing in emotive meaningB. dialectal synonymsC. collocationally-restricted synonymsD. synomyms differing in styles15. The pair of words ―wide/narrow‖ are called__A. gradable oppositesB. complementary antonymsC. co-hyponymsD. relational opposites16. Which of the following two-term sets shows the feature of complementaries?A. single/marriesB. lend/borrowC. hot/coldD. old/young17. The name of ―Morning Star‖, ―Evening Star‖ and ―Venus‖ is one of the example that different words or name may refer to the same ____A. denotation B. connotation C. reference D. sense18. When we analyze the words ―thrifty, economical, stingy‖they are synonyms but they have different______A. stylistic meaningB. denotative meaningC. affective meaningD. collocational meaning20. ―Seeing those pictures reminds him of his childhood.‖ The und erlined part in the sentence is_A. agent caseB. object caseC. instrument caseD. benefactive case1. Is reference tied to a particular time and place? T2. Every word in a language can find at least one referent in the objective world. ? F3. Can different expressions have the same referent? T4. Can reference be applied to words such as ―and‖ ,‖very‖ in English? F1. Sense is regarded as a kind of intra-linguistic relationship. T2. In most cases, ―sense‖ and ―meaning‖ are different terms for the same thing. T3. Every word has its own sense. F4. A word may have several different senses and several words may have the same sense. T5. Extension, like denotation, is a kind of relation between elements and the objective world. T6. A: He married a blonde heiress. B: He married a blondeThe relation between these two sentences is entailment. F?7. The relation between extension and intension is the same as that between connotation and denotation. T8. People of different cultures may choose different prototype for the same predicate, e.g. ‗bus‘. T9. All the words in a language can be used to refer , but only some have sense. F10. Two synonymous words must be identical in sense in every dimension. F11. There are very few perfect synonyms in a language. T12. Entailment is more inclusive than paraphrase. T13. Almost every word in a dictionary is polysemic. T14. Dry and wet are a pair of gradable antonyms. T15. Innocent and guilt are a pair of relative antonyms. F16. The relationship between the Argument and Predicate is Subject to predicate. FVI. Fill in the blanks in the following passage by choosing the appropriate word.Semantics is the study of ______(1) of language. It is one of the three components of _______(2) . According to Chomsky‘s theory , it is at the _______(3) level of language. Semantics concentrates on the _______(4) between languages, rather than on the _______(5).1. A. grammar B. structure C. phonetics D. meaning2. A. linguistics B. grammar C. morphology D. syntax3. A. surface structure B. deep structure C. linguistic D. philosophical4. A. form B. similarity C. differences D. meaning5. A. substance B. difference C. similarities D. grammarMost language utterances(话语)depend for their interpretation upon the ________(6) in which they are used, and the vast majority of them have a ________(7) range of meanings than first come to mind. It may seem to you that meaning is so vague, insubstantial, and elusive that it is impossible to come to any clear, concrete, or tangible conclusions about it. Although many kinds of behavior can be described as _______(8), the range, diversity and complexity of meaning expressed in language is unmatched in any other human or non-human communicative behavior. And linguistic________(9)6. A. words B. sentences C. structure D. context7. A. wider B. narrower C. more accurate D. clearer8. A. productive B. effective C. informative D. communicative9. A. stylistics B. philosophy C. semantics D. grammar--the study of meaning in language was neglected very largely in the past because meaning was felt to be inherently ______(10) and at least temporarily beyond the scope of ______(11) investigation. Largely as a result of Chomsky‘s theory of ______ (12) grammar, and the technical advances made in linguistics, in logic and philosophy of _______(13) , linguistic semantics is currently enjoying a very considerable revival of interest.10. A. stable B. unstable C. social D. arbitrary11. A. independent B. philosophical C. linguistic D. human12. A. traditional B. transformational C. structural D. systemic13. A. language B. semantics C. the world D. human mind.词汇练习1. The pair of words ―lend‖ and ―borrow‖ are ______.A. gradable oppositesB. relational oppositesC. SynonymsD. co-hyponyms2. The semantic components of the word ―woman‖ can be expressed as ______.A. +animate, +human, +male, -adultB. +animate, +human, -male, -adultC. +animate, +human, +male, +adultD. +animate, +human, -male, +adult3. What is the meaning relationship between the two words ―desk and furniture‖?A. PolysemyB. HomonymyC. HyponymyD. Antonymy4. The words ―dog‖ and ―read‖ are called ______because they can occur unattached.A. derivational morphemesB. bound morphemesC. inflectional morphemesD. free morphemes?9. Some morphemes have more than one invariable form , such as “dog→dogs”, “cat→cats”“mouse→mice”,which are called_____.A. bound morphemeB. allomorphC. free morphemeD. minimal morpheme10. In English n. v. a. and adv. make up the largest part of the vocabulary. They are also called _____.A. closed class words B. conventional words C. open class words D. compounds11. ______ can be used independently without being combined with other morphemes.A. Free morphemesB. Bound morphemesC. AffixesD. Roots12. The word ―bookish‖ contains two _____.A. phonemesB. morphsC. morphemesD. allomorphs13. ____ morpheme are those that cannot be used independently but have tobe combined with other morphemes, either free or bound, to form a word.A. FreeB. BoundC. RootD. Affix14. ______ modifies the meaning of the stem, but usually do not change the partof speech of the original word.A. PrefixesB. SufficesC. RootsD. Affixes15. The words ―make, bus‖ are called ______.A. derived morphemesB. inflected morph.C. bound morphD. free morpheme16. Which is variable word?A. fromB. untilC. workD. and17. Which processes of lexical change does the Chinese word “国务院”experienced?A. BlendingB. AbbreviationC. BorrowingD. Back-formation18. Which word is created through the process of acronym?A. adB. editC. AIDSD. Bobo19. The word ―math‖ is formed through ___.A. back formationB. clippingC. BlendingD. derivation20. ______ is the branch of grammar that studies the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed. A. Affix B. Inflection C. Allomorph D. Morphologysyntax练习1. When we say that we can change the second word in the sentence ―He is waiting outside‖ with ―was‖. We are taking about ____inside the sentence.A. Syntactic relationsB. paradigmatic relationsC. Linear relationsD. Government2. The part of the grammar that represents a speaker‘s knowledge of the structure of phrases and sentences is called______ .A. Lexicon B. morphology C. Syntax D. semantics3. What does ‗IC‘ stands for as a syntactic notion and analytical technique ?A. Inferential ConnectiveB. Inflectional ComponentC. Immediate ConstituentD. Implicative Communication4. If we are to use the technique of IC analysis to analyze the sentence ―She broke the window with a stone yesterday‖, where is the first cut?Draw a tree diagram of this sentence.A. between stone and yesterdayB. between she and brokeC. between broke and the windowD. between window and with5. ____ is the defining properties of units like noun (number, gender, case) and verb (tense, aspect, etc.).A. Phonology B. Word classes C. Grammatical categories D. Functions of words6. Which of the following items is not one of the grammatical categories of English ?A. genderB. numberC. caseD. voice7. ____ is a relationship in which a word of a certain class determines the form of others in terms of certain categories.A. ConcordB. Immediate constituentC. Syntagmatic relationsD. Government8. ____ proposed to define sentence as the maximum free form.A. BloomfieldB. ChomskyC. HallidayD. Sussure9. The phrase ―boys and girls ‖ is a(n) _____.A. subordinate endocentric constructionB. coordinate endocentric constructionC. subordinate exocentric constructionD. coordinate exocentric construction10. Chomsky holds that the major task of linguistics is to _____.A. study real ‗facts‘ in daily settingsB. tells people how to speak appropriatelyC. tell people what is right in language useD. Look for ‗the universal grammar‘11. What is the full form of LAD? B. Language acquisition device12. A speaker‘s actual utterance in Chomsky‘s terminology is called _____.A. deep structureB. linguistic universalsC. universal grammarD. surface structure13. Chomsky studies language from a psychological point of view, holding that language is a form of ____; while Halliday focuses on the social aspect of language, regarding language as a form of ____. A. knowing, doing B. knowing, thinking C. thinking, doing D. doing, knowing 14.F. de Saussure is a(n) _____ linguist .C. Swiss15. What is the construction of the sentence ―The boy smiled‖?A. ExocentricB. EndocentricC. CoordinateD. Subordinate16. ―You sit down‖ is transformed into ―Sit down‖. Which transformational rule is used according to TG Grammar ? A. Copying B. Addition C. Reordering D. Deletion17. L. Bloomfield is a famous _____ structural linguist.C. American18. In ______ , Noam Chomsky published his famous book ―Syntactic Structure‖.B.195719. ―A fish is swimming in the pond‖ is transformed into ―There is a fish swimming in the pond‖. Which transformational rule is used. A. Copying B. Reordering C. Addition D. Deletion20.The phrase ―the man about whom I‘ve been talking.‖ belong to the ______Construction.A. predicateB. endocentricC. subordinateD. exocentric1.Traditional grammar involves a great deal of gender, number and case. T2. ―I‘m a teacher.‖ ―He studies English.‖ describe the form of gov ernment.3. ―Langue‖ is much more stable than ―parole‖. T4. When we mentioned about the usage of a ―树”,it is signified; and the sound /shu:/ is signifier, the relationship among them is arbitrary. T5. The sentence ― If the weather is nice, we‘ll go out.‖ is settled at the base paradigmatic relation.F6. Sassure proposed the linguistic study considered in itself. T7. Rheme contributes much more great than theme. F8. IC analysis is used to analyze the semantic feature of the sentence. F12. ―He came back very late last night.‖ The underlying structure is endocentric one. T13. Wh en we mention about ―phonetic‖and ―lexicon components‖, they belong to deep structure category. F14. The abstract meaning and ambiguity of the sentence can be analyzed by deep structure. T15. Systemic – functional grammar wanted to link the function with structure of the language.16.By synchrony we mean to study language change and development. F17. The open-class words include prepositions. F18. ―The boy smiled‖ has an exocen tric structure. T19. The IC Analysis is not able to analyze split verbs like ―do sb. in‖. T20. Langue is relatively stable and systematic while parole is subject to personal and situational constraints.21. Phonology is a branch of linguistics which studies the sentence patterns of a language. F6语用练习1. According to C.Morris and R. Carnap, _____ studies the relationship between symbols and their interpreters of a listener.A. SyntaxB. SemanticsC. PragmaticsD. Sociolinguistics2. There are ______deixis in the sentence ― she has sold it here yesterday. ‖.A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 63. We can do things with words ---- this is the main idea of ______.A. the Speech Act TheoryB. the Co-operative principlesC. the Polite principlesD. pragmatics4. _____refers to the utterance of a sentence with determinate sense and reference.A. Locutionary actB. Illocutionary actC. Perlocutionary actD. Speech act5. _____ may be used as an example of indirect speech act.A. ―I‘ll declare Mr. Williams election tomorrow.‖B. ―Good morning!‖C. ―could you open the window?‖D. ―I command you to report at 6 in the morning tomorrow. ‖6. A: Let‘s get something to kids. B: Okey , but not I-C-E C-R-E-A-M-S.In the conversation B violets the _____.A: Quantity Maxim B. Quality Maxim C. Relevance Maxim D. Clarity Maxim 7. A: I really like the dinner. B: I‘m vegetarian. There is a _____ violation in the conversation.A. QuantityB. QualityC. RelevanceD. Clarity8. A: How are you? B: I‘m dead. There is a _____ violation in the conversation.A. QuantityB. QualityC. RelevanceD. Clarity9. A: Would you like a cocktail? It‘s my own invention.B: Well, m mm uh it‘s not that we don‘t drink. There is a _____ violation in the conversation.A. QuantityB. QualityC. RelevanceD. Clarity10. A: Are you going to Steve‘s barbecue?B: A barbecue is an outdoor party.There is a _____ violation in the conversation.A. QuantityB. QualityC. RelevanceD. Clarity11. Pragmatics differs from traditional semantics in that it studies meaningnot in isolation, but in _____.A. relationshipB. dependenceC. sentenceD. context12. To analyze the following sentences ______ is Performative.A. You congratulate me.B. I envy you.C. I command you to put out that cigarette.D. I warned you not to go.13. _____ act expresses the intention of the speaker.A. LocutionaryB. IllocutionaryC. PerlocutionaryD. Speech act14. A: Do you know where Mr. Brown is? B: Somewhere in the suburbs of the city.Speaker B violates the maxim of _______.A. quantityB. qualityC. RelevanceD. Clarity15. A: The hostess is an awful bore. Do you think?B: The roses in the garden are beautiful, aren‘t they? Speaker B violates the maxim of _____.A. qualityB. quantityC. RelevanceD. Clarity16. A: This bag is a little bit heavy. B: Let me help you. What is the illocutionary act of speaker A?A. This bag is heavy.B. I don‘t want to carry it away.C. Could you help me with this bag?D. I‘m very happy about it.17. A: The dress she is wearing is beautiful, isn‘t it? B: The pattern is nice.What cooperative maxim does speaker B observe?A. QualityB. QuantityC. RelevanceD. Clarity18. Speech Act Theory was proposed by _____ in the late 50‘s of the 20th century. A. John Austin19. One of the contributions ____ has made is his classification of illocutionary acts. John Austin20. Cooperative principle was found by _____. A. Paul Grice21. According to Austin‘s Speech Act theory, the actual uttering of a sentence with a particular meaning is called ___ A. Perlocutionary B. locutionary C. illocutionary D. indirect speech. 22. A(n )‖_____‖ means that some sentences, in the utterance and the seeming performance of a speech act, perform a certain illocutionary act indirectly.A. direct speech actB. indirect speech actC. illocutionary actD. utterance23. The _____ provided great philosophical insight into the nature of linguistic communication.A. speech act theoryB. CP theory.C. communicative competenceD. linguistic competence24. According to Austin, Speech Acts fall into ______ general categories.A. fourB. twoC. threeD. five25. _____ resulted mainly from the expansion of the study of linguistics, especially that of semantics. A. Pragmatics B. pragmatism C. phonology D. Practicalism26. Once the notion of _______ was taken into consideration, semantics spilled into pragmatics.A. meaningB. contentC. formD. context27. ____ act theory is an important in the pragmatic study of language.A. SpeakingB. SpokenC. SoundD. Speech28. All the utterances that can be made to serve the same purpose may vary in their _____ form.A. syntacticB. semanticC. grammaticalD. pragmatic29. Of the three acts, Pragmatists are more interested in the _______.A. locutionary actB. perlocutionary actC. illocutionary actD. none of the above30. The maxim of quality requires, do not say what you believe to be _____.A. falseB. trueC. briefD. orderly31. Most of the violations of the maxims of the CP give rise to _____.A. utterance meaningB. speech act theoryC. conversational implicaturesD. all of the above32. Pragmatics is a study ofA. language learningB. language acquisitionC. language planningD. language in use33. The significance of Grice‘s CP lies in the fact that it explains how it is possible for the speaker to convey ______ that which is literally said.A. more thanB. less thanC. the same asD. none of the above34. If a sentence is regarded as what people actually utter in the course of communication, it becomes ______.A. a sentenceB. an actC. a unitD. an utterance35. The part of the response to the speech acted by the hearer is _____.A. LocutionB. IllocutionC. PerlocutionD. Direct action36. _____ may perform an act but lay stress on describing the action.A. Speech Act TheoryB. PerlocutionC. PerformativeD. Constative37. A: Good luck to you! B: Thank you. What politeness principle does speaker A observe?A. Generosity maximB. Tact maximC. Modesty maximD. Agreement maxim38. ―What a marvelous dinner you cooked!‖What politeness maxim does the speaker of the utterance observe?A. Sympathy maximB. Approbation maximC. Modesty maximD. Agreement maxim39. ―I swear I have never seen the man before.‖ This sentence is a ____.A. performativeB. ConstativeC. indirect speechD. procedure40. Conversational Implicature can be___.A. CalculabilityB. CancellabilityC. Non-ConventionalityD. all of above1. Speech act theory was proposed by Austin and has been developed by Grice. F2. Searle suggests 5 basic categories of illocutionary acts as follows: assertives, commissives, expressives, directive and declaratives. T3. ―We can do things with words‖ ----this is the main idea of the Speech Act Theory. T4. ―I hereby declare war ‖ is the typical utterance of ―speech act theory‖. T5. At first , Austin classifies utterances into two types: constatives and performatives. T6. ―Locution‖ means the speaker‘s intention. F7. ―Perlocution‖ is used to bring effects on the hearer. T8. ―Can you pass me the salt, please? ‖ is a question, but it is a direct speech act. F9. In a certain sense pragmatics studies how words influence the interpretation of utterances. T10. ―Pragmatics ― is the study of meaning that is not accounted for in semantics. T11. ―In Semantics‖ the sentence meaning should be studied. T12.― In pragmatics ‖ the utterance meaning should be studied. T13. The CP Principle, put forward by P. Grice, has four maxims, for writing as well as speaking. F14. Deixis is a technical term for one of the most basic things we do with utterances. T15. ―What‘s that?‖ that is a location deixis. FPragmatics is concerned with the study of _16____ as communicated by a speaker and interpreted by a listener. It has consequently __17___ to do with the analysis of what people mean by their utterances than what the words or phrases in those utterances might mean by __18__. __19___ is the study of speaker meaning.16. A. speech B. meaning C. utterance D. communication17. A. less B. impossible C. possible D. more18. A. itself B. himself C. themselves D. yourself19. A. Semantics B. Context C. Syntax D. PragmaticsIf semantics is the study of __1D__that comes from ‗purely linguistic knowledge‘ pragmatics concerns all the ‗__2A__of meaning that cannot be predicted by linguistic knowledge alone and takes into account knowledge about the physical and __3_C_world‘. So pragmatics is the study of meaning that is not accounted for in__4_B_.a) aspects b) semantics c) social d) meaningSemantics and __1_C_are complementary to__2A__ —hence ‗complementarism‘. According to Morris‘s trichotomy , __3__ is the study of ‗the formal relation of signs to one another‘, __4__ is the study of ‗the relation of signs to the objects to which the signs are applicable ‘,and pragmatics is the study of ‗the relation of signs to__D5__‘.a) Each other b) Pragmatics c) semantics d) interpreters e) syntax。

























答题模板:用了 ×× 一词,……地说明了事物的……特点,起到了……的效果。
答题模板:不能删去。 ×× 一词,表示……,说明了……,体现了语言的准确性,如果删去就与事实不符,不能体现说明文语言的准确性,所以不能删去。
命题方式三: ×× 一词用 ×× 替换行不行?为什么?
D )
A.水星离太阳最近,朝向太阳的一面表面温度达到300~400 ℃。(列数字)
答题模板:不行。 ×× 表示……,说明了……,体现了语言的准确性;而 ×× 一词指……(从不具备前一词作用的角度分析)。如果替换就变成……,所以
D (填序号)。
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第十一章多个样本均数比较的方差分析练习题一、最佳选择题1. 各组数据的()时,不可直接作方差分析。

A.均数相差较大B.中位数相差较大C.n相差较大D.变异系数相差较大E.方差相差较大2. 完全随机设计方差分析中的组间均方是表示()。

A.抽样误差大小B.某因素的效应大小C.某因素效应与抽样误差综合结果D.全部数据的离散程度E.不可预见的误差3. 完全随机设计与随机区组设计相比较()。

A. 随机区组设计的变异来源比完全随机设计分得更细B. 随机区组设计的误差一定小于完全随机设计C.完全随机设计的效率高于随机区组设计D.两组设计试验效率一样E.以上说法都不对4. 四个样本均数经方差分析后,p<0.05,为进一步弄清四个均数彼此之间有无差别,须进行()。

检验B. q检验C.u检验D. t检验E.Dunnett-检验A. 25.两样本均数的比较,可用()A.方差分析B.t检验C.q检验D.方差分析与t检验均可E.u检验二、问答题1. 简述均数比较方差分析的基本思想?2. 均数比较方差分析与实验设计有何联系?3.方差分析对数据有什么要求?4.为什么不能用t 检验进行多个均数的两两比较?5.单样本重复测量数据的方差分析与随机区别设计方差分析有何不同?在什么情况下,单样本重复测量数据可用随机区组设计方差分析进行假设检验? 6.简述均数比较方差分析随机效应模型与固定效应模型的区别。



问两个接种组与对照组生存日数是否相同?各组大鼠的生存日数伤寒 百日咳 对照 ij X5 6 8 7 6 9 8 7 10 98 10 9 8 10 10 9 11 10 9 12 11 10 12 11 10 14 1211 16 ∑ijX92 84 112 288 i n10 10 10 30 i X9.28.4 11.2 9.6 ∑2ijX886 732 1306 2924 2i S4.42.935.73-2.将18名原发性血小板减少症患者按年龄相近的原则配为6个区组,每个区组的3名患者随机分配到A 、B 、C 、三个治疗组中,治疗后的血小板升高情况见下表,问三种治疗方法的疗效有无差别?A、B、C、三组血小板升高值年龄组 A B C1 3.8 6.3 8.02 4.6 6.3 11.93 7.6 10.2 14.14 8.6 9.2 14.75 6.4 8.1 13.06 6.2 6.9 13.43.下表是某实验室7个技术员对同一血样血清钾的重复测定结果,评价估计技术员之间、每个技术员重复性测量结果之间的误差。

同一血样血清钾的重复测定结果技术员重复测量值(mmol·L-1)1 5.16 5.24 5.29 5.09 5.182 5.56 5.48 5.56 5.50 5.753 5.12 4.80 4.80 5.00 5.064 4.70 4.48 4.68 4.42 4.575 5.00 4.47 4.68 5.00 4.806 4.87 4.69 4.94 4.84 4.947 5.24 5.53 5.55 5.33 5.254.根据第十三章练习题计算题的第3题某医生的收缩压测量值,试估计收缩压测量值的个体差异的随机误差和该医生的测量误差。

练习题答案一、最佳选择题解答1. E2. C3. A4. B5. D二、问答题解答1.答:方差分析(analysis of variance,ANOV A)的基本思想就是根据资料的设计类型,即变异的不同来源将全部观察值总的离均差平方和与自由度分解为两个或多个部分,除随机误差外,其余每个部分的变异可由某个因素的作用(或某几个因素的交互作用)加以解释,如各组均数的变异组间SS 可由处理因素的作用加以解释。

通过比较不同变异来源的均方,借助F 分布作出统计推断,从而推论各种研究因素对试验结果有无影响。




3.答:方差分析对数据的要求(1)各样本是相互独立的随机样本,且来自正态分布总体; (2)各样本的总体方差相等,即方差齐性(homoscedasticity )。

4.答:两均数比较的t 检验进行多重比较,将会加大Ⅰ类错误的概率α,从而可能把本无差别的两个总体均数判为有差别。

例如,有4个均数,两两组合数为C 24 = 6 ,若用t 检验做6次比较,且每次比较的检验水准选为05.0=α,则每次比较不犯Ⅰ类错误的概率为()05.01-,6次均不犯Ⅰ类错误的概率为()605.01-,这时,总的检验水准变为()26.005.0116=--,比05.0大多了。

因此,不能用t 检验进行多个均数的两两比较。




6.答:在进行均数比较的方差分析中,处理效应为固定不变的常数时,称为固定效应模型(fixed effect model );当方差分析资料中没有干预因素,要研究的处理效应不是固定不变的常数,而是随机的,称为随机效应模型(random effect model )。


7.答:随机效应方差分析应用于:方差分析资料中没有干预因素,要研究的k 个水平的处理效应不是固定不变的常数,而是随机选择的。


三、计算题解答1.解:完全随机设计单因素方差分析 0H :各组大鼠生存日数的总体均数相等1H :各组大鼠生存日数的总体均数不等或不全相等05.0=α22()2882764.830ij X C n===∑∑229242764.8159.2ij SS X C =-=-=∑∑总6.418.276410)1128492(])([2222=-++=-=∑∑C nX SS ij 组间6.1176.412.159=-=-=组间总组内SS SS SS方差分析表变异来源 SS DF MS F 值 P 值 组间变异 41.6 2 20.80 4.77 P<0.05 组内变异 117.6 27 4.36 总变异159.229查F 界值表,35.327,2,05.0=F 。

因27,2,05.0F F >,得05.0<P ,按05.0=α水准,拒绝0H ,接受1H ,认为各组大鼠生存日数的总体均数不等或不全相等。


用Dunnett-t 检验方法进行均数间多重比较:0H :任一组与对照组总体均数相同1H :任一组与对照组总体均数不同05.0=α由Dunnett-t 检验公式,伤寒组与对照组比较:9.2 2.14t =-==27,3a ν==查附表6(2)Dunnett-t 检验界值表,得0.05P >,按05.0=α水准,不拒绝0H ,即尚不能认为伤寒组与对照组总体均数不同。

百日咳组与对照组比较:8.42.99t -==27,2a ν==查Dunnett-t 检验界值表,得05.0<P ,按05.0=α水准,拒绝0H ,接受1H ,即认为百日咳组与对照组总体均数不同。

2.解:随机区组设计方差分析 0H :三种治疗方法的疗效相等1H :三种治疗方法的疗效不等或不全相等05.0=α22()159.31409.8118ij X C n===∑∑21597.071409.81187.26ij SS X C =-=-=∑∑总 2222()(37.24775.1)[]1409.81129.006ij X SS C n++=-=-=∑∑组间2222222(18.122.831.932.527.526.5)1409.8150.133jBSS C k+++++=-=-=∑区组187.26129.0050.138.13SS SS SS SS =--=--=总误差组间区组方差分析表变异来源 SS DF MS F 值 P 值 处理组间变异 129.003 2 64.502 79.338 P<0.05 区组内变异 50.132 5 10.026 12.333 P<0.05 误差 8.13 10 0.813总变异187.26517查F 界值表,10.410,2,05.0=F ,P <0.05。

所以拒绝0H ,接受1H ,认为三种治疗方法的疗效不等或不全相等。



NO X1 X2 X3 X4 X51 5.16 5.24 5.29 5.09 5.182 5.56 5.48 5.56 5.50 5.753 5.12 4.80 4.80 5.00 5.064 4.70 4.48 4.68 4.42 4.575 5.00 4.47 4.68 5.00 4.806 4.87 4.69 4.94 4.84 4.947 5.24 5.53 5.55 5.33 5.25(2)SPSS11.0窗口操作Analyze →General Linear Model →Repeated Measures…→Define →Number of Levels: 填入5→Within-Subject Variable [factor] 填入X1,X2,X3,X4,X5 →OK(3)主要计算结果“球对称”检验,Mauchly's W=0.099,P=0.366,可采用方差分析结果。

Mauchly's Test of SphericityMeasure: MEASURE_1Mauchly's W Approx.Chi-Squaredf Sig. EpsilonWithin SubjectsEffect Greenhouse-GeisserHuynh-FeldtLower-boundFACTOR1 .099 10.214 9 .366 .439 .607 .250Tests of Within-Subjects EffectsMeasure: MEASURE_1Source Type III Sumof Squaresdf Mean Square F Sig.FACTOR1 Sphericity Assumed 8.722E-02 4 2.180E-02 1.125 .368 Greenhouse-Geisser 8.722E-02 1.758 4.963E-02 1.125 .353Huynh-Feldt 8.722E-02 2.428 3.592E-02 1.125 .361Lower-bound 8.722E-02 1.000 8.722E-02 1.125 .330 Error(FACTOR1) Sphericity Assumed .465 24 1.938E-02Greenhouse-Geisser .465 10.545 4.411E-02Huynh-Feldt .465 14.570 3.192E-02Lower-bound .465 6.000 7.752E-02Measure: MEASURE_1Transformed Variable: AverageSource Type III Sum ofSquares df MeanSquareF Sig.Intercept 890.770 1 890.770 1437.208 .000Error 3.719 6 .6204.解:(1)用SPSS11.0计算,变量名与数据录入格式如下。
