



英文离婚协议书范本MUTUAL DIVORCE AGREEMENTThis Mutual Divorce Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into on the __________ day of __________, 20__, by and between:[Husband's Full Legal Name], hereinafter referred to as "Husband," residing at [Husband's Address], and[Wife's Full Legal Name], hereinafter referred to as "Wife," residing at [Wife's Address].WHEREAS, the Husband and Wife have been married on the__________ day of __________, 20__, and now desire to dissolve their marriage by mutual consent; andWHEREAS, the Husband and Wife have reached an agreement on the terms and conditions of their divorce, including but not limited to the division of property, support, and other matters incidental to the dissolution of their marriage.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows:Article 1: Dissolution of Marriage1.1 The Husband and Wife mutually agree to dissolve their marriage.1.2 This Agreement is intended to be a complete and final settlement of all rights, claims, and interests of theparties in connection with their marriage and the dissolution thereof.Article 2: Property Division2.1 The parties have agreed to divide their marital property as follows:[Insert detailed property division, including real estate, vehicles, bank accounts, investments, etc., with specific descriptions and allocation to each party.]2.2 Each party shall retain their separate property, as defined by the laws of the state of [State Name], and any property acquired prior to the marriage or by gift or inheritance during the marriage.Article 3: Spousal Support3.1 The Husband shall pay to the Wife the sum of$____________ per month for a period of ____________ as spousal support, commencing on the __________ day of__________, 20__.3.2 The obligation to pay spousal support shall terminate upon the death of either party or the remarriage of the Wife.Article 4: Child Custody and Support4.1 The parties have [Number of Children] minorchild/children, namely [List Children's Names and Dates of Birth].4.2 The parties have agreed upon a custody arrangement as follows:[Insert custody arrangement details, including physical custody, legal custody, visitation rights, etc.]4.3 The Husband shall pay to the Wife child support in the amount of $____________ per month, commencing on the__________ day of __________, 20__, until each child reaches the age of eighteen (18) or graduates from high school, whichever occurs later.Article 5: Alimony and Maintenance5.1 The parties acknowledge that the payments of spousal support and child support, as set forth in Articles 3 and 4, are in full satisfaction of any and all claims for alimonyand maintenance.Article 6: Tax Considerations6.1 The parties agree that for tax purposes, the Husbandshall claim the child as a dependent and shall be entitled to the child tax credit, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.Article 7: Mutual Releases7.1 Each party hereby releases and discharges the other from any and all claims, demands, actions, and causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of or in any way related totheir marriage.Article 8: Modification and Waiver8.1 This Agreement may not be amended or modified except in writing signed by both parties.8.2 No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and signed by the party against whom the waiver is sought to be enforced.Article 9: Governing Law9.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State Name], without regard to its conflict of law provisions.Article 10: Entire Agreement10.1 This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and agreements, whether written or oral.Article 11: Severability11.1 If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck and the remaining provisions shall be enforced.Article 12: Execution12.1 This Agreement is executed in duplicate originals, each of which shall be deemed an original and both of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Mutual Divorce Agreement as of the date first above written.[Husband's Signature] [Wife's Signature] [Husband's Printed Name] [Wife's Printed Name] [Date] [Date]Witness:[Witness's Signature] [Witness's Printed Name] [Witness's Address] [Date]。



20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX中英文版协议结束契约书(2024年度)版B版本合同目录一览1. 协议概述1.1 协议类型1.2 协议双方1.3 协议日期与有效期2. 契约解除条件2.1 解除权的一般规定2.2 双方协商解除2.3 一方违约导致的解除2.4 不可抗力导致的解除3. 解除程序3.1 发起解除通知3.2 解除通知的接收与确认3.3 解除后的权利与义务处理4. 解除后的权益处理4.1 财产分割4.2 债务处理4.3 知识产权归属5. 补偿与赔偿5.1 解除协议的补偿5.2 违约赔偿5.3 赔偿金额的计算方法6. 保密协议6.1 保密信息的定义6.2 保密义务的履行6.3 保密信息的例外7. 争议解决7.1 争议解决方式7.2 仲裁机构7.3 法律适用8. 法律效力8.1 协议的成立与生效8.2 协议的变更与解除8.3 协议的终止与失效9. 合同附件9.1 附件列表9.2 附件内容的解释权10. 其他条款10.1 不可抗力10.2 合同的转让10.3 合同的终止11. 双方签字盖章11.1 签字盖章的程序11.2 签字盖章的有效性12. 语言与版本12.1 语言12.2 版本更新与替换13. 合同的生效条件13.1 生效条件的内容13.2 生效条件的满足14. 补充条款14.1 补充协议的制定14.2 补充协议的生效第一部分:合同如下:1. 协议概述1.1 协议类型本协议为中英文版协议结束契约书(2024年度)版B版,是双方根据平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则,经过友好协商达成的。

1.2 协议双方协议甲方:(甲方全称),地址:(甲方地址),法定代表人:(甲方法定代表人),联系方式:(甲方联系方式)。


1.3 协议日期与有效期本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为2024年1月1日至2024年12月31日。



20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年国际离婚合同范本:自愿解除跨国婚姻版本合同目录一览1. 定义与解释1.1 合同主体1.2 合同条款1.3 专业术语2. 婚姻的自愿解除2.1 双方共识2.2 解除条件2.3 解除时间3. 财产分割3.1 财产清单3.2 财产分配3.3 财产分割的执行4. 子女抚养权4.1 子女的监护权4.2 子女的探视权4.3 子女的抚养费用5. 赡养费5.1 赡养费的支付5.2 赡养费的调整5.3 赡养费的终止6. 税务责任6.1 税收合规6.2 税收承担6.3 税务申报7. 保密协议7.1 保密内容7.2 保密期限7.3 违反保密协议的后果8. 法律适用与争议解决8.1 法律适用8.2 争议解决方式8.3 仲裁地点与机构9. 合同的生效、修改与终止9.1 合同生效条件9.2 合同的修改9.3 合同的终止10. 合同的履行与监督10.1 履行义务10.2 监督与检查10.3 违约责任11. 合同的解除与终止后果11.1 合同解除的条件11.2 合同终止后果11.3 解除或终止合同的程序12. 合同的转让12.1 转让条件12.2 转让程序12.3 转让的限制13. 合同的附件13.1 附件清单13.2 附件的有效性13.3 附件的修改与补充14. 其他条款14.1 通知与送达14.2 合同的完整性与独立性14.3 合同的适用范围第一部分:合同如下:1. 定义与解释1.1 合同主体1.2 合同条款本合同内容包括但不限于:婚姻的自愿解除、财产分割、子女抚养权、赡养费、税务责任、保密协议、法律适用与争议解决、合同的生效、修改与终止、合同的履行与监督、合同的解除与终止后果、合同的转让、合同的附件以及其他条款。

1.3 专业术语本合同中下列专业术语的含义如下:跨国婚姻:指双方或一方为不同国家公民的婚姻。




‎‎‎‎离婚公证书‎英文篇一‎:‎离婚公证书‎英文翻译模‎版 Not‎a riza‎t ion ‎o f Di‎v orce‎[20X‎X] XX‎X Zhe‎n g Zi‎No.X‎X Thi‎s is ‎t o ce‎r tify‎that‎XXX[‎男方姓名]‎(male‎, bor‎n on ‎X XX,1‎9XX[出‎生日期])‎and ‎X XX[女‎方姓名](‎f emal‎e, bo‎r n on‎XXX,‎19XX[‎出生日期]‎) reg‎i ster‎e d de‎v orce‎onX‎X X XX‎,20XX‎[离婚日期‎] at ‎t he C‎i vil ‎A ffai‎r s Bu‎r eau ‎o f XX‎X XX[县‎名], X‎X XX[省‎名] Pr‎o vinc‎e. No‎t ary:‎XXX ‎N otar‎y Pub‎l ic O‎f fice‎XXX ‎P rovi‎n ce T‎h e Pe‎o ple’‎s Rep‎u blic‎ofC‎h ina ‎X XXX ‎X X,20‎X X[公证‎日期]篇二‎:‎英语模板‎离婚协议书‎公证书 N‎O TARI‎A L CE‎R TIFI‎C ATE ‎(***)‎*** ‎Z heng‎Zi, ‎N o.**‎* App‎l ican‎t: **‎*, fe‎m ale,‎born‎on *‎**, c‎i tize‎n’s i‎d enti‎t y ca‎r d No‎.: **‎*, li‎v ing ‎a t **‎* Vil‎l age,‎***T‎o wnsh‎i p, *‎** Co‎u nty,‎*** ‎P rovi‎n ce I‎s sue ‎u nder‎nota‎r izat‎i on: ‎D IVOR‎C E AG‎R EEME‎N T Th‎i s is‎to c‎e rtif‎y tha‎t the‎fore‎g oing‎copy‎ofD‎I VORC‎E AGR‎E EMEN‎T iss‎u ed t‎o ***‎by M‎a rria‎g e Re‎g istr‎y of ‎P eopl‎e’sG‎o vern‎m ent ‎o f **‎* on‎*** ‎c onfo‎r ms t‎o the‎orig‎i nal,‎and ‎t hat ‎t he o‎r igin‎a l do‎c umen‎tis ‎a uthe‎n tic.‎Nota‎r y Pu‎b lic ‎O ffic‎e, **‎* Cou‎n ty, ‎*** P‎r ovin‎c e Th‎e Peo‎p le’s‎Repu‎b lic ‎o f Ch‎i na N‎o tary‎Publ‎i c: *‎** **‎*篇三:‎公证‎书离婚协议‎书样板公‎证书‎(2017‎)×证字第‎××号申‎请人:‎ ×××‎,男,一九‎××年××‎月××日出‎生,现住×‎×省×××‎县××乡×‎×××××‎宿舍,公民‎身份号码:‎×‎×××××‎×××。



20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年离婚协议书(跨国版)本合同目录一览第一条:定义与解释1.1 双方当事人1.2 子女1.3 财产1.4 财务支持1.5 离婚原因第二条:子女抚养权与探视权2.1 子女抚养权2.2 探视权2.3 子女教育与费用第三条:财产分割3.1 共同财产的定义3.2 财产分割原则3.3 个人财产的处理3.4 财产转移与过户第四条:财务支持4.1 生活费用的支付4.2 子女抚养费的支付4.3 财务支持的时间与方式第五条:离婚后的生活安排5.1 居住安排5.2 个人物品的处理5.3 社交与朋友圈的维护第六条:违约责任6.1 违反合同条款的后果6.2 违约方的赔偿责任第七条:争议解决7.1 争议解决的途径7.2 仲裁或诉讼的选择7.3 仲裁或诉讼的地点与法律适用第八条:法律效力8.1 合同的生效条件8.2 合同的终止条件8.3 合同的修改与补充第九条:保密条款9.1 保密内容的定义9.2 保密义务的履行9.3 保密泄露的后果第十条:第三方受益人10.1 第三方受益人的定义10.2 第三方受益人的权益10.3 第三方受益人的义务第十一条:合同的解除与终止11.1 合同解除的条件11.2 合同终止的条件11.3 合同解除与终止的后果第十二条:适用法律与管辖12.1 合同适用的法律12.2 合同争议解决的管辖12.3 合同的履行地与签署地第十三条:合同的签署与副本13.1 合同的签署方式13.2 合同副本的分发与保存13.3 合同的修改与补充需双方签署第十四条:其他条款14.1 合同的完整性与互斥性14.2 合同的公示与通知义务14.3 合同的继承与转让第一部分:合同如下:第一条:定义与解释1.1 双方当事人1.2 子女本合同所涉及的子女为:(子女姓名、出生日期等信息)1.3 财产双方确认,本合同所指的财产包括但不限于:房产、车辆、股票、债券、存款、投资、保险以及双方共同拥有的其他财产。




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二、声明与承诺1. 双方确认已充分了解离婚可能带来的法律后果及影响。

2. 双方已就子女抚养、财产分割等事宜达成共识。

3. 双方承诺在签订本协议后,严格遵守协议内容,共同维护协议的执行。

三、子女抚养安排1. 子女归属:双方共同拥有子女的抚养权,共同承担抚养子女的责任和义务。

2. 抚养方式:双方协商确定,根据子女意愿和实际需要,合理安排居住和生活环境。

3. 教育与医疗:双方共同承担子女的教育费用和医疗费用。

4. 探视权:在不影响子女正常生活和学习的情况下,双方均有权探视子女。

四、财产分割1. 房产:位于____________的房产,产权归_______所有,另一方享有居住权。

2. 存款:双方确认的存款总额为______元,其中______%归______所有,______%归______所有。

3. 车辆:双方共同所有的车辆,归______所有,另一方给予适当补偿。

4. 其他财产:其他共同财产按照双方协商进行分割。

五、债权债务处理1. 双方在婚姻关系期间共同承担的债务,由双方共同承担并负责清偿。

2. 双方在婚姻关系期间产生的债权,由双方共同享有。

3. 离婚后产生的债权债务与对方无关。


七、违约责任及法律适用1. 若一方违反本协议的任何条款,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此造成的损失。

2. 本协议的签订、履行、解释及争议解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。

八、争议解决1. 双方在履行本协议过程中发生争议,应首先通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,可提交仲裁或诉讼解决。

2. 仲裁或诉讼地点为______(约定地点)。















协议人:_____ 协议人:_____ ____年月____月____日2024年最新简单版离婚协议书标准范本(二)男方:_____ 年龄:_____ 民族:_____ 身份证号码:_____住址:____省____市____小区____栋____单元____室。

女方:_____ 年龄:_____ 民族:_____ 身份证号码:_____住址:____省____市____小区____栋____单元____室。





二、财产分割1. 房产:(1)甲乙双方共同所有的位于____________的房产,产权证号为____________,离婚后该房产归甲方所有,乙方放弃产权。



2. 车辆:(1)甲乙双方共同所有的车牌号为____________的车辆,离婚后该车辆归乙方所有,甲方放弃车辆所有权。


3. 存款、股票、债券等财产:甲乙双方共同所有的存款、股票、债券等财产,按照以下比例分割:甲方____%,乙方____%。




四、债权债务处理1. 甲乙双方确认婚姻关系存续期间无共同债务。


2. 若甲乙双方有共同债权,债权归甲方所有,甲方支付乙方相应的债权金额。

五、其他事项1. 甲乙双方应相互尊重,不得侵犯对方的人身权利、财产权利及其他合法权益。

2. 离婚后,甲乙双方不得无故干扰对方的生活和工作。

3. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。


4. 若本协议在履行过程中发生争议,双方应首先友好协商解决;协商不成,可提交有管辖权的人民法院诉讼解决。



离婚协议书(英文版)Divorce AgreementThis document is a legally binding agreement between [Husband's Full Name] and [Wife's Full Name], hereinafter referred to as "Parties," who are entering into this agreement to dissolve their marital relationship, which was legally established on [Date of Marriage].1. Property Division:The Parties agree to divide their marital property as follows: - [Description of Property] shall be transferred to[Husband/Wife], free and clear of any encumbrances.- [Description of Property] shall be sold, and the proceeds divided equally between the Parties.- All personal property shall be divided according to an attached list of personal belongings.2. Debts and Liabilities:- [Husband/Wife] shall be responsible for the payment of [specific debts] incurred during the marriage.- Both Parties agree to jointly pay off any remaining debts and divide the responsibility according to the attached schedule.3. Child Custody and Support:- The Parties agree that [Child's Name], born on [Date of Birth], shall reside primarily with [Husband/Wife], withvisitation rights granted to the other Party as outlined in the attached visitation schedule.- [Husband/Wife] shall pay child support in the amount of [Amount] per month until the child reaches the age of [Age].4. Spousal Support:- [Husband/Wife] shall pay spousal support to the other Party in the amount of [Amount] per month for a period of [Duration].5. Alimony:- There is no alimony to be paid by either Party.6. Retirement Accounts:- The retirement accounts shall be divided equally, with each Party receiving [Percentage] of the total value.7. Insurance and Health Care:- [Husband/Wife] shall maintain health insurance coverage for [Child's Name] until the child reaches the age of majority or is no longer eligible for coverage.8. Taxes:- The Parties shall file their taxes separately for the year following the date of this agreement. Each Party shall be responsible for their respective tax liabilities.9. Attorney Fees:- Each Party shall be responsible for their own attorney fees and costs associated with this divorce.10. Effective Date:- This agreement shall be effective as of [Effective Date].11. Governing Law:- This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the stateof [State].12. Entire Agreement:- This agreement represents the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, or agreements, whether oral or written.13. Modification:- This agreement may be modified only in writing and signedby both Parties.14. Execution:- This agreement is executed in duplicate originals, each of which shall be deemed an original.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed thisDivorce Agreement as of the date first above written. [Husband's Signature] [Wife's Signature][Husband's Printed Name] [Wife's Printed Name][Date] [Date]Please note that this is a template and should be reviewedand customized by a legal professional to ensure it meets the specific needs and legal requirements of the Parties involved.。



离婚协议书范本(2024年版)5篇篇1甲方(男方):__________________ 身份证号:_____________________________乙方(女方):__________________ 身份证号:_____________________________鉴于甲乙双方因个人原因,经友好协商,就离婚事宜达成如下协议:一、协议目的双方自愿解除婚姻关系,经过友好协商,达成以下协议条款,以明确双方在离婚过程中的权利和义务。

二、财产分割1. 房产:(1)夫妻共有的房产(地址:__________________),离婚后归甲方所有。



2. 车辆:(1)夫妻共有的车辆(车牌号:______________),离婚后归乙方所有。



3. 存款、股票、债券等财产:(1)夫妻关系存续期间共同财产存款、股票、债券等,离婚后由双方平均分配。


三、抚养子女责任1. 子女抚养:双方共同生育的子女______由______方抚养。


2. 抚养费:抚养方负责子女的生活费、教育费、医疗费等费用,具体金额和支付方式由双方另行协商确定。

四、债权与债务1. 双方确认在婚姻关系存续期间无共同债务,各自名下的债务由各自承担。

2. 若因婚姻关系产生的债权,离婚后由双方共同享有。

五、其他事项1. 双方在离婚后,应相互尊重,不得有任何形式的恶意攻击行为。

2. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。


3. 本协议未尽事宜,由双方协商解决。


4. 本协议内容应真实、合法、有效,如有虚假情况,由虚假方承担法律责任。






二、财产分割1. 房产:双方共同所有的房产位于【房产地址】,房产归乙方所有,甲方放弃产权。


2. 车辆:双方共同所有的车辆归甲方所有,甲方支付乙方【金额】作为补偿。


3. 存款及现金:双方共同存款及现金按以下比例分割:【分割比例】。

4. 其他财产:双方其他共同财产(包括但不限于股票、基金等)按以下方式分割:【分割方式】。

三、子女抚养1. 子女姓名:【子女姓名】,由乙方抚养。


2. 双方共同为子女提供良好的成长环境,确保子女在成长过程中得到足够的关爱与陪伴。

四、债务处理1. 双方在婚姻关系期间共同承担的债务,由双方共同承担并负责偿还。

2. 离婚后,各自名下因个人原因所产生的债务,由各自独立承担。

五、法律责任与义务1. 双方应遵守本协议内容,如有违约,应承担相应的法律责任。

2. 离婚后,双方不得侵犯对方的合法权益,包括但不限于人身权利、财产权利等。

3. 双方应互相尊重,友好协商解决与子女相关的问题。


六、其他事项1. 离婚证书颁发后,本协议立即生效。


2. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。



3. 本协议自签署之日起,双方对此协议内容予以认可,并承诺遵守协议内容,履行相关义务。



2024最新版离婚协议书8篇篇1离婚协议书甲方(男方):__________________ 身份证号:_____________________________乙方(女方):__________________ 身份证号:_____________________________鉴于甲乙双方因个人原因,经友好协商,在平等、自愿的基础上,就解除婚姻关系及相关事宜达成如下协议:一、协议目的甲乙双方同意解除婚姻关系,本着友好、公正、平等的原则,共同协商并签署本协议。

二、财产分割1. 房产:位于__________________的房产(房产证号:____________)归乙方所有。


2. 车辆:登记在甲方名下的车辆(车牌号:____________)归甲方所有。


3. 存款:甲乙双方共同确认,婚姻关系期间的所有存款、理财产品等财产,按照各自名下的金额归各自所有。

4. 其他财产:甲乙双方共同确认,婚姻关系期间的其他财产,按照实际情况进行分割。




四、债权与债务1. 债权:甲乙双方共同确认,婚姻关系期间所产生的债权,按照实际情况进行分割。

2. 债务:甲乙双方共同确认,婚姻关系期间所产生的债务,由双方共同承担。


五、其他事项1. 甲乙双方同意,本协议签署后,不得反悔或提出异议。


2. 本协议的修改、补充,应由双方协商一致并以书面形式进行。

3. 本协议自双方签字之日起生效,具有法律效力。

4. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。





二、财产分割1. 房产分割:位于__________的房产,产权归_____所有;位于__________的房产,产权归_____所有。


2. 车辆分割:车牌号为_______的车辆归_____所有;车牌号为_______的车辆归_____所有。


3. 存款分割:双方确认在婚姻关系存续期间无共同存款。


4. 其他财产分割:包括但不限于股票、基金等投资,以及其他动产和不动产,双方应按照婚前个人财产和婚后共同财产的原则进行分割。




四、债权债务处理1. 双方在婚姻关系存续期间产生的共同债务,如银行贷款、借款等,双方应共同承担还款责任。



Divorce AgreementThis Divorce Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into on [Date] by and between [Full Name of Party 1] ("Spouse A") and [Full Name of Party 2] ("Spouse B"). Collectively referred to as the "Parties," this Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which the Parties agree to dissolve their marriage.1. Basic InformationMarriage Date: [Date of Marriage]Separation Date: [Date of Separation]Children: List names and dates of birth of any children from the marriage (if applicable).2. Purpose of AgreementThis Agreement is intended to outline the Parties' rights and responsibilities related to:Division of property and debtsChild custody and visitation (if applicable)Child support (if applicable)Spousal support (alimony)Any other relevant mattersThe Parties agree to fully abide by this Agreement upon approval by the court.3. Division of Marital PropertyReal Property: [Specify all real estate properties, including addresses. Indicate whether the property will be retained by one Party or sold, with the proceeds divided as specified.]Personal Property: [List major personal properties such as vehicles, furniture, and significant assets. Specify which Party will retain each item or how proceeds will be divided.]Bank Accounts: [List all shared and individual bank accounts. Specify division of funds.]Retirement Accounts: [Specify division of retirement funds and accounts, including IRAs, pensions, 401(k)s, etc.]Other Assets: [Include any additional assets such as investments, stocks, and bonds. Specify division of each.]4. Division of Marital DebtsMortgage: [Specify responsibility for mortgage payments or sale of property to clear debt.] Loans: [Specify any outstanding loans and allocation of responsibility for repayment.]Credit Card Debt: [Allocate responsibility for payment of shared or individual credit card debt.] Other Debts: [List any other marital debts and division terms.]5. Child Custody and Visitation (if applicable)Legal Custody: [Specify which Party has legal custody or if custody is shared.]Physical Custody: [Specify who has physical custody or if joint physical custody is agreed upon.] Visitation Rights: [Detail visitation schedules, including weekdays, weekends, holidays, and vacations.]Parental Responsibilities: [Define any specific responsibilities for the care, upbringing, or education of children.]6. Child Support (if applicable)Monthly Payment: [Specify the monthly child support payment amount and which Party is responsible for payment.]Payment Due Date: [Specify due date for each payment and any payment methods or account details.]Duration: [State how long child support payments will continue, typically until the child reaches the age of majority or as otherwise specified by law.]Additional Expenses: [Specify responsibility for other expenses such as medical, educational, or extracurricular costs.]7. Spousal Support (Alimony)Amount and Frequency: [Specify alimony payment amount and payment schedule.]Duration of Payments: [Specify period for which alimony is to be paid.]Termination of Support: [List conditions that will terminate spousal support, such as remarriage, cohabitation, or other specified events.]8. TaxesFiling Status for Current Year: [Specify how the Parties will file taxes for the year of divorce.] Dependency Exemptions: [Specify who will claim children, if any, as dependents for tax purposes.]9. Waiver of Future ClaimsEach Party waives any right to future claims on the other’s property or income, except as specified within this Agreement.10. Miscellaneous ProvisionsEntire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the Parties regarding their divorce, and any prior agreements or understandings are merged into this document. Amendments: Any changes to this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by both Parties.Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable, all other provisions remain effective.Governing Law: This Agreement is governed by the laws of [State/Country].Attorney Fees: Each Party shall bear their own attorney fees unless otherwise specified.Date and Signatures: Each Party acknowledges that they have read and understand the terms of this Agreement and are signing it voluntarily.11. SignaturesSpouse A:---SignatureDate: ____________Spouse B:---SignatureDate: ____________---This Agreement should be reviewed and modified according to the laws of your jurisdiction.1离婚协议书使用说明1. 目的本离婚协议书旨在明确双方在婚姻关系结束后各自的权利和责任。



20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX本合同目录一览第一条:协议概述1.1:双方当事人1.2:离婚原因1.3:离婚方式第二条:财产分割2.1:共同财产清单2.2:财产分配原则2.3:房产分配2.4:车辆分配2.5:存款及金融资产分配2.6:债权债务处理2.7:其他财产处理第三条:子女抚养3.1:子女基本情况3.2:抚养权归属3.3:抚养费支付3.4:探望权行使3.5:教育及医疗事项3.6:其他子女相关事项第四条:赡养义务4.1:赡养父母的义务4.2:赡养费支付4.3:父母的医疗费用承担4.4:其他赡养相关事项第五条:生活费用5.1:生活费用的承担5.2:生活费用的支付方式5.3:生活费用的调整5.4:其他生活费用相关事项第六条:双方的权利与义务6.1:双方的权利6.2:双方的责任与义务6.3:违约责任第七条:争议解决7.1:争议解决方式7.2:仲裁机构7.3:诉讼管辖第八条:合同的生效与终止8.1:合同生效条件8.2:合同终止条件8.3:合同终止后的相关规定第九条:合同的修订与补充9.1:合同的修订9.2:合同的补充第十条:保密条款10.1:保密内容10.2:保密期限10.3:违约泄密的责任第十一条:法律适用11.1:合同适用的法律11.2:法律冲突解决第十二条:合同的解释12.1:合同条款的解释12.2:合同争议的解释第十三条:附件13.1:附件清单13.2:附件的有效性第十四条:其他事项14.1:合同的签署地点和日期14.2:合同的副本数量14.3:合同的传递方式第一部分:合同如下:第一条:协议概述1.1:双方当事人甲乙双方自愿签订本离婚协议,甲乙双方的基本情况如下:甲方姓名:_______,性别:_______,身份证号码:_______,住址:_______;乙方姓名:_______,性别:_______,身份证号码:_______,住址:_______。



英文离婚协议书(2024版)English Divorce Agreement (2024 Edition)Agreement Number: _________Husband (hereinafter referred to as "Party A"):Name: ___________________________Address: ___________________________Contact Number: ________________Wife (hereinafter referred to as "Party B"):Name: ___________________________Address: ___________________________Contact Number: ________________Considering that Party A and Party B were legally married on_______ and now, by mutual consent, have decided to end their marriage, they agree to the following terms and conditions:Article 1: Voluntary Divorce1.1 Both parties agree to the dissolution of their marriage and acknowledge that this agreement is made voluntarily without coercion.Article 2: Marital Property Division2.1 The parties agree that marital property shall be divided as follows:Real Estate: The property located at _______ shall be transferred to _______.Vehicles: The vehicle(s) registered in the name of _______ shall be transferred to _______.Bank Accounts: The account(s) under _______ shall be the sole property of _______.Article 3: Child Custody and Support3.1 The parties have _______ child/children, named _______.3.2 Custody of the child/children shall be awarded to _______.3.3 The non-custodial parent shall pay child support in the amount of _______ per month until the child/children reach the age of _______ or become self-supporting.Article 4: Spousal Support4.1 _______ shall pay spousal support to _______ in the amount of _______ per month for a period of _______ years.Article 5: Debt Responsibility5.1 The parties shall be responsible for the following debts:Joint Credit Card Debt: _______ shall be responsible for paying_______.Mortgage: _______ shall be responsible for the mortgage payments on the property located at _______.Article 6: Personal Property6.1 Each party shall retain their personal property, including but not limited to clothing, jewelry, and personal effects.Article 7: Retirement Accounts and Benefits7.1 Each party shall retain their own retirement accounts and benefits, including pensions, 401(k)s, and IRAs.Article 8: Tax Filing8.1 The parties agree to file their taxes separately for the year_______ and all subsequent years.Article 9: Legal Fees and Costs9.1 Each party shall be responsible for their own legal fees and costs associated with the divorce proceedings.Article 10: Confidentiality10.1 Both parties agree to keep the terms of this agreement confidential and not disclose them to third parties without the written consent of both parties.Article 11: Mutual Release11.1 Each party releases the other from any and all claims, demands, and actions that they may have against each other as of the date of this agreement.Article 12: Entire Agreement12.1 This agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements.Article 13: Governing Law13.1 This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction where the marriage took place.Article 14: Execution14.1 This agreement is executed in _______ originals, each of which shall be a duplicate of the other.Party A (Signature): ___________________________Date: _______ Year _______ Month _______ DayParty B (Signature): ___________________________Date: _______ Year _______ Month _______ Day(End of the first half of the Divorce Agreement. The second halfwill be provided upon request.)(Note: The above is the first part of the English Divorce Agreement, and the second part will be continued in the next inquiry.)Article 15: Modification and Waiver15.1 This agreement may be modified only by a written instrument executed by both parties. No waiver of any provision of this agreementshall be effective unless in writing and signed by the party against whom the waiver is sought to be enforced.Article 16: Severability16.1 If any provision of this agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck, and the remaining provisions shall be enforced.Article 17: Notices17.1 All notices, requests, demands, and other communications shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when delivered personally or by email to the last known address or email address of the parties.Article 18: Counterparts18.1 This agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.Article 19: Independent Contractors19.1 Each party is an independent contractor and nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to create a partnership, agency, or joint venture between the parties.Article 20: Successors and Assigns20.1 This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns.Attachments and Supplementary ExplanationsI. Attachment List:Attachment A: List of marital assets and their division.Attachment B: Child custody and visitation schedule.Attachment C: Payment plan for spousal and child support.Attachment D: Acknowledgment of mutual release signed by both parties.II. Breach of Contract and Determination:Failure to pay spousal or child support as stipulated.Non-compliance with the agreed-upon division of assets.Unauthorized disclosure of the agreement's terms.Attempt to modify the agreement without mutual consent.III. Legal Terms and Definitions:Divorce: The legal dissolution of a marriage by a court.Child Support: Regular payments made by a non-custodial parent to contribute to the upbringing of a child.Spousal Support: Financial support paid by one spouse to the other before or after divorce.IV. Issues Encountered During Execution and Solutions:Dispute over asset division: Engage a neutral financial advisor to assist in fair distribution.Custody disagreements: Mediation or counseling may help in determining the best interests of the child.Non-payment of support: Legal action may be necessary to enforce payment terms.Enforcement of the agreement: Seek legal counsel to ensure the agreement's terms are upheld.V. All Application Scenarios:Uncontested divorces where both parties agree to terms.Contested divorces requiring legal intervention for asset division or custody arrangements.International divorces involving parties from different jurisdictions.High-asset divorces requiring complex financial negotiations.Divorces involving business interests or significant property holdings.(End of the Divorce Agreement and supplementary explanations.)。

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Divorce agreement
The agreement were: A, M, year month date of birth, Han nationality, live in city, No. Lu.
Agreement Person: Mr. Wang, female, year month date of birth, Han nationality, live in city, House Lu
An agreement of the parties in the day of the District People's Government for marriage registration. Personality is not suited for the two sides could not live together, marital relations have broken down, divorce is now two sides to reach an agreement as follows:
1, Zhang and Wang, divorce.
2, the son Zhang from the woman's care, the men who pay a monthly maintenance fee 500 yuan paid before the 10th of each month; up to 18 years of age pay only 18 years after the two sides in future renegotiation of the cost.
3, couples are located in the road of building a set of numbers, worth 60,000 yuan, is now owned by the woman in consultation of all, the man from the woman a one-time payment of 30,000 yuan in cash. Room of the home appliances and furniture, etc. (see list), both sides agreed price is 20,000 yuan, all owned by the woman, the man paid 10,000 yuan female direction.
4, husband and wife without the common claims and liabilities.
5, Zhang can be the first Saturday of each month 8:00 am picked her son up to their place of residence, on Sunday morning, 9:00 back to Wang, place of residence, such as temporary or Spring Festival to visit can be one day in advance in consultation with Mr. Wang and reach agreed consultative approach can be carried out after the visit.
Triple copies of this Agreement, a style, both sides armed with a copy of the marriage registration office filed a copy of both sides signed and approved by the。
