孙伟老师全国职称英语神表word版 2014版


2014年全国职称英语考试 理工类A级 阅读理解 孙伟老师预测讲义

2014年全国职称英语考试  理工类A级 阅读理解 孙伟老师预测讲义


Opportunities are only for the prepared person.理工阅读押题共2篇文章第三十四篇Batteries Built by Viruses第四十八篇Researchers Discover Why Humans BeganWalking Upright研究人员发现人类开始直立行走的原因Most of us walk and carry items in our hands every day. These are seemingly simple activities that the majority of us don't question.But an international team of researchers, including Dr. Richmond from GW's Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, have discovered that human walking upright , may have originated millions of years ago as an adaptation源于to carrying 搬运scarce稀有的, high-quality高质量的resources资源. The team of researchers from the U. S., England, Japan and Portugal investigated the behavior of modern-day chimpanzees as they competed for food resources, in an effort to understand what ecological settings would lead a large ape - one that resembles the 6 million-year old ancestor we shared in common with living chimpanzees - to walk on two legs.我们大多数人每天都走路而且手里搬着东西。



2014年职称英语(理工类)考试辅导课程讲义目录第一部分了解职称英语 (3)一、概述 (3)二、评价目标 (3)三、考试内容与试卷结构 (5)四、命题原则 (6)五、答题及计分方法 (7)第二部分答题技巧 (8)一、词汇选项 (8)二、阅读判断 (10)三、概况大意与完成句子 (10)四、阅读理解 (12)五、补全短文 (13)六、完形填空 (13)第三部分 2013年新增文章 (15)2013年职称英语理工类新增文章篇目(ABC类) (15)阅读理解新增文章 (17)第十一篇 (17)第十九篇 (19)+第四十八篇 (22)完形填空新增文章 (25)第三篇 (25)第八篇 (28)+第十三篇 (31)第四部分 2013年真题 (36)2013年职业英语(理工类)A级考试真题 (37)2013年职业英语(理工类)B级考试真题 (55)2013年职业英语(理工类)C级考试真题 (70)第一部分 了解职称英语一、概述总述:全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试是由人事部组织实施的一项国家级外语考试。




等级总分:100分 考试时间:120分钟注:参加考试的考生允许带一本普通的英语字典进入考场。

建议参加C 级和B 级考试的考生可以使用《牛津英汉双解词典(中级)》,参加A 级考试的考生适用《牛津英汉双解词典(高级)》,还可以同时考虑准备一本《牛津英语同义词词典》。

二、评价目标总目标:要求: (一)词汇量注:可以主要掌握2000个左右的核心单词和短语结构。





第八篇 What Is a Dream?For centuries, people have wondered about thestrange things that they dream about. Some psychologists say that thisnighttime activity of the mind has no special meaning. Others,however,think that dreams are an importantpart of our lives. In fact, many experts believe that dreams can tell us abouta person‟s mind and emotions.Before modern times, many people thought thatdreams contained messages from God. It was only in the twentieth century thatpeople started to study dreams in a scientific way.The Austrian psychologist, Sigmund Freud1,was probably the first person tostudy dreams scientifically. In his famous book, The interpretation of Dreams (1900), Freud wrote that dreams are anexpression of a person‟s wishes. He believed that dreams allow people toexpress the feelings, thoughts, and fears that they are afraid to express inreal life.The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung2wasonce a student of Freud‟s. Jung,however,had a different idea about dreams. Jung believed that the purpose ofa dream was to communicate a message to the dreamer. He thought people couldlearn more about themselves by thinking about their dreams. For example, peoplewho dream about falling may learn that they have too high an opinion ofthemselves. On the other hand, people who dream about being heroes may learnthat they think too little of themselves.Modern-day psychologists continue to developtheories about dreams. For example, psychologist William Domhoff from theUniversity of California, Santa Cruz,believes that dreams are tightly linked to a person‟s daily life,thoughts, and behavior. A criminal, for example, might dream about crime.Domhoff believes that there is a connectionbetween dreams and age. His research shows that children do not dream as muchas adults. According to Domhoff, dreaming is a mental skill that needs time todevelop.He has also found a link between dreams andgender. His studies show that the dreams of men and women are different. Forexample, the people in men‟s dreams are often other men, and the dreams ofteninvolve fighting. This is not true of women‟s dreams.3 Domhoff found thisgender difference in the dreams of people from 11 cultures around the world,including both modern and traditional ones.Can dreams help us understand ourselves?Psychologists continue to try to answer this question in different ways.However, one thing they agree on this: If you dream that something terrible isgoing to occur, you shouldn‟t panic. The dream may have meaning, but it doesnot mean that someter rible event will actually take place. It‟s important toremember that the world of dreams is not the real world.词汇:psychologist/ saɪˈkɔlədʒɪst / n.心理学家psychiatrist/sai' kaiətrɪst/ n.精神病学家(医生)Austrian/ ˈɔstrɪən / adj.奥地利的gender/ ˈdʒendə / n.性别注释:1.Sigmund Freud西格蒙德•弗洛伊德(1856—1939),犹太人,奥地利精神病医生及精神分析学家。

2014年全国职称英语考试 理工类C级 阅读理解押题 孙伟

2014年全国职称英语考试  理工类C级 阅读理解押题 孙伟


Opportunities are only for the prepared person.理工c阅读押题共2篇文章第十一篇When our Eyes Serve our Stomach已考过第十九篇Musical Robot Companion Enhances Listener Experience第十九篇Musical Robot Companion Enhances Listener Experience理工阅读C音乐机器人伴侣提升音乐欣赏体验Shimi,a musical companion developed by Georgia Tech's Center for Music Technology,recommends songs,dances to the beat and keeps the music pumping based on listener feedback.The smartphone-enableds,one-foot-tall robot is billed as an interactive"musical friend".Shimi是由佐治亚理工大学音乐技术中心研发的一款音乐伴侣。



"Shimi is designed to change the way that people enjoy and think about their music,"said Professor Gil Weinberg,the robot's creator.He will unveil the robot at the June27th Google I/O conference in San Francisco.A band of three Shimi robots will perform for guests,dancing in sync with music created in the lab and composed according to its movements.Gil Weinberg教授是该机器人的发明者,他解释说:"Shimi设计的宗旨是改变人们欣赏音乐、认识音乐的方式。



第一篇More Than 8 Hours Sleep Too Much of a Good Thing1Although the dangers of too little sleep are widely known, new research suggests that people who sleep too much may also suffer the consequences.2Investigators at the University of California in San Diego found that people who clock up1 9 or 10 hours each weeknight appear to have more trouble falling and staying asleep, as well as a number of other sleep problems, than people who sleep 8 hours a night People who slept only 7 hours each night also said they had more trouble falling asleep and feeling refreshed after a night‘s sleep than 8-hour sleepers.23These findings, which Dr Daniel Kripke reported in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine3, demonstrate that people who want to get a good ni ght‘s rest may not need to set aside4 more than 8 hours a night He added that ―it might be a good idea‖ for people who sleep more than 8 hours each night to consider reducing the amount of time they spend in bed, but cautioned that more research is needed to confirm this.4Previous studies have shown the potential dangers of chronic shortages of sleep — for instance, one report demonstrated that people who habitually sleep less than 7 hours each night have a higher risk of dying within a fixed period than people who sleep more.5For the current report, Kripke reviewed the responses of 1,004 adults to sleep questionnaires, in which participants indicated how much they slept during the week and whether they experienced any sleep problems Sleep problems included waking in the middle of the night, arising early in the morning and being unable to fall back to sleep, and having fatigue interfere with day-to- day functioning5.6Kripke found that people who slept between 9 and 10 hours each night were more likely to report experiencing each sleep problem than people who slept 8 hours In an interview, Kripke noted that long sleepers may struggle to get rest at night simply because they spend too much time in bed As evidence, he added that one way to help insomnia is to spend less time in bed―It stands to reason6 that if a person spends too long a time in bed, then they‘ll spend a higher percentage of time awake,‖ he said.词汇:refresh / r?‘fre?/ v.(使)精力恢复questionnaire / ,kwest??‘ne?(r)/ n.问卷psych osomatic / ,sa?k??s?‘m?t?k / adj.(指疾病)由精神压力引起的fatigue / f?‘ti:g / n.疲劳caution / ‘k?:??n/ v.警告insomnia / ?n‘s?mn??/ n.失眠habitually / h?‘b?tj??l?, - t??-/ adv.习惯地注释:1.clock up:时间达到2.they had more trouble falling asleep and feeling refr eshed after a night‘s sleep than 8-hour sleepers:falling和feeling都是说明trouble的。








阅读理解答题技巧:一、大标题做题法:1 凡是含有大标题或大标题中关键词的选项往往就是正确答案.2 该方法尤其适用于主旨题。

3 大标题中不认识的单词一定要查字典。

4 大标题中的名词动词和形容词最重要二﹑关键词回归定位法:这个方法把句子题变成了词汇题。







加引号的词 e. 名词、动词、副词和形容词(以及其短语) f。

当四个或三个选项中有一个共同的单词或短语时,用它优先定位 g. 如果题干以“why"提问,它的答案所在句或选项中应有“because”;如果题干以“how”提问,它的答案所在句或选项中应该以“by”连接的短语h. 例外原则:大标题中的词不能作为关键词;文章中多次出现的词不能作为关键词;疑问词不能作为关键词;专属于题干中的词不能作为关键词注意:含有but的句子往往是答案所在句;有findings的句子往往也是答案所在句;当A、B、C、D四个选项中都有可能是答案时,就回原文去对照,哪一个与原文相像,就选哪一个。

2014年全国职称英语考试 卫生类C级 阅读理解押题 孙伟

2014年全国职称英语考试 卫生类C级 阅读理解押题 孙伟


第16篇Eat to Live卫生C新增文章(押题)第25篇理工B第39篇综合A孙老师特别提示:卫生c今年阅读没有新增文章,押题也就变成了猜题,极不靠普,请大家做好无原题或押不中的准备!!!2013年卫生阅读押题情况没押中,但用神表解题非常简单共1篇文章第十六篇Eat to Live卫生C新增文章(押题)第13课(补充练习)阅读理解课文Late-night Drinking在专业第20课中已做讲评2013原卷模拟考试与讲评(1)机会只给有准备的人。

Opportunities are only for the prepared person.共1篇文章Eat to LiveA meager diet may give you health and long life,but it's not much fun—and it might not even be necessary.We may be able to hang on to most of that youthful vigor even if we don't start to diet until old age.Stephen Spindler and his colleagues from the University of California at Riverside have found that some of an elderly mouse's liver genes can be made to behave as they did when the mouse was young simply by limiting its food for four weeks.The genetic rejuvenation won't reverse other damage caused by time for the mouse,but could help its liver metabolize drugs or get rid of toxins.Spindler's team fed three mice a normal diet for their whole lives,and fed another three on half-rations.Three more mice were switched from the normal diet to half-feed for a month when they were34months old—equivalent to about70human years.The researchers checked the activity of11,000genes from the mouse livers,and found that46changed with age in the normally fed mice.The changes were associated with things like inflammation and free radical production—probably bad news for mouse health.In the mice that had dieted all their lives,27of those46genes continued to behave like young genes.But the most surprising finding was that the mice that only started dieting in old age also benefited from70per cent of these gene changes.“This is the first indication that thee effects kick in pretty quickly,”says Huber Warner from the National Institute on Aging near Washington,D.C.No one yet knows if calorie restriction works in people as it does in mice,bus Spindler is hopeful.“There's attracting and tempting evidence out there that it will work,”he says.If it does work in people,there might be good reasons for rejuvenating the liver.As we get older,out bodies are less efficient at metabolizing drugs,for example.A brief period of time of dieting,says Spindler,could be enough to make sure a drug is effective.But Spindler isn't sure the trade-off is worth it.“The mice get less disease,they live longer but they're hungry,”he says.“Even seeing what a diet does,it's still hard to go to a restaurant and say:'I can only eat half of that'.”Spindler hopes we soon won't need to diet at all.His company,Life Span Genetics in California,is looking for drugs that have the effects of calorie restriction.练习:1.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?A.Eating less than usual might make us live longer.B.If we go on a diet when old,we may keep healthy.C.Dieting might not be needed.D.We have to begin dieting from childhood.2.Why does the author mention an elderly mouse in paragraph2?A.To describe the influence of old age on mice.B.To illustrate the effect of meager food on mice.C.To tell us how mice's liver genes behave.D.To inform us of the process of metabolizing drugs.3.What can be inferred about completely normally fed mice mentioned in the passage?A.They will not experience free radical production.B.They will experience more genetic rejuvenation in their lifetime.C.They have more old liver genes to behave like young genes.D.They are more likely to suffer from inflammation.4.According to the author,which of the following most interested the researchers?A.The mice that started dieting in old age.B.27of those46old genes that continued to behave like young genes.C.Calorie restriction that works in people.D.Dieting that makes sure a drug is effective.5.According to the last two paragraphs,Spindler believes thatA.calorie restriction is very important to young peopleB.seeing the effect of a diet,people will eat less than normal.C.dieting is not a good method to give us health and long life.D.drugs do not have the effects of calorie restriction.Eat to Live为生存而食本文中心:A meager不足的diet节食A meager不足的diet节食may give you health and long life,but it’s not much fun娱乐—and it might not even be necessary.We may be able to hang on to保持住most of that youthful vigor活力even if we don’t start to diet until old age.很有可能也没必要。

2014年职称英语考试 综合类B级 阅读理解密押 字典版 【孙wei老师最新版】(可编辑)

2014年职称英语考试 综合类B级 阅读理解密押 字典版 【孙wei老师最新版】(可编辑)


Opportunities are only for the prepared person孙老师特别提示:押题变成了猜题,极不靠谱,请大家做好无原题或押不中的准备!!!阅读文章通常有二种性质:1、新出文章,通常比较规范,比较简单明了,容易得分。




综合阅读押题 2014共4篇文章第二十九篇 I'll?Be?Bach(综合B)2014 新增 26课讲过第十九篇 The Family(综合B)第二十篇 Tales 传说故事of the Terrible 可怕的Past(综合B)第二十六篇Seeing the World Centuries世纪 Ago(综合B)已考过第三十篇“Lucky” Lord Lucan伯爵 ----- Alive or Dead(综合B)阅读重点文章 2014共4篇文章I'll?Be?Bach (综合B) The Family(综合B) Tales 传说故事of the Terrible 可怕的Past(综合B)Seeing the World Centuries世纪 Ago(综合B)第二十九篇 I'll?Be?BachComposer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to develop the software. Now most people can't tell the difference between music by the famous German composer J. S. Bach 1685-1750 and the Bach-like compositions from Cope's computerIt all started in 1980 in the United States, when Cope was trying to write an opera. He was having trouble thinking of new melodies, so he wrote a computer program to create the melodies. At first this music was not easy to listen to. What did Cope do? He began to rethink how human beings compose music. He realized that composers' brains work like big databases. First, they take in all the music that they have ever heard. Then they take out the music that they dislike. Finally, they make new music from what is left. According to Cope, only the great composers are able to create the database accurately, remember it, and form new musical patterns from itCope built a huge database of existing music. He began with hundreds of works by Bach. The software analyzed the data: it broke it down into smaller pieces and looked for patterns. It then combined the pieces into new patterns. Before long, the program could compose short Bach-like works. They weren't good, butit was a startCope knew he had more work to do-he had a whole opera to write. He continued to improve the software. Soon it could analyze more. complex music. He also added many other composers, including his own work, to the database., A few years later, Cope's computer program, called "Emmy", was ready to help him with his opera. The process required a lot of collaboration between the composer and Emmy. Cope listened to the computer's musical ideas and used the ones that he liked. With Emmy, the opera took only two weeks to finish. It was called Cradle Falling, and it was a great success! Cope received some of the best reviews of his career, but no one knew exactly how he had composed the workSince that first opera, Emmy has written thousands of compositions. Cope still gives Emmy feedback on what he likes and doesn't like of her music, but she is doing most of the hard work of composing these days!注释:?1.//.h:约翰.塞巴斯蒂安.巴赫德语:Johann?Sebastian?Bach,1685年3月31日--1750年7月28日,巴洛克时期的德国作曲家,杰出的管风琴、小提琴、大键琴演奏家,同作曲家亨德尔和泰勒曼齐名。



孙老师职称英语神表附表1 阅读理解应试技巧阅读理解应试技巧一. 牢牢抓住英文写作的“三步曲”●中心●举例说明●作者观点或文章结论。

1.文章的中心思想—第一句2. 文章中具体细节(查细节)3. 作者观点或文章结论最后一句4. 对错选择5. 解释词义6. 提到未提到二.阅读理解解题程序1. 牢牢抓住中心——围着中心转2.不读文章,直接读问题—分类------------------------三.阅读理解测试要点擒贼先擒王1. 文章的中心思想——做所有题围着中心转提问中有---main---ly first paragraph第一段—第一句有but “……..”---- today this day so yet however therefore 在这些词后. 如果第一句是not 第二句是中心句。

第二段—第一句是but “…….”---- today this day so yet therefore …在这些词后2. 文章中具体细节(查细节)看不懂提问—就是查细节A ----------------- 解题要领1. 细节题一定要查不要读。

2. 从问题中确定关键词或从答案中即A、B、C、D 找到关键词。

(能否确定关键词是成败的重要因素—关键词可能是一个、两个甚至是三个)3. 用关键词在文章中按顺序找到问题的出处,可能是关键词的重复,以多个关键词的重复为准。

(有可能题干中的关键词和文章中的关键词会产生变化——即同意词,如“土豆”——“马玲薯”,“一碗豆腐”——“豆腐一碗”)4. 一旦确定关键词在文章的位置,注意周围中文注释,第一参考位是后面,第二参考位是前面,但一定要注意英文语言重心。

B ----------------- 查细节关键词的选择1.查细节--从题干中找到关键词是成败的重要一环(就象在百渡中搜索一样)2.查细节尽量避免用中心词,和常用词作为关键词3. 如答案A、B、C、D里有四个相同的词,便是关键词4. 一般发现A、B、C、D四个选项中,哪个选项出现中心词,一般该选项就是正确答案。

2014年全国职称英语考试 理工类完形填空 孙伟老师预测讲义

2014年全国职称英语考试  理工类完形填空 孙伟老师预测讲义


今年又十分奇怪,理b,综合ab都没有新增文章,会不会波及其它专业与级别谁也不敢说,勿请大家引起足够重视,加强解题技巧练习,这才是万无一失之路!!!完形填空押题注意事项1. 有可能文章题目改变,而文章不变。

2. 有可能15道题中部分选择完全或部分改变。

3. 有可能押不中,只有全选B或C,还能拿4分。




2.不要记选项中的单词, 而要记住全文。

例:Old And ActiveIt is well—known that life expectancy is longer in Japan than in most other countries. A recent report also shows that Japan has the longest health expectancy in the world.A healthy long life is the result of the improvement in social environment.Scientists are trying to work out exactly what keeps elderly Japanese people so healthy, and whether there is a lesson to be learnt from their lifestyles for the rest of us. Should we make any changes to our eating habits, for instance, or gojogging each day before breakfast? Is there some secret ingredient in the Japanese diet that is particularly beneficial to the human body?Another factor contributing to the rapid population aging in Japan is a decline in birthrate.Although longer life should be celebrated, it is actually considered a social problem.The number of older people had doubled in the last half century and that has increased pension and medical costs.The country could soon be facing an economic problem, if there are so many old people to be looked after and relatively few younger people working and paying taxes to support them.Raising the retirement age from 65 to 70 could be one solution to the problem. Work can give the elderly a sense of responsibility and mission in life. It’s important that the elderly play active roles in the society and live in harmony with all generations.2014年(理工)教材没有新增文章完形填空: 理工C级第一篇:Captain Cook Arrow Legend第二篇:Avalanche and Its Safety第三篇:Giant Structures(2013年已考)第四篇:Animal’s “Sixth Sense”第五篇:Singing Alarms Could Save the Blind完形填空: 理工B级*第六篇:Car Thieves Could Be Stopped Remotely*第七篇:An Intelligent Car*第八篇:Why India Needs Its Dying Vultures(2013年已考)*第九篇:Wonder Webs*第十篇:Chicken Soup for the Soul:Comfort Food Fights Loneliness完形填空: 理工A级+第十一篇:Climate Change Poses Major Risks for Unprepared Cities+第十二篇:Free Statins With Fast Food Could Neutralize Heart Risk+第十三篇:Better Solar Energy Systems: More Heat, More Light(2013年已考)+第十四篇:Sharks Perform a Service for Earth’s Waters+第十五篇:"Liquefaction" Key to Much of Japanese Earthquake Damage结论:综合abc除去年考过的,全部是重点文章!!!想办法记住!!!打死也要记住!!!孙老师特别提示:全程班的同学如果今年万一没过,请在2014年10月31日前办理免费重读。









第一课建立英文思维及应试简介不是因为有些事情难以做到,我们才失去自信,而是我们失去了自信,这些事情才难以做到!一. 了解英国人,了解英国人的思维方式,了解他们的语言。

了解英国人,了解英国人的思维方式,了解他们的语言Even if he is alone, An Englishman, forms(形成)an orderly queue of one.即使剩下一个人,英国人也整整齐齐地排成一队。

其实英语只有三种基本句型▲英文句子的三种基本模式1 主+系动词+表(表示状态)1 这个人是一个老师。

The man is a teacher.主语系表语主语系表语(名词)How are you?How old are you?2 这个人(是)很忙。

The man is busy.主语系表语主语系表语(形容词)3 这个人(是)在教室里。

The man is in the classroom.主语系表语主语系表语(介词短语)介词in on from around▲定语只修饰名词,不破坏句子的基本结构。



●The man is in the classroom on the second floor in the building in the schoolin BEIJING .那个人在北京市一所学校的大楼的二层的教室里。

2谓+主+状该句型通常用于表达某地存在某物(人)(表示存在)There 某人某物某地1 There is a book on the desk .桌子上有一本书。

2014 年职称英语考试情况及2015教材变化

2014 年职称英语考试情况及2015教材变化

• 1月18日 考试情况介绍 词汇练习 • 1月25日 阅读判断,概括大意 • 2月1日 阅读理解 • 2月8日阅读理解 • 3月1日补全短文 • 3月15日完型 • 3月22日技巧串讲
Eye-tracker lets You Drag and Drop Files with a Glance
The Northern Lights
A new Strategy to overcome Breast Cancer
C级 C级 C级(同卫生,综 合) B级(同卫生,综 合) B级
A级 A级(同卫生, 综合)
概括大意 与完成句 子
Baby language in the United Stats The storyteller The storyteller
C级 B级(同C级) A级
C级 B级 A级(同B级)
Alaska(教材概括大意6) Taking pictures of the World
补全短文 Do You have a Sense of Humor
C级(同卫生, 综合)
The Day a language Died
B级(同卫生,综 合)
Wrongly Convicted Man and His Accuser Tell their Story
A级(同卫生, 综合)
Citizen Scientists (教材阅读 3) C级
补全短 文
Do You have a Sense of Humor
The Day a language Died
C级(同综合, 理工)
B级(同综合,理 工)



第一篇 (2102.2013.2014)Telling Tales about PeopleOne of the most common types of nonfiction, and one that many people enjoy reading, is stories about people's lives. These stories fall into three general categories: autobiography, memoir, and biography.An autobiography is the story of a person's life written by himself or herself. Often it begins with the person's earliest recollections and ends in the present. Autobiography writers may not be entirely objective in the way they present themselves. However, they offer the reader a good look at the way they are and what makes them that way. People as diverse as Benjarmin Franklin and Helen Keller have written autobiographies. 1Other writers, such as James Joyce,have written thinly fictionalized accounts of their lives. These are not autobiographies,but they are very close to it.Memoirs, strictly speaking, are autobiographical accounts that focus as much on the events of the times as on the life of the author. 2Memoir writers typically use these events as backdrops for their lives. They describe them in detail and discuss their importance. Recently,though,the term memoir seems to be becoming interchangeab1e with autobiography. A memoir nowadays may or may not deal with the outside world.Biographies are factual accounts of someone else's life. In many senses,these may be the hardest of the three types to write. Autobiography writers know the events they write about because they lived them. But biography writers have to gather information from as many different sources as possible. Then they have to decide which facts to include. Their goal is to present a balanced picture of a person,not one that is overly positive or too critical. A fair well-presented biography may take years to research and write.词汇:backdrop /'b k,dr?p/ n. 背景interchangeable /int? 't?end??bl/ adj. 可转换的注释:1. People as diverse as Benjamin Franklin and Helen Keller have written autobiographies. 就像本杰明富兰克林和海伦凯勒一样,各种各样的人们已经写了自传。




2014年全国职称英语卫生类(A级)复习交流Q群:294,647,9991 For some obscure reason, the simple game is becoming very popular.A unclearB obviousC majorD minor2 The sea turtle's natural habitat has been considerably reduced.A greatlyB suddenlyC generallyD slightly3 I got a note from Moira urging me to get in touch.A instructingB notifyingC pushingD inviting4 It is possible to approach the problem in a different way.A raiseB poseC experienceD handle5 The decision to invade provoked storms of protest.A ignoredB organizedC causedD received6 Jane said that she couldn't tolerate the long hours.A spendB takeC lastD stand7 At 80, Peck was still vigorous and living in Paris.A energeticB happyC aloneD busy8 Forester stared at his car, trembling with rage.A shakingB turningC jumpingD shouting9 A young man is being hailed a hero tonight after rescuing two children.A reportedB provedC praisedD caught10 I wanted to ask her out but was scared that she might refuse.A anxiousB sureC sadD afraid11 At that time, we did not fully grasp the significance of what had happened.A giveB attachC loseD understand12 Anderson left the table, remarking that he had some work to do.A doubtingB sayingC thinkingD knowing13 He asserted that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source.A maintainedB recommendedC consideredD acknowledged14 The study also notes a steady decline in the number of college students taking science courses.A relativeB generalC continuousD sharp15 She always finds fault with everything.A criticizesB simplifiesC evaluatesD examines第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。



欢迎来到孙老师课堂一般网络课件上的英语“神表”比较简单,真正意义的英语“神表”一般人是很难得到的,她特别详细,“神表”是无价之宝,非金钱等俗物可买!内含我三十年之心血,收费课堂内免费赠送的也只是简单的神表,而且是三张--1 阅读-2 补全短文-3概括大意。

必须经我讲解并反复操练,否则废纸一张!!!类似武林秘笈的详细神表很少人能得到,如下:老师对阅读理解的两个基本要求1 正确率应在90%。

2 五篇文章应控制在35分钟之内。

(否则将没有时间完成其它部分的考试)知己我们的困难:1.词汇不够①扩大;②上下文推论;③躲避;2.看不懂文章①提高水平;②抓中心推理;③上下文推论;④避开枝节3.阅读速度慢①提高速度②只读中心③避开枝节4.判断模棱两可①围着中心转②注意段落结构—段落中心(段落第一句)及段落结论(段落最后一句);③注意连词. ④注意主从句—●宾语从句看从句●状语从句看主句●定语从句看主句—先行词与从句看懂一个就行.5.出题人故弄玄虚-------没辙. 因此,孙老师建议:尽可能地不要做模拟考卷,因为模拟考试的质量及出题老师的水平参差不齐(很多都是为了赚钱,粗织滥造)这种题往往会对学生产生误导,挫伤学生的信心,浪费学生的时间。









2014年职称英语(综合类)考试辅导课程讲义目录概述 (4)一、词汇选项题精讲 (6)(一)解题技巧 (6)1、直接选 (6)2、解题原则 (7)3、查字典 (7)(二)例题讲解 (8)【第一组】 (8)【第二组】 (14)【第三组】 (16)【第四组】(自我检测) (18)【第五组】(自我检测) (21)【第六组】(自我检测) (24)2012年“词汇选项”例题讲解(A级) (28)2012年“词汇选项”例题讲解(B级) (32)2012年“词汇选项”例题讲解C级) (35)二、阅读判断题精讲 (37)(一)解题技巧 (37)1、题型介绍 (37)2、解题技巧 (37)3、解题步骤 (37)(二)例题讲解 (41)例题1 (41)例题2 (44)例题3 (47)例题4 (50)例题5 (54)三、概括大意与完成句子例题精讲 (58)(一)解题技巧 (58)1、题型介绍 (58)2、概括大意 (58)3、完成句子 (58)(二)例题讲解 (59)例题1 (59)例题2 (62)例题3 (64)四、阅读理解例题精讲 (68)(一)解题技巧 (69)3、问题类型及提问方式 (69)(二)例题讲解 (71)例题1. (71)例题2 (73)例题3 (78)例题4 (81)例题5 (83)例题6 (86)例题7 (89)例题8 (93)例题9 (96)例题10 (99)例题11 (102)例题12 (105)例题13 (108)例题14 (111)例题15 (114)例题16 (118)五、补全短文题精讲 (122)(一)解题技巧 (122)1、题型介绍 (122)2、解题思路 (122)3、关键词法 (122)(二)例题讲解 (123)例题1 (123)例题2 (124)例题3 (127)例题4 (129)例题5 (130)例题6 (132)例题7 (135)六、完形填空题精讲 (139)(一)解题技巧 (140)1、题型介绍 (140)2、解题思路 (140)3、解题方法 (140)(二)例题讲解 (140)例题1 (140)例题2 (144)例题3 (147)例题4 (151)例题5 (155)例题6 (158)例题7 (161)例题8 (164)综合C级完形填空 (179)第一篇:A Life with Birds (179)第二篇:A Lucky Break (182)第三篇:Global Warming (185)第四篇 A Success Story (186)综合C级阅读 (187)第一篇The Travels of Ibn Battuta (187)第三篇Shark Attack! (191)卫生类B级阅读理解(课本第29篇)“Don’t Drink Alone” Gets New Meaning (196)概述广东外语外贸大学职业能力培训网开展的职称英语考试辅导,是以《全国职称英语等级考试用书(2013)》为基本依据,详细讲解教材各部分的重点和难点。

新教材全国职称英语考试 通关必备利器 卫生类a级临考密押孙伟老师版 牛津英语同义词字典版 保45分

新教材全国职称英语考试 通关必备利器 卫生类a级临考密押孙伟老师版 牛津英语同义词字典版 保45分

M专业第28课 卫生A 阅读押题机会只给有准备的人。

Opportunities are only for the prepared person. 卫生今年阅读没有新增文章,押题也就变成了猜题,极不靠谱,请大家做好无原题或押不中的准备!!!卫生阅读押题 共1篇文章第三十九篇 Sauna 卫生A 第42篇 Sauna 综合A 桑拿浴本文中心:第一句Ceremonial bathing has existed 存在 for thousands of years and has many forms, one of which is the sauna. The Finns have perfected the steam bath, or sauna, which may be taken, usually in an enclosed room, by pouring water over hot rocks or as a dry heat bath. The Japanese, Greeks, Turks and Russians as well as Native Americans have forms of the sweat bath in their bathing rituals. Dry heat and steam baths had advocates in ancient Rome and pre-Columbian Americas used sweat lodges. 仪式性的沐浴已经有几千年的历史,并有多种形式,其中的一种就是桑拿浴。







综合类AB级孙伟版精讲班第10讲讲义本讲主要内容本讲主要内容:1. 2008年职称英语词汇大纲新增内容(2);2. 2008年综合AB级完型填空推荐文章;3.完型填空在线作业;2008年职称英语词汇大纲新增内容(2):2008年《职称英语等级考试大纲》上新增首字母为B的单词:C 级:beware(当心,小心)(比较:aware/知道的,意识到的, ware/制造品, hardware/硬件,software/软件)be aware of …/be conscious of…/知道,意识到e.g. Beware of the computer(计算机) virus(病毒). 当心计算机病毒beware of – be careful of当心,注意bioengineer(生物工程师)比较:biotechnology 生物技术gene 遗传基因, clone 克隆A 级:blunder(大错)blunder – error – mistake 错误make a blunder/mistake/errore.g. To err is human. 人非圣人,孰能无过。

2008年综合AB完型填空推荐文章2008年综合AB完型填空推荐文章;An Early Form of Jazz MusicMusic comes in many forms; most countries have a style of their own. At the turn of the last century, __ 1 __ jazz was born, America had no prominent __2__ of its own. No one knows exactly when was invented or by whom. But it began to be __3__ in the early 1890s. Jazz is America’s contribution to __4__ music. In contrast to classical music,(以下为第十讲内容)which__5__ formal European traditions, jazz is spontaneous and free in form. It bubbles with energy, __6__ the moods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920s jazz__7__ like America. And so it does today. The __8__ of the music are as interesting as the music itself. American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today, were the jazz pioneers. They were brought to the Southern states __9__ slaves. They weresold to plantation owners and forced to work long hours. When a Negro died his friends and relatives__10__ a procession to carry to body to the cemetery. In New Orleans, a band often accompanied the __11__. On the way to the cemetery the band played slow, solemn music suited to the occasion. __ 12__ on the way home the mood changed. Spirits lifted. Death had removed one of their number, but the living were glad to be __13__. The band played__14__ music, improvising on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes __15__ at the funeral. This music made everyone want to dance. It was an early form of jazz.词汇:jazz n.爵士乐 spontaneous adj.自发的,bubble v.充溢 plantation n.种植园cemetery n.公墓 improvise v. 即兴注释1.jazz is spontaneous and free in form 爵士乐是自发的,不拘形式2.Death had removed one of their number 死亡带走了他们中的一员,number这里是(人或单位的)总和、全体3....improvising on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes 根据曲调的和声和旋律即兴演奏练习:1. A) while B) when C) since D) as2. A) music B) songs C) melodies D) tunes3. A) listened B) noticed C) heard D) found4. A) classical B) sacred C) popular D) serious5. A) introduces B) follows C) takes D) approaches6. A) disclosing B) explaining C) expressing D) exposing7. A) sounded B) felt C) looked D) seemed8. A) discoveries B) originals C) resources D) origins9. A) like B) for C) as D) by10. A) composed B) formed C) hosted D) demonstrated11. A) body B) demonstration C) procession D) march12. A) Furthermore B) Similarly C) But D) Therefore13. A) live B) alive C) life D) there,14. A) sad B) solemn C) happy D) funeral15. A) sung B) showed C) played D) expressed答案与解析:1.分析文章主题:An Early(早的,早期的,在初期) Form(形式) of Jazz Music(爵士音乐)文章主题词:Jazz Music, early form2. 直接解题:Music comes(出现,到来,来(自)) in many(许多的) forms(形式); most countries (国家)have a style(风格,文体) of their own(他们自己的).补充:of one’s own/某人自己的1. A) while(在...的时候,虽然) B) when(在...的时候,什么时候,那时)C) since(自从,自...以后,因为) D) as(象,因为,当作)2. A) music(音乐) B) songs(歌曲)C) melodies(好听的音调) D) tunes(曲调,调子,收听)At the turn of (在...之交)the last(最近的,最后的,持续) century(世纪), __ 1 __ jazz(爵士乐) was born(出生,诞生), America(美国) had no prominent(卓越的,突出的) __2__ of its own(它自己的).1. B when jazz was born是定语从句,修饰 the turn of the last century(在上个世纪之交)。

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3.第二段—第一句有but“…….”-----today this day so yet therefore however.中心应在第二段第一句,第一段可不读。

4.注意连词--------but“…….”----today this day now so yet therefore however….这些连词后为重心。








一.牢牢抓住中心—围着中心转如何抓住文章中心(1)文章的中心思想—第一句,如第二句是but“…….”----today this day now so yet therefore however…..应在第二句。

(2)第二段—第一句but“…….”-----today this day so yet therefore…,中心应在第二段第一句,第一段可不读。



补全短文___猜测补全短文题答案技巧:1.细节句可能是答案(尤其是涉及到数字的选项可能是答案);2.涉及到篇章逻辑连词/逻辑副词可能是答案;3.最长选项可能是答案;4.细节句可能接连出现;概括大意题答题技巧1.概括大意题出题特点:(1)段落中有明显的段落主题句(通常出现在段落的开头部分,如段首句;有时还可能出现在段落的结尾处)(2)段落中含有明显的段落主题词(3)段落中没有明显段落主题词及段落主题句提示:当段落中没有明显主题词及主题句时还可采取:1.反向排除法; 2.细节信息确定主题法;2.概括大意答题技巧:(1)利用段落中的段落主题句直接判断段落主题:是直接涉及文章主题的观点性话语,因此很可能是段落主题句补充:英语通常写作逻辑:观点句/概括句+分析解释(2)借助段落中主题词直接判断段落主题(段落小标题中应该直接/间接包含段落主题词)。






阅读理解一、阅读理解出题特点1.阅读理解考题中通常三篇文章语言难度相当,其中C级难度阅读理解考题中大部分语句为简单句,文章中的词汇绝大部分为英语中常见的基本单词;2.阅读理解部分3篇文章中,通常有1篇文章来自当年职称英语考试用书上阅读理解部分练习题(但有时文章后面的问题表达方式,被选项的表达方式及内容,或被选项顺序都可能发生调整,有时甚至会出现文章后的部分问题重新设置的情况),另外2篇文章都是来自职称英语考试用书以外的文章;3.阅读理解考题考点呈现多样性,有的考题涉及文章主题(主旨题),涉及文章主题的问题在考题中出现频率不高(职称英语阅读理解部分的主旨题分为两种:1.文章主旨题; 2.段落主旨题(涉及文章中某个段落主题);但大部分考题属于细节题(针对文章中某个句子,或某几个句子设置考点(尤其是文章中重要的观点句,重要的细节信息句,文章中的长句及复合句)),细节题中有些题专门针对书面英语中常见语法结构或句法结构设置考点,如:被动语态结构,非谓语动词结构,从句结构(尤其是名词性从句和定语从句),“it”句型,祈使句结构,倒装结构等;有些细节题考察考生的阅读理解能力:利用上下文判断单词/短语的含义,确认篇章词汇(主要是代词)在上下文中的指代内容,把握上下文之间的意义关系,根据上下文进行推断。







提示(二):如果问题问“下列哪个选项正确/不正确”,答案常常出现在B,C和D这三个选项中;提示(三):一篇阅读理解题的答案中通常同一个选项成为答案的次数最多不会超过两次提示(四):并列结构通常以逗号加以连接,或出现在and的左右,或出现在一些典型的并列结构中,如:not only...but also。



(不但...而且),from...to...(从...到...)三、阅读理解题高频词:1、名词:research(研究),researcher(研究者),study(研究),scientist(科学家),professor (教授),a team leader(团队领导者),finding(研究发现),conclusion(结论),result(结果),reason(原因),cause(原因),idea(观点),opinion(观点),attitude(态度),factor(因素), problem(问题),question(问题),passage(短文),paragraph(段落),influence/impact/effect (影响),example(例子),case(情况),remark/comment(评论)2、动词:report(报告),mention(提及),infer(推断),replace(代替),suggest(暗示,建议),show(显示),cause(造成),lead to(造成),attribute…to…(把...归因于…),have to…(不得不…),learn(了解),have(something,nothing)to do with…(与...相关/无关),happen/occur/take place (发生),mean(意谓),refer to(指),start/begin(开始),affect(影响),explain(解释), think(想,认为),argue(争论),consider/take...as...(把...看作/认为是...),agree to(同意...),object(反对),be able to do sth.(能够...)3、形容词:true(正确的),false(错误的),related to(与…相关),concerned about(关注…,关心….),following(下列的),based on(建立在…基础上的),active(积极的,活跃的),different(不同的),same(相同的),similar(相似的),indifferent(漠不关心的),interested(感兴趣的),serious(严肃的),positive(肯定的,绝对的),certain(确定的,必然的),likely(可能的),possible/probable(可能的),hard(困难的),difficult(困难的),easy(容易的),some(一些的), many(许多的),most(大多数的),few(很少的),little(很少的),either(任一的),neither(两者都不的),all(所有的),whole(所有的,完整的)secret/reserve/mystery/privacy(秘密的)4、介词短语结构:according to…(根据….),due to(因为…),because of…(因为…),in the opinion of...(根据...的观点)5、副词:partly(部分地),mostly(主要地,大部分地),for example/for instance(例如), however(然而),therefore(因此),consequently(因此),moreover(而且),besides(此外),in addition(另外),as a result(结果),to sum up(总之),in conclusion(总之),hardly/rarely/seldom(几乎不,很少),too...to...(太...而不能...),much(非常)6、逻辑连词:but(但是),yet。
